#i probably missed a lot of lore and stuff so im v sorry if im Messing Them Up
moeblob · 4 days
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North and Simon: (shaking hands on killing Simon potentially)
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omends · 2 years
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okay but like, when and WHY did people stop doing these ? I remember feeling so excited every time I was included in one, and I remember all the cool blogs and people I discovered through checking them out. well, terrible graphic aside, I am here to hopefully continue the tradition of follow forevers. first and foremost, I love ALL of my mutuals and followers ! owo please don't be discouraged if you don't find yourself on this list, I'm doing this on the fly and we all know my memory is shit so I'm bound to forget someone. but I'm not lying when I say I love and appreciate you all ! thank you for following me and tolerating me on your dash. <3 you are always welcome here / with me.
first up, the MVPs of my dash !
@fortunefavours || mel is my absolute best friend, like. we have been writing for over 4 years ! I don't think I'd still even BE roleplaying on tumblr if it weren't for her. she has always loved and supported me unconditionally... humored my 3 am meta spews, shipped with me, written all the aus, celebrated our birthdays and holidays together. she isn't really active on tumblr anymore - we do stuff on Discord mostly - but I couldn't imagine making one of these without listing her first, so
@macveigh || another of my long-standing friends in the tumblr rpc. molly is so kind and passionate, her lore and worldbuilding are rich and morgan is just genuinely a great, heartfelt character. I know molly has worked really hard on her and I am so honored to have been a part of that developmental journey. just, another person I couldn't miss on this list. we love and support in this house.
@magioffire & @manenimittliv || you guys are getting put together because a) you've both been with me a LONG ass time and I appreciate that a lot, and b) because your characters fucking ROCK. you've both put so much time and effort and love into your muses and lore and it shows. I also know you've both had your struggles in recent years, but I'm glad to see you still kicking here on tumblr.
@mooneternyl || trahearne and kenzi are fucking ICONS and im still just ksjsjsj because we're mutuals and I feel so out of my league. but I love talking with them, plotting and shipping with them, and im excited to be able to write with them. a pleasure and an honor, it really is. we love and support in this house.
@touchedsky & @huntershowl || you guys are getting put together because I love you both and was so fucking happy to rediscover your blogs ! not only that, but joey and raine have been absolute inspirations for me. I aspire to have the level of creativity and writing skill that they do, I just really look up to them both as creators. and also I love their characters a shit ton, and my characters love their characters a shit ton. just a whole lot of love for these two.
now, for some quick shoutouts ! these are in no particular order, btw !
@luposcainus || absolutely fanatastic. im sorry I suck at plotting :,D im v excited to interact with you and love having you on my dash.
@frstwomn || just started following / interacting, but hi, I love you, thank you for bringing positivity and love to my dash ON TOP OF an amazing character
@cripplemagics / @hollowichor || thank you for bringing representation and awareness to the dash. you are doing good and probably hard work and I just want you to know I appreciate it a lot, so thank you.
@streetslost / @bloodcrave || I know you have more URLs but my memory sucks so... just know you are great and I love your characters
@celestieu || we love bunny and maddie in this house, that is all
@nezemnyy / @vtratasebe || you are cool af and I love your characters
@sanatoris || I know you have other URLs and that you aren't super active anymore, so just... I love your characters and miss having you on my dash
@defiantclairvoyant / @felinesensed / @thcyfight / @witchyheroines || we haven't interacted because I genuinely suck, but know that I see you and appreciate you and like seeing you on my dash. all the hugs, don't let the rpc stop you from sharing your creativity and loving your characters, okay ?
@thebestplayer / @lesoleilavole / @iblogaboutit / @liarincommand / @createsowndemons || super fucking quality right here folks !
@entersatan / @fromtower / @fromdreaming / @abandonroots || you are very creative and I love all your ideas and characters !
@breaksmen / @assumednothing || more quality right here ! I love having you on my dash, and I'm very excited to start interacting with illyana
@soleiltm / @miscxllany || you and your characters are icons, I love them all
@akeron & @rblgltch || your universe and lore is so fucking cool ! I am very excited to interact with you both and get involved in your universe and lore !!
@ghoststained / @gracesmuggled || we love and support in this house
@hebled || you are so fucking cool and quality, very excited to interact !!
@dehvils || firstly, thank you for being patient with me. secondly, we love and support in this house. very excited to write with you !
@nykrose & @immergrun & @batteredoptimist || idk you all have a similar nature magic / lowkey faerie vibe ? so just want to say I love and live for it.
