#hes got weird vampire anatomy
darnellthefirestarter · 9 months
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Here's the guys! Sorry for not drawing them from scratch. I was having trouble with poses and sizing, plus I was already REALLY late on these, so I jsut used the models I already had. Some extra info: Pico's fangs grow depending on how long its been since his last feeding, and he becomes increasingly dangerous the more hungry he gets. Darnell carries garlic and silver knives with him everywhere he goes, mostly hidden in his boots, pockets, and pants.
I hope these refs are okay, I've never made a ref sheet before. Enjoy! :]
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volturiprincess · 3 months
From the other side
Demetri Volturi x F newborn vampire
Warnings: Foul language, death, mentions of a Emetophobia, I bash on the Cullens here A/N: This was a request by @kpopgirlbtssvt, I got to say I enjoyed working on this. Its been a while since I worked on an actual long one-shot request but I hope the wait was worth it, and I might of changed some ideas on the request slightly (but still stayed on topic). Enjoy💙 Word Count: 4k+ (wow)
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(He's just so gorgeous🥰)
“I think she’s waking up”
“How do you know?”
“Well you can see her eyeball moving Emmett, I'm no doctor but I think that is a sign she is waking up”
“Oh well sorry Mister Smartypants, didn't know I was in the presences of an expert”
“Focus, should we fetch Carlisle? He said he would be back soon but what if he’s already here?”
“I'll check, you stay here incase she starts moving around, wouldn't want her newborn instincts to kill Nessie”
Why do I feel so strange? Where the hell am I? Maybe I should wake up, maybe the one with the southern accent could give me answers. I force myself to wake up and when I do everything seems so different. Everything seems so focused, enhanced, so…perfect. When has my vision ever been this good? I know I've been neglecting my glasses quite often but even with my glasses on I never had such good eyesight, I always thought I never needed them. I sit up slowly to check my surroundings. Crap! Where am I? What even happened to me? 
Just left my final class of the day, Anatomy is such a pain in the ass really. Why did I decide to take both Anatomy 1 and Genetics in the same semester? But I mean it's worth it, get the harder classes out of the way and then I can maybe squeeze in other classes I am interested in before graduating. I clinged my heavy textbooks to my chest tighter as I tiredly made my way to my small apartment. I got lucky that this place was cheap compared to living on campus, and the bonus to it is that my place is about 5 minutes away from campus. I heard the school bell ring signaling some class has ended, instantly I'm surrounded by a swarm of students like me. All of them either off to  their next class, or home, or even getting a late lunch. I was slightly pushed around until I managed to find an opening but not everything can go to plan. As I was trying to get to the opening someone shoved me a bit too hard and the books I was clutching flew out of my arms, I went along with them.
I heard a simple “My bad” and then I was met with silence. I hurriedly picked up my stuff and saw how people just looked but didn't help or offer a hand. Situations like this makes me want to just disappear. Just be able to get to point A to B without any mishaps. I composed myself mentally and continued my walk to my apartment. Considering it's only 5, it's already pitch black. I don't like walking alone at night, sure I’m a night owl, but I like to be alone in a safe space. As I'm walking I felt that weird feeling of being watched, it's like a sixth sense to me at this point, please tell me it's just my paranoia and not real. I do a quick scan and I'm met with no one but silence that makes an exception to the far off train horn. I hurried off trying to shake off that paranoia until I bumped into what I thought was a wall (ended up being a ‘human’)and then I was met with darkness.
I felt my eyes fill with tears but I soon noticed they would not fall, I tried blinking but nothing happened. I went to wipe my eyes with my hand instead but felt my hand move abnormally faster. Okay what the heck? I know I sometimes have my days where my reflexes kick in or not but I have never been able to move that fast. And as if on cue my throat felt so dry, I felt like I could drain the pacific and yet that would not be enough to satisfy the level of thirst I have. I tried swallowing but noticed that it didn't even help or even do anything.
“Carlisle should be here soon with something to subdue the thirst”
My gaze snaps to the man who is casually keeping guard at the door. The way he stood made me think he was maybe in the military or something. Why is he beautiful? His blonde locks styled perfectly and his eyes… Are they gold? I have never seen that type of eye color on someone before, I mean I have read a book where one of the characters had pirate gold eyes but in person that’s strange.
“Wh-wha- where am I?”
