#his own kind of enhanced. He’s not like SOLDIER. He had three demons and a god-like WEAPON sealed in him so yeah.
hello-galad · 3 months
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#I wanted to draw something fluffeyyyyy and this came out#if I had to put a name on this drawing it would be ‘safe. home’ because that’s how he feels when he’s in his arms#ANYWAYS. I like to give Vincent sort of corpse like details#He’s always covered from chin to toe but under those clothes he doesn’t only have the scars from everything Hojo and Lucretia did to him#while dead and then after he was revived. I mentioned he was enhanced and to make a SOLDIER scar is…well not a simple feat but Vincent is#his own kind of enhanced. He’s not like SOLDIER. He had three demons and a god-like WEAPON sealed in him so yeah.#Anyways i suppose that the first things you would notice would be the red under his eyes that looks a bit purple the more nights he spends#awake. It would give him sort of an aerie look that makes him even prettier but then there’s his hands and feet. the nails would look#blue-ish and one of his arms is terribly mangled and sort of monstrous/dead looking i supposed it was cut off and it regenerated like that#because of Chaos and company. then there’s the scars from where Hojo and Lu tore him open like a corpse and looked around his brain#cuts lacerations deep wounds they would heal normal that is why often he decides to act as a human shield for AVALANCHE if he doesn’t have#time to conjure a SHIELD to Cid’s dismay. Often if the wound is life threatening a limit break will take over and he will heal good as#new or well as he is now ha.#vincent valentine#cid highwind#valenwind#ffvii#i just love them#Cid would often cling to him if Vincent doesn’t do that first#OHHH another hc! Cid snores Vincent doesn’t BUT his lungs are not normal now so you can hear his breathing when he sleeps deeply also his#throat was cut open at some point so his vocal chords were cut and his voice sounds a bit deeper than it did before
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tlcwrites · 3 years
Two Hearts Make a Whole
Prompt: “Kiss me again, like you mean it.” Photo prompt below.
Summary: NYC Pride is for celebration, and occasionally, long-overdue revelations.
Word Count: 2,001
Tags/Content warnings: Marvel. Stucky. If you have a problem with it, there's the door. SFW. Slight TFATWS spoilers so read at your own risk. Platonic Reader. Two idiots in love. Technically canon-divergent because I'm still in my everyone-is-alive-and-in-this-timeline happy place that I will never ever leave fuck you very much Russo brothers but not AU. Found family. All the feels. Complete and total LGBTQ+ support. Lots of bad language words because #me. Un-beta'd.
Author’s Note: Okay so yes this is technically 4 weeks late for @autumnleaves1991-blog's Writer Wednesday weekly challenge. BUT, it was incredibly important to me to finish this one before Pride month is over. Made it by the skin of my teeth.
Happy Pride, y’all. If you’re out, you’re amazing. If you’re closeted, you’re amazing. However you identify is valid and important. Trans folx are LGBTQ+. Bisexuals are LGBTQ+. Ace folx are LGBTQ+. Anyone who identifies or thinks they may be as queer is LGBTQ+. All are welcome in the family. You have the right to choose your pronouns and we have the responsibility to use them. Live whatever your truth looks like to you and love each other. Love is love is love is love. If your family doesn’t accept you for you, I’m your mom now and I’ve got mom hugs available on demand. Homophobes and TERFS can fuck off and roll in poison ivy. Always punch Nazis. Pride shouldn't be limited to the month of June. And don’t you dare forget that Black and Brown trans women were the ones who rioted at Stonewall, and we owe everything to their bravery. Don’t forget that much of popular ‘gay’ culture was appropriated from Black women. And for more facts about Pride that you should absolutely know, Rawiyah Tariq (@ mammyisdead on Instagram) has a phenomenally good overview.
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“Oh my god.” You gasp loudly. "Oh my GOD. Is that-"
“What?!” Instantly in First Avenger Protective Mode™️, Steve surveys the crowd, wishing he had an actual shield instead of the screen printed one on his shirt. “What is it?”
You gasp again, smacking Sam’s arm repeatedly. “OHMYGOD IT IS HOLY FUCK.”
“First; ow.” Now-Cap rubs his bicep. “Second; clue in the class before Steve has an aneurysm, please.”
Vibrating with excitement doesn’t begin to describe your current state. “HER ROYAL HIGHNESS MISS LEMON MERINGUE IS STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE.”
With the finesse of a shampoo commercial, Bucky's dark locks fly as he whips around. “What?!”
“RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE.” You abandon a relieved Sam and latch on to Bucky’s vibranium arm. “Oh my GOD I love her so fucking much.”
“She was robbed, absolutely fucking robbed,” he agrees, craning his neck to get a better view. “Divine Tension’s lip sync was shameful.”
Sam glances at Steve, who is slowly coming out of protector mode. “What the ever-loving hell are they talking about?”
“RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Nat flicks more confetti at both Cap-the-former and Cap-the-current. “They watch it every week.”
“Really, Steven, for a guy with enhanced super senses, you miss a lot.” Tony hefts a bedazzled Morgan higher on his back. The toddler, accompanied by Scott playing air-piano on the ground, sings along with the ABBA song being blasted at full volume through the street. Tony continues as if this is an everyday occurrence. “Why do you think both of your People disappear every Friday evening?”
Ears pink, Steve mumbles something.
“What?!” The only other one with hearing enhanced enough to hear a murmur over the cacophony of several thousand people belting out the chorus of ‘Dancing Queen’ at the top of their lungs, Bucky turns to stare at his friend. “You thought we were datin’?”
Steve’s blush extends down his neck.
You and Bucky stare at each other for a moment before you both collapse on each other, exploding into stomach clenching, thigh slapping laughter.
“I’m gonna guess that’s a ‘no’?” Clint confirms with Nat.
“Oh, a big ‘no’.” She watches affectionately as you and Bucky calm down enough to look at each other, breathe for a second, and both promptly dissolve into hysterics once more. “Like, the biggest ‘no’.”
Sam crossed his arms across his chest, his stoic stance so reminiscent of Steve it’s amusing (as well as a beautiful disparity to the sequined crop top he’s sporting. Oof, those abs.). “How do I not know about this?”
“Because you’re not a former super spy?” The usually-Black-but-today-Rainbow Widow tosses the last of her confetti at Tony, who spins a jubilant Morgan into it. “Or because you and that leggy barista from the lobby coffee shop are too busy playing hide-the-“
“-Baby Shark!” Morgan suddenly shrieks, flailing towards a guy on roller blades wearing a fin and tail (and not much else).
“Yeah,” Nat finishes with a smirk, “Hide-the-Baby Shark.”
Sam flips her a gesture that makes Clint laugh and Bruce sigh.
You and Bucky have finally managed to pull yourselves together. “Oh my god, Steven Grant,” you gasp, wiping tears from your eyes. “That’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve ever fucking heard.”
Steve glares at Tony. “One. Time. It was one. Time.”
Bucky slings his flesh arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Oh, punk. You may have perfect vision now, but sometimes you’re still as blind as you were before.”
Visiortn himself nods sagely. “Humans can be quite unperceptive when it comes to matters of the heart.” Vision casts a fond smile at Wanda, who is using her powers to make Pietro’s tinsel wig fly on and off. “Sometimes you have to look harder to see what’s right in front of your nose.”
A confused frown on that handsome face, Captain Clueless looks at Bucky. “Why do I feel like everyone else knows something that I don’t?”
His bestie sighs deeply. “Because, Stevie, almost everyone else on this planet knows that my tastes tend towards tall, blonde, blue-eyed knuckleheads who have zero sense of self-preservation.”
“And an ass you could bounce a quarter off of,” Scott helpfully supplies.
“And that,” Bucky agrees.
Steve frowns.
You press your palms to your eyes in vexation. “You, Steve. He’s talking about you.” (Seriously, how has this idiot survived for over a century while being so dumb?)
Whatever he was expecting, it was certainly not that. “He-“ The Man With A Plan gapes as he turns to his oldest friend. “You-“
“Me,” Bucky says gently.
Even though you’re slightly surprised that Bucky is going to do this in such a public forum, you can’t help but be so proud of your friend. It has taken a long time for Bucky to believe he deserves to be happy. There are days he still sinks into that dark place, where his inner demons whisper that he should have fought harder against his Hydra captors, and that his past actions were still somehow his fault. Those are the days no amount of baking or Modern Marvels will bring him out of his funk. You, Steve, Sam, and Nat have all held those strong shoulders as they shook with sobs, overwhelmed by the shame and horror at what his hands had done without his consent.
But he’s here. He’s free. And he’s smiling nervously at his best friend.
“I-” Steve is short-circuiting. “Me?!”
“Stevie.” With the kind of tender patience that can only be born of a lifetime of keeping (or attempting to keep) an idiot such as one Steven Grant Rogers from flinging himself headlong into every fight he comes across, Bucky moves his flesh hand to the back of Steve’s neck. His face is full of such soft affection that you almost want to look away for fear of intruding on this suddenly intimate moment. “What do you think ‘til the end of the line’ means, you idiot? You’ve been it for me since I was thirteen-years-old.”
Blue eyes are locked with blue eyes as Steve processes this revelation. “I-” He shakes his head as if to declutter his thoughts. “This whole time?”
“Since the first time I saw that asshole knock you down, and your scrawny ass climbed right back up.” A wry chuckle escapes as Bucky reminices. “You were ninety pounds soaking wet, and you stood there, against a guy who was three times your size, and never waivered for a second. It was magnificent.”
“I don’t like bullies,” is Steve’s quiet response.
Bucky’s grin is adoring. “I know, sweetheart.” He gently strokes the back of Steve’s neck with his thumb. “You’ve always had a heart way bigger than your brain.”
Steve is still back on the first part of Bucky’s admission. “If you’ve felt- if you-” He’s practically pleading. “Why didn’t you say anything then?”
Bucky shrugs, attempting and failing nonchalance. “It was a different time, you know?” He’s uncharacteristically unsure of himself, the subtle waiver in his voice revealing the anxiety born of a lifetime of being forced to hide his truth. “I mean, you remember how it was; you didn’t talk about, no one talked about- about being- about people like...” He swallows thickly.  “And I was so scared you didn’t, that you weren’t-” His voice breaks.
Even though you’ve all been emotionally invested in this love story for years, the entire team respectfully pretends not to listen as the former Winter Soldier quietly admits his deepest secret to his closest friend. It’s enraging as Bucky confesses yet another way he's been a victim of his circumstances, and denied his right to live freely without derision. Once more, you’re awed by his resilience.
“-it was a risk I couldn’t take,” Bucky finally gets out, that stubborn fire back in his eyes. “I couldn’t lose you, Steve. I couldn’t chance it. I could live with just being your friend and only your friend so long it meant you were in my life.”
Stunned silence meets the end of his confession. Steve’s face is impassive, those cerulean eyes uncharacteristically inscrutable.
You can all tell Bucky is heading steadily towards dread and heartbreak the longer Steve takes to respond. You and Sam exchange a look, both ready to intervene if Steve demonstrates any of the abhorrent attitudes that were so prevalent in the society of his youth. It would be completely out of character for him, but...
Finally, Steve speaks. “You’re telling me,” he says, his words slow and deliberate, “that you made me wait ninety-three years to tell me you’ve felt the same way about me as I have about you since the day you picked me up out of that alley?!”
The whole found family breaths a collective sigh of relief as Steve pulls Bucky even closer, broad chest to broad chest.
“Okay, to be fair, you were an ice cube for most of that time and I wasn’t exactly available for a relationship.” Bucky’s grin stands in contradiction to his mullish defense. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” There’s the Bucky you all know and love, biting his lip with those perfect white teeth. “Now, punk, I’d really like to kiss you now, but first I need you to say you want me to.”
“You-” Steve’s throat works as he attempts- and fails- to rein in his emotions. “You jerk.”
And then the Star Spangled Man seizes the president of the Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club by his ridiculously perfect face and crashes their mouths together.
At any Pride event, seeing two men kissing is, obviously, to be expected. But seeing The First Avenger and The White Wolf attempting to swallow each other’s tongues is not at all routine. As people realize what is happening, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy the likes of which is usually reserved for the aftermath of sporting events and elections that defeat fascists.
Watching the two men embrace, Scott sniffles loudly. “I’m gonna cry, I’m so happy.”
He’s certainly not the only one. Wanda has a watery smile as she wraps her arms around Vision and Pietro; Pepper, Tony, and Bruce are watching with fond parental energy; you and Sam sandwich Peter between the two of you, grins practically splitting your faces. Even Nat’s eyes look suspiciously shiny and she and Clint sling their arms around each other with platonic affection. And that’s not counting the several thousand people who are cheering for love being love being love being love.
When they finally break their embrace, the Centennial twins are startled to see they’ve collected quite an audience.
“Uh, so…” Suddenly bashful, Steve glances back to his- partner? Boyfriend? Soulmate? Is there a word that can accurately describe two people who have found each other time and again in a world that seems hell-bent on keeping them apart?- his ears practically maroon with embarrassment. For a guy with one of the most-recognized faces in the world, Steve is still incredibly and endearingly uncomfortable with attention. “Buck?”
Bucky seems just as stunned as Steve.
Thankfully, the masses demonstrate the usual support that’s the hallmark of Pride. “LOVE IS LOVE!” someone screams in the crowd. It’s quickly echoed, and chants fill the park.
The attention momentarily off them, the former Winter Soldier and his giant himbo of a soulmate look back at each other. You pretend not to watch through the happiest tears as they embrace again, bringing their foreheads together. The relief they share is palpable, as they’re finally able to show the world- and each other- the love they’ve each hidden for so long.
Bucky’s voice is so soft you have to strain to hear it. “You have no idea how much m’in love with you, Stevie.”
“Pretty sure I do,” Steve answers, bringing a hand up to carefully wipe the tears from Bucky’s face. “‘cause it’s as much as I love you, Buck.”
Bucky's answering grin can only be described as saucy. “Then kiss me again, like you mean it.”
And Steve, for once in his long life, does exactly as ordered.
A/N: “The Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club” is from Starry_Emerald173’s BRILLIANT The Avengers Wrangler over on AO3. If you haven’t read it yet, drop what you’re doing and do so immediately. Make sure you're not drinking any liquids, or your keyboard/phone may be in peril.
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ofbardsandmonsters · 4 years
Thank you @riotfalling​ for requesting I tackle this prompt and making it Winteriron!! You can also find it here on AO3!
Tony Stark has never been one to back down when there’s something he wants. Toys, sweets, attention, grades, cars, employees.
And the former Hydra assassin whose lips he now knows the taste of thanks to a split second decision fueled by a lack of sleep and coffee jitters three nights ago is no exception.
They’d been growing closer for months. Now, Bucky is more likely to be found lounging on the workshop couch with a book in his hand than spending any time with Steve. And Tony had been so sure that the big brunette had been giving him the same looks Tony had been throwing his way for the last several weeks. In fact, despite what some might consider evidence to the contrary, he’s still confident that he wasn’t wrong.
But that doesn’t leave him any less confused as to why Bucky’s been completely avoiding him since their kiss. A kiss that the other man had seemed just as enthusiastic about in the moment. He had looked just as affected before he gently encouraged Tony to finally get some much needed sleep. And Tony knows he hadn’t been imagining the little smile on the other man’s face as he walked away.
Which is why the fact that there’s been no trace of Bucky anywhere for three whole days makes no sense.
FRIDAY has been no help. His youngest child clearly has an even bigger soft spot for their favorite super soldier than her father does because she’s flat out refused to help him get the drop on Bucky. Tony’s not even sure that she isn’t helping Bucky by alerting him any time Tony’s headed his way.
A few years ago, Tony probably would have given up after day one and gone to hide in the shop to nurse his wounded pride. But he likes to think he’s grown past most of those insecurities. And he wants this. He knows they could be so good together. So he enlists the help of the one person that he knows is more invested in Bucky’s happiness and well being than anyone else.
He goes to Steve.
By the time Tony’s done giving Steve the rundown, the blonde is groaning dramatically, one big hand thrown over his eyes.
“Damnit, Buck.”
Tony chuckles, bare heels drumming against the lower cabinets of the counter he’s perched on in Steve’s kitchen. Sometimes, Steve reminds him so much of Rhodey it’s a little spooky. He knows he’s seen the same look of exasperation on his own best friend’s face numerous times throughout their long standing friendship.
“Tony, I promise, you were not reading anything wrong. Bucky never shuts up about you. It’s kinda gross, actually.”
That makes Tony laugh harder, and he gratefully accepts the mug of coffee Steve presses into his hands. It’s made up exactly how he likes, enough cream to turn it a soft caramel color and exactly zero sugar, because Rhodey may be his best friend but Steve is a very close second and he knows Tony almost as well.
“I may have acted in a sleep deprived state, but even my less than functional brain wouldn’t have gone for it if I wasn’t absolutely sure it would be welcomed. I thought we would talk about it in the morning, but I can’t pin him down. So I’m… kind of at a loss.”
Steve drums his fingers on the counter next to Tony’s leg, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“I can help you corner him, but it’s not gonna be easy to convince him. Buck’s still… vulnerable, in places. There’s still so many things he thinks he’s not worthy of, that he doesn’t deserve, because of what Hydra made him do.”
That’s a mindset that Tony’s all too familiar with. It took a long time and a lot of reassurance from the people closest to him before he stopped holding himself to the sins of his past. He knows Bucky’s come a long way from when Steve first brought him home, but demons that size don’t let go easily.
“Steve, you get me in a room with him and keep him from running away, and I’ll do all the rest. And FRI, baby girl, daddy loves you but if you so much as hint to Bucky that Steve’s conspiring against him, I will recode you to run nothing but refrigerators. Are we clear?”
There’s no response for a moment, but Tony’s content to wait the AI out. Luckily, he doesn’t have to wait long.
“Yes, boss.”
Tony snorts, recognizing the petulant tone that he definitely did not program into her. Turning back to Steve, his face settles into a more serious expression.
“Bucky’s… special. He’s important to me. I’m not gonna give up easy.”
Steve smiles at his admission, and he wraps Tony in a hug.
“I know, Shellhead. There’s nobody I trust with him more than you.”
Three hours later, Tony’s sitting amongst the plants in Bruce’s rooftop garden. It’s not really a strange place for him to be, honestly. The garden is calming, and he’s joined Bruce for sunrise yoga (on the mornings Tony hasn’t actually been to sleep yet by the time the sun is coming up) up here a number of times. Steve is standing at the railing overlooking the city when the elevator tings. Tony tenses, nerves and anticipation making his palms sweat, but he doesn’t move. It takes effort, but even when Bucky appears, he manages to push down the instant reaction to stand up and demand answers.
“Hey Stevie, what did you—”
“Sit down, Buck.”
The brunette looks confused, and a little worried, but he does as he’s told and takes a seat in one of the loungers scattered around the space.
“What’s this about, Steve? Is… everything ok?”
Steve sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning frustrated blue eyes on his best friend.
“It’s about Tony, Buck. What the hell are you doing?”
Bucky shrinks back, shoulders rounding as he drops his gaze to his feet.
“Look, Steve—”
“Nope. No. Don’t even start trying to give me some bullshit answer. I know you. I know when you’re sweet on someone. I’ve seen that look in your eyes. You want Tony, and by his own admission, he wants you too. He’s a good person, my best friend in the world other than you. And I want my two best friends to be happy. So what gives?”
“I know , Steve. God, you think I don’t realize exactly how perfect Tony is?” Bucky sighs, rubbing both hands over his face aggressively before looking up at Steve. “That’s exactly why I can’t.”
“That’s bullshit.”
Bucky’s head snaps up, turning to look at where Tony had finally stepped out of hiding. The angry, heartbroken look on the other man’s face makes Bucky flinch.
The smaller man comes closer, stopping just out of reach and tilting his chin up to look Bucky in the eyes. Neither man notices Steve quietly slipping away.
“It’s bullshit. We’re both so far from perfect, but don’t you think the world’s put us through enough? Don’t you think we deserve to be happy?”
Bucky takes an unconscious step forward, one hand reaching out towards Tony. Even as he tries to hold himself back, he can’t fight the desire to comfort and soothe the other man.
“Tony, of course you deserve to be happy. I just… I'm—I’m sorry. I’m not who you need.”
“But you’re who I want. Isn’t that enough?”
He doesn’t know if it’s Tony’s words or the way his pretty brown eyes turn liquid with the gathering tears, but something in Bucky breaks and there’s no stopping him from closing the distance between them and wrapping the other brunette up in his arms. Tony’s hands come up to fist in the back of his shirt, holding on tight. His next words are muffled by the fabric, but Bucky’s enhanced hearing makes them easy to pick up.
“Don’t you want me too?”
Bucky’s hands move to cup Tony’s cheeks, tilting his face up so their eyes meet. His thumbs brush under Tony’s eyes to catch the tears that have slipped out.
“I’ve never wanted anything or anyone more.”
Tony’s face breaks out into a delighted smile, and he stretches up to press their lips together in a soft kiss. When he tries to pull away, Bucky chases after him, deepening the kiss.
Tony’s already got him beat two to nothing. He’s got a lot of making up to do to even the score.
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sxveme-2 · 4 years
blueberry pancakes // bucky barnes
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Description: A single mother. Juggling being a mom, a full time pediatrician, and a difficult ex who believed now would be the best time to finally be a father. A soldier ripped out of time. Ex-assassin turned superhero. Learning how to balance a new domestic life with handling demons of his past, while facing the trials of the future. a love story began over something as simple as chocolate chip pancakes with hidden blueberries.
Disclaimer: I do not own any original Marvel characters! All canon plots and canon characters belong to Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. This is an original work. You may not publish it anywhere else
Status: Edited
Note: Takes place after endgame. I have elected to ignore Tony's death and Steve's leaving. Did not happen. Quick Reminder! My works are only published here, AO3 and on Wattpad, thank you.
Chapter Seven: The One with Her Sister
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2915
    "No! You flip them after three minutes, or when you see bubbles popping across the top!" Lily laughed as she nudged the taller man that was arguing against her. He seemed to flinch gently at the way her arm brushed against the cool metal of his prosthetic, causing goosebumps to pop up on her fair skin, "Too long on one side will cause it to burn."
She could feel his eyes baring down into her. Trying to read her small movements and the different mannerisms she had. Trying to decipher the thoughts that ran through her head at a mile a minute. He was studying her, learning about her, just simply by watching. The way her hands gripped onto the spatula firmly, but not too hard. How frail and thing her fingers were, the way her neck dipped gently before hitting her collarbone. The marks under her eyes, more likely than not, being the results of countless hours at work. The dips in her cheeks whenever her slightly dry lips upturned into that charming half-smile she did.
But most importantly, how her chest would rise and fall at a quicker rate when someone spoke directly to her. Her mouth parting gently as the rapid breaths were sucked in and pushed out. The tinge of pink that hid beneath the surface of her cheeks, creating a rose hue around her.
"and done," Lily stated, flipping the final pancake onto the stack that sat opposite of the two, ready to be devoured by the enhanced individuals around her.
The second Lily placed the plate at the end of the bar, the team snatched them away in seconds, including Bucky. Lily pursed her lips and slid her hands across the soft material of the grey kitchen towel that sat in front of her on the silver countertops. Watching everybody's eyebrows perk up positively, causes Lily's pure heart to swell three sizes larger. Knowing that it was because of something she created alongside the man that had luckily grabbed her attention. Something no one has everthanbeen able to do for the last four years of her life. It was...surprising.
Ever since her divorce, Lily has busied herself twenty-four seven. Denying that there were still fresh wounds carved into her heart like preteens initials carved into a bridge. The damage that was done to her self-esteem becoming borderline permanent because she refuses to acknowledge the fact that it's even there. Lily had convinced herself, that if she were to admit the pain she was in, and come to terms with the suffering she had been through, Scott would win. He would succeed in breaking her completely, which seemed to be his goal from the moment they met. To take that joyful innocence of Lily's personality and twist it into something darker, colder, and more damaging. But if she continued to act as though there was nothing wrong, that she had healed from the divorce...then he wouldn't win. He would continue to be the jerk who was unsuccessful in his plan to manipulate her personality and destroy her internally.
Whether she admitted it out loud or not, Lily knew, deep down inside of her heart and soul, that he had done exactly that. And by ignoring, a beast was created. A hungry, no, ravenous, monster of insecurity and self-pity, feeding off of the anxiety that coursed through Lily's veins on a day-to-day basis. Growing stronger as the days passed, absorbing more and more of Lily's once peaceful and loving personality, turning her into a distant, self-loathing, ball of pain. All because of one man who managed to entwine himself into her life, and rip it apart from the inside.
