#his element is fire this is how teleport from A to B
shatinn · 1 year
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Sims 4 - infant game play - 1
skin, eyes @remussirion
infant blush @serawis
infant clothes @maytaiii
infant wolf onesie @strawberrylattesims
dimple @northernsiberiawinds
witches and warlock mod @sp-creates
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tohwitchesduels · 19 days
Pokemon Typings of competitors of the tournament
Silly post I felt like doing this because yes I got inspired from analysing Boscha and Willow's battle so here you go:
Willow Park - Grass/Fighting - (obviously Willow is the most powerful plant witch in this tournament along with having gains and fighting using brute force and the strength of her heart)
Hunter Deamonne - Fighting/Psychic - (since Hunter is a trained fighter, the fighting type is a choice by default. I picked psychic type as a secondary so it could tie all of his more magical abilities together neatly as his power of levitation, telekinesis, and even teleportation and creation can be very much related to psychic types in my book)
Luz Noceda - Normal/Dragon - (Luz is a human so on her own she's normal but I give her dragon as a second typing due to her wielding String Bean which resembles Dratini, the first and original dragon-type Pokemon introduced a lot and Luz has connection to the titans' magic that can conquer elements and has overall a lot of raw power that Luz cultivated over time)
Amity Blight - Ground/Ghost - (the way Amity uses her magic suggests she uses mud most of the time rather than either using poison and while her technique is similar to waterbending, her goo does not act like water by itself so I delved more into ghost-typing to a) reference her palismen b) reference how original waterbenders drive their strength and learned how to bend from the moon spirit and c) to connect Amity's personality and aesthetic)
Gus Porter - Psychic/Ghost - (being an illusion master means he of course would be a psychic type, along with him lowkey having telepathy and memory projection abilities, but him also using nightmare fuel while wielding his magic and his illusions also more than often being intangible, I gave Gus ghost as a secondary type, which is especially true for Gus's clones)
Viney - Fairy - (her ability to heal and tame wild animals along with her desire to protect them screams fairy type to me. I was considering giving her secondary typing, but considering Granbull and Snubull are pure fairy types while looking fierce, I decided Viney would just be a singular fairy type)
Boscha - Fire/Poison - (Boscha overall has a lot of fire moves along with being in potion track and even as a person Boscha is both fierce and toxic, so this typing is perfect for her)
Bria - Rock/Fighting - (Rocks are Bria's primary weapon and she also wields a sword and priorities physical strength so I also gave her a fighting type for good measure)
Emira Blight - Psychic/Fairy - (psychic type for her illusion casting and her level-headedness, fairy type for both her healing, compassion, and mischievousness along with her charm)
Edric Blight - Psychic/Fire - (psychic type for his illusions and intelligence (even if he can be an airhead at times, the boy's still clever) and fire type for his chaotic nature while wielding a bunch of explosives)
Matt Tholomule - Rock/Dark - (rock type for construction type and dark type that stands for how shady Matt can be at times along with his illusions that are used for deception. I didn't give either Blight Twins or Gus dark-type for their illusions as they're hardly mean-spirited in general so an "Evil" type wouldn't fit them)
Skara - Normal/Electric ( her sound attacks are hardly anything extraordinary. Electric stands for her thunderstorm and whether or not some of her sound-based abilities have the power of electricity within them)
Gavin Deamonne - Ground (Gavin uses very straight-forward abomination magic and his abominations seem to act like they're made out of clay which is even closer to earth)
Barcus - Psychic/Ghost (I committed any poison-typing for Carcus as hardly he uses liquids in his spells and his powers are so mind and spirit-like focused, I might as well give Barcus the same typing Gus has)
Jerbo - Ground/Grass (Jerbo's animations are clearly made out of the soil and he still utilises plant magic)
Angmar - Grass/Bug (Anfmar's primary magic is the plant one, but he also affinity for befriending bugs, specifically butterflies)
If you want to add anything or discuss this let me know
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mxescargot · 8 months
OC masterlist
misc/multiple universes
garv (fishboy)
prima (tropey good guy)
vindicta (tropey bad guy)
ursa (dark magic bounty hunter)
ari (light magic bounty hunter)
urban fantasy/superhero
premise: a timeline that diverges several years before ours where a significant minority of the population across the world contracted strange illnesses that led to various magical powers; focuses on the Eastern United States (aka what im familiar with). themes of disabled justice and solidarity.
micheal (he/they): friendly college kid who always puts others before himself, teleportation powers
jem (any pronouns): an old self-insert, shapeshifting powers
ayaan (he/they): kid with unique powers that mess with the fabric of reality, of particular interest to the villain
emilia (she/her): sociologist studying how superpowered people interact with a society built for non-superpowered people, recently gained fire/energy/plasma powers of her own in an accident
saiorse (any pronouns): software developer and emilia's spouse. he does not have superpowers
alison (he/him): evil CEO (maybe also politician?) looking to take advantage of superpowered people for his own gain. especially young, powerful superpowered people. i do not know how to write villains tbh
eren (she/her): micheal's classmate.
haru (they/she/it): your average edgy 14 year old.
high fantasy: the world of An
premise: weird mix of some of the history i'm interested in, with a technological level of around the 1840s to 1860s? focuses on a governmental transition from absolute monarchy to parliamentary democracy and the greater inclusion of ethnic minorities in the political system and society as a whole. the people are sorta kemonomimi-hobbits with mammalian and insectoid features. also has eldritch shit going on in its magic system.
these are some of my oldest characters and have changed a lot, their original concept was a "five elements" thing and that still shows through.
the names are based on my conlang :> i didnt try to make the romanizations look pretty, just functional, so uhh ⟨v⟩ is a schwa and most letters correspond with IPA values but idk if thats accessible. here ill replace j with y and v with whatever letter looks best, you can see the mess of the "official" spellings in the tags. they dont exactly have a gender system like ours so pronouns are what i imagine they'd use if raised in our culture and language yk
baa'oni (they/she): activist reviving the long-suppressed/erased (idk what the right word is) life-related magic practices of their ancestors. name translates to "sundew"
lausa (she/her): noble who uses her position of power to help incite change, eventually becomes prime minister. romantically involved with baa’oni, causing suspicion and controversy. name translates to "shadower"
laanya (they/them): self insert. former water magic student reconnecting to it after trauma, also tries to get involved in activism. name translates to "river delta"
treyii (they/she/he): young and uncertain, pressure is put on him to achieve great things and they don't know where to belong. name translates to "sparks"
unnamed character referred to as "wind guy" (they/he): a vengeful prince with command over the weather.
star wars
premise: focuses on jedi fighting in the clone wars. i mostly made these characters in quarantine lol
aiya (they/xe): twi'lek anakin skywalker on a budget. padawan during the clone wars, becomes an inquisitor.
rakiss (she/they): mirialan; Aiya's fellow padawan and very close to xem. killed in O66
haalas (he/him): togruta; aiya's strict master, very loyal to the light side of the force itself and scared of losing another padawan to the dark side. survives O66, but is eventually killed by aiya, who blames him for rakiss's death.
malice (they/she/it): dathomiran zabrak who was the first padawan of haalas. left the order and turned to the dark side, but isn't with the Sith.
ekiv (she/her): rakiss's master, also a mirialan, and longtime friend of haalas. mom friend, but only because she's a people pleaser with massive gifted kid burnout. survives O66; assumes a new identity and learns how to heal.
hizta (any pronouns): tusken ex-bounty hunter who now runs a droid repair shop on coruscant. acquainted with aiya before and during the Clone Wars, aids the Rebellion.
penelope (she/they): human; old colleague of Hizta's. generally fairly cold and professional until you get to know them; actually very affectionate.
i also have some underdeveloped clone trooper OCs
hollow knight
cornu (they/them): HKsona. void-corrupted snail shaman capable of harnessing both soul and void magic.
unnamed fairyfly OC
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
🖊️"how does your magic system work?"
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPs?"
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
🖊️"how does your magic system work?"
Skyrim meets Guild Wars? 😂
Humans can have one of seven different magic talents: Elemental (air, fire, water, earth), life, death, and chaos. Most people are drawn to one aspect of their magic, for example Josephine is a water mage, but creates ice, and Cedric is an earth mage with extraordinary control over gemstones.
Meanwhile chaos includes several domains like manifestation (Valadan), illusion (Damien), teleportation, telekinesis, manipulation etc.) Why they name the elements, but not the domains? Uh, perhaps superstition, elemental is reputable, chaos is not. Who knows.
It's basically "focus on something, but it costs energy", and to be fair, most mages are way less powerful than the ones I write about. Which was a nice change of pace in Till Death 😅
Magic talent is innate, and probably inherited in some way, though it's not a given. It would be different for other races, for example Nyvi cannot use magic, but they can work with magical crystals. If I ever hop onto other races, there'll probably be differences there as well.
For kalani, it's very minor differences; their life mages can also be shapers who can grow plants, because well, they're plants. Humans cannot do that.
Really, it's all the exact opposite of a hard magic system, it does what I want, when I want it, and I let them run out of energy juuuust at the right moment. Just like I add other things when I need them: contact with morlit neutralizes magic and sucks the energy out of the user, so it's used to restrain or kill mages. A very rare condition exists where the mage has no control over his magic. What's next? Who knows.
😭"what are the biggest challenges writing your WIPs?"
Since I already answered this one here, another answer: Punctuation.
I had a medium meltdown last night, because I remembered that
a) German had two complete reforms of spelling and punctuation, one when I was just out of primary school, which means it was new for everyone and all the materials were still old, and a second one in 2006 when I finished school, so I never really learned it. And obviously, half of the books I own would be written in old rules.
b) it's all different in English anyway *sobs*
Thanks to Anna, I've gotten way better, but holy shit, I spent half an hour yesterday looking at a sentence, and my understanding of grammar told me there's no comma, but it sounds like a comma, and one cheap check I did told me one's gotta be there, but I am not paying for Grammarly so I don't know the reason for anything, and I'm just gonna quit writing and go back to modding instead, the programming language makes it clear if there has to be a semicolon.
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a-little-lostmoon · 1 year
ok so like, does anyone understand how the ppl in honkai star rail have their elemental powers? or am I just really stupid abt it cus like…
trailblazer. easy. gets theirs from the aeons
march 7th, another easy. has her six phase ice powers
dan heng, difficult? never do they mention wind elemental powers — march mentions that his “powers” are super secret backstory and he clearly knows cloud knight spearmanship (quote, smwhere from sushang talking about it) but are those wind powers canon? if so, where do they come from? why are they there?
welt, easy. he’s from the original honkai universe so his powers stem from there
himeko, tentative? she uses her sawblade and satellite that produce fire, not far fetched to think she managed to create something like that but also not confirmed either
natasha… ?? she’s physical — but i don’t know if that’s because of her literal giant… gun (idk the specific term) or unrelated and she can heal but is that basic first aid stuff or actual healing abilities/magic medicinal things. I’d assume it was just first aid bc she’d probably have less trouble if she could use magic but, idk
seele, i have no idea. she’s clearly magic but wwhere does it come from??? how did she learn to utilize a scythe and teleportation when fighting — i don’t know? there’s gotta b a canonical reason, i just don’t know what it is
and so on.
I have no idea what’s “canon” and what’s not — it’s clear that the powers ARE canon bc they’re used in cutscenes and as plot devices but it’s not… explained?? nor is everyone’s individual powers origins are and it’s driving me insane trying to piece together a concrete, coherent answer.
so please, if anyone else knows what the magic logistics of this universe are please tell me, i need to know. the writer in me and the hyperfixationed part of me NEEDS TO KNOW.
