#hes part ghast part enderman!!
rassotheraccon · 2 months
If the SK were based off of the nether mobs and how would change their characters.
Gene being a wither skellie- his sword would do poison damage. He would be a bit taller than normal. Instead of having red outer marking it would be black and grey, but still those red eyes.
Sasha ghast- her voice can bring fear with a simple breath, she is very very pale, she can throw fire balls but has a long cool down, she is very light. Sasha sometimes seem more like a ghost
Vylad enderman- dude is tall, and lanky, just tall and lanky, he doesn't really talk much but he does make these vibration noises, can teleport, doesnt like eye contact
Zenix magma cube- his shadow knight armor is black with the under part being red. He can get very hot. His shadow knight form can be both big and small. Hes got lava stuff. He kinda glows like lava in his shadow knight form.
Laurance blaze- he has orange hair. He has orange hair, he has orange hair. And he can shoot fire with a less cooling time than Sasha. He pulls the fire from fire that floats around him when in his shadow knight form (blaze rods). When in his shadow knight form it looks like he is part fire. Don't touch him he will burn you.
I'm debating letting Sasha and laurance float bc their mob counter parts can but like only in the nether and full anger.
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kosmiikoto · 8 months
MILGRAM but minecraft mobs /j
Haruka- Drowned. blue water zombie, both of his mvs alr have liquid in them, (weakness- water, akaa- formaldehyde), his character colour is ultramarine, his second trial vd is called Metamorphosis of the weak, metamorphosis like a drowning zombie becoming a drowned, and he seems zombielike, he's got some zombielike qualities, but they were more prominent in t1, before he and muu befriended one another
Yuno- haven't thought of one yet, will edit
Fuuta- Blaze. his mvs and vd titles seem to all have fire themes, and the lyrics in his songs also seem to be around that (in backdraft there's the English words 'fire' and 'burn' + the EN lyrics in the wiki for backdraft, I'll paste a few telling ones 'Burn, burn! An ever-victorious FIRE, burn so high till it becomes ash'
'Burn, burn! Deliciously scorched, till your mouth waters'
'Flames closing in, can’t douse this FIRE') I'm aware the English lyrics may not be reliable, but I'm alr grasping at straws here
Muu- Bee. She has insect stuff in her second MV, plus both of her vds have the -- B naming scheme, not to mention how the lyrics of inmf mention honey (again, not the most reliable), and honey is a resource obtained from bees
Shidou- Ghast. His colour palette is mostly cold/neutral, with the only warm colours being his skin (debatably, he's quite pale), his shoes (in his t1 sprite), his bag/medkit lookin thing (t2 sprite) and the buckles/metal parts on his prisoner uniform, his colour pallete is very ghastlike, and even his personality seems to be quite inperturbable and his song lyrics/mv are quite sombre, ghasts in minecraft sometimes drop ghast tears, which can be used for regeneration potions. (That was a useless point lmao) Shidou is canonically developing some sort of (minor? I think) saviour complex, wanring/needing to stay alive to help mahiru (i think, dunno much about their characters) in a minecraft au, if he was a ghast, it may make a small amount of sense. (also his fucking story makes me cry aughh)
Mahiru- cat/ocelot, parrot or Villager,
Her mvs have birdcage/carousel imagery (maybe it's just prominent in daisuki, haven't watched tihtbilwy mv yet), a Villager is a very docile mob you trade with and it's an overworld mob, and a cat/ocelot are both quite skittish, only coming to you if you're crouched and not making any stark movement with a fish in your hand, which i feel would align with how she acts in rhe second trial, even if she is still just as bright (like a tamed cat), and the fear of sudden touch, although explained by the trauma of what Kotoko did during the t1-t2 intermission, could easily align with a minecraft untamed cat or ocelot, as they tend to back away from the player easily in game
Kazui- Enderman. I don't know why, he has enderman vibes.
