#hey yeah I started yet ANOTHER rewatch
piracytheorist · 1 year
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Gotta love how Loid arranged all the stuff he was holding in such a way so that Anya would lean her head on the books as she slept off. We stan a balancing king.
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
Joke Me Something Awful Just Like Kisses On The Necks of Best Friends
Pairing: Peter Parker x Best Friend!Reader
Synopsis: Peter deals with the aftermath of kissing his best friend
a/n: is it obvious I got dumped and rewatched new girl 😍😍
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“can I come over”
Peter picked his phone off the floor of his fire escape to read the text from you. Peter frowned and got the sneaking suspicion that something was wrong but decided not to worry until he knew there was something to worry about.
“always :) come out the the fire escape when you get here” Peter texted you back.
Ten minutes later, you crawled through Peters window from inside his living room and took a seat next to him on his fire escape. Before you said anything, Peter could tell from the look on your face that you had been crying. His heart hurt to know something had made you cry and he grew determined to make you happy again.
“Hey, Parker.” You said in a quiet voice.
“Hey kid. What’s wrong?” Peter asked and reached over to put a hand on your back.
“What makes you think somethings wrong?” You smiled sarcastically and pulled the sleeves of your sweatshirt over your hands.
“Probably the panda eyes you got going on.” Peter chuckled and used his thumb to wipe your the mascara that had pooled under your eyes. You gave him an woeful smile and wiped the rest of the mascara away with your sleeves.
“You know that guy I’ve been talking to?” You began. Peter felt white hot jealousy course through him as he was reminded that Brad Davis had asked for your number three months ago and you’d been talking to him ever since.
“Brad? Yeah. I know him.” Peter said without looking at you.
“Well, we had a date tonight after him flaking on me past few weeks. We’d been on a handful of dates at this point so I hoped this would be the one where he finally asked me to be his girlfriend.”
“Did he?”
“Nope. And I could tell he wasn’t going to ask about twenty minutes into the date. So I decided that if he wasn’t gonna ask me, I was gonna have to ask him. And you know what he said to me when I asked?”
“What did he say?”
“He told me the “date” I was so excited for and spent hours getting ready for wasn’t a date to him. In fact, I learned tonight that none of our “dates” were dates to him. He didn’t see them as that. He saw them as us hanging out or whatever.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.” Peter frowned. “I thought he liked you?”
“So did I. But he never did. He just liked the attention and the compliments and the praise I gave him. I never actually meant something to him. And I know that because he looked me in my eyes tonight and told me he didn’t want to be in a relationship because he didn’t see me romantically. But this whole time, I thought we already were in a relationship. I just thought we hadn’t labeled it yet. But no. We were on completely different pages and now I’ve wasted three months of my life that I can never get back. I just feel so stupid.” You said and started to break down. You covered your face with your hands and cried into them as Peter rubbed your back.
“You’re not stupid.” He assured you. “Brad is stupid.”
“No, I am.” You sniffled. “I can’t believe I gave him my first kiss. I can never get that back.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet. Having one with a jerk is better than not having one at all, right?” Peter offered weakly. It stung him to learn that you had kissed another boy, but he knew he couldn’t be upset about that right now.
“You haven’t kissed anybody?” You asked and cracked a smile.
“Don’t look so happy.” Peter gasped and playfully shoved you. You covered your mouth with your hand to hide your smile while secretly feeling relieved that Peter hadn’t kissed anyone yet.
“I’m sorry. I think that’s sweet. You’re saving it.”
“Am I saving it? Or is it that no girl wants to kiss me?” Peter laughed wryly.
“That’s not true. Believe me, I wish I saved mine. It would’ve been way better with a boy who liked me.” You told him. You locked eyes for a minute and felt a magnetic force pulling you towards Peter. Your eyes dropped to his eyes but before anything could happen, he looked away. He didn’t want to, he just panicked.
“He’s an idiot. And you deserve better.” Peter said to avoid an awkward silence.
“Whatever that means.” You smiled sadly before resting your head on his shoulder. Peter rested his head on top of yours and you stayed that way for a while in comfortable silence. Knowing you were still upset, he brought up a story he hoped would make you laugh.
“You know, when I was little, I thought the first kiss always happens on the first date. Like, there is no other possible scenario where a first kiss would happen. And the first date had to be at a sit down restaurant at a table for two. It was the only situation that my mind could generate in which a kiss could happen. And I would lie awake at night and try to figure out how two people could kiss when there was table between them.”
“And the table absolutely has to be there?” You teased him.
“Of course it does. Because if it’s not there, that means they’re not on a date. And if there’s no date, there’s obviously no kiss.” He scoffed, making you smile again.
“Well I can see why this kept you up at night. There’s a lot to think ago it.”
“Uh huh. And that’s not all I laid awake at night thinking about. Because then I had to consider logistics. Like, when the kiss happen? Right as you sit down at the table or after you finish eating? Or just sometime during the date? And after they kissed, does that automatically mean they’re boyfriend and girlfriend? Or would one of them have to ask? It kept me up at night. It’s all very confusing.”
“It really is. And now it’s even worse. Because now, it’s not just dating. Now, there’s the talking stage. The talking stage didn’t exist when we were little and hopeful about love.”
“I know.” Peter agreed. “The only thing I knew about love back then was that the boy and the girl kiss at the end of the movie. I wish it was still that simple. It doesn’t make any sense anymore. Why is it that you can be dating someone but not in a relationship with them?”
“I can tell you why.” You smiled sarcastically. “Because not everyone wants to use the word “relationship”. Instead, they just kiss you and hold your hand and take you on dates and tell you they like you and treat you like their girlfriend but never actually call you their girlfriend. They never actually give you the satisfaction of admitting that you mean something to them. And you know what the worst part is? My entire view of myself has shifted meanwhile he is probably totally fine. He’s unscathed by this and I was maimed. I just feel so angry. I’m angry because it meant something to me and he ended it like it didn’t. How could he do that to me?”
“Maybe you can’t understand why he did this to you because you would never do this to another person.” Peter said, catching you by surprise. You looked at him and gave him a soft smile to let him know what his comfort meant to you.
“Yeah. Thanks, Pete. Thanks for listening.” You said and gave his hand a squeeze.
“I’m always here to listen. And I’m sorry he broke up with you.” Peter said as he rubbed small circles on your back.
“He didn’t though. Because he was never my boyfriend.” You laughed sadly. “We never got to define what we were because he didn’t want to. But I wanted to. My feelings had a name. He just wouldn’t let me speak it.”
You fell silent for a minute as you replayed all the times Brad had made it seem like he liked you in his head. You debated if you were crazy and imagined the whole thing or if Brad just couldn’t admit his true feelings. Your bottom lip began to tremble when you thought about how everything was going to change now and felt a tear slip down your face.
“I fear it’s all just fucking impossible.” You said quietly. Peter looked at you for a moment while you looked down at your hands. He wanted so badly to take your pain away, or to at least take your mind off what had happened.
“I’m just thinking out loud here. And it might be totally stupid and insane and a horrible idea.” Peter began.
“Say it.” You prompted out of curiosity.
“You said you wanted your first kiss to be with a boy who really likes you, right?”
“Yeah? So?”
“Well, I’m a boy who really likes you. And I haven’t had my first kiss yet. I think we have ourselves a real two birds with one stone scenario here.” Peter said, making you laugh. He smiled now that he had you laughing again and hoped he has succeeded in cheering you up.
“Peter Parker.” You playfully gasped. “Are you suggesting we kiss right now?”
“I might be. Think about it, you get a do over first kiss and I get an actual first kiss. Plus, we’re best friends so you’ll always remember your first kiss as being with someone special. And then we can just pretend it never happened. It’s a win win for both is us.”
“The offer is very tempting.” You said and tapped your chin.
“Right?” Peter laughed, happy that you were playing along.
“Oh my God. Remember that episode of ICarly where Sam tells everyone Freddie’s never kissed anyone and he gets bullied and then she reveals that she’s never kissed anyone either and then they kiss? It would be so Sam and Freddie of us if we kissed right now. We’re even on a fire escape like they were.”
“If I told you that’s where I got the idea from, would you be too cringed out to kiss me?” Peter asked sheepishly. You grabbed his shoulder as you broke down laughing, sending a blush to Peter entire face.
“No. I don’t think so. Honestly, it makes me want to kiss you more.” You said through a laugh that made Peters blush deepen.
“Okay cool. Come here then.” Peter said and put his hands on either side of your face. You both leaned in before pulling away laughing. You both knew it was just a joke, but you secretly both wanted it to happen more than anything else in the world. When your laughter died down, you looked at each other as a comfortable silence filled the air. A look of realization dawned on both your faces as it became clear to you that the other was down to really do it.
“We’re not actually gonna kiss, right?” Peter asked as his eyes fell to your lips.
“No. That would be way too weird. But thank you for the offer.” You smiled and leaned towards him.
“Anytime.” Peter said right before your lips connected.
You pulled away after just a few seconds and gave Peter a wide eyed look. He nodded to show that he was still into it and you immediately leaned back in. This time, he cupped your face as your hands wrapped your his wrists.
At first it felt weird and hesitant and you couldn’t stop thinking about how this was the guy you’d been calling your best friend all your life and had seen do a million embarrassing things.
Then it, it changed. This kiss became assured and confident and all you could think about was how you’d wanted this all your life.
The innocent kiss became heated quickly when you found yourself climbing into Peter’s lap while slid his hands up your back.
“Oh shit.” You whispered once you pulled away. You looked into each others eyes as Peters face turned so scarlet, it was maroon.
“How was that for a first kiss?” He whispered and tucked some hair behind your ear.
“I could say the same for you.” You smiled before leaning in to kiss him again. You only got to kiss for a few minutes before you heard Mays voice.
“Dinners ready.” She said, making you and Peter jump apart.
“God May!” Peter exclaimed. “Don’t you knock?”
“Knock on what? You’re outside.” May pointed out.
“The freaking windowpane! I don’t know!” Peter continued to shout while you covered your face in embarrassment.
“When you’re done sucking face, dinners on the table.” May smiled innocently before walking away. You and Peter couldn’t look at each other for a long time as the reality of what just happened settled in. You sat in a palpable awkward tension until you finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“We should probably…” Peter trailed off and pointed inside.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” You nodded and quickly got up.
The three of you sat at the dinning room table in complete and utter silence. You pushed your food around on your plate, too consumed in your thoughts to eat anything. You wished you had gotten chance to talk about the kiss and what it meant but that was impossible with May sitting there. Meanwhile, you and Peter kept making awkward eye contact across the table before quickly looking away.
“So what have you two been up to?” May asked, making your entire body cringe.
“May.” Peter whispered in disappointment.
“What? Just asking.” May played dumb.
“We were just having a chat.” You said weakly.
“Kinda hard to talk when your mouth is pressed against someone else’s mouth though, isn’t it?” May shrugged as you choked on your drink.
“May!” Peter exclaimed and covered his face.
“What? Am I not supposed to address it?” She asked. “I used to give you guys baths together. Then I walk into my own humble home and find you frenching on the fire escape.”
“May!” Peter squeaked as his entire face turned red.
“That was so Sam and Freddie of you.” May snorted.
“I know right?” You laughed as well and accidentally made eye contact with Peter. You quickly stopped laughing and looked away.
“So are you two a couple now?” May asked causally and took a bite of her food.
“May.” Peter said in a grave voice.
“No. That was our first kiss.” You said, making Peter look at you with wide eyes.
“Y/n!” He exclaimed.
“What? What am I supposed to say right now? Please tell me and I will say it. I am genuinely asking. This is the most confusing day of my life.” You whimpered and looked back down at your plate.
“Maybe we should just go back to silence.” May suggested and you both nodded in agreement. You ate the rest of your dinner without saying anything, thinking the hard part was over. After you put your dishes in the sink, you awkwardly stood in the kitchen and looked at Peter.
“What do we do now?” You whispered to him.
“I don’t know. What do we usually do when we hang out?”
“I have literally no idea. I don’t remember what we do.”
“You guys usually go to Peter’s room.” Mag said with an instigating smile.
“Oh. Right. Peters room.” You gulped and looked at Peter again. He gave you and shy smile and a weak wave.
“Would you like to go to Peters room?” He asked in a soft voice. You finally stopped feeling so awkward and let yourself relax.
“Would Peter be there?” You asked and cracked a smile.
“If you want him to be.” Peter answered.
“Okay. Let’s go.” You smiled and started walking towards his room.
Once you were inside, you shut Peters door behind you and leaned your back against it.
“Sooo…” Peter drew out the word and looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
“So.” You repeated and struggled not to look at his lips.
“What do you wanna do?” He asked and took a step towards you.
“I don’t know. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know. What do you want to do?” He repeated as he leaned over you.
“We could watch a movie?” You shrugged as you tilted your chin up towards his face.
“Yeah. We could. Or we could…” He trailed off and slipped an arm around your waist to pull you closer.
“Yeah. Or we could…” You trailed off as well as you nodded your head.
