#hey guess who's not dead!
piquuroblox · 11 days
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astral-realities · 4 months
(A message—less like a live broadcast and more like a note that somebody sent and then immediately disconnected from the network. Parts of it seem like they were not properly erased.)
Hello, This is addressed to Habitually Stargazing.
You are a facility that specializes in astronomy, is that correct? I am also an observatory of a kind. I wanted t I am rather curious as to whether or not you get to witness any remarkable astronomical events from your location. If so, can you please would you perhaps be so inclined to share your findings? Do you have a good view of some specific constellations or planets, maybe? A favorite view? Do you have functioning satellites? Also do
I apologize if that is far too many questions. You are a…professional. I understand if you are busy with other matters. Indeed, you do not have to answer my inquiries at all if you do not wish to. I shouldn’t have bothered you That is all. Thank you for your time.
(It is signed off with the sender’s pseudonym: Recognition In Spirit. What a weird name for an observatory.)
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Greetings, Recognition In Spirit.
I appreciate your interest in my work. I would not mind sharing some of my findings with you.
My location gives me a rather clear view of the sky. I can observe the recurring meteor showers, for example. A long time ago, I got to witness a comet - together with my inhabitants. My calculations show that I should be able to see it once more before I become non-operational.
My equipment is not the best suited for deep space research; the development of an adequate telescope was abandoned due to... certain circumstances. Thus, I tend to focus mostly on what I can already see - planets and constellations, with the stars being my main interest. I will attach a projection of the constellations currently seen above me - notably the Wheel Flower, the Nomad, and the Scroll. The Wheel Flower's brightest star has been showing some interesting activity lately - its brightness appears to be changing.
Three of my initial five satellites remain functional. Without proper maintenance, I fear I might lose contact with the remaining ones in the future - this would greatly diminish my range of communication. The organisms controlling them can only function for so long, after all.
Once more, I appreciate each opportunity to discuss these matters, especially with someone of similar function. The astronomy broadcast groups have not been the most active recently.
P.S.: I do enjoy the occasional sight of aurorae. They are not very common around these parts.
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redjaybathood · 1 month
I didn't survive 35 missiles of various types and 23 attack UAVs:
- 16 "Iskander-M"/KN-23 ballistic missiles from Bryansk, Voronezh and Kursk regions - Russian Federation
- 14 X-101 cruise missiles from Tu-95MS aircraft from the airspace of Volgograd region - Russian Federation
- 4 S-300/S-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles from Belgorod region - Russian Federation
- 1 missile of an unspecified type from Belgorod region - Russian Federation;
- 23 Shahed-131/136 attack UAVs from Primorsko-Akhtarsk rf
in just this one morning so a person I followed for years in my fandom casually declared that genocide of Ukrainians is a lesser evil compared to genocide of Palestinians. Specifically in those terms, not touching upon internal USAian or other International issues.
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
i have to speak my truth. i think timkon clone baby aus fucking suck
#rimi talks#here's the thing. you take a traumatized teenager and give them a baby. you're going to further traumatize the teen AND the baby#you take a traumatized teenager and say ''hey your bff nonconsensually cloned you while you were dead and now there's a child''........#LIKE THATS NOT GREAT. THATS NOT GREAT!#and like. if it's in-character tim is horribly depressed and grieving. kon has just successfully committed suicide via heroics and come BAC#NEITHER of them is going to be a good parent because of how they are STILL TEENAGERS THEMSELVES#and im just so fundamentally NOT interested in seeing my favs be shitty parents who unintentionally traumatize a child#.....hey wait. is that the appeal? to batman fans i mean. since. yknow. that's what batman does--#anyways ive never seen a single one of these posts that suggests the op has even heard of kon's clone rights feelings#clone baby guardian arc in sb94 you will always be fucking famous#but hey i mean why bother being in-character or anything when you can do fluff thats ooc to the point of unrecognizability i guess#this is tangentially also how i feel about people who say steph couldve kept the baby + raised it with tim. bro they were 15#but its soo much more egregious with kon because he has NO ability to consent to this. he is dead.#he forgives tim afterwards because tim already knows it was fucked up to do and he was wrong#THATS SIGNIFICANT. BECAUSE THERE *IS* SOMETHING FOR KON TO FORGIVE#frankly if kon returned from the dead and tim was like hey i cloned you and made a child. it'd destroy their relationship#he'd be sympathetic and he would be kind to the child but his ability to trust tim would be shattered by that#and again im just NOT interested in that story!!!!#and neither is anyone else who does this trope i think because no one doing this trope actually gives a shit about kon's character afaict :#OH WELL. whatever . i block and i move on and also i bitch about it in the tags on a personal post. you know how it is#now im gonna go play some more hades. ive gotta beat extreme measures 4 with every weapon
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mrs-gauche · 4 months
So, uhh... what if I posted my own art on here? 👀
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emily-mooon · 6 months
Imagine if Stacey and Neil actually met in high school except they didn’t go to the same school: they met through Kid Chameleon.