Amane- Zombie. It feels oddly right
Mikoto (and john)- Phantom, it feels right
Kotoko- fucking wolf idk. I don't like her + both of her MVs have wolf imagery, with the werewolf thing in deep cover and the wolves in HARROW, possibly representing that she has gone too far with her ideals of justice, to an animalistic point of attacking anyone who's "guilty" if the opportunity arises, tamed wolves in minecraft can be sent to attack other players or mobs if the player who tamed them is attacked or actively in a fight with something. at least she (hopefully/v likely) won't be able to do what she did in the t1 intermission. Fucking bitch has the highest guilty percent in MILGRAM 🎉🎉🎉
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Minecraft gijinkas part 3
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Vick (vex gijinka, she/her)
Vacio (endermite gijinka, he/him)
Ash (ghast gijinka, they/them)
Meredith (guardian gijinka, she/her)
Ross (wither gijinka, he/him)
Nunya (shulker gijinka, they/them)
Vick is allan (my allay gijinka)'s older sister, vacio is dirman (my enderman gijinka)'s younger cousin, ross is selene (my nether star gijinka)'s ex boyfriend and nunya has dwarfism
Also i made these before the vex got redesigned so i based vick's design off of the old design
Part 1:
Part 2:
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Okay so because I'm curious and I miss the funky guy- what are you headcanons for Ranbob by any chance? If that's alright.
Oh boy, you have no idea how much I struggled because I wanted to draw somefin for this like I did for Crops’s but artblock is a Binch.
Ranbob is my absolute favorite character in Tales, he’s just a precious murderous lad. That and The Lost City of Mizu is my favorite Tales so there’s already a lot of bias there lol-
-Immediately starting off with what he is, since in my headcanon Ranboo isn’t half ghast half enderman or whatnot. This means Ranbob is still part enderman but because of his bloodline he’s now part something else. Ranbob is part enderman and mostly axolotl. (Not gonna get into what Ranboo is here, just know the half he is isn’t Axolotl. Lore~)
-Ranbob can safely enter water. No burning. He can also teleport like an enderman, albeit varied. Refer to here for my Endermen lore for more of his abilities.
-Ran and Ranbob are not related. This is one of the two biggest things I have in terms of these two.
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Ranbob met Ran when the lad was 8 and the older enderman was 16. Ran was one of the few in Mizu’s above water crew so he knew more of the overworld and in turn knew the stories in Mizu were mostly bullshit. Despite this, he tolerated Ranbob’s curiosity and taught him what he knew of the stories. Later in their friendship, though, Ran became more violent and devoted to his beliefs and worship of his idol and demanded Ranbob find something to tether himself to, even if it eventually led to a fight that made Ran leave to the surface and Ranbob in Mizu with his selected idol to prove himself. Ranbob is 18 at this point.
-Around the time he hung around Ran, Ranbob spotted an axolotl appearing more often outside the glass of Mizu, following playfully around him. He ended up letting it into Mizu one day when wishing Ran luck on his scouting trip, thus sealing his own fate.
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-Ranbob’s worship towards Dream is fully manipulated by said axolotl, done by a lonely and bored god. He would get nightmares and broken visions of the past, normally about his ‘idol’ and the others worshipped and admired in Mizu. The one who guided him to slaughter the population in Mizu was all XD’s doing, as a ‘test of faith’.
-When the fishermen visit Mizu, the events are fully similar. The only difference being the moment Cletus shattered the hole in the hallway, he’d made a hole for Ranbob to reenter with. When Charles dives in the secret room, Ranbob could’ve easily swam it due to being able to breathe and swim underwater. So when the glass in the tree room is shattered, Ranbob swims out of it and stalks the remaining trio through the other side of the glass.
-There’s more lore on what happens afterwards that I’m not gonna say because then it gets more detailed and this is already getting long with text but I will say this: Ranbob survives at the end of Mizu and finds out the truth of who exactly he’d been listening to. He never dares try to find Ran, the scar on his chin a valid reminder not to.
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This picture isn’t lore related, I just wanted another excuse to draw Ranbob. I also technically drew him for this map part here.
If you ever wanna know more of my headcanons, don’t be afraid to ask! It was fun writing these out finally, like how I did with Crops!
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dsmpkincalls · 2 years
Ello! Im a tommyinnit fictive looking for my ranboo.
id prefer only fictives respond to this! and this is completely platonic!
I am bodily 18+,so id prefer 16-20 bodily. My Wilbur was very/neg and highly traumatized me. this was something my boo knew about. i was dating purpled!(and still am!) I was around 14 when i met my ranboo,he was dreams protege. he was very socially awkward but kind. i have almost full white hair due to dream always reviving me when i died. i was a fae, with deer features,but my antlers were broken and i filed them into horns.
Ranboo like i said was dreams protege, almost like a son to dream. he was part ghast, part enderman and was in a qpr with my tubbo!! he was very tall but always slouching. he was aroace! When i got exiled he visited me often as he could teleport, and he kept me company untill dream forbid it. he would tell tubbo about how i was doing. he eventually joined the syndicate and thats where a lot of our communication stopped,our last conversation that i can remember was a fight.