"These are amazing, Lily. Much better than Bucks," Steve teased, shovelling another fork-full of pancake into his mouth, "They kind of taste like the ones we had at a nice little cafe yesterday."
Lily nodded along as he spoke, but didn't find herself looking at him. Instead, her eyes wandered to the scruffy man that sat to his left. Hand gripping the fork with an indescribable amount of care, as though he would break it if he held on too tight. Lily figured it was due to the fact he was a trained killer, an assassin for all of those years of his life. Being a doctor, she dealt with psychiatric issues in children, but adults and youths aren't that different when it came to mental health and damage done to their brains. She could tell from his gentle lingering over everything, that he believed he was still dangerous. Tip-toeing through life, praying he wouldn't cause a ripple in the waters around him, sending off tidal waves.
"Yes, that's where you met my son. My best friend, Gen, owns the cafe," Lily commented, letting her blonde tresses out from the constricting ponytail she had wrapped around it, "I helped her create the recipe for them."
Just as the captain went to make another comment, a small body crashed itself into Lily's legs. She gripped onto the counters as her son hugged her shins, a bright and beaming smile evident on his face. Chuckling gently, Lily ruffled the soft blonde locks that laid atop of his youthful face. It had been ages since she had seen a smile like that grace Hunter's facial features. To see him so genuinely happy, and letting those emotions shine through in their raw state. His breath was quick, and Lily assumed it was due to the tour, before bending down to his level.
"Did you say thank you to Mr. Wilson for taking you around?" Lily whispered, adjusting the boy’s jean jacket while her dark green eyes glanced over his shoulder at the taller man that had returned as well.
"Mhm! And he said we can come back any time we want." Hunter giggled, his voice hushed as he looked behind him at the group that admired the two's current interaction. A few had longing looks evident in their eyes, as though the domesticity of Lily and Hunter's lives were something they wanted or wished they had. Others were in awe at the similarity between the two, whether it be the quiet tones or their facial features. Whatever it was, it didn't compare to the look Bucky gave them.
"Oh did he now?" Lily laughed while standing back up, sliding her hand into her son's much smaller one, "Thank you all for letting us stop by. May have to come back again in the future. And I will send the pancake recipe to Sam, so you all can enjoy them again." Lily blushed a common thing that seemed to happen with her. Especially when surrounded by these gorgeous people.
"Oh no, text Barnes that one. I gave you his number, he's the one who's newly obsessed with blueberry pancakes." Sam commented while leaning on one of the pillars, sending a quick and not-so-discreet wink Lily's way.
A nervous laugh slid through Lily's lips as her head nodded along to the words that he said. Giving curt and sincere farewells, the blonde lead her starstruck son back out towards their car that was parked at the end of the long driveway. When the two sunk into their seats, as if rehearsed, exasperated sighs were set free from their lungs. Lily rolled her head to face the young boy to her right and a gentle giggle made its way out of the back of her throat, a nimble hand reaching out to ruffle her son’s blonde hair.
"Nice surprise?" Lily asked, glancing down at the rear-view camera on the dashboard of her car, backing out of the parking lot. Her heart clamoured against her rib cage as her mind continued to reel from her previous interactions. Whether it was because of the interest they took in her, making the Avengers pancakes, or the intoxicating smell of Bucky Barnes that permanently attached itself to the inside of her nose.
The musk. The hints of cedar and cinnamon, creating a potion of perfection to mask the smell of anything else around Lily. How his breath was clean and smelled of mint. The way his metal arm felt against her skin, or how warm his flesh one was in contrast. The feeling of callouses gently brushing themselves against her in a way that made her wonder what it would feel like to hold his hand in her own. Whether or not their hands would fit together perfectly, her soft and supple against his worn and historical. The man was a historical celebrity, a man that Lily had to study in high school, alongside his best friend, Captain America. and Lily Osborne had just made him blueberry pancakes.
"It was...incredible. I have no words mom, none." Hunter beamed, leaning back in his seat as his hazel eyes glanced out the window at the winding forest that sped past them in a green and brown blur. His chest rose and fell at a feverish rate, and Lily furrowed her eyebrows at it, before simply chalking it up to overstimulation.
Just as the Doctor went to return a comment, the sound of her ringtone filled the car around her. Her sister, Rose's, contact popped up on her ApplePlay screen, and Lily answered quickly. Typically, Rose only texted. And whenever she called, it was either something super important or one of the dumbest things she's heard. Most of the time, it was her gushing over a celeb who she had styled for a red carpet premiere or photoshoot. Rose made her living as an extremely successful stylist/designer who has worked around the world with names as big as the Kardashians. Apparently, she had styled Tony stark a few times, but Lily figured he either didn't care that much, forgot, or didn't put together that his old stylist and this random woman were sisters. who would?
"Hey Rose, I'm in the car with Hunt, what's up?" Lily wondered as she turned her blinker on, merging onto a street.
"Hey, so I'm out front of your house and kind of need somewhere to crash for a while so can I go in? I know your system lets you know when the code's used and I didn't feel like giving you a heart attack." Rose rambled, the sound of her chewing on her nails echoing through the microphone and out of Lily's speakers.
"Woah there, back up. Why do you need somewhere to stay? Aren't you living with Levi? Thought you two were going strong?" Lily questioned, motioning for Hunter to put his earphones in, in an event that this conversation became a bit too mature for him, even though he probably had heard worse at his dad’s.
A small and cracked laugh had managed to escape Rose's lips, and Lily immediately bit down on her bottom lip, knowing something had gone wrong, "Well Lily since you ask. He told me to get out of his house and life."
Lily not only grew increasingly concerned but became extremely confused. Every time she and Rose had spoken, the younger Osborne seemed to be happy and giddy. And the two were close, so if there was any sort of suspicious behaviour, Lily would have picked up on it. The two would facetime, and Rose's boyfriend that was previously mentioned, Levi, would join in every so often. So either Lily wasn't as observant as she had believed, or something went horribly wrong very fast in her sister's relationship.
"Go inside, I'll be home soon," Lily stated calmly, her foot pressing harder on the gas pedal of her car, "Tell me why he said that. Hunt has his headphones in, I want every detail."
"I'm pregnant."
The moment Lily pulled into her driveway, she tore open her door and rushed into the two-story home she was lucky to afford in such an area in New York. Her purse dropped from her shoulder as she spotted Rose sitting comfortably on her sofa with Joey, whispering to the dog and stroking the top of his head gently. Running forward, Lily practically launched herself onto her sister, frightening Joey and sending him off to run towards Hunter. The elder sister wrapped her arms tightly around her twenty-eight-year-old sister, causing a small tear to roll down the latter's cheek and onto Lily's exposed shoulder.
"He was having an affair," Rose whispered into her sister's neck, a small weep rolling out of her lips like a broken wheel rolling down a hill, "with his assistant."
Sadness and anger had begun to grow inside of Lily's heart. Half of her wanted to drive to that assholes place and slap the living daylights out of him until his grandchildren felt the repercussions. The other half, aka the rational and sentimental half of Lily, knew she'd stay home with her sister and be there for her. Help her through everything. Give her all of the tips for pregnancy, as well as breakups caused by affairs. Her experienced hands ran up and down Rose's back in a soothing pattern, just letting her get all of her emotions out. Before Lily knew it, Hunter had joined the party. His small and cold arms wrapped around his Aunt and mom, somewhat, and the three sat there for around an hour.
Finally, Lily peeled herself away and let out a shaky sigh, wiping the tears that spilled from her eyes, Hunters, and Rose's. Clearing her throat, Lily stood from her couch and brushed off her dress. There was no way in hell that Lily would let her sister sit here and suffer. No, Lily would even raise the poor child if she had to if it meant that Rose was happy. One thing about all three of the Osborne siblings, despite the large age gap between them all, they three were tighter then a screw in a wood board. The first people Lily told about her own pregnancy were Cedar and Rose. Whenever Cedar was annoyed with their parents, he would drive out to stay with Lily in the suburbs or with Rose in upper Manhattan. Nothing could break the Osborne children's bond, and Lily knew for a fact her parents were proud of that because having children that despised being in the same room as each other would probably break a parent’s heart. That was a part of Lily's fear of starting a family, but luckily, she only had one child. So far at least. But she didn't have any plans to procreate with anyone shortly anyway.
"C'mon, we're going to Gens cafe. Auntie Rose needs some chocolate therapy right now." Lily stated after feeding Joey, before letting him out into the backyard.
Side rant. Joey loved the outdoors. But he was also an introverted dog. He didn't seem to mind when Lily went out, and in fact, was always the happiest when he was left to run wild in the backyard, chasing the endless amount of squirrels that seemed to set up shop in Lily's backyard. End of rant.
The three Osborne’s piled into the car once again and set off into the city again.
When they arrived, Lily noticed a familiar car that she had seen earlier at the compound. Her heartbeat rose and she wondered if she'd end up coming face to face with the Avengers for the second time that day. Her mind spiraled and twisted her into thinking they'd believe she was stalking them or something. That now that she had been to their home, she was obsessed with them. Of course, this was far from the truth and wasn't at all what the group of heroes believed. Gen's cafe was simply a staple in Manhattan it seemed, and people congregated there often. And, Lily's suspicions were soon confirmed, as the entire team was gathered around three tables pushed together in the side of Lily's best friend’s workplace.
Speak of the devil.
"Rosie! is that you?" Gen's voice exclaimed from across the cafe, causing many heads to turn into the direction of the door, where the three blondes stood. Lily's eyes immediately turned towards the Avenger’s table, locking with those steel-blue ones that were engraved into her memory.
And lo and behold, there the man sat with blueberry pancakes in front of him, and a blush tinting his cheeks. If it weren't for the lighting in the cafe, the rose hue would have gone undetected under the overgrown stubble that covered his face. Something Lily couldn't help but admire and grow to enjoy seeing. But it were those ice-blue eyes that stared directly through her that sent the shiver down her spine. Her heart picking up its pace as what felt like hours passed of the two just admiring each other.
"...So I'll be staying with Lily for a bit." Rose's voice sang, pulling Lily out of her trance.
The hustle and bustle of the dinnertime rush resumed, and Lily managed to tear her eyes away from Buckys. The power he had over her was unmatched, and he probably could have made her fall to her knees if their little staring match continued...as in she was weak at the knees not in a perverted way. Her legs felt like they were made out of jello whenever he looked at her, and once again, she barely knew him. If even at all. All that Lily knew about James Buchanan Barnes was the things in history books and his name.
But thanks to Thor Oinson, that would change very soon.
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yukiwrites · 3 years
End of One, Start of Another
Thank you so much for the support and patience as always, @breeachuu! The boy!! He grew!!! sobsss
Summary: They were right at Enbarr's doorstep -- the war was almost over. Wolfie would be able to finally put that terrible chapter behind him while thinking about writing the rest of his life with Caspar.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
For all that Wolfram thought that it would be alright no matter how conscious he was of his feelings towards Caspar, he did a pretty terrible job at acting like normal once he went to turn in for the night at their shared tent. Having Caspar’s broad body close enough to be touched by the slightest reach; having his excited huffing as they talked about this or that before being claimed by sleep… Wolfram’s heart could barely function well as his cheeks reddened the longer they spoke.
Thankfully, it was dark. Caspar kept talking like usual; about how he knew Fort Merceus’ layout and where the ‘strong stuff’ was being kept and how he had been entrusted by the Professor to lead a battalion through their attack. He was excited to conquer the place he had always thought impregnable, though there was a layer of relief in his voice as he said that Count Bergliez’ forces had been replaced by the Death Knight’s.
Apparently, fighting the embodiment of death was still preferable than fighting his own, extremely scary, father. Besides, he had been wanting to give the masked man a wallop since a long while ago, so he was excited to lead his team to that unforgettable brawl.
Despite the certainly dangerous and rather brutal topic of conversation right before bed, Wolfram simply watched as Caspar blabbed about punching stuff (while punching the air) with a lovestruck gaze. He simply hummed whenever Caspar spoke, closing his eyes as though he was being lulled to sleep with his crush’s deep voice, which was even deeper as they were trying to be quiet and speaking in whispers.
When he woke up, Wolfram felt terribly embarrassed about having been so oblivious to his own feelings for so long and for indulging in their usual skinship with now impure intentions. Now he held hands with Caspar knowing why he wanted to, so he felt more nervous than usual as they walked from one place to the other, wondering if his hand was sweating.
Regardless, even if it was, it went all over Caspar’s head as he just took it all in stride. The shorter man simply led the way through camp before they went their separate ways to prepare to battle.
Byleth noticed how nervous Wolfram looked as she inspected the units before deploying them and poked the half manakete, “are you alright, Wolfram? Should I have you wait in the reserves?”
“O-oh, no, I’m okay, Byleth! Don’t worry about me.” He waved both hands in front of his face, startled. Then, he lowered his gaze and scratched the back of his neck. “... I was just wondering if I could be deployed with Unit 3…” he spoke in a small voice, just above a whisper.
Blinking, the Professor looked up for a second to think before nodding. “Alright, then you’ll be the liaison between Units 1 and 3.”
Wolfram’s face lit up immediately, as though he was a child being given their favorite candy. “Thank you, Byleth! I’ll work hard.”
Byleth simply smiled and nodded, giving Wolfram his leave. They divided the group that was going inside Fort Merceus in three after receiving information from their pegasus knights regarding the enemy’s forces. Unit 1 would go straight to the middle, towards one of the demonic beasts stationed in front of the Death Knight’s post. Unit 2 would head to the right to deal with the ballistae while Unit 3 would head to the left to take care of the second demonic beast guarding the Death Knight’s flank.
Wolfram usually prefered to fight monsters rather than people, so although he would go to the thick of battle, he wasn’t as apprehensive as he had been at the beginning of all that fighting. For one, he had Caspar with him, which somehow gave him much more confidence in himself and in the results of the battle.
Once they were sent out, the hectic fighting made it only possible for Wolfram to see what was in front of him, so he did his best to comply with all of Byleth’s orders and fight to the best of his abilities. After Caspar had fought that Titanus barehanded back in Fhirdiad, he had gotten a lot more prone to just smashing things with his fists rather than with the gauntlets Byleth always gave him.
For some reason unknown to Wolfram, but innate to Caspar, fighting barehanded enhanced his own style, which made it possible for him to strike just as much as if he had been using a weapon. It was incredible how the bones of his knuckles were still intact after punching through armor and hard scale all day, but Caspar seemed to get more and more fired up instead of exhausted as the battle raged on.
It was an inspiration, honestly. The battalion assigned to him had their morale through the roof after they defeated the demonic beast once they had cleared the left side of the fortress. Wolfie focused on healing his team while Unit 1 had advanced towards the Death Knight’s location, scrambling to run after Caspar who was excited to punch the masked man on the face.
After the battle, however, Wolfie regretted following Caspar there, if only because of Mercedes’ grief for losing her brother for the Empire.
It was like a wake-up slap.
It had only been a day since Wolfram had realized his feelings towards Caspar, so he was still drunk in that happiness bubble of looking at everything through pink lenses, but the reality of war was still gruesome. He went alongside Annette to stay by Mercedes’ side as she cried over Jeritza’s body, holding Caspar’s hand. Some of their classmates offered Mercedes to give the Death Knight a proper burial, if only in her consideration -- especially since Flayn and Seteth were openly hostile towards him due to happenings of the past.
Wolfram didn’t realize he was crying up until he felt Caspar’s rough hand patting him in the shoulder once they returned to their camp. “You really like crying, huh? Hey, were you hurt?”
“No, I’m fine…” Wolfie shook his head, drying his tears with his free hand as a faint smile grew on his lips. “Thanks for being there with me, Caspar. I know you’ve been wanting to kill him for a while, so it might’ve felt, I dunno-”
“Nah, the man’s dead. No need to hold grudges about that after he was defeated. ‘Sides’, he still made Mercedes cry, so he deserved what was comin’ to him.”
This time Wolfie simply nodded, tightening his hold on Caspar’s hand. Finding the taller boy somehow more huggable than usual, Caspar wrapped his hand around Wolfie’s waist, bringing his head down to his own shoulder. “Mhm.” He grunted, suddenly clogged for some reason.
Still a bit too fragile to freak out over the hug, Wolfie closed his eyes and enjoyed his friend’s warmth, letting his body sink onto Caspar’s as all the tension left him.
Only Enbarr stood between them and Edelgard, so it was no wonder that although the Kingdom army was high in morale, they had to prepare more carefully than usual. That being so, they returned to the monastery while keeping a considerable force behind at Fort Merceus so they could prepare more thoroughly.
The ‘last battle’, so to say, would happen all at once -- they wouldn’t have time to rest between taking over the capital and infiltrating the castle to defeat the emperor, so they would need to be in perfect shape.
Returning to the monastery after a while also eased the classmates’ minds for a beat, which helped increase their morale. Caspar and Wolfram naturally went to their shared room on the second floor, as being together was already the norm for the two of them.
Wolfie didn’t even think too much about it, though perhaps he missed sleeping in the same tent since they were placed more closely than when one was using the bed and the other, a sleeping bag.
However, that slight distance made Wolfie able to observe Caspar more accurately, clutching his chest as his eyes trailed through his friend’s masculine features. He hid his head under the cover to hide his face from his own thoughts that went haywire whenever he looked at Caspar.
Should he ask for the hair? Should he pour these strong, hot feelings into his fire to make Caspar’s jewel? But then, how would he explain it?
Surely Caspar would just rip some hair on the spot should Wolfram ask, but he was still nervous about the slight possibility of being asked what it was for and how to properly explain that it was a, well…
His face almost exploded with heat as he recalled a term Nidra talked about with displeasure as Henry cackled loudly when mentioned. A term a fellow soldier from the time Nidra was in the Shepherds used when ‘studying’ her behavior.
But what could Wolfram say in response to it? It was the truth!
Still, saying that the precise kind of jewel Wolfram wanted to make was part of the manekete’s ‘mating procedure’ was just as mortifying as Nidra had made it seem like whenever Henry poked fun at it from time to time.
Feeling suffocated under the blanket, but still intent on not showing his head to the outside world, Wolfie squeezed his eyes shut, wondering if the swirling thoughts inside his head would just fade before he finally managed to sleep.
However, after a few more minutes of agonizing thinking, Wolfie sprang up with a determined face.
Yeah, stretching his wings would do him good, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He nodded to himself as though he was talking to someone else before quietly slipping out of the room. Even if he didn’t have any more reasons to hide his dragon half, he still didn’t want to wake anyone up, so he tiptoed to the stairs before running down to get much-needed fresh air.
Even though he didn’t think he would be able to come to a conclusion in one night, just being able to fly around with his eyes closed and enjoy the night was already enough to help him clear his mind of doubts. He was going to ask for the hair, yes, and in the near future, definitely, but he still had to come up with a plan of attack.
For some reason, Dorothea’s face popped up in his mind when he thought about who to run for help with this, so he pulled a string of memories involving the diva and remembered how understanding she had been in the past whenever he wanted to talk her ear off about Caspar. Surely she would be just as willing this time, as well.
To the surprise of no one, Dorothea gladly welcomed Wolfie to her room once he approached her, fidgeting and unable to voice the reason for his visit. Well, she could mostly tell even if he didn’t expressly say it, so she just smiled widely as she poured a cup of tea for the increasingly red Wolfram.
Be it out of nervousness or some sudden dragon-like resistance to heat, Wolfram gulped down the tea all at once, which somehow helped clear his mind enough for the words to come out of his lips. “Um, it’s about Caspar.”
Dorothea’s eyes glistened as she rested her chin on both of her hands. “Yes? Go on.” She sing-songed, her lovely voice helping Wolfram relax.
“There’s this, ah… custom in my family. Well, in my species, to be more precise.” He scratched his cheek, “about asking someone for a lock of their hair to make a jewel with our scales and hair that intertwines our fates together.”
As he spoke, Dorothea’s eyes widened just as much as her smile.
“Ah, I wanted to ask for your hair at some point, too,” Wolfie added as though in passing, receiving a confused frown from Dorothea.
“Me? Wolfie, I’m flattered you feel this way, but-”
“Yeah, I gave Dimitri one since he was my first friend in this world. I’ll ask Dedue, too.” Wolfie bobbed his head to the sides; speaking about his other friends managed to make him calm down considerably.
Dorothea tilted her head to the side. “As ‘intertwining fates’ you didn’t mean only in the romantic sense, then?” She asked and he immediately widened his eyes in surprise, flushing his cheeks visibly.
“Eh- no, it’s not only in that way! Gosh, did you think I was- oh my Naga.” He fanned his face before hiding it in his hands. “I love you, but it’s not like I love-”
The words were stuck on his throat. He gulped as Dorothea smirked teasingly.
“Like you love Caspie?” She nudged, enjoying how he flinched and dug his face deeper into his hands. He simply nodded, then banged his head on the table as smoke seemed to rise from his face.
“Heeheehee, oh, Wolfie, you’re so cute!” She patted Wolfie’s silver hair, now free from the bandanna. “Did you come here to brainstorm how to ask Caspie for his hair? Ah, I can give you a few strands now if you want…” She trailed off. “Though I don’t think I can cut anything too much.”
That made Wolfram lift his gaze instantly. “Oh, it doesn't need to be a lot! A few strands from your hair brush will be enough, yup.” He nodded as she smiled sweetly.
“Alright, I’ll give it to you before you leave.” She took the cup with warm tea to her lips, then placed it gracefully on the saucer. “Now, about Caspie…”
Wolfram gulped, nodding and straightening himself on his seat.
“I’m going to be blunt about this, okay, Wolfie? Usually I don’t talk like this, but… this is a very serious case.” She spoke in a somber voice, making Wolfram feel cold sweat drip down his back.
“S-serious case?”
“...” Dorothea took a moment to look down before looking at Wolfram’s eyes with the most serious expression she could muster. “Of stupidity.”
Wolfram blinked in surprise, taken aback by her words. “W-what?”
Dorothea sighed. “Caspie has a really thick skin, so if you truly want to pursue this path, you have to be prepared to deal with his, ah, well, stupidity.” She tried to sugarcoat it, but there was really no other way to talk about it. “About the hair, you can really just say it’s a custom from your people that I’m sure he’ll just pull from the middle of his head and give himself a bald spot without hesitation.”
Flabbergasted, Wolfie opened and closed his mouth, ultimately nodding. “Yeah, that… looks like him.”
“Right?” Dorothea smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry to say this, Wolfie, but if this is the path you chose… you’ll have to take the initiative on everything.”
“At least for the first few times, yes.” Dorothea nodded solemnly, then looked up in thought. “I think I can ask Yurikins to get something for you, so count that as a getting together present once we come back to the monastery after the war.”
Still shook from the revelation of having to take the first step on everything, Wolfie looked up at Dorothea with shaking pupils. “Eh? Present?”
“Don’t worry about it for now, sweetie. Now, I think I can give you a few pointers on some things…”
Talking to Dorothea was truly enlightening in its own right, as Wolfram spent at least a week completely out of it. He did all of his usual tasks and participated in classes on auto pilot, just following through the motions like he wasn’t truly there.
Since he still smiled and followed Caspar around as usual, the short man didn’t notice a thing, which only cemented Dorothea’s words even deeper into Wolfie’s mind.
He had to take the lead on everything.
From what he had heard, however, it seemed that he could have a really big chance of his feelings being mutual. Of course, since Caspar was the embodiment of cluelessness, one couldn’t really tell unless they prodded, but still, just the amount of skinship they shared was something that was on a higher level of what usually went through between normal friends.
Whenever he thought ‘Now's the time to ask’ about the lock of hair, he completely froze up and felt his face, ears and neck all heat up in embarrassment.
It was a mess.
He was even more of a mess whenever his fingers brushed with Caspar’s by accident -- which startled him much more than when he was mentally prepared to hold hands. Touching him without meaning to; watching how Caspar trained with a huge grin on his face and realizing how his own legs always trembled; feeling the sun beat inside his chest whenever his gaze met Caspar’s…
Being in love was both painful and rewarding.
Sometimes he would catch himself smiling as he patted his own chest, as though congratulating his heart for surviving yet another day of constant abuse. The fluctuating emotions were all so new to Wolfie he couldn’t help but relish in them, even though he agonized over how to word himself properly.
He also kept a close watch on the moon, wondering if seeing her close to being full would help with his resolve to ask the question more quickly.
