#hieros gamos
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The Derveni Krater, a masterpiece of ancient metalwork. Found in Derveni, near Thessaloniki, in 1965. The funerary inscription on the krater writes it's dedicated to Astiouneios, son of Anaxagoras, from Larissa, an aristocrat. Some believe that this elaborate artefact was made in Athens while others suppose that it could be created in the Macedonian court, the date of its creation isn't clear as well, generally categorised as Hellenistic. What is most important though is the krater's vivid, playful and sensual decoration with satyrs, maenads and the pair of Dionysus and Ariadne. Usually, when someone died unmarried and the family had the means, such a depiction of a happy mated afterlife was preferred so to comfort the relatives for their loss. The relationship depicted between Dionysus and Ariadne seems more than sensual, the transparency of her clothing, along with his nakedness and their stances are more than revealing of their common passion.
Now at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Greece. The Derveni Krater may seem gold but it's actually made of bronze.
#mythology#art#symbolism#ancient greece#greek gods#ancient art#dionysus#ariadne#greek museums#antiquity#derveni krater#masterpiece#hieros gamos#satyrs#maenads#sensuality#ancient greek religion
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Praise to the Hieros Gamos
Love, an untamed force A God who wields bow and arrow A connection, form'd between thunder and rain The skies ever-connected, by those who reing it Hera, mother of all, united With Zeus, father over Gods and mortals In love unending, victims of the arrow Together, with strong hands forming all that is hallow
Amor, uma indomável força Um Deus que empunha arco e flechas Uma conexão, formada entre chuva e trovões Os céus sempre-unidos, por aqueles que o encimam Hera, mãe de todos, junto À Zeus, pai sobre Deuses e mortais Em amor sem-fim, vítimas da flechada Lado a lado, com mãos fortes criando todo o sagrado
#hera#zeus#hera deity#zeus deity#hellenic polytheism#devotional text#gamelion#gamelia#hieros gamos#poetry#hymn
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El Andrógino, conocido por los alquimistas como Rebis, es un símbolo que representa la unión de los opuestos, la dinámica entre el Ying y el Yang, lo masculino y lo femenino, arriba y abajo, la luz y la oscuridad. Varias cartas del Tarot lo muestran con diferentes rostros y vestiduras. En la carta del Sol ☀️ aparece en la figura de un par de gemelos, llamados hierosgamos.
#cartomancia#ocultismo#ocultista#tarot#tarot cards#tarot reading#alquimia#simbolismo#símbolos#rebis#hieros gamos
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This new world is ours, I created it with all my Soul .. for you, my love 🌹
(for us.. for me.. that’s all there really is, it’s all just a dream)
#the way he moves through me#sacred masculine#Him: A series#Divine Union#Hieros Gamos#the new world#spirituality#ascension#enlightenment#the divine cosmic play of consciousness#christ consciousness#new earth#age of aquarius#new age#spiritual#poetry
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The moonman or moon god who was gradually evolved from the earlier ideas of the moon as fertilizing influence, retained the functions and powers which had formerly been ascribed to the moon. Indeed he came into being, as it were, by a concentration of the rather diffuse power which the moon had before dispensed. This moonman or moon god became the one giver of growth and fertility. For instance, the king, who was the earthly representative of the moon, was usually the rainmaker, and if the harvests failed he would bear the blame, perhaps even pay for his failure with his life. The moon god also inherited the moon's powers of fertility in regard to animals and human beings, so that he was approached by childless women with gifts and prayers that he would remove their curse of sterility.
It will be recalled that among the most primitive tribes it was felt that women and animals could only bear young by the power of the moon, a feeling which was crystallized among certain tribes into the belief that the moon was the real husband of all women, who conceived not by human seed but by the impregnation of a moon ray. It is not surprising therefore that in religions where the moon god is worshipped we should find that a marriage ceremonial is celebrated between the women worshippers and the god or his human representative. At first this custom was carried out in the case of every ordinary marriage as a purely secular measure, a necessary proceeding to ensure that the marriage should be fruitful. The king or headman, as the impersonation of the moon, slept with the bride on the first night of the marriage. This custom survived in France into the middle ages in the Seigneur's right. A similar marriage ceremonial came to form the central rite of the woman's mysteries in many ancient religions. This is a hieros gamos, a sacred marriage or holy matrimony which was thought to be absolutely necessary, not only for the fertility of the women who took part in it, but also for the crops and herds of the community.
In many religions these "mysteries" were performed annually and constituted one of the chief religious festivals. They are the basis for many of the fertility rites which have been so often described in connection with antique religions, and they have survived in the Spring carnival which still takes place preceding Lent, for Lent and Easter are festivals associated with the moon. These rites are connected with the dying and resurrecting gods, who are moon gods, or are sons of the Moon Mother.