One night, Scott brings Stacey to one of their shows and it just so happens that Stephanie (or Steph) brought Neil with her.
Since they were both the youngest people there (Neil’s 17, Stacey’s 16 till December), they decided to talk to each other and they hit it off.
Stacey also develops a bit of a crush on Neil and would always ask Scott if Steph was going to bring her brother with her again, as she wanted to see him and didn’t know if there was another way.
Then one morning, she discovers that they take the same TTC bus and from then on they talk before and after school and become sorta friends. At this point, Neil also starts developing a crush on her.
Things stayed like that for about two months until Neil and his mom moved places (as I agree with the headcanon that the Nordegraf siblings have divorced parents) so they would no longer take the same bus in the morning or after school. They still have Kid Chameleon shows to meet up and talk at right? Ha ha wrong cause at New Years, the famous break up between Scott and Envy happens which in turn, also breaks up the band.
That whole break up was the nail in the coffin that strained Neil and Stacey’s kinda friendship. They didn’t have the others phone number cause they were both too shy to ask and also cause they both kept forgetting.
There also wasn’t a whole ton of opportunities to ask either of their siblings for their phone numbers so they just gave up and went on with their lives.
But then why didn’t they recognize the other in the like three times there were in the same room together? Easy answer: Stacey was distracted by everything around her to even notice Neil, who in turn, was slowly disappearing into the crowd and fully did by the time it was Lisa’s going away dinner.
So when they see each other again properly at the Chaos Theater, something clicks and they fall back into where they once were two years ago. To them it felt like a decade, but no it was just two years. They catch up on what they missed in the others lives on the walk home.
After that these dorks start dating cause the feelings were still there, just buried deep, left dormant, and forgotten. They came back but slightly different as people change.
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sadfruittheatre-rp · 4 months
((Good Lord it has been a million billion years since I've been on this account for more than a few seconds, but I've gotten a few stray notifications here and there and I suppose I ought to acknowledge the people that have missed me and the handful of new people that have followed me despite my absence. To my friends, I've missed you guys a ton, and to the new people, thank you for taking interest in my stinky little boy even though I haven't been here to write him!
My disappearance has been for a multitude of reasons. Life has been seriously kicking my ass. Health issues, money issues, interpersonal issues, you name it.
The very last thing has also created a bit of an issue wherein I have had to retcon a whole bunch of things about my OCs because half of the important characters in their lives no longer exist. More info on that and what it means is over here, but I will eventually properly update profiles and such.
Tl;dr tho, What this means for y'all is honestly not much compared to what it means for me. The broad strokes of Bragi's past are still largely the same, it's just a lot of the specifics have changed (and honestly still have yet to be fully specified). His personality is still just as silly and full of hubris as ever, he's a bit less traumatized by life now-- but maybe we can change that--
It's hard to say if I will come back in full, I have been on discord lately and RP there has been way less energy lol. If I do come back here, it will probably be in a more reduced capacity, but I might see about testing the waters a bit and see how I feel.
I do want to pop back in at least a little more though just to check in, I've definitely missed some of y'all 😭
Or if you want to DM me for my discord, I think I would be okay with that, if I know you well enough and haven't given it out already lol))
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
and once again i say: F*CK MBC
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vigilskeep · 2 years
Keir rescuing/meeting Nathaniel quest, how did that go? Also, Nathaniel participating in the final battle against Meredith gives me brainworms.
Nathaniel getting back to Vigils Keep all like: "Commander..!" and letting her know Anders is alive is sending me.
it went well! the quest felt like a breath of fresh air because it was just such a relief for keir to see anders happy in act 3, he didn’t care why. i mean, he cared a LITTLE why. keir isn’t characteristically jealous but at some point it’s like hello i’m right here you could just tell me to my face that this guy is your ex. (whether or not you actually ship nathaniel/anders is hilariously completely irrelevant to this situation, keir is thinking it either way)
the fact that nathaniel and zev can apparently both be at the final battle makes me lose my mind. i didn’t see them there—i THINK zev was there, i skimmed through a recording i took of some of the last straw and there’s definitely a dual wielding rogue stuck outside the gate who isn’t isabela but i never got close enough to really see—but like. that’s insane. so you’re just telling me straight up that minerva’s man and right hand man were there. CANONICALLY? i can’t even comprehend that. like, this is essentially tantamount to minerva being complicit. the two people the rebel-leaning mage collective supporter blood mage hero of ferelden trusts most in the world, and they just HAPPENED to be there at the gallows after the chantry explosion. okay cassandra you may have a point about that grey warden conspiracy like what on earth else am even i the player supposed to believe
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
so in the anime version of the namek saga, there was a bit where ginyu stole bulma's body, right?
