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erasiign · 5 years ago
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major macromolecules // ap bio
check out my studygram!
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academ1c · 6 years ago
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140119 ♡ 9/100 days of productivity
(click for hq)
some closeups from previous posts bc i basically just read secondary literature for my english coursework today so no pics! but i got loads done today so i’m feelin good about this week and all its deadlines :’)
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philosophyblr · 6 years ago
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10.13.18: today is a chill work day! just listening to some tunes & contemplating the existence of god. stay hydrated, friends!
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rivkahstudies · 7 years ago
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7.23.2018 9:55 AM | It’s already been a productive morning, so I’m riding that wave of efficiency. I’m excited to get back into the studious groove.
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fleuriras · 8 years ago
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09.23.17 || so sorry for not posting lately; school’s started and it’s all sort of just blended together in one strange, sleepy montage- but it’s okay now! the weekend is here and we can relax a bit!
anyways, here are some bio notes (that i accidentally spilled tea on after taking this picture rip everything)
studygram: fruitstudies
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studywithjoie · 8 years ago
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september 15, 2017
9/64 days of productivity
loving the pink theme 💗💘💕💖💌🦄🌸
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bandsfallenangel · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnKQ78_0Ji8) Recorded some of As It Is's set from last night in Manchester, 11/3/17 they were one of the support bands for State Champs, they were amazing, Enjoy :)
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rachelstudies · 8 years ago
oh no! my exams are real soon, but i haven’t studied, what do i do?
heyooo it’s ya gurl rachel back with some tips on how to buckle down and get some revision done - asap.
1. simplicity is your friend. i know that tumblr #studyspo makes you reach for your stash brush pens and washi tape and mildliners but NO! while re-writing notes may be helpful for memory retention, they may end up taking up a lot of time with minimal returns, especially for content-heavy subjects! instead, sit down and consider how you can take notes for each of your subjects. some methods would be mind maps (limit yourself to one or two pens + highlighters!), a softcopy document (highly recommend this for literature texts, divide the doc into characterisation/scene summaries/themes/symbols for easy reference), or maybe just utilising seniors’ notes + adding bits to it to aid with memory retention (make sure the syllabus hasn’t changed!)
2. force yourself to stop procrastinating. it’s so easy to fall into the mentality of ‘haha i’m already screwed for exams, might as well watch another youtube video’, but it’s important to know that all the time you have left before exams is crucial for getting in as much work as you possibly can! i suggest getting website/app blockers (like this one for macs or this for android/ios phones) or even simply deleting distracting apps off your phone completely. i’ve deleted all my social media (instagram, snapchat) off my phone so that there’s virtually nothing for me to procrastinate with on my phone. you could also put all your distracting apps into one folder on another page so it’s more inconvenient for you to procrastinate, as compared to it being in your shortcuts or on your home page. turning off notifications is also a very very good way to cut off distractions! the do not disturb mode on macs/iphones comes in useful here.
3. tap on all your resources. remember what i said earlier about using your seniors’ notes? seniors, friends and teachers are such invaluable resources for studying, especially when pressed for time. more information is retained when you talk out a topic or have discourse on stuff you don’t understand, so go ahead and find study groups or just ask your friends if you can talk things out/ask them a few questions about a certain subject. also, since this is less tiring than just mugging by yourself, you will probably enjoy studying more and might maybe discover interest in your subjects again!
4. after all that’s said and done, get down to it. there just comes a point where you need to ask yourself what your goals are for the exams. make sure they’re reasonable and achievable, then work towards that. if you only have 7 days to your exams, and you know you can’t get straight As with those few days of revision, aim for something feasible. after setting those goals, just get down to it. you’re equipped with everything you need, you’ve blocked out your distractions, just study. grind hard for those few days, then you can breathe a sigh of relief after the exams are over. just remember to not make this a cycle, and maybe write/type out proper notes for your next exams.
that’s all i have for y’all, so good luck! if you have any more tips, feel free to add them on :-)
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dopespoonhansonbush-blog · 7 years ago
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Don’t fuck with John Snob. #snobartistry #ogglitchmobmediasnatchmonster #glitchart #mediaart #artistsoninstagram #glitche #heyrachel #hollywood #snoblife #freelance #creator #shortstory #animatedfilm #goteem #houseofsnobbish #johnsnobbish
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erasiign · 6 years ago
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solubility // chem
check out my studygram!