During these festivals it is reported that the women displayed an abandon and gross sensuality which did not represent their normal characters at all. The participators might be respectable members of the society in everyday life. But at the time of these rites it was their duty to indulge in the grossest sensuality in order to stimulate the fertilizing powers of the god. Obscene jests and actions were a part of this deliberate attempt to arouse the god, and the lasciviousness which was displayed was intended to excite the Heavenly Bridegroom to bestow his fertilizing powers abundantly on the tribe.
Briffault gives the reason for these customs in the following passage: "The explanation of the sensual and sexual character of [these] religious rites lies in the notion that every function of woman, whether as mother, as wife, as supplier of food, as cultivator of the soil, as sorceress, witch, prophetess, or priestess, postulates her union with the god who is the bestower of these powers. The indecency so conspicuous as a feature of all heathen religions has everywhere reference to that union, in some form or other, of women with divine beings. The union of men with goddesses plays virtually no part in those conceptions and practices. It is to women that the sacred marriage with the Divine Bridegroom is a functional necessity; men do not require to be united with a divine bride to fulfill their functions. But every religion, from the most primitive to the highest, is pervaded with the idea that union with a god, a hieros gamos, or "Holy Matrimony," is a necessity to every woman."
-M. Esther Harding, Woman’s Mysteries: Ancient and Modern
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Martti Nissinen: The Sexual Agency of Ištar in Akkadian Love Literature
The goddess Ištar has multiple gendered agencies in Mesopotamian texts. She features as a lover, mother, daughter, as well as an independent sexual agent who is capable of transgressing gender boundaries. In the wake of James Frazer’s influential theories of sacred marriage and sacred prostitution, Ištar’s distinctly sexual agency has been clearly overemphasized. Nevertheless, her involvement in sexual activities and her different roles in the love life of people and of her own are prominent issues in Mesopotamian texts, and can be studied independently from the Frazerian framework. This paper examines Ištar’s sexual agency in Akkadian love poems and incantations, in which the goddess features not only as a sexual agent but even as a matchmaker and guardian of human love and lovemaking.
the lecture you wanted to see, @en-theos. and for anyone else interested in the topic.
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The Hieros gamos is seamless intimacy, & holy communion with the One
It is worship of the unknown & the Mystery
THROUGH its forms
In this union, of borderless intimacy, there are no persons Only the holy flow of consciousness perceiving & knowing itself
Rooted & embodied-
Physical form in contemplation of rising sensation opens a door
through which we enter the inner holy of holies of the higher Magdalene temple
It is the temple of sensation & feeling states of consciousness as immanent vibrating presence
This is the holiest communion with your own vibration-existence
This immersion in vibration you crave
This is the intoxication with love & the divine madness— you long for
& seek in the other-
Know this in yourself first then you can come into union with another without need & holding on
Your desire is not wrong
but when it is covered with need it prevents
the truest of love to precipitate like a mist of perfume into the room
#Mary Magdalene#interdimensional#celestial#underworld#womb#alchemy#feminine magic#hieros gamos#witch#sacred union#oracle#presence#esoteric#magic#love#patriarchy#sacredmasculine#shaman
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A queen, dressed in blue, surmounted by the moon, and a sun above a king dressed in red; these two emblems represent the alchemical principles of the dissolving 'lac virginis' (mercury), and the coagulating masculine principle (sulphur).
The Sacred Inner Marriage is an internal alchemical process bringing the sacred feminine into holy union with the sacred masculine. The return to inner wholeness symbolised by this mechanism is the essential key to liberation.
#alchemy#the sacred feminine#the sacred masculine#sun#moon#sacred marriage#hieros gamos#maithuna#sulphur#mercury
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Sevgililer günü ve Pagan kökenleri
Sevgililer Günü, her yılın 14 Şubat günü birçok ülkede kutlanan özel gündür.
Şubat ayı ortasının aşk ile ilişkisi antik çağlara dayanmaktadır. Antik Yunan takvimlerinde, Ocak ayı ortası ile Şubat ayı ortasının arasında kalan zaman Gamelyon ayı olarak adlandırılmıştı ve Zeus ile Hera'nın kutsal evliliğine adanmıştı.
Antik Roma'da 15 Şubat, bereket tanrısı Lupercus'un onuruna, Lupercalia günü olarak kutlanmaktaydı. Bu günde,Lupercus'un din adamları Tanrıya keçi kurban ederlerdi. Daha sonra kafalarının üstüne koydukları bir parça keçi derisi ile Lupercus'u simgeleyerek, Roma sokaklarında koşturup, karşılaştıkları herkese dokunurlardı.G enç kızlar gönüllü olarak ileri atılır ve bereket Tanrısının dokunuşundan paylarını almaya çabalarlardı. İnanışa göre bu dokunuş sayesinde doğurganlıkları kolaylaşacaktı.