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macgyvertape · 1 year
Vampire Chronicle Movies liveblog/thoughts
Before watching both these movies I had only seen the 2022 show and seen a few posts about the larger fandom. It was very interesting to watch both as part of my "watch any vampire movie a person recommends to me". My commentary on it got long enough I've split it into it's own post
Interview with the Vampire (movie)
Huh going from the show where Louis is a black man to the movie where Louis is a white slave plantation owner with a dead wife & child fundamentally makes him a different person and the framing of the story different. 
I know the 90s were a lot more limited in what they could show of gay romance but no church/wedding scene at all :( 
Lestat still has a great sense of fashion sense in this. I haven’t read the book and don’t know the lore but I’m surprised there’s no mind reading or telepathy in the movie
Was Louis the original confederate vampire where fans are like "he isn't racist look at him free those slaves that one time" and ignore everything else? 
I found the graphic violence in show IWTV crossed the threshold of making me uncomfortable a few times, but it was interesting to read that some audiences found the violence and gore in this movie uncomfortable when I didn’t blink twice.
Claudia in the movie being trapped forever at an even younger age is more horrifying. She can’t even cut her hair and have that bodily autonomy
I’m shocked at how quickly and easily Claudia goes from “we should kill Lestat” to following through and “succeeding”. 
Lestat returning only to be set on fire by Louis protecting Claudia, this is so different than the show, and they escape a lot earlier than WW2. 
The comedy of Santiago’s ceiling walk felt so out of place 
Oh wow there’s a full female nudity scene in the theater performance, I was expecting just a standard vampire movie topless scene
The vampires busting in was so overdramatic with the music. Funny to see the sun room and recognize it it from WWDITS. 
What a fucking brutal way for Claudia and that other woman to go, I think this scene as Louis is walled up is the horror element I found the strongest, because it's just so emotional
Good on Louis for killing all those vampires. Santiago tried the "teleport behind him" and it didn't work at all
This scene between Louis and Armand is SO CHARGED
I think it's interesting what movies Louis watches; Nostferatu, Gone with the wind?, Superman
Random helicopter but I was shocked how weak Lestat was and how Louis was numb enough to just leave him
"I want what you have" a very different Daniel Malloy
Lestat attacked Daniel?! Very on the nose music "I'm a man of wealth and taste" this was not how I expected the movie to end AT ALL
Thinking of this alongside other media that’s gotten a remake where people’s entry point is the newer adaptation, its hard not to watch this and compare it to the show version. Of course the show version has a longer runtime to explore the characters and could be explicit vs the 90s queercoding, so it feels like apples and oranges to compare the two but I prefer the show versions especially with Daniel Malloy. A friend who doesn’t watch vampire movies said this reminded her of “A League of their Own” for similar 90s movie that was queer coded vs modern show remake that is open about it.
Queen of the Damned:
My roommate after seeing the trailer: "Oh no early 2000s really got to them (derogatory)"
"[The world] sounded better" then it's extremely mid rock
Lestat's singing is awful. I cant tell if it's the actor's fault or the directing. (Looking it up: seems the front man for Korn did the singing)
There's a paranormal group that knows about vampires?! What’s their survival rate?
I thought Lestat killed his Maker (but Lestat is also a lying liar who lies). Marius looks incredibly generic like just some dude, I think it's the short hair and this movie's cheaper costumes. 
Its very funny trying to picture this B movie level plot happening with the tv show
It took half the movie for Akasha to appear then her dance scene feels very male gaze. Disappointed she never really got any characterization
I thought the weird flying bit was sex but it was just flying
All of Jesse's lines sound so stilted, is her whole thing she studies vampires so much she’s horny for them?
Oh hey its Disturbed “Down with the sickness” the best music in this movie (aside from the fiddle bit)  even with only 10 second of “Ooh, wah-ah-ah-ah”
All these vampires attacking him onstage, wouldn’t that also break the masquerade?
The fight choreography this whole movie has been laughable
The movie is more interesting headcanoning Lestat’s desperate call out to other vampires as a need for Louis to notice him and come back
The best thing this movie did was the number of times vampires stood in the shadows and had their eyes glowing before walking forward
Jesse’s bra strap poking out during this dramatic feeding scene kind of kills the vibe
Why is Akasha so into Lestat she could do better, and the fact she has like 3 full scenes despite being the titular character is really disappointing
Rating: better than Morb but worse than Twilight (I like alt rock)
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parasite-core · 6 months
The Heroes of Spencer High
(Notes for a story based off my dream last night)
Rules of heroes’ powers:
Time travel is impossible.
Teleporting to other realities is impossible
Teleportation powers can only move the user up to a max of 1000 miles in any direction.
Healing others is impossible (ie: a hero can have a healing factor, but not healing/restorative magic)
Shapeshifting does not work as healing. You can shapeshift to temporarily be undamaged, but when you return to the previous form all damage sustained originally will still be there, and will not have healed regardless of time spent in the other form. The same goes for damage to other forms—if you try to return to the same damaged form, it will still be damaged. For most shifter heroes, new forms are acquired via rigorous training, so generally young heroes only have 1 or 2 forms, and have to be cautious about the amount of damage they sustain in such forms if they don’t want to be completely locked out of using a form due to fatal injuries.
World Note: Parents who expect their child to become a hero often give them alliterative names, as is the tradition since the first hero Sylvia Spencer (Zenith) (think gender-bent superman)
Heroes in the sophomore class Mandy Marshall (Wyvern): Shapeshifting, dragons (aroace)
Angelica Amsel (Talon): Wings (black or brown), telescopic vision, talons
Luca Lawson (Paladin): Swordplay, rays, blinding light (not safe for photosensitive bystanders, has been told not to use this power unless she desperately has to)(is a trans woman)
Kiara King (Silveredge): can create a ball of quicksilver and manipulate it telepathically, it can become any object with the same mass. Once she has mastered her powers better, she will be able to wear the quicksilver as armor and make weapons from portions of it.
David Davis (Ebonfang): basically a werewolf (shifter type hero, same restrictions as other shifters, but has a healing factor and heightened endurance on top of shifting)
Justin “Jay” Jeffers (Innereye): telekinesis and telepathy (non-binary?)
Gabriel Gale (Seraph): Wings (white), decaying touch?
Finn Ashburn (Flamekeeper): elemental manipulation (base elements – fire, water, wind, earth)
Mr. B (Beelzebub): the principal, has a demonic appearance and control over shadows. Was once a villain who had a change of heart, and now tries to guide new young minds to choose the right path.
Miss Miles: super speed, teaches PE (superhero PE involves a lot of obstacle courses and battle royales)
Mr. Tenebrae: Shadow manipulation, teleportation, and illusions. Teaches undercover work.
Mr. Graves: can summon spirits at his command or to speak to the dead. Teaches detective work.
Miss Kitty: cat woman, shifter, superior reflexes, teaches non-lethal fighting and proper capture procedure for low-level villains (burglars, non-superpowered assault/murder, etc.)
Miss April: Animal empathy and speech, teaches self defense.
Miss Möbius: Matter manipulation powers. Teaches older students how to handle high level villains (villains with superpowers or advanced technology) and creates the obstacle courses in PE class.
(Miss Kitty, Miss April, and Miss Möbiusare triplets who wear different colors to keep people from mixing them up. Miss Kitty wears blue, miss April wears green, and Miss Möbius is a goth and wears black)
Mr. Superior: Burnt out invulnerable hero. Teaches most mundane subjects—math, history, and English
Mrs. Evo: Genius intellect. Teaches basic biology, chemistry, and physics. Also teaches other genius-level supers more advanced science and mechanics.
The extra-dimensional aliens
Lord Gigas – Super strength, endurance, and superhuman genius. formerly Zenith’s arch nemesis before they both mysteriously disappeared. Rumor has it that Lord Gigas killed Zenith, but then lost the will to continue doing villany without a challenge from an equal.
Zenith and Lord Gigas actually came to an understanding, and used a mixture of Zenith’s powers and Lord Gigas’ technology to rip a hole into another reality, where they could escape their game of cat and dog for the media circus, and theoretically live in peace. Unfortunately, their actions drew the attention of a group of imperialistic aliens, who used their own technology to recreate the hole in realities. Their first attack a year ago was a test run of the technology. This year the true invasion is planned to begin.
The ‘mysterious heroes’ who come to save the students during the second attack are actually Zenith and Lord Gigas, hiding their identities but trying to fix their mistake by keeping the aliens from assaulting their world.
(Note: what they've done and will do in the story purposely breaks the power set rules listed above. Using a combination of their skills they have found a way to teleport to other realities. Possibly travel through time later, although arriving in a desired time will be touch-and-go if they do.)
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ignite-stars · 2 years
sicarius, azriel
summary, ( HOSAB SPOILERS! ) being best friends with bryce quinlan can be a pain in the ass, but you both truly hit rock bottom when you fell through worlds.
word count, 2.2k
author’s note, reader is fem, and an elemental fae in this fic, fire and ice. also, if az is a little ooc in this, it’s because i’m still learning how to write his character. AGAIN, HOSAB SPOILERS!
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The stone clapping beneath your feet was laughing in the wind. One after the next, each step ringing in your ears louder than the last. And the sounds of Hunt’s pained screaming was bone-chilling. Your brother, you hadn’t realized how close the two of you had become until he was wailing in pain, for his life, for his freedom being reclaimed. Everything in you wanted to turn around and help him, to help Ruhn, and Lidia— who you were placing the entirety of your trust in, despite everything in you telling you that you shouldn’t.
Memories of the alphaholes you called your friends played in your head as you continued to bolt through the Asteri’s throne room. Flashing as quick as Athalar’s lightning.
Hunt buying you a sunball hat, matching to his, because he had learned from Bryce that you loved the sport just as much as he did. The three of you making a habit of watching together every weekend.
Practically freezing Ruhn’s balls for calling you icyhot after you had warned him not to. Declan and Tristian laughing their asses off afterwards.
And you couldn’t help but think of Danika.
In the moment, you missed her so much. You missed her stupid chipped nail polish and faded pink and blue highlights in her light blonde hair, that you had dyed for her one late night in yours, hers, and Bryce’s, shitty apartment. You missed the way she always knew what to do, how she always was the mediator to the absolute wreck you and the redhead— whose hand you were currently gripping tightly in escape— were.
Bryce whimpered, slightly fumbling in her running as Hunt’s bellows of agony got progressively louder. You tugged on your connected hands. “I know,” you croaked, not daring a glance back at Rigelus, who was hot on your trail. “I know, B.” You gave a squeeze to her hand to signal that she wasn’t alone in any of this, and she never would be, not as long as you were still breathing. Though that may not be much longer, if the circumstances took a turn for the worst.
But because the two of you had discovered the secrets of the Asteri, together, just like you always had, both of you were totally fucked if you didn’t go through with Lidia’s silent instruction. The Asteri survived off of the first light of the citizens, the slaves, of this world. And there were other realms, some like Lunathion, and others the opposite. You needed to find Aidas, and the other princes of Hel, as quickly as possible if you wanted to save Hunt and Ruhn. And in order to do that, you had to keep moving.
The distance between you and gates was closing rapidly. So close that Rigelus began roaring in anger. With a deep, shaky exhale, you prepared yourself for the churning of your stomach that came with teleporting. Bryce was already tired, so the chances that everything would go smoothly was slim to none.
