#hii this was such a cool ask to think about tysm<3< /div>
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blossomarlia · 6 months ago
heyyyy hope ur having a good day, just requesting a drabble (if ur up to it) w maybe like James and a reader who feels like she has bad fashion taste, kind of niche so don't worry if u don't want to write it!
hii tysm for this request, it was so fun to write! hope your day is wonderful too <3
summary: james finds you stressing over your fashion sense
james potter x fem!reader
warnings: mild sexual implications
“Hey, sweetheart?” James calls as he comes out of the shower. You look up from your spot on the bedroom floor glumly, barely even able to make the most of this opportunity to look at your boyfriend with his shirt off. Perhaps if you ask him later on he’ll take it off again, just to make up for lost time. 
“Hi,” You say, unsuccessfully attempting to insert some cheer into your voice. “Sorry, not dressed yet.”
“We’ve ages before we need to leave- you can go like that, if you want to.” He shrugs, eyebrows knitting together as he takes in your expression. You look down at your outfit; track-pants and a t-shirt out of James’ drawer. Definitely not appropriate attire for meeting friends for dinner and drinks. “Everything alright?”
“I don’t have anything to wear,” You sigh, sounding pathetic even to your own ears. The countless skirts, pants and tops strewn across your bedroom floor are evidence to the opposite, and you know you have nice clothing. Supply isn’t the issue, it’s your apparent lack of ability to select the right combination. “I can’t put together a nice outfit.”
“Sure you can,” James says easily, pulling on boxers and a t-shirt before joining you on the floor, his knee pressing against your thigh. “What about that lovely wrap skirt you wore to my parents’ house for lunch?”
“I don’t know what to wear it with.” You stare dejectedly at the offending item of clothing, which you’ve tried on with about six tops- including the one from last weekend- and taken off again. Nothing looks right, nothing feels like something you’d want to show up to dinner in. Shamefully, you’re struck with jealousy towards your other friends; Lily, with her grown-up outfits that might as well live in a fashion catalogue; Marlene always so effortless and cool; Mary in figure-hugging fabrics that make her look like a goddess. You don’t have the same ability, it seems, instead left totally incapable of even pairing jeans with a top that won’t make you feel as if you’re doing an impression of someone with taste vastly different to yours. 
You sigh, growing more frustrated by the second. James, noticing, shuffles closer and wraps a strong arm around you. His wet hair sprinkles you as he turns to press a kind kiss to your cheek.
“Don’t stress over it, honey-girl. What’s got you so upset?”
“I don’t know.” You press your face to your knees where they’re pulled up, feeling stupid. “I don’t feel very… good, at this. Picking outfits. It’s silly.”
“It isn’t,” James is quick to correct. “But it’s not true, either- you have fantastic outfits, sweetheart. Did someone say otherwise?”
The truth is, nobody’s mentioned your fashion taste at all, really. That’s the problem- silly as it seems. In groups of friends, you’re nobody’s first choice for outfit advice, never the receiver of compliments on your clothing choices. You try really hard to wear clothing that’ll suit you, mimic outfits you see online or from the various stylish people in your life, but none of it feels or looks right. You always look so awkward, you think. Never quite correctly proportioned, never cohesively coloured or textured. You don’t know what you’re doing wrong, you only see the result of it in the mirror each morning. 
“No,” You shake your head. “I just… feel as if none of my clothes look right, when I put them together. I haven’t got good style.” 
It feels like such a shameful thing to admit, both for the childishness of the confession and the truth of it. You can hardly look at James- not for lack of trying on his part, as he squeezes you and presses a kiss to your cotton-clothed shoulder.
“That’s not the case at all!” 
“It is a bit. It’s alright, Jamie, I’m being dramatic. It’s only frustrating me right now because I can’t find something good to wear tonight,” You assure him, voice muffled against your legs. You’re not trying to sound quite as sad as you do. “Sorry.”
He cups your cheek in one hand, so gently that you don’t realise he’s bringing your face up to his level until he’s done it. You blink quickly. “No sorries, my darling. C’mere.”
You’ll go crazy before you reject a cuddle from your boyfriend, so it’s with little resistance that you let him pull you halfway onto his lap and wrap you in his fresh shower smell and warmth. You’re almost lying down, head nestled under his chin and arms around his middle as he rubs gentle lines down your back. 
“You,” He says thoughtfully, “Have really lovely taste in clothing. I know it’s true because I think it each time you come home from the shops and show me what you’ve bought, or try on things before we go out. I particularly love your taste in things during the winter time- not just because you use several of my jumpers- really, because you do such a wonderful job of choosing things that are lovely and interesting. I also love it when you mix colours, especially in the summer, because I know that I’ll have a much greater chance of matching flowers to your outfit when I buy them for you.” 
You laugh despite yourself, sitting up a little and accepting the sweet kiss he offers you. James’ thumb draws soft circles on the skin on front of your ear, his fingers comforting in your hair. 
“I’ve been the sillier of the two of us, really,” He goes on. “Not telling you how much I like all the things you wear. I didn’t realise you weren’t feeling pleased about your clothes, baby, I’ll be sure to let you know from now on.”
“It’s not something you’ve done wrong,” You frown, not wanting to fish for compliments. James gives you plenty of them; it’s not his fault if your specific fashion choices haven’t caught his attention, and you don’t want him to feel bad about it.
He considers this. “S’pose not, but it’s hardly going to be an issue for me to externalise a few more of my thoughts. Do it plenty already, don’t I?”
You breathe out another giggle. “Maybe.”
“‘Maybe’, she says,” James teases, digging his fingers into your ribs and laughing when you squirm away. “I mean it, though. I’ll only be being honest, and I hear that’s rather healthy for relationships.”
“Crazy,” You say sarcastically. There’s a brief lull, and you’re perfectly happy to stay in his arms like this as long as he’ll have you. “You really think it’s not so bad? My style?” “Not in the slightest, sweetheart. I love your style, I love all your clothes.” He confirms. You search his handsome face, his dimples, his kind eyes, and find only patient assurance. “Still, it matters quite a lot less what I think; if you’re unhappy, we can go shopping and find some new outfits for you to wear.”
You sigh. “I’m not sure that’ll help. I’m worried that I don’t have the ability to pick the right stuff, I… I don’t even think I really know what my style is.”
“Well, we could ask for help if you’d like it. I’m sure our friends would be happy to lend a hand- or if you’re not keen on it, we could spend a little while trying out different styles to find what suits you the best. Whatever would make you happy, angel.”
You’re a little overwhelmed with how much you like and love your boyfriend, so instead of attempting to express it you press your lips to his, pleased as ever when he moves his hands to your waist and pulls you closer to his chest. You’re sure you could stay like this forever, happy and together on the floor of your bedroom, but your phone’s alarm reminds you that it’s time to get ready. You pull yourself reluctantly off James, who’s looking a little dazed himself, and let out a long breath. 
“You’re very kind, Jamie,” You say. He grins. 
“Could show you how kind, if you-” “Mm-mm.” You shake your head before you can be too tempted by the tickle of his calloused fingertips under the edge of your t-shirt. “We have to leave in half an hour, and I do have to decide on something to wear tonight.”
He groans as if you’re telling him you’ll never kiss him again, sitting up properly and letting you climb off his lap. “You’re far too responsible, sweetheart. It’s your sole flaw.”
You pat his cheek. “I’ll make it up to you later. For now-” You survey the piles of clothing around you- “I suppose I’d better just choose something I’ve worn before.”
James gets to his feet, looking at the sum of your side of the wardrobe and humming contemplatively. “Well, nothing wrong with that.” 
“Mm,” You half-agree.
He bends down and grabs a black longsleeve in one hand, your jeans in the other. “This always looks good, don’t you think? I could lend you one of my jackets to go with it.”