@thxwxlf || you are both cool and quality. we love and support in this house.
@dutyworn / @smokedanced || you have just been so fucking nice and supportive and we haven't talked or interacted at all, and I really appreciate it. you just seem really chill and nice and you are a great and refreshing presence on my dash for it.
@vxctorx || okay but I love our plots and ship, and I'm excited to explore them more with you. also, you took and love a very unknown and underappreciated character which I respect a lot, especially since you're so passionate about him.
@griim & @unsnare || similar badass female muse vibe, we love and support you both in this house.
last but not least, a big thank you to all my followers, whether you've been here a while or we just started following each other. I appreciate you all. I know I am slow and forgetful, but I'm doing my best, and I look forward to interacting with you all in the new year.
also this is safe to reblog also also, more positivity like this in 2023 pls !
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Hey, I heard you like Duel Links Lore! As owner of the (inactive 😓) @incorrectduellinksquotes I would like to impart the Cursed Knowledge if I can.
First, an easy way to tell if someones AI? If they re-enact a duel in their talk. Pegasus and Kaiba(DM) roleplay their DK duel, for example.
Starting with DM, an interesting note about Isis/Ishizu - Even before Yami Marik was added, she and Rishid/Odion had a conversation about how Malik/Marik was missing from Duel Links... ish. If I remember correctly, what they actually say is that Malik is missing in general, and they came to Duel Links to try and find him. While Isis has evidence pointing to her being an AI clone, Rishid has no damning evidence either way. Its entirely possible that Rishid is the real Rishid, and Malik has actually gone missing. I wonder if (Yami) Malik's inclusion in the game was considered in poor taste and got backlash.
Also, its evident that The Real Kaiba used Kaiba (DM) as his avatar for a while, before DSOD world was complete. Oddly, Roland/Isono seems to listen to Mokuba(DM) as his superior despite Mokuba being an AI copy, which is just funny
Onto GX - Its true that most characters are pretty ambiguous, but theres some that are obvious. Judai and Yubel (separate, not Yubel/Judai) are both AI, Cronos/Crowler does the RP thing, Ryo/Zane is still a butt much, but thats about it. The only one who has any indication they're real is... The Chazz. Yes, Black Thunder seems to be the genuine article, if and only because of the company he brings with him. Ojamas Yellow, Green, and Black wouldnt be there if Manjoume was an AI, and even if they were they wouldnt Leak Yubel's Event like Yellow did.
5Ds... you seem to have a good grasp on them.
I never watched zexal :X
Arc V iirc kinda implied nobodys real? i dunno i dropped Duel Links at that point
Vrains is where it gets interesting again, but frankly thats its own post. The question isnt "are they AI copies" the question is like. If you're a digital copy of something already digital, and the original is gone... is there a functional difference calling you a copy? Or is it fair to consider you the original? the funny ourple blob boi is a philisophical nightmare and he'd probably enjoy knowing he is.
Sorry. but also im not
OH FUCK YEAH!! Thanks a bunch, this is a FANTASTIC compilation of interesting lore bits; I didn't know a lot of these! (as it goes, having not played the game for like...the first four years it was out dfhghsdfg) THE FACT CHAZZ MIGHT BE THE REAL DEAL, OF ALL CHARACTERS??!? ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. PLEASE. proving his humanity thanks to Ojama Yellow. truly only the best for The Chazz.
The thing about if a character reenacts a duel in their dialogue being a good benchmark for whether or not they're AI is fascinating....the brings up an interesting side-tangent with that when you have two confirmed AI characters dueling each other, and their dialogue isn't a perfect duel reenactment but still implies an established dynamic and history (like aporia and z-one's dialogue when they duel each other /obligatory comment about my old men). The way the AI themselves are evolving and talking with each other and being their own variations of these people....that's a can of worms all its own.
Arc-V's been such a weird case because even if everyone there happens to be AI, they're so kneedeep in trying to figure out how the memory cloning process works, what brings a person into this world, that you wonder if there's going to be some sort of realization of the self for one of those guys on the horizon. Could be fun if so!!!!
very very interested to see where the VRAINS implications go cuz that is SUPREMELY INTERESTING lore (especially for a fucking FREEMIUM TRADING CARD GAME ONLINE) and I want to see what they do with it. havent even SEEN vrains yet but I like watching these characters try to solve a mystery that should have never been their problem in the first place. great stuff!
