#hint of remadora
New fic! Blackbolt gets to flirt, banter, and talk, but none of their tension gets resolved. Snippet and link below:
“Don’t you remember,” said Sirius, leaning his back against the half-wall perimeter, “I told you that when it snows, we’ve got the best view around.”
Kingsley felt for his wand, secure as ever in his pocket. He clasped his cloak and pulled out a cap from another pocket, pulling the cozy fabric over his head.
“So, Shacklebolt,” Sirius addressed, “Now that I’ve got you here, I asked if you liked the view.”
Kingsley inhaled deeply and looked Sirius in the eye. 
"I like what I’m seeing."
“I see…and what exactly has caught your eye?”
Kingsley’s mouth twitched. "Did you come all this way to flirt with me, Black?"
"If I did?"
"You flatter me."
"Someone ought to.”
Sirius drew a hand through his snowflake-laden hair, and asked, "Where am I this week?"
Kingsley pressed his lips together. "Where would you like to be?"
"Somewhere warm," Sirius replied, hugging his cloak to his thin body. "Someplace where you can see the sun most days."
An unbidden image came to Kingsley’s mind. He and Sirius, on a beach, their faces glowing from the tropical sun. It was as far from snowy London as he could imagine. 
"My family have a villa in Anguilla,” he suggested, closing the space between them. “Perhaps there?"
Sirius raised a brow at him. "As if I'd be caught breaking into an Auror’s second or third home.”
"You wouldn't be caught," Kingsley said, lowering his voice. "It's an invitation."
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saintsenara · 1 year
rare pair tag game
thanks for the tag, @said-snape-softly :)
i'm pretty sure everyone has done this by now, but if you'd like to, please consider this a blanket tag.
apart from all the tomarry and the odd dabble in remadora, i am a rare-pair enthusiast, so i am delighted to spread some propaganda here... the criterion i've used for a rare-pair is less than 2500 works on ao3.
pairs, little metas, fic recommendations, and some suggestions for authors to follow under the cut.
sirius black/severus snape
why i ship it:
this one can just about claim to be a rare-pair.
sirius and severus are narrative mirrors, whose complicated relationship to themselves and to each other is crucial for driving several of the most important arcs in the series.
in particular, sirius - constantly haunted by guilt and grief over his role in the death of the man he loved [you can decide if his love for james is platonic or not, but i definitely think the text thinks it isn't...], trapped in his childhood home, unable to have his real loyalties acknowledged before his death by the fact he's on the run - leads harry through his journey in hero-worshipping, then being disappointed in, then forgiving james. and then promptly dies.
this is one of harry's most significant areas of personal growth - it begins to chip away at his rather black-and-white morality, which is finally destroyed by his ability to confront the complexity of dumbledore in deathly hallows - but it is also key narratively: harry coming to understand james starts to hint to the reader that it is lily - otherwise absent from her son's conception of himself - who is the key to the mystery...
which brings us to severus - constantly haunted by guilt and grief over his role in the death of the woman he loved, trapped in his childhood home, unable to have his real loyalties acknowledged before his death by the fact he's a spy - who gives harry, and us, the final piece of the puzzle. and then promptly dies.
put them together, though? well, you get the delicious tension of two fundamentally broken people - who cannot comprehend the possibility of their own redemption - bound to each other. can they forgive each other and themselves? is it a disaster? the story can go either way.
and even in fluff there is so much potential for d r a m a between sirius' recklessness and severus' cunning, sirius' emotional control and severus' temper, the fact that sirius is canonically hot and severus is canonically not, how they react to harry and draco [i don't usually accept the fanon that severus is his godfather, except when it means snack can be fighting about it], and so on.
and i'm a sucker for two bitter old men getting a happy ending. sue me.
want to give it a read?
if you trust nothing else i say in my life [and why should you] you can trust this - second life by nwhiker and cassandra7 is one of the greatest pieces of writing i have ever seen, not only in this pairing but in this fandom full stop. it's a profound and solemn meditation on loving and grieving, choice and chance, and the great pain caused by the divide between the magical and the muggle worlds.
then, for gorgeous angst with a happy ending - two boys kissing by @writcraft and the merit in trying by brightened
albus dumbledore/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
the facetious answer is because they wouldn't be so obsessed with each other if there wasn't some sexual tension underneath it.
the facetious and nsfw answer is because it appeals to the part of me whose favourite book aged 11 was lolita
the serious answer is that they should be horrifying together: they're both liars; both incredibly self-righteous; both living behind masks which conceal their true emotions and motivations; dumbledore took one look at tom as an eleven-year-old, said "he reminds me of gellert", and then did nothing about it; tom thinks dumbledore's a hypocrite and is right, although not for the reasons he thinks; there is a colossal age gap; there is virtually no scenario in any timeline where they could be openly in a relationship unless one of them is concealing his identity; and - really, this seems quite minor in the grand scheme of things - they are constantly trying to destroy each other.
intellectually, they are the only two characters in the series who could be the other's equal - i'm sure that violent arguments about the twelve uses of dragon's blood trigger the majority of their sexual encounters, and a man who's passionate about your research is hot.
if either of them ever fancy being honest - so, no - there is a shared cavernous [although, in tom's case, unacknowledged] grief in their lives which has shaped their not-as-divergent-as-the-text-thinks-they-are views on death, love, duty and so on. their active refusal to understand each other [i.e. dumbledore entirely misreading voldemort's motivations in the job interview scene] and commitment to constantly underestimating each other [i.e. voldemort bouncing around like an idiot in the chamber of secrets instead of using his brain and remembering what a phoenix is] could, in time, lead to something almost resembling acceptance. i mean, just imagine the hurt/comfort sex which happens when voldemort finds out about grindledore.
the way dumbledore describes the young riddle - "self-sufficient, secretive, and, apparently, friendless" - is also an exact description of him. that each sees himself in the other canonically drives their hatred of each other, but it could also appeal to two very vain men in a much racier way. after all, who doesn't want to bang their narrative mirror?
and being an orphan probably doesn't seem so bad when you realise your boyfriend's family is aberforth.
want to give it a read?
i can't recommend concordance by @laeveteinn enough, particularly for one of the best-written dumbledores i've ever seen. i find dumbledore is often written either as far more whimsical than i'd like, or far more fiery and radical [when one of his most interesting personality traits in canon is his tendency towards inaction], but this dumbledore is the perfect balance of contradictions, while tom is his canonical feral self, longing to perceived, rather than the emotionless sociopath of so many other stories.
i also recommend as an entire ocean in a drop by eldritcher, which really leans into just how similar these two are underneath all the artifice.