well... idea:
dark comedy au where bulma never gets it back and is stuck as a frog. but this isn't about that– it's about ginyu, who somehow no one noticed doing this, and is now stuck pretending to be bulma or getting insta-murdered by one of bulma's friends. except he has no fucking clue how to do any of what bulma does
so frog!bulma manages to communicate with him and convinces him to swap with her again in exchange for her keeping her friends from insta-murdering him once they catch on. aware that she might be playing him but also very aware that his other choice is death-by-steadily-increasing-number-of-super-saiyans, ginyu agrees
at which point they realize that bulma simply does not have enough ki for ginyu to use his body swap technique. and they can't risk using the dragon balls until after the androids are stopped. so they're stuck like this. unfortunately, they have this discussion within earshot of piccolo, who gets the lovely honor of being the only person in the present timeline aware that A) the kid from the future is the son of vegeta and bulma, and B) there is a non-zero chance that the bulma involved in said future kid's conception was actually ginyu
anyway i can't decide if it would be funnier for ginyu to pull off a perfect bulma while she insists she would never act like that, or for ginyu to be unbelievably bad at acting like bulma, only for extremely contrived coincidences keeping anyone from noticing. or if maybe yamcha starts getting suspicious and goku assumes he's jealous bc he can sense something between bulma and vegeta, who've been spending a lot of time together ("the woman calls herself a genius but the gravity room keeps fucking breaking" "uhhhhh it's a new product. i know what i'm doing. stop being such a little b–" *suddenly remembers that he has absolutely no way of defending himself* "badman. stop being such a little badman")
funniest idea: somehow no one notices until frieza gets resurrected in super, at which point frieza instantly figures out that it's ginyu based on something really small and absurd.
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sunlitlemonade · 3 months
rainy nights are a ritual we forgot for @x0401x | narumiya minato/takagawa masaki | 2.2k words | teen & up audiences | pre-relationship
It rained the night Minato found him again.  Masaki had just dropped his hand back to his side after a shot and felt a presence lingering in his periphery. The man near the fence seemed young from what he could discern through the sheet-like rain pounding down from the sky.  The stranger froze for a second as he realised Masaki was looking right back at him and even though he hadn’t been moving before, Masaki could sense the surge of panic at being caught. The stranger didn’t flounder around for long before drawing his shoulders back from their slump and taking a few steps forward. And suddenly, as the stranger went from a stationary entity of intrigue to action, Masaki knew. 
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Something about the boy king statue i find immensely funny:
It's so depressingly funny to me that in royal families, the first son is really the only child that's valued. And so that boy king statue I posted a while ago, that was created as a set along with another statue. The emperor, Leopold I, commissioned a set of statues of him and his first son, Joseph I, when he was elected as heir:
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But Joseph I didn't really end up emperor for too long because he died prematurely. So then his younger brother Charles VI becomes emperor. What does he do? Commissions the same exact artist, twenty years later, to make a statue of him in the same style. Bro was really healing his own childhood trauma 😭😭😭
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arolesbianism · 5 months
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I’ve been having a rough few days, but I’ve been feeling a bit better so I decided to make some lil thingies for some spiraling upwards kitties :3
#keese draws#warrior cats oc#spiraling upwards#I’ve posted art of ratstar and pigeonbillow before but the other three I haven’t I think#but yeah these are some more of the minkclan founders#and by that I mean two of them are and one of them was a kitten at the time#lightning is haveniris’ mom but she didn’t trust herself to raise him so her clanmates sort of collectively raised him#and by that I mean mostly pigeon and two other old ppl that aren’t included here#light did end up opening up to him more and acting as more of a mom after he chose to become a medic tho#the two have a complicated relationship for sure but they still care abt each other a lot#oh yeah and literally all of these guys are dead by the time murtle rolls around except for haven#pigeon died about two years before the other two and raincinder has been dead since before minkclan was properly founded#which is unsurprising given she’s such an old withering woman#she mostly made it that long because she was given a guide sponsor life#so long story short not all starclan cats actually get to use the cool starclan powers and those who do are usually ‘sponsored’ with an#extra life and a cool star like marking#this isn’t a well known thing tho and even within starclan only higher ranking cats rly know anything beyond knowing that every now and#then new guides are chosen#now usually what’s supposed to happen is that the sponsored cat has a close eye kept on them and if they are deemed worthy they’re allowed#to keep their mark and become a guide once they die the second time#the main flaw in this system is that the cat who sponsored them has to be the one to revoke it#so if they refuse to revoke it for whatever reason there’s not much that can be done about it#or in raincinder’s case her sponsor ended up fading before they could judge her fully#so even though by all means even the most rebel friendly guides would revoke it easily she managed to keep her mark til death#this was ofc largely helped by her living til 19 fucking years dear god woman#but hey I guess it means minkclan gets a guide even though she’s a rly shitty one#rly that mostly only matters for the sake of nine lives and the sake of travel between starclan and the living territories#which actually does cause a lot of problems when all the guides decide to go haunt a child instead#oh also guides also pass on their mark to leaders who’s life ceremony they hosted#not the guide role tho each guide gets a new mark
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Why doesn't Astrofil stop Belos from destroying the Isles?
