#hey teacher
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mortalmab · 11 days ago
I was in middle school, talking about medieval oral hygiene (European medieval, specifically) and explaining that people would chew cloves to sweeten their breath (and unknowingly the clove oil would help their gum health) and my teacher goes “cloves of what? The only thing that comes in cloves is garlic. I don’t think garlic gave them sweet breath. I don’t think that’s right.”
And I was so steam rolled I didn’t fight back or correct her because I knew what cloves were, but I had been so trained to listen to my authority figures that I sat there questioning my intelligence. It pisses me off to this day.
when i was a kid i got a 90% on my kindergarten "what are your favorite things?" test because for the question "what is your favorite animal?" i wrote down "puma" and it got marked wrong because my teacher said a puma isnt even an animal its a kind of shoe
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secretly-a-trekkie · 9 days ago
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Mug translation: “Even we can’t fix stupid”
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akanemnon · 2 years ago
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I'm sure Ralsei's gonna be fine... I hope
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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Thank you so much to my wonderful and talented friend Coy, who made this! This is now my most treasured belonging!
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specialgradefckr · 1 month ago
okay no wait so like. my latest obsession has been. nerd!gojo and teacher!reader.
where he's a senior in high school so it's not like illegal but it's also kinda predatory bc he's your star student with a trust fund and emotionally distant parents so you're only source of praise and validation and he's obsessed with you.
BUT. then. i thought. what about. nerd!gojo and bully!reader?
nerd gojo who's taller than you but stronger than he looks and COULD stop you from shoving him against the lockers and calling him a pathetic gooner... but... why would he?
sure you taunt him when you feel his boner, your face twists and you whisper in his ear and call him a perv and a freak -
but he doesn't miss how your face heats up, how you don't meet his eyes (which you call freaky, more than once - is that why you stare at them?).
and he definitely doesn't miss how -
well. hopefully i do write this kshdjflhdsg cause i think it's actually a pretty fun idea
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kurara-black-blog · 4 months ago
Damn, Light legit thought people would find it ok to set up an explosive trap in your drawer just cuz you didn't want people reading your diary—
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grandapplewit · 5 months ago
Harem AU where Shen Yuan transmigrates into one of Bingge’s wives shortly after he returns from the other world. After a brief (and frantic) realization that’s she’s a woman (and always has been, but we’re not getting into that right now), she delves deep into this harem drama she’s been thrust into. It’s not until she comes face to face with Luo Bingge that she realizes just WHICH harem drama she’s living, and immediately sets about making his life as good as she can manage. Oh, harem infighting is causing strain on his containers? Simply nudge Liu Mingyan and Sha Hualing into working together to manage the harem. The Northern Desert is hinging on disaster because of clerical neglect? One of her harem sisters has a brother who’s in need of a job, no stress. Luo Binghe’s kids are unruly and there’s no clear successor? She has a college degree and a little sister, teaching a dozen or so demonic children is a breeze! All in the name of giving Luo Binghe the time to find a new wife, of course, one who will disperse with the need for this sprawling harem, and once that happens she’s free to travel and document monsters to her hearts content.
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willowwee · 9 months ago
Albus' Favorite: Payment
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Ramble: Out of all the moments during BvZ 4, this one got me💀💀 I was planning to finish this few days ago but I was emotionally busy with personal stuff and I needed to thug it out w my friends and family atm BUT NOW I HAVE ALOT OF FREE TIME‼️‼️ I was also planning to draw faithful x albus but im still planning on the background 💀 so enjoy this for a moment and maybe some doodles next if I still haven't figured out what to draw next
Edit: also the head is Vilgrey🔥🔥
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fevekko · 1 year ago
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day 2: betrayal! (please ignore how i am a week late with posting this...)
not sure if you can tell what the "betrayal" part of this is LMAO so i'll explain; we know that childe is pretty devoted not only to the fatui but to the tsarista as well and views her with a lot of respect; the betrayal aspect is childe questioning his devotions for the tsarista because of his devotion towards kaeya ! (hence the lines "my religion is love, is you")
this quote was taken from anne sexton's poem "sweeney", found in the poem book "the complete poems" by anne sexton! ^^
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autisticaradiamegido · 10 months ago
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day 129
so was anybody going to tell me @adorkastock had their own random pose generator now or was i just supposed to find that out on my own
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gh0st-ratt · 3 days ago
Charles, Edwin and action
Putting my two cents into the dbda analysis to talk about the boys' relationship with action/movement throughout the show
Within the first episode Charles easily defines himself as the "brawn" and Edwin as the "brain". This presents Charles as what I like to call a physical response character and Edwin as a verbal response character, which reinstates what has already been shown to us as the boys dealt with the WW2 ghost: Edwin recites the Latin enchantment as Charles grapples with the ghost. By doing this, job is jobbed, case is closed etc etc.