albus dumbledore/severus snape
why i ship it:
well, we've had dumbledore with one lost boy, let's have him with another [i haven't been brave enough to venture into dumbledore/harry yet, but i'll take recommendations...]
as with riddledore, we have the potential for horror here: a vast power imbalance; enormous age gap; the fact dumbledore sends snape out to potentially die every time he goes off to voldemort; and - this is the crucial one - the fact that dumbledore's recognition of himself in snape is pure self-loathing ["you disgust me"] manifested in punishment [allowing snape to be humiliated in front of fudge, not stopping the presumed-to-be-real moody searching his office, making him give harry occlumency lessons, not letting him teach defence against the dark arts].
but then this stops, when snape does the tremendously brave thing of agreeing to kill dumbledore, and their dynamic equalises, as dumbledore recognises that snape is courageous, steadfast, and redeemed. i'm always struck in half-blood prince by the fact that dumbledore has it with harry's sniping about snape and straight-up tells him to shut up, as well as by the fact that he very nearly gives the game away and confesses why snape switched sides [the thing he promised not to do] when harry finds out it was snape who gave voldemort the prophecy.
and within this equalised dynamic - so this hot geriatric sex is happening in the afterlife, i guess - we have two men who are intellectual close-to-equals, who understand grief and guilt, whose aesthetic senses are charmingly mismatched, who are rarely honest but might be for each other, and who have lots of profound similarities which might lead somewhere...
want to give it a read?
cheerfully disregarding everything i've just said about how snumbledore could work, i highly recommend in infinite remorse of soul by @perverse-idyll, which is a chilling look at how dumbledore uses the power imbalance between the two to assuage his own guilt through snape's humiliation.
for something much more wholesome, i'm a big fan of byzantium by eldritcher
petunia dursley/severus snape
why i ship it:
because vernon is a dick.
i'm fond of petunia, who i think is one of the most interesting characters in the series because of how full of contradictions she is, and who i think is also a victim in fandom spaces of how the adult cast was aged up for the films [in canon, she's only in her early twenties when lily dies, and the implication is that vernon is a good deal older than her)] which makes her inadequacies, such as her inability to truly care for either child in the household, seem much more nuanced than they do if she's pictured as a middle-aged woman with considerable life experience.
like snape, she teeters on a knife edge between various chasms: she is a working-class girl from the midlands made good in middle-class surrey, he is a working-class half-blood boy who spends most of his life in pureblood circles; she ends up with her whole life wrapped up in a square little house when she's barely out of her teens, he ends up with his whole life wrapped up in spying at the same age; she hates the wizarding world and yet covets it, he hates the muggle world and yet cannot escape it; she loves lily and she hates her and she loathes her for dying, he... well, you know the rest.
want to give it a read?
i was first convinced by this pairing by the lovely regretfully yours by @maria-de-salinas, which takes both snape and petunia's awkwardness and bitterness and moulds it into something really tender.
i also highly recommend barking at the moon by rinsbane, the summary of which speaks for itself.
merope gaunt/tom riddle sr.
why i ship it:
our first canon pairing, and probably the most problematic of the canon relationships, since the series never acknowledges that tom sr. is a rape victim.
but i have found myself recently in my merope era and, in particular, in an attempt to give her more nuance than she gets in canon. as i've said to anyone who'll listen in the three broomsticks discord server, i loathe the implication in canon that merope dies because she just cba to live [since it directly justifies voldemort's belief that her death was shameful] and prefer to see her as someone who was desperate to escape a truly horrifying life [the fact she's going to be forced into an incestuous relationship with morfin is right there in canon...] and so did something she didn't have the capacity to understand the implications of [this is not a woman who's ever heard of consent] because she thought it would give her the first chance to be happy in her life, watched it all crash and burn around her, and would have very much liked to have lived to raise her son.
i doubt there was anything real or tender in her relationship with tom sr., of course, and his escape - while merely a brief stay of execution from his son's perspective - is tremendously brave. it's impossible to write tom/merope fluff [although i respect you if you're inclined to try] but fanfiction gives a space to explore the intricacies of their relationship which canon doesn't allow, and i'm obsessed.
want to give it a read?
i'm recommending myself here, and assuring you that you will enjoy: enchanter's nightshade, which explores how merope's attempts to keep her husband enslaved fail; the snow child, which treats the relationship as folk-horror; and the shack at the end of the lane, in which there is redemption, in the end.
the best exploration of tom sr. dealing with the fallout of the relationship is @phantomato's exquisite ganymede, which feels so truly embodied that you can't pull yourself away from the page.
bellatrix lestrange/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
our second canon pairing, i am obsessed with these two and the tragedy and - to some extent - tenderness bound up in their relationship [which can be proven to be there because noted softy @whinlatter loves them].
i've written before about my conviction - in contrast to a lot of bellatrix fans - that her relationship with rodolphus is utterly miserable, and that voldemort is the only man in her life who can understand her desire to make a life for herself which is not constrained by the gendered expectations of her social class.
obviously, lord voldemort is not a shining paragon of a boyfriend [and he is an awful choice as a baby daddy, bella, get it together], but i think the enormous power imbalance is perhaps slightly less enormous than is sometimes assumed - certainly, she tells him to his face in half-blood prince that he's wrong to trust snape [she's a clever woman], voldemort never physically punishes her for anything [rip to lucius malfoy, who seems to get picked for this in her stead], and voldemort tolerates a surprising amount of nonsense from her which shatters his mystique.
all of which is to say... the scream when she dies isn't just because he's losing the war.
want to give it a read?
tee hee, i'm recommending myself again, and encouraging you to take a look at: atramentum, bellamort's last afternoon together before voldemort goes to the potters; nor all that glisters gold, bellatrix's life - including her relationship with voldemort - through sirius' eyes; and death (eaters) in paradise, because murderous psychopaths deserve crack fics too.
draco malfoy/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
because the ship name is taco.
these two are a pairing which i enjoy with my tongue firmly in my cheek [and tom's tongue firmly in draco's], as i do with most other things in which draco is a main character [do i want to read drarry angst? no! do i want to chuckle? absolutely!], although this should not be taken as saying that many of taco's fabulous authors don't manage to make the pairing entirely plausible.
in fact, consensual taco [non-con is, of course, its own beast] often has some of the best characterisation of both tom [fretful, mercurial, stubborn, and nowhere near as charming as he thinks he is] and draco [prissy, a very good judge of character, someone who likes being taken care of, and much braver than he appears if he absolutely has to be] i've seen in the fandom, largely because - unlike other voldemort-centric ships [especially tomarry, but also voldemort + any of the adult death eaters] - there's no sense of inevitability there. these two aren't connected by a shared bit of soul, or a prophecy, or having gone to school together, or having been hooked in by voldemort in the first war when he was unassailable.