“Or we could…” He whispered before connecting your lips in a kiss. He pressed you against the door as his hands slipped up beneath your sweatshirt. You tangled your fingers in his curls, something that you always wanted to do, and gave them a tug.
“What is happening right now?” Peter asked against your lips.
“I have no idea.” You laughed against his mouth and went back to kissing him.
“Do you want it to stop?” He pulled away briefly to ask you.
“I never want it to stop.” You told him before bringing him right down into a kiss. Peter smiled against your lips before picking you up to carry you to his bed. He carefully laid you down on his Star Wars sheets without ever breaking the kiss. You made out on his bed for a while and lost all sense of time. Peter kissed your lips softly before trailing kisses down your neck. He didn’t do that for long because he didn’t want to stop kissing your lips. You felt butterflies in your chest as you kissed Peter, something you didn’t feel when you had kissed Brad. Peter felt the same warm excitement in as he tried to memorize the way your heart beat against his chest. The perfect kiss was only disrupted by the sound of your phone ringing. You and Peter jumped apart and he rolled off of you as you pulled your phone out.
“Shoot. Sorry. It’s my mom.” You sighed in annoyance when you looked at your phone.
“Oh my God. It’s 9 pm?” You shot up in bed when you realized the time. Your curfew was 8 pm and you were ten minutes from your apartment.
“Mommy?” You said in a weak voice when you answered the phone.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Peter heard your mother scream on the other end of the line. You scrambled out of Peters bed and went over to his mirror, leaving him with a feeling of disappointment.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize how late it got. Peter and I were just…studying.” You lied as you smoothed your hair and rubbed off the rest of the lipstick Peter had smudged.
“I’m on my way home now. I swear.” You told your mom before hanging up. You gave your appearance one last look before turning to Peter. He was sitting up now with a pillow his lap and a yearning look in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at how cute he looked with his messed up hair, unbuttoned shirt, and budding hickies on his neck.
“I, uh, I gotta go now.” You said and pointed to his door. You couldn’t take your eyes off each other, each desperately wondering what the kiss had meant to the other. Peter nodded slowly but couldn’t mask his disappointment.
“I’ll walk you home?” He offered and got off his bed.
“Sure! Just uh…” You trailed off and gestured to your neck. Peter looked down and realized how many buttons you had managed to unbutton on his flannel. He blushed in embarrassment and quickly buttoned his shirt back up.
You and Peter walked to your apartment complex in total silence, hand accidentally bumping every now and then. Neither of you knew what to say and neither wanted to say the wrong thing, so you said nothing at all. The third time your hand bumped into Peters, he went to reach for it but you tucked it into your pocket. You reached your lobby eventually and turned to look at Peter.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You said and looked into his eyes. You desperately tried to read his expression but it was too dark to see anything.
“Yeah. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nodded, never taking his eyes off you. He stepped closer to kiss you goodbye, then took a step back. He didn’t know if that’s what you wanted and don’t want to impose. You noticed his hesitation so you stepped forward yourself and kissed his cheek.
“Night, Parker.”
“Night, kid.” He smiled softly. You disappeared and that was the last he saw of you.
All night, Peter tossed and turned his bed and he replayed the entire evening. He couldn’t stop smiling and pinching himself to see if he was really awake. As much as he hoped this meant you would finally be together, he didn’t want to get his hopes up. He didn’t know if the kiss was just a one time thing only happened because you were upset. He didn’t sleep all night in anticipation of seeing you the next day to find out where your relationship stood.
Peter focused his eyes on the passing crowd when he stood at his locker the next morning. Ned was telling him some story about a TV show he had watched but Peter couldn’t hear a word over how hard he was concentrating on finding you. He desperately wanted to tell Ned what had happened between you two, but he wanted to wait until he had discussed it with you first. Just when Peter had given up hope on finding you, he heard your voice behind him.
“Hey.” You said out of nowhere, making Peter jump out of his skin.
“AH!” He screamed. “Jesus Christ.”
“Sorry! Sorry. I’m sorry.”
Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth with your hands as you apologized.
“You scared me. Like a shadow you are.” Peter panted as he held a hand over his pounding heart.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to approach you.” You grimaced, knowing you had already blown it.
“Not like that.” Peter said out of the corner of his mouth.
“I’m sorry! Oh my God. I need to go.” You panicked and started to walk away.
“Kid, wait!” Peter called out and ran after you. You quickened your pace but he still caught up to you and gently grabbed your arm.
“Slow down. I wanted to talk to you.”
“About what?” You asked and avoided making eye contact.
“Last night. And what happened.” He said in a quiet voice as his face blushed from the memory.
“I wanted to talk about that too.” You relaxed when you realized he wasn’t going to pretend it never happened like you feared he might.
“Good, good.” Peter smiled shyly. “So what does this mean-“
“Hey guys.” Ned appeared out of nowhere, cutting Peter off.
“AH!” You and Peter both screamed.
“Damn. What’s with you two?” Ned laughed in confusion.
“Nothing.” You and Peter said in unison.
“Real creepy vibe between you guys. Just so you know.” Ned said as his eyes shifted between you and Peter.
“I have to go.” You blurted and ran away.
“Wait! Don’t go!” Peter protested.
“Gotta blast!” You called from down the hall before disappearing behind a corner.
“Do I wanna know what that was about?” Ned asked Peter.
“I’m gonna tell you. I just have to talk to her first.” Peter assured his friend and went to try and find you. He didn’t have any classes with you before lunch and had no luck spotting you in the hallways. Finally, he smelled your perfume wafting in the air once he sat down at his usual lunch table. He turned around and smiled as you sat down beside him. Ned and MJ noticed the way you and Peter looked at each other and immediately felt that something was up.
“Hi.” You smiled flirtatiously at Peter as you set your lunch bag down.
“Hey, kid.” He smiled shyly in return. “Did you change your hair?”
“Yeah. I had to take a test so I put it up.” You said and touched your ponytail, feeling pleased that he had noticed the simple change.
“I like it. It looks pretty.” He complimented you.
“Oh, thanks.” You laughed shyly.
“It’s nice. You look good with your hair up.” He remarked and reached up to touch it. You both got flashbacks to the night before and made knowing eye contact. Ned and MJ exchanged a look as they watched the usual behavior in front of them play out.
“Do you want a baby carrot?” You offered to break the tension.
“Yeah. You want an Oreo?”
“Sure. Cheers?” You asked and held up the Oreo.
“Chin-chin.” Peter smiled and held up his carrot.
“Oh, uh. Neck neck?” You laughed in confused as you knocked your Oreo into his carrot.
“Chin-chin means cheers in Italian.” He explained to you when he saw you confusion.
“Really? I didn’t know that. You’re so smart. I feel like you know so many random little facts.” You complimented Peter and leaned on your hand to stare at him.
“I don’t really. You’re the smart one. You know way more than me.” Peter replied. You smiled in appreciation of his compliment and gave his arm a fond squeeze.
“What the hell?” Ned asked, breaking the lavender haze you and Peter had slipped into. You both looked at Ned, having completely forgotten that he was there.
“What?” Peter asked innocently.
“What…the…hell?” Ned repeated. You and Peter exchanged a nervous look before playing dumb.
“What’s wrong?” You shrugged and took another carrot from Peter.
“That my question. What wrong?”
“Ned, you’re dropping articles again.” Peter whispered.
“I not!” Ned exclaimed.
“Nothings wrong. Everyone calm down.” You mumbled in embarrassment.
“No. Something is definitely going on between you two.” MJ jumped in in agreement.
“Hardly anything is going on.” Peter said, making you look at him angrily.
“Hardly anything?” You whispered harshly.
“You know when I lie I get a stummy ache.” Peter mumbled to you. You immediately felt bad and put a hand on his face.
“All right. Not that I particularly care about any of you, but I enjoy drama. What happened between you two that’s making you act so weird?” MJ inquired.
“Nothing.” You repeated. “Nothing happened.”
“Uh huh. Sure. And Peter, could you confirm that for me?” MJ asked and turned her attention to Peter. Peter looked between you and MJ in a panic before coming clean.
“A lil sum sum happened.” He mumbled, almost inaudibly.
“Peter. Why would you tell them that?” You groaned and covered your face.
“He didn’t have to tell us anything.” Ned stated. “You think we couldn’t tell from the moment you sat down? You think we can’t smell it on you?”
“Fine. You really want to know what happened? We kissed. That’s all. Y/n and I kissed.” Peter said in the most nonchalant tone he could manage at this time. You held your breath and waited for your friends reactions as their jaws dropped simultaneously.
“You kissed?” MJ asked.
“On the mouth?” Ned add.
“A bunch of times.” Peter nodded proudly as you hide your face again.
“Oh my God.” You mumbled.
“When did this happen?” MJ a questioned.
“None of your business.” You said at the same time Peter said “Last night on my fire escape.”
“On your fire escape? Like Sam and Freddie?” Ned asked.
“Exactly!” Peter nodded in excitement while your face palmed. Peter noticed your reaction and felt bad for letting that slip.
“I’m sorry.” Peter apologized and rubbed your back. “I didn’t mean for them to find out right away. I wanted to discuss this with you before we told them.”
“I know. Me too. But I guess the cat is out of the bag now.” You sighed and looked at Ned and MJ, who were still sitting in stunned silence.
“So you two hooked up? In May’s humble home? In her good Christian household?” Ned gasped and pointed between the two of you.
“First of all, I’m Jewish. And second, we didn’t hook up. We just made out a little.” Peter said and tried to make it sound like it wasn’t as big of a deal as he felt it was.
“You made out?” MJ laughed in surprise.
“You’re Jewish?” Ned whispered in an equal amount of surprise.
“Yes and Yes.” Peter nodded proudly. He snuck a look at you to see how you were reacting to all of this and you looked like you had just seen a ghost.
“I’m flummoxed. I’m absolutely flummoxed by this. My my my. I feel I might faint.” Ned said and fanned himself.
“I mean, I definitely saw this coming.” MJ shrugged and went back to reading her book.
“Wait, so are you two a couple now?” Ned asked, making you and Peter freeze. You looked at each other and struggled to come up with an answer since you never got a chance to talk about what last night had meant. You both started to say sentences that didn’t really seem to go anywhere.
“I mean, we didn’t really get a chance to-“ Peter began.
“-it only happened last night so we haven’t-“ You added.
“There’s still a lot we need to talk about but, um…” Peter looked at you and hoped you’d finished his sentence for him so he could know what page you were on.
“Yes?” Peter said at the same time you said, “No?”
Peters face immediately crumbled as you slapped a hand over your mouth.
“Oh my God. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“
“No, no, it’s fine.” Peter cut you off. “I didn’t mean to answer so quickly.”
“I don’t even know what we are. I didn’t-“
“It’s okay. We haven’t talked about it yet, so.” Peter smile sadly at you before looking down at his lap. The guilt over giving the wrong answer was killing you and you needed to remove yourself from the situation.
“I have to go.” You said and got out of your seat.
“Please don’t go.” Peter asked and took your hand.
“Gotta blast.” You pulled your hand out of his and ran out of the cafeteria.
“Damn it. She keeps blasting off when I try to talk to her about our relationship.” Peter grumbled.
“Don’t ever say she’s blasting off ever again.” MJ grimaced.
“But you saw that right? I tried to talk to her about us and she blasted.”
“Please. I’m begging you. Stop saying it.”
“You just have to get her at a time where she can’t blast.” Ned suggested.
“You too?” MJ cringed.
“What am I supposed to do?” Peter asked desperately.
“Well what do you want to do? Do you want to be her boyfriend?” Ned asked him.
“Yeah. I do. Of course I do.” Peter smiled softly.
“Then tell her that.” Ned urged.
“No.” MJ spoke up.
“No?” Peter frowned.
“Don’t tell her. Show her.”
“Show her? What do you mean?”
“Last night, she told me about Brad before she went to your place. You know, before your little fondling party happened. Anyway, she told me that what hurt her the most is that Brad could never admit how he felt about her. He was always playing games and leaving her guessing about how he felt. So if you want to be with her, you gotta do the opposite. Show her that you like her and you’re not afraid to admit that to anyone.”
“What if she doesn’t feel the same?” Peter worried. “What if she doesn’t want me to show her how I feel?”
“She does.” MJ insisted. “I know she does.”
“How do you know that?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows. MJ sighed before deciding that if this was gonna be solved, she had to tell Peter your greatest secret.
“Because I was the one who had to convince her to give Brad a chance in the first place since she was still hung up on you.” MJ admitted. Peters eyebrows raised in surprise before a smile tugged at his lips.
“She was?” He asked in disbelief.
“She likes you, dude. But she never knew how you felt. Nows your time to tell her.” MJ told him. Peters smile grew as he realized what he had to do. Now that he knew how you felt, he felt confident enough to seal the deal.
“Not that I care.” MJ added after a beat of silence.
“Thanks MJ. I’m gonna go show her how I feel.” Peter said and got up to leave.