The way his gaze slowly met mine gave me the creeps, it was like from a scene of a horror movie, where if you spot something from a distance and then you blink, they are right in front of you, killing you.
“Carlisle will answer your questions”
“Why can't you?”
“I'm not in a position to be telling you stuff, all I'm here is to keep you calm since you are a newborn”
“A newborn?”
And then I was met with silence, he turned away from me so he was back to facing the wall like he was previously. 
“Could I at least get your name?”
“Jasper Whitlock, ma’am”
What feels like ages, another man walks in with a big guy. The first one seems like he is the one in charge around here, he seemed nice. He had a calm presence within, but the other guy seemed like he was ready to pick up a fight, probably the muscles around here. Now that I'm thinking about it more, am I in some sort of mafia? But these guys don't seem all that scary, maybe the big one and the Jasper guy. The calm one got closer to me and offered me a cup.
“Here drink this, it should help with the thirst”
I crabbed the cup hesitantly, hoping it wouldn't kill me, and drank it desperately. Finishing it in milliseconds, I did feel a small relief but I still had that feeling of an intense thirst. 
“We will give you more later but I think you deserve an explanation”
“You think”
He smiled gently but nodded “Well to start of you are not human anymore, you might of picked that up slightly since you have woken up”
Not human anymore? But what could I possibly be then? What have they done to me? Am I a monster now?
“You are now a newborn, a vampire to be exact”
That right there was the biggest mick drop of my life. What does he mean i'm a-a vampire? Those exist? I thought they were just myths, that they are just some made up thing that people build up over the years. But now I'm somehow one now? This shit can't be real, he probably has me on some drugs on something. Yeah that's right, probably drugged me and I'm trapped in some dream or something.
“I can see your in denial, there’s really no way to really explain it but you really are a vampire, that cup you drank from was filled with blood, deer blood to be exact”
Oh heck no. I drank blood? I never had a problem with blood, I mean I have a major in the medical field for a reason. Just can't get over vomiting, that's just a big phobia of mine, someone throws up and I'm literally about to faint. But enough of that.
“You gotta be joking here, vampires do not exist, there just myths”
“Well with all honesty here, I assure you I'm not joking, not with the times we are facing now”
“And what is that?”
“Well my family and I are in a bit of a dilemma, you see we have engaged another coven of vampires, and they are threatening to kill our family over a misunderstanding”
“Pardon my language, but what the fuck? What do you mean ‘another coven of vampires’ and a supposed death threat, there's more of you guys out there?”
The big guy chuckled slightly at my foul language and I heard him mumble a “Oh I like her, she’s way more funny than Bella”
“Yes well you see, our kind if basically spread out around the world, this other coven of vampires are living in Italy, but this coven is basically like our government, royalty you can say even, there more dangerous than us, they feed on human blood and they have gifts that can wipe out humanity in an instant”
Ok this other coven sounds scary, wipe out humanity? What the hell did this guy and his family do to anger them anyways, must be pretty serious.
“So let me guess this straight, you and your family have angered this powerful coven of vampires who can in your words wipe out humanity and…are doing what now?”
“Well we been gathering witness to help us avoid a fight with this coven”
“I see but what exactly did you do to anger this coven of powerful vampires then?”
“My son and his new wife had a baby”
“A baby? I'm sorry I don't see a problem here”
“Vampires cannot recreate, that's what I thought until my then human daughter-in-law got pregnant”
“Ok? Still not seeing a problem here”
“I guess an easier way to explain is as I said vampires cannot recreate, we are biologically not able to do such thing between two vampires, but between a vampire male and female human, it's possible but the problem here is the Volturi believe we have created an immortal child, which we didn't”
“I see so then why do they believe you created an immortal child? And also what is an immortal child?”
“An immortal child is a child what was turned into a vampire, there stuck as a child for eternity and cannot control their thirst or be calmed or even age, they are in modern terminology are illegal, and to answer the other question, apparently hybrids are not common and they did not know about them existing”
 The more he answers my questions, the more I think I am definitely dreaming, no way in hell is all of this real. Why am I even being roped into this? I was just some human who was just trying to be a Physician and now that dream is out the window because I'm apparently a vampire now. I need to wake up, this cannot be my life right now, I have so much to live for still. Sure I was quiet and not in some relationship but I still liked the life I had. 
“Now the real question here is, why or how am I even part of this?”