You nod without giving yourself time to stress about all the other times you’ve worn something similar, smiling fondly up at James’ hopeful expression. “That’s a good idea. Thank you.” “It’s no hardship, angel,” He says lightly, handing you the clothes. “Just don’t overthink it, yeah? You’re so pretty.” You look away to hide your blush, still shy when he compliments you so earnestly, and James makes a happy sort of sound. “And cute, I mean-”
“Okay, enough!” You laugh, taking the clothing just to shut him up.
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yanaleese · 8 months ago
Karma with an artist y/n! Like they draw or paint him a lot! His reaction? :D
Hii!! Your story and oc's are so interesting and cool!! (>_<)
AAAAAAAAAAAA tysm!!! I'm glad you like my characters <3333
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I think Karma with an artist MC is a very compatible dynamic! The fact that his love, his Xaxi is drawing him not once - not twice - but a million times?!? Ooh, I can imagine his heart swoon. Whether you give Karma a sticker, a stickman, or just photos of him is enough to make him happy for the rest of the day.
Now I know as artists, we can be very private about our drawings and our drawing space. Well, unfortunately, Karma would be coming in your room every second to check up on you (as an excuse to keep looking at your cute face). But luckily, you can ward him off with (1) cleaning duty (2) less sex/cuddles/quality time (3) less time to pamper you silly! And when I mean "pamper you silly" - I mean serving you breakfast in bed, massaging your feet, and doing pillow fights in the morning!
Also, I can imagine the backstory behind cleaning duty. When he first saw you draw him, he had to be like "huh??? me??? draw??? handsome???" - he was so shocked. And then I can imagine MC asking him to do cleaning duty, and OOP - he couldn't believe how much mess there was in your artspace. After helping you out, he was so disturbed at the amount of crap you had to clean he makes sure that he cops out at the last second. Or if you do really need it, he just does the entire thing; that way, you don't hear him grumble and complain LOL
Another idea I have in mind is him being just as possessive as you with your drawings (if you are). For example, if you want nobody to disturb you, he'll literally create a groupchat or a broadcast list with the entire family to kindly shut up and let you draw in peace with some funny lines LMAO e.g. "guys, Y/N is drawing. Let the genius do their work".
After that, I can imagine him happily putting your drawing all over his socials and EVERYTHING. As soon as you post it, he reblogs, comments, and bombards that art to infinity. Plus, he might auction it and/or hack the system to display your art as ads LOL
Lastly, for the digital artists out there - I can imagine Karma just oogling and staring at your computer while you're getting food or something. Plus, he'll be your body pillow as you draw! So if you fall asleep, you can sleep comfortably and peacefully <3.
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dollishmehrayan · 4 months ago
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a/n: this is just mundane facts about me for hitting 500 followers under ONE MONTH!? So yeah this is a post! <3
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Hii! So tysm for 500 followers so let me greet myself to you!, my name is rayan/rayaan (pronounced ri-yaan) and you can call me riri or dollish and my pronouns are she/her (I’m biologically a girl so it’s she and her for me always please don’t misgender me) so here are some fun questions I thought to answer!!! (I’ll be editing in questions you guys ask <3) ── .✦
1. ‘How did you get the name dollish’ - I got the name dollish actually when I was about 2-3 years old because i was slightly chubby and my neighbors always called me a “porcelain doll” and how I acted doll-like until they named me “dollish” because it was childish + doll combined and 80% of the ppl irl call me dollish
2. ‘Where have you learned writing? Like where have you learned writing.’ - I learned writing like as in being a writer because originally I wanted to be a actual author and illustrator (still do) and I had a BIG passion for writing ever since I was a kid and was learning sight words even though English is not my first language!
3. ‘Why do you not write smut or n$fw?? I see other writers doing it fine.’ - I personally when it comes to topics such as smut I don’t feel comfortable with in general because personally it’s very hard for me to get romantically attached and smut makes me uncomfortable and I also somewhat despise it so much because I hate reducing a character to sexual appeal and etc.
4. ‘how do you easily write like headcannons so fast and release like 3-2 headcannons a day?’ - I actually just type fast secondly I’m a very creative person tbh and I always eat a lot before I write and I also have like posts on like the queue thing too! Matter of fact I’m not that active on tumblr tbh but yeah
5. ‘What socials do you have??’ - I only have tiktok for now (I also have other a lot of socials but those are personal for now) but I’m thinking of making a twitter to like promote this tumblr account but twitter Lowkey scares me so I’d rather not have that audience.
What's your favorite way to spend a weekend? - I personally love going out with my friends to restaurants and very cool places I also love traveling I already have been to (excluding us states because I’ve been to a lot), Japan, South Korea, bali, Portugal, nederlands, france, Belgium, uk, china, india, Norway (like 5 times) and Spain, Egypt, Germany, Maldives, Mauritius, and etc
What's a book that you'd recommend? - the book is almost TOO good I might have to gatekeep for now😞 (jk tbh I don’t read much but I can answer this but with comics!)
Are you a morning person or a night owl? - night owl defo
What's your dream job? - either a fashion designer or author or a actress
Do you have any pets? - yes! Two cats, both are Siamese cats named ren and irene!
What's your favorite type of cuisine? - too hard to choose, I’d take any food tbh I’m not a picky eater
Do you have any siblings? - yes!
there anything you dislike in your writing life? - yes! I don’t like people who copy my work or write off a lot and secondly I think as in pet peeves about becoming a fan fic writer is when you get complex requests like “write what if batboys and they’re s/o were (really long and complex and so fanon blah blah)!” Like genuinely I love it but I can’t be doing all that.
Do you have any pet peeves? - I don’t like being told off or put on the spot + plus I really hate attention seekers and narcissists too and I think also like for some reason someone watching something with me pisses me off for no reason especially if they lean over to watch my phone when it’s really no problem 😭
What was your dream job as a child? - I wanted to be an author + illustrator too so bad but also I wanted to become a pediatrician because my parents tried to force me as that too
If you could have dinner with anyone, who's one person you'd go with? - for some reason chlöe Bailey no questions asked, SHE’S FUNNY OMG or maybe like you know one of my moots 💕
Do you have a favorite childhood memory? - I sadly for some reason don’t remember my childhood that much (I think it’s best that way) but I remember watching the Wonder Woman movie as a child and like BECOMING THE BIGGEST fan girl of dc comics and also like omg I loved it so much too and maybe also like hyperfixating on themyscira as a child and trying to find out about amazons and themyscira
What's your love language? - okay so like when I give I love to give like words of affirmation and when like I receive I LOVEEE gifts like generally I love gifts so muchhh
What are two things still on your bucket list? - I think sky diving, I had the chance once in LA but I couldn’t literally because of my like fear of heights too!
What’s your biggest fear - um definitely like spiders or like secretly being hated too but also I have. DEADLY fear of spiders I feel like I can’t breath looking at them I just hate them so muchh
Do you currently live in the same place where you were born? - nope!
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anton-luvr · 1 year ago
hii! i actually have a new riize fic blog myself but i thought it'd be fun to req you hehe, i love your stuff so far! <3 can i please request a college!au with swim team captain!anton teaching fem!reader how to gain confidence in the pool? she's not a strong swimmer but she wants to learn, and who better than the captain of the swim team with his reputation for being kind and understanding in his lessons? plus, he's super cute, it's no wonder he's so popular despite his shy personality~
in case you'd like to be moots or check out my blog, my riize user is antoniefic !
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𖦹 swim team captain!anton x fem!reader | fluff | college au 𖦹 note ; ahhh tysm!! this is so cute… this is also perhaps the longest fic i've ever written so enjoy!! + reqs are opennn
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If you had to swim another lap, you think you were going to pass out.
“Okay, no more,” you gasped to your best friend, Sungchan, as you clambered out of the pool. “50 laps are too much.”
Sungchan frowns in response, looming over your panting figure with his hands planted on his hips. “If you keep giving up like this, you’re not gonna win the competition y’know.” he tuts. “You still need to work on your form too.”