Please contact me at @tommy-bedwars-innit if anything here sounds familiar! i miss my boo deeply.
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ladyshadowsblog · 2 years
A bit of my MCD stuff as to not mess with the current lore of it to much. Headconons!!! Uhhhh here we go!
The main ones for My MCD stuff:
• Travis's Father and is mainly hiding in his house reading instead of bothering the humans.
• Short Warden boi who hides in his little cabin reading
• Bi, and Ally
Shadow Lord/Shadows father=Red
• Not the brightest crayon in the box, he is very antisocial and literally hates dealing with anyone who is from the otherside.
• He is Ghast, He is not friendly do not try and be his friend
• Not all into the LGBT and doesn't support all to much but does his best
End Lord/Shadows Mother=Purple
• Understanding, a bit protective but for the most part if you don't look into her eye's you should be good.
• She is an Enderman, do not look into he eyes it's a death trap. Literally
• Bi, and ally
• Not all to talkative hints why she normally just hides in a cabin with Enki reading or writing in a corner next to the fireplace
• She is both ender and ghast hints her parents but mainly shows more signs of an Enderman.
• Trans, Poly, and Pan. Normally tries to not mention the trans or poly thing around people she doesn't know
• Very quite when it comes to talk about the nether and Shadow knight stuff, Shadow gave him one of her spear journal's so he can express those feeling's in written form
• Shadow Knight, but born human along with his sister Cadenza
• Gay, Literally just not out of the closet. Reasonable don't really blame him
• Very much Laurence's older sister and she loves dress making. Even if it a super hard dress to make.
• Human, Some kind of "Special" relic a few Shadow Knights want. Idk it's confusing
• Ally, Knows a lot about people and doesn't tell anyone which scares some people such as Aaron
I will post something probably later about Shadow, basically being a flash back and what it's like being a child to the nether lord '>'
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mcytnoodles · 2 years
loved the new chapter! i have a question; and if it's spoilers feel free to not answer for any of them but what mob did the non-hermits and martyn lifers become? particlularly wondering about bigb but really any of them
I do have a mob list for everyone, but I am, in parts, still thinking it over, funnily enough, it's particularly bigb I'm stuck on!
but yeah, you asked, so now you have to deal with me being annoying about that\lh
skizz is an enderman hybrid, since I'm pretty sure that one was implied in the canon series? he changed his skin to have some enderman features after his first death, so I took it and ran.
joel is a wolf hybrid and if I think about it for too long I might cry. I love the idea of wolf hybrid joel so much and I've only seen it done once before, I really wish it was more common.
scott is a ghast hybrid and if I'll think about it for too long I will 100% cry on the spot SOMEONE PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT GHAST HYBRID SCOTT I AM GOING TO GO INSANE OVER THAT IDEA PLEASE.
bigb is, I think, the only one I'm still not fully sure about? I want to find a mob that'll fit him thematically in both 3rd and last life, don't get me wrong, 3rd life is and probably always will be my favorite season, BUT BIGB IN LAST LIFE GOT ME SO INVESTED IT WAS INSANE EVERY TIME I THINK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED THERE I SOB. so at the moment he's written down in my notes as a panda hybrid, purely because I thought the design would be really cute and didn't want to leave it blank in the meantime, but that's still prone to change, and I'm considering quite a few options still! if you have suggestions, feel free to talk! and I hope this wasn't too mush of a ramble! thank you so much on your ask!
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oonessawness · 3 years
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for @gayranboo 🤍
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shirubiaowo · 3 years
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Is everyone on Instagram woke or somethin-
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sun-stormz · 4 years
Dream and Ranboo have history, lore history
Dream did something to the end
There was a war in the end
And dream was involved
Ranboo had part and he only nearly got away.
Everything that is happening is a repeat for ranboo.
Dream has fun seeimg people suffer and destroy each other
Dream is some sort of non human, that has been doing this aaaaall the time
This makes so much sense
Ranboos part enderman of course he is the only one that knows whats up with the end
He knows why no one is allowed into the end lore wise
Is ranboo part enderman & ghast or enderman & whatever dream is?
If part ghast was the whatever happend in the past between the end and the nether?
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funky-lady · 3 years
Boatem’s Bloodlust
The Boatem Crew Boards The Dream Cruise Ship AU
It’s like a flick has been switched.
Suddenly the Boatem crew is on high alert, thinking on best ways to stay safe and defend themselves if need be.