They were all quiet instantly and none of them were making eye contact with me. Ok weird… I mean even the big guys amused look was gone and that guy answering my questions with a small smile was also gone. Something here does not feel right. Someone burst into the room, which freaked me out a bit because this guy along with his buddy looked intimidating with all their leather and the intense red eyes. I felt a weird current roll down my body and then I heard gasps. The Jasper dude looked at me with wide eyes, well everyone was looking at me with the same wide eyes. 
“She’s gone!”
“No I don't think so Emmett, she’s gifted”
“What are the odds of finding one that is gifted”
“Not very likely”
Why are they all talking about me as if I wasn't there?
“Um i'm right here”
The ‘nice’ one spoke up first “Well it seems you have a gift miss, your invisible currently”
“Seriously?” I looked down and as he said I am indeed invisible. Maybe that weird current I felt earlier was me triggering this. Should I tell him this?
“How were you able to do that?”
“I don't know, I um felt a weird feeling run through me after those two over there came in”
“Vladimir and Stefan triggered it? Hmm it seems it came from fear then, interesting”
So those are their names, I wonder who is who. My wild guess is the platinum blonde is Vladimir and the dark haired one is Stefan. 
As if he knew I was talking about him, the platinum started to speak “So you were desperate enough for witnesses that you created a newborn? That’s low even for you Carlisle. At least she’s gifted but even then she probably has no combat skills so she won't be able to tear heads off if the time comes”
Ok y/n, let's think about becoming visible, I don't like how they're just staring at me like that, and also speaking smack about me either. Smoke started to surround me for a minute and when I looked at my hands to see I was now visible. Again I heard the gasp. 
“How did you do that?”
“I was just thinking about wanting to be visible”
“Well that’s good to know how your gift works”
“I guess”
Carlisle, it took him like thirty minutes to tell me his name, started to explain the situation more and even introduced me to the other members of his family. Jasper along with his friend taught me some basic combat skills in case a fight broke out with the confrontation. But the weird thing I discovered was when I met the infamous son, Edward, I was able to read his mind when he was reading mine, he gave me a funky look each time and tried to reduce his thoughts as much as he could. 
Funny enough but also traumatizing, he was always thinking about his honeymoon with his wife. I do not need to know how his child was conceived. When I met Alice a similar thing happened, she spaced out (which I found out she does when she has a vision) and I saw me with another figure, a man to be exact. The man in the vision was gorgeous, I never knew such a person could exist, he looked like a greek god. I think I might have another gift but I'm not sure I should tell Carlisle, there's just something off about why he won't tell me about how I became a vampire or what happened to me that night. 
Today is the day of the confrontation. Just last night I found out about vampires and now I might face death himself. And just today I found out werewolves or shifters exist, is everything in the books true then? I can feel my chest curl into itself and I feel myself internally hyperventilating. Can vampires do that? Well if they can that is exactly what is happening to me. I was placed between Vladimir and Stefan because apparently I should blend in and be more in the background then in front with the others. The Cullens think if the Volturi find out about me they might face a punishment of some sort.
But these two vampires are freaking me out slightly, they had an eye on me constantly, as if I were some criminal or something. With the confrontation I am fighting the urge to just disappear, I don't want part in this. It's not like I could be of help anyways, I can't really turn invisible on command, it just happens and turning visible doesn't always work when I want it to. The other gift I have, I still have no idea how it works or what it is exactly. 
Everyone is standing on guard waiting for the Volturi to arrive. I think the longer we wait the longer I feel my anxiety rise. I saw Vladimir move slightly, I followed his gaze to see a whole army of cloaked figures, they all moved in sync and let a smaller group move forward, those are definitely the kings with their guards. When they all stopped walking, they removed their cloaks and my eyes widened in shock. Why are they all really good looking? The big guy looks even more scary than Emmett, he’s basically towering over everyone. The other two I see are what I can assume are twins, they look alike except for the girl having blonde hair and the guy having brown hair. I heard the others say they are the most dangerous ones. I look at the kings, the only one who looks like he would kill everyone is the blonde one, he seems like the anger issues type of guy- err vampire. 
It seems I forgot to analyze another guard, he was slightly out of my view but how can anyone ignore his presence. I think this was the guy from Alice vision, in person he's more gorgeous. His lovely blonde hair styled to look like spikes, how his face is so symmetrical, he was indeed handcrafted by the gods.