You groaned, rolling over to get up from the hard tiled floor.
“I kinda don’t care ‘Chan.” you sighed, picking up a towel to dry off.
Your best friend scoffs, whacking you lightly on your exposed shoulder. “Don’t care?” he echoed. “Your scholarship is at risk here. It’s either you win the competition or enslave yourself to years of student loan debt.” he continues dramatically.
You grit your teeth at his comment, knowing that he’s unfortunately right.
Opening your mouth to attempt a witty retort, you’re interrupted by Sungchan’s sudden shout.
“Anton! Anton, over here!” he shrieks.
He was known all over campus as the college’s swim team’s captain.
As the proud owner of countless medals, trophies, and certificates, swimming competitions weren’t the only things Anton won.
His signature shy smile was something girls talked about almost every day, giggling and swooning whenever he strode past lecture rooms effortlessly cool.
Not just that, he was well-known amongst teachers for his A* grades and respectful demeanor.
“Anton, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Anton.” Sungchan chirps, tugging the popular boy towards the both of you.
“Nice to meet you.” he says softly, respectfully sticking his hand out for a shake.
“Hi.” you greet back flatly, too tired to really care at the moment.
“So,” Sungchan starts, throwing an arm around Anton’s shoulders. “I’m sure you know about the swimming scholarship event that’s being held next month, right? The one that’s going to be held here.”
Anton nods, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and confusion.
“Yeah, why?”
Sungchan chuckles at this, now throwing his other arm around you. “Well, my friend Y/N here needs that scholarship. But she’s also not the best at swimming. So I was wondering if you could help her out.” he says nonchalantly.
You’re flabbergasted, staring morbidly at Sungchan.
“Um, sure.” Anton replies, smiling. “I don’t mind.”
“Wait, no I didn’t agree to this I don’t really need help on my swimm-“
“Okay, fantastic! I’ll see the both of you here every day after classes. Bye!” Sungchan cheers, cutting off your rambling. You don’t even get the chance to say goodbye to Anton as Sungchan pulls you away with him to the locker rooms.
“Bro, what was that all about?” you sputter in disbelief. “I’m already bad at swimming, I can’t ask someone that talented to waste their time trying to help me!”
Sungchan mimics you talking, picking up your duffel bag and throwing it at you.
“He already agreed, so don’t worry. Now go and shower and change, and we can talk about it over tacos. I’m starving.” he complains, sassily walking out of the locker room.
You groan, resting your forehead against the wall.
What did your best friend just get you into?
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Staying true to his word, Anton would show up at the swimming arena every day after classes.
Today was no different as the two of you treaded through the pool.
"You need to remember to keep your legs together and straight when you kick, or else you'll mess up your form really quickly." Anton says, using his fingers to visualize it for you.
"Alright, go ahead and try it again. I'll be right behind you to check your form." he assures.
You nod, taking a deep breath.
With a few seconds to prepare yourself, you push yourself off the wall of the pool and start swimming.
All the noise of the swimming arena drowns out as it becomes just you and the water. You try to keep Anton's words in mind as you swim your way through, your legs propelling you through the crystal clear water.
"How was that?" you ask, catching your breath when you resurface at the end of the pool.
Anton runs a hand through his wet hair, shaking his head. "There's improvement, but you still need to straighten them more. You can't swim as fast as I know you can if you don't." he sighs.
Maybe it was because you were more tired today, but his words pierced a bit at your heart. Tears fill in your eyes as a sense of hopelessness and exasperation pounds at your heart.
"I'm trying," you mumble, sniffling. "I just can't do it."
Anton's pretty eyes widen when he hears your sniffle, quick to move closer to you. "Are you crying?" he asks, concerned.
"No, I'm laughing." you snap sarcastically, turning away from him to hide your tears.
"Hey," he calls softly, turning you to face him. "It's fine. We still have time to improve. And practice makes perfect! I'm sure you'll get it by the time of the competition."
"But what if I don't?" you ask weakly.
Anton shushes you immediately. "Y/N, you got this. The first step to winning is to believe in yourself. Maybe you don't believe in yourself, but I do. I know you got this."
Your heart melts when you look up to see how sincere he's looking at you, eyes full of genuine care and concern.
"Thank you." you mumble, wiping your tears away.
Anton grins, hugging you. "Don't give up. I know you can win this." he says, rubbing your shoulder.
You smile at his words, nodding. "You sound like those... motivational life coaches." you joke.
Anton chuckles, rolling his eyes. "You're welcome then."
"Hey, keep swimming!" Sungchan hollers from the chairs, looking like an upper-class mom with sunglasses perched on his nose and his arms folded. "The competition is in a week!"
Both you and Anton burst out laughing at this, the curly haired boy treading backwards away from you.
"Okay, another lap! Remember, keep your legs straight and believe in yourself!" he calls.
You flash him a thumbs up, taking deep breaths.
And with that, you dive right back into the water.
Embraced by the peace of the water, you can't help but think about how much closer you became with Anton over the past few weeks.
From shy 'good jobs!' to dinners together after practices, he was truly as nice as people said he was.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when the dark blue wall of the swimming pool comes into view, signalling the end of your lap. Resurfacing, you pull yourself out of the pool.
"So? How was that?"
This time around, Anton looks at you with a stunned face.
"What?" you asked, laughing awkwardly.
"Did you just become The Flash or something?" he questions, dumbfounded. "You swam so fast! And your legs were totally straight the entire time! You did it!" he squeals excitedly.
For a moment, you suspect Anton's lying, but Sungchan running over to you while cheering assures you that he's not.
"Only two minutes! That's almost college record timing!" he screams in disbelief, squeezing you in a hug.
You'd hug Sungchan back, but he pulls away, disgusted. "Oh ew, chlorine water on my t-shirt!" he whines.
You giggle at this, turning back to face Anton.
He's laughing too, and your heart skips a beat at the sight. His bright eyes curved into crescents, a soft glow on his pink cheeks while water dripped off his slicked back hair.
"Do it again!" Sungchan urges you. "If you get two minutes again, I'll treat you to sushi, promise."
You raise an eyebrow, eyeing him suspiciously. "You better keep your promise." you threaten.
"Because she'll definitely get two minutes again." Anton adds on, his hand stretched out for you to get back into the pool.
God, he was so sweet.
Taking his hand, a wave of newfound determination and hope washes over you.
You got this.
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Game day came sooner than you could imagine.
"Come on," Sungchan screeches, excitedly waving around a sign that had your name printed on it. "Swim faster!"
Anton sat beside him, nervously biting his lip as he watched you glide across the swimming pool.
The girl beside you was going slightly faster, threading through the water with perfect form.
Time was closing in fast, and if you managed to swim faster than her by around two seconds, the scholarship would be yours immediately.
The crowd roared in nervous excitement as you caught up to her, now only a mere ten meters away from the endpoint.
Down in the water, your mind raced with thoughts about Anton. He worked so hard to help you; you couldn't let him down now.
So with one more kick and a surge of adrenaline, you pushed forward and swam faster - hitting the end of the pool almost immediately.
Screams and cheers flood your ears the moment you resurface, and when you see no one out of the pool yet, you let out your own scream of joy.
You won; the scholarship was all yours.
You've barely gotten out of the pool when college officials rush up to you, congratulating you and wrapping a towel around you.
"We have a winner!" you hear the emcee announce. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the annual swimming scholarship! Contestant two!"
The crowd cheers for you, and you see Anton cheering along amongst the crowd, happily jumping up and down.
"I knew you could do it!" He mouths to you, beaming.
A warm and unfamiliar feeling settles in your heart as you smile back, waving.
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"Coming through! Make way for the winner!" Sungchan announces loudly, shoving his way through the crowd. You and Anton follow after him, giggling.
Sunlight hugs your body the moment you step out of the swimming arena, but it doesn't feel as warm as Anton's arm that was around your shoulders.
