#hk ramblings
notlocallyeducated · 2 years
Any requests?? :]
I need some practice
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roadkill-punk · 3 months
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siblings :3
Misc. headcanons below the cut
This is all post black egg and fall of Hallownest, I'm just bad at remembering to draw Hollie's scars.
The stack! Hollie does that when they're bored and want to bother Hornet, like how some dogs will rest their head on you when they want attention.
The ideal outcome to being a pest is chin scratches, riight where their mask ends and their void-body begins. That's the best spot.
Hollie is absolutely purring anytime they get affection, Hornet does too sometimes, but she's a little self conscious about it.
That vessel is a fucking menace. Their favorite activities include making Hornet's day just slightly more irritating. This ranges from moving her things just a few inches to the side of where she left them to demanding attention while she's busy to 'accidentally' knocking her into various bodies of water.
These two have been through a lot together at this point, and given how starved for security and affection the both of them were as children among other things like being born into a death and chaos and given immense responsibility that neither of them had any control over that eventually led to the downfall of everything they knew and loved- they both were quick to open up to each other and seek out comforts that they previously were denied.
That's not to say it didn't take them a damn long time to approach each other and directly ask for things, both of them have their own reasons for being unsure about that sort of thing.
Their recovery was a process but they got there in the end, and now they have each other without the constant fear of not living up to the egregious standards of royal parents or being an impure, vile, worthless stain on the world :3
Their relationship is so sweet honestly they deserve to be happy and healthy and with family that loves them
Even if sometimes Hornet wants to rip Hollie's head off.
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phantomgrape · 5 months
Thing I noticed while I was chatting with some pals about Hollow Knight
Crystal peaks being the ONLY part of the game where you actively ASCEND to progress is fucking genius.
Crystal Peaks was the place the place where the moths resided, as did The Radiance presumably. The Radiance in her presence and boss fight have a heavy emphasis on flight and ascending upwards (look no further than the final part of the fight, where Ghost LITERALLY climbs up to her to land the final blow).
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In retrospect, Crystal Peaks in its fundamental design almost FORESHADOWS this moment and its association to The Radiance and her moths.
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deadly-glamourtail · 10 days
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ISAT fans. Hollow Knight fans. Do you see my vision
ramblings of how would isat lore get adapted to hk's world below; spoilers for both obviously
edit: Part 2 with Odile and Bonnie here!
Since there's no surface in HK's lore, the best thing to get for Universe worship is probably the Dream Realm, since it's the only place with seemingly sky light. One thing connected to the other, and it just felt fitting to have Siffrin be moth tribe and Loop a mini-Radiance.
Instead of what goes down in Hallownest, there are thousands of minor moth gods from bug-Island North of Vaugarde; they don't really have the Radiance's power and thus can manifest in the waking world just fine. Also unlike Hallownest, there's no rivalrly between Dream and Nightmare; but since the former still would manifest as flames, it could still be interesting for an AU replacement of Red.
In Bug-gaurde (heh), the Change God equivalent is probably a chill higher being like Unn and the Lifeblood entity, but pale-themed so everyone's shades still stay similar to the original game and Siffrin doesn't look out of place despite wearing something slightly yellow-y. Godseeker would be SO pissed if they showed up here, no available gods would care about attuning any more than regular worship lmao
I'm rusty on HK lore though, so just shallow ideas. I'm sure someone that's more into both games together would know how to better work with them lmao
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eliduck · 5 months
show you goofy stuff with Lurien's butler. Also do you have headcanons about themm
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I shall draw this goofy stuff!! (below contains hc rambles and drawings of Lurien's butler)
bald. goddamn bald.
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Oh yeah, and I agree with you about the Butler being a great cook! It's pretty essential for a butler to know household chores and all that, after all!
