#hey buddy you made it
krisrix · 3 months
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Happy birthday to a beautiful disaster who gets to grow and heal with his perfect match
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agentark · 4 months
everything we know about Red vs Blue means that there's a canonically supported reality in which every bit of the rvb timeline that happens post-Freelancer saga is actually just simulations Epsilon is running in WASH's head as he unravels
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moeblob · 7 days
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North and Simon: (shaking hands on killing Simon potentially)
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tarmac-rat · 1 year
CDPR I just wanna throw it out there before tomorrow comes that I know you guys crafted a well-constructed narrative full of twists and turns that will present difficult choices for me to make based on loyalty and our need to survive, but unfortunately you failed to take into account that I am still horrendously attached to my Keanu Reeves-shaped brain tumor and thus any decisions I make throughout Phantom Liberty will be directly influenced by what makes him happy and/or ensures his survival. Sorry to all the other characters you introduced into this DLC but they won't mean as much to me as the greasy-haired rockstar in my head who smokes like a chimney narrates Pulp Noir on my morning walks and enjoys getting choked out during sex.
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solradguy · 1 year
come on grandpa its fine. let your inner dadguy out
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Maybe I should........
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astromechs · 1 month
anyway i believe in what i wrote and somewhere in the past, jyn and bix have, in fact, had a string of messy hookups
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princehendir · 11 months
I do think it's super funny that by the end of the series the dynamic has almost fully reversed and Shawn is relatively normal & stable and Gus is literally insane.
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A fun fact about our lovely spider-punk Hobie that I don't think a lot of people know is that he's in the comics at least an alternate universe Miles, and I think that's really really cool.
Like I have thoughts about it that I can't really explain but seriously. Can you imagine the possibilities if that was also a spider-verse thing!? Like I didn't know it until my dad, the massive comic nerd he is told me after we watched the movie but it's such cool to think about in general!
Forgive me for gushing in your inbox lol <3
I did not know that unfortunately!!
(My main knowledge of Hobie outside atsv is how he was originally the Prowler before deciding to become a hero and then retire for his family’s safety, or it was the other way around where he retired but then decided to make a hero identity? it’s been awhile, anyways, this poor dude kept getting his suit stolen repeatedly by people wanting to be villains 😭)
That’s really cool tho, I wonder what the comic Miles he knows is like compared to the movie Miles he knows??
Something something the connection between Miles and the Prowler and the connection between the Prowler and Spiderman something something
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thatonepikminperson · 27 days
hi pikmin um. you're such a scrunkly scrimblo a little. spoingle maybe even a mipy
Hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal, i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slide bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if you take one more diddly darn step right there im gonna have to diddly darn hug ya, and wowza woulnd't that be a lovely juncture huh? Do you want that? Do you wish upon yourself into physical experience with a lovely juncture? Because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend, if you keep this up then well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get very friendly with you my friendly friend pal friend buddy chum pally friend chum buddy.
(I'd love to let you know that I had to look up several of these words I think I'm what people would call 'old' damn. Thank lol. Here, take an image from my phone)
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quodekash · 2 years
none of this is computing in my brain 
how do none of these actors feel like the age that they are 
their age is always too young and too old at the same time 
like mark pakin is freaking 24 
whereas ford arun is only 20??? 
and then freaking jimmy turns 29 this year 
but fourth and gemini are only 18????????? 
and drake is 22??? which feels WAY too young?? 
and prom is 19, which might seem fine, but id like to remind you that he was in bad buddy, which aired in 2021 and was probably filmed throughout 2020-2021, which means he wouldve been freAKING 16-17 ALL THROUGHOUT THE FILMING OF THAT AND HANGING OUT WITH FREAKING 20-YEAR-OLDS 
love had to play ohm’s sister who was younger by about a year, and yet she’s actually only two months younger than ohm 
MILK IS 26?? 