"I'm so happy for you!" he gushes, excitedly skipping his way to Sungchan's car. "It's all thanks to you, honestly." you laugh, slightly embarrassed.
Anton clicks his tongue, waving his finger 'no' at you.
"You believed in yourself," he says. "That's why you could win. And you took the initiative to try to win, so you should thank yourself, really."
"Hey, where's my thank you?" Sungchan scoffed as all of you got into his car.
"Thank you." you laugh, buckling up.
"But seriously," Anton says, slipping his hand into yours. "You need to thank yourself. I'm glad I got to teach you."
Your cheeks warm at his words, and you grin as you squeeze his hand.
"And I'm glad I got to meet you."
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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neptunesailing · 10 months ago
PING JUMPSCARE anyway your art is amazing i love your new hiiai piece please talk about the design more if you want, i love hearing people yap about their design elements and the process to get to the final idea. (also, i really like ghosty sorta things and this certainly feels pretty ethereal! did you have a story idea behind it that perhaps i caught upon?)
HII THANK YOUUU!!!!! IM GRINNING LIKE A MANIAC RN DONT MIND MEEE teehee but YEYSSYEYSEYSEYYSE tysm for asking abotu the designnnn augh i loooove designing things its so fun to me!!! putting this under a cut because WOW i went crazy
i had a Vision for this design it was (as i put it to a friend) a "drowned love-struck sailor but also a guy that seems like he Lives at the beach but he's so ethereal you SWEAR he's a mermaid or something". like sirens and sailors but more emphasis on the sailor part
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here's my moodboard/reference board!! i knew i wanted puffy sleeves and super flowy fabric but i wasn't sure what Else to add so i went to pinterest (of course) and saw like the fishnets and the pearls and ya i went insane. i didnt end up adding any pearls or as many ruffles in the final design but i think the whole beach/ocean aesthetic got across pretty well!!
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for colors: the only thing i had in my head was WHITE FLOWY SHIRT because i love drawing them and it just Fits the vibe i was going for. the blue gradient on the sleeves makes me think of drowning? like being in the ocean for so long that blue is just a Part of you now even though that doesn't really happen its the VIBE of it okay. being engulfed by blue being engulfed by the sea nd you're drowning..... aughh. also the collar is a type of scallop collar because i wanted it to be different from a normal white button-up okay. a lot of my design process is Is This Cool and How Can This Be "Functional" (either in design [adding color or shape] or use [actual function])
there's also the long sash for more color and more flowy action!! and those pants are also supposed to be loose and flowy you just. dont see them in the final piece lol.
another thing about the colors: i tried to contrast from the blues i was putting in the sleeves and the sash with the warm browns that you can see in the net shirt and the ribbons on the sleeves and the net-like accessory on the left leg and the addition of nets Really adds to the whole theme that Deep Into You has going on of being "drawn in to the point of drowning" and the whole sailor thing too
couple notes: the net shirt would be like a tank top and i originally was thinking of having sandals for the shoe choice instead of what i have now and honestly now that im thinking about it again sandals Would be cool. but for an enstars outfit that they have to dance in? those shoes are fine actually
about the jewelry: i added the star clip a little late but it's supposed to act as a larger version of a tie clip? or like a brooch but with More stuff on it. also YES the earrings are mussel shells (i didn't know it was a mussel shell when i drew it i was referencing just a shell i had on hand) but aughh like mussel shells have so many pretty colors in them theyre like iridescent and i wasn't able to put that much detail in them at such a scale which is sad but its ok i think it still turned out really beautiful... i should draw shells more.
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anyway thank you so much for sending this ask!! i dont really have much of a story behind this other than listening to the one minute clip we have of deep into you on loop for actual hours over the course of three(?) days but i might make a story.... ive been thinking about it... hope this is actually readable i wrote so much hahah but yes i am crazy and i love yapping about my design process and choices <3
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koka-mi · 8 months ago
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SOO today went very very nicely I think!!!! I stood up until like 5am-ish so I woke up suuuper late today xD ohoh and I watched this uhh christian movie. I don't even remember what it's called--the last miracle or something???? I DON'T EVEN REMEMBERRR but it was okay?? I dunno I only watch those movies bcz my great grandpa make me feel like I have to :p I haven't had to do any super religious stuff since I was around 7-8 y/o though xD watching christian movies isn't really the norm for me luckily !
my mom also got some italian food today so that was super cool!! AND IT'S SO GOOD I love italian food it's up there with japanese food for me yummy yummyyy !!!!
ALSO ALSOOO I got to practice with my cover group a little bit! not everyone could show but majority of us could :D and that was super fun~! I think our manager (saying that makes it sound so professional BUT IT WASN'T REALLY BAHBFHADSB) was losing patience with some of us though xD none of it was directed at me but a few of the members were falling behind in their lines--the rest of us reassured them that it was okay though!! :] a video was also recorded but I'm not allowed to share it sadly </3 maybe I can share my own parts sometime tho!
hmmm what elseeee...my mom did my eyebrows today so that was something!! she was also talking about these three DEPRESSING MOVIES WHILE SHE WAS DOING IT :'D THEY WERE SOOO SAD AND I WAS JUST LIKE MOM WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME THISSSS but tbf they do sound pretty good--I dunno if I'd watch them myself tho I'd probably cry BSAHDBASFH
ANND I wrote in my journal today!! :3 but it's not anything about me it's a short kyosaya story :D I may share it but I'm not suuure..it's not anything super special--I also doodled little kyosaya drawings around it !!!!!! I love kyosaya I love kyosaya I love kyosay
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i23kazu · 1 year ago
ying!! it's writing anon again!! ......realising that maybe i should have asked about writing stuff on your writing blog ( 〃..)
i saw your reply, tysm for taking time to do that, i really appreciate it!! you're the best  ໒꒰ྀི  ܸ. .ܸ  ꒱ྀི১
hii ying..... a little too shy to ask this on my main blog so anon it is....... i was wondering if you had any tips or advice for starting a writing blog? specifically for genshin x readers, i wanna get back into writing but i don't really know where to start ( ;´ - `;) i really look up to you as a writer and as someone in the genshin writing community in general, so i thought you'd be the best person to ask for something like this..... i'm sorry if this is a difficult question to answer (,,>﹏<,,) have a nice day/night!! -writing anon
WAHH HI DARLING !! thank you so much for all your kind words :") please don't worry about it, i gotchu i gotchu mwamwa. here's some tips from me! without further ado, welcome to:
ying's pretty cool tips on making a writing blog!
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on starting a writing blog:
make a pinned post !!! this helps people to get to know you more <3
if possible – try and keep the theme for as long as you can; and if you're going to change your theme, it might be helpful to borrow an outstanding element so that people can recognise you immediately even after changing the theme !!! but of course, do whatever you like hehe.
have a consistent tagging system !!!
reach out to other people !! either as an anon or as a friend – you can extend the invitation to be mutuals hehe. or, you know.. you can join communities (just like my discord server) to get to know people within genshinblr !!
you can join networks too !!! (wink wink @astronetwrk applications are opening in three days) this helps you to connect and make friends with other writers heheh
JUST BE YOURSELF !!!! you will attract the people who are meant for you!
on writing genshin x reader posts:
here's some of my observations from over the last few years:
simple formatting with things easy to read has always worked better for me !!! consistent formatting too!
typically, posts with 5-7 characters tend to get the highest amount of notes. but please, don't force yourself to write for so many bc it does get exhausting after a while !!!
if you're in GMT+8 : the best timings to post are from 10:30-1:30am hehee
consistently checking the notes count will not do you any good :") your works are great, even if they don't reach a large audience!
looking through the genshin x reader tag for inspiration is always wonderful! i think it goes without saying to not plagiarize though HAHHAH but reading genshin x readers has always helped me to fill my brainrots !!! and discussing things with friends, yes yes!