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janexeu · 4 years
     though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, JANE MÁRQUEZ is actually a descendent of HYPNOS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-SIX year old DEMIGOD ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR from NEW ORLEANS, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite SACRIFICIAL & STUBBORN.
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( she’s b-b-b-back on her bs : katya ! tis uhm ,,,, a lil bit of a chonk of an intro but ill try 2 b cute w it. any time u wanna yeet jus peep the gif again & forgive me bc Look At Her ! )
POWERS ( more info here )
hypnokinesis  — p much made her a glorified babysitter w lynch-esque wacko dreams. it got stronger naturally as she got older, but jus w herself n eventually the ppl shes real close w. its also gotten a lot better since comin to eonia 
seeing gods in dreams  — she doesnt hang out w em every fridays at tgifs but like ,,, if she had Pertinent Questions she cud smhw make it happen. found out abt her being a demigod at age 10 when she met hypnos
memory retrieval — shes got great memry of her own but bc she knows it can help w grief n all that, shes been learnin in eonia how to do it 4 others if they mayb wanted it
her single ma died during childbirth so jane's been in the foster care system since 5ever. attempts at reunification nvr worked out but thankfully she got real lucky w her group home and foster families. twas stable enough to not emotionally scar her even further but the instability of it all was fosho a big ol’ lot and has influenced her rigidness in sum aspects of her life
she lived p much as a mortal even tho her powers r a lil freaky. never went to camp but it worked out bc all her abilities r internal and cannot be Perceived by others. she had a talk w hypnos abt what 2 do n he mentioned camps but also gave sum monster avoidance tips ( like rarely use ur powers, maybe learn self defense, yada yada ) n she jus ,,, did that so she cud continue livin real normal w the mortals. logistics of camp stressed her out esp bc shes livin w non-family n stuff yk it was All Too Much, miss her w the added demigod stress tyvm
got married at 23 to her childhood sweetums luis, but he ,,, died abt a yr later fr a car accident. coma for 2 weeks n jane p much slept the entire time in his hospital room, visitin his dreams n talkin to him. twas a life support sitch so they eventually decided to pull da plug whch was real sad but like she's processed it 2 da best of her abilities. her powers helped a lot in the coping too n she visits memories of him in her dreams smtms when it gets real sad then shes ok again bc life goes on n life is pretty uwu
bc of her bg round kids of all kinds, shes always been passionate abt em. always takin babysittin/tutor gigs and went to community college so she cud teach n then worked as an elem teacher. only started considerin goin 2 eonia 4 postgrad when she had a student who showed signs n strugglez of bein a demigod. she eventually got to talk to their godly parent 2 confirm n she was shocked pikachu meme, real concerned for all those youngins who hav no clue what to do ! or how to cope ! bc they cant facetime w the olympians lyk she can ! so cue her discussin eonia w luis a lot then a year after the accident, broke out the pro-con list again. took abt *checks watch* another yr til she finally decided to zoom 2 athens but then whoosh she did !
yearning ? idk her — shes can be a bit of a take it as is typa chick. can be a lil literal jsksj not dumb but like ,,, def doesnt read into things enuff to pine n long n year yk. some things might def fly over her head. she says Yes To Serotonin in this house. she dk the the mitskis n the sikens n the carsons ; its all mary oliver up in this joint. we just tryna luv life n be grateful folkz
le freak, say chic ! — control freak, that is. growin up in an unstable envi meant shed cling 2 stability n independence, wrvr she cud get it. so when it comes 2 the way she does things, she can be real a heel digger. also bc she has 2 deal w kids yk so it can b A Lot n shes v stern lyk dat. ofc she wont infantilize the eonians .,,,. or will she ? big sis vibes outta control. she means well tho always always means well. itll also b v hard to get her 2 giv up on sum1 bc life ? she luvs it n knows u can too
changes by david bowie — is decidedly skipped on the playlist. she doesnt like change !!! i mean she knows its inevitable but still not entire unavoidable. ever since she got out of the system, shes had a partner n her own way of doing things n its been workin out so why change it yk ? she says time may change me but jokes on u i can sorta trace time 