I saw his gaze shift to meet mine, and oh dear gosh, a strong feeling overcame me. I don't even know what this feeling is, it's like an invisible string is trying to pull me toward him. I want to give in but I'm scared of what this is and I'm also scared that I might die right here. His focus was on me the whole time as the others spoke, there was even a point where he turned to the bored looking vampire to ask something which concluded with a nod from him. 
I don't even know what to center my fear right now, the fear from what is happening or the fear of this strange feeling I have with the breathtaking vampire. My attention on him was paused as I saw the blonde twin try to do something but that Bella girl used her shield, the blonde girl even looked at me but something odd happened. She clutched herself as if she was in agonizing pain and fell to her knees, my eyes widened slightly as her twin brother was at her side trying to somewhat resolve her pain.
Even the other Volturi members were shocked, the same twin boy turned his gaze to us and the anger that reflected his eyes was the most terrifying thing to witness. Out of his pure instincts he released a black smoke that also came out of my hands. I started to panic and the witnesses around me were also panicking, a bunch of them hissed for me to stop but I didn't know how or what was even happening.
A loud stop from the Volturi's side made everything go back to normal, the smoke was gone, the girl who was in pain stopped clutching herself and the boy's face was back to its resting form. Even the smoke I somehow had coming out of my hands had vanished. The king in the middle was the one who shouted stop from what I can tell.
“And who is this? She seems to have a very similar ability to one of my guards”
Carlisle who still had a confused looked form the earlier actions done by me “She’s part of Vladimir’s and Stefan’s coven”
The way the two vampires looked at Carlisle at the mention of their name would have left him buried six feet under. I could tell whatever plan the doctor had in mind was not planned. I mean even I was not aware of the plan to start off with, I was just told to stay quiet in the back and not turn invisible until they commanded me to. Vladimir not wanting to be thrown under the bridge or face any death just like me didn't let his voice be unheard 
“Still low of you Carlisle, he’s lying to you”
The look on the vampire king's face can be best described as if someone stabbed him in the back.
“Oh? Please do tell”
“She’s a newborn that Carlisle himself turned just recently”
“Oh my, bring her forward now”
I looked around the witness who was just staring at me as if I grew a second head. Carlisle gave me a look to go to them, so I walked toward the other coven, twiddling my fingers to try to calm my nerves down. So this is it then? This is how I die? As I got closer the elegant vampire kept his gaze on me, it almost looked like he was forcing himself to not go to me, like he was chained down. When I was a good ten feet away from them the tall muscular vampire one grabbed me. He had a strong hold on me, if I were human, painful bruises would indeed be forming at that instant. Again that handsome vampire looked like he was about to go to me but he stood his ground. The raven one came to me closer to introduce himself
“Hello dear, what is your name?”
“Now do you mind offering me your hand?”
“My hand?”
He looked a bit impatient but smiled, a creepy smile but smiled nevertheless. “Well you see I have gift of being able to look at every thought and memory with just a touch”
“Oh, I see”
I offered my hand and was instantly reliving my every thought and memory as he said but as for my incidents with Edward, Alice, and the twins I could see his every thought and memory. I saw that he wanted Alice to be part of his coven, he was thinking of just forgiving the Cullens, I even saw memories of the handsome guard who I found out his name is Demetri. It just rolls out so naturally, it's as if I was born to say his name. Aro let go of my hand after a while with a bewildered look
“Interessante, I’m sorry for the troubles you been through, but it appears you have two gifts–”
Before he could continue, the sad looking vampire rested a hand on Aro’s shoulder and he turned to him to grab his hand like he did with me. With this case when I looked at the emotionless vampire I was able to see a red string that was connecting me and Demetri. It was the richests of red I have ever seen, come to think about it, it looks like his eyes. When he let go, Aro made one of the creepiest laughs I have ever heard to humankind, straight from a horror film. 
“It appears our own Demetri has found his mate”
If I could I would shiver at the mention of Demetri’s name. The mentioned name looked at the kings with anticipation, I mean I for sure wanted answers of what is going to happen.
“Felix you can let her go now, she’s no danger to us, on the contrary she’s going to join us”
I was let go by Felix “Join you? Why?”