Lupercalia bayramının arifesi olan 14 Şubat'ta genç erkeklerin genç kızların isimleri yazlı kura çekerek bayram boyunca 'çift' olma alışkanlığı vardı. 469'da Papa bu gayri-hristiyan bayramını yasaklayarak sadece kura çekilişine izin verdi. Ancak artık kuralarda kızların değil azizlerin isimlerini yazılıydı.
Romantik aşk ile Valentine arasındaki bağlantı ilk olarak 14. yüzyıla ait kaynaklarda görülmektedir. 1381 tarihli Parlement of Foules adlı kitaba göre, Fransa'da ve İngiltere'da 14 Şubat geleneksel olarak kuşların çiftleşme günü olarak bilinmekteydi. Günün bu özelliğinden dolayı sevgililer birbirlerine güzel sözler yazan notlar vermekteydi ve bu notlarda birbirlerine Valentine diye hitap etmekteydiler.
14 Şubat, 1800 yıllarda Amerika'lı Esther Howland'ın ilk Sevgililer Günü kartını yollamasından bu yana çok sayıda insanın kutladığı toplumsal bir olay olmuştur. Bunun doğal sonucu olarak olayın ticari yönü çok fazla önem kazanmış, sevgililer günü tüm dünyada ticaretin canlandığı bir dönem haline gelmiştir.
Sevgililer Günü Eski Bir Pagan Bayramıdır.
Hristiyanlığın boynuzlu, keçi bacaklı şeytan figürünün çıkış noktası Keltlerin Cernunnos'u ve Yunanlıların Pan'ı gibi eski dinin verimlilik İlahlarıdır ve bu tanrılar kötülük değil, bereket ve bolluk tanrılarıdır: İnsanlar İlk Çağda, özellikle anaerkil Anadolu'da, bu bereket Tanrılarına doğanın ortasında içip eğlenerek şölenler taparlardı! Sonunda hristiyanlık doğdu, eski masum verimlilik ilahlarına şeytan dedi, engİzisyonu kurdu, insanları kurtarmak adına benzeri ancak hitler döneminde görülecek inanılmaz yöntemlerle milyonlarca kişiyi öldürdü, dini yaymak için seferler düzenletti, savaşlar açtırdı... Daha da çok insanın yitip gitmesine neden oldu.
Oysa eski bereket ve doğa tanrılarının ayinlerinin hep şölen ortamında,kadın erkek eşitliğinde, hatta kadın önderliğinde, neşe ve eğlence içinde geçtiği biliniyor. Örneğin, şeytanın çıkış noktası olan keçi bacaklı,seks düşkünü kır Tanrıları olan faunların başları Faunus adlı bir Tanrıydı ve ona kimi zaman da Lupercus denirdi. Lupercus'un en kutsal bayramı ise 15 Şubattı!
Lupercalia günü şölenler verilir, içki su gibi akar, isteyen cinselliği yaşardı doğanın bağrında.
İS 495’de papa Gelasius bu Pagan festivalini yasakladı.Ama bütünüyle yok edemeyeceğini düşünerek yerine kendi görüşüne uygun bir kutlama koymaya karar verdi. Ama eski Pagan Tanrısı Lupercus yerine, geçecek bir aziz bulmalıydı.
Sonunda piskopos Valentine bu göreve seçildi; çünkü imparator Claudius tarafından gençleri evlendirdiği için kafası kesilmişti. Bu davranışı tarihe “aşıkları evlendirirdi” şeklinde yüce bir davranış olarak yazılsa da, aslında Valentin, serbest aşk ile sevişenleri engellemek ve tek eşliliği yaymak için insanları evlendiriyordu! Bilindiği gibi hristiyanlıkta boşanma yoktu!
Ama Lupercalia insanoğlunun yüreğinde öyle yer etmişti ki, hristiyanlığın yayılmasına dek sürdü. İS 494 yılında papa 15 Şubat’ı “Bakire Meryem’in Arınması” bayramına çevirdi!
Papa Gelasius belki Pagan festival ve onun seks yüklü kutlamalarını unutturdu ama, istediği sonucu hiç elde edemedi; çünkü insanlar Valentine’in yolundan gidip o günü "evlenmenin kutsal günü" olarak değil, aşıkların günü olarak kutlamaya başladılar.
Ama ilginçtir ki, aşkı yasaklayan bir despotun binlerce yıllık anısı, Kozmik Şakacı'nın oyunuyla artık aşk yüzünden akla gelmektedir.
Kurallar doğal içgüdüleri ne zaman yenebilmiş ki?