they have to choose each other. or, more accurately, draco has to choose tom, and tom has to get chosen.
and the results have me entertained.
want to give it a read?
then you will want to have a look at the travelling cabinet by @the-paper-monkey [and its sequel, bluebeard], truly the gold standard of taco content with an absolutely brilliant draco, whose sheer capacity to cling on and make himself an irremovable part of tom's life may just end up changing the course of history.
narcissa malfoy/severus snape
why i ship it:
because i am in deep with the conspiracy theory that it's canon. i am absolutely certain that narcissa is the person that voldemort is referring to at the end of deathly hallows - "he desired her, that was all, but when she had gone, he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him". it seems highly unlikely to me that the canonical voldemort would give a shit about snape fancying any random pureblood [although the snapemort version is, naturally, hugely jealous], but snape having had some sort of liaison with narcissa, and the ability knowing this gives voldemort to humiliate snape, narcissa, the memory of lily, bellatrix, lucius, and draco is definitely information he would go out of his way to remember...
plus, how do you know where he lives, babe? v suspicious.
want to give it a read?
if you want some fluff, you will very much enjoy the incredibly sweet the reformed man by gingertart50, which features narcissa nursing snape back to health post-nagini and is a favourite re-read for me when i'm drunk and it's christmas.
if you want some very-much-not-fluff, other women and of purer blood by yours truly will scratch the itch...
minerva mcgonagall/severus snape
why i ship it:
because i'm an equal-opportunity age-gap fan, and there is far too little older woman/younger man in the fandom.
and look, i'll admit it, i'm a fan of the fanon that snape and mcgonagall are friends prior to dumbledore's death - i'm not sure it's canonically plausible, but this sign can't stop me because i can't read - and i like the idea of that blossoming into something more, especially in fics where snape survives the second war. after all, he is a man who definitely needs to be treated quite strictly [and i don't just mean in the staff room], there is a shared loneliness and grief to them both, they're intellectual equals despite the age gap, and bickering about quidditch is absolutely fine as a method of foreplay.
plus, you can't tell me dumbledore's portrait doesn't ship it.
want to give it a read?
for a fic which shows minerva at her acerbic - and yet still sensual - best, always but not necessarily forever by gingertart50 is an old, fluffy, and very funny, favourite.
for something much more bittersweet, that good night by kelly_chambliss has my heart.
severus snape/tom riddle | voldemort
why i ship it:
because voldemort is canonically down bad for it - there is no need to believe snape's ridiculous cover story for not attending his resurrection, to try and spare lily as a treat for his man, and to give him a nice, painful death which allows the narrative to move on and harry to defeat him if the dark lord isn't firmly in his simp era.
more seriously, they obviously have an enormous amount in common, particularly in terms of their backgrounds [harry draws a connection between all three of them, but actually the fact that harry is rich in the wizarding world, not a slytherin, and with a muggle mother, therefore giving him a pureblood name, means he can't relate to the post-childhood experience of both halves of snapemort].
as a result, i think snape is the death eater who comes the closest to understanding voldemort's motivations - above all, the fact that he's not seeking an oligarchy, which the malfoys etc. obviously believe - while voldemort is someone snape feels understands his intellectual interests and his creativity.
want to give it a read?
boy, are you in luck, because i myself have a snapemort wip - scylla and charybdis. it is not wholesome.
tom riddle/myrtle warren
why i ship it:
because it started as crack and now i love them.
in particular, i just have so much respect for being incredibly annoying as a method of seduction, and i think myrtle's commitment to just following tom around chattering at him - and, therefore, without her realising it, preventing him from committing all sorts of crimes - is iconic.
want to give it a read?
then my unhinged rom-com - bookbinding - shall provide.
tom riddle | voldemort/ginny weasley
why i ship it:
because i enjoy seeing my dear friends who ship hinny shake and cry.
but also because ginny and tom have an enormous number of similarities, right down to the fact that they both have yew wands [if you're sick of people saying harry has an oedipus complex, you'll be delighted to be confronted with the mountain of evidence ginny reminds him of the villain who keeps trying to kill him instead].
they are both very good liars, quick thinking, remarkably resistant to shame, possessed of nerves of steel, predisposed to violence, brown-eyed, so hot they have harry gagged, and the profound enemy of someone whose surname is smith.
despite what he claims, tom was absolutely not just sat politely in that diary gritting his teeth while ginny complained about having second hand robes and idiot brothers. as he says, he opted "to start feeding [her] a few of my secrets", and i think it's justifiable from canon that they were at the very least half-truths [for example, i would not be shocked to discover he tells her he's a half-blood orphan brought up against his will in the muggle world - there's no other reason, i think, for him to successfully make her tell him these things about harry without it], which means that ginny has lots of lovely emotional leverage over him.
plus, as with tomarry, you have the element of "this is kind of inevitable" in the relationship, and the mysteries of fate are always sexy.
want to give it a read?
this is a tommary/hinny/tominny triad, but it has had me in a chokehold since the first time i read it - shameful company by merrivale, which, truly iconically, manages to be epilogue compliant.
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izzythehutt · 3 months
Do you believe the theory that JKR wrote the Lupin/Tonks storyline to shut down the popularity of wolfstar? I can sort of see it but I also think authors understand their audience enough to know that giving a character a new canon relationship isn't going to immediately kill the ship. I also find it interesting that she tries to surprise the readers by hinting at Tonks being in love with Sirius - maybe she expected them to be a ship but I've never seen it explored in fandom.
I feel like I remember that being a theory about Remadora when HBP came out—I do remember people being pretty surprised by it and thinking it "came out of left field", but I also remember JKR on her old site talking about trolling some message boards and seeing posts after OOTP came out with people shipping them (multi-colored werewolf cubs!) and thinking they were clever for predicting it.
Here's a spice take: I don't buy that theory, because I think Tonks was created primarily to be Lupin's love interest. That is her major (really—only) narrative function. Lupin has always been one of Rowling's favorite characters, and even though she killed him off, she gave him something nobody else from Harry's parents' generation got—moving on from high school bullshit/first war Potter guilt (Sirius and Snape were not so lucky.) I honestly think she wanted Lupin to get a sliver of happiness in his short life and so she chose him to be the father of the "next gen" version of Harry.
I don't think JKR's the type to be terribly affected by the fandom's attitudes/preferences. She's always had a pretty healthy detachment from shipping/fanfic/etc., as far as I can tell. I really do take it at face value that she wrote Sirius and Lupin as straight characters in her mind (never mind that the majority of fanon w*lfst*r ignores their actual canon dynamic anyway) so she never even considered "shutting it down"—it just didn't occur to her that it would be a "thing."