“Well you see dear you are the mate to one of our guards, and we would hate for him to be miserable or lack on his missions if his mate is not kept safe, maybe with time you could join him in missions”
If I'm getting this straight, if I don't join then my ‘mate’, that’s a strong word to use, will be sad and won't be able to do his job correctly. Or I stay with the people who basically kidnapped me from the life I had, turned me into this bloodthirsty monster –currently I am still thirsty– and just threw me into a situation that I was nowhere prepared for. But again I don't even know Demetri, what if he’s cruel, what if he treats me like the Cullens? My thoughts started to spiral at a point where I was one with my mind and nothing around me existed anymore. If it weren't for the husky addicting voice I would have gone mental.
“Master? May I have a word with her?”
“Go ahead, she’s your mate after all”
I felt the warmth of his soft yet rough hands. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small hesitant smile, oh I can get used to that. I need to see his real smile now.
“Hello cariño, I am Demetri, I am aware you know nothing about me neither do I about you, but I can promise you if you come with me and my coven, I will give you anything you want, give you a life humans can never come close to having, I will promise you an eternity of love and happiness”
So this is love? The way he speaks is straight from a romance novel. And the way his face glows makes it all more sincere and truthful, heck I just want to run away with him. I was about to say something to him when I heard them. The Cullens along with their witnesses whispering about me.
“A traitor”
“All that hard work to get her here for her just to abandon us”
“I knew there was something off about her”
“Carlisle do something”
“She can’t go”
“If she goes with them, then the Volturi have more power”
“She would be stupid to go with them”
“She was a mistake”
I wanted to use that gift to disappear at that moment, I didn't ask to be placed in this situation to start off with. I was forced and manipulated. 
“You promise”
His hesitant smile turned genuine “I promise amore, forever and always”
Aro literally was beaming with anticipation for my decision, reminding me of a child waiting for the final decision of their parents to let them go to a sleepover at a friend's house. I nodded which caused Aro to clap with joy 
“Magnifico my dear” His attention turned to the vampires behind me “She will be coming with us, if you dare interfere, we will wipe you out without hesitation”
Ok that’s scary but I can tell he’s serious. I could see the blonde king with a proud smirk but Demetri pulled me into his side.
“Nobody will ever take you away from me from now on”
I gave him a weak smile as we walked off the snowy battleground. I didn't ask for this new life, but maybe it won't be so bad with him. 
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HI ITS ME gvxzggsgjfh ok look this is. i know this is a weird one it is SO specific and so obviously something i should just write myself if i want it👏but👏but👏BUT i decided to shoot my shot when a perfect chance has arisenderised for you to pick and choose from anything you like AND in any form, and to see if this one maybe by any chance just so happens to spark anything fun in u too xD
ssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooo RANDOM EVENT ROLL D20 mc gets bitten by a werewoof or some other kind of "contagious" monster species (....cant really think of anything else other than vampirs, now that i say it) but WAIT THERES MORE because. what if mc insisted that they dont want any potential existent cures, they just wanna stay monstery >:3 JVDTHGLN who's considering it, who would absolutely go in the "its either me or this" direction, who's enthusiastic🤣 this is silly as hell but in the case it sparks joy id love to hear ur any and all thoughts because this idea has been haunting me for forever lmao honestly the best way ive imagined it is like one of your own selfinsert pieces youve posted before where its just all of them together bickering heeheehee💘💕🩷💞💖
love u have fun!!
The Arcana Drabble: MC transforms into a "monster"
In the spirit of things, I though a long drabble/short oneshot would work best to keep the madness going XD
Asra's getting stuck in their "one focus and one focus only" mode and right now that focus is making sure you're okay. He'll decide how he feels later, which isn't being helped at all because Julian keeps calling on him to help him slow down the process and get you to think about this a little more. However, it's hard to tell what exactly Julian wants your decision to be because in between him trying to get Asra to make you think about it some more, he's having all kinds of medical epiphanies about how your anatomy is adjusting to the new monster form:
"MC, let's think about some more, shall we? I'm sure Asra agrees with me - don't you, Asra? Asr - oh, whats this?! Your finger's joints are rapidly adjusting to accommodate for - I need a pen and paper -"
"Right here, Ilya." It's Portia's dismissive tone as she digs a small notebook and pencil out of her pocket that keeps you grounded. Not for long, though, because she can't wait to see what happens next. "Accommodate for what, anyways? Are you growing another joint?? Are you going to get claws??? Talons???? Show me!"
Between Julian jotting down unintelligible notes while he studies your elbow's range of motion, Portia's excited exclamations, and Asra's attempt at soothing touch as they rub your shoulders and ask how you're feeling, it's a miracle you can notice Muriel's quiet mumble in the background. He's clearly overwhelmed and very concerned that the physically-altering substance in general got to your brain first, making you so seemingly okay with turning into a monster.