rip but im different — this goes out to all em whores in this house. she respectz ur hustle but like ,,,, not her thang. girl doesnt even get drunk when she drinks bc she doesnt rlly drink sksjsk doesnt like the taste of it, big baby ! but like she's Lived, its more like. ok tried it, not for me. thanks tho. also for all the meanies in the house, y’all perplex her. shes empathetic n wont show the judgement but smtms shes lowkey lyk .,., ur how old n u had all this goin 4 u n ur still so rotten ? how u actin like a 7yo w a trantrum ? scratch head, make it make sense
at least u tried — dad jokes, bad puns, tries to be big jokester but isn't funny. she's pretty tho so she gets away with it. idk wht else 2 say ur honor. shes the type thatll embarrass u w affection
well that was Awkward — probably sum1 abt her if  they see her actin a Fool bc shes in a foreign sitch or topic. when shes a fish outta water then she can be so ! easily ! flustered ! which is p much her in eonia. shes not new new but theres way 2 much godly shennanigans for her to wrap her head ‘round n sis has never gone to camp so its ice bucket challenge level shock from time to time still w da magics n lore
til death do us part — yknow when death cab for cutie said i knew that u wer a truth i wud rather lose than 2 hav nvr lain beside at all ? how abt when they wrecked me by rudely sayin love is watching sum1 die ? yes ? no ? nywy thats jane 4 ya. if she loves then shes in and if shes in then she is all in, luke danes stylez
was that a vivid enough picture or did i just word vom the same things agen n agen sjksjs jus know shes cute n sweet if a lil frustrating n annoying bc shes stubbornpants mcgee. may or may not have a slight compulsion to help fix other ppl ..,,.. someone set her str8 n tell her fix u by coldplay isnt it !!!  
5′9″ born 4 october 1994, virgo sun n moon
not a freshie ! idk how long her program is but like ,,, lets ignore that 4 now ok jus kno that she been here a while
yogi & boxing enthusiast back at home. hc her mans got real into the martial arts w her when hypnos told her she gotta learn how 2 defend so that was one of their things : bonding by workouts so jane cud protecc herself if need be
her maiden name’s jane fulton. got her mommas surname but the name jane ? thats some jane doe bs some rando picked out for her which she hated at first but then seeing tarzan made her go hmmm, ok bet !
lgbtq+ alliance president ! identifies as pan
she met her late hubbie when they were abt 7ish, real friends 2 lovers cuteness. jane was there for him throughout his entire coming out & transition ergo her passion for the community esp queer kids bc she was That Cis Ally for her mans. wears her ring as a real lowkey necklace now
shes also real passionate abt sleep. will ask u how did u sleep last night p much every day u see her bc ppl spend like half their lives asleep catherine ofc shes gonna ask
her fave thing abt eonia ?  the whole siblings bit. shes had 2 make do w what she got n build a family from scratch so this ? she luvs it a lot let her give u kithes hypnos babies
shes p well versed in the greek thingies but only thru the knowledge mortals gets + dream info. after her realizin who she is, all things ancient greek jus sorta became her niche interest ykwim ? shes not like Super Learned abt it more like ,,, ok i gotta at least make Sum sense outta all this, gotta learn what i can. imagin how embarrassin it wud b 2 see a god in ur dream n then go : sorry to this man. nope. not jane, not her, nuh-uh 
luv languages : words, acts of service, physical touch !
useless hcs but she loves disney sfm ok. smtms dresses up as princess tiana for bday parties n shit bc shell do nythin 2 put a smile on the kids n babs faces
ya like jazz ? bc jane surely does ! adores motown & 60s music. nina simone owns her. no one drag peggy lee from 101 dalmatians ! not an important hc but i jus wanted to quote my bubble butt winged bee lover barry
children ! infants ! babies !
demigods that make her scratch head damn u live like this ? but also wud knife emoji to protect n care for. shes not the oldest on campus but shes been livin independently p much her entire life so she finks shes got a tight grasp on the myth that is Adulting  
srsly tho the Big Sis vibes is off the charts w this one. shell perserve u dumdums
baddie influencies !
convince her 2 get drunk at a party ! bc she never does. convince her to maybe try drugs ! or go hook up ! do smths impulsive idk jus smth new !
gl tho bc shes not rlly ,,, easily influenced But she can b reasoned w ! in general i fink its just gonna be a fun dynamic if y/m knows how to coax sum wildness outta her or w/e bc thotty yummy theyre hotty yolo rzning jus wont do w this gal. will most likely get argumentative like a big ol momma hen but if u win then ur winning big
Sleep Now or forever hold ur peace !
idk sum1 she helps w their messy sleep ? shes def not super public w it, surely knows her other siblings r Better at it but if  y’all are close, she probs enjoys doin it 4 ya. she runs her hair thru fingers a lot when she does it. like a lot a lot unless u tell her to get lost
lover boi, lover gorl, lover enby !