But you didn’t give yourself a chance to think about it and you hurried her in front of you. The livid Asteri was too close for comfort— you could feel his hot breath curling down the back of your neck and shooting down your spine. His hand reached out and attempted to snag the back of your scaled fighting armor, similar to that of a warrior on a battlefield. Lightweight, and easy to move in. You had worked, and were known for, as the Sicarius of Lunathion since you were barely a teenager, physically owned by Micah Domitus.
It was ironic, really, that you had waited years to finally be rid of that horrid man, and now, you were possibly about to meet him once more in the afterlife. If there was one. There wouldn’t be one waiting for you in the Bone Quarter, you knew that much.
When Bryce’s fingers finally connected with the gate, and her golden eyes scrunched shut in a frantic attempt to gather the remnants of her Starborn gifts, Rigelus had realized his failure. He tipped his head back and cursed loudly at you and Bryce as you vanished from his view.
You were free-falling through the air.
The wind was long since stolen from your lungs, dancing with the space and matter around you. The silence was so thick that it was almost peaceful. A different kind of peaceful. It was as if your soul was pleased. Your entire being was alight in darkness and starlight. You thought Hel was supposed to shred you apart from the inside out, but apparently your scarred heart was finding solace within the flames. Like you had taken some sort of diversion from the path of your life that would lead you to greater things. A place where you were meant to be all this time.
Like a missing piece of a puzzle. Or a glass slipper that slid perfectly onto your foot. Whatever the feeling was, it felt right.
Maybe this was it. A reaper had collected your soul and dragged you to the Underworld, where you rightfully belonged. All the blood on your hands had finally come back to bite you in the ass. Maybe all the souls you had stolen were damning yours to a much darker fate.
Guilt flooded through you. In death, you were betraying Bryce, breaking the promise you made to her when you were both fifteen years-old. To Hel and back, I’ll be with you, Quinlan. You were leaving her now. To go on alone. You were giving up on the only person who you vowed to never abandon.
When you hit the ground, you hadn’t expected such a place to have, grass? Or the loud chatter of crickets. What the fuck? Was the wading of a river a figment of your imagination? You sat up with a startle, your hand immediately retracted to your bloodstone blade in your thigh holster, unsheathing it without hesitation.
The guilt you were feeling ebbed away and traded out with confusion. When you scanned your surroundings, you indeed spotted a river beneath a group of stunning mountains. But the biggest surprise was the snow-covered town not too far from where you collided with the ground.
“Bryce,” you breathed, whipping your head around in an instant. Through the fog of the night-chilled air, you could spot her form kneeling not too far from yours. A growl ripped through your throat as you also caught sight of a shadowed figure behind her, holding a blade to the skin of her trachea.
The redhead was utterly frozen in compliance. You could hear her crying as you creeped closer. She was begging with the winged— demon? He had the leathery wings of a demon. She was pleading for Aidas, fear bleeding through her wobbly tone.
You monitored your every step while also never removing your eyes from the demon. You studied his body language just as you’d been taught. His tense shoulders and heavy breathing told you that he was nervous, underneath his facade of rage. But his quivering hands and confident movements told you that he wouldn’t hesitate to slit Bryce’s throat had she made one wrong move. By the stance he took, the deep scars littering his hands, and down to the control he had over his weighted wings, you knew he was well trained, perhaps just as skilled as you in the art of killing.
You summoned heat to the palm of your hands, imbuing the steel of your knife into a bright silver. You didn’t know how sharp the demon’s instincts were, but you were bound to inflict some sort of stun with the burning blade.
Like a predator toying with it’s prey, you lunged for him in a swift movement. The front of your torso meeting the back of his body as you tangled your arms around his neck. The attack threw him off balance, causing him to stumble back a step, giving Bryce a chance to clamber up to her feet, albeit blindfolded.
The demon grunted in shock at the heat waving off of the weapon millimeters away from the column of his throat. You shushed him, purring into his ear as he struggled, “quiet.” His eyes widened when the shadows curling around him loitered, some even curling up your calves in admiration. The demon snarled at the darkness adorning your skin. You had caught on pretty quickly that those shadows currently wrapped around you were his source of information. He hadn’t been as on guard as he should’ve been because he was expecting the darkness to warn him of anyone lurking behind him.
“Take me to Prince Aidas,” you whispered, much calmer now that his knife was nowhere near Bryce. “Or I swear to Luna I’ll slit your fucking throat.” The demon panted, still relentless in his thrashing. He was strong, so strong that even with the Fae abilities pulsing through your veins, you struggled to keep ahold of him.
You grew suspicious when he stilled in his movements. You pressed your molten blade closer to his throat, close enough to ensure the heat could nip at his jugular. His throaty voice surprised you, not because he spoke scarily low, but because the language he used was nothing you’ve heard before.
Suddenly, his warm hands slipped through your death grip, and grabbed at the backs of your thighs. Bryce called for you in a panic, sensing something was deeply wrong by the tension in the air. He leaned forward to shift his weight before he withdrew and slammed the back of his head into the bridge of your nose.
You hadn’t let out any noises of pain, not even as the scarlet color of your blood started to gush from your delicately-flaring nostrils. There was only a hitch in the rhythm of your breathing that you couldn’t control. But you knew he picked up on it, nonetheless. It infuriated you, that he was now one step ahead. Your first instinct was to tighten your hold on his neck, and send him falling into the ground with you. And you did exactly that. You let go of his neck, but wrapped your thighs around his waist, pulling him down to render him.
He grunted in annoyance in this game of fire on fire. He spat out what you assumed was a silver-tongued threat. You had taken the brunt end of his weight, giving him the advantage. He took the chance to quickly flip over and grapple each of his knees on both sides of you. Once more, you couldn’t understand what he was gritting through his teeth, but even as you threw your head back in pain, you understood that he was telling you to quit fucking moving.
You gasped when one of his shadows slithered down the side of your face, urging you to open your eyes. At his foreign command, laced with warning, the darkness scattered behind him. You heaved wrathfully, forcing short breaths through your nose in order to clear your head. You needed to think. Calm down and think.
You needed to get to Aidas. Hunt, Ruhn, and Lidia’s lives were dependent on that. The longer you fought tooth and nail with this winged bastard sitting smugly on top of you, their fatality rates heightened. You knew Bryce was thinking the same thing by the racing thump of her heart.
When you convinced yourself your temper was under control, you allowed your eyes to flutter open to finally get a glimpse at the demon before you.
Holy fucking Urd.
His hazel eyes bored into yours, pupils pinging from the intensity of the combat he was up against. You hadn’t been able to get a good look at him prior to this moment, so caught up in getting to Bryce. But he was gorgeous, deeply-tanned skin freckled with beauty marks, and an occasional, faint scar. His features were sharp— nearly wolfish— nose and cheekbones that could cut.
And when you peered down at his chapped lips, something inside you reached out to him. You couldn’t stop it, an emotional tether searching for it’s other half. A piece of yourself was intertwining with his in a way that was so beautiful that it was horribly tragic.
The falter in his hands holding yours to the ground was an indication that he felt the same piece of him singing out to you. He couldn’t stop it, no matter how much he tugged and hauled back on that endless bond. He could’ve dug his damn feet into the dirt beneath him, but nothing could’ve halted that piece of him that tangled with you.
He gathered both of your hands into one of his one, the other swept up his glowing blade from where it laid beside you. If he had any doubts to what he did next, he showed no signs of it. He set the blade against your windpipe, and applied the slightest bit of pressure. Warm blood swarmed around the sharp tip, not a lot, simply enough to warn you with words he could not speak.
Your mate, your opponent was your mate.
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ice-emperor-zane · 2 years
list of the other barely relevant elemental masters I think could absolutely destroy the ninja powers-wise
1) master of amber. So you’re saying that she can imitate multiple abilities at nearly the same strength as the original user? Its like asking ‘ok in a fight, who would win. Someone with fire powers or someone with both fire and ice powers?’ Are you kidding? how is it possible to beat her, where are the limits??
2) master of speed. If you cant land a hit on him and he can attack you faster than you can react, you’re fucked. Like genuinely, the speed should allow for increased attack power as well. Its not unsimilar to the time twins’ abilities.
3) master of smoke. He can turn into smoke, which allows for short distance teleportation, means your attacks dont hit, and can also stop you from seeing entirely. Hello?
4) master of metal. one-punch kill with the metal arms. If thats too slow/bulky and the element allows him to instantly change the shape of metal he’s carrying then theres weapon manifestation, make knives, make a sword, make a hammer, make a chain, go batshit idc.
5) master of light (seen in invisibility). Once again attacks can’t hit, if they cant see you tf they gonna do, attack everything? In season 4 I hated how Cole was able to make him visible by getting dust on him, like just make the dust invisible too???
6) master of gravity. All close-up attacks get fucked because you can lift yourself or your opponent up into the air, they cant get near you. Drop them back down and boom you’ve just knocked them out. Even increase gravity on someone and shove them into the ground.
7) master of nature. Once again weapon making, strangle with a vine, prickle with a cactus, bonk your opponent over the head with a big stick, go batshit idc!!!
everyone else sucks and I think they’d loose (sorry) but some honorable mentions of characters who i think could at least put up a good fight.
8) master of shadow. Only putting him this low because I dont know what his powers do, like is it just shadows on the ground/walls attacking you? Cuz if so, then a) Wu beat that without using any elemental powers in the pilots, its only advantage is its element of surprise, and b) why was Garmadon able to use that elemental power in the pilots?
9) master of mind. Not good for actual combat in the short term, the worst he can really do is give his opponent a headache, give him a bit of time to get inside someone’s head though and he could fuck anyone up, just not in the same way. It seems that the element is best for communication and information-gathering.
10) master of form. Its similar to the mind element in that its good for information gathering rather then combat, and similar to the element of shadow in how its most useful if you can catch people off-guard.
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demonologue · 3 years
Some predictions for s2 of The Legend of Vox Machina
(and how it will affect Gilmore’s storyline and how new fans perceive him)
@dreanner95​ wrote:
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I am holding out hope for season 2, I really am. But I’ve done some storyboarding math, and it doesn’t look good for Gilmore or any accurate-to-campaign portrayals of his relationship with Vax. 
If you will indulge me, here are the story beats I’m predicting for a 12 episode Chroma Conclave arc:
The dragons attack the city. Rawr. VM fight valiantly but end up having to retreat and teleport to Vasselheim to get help. 
Earthbreaker Groon tests Grog and tries to get him to ditch Craven Edge by telling him about Vestiges. Maybe even specific ones in a certain sunken tomb and Westruun. B-story will be our intro to Viktor and his chaos.
The sunken toooooooooooooooooomb. All angst and finally some focus on Vex’ahlia. Who is the least favourite female PC of all new fans to LoVM because the writers gave her nothing in s1. But that’s another rant.
The Herd of Storms. Kevdak. Westruun. Kaylie. Poppa Willhand. The one-on-one between Grog and Kevdak, ending with a cliffhanger where Grog almost dies.
Surprise, Grog doesn’t die. Now it’s time to fight Umbrasyl with the herd. Black dragon is down in one. No one is surprised after what happened with Brimscythe in episode 3. But wait! It’s Kerr! Let’s celebrate victory and give Keyleth a pep talk about leadership, because she’s the main character.
Time to head to the Feywild, little dogies! Find out why the twins are the way they are, introduce Artagan and watch the chaos, because we would never play down a fan favourite. 
This one is probably a two-parter, because everyone loves Artagan and if the writers don’t take advantage of the angst in Vex’ahlia’s choice between Saundor and her friends, then can they really call themselves writers?
We go to Marquet to grab Cabal’s Ruin, meet J’mon Sa Ord, get drugs for Scanlan, fly on a ship to Glintshore and all that lovely mess because we cannot deny Percival his swan song (his second swan song? idk).