Mumbo’s mind starts whirling with designs upon designs of traps and weapons and defensive measure to set up around the canyon, just in case. His fingers are itching to grab a pickaxe and start grinding for obsidian in between building ghast and enderman farms. If there’s a chance that Boatem – if his friends – are in danger, then he needs to stock up on end crystals. One thing’s for sure, if push comes to shove, then he won’t hesitate to drop the Peace, Love and Plants philosophy as a whole in a heartbeat. If anyone even thinks about threatening his friend – his family – he’ll show them why the Blood God is feared and revered by thousands all over the server network.
Sat next to Boatem’s very own CEO, resident Spruce Wayne, Patate Man and unofficial eye candy, also known as Mumbo Kills-A-Lot Jumbo, Impulse frowns, unnerved with the possibility of their presence being discovered so soon. Designs of creeper and wither farms flash through his mind as he nods resolutely and decides that at the first sign of danger, he will gladly show this server why the Boomers were one of the most feared groups on the Hermitcraft server last season.
He and Grian might’ve been hippies in the past, but if push comes to shove, he’s sure his chaos loving friend wouldn’t be opposed to unleashing a Wither or two in self-defence… Grian is the War Watcher after all and it’s not like they haven’t done it before. He knows Mumbo would absolutely be on board with it as well. If he thinks he’s fooled anyone with the Peace, Love and Plants thing he has going on, he’s mistaken. Everyone in Boatem the strain he is under by denying a fundamental part of himself nature like that.
Pearl fiddles with the clock Bdubs told her to keep after the Castle Heist, more than ready to curse this server with eternal night at first sign of provocation. She won’t let them hurt her brother, or any of her friends. The remnants bloodlust that came with the boogey curse make a swift return. It’s a side effect of being the last boogeyman that, according to Doc, she’ll always have to deal with in one way or another. Though the hold the curse has on her might weaken with time, from now on there’s always going to be a part of her that will long for blood, death and violence.
BloodMoon, as Gem had helped name it, or rather her, is her very own helsmit, living in the deepest recesses of her mind, ready to rise up to the call whenever she feels in danger or angry.
Distracted by her bloodthirsty thoughts, Pearl doesn’t notice Impulse’s subtle flinch at the sight of the clock, but Grian does, and he wraps a wing around his friend. Impulse shoots him a thankful smile, relaxing slightly and turning his attention back to the matter at hand.
Scar straightens from his lazy yet graceful slouch. His gaze hardens and his eyes, cold and calculating chips of emerald, start glowing with Vex magic in the shadow cast by the rim of his top hat. He might hate the way he got his powers and everything he was forced to do while contracted to the Vex, but he will gladly use it if it means keeping his friends safe. Besides, he spent the entirety of season seven dealing with that bag of Convex trauma with the Jungle Gang’s help. He’s doing a lot better now.
He can fight. He can give it his all.
They all will.
@pinkpuffballdude @call-me-dj
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ghost-of-a-vulture · 3 years
so, without further adue, beeduo wedding but Phil, Tech, and niki (I headcannon her as Ranboo's older sister, who is an ender dragon hybrid) attempt to include aspects of all three cultures:
"Marriage" isn't really a thing. Most endermen just kinda vibe, their only goals being survival and reproduction. I have a whole rant about Endermen reproduction, here's a few quotes relating to mates and the closest thing to "marriage" End culture has:
Enderman have partners to protect their young
If an Enderman finds another Enderman they see as fit to provide for children, they'll give them a gift as a way to "propose"
These gifts are often food or ores from the overworld
If they accept, the pair finds a place to settle, kinda like a home base
In Niki's eyes, there is nothing more to do. The two are all set. Ranboo is intrigued by the concept of weddings and marriages, he thinks it's sweet. He's asked Phil to tell him all about them, it's quite interesting to him. Despite being around people for most of his life, he still can't quite grasp overworld customs. Niki wants nothing more than to make her little brother happy. 
So niki, being a baker, makes the food. As mentioned before, overworld food is considered quite special in their culture, despite Endermen often being found visiting the overworld. And she goes insane with the food. The menu includes:
Pasta. So many types of pasta. Like holy shit what do you not have anything else to do-
A variety of salads.
Sub sandwiches.
Carrot cake. Specifically carrot cake.
So. Many. Cupcakes.
A cookie cake. 
Three different types of punch.
The leftovers were fed to Tech's wolf pack a week after the celebrations ended.
Piglins are constantly on the move. The nether is dangerous, you can't afford to get too attached to one place. But they go apeshit when it comes to weddings.
