#high at target
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Apparently there’s 4 flavors and I’m too high to distinguish them
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
people seriously pretending EEAAO is overrated suddenly bc it swept awards? it swept awards largely because it is very very very good. I cried like someone who's just had a religious revelation BOTH times I watched it bc it touched something raw and real and beautiful but it was also just very, very funny. everyone's performance kills and the concept is creative and interesting and doesn't distract from the emotional core. you guys are just contrarian.
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Obviously in a meta sense it was all quite literally a random card pull but in universe it really seemed like Baron was targeting Adaine. What with going straight from trying to murder her to puppeting her
So my headcanon is that Adaine is a threat to Baron's whole deal.
Baron needs Riz to feel broken, to feel like an outsider and a freak for not wanting romance. Baron wants Riz to feel like everyone is going to leave him someday for some strange feeling Riz can't experience. And because of that Riz will need Baron. Always keep his romaence partner close.
But Riz won't feel like that if Adaine is just there chill about being single. Adaine doesn't care if she may or may not be aro or ace. She hasn't even thought about it that much. She has no desire to seek out romance for herself nor does she feel bad about that feeling.
And Adaine has a plan that even if the rest of the Bad Kids drift apart she and Riz are going to stay together.
If that kind of thinking started to influence Riz well... Baron's entire purpose for existing would shatter
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
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I know a normal amount abt waistcoats
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fruitbythefoot7 · 2 months
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the boys are fucking back
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chipthekeeper · 1 year
lately i have been a bit miffed by the lack of awareness when it comes to queer characters, and more specifically sapphic characters, in the Star Wars canon. so, in my capacity as the patron saint of lesbian visibility, i've decided to quit whining about it and be the one to spread some knowledge
without further ado.....a very long and obnoxious lesson
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now let me tell you about them. in detail. through very specific categories
you don't have anything else to do, right?
they're gay. on screen.
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Doctor Aphra and her web of lesbianity
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Padme Amidala and her gay handmaidens
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all the many, many queers of the golden age of the jedi
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queers from the Jedi games and related media
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characters created for or made queer in the From a Certain Point of View books
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wlws from comics not involved with Aphra
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characters who are gay in books, even if nowhere else
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whew. still here?
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thank you for scrolling all the way through this. if you are interested in talking about any of these people or want to know how to learn more about them on your own, my inbox is always open!!
and seriously folks, if you’re interested in any of them i implore you: read their stories, write fic, make art!!! the more we show that these characters are appreciated and talked about, the more likely we are to get more like them, and hopefully more that are even better and more visible rep
that’s all from me. have a gay day
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songofwizardry · 1 year
ok I'm not an expert but I'm not seeing much specific info going around here, and there's a lotta Palestine solidarity protests in the UK this weekend, so here is some (including UK-specific) protest info and resources (mostly pulled whole-cloth from Twitter)
policing is heavy at Palestine protests generally
Hamas is a proscribed org under UK law. that means "inviting support" for them or "wearing clothing or displaying articles" that implies you are a supporter is a criminal offence (if you're interested, here's the full list of criminal offences from gov.uk). Palestinian flags etc are ok*, but do not have something that could be mistaken for Hamas imagery. don't go out there looking for convictions pls.
*in spite of what Suella Braverman has implied, the London Muslim Community Forum has just confirmed that the Palestinian flag is not a proscribed flag and is not banned (apologies for quoting the "we advise the met police" group but I thought it was important to have that info explicitly)
don't talk to cops. that includes the police liasion officers in blue bibs.
particularly if you're concerned about your face ending up on social media etc, but also just good practice in general (both in terms of COVID and protest safety)—mask up. cover up tattoos etc.
have bustcards or contact details for protest legal support on you. Green and Black Cross can be contacted on 07946 541 511. write the number on your arm etc.
if you witness an arrest: check if there's a legal observer nearby and if so call them over; if not: if the arrestee doesn't have a bustcard, give them one, find out where they're being taken, and contact eg GBC or a protest support line
if you have the time and can help out, there will likely be arrestee support required after—GBC tend to post callouts on Twitter for this
other links
for particularly children and young people and their families being referred to PREVENT for pro-Palestine statements, contact PREVENTWatch and maybe also Palestine in School (newer initiative I think, I don't have an excessive amount of detail on them just FYI)
Liberty, Migrants Organise and Black Protest Legal Support have bustcards in different languages, including Arabic and Somali (also Liberty's website has lotsa useful info, including advice for disabled protesters, protesting and immigration status, and what to do if you're kettled)
GBC's thread on what to do if you see an arrest is useful, as are all their resources generally
if I've missed anything or made a mistake, lmk—as I said, I am very much not an expert. if you know people who are protesting, pass them the legal support line numbers; if you're attending, stay safe and be vigilant; and ofc carry water.
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ghostlyg0ssip · 1 month
allegedly ghoulia's neon frights doll sold poorly compared to the other 4 and she will likely not be heavily featured in g3 going forward :[
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shaydh · 8 months
People love handwringing about romances with teen girls falling in love with an older (possibly immortal and magical) man but as someone who was once a teen girl i will tell you I thought that boys my age were largely stupid and unimpressive and if you offered me that kind of romance I would have slapped it out of your hands and called you an idiot
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sapphoscompanion · 1 year
Sorry but confessing to the girl you like by saying
"And I have feelings for you. I have every feeling for you. And my... my biggest fear is that if we tried this, if we actually went for it, that... I might lose the most incredible friendship I have."
"I feel like... I feel like I don't deserve to be as happy as you make me. You are the scariest, most beautiful person I've ever met."
And then following it up with
"Should we just, like, I don't know, like, stay friends?"
is the most sapphic thing I've ever witnessed.
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fulgurbugs · 1 year
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rate the new draculaura shelf setup
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dremiruu · 6 months
i love the eah fandom here on tumblr cause theres like 15 of us AT BEST and we all know each other. and when u join any other eah community anywhere else under the same nick theres immidiately somebody that goes "WAIT WERE MOOTS ON TUMBLR" lolll were like a little found family its cute i love u guys !!!!
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today's kipperlilly is about to have her heart stolen!
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retr0-dayz · 11 months
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early 2010s halloween nostalgia
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doodlebug-aboo · 11 months
so, i made this post and then i got an idea so. here you go.
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this song is so fabian coded i don’t make the rules, sorry !!!
✨click for better quality✨
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taylorannnx · 5 months
We aren't talking about the teacher reviews enough. We know that Jace Stardiamond is serving the evil rage god and (appears to be) the only faculty member to do so. The stress of FHJY is, at the moment, only affecting the students. You know who is more powerful than the students? The teachers. You know what would make teachers angry? Hearing how ungrateful their students are. A bunch of teens who don't know anything telling the teachers how they don't do their jobs properly? Teachers who dedicate their entire lives to helping these students, only to get a 2?! That would make anyone mad. And we've never seen the teacher evaluations before. I wonder who could have implemented those? Jace Stardiamond, the vice principal with limited administrative powers perhaps?
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