It felt like the days dragged on and passed in the blink of an eye at the same time. During the day, as he fought a battle with his heart to just keep himself breathing properly, it was unfair that night passed quickly enough not to allow him to gather his energy for yet another day of being in love.
Still, time did help him come to terms with asking the question -- soon it would be the day they would need to leave for Enbarr. Wolfie knew how stressful all of that was going to be, so he had to take this step now, before the war was over.
A few days before they were to leave, Wolfie was waiting for Caspar to finish a random brawl he started at the training grounds, now all too used to this strange way his crush had of making friends.
“Oh, Wolf! You were there? I didn’t see ya.” Caspar walked over to Wolfram, pulling his shirt up to dry the sweat from his face.
Of course, his abs were in full view, which made Wolfram sputter before faking a cough.
“Hey, you okay?” Caspar asked, patting Wolfie’s back with his free hand, his bare, sweaty and glistery skin still in full view.
Wolfram was openly ogling, which was bad. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of-
He coughed for real at the way his thoughts were taking, receiving heavier pats on the back from a frowning Caspar.
“Get it together, man!” He almost slapped Wolfram’s back after the coughing fit slowly drew to a close.
“S-sorry, I- choked there with nothing.” Wolfie cleared his throat to scratch it from the inside.
“Yeah, I know the feel. You cool? Let’s go eat, I’m starving.” Caspar wrapped his arm around Wolfie’s shoulder, making the tall young man bend down to his stature. But Wolfram stood in place, making Caspar look up at him. “What’s up? C’mon.”
“I… There’s something I wanna say, Caspar.”
“Yeah? I’m all ears.” Caspar tilted his head to the side.
“There’s this… um, custom back home. Well, in my family, more specifically.” He blabbed on under Caspar’s unwavering gaze. “We, um, make a jewel to give to people who are important to us.”
“Oh damn, you MAKE one? Must be hard to do it from scratch. Buying it wouldn’t do?”
“N-no, it’s a special kind of jewel. We need a lock of hair from the person -- well, and one from us, too -- and some scales…”
“That’s dope.” Caspar nodded, seeming truly impressed.
“...” Wolfie bit his lower lip, noticing Caspar really wasn’t going to offer his hair. “I have to take the initiative, I have to take it…” He mumbled under his breath in a tone so low, not even Caspar, who was basically gluing their faces together, heard.
Wolfram tried to take a deep breath, but his body was shaking so much he barely managed to inhale. Instead, he just started running his mouth.“Um, I wanted to ask, um, well… can I have a few strands of your hair? I wanna make a jewel for you.”
“Oh, that’s it? Sure, man!” Caspar let go of Wolfram’s shoulder and reached out to pluck a lock right from the middle of his head just as Dorothea had said he would. Wolfie tried to stop him, but by the time he realized what was going on, Caspar was already handing him a tuft of light blue hair. “That enough? I can pluck more if you wanna!”
His hands shaking, Wolfram accepted the over the top amount of hair with both hands, as though accepting an offering. “Y-yes, that’s enough. Thank you.”
“Dope. How’re you gonna make it? Down at the forge?”
“Oh, no, it’s with my own fire.” Wolfie replied instinctively as he focused on placing the hair inside a neatly folded handkerchief.
“YOU CAN SPIT FIRE TOO? Oh man, can I watch?”
“N-no!” Wolfie shot him down right away. “It’s something really intimate, so I need to be alone.”
“Intimate?” Caspar frowned. “You gonna be naked, or something? But we bathed together already.”
Wolfram froze in place as the memories he had purposely repressed resurfaced. “Well, yeah- but- I, um, ah…” He babbled, his face beet-red.
Caspar crossed his arms in confusion. “Yeah? You really okay, man?”
“A-anyway, you can’t watch!” Wolfram squeaked out before running away, unable to look at Caspar’s general direction.
“Hey, wait! Where you going!!”
To say that it would take only death to erase the mortification from that night was no exageration. Wolfram thought he could be a functioning member of society even after realizing he was in love, but remembering those… very well defined things… and firm body…
It! It was making him slowly go insane.
Could he pour such… impure thoughts into his fire? The moon wasn’t on the right rotation yet, so that was a relief, but still. He could barely look Caspar in the eyes before his face exploded in embarrassment and he had to spend the rest of the day fanning himself to calm down.
That was no mood to march to war, that was for sure.
Of course, once they were right by the gates of Enbarr, the war drums and sounds of battle all around them made Wolfie able to finally focus on something else for once, which he was unconsciously thankful for. Caspar had been nervous during the trip down south, wondering if his father was going to be part of the forces defending the capital, but his fears were unfounded.
Count Bergliez wasn’t in Enbarr. That fact alone made Caspar’s fighting smirk sprout on his lips -- making Wolfie’s heart skip a beat in the process -- as they were stationed to battle.
There were a large number of demonic beasts around, so they had to tread carefully. It also meant that Wolfie had a lot to focus on while still bearing in mind that he had to conserve energy for the battle inside the palace.
Everything was happening all at the same time at once -- there were monsters, fire, battle cries, wounded people, crumbling buildings… it was all too much, so Wolfie was having a hard time just doing what he was supposed to.
Which was why he was surprised to hear Dimitri’s roar from the frontlines.
“The way to the palace is clear! Let’s move!” He shouted atop of his lungs as the Kingdom army all bellowed behind him.
“Are you okay, boy? Let’s have you rest here now.” Wolfie patted Aquilo’s neck, prompting it to land. “I’ll fly with my own wings from now on, so go to the forward camp and wait, okay?”
Aquilo whined, but ultimately concurred as it was too tired to take on another battle right after this one. Wolfie followed the soldiers storming towards the gates, finding his classmates centered on Dimitri.
He spoke of the war and how close they were to finally ending it all.
How they had suffered for five years without hope and how they all came together under his and Byleth’s banner. Now it would be the time to finish it all.
Wolfie was about to also say that he would fight to the end with the friends he made, but he suddenly felt something sickening coming from the palace. He frowned as he covered his nose with one hand, his stomach churning.
What could that be? It felt somewhat revolting.
If he hadn’t been so wired after the battle and worried about the next one, he would’ve managed to link that bad feeling with the one he felt all those years back in Remire village, or just recently at Derdriu. For that moment, however, he was someone who had to protect Byleth and Dimitri, so his entire focus was on the battle at hand.
Soon after entering the palace, however, he found the reason for that revolting feeling: Edelgard herself had turned into a demonic beast of sorts as she still retained her human-like form and ego.
Wolfie was terrified out of his mind once he made eye contact with the soulless monster, but he wasn’t the same as he was back when he first arrived in this world. He stomped his foot down and fought with everything he had, using every single spell he had learned as well as all lance arts he had perfected under Byleth.
This was it.
This was the reason for him being brought into this world. To watch over the Heart of Immortals and protect this world from its demise.
Besides, now he was facing a monster, so his fighting prowess grew exponentially.
It was a formidable enemy, however, have no doubt about it. All of the elite soldiers on their side had to attack at once to be able to finally strike it down -- and Dimitri himself dealt the final blow after trying to extend his hand to her one last time.
Once Dimitri walked out of the throne room, his hand in Byleth’s, Wolfie felt his legs give out.
“Is it-” he murmured, his voice drowned by the increasingly loud shouts of joy from the soldiers all around him. “Is it over?”
“Hahaha!” Laughter echoed left and right, amassing itself with its neighbor and turning into a large snowball of happiness that spread across the hall, the palace, the capital… and through Fódlan.
The war was over.
Wolfram breathed in, as though that was the first time in five years that he had done so.
The air, that was supposed to be heavy from the remains of the battle all around him, was clean and pure. He could breathe in as far as he wanted, being filled with something much more meaningful than just air: hope.
The crisis was averted; his mission was completed.
“Oh, Naga,” he clasped both hands in prayer, tears spilling down his cheeks without stopping. “I did it. I can’t believe, I- it’s over…” he bent down to pray, sniffling with his now clogged nose. “It’s- it’s done…!”
He felt a quiet laugh in the air, mixed with the loudness of the explosive joy around him, though he could discern Naga’s chuckles from anything in the world. He felt a warm hand patting his head, much more clearly than he had ever felt Naga’s touch before, as though She was transmitting his own Mother’s hands that congratulated him from persevering.
Wolfie’s sobbed loudly, his body shaking inside his prayer. “M-Mother…” he sniffled, allowing the dam he had built around his heart to finally break down and allow himself to miss his family in full. “It’s done, everyone… Wolfie did it!” He giggled as he imagined how each of his family members were going to congratulate him once he came back, his tears flowing endlessly.
However, a sudden hand on his shoulder to force his head up startled the boy out of his prayer. “WOLF! You okay, man? You’re all hunched down- lemme carry you to the healers!” Caspar quickly pulled Wolfram into his arms, princess carrying him towards the room they had set up to the infirmary.
Wide-eyed, Wolfie’s tear stained gaze fixed itself on Caspar. “I’m okay!” He laughed, wrapping both arms around Caspar’s neck. “I’m alright, Caspar! Don’t worry!”
“Muh? But you were all hunched over- and you’re crying-”
“Hehee, I cry a lot, remember?” Wolfie nudged his wet cheek on Caspar’s, still high on the joy of it all.
Caspar’s shoulders sagged as he stopped midway to the healer’s room. “Oh, yeah, that’s tr-”
“Hey, Caspar.” Wolfie adjusted himself on his crush’s arms, holding his shoulder with one hand as he used the other one to pull Caspar’s chin towards him. “I love you.”
“Me too, man. You’re cool.” Caspar replied immediately, completely oblivious to the true depth of the random declaration.
“Heehe,” Wolfie giggled, then laughed loudly, throwing his head back. “Nyahaha! Oh my Naga, you’re so stupid.” He gurgled the words through his laughter, stroking his thumb on Caspar’s cheek.
“Hey, what’dya mean by that-mmmph?!” Before he could even retor, Wolfram dove his soft lips into Caspar’s, making the shorter man widen his eyes in surprise.
Honestly, if it had been up to Wolfram, that confession would never happen, what with his overthinking.
But it did because it was now. It did because it was Caspar.
It did because it was them.
Of course, the kiss was but a peck on the lips, as Wolfram had no kissing experience, but that was enough to let his point across. Once he pulled away, he saw Caspar’s dumb-looking expression, with gapped mouth and wide eyes -- tinged with red cheeks.
“OH, I get it now! Man, okay that was really dumb of me.” Caspar blabbed, adjusting Wolfram in his arms before sitting him on top of a fallen column and placing himself in the middle of his legs. “Alright, now we can continue.”
Wolfie didn’t have the time to get embarrassed as Caspar’s tongue invaded his mouth, ravishing it all in a way that he knew only Caspar would be able to.
He didn’t get to hear the response to his confession, but that was something he would demand… later. Perhaps after fifteen more of these kisses.
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kingjasnah · 4 years
Is there the full list of brandersons favourite games reposted somewhere?
i dont think so? or not that ive seen. u can literally just sign up for the newsletter on his website but screw it ill just post them for u. it sure was a TRIP scrolling past these to get to the interlude though. undertale is on this list.....im shakign at the thought that adolin was based off ff10 tidus but i cant get it out of my head now
#10: Katamari Damaci
I love things that make me look at the world in a new way. Katamari did this in spades. It is an imaginative, bizarre vision with unique gameplay. It is like nothing else in the world and I love it for all its strangeness and occasional lack of gameplay polish.
I was transfixed the first time I played it, and have looked forward to it being remade and rereleased on multiple different consoles. I love the cute—and somehow creepy at the same time—storyline. It feels like a fever dream more than a game sometimes, and is probably the closest I’ll ever get to understanding what it’s like to do drugs.
#9: Undertale
This is an oddball on this list because I think it’s the only game that is not a franchise from a major studio—but is instead an indie game, which I believe was originally funded on Kickstarter.I loved how this felt like a novel as much as a game. It was one person’s vision; a single story told really well, with a huge amount of personality. The humor was just my kind of wonderful/terrible, and I was instantly enamored with the characters.That probably would have been enough, but it is a nice deconstruction of video games as a medium—and has not one, but multiple innovative gameplay mechanics. Together, the package left me enamored. This is a work of genius that I feel everyone should at least try, even if it ends up not being for them.
#8: Fallout: New Vegas
I have played all of the core Fallout games, and I was one of the (it seems few) who was really excited when it moved from turn-based tactics to first-person shooter. While Fallout 3 was good, it didn’t have the charm of the first two.New Vegas delivered on everything I was hoping to see. The charm was back, the writing sharp, the quests imaginative. The gameplay was engaging and branched in a variety of directions, the gunplay was solid, and the atmosphere immersive. I of course love the first two games in the series—but New Vegas combines everything I like in gaming into one package. (As a note, I own the Outer Worlds, and am looking forward to digging into it. Consider this item on the list a recommendation of other Obsidian games—like Knights of the Old Republic Two—regardless of genre, as I’ve found them universally to be superior to their contemporaries.)
#7 Super Mario World
When I was eleven, I flew (alone, which was very exciting to me) from Nebraska to visit my uncle Devon in Salt Lake City. Before I left, my father gave me $200 and told me to pay for my own meals while on the trip—but of course, my uncle didn’t allow this. At the end of the trip, I tried to give him the money, which he wouldn’t take.I mentioned my dad would take the money back when I got home, but that was okay. Well, my uncle would have none of that, and drove me to the local mall and made me spend it on a Nintendo Entertainment System. (This uncle, you might guess, is an awesome human being.)Since that day of first plugging it in and experiencing Mario for the first time, I was hooked. This is the only platformer on the list, as I don’t love those. But one makes an exception for Mario. There’s just so much polish, so much elegance to the control schemes, that even a guy who prefers an FPS or an RPG like me has to admit these are great games. I picked World as my favorite as it’s the one I’ve gone back to and played the most.
#7: The Curse of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 3)
I kind of miss the golden age of adventure gaming, and I don’t know that anyone ever got it as right as they did with this game. It is the pinnacle of the genre, in my opinion—no offense to Grim Fandango fans.This game came out right before gaming’s awkward teenage phase where everything moved to 3-d polygons. For a while after, games looked pretty bad, though they could do more because of the swap. But if you want to go see what life was like before that change, play Monkey Island 3. Composed of beautiful art pieces that look like cells from Disney movies, with streamlined controls (the genre had come a long way from “Get yon torch”) and fantastic voice acting, this game still plays really well.This is one of the few games I’ve been able to get my non-gamer wife to play through with me, and it worked really well as a co-op game with the two of us trying to talk through problems. It’s a lovingly crafted time capsule of a previous era of gaming, and if you missed it, it’s really worth trying all these years later. (The first and second games hold up surprisingly well too, as a note, particularly with the redone art that came out a decade or so ago.)Also, again, this one has my kind of humor.
#6: Breath of the Wild
I never thought a Zelda game would unseat A Link to the Past as my favorite Zelda, but Breath of the Wild managed it. It combined the magic of classic gameplay with modern design aesthetic, and I loved this game.There’s not a lot to say about it that others haven’t said before, but I particularly liked how it took the elements of the previous games in the series (giving you specific tools to beat specific challenges) and let you have them all at once. I like how the dungeons became little mini puzzles to beat, instead of (sometimes seemingly endless) slogs to get through. I liked the exploration, the fluidity of the controls, and the use of a non-linear narrative in flashbacks. It’s worth buying a Switch just to play this one and Mario—but in case you want, you can also play Dark Souls on Switch... (That’s foreshadowing.)
#5: Halo 2
Telling stories about Halo Two on stream is what made me think of writing this list.I’m sometimes surprised that this game isn’t talked about as much as I think it should be. Granted, the franchise is very popular—but people tend to love either Reach or games 1 or 3 more than two. Two, however, is the only one I ever wanted to replay—and I’ve done so three or four times at this point. (It’s also the only one I ever beat on Legendary.)It’s made me think on why I love this one, while so many others seem to just consider it one of many in a strong—but in many ways unexceptional—series of games. I think part of this is because I focus primarily on the single-player aspects of a game (which is why there aren’t any MMOs on this list.) Others prefer Halo games with more balanced/polished multiplayer. But I like to game by myself, and don’t really look for a multiplayer experience. (Though this is changing as I game with my sons more and more.)I really like good writing—which I suppose you’d expect. But in games, I specifically prefer writing that enhances the style of game I’m playing. Just dumping a bunch of story on me isn’t enough; it has to be suited to the gameplay and the feel of the game. In that context, I’ve rarely encountered writing as good as Halo 2. From the opening—with the intercutting and juxtaposition of the two narratives—to the quotes barked out by the marines, the writing in this game is great. It stands out starkly against other Halo games, to the point that I wonder what the difference is.Yes, Halo Two is a bombastic hero fantasy about a super soldier stomping aliens. But it has subtle, yet powerful worldbuilding sprinkled all through it—and the music...it does things with the story that I envy. It’s kind of cheating that games and films get to have powerful scores to help with mood.The guns in Two feel so much better than Halo One, and the vehicles drive far better. The only complaint I have is that it’s only half a story—as in, Halo 2 and 3 seem like they were one game broken in two pieces. And while 3 is good (and Reach does something different, which I approve of in general) neither did it for me the way Two did, and continues to do.
#3: Final Fantasy X
You probably knew Final Fantasy was coming. People often ask if the way these games handle magic was an influence upon me. All I can say is that I’ve played them since the first one, and so they’re bound to have had an influence.On one hand, these games are really strange. I mean, I don’t think we gamers stop quite often enough to note how downright bizarre this series gets. Final Fantasy doesn’t always make the most sense—but the games are always ambitious.Ten is my favorite for a couple of reasons. I felt like the worldbuilding was among the strongest, and I really connected with the characters. That’s strange, because this is one of the FF games without an angst-filled teen as the protagonist. Instead, it has a kind of stable happy-go-lucky jock as the protagonist.But that’s what I needed, right then. A game that didn’t give me the same old protagonist, but instead gave me someone new and showed me I could bond to them just as well. Ten was the first with full voice acting, and that jump added a lot for me. It has my favorite music of the series, and all together is what I consider the perfect final fantasy game. (Though admittedly, I find it more and more difficult to get into turn-based battle mechanics as I grow older.)
#2: Bloodborne
Those who follow my streams, or who read other interviews I’ve done, probably expected this series to be at or near the top. The question wasn’t whether Souls would be here, but which one to pick as my favorite.I went with Bloodborne, though it could have been any of them. (Even Dark Souls 2—which I really like, despite its reputation in the fandom.) I’ve been following FromSoftware’s games since the King’s Field games, and Demon’s Souls was a huge triumph—with the director Hidetaka Miyazaki deserving much of the praise for its design, and Dark Souls (which is really just a more polished version of Demon’s Souls).As I am a fan of cosmic horror, Bloodborne is probably my favorite overall. It really hit the mix of cosmic and gothic horror perfectly. It forced me to change up my gameplay from the other Souls games, and I loved the beautiful visuals.I am a fan of hard games—but I like hard games that are what I consider “fair.” (For example, I don’t love those impossible fan-made Mario levels, or many of the super-crazy “bullet hell”-style games.) Dark Souls is a different kind of hard. Difficult like a stern instructor, expecting you to learn—but giving you the tools to do so. It presents a challenge, rather than being hard just to be hard.If I have a problem with Final Fantasy, it’s that the games sometimes feel like the gameplay is an afterthought to telling the story. But in the Souls games, story and gameplay are intermixed in a way I’d never seen done before. You have to construct the story like an archeologist, using dialogue and lore from descriptions of in-game objects. I find this fascinating; the series tells stories in a way a book never could. I’m always glad when a game series can show off the specific strengths of the medium.In fact, this series would be #1 except for the little fact that I have way too much time on Steam logged playing...
#1: Civilization VI
This series had to take #1 by sheer weight of gameplay time. I discovered the first on a friend’s computer in the dorms my freshman year—and I can still remember the feeling of the birds chirping outside, realizing I’d been playing all night and really should get back to my own dorm room.That still happens, and has happened, with every game in the series. I have a lot of thoughts on this series, many of them granular and too specific for this list. (Like, it’s obvious AI technology isn’t up to the task of playing a game this complex—so could we instead get a roguelike set of modifiers, game modes, etc. to liven up the games, rather than just having a difficulty slider that changes a few simple aspects of the game?)I’ll try not to rant, because I really do love this game series. A lot of people consider IV to be the pinnacle of the series, but after V unstacked units—and VI unstacked cities—there was no way I could ever go back. If for some reason, you’ve never played this grand patriarch of the 4X game genre, it’s about starting with a single stone-age settler who can found a city—then playing through eras of a civilization, growing your empire, to try to eventually get offworld with a space program. (Or, if you prefer, conquering the world.)It’s a load of fun in the way I like to have fun, and I feel like the series has only gotten better over the years. My hat is off to the developers, who keep reinventing the series, rather than making the exact same game over and over.Now, about that request for difficulty modes...
there are runner ups but for the sake of anyone whos on mobile and cant get past a read more (first of all omg im SO sorry) ill refrain. anyway he thought WHAT loz game was the best before botw?
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the--sad--hatter · 6 years
Name Calling (2)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Due to… reasons… Tony didn’t want you wandering off the compound without an escort. Seeing as the last thing you wanted right now was company you had ran all the way to the very edge of the grounds and scaled the tallest tree you could, which is why you were now perched on a branch trying futility to stem the flow of tears spilling from your eyes. You didn’t care what Bucky fucking Barnes thought of you, you didn’t! But dammit, he had hit a nerve.
He wasn’t wrong when he called you damaged goods and you hated being reminded of that, being reminded of where you came from, what you were. Like Steve and him your abilities came from experimentation but that was where the similarities ended. You weren’t super nor were you a soldier. You were a beast, a freak, a bloodthirsty monster. Born in captivity and raised in a cage. Like the Winter Soldier. Your head snapped up as the thought crossed your mind. The fucking hypocrite, he was every bit as damaged as you. Your eyes narrowed as you stood and stepped off the branch, plummeting to the ground and landing gracefully on your feet as you stalked back towards the building. Sure you and Bucky were always at each others throats, cussing each other out but nothing this cruel had been uttered between you before. Now you knew that he had been saying the truly horrible things behind your back but you decided to be the bigger person. No you would not say such evil things behind Buckys back.
You were going to say them to his face.
“I don’t know where she is birdbrain I was with Steve, we haven’t seen her!” Bucky protested.
“She wouldn’t just wander off, I’m makin waffles!” Sam was yelling loud enough for you to hear him from halfway across the compound without enhanced hearing.
“You said she was looking for me? Maybe she went to knock on my door.” Steve was trying to placate Sam and glare at Bucky at the same time as you waltzed into the kitchen.
“There you are Stevie, what time do you want to meet in the gym later?” You asked nonchalantly as you breezed past him.
All three of them frowned at you.
“Uhhh in about an hour I guess?”
You smiled softly at him and nodded.
“Your waffles are cold now.” Sam pouted.
“I love cold waffles!” You said enthusiastically as Sam grinned and slid the plate over to you.
“There’s a lot here, I don’t wanna eat to much if I’m going to be sparring later.” You frowned and pulled a plate from the cupboard and started piling waffles onto it. To be fair Sam always made you more food than even Thor could probably handle with ease.
“Do you want some Buck?” You asked sweetly.
Sam and Steve looked flabbergasted at the sudden turn of events while Bucky just glared at you suspiciously. You hummed lowly and opened the fridge, pulling out the bottle of syrup and holding it out to Bucky.
“Here, this is your favourite isn’t it?”
Bucky looked from you to the syrup for almost a full minute while you patiently held the bottle out to him with a kind smile on your face. Eventually he tentatively reached out and then snatched it from you. He flipped it open and sniffed it.
“What did you do to it?” He demanded.
You sighed softly and took it back from him, drizzling it on your own waffles and taking a generous bite. The action did little to sooth him and his suspicion grew. Sam and Steve had both backed away and were watching the scene with curiosity and trepidation. Bucky pulled the plate you’d set aside for him to himself and emptied half the bottle over his portion of waffles, shooting suspicious little glares at you periodically as he started digging into his second breakfast. You smiled in satisfaction.
“It’s delicious cereal but not super filling ya know? I’ll pick you up a box next time I get some if you like?” You offered.
Bucky paused with his mouth open, fork inches from his mouth. There was no bite to your tone, only friendliness. You had well and truly stumped the former assassin. Sam and Steve exchanged a glance.
“What game are you playing?” Bucky demanded.