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hieros gamos.
your touch, a charm your kiss, a trance green man that you are abundant, overflowing sprouting grasses, blooming, leaning in your tiger's eyes hold me close while you and I merge deeply your sensitive skin inside me like silk magnetized and ravenous in awe and in love, and even more than that gently spreading heart salves on unseen wounds you touch your tongue upon my skin (a sacrament like none before it) and split me open with such care I am opened to gaia I am opened to lilith I am opened up to sky and down to earth to cosmos and the underworlds to volcanoes and to rains to winds and oceans I am opened to artemis, persephone, and parvati I am between the worlds and rooted in you rooting through you over and around your stamen down through your blood, your bones, your stones your water, your pollen, your nature and down into the earth herself I am rooted through you and elevated into the heavens I am the tree of life, of this realm and every next one my throat is open, that holy portal from voice to vulva I crest and break over you, over and again through you, and around you and the most primal holy light shoots from you, through me from tip to top up through sibling trees and out to stars down through soil and bedrock engulfing ancestors plunging straight to the core of the earth. in the service of aphrodite through soft skins on soft skins scar tissue is made and remade new again alchemy pouring through our pores we exchange molecules and magicks through our fields, our fluids, saliva, and breath every part of me ever misused or abused ignored or unseen passed over for surface pleasures and cheap thrills as you see me, worship me, pleasure me whole and drape me in the finest of green gowns ever known to the gods woven of bluebonnets and grama grasses firewheels and prairie dropseed you tuck a thistle behind my ear and flowercrown my stigma with sweet reverence and love you hold me up to gaia, selena, and great mother - in your arms, I am safe. in your heart, I am seen. together, we create new worlds and sow new dreams.
#poetry#poem#original#creative writing#love#sacred#divine#pollination#hieros gamos#green man#gaia#beltane#healing
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Ge, mother of all, approached the Gods Asking them in a rumbling tremor "O white-armed Hera, daughter of Rhea, do you take as your husband the mighty and young Zeus, son of Kronos, the Titan-King?" The Goddess moved her head in accord, a smile shared with her God most beloved An eternity in a bond, a sollid conection formed. Her voice, as a singing cuckoo, filled the heavens with Certainty and majesty, her pure regality. "I do"
Gê, Mãe de Todos, aproximou-se dos Deuses Perguntando-lhes em um tremor estrondoso "Ó Hera bracinívea, filha de Réia, você toma como seu marido o poderoso e jovem Zeus, filho de Cronos, o Titã-Rei?" A Deusa moveu a cabeça de acordo, um sorriso compartilhado dela com o Deus mais amado Uma eternidade em um vínculo, uma conexão sólida formada. Sua voz, como um cuco cantando, encheu os céus com Certeza e majestade, sua pura realeza. "Eu aceito"
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Watch "Hieros Gamos | Sacred Marriage" on YouTube
Discussing the topic of the sacred marriage between oneself and the inner spirit, including the inversions often pushed in particular philosophies and misinterpreted twin flame concepts.
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I think GRRM is playing with some magic and, specifically, alchemical topics here.
For narrative purposes, of course, but the idea of the Rebis, of maybe different rebis (I think Jon and Daenerys, the sun and the moon, can be the true rebis of the story) seems to plan on all the series.
Jaime and Cersei are perfect in their surfaces: beautiful, tall and proud Lannisters. They are like GOLD. But they are imperfect inside. They are all about appearance.
Instead, Jon and Daenerys are the underdogs that grow and learn and transform themselves throughout the story. Their union will be a new beginning for Planetos.
Was thinking about how a fun fact about the Lannister twins and their whole "two halves of the same whole" is they are FRATERNAL twins.
For context, there are two types of twins: fraternal and (actually) identical. The identical twins are coming from the same baby split in half (after egg and sperm got together) while fraternal comes from two eggs with different sperm for each. The thing here is gender comes from sperm, and you can't have identical twins (post sperm) that aren't the same gender.
Hence, Cersei and Jaime are just FRATERNAL twins by default, which means different eggs and different sperm, and DNA of mere typical siblings that just happened to be born at the same time. Their high physical likeness only comes from being born out of cousins.
Doubt GRRM checked genetics much when making them up, but he sure accidentally hit a spot in that "same person" delusion.
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ancient greek tragedies may have had initial runs of just the one performance but being part of the dionysia, an annually repeated festival, means they were subject to the ritual time loop even if each play was only enacted once
#i have singing for the gods at the bottom of my coffee table stack of library books i need to read it#the temporality of ritual and its periodic repetition..........#incidentally homer is NOT subject to the ritual time loop (except when it maybe is in the dios apate/hieros gamos)#the aeneid is though. to be subject to the time loop a narrative has to be coherently linear. and homer is composite. so.#for tragedy theres also the inherent repetition/looping of rehearsal but (like homer) that is not necessarily linear or complete#mine#were gonna sing it again#<- not quite the right tag
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