she can be a lil traditional when it comes to how she views rels. she wants all that meetcute courting bs ! no gender roles tho n u best be sure shes not constantly comparin w her late hubbie ,,, but she jus wants smth magical n 2 be wooed again yk ?
so yea ,,, crushers mayhaps ? sum1 who is tryin 2 woo her ? sum1 she had a meetcute w and now janes got lowkey heart eyes for em ? idk lotsa possiblities but pls keep in mind she is not good at the flirtings so hav mercy on her 
eonia tour guide !
or jus friends who like ,,, constnatly fill her in w all the godly stuff n whatnot. years of not goin 2 camps mean u miss out on a lot ! explore ruins w her n get her info her mortal educ didnt make her privy 2 yk 
head real empty atm i will think of sum n let y’all know when i do, but give us all the conekshunz. friends, enemies, the usual bit, lgbtq alliance peeps, lmk whats up whats done whats cookin we want it all
( shes p much a new muse n da result of me tryna bring in an emotionally healthy kid to this sad sad university. janes in a v good well-adjusted place rn n is my therapy muse bc that other bitch m** is a messy handful. but wbk life aint linear so mayhaps shit’ll hit da fan or one of y/m will ruin her lmfao press f pls ! but also color me eyes emoji bc we love to see it )
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analyzingadventure · 4 years
Oh boy have I not watched Psi for a long time, oh man have I missed out on Some Stuff (I’ve only heard the names of like three Digimon mentioned but oh man did those names alone come with Some Package)
Let’s watch episodes 25-31 then and catch up!
So just to recap, last time Agumon evolved to Mugendramon, fucked some shit up because Taichi totally 100% legit died, temporary evolved to WarGreymon I think (I can’t remember man lmao) and beat the shit outta DoneDevimon
25! Dive to the Next Ocean!
Uhhh who the fuck yeeted ElDoradimon into the sky
This is so bad
They should die so hard
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Have I mentioned how much I love seeing the kids interact with their non-partner Digimon (and vice versa)? Because I do, I love this a lot (even if it ain’t much)
Ohhh Mugendramon was so sexy... I wanna rewatch episode 24 but I really need to catch up on this first
ElDoradimon’s gonna die from that fall, right? His joints are gonna get pulverized
Zurumon! :D I love these lemon jelly goops
HIKARI!!!!!! Baby!!
I wish Taichi and co would be like, trying to even think about how they’re gonna survive the fall- like I know Leomon saved them but they couldn’t like plan to just Get Saved, IDK it’s kinda off-putting how they’re so calm
Leomon to the rescue tho! Finally!
Patamon is so chumby, v good
Holy shit Leomon punches HARD, a single punch just straightened out ElDoradimon in one go, holy fuck
Finally they’re worried about dying from the fall
What happened to the Agu and Gabu being too exhausted to fight (I’m sorry this is just a massive pet peeve for me, ‘esp cause there’s like no reprecussions for the Digimon for pushing themselves here)
(Like it’d be one thing if they managed to evolve out of desperation but this ended up being like bad for them and force them to take longer rests later or IDK kill them, but when you’re just like “I’m too tired to fight- oh wait my friend is slightly in more danger now than before, I guess I can fight again”)
(This is an issue with most MotW shows and even some shounen series (I’m looking at you Bleach) so it’s not unique to Psi, p sure Adventure had this issue to some degree too, but still man, it’s a massive pet peeve and bothers me so much)
26! Break through the sea monster barricade!
God I love that the Cloud Continent is actually in the sky
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Quality content (slightly cursed maybe)
Seadramon! Honestly I really love Seadramon?? Like it’s such a simple, minimalistic design but... IDK man I love Seadramon, it’s such a cool Digimon
I’m sorry I am just so not interested in the real world crisis (in the show), it’s... I’m sorry it’s so Mundane and I’m here for the Fantastical
God I wish Psi just had perma-evolution, so many of my issues would be solved with perma-evolution
Aweeee yeah, MegaSeadramon’s here too, now we got both of them, yeeeeee
I love how Hikari is just quietly judging the other kids
Y’all okay with talking about Taichi being in a different world right in front of Hikari? I mean She Knows Things and they all just got taken to back to that world but still like, should you try to be more inconspicuous maybe
Oh my god how many times have they used that clip of Falcomon throwing bombs in this episode- four? That’s a lot yo
Taichi’s gonna get vored again, press F for him
The water is so deep how is Zudomon standing- oh I need to stop asking these things
27! To the New Continent!