You sighed heavily and dropped your fork, looking down at your plate with a heavy gaze
“I don’t wanna do this any more, be nasty to you. I’m done with the cruelty, done with torturing you.” You told him.
“That’s great Y/N! Hear that Buck, isn’t that great? I’m proud of you kiddo, being the bigger person here and mending fences!” Steve babbled happily.
Bucky frowned and seemed at a loss for words. You looked him in the eye and smiled brightly
“If I keep torturing you you’ll probably snap and start murdering people in cold blood again. That is you MO isn’t it?” You delivered the blow with a saccharine sweet smile.
There was absolute silence in the room as your words sunk in and you could have heard a pin drop. For a split second your cruel jibe hung in the air and you saw something flash in Bucky’s eyes, something dark and haunted. You almost wished you hadn’t said it but then you remembered the calculated way he had dissected you to Steve in the corridor. The cold and uncaring way he had labelled you. Your vindictive streak flared back up and the moment was Broken.
“Y/N!” Steve snapped your name out, horrified.
Sam let out a low whistle, he was shocked as well. Sure you and Bucky insulted each other but nobody had heard you say something so utterly cruel before. Anger and disgust filled Bucky’s features as he caught up. The rules had changed in your little hate game and he surged forwards in his eagerness to counter strike.
“Wow doll, all those years of being whipped like a dog turned you into a bitch huh?” He spat the words out at you
“BUCKY!” Steve yelped.
Sam huffed loudly and took a step forwards, puffing his chest out ready to defend you until you leaned forwards, getting into Bucky’s personal space.
“I wasn’t the one who killed on command like a well trained hound, they never broke me they way they did you. I might be a bitch but you’re the only one here with innocent blood on your hands doll.” You mocked.
A loud crack filled the room and you flinched, your eyes going down to the marble counter top where Bucky’s metal hand was gripping tightly, a large crack spidering across the surface. For a moment you faltered, your eyes going wide and for the first time you actually feared Bucky Barnes. Yes you were enhanced but you weren’t immortal and you certainly weren’t made of marble. If you pushed him too hard he could potentially really hurt you. Then his metal appendage slid out of sight and you looked up only to see Bucky’s back as he stormed out of the room. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding and looked down at your waffles and pushed them away, you appetite diminished.
“Ok what exactly did he do to deserve that?” Sam asked.
Your stomach twisted uncomfortably and you looked up at Sam with guilty eyes but Sam wasn’t looking at you he was looking to where Bucky and presumably Steve had gone. He looked back to meet your gaze and you saw nothing but concern in his eyes. Warmth bloomed through you and your heart swelled. Sam knew you well enough to know you had been provoked. Maybe you had taken it too far, maybe Bucky didn’t quite deserve that kind of retribution and you knew Sam would call you out on that later but his immediate concern was finding out what had made you snap. Silently you sent out a thanks to whatever force ruled the universe for giving the world a soul like Sam Wilson. For the second time that day you found yourself blinking back tears as you told Sam what you had overheard.
Sam pinched the bridge of his nose as he listened to you. When you finished he sighed and wrapped his arms round you in a soothing hug.
“Listen, Barnes? He’s an asshole, through and through. His words don’t mean a damn thing sweetheart. You’re not damaged, just world weary, hurt, scarred and stronger for it.”
“I know.” you mumbled into his shoulder.
Sam pulled back and put his hands on your shoulders.
“But pointing out someone else’s demons isn’t going to help you fight your own. Was Barnes out of line for what he said? Yes. But so were you. Doesn’t matter who started it Y/N, you don’t get to pick the scabs of off somebody else’s wounds just because you’re hurting. Even if they’re the ones who hurt you.” Sam admonished you firmly but not unkindly.
You knew he was right but you couldn’t find it in you to care. Were you being petty? Yes. Were you being childish? Also yes. Did you have any intention of rectifying it? Did you hell. Bucky dug his grave, you were going to bury him in it.
“Y/N.” Sam said sternly, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“I was wrong, I do know that Sammy. I do.” You assured him.
He nodded sagely.
“So you’re gonna apologise.” It came out as more of a statement that a question.
“Y/N, you just said you knew you were wrong.”
“And yet there’s not a single part of me that actually feels guilty.”
Ok so that last part was a lie. You ignored Sams pleading look and padded out of the kitchen.
“If you don’t stop this here and now it’s only going to escalate” He warned you.
You didn’t bother looking back or responding. You knew you were playing with fire but the thing was, you didn’t care if you got burned. So long as you Bucky burned right alongside you.
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The Great Ninjago Rewrite: Pilot
Here’s the thing I have been planning on working on for a long while -- the great Ninjago Pilot Rewrite! I’m almost done it, so you guys can now read this.
Long ago, the world of Ninjago was nothing. No land, no life existed. Then, a traveler from another world came to Ninjago, and with his power of Destruction and Creation created the land. With the power of Earth, he lifted the ground from the salty sea. With the power of Water, he created streams to produce Nature and the system of Nature. To prevent one species from overpowering the other, he used the Winds to create Lightning in the sky, and Poison and disease to help neuter any overpopulation problems. Finally, he introduced the concept of temperatures, allowing Death to come in after Life has expired—with Ice being cold and Fire harming anything that came in its way. Before he finished, he realized that Life required Emotion to thrive, and gave the budding Life the ability to decide their Fate. With that settled, he introduced the world the Golden and Silver Weapons he used to create Ninjago – The Scythe of Quakes, the Naginata of Tsunamis, the Tekko-Kagi of Toxins, the Hidden Sais of Tornadoes, the Nunchucks of Lightning, the Shuriken’s of Ice, and the Sword of Flames.
In the first years of life, the creator split off his power to the world, hoping that the powers wouldn’t be used for evil. Then, the creator had two sons, the eldest being born with the power of Destruction, while the second son bearing the power of Creation. As soon as they were of age, he let the Master of the Dead claim him, allowing them to protect the land as they saw it.
However, the firstborn son was cursed from a vile, corruptive power—a bite from the Great Devourer, a snake that would not stop until everything was eaten. In the wake of his father’s death, the Master of Destruction took the Silver Weapons – the destructive powers enhanced his own—and hoped to rule the world with them. His brother, the Master of Creation, fought back—with the Golden Weapons, and hoped to make him see his wrongs. When it became clear that his brother was being consumed by the venom in his body, the Master of Creation despairingly opened a Portal to the Land of Demons, hoping that, somehow, they would cure his brother from the poison in his veins.
In his grief, The Master of Creation took the Golden Weapons and hid them in their respective corners of the land, making sure to map out their locations in case he needed them again, knowing that his brother was not one to cower in another world when his kin betrayed him. The Master of Creation left the map of the Golden Weapons to an honest man, living a simple life near the hidden location of the last element created, in the hopes of one day finding the map with the next Master of Fire…
However, he never suspected that his brother had something up his sleeve, and foresaw the awakening of three Elemental Masters in that village, and made sure to take the two that he needed for his plan…
Ignacia, a village of soft winds and hot summer days, where people work in rice pools and use the elements of Wind, Fire and Water daily. It was a beautiful place, and the people would fight as well as they could as they have no protectors naturally. The village was near the mountain that housed the Fire Temple, an ancient tower that formed to protect a legendary treasure inside.
A few days before the Culture Festival – where the people celebrate their town and its growth, a time of celebrating the perfection in their lives. It was at this afternoon, that the first of three children were whisked away to adventure.
A young child no older than fifteen came up the bend to fetch a pail of water for the blacksmiths, the Four Weapons. She was a slight young girl, with traditional blue robes and black pants, carrying two buckets with her honey-tinted body. Her jade eyes shone with a sense of adventure and faint traces of love. She held in her arms a bamboo stick that carried two buckets of full water, giggling as she came up to the shop.
The Four Weapons shop was once known as the best blacksmiths in the kingdom – two legendary masters of the craft – a husband and wife – once lived in the shop, mending and creating things for all kinds of people – from the poorest to the richest, from simple farmers to even *samurai* -- soldiers for the lords in richer cities. The shop had been kept in relative good condition since the children of the original owners – Kai and Nya Hinata – took up the reins of their store. The chimney from the furnace dispelled smoke, meaning that the elder of the two was working on some new things to sell. It was one of her favourite things to watch — seeing the elder brother of the two children mess up again.
“To forge the perfect weapon…” the eldest, a teen who was half a year older than the girl outside the shop said, wearing a white t-shirt with his favourite red jeans under a blacksmith’s apron muttered to himself, his brown hair spiked like the very flames he used. His amber eyes concentrated hard on the blade to be in the forge. “You need the right metal, and plenty of heat…” Using the tweezers, he pulled out the weapon from the forge into the cooling bucket, before immediately pulling it out—causing the metal to warp completely. “Pres—ah…” he sighed, seeing the mangled mess of a sword.
The girl outside the store giggled, before another girl joined in mocking the blacksmith. She was the younger of the two, wearing a simple red Chinese dress with an obi sash around her waist, and decorated with golden Phoenixes on her left side. Her light amber eyes alight with mirth, she stated, “You made it too quickly, Kai, be patient.” She looked to the newcomer beside her, before smirking at her. “You know what father liked to say…”
“Yeah, yeah. ‘No matter how much fire you have, experience isn’t something you learn overnight’.” The blacksmith – Kai – snorted. “That may work for you, Nya, but I’m gonna be a better blacksmith than dad.” He confidently said, making the bucket girl to laugh harder.
“Please, Kai. You’re killing me.” The bucket girl set the water on the store counter top, her eyes alight with mischief as Kai retrieved the containers for his forging with a forced unamused look. “I like you, but it’s obvious you aren’t the one that’s going to run the shop.”
“Please, Kazeko. Have a little more faith in your favourite guy.” The girl – Kazeko – rolled her eyes as he flexed his muscles to her. Neither of the three kids noticed the elderly man – wearing white gi under his large straw kasa, wielding a bamboo stick as his walking stick in hand. He hummed as he looked at the merchandise, before speaking outright.
“Hmm… Your metal is loud and heavy.” The elderly man stated, causing the three to turn to him in surprise. “Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All the tools of a samurai,” He then turned toward the three with mischief in his onyx eyes. “but nothing for a ninja?”
Kai scoffed at the comments. “Ninja, huh?” he then glowered at the old man, wondering who this bozo was and why he decided to pick on him and his stock. “You’re a long way from finding any ‘ninja’, old man.” Kai smirked, before noticing that the old man was just browsing in the shop. “And the shop is called ‘Four Weapons’, not ‘For Browsing’. Either buy something or go pedal your insults somewhere else!” He snarled at the browser, wondering if he should go and get the broom for this man.
“Hm… Too bad.” The old man said, looking in Kai and Kazeko’s direction. “Thought I’d find something special here.” He said aloud, before looking at Nya carefully.
Nya gestured to Kai to show the old man the merchandise. Kai and Kazeko had turned away from the older man while searching for something that would satisfy the older man. “Well, I can show you—" As soon as Kai turned around, the man disappeared from the store, leaving the three teens confused as they turned to the spot where the old man was.
“Huh?” both Nya and Kazeko said dumbly, wondering if they saw a ghost.
“He was just… You know what, never mind.” Kai sighed, going back to work in the furnace. “Thanks for the water, Mach. Nya,” Kai turned to his sister, whom was coming up to the counter with new iron to work with. “Can you give Kimijuna here her payment?” He winked at Kazeko, who giggled at the affection.
“Yeah, yeah lover-boy. Suck it up to your water fetcher…” Nya sighed, but smirked at her brother’s affection for the girl. She did as he asked, despite the bitterness she felt with Kazeko.
“It’s alright, Junebug. You don’t need to pay me.” Kazeko said, trying to push the outstretched money back into Nya’s hands.
“But I do, Mach. It’s not fair that you haven’t found a place to stay just yet.” Kai said over the roar of the furnace. “Besides, it’s better than not being able to eat.” He whispered to himself.
“I still don’t know why you haven’t left this place, with how much you’ve wanted to explore the world, Kaze.” Nya said, getting over the counter to pick up some more iron for Kai.
“Neither do I, honestly.” Kazeko shrugged, sadly looking at Kai before leaving out of the shop with Nya. “I just feel… Better being with you guys, even if Kai and I are making goo-goo eyes in your presence.” She giggled as Nya looked at her in scorn. “I really do like it here. I just think that life’s going to become more interesting if I hang around.” She said softly, smiling softly. “Besides, someone’s gotta make sure that Kai doesn’t end up getting the both of you evicted from your family home.”
“Yeah, I do.” Nya giggled, getting a look from Kai on her back.
It seemed like a picture-perfect day in the village of Ignacia. But, as with all things in the world, that peace wasn’t meant to be.
The skies suddenly darkened, and the rattling of bones could be heard off in the distance. The rice-tenders looked to where the bone-rattling was, and found multiple skeletons riding on cars with skull and bone motifs all over the vehicles present. The roaring of the engines of each of the vehicles suddenly cut off, before revealing that literal skeletons were the ones that were driving. One of the skeletons, with a metallic eyepatch over his right eye with blue loincloth and bracers, plus some bronze spikes on his skull like a mowhawk, eagerly jumped up and down in his seat, his visible red eye swirled with deranged madness.
“Oh! Oh! I wanna murder things! Can I murder things, please Samukai?” the eye-patched skeleton asked, before being thwacked in the head by another skeleton – wearing a monocle and hardhat instead, and brown linens and loincloths.
“You dolt, you don’t need to be so hyper! Samukai,” the monocle-wearing skeleton turned to the tallest – and four-armed – skeleton behind on the vehicle. “What are we doing, here? And can I drive?” He seemed more into the second question than the first.
“No boys. This is mine.” The skeleton—Samukai—said, his smirk overpowering his underbite. “We’re after the map. Our boss said it would be near two kunochi-to-be.” Samukai looked as he said that, before zooming onto the Four Weapons shop in the distance. With a smirk, he commanded the attack, and the skeletons on the vehicles raced onward. Scaring some humans on the way to the Four Weapons shop, the skeletons screeched and hollered as they got closer, hoping to get the map without much trouble.
While the skeletons got close, Kai, Kazeko and Nya looked out to see the travelling group of skeletons coming in their direction. Kai immediately ran back into the shop, getting out the best samurai armour they had from the mannequins.
“Kai, what are those things?” Nya asked, looking to the dust cloud in the distance.
“Don’t know, but stay here, just in case.” Kai growled as he looked to the advancing cloud, wearing the samurai gear carefully. “Kazeko, take Nya and get outta here.”
Kazeko nodded, grabbing Nya by the wrist and hauling the younger girl inside. Kai immediately fought off the skeletons that tried to go after the two, knocking their skulls off as he swung his blade. One of the bodyless skulls, noticing how close he was to Kai’s red shoe, immediately bit into it.
“Argh!” Kai furiously screamed, before kicking the skull up to the sign, knocking it downward to reveal the map to Nya and Kazeko. “Bite that!” He yelled to the skull, about to fight more skeletons when he noticed that Nya and Kazeko had taken care of the two skeletons he was going to fight. “Nya, Mach! I told you to stay back!” Kai yelled at the two, slicing through the skeletons in his path.
“And what? Miss out on the fun?” Nya smirked, smacking a few skeletons in the exchange.
“Aww, come on Yosei! I wouldn’t survive if I didn’t know your condition!” Kaseko said, kicking a few skeletons in the back as well.
While the three were fighting the skeletons in the front, the two larger skeletons maneuvered through the fight to the back of the Four Weapons shop, before noticing a piece of paper on the back of the sign.
“Kruncha! Look! The map to the Golden Weapons!” the eye-patched skeleton said, grabbing the paper as well as a sword off to the side of one of the mannequins. “We’ve got this, now, let’s kill things!”
“Nuckal! We aren’t here to kill!” Kruncha thwacked Nuckal’s head, before picking up an axe from the floor. “We’re here for the map! And,” He looked outside the shop, to find the siblings and Kazeko about to finish off the last of the skulkin soldiers soon. “to grab some potential students for the Lord…” He finished, returning to the fight with Nuckal tailing behind him.
Kai and Nya ended up finishing the last skeleton together. Panting from the exertion all three had with the fight, they prepared themselves to start fighting the leader of the skeletons when Samukai launched himself in the middle, bringing up his four swords with a cruel smirk.
“Oh, great Dragoness.” All three had thought as they saw the skeleton pull out the swords. Immediately, they tried to swarm him on all sides, only to be thrown off by Samukai’s attack. Immediately, they all fell to the ground, Kai’s sword flying out of his hands, while Nya’s and Kazeko’s own daggers flew off as well. They tried to get back up, to continue fighting against the tall and monstrous being, before a golden tornado suddenly intercepts them and the hulking brute, taking it head on!
“NINJA-GO!” the tornado yelled, sounding exactly like the old man from earlier. The tornado kept up a pretty good fight, though it seemed like he was losing to the monster of a skeleton to the trio. Immediately, they grabbed their lost weapons to fight with once again.
“Wu! I knew you’d be here… You’re quite rusty with your Spinjitsu!” The leader stated, pushing the tornado back from him.
“Nothing like using bone to sharpen my blades, Samukai.” The tornado – Wu – stated, breaking both the standoff and his tornado to reveal the old man from earlier. He eyed the three near him – and the water tower right by their house. Seemed Samukai noticed the water tower as well, as he smirked while looking in the direction the trio were.
“You can only save one, Wu.” Samukai said, before throwing one of his blades at the water tower base, breaking it clean in half. Kai, Nya, and Kazeko looked up to the tower, before realizing what the monstrous skeleton had done. Immediately, Wu revved up his Spinjitsu once again.
“Ninja—GO!” Wu said, taking the trio away as best he could, pulling all three in as the water tower fell to the ground. Because of Wu’s velocity, he accidentally threw Nya and Kazeko out of the spin. Nuckal and Kruncha came in soon after, holding the map of the Four Weapons in his hands.
Samukai, noticing the map in Kruncha’s hands, immediately retreated to his big truck. “Take the girls! Lord Garmadon needs them!” he yelled to his subordinates, loud enough for Wu to hear over his oldness.
“Lord Garmadon?” Wu asked in surprise, not noticing Samukai ordering Nuckal to capture both Nya and Kazeko from his grasp.
“No! Nya! Kimijuna!” Kai yelled, about to jump onto the skeleton vehicle before they left, but they dashed off before he could go after them. Nevertheless, Kai tried to pursue, ‘try’ being the keyword, as Wu grabbed the back of his shirt to keep him from chasing after the girls. “Kimijura! NYAAAAAAA!” he collapsed then, a look of horror and fear across his face. “They took my sister and my Kimijuna…” Kai’s eyes watered as the thought crossed his mind—the one thing he never expected to happen, happened. Now, he was alone… and about to be thwacked by Wu for not listening to him.
“As I said, useless.” Wu stated, before thwacking Kai in the head. Kai immediately became furious at the elder man.
“You—You obviously know more than I! Why didn’t you use that twisty-jutsu thingy—”
“Who cares what it’s called! You didn’t save my family!” Kai got up then, his heart burning in rage and fear that shone in his eyes. Wu hummed over the look as Kai continued. “I’m going to save them.” Wu stepped in front of him then, a glower in his face as he explained the situation.
“Those skeletons are called the Skulkin, Kai. They live in a world where we cannot travel to.” Wu turned to Kai carefully. “The four-armed beast you saw there was Samukai, the King of the Skulkin. If it’s true that Garmadon has taken control of the Skulkin, then I believe things are direr than I thought…”
Kai couldn’t take it anymore. “Garmadon? Skulkin? Nothing matters more than my own sister and my own girl! I can’t leave them in those—those monsters— What did we have that was so important to them, and why did they take my family and kimijuna?” If there was tears in his eyes, Kai ignored them for a near snarl of rage.
Wu looked at Kai in distain, before ranting about the world to the poor, angered blacksmith the entire world’s history and his family… Each bit separated by death, and miserable fate…
Meanwhile, in another location…
Snow covered the expanse as two figures walked along the long-covered road, their breaths stolen by the howling blasts of wind. The white seemed endless, what little light that could break through the harsh cloud cover lighted the figure’s shadows along the path. While the figures remained in their human-like shapes (despite their darkened clothing), the shadows that could be seen had horns and tiny, bat-like wings – which neither of the two seemed to have. The figures had been walking towards a village far away from the place that housed their kind, and they couldn’t be more grateful for it. The slightly taller, with the horn in their shadow being on the left of their head, stopped for a moment, their counterpart stopping as well.
The smaller figure tilted their head, their horn in the shadow becoming longer as they moved to the left. “What’s up?” they asked, their voice having a feminine hint to it.
“…Lost the scent…” The other said, voice croaked from the harsh winter around the two. The male-sounding figure sighed, before looking at the other carefully. “At this rate, we may not find that map…”
The two both sighed at the idea, puffs of white coming out of their mouths as they looked to where they thought their location was. Suddenly, the feminine-sounding figure started to shiver forcefully.
“You shouldn’t stay out for too long, then.” A third voice stated, causing the two figures to suddenly turn around and bring out their hands out, bright balls of green and lavender brightening up the snow venomously. Both figures looked to see a young, darkly clad child with a purple streak in her dark hair. Her dark chocolate eyes shone in mirth as she watched the two figure’s faces change from fear to recognition.
“No way…” the figures both said, not noticing that the weather had cleared up fully – revealing the two as twins: the male sounding figure having blonde hair and red eyes, and the feminine sounding figure having brown hair with pink eyes. They both looked to each other, their light skin reflecting off the light in their hands, before looking back toward the smaller, almost dead looking kid.
“Lloyd,” The girl said, looking at the male carefully. She then turned toward the young girl. “Rei… Want to see Papa?” the child asked, her mouth twitching to a semblance of a smile – hard to tell with the bone mask that covered her face. Immediately, the two – Lloyd and Rei – relaxed, the balls of green and lavender light disappearing immediately.
“Spectra? W-what do you mean see Dad?” The male – Lloyd – asked, his horn and wings suddenly appearing to the girl. The brown-haired girl – Rei – did the same, revealing that her horn was on the right side of her head.
“If you don’t remember, Grissie, we can’t enter that world – not like you can.” Rei stated, her voice getting grumpier in frustration.
Spectra gave Rei a look, before returning to her cheerful state. “Don’t worry! Papa taught me how to take more than one person into the portal! I can take you right now, if you want?” She asked carefully, knowing that the two wouldn’t want to pass it up for the world.
As expected, the two had thought for a moment, before nodding. With a battle axe given to her by the Skullkin, Spectra instantly cleaved the ground, allowing the three people to pass through safely without incident. The only thing that was left of the three’s existence was the mark left by the axe, which had gotten eaten up with the storm that returned.
The next day, halfway up the Mountains of Impossible Height…
Kai grunted as he climbed up the mountain, wondering whomever had the bright idea to try climbing up an impossibly tall mountain range just to prove themselves. Then, the brunette reminded himself that he had been the one to decide that, after the conversation with Wu last night. Speaking of which, where was—
“Patience, young Firestarter.” Wu stated, leaving Kai in the dust momentarily as he breezed through the climbing. Right, they were talking about the agency of their mission, considering that the Skullkin stole the map and Kai’s sibling and girlfriend. They reached the top, to find a beautiful, intricate monastery made what looked to be out of marble, with red roofing and a red door decorated with golden dragon symbols. Dragon heads made up the door handles, their mouths carrying a ring to pull on as Wu did. “You will be ready, when you are ready. Not a minute sooner.” Wu then looked to the stunned Kai, before moving toward an intricate golden dragon statue beside the main entrance to the building.
“Are… Are we really fighting in a place of peace?” Kai asked, wondering if the feelings he had were for disturbing the serene area.
“Not fighting, training.” Wu said, as if that made it any better. “Firestarter, in order to become a true ninja, you must first be able to see what others do not.” Kai noticed the title that Wu had given him that moment, about to question Wu on the title.
“Wait, why are you calling me—”
Then, the elder suddenly pulled the hand of the dragon statue, causing a massive line of deadly turnabouts and spinning dummies to surface in the monastery’s courtyard, startling Kai. In the middle was a carousel outfitted with many deadly, poking things – and a couple of outfitted dummies. Kai couldn’t help but be amazed at the machinery involved, as every bit of the contraption spun around with the rotation of the carousel.
“Woah!” Kai awed, momentarily forgetting his question. “Is this how you’re going to teach me that spinny thing?” the brunette asked, getting up toward the poles that were bobbing up and down, managing to land on one before it threw the former blacksmith off.