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broomsticks · 1 year
Tumblr media
so @tracingpatternswrites first came on my radar during her wolfstar bingo of trauma, trauma, angst, smut, trauma, angst, trauma and death! and since then Mal has expanded into unhappy remadora and noncon snupin and cesty cesty cest —
lmfao no i’m misrepresenting. not only have i genuinely enjoyed all of that, Mal writes terrific wolfstar fluff, romance, and kidfic too :) AND is such a wonderfully supportive friend and enthusiastic commenter! thank you for being so open about what writing and fandom mean to you, and for gracing us all with so much incredible fic!
love some good missing moment canon-compliant character insights: Betrayal • 4k, T, POA-era remus Needs A Hug.
& Pieces • 3k, M, halloween 1981 from various perspectives! that very last one -- truly truly truly i am so gutted. you DO know how to twist the KNIFE!
speaking of knife twists: As The Tide Pulls • 24k, E. mhmm yes i will take 20k of UHEA drarry please and thank u. every single (awful) emotional beat here was just NAILED.
what even is this universe? and how is it SO GOOD? Little Lion • 35k, E • alternative sorting au jegulus and prongsfoot and j/s/r
more utter madness that WORKS: Descent • 22k, E. came-back-wrong sirius/draco! the hinted sirius/reg!! WHAT are you boys doing and can you do it more :D
brat x brat tamer is such a FUN wolfstar dynamic. Playing with fire • 7k, E. praise kink, humiliation, dom sirius -- you write them in so many different configurations so compellingly 🤩🤩🤩
OKAY I PROMISED HAPPY: hinny next gen! Christmas lights • 1.6k, G. grandparents wolfstar!!! Snowed In • 1.5k, M.
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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impishtubist · 1 year
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bikelock28 · 2 years
wolfstar 🌠
This one is hard because yes I do ship it, but only under specific circumstances. 
The issue of “Are Lupin And/Or Sirius Gay/Bi?” is interesting- maybe actually more interesting than the issue of Wolfstar as a ship, but slightly different topic so I won’t get into it here- feel free to ask if you want my full thoughts!
What made you ship it?
I guess im that Basic Straight Girl whose a sucker for cute mlm relationship? Especially as it was in the 70s, that’s cool to me.
Lupin and Sirius are the slightly more tortured pair of the Marauders so understand each other differently to their friendships with the other 2.
writing boyfriend!Sirius is fun I’m not very interested in writing about him in relationships with OCs or minor characters
Having Lupin previously experiencing a happy, good romantic/sexual relationship already is convenient for writing Remadora. And it’s more convenient for it to be with Sirius than inventing an OC/other backstory.
the 40 Line Stare
What are your favourite things about the ship?
It’s the only non-horrible HP ship name
Lupin being baffled
Sirius being a cocky lil shit
Sirius having the cocky lil shittiness knocked out of him by falling for his friend
Lupin getting to be in a romantic relationship which is he better at than his marriage 
Reading OotP fanfics where past wolfstar is implied
Dropping hints about past Wolfstar when writing my own fanfic.
How sad it is. By 1981 when they distrust each other so much, and by OotP when they’re both miserable old bastards.
so much lovely fanart.
Exploring other inter-Marauder dynamics 
Theyre a Hogwarts couple who don’t end up together forever.
All the things unsaid.
It’s HILARIOUS how Blacks are so Lupin’s type (and I love fanfics which compare Lupin/Tonks with Lupin/Sirius).
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly they probs weren’t in love and it didn’t go on for very long and was probably mostly…not very romance-based.
Must have ended by before Harry was born. Otherwise a lot of canon doesn’t make sense.
Wolfstar is plausible in canon (otherwise I wouldn’t be interested in it) but certainly NOT intentionally implied.
I have a lot of Wolfstar thoughts, ask if you want more of them :)
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midnightrings · 1 year
Ship Analysis: Remus & Tonks (Part 2)
Second part of my Remadora analysis, covering the last book as well as some final thoughts :)
Part one is here.
Deathly Hallows
Right during their first appearance we find out that Tonks and Remus got married – which is obviously insanely rushed lmao. I feel like this is actually very fitting though – a) in regards to what I said at the end of my previous post on why Remus even decided to get into the relationship with Tonks, and b) in the general context of war. Of course, in the end, it was just done for the plot. Unlike with OotP, where they had no storyline, now they have a clear one: get married, have a kid, die. But I do think that this rushed marriage is not very unlikely in the current atmosphere of the story, so it fits nicely. (I also remember, many years ago, seeing a post saying that this immediate marriage could hint at them possibly being in a relationship prior, and while I generally like the idea of them having a (secret) relationship in OotP, I don’t believe their sudden marriage is supposed to hint at anything like that, but rather – as I said – setting up their storyline for the book.)
After they got Harry to the Burrow (and been attacked by Death Eaters), Tonks and Ron are missing, and Remus is obviously worried, but what I find interesting is when they finally show up, unharmed, Remus is described at sounding almost angry at Tonks. This could possibly hint at Tonks’ pregnancy already. (Considering they weren’t really expecting to be attacked, she might have decided to take part in the mission either way.) However, it could also just be anger caused by fear and worry – which was clearly showing on his face in this scene as it was described as being set and white – so it isn’t clear whether it was supposed to be a hint at her pregnancy or not.
That changes with their next scene, at Harry’s Birthday. Tonks is described as looking radiant (which could basically translate into pregnancy glow) while Remus looks unhappy. Considering this is the first time Harry notices their opposite expressions/emotional states and it wasn’t mentioned before, I feel like the previous scene was in fact not meant as a hint at her pregnancy and that they found out about it in between those two events.
Then, the minister is about to show up, and this leads to another interesting moment: Remus takes Tonks’ hand, urging her to leave with him. It’s because the Ministry is not too friendly with werewolves currently, but what’s interesting is that Tonks is apparently affected by this as well. Mind you, if Remus was the only one whose presence could present an issue, the scene would have probably been written in a way that showed him excusing himself, followed by Tonks stating she would leave with him, but no, he’s the one making them both leave, which probably means that Tonks does not work at the Ministry anymore, most likely due to the marriage. When she then explains their sudden leave to Harry at the wedding, Remus shows clear worry on his face. And again, Harry notices how miserable he looks – the fact that this is repeated again makes it quite safe to say that Tonks is already pregnant at this point and that Remus’s previous doubts and worries have resurfaced.