I feel I have to mention that this almost unconscious dance between them is something that Edwin couldn't have in Hell. Movement and speaking meant being caught and torn apart. But it's also the fact that he probably wouldn't have even had anyone to talk to in Hell, and now he gets to be a part of a duo where his main role is to speak and explain knowledge.
Anyhow, this pattern continues in most things that the boys do; while at the Dandelion shrine, Edwin is the one to read the writing on the shrine and verbalises (to both characters and audience) what the intent of the Dandelion sprites is. And then Charles is the one to pick up the vase (and break it).
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The Devlin House is of note because this is the first time that we see this dance fail. Edwin has explained what the Stone Tape Theory is, and now it is time to look for what might have caused the loop. This is where their roles flip, if just for a moment. Charles talks to Crystal about how he connects to Hope Devlin while reading through her diary. He understands her situation, her fear, how it feels to be struggling under your parent's command. And he actually talks about it. In that scene, Charles is the verbal response character. You could say that it's because it isn't Edwin that he's talking to that he can change his role in the dance. Crystal isn't a part of their dance as the 'brain' and 'brawn', so he doesn't have to fit into the role of the physical response character with her.
(You could go as far as to say that this unfamiliar flip of roles is what leads them astray. Edwin has completed both the verbal and physical aspects of this scenario, the dance is off. You can go even further to say that Edwin didn't even complete the physical aspect correctly, he got the wrong trigger, he's not used to being the character of action)
It is then after all this, still in the Devlin house, that Charles steps back into being the physical response character when he attempts to attack Mr Devlin. This is the first time that the boys completing their roles has completely backfired. (You could argue with Esther, being hit back was just the response of a typical fight. You go to hit and you miss and get hit back.) Charles attempting his role as the 'brawn' takes him out of commission entirely, because there isn't that balance. He hasn't actually spoken about much and instead internalised it for 30+ years, and now uses that emotion to act. And it doesn't work.
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Charles never really seems to make actions about himself, and the times he does? It never really works out for him. The Devlin house takes him out of commission, and the Lighthouse Leapers have his friends reject him for his actions (I might talk about this another time). Even his kiss with Crystal that he instigated doesn't go anywhere.
An interesting note is that the times when Charles is much more passive in his actions is with his relationship with Crystal. He initiates the kiss first, but even before that he's almost tiptoeing around what Crystal might want or not want (I've seen a few people talk about this better than I could so I won't get too into it).
It's only really until after he and Crystal break it off that he starts really being a man of action for himself and not just others. He argues to not take Monty's case, he calls Crystal out on her lies about her powers, he stands on his decision to not let Crystal go to Hell. He's not being passive about what he might want and how it might clash with what others want.
Charles' arc and connection to his relationship with action kind of ends at the end of ep5 (Dead Dragons) when Edwin says "Let's get [Charles] sorted first" and they never really go back to Charles' arc lol
Edwin's relationship with his role as the verbal response character is interesting because part of his arc is about how he cannot verbalise what he is wanting. The Case of the Lighthouse Leapers makes that abundantly clear. To Niko he denies by "Absolutely not" wanting to kiss the Cat King, and he doesn't know what he wants with Monty. The Cat King has to literally spell him to get Edwin to admit what he wants from the agency ("[He] can make [his] case for leniency").
Edwin can explain anything for a case, anything for knowledge, but he does not like verbalising his wants. We see him struggle with this towards Monty at the swing set, he "-thinks it best if [they] stop seeing one another", but he also isn't sure if that's what he actually wants. It then!! Continues!! As Edwin begins to say what he wants, that there are "-feelings. That [he] thought were never to be spoken of.", Monty swoops (ha) in as the physical character in that moment, sealing it with a kiss.
But Edwin didn't finish! He as the spoken character has not finished his role before the action response occurs! And it doesn't work. The dance isn't working, they're stepping on each other's feet.