Meanwhile, you were standing by your locker and trying to remain calm. You were freaking out thinking you had just ruined your relationship with your best friend forever. You shut your locket and leaned your forehead against it, cursing yourself for messing everything with Peter up.
“So. You and Parker, huh?”
You turned around and saw Brad standing behind you with a disappointed look on his face. You thought you’d feel sad to see him, but you just felt annoyed that he was talking to you.
“What? How do you even know about that?” You asked when you realized what he said.
“I heard you and your friends talking about it at lunch.” Brad replied. You opened your mouth to tell him to mind his business, then decided to give him some of his own medicine.
“Yeah. Me and Parker. What about it?” You asked and folded your arms.
“Nothing. Just wasn’t expecting you to move on so fast.”
“Move on from what?” You asked him, making his face drop.
“From…from me.” He said quietly.
“From you? Oh my God, did you think we were dating?” You laughed in his face. Brad’s jaw tightened and you could see his hands ball into fists.
“Yeah but we were talking for three months. And we went on dates and stuff.” He reminded you.
“Dude, we were just friends. Sorry if you got confused.” You laughed again and rolled your eyes a little.
“Oh. Yeah. That’s cool.” Brad nodded and stuffed his hands in his pockets.
Peter was watching this interaction from down the hallway with a proud smile. You had made Brad feel as badly as he made you feel and it couldn’t feel better. Peter let you have your moment before joining your side.
“Hey.” He smiled at you and wrapped an arm around you.
“Hey.” You smiled in return and leaned into him. Brad watched the two of you and felt a twinge of jealousy in his chest. Peter sensed like and looked at him as if he was just now noticing he was there.
“Oh, hey Bart. What are you doing by Y/n’s locker?” Peter smiled innocently. You turned your face to the side to hide your laughter as Peter purposefully called Brad the wrong name.
“It’s Brad.” Brad said, his annoyance evident in his voice.
“Is this guy bothering you?” Peter whispered to you but purposefully did it loud enough for Brad to hear.
“This guy? You know my name.” Brad scoffed.
“No. Sorry. I don’t.” Peter played dumb, making you chuckle as you leaned into him.
“I literally just told you.” Brad snapped. “It’s Brad. Brad Davis? ring a bell?”
“Bread? Bread Davis?” Peter asked and cupped his hand behind his ear.
“Brad.” Brad repeated and emphasized the “d”.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Braz David. Just to circle back, what were you doing by my girlfriends locker?” Peter asked. You raised your eyebrows in surprise when you heard what Peter called you but warmly accepted it. This caught the attention of students passing by which made Brads face heat up in embarrassment and anger.
“Nothing. I wasn’t doing anything.” Brad mumbled and averted his eyes. He looked around at the people snickered and whispering about him and shrunk into himself.
“Cool. Bye then.” Peter smiled wildly and waved goodbye. Brad rolled his eyes and gave you one last look before walking away. As soon as he was gone, you turned to Peter with an excited smile.
“That was so good! We totally got him back for what he did to me!” You whispered in excitement.
“That was all you. I just put the final nail in the coffin.” Peter smiled shyly.
“I heard. So, girlfriend, huh?” You smiled coyly and wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“Yeah. If you want.” He in a way that was confident to show you how much he wanted you but still allowed you to turn him down.
“I do want. And not just because it would be super embarrassing for you if I didn’t want to after you so loudly called me your girlfriend in front of all these people.“ You smiled teasingly and gestured to the hallway full of students.
“Well thanks for sparing me the embarrassment, kid.” Peter said as he took your chin between his fingers.
“Anytime, Parker.” You chuckled before closing the space between you to kiss him.
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sinning-23 · 7 months
My First Kiss
OKAY so this is indeed a multi fandom page and I have recently been rewatching Attack on Titan so I hope you guys are ready to endure this brainrot with me :D I'll probably make a pt. 2 with the higher ups and shit-
Never fear tho i have some OPLA stuff in the works too I just haven't really finished it up...
ps. im sorry for any spelling errors I wrote this on impulse
ANYWHO enjoy!
Your first kiss was completely by accident. Didn't make it any less rendering or embarrassing. The conversation between you and the main three was getting heated, Armin making a valid point that Eren simply wasn't listening to (he was listening he's just hardheaded) and Mikasa gave her occasional input only fueling the fire.
Somehow the debate took a turn and before you knew it everyone was becoming more and more animated in their movements. You had simply turned your head a bit too quickly in the direction Eren was sitting nd coincidentally he had moved forward just enough for your lips to meet in a quick pec.
"O-Oh! I'm sorry!" You yip, immediately pressing your fingertips to the spot on your lips.
You'd never seen Eren turn so red so fast. He tried to play it off, averting his eyes as the conversation died down a bit at the awkward occurrence. He'd never admit that he was hoping for something like that to happen.
You were a bit taller than Armin, well at least when you were younger. The blond just HAD to have a growth spurt. Anyway, you had a bit of making your height different more painfully obvious. When he reached for books you often got them off the higher shelf and teased him a little before giving and handing him the hardcover he desired.
As previously stated, he just HAD to have a growth spurt. Now if was your turn to be teased. You had been reaching as best you could, the presence behind you making you stop.
The blond had grabbed the item so easily, hell you'd forgotten what you needed at this point. he looked...good from this angle, his eyes somehow darker as he looked down at you with a smile.
"I won't tease." He hums, pressing his lips to your wrist, your hand still stretched upwards before he places the item in it.
If your major crush on the blond wasn't solidified before it sure as hell was now
You and Connie were already in a relationship, more secret so as to not draw attention but god damn it was easy to see you two were a lot closer than before...and neither of you was really good at keeping a secret like this especially when the two of you always had your hands off one another.
At this point, everyone had seen you two hold hands, sneak off during training to just be in each other's presence, little stuff. The one thing that had yet to be seen was more intimate contact. And it was only because it hadn't even happened yet. You and Constance hadn't kissed yet...so when you had snuck into the boy's dorm to lay with your glorified cuddle buddy, you weren't expecting anything but that. Until he started talking to you. In whispers of course.
"Hey y/n," He began, your fingers intertwined as you faced each other, your limbs tangled with one another.
"Yeah, Connie?" You answer, throat suddenly dry when his hand rests against your hip. It wasn't like you didn't think about being more romantic with Connie, you were really just nervous, you'd never kissed anyone before and neither had he.
"Do you think we should...kiss more. I mean, you are my girlfriend, I should kiss you, right?" He asks, his eyes looking down at yours, easy to see even in the darkened room.
"Do you want to kiss me Constance?" You ask, placing you hand behind his neck, your thumb rubbing over the fuzz at the base of his neck from hs buzzcut.
There was a little hesitation but your question was answered when his lips are pressed firm against your own.
This smug bastard, he knows you like to pick fights just as much as he does. and when you pick fights with him, it's honestly his favorite thing. He loves how your eyebrows angle so far down that you have a little crease between them. He loves how you get in his face and point that well-manicured finger into his chest. He loves it when you get loud. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone, but sometimes he pisses you off on purpose for just a crumb of your attention.
This particular argument was over who was supposed to clean the stables. You insist he help you but of course, he wants to fight, so he declines.
"I wasn't asking I was telling dumbasss now get up and help me." You huff, walking to him, your head angled upwards and the height difference. He only smirks and takes the opportunity to claim your lisp. The action surprised him a little bit. Since when did he get the balls to do something as bold as that. What surprised him more was when you tugged at his collard to push him away...but only doubled down and snatched him back to meet your lips again.
Yeah, if this was when he was gonna get when he pissed you off, he was gonna make it a point to do it more often.
Honestly, you couldn't remember when you and Reiner first kissed, you two just sort of...did it and didn't stop doing it. Reiner always had some sort of scary guard dog position when he was with you and made it a point to let everyone know who was treating you like the goddess you were. So, any chance he got to show you off and show that he was totally hitting that, he did. According to him, your first kiss was right after you teo had been training all day.
You coudlt get the move down and you had been expressing your frustrationt o him. So, he offered to help you practice.
"I'll be great practive, you never know the size of your opponent so use this as a reference. Dont hold back." He insited, taking a stance as you breathe deeply.
You sprinted towards him, sliding between the bap he left between his legs. You were quick to put him in a chokehold, leaning back so that he would lose balance, and sure enough he did. You had managed to crawl from under him, positioning yourself atop him, your legs at either side of his waist as pride fills your face.
"I did it!" You celebrate, huffing in satisfaction before commigntot he realization of your current position.
"I-Wow okay sorry Reiner-" You apologize, hearing him chuckle a bit before sitting up on his forearms.
"Nah it's fine, i think i like this position though, nice work."
And before you could process the fact that your training crush had made a bit of a suggestive comment, his lips were already pressed quickly to your own.
Authors Note; UHHHH lemme know what all wanna see next my ask box is always open my luvs <3
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cannibalizedlove · 4 months
hey id love to request a jimmy oneshot where the (male) reader is working the midnight shift at a convenience store, and Jimmy notices them while walking by during his midnight walks nd buys a cigarette pack (only to get some attention) and just basically jimmy trying to shoot his shot with the reader !! idk if youd do this req because it's a small fandom and Jimmy (entergalactic) is voiced by timothee :)) but id hope you consider giving Entergalactic a watch and maybe write the oneshot ! also totally random but reminder to stay hydrated and drink your water 🫶
Jimmy is the cutest, thank you so much for this ask, I literally love him. I just rewatched the movie to freshen my memory for this request! Also, I couldn’t resist using this gif, can you blame me? Hope you enjoy <3
Can I get you something.
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Information and warnings — x male reader, flirting, smug Jimmy, the trio being silly, awkward Jimmy trying to land pick up lines, first time meeting, fluff.
You rubbed your eyes as you opened the shop door, the familiar ringing of the bell reminding you that you’re clocked in for a 7 hour shift.
You flicked the remaining bud of your joint as you flipped the “Be back soon” sign back to “Open.”
The first thirty minutes of your shift were spent playing a cat-themed candy crush rip off while sipping a tall boy version of a Coca Cola, avoiding your duties of shop clean up and restock.
You were enjoying your silence and lack of work while still being paid, as trio of overtly intoxicated men stumbled into your convenience store.
“I’m Jabari and I’m too scared to fuck my fine ass neighbor, cause I’m scared of pussy! Wah Wah.” The tallest one announced, picking on his friend as he ripped a Monster energy out of the holder.
The one you assumed was Jabari, pushed his friend in a half joking, half fuck off way as he grabbed out two cases of beer, either taking the party home, or to another trap-house.
Yet over all of the commotion, your eyes were drawn to the last one to come in, he was scrawny with a shaved head, and seemed more airy opposed to stumbling; definitely more high than drunk.
You continued to swipe for three matching cats, occasionally looking up to see Buzzcut grabbing handfuls of roadtrip-esque snacks to satisfy his munchies. Though, you’d quickly push your head down and fumble with something on the counter to “act busy” when he’d catch your stare, which seemed to be every-time you’d look at him.
You wondered if he was staring at you in return, but hurriedly shook the idea as you remembered you worked behind the counter at a dingy convenience store; and these guys looked like big deals. ‘Selling doritos, snowballs and corn dogs wasn’t the most attractive thing to guys’ you thought as the men plopped down their items on your counter.
“Just these, man.” Jabari smiled before he continued to argue with the taller man about not piping his supposedly very attractive neighbor. You agreed with him, but kept silent as you scanned the slew of beer and midnight snacks.
“Jimmy would agree with me, he’d totally say hit it and leave it! Wouldn’t you, Jimmy?” The man announced, his sunglasses sliding down his nose, perfectly agreeing with his smug smirk.
“No! I actually would never, Ky, because I do not sleep around! I only do that once I’m settled down, which I’m not, but would like to be, you know this.” Jimmy, you knew him now as, said defensively, his head jerking to you in a gesturing manner, basically saying ‘don’t blow my cover.’
“Ohh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very committed and very saintly; I know that about you.” Ky chuckled as he pushed his sunglasses up. “Go get your man!” He said in a hushed tone, earning an elbow to the ribs from Jimmy and grabbed a case of beer, telling Jabari to get the other, leaving Jimmy to get his bag of cheap snacks.
“I’ll be just a second, guys!” Jimmy waved his friends off as he leaned against your counter, earning a small giggle and smirk from you as you watched him begin to start his ‘‘smooth’’ flirting.
“Can I get you something?” You said after a moment of silence staring at eachother, you wouldn’t mind looking at him quietly for a few more seconds, but also wanted to talk to him and see where this went.
“Oh, you know what, I forgot to get smokes, that’s what I was missing! Can you grabbed me some camel filters, red?” He said in a shaky, nervous voice as he gave you a bashful smile.
You plucked the pack from above you, placing them infront of the both of you while a smug smile; waiting to see where he goes with this small interaction. Jimmy began to reach for his wallet, cutting his losses and sighing under his breath knowing it would be awkward to keep it going.