"MC, do you remember your name? Do you need to take a nap? You don't have to be okay with this -"
"I believe this may warrant far more than a nap to recover from." Nadia's doing her best to keep Lucio calm, holding him back from tackling you much like she might grasp a leash. You can practically see the headache building behind her eyes. "We have yet to determine what the extent of this transformation is and therefore whether our dear MC is even capable of fully agreeing to the current process. MC, darling, did the source of this transformation give you any indication of what the end result would be?"
You'd try to respond, but Lucio's excited yelling is too noisy to shout over. He's fumbling at the fastenings on his cape, distracted by your ongoing changes, and very annoyed at Nadia's interference.
"Where did it go? I want to see if it can give me powers too - OW! Dammit, Noddy, I'm trying to help here! You're keeping me from finding the monster and getting it to give me cool - I mean, getting it to tell us more about what's happening! Don't you want that? Don't you want to help MC, Noddy?! Let me go -"
It's with a loud RIP and subsequent "that was velvet, you know!" that Lucio finally breaks free and sprints off in the direction of your new monster friend. You can feel yourself slowly settling in to your new form as the process shows signs of slowing and reaching completion.
Nadia's facepalming. Portia's looking at you with eyes shining in wonder. Julian's still trying to nag Asra into reversing this as he takes notes. The magician in question is still ignoring him as they ask you how you feel for the nth time. Muriel's eyeing the nearby closet in hopes of taking a nap and waking up to it all being a dream. Lucio's a distant, spiky golden speck at this point.
Faust is quietly trying to sneak her knife into your hand, for crimes.
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damnation-if · 3 months
Care to tell some facts about the ROs?
ough... i always find 'facts' asks intimidating because i'm never sure if the facts i'm producing are any good haha. hopefully these aren't too boring!
they enjoy gardening; they never stay in one place for long but whenever they move they have to lug around all their collection of exotic orchids and rare plants. they especially like cross-breeding orchids to create new strains (they also play music for their plants)
they dated a vampire for a while in the past (the vampire sort of considered them his thrall) but got kind of bored of it... they're less bored with being a warlock so far
if the MC chooses the travelling entertainers background, they've actually met Arianis once before in the past
he didn't originally have his wings; Twilit had to make them and graft them onto him, and because his unique nature is resistant to chaos and change, his body is still dealing with trying to reject them even after millennia
Twilit and Newyneth are who he would consider his "best friends;" he considers himself kind of an unofficial uncle to their children (which is just Suchebh in Twilit's case)
nobody in Hell, including archdemons, wants to get on his bad side
like the other concubi, she was "born" in the mortal world; she in particular was created partially-accidentally by a weird sex cult that wanted to summon a demon but had no idea how to do it and just kind of messed around until they managed to call enough chaos into the metaphorical Shape of a person and she was born
she was the last concubi to come into existence (before MC) - once the gods realised that humans could accidentally create demons, they created the Inquisitors to hunt down humans consorting with demonic magic
she doesn't remember much about her early days except for constant feelings of terror, but it left her with a kind of wistful nostalgia for the mortal world that she can't do much about
they're not really fond of Beds, due in part to the combination of a lot of their anatomy (they can't lie on their side for example because of their horns), so they kind of sleep belly-down on top of a big heap of cushions when they have to sleep
they're Not into bondage shit at all because their creator kept them chained down in a cage until he would release them to kill people for him... they don't find it sexy at all lmfao, only traumatic
they were built purposely with a body temperature much lower than other demons so that they can survive travel into the mortal world (i may have mentioned this one already, i can't remember lmao)
they don't have a Bad relationship with Twilit per se, but they do constantly feel like they have to compete with them for notoreity and find a way to get out from underneath their shadow (Twilit is more or less oblivious to this)
they would Never Ever admit it, but they're definitely at least a little jealous of the relationship that some of Newyneth's children have with her, which makes them do catty or manipulative things sometimes
they are actually the person who braids Malkorath's hair for them
like several of the other archdemons, their true form is actually hidden somewhere in the mortal world (it would take too much effort and be too provocative for the gods to go about removing them), but unlike the other archdemons theirs is not split into pieces (though they did transfer it out of Hell in chunks lmfao)
they have a Decent relationship with some of the more neutral gods, but they're definitely considered a wild card by the more militant ones... they are absolutely considered unpredictable and hard to handle
they are generally very proud of Suchebh in their own way, but they're quite bad at expressing that in a way that Suchebh understands smndfgb
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kandisheek · 21 days
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: antigrav_vector
antigrav_vector is such an amazingly creative writer when it comes to explicit monster fics, and I couldn't love them more for that. They come up with tons of fantastic concepts, and I especially love how they explore xeno-biology in a lot of their work. If you're looking for some excellent monster smut, you've come to the right place!