This all then results in Remus leaving a pregnant Tonks, trying to join the trio (which was absolutely horrible and I’m happy Harry called him out for it like he did). Remus feels guilty about possibly passing his condition on to his child, feels like a werewolf-father would be a burden either way, and also mentions that Tonks’ parents were opposed to their relationship as well. Instead of facing this, he has decided to run away. This adds onto what I said previously to his change of mind in HBP: It shows he has clearly not made a thought-out decision in regards to Tonks, but that it was simply an ‘in the moment’ one, and his self-loathing has eventually caught up with him. He directly says that he regrets marrying her and did it despite better judgement.
Quick thought here: I find it quite interesting that even though Remus was not wrong in his worries regarding their relationship (though I still believe he was in the wrong when rejecting Tonks based on this, as she is able to make her own decisions), it was essentially his actions that brought misery upon her. Tonks clearly looked happy, despite everything, also showing a strong contrast to her character in the previous book. Remus hates himself and his life and is expecting that Tonks will suffer by being at his side, yet in the end, the pain he causes her has been the result of his own decisions, not caused by the fact the he is a werewolf.
Later, we find out he returned to her, though we don’t know when (or how, ‘cause Tonks is by far better than me. If someone had done that to me, my child wouldn’t have a father anymore). Then we meet him again after Teddy is born, and this might be the happiest we have ever seen him, described by Harry as looking years younger. When he is talking about his son here, he seems so joyful, it represents a nice contrast to his character in the beginning of the book.
Sadly, that obviously won’t last. Remus joined the battle, stating Tonks stayed at home with Teddy and her mother, but unsurprisingly, she didn’t actually stay here. There’s also some nice … foreshadowing (? – probably not the right word in this case or necessarily meant in that way) back when Remus ran away, because when Tonks was brought up back then, Harry internally states that Tonks would never shy away from battle. And well, she doesn’t. She joins, we see her looking for Remus, and then they are both dead… :(
As a personal note, I have to say I like the fact the Remus left Tonks – writing wise only, of course. I think it would’ve been easy to just have them get married, have a kid, then die, all for the storyline. However, having his doubts reappear added a lot onto their ending in HBP. Remus regretted it at this point, showing that he clearly rushed into the relationship, therefore not changing his mind but simply ignoring his previous worries. I feel this adds some great nuance in retrospective.
Final Thoughts
Looking at their story together, I would definitely put it under the theme of war. They relationship was, in the end, shaped by the war in every way. And I also feel that, the moment their relationship had been created, it was clear how it would end. Perhaps they were not the only couple that could’ve qualified for this specific story arc, but considering they were both active members of the Order, Remus had already fought in the previous war, and Tonks was an Auror, their characters essentially represent fighters that would without a doubt give their lives to win the war.
They met when the war was imminent and developed feelings for one another during that time, later starting a relationship. They had a rushed marriage which Remus later regretted because the decision to be with Tonks had been rushed altogether, all caused by the war around them and the possibility of their deaths. Their whole relationship had been pretty dramatic with probably more downs than ups, but right before the end they have finally found some happiness. In the end, they joined the final battle while knowing they might not make it out alive, and eventually died, leaving an orphaned son behind.
As a final personal note, I have to say that I nonetheless never really liked that their story ended in death (and not just because I’m emotionally attached to them lmao). While I think that the general idea of their storyline was a good one, I just don’t feel like it had been executed that well. One reason is that it somewhat messed with their individual character arc, in my opinion. Now, in Tonks’s case, I do feel that her death made sense to some extent, but we have already seen her suffer from the consequences of war during HBP, so it felt rather unnecessary. For Remus, I believe it was an all-around bad decision to kill him off. He has suffered throughout the entirety of his life. I just mentioned how he looked the happiest we might have ever seen him in the end of this book, right before his death. This should have been the ending to his storyline: finally finding happiness. It simply feels like they have turned into story functions more than characters at this point, sadly. And I still believe that their death could have been well written had it not been as rushed as it was. Any meaning their death, for their characters or the story in general, could have had was simply never shown, all because the ending of the book was rushed. (Which is an issue I have with this book as a whole). So overall, the idea and concept of their relationship and story is interesting, but I just feel like it could’ve been written better.
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halothenthehorns · 2 years
You only post about wolfstar but first you wrote the whole books with remadora and I’d like some headcannons for them please, or even a  whole one shot
 Anons Request is below, I’ll even post a oneshot for them by the end of the month, but I should clarify I don’t ship remadora. I wrote a cannon compliant reading the books fic because I always wanted a completed one and there isn’t a good one that exists so I wrote my own. 
I always got the feeling they were written together to get Teddy to exist, otherwise they have zero chemistry, I can literally count their scenes on one hand, especially in comparison to Wolfstar. I don’t hate them together, I just don’t prefer it, I’m median to it.
The Life and Lies of Remus Lupin and Tonks:
She admits her crush to him after Arthur’s attack, and that scene where Harry sees them arguing in OCCLUMENCY is him explaining to her that he’s to old to be with her. 
Which is why she disguises herself as an elder woman and is very stern and serious (not you Sirius!) getting them on the bus.
Neither of them had ever come out and said it but Tonks realized on her own wolfstar was a thing so she quietly accepted it and moved on very soon
Andromeda had foolishly believed Sirius had committed the same crime as everybody else, even after Tonks began to subtly begin hinting otherwise by digging into the case to show her mother otherwise. Dumbledore had plans to try and show Sirius’s innocence before his discrediting but Tonks was still after it for the innocent man who still called her cousin
It causes a rift between them when her mother pretends she never even had other family and Tonks doesn't tell her mother anything, just like Moody and the Order had cautioned her since the beginning
After Sirius dies she tries to come to Remus as just a friend to be there for him, but before she can get a word out he explodes at her. It gets quite foul, he’s really awful to her and says some horrible things about how he’d never love her and she runs to Molly, not her own mother, because Molly knows the truth and Andromeda had yet to apologize to Tonks about Sirius’s fate in the first war even when it was blasted across the papers
Harry shows up before she can get the majority of it out though and only says she admitted her feelings and Remus had brushed her off
Remus goes on pretending like nothing had happened until that Christmas, when Harry reminds him so much of James. How Prongs and Evans used to have the worst fights even after they fell in love, they were so different and loved each other so much…but how could anybody ever look past his furry little problem? Only one person ever had and look what happened…Tonks was to young to know what she was asking for…
When Remus finds out she’s been asking after him to other members of the Order after the Montgomery attack, that she’s actively acknowledging his werewolf side, he goes to confront her again and have a proper talk with her. He apologizes for his temper before but again explains all the reasons they shouldn’t be together, his sickness, his age...