“On the house, you seem good for it.” You bit your cheek and leaned against the counter yourself, mirroring him and meeting him at eye level; somehow hes even more pretty this close.
Jimmy smiled and let out a breathy laugh as he looked to the side, seeing his two friends watching through the window and nodding profusely with thumbs up.
“Thank you, you don’t have to, but I’d never turn down free smokes.” Jimmy said in singy songy tone, pocketing the pack and moving slightly closer to you, staring at your lips.
“Big party tonight? What’s the celebration?” Your eyes trailing to his lips yourself, once again mirroring him, watching as he swallowed thickly at your advances. “Celebrating life, baby, always making it a party.” Jimmy said with a goofy laugh, he was sarcastic, but you knew he was the type of guy to bring the party wherever he went.
“Would love to have you join us, if you wanted to?” Jimmy swallowed thickly, looking up at you with knitted eyebrows, he was shooting his shot and looking absolutely stunning while doing it, you couldn’t turn him down if your life depended on it, but you knew you couldn’t just drop your shift for a party.
“My boss would have my ass.. any chance you’re free tomorrow afternoon? I still wanna see you.” You admitted with a soft smile, seeing Jimmy’s eyes go from pitifully sad from the start of your sentence, to being wide with joy at the end.
“Lunch? There’s this burger joint down the block, I could meet you there, or pick you up. Anything you want.” Jimmy smiled and balanced on his tippy toes with a few taps on your counter, unable to hide his excitement.
You wrote your phone number down on his receipt, along with your address with a smiley face, smirking as you slide it over to him. Jimmy launched for it and grabbed it hastily, smiling widely and began to make his way out of the store.
“Hey, what’s your name?” He said, looking back as he reached for the door handle, embarrassed for being so caught up in your looks before even asking you a basic question.
“Y/N. See you at lunch, party animal.” You giggled as you waved goodbye to him, going back on your phone, updating your friends about the cute guy asking you out.
“Later, pretty boy!” Jimmy yelled out with his arms raised, while laughing as your heard Ky and Jabari praise him for his flirting game.
The three men walked away as they slapped Jimmys back, pushed into him and cheered for him.
“Got a fucking address, number and a date, boys! We’re so fuckin in!” Jimmy screamed out into the night sky, overjoyed and slapping the receipt with a dopey smile.
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epickiya722 · 8 months
So Kiya, I see this interesting theory of Yuuji and Sukuna in twitter, what do you think :
"I am starting to think cursed energy treated them (Sukuna & Yuuji) as conjoined twins because their souls shared a body"
"If Yuji has Sukuna CE and will later use his CT, he's techically his "twin" in a weird way"
"Yeah. Could still be true that they were siblings in the past or something. Just that as of rn, given what we know about ce and twins, without canonical confirmation that they were real twins, this could probably be the closest we can get to confirming the theory"
Oooooh, wait, wait, wait! I got thoughts! I have thoughts! The gears are turning! This is about to be so long, I just know it.
(Also, like to apologize it took me forever to answer this because I'll be real... I was stumped and for a while I barely could conjure up words for anything. Posts and fics.)
Okay, I always thought the whole "Yuji being Sukuna's reincarnated twin" theory rather interesting and honestly, I'm here for that. This is more of a joke for me, at first, that what if Yuji was Sukuna's reincarnation and I'm working on posts for that.
Now, being a reincarnation for his twin, has me thinking about some things.
I mentioned in this post that I find it fishy that Kenjaku birthed a vessel for Sukuna and one that somehow was able to control Sukuna, too. Yuji is a perfect vessel.
Thinking about it more, and it's just a thought, what if Kenjaku had been involved in Sukuna's birth somehow and is the reason why he turned out the way he is?
Not saying I'm right, but hear me out!
Picture this. What if Sukuna's parents asked Kenjaku for some kind of favor dealing with a child? Kenjaku took it as an opportunity to test out a few things and what if during Sukuna's growth in his mother's womb, it wasn't just him? There could have been another twin and yet Kenjaku may have done something that resulted in Sukuna's having the deformities he has? The four eyes, the four arms? Hell, you know it's been said some people have "eaten" their twin in the womb? Sukuna could have done that and because of Kenjaku, however Sukuna had been birthed was the result.
Sukuna mentions he was an unwanted child and maybe, just maybe it was because he didn't turn out how his parents imagined him to be and could have abandoned him. And if they did, Kenjaku possibly could have gotten their hands on Sukuna and looked after him for their own purposes.
But why? Well, my guess is to use him later as a tool for at least one of the reasons, but also just another case of wanting to experiment with souls and the human body.
Now, bringing back Yuji. What if Sukuna could have also had two souls, one that would belong to his intended twin, when he was a baby?
When Kenjaku made Sukuna's fingers into cursed objects, they also took the soul Sukuna host for his intended twin to later create Yuji. It seems wild, but hey, this is Kenjaku and almost anything is possible in JJK.
I think about what Mai talked about with Maki in chapter 149. (So spoiler alert ahead.)
She mentions how twins are considered a bad omen to sorcerers. To gain something, you have to sacrifice something. (Indentical) twins are considered one individual by cursed techniques. "I am you and you are me."
Let's apply this to Sukuna and Yuji.
To gain something, you have to sacrifice something -> Sukuna's birth, but the sacrifice was his would be twin.
Twins are considered one individual -> As the theory suggests, Yuji and Sukuna are like twins. After some rewatches and rereads, I realized that as different as they are, Yuji and Sukuna do be having quite a bit of similarities (I already made a few posts about such and I'm working on another). It's like they are one individual.
Twins are considered bad omens -> Sukuna brings nothing but pain and Yuji only feels pain and also consider that the people around Yuji has something bad happen to them.
Going off that last point, think about the Zenin and Hasaba twins. The Hasaba twins were killed by Sukuna and even their backstory is nothing but sad. Before Suguru took them in, the village saw them as the cause for their misfortune and mistreated them. Nanako and Mimiko only had each other. Same for the Zenin twins. They were mistreated by their clan and even if they fell out for a time, Mai and Maki are still close and only had each other. Both cases of the twins end badly. For the Hasaba twins, again, they are killed. For Maki and Mai, Mai dies.
Circling back to Yuji and Sukuna, here's something I see that the two have in common, kind of.
They're both loners.
They are surrounded by people, and yet they never really truly fit into a place. Sukuna reigns as the "King of Curses" and does as he pleases but he just never seem truly satisfied to me. It's like he's a part of himself is missing. That doesn't mean I'm excluding Uraume. Uraume is Sukuna's bestie, for real. Think about how he treats others. He's all for a good fight and impressed by some. If someone or something annoys him, he eliminates. It's a repeating cycle for him.
For Yuji, he remarks to Noritoshi that he's always been a loner. He does have friends, Megumi and Nobara, and even the upperclassmen from his previous school. Also peep the middle school flashback. The boys were discussing girls, but what was Yuji doing? Reading off to the side. He engaged in the conversation when addressed, but other than that, he is alone. Going back to Megumi and Nobara, the same episode shows Yuji going off on his own. Nobara goes shopping and Megumi was going home.
Yuji often tends to do a lot of things alone and even if it's with someone, like fighting a villain, it's not like he seeks out the help, at first. Instead, he syncs up with that person with the time comes for it.
While surrounded by people, some that do have positive relationship with, it just always seem they were missing something or someone in their lives.
What if like Maki and Mai... Nanako and Mimiko... they were meant to be twins? They seemed lonely because they did not have his twin with him?
To summarize, yeah, I'm on board with that theory. Cursed energy probably did treat the two like twins just as Mai and Maki were because... what if they were meant to be twins.
I mentioned this a while back. In this post, I wrote about what of the soul technique Yuji is going to use was the technique that Sukuna had? He seemed familiar with it. Now what if, that was a technique that could have been one Sukuna's twin was meant to have?
Just something I wanted to throw out there.
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oswinpond · 1 year
My Clara Rewatch, Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
I'm going to ignore the silliness in this episode in favour of focusing on Oswin. Fabulous Oswin.
(But for one second, can I just say about how truly silly it is that the Daleks have a parliament? They're Daleks, they have nothing resembling a democracy. Are we supposed to believe they held a Dalek election? And why do they have an asylum when they exterminate anyone, including other Daleks, who show the slightest sign of imperfection by their standards?)
(Also I hate that Amy and Rory have this divorce plot offscreen, and the minisodes don't count. Springing this on us and then resolving it in one single episode was unnecessary. I love getting to watch Amy prove her love for Rory, but we've had plenty of that in s6 and s7a to come.)
Okay now to the good stuff: Oswin.
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"Day 363. The terror continues."
Oswin has been on a Dalek planet for nearly a year and is still holding strong. It really speaks to the strength of her character. (Especially when you know...)
I love that Oswin is boarding up her little hiding hole with planks of wood, as if those will keep out Daleks. Bless.
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We're first introduced to Oswin with the song "Habanera" from Carmen, the opera. Now I'm no opera connoisseur so I'm pulling from wikipedia here, like a proper English major: "It is set in southern Spain and tells the story of the downfall of Don José, a naïve soldier who is seduced by the wiles of the fiery gypsy Carmen. José abandons his childhood sweetheart and deserts from his military duties, yet loses Carmen's love to the glamorous torero Escamillo, after which José kills her in a jealous rage. The depictions of proletarian life, immorality, and lawlessness, and the tragic death of the main character on stage, broke new ground in French opera and were highly controversial."
I don't want to stretch too hard, but I think there are some obvious parallels to Clara's story in there, intentional or not. But I do think there's something to be said about how Oswin is dressed in that bright red and at one point has a red rose in her hair (oh hey the inspiration for my username!) in that classic spanish tango style. Maybe that was intentional. I mean, Eleven does call her Carmen at one point.
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If Clara were on GBBO, she'd lose in the first round.
But is it not absolutely precious that she finds a way to spin everything in a positive light? "Made another soufflé... very nearly." That wasn't even close, my dear. "They came again last night. Still always at night. Maybe they're vampires." She finds a way to turn the trauma of her life, barricading herself from the universe's most deadly killing machines, into a little fantasy (a fantasy within a fantasy, you might say). "Happy birthday, mum. I did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live." Does it need saying?
The connection to her mom is already being established. Is Oswin's mother still alive, and this version of Clara got to have more time with her? Or did she lose her mother young, too, and is celebrating her birthday as one other way to stay connected to her humanity, her home?
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Anyway, she sleeps in a hammock like a pirate. Hot. (And Oswin, like Prime Clara, likes to wear rings. Details.)
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Carmen. Oswin. Roses.
I think this is the first time we hear the start of Clara's theme.
"I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah." So Oswin Oswald, junior entertainment officer of the starship Alaska, has encountered Daleks before. She's seen things, she's done things. Even if this is her first trip out on this starship, somehow she's encountered Daleks. That's pretty cool. Why has Big Finish never done a story about Oswin? Get on that, BF. Phone Jenna.
There's a flavour of Everything Everywhere All at Once with this intro to Clara, this idea of what other versions of yourself would have done in different lives, with different choices and opportunities. Prime Clara was an unofficial nanny who always dreamed of travelling, and then became an English teacher while getting to travel the universe with the Doctor. Oswin became an entertainment officer on a starship, in order to travel the universe. Victorian Clara was both a barmaid and a governess, and immediately jumped at the chance to travel with the Doctor. Common threads between our Claras are very obvious: she's a people-pleaser, she likes to take care of others and make them happy, and she wants to see the world, the universe.
(Tangent: Is "Oswin Oswald" her full name from birth? Or was she also a Clara Oswin Oswald who ditched the "Clara" and started going by her middle name?)
DOCTOR: How can you hack into everything? It should be impossible. You're in a crashed ship! OSWIN: Long story. Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy? DOCTOR: Doctor. You can call me the Doctor. OSWIN: I see what you did there.
The shameless Doctor/Clara flirting has officially started.
Side note, I love how Oswin's hacking genius is explained in The Bells of Saint John soon after this. It's not just Oswin being an entertainment officer who also just happens to be a tech genius. There's a specific plot reason for it, and now I wonder if Victorian Clara ever demonstrated any uncanny abilities with early technology...
Oswin saving Rory and interacting with the Ponds is very important to me, seeing as they're my three favourite companions of the show. (Plus, the fact that she flirts with Rory shows she has good taste. That said, if she had flirted with Amy I think the fandom would have combusted on the spot. Speaking for myself, at least.)
Now I totally hate the "I was going through a phase" line because come on we're past the point of describing bisexuality as a phase but thankfully they later fixed this, to some extent, by making it hard canon that Clara is bisexual and identifies as such.
Unrelated to Clara, but I adore how when Amy is hallucinating the people-Daleks, she hears a jazzy version of "Together or Not at All". Murray Gold strikes again with the genius.
OSWIN: Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek? Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you? AMY: Well, somebody's never been to Scotland.
Aside from how funny I find this exchange, I just love how the one emotion we definitely haven't seen Oswin express the entire time is anger. She's shown us plenty of other regular emotions (and in fact, love–when talking about her mother) but we haven't seen a shred of anger from her.