I honestly just see the butler as some simple regular dude that just lives a normal life, nothing pretty too extra and all of that. One thing they're pretty known for is surely being a coward, but other than that, they're very devoted. (just like how Lurien be devoted to the Pale king) (whoa like Watcher like butler wowowoowow)
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Though I like to think that before the butler had become the butler, they used to be very greedy like any other husk roaming around City of Tears. Until a sudden change of mind, maybe influence had gotten them to be humble and care for others rather than be selfish and have so much liking for Geo's
like they would apply as a butler for Lurien, but they mostly just care about the money since Lurien sure had such a ton of bags for sure. But as time grew, they started to actually care, worry even for their master's health, and so on, despite them being total coward at times.
and it reached the point where the butler simply cared less about Geo's anymore. The butler's devotion to The Watcher grew so strong that even when the plague had taken over, they never left but remained close to him. never leaving, even when the infection had eventually taken the butler's mind.
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New video goes up on HallowTube (hallownest youtube) called "In Defense of the Pale King" and it's 45 minutes of the Hollow Knight silently explaining their defense (the other shades hold up poorly written signs for subtitles) while Ghost fights the Radiance in the background
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notthesaint · 30 days
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If they would have their divorce arc </3
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hollypies · 5 months
I've noticed an overlap of hollow knight and rain world enjoyers! So I was curious which game you've played/found first and which you prefer lol
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Also here's a pic of Shadow
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indecisive-ire · 5 months
I had a shitty idea ™️
Okayokay like imagine if the Hollow Knight and Ghost both survive the dream no more ending and they just kinda chill in Dirtmouth, recovering. Meanwhile, the Pale King wakes up from his long-definitely-not-dead-nap like: "Oh shit."
And he gets up and decides to explore around for a while, avoiding bugs like Lemm and the nailmasters for the time being. Then he finds his way to Dirtmouth.
By the time he gets there, The Hollow Knight has somewhat adjusted to living, and can defend itself just fine. And they spot the king, while walking with Ghost and just step in front of them. Like "Oh fuck this guy he's not getting near sibling >:("
And the Pale King sustains +500 emotional damage.
Anyway idk wtf this was. I just had to vomit out some brain matter lol. Feel free to light me on fire hehe
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reksink · 2 months
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Sona Given Form💚
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alaskaartz · 3 months
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funny y'all say that cuz I was fact checking that yesterday lol
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alecz-obssesionz · 11 months
My bff @pinktrapped made a western au with the bugs called ~HALLOWEST~ and I JUST COULDN'T RESIST DEAR LORD
Idrew her designs and added Radiance
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shentheauthor · 7 days
Hornet calls the knight “little ghost.” Not as a name, but because to her, they are not real. They’re the ghost of a sibling she never got to meet. The specter of a child who never got to live. They were born to be a tool, and she treats them as such.
It isn’t out of malice or cruelty. It’s out of desperation. It’s the only way her mother’s sacrifice wasn’t in vain. She tries to keep them away because she doesn’t want them to fail, and for her mother to be gone forever.
But when she realizes they can win, she doesn’t resent them for having to kill her mother. She begins to have hope. She sees them as a bug. She still calls them the little ghost out of habit, since she doesn’t have a better name for them.
If Ghost becomes the Shade Lord, but doesn’t lose themself in the process, maybe they will claim Ghost as their name. When Hornet finds out, she would feel as sick as she does honored, because that isn’t a proper name.
She didn’t give it to them as a name, she gave it as a title. Like they were an object. And now she knows they aren’t, and seeing them claim such a thing with pride and love�� it’s horrifying.
Ghost knows. They understand. They just wish they could properly tell their sister how they feel about it.
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blended-goldfish · 2 months
Instagram is suspended currently might start using this place more often because it’s rad anyway look Grimm hollow knight doodle yay!!
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scrawnytreedemon · 7 months
Pale King Dude
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What about him?
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artistlara · 6 months
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RAAAGHGH QUIRRELMON BLAST 💚💙 my part of an art trade with @raddest-laddest ft. their gijinka designs of them :)
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