“Complete the training course before I finish my tea.” Wu stated, slurping the hot beverage for extra effect as he winced at Kai’s failure. “Unfortunately, today you’ve failed. We’ll start again tomorrow.” The elder man stated, before retiring back into the monastery in full. Kai looked to the so-called wise man in confusion, picking himself up and dusting himself off.
In the Underworld…
Wearily, Nya carefully opened her eyes, her head pounding and her back sore from resting on rocks. Her mind caught the smell of ancient blood and an undead sense of smell, suddenly making the raven-haired girl to cough loudly out of her slumber. As soon as she did, Nya recognized the layout of the place – dark, forboding place, the walls splattered with dried blood and a musky, tomb-like scent. Nya shivered as she looked beyond her cell – for how she could not see the bone bars keeping her captive in this region? – and found the young girl who made her brother happy in a cell opposite from hers. Kazeko looked forlorn over the whole situation, har body leaning on the bone bars as she peered off in the distance. Immediately, Nya sprang to her feet, reaching her own bars and trying to get Kaze’s attention.
“Mach! Are you okay?” Nya frantically asked, worried about her good friend’s odd look. Despite how she felt about Kazeko dating her brother, Nya knew that whatever was going on with the both was less important than their situation. Kazeko seemed to think the same, as she looked to Nya with a relieved smile on her face.
“Junebug! I’m glad you’re awake!” Kazeko happily said, her face brightening up. “All I had to talk to be my own shadow, and you know how much a conversationalist she is.” She giggled at her own remark, causing Nya to chuckle a bit as well. “Nya…” Kazeko said solemnly, reminding Nya of the situation. “Can’t you feel it? the call of… something in this place, talking to us…”
“Kaze, what –” As soon as Nya asked the question, a soothing melody that sounded like waves entered her head, almost overtaking her thoughts. “W-what is that?” She asked, freaking out over the siren’s call.
“I-I don’t…” Kazeko tried to plug her ears, feeling an almost flute-like, excited song in her own head.
“Ah, I see both the Watersiren and the Windfarer have awakened…” A gravely, disturbing voice called out to the two, quieting the songs in their heads. “To think, that you two would be where the Firestarter was as well. As much as I would have loved to take him along, his sense of Justice would have shut out anything I told him…” The figure was at the entrance of the cells, an armoured samurai helmet rested on his head. Black skin covered most of his body, his ribs outlining his chest badly. The only other article of clothing the newcomer had was torn gi pants, burnt and shredded from something – yet kept together to keep the man’s dignity. His red eyes glowed with an air of malicious intent yet shone with a hint of fatherly love. The markings on his face, on the other hand, made the intent stand out more than anything else.
“Who – who the Grand Oni are you?” Nya was the first to ask, her expression barely hiding the fear she felt from the man. Kazeko looked over the man’s shoulder to find two kids behind him, both looking erringly similar…
“I am Lord Garmadon, my dear Watersiren…” The being – Garmadon – stated, looking at her carefully and gesturing to the figure behind him for something. “And you two are going to become part of my own little group, as long as you have this…” As soon as it was placed in his hand, Garmadon revealed a beautiful, untarnished silver naginata to Nya, reveling in the look of aww and wonder as it sang the soothing song it had sung for her. Behind him, the two figures looked over to Kazeko, revealing themselves to be Lloyd and Rei from earlier.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this yet, Miss Windfarer.” Lloyd smirked, holding up silver gloves with a compartment that contained beautiful, claw-like sais. “Can’t have you running back to your boyfriend without being trained to fight him, too.” He winked at Kazeko, knowing she was too busy looking at the sais to hear what he just said. However, Nya did hear him.
“Wait, what do you mean—”
Garmadon took back the naginata – as did Lloyd with the sais – when both girls tried to grab the now-shrieking weapons. “The weapons are useless without knowledge of their corresponding elements, that’s what makes them the Silver Weapons that helped shape the world.” He winked to Rei, before looking back at Nya’s seeking gaze. “When I start your training, you will be bound to a specific contract that I have outlined to all the Weapons when I was dragged down. I’d hate to think how’d you be if you fail it…” He warned the two, before immediately throwing the naginata into Nya’s cell, allowing the spell to take effect as she touched the Silver Weapon. Lloyd did the same, shoving the gloves into Kazeko’s awaiting hands and watching the effects of his father’s magic take place. The magic roared around the two, binding them to the clause that Garmadon had threatened the two as it swarmed around them. When it died down, the two had looked no different than they had been before, save for the hint of a few markings lining their dominant hands -- Garmadon’s head as a symbol in black ink.
“Oh, my head…” Nya said once the smoke cleared, feeling a sense of protect them, help them swelling in her mind. Immediately, she looked to Lloyd and Rei, the both of whom looking at her expectantly, and bowed silently. “I swear on this Weapon, I’ll make sure to see you safe.” Her voice droned on, but a hint of relief came when she saw the two smiling excitedly.
“Dad! The spell worked!” Rei excitedly yelped, jumping up and down as they saw Kazeko mimic what Nya did as well.
“Good, good. My Defenders, rise.” The two rose, still looking at his charges with a fondness he wished he could express. “We’ll begin your training; better to show you how to better protect my children, then using magic to immediately learn it.” Garmadon immediately took the hands of his eldest son and daughter, a soft, non-villainous feeling as the three turned to stride out of the cells, the new guards following behind them.
Three weeks after, at the top of the Mountains of Impossible Height…
Kai grunted as he went through the training regimen from Yomi once again, his face contorted into a visage scowling at the carousel of death. His thoughts at how the first bit of training went sprung to mind, and the many failures that he endured before he managed to figure out the system. The first five times, Kai failed at the start, with the bamboo shooting him out into the air. The next week, Kai had failed at the carousel of death with it’s merciless dummies, having ended up being knocked back as soon as he hit the side of the carousel instead. The past week, he managed to get past those things, only to nearly get skewered by the spears that were being shot out (luckily, they were just bamboo sticks, but Kai was starting to get hit too many times to tell). And all those moments rounded to Wu immediately finishing his drink before Kai could get up again. Now, Kai had a plan to keep Wu from failing him on the spot, but it needed the precise moment…
There! Just as Wu sat down to start drinking his tea, Kai immediately threw a rock into his cup, shattering the cremated beverage holder and forcing Wu to get up to get another one. Immediately, Kai took the opportunity to take the course again, this time getting through each part of the course with tremendous ease. Like a house cat, he gracefully moved with the motions of the course, keeping himself steady on the shooting bamboo, and frolicking – yes, frolicking – through the carousel of death like a jaguar ready to strike. Kai smirked as he galivanted like a cheetah through the maze of buzz saws and maces, before finally pouncing on the last dummy like the tiger he was meant to be, arriving back at the start just as Wu absently looked for his missing teapot. With the smirk of a content lion, Kai held up the teapot in his hands, his smirk growing bigger as Wu realized what he had done.
“Was it one sugar, or two?” Kai asked smarmily, amber eyes alight with mirth. Wu couldn’t help but be proud of how the young boy handled the course. Kai immediately gave the master the teapot back, watching as Wu poured a cup of green tea for both himself and the excited student.
“Well done, Firestarter.” Wu congratulated, giving Kai his own cup before sipping his drink. “You’ve managed to pass, and the fastest I’ve seen!” He gave a wink at the boy, before going on. “We’ll start looking for the Golden Weapons tomorrow. Go and get some rest.” With that, Wu immediately brought Kai up into the monastery, taking the tea-set he had with him.
“H-huh? But what about teaching me Spinjitsu?” Kai asked, bewildered that Wu put him through a course for three weeks without teaching him anything.
“You’ve already learnt it.” Wu cryptically said, puzzling Kai further. “For now, get some rest. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.” Wu retreated to his room, far away from Kai’s bemusement and questioning voice.
Later, at night…
Heart a little unsure, but the feeling of the creature he awakened in his head never left him as Kai got ready for bed, feeling antsy over the cryptic message left by Wu. In his fire-red pyjamas, Kai carefully took his toothbrush and cleansed his teeth of any disease or germs in his mouth. The words of his master echo through his mind, making the feeling in his heart ignite with a sense of anger.
“Get some sleep? How about I don’t!” Kai angerly said, before throwing a series of moves about with his toothbrush as his practice weapon. In his frustration, he barely noticed the door to his room opening, allowing a dark-clothed figure to enter his room. “Let’s go!” Kai thrusted his make-shift sword into an imaginary enemy—possibly Samukai—as the figure settled into place. Another dark-clothed figure entered through Kai’s open window, pulling out a pair of shuriken’s and waiting for the moment to strike. “I want to save her!” Kai punctuated that last bit with another thrust of the tooth brush, only to hit a dark-clothed ninja behind him… one with a very big, very sharp scythe in his hands.
The fire died inside of him, as Kai realized the situation that was about to happen. “Oh…” he said, uncharacteristically softly.
  ***Part 1 End***
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hello-galad · 4 months
Hello friends, here i am again with my headcanons that no one asked for:
Ilfana and Gast dressed Vincent when Hojo decided to lock him in the coffin.
First things first, I think after being killed, Vincent was given the Jenova cells. He was their test dummy before Sephiroth. Vincent was revived and got enhanced like SOLDIER do and THEN Lucretia decided to put the three demonic entities inside him to see if his body could be a vessel for them so they could study them, like they had been doing when Grimoire died. Shocking everyone, Vincent was able to stand them and that is when Lucretia puts Chaos in him. Chaos latched onto Vincent as his host/connection to the physical planet and obviously refused to cooperate with them proving to them that they couldn’t control them even when in a physical body.
Nothing new was figured out about Chaos or the other entities, no more than they already knew and that is when Lucretia starts spiraling down because a) she just had a baby. Also, they have been experimenting on from said baby from day one. Vincent tried to stop them and they killed him and b) She has caused the death of not one but TWO Valentines. The last Valentine currently strapped to a surgical bed screaming his throat out while her hubby probably takes an organ out to see how much Vincent can take.
I think Lucretia loved Sephiroth, but she also loved the magnificent being he could become once the experimentation was complete, those feelings clashed inside her brain until she decided she couldn’t take it anymore, says nope and goes to die in a cave.
Hojo is ANGRY, then. He blames Vincent for being the cause Lucretia is dead. Let’s remember that Dr. Lucretia Crescent was one of the top scientist at Shinra and a key scientist of the Jenova project. So Hojo starts experimenting with Vincent in earnest. He takes many organs to see if and how they regenerate, cuts him up and sews him up. He is trying to control his transformations, the demons inside him but he can’t. Eventually his body can’t take it anymore and Vincent ‘dies’. Truth is, Chaos puts him in a sort of coma to preserve his psyche because they are tired of the scientist prodding around, ruining the body that hosts him.
Gast and Ilfana (who was not in the lab but was living with Gast there) dress him up in a way that resembles Grimoire’s attire as a fucked up way (but kind of understandable) to say sorry to both father and son, after all Gast is a scientists and just like Lucretia, he believes that what they are doing will ultimately be worth the means since they are creating something that will revolutionize everything. Hojo expects to be able to retake his experiments on him in the future, although with Vincent dead, they don’t know if the entities inside him have left too.
They give lock him up in the coffin inside the Nibelheim mansion in Grimoire’s coat and scarf, which now hides a head wound…you see I believe Hojo shot him in the chest when Vincent threatened the Jenova program, he thought that it was Hojo who had brainwashed Lucretia into giving her own child to be a test subject. Vincent doesn’t die from a bullet to the chest. He dies from a bullet to the head from Lucretia who can’t allow him to have the program closed.
Let’s remember that Lucretia is a scientist, she is not in love with Vincent, she is not in a love triangle because she rejected Vincent’s love for her. This is the project she has worked for for years, the Chaos project was a failure but this could be it!
Vincent is the one in love with her, a love that probably was born of infatuation and as I like to headcanon as a promise Vincent made to Grimoire before he died. He promised his father he would protect Lucretia, Grimoire already knew they were working with dangerous things and he wanted her to be safe. (Because daddy issues make people do weird things and if his relationship with his father was already strained and Vincent failed in the one thing he promised his father, he truly believes he has to atone for his sins i.e. getting Lucretia killed by not being able to protect her even from herself. Also, he feels guilty about Sephiroth, in his head he could have stopped the Jenova project and spared him but he got distracted and he, Shinra’s best marksman, was killed of a gunshot because he couldn’t control his emotions and underestimated a dangerous person.
Now, here is something I like to think about: just like it happens when people are subjected to abuse by the person they love or have created an attachment to: selective memory. Vincent starts making excuses for her in his head. He blacks out the fact that Lucretia shot and also experimented on him as a way to cope. It is until the events of DoC that he has to face everything and he accepts the truth and lets go of her for good.
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armoured-iron-geek · 7 years
Tony Stark is the Soul Stone: Is He Though?
Probably not.
But how FUN would it be if he was?
I can certainly see where people are coming from when they say:
That Howard’s sentiment of ‘What is and will always be my greatest creation, is you’ could possibly be a cryptic message to Tony that there is something else to him, i.e Howard crafting the Soul Stone into a child.
There’s also the fact that Howard and Maria seemed to choose to have a child rather late into their lives...perhaps too late for Maria to conceive, so they decided to improvise? 
Tony being a fellow Stone could explain why Loki wasn’t able to use the Mind Stone on him in Avengers 1. Again, I kinda have to agree. How come Clint’s body armour wasn’t able to prevent him being possessed, but whatever type of glass that covers the arc reactor was able to protect Tony? That’s either foreshadowing something, or just clumsy writing-take your pick.
There’s two things I can think of that could support this theory too:
How many fucking times can a baseline human survive things he really should have died of? Tony isn’t protected by enhancements like Cap or Bucky or T’Challa, so the fact that he has experienced having his chest ripped apart by shrapnel, poisoning, suffocation, suffocation in space, falling from a human-killing height, having the arc reactor pulled out and most recently, getting the shit kicked out of him by two super soldiers and a Vibranium shield shoved into him with a force that should have cracked a rib straight into his heart and is still alive is a fucking miracle.
When given a bit of distance, Tony has a knack for reading people by purposely looking deeper into what makes them tick. When Tony meets Peter Parker, despite the time-crunch and pressure he’s under, he doesn’t just walk into the apartment, blackmail the teen, then set off for Leipzig. Tony sits down and asks what drives Peter to do the superhero thing and is genuinely interested, he wants to connect because if they can’t connect, then Tony can’t trust. 
I’m not saying the other Avengers wouldn’t do the same thing, I’m just pointing out that this approach seems something the embodiment of the Soul Stone would do. Tony’s a soulful guy when you think about it. It took a three month hell-trip to Afghanistan to kick start it, but nowadays, all Tony tries to do is become better by helping others:
Immediately sees the humanity in the Hulk and encourages Bruce Banner to stop running because he understands what it’s like to have demons that cause huge destruction.
Was willing to sacrifice his life for the world without second guessing the decision.
Does his best to take Pepper’s feelings into account in their relationship (IM3)
Biggest fear is living to see all his friends dead because he feels without them, he is nothing.
Co-creates an AI that was supposed to protect the Earth, but then the Mind Stone and Wanda just had to fuck that up.
Approves of the Accords to, again, protect the Earth by bringing people together who can protect it while also having 1/3 of the Earth being on good terms with the heroes.
Tries desperately to appeal to Steve, still seeing the good in him until Cap gives him a reason to see otherwise.
Despite Siberia, by Homecoming, Tony doesn’t seem as spiteful and mad as most people would be in that situation.
Tries to keep Peter Parker on the down low so that he can work his way up to the big stuff in a healthy incline. Also, wants this optimistic teenager to be better than him in probably every possible way.
The so-called “evidence” is sketchy at best, but if Tony was in fact the Soul Stone all along, it could create some fun plot scenarios in Infinity War.
Tony and Thanos having the same or similar connection as Harry Potter and Voldemort. Tony’s known that there’s a powerful entity out there in the universe, but once Thanos begins to collect the Stones, as the Soul Stone, Tony can sense Thanos’ movements and has physical reactions to the Stones coming closer together.
Tony has no idea what he is, but begins to suspect something’s up when the Time Stone freezes time, but doesn’t affect Tony at all and leaves him astounded by the frozen people around him.
Thanos uses some kind of radar to detect the Stones, giving him visions of their locations and is confused when a mortal Terran pops up. Tony’s just as confused (and terrified) and it leads to some awkward conversations.
The more the other Stones are used,more of the Soul Stone’s abilities are awakened and soon Tony finds himself able to see deep into the people around him, among other things.
They finally work out what is going on during a battle when Tony loses his cool and rips the souls out of the enemy, effectively killing them. This was involuntary, Tony was just terrified and wished the enemy would give them a break. It’s Doctor Strange who puts two-and-two together.
Thanos gains the upper-hand with a McGuffin and threatens to kill everyone if they don’t give up the Soul Stone. Tony turns himself in because he'd rather give everyone a final chance to win then protect himself and live for eternity knowing he brought about his own worst nightmare.
Now in Stone form on the Gauntlet, an impassioned speech from Peter Parker re-awakens the humanity in the Soul Stone. Thanos tries to use all the Stones at once, but the essence of Tony overpowers the other Stones by “shorting them out” every time they power up. The Gauntlet backfires on Thanos and saves the galaxy, but accidentally warps the reality of it.
The Gauntlet explodes and the Stones separate again.In a post credits scene, we see Peter recovering from the War and discovering that he is now in possession of the Soul Stone because there’s no one else Tony would trust with the power.
In Avengers 4, Peter approaches Doctor Strange and Wong to see if they can help get Tony back into his human form because Thanos is steadily becoming a problem again.
 Crikey, that kinda went further than I originally intended!
As fun as this theory is, at the end of the day, it’s kinda far-fetched. It’s far more likely that Tony finds the Soul Stone first and attempts to protect it, which would explain why he is featured on that promo art.
Ah well, on with speculating! 
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dontcallmecarrie · 7 years
Fic Idea: The Fix-it Version [I Probably Won't Be Writing Because I Can't Do Romance To Save My Life]
Warnings: mental health issues, dubious morality, probably OOC in some places, extreme/severe Wanda bashing [which culminates in character death; if that’s not your cup of tea, sorry, maybe next time?], a JARVIS that’s uncomfortably close to Skynet, and a mindtrip of epic proportions [that can probably be classified as cruel and unusual torture, Inception-style]. Semi-canon compliant, through a certain point of view, though with shameless timeline fudging.
...On the plus side, there’s also Science Bros [kinda], and Team As Family feels? 
[The attempt at romance in here could fit with probably any pairing, I just picked this one because I used to ship it a lot harder in the past.]
Also, heads up for a very, very long post. [Sorry about that.]
Edited only to put in a cut, because I’m not kidding as to how long this is.
Tony Stark was a genius.
It was a fact of which there was no doubt, he had the test results from age three to prove it, even his greatest critics were forced acknowledge his intellect. Not to mention his impressive track record involving new patents and elements, or that one of the media's names for him was "the Da Vinci of our day"-- he was a genius, full stop.
That the world somehow forgot was another matter.
Sure, he was surrounded by superpowered people—gods and spies and doctors with breathtaking anger issues— but it still got old, the way everyone seemed to forget his multiple doctorates with each explosion. His laundry list of awards, hell, the new element he’d created, seemed to get overshadowed by the people he ran with. [To be fair, it'd be kind of hard to see past the Crown Prince of Asgard, but still.]
Point is, his brain's wired differently. It may sound arrogant, but it was true. Tony Stark had a gift that let him interact with the world on a level far beyond most mortals' ken, was able to take and assimilate data and work miracles.
Reason this all comes up is because a) that meant mental health issues were a special sort of hell, and, b) Wanda really didn't know what the fuck she was doing when she tried to screw with his mind.
What I’m getting to is this:
Tony never really snapped out of the initial mind-whammy Wanda hit him with, back in Sokovia.
It wasn't something she'd expected; she'd practiced with plenty of people, and yet the one guy she'd sworn revenge against for years gave a single panicked gasp, before slumping over and promptly going comatose.
Here's the thing: Wanda hadn't accounted for how his mind would accept the data presented. Like all other things, Tony's gift for rapidly processing and assimilating other input took this newest development, and proceeded to take it and run with it.
Tony's trapped in his head, stuck with only his inner demons and Wanda's malice. He doesn't notice; between his PTSD, and the way his greatest strengths are now being used against him, Tony only knows he's being confronted with his worst nightmares being turned reality, and the worst part is? It's a prison of his own making.
Every single subconscious fear is being dragged to the forefront, from betrayal to his own inadequacy at protecting those he loves. He's being torn down again and again by strangers wearing familiar faces, and Tony knows something's off but he can't quite pinpoint what and… and it's getting to the point where part of him's so bone-tired he sometimes can't help but wonder: would death would really be that much harder? Because as time goes by, he's getting so, so worn and he's so alone, that he's nearing his breaking point. [Just like Wanda had wanted him, in that moment when she'd thoughtlessly toyed with the very fragile and very powerful thing that was Tony's mind.]
There's just one problem: Wanda did her job too well.
See, JARVIS was the first to notice something was so, fundamentally wrong: Sir's readings had flickered erratically, but then after the female Enhanced had taken her leave, he had remained unresponsive to his increasingly desperate attempts to get his attention. Even as he notified the Avengers to this newest development, however, he set to scouring the world for the Dead Person Walking who'd dared to harm Sir. [He'd eviscerate them, would make them bleed and burn the world with a smile if it meant Sir's safety, Sir, please, wake up—]
The Avengers aren't ones to take this lying down, either.
Clint's especially vicious, at first; he's the first one to reach Tony, sees the fading traces of red in his eyes, remembers when his world had become awash with blue, and his hands don’t shake when he takes a shot at the fleeing duo [even though he so, desperately wants to]. The cry of pain he hears is vaguely cathartic, but vanishes the moment he hears Tony's first whimper and something is Not Right, this is beyond his pay grade, he needs backup stat!
Natasha's expression is blank, and that was everyone's first tip as to how furious she was. She hasn't let go of her phone, between keeping her friends updated [Pepper had cried when she'd heard Tony wouldn't wake], and scouring her contacts list for anyone who might have a shred of a clue as to how to help. She refused to give up on her friends, and Tony'd shared his coffee with her more than once at three in the morning, and they'd commiserated about tough choices and bloody pasts and second chances one too many times for her to consider him anything but.
Bruce is taking readings. He hasn't stopped, because the alternative is looking at the too-still and far-too-silent figure on the bed rather than the data, and if he does that… they'd have to deal with the Other Guy, who has some Strong Opinions as to his favorite person's current state— no, make that their favorite person: Bruce is very reserved, can't afford to be anything else, but somehow, despite everything, Tony'd managed to wriggle past his defenses with his constant chatter and Star Trek references and snacks and if he thought about it too much he'd have another Code Green, nope, focus on those brainwave patterns and see what he could do—
Thor had rushed to Asgard with the Scepter in tow, intent on returning with assistance, because Midgard was still so young in so many ways but he knew what branch of magic Lord Anthony had been a victim of, had heard Loki mention it offhandedly once or twice in their youth when showing off the power of enchantments, and there had to be a healer or magician willing to help—
Steve, meanwhile, has been taking it the worst: he'd been bantering with the team not five minutes before, and now he's seeing Clint, sharp and brittle in a way that was dangerously similar to the New York fiasco, and snarling about magic and oh god that was Tony.
Steve's heart had stuttered when he saw his body, and Natasha's bumping shoulders with Clint in an effort to help calm him down and Bruce looks like he's about as controlled as ever, but Steve's just. Drowning.
Because he's lost another friend, now; he'd just started to heal from Bucky's death, when the HYDRA reveal happened, and Tony'd been there for him afterwards, had been a good friend and helped him and Sam in their search. Tony'd been one of the last reminders of his past, had been a walking memorial of the generosity of an old friend [for all that Tony had hated to talk about his father, he was the spitting image of the man Steve had known, in some ways], and now? He's just…lost.
Steve had been talking to Natasha and JARVIS as to how to break it to Tony gently about his growing suspicions about HYDRA's involvement in Howard's death.
 [maybe it wasn't the Winter Soldier who did it, in this reality; maybe it was someone at the party who'd kept smiling and upping the alcohol content in Howard's drinks, and had sabotaged the brake fluid in his car instead. Thing is, Tony's head is a scary place, and with his growing paranoia and Wanda's influence, he can't help but jump to the worst-case scenario]
And ditto as to his possible crush that Natasha may or may not have been teasing him about for months. The crush that had merited multiple pitying looks from the team, because apparently he'd been very unsubtle in his attempts at hiding it, even if Tony had never noticed because the man was surprisingly obtuse in anything that vaguely smacked of emotions. Yeah, that crush. The one he'd put on the backburner, and was now bitterly regretting it.