It's quite a basic ceremony, not much unlike that of those from the overworld. An exchange of gifts, often a crown, ring, bracelet or necklace with a polished piece of obsidian in the center. It's short and sweet, the newly married pair holding hands as they walk away from the altar.
The afterparty is a ball. Piglin brutes will spend several days digging out a large room and carving intricate designs into the walls. Sometimes there is music, other times it's just the chatter of the crowd, but it's fun nonetheless. A cooked hoglin rests on a pile of logs in the center of the ballroom, with a sword on each side. There is no set mealtime, they simply eat when they are hungry.
The clothes are the most impressive part.
Piglins have very limited resources, but they make the most of it. Here's some concepts for wedding garments:
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Gold bracelets! Tusk rings! Wooden beads and jewelry!! Dye made from the leaves of trees!! Bones! Ghast tears!!!! 
Scars are highlighted using gold dust to showcase the bravery of the partners.
They go all out.
So Techno takes Tommy, who knows how to sew, into the nether. They do some trading, they talk to some piglins, and eventually they end up attending a piglin wedding. Tommy uses it as inspiration, making the garments as close to those made in the nether as possible.
A ballroom is built inside the hills of Snowchester.
Dances! Songs! Instruments!! Rattles! Chants! Feather dyeing!!!! Robes!!
Elytrians care less about asthetics than sound. Sound is where it's at. Sure, they have ceremonial robes, but the sounds though. Children dancing with rattles. Mating dances. Colorful feathers. Sound, movement and color.
Phil makes a variety of rattles for the guests. He dyes his feathers and offers to dye the wings of other feathered guests.
He taught the two teens a simple dance, not a Mating dance because they are a queerplatonic and have no interest in reproduction, but a dance used by young avians, one that was often used as a proposal. A traditional dance passed from generation to generation. 
The end result:
The guests meet in the ballroom, seating themselves on mats on the ground. Tubbo sits on a very fancy chair in the front, awaiting his partner. Ranboo partner's. Down the isle. He offers Tubbo a dance. He accepts. They dance, the only sounds being their own giggles and the notes coming from the jukebox. The two are wearing the clothes made by their best friend. Ranboo, in a cyan and grey tunic, with beads hanging from thin strings on his waist, and Tubbo, wearing a read dress with a wooden emblem on the chest, decorative beads hanging from strings on his belt. The dance ended with an exchange of crowns, gold with obsidian stones. The teens walked away from the front, waltzing onto the dance floor. The guests follow, picking up their mats and tucking them away before going off to dance. 
A table in the center is covered end to end in food. The guests eat when they are hungry, everything is in its own containers or on plates so they can be eaten without cutlery. The guests are given rattles. They dance around the room, they laugh and joke. The night is good. It lasts all night, starting as the sun set and ending as it rises.
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uwuinator · 4 years
Masterpost on Ranboo’s Unknown Half
GHAST: 1 2 3 
BERRY (yes i know this was a joke): SEE HERE
ALBINO ENDERMAN: (if someone could link me to the clip that’d be nice! i know he deconfirmed it, just not looking through for it)
GUARDIAN: ...okay i’m not clipping every time he’s gone to the guardian farm.
PARROT: There was a donation sent asking what c!Ranboo thinks of cookies, saying “thumbs up” in response. Parrots die when they eat cookies.
INBETWEEN/OTHER SIDE: Karl's lore is separate to everyone else guys... come on. I honestly shouldn't have to say this.
There’s a lot that it could be but I believe the most likely candidates are:
IRON GOLEM: He’s pretty protective of the people he holds dear. Iron golems attack players who attack villagers and not when they destroy any of the village.
ARCTIC FOX/ALBINO FOX: Would definitely explain the berries. Albinism characteristically is given pink/blue/red eyes!
DEMON: When swimming through Prime water, Ranboo has stated that it hurt ‘a little bit.’ Contradictory to how he has stated regular water only starts out like an itch before it becomes more painful. Unclear at the moment.
SHULKER: There isn't much here, but the switching heights could allude to the shell going up and down. Very weak, but a possibility. Fits with the end stuff as well, but unlikely.
GHOST: Explains the memory loss VERY VERY WELL!!! Would explain for being only HALF Enderman as well. Gives a connection to Ghast, in a theory about ghasts being ghosts in the Overworld. Gives humanoid appearance as well.
WOLF: Explains loyalty to people idea rather than a side. Would also give credit to the idea of him going alone like a ‘lone wolf.’ When provoked, wolves do get red eyes. Still seems unlikely to me, but the art would be cute.