also yak’s actor was also in bad buddy, he played pran’s friend safe (which explains a lot, i kept wondering why i recognised yak, but i thought maybe he just had one of those faces. nope, turns out he was in bad buddy) and he’s mark’s age 
this entire thing is just mindblowing to me 
also satang has the same birthday as one of my friends (19 nov) and winny has the same birthday as another one of my friends (12 nov) and fourth and ford have the same birthday (18 oct), just two years apart! so that’s pretty interesting 
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[ID: an anonymous ask reading: "neil gaiman is a zionist rapist maybe you shouldn't speak on palestine while being a good omens fandomite" end ID]
This is very funny. When was the last time i even posted about gomens besides to condemn that guy (which you would know if you actually.. looked at my blog rather than making baseless assumptions about a total stranger). is this bc of my avatar bc i honestly forgot what it was since it was kierein intheflesh for so long.
anyway. here are some palestinian gofundmes that need donations:
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no, no, because imagine. we get a shot of eddie looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. he touches his mustache and sighs. the next shot is someone knocking on the door of the loft. buck opens it, and it's eddie on the other side, freshly shaven and finally ready to acknowledge what buck means to him
#im so ready for eddies arc in season 8#we get the mustache (for awhile)#we get the hot priest back#we get eddie diaz in church#eddie girlies we are winning so hard this season#anyway lemme write my fanfiction in the rest of these tags#buck is like. oh hey---you shaved??#yeah. it uh was time for it to go.#buck gets them beers because ofc he does. i thought it was a yk sign of change. an eddie 2.0 kind of thing?#uh more just. idk trying it out. figuring things out. uh like a transition period i guess. that was eddie 1.5 and uh now im eddie 2.0?#and then buck watches eddie suck down like half of beer and he just looks at him with that look that always makes eddie tell him everything#and eddie says. how did you know? like how were you sure that you liked guys?#uh. i didnt? not consciously anyway. i didnt really know until tommy kissed me and then it all just kinda made sense...#right. right. so it was just always there? the uh attraction to men?#yeah. idk i thought everyone thought men were just as hot as women. i never really thought about dating men until yk i was dating one#cool. cool. and maybe eddie changes the subject. lets buck ramble his ear off for awhile before they clean up their empty bottles#and eddie catches bucks arm and looks at him and buck says. what?#kiss me#what?? eddie what?#i need to---ive been figuring things out and i need it to be you#me? why me?#cuz. cuz youre the only one i trust. the only one i want to trust. i want it to be you. i need it to be you cuz its you buck its always you#anyway buddie canon season 8
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sound-traveller · 10 months
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aww :3 all his lines are so silly- wait HUH
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novaceresart · 5 months
Where did Path and Blink get their names from? Also, what are the water sources like in their world? Do they still have oceans? Is rain welcomed or hid from? What about lakes and rivers and the like?
Warforged are a bit different with names; they have both formal names (an ID) and informal names derived from literature or phrases (ex, Path and Blink). A warforged responding or using/calling another their formal name is a sign of respect towards authority or a sign of kinship among siblings, while informal names can be used by anyone.
Path's formal name is PT-3552, and Blink's is BL-2810, and they each gave the other their informal name. Blink's full name is "Blinking Lights of Humanities Final Cities". Path's full name is "Cross Path's Twice, and it will Drag You to Hell"- something a human used to refer to them. Path was going to pick Twice, but Blink insisted that because Path picked their name, they should get to choose his name, and Twice thankfully became Path. (This also wouldn't be the last time Path picked a frankly bad name for something, they named their dog Crates... Blink is the best they've come up with.)
Post-nuclear devastation, the water sources- mainly the ocean- have risen significantly following the end of the nuclear winter. Coastal cities that were once dry experience frequent flooding, and rain is a common thing.
For Path, this isn't a huge worry- though they avoid the rain, they are waterproof, and can safely travel through it. Blink, on the other hand, has improper seams and faults, meaning they are prone to water damage. Its for this reason that they'll usually wait out the storms in any bunkers, abandoned cabins, or caves they can find.