Things have happened. They’re sad. Resurrection ritual. But we have the vestige and one BONUS vestige. Huzzah. Oh no! Raishan in disguise? Stab her, Percy! CLIFFHANGER
Nevermind, it’s fine. On to the elemental plane of fire. A card game. A pit fiend. A slave market. Vestige acquired. Huzzah. 
OH NO save KimAllura from bad mages at Fort Daxio. Then time to kill Vorugal so Raishan can prove herself. Where’s Larkin? Lots of treasure, including the Spire of Conflux. Now let’s do the Siege of Emon. 
The Siege of Emon. Wait, Raishan got away. Let’s go kill her ass. Big victory party. But at the end, Vex shoots a critical success arrow into the spinning ball of death and sees Thar Amphala on the other side. CLIFFHANGER. 
This leaves 0 room for Gilmore. It doesn’t leave room for Gilmore to single-handedly fight Thordak in episode 39. It doesn’t leave room for Vax to cry over his nearly-dead body in episode 40. Moreover, it would be an emotional beat no new viewers would understand, because Vax and Gilmore’s relationship has not been set up to BE that. 
In fact, I would argue that we GOT that emotional beat from Vax for Keyleth in the added FoD scene in episode 11-12. Look at my face. I’m totally fine that they took that moment away from Gilmore and appropriated it to Keyleth. Everything is fine. Mlm is valid in this show, we’re just not going to show you any apart from “harmless” flirting and Scanlan’s innuendos. 
Likewise, 57 makes no emotional sense. It’s not a huge shock anymore when Hotis stabs Vax disguised as Gilmore, because Gilmore is just an acquaintance. There’s no emotional impact. And the show has already set Hotis up as a little side gag in episode 5. Then how does Vax find out about his wings, you ask? Well, obviously it’s something about Keyleth and true love and why do you need Gilmore for that? There’s nothing special about him, and definitely nothing special to VAX about him.
There’s no need for Gilmore to create and maintain the shield over Whitestone. No need for Gilmore to save them from Vorugal in episode 64. At this point, new viewers would just wonder why time is being taken away from the main characters for this shopkeeper guy.
With all that, I can see Gilmore maybe MAYBE getting to fight Thordak with them in episode 12. But as of now in the story, we have no concept of his real power as a wizard, either. So bringing him along will no doubt seem random. VM will probably bring Allura along instead because it’s been established that she has old beef with Thordak, her boo Kima will be there (and c2 critters love their shield wife lesbians), and she’s also the imperial wizard of Emon. 
Please understand I’m not HOPING for any of this, but I feel like I can see it coming like a slow-moving freight train, and I’m just trying to prepare myself. 
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Alrighty, so this is an idea I've been having about the bartender for a while: if you remember sans' workshop, I actually thought about the idea of sans being gone, and grillby finding the key and beginning to explore the skeletons' past.
Just a random idea, and I also love how you write your stories, I can literally imagine the scenario happening❤.
Oh, I really like this one! I hope you don’t mind that I went in the angst direction with this. It turned out to be a little long and might not have been exactly what you were looking for, but I hope you like it anyway! Also thank you so much for the compliment, I’m thrilled that you can enjoy it.
I Never Knew You. I Never Will.
Word count: 2951 Warnings: Genocide route and all that entails Summary: Grillby can’t find Sans after the evacuation. When he finds himself in Sans’s lab, his world comes crashing down around him.
Preface: This takes place near the end of a genocide run. The remaining monsters have been evacuated to the True Lab by Dr. Alphys. Determined to avenge his brother, Sans left the safety of the lab to judge Frisk.
Grillby felt like he was floating as he made his way through the crowd of monsters around him. This had to be a nightmare. It couldn’t be real. He watched from outside himself as he searched the crowd for familiar faces, stumbling as he was pushed aside by a monster rushing to greet their spouse. People were calling out for each other, sobbing as they found their family members or wailing as they realized their children hadn’t made it. It couldn’t be real.
It couldn’t be.
He couldn’t see any of the Snowdin guards. Where were they?
No, he couldn’t understand, this wasn’t real.
He couldn’t find his niece. He heard someone screaming her name above the crowd and realized it was him. Where was she? Where were Grillby’s brothers, his parents? He hadn’t seen them in so long. They had to be okay.
It wasn’t real.
It couldn’t be real.
It was.
Reality came crashing down. Grillby snapped back into awareness and choked, sickened by the lingering smell of dust as sheer panic gripped him. His friends were dead. His family was dead. They’d been fine just yesterday, how could they be dead? What kind of monster- no, what thing could do this? He struggled to breathe as he felt his whole body seizing up. It was all he could do not to puke, head spinning as he leaned against the nearest wall. He couldn’t breathe, his vision was spotty, was he dying? Was this what it felt like, for your soul to break apart?
Grillby sank to his knees, trails of steam pouring from the corners of his eyes as he sobbed. Everyone he loved was dead.
No. Wait. He was forgetting someone.
Where was Sans?
The fire elemental jerked his head up, frantically scanning the crowd. Sans had been the one to come for him and tell him to evacuate to Hotland. He’d taken Grillby’s hand and told him there was no time to explain. They’d taken a shortcut to Alphys’s lab, skipping Waterfall to be sure Grillby wouldn’t get hurt by the rivers and rain. Sans told him a human was attacking every monster in sight. He told him to stay put, then left to help with the rest of the evacuation. It had only been after the fact that Grillby realized Sans had been wearing Papyrus’s scarf, and it was covered in dust.
Alphys’s underground lab had quickly filled with frightened monsters. The remaining members of the royal guard had spread the word and were getting people out as fast as they could. Sans could only take one person at a time using his shortcuts, but he still managed to get dozens of people out. Despite it all, they weren’t fast enough. The human was destroying everything in its path. They got to Waterfall, Hotland, and the Core faster than everyone could get out. Survivors started showing up covered in lingering dust.
Grillby forced himself to his feet. Sans had to be nearby. All the survivors had been moved to safety, hidden underground. There was no reason for Sans to still be searching. There was no reason for him to be anywhere but by Grillby’s side, safe and sound. Where was he?
The bartender spotted Alphys handing out blankets and walked over, desperation gripping his soul as he stepped in front of her. “Dr. Alphys, have you seen Sans anywhere? He was helping with the evacuation. He should be back by now.”
Alphys stopped in her tracks. “H-he isn’t here?” She looked around, nearly as worried by the news as Grillby. “He s-said he was taking a- a shortcut home. He was o-o-only going to grab some- some more blankets and food.”
Dread enveloped Grillby’s soul, threatening to break it. No. No, this couldn’t be happening. “Why would you let him go back out there?!”
“The h-human is, um, in New Home,” Alphys stuttered out in her defense. “Sans c-c-can teleport. He doesn’t h-have to get, um, anywhere n-near the human. It should b-b-be safe by now. I’m sure, um, h-he’s probably safe. He’ll be back any moment now! I’m s-sure of it!”
She didn’t sound sure enough for Grillby’s taste. He pushed past her, continuing his search as he went from room to room. Sans should have been back. What if he’d exhausted himself and couldn’t teleport again? What if the human doubled back, searching for survivors, and found Sans?
A flash of red caught Grillby’s eye. A long piece of red fabric was left draped on one of the medical beds. Papyrus’s scarf.
Grillby pulled out his phone, shakily picking the dusty scarf up. Surely Sans had his phone on him, right? The phone rang… and rang… and rang… 
“Congrats, you’ve reached the voicemail of Sans the skeleton. Picking up the phone is too much work right now, so I probably won’t answer if you call me back. You can leave a message, but I probably won’t check my voicemail either. Just text me. Or call Papyrus. See ya.”
The fire monster wanted to cry. He called again and again and again. It went to voicemail every time. He tried texting him, begging Sans to answer…
But nobody came.
Grillby was moving towards the elevator of the lab before he truly comprehended what he was doing. Alphys saw him and rushed after him, grabbing his sleeve. “W-wait! Where are you going?”
“You said Sans was at home, didn’t you?” Grillby answered quietly. “I’m going to find him.”
“You c-can’t! It’s not safe-!”
Grillby turned around, his flames burning hotter as he snapped at her. “But it was safe for Sans to leave, was it?! Don’t be so hypocritical! If you’re truly concerned about the safety of monsters, let me go!”
Alphys fell quiet, trembling a bit. She let go of Grillby’s sleeve and hunched over. She hated being yelled at. Grillby immediately felt guilty, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, “I shouldn’t have raised my voice. I just-”
“N-no.” Alphys wiped at her eyes and adjusted her glasses. “You’re right. I sh-shouldn’t have let Sans go. Let, um, let me find a r-rain jacket for you. It will be dangerous for y-you to get through- through Waterfall on your own.”
Grillby was quiet for a moment, then just nodded, letting her leave. She came back moments later with a rain jacket, rubber boots, and an umbrella. The fire monster took them and thanked the scientist, heading towards the elevator. He didn’t say goodbye. In the situation they’d found themselves in, a farewell felt like a curse.
Grillby managed to make it through Waterfall mostly unscathed, folding his umbrella as he walked into Snowdin. The place felt like a ghost town, every window dark and every home abandoned. He tried not to think about it as he approached the skeleton brothers’ house. The door was standing open, filling Grillby with dread. He choked down another wave of panic as he stepped inside the dark living room. “Sans?” Grillby called out, voice feeling muffled by the oppressive, eerie silence. “Sans, are you here? ...god, please be here.” He pulled out his phone again as he walked up the stairs, dialing Sans’s number and waiting.
A default ringtone went off in Sans’s room.
The bartender should’ve felt relieved, but if anything, the sound scared him more than the silence. If Sans was here, why didn’t he answer the phone? Respond to the texts? Grillby tried the door and found it locked, struggling with the knob despite knowing it was useless. “Sans! Are you there?! Please, answer me!”
But nobody came.
The panic Grillby had been holding back consumed him. The fire that made up his body grew as he stepped back, leaning against the railing before moving forward and kicking down the door. 
The room was empty. Sans’s phone was ringing on the bed, abandoned.
For the second time that day, Grillby found himself sobbing, kneeling on the floor as he desperately tried to force himself to breathe. This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t have lost Sans, too. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t even get to tell him…
Dizzy with exhaustion, Grillby looked up at the phone again. On the bed next to it was a piece of paper, folded around something. Dragging himself to his feet, the bartender stumbled over, sinking to the ground again as he picked it up. A key fell into his lap. It was small and silver, and it looked old. The note it had been wrapped in had a drawing of the house, with an arrow pointing to something in the back. As Grillby’s gaze drifted down to the base of the drawing, he choked on another sob.
Hey Grillbz,
If you’re reading this, you probably did something stupid like go to my house by yourself with a homicidal psychopath on the loose. Don’t worry, I get it. You did this last time, too. Anyway, this go around, I’m not gonna be here when you show up. 
That key you’ve got goes to a basement behind the house. Go in there. You’ll figure out for yourself where I’ve gone.
When you do, please don’t follow me.
I love you, Grillby. I’m sorry.
Grillby read the note over and over, crying as the implications sank in. Whatever Sans was doing, it didn’t sound like he planned to come back. Well, if he thought that Grillby wasn’t going to go after him, he was dead wrong. But first… the bartender had to figure out where Sans was going.
It had taken a minute to get the door behind the house to open. The lock was old, and it stuck for a moment while Grillby jiggled the key to get it in. It finally swung open with an echoing creak, light from outside barely able to illuminate the inside of what looked to be a small home lab of some kind.