"Hikari, who called you?” “I don’t know :)” Honey that is so ominous I love you
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This image has heavy Digimon Kaiser energy in it
I love how Psi!Jyou is like a try-hard in trying to help (while OG!Jyou was always struggling with figuring out what the right thing to do was etc)
Is... is the enemy a Tortamon? Oh yeah it’s Tortamons
Ikkakumon’s gonna get vored, F
You know I never thought Grounddramon would be so chomby based on the Bandai art but I guess Groundramon’s a real chomper
“Everyone, give Angewomon your power!”
OH IT’S THE BASTARD!! DARK KNIGHTMON!!! THE SEXY BASTARD!! The one I’ve heard an interesting theory about... But I ain’t saying anything fornow
PATAMON EVOLVES??? (On command which is kinda bs)
Ohhh this ending has such nice, soft but jolly energy c: Also yay Tailmon
28! The Children’s Fight for Survival!
BTW Patamon with angel wings was a lowkey hilarious visual, 10/10 would laugh again
Still don’t like how we just got Angemon on demand like that
Oh yeah, out-of-context I heard a theory that DarkKnightmon is Tailmon and hearing Dark Knightmon’s voice, yeah I can see that (not to mention their facination with Hikari)
Oh man those are some Big Wings
Whu happen, did the kids get yeeted back to the Human World?? Oh no they’re still here
I bet Angemon’s dead again lmao
Oh Patamon’s okay- REALLY TIRED (thank you Psi) but okay
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Hikari being worried for MetalGreymon ;__;
Aweee yeah HIkari’s special Evolution Powers are still here! GET ‘IM WARGREYMON!!
Whoop Hikari got spirited away, F (she’ll be fine, SkullKnightmon ain’t gonna do shit to her, I’m sure)
Hikari volunteered to go... ;_;
29! Escape the Burning Jungle!
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I mean at least they’re all just chillin’ and enjoying the bath instead of just staring at Jyou. I’ll considder that an improvement
Ooooo a single lil Lopmon, I wonder if this will be an important character later
I like Woodmon, Woodmon are cool and chill
What do you mean MetalGreymon hurt when the tiny Allomon bit him ON HIS METAL ARM
I- I need to stay quiet or else I’m gonna end up with too many questions. I mean I already have too many but the less I question it the better
Woodmon, Budmon, I love your energy, please aim for Tankdramon’s eye, you could blind that fucker with ease
Man I have been quiet through this entire episode so far lmao
ANYWAY CROSSMON! HELL YEAH have we seen Crossmon animated before?
GIGA DESTROYER AAAAAAAAAAA anyways I think this is the first tme we’re seeing Crossmon animated (unless my memory is garbage, which it might just be)
Aaaand Taichi is dead
Agumon....... I love you..........
Man this animator is making Crossmon look vaguely too humanoid for my taste.... And MetalGreymon’s super fucking jacked yo
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HOLY FUCK GAIA FORCE ANNIHILATED ALL OF THEM (but didn’t cause any environmental damage? Handy!)
Lopmon’s totally like Cherubimon or something, right? Reborn Cherubimon, right?
WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PSIIIII where the fuck are you going yoooooo
God WarGreymon’s so fucking big holy shit
OH YEAH LOPMON’S TOTALLY LIKE CHERUBIMON OR SOMETHING (I mean it’s not a plottwist by anymeans lmao)
LMAO Skull Knightmon looked away when Hikari noticed them looking at her lmao tsundere ass fucker
Wait the temple was also on Cloud Continent??? Like that whole area was still a part of Cloud Continent?????????? The geography of this world confuses me yo
AGUMON EVOLVING TO MUGENDRAMON WASN’T JUST A CUTE REFERENCE TO THE DARK MASTERS, IS THERE GONNA BE THING WHERE AGUMON IS USED TO RECREATE MILLENIUMON??? (And they have to get Agumon Out Of There like they had to extract Tailmon (and Meicoomon until they gave up) out of Ordinemon in tri.???)
Oooo we’re on Eternal/Mugen Continent... Oooo :oc
I like how Sora is the Dedicated Character who will be there when we get like Backstory lmao
METALFANTOMON?! :O YEEAAAHHHH (Ngl when I saw the pink scythe for a moment I was hoping for Jokermon.......)