CAT: Strong attachment to Enderchest! He also just acts like a cat sometimes when around people. Has been suppressed a little bit as more of his enderman side shows itself. catboy ranboo confirmed?
NON-MOB: Yeah, he's bleeped it out before so it might just be something other than a mob.
If you ever have any to add please ask/dm me and provide evidence! This post will be updated with evidence as it continues!
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askendermanmikado · 3 years
*** Continuing from this ***
Part 1 Part 2 Mika watched the bottle flying through the air and being catched by Tiki. He was quite impressed by how effortless it seemed for the other enderman to do that. When Tiki put the bottle in Mikas hand, Mika followed with his eyes. It had been a very long time since someone touched his hand. In that very moment the green skinned enderman realized how long he had been in solitude in his swamp and how lonely it actually felt.
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But when he took a closer look to Tikis fingers there was also another thing he noticed: webbing. An enderman with webbed hands? Had been quite a while since Mika saw something like that.
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He looked up to his counterparts face as Tiki spoke. „Those eyes…“ Mika thought „where did I see that kind of eyes?“ As Tiki turned around and revealed his back, Mika gasped in a short scare when he saw the ghast staring at him. For a second images of all those dreadful experiences from his time in the nether were flashing through his head. But they were gone again just as sudden as they had come when the certainty hit that the ghast was just a picture on Tikis skin and not real. Well, now he knew where he saw that kind of eyes before… nether creatures tended to have their pupils shaped like that. „How does that all add up?“ the swamp enderman mumbled. As Tiki walked down the hall to the kitchen, Mika gazed back at him another moment or two before he turned to Rodd. „Dude… I got questions!“ he said in excitement while walking next to his creeper friend towards the kitchen „Okay, okay where do I start?? Uh… Well… Where and how the heck did you guys meet?! I’ve never seen an enderman like that… How is living with him? You are roommates, right? Or are you…  eh… I mean… you guys are roommates, right?“
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
Ranboo my Beloved please help this Kid please
VOD: TommyInnit Is Actually Depressed in Exile
(rp) Well that title can only mean Good and Wholesome things right??? Everything's going to be fine and dandy RIGHT?????????
yeah ok I'm ready to have my heart torn out again lets fucking do this
he's drowning again :(
"its ok though because its Dream. And hes great. H-hes cool" I have never heard Tommy sound more defeated :'(
[irt the Tubbo statue] Welp this isn't going to go over well
OH WOW THAT SKIN SHIT. he looks real fucked up ohnoooo. His eyes are greyer and hes got Visible Bags under them D: also his hair is messed up too :(
"we didn't do this out of pity" have lost their magic words huh oof
"if Tubbo wanted to be here he could, and he's chosen not to" :( :( :( this WHOLE SPEECH is painful and raw
Tommy is so angry and I wish he was ABLE to direct it at dream but man, I get it. Hard to watch him tear down the Tubbo statue though
.....also side note did BBH and Puffy build this while eggified that's wild lol
:( Fundy and Ranboo came to say hi. So did Philza. ahhhhhh, fucking hell :(
"Its been weeks" canonizing the longer timeline
Ghostbur ... that hits different now ;-; ;-; ;-;
I miss him already fuck
Tommy still not eating.. :(
adsfdfsf the fuckign... girlfriend bit what even is this
He's so sneaky and clever ahhh he hid the book!! fuck Dream took the last book and then he hid it too well lol
well that got depressing quick ;-;
Tommy really is so communicative he tries so so much I hate that no one seems to listen
"and he never would have gotten [exiled]" Tommy it wasn't your faaaullt
and they're trying too but he doesn't know how much Dream is intimidating them to stay away :(
shit he STILL hasn't eaten. Hes not putting on his armor either :(
I do NOT like the vibes on this "screaming station" .... seems fucked up
"the sun reminds me of a happier time, the sunset reminds me of my bench" THE SUN IS HOPE :(
and hes turning down primes
whoever suggested making a chair a "one person bench" omg adwsfdf
still hasn't e a t e n
lol always time to make fun of bbh and skeppy lol
.... a screaming station in the nether seems like an even worse idea than one over the ocean
Jack Manifold! I hear you fucking hate Tommy later!! and I have no idea why!! IS THIS IT
Fucking hell HOW IS THIS CANON
.........wow this sure is the WORST time Jack could have visited. FUCK
...he was even going to throw him a fire res Fuck
I still can't believe that was canonically Jack's last life what the fuck I can't believe that was the start of the Team Rocket arc
...he DID apologize, fuck fuck fuck
Jack and Tommy really talking past each other, this SUCKS so much like he could not have had WORSE TIMING and I wish it hadn't ended in a fucking, DEATH because I don't think Tommy ever meant to go that far at all, like, fuck man
(I know people are pretty sympathetic to Jack and all, and sure that sucked but also I'M HERE FOR MY BOY TOMMY RIGHT NOW OK)
....half a heart and still not fucking E a t i n g
running around the nether with half a heart. Building out over lava. Mans committed to the bit
................I knew it had bad vibes
FINALLY EATING!! Jesus that ghast lol
"why would he spawn there???" TOMMY THAT'S HOW MINECRAFT WORKS TOMMY adswfsdfsd
"I'm just a fucking tourist hub now" Exiles really done a number on him in a Multitude of ways
I knew that party was gonna do a number on him but man is it hard to see.