Grillby stepped inside, drawn to the large machine in the back. The damage to the odd machine and the char marks on the floor did nothing for Grillby’s anxiety, but the lack of dust around it at least assured him that it probably wasn’t the dangerous thing Sans had been alluding to. The fire monster stepped away from it, moving towards the desk and the piles of paper there. The first thing that caught his eye was a drawer slightly ajar, something inside reflecting the light that Grillby gave off. He opened it the rest of the way, immediately recognizing the badge inside as he picked it up. “This… This is the insignia of the royal scientist. Why would he have this?” Grillby mumbled out loud. Now that he was thinking about it, why would Sans have any of this? It didn’t make any sense. Sans was a sentry, and he had been the entire time Grillby knew him. The skeleton had never mentioned living in Hotland or having a scientific career. The bartender was starting to question how well he knew his best friend, setting the badge back in the drawer and turning to the papers.
The first page was written in some sort of font that Grillby couldn’t understand. Looking at it made his hurt, so he moved it to the side, skipping over it. The next page was thankfully readable. It described something called ‘DT’, and the effects it could have on a monster’s magic if infused properly. The records of the experiments had been partially burned, but most of what Grillby could read was too complicated for him to understand. He never thought Sans was dumb, but the complicated equations were far beyond anything Grillby had seen before. He hadn’t guessed Sans had that level of intelligence, or put that level of work into any one project.
The last few pages had the most burns out of all of them. Some sections were written in that headache-inducing language, with a lot of the notes Grillby could read seemingly added later. It looked like a comparison between the effectiveness of multiple attacks before and after the use of DT. The last few notes made Grillby burn lower, nearly going cold.
In conclusion, DT can be used to temporarily increase stamina and allow a monster to use their magic more effectively, summoning attacks and creating patterns like nothing seen before. However, drawing that level of magic from a monster’s soul can cause their soul to become unstable, tearing it apart. A monster could not withstand the effects of DT long-term without turning to dust.
I could handle it, just for a little while. If it came down to it, I could use the machine on myself and keep the kid from hurting anyone else.
Papyrus… Alphys… Grillby… 🕈︎✋︎☠︎☝︎👎︎✋︎☠︎☝︎💧︎… I’m so sorry.
“No,” Grillby whispered, his eyes widening in panic. “No, no no no no please tell me you didn’t- Sans-”
Sans was going to fight the human.
No matter the outcome, Sans was going to turn to dust.
Grillby ignored the sting of the rain as he sprinted through Waterfall. He didn’t have time to worry about his HP. Sans used that machine on himself. He’d managed to build it, surely he could reverse it if Grillby just reached him in time. His mind was reeling, trying to catch up with everything he learned. Sans had once been involved with the royal scientist. Was that how he knew Alphys? And what was with that strange handwriting? Why would Sans hide it from him? The rain didn’t bother Grillby this time, but he felt a sting in his soul as he realized just how little he knew about Sans. Everything he learned about him throughout their friendship… was it all a lie? Just a cover-up for whatever Sans had done in the past? It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense anymore.
Grillby’s footsteps echoed in the corridors of New Home as he sprinted down the main path. Alphys had said that the human was in New Home somewhere, undoubtedly heading towards the castle. If Sans were to face them, it would be there. He only hoped he could reach him in time.
Sans fell backward as he felt the human’s blade slice through his ribcage. Looking down, he watched in distant shock as blood started to seep from the wound. He knew the whole battle had been pointless… Frisk would just load their save file each time they died, coming back over and over until they killed him… but it still felt so surreal. The fight was over. Sans lost.
“Heh… heh heh…” The skeleton laughed breathlessly to himself as he looked up. The human was expressionless, uncaring. How? How could they have so much apathy, after everyone they hurt?
It didn’t matter. Sans forced himself to his feet, coughing as blood dripped from his mouth. It would be fine. Frisk would reset, everyone would come back, and then they’d die again. The warm golds and oranges of the hall began to blur together as the bloodloss made Sans woozy and he stumbled, leaning against one of the pillars. If he closed his eyes…
He could almost pretend he was sitting at a familiar bar, the bartender smiling at him as he cracked jokes and drank from a ketchup bottle.
“Welp. I’m going to Grillby’s,” Sans said weakly, tears filling his eyes.
“Papyrus… do you want anything?”
Footsteps echoed in the final hallway as Grillby ran, desperation gripping his soul. He almost ran right past it. He skidded to a stop as his mind processed what he’d seen. His mind went empty and numb, and he turned around, walking a few paces back the way he’d come.
At the base of one of the pillars was a blue jacket, sitting in a pile of dust.
Grillby screamed.
No. No, it couldn’t end like this. The fire elemental fell to his knees and picked up Sans’s jacket, wailing as he held it to his chest. When he did- God, he was covered in dust. Sans’s dust. The thought made him drop the jacket and turn away, gagging and throwing up until there was nothing left.
Grillby wrapped his arms around himself, the humidity in the room increasing as he sobbed. He thought of Sans’s smile, his jokes and laughter, the way he always winked at the end of a bad pun. Was any of that even real? Did Sans enjoy being around Grillby, or was it all a façade? Grief and betrayal settled heavily over the bartender, threatening to drown him. He dry-heaved again, choking as he desperately fought for air.
I love you, Grillby.
Grillby... I’m so sorry.
The words washed over him, pushing those feelings away. It didn’t matter. Whoever Sans had been before, it didn’t change what the two of them had. Grillby wouldn’t let it.
Grillby picked up Sans’s jacket as he stood, shaking the dust off and putting it on. The heat in the room became sweltering as the fire monster was filled with rage. That human... that human had taken so much from him. His friends, his family... the skeleton he loved. They couldn’t get away with it. He wouldn’t let them.
The fire monster walked towards the end of the hall, eyes burning with murderous rage. That human was going to pay for what they-
The world stuttered.
Grillby hummed to himself as he wiped down his bar, getting ready to open for the day. Hm, that was strange. Lifting the cloth, he noticed that it had quickly gotten fairly dirty. There was dust all over Grillby’s hands, coming off on the towel. He shrugged to himself as he wiped them off and got another towel.
It was probably nothing.
Thanks for reading! This one accidentally turned out kind of long. It’s pretty stream-of-consciousness, but I’m too busy to edit it today and I’m too eager to post it to wait.
Reblog or leave me a comment telling me what you think! Asks are open if you would like to leave a prompt for me, and let me know if you want to be on my Undertale fic taglist!
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bitterfucked · 3 years
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finally beat all the ds3 bosses solo the other day so here’s a buncha shitty cell phone pics i sent to my friend to brag
build was a regen faith build 44/40 VIG/END, 28/16 STR/DEX, 60 FAITH. rings were Sun Princess, FAP, Havel, and Chloranthy (all +3 for Midir/Gael). i used Blessed Lothric Knight Greatsword for Soul of Cinder, with Ancient Dragon Greatshield offhand, Sunlight Straight Sword + ADGS vs Nameless King, and the Blessed Dragonslayer Axe/Ethereal Oak Shield you see in the pics vs everyone else.
here’s my review of the 5 hardest bosses:
1. Soul of Cinder: 9/10
fun fight, the super varied movesets were really thematic. loses a point cos if you aren’t familiar with previous games’ lore this is kind of an “okay i guess there had to be a final boss” type of fight. like great gameplay but Cindy has 0 story build-up in ds3
2. Nameless King: -100/10 first phase, 7/10 second phase
overhyped garbage fight. hate playing camera souls phase 1, hate that you’re encouraged to bring lightning for the drake’s weakness and then punished for it phase 2, and i hate his janky stab-grab hitbox.
“he’s got a super varied moveset” okay but he doesn’t if you do the typical “suck dick and smack booty” ds3 boss strategy; the fight is just swing swing punish for 2 minutes straight. don’t get me wrong i love ds3 gameplay and i’m here for that but the way ppl talk about NK i was expecting something better than a trashfire phase 1 followed by a phase 2 that is IMO subpar when compared to Dragonslayer Armor or Cindy for “big dude with sword” fights.
i won’t be fighting NK on any NG+s i think. phase 1 is that unfun, so it’s probably a 1/character fight to get his sick fashion and maybe that swordspear
3. Sister Friede: 9/10
first phase is fun as hell once you get the hang of it, phase 2 is a bit meh and really why she isn’t 10/10, phase 3 is terrifying and so satisfying to beat. not much to say here. Friede and Cindy are both very nearly that platonic dark souls ideal of a boss that feels impossibly hard until you learn their moves and realize how fair (yet challenging) the fight is.
4. Midir: 10/10 potential, 7/10 practical
i love midir’s moveset and he’s the dragon fight of my dreams. you know how a lot of video games do dragon fights but they don’t do a good job of actually showcasing what it’s like to fight a five-storey tall crocodile that can breathe fire and fly? midir falls (omg spoiler) a lil short on the flying department but nails everything else.
the thing is, he’s a health sponge. this’d be my favourite fight in the game if he had about 2000 less HP but as is, he’s a bit too much of an endurance fight. which takes away from the sheer terror of a well done dragon - there should be more of an element of “take him down fast or die”. endurance fight removes that tension and makes it more of a “somersaulting arsehole teases animal for ten minutes before delivering a brutal headshot” kind of tone. midir also gives a surprising amount of space for you to heal for a battle that’s considered the hardest in the game, which removes the tension of an endurance fight - you’re not outlasting a series of deadly combos, you’re using your own massive HP pool to marathon 200 hits into midir’s noggin
5. Gael: 6/10
i’m probably never going to fight gael again but he does score a lot of points for
a) having each phase be more of an awe-inspiring “oh shit oh fuck” moment than the last
b) making me nearly piss myself when i passed through the fog gate for the first time and was like “huh this a weird spot for the gate” and then see him just fucking sprinting at me
c) literally saying “it’s always darkest before the soul!” like what a fucking funny line for the final boss of the series
anyways he’s got the same issue as midir where it’s a sastisfyingly difficult fight made frustratingly much harder by an inflated HP pool. even once i got phase 1 & 2 relatively down, he was such a slog that my mistakes would just pile up for phase 3. i know i don’t have this complaint for Friede who has a similar size HP pool but she’s not an endurance slog - she can get combo’d down fast phase 1, and phase 2 is so full of free hits that she’s effectively 5000 HP less than her written total. you don’t spend the entire fight dodging around being like “okay… where’s my one hit opening…” which is fun to do sometimes! just not for the entirety of an extremely long fight
outside of HP bloat, teleporting into phase 2 feels janky and basically having to use the pillars to create space for estus and buffs reduces an epic fight into cheesy videogame moments. i also literally did not realize that his cape hurts you because that makes no fucking sense. i thought he just had janky hit boxes until i looked up a video on how to beat him
fun as hell game overall tho time to finish my pyro, sorc, and ranger playthroughs
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am-i-right-marines · 4 years
Prompt: A Random Idea I had
The epitome of trench warfare.
John-117 wasn’t a stranger to these natural elements, but admittedly he didn’t typically experience them in this context all together.
The Spartan walked along the five foot wide trench with his MA5B Individual Combat Weapon System at the ready. To his right was a concrete steel-reinforced firing-step about four and a half feet off the ground, as to allow Marines to fire over the parapet of the ten foot deep concrete trench. To his left, a concrete wall occasionally broken up by the entrance to a dugout containing a few dozen bunks or ammo crates. He watched a pair of marines climb up onto the firing step and take position by a mounted machine gun. The Master Chief recognized them from last week.
“Will you shut up?”
“‘Who’s Bob?’ The hell kinda question was that? Haven’t you heard of a first name?”