Lakes and rivers are also all intact, though similar to the ocean have higher levels than usual. After the rain, its common for rivers to overflow and leave metal scrap, debris, and other items on the shoreline- something Path knows all too well, as they're usually shaken awake when this happens! Though they don't understand why Blink likes collecting the scrap, they don't mind helping their sibling find pieces when the rain stops. Its for this reason that rain is both welcomed and hid from- it gives Path time to rest and recharge, and gives Blink something fun to do once it passes.
Again, credit to tea (tagged in last post) for DMing this whole thing, particularly with lore on the environment and effects of the nukes.
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justdurgeythings · 3 months
man it drives me crazy that elminster in bg3 gets diminished by the fandom as a guy who wants gale to blow himself up when he very much Does Not Want Gale To Do That, which is obvious if you actually Listen To The Words He Is Saying
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crossbackpoke-check · 10 months
56 and any Yamo pairing! 🫶
i just wheezed so hard when i saw what the song was i almost snorted coffee out of my nose i am so sorry for this one
#56 - kyoto phoebe bridgers + yamo
the story of how this song ended up on my wrapped is too long so it’s going in the tags but. let me set the scene for you.
2026 NHL GLOBAL SERIES™️ JAPAN - Presented by YPPI
November 13 & 14, 2026: Dallas Stars, Montreal Canadiens, Seattle Kraken, Vancouver Canucks
Saitama Super Arena, Saitama, Japan
It’s a pitiful excuse of a consolation prize for not being able to go to the Olympics, but Kailer’s not going to look a vacation horse in the mouth. The arena’s cool. It’s huge. The people are cool. There’s so many more of them than he thought there’d be with jerseys that have his name on the back, and a lot more that have the familiar orange and blue. He takes a picture of the fifth Oilers Yamamoto jersey he signs—this one’s the good Reverse Retro—and texts it to Connor, says,
no one here has even heard of mcjesus
and gets a moon face emoji in response. Leon’s influence. Kailer’s still never really deciphered what that one means, and he doesn’t think Connor knows either.
They don’t have a lot of time off between games, but Kailer’s trying to be a good tourist. His dad had been so happy when Kailer had told him about the series that Kailer’d had to stop him from trying to book a flight a year in advance, and his mom’s been just as bad, sending him every article she sees about Best New Spot in Tokyo! Cool Restaurant! Have You Seen This Japanese Cat Café? that she scrolls across on Facebook since June. Suzy’s in the same boat, so they’ve been crossing off their compiled travel-guide list together, looping in as many guys as they can. Everyone’s been pretty game. All the teams are crammed into close quarters at the same hotel, which means everyone wants to spend as much time as possible outside of it, and it helps that Kailer’s gotten pretty close with all the other guys that the NHL picked up as Global Series figureheads. Robo’s memes? Absolutely fire. The groupchat loves them.
For every item he crosses off the list, Kailer takes a picture and keeps it tucked in his phone notes. It’s like speed-running a scavenger hunt—they’re only here for four days—but he’s doing a pretty good job. His favorite so far has been all the gardens. They’re stunning, trees shining bright red and yellow, and every vendor has been selling maple candies, maple cakes, and even fried maple, though the official maple festival doesn’t start until next week. The second garden he visits, he does it on his own after practice, buying two cakes from a cart near the gate and walking until he loses the bustle outside. It’s easy to get lost in the winding pathways, heading deeper into the quiet, and there’s dozens of benches underneath the burnished leaves where young couples are tucked away on dates, or old friends are laughing and catching up. In some of the little clearings, there’s small shrines where people leave offerings, a prayer for good luck or good fortune.