Which is really important for what comes next... the big reveal that Oswin has been fully converted–at least physically–into a Dalek.
Part of me wishes she hadn't been converted. Imagine if we'd gotten Oswin escaping with Amy, Rory, and the Doctor? I would've had my three favourite companions (at least, a version of Clara) interacting as a trio. She could've stuck around for a few episodes before dying in time for the exit of the Ponds and the intro of Victorian Clara. I would've loved to see Jenna play off Karen and Arthur face to face.
But I have to come back to the fact that it's so perfectly set up. Right off the bat, Oswin's situation doesn't make sense. The lone survivor of the Daleks, alone for a whole year, baricading herself from them with planks of wood and surviving off soufflés that aren't edible and we never see her eating them, with ingredients she doesn't have. Every time we see her interact with the Doctor, it's through a very Dalek-like lens:
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And of course, we can write that off the whole episode as this just being Dalek technology so of course it looks Dalek-like. But after the reveal, you realize that of course, this is her actual POV.
And most importantly, we need the Doctor to never know what Oswin looks like so that Victorian Clara's death, her repeating the iconic line, and the Doctor finding out her middle name all create that big gut punch moment for him. We as the audience know both characters are played by Jenna Coleman, but the Doctor isn't supposed to know. And when I do the next Clara episode I have a whole thing about why this is so important.
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This just about breaks my heart. She finally sees the Doctor has arrived and she immediately runs to pack her suitcase. She's so committed to her self-imposed delusion that she still, to this moment, believes she's about to escape.
"Rescue me chin boy and show me the stars."
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It's absolutely heartbreaking hearing her say "I'm hu–" and hearing the Dalek voice finish "–man". Genius, though. And then you hear a Dalek cry for the first time ever and it's so incredibly unsettling because they're the embodiment of evil, of hate, and crying is not Dalek. Sadness and heartbreak are not Dalek.
Oswin has been depicted as the exact opposite of Dalek. When she starts crying, it's the one time she says "exterminate", when she lets it in for the first time, and it's because she's angry about what they did to her. She spent a whole year hiding from the truth of the unbelievable trauma she's been put through, partly because it's too much to deal with, but also because if she lets herself face it she will feel that anger, and they'll start to win over her mind. Oswin lives in delusion to protect herself and her humanity.
"Eggs... stir... minate..." isn't just a fun twist. She turned "exterminate" into something as harmless as a soufflé recipe. Oswin took the one word Daleks use the most, the one that, on Doctor Who, is the epitome of evil, and turned it into something human, something positive, something creative (even if she sucked at it) and that she associated with the love for her mother.
Oswin spent a whole year fighting a full Dalek conversion, while the rest of her crew couldn't fight off a partial one, and she refused to let them turn her into a killer. The pure strength of her will is incredible.
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I just adore these shots of Oswin crying, finally accepting the truth of what happened to her. Jenna knocked this out of the park.
As I said, crying is not Dalek.
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And then she decides that no, she won't let in the anger, she won't let them win, ever. She'll save the Doctor, the biggest enemy of the Daleks, and die as Oswin, a human.
Then she says her iconic line, "Run you clever boy, and remember." She breaks the fourth wall which, correct me if I'm wrong, is the first time it's happened on the show, until Twelve comes in to make that one of his rare quirks.
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That's my girl.
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jade-kyo · 2 months
RvB 20th rewatch: s5
Final season of Blood Gulch let’s goooo!!!
Honestly can’t blame Church for his reaction to Junior lol
“My body is trying to die” me when I’m on my period
I’m gonna start using the international dibs protocol
She’s so silly. She is the silly girl representation we deserve.
The fat Church jokes are so funny because HE HAS A ROBOT BODY???? bro literally cannot gain or lose weight and that’s all I can think about every time I watch it 😂
Have we ever considered sargenut-
“there are no regular girls” as a girl I agree
I love that Kai doesn’t even question Church being a ghost
“Whoa, tread lightly dude, tread lightly” and another heavily quoted line for me
Mark your calendars for 2040 for the updated Bible release
So dead serious when I say I’m gonna start using Donuts anti drug lingo when my friends start vaping
Okay but have we considered texboose crack ship
Caboose is me trying to lie
“I’m like Superman, I know when I’m needed” Tucker you are always needed my beloved son
Donut writes Harry Potter fanfiction
Church immediately asks about Carolina….. Church the alpha… the copy of the director, Carolina’s father, immediately asks about Carolina. In all his fucked up faulty memories he knows to ask about her… I’m gonna be sick
Tex’s willingness to go along with the time travel bit is so funny
“No I’m saving him in case we ever need him for food” another frequently quoted line.
Bow chick honk honk
Sarge’s super power is spawning in flags and patriotic singing
“Take a chill pill, don’t have a chill pill take one of them chill strips. You stick it on your tongue it dissolves and you chill” probably my most quoted line from the show. Partially cause my brothers would always say it so I just grew up hearing it even before I watched rvb
“No one is in the state of Wyoming” yet another quoted line
Church being upset when Caboose gets shot is very telling
So is Wyoming using his equipment without Gammas help? That’s wild
Hey chicka bum bum
the Tex stuff at the end is probably the hardest thing to make sense of with all the retcons- like was she just saying all that stuff to try and protect Church… somehow- yeah this is the part I always struggle to fit in with the rest of it
I still enjoy the shenanigans tho
Rip Florida
God I love when O’Malley is jumping from person to person
And it comes full circle
AND NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE RECOLLECTION!! I am so freaking excited I cannot WAIT!
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katewritesss · 3 months
Little drabble...
I wrote this little drabble after a rewatch of M:I Fallout because I love angst and sometimes, we need a little Benthan angst. By the way, this little piece was totally inspired by this one scene from the movie "The Impossible"
Warning: severe injuries, talk of death, lots and lots of angst - this does take place at the end of Fallout and I kind of exaggerated Ethan's injuries a little for the sake of angst.
"He's right through here, sir," a doctor directs, opening the tent flap and gesturing inside. Benji takes one step into the tent and -
He freezes.
Because Ethan, his husband in everything but on paper, the absolute love of his life, is lying on a hospital bed, motionless, half in and out of unconsciousness. Bruise-like dark circles rimm his closed eyes, blood stains the side of his face and ears, and his pale, chapped lips are covered by a clear oxygen mask.
If it wasn't for the slow and shaky rise of his chest and the slow, but steady beep of his heart monitor, then Benji would've thought him dead. That, and the bags of blood and fluids hanging on his IV pole.
Ilsa stands by his side, taking up Ethan's position as the stalwart protector, and she turns around to see Benji standing at the tent entrance. And then, with a soft and sad smile, she turns back to the raven-haired man lying prone in the bed and gently shakes his shoulder.
"Ethan. Ethan," Ilsa says and the brunette woman's words snap Benji out of his trance, and he starts walking towards the bed. "Look who's here."
She steps out of the way and Benji takes her place by his partner's side, resting a slightly shaky hand on that dark head of hair that he loves to card his fingers through; that was something that shocked Benji when they first started dating, how much Ethan loved getting his hair played with. Ethan's eyes flutter open like he only has the strength to keep them half-open, but he doesn't seem to quite register him yet.
"Hey," Benji manages a weak greeting as Ethan's eyes finally meet his, recognition flashing in those green eyes, and he wheezes slightly into his oxygen mask. "Hey, my darling. Hey."
Ilsa, now on Ethan's other side, leans in to press a gentle kiss to his cheek and he weakly turns his head to face her, probably registering her presence for the first time. Benji supports his head as his partner looks around, muttering words that he can't quite understand but he knows what Ethan wants to say.
"We're all okay," he assures him through a voice thick with tears, watching Ethan's face carefully and worriedly as his green eyes stare unseeingly past Benji's shoulder.
"Am I dead?" Ethan asks feebly, that one question just shattering his already-shattered heart.
Benji shakes his head, shuddering with a sob, "No, no." His right hand still rests on Ethan's head, terrified that one too-hard touch would cause his partner to disappear forever.
Ethan weakly raises his hand, the one with a pulse oximeter clipped to his finger, towards the oxygen mask and Benji's other hand follows, covering the mask before he can take it off.
Briefly turning his head, he asks the doctors lingering in the tent, "Is it okay to take this off?" And when they nod, Benji slowly and carefully takes Ethan's oxygen mask off, assuring all the same, "Here, here, I've got it."
The moment that the plastic mask is off, Benji closes the distance, however small, between them, pressing his lips to Ethan's chapped ones. Blinded by tears, he trails his lips upwards before finally landing on Ethan's forehead, peppering light kisses onto his skin. He pulls back after a moment, breaths shaking.
"You came back," Ethan breathes out, relief in every inch of his tone. Benji smiles waterily, a shaky and breathless laugh leaving his lips as he nods. "You came back."
"Yeah," he assures, closing his eyes on another shuddering sob and he leans forward, pressing another kiss to the corner of Ethan's mouth. Benji pulls back, rubbing a gentle hand through the dark strands of hair on his forehead.
But, the words then whispered into his ear make him freeze and the relieved smile wraps into a concerned frown.
"I can rest now."
Fear twists Benji's heart when Ethan's eyes open and fix on the ceiling with startling clarity, and the man murmurs something that he can't quite hear.
"Ethan, what?" Benji asks, and when he doesn't get an answer, he asks more hurriedly, "What? What, darling?"
"I'm dying," his partner tells him with startling clarity in his voice, the most audible thing he's said this entire time.
"No," Benji immediately denies, watching with his heart in his throat as Ethan swallows, eyelids fluttering closed. "No, you're going to be fine."
"Take care of our team," Ethan whispers breathlessly, his green eyes fluttering open and locking onto Benji's blue once more.
"Hey," Benji starts to assure, his vice hoarse and raspy from the effort it takes to hold back his tears. His eyes sting for what feels like the millionth time and he holds them back; Ethan needs him now, he has to be strong. "That's not what I'm here for. You're going to be fine, they're going to take care of you, okay? I promise you, we're gonna be fine."
A whimper, low and feeble, leaves Ethan's lips as he admits, "I'm scared."
Heart breaking, Benji can only repeat, "We're gonna be fine." He leans in, pressing another kiss to his chapped lips and Ethan whimpers again, so he trails his lips upwards without a second thought, keeping up the stream of sweet nothings and assurances, "Sweetheart, I promise you you're gonna be okay."
"We're taking him to surgery. We need to take him now," a nurse says from behind him, firmly but not unkindly.
Benji slowly nods, steeling himself with an, "Okay." He pulls back slightly, keeping one hand braced on Ethan's head as he places the oxygen mask back over his mouth.
And then they're rolling Ethan through the medical tent to the makeshift OR and Benji stays right there, holding his hand and leaning over him until he gets forced away. There's salt on his tongue, tears dried on his cheeks.
And the entire walk down, Benji keeps up his rambling of assurances and sweet nothings, even though he's not sure if Ethan can even hear him, "I love you. You're going to be okay. I love you so much, I love you. I love you, Ethan, you know that, darling? I'm sorry if I let you down in any way."
And then Ethan is being taken away. Benji gives his hand one last squeeze, and then it slips away.
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cowederevived · 9 months
HEY EVERYONE. WELCOME TO YOUR FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL : "instead of doing asks cowede talks about random subjects and advertised for shows and animes"
Now I was doing my stuff, slowly but surely progressing through bleach (some of you may now i'm watching it atm, its good (but veeeeeeeeeery slow) but it aint what were gonna talk about) and lowkey harassing plain with futa angie pictures because yes. And my brain was just waltzing around, as it usually does when I remembered out of nowhere a show that I watched during my early adolescence and the last time was a few years ago and that I really like, and since I have a small tumblr blog, may as well advertise good shows I like here! So, let me tell you a tell of red hair chinese cool mc, kepranks, knocks knocks, sick music and conspiracies. We're gonna talk about Detentionaire. (Micro spoilers)
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Detentionaire is a Canadian 4 season 53 (lmao lolz lmao funny number) episode long thriller mystery comedy cartoon that came out from 2011 to 2014. I will spoiler free resume the plot as if : As Lee ping, 10th grader and (kinda) loner starts his new year at Alexander Nigma High he finds himself framed as the perpetrator of a Massive prank that hits the whole school, and is punished by a whole year of constant detention. Searching to prove his innocence, he will daily sneak out of detention to find the true perpetrator and clear his name, in the process he will discover that this "prank" hides a deep secret that goes far, far beyond what he could have ever imagined. While the series starts off as a little silly, "its just a prank bro" it ends up going very far, and I will not talk about how much it is, but let me tell you, it goes very far, and quite well. Its a way different tone, but you could definitely compare it to other mystery thriller cartoon shows like gravity falls (another absolute gem) I trully advice you to watch the few first episodes, theres a high chance it will hook you if you like those kind of "conspiracy" theme shows. The mystery and the way it progress is VERY well handled in my opinion, each episode gives you hint, or red herrings at the bigger picture, and they definitely knew what they were doing. Upon rewatching the series you will usually pick up on lots of small differents elements that were hidden in plan sight, making it feel all very well thought out. The series also takes place in a sliiiightly different universe than ours, for example the principal of a school is a military cyborg, and the (living and savage) mascot of the school is a tazelwurm, a cryptid, this gives the shows a real ambiance of mystery i'm personnaly quite a fan of. The side characters are honestly pretty well done, while some are very stereotypical, a lot of them get side stories or devlopment throughout the show, and the main gang as a very chaotic yet compeling chemistry with each other.
