#hes insane like me
weedpoop · 4 months
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3.15.20 original release note:
i met w/ an oracle on a friend's recommendation. she cleansed me and told me three things: 1. someone would die 2. i had a star on my head 3. stay close to god then someone died. and my vision was cleared. but i could not touch them. i felt on my own, which had, before, always been enough. i met w/ the oracle again in a different form. she asked me "how long do u think people wait?" "as long as they need to?" "they're not going to wait forever." at the dining room table after lunch, my oldest asked "what are you looking for?" as i stared at the mountain made for someone else. i told my brother the dream where i asked prince to see my father and prince said he was "fine". i told my brother the dream where all people screamed and clawed at each other in the street. and i knew of secret entry into a safe haven, but could not remember where or why it was. i told my love the dream where my father held our unborn son, hiding underground as i prepared for a fight i knew i would lose. and how i woke up sobbing, and how i felt deep shame and wanted to join where i imagined he was. but then a star the color of ur smile shined onto my forehead. and i laid back in my closet, nesting on dirty clothes and watchtowers my mother had asked me to read but knew i never would. this closet, that once housed my shame and refusal to love my most ugly, had unintentionally allowed truth to collect, and form, and fall back onto me. in the first book, i will express u. i will write u. i will sing u. i will bring them as brothers and sister and shape u for us, not just in our image, but in the boundless colored canopy of eternity. - D
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qrowpilled · 1 year
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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nat-20s · 4 months
name a more iconic thing to happen for the fictional qpr community than Donna Noble quite literally meeting her soulmate and being like hmm. there's no one I've ever wanted to fuck less
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stickyvoidpaper · 2 months
Dick : Jasons been more, relaxed lately. It's unsettling.
Tim : Yeah, I've started spiking his water with mood stabilizers.
Dick : What
Tim : I've been thinking of doing it to the wider gotham water supply. Think about the crime rates.
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chainslobber · 4 months
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Boothill, you will always be famous(ly cunty)
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noodles-and-tea · 20 days
Little Stan getting manipulated by Bill has excellent angst potential but consider.
Stanley just, keeps tricking Bill. Because Bill would definitely massively underestimate Stanley and how far he’ll go to protect Ford (like in the actual show). We also know Stanley has the street smarts between the twins and could absolutely tell Bill is full of it.
And because Bill would absolutely loose his mind if he kept getting foiled by a snot nosed eight year old that isn’t even supposed to be here
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I like to think that he doesn’t even try that hard he just does not even care about bill
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garbean · 3 months
I love dunmeshi for the like.. built in horror of consumption. Like they eat to survive, they eat to honor their prey, they eat to possibly mourn someone. Laios eats monsters because he wants to learn more about the things he loves, Senshi eats monsters to feel included in the ecosystem because he didn't fit in with the outside and with most creatures in general, Chilchuck DOESN'T eat as much as he could because eating too much could kill all the party members, Marcille eats monsters and hates it but she still does it because she'll die before she could save Falin.
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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She will (and he'll let her)
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lotus-pear · 14 days
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charm stat at debonair ‼️‼️
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philsmeatylegss · 1 month
If I were Dan and Phil I would never hard launch because it’s so embarrassing that we were right. Like what do you mean you were so in love a bunch of thirteen year old’s clocked it? I would never give that satisfaction.
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shepscapades · 3 months
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[Set in Mid-Late Hermitcraft Season 8]
In which we learn a little something about Cub, a little something about Doc, and a little something about Xisuma.
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die-mitri · 5 months
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Every time I see a take on this panel, I get dealt -5 psychic damage.
I really really really don't think Kabru is being a "manipulative psycho girlfriend" here. He's just like... A nice guy.
For context: in the panel, Laios finds a magic mirror and asks it what would happen if various party members were a different gender. Long story short, all of his party members leave him and he's distraught.
Here Kabru is just comforting him??? It's not like she plotted for all of them to leave so she could have him to herself. The characters as their swapped genders just had different priorities that ended up separating them.
It's not like it's out of character for Kabru to be kind and comforting. In fact, here's proof
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Say what you want about him, but at the end of the day the reason he's so meticulous and careful about his words/choices is because he cares.
He cares so deeply about humanity. He wants to avoid tragedy. He hates people who prey on others for personal gain. He's not some evil, manipulative, freak who wants to rule the dungeon for power. He wants what's best for everyone (even if he's a little misguided).
He's genuinely a kind and thoughtful person and I'm sick of hearing ppl say he isn't. Get with it nerds.
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oifaaa · 9 months
Listen listen is the Percy Jackson show making changes so big that even me with my horrible little memory is noticing - yes Do I care - absolutely not I'm still enjoying the show and the changes so far have just helped keep me on my toes bc wtf do you mean Percy has 4 pearls?!?? What do you mean the summer solstice has happened?!!? What is going on I need to know !!!!
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yrsonpurpose · 3 months
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jane & guildford + soft touches
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sabh0 · 2 months
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My roman empire is that custom-made badge Dazai has sewn inside Chuuya's jacket after the Lovecraft fight
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tropicalcleric · 9 months
spto made everyone think that wallace is so much shorter than scott because they hit him with a twink beam even though he's canonically several inches taller than scott. and it's all i think about all the time. scollace artists i am BEGGING you to put the height difference back where it belongs
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