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stillpatchworklove-blog · 8 years ago
As It Is Fanfiktion?
Hallo liebe Menschen. :) Ich habe echt absolut keine Ahnung, wie viele As It Is Fans es in Deutschland gibt, ich weiß nur, dass es die ein oder anderen Shows diesen Monat gibt und da mit Sicherheit auch ein paar liebe Menschlein hingehen werden. 
Da frage ich mich, ob nicht irgendwer Interesse am Lesen einer As It Is Fanfiktion in Deutsch hätte? Denn ich bin gerade dabei eine zu schreiben, bzw. habe auch schon angefangen zu veröffentlichen. :D  Das Problem ist nur, dass sie einfach in die Kategorie “Sonstige Musiker” geschoben wurde. :(  Da ist die Reichweite wohl fast gleich Null. 
Vielleicht hilft es ja, die Band hier in Deutschland bekannter zu machen. :)  Da hätte ich jedenfalls sehr großes Interesse dran.
Also ich freue mich auf Antworten oder was auch immer! :) 
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dlozlami · 8 years ago
Read the caption 😂😂😂 #heyrachel http://pic.twitter.com/MadZTt1ZVA
— AffendedBlackQueen (@pixiestateomind) April 14, 2017
via @Dloz_Lami April 14, 2017 at 09:04PM
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ashtreynoir · 8 years ago
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“I was Younger And Scared When You Needed Me”...-
-As It Is (Okay)- 
#HeyRachel #AsItIsBand #Okay #HappyCo
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fleuriras · 8 years ago
some basic back to school tips
hi!! with school starting soon (or maybe it’s already started for a lot of you), i thought i’d make some sort of pre-school post. so, without further ado, here’s a list of things to try/remember to do the day or two before school starts!
get your backpack ready! make sure you have the necessary school supplies, personal supplies, etc. packed in your bag the night before
along with this, have any summer assignments completed and ready to go!
clean up your room/workspace. if you’re anything like me, your desk and/or room tends to get pretty messy during the days before school starts! take just a few minutes to throw out trash, organize papers, pick up the clothes laying on the floor (@myself). most likely, you’ll feel just a little less stressed during those first days of getting back into the school stress routine
get to sleep early! it’s a good idea to be well-rested and.. not falling asleep in class on the first day?? (save that for later in the school year)
have your schedule (if you have access to it yet) ready to go; maybe look over it a few times and have an idea of where you’re going throughout the day (aka don’t get lost every day for the first two weeks like i did my freshman year smh)
relax. this may be the last day you have to yourself to truly do whatever you want and take a break. go on a youtube or netflix binge, read for a few hours, practice your calligraphy, anything to help you relax for the day ahead! i plan on watching quite a few episodes of sherlock that night :)
take some more time for self care, too. have a nice long shower, shave (only if you want to of course!), exfoliate, do a face mask, paint your nails, etc! do anything that makes you feel.. fresh? clean? I don’t know what the right words is for this! but! yeah!
smile and remind yourself that you’re beautiful and determined and are gonna kick school’s ass this year- because you are!
well, that’s all! I hope this helped!! good luck everyone! we can do this!