She doesn't accept his apology, but they leave on a semi mutual company. It’s awkward and stilted, but neither are prepared to give ground now
Especially as Remus has never said he didn’t love her back, he just needed time to grieve…
They sleep together for the first time after Dumbledore's death. Tired of being alone, tired of losing people, tired of the world and the last first, and greatest wizard he’d ever known falling, Remus goes to her place. 
She makes him tea just the way he had made it for himself a million times, like she’d been watching how he did it all those months at Grimmauld place. She brings him a tray of chocolate biscuits and just sits quietly so he can say whatever he’s come here to say and he kisses her gently, just a question.
She answers very enthusiastically and for just that little while after Dumbledore's funeral he believes somebody other than Padfoot could love him
Then she tells him she’s pregnant. She’s so thrilled and already glowing with the news and he’s just, destroyed. Dead inside. All he can hear in his head is his own screams that night he was bitten and he wants to cry but he won’t hurt her like that again so he buries it all and forces a smile and does the proper thing, asks her to marry him on the spot and she hugs him so tight, it’s the only thing holding him together in that moment from jumping off the astronomy tower himself after what he’s done.
Haha, whoopsies, only half done and needs a part 2
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evesaintyves · 2 years
i would LOVE a directors cut on An Incident at the Dorchester Hotel, London
hey cool thank you @incalculablepower ! this is the only specific director's cut ask i got so i'm doing it first.
i'm putting this under a cut. warning for some vague references to sexual violence/exploitation
this was one of my more chaotically-written stories. it started as some backstory in chapter 4 of The Last Mission (one of the most fun chapters of that story, for me):
"There's something I need you to understand too," Remus said. Tonks could faintly see his pained expression reflected on the window glass. "You are a brave, clever, immensely talented Auror. But your impulsivity and recklessness -"
"Okay, steady on, Mad-Eye." She rolled her eyes but he kept going, his pitch rising and speech quickening:
"- and your apparently insatiable desire to amuse yourself by sowing chaos - well, this is hardly the first time it's gotten us into a bind, is it?"
It was true. Once they'd been stationed on a terrace outside the sixth floor of the Dorchester Hotel, swaddled in disillusionment and silencing charms, spying on a clandestine meeting between Lucius Malfoy and the muggle Home Secretary. They'd waited hours, apparently misinformed of the meeting time, and Tonks had gotten so bored she'd changed the Union flag flying above the hotel entrance into the Dead Kennedys logo just to see if anyone would notice. Of course someone had noticed immediately and a crowd had gathered around the front doors to puzzle over it. Remus and Tonks had then watched the Home Secretary walk up Park Lane, register the swarm of people outside, pull up the hood of his anorak and smoothly turn and walk the other way. Malfoy had waited in the room for two hours, pacing the floor with increasingly evident fury, before storming out. Tonks was sure Remus was more amused than angry, but he'd lectured her for ten minutes on the value of discretion before being startled quiet by Malfoy re-entering the room with a chambermaid who (having been either seduced, paid or imperiused) started taking her kit off. Tonks had just managed to fish one of the Weasley twins' dungbombs out of her pocket and throw it in the suite's window before Remus had side-alonged her out of there, blushing.
(And that night was the first time he'd ever given her a real kiss, somehow hungry and hesitant at the same time, with tongue and everything. It made Tonks's insides seem to float when she remembered it, until she also remembered his lips a few minutes ago forming the word sorry.)
the Dorchester Hotel setting came from this song from the 2000s i still get stuck in my head sometimes:
after it was posted, a commenter mentioned they'd like to see it fleshed out into a larger story. i was having one of those need-to-work-on-something-but-not-the-thing-i-should-be-working-on times and banged the whole thing out in one day. on reread it's kind of a mess and probably could have used another edit but it was a joy to write.
the DK logo/Union Jack prank came to me pretty early in my initial Remadora-fic-planning before i ever started The Last Mission - the geometric similarities between the logo and the flag are obvious - and i had kind of filed it away to use whenever. i haven't gotten a ton of opportunities to write about this in detail, but i headcanon Tonks as like a 90s punk/riot grrrl, and i love it when i get a chance to hint at her music taste and aesthetic because i was into that stuff (a bit late to the party) as a teenager in the early 2000s. I always envision her in like a Bikini Kill shirt. anyway, this prank idea ended up working pretty well to illustrate Tonks's impulsivity and sense of humor, and also to the theme of just-missed-connections that runs through a lot of my Remadora stories - that she might assume this is some common ground for them because the band is Of His Time but he kind of only vaguely knows what she's talking about.
in the original scene above, Remus and Tonks witness and disrupt an ambiguous encounter ("seduced, paid or imperiused") between Lucius Malfoy and a hotel maid. in my inital draft of this fic i had started writing it that way, but I ended up backtracking and rewriting it as an encounter between Lucius and Narcissa. the original scene was suppposed to be a bit edgy, and i definitely think of Lucius/Death Eaters in general as being capable of sexual violence, but in the end i didn't feel like it was appropriate to go that dark for this fic. i even had this very uncomfortable exchange written between Remus and Tonks about whether to intervene, with her all gung-ho to do something and him more cautious and just wanting to get out of there because they couldn't really be sure what was going on and he didn't want to fuck the maid over if she was consenting or just doing sex work or whatever (i've put some thought into whether Lupin, being poor and marginalized and on his own for a long time, ever engaged in sex work or survival sex or at least existed in circles where that happened, and i guess my headcanon is "maybe?" and i kind of imagine him being sympathetic to that).
i kind of liked developing the characters' ideas about this in dialogue (her being young, black-and-white, and moralistic vs him being more indecisive and having some life experience that made him a little more sensitive to the potential complexities of that situation)... but it put both characters (especially Remus) in a situation that was ethically icky and hard to resolve in a satisfying way (plus unpleasant and potentially triggering with the implication that it might be nonconsensual) so i just scrapped it in favor of something less problematic. i ended up really liking the Malfoys being all married-people-horny for each other anyway, so i'm glad it worked out that way.
the ending didn't come to me until the last minute, and i'd really like to develop the idea of it more in a fic sometime: that part of the weakness Remus has for Tonks is that she's a troublemaker and gets him into these scary, fun, chaotic situations he might be too cautious or reserved to get into by himself - similar to the good times he had with his friends at school. i thought Sirius clueing Tonks into that was kind of perfect; i imagine young Sirius as having a recklessness and appetite for trouble borne of his privilege and the rigid expectations of his family and just being a total shit-starter in his school days. (and the sub-subtextual idea behind Sirius mentioning all this to Tonks in this story is that maybe Remus was drawn to him in the same way - you can draw your own conclusions).
i think that's all i have to say about this story! thanks for reading! specific asks are much easier than general ones, so i'd be thrilled to do another director's cut on a specific scene if anybody has any other requests.