this is all i have for now, but if there's anything more i can help you with, please reach out again !!! i'll be more than happy to help hehe <3
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greengoblinswifey · 2 months ago
miss kay! this is my first time sending in a request but i’ve been lurking your account for the last few days because there are black writers that write for nick and tg because you cannot convince me he ain’t got no seasoning in him okurr! also, idk if it’s because it’s 6 am and i need sleep but the way you handled the one message about the series with the dad and daughter.. lawd jesus i’m crine bc ts was too weird and your response had me dying. it was gold! thinking like.. does that look like she’d write that on here 😩. like we don’t do that over here. antyways not sure if you’re taking more requests for frat!boynicholas but the glasses one has me in a chokehold more than i thought it would! i need to know if the reader is the jealous type and also if frat!boynicholas can be the dominant type when he wants to be. cause i can’t not not see it. like he’s soft but then he’ll get you together real quick if you step outta lines yk? bc part of me is thinking that if she saw or heard other women on campus start complimenting nick on his glasses after she done gassed his head up. like she knows he’s hers but her brain would need a few seconds to either calibrate her emotions or reboot before things outta hand and she’d have to put someone in their place. i feel like ima ramble so apologies if it’s long but i’d love to see something if you’re open to it about the reader feeling jealous of all this unwanted attention that nick’s been getting bc of his frames and he’s told her that she has nothing to worry about but it’s got her in a whole mood so her attitude is just no bueno and it’s just the more she notices the attention he’s getting the more her annoyed she gets and would just rather not hang around him until she cools down. i literally can see her not talking to him for few days and her friends drag her to this party his frat is throwing and some girl is flirting with him getting comfy a little tew much on him and even tho my girl feeling some type of way she won’t tolerate anyone putting hands on him that’s not hers. nick would brush it off cause he wouldn’t think of much of it but she’d step in and be like “uh-uh.” all territorial wid it too while swatting the arm away😭 and nick is legit there like wth is going on bc she's never had to be this possessive about him while she’s is still upset just mugging him with an eye roll too. i swear the eye-roll would send him over the edge cause now he thinks she doing a little too much and it needs to be corrected, cause like “who she rolls her eyes at like that?!” he’d take her to his room to talk by the arm, not rough but assertively, and ask the reader why she’s mad at him and she’d get even more mad bc he doesn’t already know. the way she’d serve him with so much attitude after he accused her of being jealous which she’d deny that it’d force to him be assertive especially with the slick mouth as she talked back 😩🫠🫠 whew. the way he’d grab her face softly but firmly and have her face him as he spoke to her awaiting an answer.. obviously the makeup would be steamy and he’d get her altogether that she forgot why she was mad at him in the first place 😩. does that make sense? i hope it makes sense? tysm in advance if you’re able to write anything for it 💛.
— 🥣👸🏽
Omg, hii🩷
Their ask had me so fucked up, even now like what??😭I’m so glad you enjoy my fanfics and took time out of your day to send this, I appreciate it sm🫶🏽I took a bit to write this but I hope you like it. Posted here <3
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frogshipping · 2 months ago
🐇 ♥️ 🎒
Miscellaneous Ask Game
Hii my beautiful mutual!! Tysm for the ask!
🐇- What animal best represents your f/o? What about your s/i?
This one I'm actually going to answer with multiple F/O’s cause I think it'd be neat!!
Viti is represented by the beautiful blue jay, for it's vibrant color, loud personality, as well as for all the things it symbolizes (you should look it up it all super neat!)
Goku would be some kind of dog, definitely a mutt but the most amazing mutt you'd ever meet! Sucrose is a barn owl. Reigen is a fox. Yor is a cheetah, and Loid is a wolf
♥️- What is your f/o’s favorite memory of you? What is your favorite memory of them?
For Goku, the memory he loves the most of Viti is when she casuslly calmed a dinosaur. Goten and Trunks got too close to its nest when they were all out training one day. Viti jumped in to defend the boys. But instead of fighting the dinosaur or scaring it away, Viti got right into its face where it could see her and started to pet it. She had to use some of her strength at the same time to keep it from thrashing about, but when it realized how gentle Viti was being, it started to settle down. She talked to it like it was your average pet, her voice soft and reassuring. Eventually it decided there was no threat and went back to it's babies. This happened way before the pair got together, but it was definitely a moment that got Goku's attention.
For Viti, their favorite memory was the first time Goku helped them after a bad nightmare. It was when they were in the Room of Spirit and Time together. Viti was reliving all the moments where her teammates and friends from the Homestuck universe died. She woke up screaming and completely out of it til Goku came along and wrapped his arms around her. As Viti started to come back to reality, the first thing she could hear was his voice telling her she's safe, everything is ok, it's just the two of them here. Then she felt his warmth around her and that helped to ground her. They sat up for hours together as Viti cried and told him everything she had seen, while he held her tight and soothed her from the fear and anguish. Goku tried to make the situation lighter by relating to their experiences and talking about more positive things. Viti had never felt so safe before with anyone. It's the moment that changed their friendship into something more. And it's the moment Viti was certain that she was in love with Goku.
🎒- What is your f/o’s ideal pet? Would you want to take care of that type of animal together?
Viti would be down to take care of any pet with their significant other. She love animals, and if it would make her beloved happy, she'd gladly help raise an adorable critter with them <3
Goku would like a dragon I think (like father like son after all). Viti would think that's cool and learn all about dragon husbandry to help care for it. Reigen probably would like a tortoise (he just pegs me as that sort of guy). Viti would set up the enclosure so he doesn't accidentally kill the poor thing. Sucrose would enjoy a songbird of some type. Viti would get a big cage for it filled with mentally enriching toys, and a book on how to teach it to talk (they'd train the bird to tell Sucrose she's beautiful and Viti loves her). And Yor and Loid already have Bond, whom Viti is obsessed with (Big fluffy white dog? Hell yes. He's getting all the cuddles all the time. Loid thinks Viti spoils him.) I saw a post where somebody invented a cat OC (who has telekinesis) that joins the Forger family and I think that would be way too perfect. That's canon in my selfship universe.
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koychu · 2 years ago
hi koychu<3
how have you been? have you eaten? i hope you've had a nice day, are you feeling better from being ill the other day?/genq/nf
what are some things (maybe games/whichever media/topic) that you like to experience or to talk abt? what are your thoughts on astronomy and/or space?
take care and be safe koyy<3
HII, IM DOING FINE RN!! I just keep coughing and my dad thinks I'm still as sick as b4 but oh well ig 😭 I have eaten thankfully!! I completely ate it instead of wasting it like b4 so that's nice! Idrk but if I need to choose then it's probably like.. Vintage manga or anime bc I know most ppl (that I saw talk about them) say they were so cool back when they were a kid, but I can never get into it so hopefully one day I can talk about how much I like it just like the other ppl I seee and I rlly like astronomy a lot! I'm still trying to learn new things about it and I'm always so amazed when I see smth new!! (Idrk much abt astrology, but from what I've seen it's rlly cool! Idrk how it controls people's lives?? Doesn't rlly make sense to me)
And make sure to eat, drink, sleep and take a break anon! Tysm for the ask!! Sry I didn't reply sooner, I unfortunately don't get notifs for asks and dms anymore :((
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mityenka · 3 years ago
hellooo whats ur opinion on structured poetry vs freeform poetry
HI ZOE thank you so much for asking! for a long time i used to prefer freeform because back when my only introduction to poetry were my english and german literature classes we were mostly given structured poems to analyze so to me freeform poetry felt refreshingly modern and less confined than traditionally structured works. i still like freeform but ever since i started to read more poetry on my own i've come to admire structured poems a lot more than i used to. i feel like nowadays a lot of people limit themselves to exclusively writing freeform poetry which is kind of sad to me because it makes for less variety and also because i feel like writing a poem with a set rhyme scheme and meter would be a great way to improve your writing because it does take a lot of skill to express what you want to say within the limits of a specific structure.