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studywithjoie · 7 years ago
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october 18, 2017
42/64 days of productivity
historyyyy + mini haul from yesterday 🤑
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bm1491-blog · 9 years ago
Beat box, 一個近幾年先開始喺香港公眾人士識,係咩嚟? 其實係由Hiphop X Rap X break dance X graffiti 文化孕育出嚟嘅音樂口技,演唱人以不同節奏利用自己人聲創造嘅聲音去做到現場和/混音效果,算是 a cappella 無伴奏音樂(即清唱) 比較高level 嘅表演。
其實Beatbox 公演2007已經喺美國西岸出現,仲玩到人地鬥舞,佢地就現場鬥beatbox。Barbados出世嘅Doug E. Fresh (Douglas E. Davis) 1985 single 「The Show/La Di Da Di」算得上係現代beatbox界師祖級,6歲已經開始玩!所以亦成為New School 派beatbox 演唱者嘅啟蒙。另一個不得不提嘅就係Anthony Rivera玩beatbox 玩足22年,仲2002年喺Eminem 主演套電影《8 Mile》出現過,beatbox 界算New School 派 (1998 年之前算Old School,偏向Swing、Jazz等,再史前D就係十二、三世紀,嗰陣未有mixer、電子結他等,beatbox音樂就無咁多元化)。Beatbox 廿一世紀開始於世界樂壇抬頭,第一界國際級beatboxing 大賽於2005喺德國舉行。[資料來源:http://www.mercurynews.com/hiphop/ci_5867536]
講真,a cappella 喺香港發展都係短短呢幾年先多咗人認識,繼而開始有人發展呢方面事業,其中比較多人認識係C All Stars 五子,但可惜五子走紅後慢慢又走番廣東歌。另一隊後起之秀係一鋪清唱,仍然係男子組。不過不得不讚呢一組對本地a cappella 發展有重要影響,因為佢地,本地開始有呢方面業餘班,多咗國際交流,同時孕育出一班年輕人玩a cappella,亦多咗女生參與,當中B.M.比較印象深刻係Hey Rachel本地女歌手。至於beatbox,遺憾未見本地有,或者太少亦無咩公開表演而B.M.唔知。
如果你有現場聽過a cappella,基本上你一聽beatbox係一定會愛上。節奏明快,一般以R&B 為主打,同時,人聲演繹鼓、keyboard、電子結他、base、mixer、低音大提琴、不同音域嘅喇叭等等,仲要唱得。
尋晚嚟自美國嘅Naturally 7喺大會堂,7 條麻甩玩beat box 玩到世界級,彼此唔會蓋隊友風頭,各有所長。每個人都有獨「奏」,佢地根本現場任影唔嬲,因為只有現場你先感受到嗰種震撼,錄音錄影同普通MTV無分別,你會以為有隊Live band 喺度翻唱人地D歌而已,所以翻睇錄影係無咩意思。佢地仲鼓勵你影相selfie上社交平台,零明星架子!全場High 到呢!殿堂級最貴都係三百八十蚊飛,我買二百五已經係台前第三行。人地堅神乎奇技,現場氣氛同演唱會無異,香港樂壇呢? 除咗HOCC、明哥���盧冠廷等,坦白講,呢一代無咩邊個唔係靠個樣多過靠實力(80年代或之前D星例外)。見識過現場a cappella X beatbox,如果你係音樂driven而非偶像driven,你只會更加唔願意買任何演唱會飛,真係好很貴。
【插曲】B.M.後面兩對堅離地大叔對話: A: 乜d人識佢地㗎? B: 係呢,咁投入嘅~ A: 咁勁,用聲整結他聲幾過癮喎! A + B : Hey Hey Hey!(跟人大合唱)
巧遇C All Star, 坐後一行(阿叔:佢地係咪Swing 呀?=_=|||),呀,差點忘記佢地都係A Cappella 出身,幫朋友集郵,坦白講,有點串,而我從來無集郵呢鋪癮~
Naturally 7 下次再來,我一定去撲飛。
The Human Beatbox -- History of Beatbox
FB: https://www.facebook.com/bakingmaniac.bm/
主Blog: http://bakingmaniac.wordpress.com
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