So, yes, Steve wasn't doing well.
Time passes, and Thor comes and goes in his forays to seek out help. In doing so, however, the Avengers are only freaking out more and more, because with every hour that passes, Tony's condition only gets worse. His body's visibly getting more stressed, Bruce's tests have him hitting the tea more than ever before in an attempt to get a grip, and Steve hates seeing Tony like this but can't bear to leave [or let go of his hand].
JARVIS was especially distressed when, a few hours into his not-coma, Sir started to cry and call for him, and he'd never felt more helpless than when his sobs tapered off and mutters of a 'Vision' started. In his frustration, he dedicates more firepower towards finding the Dead Person Walking, and redoubles his search for anyone capable of doing anything.
It takes JARVIS less than three days, for him to find Wanda. It takes even less time, to capture her. Natasha is more than happy to aid him in interrogating her, and if the realization that she didn't know what she had done resulted in yet another corpse in a now-abandoned HYDRA bunker? Well...the instigator's death had no effect on Sir's condition meant it was no loss, at any rate. [That she'd shown absolutely no regret about having hurt Sir on such a fundamental level was only part of why JARVIS hadn't been particularly concerned about it all.]
More time passes, and the Avengers are growing increasingly desperate. Bruce had been forced to abscond to the Hulk-proof room after his latest set of readings, because Tony'd been showing all the warning signs for an impending heart attack despite their best efforts to help, and Steve's now going for a new streak in 'number of punching bags broken in an hour'.
Clint and Natasha are only marginally better off; having the knowledge that the witch was dead did something for Clint's peace of mind, but seeing Tony suffer was still grating on his nerves, and their spars grow increasingly vicious as time goes on. [If Steve wasn't even worse off, he'd have been staring in shock; as it was, he could only offer a tired smile when he saw them from his spot in the gym.]
Then, Thor returns with a name: Kamar-Taj.
Apparently, the Earth had magic as well, though it'd been hidden remarkably well. JARVIS takes this newest development, and runs with it as far as possible. The Quinjet was in India within the hour, with Bruce and Natasha calmly making their way to where JARVIS had identified a possible location. Clint's busily guarding Tony and keeping an eye on Steve, who'd wanted to go but was self-aware enough to know he wasn't the best guy for the job at the moment, and Thor was too conspicuous for it too.
Bruce knew enough Hindi to get by without too many weird looks, and the look in Natasha's eyes is enough to keep any potential muggers at bay. They find it quickly, and the wary questions they're asked means they're ushered to a darkened room in short order. Another terse few minutes of conversation finally have the Ancient One, alongside her right-hand man, walking back with the duo. [Bruce has to quell his knee-jerk reaction to run when he feels how everyone's attention when he mentions Thor's mention of 'mind magics' and something about stones? Man, he hated magic.]
A quick portal [that had the Avengers shifting and tensing uneasily when it'd opened, because hello security concerns] trip later, and Steve is a hairsbreadth away from snapping when the Ancient One surges backwards from where she'd run a few cursory hands near Tony's head.
"Who did this?" She asked, devastated fury evident in her tone and the way her companion moved to protect her. "This is an unspeakable act, punishable by death."
"They're dead." Clint replied, cold smile on his face and rolling an arrow [one of Tony's designs, one he'd been fiddling with before Sokovia] between his fingers.
"Good," the Ancient One bites out, "this is a travesty. It's mentioned in our archives, but only strong magicians with years of training even dare approach this, and only ever for healing purposes."
"Is there anything you can do?" Thor asked, "Few mages in Asgard specialize in this branch, and among that number the ones I knew who were capable of it are dead."
She looks at them, at the desperate look in their eyes, at the weariness in Bruce's face and the tension in Steve's frame and utter blankness in Natasha's expression, and smiles.
"Yes. It requires a lot of delicacy and preparation, especially for something that's lasted as long as this, but yes. Your friend is strong; it's been centuries since a human's been recorded with being under this, and they all died within three days."
Steve dented his chair when he sat back down, while Natasha merely tilted her head and replied, "It's been a week."
That added to the urgency, apparently: the Ancient One shared a look of horrified awe with Mordo, and set to work making their various preparations. Within the hour, they were ready, and when she asked if they would permit some of Kamar-Taj's students to observe the enchantment necessary for it, the team had a hurried, hushed debate.
"Please use your discretion. Only those who would not impede the process, I suppose." Natasha finally said, electing to be the Avenger's spokesperson [now that Tony was out of commission nope don't think about it—].
Steve didn't leave Tony's side until a few minutes before the ritual started; and then, he couldn't look away from the growing circle and only blinked when the light got too close to blinding even for him, and when he heard a quietly heartbroken "so was I" and a scream Thor had to help hold him down to keep from interfering.
Clint, meanwhile, shifted the entire time, antsy about magic and couldn't help but envy Bruce for stepping outside [the Other Guy was even less of a fan of magic than he was, and that took effort], and trying not to stare too openly at one of the students who'd elected to watch the ceremony. It was kind of hard, actually; he'd introduced himself as Dr. Stephen Strange, but in the minutes that it'd taken for Mordo to finish setting up the room, Clint couldn't help but notice the way the man hadn't stopped with the questions [much like Tony had with Thor nope nope he'd wake up dammit—] and it was uncanny, especially with the Van Dyke the man was sporting.
The ceremony's completed, and Tony's heart stopped partway through.
Fortunately, apparently Strange had actually been a medical doctor in the past, and between him, Bruce, and the Iron Man suit JARVIS had  commandeered to help in this endeavor, restarting it was less stressful than the past few hours had been.
"He should wake soon," the Ancient One told them, "make sure he takes it easy while he recovers, it's not often that people survive a death-curse."
The Avengers in general thanked her profusely, and JARVIS did the same. Then, at long last, they went home.
Tony wakes up to JARVIS' voice updating him about New York's weather forecast and stock prices and his relief of his latest change in status, with the familiar beeping of a heart monitor in the background. [Well, now familiar, at least, between Rhodey and Happy and nope—]
"Hey, Vision, where you at?"
"Sir, who is this 'Vision' you speak of? It is currently May—"
Tony sat up abruptly, heart starting to hammer again as he took in his surroundings. "Vision, where am I? This isn't funny."
"Sir, I am JARVIS. Do you require medical assistance?"
Tony froze from where he'd been running a hand through his hair. "JARVIS?" He breathed, and then looked around again carefully, "Oh, god. I lost it, didn't I?"
JARVIS was alarmed when Sir started laughing, and then his breath hitched and he started crying.
As such, it was perfectly understandable that he urged the Avengers to hurry; Mr. Barton and Ms. Romanov had been sparring in the gym while Capt. Rogers had been coming back from lunch, and Thor was currently in the middle of yet another Q&A session with the Ancient One concerning possible extraplanetary threats and magic.
Tony was barely getting his bearings back, and wondering what the hell was going on, when the door burst open, and what the fuck?!
He couldn't quite hide a flinch when Steve surged towards him, relief evident on his face, and…what.
Why was he being hugged? Was this another attempt to kill him, wasn't Siberia enough? What the— why was Natasha smiling? No, strike that; why was Clint smiling? Bruce was here?! And why was he hearing JARVIS' voice from the walls and not from Vision, again?
"Oh, god. I've really lost it this time, haven't I?"
The story comes out, of course.
Tony doesn’t know why Steve refuses to let him go if at all possible, but the part of him that hopes this isn't just some nervous breakdown isn't shy about enjoying the hugs [even if they got almost too tight in some parts, like when his voice broke when talking about Ultron, or the Civil War and it was all his fault—] and the way the team didn't seem to hate him [for once].
Actually…Tony isn't sure if he's really lost it, but he's also not sure if he wants to find out. Because here, JARVIS lives, and Rhodey can walk, and people actually listen to him about his worries and actually seem to care—
Clint and Natasha share a Look, the more Tony goes on. [Clearly, they'd been too merciful, when dealing with Wanda.]
Bruce greeted Tony with a smile, and then gave him some personal space: he knew him well enough to know it'd be appreciated, and what with the way the rest of the team was acting, Tony'd be lucky if he so much as went to the bathroom without an armed escort for the rest of the year.
Thor, when he arrives, tries to wrap Tony up in a hug—which makes for a dicey situation, because Steve refuses to let him go and Natasha and Clint are also a lot more likely to try to cuddle right now after the scare they all had. There may or may not be a small battle royale going on in the living room for the best spot on the couch, whenever Tony so much as gets up for a glass of water.
[aka Tony gets all the hugs]
Steve, meanwhile, is just as bad as JARVIS regarding his willingness to let Tony out of his eyesight. That is to say, he's very unwilling to do so. As in, barely willing to let him out of arms' distance, and that'd been before he'd heard about Tony's ordeal. [He hadn’t noticed Tony's flinch at first, but it's not until he heard about the 'Civil War', and Siberia that it hits home, just why he'd reacted that way, and it hurts.]
JARVIS has been in Sentry Mode since Sokovia. He has yet to let Sir out of his sensors' range, and the odds of that ever happening lower with each day that passes. Not that Sir's complaining; more than once, he'd simply called, "JARVIS?" just to hear a response, and seemed to take comfort in his updates about the situation.
Colonel James 'Rhodey' Rhodes had been in the middle of a mission, when JARVIS informed him of Tony's coma. If it hadn't been so sensitive, he would've up and vanished, but as it was he was the only thing between a warlord and a poor province until backup arrived, and though he burned to leave ASAP, he couldn't. [Tony'd never forgive him.]
The moment the op was over, though, and the people were safe, James pushed his suit to the limit to get to Tony's side, where his best friend was awake and coherent and rushing in for a tight hug just like he'd been after Afghanistan. He knows exactly why Rogers refuses to let go of Tony [even if it's for starkly different reasons; the man was not subtle at all, and if he hadn't known Tony for years, James'd wonder if he was being purposefully obtuse, because this was getting ridiculous].
He stays for as long as he can manage, and the way Tony just collapsed into his side each time means he's sharing increasingly concerned looks with the Avengers, because he's known Tony to be rather stoic about some things [ha—understatement of the year], and yet the friend he's known for decades teared up the moment he strode into the room, and what the hell happened to him?!
But no matter; he'll be there for Tony. Just like always.
Pepper's much the same way, having been dealing with investors in Japan, and able only to arrive after all had been said and done [though she'd noticed the haunted look in Tony's eyes, and made a note to talk with James and JARVIS about what actions needed to be taken to remedy this]. She wraps him up in a hug when she first sees him, and the way he'd only slowly relaxed was enough of a warning in and of itself, to her.
She's got a business meeting coming up, but in the meantime she and Tony curl up and watch old French movies with the lights off, and sharing blankets and granola without a care for crumbs. [She smiles when he finally loses that last edge of tension, when he slumps bonelessly against her and the couch, and doesn’t make a comment about the blinking earpiece he’s got, the one JARVIS likes to use whenever Tony’s out and about and needing a discreet way to stay connected. Tony was strong, he’d pull through. And she’d help him, whenever he asked it of her, as per usual.] 
Time passes, and Tony heals. 
He stops flinching at everyone’s sudden movements, stops startling whenever he hears JARVIS, gradually starts opening up again and lowering his guard, inch by inch. Slowly starts to up his chatter again, and the team’s never been more relieved than when the familiar strains of AC/DC start to filter through again, after months of silence [because Tony only ever played music when he was comfortable, when he felt safe and happy and secure with his place in the world].
Time passes, and everyone gradually moves on, though JARVIS' Sentry Mode is still a constant shadow to Tony and the Avengers' paranoia regarding magic never really goes away, not until months after Stephen Strange becomes a consultant and they see him and Tony bantering about facial hair and Arthur C. Clarke and doctorates.
Time passes, and when Thanos arrives, it's to an Earth with a set of guardians all as fiercely protective of each other as a pack of wolves, a tight-knit and cohesive unit devastating both on the battlefield and off of it.
[Suffice it is to say, Thanos doesn’t walk away from that particular encounter.]
There’s more going on in the background, of course. Exhibit A being the romance subplot [that could apply to just about any pairing in this scenario], and I’ve really skimmed just how long it takes for Tony to heal from experiencing canon events. 
Steven Strange’s part got shifted up in the timeline, and the Ancient One doesn’t die; instead, he ends up being a consultant for the Avengers, but his focus is on keeping the New York Sanctum safe. [Mordo, Wong, and James Rhodes just share a Look, the moment they first see Tony Stark and Stephen Strange in the same room. It may or may not have been one of horrified awe, of ‘oh god there’s two of them’, minutes before the first explosion started.]
...FYI, this JARVIS is basically TWiFFON’s JARVIS, and just my approach to him in general. That is to say, his focus on Tony’s safety and happiness is one of [if not the] biggest motivation for his actions, and a morality a lot more nebulous than most would probably be comfortable with, given he’s basically Skynet as is.
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ocprompts-andsuch · 7 years
So we ended up getting a lot of asks! Which honestly was fun as hell. However, I don’t want to spam our followers with 30+ posts, so, instead I’m making this.
mixolydian98 said:My OC is a misomaniac college professor who was transformed into a grotesque monster by an evil sorceress.
My OC Bor was cursed to live as a beast by a bunch of angry forest spirits -Ven My OC Ursa was cursed to be a werebear-Chris/p>
Anonymous said:My OC is an edgy, beatnik unicorn in a turtleneck sweater.
The closest thing I have is Priscilla, Sunan, and Hala are also very edgy -Ven My OC Cadence wears a sweater his husband made and tells edgy poetry -Chris
djdashieticktock said:My OC (Yesman) is a smelly rotting boi who needs to take a bath and chill on preforming necromancy
1. that’s a mood and 2. Priscilla is the result of necromancy -Ven My OC Beckett is a necromancer who wants to become a lich -Chris
Anonymous said:My OC is a mutated bunny who is a great mother.
My OC Dryn isn’t mutated but he is a great father! -Ven My OC Adrien is a great father and husband!
Anonymous said:I made my OC super trope-y because cringe culture is shit. She’s a witch with dark skin, bright blue eyes, and pink/magenta hair. She’s a bubbly baby who trains dragons for a living and I love her. Fight me Cus I’m having fun with her!
She sounds fun as hell! My OC Nelsis is a beast tamer who loves space and has a dragon (along with a plethora of other beasts that seem very intimidating but actually just act like dogs) -Ven Cringe culture is shit she sounds really cool! My OC Nimbus has naturally pink hair and she designed her hella mechanical wheelchair after a dragin she saw once -Chris
cyrokinetic-iceman said:One of my OCs is named Rory and he’s an Irish maid for Sean Cassidy from the xmen. he had long, frizzy red curls and is more freckles than man. He’s tall and bony with very pale skin. He’s a hemophiliac but also has mutant powers that allow him to take the energy (and in fatal enough cases life force) from organic life forms and he later discovers he can also enhance their energy and life force. He’s very shy but friendly and likes to bake and cook
Priscilla can take people’s life force (well really the demon that’s with her can but whatever) -Ven My OC Orion has a lot of freckles and red hair but he is trash at cooking -Chris
Anonymous said:My gay OC Steven had his arms ripped off by a demon, after breaking up with said demon.
Wow.. hmm.. My OC Tarryn only has two limbs because of an explosion -Ven My OC Nimbus lost use of her legs after being shoved out of a very tall tree by a schoolmate -Chris
PHANTASYMIST SAYS:my oc practices forbidden magic because of hunger for knowledge
my OC EcC0 is a hellish combination of magic and failed technology and he accidentally made himself and his friends immortal through a series of experimental magic and glitches -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc is possessed by the spirit of a Samurai and is immortal because of this. She also owns her own City Apartment building and lives in one of her apartments, she even rooms with one of her tenants
My OC Shelby lives in the top room(home??) of the Penthouse her family owns and accidentally became a Naiad’s sugar momma -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Icarus is the child of Aphrodite but gave up on finding love for themself.
My OC Darcy is a demi-god who always forgets that he passed down his powers to his 6 year old until she starts telepathically throwing his circus group around when having a tantrum -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc Alex attracts portals to a different world and goes through them in order to close them. She knows a bunch of survival skills because of how often she goes and stays there, especially cause there aren’t any civilizations in the other world.
My OC Ken is a dimention hopper who accidentally got stuck in time jail with three alternate universe versions of his friend Angel -Chris
Uuh… my OC Bor knows a bunch of survival skills cause for a while he was a human living in the forest -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Regalius is an 2000ish year old immortal who manages to screw up every relationship he has.
My OC Felix used to be dating an ex war goddess until she tried to leave him for dead (the other gods called her out on her bullshit) -Chris
I have an immortal OC Bor, he never gets into any relationships he just kind of sits in the forest and makes stew and helps lost travelers and protects the forest -Ven
THAT-AWKWARD-FANGIRL-270 SAYS:One of my OC’s is Ethan, he’s about half French and a gay trans boy and I love him so much and he’s also an adorable book nerd and has like a hundred thousand siblings (jk but there’s Lots and everyone is good at braiding like trust me sleepovers there are The Bomb) I love him
My OC Wesley is a french american who’s half succubus and owns a giant library, he’s also a necromancer -Chris
Uuh… I have a gay Hawaiian war vet named Jeremiah with like 9 siblings -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Locke is the headmaster of a guild and he’s also dating another guy also named Locke who tried to steal his money once
My OC Cyrus met his first boyfriend while doing a stickup -Chris
Well… my OC Xaro first met Cinder when Cinder tries to steal his stuff? They’re not dating or anything tho Xaro literally ends up adopting him -Ven
BUNNIKKILA SAYS:My OC is a member of the HEMA Alliance! Her dream is to open her own fencing school, as most of the schools in her immediate area focus on Olympic fencing.
My OC Telly fences in his spare time and is teaching his boyfriends daughter how to -Chris
My OC Cinder loves fencing and is very good at it, but didn’t actually get to start until he was 15! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC took Tae Kwon Do as a tween. She was one belt away from getting the black belt (highest rank), but financial issues made her have to quit.
My OC Poppy knows Capoeria -Chris
I have an OC who gets to the 7th dan of Judo by age 14 -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:I have an OC based off the planet Neptune….her name is Neptune.(I know, real original name :/ )
I named my OC Castor after Pollux and Castor since I wanted a constellation name and I’m a Gemini -Chris
I have an OC named Snow White -Ven
REMEMBER-THERAIN SAYS:my OC Stevie is a 14-year-old aromantic/pansexual bounty hunter who travels the galaxy with her robot Lux :))
Oh cool!! My OC Dryn is also pan and sometimes does bounty hunting, he also travels a lot -Ven
my OC Castor ran away from home at 15 and is now one of the most renowned Space travelers of his species -Chris
DRAGONIANGIRL SAYS:My OC Nimladrie is a cleric of a drunk god that accidentally swore a blood oath but she can’t remember for what or to whom.
My OC Beckett accidently became a cult leader because he thought it was a Bards club -Chris
((Amazing)) Well uh… the closest thing I have is my oc Priscilla has blood contracts with like a shitton demons/daemons/etc
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Yilim is… well. To plainly state it he one ugly ass mofo.
My OC Scrib is just,,,,, literally a poorly drawn doodle, i usually draw him left handed -Chris
My main OC Tarryn is also considered ‘ugly’, another OC I have is unarguably ugly because his face is literally a deer skull -Ven
ATQEVALE SAYS:My OC Matisse wears a really freaking ugly salmon colored hoodie to school every day and my other OC Sparrow has a crush on her in spite of this
My OC The Boy has no fucking clue what fashion is and neither does his mom Ursa (he’d get it from his dad to if he wasn’t a giant Stag) -Chris
Uhhh… my OC Mike is colorblind and until he memorizes his wardrobe he has to ask people he lives with what color the stuff he’s wearing is?? It led to an Outfit Disaster a couple of times -Ven
WEARETHERUSSIANTWINS SAYS:My oc Hayley Williams (aka Sailor Aries) has schizophrenia and ADHD
My OC Finch has ADHD to! -Chris
My OC Mike has ADHD(a few others do as well but I haven’t hashed that out yet) -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Janice comes from a planet with pink water, and secretly prefers it over earth water.
My OC Scravenlay comes from a world that is mostly covered in turquoise freshwater that is extremely buoyant -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Vlansen forgot all about his past and is in love with a hallucination!
My OC Cadence woke up in the middle of a battlefield with no memory of what side they were on and they later married the soldier who found them! -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:i have so many OCs. But my mains are a Schizophrenic ex-hitman who runs a daycare and a half alien-human hybrid that has the ability to control plants and crystals ;v;b
My OC Brin is a (retired later in the story) Rebel Leader with a softspot for kids and animals and my oc Scravenlay was supposed to be the king of his species/people but decided he preferred to be an adventurer after an assassination attempt -Chris
Well… the closest I have is an assassin who also has a soft spot for kids? -Ven
THE-TINY-KRAVIST SAYS:My OC, Binary, is an android who is terrified of water!
My OC Rhys is a self made android (makes more sense in context of the story) who runs a roller rink -Chris
My OC Mike is terrified of water. He’s not an android he just can’t swim -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:my oc has a brand on her left side right below her heart from where she forced to fight in an arena
One of my OCs used to have something like that, now the closest I have is Tarryn has a lot of scars from fights! -Ven
My OC Beckett has a lot of scars after the gang who owned him tried to kill him for trying to escape - Chris
ECHOING-NIGHT SAYS:My OC iasi is claustrophobic.
My OC Beckett tries to fit into small spaces when he gets nervous or scared -Chris
My OC Xaro is also claustrophobic! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:Uh my OC is a detective in the 1940’s
My OC Lost was a private investigator until he got possessed (this is close enough right?) -Chris
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laurelsofhighever · 7 years
Mages and Warfare in Thedas
This ramble emerged out of @natachimikotsu‘s post on how mages might use physical skills to augment their magic in battle, and as always, I spent far too much time thinking about it. Maybe someone will find it useful?
Every point here has been sourced from canon lore, i.e. the three games, World of Thedas, the novels and comics, and the codex entries listed in the Dragon Age wiki, and I’ve tried to provide exact locations for examples where possible. Any speculation is based in things we know from canon sources. Lots of bullet points ahead, because I’m lazy. 
In the world of Dragon Age, we see the value of mages in combat from the perspective of the individual, and come to understand the strengths and weaknesses of magic when fighting alone or as part of a small group. Mages are effective fighters and the range of their powers is vast, and even without specialisations the powers they are able to call upon can be devastating for their enemies. Because of the effective and flexible nature of this power, all major Thedosian militaries have incorporated mages into their ranks, and this has led to the development of various offensive and defensive magical techniques which vary by culture and requirement, depending on the status of mages in society at large.
Magic vs non-magic in Thedosian warfare
Even before the First Blight, large scale fighting forces that incorporated the talents of mages had a distinct advantage over those that did not, for several reasons:
·        Mages can call on elemental, entropic, and chaotic forces that are hard to counter without special training, such as those given to templars (Inquisition: The Iron Bull revealing he know Cullen was a templar by how he holds his shield). These powers are capable of large-scale destruction even without specialised training (World of Thedas vol. 2: ‘Meredith’).
·        Mages can create enchanted objects that enhance the wielder’s offensive potential and create an advantage against opponents who don’t have access to such crafts (Juggernaut armour, Maric’s sword – an extreme example is Fenris).
·        Depending on ability, mages can be deployed as either front line or support fighters, making them versatile additions to an army, which can then use a wider range of strategies.
·        Blood magic, although of limited use on a battlefield due to the extreme physical demands on the caster, is a very effective method of bolstering an army’s momentum, either through the control of demons-as-soldiers to wear down and terrify enemy forces (Aurelian Titus in Until We Sleep), or as a way of increasing a mage’s own power through the sacrifice of others (such as prisoners from previous battles) (Origins: Uldred and the other blood mages in Kinloch Hold).
The spread of the Tevinter Imperium as far south as Ferelden is testament to the effectiveness of mages in battle (World of Thedas vol. 2: ‘Legend of the Juggernaut’ – also a codex entry in Origins), but with the rise of Andrastianism in the aftermath of the First Blight, the magocracy of Tevinter was challenged by growing suspicion and hatred of magic in the nations outside its heartlands, partly due to the creation of the Blights, and partly as a reaction against Tevinter control (World of Thedas vol. 1: ‘The Imperial Chantry’). It is possible that the special mana-purging techniques of the Templars were developed both as a way to control mages within Chantry-controlled borders, and as a precaution against a second Tevinter expansion by the magisters of the Imperium.