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❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
❤️ x ♾️
@nena-96 you're so sweet, I honestly want to devote a fandom day just for you. I'm going to tell you about a WIP I am slowly working on that is an AU for Remadora. based on your question of tags, I'm just going to share the tags/warnings I'll put on the fic and you can guess what I'm doing with it (I have hinted about it on tumblr before!)
🌍 - what tags/warnings will your WIP need when you share it?
Arranged Marriage
Everyone Lives/No One Dies
No Voldemort
Older Man/Younger Woman
Explicit Sexual Content
Getting Together
Werewolf Remus Lupin
POV Nymphadora Tonks
POV Remus Lupin
Awkward Romance
Gentle Sex
Remus Lupin & Lily Evans Potter Friendship
So you can guess the plot if you'd like ;)
writer ask game
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saintsenara · 1 year
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leather nymphadora tonks/various explicit | 3k words
tonks is familiar with pleasure, having been raised by a father who never thought it a crime to be greedy. this, she thinks, as she dresses, is more than that. it is euphoria.
war looms and tonks goes on a journey.
this piece was written for week seven of @ladiesofhpfest, on the theme of queer cuties [you can find the masterlist for this week's fics here].
it wasn't originally the story i planned to go with for this week of the fest [hopefully that will see the light of day at some point] but a series of helpful and illuminating conversations with friends put the plot bunny in my head.
author's notes under the cut
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i don't really read many of the canon pairings [all of which, save grindledore, are obviously het or het-passing] but i do occasionally dabble in a bit of remadora, and i've always been struck by the tension between stories which acknowledge the queerness inherent in both tonks' and remus' characterisation and those which consider them both as straight.
i understand that people's reasons for reading remadora as straight are multifaceted, particularly since it's appropriate to note that tonks gets treated with open misogyny in a lot of wolfstar-centric spaces, and a reaction to that which rejects the idea of remus as queer is understandable in that context. but i personally think we do ourselves a disservice not to explore the vast spectrum of human sexuality even with characters with an endgame het-passing pairing.
tonks has always given me bi vibes - and she's leaning into that here, having the time of her life, as she puts it, sampling from the buffet of human genitalia. but, more than that, i've always wondered at how the fact that she's a metamorphmagus must have affected her relationship with her own embodiment, and - above all - her relationship with her own gender identity.
after all, as she tells us, she possesses the power to try on a different body whenever she pleases, and these bodies include some which feel more male than others. that gender experimentation and play is a key part of leather, which leads to tonks being able to state with certainty who she is and what body she exists in. may we all be so lucky.
but the skin on tonks' body is not the only one we're focusing on here. she's exploring her sexuality through leather subculture, and learning along the way about how activism and courage looks very different for the queer women she encounters in leather spaces and the men she spends the rest of her time with in the aurors and the order.
she's also just being unapologetically horny, fucking her way round london, dealing with what a pillow princess fleur is [good for her!], wondering how every single person she knows likes to get railed, shipping snack, and maybe uncovering a teeny-tiny little hint at wolfstar. if you squint.
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desidarling123 · 4 years
fic teaser -- the ministry files
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[At the Ministry of Magic.]
“Madam Undersecretary, as requested. The files on Nymphadora Tonks.”
“Ah.” Umbridge puts down her cup of tea delicately. Sweeps forward and takes the file folder from a jumpy assistant at Dawlish’ side.
“The photos are fairly recent, I presume?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he clarifies, and then, by way of explanation —
“She was spotted this weekend in the company of Remus Lupin. At a tavern by some Ministry colleagues, and then at this cottage for a few hours. No idea who owns the property. It’s being monitored now, but we couldn’t intrude without tipping them off.”
“In fact,” and he hesitates a moment, before continuing — “it’s possible they may have spotted us.”
“Oh.” Umbridge smiles, then, but it’s the kind that flickers with an acute foreboding of danger, one he knows all too well. “And what exactly would an Auror be doing in the company of a known werewolf?”
“No idea, ma’am,” the assistant chimes in breathlessly, looking a little too eager to speak again. “Unless…”
The assistant hesitates for a moment, and then he looks like he might be sick.
Dawlish watches as his boss puts the pieces together. Why two people might be together for so long, for reasons unrelated to a secret society or espionage of any sort. It’s not a particularly pretty picture.
“Are you suggesting a romance with the werewolf? A half-breed? How quaint.”
Umbridge’s mouth curls into a sneer, but her face splotches red, betraying that the matter is anything but quaint. Dawlish can see the words she’s biting down now  — sickening, unnatural, disgusting. Repulsive.
As for him, well, the thought is… bizarre.
(Bizarre, yes, but not impossible.)
(Stranger things have happened.)
It’s another long, painful moment before Umbridge speaks again.
“Well”, she starts delicately. “If it is true, then she’s an absolute idiot, and most certainly not worth worrying over. Even Dumbledore would not recruit an individual with such foul sexual tastes.”
She snaps the file shut, seemingly satisfied with this line of thought. Hands it back to the assistant, who’s now withdrawn back into his shell.
“I would like to think it’s not true. Nevertheless, the possibility remains. I think we should investigate it further, but on low priority. What say you, Dawlish?”
And he wonders, then, what he should say. If anything.
She’s only in her early twenties, this girl. The idea that she could be working for Dumbledore in secret is preposterous on its own, with or without the added mystery of her relationship with a werewolf.
More importantly, however, Dawlish realizes how quickly a false escalation could hurt her career. And in a rare moment of clarity, he decides it’s not worth it, Ministry be damned.
So he speaks again —
“She’s a just silly young woman, ma’am. Whatever the relationship is, it’s clearly a clever red herring, meant to throw us off scent. I’ll report whatever else I find on her, but I believe we can close it.”
“Excellent. See that it’s done, Dawlish.”
Umbridge steps closer, and he’s suddenly aware of the dangerous glint in her eyes that’s returned.
“I will have order. At whatever cost.”
An inexplicable shudder goes down his spine, in spite of himself. She gives him a saccharine-sweet smile, and it’s only then, for the briefest of moments, that he wonders if there’s something far more sinister lurking beneath the surface.
“That is all. You may leave now, Auror.”
That, of course, is his cue to get the fuck out.
And so he does.
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nerdyfangirlmel · 3 years
On the Black Family Side Update
Sorry that it’s taken so long but I finally updated my fanfic
Overall summary:
Sirius black left behind a family before he went to Azkaban. His daughter, Jazlyn, is in Harry’s year at hogwarts. How would Sirius having a family change the story? What were the consequences to his family for not telling anyone about switching secret keepers? Will they learn the truth and free him? Starts right Halloween 1981 but will go to into hogwarts years.