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Anyway! that is all! I really kinda struggle advising shows in general, but if you like good thriller mystery cartoon with decent plot progression and likeable (imo) characters ? Go for it, its a total hidden gem, as the show got high ratings, but isnt very well known. And uh, theres (kinda slow) good romance too ? I guess theres that. it's a high school show of course it was gonna be the case. The episodes are fully disponible (for free) on youtube having been posted by Retro Rerun (just search detentionaire and you will find the full series playlist very easily) So yeah, if you have some free time and want to see something else than animes and series, remember good cartoons also exist!
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
lol the rewatch is working I wrote 1500 words
usual disclaimer: anything I post is likely to be edited heavily before going on ao3, and this is part of a much longer story
This bit is probably about five years after the events of the show--they had a rather rocky relationship, a tumultuous break-up, and Adora has since moved in with someone else whose name I haven't decided on.
ANYWAY it's hurt/comfort with a little pining but specifically the kind of pining where you're pissed off at yourself for doing it, eyyy
No I don't know how Catra ended up injured just yet also this isn't the whole bit of what I wrote tonight
Backstory for this scene specifically: Catra got hurt, didn't have anyone else to turn to and sent a messenger to run and get Adora. Messenger banged on Adora's door in the middle of the night and Adora grabbed a skiff and left with the messenger. Adora's partner is a nice person and is understanding and knows Catra is important to Adora even if they had a bad break-up and is fine with Adora helping her. Okay? okay. This starts on the way back from wherever Catra was.
Adora calls her partner from the skiff. 
“Hey! How is she?” 
Adora tries to keep her voice quiet. “She has a bad face injury and a busted ankle. Can you tell the healers we’re on our way?” 
“Yeah, I can do that. Let me know how she’s doing after they see her. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” The moment she says it she feels a pang of guilt and looks down at Catra’s face, but if Catra heard or cares, there’s no indication. 
The local healers are excellent, but Adora still finds herself tightening her hold on Catra for just a moment before allowing them to assist her in putting Catra on the bed of one of their small, clean rooms. 
“Oh, this isn’t too bad. Looks worse than it is because of all the blood and swelling, that’s all.” The head healer puts her glasses on before poking and prodding Catra in various places, and Catra grunts. “Sorry, I know that hurts. But we’ll have you doing much better in a jiffy, hm?” 
They don’t ask Adora to leave, so she doesn’t; but she does sit in a chair against the wall to be out of the way. 
The healers give Catra a bit of some kind of potion to swallow and then watch and wait for her body to relax and her breathing to deepen. They clean out the wound and take a careful look at her eye, but when they get out a needle and thread Adora looks away and realizes she hasn’t eaten yet. Well, it can wait. 
Catra’s ankle is viewed through some sort of device that looks like one of Entrapta’s, then one of the healers begins wrapping it tightly in a long bandage.
The head healer turns to Adora and pushes up a pair of glasses. “The ankle is just a sprain, thankfully; you’ll need her to stay off of it for a few days. I did the best I could with her face. The eye itself isn’t damaged and her vision will be fine but she’s going to have a bit of a nasty scar.”
Adora lets out a breath and feels a wave of fatigue. “Thank you.”
“The potion I gave her is going to wear off in a little while, but don’t let her get up right away and don’t let her stand on her own at first. My assistant will be sending you home with a different potion for pain relief. There’s directions on the bottle. And don’t worry, she’ll be right as rain! Other than the scar, I suppose. Well! Got to see to my next patient. Give a yell if you need anything, hm?”
Potion in hand, everyone else out of the room, and nothing to do but wait until the anesthetic potion wears off. Adora gets up to get a better look at Catra’s face. The wound is still puffy and swollen but clean, and the stitches are tiny and neat. Adora lets out another sigh of relief, then reaches out to pet her hair. Catra twitches in her drug-induced sleep and Adora jerks her hand back like she’s been burned. 
She sits back down in the chair with exhaustion and rubs her face before slouching and resting her head on the wall, and doesn’t even realize she’s dozed off until she hears Catra’s voice. 
Adora sits up, disoriented for the second time that day. “Catra?”
She stands up. “The healers said not to get up right away. You’ve got a sprained ankle. Also stitches in your face.”
Catra gingerly touches her own face without opening her eyes. “Ow.”
“I’ve got a pain relief potion you can take if you need it, but you really shouldn’t poke at it.”
Catra finally opens her eyes and snaps at her: “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Adora presses her lips shut for a moment and looks at the ceiling. Catra just woke up and it already feels like they’re arguing. And after–
“Hey, Adora.” –and her eyes jerk back to Catra’s. Damn it all to hell. 
“Sorry. I–ugh.” Catra frowns. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
“It’s fine.” Adora waves a hand dismissively. “You assumed I’d help, and you were right.” 
“I didn’t know for sure, actually, I just hoped, because I had no one else to ask. Dunno what I would’ve done if you’d moved houses or something.” Catra pauses, clears her throat. “So how bad is it?”
“How bad is what?”
“The scar, dummy.” 
“Oh. Uh. It’s a bit swollen still so it’s hard to say.”
“Like that time you punched me in the face?” Catra is actually smiling, the little shit. 
“That was the other eye! And I didn’t give you a cut that needed stitches!”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry. I just hope I’m not ugly now.” 
“You could never be ugly,” Adora blurts out loudly, then presses her lips shut again. Catra stares at her. Adora wishes she wouldn’t. 
And that’s when Adora’s stomach loudly reminds her she hasn’t eaten. 
Catra grins. “Go get something to eat, dummy. And get me something, too.” 
Adora rolls her eyes. “Fine, but don’t get up, okay?”
She sets the potion down next to Catra on the bedside table, and nearly runs to the nearest food stall. She's already eaten most of her own meal when she gets back to the healers’ house, gets to the room, and finds that Catra’s gone. 
The potion bottle is still sitting on the bedside table. 
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wander-wren · 1 year
i’m on my third rewatch of tristamp and HUNGRY! (ep4) as an episode is so so special to me. i love it so much.
first of all if you know me in any capacity you’ll understand that i am so. ack. about the inclusion of vash’s food issues as a part of the episode’s arc and not just a one-off line. we see it again in ep8. both times he refuses to eat after a disaster that nai caused (but he blames himself for). but! in episode 8 he only eats again after saving lives/proving himself useful, whereas in episode 4 he eats because wolfwood said he deserves to. indirectly. he doesn’t save anyone. he tries! he’s doing his best! but in the end it’s wolfwood who does all the work. and vash still eats. ack
but yeah i fully believe that comment to zazie, “no matter how heavy the cross is you carry, you deserve to eat. and to laugh!” is why vash later said wolfwood has “the eyes of a good guy.”
(and hey, i do think there’s some significance to him defending wolfwood specifically in the context of wolfwood offering vash food and roberto accusing him of poisoning it. just saying.)
first, the way wolfwood phrases that (especially since right before, he said to zazie “i’m like you”) makes it seem like he knows what it is to carry a (metaphorical) cross, and to feel like you don’t deserve things. so vash feels a kinship with him and admires that he’s apparently overcome that and is trying to help zazie do the same.
(now, we find out later that wolfwood already knows zazie, but i’m working with the assumption that he didn’t realize it was her yet. correct me if im wrong on that. if i am wrong i’ll be sad bc i’ll have to reevaluate a lot :(()
second, it definitely matches up with things rem and luida said about food, which boils down to “whether you choose to eat it or not it still matters that you get it, that you have that choice.” which, uh. we’re gonna unpack my own feelings on that at a later time, possibly never. but that definitely would help vash to see wolfwood as trustworthy/good.
to be clear, vash isn’t naive. from their limited interactions he can see wolfwood has some darkness to him, and he can see that he’s used to being disliked, distrusted. he doesn’t bat an eye at meryl and roberto questioning him, but he does react to vash calling him good. vash has had 150+ years to get good at reading people. wolfwood even calls him out about turning his back multiple times, calling him stupid, but rhen he proves vash right by not hurting him.
of course, there’s another layer to the whole eating thing, which is that vash might not need to eat? it’s implied that he likes food/eating in flashbacks, and we learn later that he isn’t a defective plant, he can generate things (in a way), so it would follow that he doesn’t need food??
which might seem, initially, like it lessens the impact of his disordered eating. but it doesn’t. first of all, it’s still a thing vash takes pleasure in, which he has very little of, so denying himself food as punishment is still Very Bad. but also…it’s kind of the only effective form of self-harm he has. he heals quickly and has an insane pain tolerance, and he has literally nothing to lose because he doesn’t have anything/anyone to start with. maybe he won’t starve, but that’s not the point.
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roxyzwritez · 2 months
this will be a chain of self reblogs as i go through each episode of the.. unfortunate part of steven universe.
------EP 1------
the way peridot goes
steven universe futureee~
gives me serotonin.
2. the connie lofigirl reference made me go OH MY GOD ITS YHE REFRENCE and im here for it
3.s l u u u u u u h r p "i think YOU, should stop trying to fix everybody." hits hard
4. "AND IF I DIDN'T CARE, YOU'D STILL BE A MONSTER TOO." goes SO hard like you fucking GO king
5.okay every line from frustrated steven in that scene gives me adrenaline rushes like now i wanna beat someone up and just gurugjfigig YEAH
6."you are NOT my diamond" funny you say that, jasper. funny you say that, jasper. fragments you say that, jasper. funny you
7.the fight scene fucks so hard
-----EP 2-----
8. steven stop narrating or else fhfgbfbbt this isnt a documentary you god damn goofball i cant be that mad (not yet you gotta talk trash about rose for me to throw hands)
9. tv froze when biggs jasper flung the ferris wheel and that's the highlight of my day
10."comfortable can be good, too." based amy for the win
11. the start of stevens downward spiral: hey lets push everyone out of their comfort zone OH JEEPERS WHY IS EVERYTHING FALLING APART
12.you should be sorry steven beach city is now on fire like california.
13. smoky quartz representation 💗💗💗
14. pink smoky quartz could beat every single villain and hero instantly. thanos? avengers? god himself? addicted
15. choose their own future, yk? choose their own future, yk? CHOOSE THEIR OWN FUTURE, YK? CH-
------EP 3------
16. oh god rose buds. ep hasnt even started and the trauma is flooding back AWAAAAYGH my poor boy steven-
17. "after everything that's happened..." I WILL FIGHT YOU AND WIN YOU WILL RESPECT YOUR GOD DAMN MOTHER YOU MOTHERFUC- *ahem* sorry. idc if future was rushed due to unfortunate uncontrollable circumstances but this still makes me furious how fucking dare y
18. greg why couldn't you just stand up for yourself. bruh got his lack of spine from smashing the diamond im sorry that's the only criticism of pink/rose i can make and not uncontrollably punch myself
19. i wanna hang out with the famethysts. forever. i wanna laze like delinquents!! holly blue get ur ass LAZING. get with the times.
20. "i cannot wait to see the look upon your face when you see their faces" the amount of trolling is a lot more than a little
21. "yes, this is the look i wished to see!" im sorry but you will die for the mistreatment of steven cutiepie forgot the rest of your long name universe he did not deserve this
22. quiet rose gave me false hope and i died. still die when i see that one
24. "yo steve- (bass boosted vine boom)"
25. "i haven't had that many exes show up since- (bass boosted vine boom)"
26. pearl somehow having her composure is a mystery to me. i need lessons on how to not explode in that kind of situation
27. "...but thank yOU, RO- (crowdstrike update)"
28. pearl freaking out about this is making me freak out about this and i don't know what that says about me.
29. mmmMmmmMmMMMN SLUMBER PARTTy:)))))
30. "i am dead rose quartz!" thats a crit right there right to my feels
31. the squal of terror when they turn on the tape is so hilarious but also makes me scream in terror
32. yeah bro lion would get maaad.
34. funny number not putting anything here
35. oh that's why ppl ship volleypearl. i forgot the SORRY TO INTERRUPT BUT "looks like someone has still got it bad..." I DONT WANNA HEAR IT FROM YOU YOU STILL GRIEVE JUST LIKE THE REST OF anyway i forgot that blushy she had at pink pearl. i understand now
36. "im older than you:3" *restrained death stare*
37. welcome pink dia- (sudden explosion)
38. pearl stop talking down to volleyball why are you so mean GGRGRR RAAAAAAAAAA its so grating. be nice to eachother. outburst imminent
39. what.did.you.say.?