Oh wow that’s a lot of MetalFantomons
Man Kabuterimon sure is flying quietly (I mean adding the flying sound effect probbaly wouldn’t add much here but... It’s so quiet)
I am gonna say, because Psi is constantly moving, like there’s constantly an oncoming threat and the characters never get to take a fucking break (that’s longer than 5 minutes), it just... Because there’s no contrast between danger and peace, it makes the non-stop danger feel far less dangerous imo
There is one more episode out but sadly I can’t watch it yet because region lock. I do know there’s an interesting, familiar face in there tho and I’m excited for that!
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I... I... I can’t believe he actually said that...
“They’re cool pants!” KOUSHIROU LMAO
Anyways, episode preview!
Aaaand nothing of value was seen there. I mean I do know what Patamon probably evolves into because I do follow the Digimon Twitter so like, I saw the relevant art they shared but ye
Anyways  a lot of these episodes were dull as usual, I didn’t feel like I missed out on much tbh aside from the sexy animation and the lore
This really drives it home to me how not having a villian of somekind just constantly present and active really makes a story so much more flat for me... Like I ain’t gonna argue Devimon or MetalSeadramon were interesting villians, but even just seeing them planning their next moves outloud and talking to their minions drove home what kind of people they were, and they weren’t even the most Packed-With-Personality villians in Adventure.    And while SkullKnightmon is there... they’re just kinda standing around. I don’t know much about them really and it makes me sad
(Look I’m sorry I’m a filthy villian-stan and not having interesting villians to stan makes me sad)
Anyways, as always, I am definitely looking forward to whatever the fuck Psi is planning on doing because 1. Holy Shit It’s Milleniummon and 2. Holy fuck we got WarGreymon and it’s only episode 31, what the fuck are they planning on doing with the rest of the series and indeed 3. Patamon evolves into what
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crazyfangarlady · 7 years
Sildy I know like little of the windy son I drew for you please ramble about him to me 💙 also how's the green bean
my boy my man my love ZACH I’m calling it right now this is going to take me the night if I don’t try to keep it short.
Imiel is doing good!! Kind of in a lore pause while he waits for his boss’s new dragon to be born. Jeez, Ono.
nOW for proper rambles under the cut~
Most of that can probably already be found in his tag on my blog, but honestly I don’t even remember what’s in there anymore or how accurate it is. Though it’s probably still mostly good, if you wanna check it out for details I might skip here~(sidenote: after checking out his tag myself I realized there are interactions with some people you do Not like in there so. While the info is good and there is no connected lore, be wary some not-nice names are included. ;v;)
I am tORN though because there’s this huge shift between how he’s been for most of the time I had him and his current state due to Recent Lore Happenings. So whiCH ZACH DO I TALK ABOUT?? …the answer is probably to start from the beginning. More rambles for your soul. This will be too long and I am slightly sorry
Zach’s a wind mage, and part of my pirate crew, as the helmsdragon - basically, he makes the ship fly, up to creating artificial winds when needed to steer it where they want to go. That’s basically all he does- he doesn’t even take part in any of the the fighting or plundering (when the rest of the crew’s busy doing That, he’s still flying the airship). Our man doesn’t much like fighting, you see.
…which might sound weird coming from a pirate, but he’s not always been one. It’s quite a recent thing, even. He was born to a family of very rich merchants from the Cloudsong, and lived most of his life basically free from trouble. Good living environment, a family that loved him more than anything - he has a twin sister, named Adara, and they grew up real close. Best sibs.
The only thing that sets him apart from the rest of his fam is his proficiency at magic. And the man is crazy good at it. It’s innate. Heck, he could make things around him and himself as well fly before he even knew how to walk or how to speak. He was quite a handful as a child. Thankfully he was well-behaved.His parents tried to hire confirmed mages to teach him to make the best out of his powers, but it???? didn’t yield anything. Mostly because he didn’t understand the methods they wanted him to apply, and also because he didn’t want to try much… So he just kept on going with whatever he could do on his own, and not much understanding why or how it worked. Why would he?? It felt more natural to him than so many other things that were already effortless. 
(People who know his powers like to joke that to be this talented, he must be the windsinger’s own son. But they’re not that far from the truth… His sister was an only egg, and a fragile one- the others had been created lifeless. Their parents prayed to the Windsinger that she’d live, and Winddad heard them. He also heard how sad they were that their other eggs did not live, and so he was like. “Yknow what, I’m gonna do y’all a favor”, and while strengthening Adara’s own egg, created a perfect copy of it from his own magic, out of which Zach would be born.)(An identical copy of his sister, created from pure magic, by his god’s own hands. Come on, he’s made of the stuff, of course it’d flow naturally to him.)