We then reach the Case of the Creeping Forest, wherein Edwin's feelings for Charles are, at this point in the narrative, one of the main things he cannot verbalise. So instead, Monty verbalises it! He is the one to finally state that "Those feelings that [Edwin has]? Are for Charles. He is the one [Edwin loves].".
(As I'm writing this I'm realising that Monty actually creates his own role as both a physical and verbal response character within like two weeks of being human compared to 2 oldass ghosts good for him)
Edwin's feelings for Charles have been established by the way he typically acts (with words), but not by himself, because he cannot do that. He has spent so long denying himself and avoiding verbalising anything akin to his own wants that he still cannot say it.
But then it is Charles' turn to establish how he feels for Edwin with his typical: actions. And how does this occur? With Charles' putting his hand over Edwin's as they are dragged by Teethface. It doesn't matter if the feelings being presented are or aren't exactly the same, it's still love. It's part of their dance. Edwin's perspective has been spoken, and then it's time for Charles' perspective to be acted on, and both times it means that they love each other.
Edwin's relationship with expressing want is also tied into his changing of clothes in ep6. One of the first things we are told about Edwin is that he "-[doesn't] like to try new things", but we see him in ep6 trying something new for Charles. This is Edwin, unable to express how he feels quite yet, but acting on something new.
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Hell is really where the boys' relationship with action and movement turns almost entirely on it's head, because Edwin is Back In Hell so he can't really be the words or actions character, which leaves it for Charles to be both; which we've seen mess up in the past, but it works in Hell.
Charles gets to Hell fine, (he acts on ringing that bell impulsively because why not), he finds Edwin, he tells him they will get out, and then he is able to leave again! In the entirety of Hell Charles is able to go back and forth between a physical and verbal response character like he hasn't previously.
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This then ties into our favourite myth of Orpheus and Eurydice.. and media illiteracy. The audience and Edwin know how the myth ends "-That story ends tragically.". That's the point of the myth, it's a tragedy. But Edwin (brains, words, verbal) finished the story and cannot choose their own ending. He's stuck with the understanding that the story never ends well, but he still acts on it.
In this story, Eurydice physically forces Orpheus to look, with the understanding that it could still end tragically.
Edwin forces Charles' to turn back to him and he finally finally acts on what he has been feeling to say "Charles, I'm in love with you", knowing it's a tragedy.
But Charles (brawn, actions, physical) did not finish the ending and therefore has the agency to change it. But he changes it with words. He turns around and he says "You're the most important person in the world to me" and he says "We have literally forever to figure it out".
Edwin and Charles, despite living in their unconscious dance roles of 'brain' and 'brawn', respectively, for 3 decades, swap their roles for the first time successfully in the show when Edwin takes a leap to act on his feelings and Charles responds with nothing but kind words and the reminder that their story doesn't have to be a tragedy, and they do this all on the steps of literal Hell because what wouldn't they do for each other.
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 months ago
Opening theme: "Bakesouna kokoro" by Sou Ending theme: "Youkai Rendezvous" by REAL AKIBA BOYZ
Also revealed in the description is Kurai's VA, Fukuzawa Yuu
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magicratfingers · 2 months ago
my girlish rehabilitation continues today is dog shelter volunteer orientation
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catthepillarr · 19 days ago
For a school project
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motherfuckingmaneater · 4 months ago
Please draw Voldemort teaching dark arts to Bellatrix.
He’s ‘teaching’ her.
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caput-medusae · 6 months ago
redditors have the slightest amount of media comprehension challenge (impossible)
the amount of people who still cannot grasp that the Stranger is Gandalf truly baffles me. they have given us every visual and narrative clue possible and nerd ass fanboys are crying in the comments that he’s definitely a Blue Wizard because the actor has not yet turned directly to the camera and said: “I, Daniel Weyman, am playing the character of Gandalf in Amazon’s The Rings of Power.”
“but it doesn’t happen that way in the books!” they sob. No one cares!! it literally does not matter!!! this is the middle earth cinematic universe for god’s sake! it’s middle earth-616! it’s different from the books just like the PJ trilogy were different from the books!! go outside!!!
And then worse than that, they whine and cry about it being a “mystery box” or a “guessing game” - brother it can’t be a mystery box because it’s not a mystery!!!!! they already told you who the character was in the first season!!! they expected you to have the two brain cells needed to figure it out from the obvious narrative clues!!!!
i know it’s my fault for being on reddit in the first place, but i am genuinely going to lose my mind!!!
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