40. the pink outburst. the rage. the release. its so SATISFYING. until the pearls almost get rejuvenated of course. also megapearl is 🥰🥰🥰😳😳😳😳💗💗💗💗😚😚😚😚🥰🥰
41. megapearl in that pose just. im going to turn into rose quartz. right now. iaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQQ?&;&5525640$@)@)"78;73(2$;);96&$0)&(72)5@3495$?,'gj
42. oksy. fine. maybe volleypwarl is a valid ship (sniffles)
ok im not making this post any longr ill continue later
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mlobsters · 5 months
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supernatural s1e2 wendigo (teleplay: eric kripke, story: ron milbauer, terri hughes burton)
(this is a rewatch, so spoilers abound)
quelled my irrational anxiety long enough to start the rewatch and recap what i have not yet recapped and thank fuck for that because not having my scheduled evening task was not going well. i am staunchly ignoring the not-so-distant future where i will again be out-of-task.
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fun fact this is the first screenshot i took while watching this show, long before i considered doing these posts. brotherly chat at the fire, if i recall correctly. we'll soon see! thought it'd be a fun easy draw because it's almost entirely dark with the little kiss of light around his profile.
DEAN You okay? SAM Yeah, I'm fine. DEAN Another nightmare? You wanna drive for a while? SAM Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that. DEAN Just thought you might want to. Never mind. SAM Look, man, you're worried about me. I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay. DEAN Mm-hm.
now if that isn't love
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SAM What, are you cruising for a hookup or something? DEAN What do you mean? SAM The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl? DEAN I don't know, maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it? SAM What? DEAN Since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway? SAM Since now.
little cheesy in execution (blaming some of this on the music honestly*) but whatever :p sammy's a new man, hardened by his loss and grief 😤
*guess who did the music this episode 🤪
was curious since this is the same director as the pilot, if he did more episodes this seasons - nope, just 1x01 and 1x02. but this little quote on his wiki page
David Nutter, even with his extensive experience in the industry, was impressed by Padalecki and Ackles' chemistry. Never have I done a show where two actors clicked so well together. These guys had never met each other before and it was like they were instantly brothers.S1Com
we're all sending up our thanks for whatever led to them being cast, for real
HALEY Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.
coming in hot already with sibling parallels. even when john was alive, he wasn't around and dean's the father mother brother situation. and we've got a vulnerable lookin little brother here we're all gonna be fighting over to take care of
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DEAN Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing. HALEY Then maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning, and I'm gonna find Tommy myself. DEAN I think I know how you feel.
looking for dad, looking for sam after dad is gone...
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s1e2 / s5e14
oh, my dear old friend, untitled 1 and 2!! and what kind of background is this! lol my spn desktop background update tag for all my riveting screenshots of their laptop desktop backgrounds - apparently i called this their snazzy background when it was used in s5, but damn dude look at the coloring differences. how warm/red the s5 is in comparison. skateboard on a chest i guess is what's happening there
aw man, apparently the actress playing the sister, gina holden, was claudia stilinski in an episode of teen wolf but her scene got deleted. and little brother there alden ehrenreich was han solo in solo: a star wars story (which i haven't seen.)
i do know i know someone in this episode though, little surprised i didn't do a hey i know you post for it actually. not sure when the first one i did for spn was. s1e11 scarecrow apparently!
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s1e2 callum keith rennie as roy / the killing s1e4 as rick felder / the x-files s1e15 as tommy / existenz (1999) as hugo carlaw
we got an xfiles and the killing alum, and he was in existenz! in fact i did a hey i know you for him when i was rewatching the xfiles a few years ago 😂
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someone give this child a hug (and the actor was actually a kid, 16)
DEAN Sam and I are brothers, and we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat. HALEY Why didn't you just tell me that from the start? DEAN I'm telling you now. 'sides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman. ...ever. So we okay?
oh yeah, dean? what about spilling your guts about all the family secrets to cassie, huh?? lol. gotta maintain your asshole-man image
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wonder if the peanut m&ms was the only actual brand placement they did, their production design people were always whipping up fun fake branded drinks and foodstuff
hey, it's one of the xfiles-y sounds (when she says "our packs!") i didn't notice this until way way later. grabbed a clip of it from 10x12 compared to the same effect used in the xf movie fight the future (because i happened to know where the sound was in that movie, it's def a standard xf score sound.) i think it was just a lot more forward in that s10 clip, maybe that's why it caught my ear and had slid by unnoticed before.
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cannot get over him looking like the saddest teenaged baby brother in all the lands
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DEAN You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours? SAM Dean— DEAN No, you're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember? SAM Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sign, right?
the brotherly chats *chef's kiss*
SAM Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here? DEAN This is why. This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession—everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business.
the tagline that never dies
SAM That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just—call us? Why doesn't he—tell us what he wants, tell us where he is? DEAN I dunno. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it.
for real, sam. dad's an ass :p i think someone justified it to me that john couldn't contact them directly because of the demons watching him and he didn't want to lead them to the boys
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SAM Dean...no. I gotta find Dad. I gotta find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about. DEAN Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them, I promise. Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man. SAM How do you do it? How does Dad do it?
oh, sam.
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DEAN Well for one, them. I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable. I'll tell you what else helps. Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can.
it's this kind of thing that grabbed me by the throat early on. clear communication, sam has been deflecting but he opened up a crack after dean gently pushed again. and dean is honest and kind, trying to take care of sam. ugh. hurt/comfort my beloved.
buh, this action music when roy gets yoinked by the monster is not great.
SAM So we've got half a chance in the daylight. And I for one want to kill this evil son of a bitch.
snorted. i swear sam got stuck with some cheesy lines back in the day. part of my hot take theory of why jackles's acting stood out more to me initially, i think he just got better dialogue. padalecki hit it out of the park with those moments with jackles, but same episode he had a lot of like... i'm taking charge of the situation moments that felt awkward
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sammy brooding with dad's journal, dean staring at sam for a very long time, he's just a baby 🥺
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we're all having a moment
this is why i reached the 30 image limit when i rewatched 1x01 :p
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LOL. we can't swear really, but we're gonna use the hell out of the words we can say
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baby brother clinging on to anyone at this point, sammy holding the line
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kinda looks like the game of thrones night king lol
via wiki
Eric Kripke had long been critical of this episode, particularly because he felt the creature wasn't successfully scary. "He looked more like Gollum's tall, gangly cousin than anything else", he says in Supernatural: The Official Companion Season 2. However on February 11, 2018 he tweeted: "I have something shocking, even sacrilegious to say: I watched #Wendigo with my son for the first time in over 10 years. And it wasn't bad at all. 2005 effects were lame, but it was scary. Plus young Han Solo! I'm taking it off my shit list. #spnfamily @cw_spn"
inexplicably some sort of jaguar type roar as the wendigo is burning
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HALEY So I don't know how to thank you. DEAN smirks lasciviously. HALEY smiles despite herself. HALEY Must you cheapen the moment? DEAN Yeah.
very cute. deflecting from dealing with the gratitude and lightening the moment
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DEAN Sam, you know we're gonna find Dad, right? SAM Yeah, I know. But in the meantime? I'm driving.
this scene obviously has been gif'd to death but i didn't really remember the context and it makes it all the better. sam gets to return the very long staring moment, and lets dean give him a little treat to take care of him and make him feel better that he declined earlier
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and jared, you made a choice with that expression. I think that look could be enough to launch a thousand ships alone. the line feels like it should be kind of teasing mischievous little brother vibes, but his face says unbearable affection and something I'd expect more out of a romantic-dynamic teasing feel. wild
my cup runneth over
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chasedawg2 · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
Tagged by no one, seen from a few, suggested by one
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The only reason I use this app is to see content on the two dorks above that I love so much and thank for the several hours of total brainrot. What literally started in like volume 2 as a "I envy my gf having ships in shows we watch and they work out, I need to find a ship to enjoy" to literally wanting to scream for joy when they're in the general vicinity of one another begging for any social interaction.
If that doesn't show well who I am idk what will.
2. RWBY Ice Queendom
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....except maybe basically putting RWBY twice. Showcases my obsessive tendencies (I used 2 of 8 spots on a list to talk about White Rose)? Check. Shows my petty side (I loved it mostly for having juicy White Rose content I haven't gotten much of in recent volumes)? Yup. Yeah that works. Don't let me fool you though, I loved the show for the show too. Good plot, loved the animation, all of it fine and dandy. But yeah.... I just needed a WR infusion and this show gave it to me.
3. Succession
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(for those of you who have not seen Succession, this is not Succession, this is one of the top GIF results for "business meeting")
Business people doing business things saying business words for an hour every week and yet it still stresses me out in a good way. Cinema.
4. Wizards of Waverly Place
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Don't let the fact that I literally fell in love with Selena Gomez because of this show fool you. I loved this show for the show..... as well. Were there shows I watched more? Yeah. Were there shows I liked more? Probably. But this list is about shows that help you learn about me, not my top 8 shows of all time (although this is a weird one to say that on because this in fact would be in my top 8 favorite shows all time probably) and this teaches you the type of thing I was into in my younger years and how I learned about my biggest celebrity crush ever. Plus the transitions are all timers.
5. Once Upon A Time
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^one of my favorite TV characters based on vibes
But that's not why it's here. It's here because it was one of, if not the first, major length show I ever binged with my girlfriend so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Plus everything besides the last season was very VERY good so it started things on a good note and has been good ever since 😁😂
6. She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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God I fuckin miss this show. I miss this show so bad. That's what you're learning about me from this, that I miss these two dorky lesbians so fuckin bad. I regret hopping in the bandwagon the second they became canon. I should've latched on for the ride. GOD I miss them so bad. Are they still making a movie? I wish they made funkos but we are definitely past a point of no return there. UGHHHHHH COME BACK.
7. Game of Thrones
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Yes yes, I know. I know. Relax. I too think the last season completely ruined the vibes of the whole show and severely reduces interest in potential rewatches if I have nothing else to watch. HOWEVER it makes the learn about me list because this is how I discovered that I love Richard Madden as an actor. I thought it was just that I loved Robb Stark the character, because before this I was never one to be like "oh so and so is my favorite actor I love their work" besides Selena Gomez because I was shameless in my youth and Harrison Ford because I liked Han Solo in my Star Wars days. But no, I watched him for like 4 minutes in 1917 and was like hey I know him, then I saw him in Eternals and he was great in Eternals, and now I'm seeing him in Medici and I like him in that too! I need to see Bodyguard at some point. Everyone says his performance was amazing in that.
8. The Boys
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I was never a big comic/superhero guy growing up. I knew about various superheroes, I knew the MCU existed, hell I was Team Iron Man without watching a single MCU movie until 2019 (and I'm still that way). But, I've gotten into it. Up to date on MCU movies, seen most of the MCU shows (haven't seen only one of them yet, but I won't say which so it doesn't start anything because I just haven't felt like starting it yet and that's the only reason), and like I liked it. The Boys (followed soon by Eternals and then Moon Knight) showed me there was ways I could LOVE superhero stuff and now I make it my mission to see Marvel content because I've become interested in it so I guess it's a good thing I started late because I've yet to get burnout but that's only because I've been consuming content for like 4 years while some (if you count the Tobey Spiderman movies as the first mainstream superhero movies although I'm sure theres others that were also mainstream, probably batman but I'm getting into DC soon I swear I just dont know as much yet but I will get into it) have been consuming it for 20+ so I get why people complain about superhero burnout but I haven't reached it yet, and amazing content like The Boys is why.
Anyways that's it you can do it now @dragongirl180 and anyone else who happens to see this it's an open invitation to also do it so go ahead and share and stuff
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safyresky · 11 months
So I've only watched this last week's (this has been in my drafts for WAY too long) episode once (I usually do it twice but have yet to do a second watch and feel a rewatch will be in order at some point) but I have been rotating it around in my head since tscs mutuals first started posting their thoughts and I have SO MANY thoughts because this episode ONCE AGAIN packed soo many things in one go. Why don't they understand how PACING works? My GOD.
My initial thoughts before even watching the episode were "this is whack". Here's why.
This is episode 3.
Of 6.
We are halfway through. And our antagonist (Mad Santa) and Protagonist (Santa Scott) have yet to cross paths. And post watching S2E3, Mad Santa only JUST got his hands on some North Pole magic.
Do you know how much stuff is going to be packed into the next THREE EPISODES? Let me make a list (bc I LOVE lists)
Mad Santa getting back to the Pole
The obligatory "I've failed ):" from Santa Scott when Mad Santa gets to the Pole
Mad Santa GETTING to the Pole
The Council giving Scott 3 months to get Cal shipshape, and episode 3 starting with Olga saying IT'S BEEN THREE MONTHS.
So we still have THAT to look forward to, assuming they even LISTEN to their own boundary, since we know this show's track record with continuity is. Bad.