....I'm glad Ranboo's efforts have been appreciated a little bit. Its good to have SOMEONE other than Dream that Tommy's not cutting off
GOD the zoom in on the lava. Rough.
Hes tearing down the path too. He's physically and mentally isolating himself, which is ... harshly true to life
"Happy place / Theyre all happy / Its not quiet / Its just happy" Tommy writes the most Devastating Shit. Like first it was the Ranboo mail and now the sign, fuck. Its like any chance he gets to type, it just all comes spilling out, he can't help it
"Have I ever been the villain? ...(small depressed smirk)...probably" :( :( :( this is absolutely Dream's victim blaming working and everyone who dog-piled him about the walls and shit and fucking hell man, no
...the little interaction with Ranboo was a breath of fresh air, my beloved...
Wait what happened to the fake gf???
I do feel like its actually really good that Tommy managed to let ONE person through a little bit, and not brush him off out of pity. Its not enough rn but I feel like any outside connection is good for him right now.
It also does feel like it is because Ranboo kept trying even when he ran into difficulty. Its ALSO because of luck no doubt, and he managed to hit just the right vibes to not be 'pitying' because others DID try multiple times, but it couldn't have happened at all if he hadn't been so persistent with his mail either
I also noticed Ranboo questioned the "Dream and you are my only friends" line, which I appreciate
THE CHEST ROOM. FUCK. Well I know how THIS ends D:
"I owe everything to Dream, he comes and sees me and he gives me armor sometimes, and he makes me happier and he gives me a trident" . . . we're in the thick of it now huh
I LOVE THAT RANBOO SPEAKS SOME SENSE HERE THANK YOU. like Tommy's not in a place to hear it Right NOW, but I still appreciate it. He's very good at that (though he still has the backbone of a chocolate eclair lmao. Though maybe that's also why he didn't set off Tommy either)
He almost told him about the armor destruction and my heart hurts
"I'm gonna make it out of Cobblestone, because its my favorite block, it was. It is I think" :(
Ranboo really planning to run for president and help this kid get the FUCK out of exile
ALSO He's trying to clear up the compass thing, hes trying so hard. Tommy's not really in a place to hear it, but I'm glad it was said
......JACK. Hes coming in for a BIT and its just. He's bouncing off of Tommy so hard adfdf I can see how he becomes Team Rocket but also I hate that this friendship turned into hatred
asdfssfd don't ask Ranboo to STRIPE omg
why ARE there so many portals??
...."he takes shit from me" he told him :( I'm so glad he told him but fuck I wish Ranboo could help in some way. Too often you can't and you just gotta work with what you can do but at least he told him :(
"anyone can die Ranboo even me" there's that suicidal idealization! :(
"Its because they don't care Ranboo. Everyone who you think cares, probably doesn't"
GODDD cc!Tommy is a good actor though shit, the YELLING about the party I'M
Tommy is so communicative even now, hes trying to tell Ranboo and talk about it and I wish it made a difference
...he was triggered when Ranboo fought the mobs for him :( he sighed and it hurt :(
...he was testing him for pity with the pickaxe wasn't he, fuck
oh no tommy hes part enderman don't put him in water afdsfdf
back in serious mode I see.