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 2 years ago
hi !! i love your writing so much omg would you be up to write some jealous/possessive tangerine? maybe one where he sees someone flirting with you at work or in public and puts on a big show of proving you’re with him?? ty <3!!
hii, that’s probably one of the nicest things ive ever been told, tysm🫠🥰 and ofc! thank you for your request, hope you like it💌
coffee shop (Tangerine x fem reader)
wc || 602
warnings || don’t think there are any
masterlist + rules
You were both walking arm in arm down the cobblestone street, heading towards your favourite little coffee shop.
Tangerine’s phone rings just as you were about to walk in, giving you a kiss on the cheek before he excused himself. “Can you order for me? I’ll quickly take this.”
“Want a cake too?” You asked, before turning around to head in.
“Nah I’m good thanks love.” Walking to the side of the path to answer his phone.
You love this little store, you’d often spend many hours in here, whether that be reading or catching up on work, it was like your own personal safe space.
“Hey, Luke.” Greeting the barista by name as you had become well acquainted with the staff here.
“Hello again, what can I get you today?”
Telling him your order, “please can I get a mocha, victoria sponge and an espresso.”
His eyebrow quirks, “someone joining you today?”
“Yeah, my boyfriend is just outside taking a call.” You sweetly say, nodding towards the entrance.
“Can’t wait to finally meet him, by what you tell me, he’s a real hunk.”
“Oh, he is.” Laughing genuinely as you paid, waking over to wait by the collection point.
“Hey miss, want me to put some extra chocolate in there for you.” A new voice said behind the bar, he was clearly new as you’d never seen him before.
“No no that’s okay, thank you.” Smiling to be friendly.
“You’re already sweet enough? Huh?” He winks.
Laughing awkwardly as he continues to flirt, not being very subtle. Wryly smiling, keeping the conversation light as he slowly makes your drinks, purposely trying to stall you.
A gust of wind comes from the door so you look over, luckily it’s Tan, oh thank god. He briskly makes his way over to you, nose turned up as his brows furrowed, clearly not happy at the obvious passes the barista is making at you.
He stands behind you wrapping his arms around your front, resting his chin on the back of your head while he glared hot holes into the man.
“Can I help you sir?” The man spoke in an attempt to irritate Tangerine.
“Not particularly no.” He said flatly, arms tightening around you.
“You ordered the espresso, mate?” He smugly asks.
“What’s a sweet thing like you doing with a guy like that.” He smirks, nodding between you both.
You gently sighed, knowing full well that Tan was getting more and more pissed, it was obvious he was trying to get a rise of him- you just hoped Tangerine would wait to lose his cool after you left the store.
“I ask myself that every day.” Tan snidely says, not wanting to give in and ruin your experiences with this store. Twisting his head around so he could kiss your cheek from behind, purposely looking at the guy.
Collecting your drinks and cake, you head out of the shop. You held his hand leading him out as he followed behind, much like that of a dog on a lead. You turn around to the baristas. “See you soon.” You smile at them, trying to deflect the tension.
“My girlfriend and I are leaving now.” Tan loudly says across the room, smirking as he looked over to the guy that was hitting on you.
When you got out of the shop, you playfully slapped his shoulder. “You can’t do that.” Trying not to laugh.
“The prick had it coming.” He says smugly, holding your side as you walked away.
“That he did, that he did.” Laughing into your cup before taking a sip.
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kingprinceleo · 3 years ago
hii it’s me again! I am once again hungry for answers. /ref
Alright so, I notice that you keep bringing up vampire au shadow’s unique means of creation, if you can I would really appreciate if you elaborate on that I am very curious 👀 Also, what organization (?) is shadow working for that makes him go after sonic’s friends in the lil comic about shadow getting got? It seems from the wording that there was something else telling shadow to do that. And ik shadow just hates vampires in general because selfish gross creatures blah blah but is there anything specific that happened to shadow to be so adamant on killing them? (If that was even his motive? Does he wanna kill them all??) oopsies this is longer than I thought again
Oh yeah and I hope I don’t bother you too much with my random sprees of likings and reblogs, sometimes I just see one of your posts and then remember to check your art and I can’t stop because there’s so much and I need to show my likes reblogs and appreciation or else I feel weird and bleh. Yeah idk prolly just more dumb anxiety things. I also am once again going to rant about how cool you are because you just understand them!!! So well!!!!!!! It genuinely makes me so content inside to see the Characters of my Heart™ portrayed in such a way that somehow is so balanced and perfect for them (in my opinion lol) dkbskshdksn okay bye <3
HELLO AGAIN, I will feed for as much isnt spoilers :)
I can't really elaborate more than hes just built a little different in this au lol, he's able to heal really fast, heal other people with his blood, and he tastes good!!! Shadows suspects this is a result of his weird alien DNA blood , and every day hes tilted about it.
But something I don't think I've mentioned yet is that his blood has healing properties because it was intended to be transferred into Maria! She was born a very weak and ill girl so Gerald completely changed course with project shadow and turn him from a weapon to a cure for her.
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I really thought more people would notice it, but it's GUN lol. GUN hates vampires, and even more specifically Sonic bc he's a little bastard vampire shithead that doesn't like obeying them. So Shadows and GUNs objectives line up enough for shadow to work with them for a period of time.
And shadow wants to kill vampires because haha, they fucking killed Maria (and everyone on the ark, including Gerald) and sent him to angel Island. So, yunno he kinda has a bad taste in his mouth because of that. He's got even more of a grudge towards eggman because his relations to the rest of the robotnik family. So he wants to Extra Kill him.
And no the like spams dont bother me at all /gen!!!!! I really enjoy them!!!
And AAAAAAA TY,,,,, I try so so hard when I think about how they interact with each other and EEEEEE it makes me so overjoyed that it's working well!!!!!
Tysm for the ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
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h2bakugou · 4 years ago
Hey sweetie, love ur work, was wondering if u could do a hc for some of the boys (mainly bakugou) of how theyd react to their s/o who struggles to get their words out and stutters a bit and gets insecure wen ppl laugh xx
a/n: hii!! tysm <3 of course!! i decided to do the main three for this one!! 
headcanon: them with an s/o who struggles to get their words out
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou picks up on your habit fairly quickly. You tend to stay pretty quiet.
But when you’re alone and you do speak, he notices sometimes you struggle to get your words out.
You like to use short words/phrases often.
He doesn’t ask questions, he just assumes it’s normal-and it is.
However, he begins to wonder why you’re always so quiet.
That’s not until some rival school meets up for a training battle and a couple of dipshits start making fun of your stutter.
“Spit it out already!”
“I-I-I can’t understand you!”
They mock and tease you as you try to communicate with the team you’ve been partnered with. Oh how royally fucked they were because Bakugou, you’re boyfriend, was right beside you.
“You fucking idiots!” He yelled, charging toward them, sending huge explosions off in their direction.
“Leave them the fuck alone!” He would charge after them and proceed to beat the ever loving shit out of them until they’re mumbling their apologies to you.
“H-hey! Katsu, enough.” You touch Bakugou’s shoulder, pulling him back away from the group of boys.
“Just teaching these dumbasses a lesson about fuckin’ with what’s mine.” Bakugou slings an arm around your waist and practically carries you back to your team with you over his shoulder.
He’s very attentive, and while he can get frustrated sometimes, he’d never make you feel insecure. He’ll wait as long as you need to.
He can usually tell what you want based off of body language, but if it’s something romantic like a kiss or a hug, he wants you to be verbal about it, or he wants you to initiate it first.
Bakugou likes when you hold his hand while you speak, he likes the way you run your thumb across his knuckles. It makes him feel all giddy inside.
But he won’t tell you he likes this.
It’s not like you can’t tell with the way he practically leaps to hold your hand every time you even think about opening your mouth to speak.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
He’s also very attentive and will listen to you.
He will not tolerate people talking over you or making fun of your stutter.
Once yelled at a group of kids who were making fun of your stutter while you guys were patrolling together <3
He really can’t stand when people mock you either. It’s just so rude.