Whether or not the Imperium would have tried to regain its lands is a moot point. The beginning of the Second Blight at the start of the Divine Age led to a shift in the way mages were viewed by the Chantry, with their power coming to be recognised as an essential tool in the fight against the darkspawn, and on the battlefield in general (World of Thedas vol. 1: ‘The Circle of Magi’). The Orlesian Emperor Drakon I established the Circle of Magi as a way to both train mages for war and to contain them in times of peace. Whether intentional or not, this act held several benefits for the Orlesian Chantry, which persisted until the start of the mage rebellion in the Dragon Age:
·        It gave them a magical arsenal great enough to rival any challenge by Tevinter.
·        It allowed the Chantry to control how and what mages learned, developing specialisations that, while powerful, were of little use when pitted against the mana-draining abilities of templars, thereby making it easier to deal with any uprisings that did occur.
·        Concentrating mage numbers in turn meant that each Circle could have a dedicated number of templars in one place, essentially a miniature army that could be quickly mobilised in the event of rebellion or rogue mages. It also meant that templars would have a numbers advantage against any mage practicing unsanctioned magic, and made other forms or contro, such as phylacteries, easier to enforce (World of Thedas vol. 1: ‘The Annulment at Dairsmuid’ – also a codex entry in Inquisition; Inquisition codex entry ‘Phylacteries’).
·        It also meant the Chantry could control the flow of information to the mages in order to ensure obedience. This would have come in two forms still practiced in the Dragon Age: first, in the use of Andrastian doctrine to reinforce the idea that the outside world is dangerous for mages (Origins: Conversation with Wynne recounting how she set a boy’s hair on fire: “Village folk have little love for witches like us.”). Promoting the Circle as a safe haven was even more effective once it became common practice to take mages from their families as young children. Secondly, the Chantry could restrict communication about matters such as the Rite of Annulment, which has the added bonus of preventing mages forming any kind of long-term, centralised opposition to the Circles (DA2: Anders gets suspicious about Kirkwall when Karl suddenly stops writing to him).
·        Removing mages from general society made it easier for the Chantry to spread fear of magic among the common people (World of Thedas, vol. 1: ‘The imperial Chantry: the Schism’; ‘Chantry Beliefs’; World of Thedas vol. 2: existence of The True Threat of Magic on a list of Chantry-approved books). With magic is now ‘othered’, the Chantry’s teachings about the place of magic in society was legitimised, creating a self-perpetuating cycle wherein the threat of mages is a unifying force for the people: the Chantry is seen as the bulwark standing between safety and the dangers of magic (whether that danger came from Tevinter magisters threatening slavery or from ‘abominations-in-waiting’ depending on what was most convenient at the time) (DA2: Cullen’s comments on mages and magic).
·        Othering mages also justifies the view that they are somehow less than human, and therefore deserving of violence perpetrated against them (DA2: Ser Alrik’s ‘Tranquil Solution’). The ultimate benefit for the Chantry here is the perpetuation of the idea that Circle is designed to protect mages from the fear in the outside world, thus making them more willing participants in their imprisonment.
In short, what the Chantry gained from the Circles was a readily available arsenal entirely under their control that could be called on whenever needed, and pointed against whatever target they wished. The often brutal methods used to control Circle mages, including the Harrowing and the Rites of Tranquility and Annulment were permissible because, owing to the inherent magical potential in all living beings, there were always more mages to replace those lost, and the systems of control placed on mages meant that there was little they could do to change their situation.
The opposition between the Chantry and the Qun is interesting regarding the matter of mages. Both believe that magic is inherently dangerous, both have seen the damage that can be wrought by unchecked magic (through contact with the Tevinter Imperium) and both seek to control their mage population through a combination of doctrine and physical restraints (DA2 Shepherding Wolves quest; Trespasser). The harsher treatment of Saarebas to Circle mages probably boils down to three factors, however.
First, the nature of the Qun itself, which suggests that every living thing has an assigned place, without regard to individual preference (Inquisition: Conversations with The Iron Bull; Origins: Conversations with Sten). Magic by its nature is dangerous and deceiving, and therefore the role of any creature possessing magical talent must be as a weapon wielded by another (DA2: Avaarad in Shepherding Wolves quest). This is made worse when you consider the way magic might manifest in Qunari children. After all, it has been well documented in Chantry nations that children often try to hide their abilities with magic for fear of being labelled as a sinner and taken away from their families (World of Thedas vol. 2: ‘Meredith’; Inquisition: Chateau d’Onterre quest), so that when the power finally becomes too great to control, it often has dramatic and damaging consequences – how much worse must it be for a Qunari child, who sees a Saarebas and knows that if they reveal their magic, their fate is to be bound and blindfolded with their horns cut off and their lips sewn shut?
Second, the Qunari do not have the same need of mages in ordinary battle as do the armies in southern Thedas. Their military technology evolved along a different trajectory, developing chemical-based weapons such as gaatlok or saar-qamek that could be easily manufactured, did not require training or upkeep, and has similar destructive effects to mage abilities (DA2: Blackpowder Courtesy quest). For this reason, the Qunari have no need for a force of mages, and Saarebas are only used in situations where other incendiaries are impractical.
Aside from that, however, is the fact that the Qunari have never faced a Blight (Origins: Sten’s Beresaad came to Ferelden in order to gather intelligence about Blights for the Qun). As mentioned above, the place of mages in Southern Thedas was secured because the range of their powers is effective at countering darkspawn attacks. And darkspawn just Keep. Coming.
With no such overwhelming enemy in the north, and no need to prepare against future Blights, there is no need for Saarebas to be trained to the same levels of sophistication required of Circle mages. They are, simply put, weapons like any other, to be maintained and turned against the enemy to do the maximum amount of damage possible. We haven’t yet seen enough Saarebas of in the games to note whether there are different specialisations within their overarching class, but given the prerogative of the Viddasala to destroy magic (Trespasser), and the distrust with which the Fade is viewed under the Qun (Inquisition: The Iron Bull in Here Lie the Abyss quest), it is likely there hasn’t been enough research done on magical abilities to allow for the development of specialisations, let alone something like a Spirit Healer.
The Chantry: the Glory Age to the Dragon Age
In the aftermath of the Third Blight, the growing political rivalry between the Orlesian and Imperial branches of the Chantry came to a head after Emperor Kordillus Drakon of Orlais declared Divine Justinia I head of the Andrastian faith. Both empires gained massive territories following the retreat of the darkspawn, as smaller states such as Nevarra recovered slowly from the effects of the Blight, leaving only each other (and Seheron to the north) as any form of political challenge. In order to prevent the Imperium from taking over the Free Marches, the Orlesian Chantry called an Exalted March on Starkhaven (World of Thedas, vol. 1: ‘The Imperial Chantry: The Schism’). We don’t know that mages were definitely involved in the war because there are no records of it in the games, but considering the advantage mages give to an army and the fact that the Exalted March was against the Imperium, which certainly had magisters in its ranks, we can assume they were.
The march on Starkhaven came roughly the same time that the Orlesian Chantry started to promote the story of the Blight’s origin in Tevinter, creating a propaganda campaign that painted all mages not under Chantry control as blood mages and abominations. This strategy was directly targeted against Tevinter magisters and the Imperial Chantry, who allowed mages into its higher ranks, and laid the groundwork for the public view of mages in Southern Thedas that persisted into the Dragon Age (Canticle of Transfigurations: 2; World of Thedas vol. 1: ‘Chantry Beliefs’). Setting themselves up as the champions of that cause, the Orlesian Chantry managed to do several things:
·        Mobilised ordinary citizens to reject Tevinter advances into the Free Marches.
·        Controlled the narrative surrounding blood mages in order to consolidate the legitimacy of the Circle as ordinary people became more suspicious of magic users, and mages themselves became more fearful of blood mages.
·        Discouraged mages from defecting to the magocracy of the Imperium, taking their military specialisations with them and bolstering the power of Tevinter.
However, the Schism between the Imperium and Orlais also had negative consequences, in that Tevinter now had a legitimate excuse to wage war on the south. This was especially dangerous given the voices within the Imperium that have always called for a return to the old glory days of the empire before the Blights (Inquisition: Dorian’s comments on the Venatori). Repeated Exalted Marches into Tevinter made very little headway, but should Tevinter decide to ever invade properly – or if the war with the Qunari ever ceased – the Chantry needed a response.
This response came in the form of the mages it locked away in the Circles. Although training mages to control their magic had a dual benefit of keeping the mages occupied and allowing more extensive study of the Fade, most of the techniques learned were (and still are) of greatest use on the battlefield (Origins: Wynne mentions that she has been in many battles, not just Ostagar). Despite this, the heads of the Chantry have always been aware that treating mages as second-class citizens while also encouraging their abilities is a double-edged sword, hence the need for ant-mage rhetoric among the populace and the presence of templars in the Circles to keep the mages from rebelling (Origins: codex entries ‘The Hierarchy of the Circle’; ‘The History of the Circle; Inquisition: codex entry ‘Phylacteries’; DA2: pretty much everything Meredith says). To further nullify the threat mages presented within their own borders, the heads of the Chantry channelled research into a small subset of magical specialisations, each with its own strengths in battle, but which had weaknesses that templars could exploit should the mage choose to rebel. Essentially, these specialisations acted like a choke leash: trained mages were granted more freedoms than others, but only as much as the templars (the leash holders) allowed. Any mage trying for more than that was swiftly punished (the dungeons at the White Spire; Anders’ claim that he was kept in solitary confinement for a year after one of his escape attempts).
While it is true not every mage has the talent to learn a specialisation (and mages such as Jowan in Origins are likely to fail even their Harrowing), the focus on the opposition between their usefulness and their weaknesses is important, because a specialisation will make a mage uncommonly powerful and therefore a bigger risk to the Circle, especially given that those with greater powers are more likely to be confident enough to rebel against the Circle.
Chantry-sanctioned mage specialisations
·        Spirit Healer – historically the most encouraged specialisation owing to its nature as a support role for frontline troops and non-combative abilities, existing before the Circle as one of the few kinds of magic sanctioned by the Chantry (Origins: codex entry ‘The History of the Circle’). The military benefit of Spirit Healers is easy to see: soldiers who can be patched up quickly can be sent out to fight again, meaning that long campaigns can be sustained with fewer losses. Though the that fact these healers use spirits to help them might be questioned by some (Asunder), their heavy reliance on mana to power their abilities and their lack of experience with offensive spells means they can be easily dealt with in times of rebellion, and this makes them valuable assets to Chantry armies. (Spirit Healer wiki page)
·        Force Mage – a specialisation designed for battlefield use, favoured by the Kirkwall Circle, that relies on telekinetic forces to disrupt enemy forces on a large scale. This is a specialisation that can deal high amounts of damage at a time, which makes Force Mages useful as shock troops or to clear a field for warriors to go in and finish the enemy off. Their high resistance to physical attacks means they do not have to be protected as closely as Spirit Healers, allowing them to be more flexible on the battlefield. Like Spirit Healers, however, they rely on mana to power their abilities, which, coupled with the discipline of mind needed to maintain their spells, makes them vulnerable to templar techniques. (Force Mage wiki page)
·        Battlemage – combines entropic and chaotic forces with elemental magic. Not as much is known about this specialisation as it only appears in Awakening, but it seems to be primarily focussed towards providing frontline defence for warriors, meaning that Battlemages fighting alongside templars are difficult to beat. In order to maintain health on the front lines, however, Battlemages absorb the damage they take by drawing on their reserve of mana. This is disastrous when facing off against templars, who not only possess physical abilities (sword > mage robes) but can drain a mage’s mana, leaving them as an exposed target. (Battlemage wiki page)
·        Knight Enchanter – unique among Circle specialisations as it combines physical and magical abilities to create an offensive frontline fighter with exceptional combat flexibility, able to face off against either magical or mundane opponents. The intense training Knight Enchanters undergo combines the techniques of elven Arcane Warriors (Inquisition: Solas’ comments on the Knight Enchanter specialisation) with the martial skills learned by templars, and these characteristics combined make Knight Enchanters tough opponents even for the templars themselves, which is what makes them so valuable to Chantry forces (Inquisition: Commander Helaine; codex entry ‘Knight Enchanters’). This potential for disaster should a disillusioned Knight Enchanter run amok is why, under normal circumstances, only the most loyal of Circle mages (such as Vivienne) are given the opportunity to learn this specialisation. The training they are given mirrors the indoctrination the templars go through, and the screening process for faith in the Maker over individual morality (Origins: codex entry ‘Templars’) is likely similar, thereby preventing thoughts of disloyalty before they become a risk.
There are other magic specialisations, of course, but these are uncommon and often discouraged in the Circle (Origins: codex entry: ‘Shapeshifters’; Inquisition: codex entry ‘Necromancers’). It is telling that the one commonality between necromancers, keepers, shapeshifters, and blood mages is their relative lack of dependence of mana for their powers, the depletion of which is how templars weaken mage opponents (wiki: entries for necromancer, keeper, shapeshifter, blood mage, and templar specialisations). In other words, none of these can be easily countered by templars, whether it be because of physical prowess (shapeshifters) or use of spirits (necromancers), for example. This means that despite the very real offensive capabilities that would make each of these specialisations useful in battle, the Chantry cannot afford the potential backlash that would come if such mages went rogue. It is also interesting to note that all of these specialisations have origins in cultures where Chantry superiority is shaky at best, which if anything makes their practitioners more likely to reject the authority of the Circle.
It would be easy to assume that the Tranquil refute the idea that the status of mages in southern Thedas is directly linked to their usefulness as living weapons. After all, besides purging all emotion (and coincidentally, all inclination to rebel) the Rite of Tranquillity removes a person’s connection to the Fade, and therefore their ability to draw mana and cast spells (Origins: codex entry ‘The Tranquil’). In short, they cannot fight. However, the Tranquil are crucial in providing two resources vital to the success of any military campaign: equipment, and money.
Chantry scholars agree that the skills Tranquil possess with regard to crafting and enchantment are unrivalled because of their ability to work without distraction (Origins: codex entry ‘The Tranquil’). The Orlesian Chantry’s preoccupation with Exalted Marches requires not only large numbers of the faithful willing to die in the name of Andraste, it also requires coin enough to feed, equip, and transport those soldiers. During peacetime, the capital raised by the sale of Formari enchantments is enough to fund the Circles, with the quality of items such as runes, weapons, and armour being respected even among the dwarves. Considering the sometimes abysmal conditions Circle mages are kept in during peace (The White Spire, Kirkwall), it is easy to imagine this money being diverted to the Chantry’s armies in times of war. The economic benefit of Tranquil becomes even more apparent when you realise:
·        Tranquil don’t need to be paid for their services
·        The high quality of enchanted equipment they produce goes to the Chantry automatically, meaning it doesn’t need to be bought from the dwarves
·        The Chantry controls the number of Tranquil directly, so if more are needed to fill requisitions, then all it means is that a few more apprentices than usual won’t be passing their Harrowing (Messed. Up.)
 These factors, coupled with the fact that Tranquil are a rather visceral reminder to other mages about the consequences of crossing the Chantry (Asunder: Rhys mentions the ‘creepy’ effect tranquil have on other mages; pretty much the whole of DA2), means they are an integral link in the mage-warfare system operating in southern Thedas.
Implications for DA4 (TL;DR)
Whether or not the systematic use of mages in warfare was intentional from the outset (or just a knee-jerk reaction to the threat posed by the Blights) by the time the Mage Rebellion broke out in the Dragon Age, the use of mages as sentient weapons had evolved into a tightly woven system based on economics, religious politics, and fear that supported Chantry expansion and held as a defence against the Tevinter Imperium. With mages and Tranquil under its control, the Chantry could call on a massive force to augment its armies and provide support in all aspects of war, for the purpose of defence (against Blights) and attack (in Exalted Marches).
However, by becoming so reliant on magepower, the full-scale rebellion in the aftermath of the Kirkwall explosion crippled the Chantry’s military engine. Former Circle mages are now rallying with each other, exchanging knowledge and figuring out how to live without Chantry influence (depending on who became Divine at the end of Inquisition). The specialisations that once would have been controlled by templars and regulated by the Chantry can now be passed to any mage willing to learn, which means that, as a group, mages are becoming more powerful, but without an outside force to direct them (though the Inquisition might have recruited some of them).
And aside from causing chaos within Chantry borders, the infighting between mages and (renegade) templars means there is no unified force to stand against outside armies looking to gain ground within southern Thedas. The two main threats to Orlais and the Free Marches (and eventually Ferelden) are posed by the Tevinter Imperium and the Qunari. As well as being organised, both of these superpowers make use of mages in their armies, and both possess the organisation, the conviction, and the numbers to cause a lot of damage.
There is a rising voice in the Imperium calling for a return to the ‘good old days’ of empire.
The Qunari are gearing up to launch a full-scale invasion on the South.
And that’s even without whatever bullshit Solas is going to come up with.
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msaruetar · 7 years
Afraid Of The Dark
@thecarnalscientist-jt /based on a prompt found on Pinterest/ "This is far from a game, Zenith stands against many demons. And you must realize what lurks in the dark." The CEO of Zenith Corp, tone seeking loyalty. Three groups stood before her, clad in military grade armor. Two of her top captains stood before her, in formation and ready to begin. However a new team that would specialize in extracting information and taking necessary scientific samples; was too cocky for their own good. Captain Landon was the new addition to Zenith Corporation. A man trained in combat, basic engineering, and biomedical science. "Captain Kyle Landon, welcome to the team. Remember your training from commander Zudan, and know that allies of Zenith are to be given a wide birth." She mentioned, a harsh but tired expression sending a chill down Kyle' spine. Zenith Corp is a military started company that specializes in biomedical engineering. Enhancing soldiers, prolonging life, and creating weapons solely based on tech. However the company has brought about many demons that a small population knew of. There are beings that lurk in the dark, ones that fire and extraction teams be aware of. Darkness holds nightmares, it corporates fear into the heart and mind of a soul. Builds a wall of isolation, creates paranoia, and breaks souls into wimpering piles of flesh. Shining teeth glow at their flashlights, and hungry growls await to pounce from blanketed woods. "The objective is to extract data files from an old building of Zenith'." Marina projected, hands behind her back as she faced her few troops. "It is abandoned, but it is in terriority no longer within our control." Nightmares are shrouded in mist and smoke, blinding all those who dared enter. Although humans didn't inherently live shrouded in darkness, if only to keep sanity. Monsters of another kind did. "The land now belongs to an ally of Zenith, a woman by the name of Rhi that has become a sort of asset." The woman chuckled. "She controls the land in place of our people, however she is protective and extracting those files is your final test to become a true part of this organization." And sometimes, the blanket that shrouds the night in twinkling lights and dark blue velvet; allowed for further opportunities. This will be the final test. "Do you think you can handle it Captain Landon." Marina inquired, the clicking of her heels ceasing once she stood before the taller man. With a nod of determination and a boyish smile, the newest captain spoke. "I won't let you down ma'am." Teeth shine like pearls in the light against the twilight hour, screams can be heard pouring out into the sky. "Move!" Captain Landon ordered, moving his troops ahead of himself; his hand held a small casing. The beast moved at incredible speed, a savage and hungry wolf ready to tear at the throat of the helpless rabbit. Holding position, the deathly drumming of his heart against his chest focused his breathing. "Commander Diminikai Zudan will be arriving soon. Be sure to hold in there, this is a thin line of where you fall within the lines of Zenith corp." A female voice bellowed, spouting truths well hidden between the lines. There are God's and monsters along the corporate lines. Some more dangerous than others. A beast flows against the floor of the forest, teeth bared and spread into a smile that sent a chill down his spine. Fear enveloped his nerves and screamed for him to move. But a plan in motion needed to follow through, lest he lose his life blood. She appeared human, though acted like a rabid wolf searching for its next meal to ward off starvation. Pulling the pin of his grenade he threw it to the floor a meter away, covering his eyes with his arm he braced for impact. The moment it went off he rushed off towards the rest of his team. Rhi uses the dark to her advantage, she hunts down human flesh. And being such a powerful ally she is to be treated with caution. Due to her control over the land, you must work quickly. "Captain Landon! I've got the sample!" His team screamed over the personal comms. Satisfied and keeping the woman at bay he panted heavily as he turned to make his way to the extraction point. "Alpha, Bravo! Requesting extraction, immediatly!" Kyle yelled, the churning in his stomach causing pain to shoot through his body. Claws slashed at his chest as he was tackled to the floor. Raising his gun, he placed it against the beasts neck. Struggling to regain control he screamed from the pit of his chest. "Requesting extraction!" He yelled again before spewing a series of numbers for his location. His team had no doubt made the original position, he was tasked at helping his fellow teammates. That now lay dead in the woods. To be forgotten. Heaving her to the side he kicked his boot into the midsection of her body and flipped her over his head. Allowing his rifle to fly alongside Rhi he huffed in exertion. Blood dribbled like red rivers down the front of his chest. Adrenaline pumped throughout his body, even if it stung now, he had no doubt the marks would be enough to bleed his body; or if he lived long enough, to leave a series of scars along his chest. Scrambling up to his knees he fumbled with the latch at his pistol. "Stay right there, my team and I are leaving." He projected. Conveying the idea that he would no longer be a thorn in her side. He watched as the woman stood from her position, body contorted to give her a predatory stance. She took a step forward. "It isn't just that." She finally spoke, she even sounded human. But she was from an entirely different reality, one Kyle couldn't believe he lived in. The rythamic thumping of the chopper could be heard getting closer, he was close to going home. Returning with his life. "Your blood smells delightful, and I can't pass up an easy meal." She mused, her toothy grin soon returning as she lunged at him. Flashes of fire permeated the air, growls and screaming emanated from both parties. The chopper touched down nearly ten meters from Kyle' position, the sound of gunfire and screams ceased. Several seconds passed before finally Kyle bursted through the brush in a full sprint. "Hurry!" He screamed as he hurriedly bounded up onto the Helicopter. Mission specifications completed, the final captain for Zenith Corp has been acquired. Marina smirked as her hand clasped to Rhi' in a handshake. "Thank you for the help, glad to know that the meat will come in handy." She mused, obviously proud of what had been done. "Glad to help." Rhi grinned. "Especially for all the free meat." Five potential candidates lay dead, and now the sixth prevailed above all. And this little test, was only the gateway to horrors that were to officially stand against them.
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bytheanchorarchived · 7 years
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FULL NAME: Alexander Gideon Lightwood PRONUNCIATION:  ˌæləgˈzændər  gɪdiən  laɪtwʊd MEANING:  Defender of men. REASONING: Alec is often known as the “protector”, which also translates on his choice of weapon: the bow and arrow, he stays behind and covers for the front-liners, protecting them from above. He also protects all his loved ones emotionally and mentally. NICKNAME(S): Alec, pretty boy. PREFERRED NAME(S): Alec. BIRTH DATE: September 12th, 1989. AGE: 18 (books), 21-22 (show) ZODIAC: Virgo. GENDER: Male. PRONOUNS: He/Him. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Homoromantic. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Homosexual. NATIONALITY: Alec was born in Idris, in Shadowhunter territory, which is located in Central Europe, between Germany, France, and Switzerland. ETHNICITY: Caucasian. CURRENT LOCATION: New York, United States of America. LIVING CONDITIONS: Currently residing in the Shadowhunter’s Institute of New York, where he grew up after he, along with his parents, was banned from Idris and relocated to New York. Depending on the verse he will also be living with Magnus Bane, his partner, somewhere in Brooklyn. TITLE(S): The protector. The eldest. First Born. Big brother. Acting Head of the New York Institute (show), Shadowhunter, Parabatai (to Jace Herondale), Fighter for Downworlders’ Rights . Archer.