Ranboo talking him off the literal edge, fuck
"Its never gonna end" oh Tommy... :(
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shepard-ram · 3 years
Here's another au from the discord since I am just having the worst writer's block with the mcc au
You never knew just how strange your upbringing was, players weren't supposed raised by villagers, pillagers weren't supposed to protect the village you called home, ravagers weren't supposed to give rides to child players, baby zombies weren't supposed to play with you in the streets once the sun set, phantoms weren't supposed to let you pet them like the village cats, creepers weren't supposed to just happily follow you around, enderman weren't supposed to teleport you around and gift you blocks while staring right into your eyes. None of this is how the world is supposed to work but you had never known any different you had never met another player, for you this was how the world was supposed to be but as you soon found out not long after your first trip to the nether this wasn't how the world was supposed to work.
You were excited,after all you had finally convinced your worrywarts of a family to let you go to the nether after all your village needed more nether warts and you could respawn unlike your family ( after first time you had respawned after falling into a hidden ravine you had never noticed that you always had a mob following you around) so since you were now an adult it just made logical choice, you had already put on your gold armour so that the piglins your village bought nether warts from would know your friendly and not an invader. Your family had told you about the nether and it's lava filled landscape but man nothing could compare to seeing it in person you thought as you took the lavafall right next to the portal even if a fence kept you a far distance away the heat radiating from it was more than blast furnaces heat or even a overworld lava pond. Reminding yourself about what you came here for you tore your gaze away from the stunning view, instead setting you sights on the Blackstone structure a few hundred blocks in the distance that's where your supposed to trade the gold you were given for nether warts, it was a rather uneventful walk you didn't even see any of the inhabitants that your family told you about the white fireball spewing ghasts or the undead piglins. Uneventful walk over you sort of stood outside the bastion as the piglins on watch just kept their eyes solely on you...were they even blinking? This weird stare off was broken when you held up a gold ingot maybe they just needed to know you were here to trade, it seemed to work as one of them ran into the inner parts of the bastion, the large doors finally opened only for you to come face to chest with you assumed the brute of the bastion? He to just stared down at you,so you once again raised your gold ingot and pointed to the nether warts you could just see inside the bastion.
However the expected results of him taking the gold and you getting what you came here for didn't happen instead you found yourself in a Blackstone room surrounded by gold,you had tried to leave but you were just gently placed back in the room from what little piglin you could remember from your families lessons it sounded like they were telling you " treasure has to stay with the treasure" but that might be a miss translation since it made very little sense to you. After you latest attempt to leave since this was quite obviously a mistake not only had you been deposited back into the gold littered floor but they had nudged a few piglin piglets into the room with so now you had the smallest sat on the floor with you cuddling into your side and the other two seemed to be playing guards and were matching back and forth in front of the door and when you once more attempted to leave the smallest one would start to tear up and the other two would pull you back over to them. Thankfully the smallest one soon fell asleep little oinks occasionally slipping out as they slept still clinging to you, using this opportunity to actually move you stood up holding the little piglet on your hip as you looked out of a block sized hole in the wall you supposed to be a window, the other two piglets didn't really react between the fact you weren't going to the door and the fact they were soon bound for the land of nod as well maybe with you in tow.
A sudden appearance of purple sparkles just out of sight of the "window" caused any sleep within you to disappear as an idea came to you, discreetly grabbing a nugget from the gold pile you quickly threw it towards where you had seen the sparkles, you grinned as you peered into the familiar purple of an enderman eyes as you reached out your free arm for the enderman to grab and with that you were out of the bastion. You always got a bit disoriented after an enderman teleported you but no matter you could just go home and forget about this failure of a trade mission, you had no clue where you had gone wrong but the familiar purple glow of the nether portal helped reduce that feeling of failure with its promise of home being on the other side, it was strange how cold this part of the nether was thought but that could just be due to the left over disoriented feeling from the teleport. Stepping into the portal and letting the feeling of its magic wash over you, were snapped out of it when you could suddenly hear what sounded like shattering glass eyes snapping open you looked around to see no... village....or portal.... What!? A confused oink had you looking down at the little sleep filled eyes of the piglet now looking at you in confusion, oh prime you had brought the piglet with you...where ever you were.
Across the smp the sound of the communicators notification rang out, the owners of said communicators looking at their devices in confusion as they all read a single line.
[ REDACTED has joined the server]
So yeah here we are with another favourite of mine from the discord now with accidental kidnapping since I needed to do a little fluff to balance out the dark yandere blurb I did in the discord,well has fluffy as you can have in a yandere au.
Mob catnip au my beloved this has been sitting in my askbox for way too long for something a adore with my whole heart-
Gotta love just living your life in peace, not realizing that all these animals are supposed to be dangerous. The only danger you're in is if a smarter monster decides to take the overprotective hoarder route
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