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
Collared and Bound
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 2,804 Tags: Vampire/Werewolf Sex, Dom/Sub, Mating Bites
Summary: This is utterly self-indulgent trashy supernatural romance fic with trashy smut. You've been warned.
Reasons why I love it: The modern day Romeo and Juliet, except it's werewolves and vampires. I love how Steve indulges Tony in what he needs - or rather what they both need in the end. And I especially loved the tidbits about what their relationship means for them in the socio-political context. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
Straight up, with a Twist
Pairing: Steve/Tony/Pepper Rating: E Words: 3,612 Tags: A/B/O, Tentacle Sex, Dirty Talk
Summary: The Avengers came across some weird glowing plants during one of their missions, and that has consequences no one expects. Steve, Tony, and Bruce got exposed, but only two of them are showing any kind of symptoms. Such as they are. Pepper doesn't know how to react at first, when she finally finds out exactly what these symptoms are. Both her lovers have tentacles, all of a sudden. They're also doing their best to seduce her.
Reasons why I love it: Pepper is really having the time of her life here. I love tentacles in all shape or form, and this version of tentacle anatomy is super intriguing. Especially the fact that Steve and Tony both kept their genitals. Definitely check this one out, it's great!
Tap (that) Root
Pairing: Steve/Bucky Rating: E Words: 3,735 Tags: Plant Hybrid Steve, Sex Pollen, Dom/Sub
Summary: Things go very awry on a mission, but oddly enough Bucky's enjoying every minute.
Reasons why I love it: Bucky being so turned on by the fact that Steve is restraining him with his own body is really fucking hot. The whole fic had me fanning myself, there are so many great lines. I hope you give this one a shot, because antigrav_vector and Quarra did a fantastic job!
Submersive Tactics
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: E Words: 6,112 Tags: Bucky and the Winter Soldier as Separate People, Consentacles, Synaesthesia
Summary: Steve and Bucky have more or less managed to calm James down, and Tony's done with his upgrades. That means experimenting with Bucky and James' new ability to gain temporary octopus arms.
Reasons why I love it: Being able to taste emotions through your tentacles is such a kick-ass concept! I love the differing points of view, especially the descriptions of how Bucky and James perceive Steve and Tony's tastes through their newly gained senses. This fic is super fun and hot as hell, and you should definitely read it!
He Followed Me Home (Can I Keep Him?)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 7,748 Tags: Mer-Steve, Fluff and Smut, Telepathy
Summary: Tony was hot on the trail of the Xi'an'du daggers with Pepper and Jarvis at his side, when another startling discovery left him feeling like he got slapped in the face with a fish. Merfolk, it turned out, weren't as mythical as he'd always thought. Really, in retrospect, he probably should have known better than to think that, after all his experiences with magical creatures and artifacts, but, well, he's not perfect.
Reasons why I love it: I love the merman lore in this fic, it really raises the stakes for the smut at the end to know why Steve approached Tony in the first place. And the whole telepathic aspect is super fun too. This fic is great, and you should definitely read it!
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Hello! Is there a such thing as vampire time lords? Like what happens if a vampire bites a time lord?
Is there such a thing as vampire Time Lords?
Yes, it's happened before. But as always with Gallifrey, there's a subtextual level of complexity that's worth discussing ...
🧛‍♂️ A History of Conflict
Long ago, during the Dark Times, the Time Lords waged a war against the Great Vampires. These battles, led by Rassilon himself, saw the Great Vampires nearly wiped out, except for a few who escaped into E-Space. In fact, some would say Rassilon had a rather unforgiving approach to it - determined to wipe out every single vampire from normal space, making it a (possibly even genetic) obligation for a Time Lord to deal with any vampires encountered.
🦠 Being Infected
Time Lords can be turned into vampires. The methods of infection vary:
genetic manipulation;
repeatedly being fed on by a vampire;
drinking a vampire’s blood;
or not being completely drained of blood by a vampire.