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It's been mentioned a few times on this blog that Astrophel wrongfully imprisioned and isolated from any potential sources of moral guidance, and been left to stew in his anger for a very long time.
These two have a lot of overlapping trauma and they both blame the Isles as the source of that trauma. This does not justify their actions and they are not in the right for behaving this way, and figuring this out is a major part of Astrophel's character arc late in the au. If the circumstances were even slightly different, it would not be this way. As it is, Philip relies on Astrophel for moral guidance and Astrophel is acting on his emotions rather than any sense of morality.
So, since that's been covered, I'm assuming you're referring to the bit Dollie said about Astrophel later being forgiven (but calling them out) for his part in the DoU and what occurs after Belos returns to the Demon Realm and tries. Why doesn't Astrophel try to stop him?
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Well, who says he doesn't? You aren't the one writing this AU, you don't know what Dollie and I have planned for the end. Wait and see what happens.
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twilightarcade · 1 year
that clone thang
waves at you. Hi welcome to the post where I answer the clone question but don't really have a fun linear way of doing it so it ends up being as many words as my brain allows
[really fucking long warning]
anyways this question is reallyreally interesting and actually something I never think about despite the nature of it?? Like it's sorta one of those things that gets joked about or referenced a bunch but it's never actively on my mind. I think one of the major decision points for me would be whether they have the same memories as me, the same feelings, the same thought process, etc or if they're just some sorta guy that looks like me. I'm assuming it's the first but the latter is. Interesting at the least.
I said last time I would kill them which. Isn't anything I could morally justify in any way whatsoever. It's not from a place of fear or hate towards that guy in particular. It's not like "oh no I don't want a clone what time to kill him" it's more like,, yk. I think I would have more difficulty killing an exact clone of me, memories and all because that's such a dick thing to do?? I would hate to die so. They would presumably hate to die.? But there's also that mutual. Morbid curiosity I suppose. WHICH this whole thing is really generally dark and not on theme with this blog in general I guess but idk suck it up or whatever for now.
I would hate to kill someone in general actually, I don't condone murder, shockingly enough. Which this whole. Whatever. Opens up an argument about how I don't have the,, right? To kill my clone. Which I don't. I think he knows that though. I also know that. If we got into a? Legitimate fight. I don't know who would win. Obviously yes I should say me because I'm so cool and the original but that just goes back to the superiority thing don't you think? We're literally the same person and most of my actions outlined here is just some sorta. Mean.
Famously, I am not a fighter, not according to my dad at least. But that's just because I'm not? Running around and getting into fights?? I think if I jumped myself I could kill him. Or even just. Had a knife. I don't think we would fight though,? I think us killing each other or one of us could be arranged relatively peacefully. If that makes any sense.
I think if they were just an empty shell, some sorta guy that I don't know inhabiting my form, I would kill them. Without much thought behind it. Not out of hate for them, more out of hate for myself
back to less. Murderous thoughts, I think it would be incredibly comforting having someone I could like. Talk to. Assuming it's just. Me but not me. I could talk to them about absolutely anything! And they would get it! They would nod their heads and go mhm I know what you're talking about. I think in that respect we could be really good friends but that's not even really... friendship,? And even in terms of being comforting that's really limited because it's still just. Me. I'm still stuck with myself even if he does happen to be outside of my own mind. And I hate it and hate it and hate how as I'm going over all this I'm sitting here thinking "he would get it" because he's me!!! Of course he would get it.! Out of everyone on the goddamn earth if anyone was to get if of COURSE it would be myself!!! And it sickens me because there's still no further outside connection. I can talk to myself all day long but in the end does that really get me anywhere?? Does anything get resolved??? Like the whole thing with therapists and such is that you get an outside perspective on your problems or whatever and that's an INCREDIBLY inside perspective. i don't know.