Holds your hand if you like it.
You usually find yourself playing with his hair when you talk to him alone. Your fingers tangled in his green locks while you tell him about your day.
It helps take your mind off of little things that had been stressing you out. And Deku really enjoys it too.
Deku could listen to you talk forever. He loves the sound of your voice.
Even when you get insecure about things like seeming like it takes forever to tell a story, he’ll reassure you and rub your arms, or trace shapes on your legs while you continue, telling you how excited he is to hear what happens next.
Whether you send one big message or eighteen tiny ones about what you want to say, he’ll read all of it, over and over again, smiling thinking about how you’d sound saying it.
Deku is just soft for ur voice idk what else to say he loves it!!
He will urge you to finish your sentences if you ever get off track or distracted, reminding you where you left off, etc.
This can be really sweet but it might also seem a little pushy.
If this bothers you, he’ll gladly stop if you’d like him too! He just wants you to feel comfortable in knowing you’ve told him what you needed to!!
kisses your cheeks to fluster you sometimes which will make you a babbling mess and get you off topic in an instant. He doesn’t do this on purpose, usually only when he wants to kiss you but ur in public.
kiss him back on the lips to turn him into the babbling mess.
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Shoto baby <3
He’s kinda quiet and reserved, but he really enjoys listening to you talk.
He actually speaks more with you than he does anyone else!
He definitely does not tolerate anyone speaking over you/cutting you off mid sentence and will not stand for someone mocking or teasing you.
He had to harp on Kaminari once.
“S-so uhm that’s why-”
“That’s why we need to work together!” Kaminari butted in, cutting you off. He wasn’t trying to be mean by any means, he’d just connected the dots out loud.
“They could’ve finished their sentence without an interruption.” Todoroki’s mouth formed into a thin line as he stared at the yellow-blonde.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” Kaminari apologized to you, feeling a little embarrassed about being scolded by Todoroki.
“It’s a-alright. You got the gist o-of it.” You smiled, glancing back at Todoroki before mouthing a ‘thank you’ to him.
He hates seeing you get discouraged by people talking over you or getting mocked, especially by kids around your age.
You’re doing your best, hell you’re doing better than half the kids there, yet some pricks think it’s funny to tease you for having a stutter, or for taking a few extra minutes to finish what you’re saying.
Will absolutely put their asses on blast for the world to see.
He will not tolerate bullshit, I mean just ask his dad-
You enjoy using his hands, like the others, when you speak. Holding his cool hand to your cheek while you tell him a story helps you feel a little less embarrassed if you’re feeling self-conscious.
Or if you press his warm hand to your lips, kissing his finger tips before speaking, you feel calm.
He’s a flustered mess now, honestly trying not to interrupt you with a kiss.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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t0shii · 4 years ago
What do you think the bnha boys (Bakugou, sero and denki) would do if they saw their s/o guy friend being touchy with them🤨 and also pls drink water and stay safe <3
% s/o has a touchy friend
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.! bakugou, sero, denki (sep) x gn!r
.! fluff (angst if you squint)/ not proofread
.! hii bby, tysm for the request! hope u enjoy!! + u too <3
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- omg he's sooo jealous
- i feel like he'll keep his cool in the moment because he doesn't want to upset you
- but it's hard :((
- n when you two get back to the dorms he'll be all pouty
- gives you the silent treatment
god it was just so annoying how he was touching all over you like he wasn't even there, even as the two of you walked back to the ua dorms he couldn't shake this irritable feeling, were you letting him touch all over you on purpose? the thought made him, uncomfortable.
"katsu, is something wrong?" you ask, it'd been two whole hours since you'd gotten back to the dorms and the two of you were lounging your room, you'd noticed he was strangely quiet and finally, you decided it would be best to ask him about it. "'m fine." he huffs, stuffing his nose deeper into the book he was reading. really, he just wanted you to leave him alone until this feeling had blown over but he knew you wouldn't. "-it's just that, you were letting your friend touch all over you, it was like i wasn't even there at all!" he says, trying his hardest not to raise his voice at you, which you could tell. "katsuki, i'm sorry i made you feel that way, i do wish you'd told me sooner. he's just touchy like that, always has been; since we were kids." you smile softly and place a hand on his shoulder, "i'll tell him not to be so touchy from now on, okay?"
he let's out a breath he hadn't even realized he was holding, "alright." "thank you for telling me." you grin, wrapping your arms around his waist he only grunts in response but when he places a kiss to the top of your head you know he's no longer upset.
- wouldn't bring it up right then and there
- but when you back to the dorms he'll bring it up
- trusts you but has his own set of insecurities of course
- a little shy but can voice his feeling well
yeah, sero was a little annoyed your friend was all over you, that wasn't something he was necessary ashamed to admit, though he was a little concerned. why was he all over you and completely ignoring his existence? it seemed like every time he'd grab your hand your friend was pulling you away by your other.
you'd only just closed his dorm door when he spoke up, "hey, babe?" the frown on his face had your smile fading, "what's wrong?" you walk over to your boyfriend and hook your arms loosely around his waist. he thinks for a minute, "well nothing really but don't ya think your friend was a little... too touchy with you today? i understand you've been friends since you were kids but it felt like he was trying to keep you away from me." he chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck, "hanta, i had no idea you felt that way-" "-i mean it's fine, like totally not-" "no it's not fine, i'm sorry that we made you feel that way. he was just excited since we hadn't seen each other in so long, but for sure i'll tell him not to be so touchy from now on."
he sighs in relief, wrapping his arms around your waist, "you have no idea how relieved i feel right now, i was worried you'd be offended or upset with me." he mumbles pressure his forehead against yours, "of course not, your feelings are completely valid and i understand, if another person was all over you and taking you away from me i would feel the same." you giggle as he presses little kisses all over your face, "i love you so much."
- genuinely is sad about it, poor baby
- why is this guy all over my s/o????
- why is my s/o letting him touch all over them???
- please when he brings it up he genuinely doesn't know what to say
- dismisses his own feelings stop im sad over this
- pls comfort him
when you'd told denki you wanted him to meet your lifelong, childhood best friend, he didn't know that meant following the two of you around the mall while he had his arm hooked around you. genuinely, he wasn't sure if it was right for him to be upset about it, he was only your friend after all plus you hadn't seen each other in so long, of course you want to spend time with him.
you'd been back in the dorm for hours now, denki playing videos games while you laid on his bed and did your own thing. he'd been thinking about the mall all day and how touchy your friend was with you, it was driving him crazy. finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "be right back sero." he says, pausing his game and muting his mic before turning around to face you, "hey, baby?" you avert your attention to your boyfriend, "yes, kami?" you answer, reaching to run your fingers through his blonde hair. "uhm... well it's really not a big deal and you can tell me if i'm over reacting but i've been thinking about it ever since we got back... it's about your friend... uh.... you know what, forget-" "no, jf it's bothering you, tell me. please? kami, if it's bothering you i'd like to know." you say softly, fingers continuing to comb through his hair. "it's just that, he was super touchy with you, i'm probably just overreacting but it did bother me a little." he mumbles softly, honestly it was barely even audible. "oh baby, i'm so sorry i didn't realize. hmm how about tomorrow after training, we go out just you and me and i'll make it up to you? we can do whatever you want." "okay." he breathes, eyes already lighting back up.
"and stop dismissing your feelings, kaminari. your feelings are valid and important to me, okay? i'll tell him not to be so touchy from now on." you smile, leaning to place a soft kiss on his lips, "i love you, got it?" "got it." he can't help the smile that creeps to his face at how warm his heart feels.