Kailer stops at one without any people and sets the second maple cake on top of it, then sits and scrolls through all the texts that he’s missed. His mom gets replied to with a picture of him outside the garden gate, grinning and surrounded by other travelers. He sends his brother a picture of a trashy graphic I Love Japan t-shirt with the threat that he’ll buy one for him, and Kailer’s dad gets a picture of the meticulously arranged and cut bonsai that are across from the bench where he’s sitting. The Seattle groupchat gets a recycled meme from Robo, and he gets two thumbs up and an “LMAO” before he can even exit the thread. Finally, Kailer takes a picture of the half-eaten maple cake in his hand, holding it next to a fallen maple leaf on the bench, and gets halfway through typing another message before he thinks better of it.
(On the plane over, Drieds was reading them a story about how when they first introduced the high-speed railway, people were afraid to use it because they thought it would be too fast for their souls to keep up.
“Bro, if that were true, you just left your soul in the middle of the Pacific,” Ebs had laughed. “Planes are faster than trains.”
“Are they?” Matty asked. “Isn’t the train in Japan the fastest in the world?”
Drieds couldn’t make it through the rest of the story over the sound of everyone ripping Matty to shreds, so Kailer didn’t get to ask whether or not they found out anything about planes. Kailer’s not worried about his soul, but the logic makes a strange kind of sense; after all, he traveled 429 miles in five and a half hours once, and that was a little too fast for his heart to keep up.)
Fuck it. Kailer’s been trying to write a response for the past ten days, and he’s sick of swiping in and out of the message, staring at the keyboard so long he starts to see swirls in his vision.
Kailer drafts the text again and sends it, no context, no caption. A text travels faster than a high-speed train or a jet. Maybe it’ll pick his heart back up on the way.
#I don’t know how this song ended up on my Spotify wrapped because phoebe bridgers is too emotionally damaging for me to listen to like.#at all unless i am In It HOWEVER. there is this one silly video that brings me so much joy and made me feel semi-reasonable about listening#to kyoto & it’s the one video of the two painter guys painting the room & the lil guy is being a menace & the other guy just looks at him s#fondly & so lovingly & is that not the thesis of kailer yamamoto. be small be a menace be beloved by everyone. ANYWAY#liv in the replies#look this was going to be such a different thing and then. my brain went HEY BUDDY GUESS THE FUCK WHAT kyoto is a city in Japan.#day off in kyoto. guess who’s Japanese. guess what the nhl loves to do as HIFE publicity. also growing the AAPI audience is HUGE and i thin#they should. like originally i had NO idea what this was going to be (i’m so lying. the line ‘i’m gonna kill you’ but incredibly fond a la#the two painters video kept replaying in my head and i was like l m a o. klimmer & kailer. no plot all vibes it’s klimmer & Kailer that’s i#there is no real plot there is no actual idea the amount of googling that i did to write just this is UNREASONABLE i would love to be norma#about anything ever but i ALSO invented so much backstory to this that has no way of appearing in the actual fic and also jokes for ME#for instance. YPPI is the american manufacturer for yamaha motorcycles and. suzuki. yamamoto. (it’s not my brainworms it’s due to a fancam)#respectfully also i cannot write this fic. i have never been to japan and i think it would take me eight years to google enough#to be relatively comfortable like y’all have never seen the extensive research i put in to fucking phiLLY and a whole other COUNTRY???#where the premise of the fic is learning how to be a tourist in your life and sometimes you have to grow out of things?#yeah i AM going to make something with the idea of Momijigari and life is ephemeral. is that a plot? no it’s vibes.#kailer goes to japan in the fall and realizes he’s a liar. who lies. (he misses [redacted]) (the redacted is because i haven’t decided)#also also. the garden reference is because a) i spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON GOOGLE and found out things to do in saitama and also that#kailer’s grandpa had a meticulous garden and i just think that’s neat#hiding-from-reality-56#random ficlet is unbeta’d un-anything’d i don’t know WHERE this came from or the real plot of it at all. ok thanks byeeeee
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