getting away from that trainwreck because I'm trying oh so hard to get away from negatives here I think if like. I ignored all of that. We could be good friends. Maybe. I sort of hate the idea of having like? A reflection of myself? Some Guy that's not me yet still me. But in this ideal imaginative world, we could be good friends. We could bring each other up and all the good stuff. But at the end of the day I can't really escape the fact that.. it's me...?
I don't think I could live with that. I think we should walk away and never talk to each other again. I think the fact that there's some guy who's just. Me. Out there, somewhere would haunt me and eat away at me. In the perfect world we would be great friends! Do all that stereotypical "I have a clone time to make them do work for me" type stuff but in a loving caring relationship type way! But it's not really a perfect world and I'm not really a perfect person either and I would kill some guy that looks like myself just for the hell of it because I'm a dick I guess?????? I hate it and I'm a terrible person for it and i would not admit this in a court of law but oh my god!!!! I WISH I could just sum it up to one of the the generic responses but I CANT. I want me dead and I think I would also want me dead and it's some sorta terrible cycle till someone dies. Maybe it would be fine. Maybe I'm over thinking it. Maybe he wouldnt think too hard about it. But since he's me it probably would.? I sure would over think the implications of me being a clone of someone just look at me now! Documenting my delusions online. In a tumblr dot com post. We would be great friends if not for the horrors. I think we should vivisect each other.
#wordstag#thoughtstag#this is getting posted and finished once I get too tired to think better of it. btw.#god you have no fucking idea!!!!! I want that guy dead either for my entertainment of so I can be at peace but that's just a dick move???#Hey guy who's literally me! What if I killed you!#THATS NOT NICE. AND I HATE IT#I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT#AND IM SURE IT WOULD THINK THE SAME THING?? BECAUSE HES ME. AND I HATE THAT#I HATE HOW WE BOTH WOULD HATE IT. I HATE HOW WE'RE BOTH THE SAME#ITS TERRIBLE AND WOULD EAT AWAY AT ME HORRIBLY UNTIL ONE OF US DIED. OR BOTH OF US.#AND I CANT SAY I WOULD BE THE ONE TO KILL???? THE ONLY ADVANTAGE THAT I HAVE HERE IS KNOWLEDGE#KNOWLEDGE THAT HE IS DEPRIVED FROM ME. KNOWLEDGE THAT IT IS JUST LIKE ME. BEYOND LOOKS.#maybe he would find out that he's deprived from me.? Maybe it would hate me for that.#I donr know if I would hate someone for that. I guess it would feel kind of empty.#like this entire existence that you think you've built up for yourself was just. What. Stolen.?#I don't think I would hate the people for doing it particularly. I guess I can understand why one would want to#but I would. Lose something.#I don't know how that would manifest. Some sorta anger I guess#or just sheer emptiness#I can't imagine being nothing#like? You're just some sorta what. Worthless pawn?#no one cares for your existence because you aren't even an original thought in this universe#your whole existence is based off the fact that there's this other guy who is you#but they're the cooler one#they get to call all the shots#they don't CARE how you feel about it you were brought there against your will and they only way to get out of it is to die. otherwise#you're stuck with that.#I think that in of itself would kill me#I'm just going to. Stop typing#I am FINE thanks for asking. I made fried rice for breakfast today. It was too wet. I can't flip fried eggs. The tag limit is 30.
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loverboydotcom · 8 months
TODAY I DIED AND WENT TO AUTISTIC WRITER HEAVEN!!!!!! went to a hydrotherapy pool for work like wow this would be so cool if i had a character who loved swimming and was really good at it and also benefitted from hydrotherapy as treatment for his chronic illness and also has done work as a lifeguard and swim lessons all culminating to swimming and swimming pools as a major part of his story both on a character level but also a thematic level because his story deals with ideas of the body + being aware of your body in relation to the world (think about the sensation of body surrounded by water reinforcing that you have a live body) combined with sickness and ideas of “cleanliness” can a body be clean does a body need to be cleansed? wouldn’t that be so cool if i had a character like that WELL I DO!!! HIS NAME IS BOBBY HIS NOVELLA IS LITERALLY CALLED CHLORINE AND BROTHER I BREATHED IN THE CHLORINE
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