Chapter 23 summary/excerpt:
This ones for my Tonks stans
“You still love him don’t you?” Nymphadora asked carefully. “Why?”
“I just can’t help it.” Jane said with a sigh. “We got married in the height of the war. No one knew who to trust. But I trusted him. He was my protego. He was with me through all of it. Since we met at the start of it, at only eleven. When my Father died, when my Mother died, aunt and uncle, my friends; he was always there. Merlin, I wouldn’t be able to get through it all without him. I’m sure your mother told you about her family. Dark witches and wizards. I had what they wanted. The status they craved. He kept me away from all that, at his own expense.”
She had walked over to the window and looked out over the grounds. Nymphadora could see the nostalgia and the pain flashing through her eyes.
“One day, Dora, you're going to find someone.” Jane said. She looked over at her young cousin in law. “Sure, maybe it won’t be in the middle of a war. It won’t matter what happens. If they’re the right person, nothing can stop you from loving them. They could walk out on you for some rash reason they think is noble and for your protection or your child’s protection. Even if your heart breaks, you'll just know that they’ll be back eventually. Because you love them. And you know that they love you too.”
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impishtubist · 2 months
You're kidding??! I crave the slytherin Sirius fics by @arliedraws!! They are everything! But yeah, as you say, still different kind.
I honestly wouldn't care if it had remadora or sth as a side pairing. I'm very good at ignoring this when the main pairing and plot is right. I mean at some point you have to cut corners
Good news for you!!! Arlie JUST posted another Prongsfoot Slytherin Sirius fic as of tonight!!! I got the notification on my phone when I was out at dinner, read the summary, and knew IMMEDIATELY I would not be in the mental space to read it until sometime next week 😭 I'm preemptively crying about it. I know it's gonna be so good.
And look, usually I'm really good at ignoring pairings I don't like or care about. J*ly? H*nny? R*mione? Any pairing that doesn't involve Sirius? Sure, I can ignore them. But I fucking LOATHE Remadora. Do not put even a hint of that shit in a fic or I'm out of there.
Anyway I hope someone out there fulfills our need for 30s-something messy Prongsfoot!
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
I saw you post that Romione and Remadora have a special place in your heart and you notice a pattern. Elaborate?
YAY! I was hoping someone would ask that!!
I’ve always found many similarities between Romione and Remadora, here are some of them:
1. Their haters.
Wolfstar shippers and Harmony shippers. I’ve explained many times that I think of Wolfstar shippers as the Harmonians of the Marauders fandom. Wolfstar and Harmony shippers are extremely toxic, attack others, and insist that their ship is canon. Wolfstar and Harmony shippers are the reason I started hating these two ships.
The better love interest in Romione and Remadora (Ron and Dora, obviously) gets hated on and gets called abusive and manipulative merely because they “got in the way” of two awful ships.
2. Their balance/dynamic.
Ron is lazy (affectionate), fun, carefree, and is overall a very chill person. Tonks is bubbly, fun cheerful, and a bit silly (affectionate).
Hermione is hot-tempered, stubborn, serious, and organised. Remus is self-loathing, peaceful but serious, and prone to sadness.
In my opinion, one of the best things about these two ships is that they (Remus x Dora and Ron x Hermione) balance each other out.
Ron and Dora would help Hermione and Remus loosen up, have fun, and see the other side of life. Hermione would help Ron to become more organised and to pay attention more, Remus would help Dora learn there’s a different side to life.
3. The fans’ victim-blaming.
(This one is not a good similarity ☹️)
Hermione stans blame Ron for Hermione assaulting Ron and getting him mauled and injured by canaries (it literally left cuts all over him). They say it’s his fault because he kissed Lavender, despite the fact that a) Hermione showed zero hints that she liked him and b) he and Hermione weren’t even together, he’s available and has a right to do whatever the fuck he wants.
(Even if he knew Mione liked him, HOW DOES THAT JUSTIFY HER MAKING HIM BLEED???)
Wolfstar shippers blame Dora for Remus planning to abandon his wife and unborn child. They say it’s her fault because she “wasn’t good enough” (which seems so misogynistic tbh) or that “he didn’t truly love her,” despite the fact that Remus trying to abandon them was a problem with Remus himself (his insecurity and cowardice), and that he would’ve done the same if it were anyone else.
Here are some others:
Despite Remus and Hermione sometimes treating Dora and Ron badly (Hermione more so than Remus, obvi), you can tell that Remus and Hermione deeply love their partners and would do anything for them.
Romione and Remadora both get labelled as “toxic” (sure, there are some problematic factors, but they’re not toxic) and get hated on by a majority of this fandom when they don’t deserve it.
When I look at Romione and Remadora’s similarities, I think to myself it’s no wonder why they’re both my favourite canon couples (tho Romione beats Remadora). I think I may have a certain type when it comes to ship dynamics. 😆
Thank you for asking (I was dying to get an ask telling me to elaborate), I hope my answer was satisfactory! Have a nice day. <3
[Wait should I tag this as anti Remus and anti Hermione?? I MEAN IT’S NOT (I love them both) BUT I KINDA BASHED THEM??? idk idk]
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mblematic · 3 years
Hi! I’m always interested in what draws people to the ships they write. What about Wolfstar appealed to you enough that you wanted to start writing fics about them? I’d be interested in your thoughts on Dorlene too if you feel like sharing!
eeee I love this question, thank you!!
I think as somebody who's interested in writing, and who needed the structure to get started, but who also wants some room to play around in the world, the whole Marauder era is just perfect. You have hints from canon setting the pace (story beats like when they start at Hogwarts, the fact that J&S&P have to learn about Remus being a werewolf, the animagi stuff, the Prank, the canonical relationships, etc) and obviously we know where it ends (war, Azkaban, Harry being born, etc). But there are so many BLANKS. And the canonical hints get so much more satisfying when fic writers come in and say "this is how it happened/why they did this/why it matters."
Wolfstar is especially perfect because you get to play around with the really fun/silly bits (pranking at Hogwarts, puppies) while also dealing with the devastating bits (Sirius' disownment, Remus' disability, the fact that Remus was sold out by one of his closest friends while in school, the fact that they thought he was a spy after school). And neither of them have canonical relationships AND they have great chemistry so they feel like a natural pair! (Tonks is gay, obvs. Remadora? Remadon'ta)
I love Dorlene for a completely different reason which is that there's NOTHING really, just the names and the world. Everything that's being created for Marlene and Dorcas comes from the fandom and that's SO FUN. It's so INTERESTING. I love being a part of that. (It's also like one more stepping stone towards actual original writing, which is stressful but really exciting.)
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