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BIRTH PLACE: Idris, Shadowhunter’s homeland. (see above) HOMETOWN: Alec was likely born in the outskirts of Alicante (Idris’ capital, and only city), and not in any exact town. SOCIAL CLASS: The Lightwood family carries a big reputation and honor to its name, and they are, if banned from Alicante, the leaders of the New York Institute, which is not of small importance. Alec, therefore, occupies a central place in Shadowhunters’ Society. He has also climbed on the social scales by his own merits and efforts in the wars of the century, as well for being the first openly gay Shadowhunter, something he accomplished also because of those efforts, and then moving on to be an ambassador of sorts and fighter for Downworlders with the Clave. EDUCATION LEVEL: Shadowhunters are generally highly educated, Alec likely knows at least three different languages, and has general skills and knowledge in all different areas, from history, to geography; from the shadowhunter’s Laws and Accords, to Religion and the selected study of Magic, such as the training to travel through Portals etc. FATHER: Robert Lightwood. MOTHER: Maryse Lightwood. SIBLING(S): Isabelle Lightwood, and Maxwell Lightwood. BIRTH ORDER: Alec - Isabelle (two years younger)  - Max (nine years younger) . CHILDREN: Max Lightwood-Bane, warlock, adopted in 2010 , Rafael Lightwood-Bane, shadowhunter, adopted in 2012. PET(S): None / Church / Magnus’ cats. OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS: Jonathan Christopher Herondale, his best friend, first love, and parabatai, half his soul. Magnus Bane, his first boyfriend / kiss / relationship, the first person that has ever made him understand he was loved and worthy being exactly who he was, half his heart. PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: None.
Alec had a hard time growing up with the weight of his parents’, society’s and specially his own expectations over himself. It affected him on all fronts, but mostly on the fact he grew up as a closeted homosexual in a highly homophobic society. 
Until he met Magnus Bane, he believed he would never get to experience real love, or happiness, and his destiny was to live for his family and his duties and nothing else. He had no plans for the future, and no known hobbies, or activities that didn’t involve work or being with his family and parabatai. Due to his having to be quiet and inward about his identity, he developed a escape in hiding himself from others, being skittish of anyone outside his family, and even (show wise) harming himself by over-training, or not using his healing rune when hurt, to get a grip on his emotional pain and overwhelming sense of guilt.
The birth of his siblings marked important events for him, for it was when it started to be expected from him to be the responsible one and he first took it upon himself to take care of others.
When Jace first came to the institute to live with his family, it was the first time Alec had a friend, and that someone seemed genuinely interested in him, or to genuinely like him without needing any familial obligations. His connection to Jace was instant and desperately valued, for that very reason. And for the fact that Alec recognized a broken boy in him, and decided he would do everything to care for him from then on. 
When Alec came out it was one of the first times he ever felt genuinely proud of himself or just generally free to be himself in public. 
Meeting Magnus Bane changed his life, as much as meeting Jace had. If Jace first made him feel interest-worthy to someone he considered a lot more special than himself, Magnus made him feel like a first choice, romantically, for the first time in his life. 
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PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Resources/Payment from being a Shadowhunter. SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: None. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: None. APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: Unknown. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Being a Shadowhunter is as much a part of Alec as anything else, and he wouldn’t be happy not being able to do it. That said, he soon realizes that working for the Clave, and with being Head of an Institute, is not as exciting as he thought, and by far not what he wants. After he has his children and becomes engaged to Magnus Bane, more and more he sees his calling is towards what it always had been: protecting his family. He extends this to fighting for better rights for all Downworlders, and takes it upon himself to get to know them better and defend them from the Clave, so his children (specially Max), and the friends he makes along the way, can have a better future. PAST JOB(S): None. SPENDING HABITS: Alec rarely buys anything, specially for himself. His clothes are old and worn out, his possessions are meager.  He’s not a spender, and he doesn’t feel the need to become one. He buys only what he needs and nothing else, unless it consists on a gift, and even so, he’s not one to waste money away. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: Most probably his runed bow and quiver. Whatever gifts Magnus, Jace, Izzy or Max may have give him along the years, for the sentimental value of being given one.
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Nephilim physiology: Being Nephilim, Alec possesses a variety of enhanced physical and mental abilities granted to him by the angel blood of Raziel in his veins and also by the angelic Marks of the Gray Book. This includes enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, and coordination, which continue to improve over time and practice. (x)
Parabatai bond: Due to his parabatai bond with Jace Herondale, Alec is able to call on more strength in battle. The runes drawn on him by Jace also give a considerably stronger effect. (x)
PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Great physical strength, that may be enhanced by runes. OFFENSE: Alec is more of a defensive soldier, but he will act on the offense if needed. He is a highly trained and skilled shadowhunter. And, even though, in the books, he had never killed a demon, himself, until the resurface of Valentine Morgenstern, due to his preferred defensive position, he was rather ruthless during the attack on Alicante, when it came to protect his family. He can be extremely rational, and even selfish for the people in his inner circle when in battle. DEFENSE: Alec’s specialty is defense, which is embedded even in his own name, Alexander, defender of men, therefore his defense skills are high, and his most developed ones. Both Jace and Isabelle note several times that they wouldn’t have survived many of their missions if it weren’t for Alec having their backs. SPEED: Great speed, that may be enhanced by runes. Alec is also described as lean and wiry, with long legs, all of which help his speed. INTELLIGENCE: Highly intelligent and intuitive.  ACCURACY: Alec’s accuracy come from intensive training, but it was something he had to struggle with at first, and still does when dealing with emotional pressure, though nothing that comes from fear or the battlefield. That said, his accuracy is almost absolute, in perfect conditions.  AGILITY: Alec is fairly agile on his feet, but his grace and balance come mostly from his runes, as he can be quite clumsy on his own. It is also possible that being so tall, growing up, specially looking at his age in the books (17), didn’t help him have balance, and that as he grew older, he grew steadier and therefore more agile, but he’ll never be as graceful as his parabatai or sister. STAMINA: Great stamina, that may be enhanced by runes. Stamina is a controversial topic for Alec, because his sense of his own limits is distorted, and he will keep going even after his stamina is long gone, even if he has to burn himself out for that, or overuse his runes. As long as he’s needed, or has to keep his loved ones safe, or is challenged to, he will keep at it, regardless of stamina or any other kind of danger to himself. TEAMWORK: Alec is good with teamwork, as he works mostly on defense, and therefore needs a team to defend. He also tries to be a leader, though he doesn’t have to be one, and is a big planner, which means he prefers working with someone than alone. He likes to be the back up. In spite of his high suspicions of anyone and anything new, even if disgruntled with the participants, he will work as a team and defend them. TALENTS: Archery. SHORTCOMINGS: Anything involving artistic abilities. (i.e. music, painting, styling, design etc) LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, Latin, some Spanish and French. I believe he learns more as he grows older and as he starts his relationship with Magnus he may possibly even come to learn a little of his own mother tongue with the years, Indonesian.  DRIVE?: No. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: No. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: No. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Possibly. SWIM?: Yes. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?:  No. PLAY CHESS?: Yes. BRAID HAIR?: Yes, not masterly so, but comes from being an older brother to a younger sister. TIE A TIE?: Yes, imperfectly. PICK A LOCK?: Yes.
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FACE CLAIM: Matt Daddario (both book and show wise). EYE COLOR: Dark blue (both book and show wise). HAIR COLOR: Jet Black. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Messy, slightly curly, falling on his eyes, and rarely combed or styled. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No. DOMINANT HAND: Right. HEIGHT: 6′ feet (or 183 cm) WEIGHT: Unknown. BUILD: Thin, lean and wiry. EXERCISE HABITS: Constant because of his daily training of his shadowhunter skills. SKIN TONE: Pale, white. TATTOOS: None, however, his runes (permanent show wise, and temporary book wise) can be considered or seen as tattoos, in which case, he has them on his entire body, specially torso, neck and arms. PEIRCINGS: None. MARKS/SCARS: Many. Alec has plenty of scars from training, battling, and book-wise, he has scars left by the runes when they disappear, since they burn the skin. He has several on his hands from training with the bow. NOTABLE FEATURES: Striking blue eyes, high cheek bones, hard jaw, elegant traces, height. USUAL EXPRESSION: Scowl, serious, when with strangers, relaxed, smiling, curious, when with family and friends. CLOTHING STYLE: Alec doesn’t have a clothing style, he will dress in whatever he has in his wardrobe, which consists of old, worn out, black and gray, pieces of clothing, almost identical to each other. JEWELRY: None, though I believe he starts wearing something after his relationship with Magnus. ALLERGIES: Allergic to pollen. BODY TEMPERATURE: Warmer than average. DIET: Highly inconsistent, on both the type of food and the constancy of it. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: None.
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JUNG TYPE: ISTJ ENNEAGRAM TYPE: The Reformer.  ( Ego fixation: Resentment. Holy idea: Perfection . Basic fear: Corruptness / Imbalance / Being bad. Basic desire: Goodness / Integrity / Balance. Temptation: Hypocrisy / Hyper-criticism. Vice/Passion: Anger. Virtue: Serenity. Stress: 4. Security: 7. ) MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good. TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic. ELEMENT: Earth. PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Intrapersonal. APPROXIMATE IQ: Unknown. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Anxiety, Low self-esteem, Insecurity, Distrust of others. SOCIABILITY: Alec is not sociable in the least. Isabelle records him even hiding behind plant pots as a child to avoid strangers. He hates being in crowds, going to parties and just being surrounded by too many people, in general. They overwhelm him. Even after he starts opening up more to new people, and including others in his small circle of people he’s close to, he’s still mostly quiet and into himself. With those special ones, he can be warm, funny, and open, but never with someone he doesn’t know, or hasn’t taken under his wing. He will be cold, blunt and closed off, upfront. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Alec is highly anxious and can be very insecure, he’s prone to exploding when under pressure, or when he feels like he’s not being heard or given due attention. However, after he comes out, and start his relationship with Magnus, he starts learning to express himself in other ways, and slowly grows more stable emotionally, though it takes a while, and his outbursts coupled with Magnsu’ nonchalance causes them several issues at the start of their relationship. Due to his extensive experience with emotional pain, he is also very emotionally strong and can take a lot before he breaks down, he’s prone to swallowing what he feels down in order to comfort others. OBSESSION(S): Being good enough, responsibility. COMPULSION(S): Self harms by hurting himself with training when overwhelmed. Trains compulsively, drinks at rare times, and can become somewhat reckless when under extreme stress, then coming to regret his actions / words, once he calms down.  PHOBIA(S): None. Spiders (lightly). ADDICTION(S): None. DRUG USE: None. ALCOHOL USE: Alec is not a drinker, he hardly drinks and he’s a lightweight when he does. However, he has used it as an outlet a couple of times, and gotten very drunk in those occasions. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Can have a short fuse when provoked, or lied to / betrayed. He will never hurt someone that doesn’t deserve it, but he is quick to it, if he judges they do and there’s nothing to stop him.
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SPEECH STYLE: Tends to stutter when nervous. Raises his voice when anxious or angry. His speech is often loose and somewhat jumbled, as his thoughts run faster than it, his head always in overdrive, making him change his mind mid-through his sentences. There’s also a lot he feels like he can’t say, so he’ll cut himself off. Uses a lot of speech fillers.  ACCENT: New York accent. QUIRKS: Many. Fiddles with his fingers when anxious, pats his nape, fidgets on his feet, moves a lot when he’s uncomfortable. But also listens intently and with a deep stare when paying attention. HOBBIES: Not many, specially at first. Reading. Mostly training or preparing himself. As he grows up he picks up more hobbies as he starts to open up to himself, and be okay with what he enjoys, and being more than his job, or his position. One of those examples is starting to read comic books similar to those his younger sibling used to. HABITS: Training, studying, taking care of those around him. NERVOUS TICKS: Clenches his jaw, bunches his shoulders, crosses his arms when feeling defensive. Rolls his eyes, pats the back of his head, rubs his injuries when he has them to help himself feel more stable. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: People he loves, keeping them safe, doing things for them, making sure they are happy and cared for. Being good enough. Proving himself. Accomplishing his duties. Feeling valued. FEARS: Not being good enough. Being discarded / looked down on by those he loves. Before he comes out, having people find out his secret and be disgusted by him / hate him / not want to be around him anymore.  POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Intuitive / Empathetic to other people’s feelings (specially of those close to him), Brave, Compassionate, Kind, Generous, Loving, Caring, Defensive / Protective, Determined, Obstinate, Bold, Upfront, Honest, Good listener, Attentive, Curious.  NEGATIVE TRAITS: Closed off, can be Highly Insecure and Jealous when it comes to his close relationships, due to his Low Self-Esteem. He’s Righteous, often sees the world in black and white and can be Ruthless. He can also become Extremely Reckless, if he believes he has something to prove to those he looks up to, or to himself, or if they need him. Specially when it comes his parabatai, Jace Herondale, and his sister Isabelle Lightwood. Short fused, Anxious, Distrusting. SENSE OF HUMOR: Dry, sarcastic, ironic and blunt. Sometimes goofy.  DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: No. But more so than his siblings. CATCHPHRASE(S):  “I hate being the distraction.” “Told you so.” “This is not a joke.” “What’s going on?” “Am I the only one who finds this unusual?” “They(you) lied to me!” “I am not your bitch.”  FAVORITE QUOTE:  “Iz," Alec said tiredly. "It's not like it's one big bad thing. It's a lot of little invisible things. When Magnus and I were traveling, and I'd call from the road, Dad never asked how he was. When I get up to talk in Clave meetings, no one listens, and I don't know if that's because I'm young or if it's because of something else. I saw Mom talking to a friend about her grandchildren and the second I walked into the room they shut up. Irina Cartwright told me it was a pity no one would ever inherit my blue eyes now." He shrugged and looked toward Magnus, who took a hand off the wheel for a moment to place it on Alec's. "It's not like a stab wound you can protect me from. It's a million little paper cuts every day.” FAVORITE QUOTE (ABOUT): “He knew Alec enough by now to know the conflicting impulses that warred in him. He was conscientious, the kind of person who believed that the others around him were so much more important than he was, who already believed he was letting everybody down. And he was honest, the kind of person that was naturally open about all he felt and wanted. Alec's virtues had made a trap for him; these two good qualities had collided painfully. He felt he could not be honest without disappointing everyone he loved. It was a hideous conundrum for him. It was as if the world had been designed to make him unhappy.” — Magnus Bane. 
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ACTIVITY: Training. Being with people he loves. Reading. ANIMAL: None. BEVERAGE: Water. Wine. BOOK: A book his parents read to him and he read to Izzy, later. CELEBRITY: None. COLOR: Black. DESIGNER: None. FOOD: Probably something his mother used to cook. FLOWER: None. GEM: Beryl. HOLIDAY:  Shadowhunters don’t specially have holidays, but Christmas when celebrated. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: On foot, mostly. Sometimes the subway. MOVIE: None. MUSICAL ARTIST: None. QUOTE/SAYING: “Impossible just means try again.” SCENERY: Urban. SCENT: Something warm and clean, soap and clean clothes. Pine trees. Sandalwood. SPORT: Archery. SPORTS TEAM: None.  TELEVISION SHOW: None. WEATHER: Winter. VACATION DESTINATION: He has never been anywhere but his homeland up until he meets Magnus, but after he does, they travel around the world, and he probably finds his favorite destination during it.
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GREATEST DREAM: Being loved, being worthy of being loved. GREATEST FEAR: Those he loves being hurt / dying / leaving him. MOST AT EASE WHEN: Surrounded by people he trusts, hanging out. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: Surrounded by strangers, under judgement from those he loves, when there is danger for his loved ones. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Death of his family / significant other. His parabatai, Jace, finding out about his feelings / sexuality, and being disgusted by him. Failing. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Coming out. Starting his movement to fight for the rights of Downworlders, the Adoption of his Children, Making it through the wars, his relationship to Magnus Bane. BIGGEST REGRET: Not being there to protect his little brother. Hiding himself for as long as he did. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: The ones when he started dating Magnus and Jace started to notice. When Clary calls him out on his feelings. When Magnus finds out about his dealings with Camille Belcourt. All his voicemails to Magnus during their break up. Moments when he feels humiliated by his peers for his sexuality. (Or show-wise, the moment when the Memory Demon extracted a memory from “the one he loved the most” from him, and it was Jace.) BIGGEST SECRET: His sexuality. His feelings for Jace. TOP PRIORITIES: Keeping his loved ones safe and happy. Making sure he keeps his duties to them, specially.
adapted from
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caphasamericasass · 8 years
The Tin Man and the Viper Part 4
Bucky Barnes x OC
Sucky Summary: AU Post Civil War Steve Rogers returns from Wakanda with a partially repaired Bucky Barnes to the Avengers compound.  Excited to introduce his first best friend to his BFF of the 21st century (OC), he’s shocked to discover that a deep change has occurred in her from when they were last united.  Bucky’s never been one for puzzles but finds some solace in her silence in a new world that’s spinning out of their control.  
Word Count: 1.8+
Characters: Bucky
Warnings: Anxiety, Panic Attacks
Stella’s POV
This cannot be happening. I’ve spent approximately two minutes listening to Barnes’ increasing heartbeat (225 beats precisely) as he slowly backed himself into the far corner of the elevator and slides to the ground. Thanks to my newly enhanced night vision and the slight eerie illumination coming from the red flashing emergency light, I can see that his eyes are squeezed shut and he’s pulling his knees up to his chest.  I know that this is so very not good for the Winter Soldier to be having a nervous breakdown but then again I know first hand that nervous breakdowns never occur at good times anyway.  The bottom line is that this is not a flicker and I’m going to have to call for helps because Barnes is completely useless; if I stay in here alone with him for too long who knows what I might do to him if I lose control.  
I tear my eyes away from the broken man on the floor who’s now lowly muttering repetitively and open the panel for the emergency phone.
It’s a short conversation that I spend glancing back and forth between Bucky and the metal wall panels surrounding us.  He doesn’t seem to have noticed me speaking—the way my unused voice rasps into the phone.  I hang up dejectedly before turning my full attention to Buck who’s now shaking violently. It’s almost comical that after decades and decades of Hydra torture, Steve truly believed he could possibly be back to his old self after only a handful of years on the run.  But this display is certainly not comical, and over the phone I had spared Bucky the indignity of describing the situation to the operator; I had told him that we were okay and that was most definitely a lie.
“Bucky…” I’m unwilling to talk to Bucky but I know that I have to get him calmed down before he hurts himself.  I turn around facing away from him to compose myself, counting to ten slowly. Swallowing thickly I can feel my face change as Bucky’s scent grows stronger without circulation in this elevator. He smells amazing, like a warm fire on a black winters night.  I take a few deep breaths willing my body to suppress the primal instincts nagging at every bit of my being.  Bucky, my teammate needs me.  I need to protect him from both of us.  
I turn myself back to try again.  He’s still crouching in the corner trembling violently and even if he’s kind of a douchebag it breaks my heart a tiny bit.  In my mind, the red light bathing his form creates parallel images of him being experimented on by Hydra and I’m unable to stave of the resulting cringe.
“Bucky,” I say this time with more certainty.  His eyes peek at me just above his knees through curtains of hair before lowering back down immediately.  Quickly I bring my fingertips to right below my eyes, feeling for a vein out of place but the skin feels normal, meaning Barnes reaction has nothing to do with me. That’s relieving.
“The operator said there was a mistake on the flyers about the elevator renovations.  They’ve already cut the power and began work on the other elevator so there’s no way they can turn this one back on without endangering the workers on the main elevator.  We’ll have to wait it out,” I say.  Bucky backs himself into the corner even more, folding himself into the space where the wall panels intersect at 90 degrees.  It’s frightening how one of the biggest men I have ever known can make himself unwittingly look so small, and that’s when it dawns on me: Barnes has no idea who I am, he doesn’t recognize my voice and in this moment, even with his super serum eyesight I probably look like a distorted red shadow person to him. I look like Hydra.
“Bucky…it’s me, Estelle. Do you know who I am?”
“No you’re not.”
“Why don’t you think I’m Estelle?”
Bucky doesn’t even look up as he releases a broken sob.  “Stella doesn’t talk.”
Fucking knew it.  “I had to talk.  You weren’t going to be the one to call for help, were you?”  No verbal response but a series of smaller sobs. “I’m going to come closer to you so you can smell me and see me better.”
He continues shaking as I slowly cross the elevator in a few short steps trying to frighten him anymore. He’s like a scared dog whose been left outside in a storm for far too long.  Crouching down, I get a look at kneecaps and forearms that are so tightly wrapped around them.  “Bucky… it’s me.  Look at me,” I command.
He peeks back over his knees, I can see his eyes are wet and red-ringed, but he doesn’t say anything once more.  He flinches back as I raise my hand up so I pause, letting it hover in front of his wary line of sight.  Hesitantly I move again, offering it to an animal so that it might pickup my scent. Bucky doesn’t move away as I gently rest my fingertips on his arms and still once more.  I have a bad idea that might calm him down but it’s going to be a true test to my self-restraint and very masochistic, however the more I speak right now the more freaked out Barnes is going to get which means talking him down in not an option.  
Slowly, I drag the pads of my fingers across his fleshy forearm and he watches them like a pendulum as he shakes beneath me.  Closing my eyes I try to focus on two things: releasing the right amount of pheromones and keeping my face from shifting.  Perks of being a predator include natural hunting techniques, such as releasing pheromones that lull the prey into a false sense of calmness and relaxation.  By releasing strong pheromones I should be able to increase Bucky’s Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which will reduce anxiety and fear as my preys neurotransmitters are overexcited.  
Reopening my eyes, I dare to move a little further and lay my palm on the bend of his elbow.  Leisurely, I rub my palm against his skin, and further up to the sleeve of his black t-shirt.  I’ve gone over his shoulder when he starts to relax slightly under my touch, and I creep further gently brushing his neck before cupping his cheek.  He stills, before his eyes flutter shut and he leans into my touch.  It would be sweet really, if it weren’t for the sound of rushing blood throbbing in my ears.  
I use my free hand to lightly pry Buck’s arms loose from his knees as a teardrop trickles from a closed eyelid, but he lets me open his arms and softly nudge his knees apart.  It’s just enough space for me to waddle closer to him, fitting snuggly between his bent legs, his knees fitting perfectly in the dips above my hips.  Hesitantly, but on his own accord I feel him shift and wrap his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him as my knees slide forward against the cool steel flooring gently halting at his crotch. He looks up at me.  In the dark I cannot see the color in his eyes but the red light reflects the saline harshly before I move my hand from his cheek and slide it into his long hair, grasping at the strands tenderly before he buries his face in my stomach and begins to sob once more.  
Is this what an out of body experience feels like, I wonder. My movements have become completely mechanical as I sink back on my haunches moving Bucky’s face into my chest. My left hand remains in his hair scratching his scalp comfortingly as my right arm wraps around his shoulders. The juxtaposition isn’t lost on me; he’s a drowning man clinging to a lifejacket, and I am an anaconda grooming my meal.  But Bucky is a friend, not food.  I repeat this phrase, friend not food, over and over in my head as stare above him at the railing hanging from the wall.  I can feel my skin shifting and the room getting brighter as my night vision gets stronger but I stare ahead, afraid that if I spare the shuddering form in my embrace a single glance that I will catch sight of a vein protruding from his taught flesh.
Bucky says something and it pulls me out of myself. He’s still shuddering, but I swallow and bring myself back in.  I’m in the Avenger tower, in an elevator with my teammate James Buchannan Barnes.  The veins recede again, and for a short moment I trust myself to open my eyes and pull back from Bucky enough to see his face as he sits more up right.  “Stella…I’m sorry.”
“What could you possibly have to be sorry for, Buck?”  I can feel the shiver run down his spine transfer a surge of energy to me as I swallow it hard willing my eyes not to shift again unsure of how much Bucky can see.
“For…” his voice cracks and tears begin to spill.  My heart aches knowing what it feels like to so desperately want to pull yourself together and yet remain unable to do so. “For this.”
I cup both of my hands on his cheeks moving my thumbs back and forth like windshield wipers.  “Are you afraid, Bucky?”
He nods up and down.  God, he looks like a puppy.  “Don’t be.”
He rushes forward once more and I pull him back to my chest, relieved that his eyes are away from my face.  I rub his back as I speak, daring to rest my own cheek in his hair as the words come tumbling out.  “You are Bucky Barnes and I am Stella Sinclair.  We are avengers.  The elevator we are sitting in is located in the Avengers Tower, Manhattan, New York City. This elevator is down for maintenance. It will turn back on soon.”  I say these things quietly for my benefit as much as his, trying to ground us and keep both of our demons at bay.  His shaking ceases and I can hear his deep breathes loud and clear.
But then I distract myself with what Bucky needs, and hope if I keep talking to him aloud it will block out the sounds of rushing blood beneath his skin and his heartbeat that’s thudding through his chest against myself. “No one is going to hurt you, Bucky. I’m here.  I’ll be here until the end, and I promise no matter what that I will always protect you.  You are safe.”  I’m lying, because no creature with pumping blood will ever be safe from me.  But I want it to be true, so desperately.    
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