“Your first name is Private, you’re gonna be Private all your life.”
Private Schmegeggy and Private Rosen.
The pair had charged a trio of Elites that had pinned down a Corpsman in a shell crater as he tried to help the artillery officer that had been caught in the blaster. With a few close calls, the pair of Privates had rescued both men and returned to friendly lines.
John could respect that bravery. As such, when Rosen glanced over at him as he walked by, he nodded at the young Marine, who’s face broke into a smile and nodded back.
John understood that he was considered a hero to the ranks. A very long successful mission record, plenty of eyewitness accounts of “heroism”, and the Office of Naval Intelligence’s Section Two hyping up his achievements with propaganda had led to him being one of, if not the most revered human alive.
Just because he understood it didn’t mean it didn’t confuse him. A soldier didn’t deserve the title ‘hero’ just for doing his job. But, he did what was needed of him. Sometimes people needed a hero, be they real, fictional, willing, or unwilling.
The Spartan walked down a set of stairs to pass under a pillbox that spanned over the top of the trench and was partially buried to hide it from Covenant air strikes. Inside the pillbox was an M68 Gauss Cannon along with two M247H Heavy Machine Guns, capable of being manned by just four marines; Two for the M247s, and two for the M68. There were several dozen just like it in the outer defense ring of Firebase Romeo.
Firebase Romeo may have been called a Firebase, but it was more like a fortress. Three rings of trenches with a dozen pillboxes each, artillery batteries between those trenches in concealment holes, several dozen M79 Multiple Launch Rocket Systems mounted on the base walls, countless heavy machine guns, ten M808C Scorpion Main Battle Tanks, a dozen M12 LRVs, the list went on.
Making a turn down another trench, John made for the main section of the Firebase, only to stop. His instincts started screaming at him.
Something’s wrong
Something’s wrong
The trenches sprang to life, Marines diving for cover, looking out for incoming fire, dragging comrades to safety.
John’s eyes immediately found the barrage of incoming plasma bombs, and subsequently deduced where they had come from.
A nearby ridge line with heavy foliage concealed the dozen or so Wraith tanks that had fired the barrage, and he could already see readying a second barrage. He blinked into his HUD and connected to the comm channel the artillery crews used to communicate.
“Romeo Battery Command, Sierra-117. Eyes on hostile armor. Request One Round, followed by Battery Fire For Effect at following coordinates.” The Spartan blinked again and transmitted said coordinates to the Battery Commander.
“Confirmed Sierra, standby.”
A pause. Then a single boom.
“Shot! Over.”
A few seconds.
“Splash! Over.”
The Wraith rounds finally landed as he saw the single artillery shell land in exactly the right place. Crouching down against the trench wall just to be safe as dirt and residual plasma washed over him, he spoke again. “Splash confirmed. Fire For Effect.”
“Understood, Firing For Effect!” And a second later, deafening booms started echoing over the trenches as Romeo Battery opened up with everything it had. John saw fire erupt over the Wraith line followed by a second plasma barrage before several explosions in the tree line as the line of Wraiths went up in purple flames.
Blinking into the open-comm frequency, John caught the next major problem.
“Pillbox 17, hostile infantry in sight, north-by-northwest. Contact. Contact.” Followed by the sound of both heavy machine guns in the pillbox opening up.
From closer to him, John heard Private Rosen scream. “Here they come!”
As he quickly made his way back to the outer trench, John reconnected to the Artilerry Frequency and examined the open field the UNSC Corps of Engineers had created when constructing Firebase Romeo that the Covenant were now crossing. Open, muddy ground with little to no cover. Hundreds upon hundreds of Covenant infantry and vehicles charging across No Man’s Land.
“Battery Command, Sierra. Recommend adjust firing position by twelve degrees East.”
“Understood Sierra, adjusting. Keep your heads down.”
Shells started flying overhead leaving trails of fire in the sky, slamming into the Covenant lines.
John shouldered his MA5B and added his own fire to the roaring staccato.
No shots missed. Two Grunts. An Elite. Even a Brute.
He heard the anti-air cannons on the base walls open up, followed by the sound of Banshee engines screaming. “Strafing run!”
John dozen to the ground as his shields started draining from high-power plasma strikes. As he stood up, he watched a pillbox detonate in a ball of green fire as a Fuel Rod blast detonated the M68’s power cell.
The Master Chief spotted Private Rosen staring in fear at the fireball approaching and then turning to run.
He’s not gonna make it.
The Spartan launched himself down the trench and grabbed Rosen’s wrist, flinging him into one of the dugouts and covering the entrance with his own body to protect the other marines inside.
His shields shattered. Heat washed over him. He heard a grunt of pain escaped his lips as small bouts of flame slipped past, but nothing more. When the flames passed, he moved away without another word and returned to the firing step.
“Master Chief, we just received an E-BAND transmission from a Ranger unit on a nearby hill-“
And then leaped out of the trench as he spotted a Brute Chopper zipping towards him. He sprinted towards the vehicle, sidestepped the spikes it shot at him, then grabbed the Brute in the driver’s seat as it drove by. He tore it from its seat and took its place.
“-assist if you can.”
“Mayday! Kilo 279, I’m hit!”
“-Delta Two Bravo, Mine Strike!”
John spotted the flaming Pelican descending through the clouds, and knew he had a decision to make.
Kilo 279...
or the Rangers.
Not enough time.
John revved his engine as Kilo 279 slammed cockpit-first into the dirt, running over Covenant troops in the process. He depressed the triggers on the handles and mowed down more. Then he spotted the Locust.
Pulling a grenade from his belt, he primed the detonator and shoved it into the wheel-well before leaking into the air and pulling backflip as the Chopper slammed into one of the Locust’s legs and detonated, destroying the siege-platform.
John landed at a kneel with one fist on the ground and tilted his visor upwards.
“The Demon-!”
Spartan Time kicked in.
His MA5B practically teleported into his hands.
Body after body dropped to the dirt.
The Spartan shot forward and grabbed a Jackal by the throat, throwing it at a pair of Sangheili that were charging him in slow motion. As the Jackal took flight, John whirled and emptied and entire magazine into a Brute, then tossed his rifle onto his mag-clamps on his back.
No time to reload.
Magnum in his hand without even realizing, he downed three Jackals and a pair of Sangheili with one mag.
As time sped up again, he became aware of a shout from behind him.
“Cover the Chief!”
He didn’t have to look behind him to hear the dozens of marines and the crew of Kilo-279 rallying behind him.
Then engines screaming. Shouts of joy.
“Hell yeah! Air support!”
John looked up as a flight of B-65 Shortswords swooped low over the valley and dropped napalm on the Covenant advance. A second flight focused on the Covenant armor, dropping Mark 208 High-Yield Gravity Buster bombs.
And then nearly all of them exploded.
Covenant point defense weapons had shot them down. A Covenant frigate lowered through the clouds, and John tensed. Not even he could deal with that. Not from the ground.
“Sierra-117, Vindication-Actual. Standby for MAC strike.”
So, this is a thing. I don’t know what it is but I like it.
See if you can spot the movie references I dropped in here!
Also, @ladywolvesbayne , I think you might like this one because of how badass John is.
And you asked to be provided with this, @cloakedinfall !
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pmiller1 · 4 years
What If Neku Sakuraba Was In Smash
I have been watching BrawlFan1, Whom made video of what he (and other) if some character was in Super Smash Brother. Talking about Move Set what they would use in Smash. And wild they there some character may not be in Smash or less likly, it is fun to come up with what they move and skill would be in Smash. And for me, being Inspired by his work. I will give my own idea for Neku Sakuraba.
A anti social teenage who have got himself into a Game known as the Reaper Game, take to clear the mission in set of team they would face eraser. And with that he have the power of psychs come from each set of pins he have been given by him and the help of his partners who is the only mean to help him clear the mission and get out of this Reaper.
Neku is a well written Character who was able to open up and become a batter person in the ends, no thank to his Partners who beside one became part of his new friends. Now he facing into another Game known as Super Smash Brother. Using his psychs to make a good match for any enemy and helping his allie.
Neku would be a Light wirght class with Two Jump and Wall Jump (thank to flowmotion in KHDDD).
The A Attack.
Let get right of the bat, Neku move are all from his Pins. And in the game he can only up to Six Pins. It wouldn’t really be fair to have Neku only have Six Pins for any attack, so he will have more then Six Pins.
And starting with his Jab, witch will be 1st ever posited element attack, Shockwave, He will slase with one hand, then slace with his other hand then he down slase with his 1st hand with Stellar Flurry pin, that rapidly stab.
His Dash Attack will be using a Velocity Attack Pins, Making a Velocity speed, crashing his body in a blear.
His Side Tilt. He be using his Lance Lunge pin, dealing lance like attack with a high knockback
His Up Tilt will be using his Vulcan Uppercut pin, that as the name said, deal a uppercut attack, this will also give a higher jump in the end, but will end in a freefall.
His Down Tilt will be using one of the Earthquake Pin, facing Neku will have a small shockwave that deal little damage, but will trip opponent.
As for Side Smash, Neku will be using a Massive Hit pin, where he charged up, as Neku to jump slightly forward and swing a large blade.
His Up Smash, Will be using a Piercing Pillar pin, the slash one, Where he a ice pillar shot up wear from Neku, deal ice damage, freezing opponent on contact.
His Down Smash, It will be from his Street Jam pin. As two speaker appear when charged beside Neku facing away from him that deal a sound blasé, deal damage and could knockback opponent,
His Neutral Aerial, He using one of his Pin that use Discharge, As Neku deal electric damage, stunting opponent.
Forward Aerial, He will be using on of starter pin that he get in his 2nd day, Force Rounds, As Neku will fire a Projectiles of Force Rounds, on the angel of where it was tilt, being upper side or down wear side just to the side of him.
His Back Aerial, He will one of Apport Pin, where Neku would have a rock throw behind him that would spick opponent if they was hit bellowed the rock.
His Up Aerial, He'll use a Twister pin, that make a whirlwinds on top of Neku, that deal small multi hit damage that also push opponent up wear.
His Down Aerial will be one from Grave Marker pin, where he does inter fall damage to any that come into contact and a small shockwave when he landed.
The Grabs.
Grabs have long range grab thank to his Pyrokinesis pin, witch he use to keep opponent on hold with his Pyrokinesis.
The Pummel, he will use one of the Holy Light pin, where he deal a small light damage.
His Forward Throw, will push the opponent, knocking back, as if he use Slash version of Pyrokinesis .
His Back Throw, will use the Drag version of Pyrokinesis. where he Drag the opponent, throwing them behind him.
His Up Throw, He use one of the Explosion pin, As it deal explosion damage under the opponent sending them up wear.
And his Down Throw, he will use the Touch version of Pyrokinesis. Sending in the air and throwing them down to the ground that deal damage, if this was on the edge, it will make then go down until of land on a ground or the blasé zone.
The B Attacks.
His Neutral Special, he will use the very 1st pin he have use, Pyrokinesis, with this he will make a trial of fire that you can move with a cursor, the fire will fleam up that deal fire damage. However this leave Neku vulnerable and last for 3s and can't use it for 5s. If Neku in the Air in this Attack. He will use Splash Core instead, That make a Bubble of Water in fount of him that deal damage of a opponent made contact it, that bust it.