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< reblogs appreciated >
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hwangsies · 4 years ago
hello, hello, first things first, hope you're having a good day! can i please request fem reader and minho agreeing on cockwarming only but she got really horny and waited for him to fall asleep before doing it, but ofc he woke up and ended up overstimulating her instead as a punishment-
hii, tysm for requesting! i hope u had a good day as well💓
[6:54 pm]
lee minho x female reader smut
warnings: established relationship, partly clothed sex, dom!minho, cockwarming, oral (m recieving), fingering, slight somnophilia (not stated but consensual ofc), spit (im sorry skjsjekd), a little choking, minho calls reader a slut like 2 times, multiple orgasms, overstimulation
wc: 1.6 k
enjoy <3
"fuck-no no go back to the base" you roll your eyes at minhos yells into his headset.
His fingers fly over the controller as he digs his teeth into his lower lip in concentration.
You love that he's finally able to relax a little and play his game but you'd so much rather have those fingers inside of you.
"chan-hyung go back-go back" he orders as he shoots at something on the screen, you cant be bothered to fully understand what the goal of that game is.
You are way too annoyed at the fact that he had declared his 'last round' four times already without even looking back at you.
Sighing you get up to get a glass of water, when you come back he's still sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the screen.
You lean agaist the doorframe, cross your arms over your chest and sigh again, a little more dramatic; frowning when he doesn’t even acknowledge your presence.
So, you sigh even louder, one more time.
His eyes flicker up at you before he pulls his headset back from one ear, releasing the abused flesh of his lip from inbetween his teeth.
"whats up, baby" he asks, muting his microphone before looking back at the screen shortly.
"I miss you" you pout "and you said you were almost done like an hour ago"
He smiles softly and holds out his hand, speaking when you slide yours into his.
"i'm sorry, i promise im done after this round" he rubs his thumb over your hand.
You whine as your eyes fall on his lap, on those muscular thighs that even make the baggy grey sweatpants he's wearing look tight when he's sitting. Apparently you arent very cool about it because your boyfriend catches on to what you're thinking almost immediately.
Grinning, he pulls you closer by your hand before pressing a kiss to the back of it. "take off your panties" he nods at your skirt.
"already did, like two hours ago" you breathe out, feigning annoyance at which he chuckles.
"alright then, if you get me hard you can sit on my cock until i'm done" he grins up at you, chuckling once again when you drop to your knees. His hands return to his controller after he unmutes himself, meanwhile you start squeezing him through his sweatpants.
"yea, sorry guys im back" minho mumbles into the headset, you frown because you want his attention, but knowing your boyfriend, he wont give it up without a fight.
Pulling down his pants and boxers far enough to take out his half hard length, you waste no time getting your mouth on him.
"guys, left-left-left" he chants into his mic.
You feel his cock twitch when you take him deep and massage his balls, peering up at him through your lashes, you are disappointed to see he's still only watching the screen. Breathing in deeply through your nose, you go even deeper and swallow around his tip as he starts his sentence.
"guys, dont- oh fuck" his voice cracks and he finally looks down at you, muting himself before pulling you away.
"I said get me hard, not off, you little slut" he sneers as you lick your lower lip.
"sorry" you grin, which he reciprocates "get up" he orders.
When you do, he trails his fingers along your inner thigh, hissing when he feels how wet you are. You moan when he pumps one finger into you, holding onto his shoulder as he takes his other hand and guides you to hover his lap.
Retreating his finger, he rubs a few circles over your clit for good measure at which you whimper.
"okay, come here" he guides you to hover over his lap before spreading your juices over his cock and aligning it with your entrance, pushing inside slowly.
You moan out minhos name at the stretch, he breathes out shakily as well before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"doing good, baby" another kiss to your cheek "now be a good girl and stay still, alright?" You nod and tuck your face into the crook of his neck before looping your arms around him as well.
You can hear the clickling sound of his controller and the faint voices of chan, jeongin and whoever else he's playing with.
He makes an effort not to yell into your ear when he talks to them, so very soon you find your feeling of neediness getting overpowered by drowsiness. His bodywarmth and cologne affectively lulling you to sleep.
You dont know how long you were out but when you wake up minho is still underneath you, but now propped up against the headrest of the bed.
Blinking confusedly, you lift your head, which was still still positioned on his shoulder and look around.
The tv is off and it had gotten dark outside, your attention however quickly shifts to the throbbing of your core, where your boyfiend is still buried in to the hilt. Said boyfriend is peacefully asleep, lips pouted and cheeks slightly flushed.
You sit up, moaning when his cock brushes against your g-spot. You bite your lip, knowing full well what would happen if you were to act on your thoughts.
So thats exactly what you do; slowly you roll your hips into his and prop your hand on the headrest. You feel your walls tighten when you lift yourself up and push down again.
Whimpering, you reach down and rub circles into your clit. Your head rolls back when you feel your high bubble up in your abdomen, tearing a moan from your throat.
Suddenly , warm hands gripping your hips make you jump.
"didnt mean to interrupt you baby" minho grins up at you tiredly.
“baby-i” your movements still with his hands squeezing at your flesh.
“you what?” he taunts “thought you could get yourself off real sneakily?”
“no-i” you stutter, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrasment “i wouldve woken you up- just...” you absently tug at his shirt.
“just what?” minho sits up, grinning and supporting your back to keep you from tipping over.
“you always edge me and i just want to cum” you say sheepishly now that his face is only a few inches away from yours.
“aw, well i dont like how that makes me sound” he pouts sarcastically “lets make your wish come true then,yea?” he leans back again, tucking one hand under his head cockily.
“fuck yourself, cmon” he bites his lip, wating for you to oblige.
You grin and start rolling your hips again “wait!” minho yelps, making you flinch.
“sorry” he giggles, rubbing your thigh “take off your shirt”
You scoff and shake your head incredulously before pulling your shirt over your head and freeing your tits for your boyfriend to instantly love on.
Not long after rocking your pelvis into his, you feel your orgasm creeping up on you again. Minho being no stranger to your body and its signals, kitten licks his thumb and brings it underneath your skirt to your clit.
You moan as you lean forwards to get better levarage, your boyfriend latching his lips onto one of your nipples.
"fuck-" you cry out when he increases the preassure of his thumb on your bundle of nerves and raises his hips to meet yours with every roll. Your orgasm makes your toes curl as it rushes through your veins, your body trembling as you collapse into minhos hold.
You pant obscene things as he rocks you through it, flipping the both of you over shortly after. “what-oh-fuck” you squeal but he thrusts back into you, flipping up your skirt to reveal your how tigth your dripping walls are hugging him.
“fuck” minho groans at the sight, stabilizing your hips before slowly letting a glob of spit descend from his pout to where your bodies join. You whimper, your hips stuttering when he smears it over your folds before bottoming out and picking up his pace.
“how’s that hm?” he grits through his teeth, hand anchoring to your neck when you moan in response.
“s- good” you whine, crying out a second later when he brings his thumb to your clit again to rub at it vigorously.
“you wanted to cum, so cum again like the little slut you are” he sneers “cmon baby, do it”  And you do, pulling at the sheets as you cry out for him in bliss.
The overstimulation kicks in and you squirm, pressing against his hand to make him stop. But he just pulls out and shoves two of his fingers into you, curling them upwards and pumping furiously as his other hand squeezes at your neck.
“fuck! minho-i cant” the sensitivity is almost too much and you feel tears pricking at your eyes as you yell out for your boyfriend.
“this is what you wanted isnt it?” he tauts, grin evident in his voice.
“fuck!” your back arches of the mattress as a guttoral groan tears from your throat and you cum again, less than a minute after your previous high.
For a few seconds you only hear white noise and your heartbeat as he rides out your orgasm.
“good fucking girl” he chuckles mischievously as he watches your chest heave and your swollen pussy flutter when he takes out his fingers, smearing your cum on his cock before he starts pumping himself.
You open your eyes to see him jerk himself off over you, tiredly you raise your hand to fondle his balls, making him roll his head back and groan.
His throat shining with a sheen of sweat as his adams apple bops with each breath. Locking eyes again, he spills his seed on your tummy with a moan and a shudder.
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