ANYWAY. Sadly, good times have an end, he has to end up on that pirate ship somehow.
See, his family’s business was well-established, making lot of money and all. But some people didn’t like that, or certain new decisions they’d made. And one rousing scandal and some carefully planted ‘evidence’ later, their name was that of traitors, and the heads of the family, imprisoned. So our man Zach, who’d been enjoying life half doing his own thing, half helping out with said business, found himself homeless, money-less, and with everyone he used to know turning his back on him, either believing the lies or not wanting to associate with him to save face. 
I think he left the Cloudsong for a little while, maybe went to his sister’s… But eventually he came back, because it was all that he knew. Maybe to see if things had changed? He’s a stubborn one. Well, they had not, and he ended up finishing his day in some random tavern in the not-so-well-frequented area. By which I mean, most of the patrons being outlaws of some sort. The only place where people would serve him anymore without at least a handful of people giving him weird looks.
That’s where he happened upon my pirate crew, and most specifically its captain, Eydis. They’d met once before, but in very different circumstances (still good though). But all that Eyds remembered basically boiled down to “this guy is a good mage, and I need a new one of those, hEY GUY OVER THERE WANNA WORK FOR ME?”
(She’s not very subtle)
(And he was kind of in a reckless mood so he was like “A friendly face? Sign me up”)(…he just did not remember that she was a pirate. Only that he didn’t associate any negative things with her, and in that moment, that was all he needed.)(...he still has trouble explaining his reasoning from back then now. If someone asks him, he say he just followed his instinct- maybe it was a little push of fate? But hey, things turned out for the better!)
So he became a member of my pirate crew. Befriended most everyone quite easily, tbh, he’s a very sympathetic guy, and a very valuable asset to the crew too. Things went so well he ended up falling in love with Eydis, they even had some kids... At some point down the line my man Cenric comes back to the crew too, falls hard for Zach, who also loves him quite a lot, and Eydis is like “if you don’t both confess I will personally make this happen” and now they’re dating too. Its generally just Chill for a good, long time period. Happiness up on a (pirate) airship.
THEN Carver, his son, happens to die. That’s hard blow #1. He kind of bottles it up, because he’s not good at dealing with things and if he just stays positive he can do as if nothing happened, right? right??TheN, within only a few months, some heck happens over with his other two children. That’s hard blow #2. This one is a little harder to shake off. On top of Carver’s death, the emotional toll becomes kind of heavy. He’s having a bit of trouble right now tbh, not to mention that Eyds is not doing her best either- and with their captain in a bad spot, the entire crew can feel it. That’s two of their most energetic people down. The mood is just Not That Great..
AND THEN more stuff happens but this is hella long so imma cut it there bc it is Not Official Yet (and once it is it’ll probs come out in a pseudo-update that’s just Bad Writing: Discord Update Edition bc i Cannot Hecking Write)
BUT!!!!! Some Bulletpoint Zach Facts for you still, in no particular order:
When I say he was born an identical copy of his sister aside from the magic powers, I mean it. He’s a trans man~
He “befriended” a Crowned Roc once. Which is to say, it tolerates him. He gets to ried on its back sometimes. By sitting on it and keeping himself stable with magic. 
Said Roc is the one he got almost all his Windbound feathers from. Blessed them himself. In my lore, they are good luck charms and magic catalysts popular among wind flight mages
I’d talk about his approach to magic more but I found some posts instead
The jade jewelry he wears means a lot to him, and he gifted some to both his SOs, so have some very short things I wrote about those bc im a sappy shit
He almost never sleeps full nights, instead taking several short naps throughout the day. It takes a little while for other people to get used to it.
He’s, as of now, probably the most powerful dragon of my lair. And he doesn’t even realize it. This man is all potential... but almost only that.
He loves his family so much it is literally The Most Important thing to him ever. Family goes before anything else
His hair looks so ridiculously good all the time, he takes good care of it. He enjoys doing other people’s hair, too
He can’t fight to save his life
He’s almost killed a man once, though. Without even lifting a finger. I’ll need to tell that story someday. It was terrifying.
I’m cutting his hair off in future lore. It will be missed.
I love him so much but don’t do enough with him and also it’s sUPER LATE so I might stop here?
Oh wait look its theme songs time
That’s all I think?
If you have any more questions feel free to ask
Thank you so much for reading QvQ ♥
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