His Side Special, well it will be a charge attack as he use Thunderbolt when Uncharged, fire a thunder, locking to a opponent close to him, any opponent beside them will also be locked on, deal a chain attack with each chain deal less damage then he main one. If you release the move when charging, he will use one of Lightning Arrester pin. That make a Neku fire a Lightning bolt direction to wear witch direction of the left anglog with a small arrow slowing where he will fire at. He deal multi hit electric damage. But full charged, he will use Lightning Bolt pin. Where a longing bolt of lightning from blasé zone, pass Neku by the direction of the left anglog again. Like with Lightning Arrester it will deal multi hit electric damage.
His Up Special. He'll use one of the Teleport pin. Witch he Teleport. Yeah. I think you know how that work.
His Down Special... Well here the thing, Neku wouldn't be able to use anything of his pins, if he haven't partnered up with another Player, forming a Pack that bond him and his partnered, he be helpless alone, in fact, he need to Partnered to Survived the Reaper Game, it why he become a better person, he had his partnered, having no other option to work with there partnered, needing to trust his partnered to win the games. And sure, he in Smash for this, not the Reaper Game, He can play his Solo. But really, if he gonna win Smash, He gonna need his Partnered.
The Gimmicks.
That right, he wouldn't be alone, as Shiki, Joshua and Beat will also be joining Smash too. And really, if Neku gonna be in Smash, his Partners have to join too, Being then own fighter in there right. That the point of the game, is having that partnership, Neku became a better person thank to them. Truth you Partners and will take that partnership to the fullest.
For this, His Down Special, He will use a Smash Remix of the Partner Pins. As using will summon Shiki, his 1st partner along with with his stuff pig... I mean cat adding her with Neku, she'll and the rest of Neku's Partners will be a semi-controlled player, like with 2nd Ice Climbers. When Neku attack, she will attack, if Neku use a Special, she will use her own, she move with him.
Down Special, will switch with his Next Partner, Joshua, then Beat and back to Shiki. However, they will have a cooldown when you switch out and would be able to resummons them for a 10s.
However, they is a flaw, as whatever deal damage to his partner, Neku will take that damage, if they hit the blasé zone, Neku will lose a shock and will respawn with the partner. As in the DS game, Neku and Partner share one HP bar. But they will have they own HP bar they own, that also act as they time to being used, one that bar empty out, they will disband will have a longer cooldown, 30s.
You can select who your starting Partners will be by press Y, like with PT, the Echo fighter and The Aegis Girls.
You can also select Neku to go Solo having no Partners. In watch Neku will use Pin given by Rhyme, Beat 1st partner, Cure Drink. This will heal Neku down 30% of his damage, who 1/5 in Stamina. However you can only use four time and it will not cooldown, making Neku Down Special useless until he got KO. As it will refill the number.
And for the sake of it, Neku will only be Solo if the match is a 5-8 player. As having all those Partners, Will be hell for Match.
He will have have another Gimmicks, one that only effect in team battle, the Puck. Every time Neku deal damage, a orb of light move toward one of his teammate, the player with the orb deal more damage, passing the puck to another team or back to Neku, Getting more stronger for each time it passed, but will died out of no damage have been dealt for some time. As Neku need to deal again to restaring the Puck. This encouraged the team to being team combo and teamwork as part of the point of the game, teamwork and trusting your Partner. After all, you and Neku have toward together.
For Neku's FINAL SMASH, It will be a cinematic Final Smash. As Neku will from a Black Hold from the Black Hole pin itself, pull all opponents up to three into the black hold. If at least one been suck in, it teleported them into Shibuya with the 104 building visible. As whichever Partners is out, they will there Level 3 Fusion Attacks. Shiki's will have Mew being as tall as the build as it fire laser into the trap opponents, deal a lot of damage as She and Neku stand on his shoulder, Joshua's having the Moon fall toward them as Neku and Joshua flow in Space, And Beat will have city been flood as the him and Neku surfing on the tidal wave. And if there no partners or playing Solo, Neku will instead use the Final Fusion, In watch Neku and his Partners join to bring a powerful light that well deal even higher damage. Each of those Fusion will KO when opponents is over 100%.
I will also say that Neku's Partners as they own Smash Fighter will have the same Final Smash with there repasted Level 3 Fusion Attacks.
The Other Stuff.
Neku will started out with his deflated outfit that we seen in The World Ends with You. I should note that I will not go over his Partners outfit in this, just know there be a theme around them. Yes outfit, As the game take place in Shibuya, faction is a thing and you gotter look fabulous, even in the Reaper Game.
His 2nd outfit that I call Favourite brand: He be wearing Dharma, Inazuma, Gekirin and Wadatsumi. It may seem like the are same as Neku own outfit, but this will be light blue. All of this are from Jupiter of the Monkey.
His 3rd outfit, The Punk: He'll be wearing Red Mohawk Set, Tiger Biker Vest, Bondage Half-pants and Purple Sneaks. All from Tigre Punks. His hair will be Red to match the Monark.
His 4th outfit, The Hip: He'll be wearing Dandy Hat, North Wind Concerto, Youth's March and Young American. All from Hip Snake.
His 5th outfit, The Top-class: He'll be wearing Regal Presence and Liberty Duke. Both from Pegaso, His hair will be brown, as he undyed his hair.
His 6th outfit, The Gothic: He'll be wearing Double-breasted Suit, Ribbon Mini-hat and Platform Shoes. All from Lapin Angelique.
His 7th outfit, The School: He'll be wearing a Boys' Uniform with Blazer.
His 8th outfit, The Gamemaster: He'll be wearing Pi-Face's Bandanna, Cap, Coat, and Jeans. All from his 2nd weak Gamemater, Sho Minamimoto, his hair will be gray as Sho. This will also have most of his attack have a black effect on them as if he using Six of Darklit Planets pins.
Enter will have him come out of a Beam of Light like with Mageman.
His Up Taunts will have him hand close to his headphone saying "Open up your Senses" His Side Taunts will said "You're good as gone!" wild posting like his angry Emoticon Sprite. And his Down Taunts will have him in his battle-ready post. Saying "Any last words?!"
Neku will have 9 victory, 6 of them with his Partners and 2 when he going Solo (and in team victory.) And one Up victory no matter if he solo or have any partners.
In fact is Up victory, will have Shiki, Joshua and Beat teleported in and then Neku will teleported in fount and all of those there pose in Cover Art in The World Ends with You. He will say "That's how it's done."
Neku Left victory with have and his certain Partners move join hand and then does the pose as they Level 3 Fusion attack. Wild Solo, he adjusted his headphone and those the same pose as he would over all. He will say "So, who's next?"
And his Right victory for his solo, he removed his headphone and those behind him wild looking away from the camera. With Shiki, he will be camera faceing back of Neku with a hand light thought him as he turn with the camera toward Shiki, who smashing holding Mr Mew, as the two give a fight five. Like with Ending with when Neku and Shiki met in the RG. With Joshua, Neku will listen to some music, only for Joshua to flow down beside Neku, making him jump, with Joshua gigging beside him, as Nkeu looking annoyed at him. With Beat, Neku and Rhyme will be talking, as Best jump in give the two a big hugged as the trying to keep they smile.
And that is What If Neku Sakuraba Was In Smash, Really, I just want to do this myself, I like Neku as a Character and wild he have little changed to be in Smash, I still want to go along with this. And really, wild they could having Neku be in Smash alone, but would defeated the purpose of what the story all about, that Neku have to be in a Team, to open up with another person, he need his partner in order to even use his Pins.
But still, What do you think what Neku moveset would be? Do you like my ideal moveset for him?
And really, go watch BrawlFan1 on youtube, have made some character with really and ideal moveset for other character, some of witch fit with the theme of there games. He could even have Neku as a latter character his own, and really, I like to see what BrawlFan1 will have for Neku’s moveset himself. Over all, I hope you enjoyed this and thank for reading.
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mintchocohip · 5 years
taking care of sick sub!bts
requested 〉 headcanons for taking care of the members when they’re sick!
warnings 〉 sexual healing, mentions of porn
a/n 〉 to everyone living in places where the weather is becoming colder: stay healthy! 🍂
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Taehyung expects you to get grossed out, or annoyed. He doesn’t blame you for having emotions and reservations. You aren’t grossed out, and you aren’t annoyed. Somehow, if you were doing this bitterly, Taehyung would feel far less guilty. When he sees exhaustion hint over your face, it lifts a weight off his chest. The two of you are suffering together. 
His sore throat is the worst part. Taehyung hates it. The discomfort makes him want to crawl out of his skin. His eyes tear up and his eyebrows flinch every time he swallows. A cup of ginger tea that is 90% honey and lemon pulp trembles in his hand and twitches against his jaw as he swallows it down, but the hot, fresh curry you ordered for him disappears when he abandons a spoon and just cleans the bowl with his fingers. “Another?” His red eyes blink with amazement, as he swipes off his hands on the towel you wrapped over his pillow, “can I have another one of those?” 
Taehyung’s stomach has become a bottomless pit. Anything with a serving of rice tastes and feels like the world’s best medicine. Hot takeout dishes, crunchy biscuits, and fizzy drinks send you on constant voyages to take out bags of recycling and trash. 
Hot baths are curative. Gently soothing Taehyung out of bed doesn’t work. Taehyung snaps at you to leave him alone. When he finally rolls out of bed and drags his feet towards the bathroom, he doesn’t look happy about it. The apology will arrive when he’s feeling better. He nodded weakly when you asked if he wanted a bath. He was hoping he could teleport into it. As he slips into the water, Taehyung’s shivers and pained expression fade with slow relief. Watching him relax fills you with slow, happy relief, too. You pull up a chair by the side of the bath. You were planning on amusing yourself with your phone. As you watch Taehyung hug himself and rest, you realize minutes have drifted away. 
“Don’t worry about me. Take care of yourself.” You texted him a few times, but he never answered. You feel like you’re invading Yoongi’s space. You also know that if you don’t check up on him, once the fever and chills have disappeared―Yoongi will feel ignored and pained that you didn’t try. 
He’s working on his laptop, sucking through a bag of coughdrops, and shivering under a blanket he tugged around his shoulders. “I’ll just heat you up some broth.” “That doesn’t sound good.” “A cup of tonic water, then?” You watch Yoongi aimlessly click on links, before typing out gibberish five times until he finally spells his search term correctly. “I don’t want to drink anything.” “Okay. Then... let’s just go to bed. The hormones will make you feel better.” Yoongi is twitching his mouse aimlessly around the screen. “You’ll get sick.” “Let’s get sick together.” 
Yoongi wants to think the idea is unromantic and offputting. He can’t deny the way it makes him feel. He’s too stuffed up and weak to do anything, but he knows you’re satisfied using his body however you want. The fact that he’s able to feel satisfied amazes him, and the fact that he drifts off to sleep easily for the first time in days makes him tear up and and shudder in the few minutes he has before everything goes black. 
Long naps drift Yoongi away. The thermostat is pumped up hot, but he’s still shivering under layered pajamas. At some point, he migrated onto the couch with a throw blanket. He’s chattering his teeth and curled up in a ball when you find him after your shower. Tucking him into a thick blanket is like wrapping up a Yoongi burrito. Yoongi is curled up tight. One half of the couch is unoccupied, so you slide into that space, rest your head on his hip, and smile when you feel Yoongi’s body unwind.
Humidifiers, scented lotion, cotton swabs, clothing changes, and constant showers are a necessity. Jungkook needs to feel clean.
He doesn’t want you to take over completely. Jungkook accepts some help. If you pull down the ankles of his sweatpants and slide on his socks, he stops trying to do it himself. He hands you his blow-dryer and comb wordlessly after a shower, before drifting onto the floor of the bathroom and tugging the towels you heated up around himself. It’s his way of showing he wants to bow over with exhaustion, and let you sweep warm air and soothing shapes over his scalp.