PLUS we still have a Sandman cameo coming! And a big old snowball to be thrown in Scott's face! (I have my clown shoes on)
Carol is STILL trying to find the missing nutcracker. She has gotten no closer; her trail is so cold she's looking at JACK as a suspect (yes I saw the cameo too, absolutely delightful for us Jack stans on main)
(pun absolutely intended)
Cal and Sandy are only JUST talking to one another about how their magic training is going, and are only JUST like. Diving into the drawbacks of being raised up North AND NEVER GOING ANYWHERE as well as the trauma that must be there from experiencing life in the real world, ENJOYING IT, and being yanked back to the Pole for the "family business"
Befana and Sandy. So THAT is a thing that was lovely then fell apart for no good reason--it was ONE MISTAKE and could've been handled better Befana, come ON girlie!
Easter Bunny being turned back into his EB form (tho tbh we should keep him as a bunny. Sorry not sorry, I have always been an EB hater on main)
Cal dealing with A) first heartbreak over Riley (which was stupid, more on that later) B) not wanting to be/do the Santa thing BECAUSE of a MULTITUDE of reasons he has NOT shared with Scott and C) the fallout when he realizes the vest is gone. He is NOT going to tell his parents at ALL. His whole existence practically rides on "I gotta make Dad proud!" and this deffs won't do it, but HEY! Maybe the writers will surprise me and he'll be OPEN and HONEST with his Dad!
I am off topic. Deep breaths. Whew. SO. We have all THAT to focus on.
PLUS Sandy's powers! She's apparently more powerful than Befana thought? Sandy now has to deal with that SANS her mentor and I DOUBT Carol will be helpful with that. She WOULD'VE BEEN in the MOVIES. But SERIES CAROL? APPARENTLY NOT FUCKING LIKELY SINCE ALL OF HER CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HAS GONE OUT THE DOOR FOR TOKEN FEMINISM THAT IS IMMEDIATELY CHECKED OFF A LIST AND MADE IRRELEVANT WITH THE PLOT OF "One woman is jealous of another woman"
Oh my god off topic again. SORRY. RIGHT. So, we have Sandra's magic to deal with still. Her mentor/mentee relationship with Befana. Cal's own magical struggles and his relationship with his Dad in terms of Mentor/Mentee. These kids need THERAPY, SOMEONE CALL NEIL
So yeah, thems the opening thoughts (with some watch thoughts leaking in, admittedly).
It's still very mid. It gives a lot of good bits but either A) contradicts them or B) gives them not enough time to flourish (see: Carol and Befana for A, and Cal and Sandra for B). It is also STILL ignoring its own continuity, and not just from the movies, but from literally the first two episodes of the season!
Did Cupid not say. One to two episodes ago. "Hey Santa, we, the Council, aren't really sure about this Cal thing? So uh. You've got three months. and if it's not working out. We're calling it."
And did Olga not say. At the start of this episode. "It's been THREE MONTHS since we escaped and we are NO CLOSER" yadda yadda yadda.
I actually thought that that would be like, the big crunch time thing for the series, you know? THE plot motivator. Or at least, one of many. Like I was expecting a montage and for each episode to have a month packed in and for the final episode to involve resetting everything to Scott's ideal status quo and defeating Mad Santa and Olga. Needless to say, I was SHOOK when they opened with THAT.
Olga and Magnus are fucking hilarious, full stop. I kinda want Olga to do a stab ngl!! Their whole dynamic has been interesting lol.
The Judy cameo was a fun Easter egg, but it's a shame they didn't give it a bit more hype, you know? That would've been fun. The Jack cameo (if we can even call it that) was ALSO a fun Easter Egg, tho I am much too mad at Carol's writers rn to be like WOO JACK. But you bet your ASS I saw that lil easter egg, lol. It's kinda frustrating? They keep throwing these lil cameos/easter eggs at us like it's an attempt to placate us or smth. Idk, I am tired and JADED and Don't Trust Like That.
Right so what else. Going in for round two. Wish me luck:
Agree with ALL OF YOU about the poor elves being used as reindeer stand ins 🙄🙄 AWFUL. SOMEONE KNOCK THIS GUY OFF A ROOF FOR GOOD! DAMN! (Santa not Cal)
(RIP spider on Carol's shoulder)
Carol and Scott talking about the kids was just. They are SO OUT OF TOUCH. AND SCOTT HAS A SISTER??? I DO NOT BELIEVE THIS PERIODT. He has only child energy, and wow did he EVER suck at reassuring Carol. Anyone else sick of Old White Men? Anyone?
Sandra reading the transformation spell and then accidentally doing it is deffs foreshadowing. She's gonna transform the SHIT out of Magnus, calling it NOW
EB HAS APPEARED! KIDNAPPED BY OLGA! ICONIC! And they were PALS??? Magnus I am so intrigued. Who Are You
And obligatory "BLERG BLAH CONTINUITY" re: EB being there all the way back then
NTS: There is an Easter Gopher too. I am taking notes.
Scott being an undignified, pathetic name: GET HIS ASS (count: 9)
EB is so wrong about Peeps. He is falling lower and lower on my list of Legendary Figures. Him laying the egg. Cool EB magic, disgusting execution. I am 99% sure bunnies don't even LAY EGGS
Where tf do they get the eggs from???
Love that they're having sibling bonding. "doing it for everyone but yourself" GET HIS ASS, SANDY. (GHA Count for Cal: 1). Hate how short the scene was and how it boiled down to a sort of silly joke (being a crossguard instead of Santa). Like. They could;ve axed the dinner with Noel scene, cut tight to Santa training Buddy (Cal), and after that debacle moved on to sibling scene and having them bond. Like. There is substance and it is there but it is not being well executed. LET THE KIDS HAVE ROOM FOR GROWTH! (but dani! we have 3 more episodes to go! SEE MY FIRST LIST! THEY DON'T HAVE THE TIME!)
Santa asking for a jetpack and Carol being like "don't force your son up there to get over the heights thing" and then telling him to just say "I love you and I'm proud", GET HIS ASS (GHA Count Scott Edition: 10. And we're not even halfway through the episode). GOD. I wish Carol would take her own advice re: Santa and Cal and apply it to Sandra and Herself, come the fuck ON guys. DO BETTER.
DINNER WITH BEFANA (Scott: can't make it Carol: Gonna kill him. GET HIS ASS)
Cool idea, HORRIBLE execution. I am not a fan of how Carol was like "woo! ladies being ladies!" and them immediately we get a plotline of her being jealous of another woman. It's very. Token/preformative feminism. It's like they are checking items off of a list. I dislike how SHALLOW most of these subjects are in the series. Like, if you don't know how to handle something like that, THEN DON'T WRITE IT. GOD.
Like. When Sandy lifts the salt with magic, SUPPORT IT. Don't be like I NEED TO ONE UP IT. Also, interesting that Mrs. Claus. Despite being Legendary by marriage. Doesn't have magic?? I think she should. GIVE CAROL MAGIC 2k23. Carol overreacted and then so did Sandy and I just think that this whole La Befana/Mrs. Claus plotline could've been done better!
Especially Befana inviting Carol over and then Carol promptly asking if she should bring a broom, something something, witch stereotypes being a thinly veiled allusion to magical racism something something
"Are you talking to the float or me" I am SO angry for Cal/Buddy. The poor kid thinks his Dad is super not proud of him, his whole existence seems to hinge on his dad's approval and I am so upset about all the implications of this I'm gonna explode things with my MIND
"Hare to the throne" Cal you are so stupid. And my GOD the Hare vs Heir argument being the reason Sandy explodes things like I just. That could've been done better.
This whole SCENE could've been done better! Befana didn't need to be so mean! It was an ACCIDENT. She explains it loud and clear and what do you MEAN something else entirely I'm SCREAMING. Befana being like we're stepping back? Like. UGH. And then the jealousy thing? Oh wow! More pitting ladies against ladies! GOD. I'm so upset about this whole thing it's unreal ):<
WE LOVE TO SEE BUDDY AND SANDRA BONDING! STEALING THE SLEIGH! (not to get all OCs on main but JACQUELINE APPROVES). I love to see them working together to be delinquents, but my GOD the Riley thing
Like. I know we're supposed to feel bad for Buddy but like, the whole romance between him and Riley has been so ick and the way their breakup went. It was like. You KNOW. It was written to be poignant with lines like "you're always busy with your dad" and "I want you to dust me so that you never met me" which would have worked if. You know. They weren't FIVE. (16-18). It just didn't work :\. I haven't had time to like, enjoy them and they made Riley very, very. Unlikable tbh.
Kudos to Sandra for being the funniest bitch alive with the creeping in the corner like "That was rough af bud." It's giving
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And FINALLY Mad Santa has his magic back. Here's how I'm guessing the next episode is going to work:
Mad Santa practises using his magic to make Santaopolis all fancy smancy
Manages to make it up north by the end of the episode
Cal has a fallout with his Dad over the Santa vest thing
It becomes a bigger deal than expected
Sandy cameo probably bc EB is missing and he was last seen THERE (Man Santa, you're really getting on the Council's radar in all the bad ways, huh? Putting Jack to shame! 273 counts of attempted upstaging of Santa vs how many billion counts of magical exposure? And an EB kidnapping? Bc I bet that'll be a thing posited next episode)
As if La Befana can't undo a spell (I AM ROLLING MY EYES)
They will make ZERO progress on figuring out who Mad Santa is and they will be very confused when he makes it to the North Pole next episode
I also tho wouldn't be surprised if they stretch Mad Santa getting to the Pole to episode 6. That seems on brand for how they treat pacing (as if it does not exist).
tl;dr: too much preformative stuff. very mid. Cal and Sandy are fun but I wish they were given more time to shine! Pour one out for our boy Noel who is having a rough go of it tbh and Kris too who's gonna get back from Costco very, very confused
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which-hospital · 3 months
Sinking Ships - Day 2 (22/06/24)
I like that it's finally warm but my hayfever has been terrible all day. I wanted to get back to watching series 4 tonight but I'm too uncomfortable to pay attention so I think I'll just rewatch some 2000s romcoms instead.
How long has it been since I did an actual episode review post? I feel like it’s been since before Charlie left. I’m not writing this because I particularly liked the episode, more because I was able to and I haven't felt able to for months.
I’m never concise so it’s all below the cut, like usual. Collected, probably incomplete, Teddy Thoughts are at the end.
I think I audibly gasped at the reveal that Rich is married to Siobhan. They did a good job at keeping it out of the spoilers and now we know it feels kinda obvious that they’d do that but I was very much shocked. Honestly, I am looking forward to Stevie getting into relationship drama with Siobhan’s husband - still misery, but fun inconsequential romance drama misery! Anyway, thank you Sandra Mute (and Andrew Ponting) for giving us the start of affair drama all those many years ago… “She shouldn't be seeing him, if his wife finds out it- it'll-.” “Well, you should've thought about that before you went with him!” projecting-onto-a-patient scene and all that. I suppose at least Sandra didn’t work with Beryl (though they had apparently met). I also just generally enjoyed Stevie and Siobhan's stuff in this episode, I like seeing how different characters approach being clinical lead and how it affects their relationships with everyone else.
Ngozi is my shining star, I love her so much. That scene with her, Rida and Stevie where they were talking about Dervla? Great.
Cam… I’m glad people are enjoying his stuff but I’m not super invested in it. I thought Cam was alright early on, then he didn’t do much but mope around about Jodie for a year and it prevented me from developing much actual interest.
Teddy. I am always happy to see him and yet I wish the show would leave him alone. I don't like that of all the things they could choose to carry forward and remember about Teddy, they're holding onto all the OOC stuff he did last miniseries. (And then acting like to be ‘redeemed’ for it, he must act like all the people who treated him terribly didn’t do that.) Take the opportunity to drop it, it's not like they don't already constantly decide not to follow through with Teddy. REMEMBER GETHIN DYING? Because in-universe we're coming up on a year since that happened. Hey, they remembered he's turned 25 (which facilitates my 'Teddy being happy' birthday thoughts), at least.
Incredibly petty and really the least of my concerns with Casualty lately but I still hate Teddy/Jodie!! Their relationship makes me cringe. He got to smile in this episode and I wasn't expecting that but it was in a cringe Teddy/Jodie scene. I know I'm being impossible to please and I don't even care!
Iain and Faith stuff also happened. I wish it hadn’t. I don’t understand the obsession the show has with telling us (almost literally TELLING US through Faith at one point in the episode) that Iain is so very special and nice and brilliant and acting like he’s got such a special relationship with every other paramedic. It bothered me when they’d do that with Jacob, Sah and Jan, it bothers me even more that they’ve started doing that with him and Teddy because Teddy is the character it makes the least sense for. Also, what was Teddy thanking him for? I’m sorry, I think the way Iain was in Teddy’s storyline last miniseries was terrible and that Teddy owes him precisely nothing. I am really not looking forward to another miniseries of Iain/Faith and 'Iain Criticises Others For Playing The Hero While He Does The Same But He Gets To Do It Because He’s Not Like Other Paramedics' but whatever. Anyway, I wish they’d had Jacob work with Teddy considering he was clearly at work. Oh, yeah, also GO AWAY FAITH.
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