#hole to another universe
lifeisstrangearchive · 4 months
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Graffiti in Chloe's room
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ask-kuomiku · 4 months
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voids-everywhere · 6 months
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Unrelatable writing meme that surely won't gain attention
Meme created by me, Clown template taken from the internet
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vastwinterskies · 2 months
oh the urge to put Gruffudd!Hornblower and Peck!Hornblower into the same room. just to. just to see what happens.
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twistedstoryteller · 6 months
So, about Linked Universe aka that one comic I found online and readed
I think I found another fandom I want to do stuff for
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I need to at least get something down for this, very fast and soon. Four, I’m coming for you. You’re my favorite, you will not be spared.
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
Harley is so cute in the Gotham Girls comic but jfc the writing around her is so questionable the large part of the time 😭😭
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sorry (no I'm not) but actually that feels so damned victim blamey and I resent the nasty ass way comics talk about her mental health problems it's so offensive. Paul D. Storrie im in your closet
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like now why the fuck would Ivy or Barbara react this way? Ivy knows her and Barbara is literally a superhero,,, she also knows damn well who Harleen was???? it's kinda like a part of the superhero thing is learning about the enemies you're facing???? "Sure Harley I know" yeah she does know because Harley's fucking right you don't just get hired at ARKHAM what is wrong with the writer of this comic???
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lapinneok · 2 months
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ocs :)
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
My friend is trying to get me to watch Joker 🃏 because we’re both psychology/med nerds and my friend says I’d love it but I’m scared because I do not want to end up empathizing with him and falling down another rabbit hole HELP
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ineedsocks · 4 months
all this anger was once love
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"You're so pretty."
Victoria's movements are soft, half formed, as though she'd not quite thought the action out before it started. She feels her ears heat up with embarrassment. It had been happening more often lately - moving before she can think clearly, as though dealing with two separate entities within herself, brain and heart. Perhaps Jennyanydots' amused diagnosis of "twitterpated" was not too far off the mark; there had certainly been enough reasoning to back it up.
Plato blinks, slow and confused, as though being pulled from a dream. And perhaps he was; he'd been staring at Victoria for the better part of an eternity, focused, but very clearly somewhere else. He did that sometimes - disappear somewhere she couldn't quite follow him, eyes hollow and dark. Victoria wishes she knew where he went; perhaps one day he'd tell her.
The staring, she couldn't fault, however; she'd been staring at him right back.
"What?" he asks, furrowing his brow.
"Pretty," Victoria signs again, submitting to having been caught, exaggerating the movement so he'd get it. Perhaps he'd been half paying attention, and only seen the tail end. "You're very pretty."
Plato wasn't much for laughing, Victoria had come to know - smiling, yes; Plato had developed such an easy smile over the year spent with them when they could coax it out of him. Laughing, on the other paw, not particularly, though he was never able to put quite into words why that was. Perhaps he was self conscious of the way it sounded; perhaps he hadn't much in regards to a sense of humour.
Be that as it may, for some reason, that affirmation plasters bewildered scrunches between his brows and his eyes practically disappear under his eyelashes. It even gets that odd, wheezing noise he'd make when particularly amused.
The queen could only be partially annoyed and a teeny bit embarassed - he was very handsome when he smiled, afterall, one fang hanging slightly lower than the other. An in consequential flaw that did nothing, Victoria thinks, flustered, than make him even prettier.
Victoria huffs. "What's funny?"
Plato tosses the motion back haphhazardly, as though brushing the thought aside. "You're funny."
"Not funny." Victoria frowns. "I'm serious."
Plato sobers immediately, smile gone as quickly as it came - it's like a candle being blown out; a night and day difference. The temperature in the clearing seems to cool as he continues to study her. There is an undeniable feeling creeping at the back of Victoria's neck that she may have mis-stepped somewhere, but all she'd said was...
She presses on, feeling an ache begin deep in her chest. She repeats herself, motions firm. "You're very pretty."
"I am not," he says after a long moment. There is an expression on his face that is difficult to read - he does not look embarrassed or pleased, even humbly so; he almost looks as though he is about to cry.
"Yes you ar-"
"You-" he points at her firmly, cutting her off, jaw set. The motion towards her is quick and harsh as a result, unsheathing his claws in the process. He startles as she does, horrified, staring at the space that has swelled between them; he is a breath away from scratching her.
"You," He points to her again after a moment, claw carefully pulled back this time. "Are very pretty. Not me. Look." He motions to the whole of himself, as though that were enough to dissuade her feelings. It only steels her resolve further.
"You look-" she insists, touching her paw pads to the delicate skin of his cheek to demonstrate. Plato flinches as though she'd hit him in retaliation; it looks to have been a struggle for him to resist moving away, but the desire is clearly there. There is fear burning in his eyes -anger and remorse and upset - like a bird trapped in a cage of teeth, waiting for its bones to snap in on themselves after the hunter had toyed with its prey.
Victoria pulls back, tangling her paws in her lap. The ache becomes a gnawing hurt. The fear in Plato's eyes burns hotter, guilt shining just beneath the surface.
"Please." Plato sets his jaw, and the fear fizzles slowly - forcibly - last of the flame suffocated. But he does not get near her again. He is gone to that place she cannot follow. "I cannot...do not lie to me."
"I am not lying," she manages, tears at the precipice of her eyelashes. The silence grows even heavier between them
"Then," he continues at last, breath hitching eyes wide and astonished, and Victoria feels ice settle at the base of her spine. After a moment, his expression dulls again. The smile on his face returns in a flash, a plaster over a wound, but it is bitter, cool. Empty. "You are being cruel? I did not think you had it in you."
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rubywolf0201 · 4 months
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I’m begging of Hoyo devs to release him out of NPC jail and make him playable.
IDC if he’s not real! Please make him playable!
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euesworld · 2 years
"Kiss me like my soul is a black hole and you want to find another dimension in me.."
Kiss me like you missed me - eUë
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vvitchy-succubus · 4 months
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Crazy humans are weird idea I just had while I was brushing my teeth. Okay, so what if our world is the only one where people and animals are designed to be able to create and communicate with sound? Not that the other alien species can't hear or make sound at all, if they step on a twig it still snaps, if they clap their hands it still makes a sound, their breathing can still be audible, and a stampede of elephant-equivalents will still make a thunderous stampede noise you'd need to be able to feel and hear, but what if none of them have vocal cords? What if the closest they can get is a sort of hoarse screech of unconventionally forceful breathing? What if we're the only ones with speech and birdsong?
Alien species communicate through tap-stomp dancing and facial expressions and sign/body language and rhythmic drumbeat patterns and little handpats on whatever surface is available (including themselves).
Nothing could have prepared them for our thousands of languages, the sheer volume we're just effortlessly capable of, the precision and variety and eloquence in the sounds we can produce. The apparent cacophony of birdsong and crickets chirping and cats meowing and lions roaring and dogs barking and whalesong, and just all the vastly different sounds everything on our planet can make. The musical instruments which aren't just percussion and string, but also wind instruments.
Just- what if we were the only ones with speech?
If I were more creative and less tired right now I'd write a mini-fic thing, if anyone sees this and somehow gains that kind of inspiration, PLEASE do, I'd be honored, thank you.
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tyresdeg · 7 months
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x x
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the-scrapyard · 6 months
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greetings from silent pines
played around a bit in the @silentpinessave today… and oh my goodness it is beautiful. there was so much thought put into this save and it’s incredible how much detail there is. i love me some nostalgic life is strange-core gameplay and this checked all the boxes... i am so excited for the future of this save
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