Jungkook doesn’t get sick often. It unbalances him when it takes him. Not being able to do anything without a headache unnerves his emotional energy. He feels like a different person, and feeling like a different person makes him shy and uncertain around you.
“I can sleep on the couch,” Jungkook manages. “On the couch? No,” you can’t mask your surprise at Jungkook’s barely audible offer, “I’ll sleep on the couch.” “Oh... you don’t want to sleep in bed with me?” Jungkook feels gross. He doesn’t want you to get sick. He also wants you to stick to him like glue. Those desires are balanced on constantly contradicting offers and questions. 
His awkward questions around whether or not you want to cuddle are answered with actions. You insist on being the big spoon. Jungkook keeps wordlessly offering to hug you and squeeze you like he isn’t limp as a ragdoll―crawling into bed with him, you wrap your legs and arms around him until he can’t move, give him a few soft words about how much you like spending time with him even when he’s sick, and squeeze him until you can hear his heavy breaths wheezing out into sleep.
Yesterday morning, Jungkook told you he would be feeling better in a few hours. Tonight, you set him up with cups of water on the bedside table, an open capsule of effervescent tablets, tissues, and a kiss on the forehead to tell him it’s okay to need time.
Favorite stuffed toys get hugged, squished, and tossed. Hoseok isn’t afraid to feel needy for his favorite things when he’s sick. This is a private moment, too―so, he isn’t afraid to let out little blips of brattiness. When his toys hit the floor, he stares at them with half-lidded eyes and expects you to pick them up for him. 
If you don’t pick up the toys for him, Hoseok slides out of bed in a single sleek movement, picks them up, rearranges his bed, cleans, and finds something to do with his time. It’s all or nothing. If you aren’t going to take care of everything, then Hoseok has to admit it to himself: he doesn’t need your help. He can take care of himself.
He doesn’t want to take care of himself. You don’t want him to take care of himself, either.
Taking care of everything means taking care of everything. 
Feeding Hoseok healthy food is nearly impossible. Vegetables are picked around in favor of fat, flat noodles. Fruit is tasteless, and he pushes it around his plate. Breakfast food tastes amazing, but handfeeding is the only way to stop him from tearing the omelette into pieces on his quest to remove every slice of mushroom.  
It hurts to talk, so Hoseok doesn't talk. He won’t tell you why he drew you into the bedroom with the sound of his whining, but when he’s spread out like a starfish and looks like he’s about to cry, he probably wants some water eased down his throat. It’s painful trouble. Pets behind his ears are his reward. Am I being annoying? Do you want to take a break? He catches your arm. His placid expression has broken with an insecurity in his eyes. You do your best to read it. “It’s fine,” you smile, as you pluck his hand away and rest it back down onto the bed―”I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t want to.” Even if that wasn’t his question, Hoseok is closing his eyes and smiling faintly as you reach forwards to pet his hair.
Jimin is lounging around on the floor in a sea of pillows and blankets. He wishes he had a crackling fire in front of him, and snowfall outside the window. Delicately cushioned headphones surrounding him with the quiet hum of a snowstorm are a fine replacement for the real thing.
Taking care of Jimin is simple. You keep your voice low; you walk slowly.  He mostly wants to be alone, and he just needs quiet and calm. 
Sometimes, you receive a text from the other room. i look pretty, Jimin typed lazily under the blurry selfie he sent you. Very pretty, you agree.
The headache his awful―Jimin swallows some pills for it, and watches some porn for it―but he’s good at resting, and keeping his imagination occupied through long, monotonous hours. 
Getting sick makes Jimin wistful, and romantic. It feels awful. But, there’s an element of coziness and acceptance in just staying at home, making himself comfortable, and forgetting everything else. He needs things to feel cozy, of course: blankets, sources of heat, dim lights, diffusers, and something to watch. Those things are available, though, and he is fine with making things as easy for himself as possible.
Thin defenses make everything amusing. The laughter is pained. Jimin is curled up under the blankets with something―you step around the shape he’s made on the floor―and the laughter is morphing into a harsh coughing fit. Jimin requested some paper and a pen through mime, earlier today. He finds you in the bedroom, and shows you something he drew―his attempt to recreate one of Fernando Botero’s Birds of Peace―and he’s falling against you with contagious full-body laughter.
The only tissues he has left are old packets found at the bottom of a drawer. They’re patterned with cute frogs. Every time he swipes his nose, Namjoon feels like he's committing a crime. “Do you have any tissues without patterns on them?” You hand Namjoon a roll of paper towels for now, and pull your shoes on. You’re planning on buying bags and bags of plain tissues.
A stuffy nose frustrates Namjoon. He can smell his own sickness; everything smells like sickness, and he keeps apologizing for his own scent. The brief joy of sweet body lotions during a shower or the creams you rub over his skin before handing him the fuzzy bathrobe you laundered flutters away some of that insecurity. 
Laying a damp towel over his burning forehead is the easiest way to make Namjoon feel cared for. If you offer to lightly massage his shoulders, his whole body shivers the moment your fingertips light down.
When Namjoon is awake, hot food gets inhaled. He eats well normally, but he’s rarely ravenous―when he’s sick, Namjoon migrates into the kitchen, piles random things on the table, sits down with his phone, and digs in. Guilt makes Namjoon tidy. He washes down the table with a rag when he’s finished, but if you brush stray crumbs off his bathrobe or ask whether that stain is ice cream, he numbly notices the fact that he’s still a mess, nods, and lets you help him clean up.
Getting sick gives Namjoon a social itch. His phone is constantly lighting up with notifications. He wants pictures of his friend’s and family’s days; trees they saw, or a lovely sunrise. He wants idle text conversations. You offer to let Namjoon lay his head on your lap while you facetime with a mutual friend. You don’t realize he’s knocked out and drooling until a few hand signals on the screen direct your eyes downwards. You pet Namjoon’s hair, and finish up the conversation in whispers.
Seokjin exaggerates everything. He makes him feel better by making it look worse. 
He sniffles and goes hoarse as he walks up and tries to initiate a conversation with you. Doing housework shakes him and trembles him, but you walk into the room to find him elbow-deep in the sink, or folding laundry slowly. He wonders aloud if the two of you should go see a movie this evening. 
Seokjin really just wants you to turn him down again, and again. He feels relief every time you say, “Stop. Stop pushing yourself. Come sit down.” or “No. You’re sick. Don’t be ridiculous. We’re staying home.” 
When you say those words, wrap your arms around him, and pull Seokjin close, he feels like his body is trying to shake and tingle away like leaves shaking off a tree. Arms cradling him are a comfort that his pain is being seen, and heard, and known. He goes limp, he shivers, and he sighs himself down into a watery, misty acceptance. 
Drooly sleep wakes Seokjin up in the middle of the night. He’s cold, and frustrated. He just wants to sleep. The wet patches on his pillow brim him up with tension that could tear his pillowcase into a million pieces. The reminder that you’re sleeping behind him is sudden, and when your arms slide around his upset stomach, Seokjin is relaxing, whimpering, and rolling around to disappear under your arms and legs and weakly bury his face against the warmth of your neck. 
He knows he’s gross and messy. He’s been gross and messy around you before. 
Seokjin is thankful. He doesn’t feel better yet, but he still wants to thank you for staying with him. Unsure of how to show his thankfulness, he mostly just stares at you from under the sheets when you walk into the room, and twitches his fingers to show he wants you to hold his hand.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Hi! So I know you did a post with next gen + scrying crystals & Piper + the next gen. Do you think that Dency would have any special relationship with her aunts (or conversely her cousins since her, Wyatt, and Chris are only a few years apart?) Also, unrelatedly but I love how your questions tag is the heart letter! It’s just to cute???? Like this blog is such a labour of love 💕 I love this blog and all your headcanons :D
i feel like piper would definitely be the most ““motherly”” towards dency in a sense. obviously y’know like phoebe is her mother but like piper’s the one who’s gonna knit her fuzzy blankets and like always make sure she’s had enough to eat and all that. i think phoebe would probably move out of the manor a bit earlier in this au, so it would be more like piper picking up both wyatt and dency after school and the two of playing in the manor til phoebe got home from work and piper shifting into supermom mode like s̴͖̻̙͇͊̀̌n̶̰̹̤͑́̉å̸͈̪ć̴̡̖k̷̢̼̦̈́̓̚t̸͎̬̞͍̏̄͘i̷̝̱͚͍͒͒́̒m̷̛̬̅e̷̠̤͐̾ and making all these super nice complex finger foods for five year olds y’know? i also think piper would probably be the one to magically train dency as their powers (freezing/blasting vs fire/ice) are the closest to work with. so dency’s relationship with piper would definitely be this sort of super cozy if not overbearing motherly type.
in regards to her relationship with her mother, i feel like dency and phoebe’s relationship is really rooted in honest communication because dency was always one of those kids who would get to the truth no matter whether that be through snooping or pestering and phoebe a) always sort of sucks at coming up with coherent lies and b) doesn’t want to lie to her daughter regardless because that’s not the kind of mother she wants to be. whenever dency asks a tough question (where do babies come from? why are there always magical beings trying to attack us? who was my birth father and why isn’t he around?) phoebe’s gonna like properly sit her down and explain in depth these situations with care for dency’s feelings and all that. i think this would definitely expand and grow into a very honest dynamic between phoebe and dency, like dency just tells her mom shit, like if dency’s gonna go get stoned in crissy field she’s just gonna tell her mom she’s gonna go get stoned in crissy field and phoebe’s just like be sure to have a dd! make sure you’re friends are home safe before you shimmer! stuff like that bc phoebe was really this uncontrollable wild child who always felt the need to rebel against the iron first of grams so i think as a mother she worked really hard to foster and environment based less of law and order and more an open shared platform of communication : ) (dency was born in what 2002 the timeline tracks)
i think dency would have the funniest relationship with paige and a lot of it stems from dency’s time in the womb because source!baby did attempt to murder paige multiple times, but in my headcanons, after the source was removed from the baby (but the baby was still half demon) paige was actually the strongest advocate for the baby, specifically the baby being good, based off her whole attitude in little monsters. paige and dency are also like the only two with teleportation powers, so i feel like that could add to new levels of fun as well. furthermore, i think dency would have a tendency to date paige’s charges because heyyy who’s the cute witch hanging out in the living room what’s they’re deal are they single 👀👀 so much so that it becomes a bit of a running joke between her and paige. i also think cole’s like the only one who’s like willing to talk about cole. like phoebe will do it, but dency can see how uncomfortable it makes her mom, so she doesn’t like asking her, yet she still has this morbid curiosity in regards to her biologically other half, so she goes to paige. paige is honest with her, which dency greatly appreciates, but she still pumps the breaks on like how much she actually hates cole because she doesn’t want dency thinking that she’s inherited any of the bad faith paige held for her father. paige also sprinkles in how biological dad’s really ain’t shit like her biological father was technically a whitelighter but that didn’t stop him from being a pathetic absentee drunk, proving that a) clearly being a whitelighter doesn’t stop you from sucking balls, ergo being a demon doesn’t predetermine that you’ll be a dick, clearly there’s an element of free will here and b) paige herself is not a pathetic absentee drunk meaning we don’t inherit the flaws of our fathers. dency also learns how to make a pipe bomb from paige. 
in regards to cousins i can’t quite comment because i’m still not sure how having dency first would switch up the grand design / birth order i think wyatt would still be there & and i know someone pitched wyatt & dency as the new ultimate power or something which was an idea i liked idk how it would really play out with the other cousins though this was one idea i had on the matter but i’m not like,, attached to it at all.
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