This transformation imbues the Time Lord with vampiric traits, enhancing their strength and regenerative abilities.
🔬 Biological Aspects
Weirdly enough, Time Lords and vampires share many biological similarities already.
Genes: Time Lords and vampires share 98% of the same genes.
Regeneration: Both species have advanced regenerative abilities. Vampires can heal rapidly from injuries, much like Time Lords.
Longevity: Time Lords and vampires both possess significantly extended lifespans.
Enhanced Senses: Both have heightened sensory capabilities, including acute vision and hearing.
Psychic Abilities: Vampires and Time Lords share telepathic abilities, allowing for advanced mental communication and control.
Methods of Death: The methods that can permanently kill a Time Lord without regeneration are similar to those that kill vampires.
🧛‍♂️ The Cult of Rassilon the Vampire
Some speculate that Rassilon himself may have been a vampire, or at least had some connection to vampiric abilities. The Cult of Rassilon the Vampire is a group of heretics who believe in this lineage, maintaining secret vampire shrines within the Capitol. These cultists hold that Rassilon, knowing the evolutionary dead end of the Time Lords, allowed himself to be bitten by the Great Vampire.
🩸 The House of Deeptree/Redloom
This House has a storied history of military service and a peculiar obsession with vampires. Its dedication to quelling Time Lord traitors and extensive lore on vampire battles suggest a deeper, possibly hidden connection to vampiric history. Is it merely a long-standing cultural fascination?
🏫 So...
So, yes, Time Lords can become vampires under the right (or wrong) circumstances. Of course, the idea that Rassilon was a vampire or that the Time Lords have a vampiric origin is the stuff of legends and overactive imaginations. Officially, these are nothing more than rumours and genuine coincidences, you can trust me on this. 😅
What are the top ten Houses for weird biology?: How Houses affect biological traits in Gallifreyan society, ranked by weirdness.
Are there blood groups in Gallifreyans?: Classification of Gallifreyan blood types, including shobogans and outsiders.
Why is Rassilon everywhere?: Who Rassilon is and why he’s so important.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
space fae au shit? what ho?
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yeah i got bored and kinda played with Shuichi's species a bit for funsies. it's not much different than it was originally, but there are some changes to the guy. i also got kinda better-ish at drawing skeletons (not really- don't take that as anatomically correct it's so bad please)
anywho here's some stuff about his species' anatomy
they're from a Desert-Savannah-like planet, and thus they evolved to have snowshoe-like flat feet to better handle standing atop loose sand and stones 24/7. the flatness also helps with sensing small vibrations beneath the sand
their claws are designed primarily to dig, as their primary food source is bugs that burrow beneath the sands and stones. they aren't as hard as Terran animal claws are thought, rather they're flexible enough to curl almost like fingers (more restricted but sill flexible)
The species is primarily bipedal, but are fully capable of walking on all fours thanks to their actually smooth transition to bipedalisim (unlike humans). as pups they start out as quadrupedal instead of crawling around due to this, and learn to stand up later in life
they have two tails- kinda. their Primary tail does exactly what tails are suppose to do- assist with balance. their secondary tails or "false tails" are actually more like if an arm and a tail fused together.
false tails have all the flexibility of a normal tail, but have a hand like appendage at the end that acts like a claw machine claw. the false tail hand is relaxed when closed tight, and opening the claws on it tenses the muscles- much like a sloth. they use the False tail for two things: one- hanging upside down from trees, and two- crushing bugs with extra hard shells. mates also like to intertwine false tails as a form of love expression, and parents sometimes use them like leashes to make sure their pups don't run off like fools and get lost
their necks are very flexible and can twist in some pretty odd ways, they developed like this partially as a way to survey their surroundings (looking around in tight spaces, or while hanging from a tree), and partially to help with wiggling their way into bug nests without having to move their whole body.
whiskers are their weather predictors, they're super sensitive to changes in the atmosphere and temperatures. if it's too hot for the whiskers it's too hot to be outside, and if they feel weird there's probably a storm brewing.
their teeth are mostly flat except for four very sharp canines at the very front, the flat teeth are for grinding bugs and plants, and the canines are for both breaking into hard skinned fruit and self defense. they could defiantly take a chunk out of an attacker if need be with those vampire fangs
tongues are probably the simplest thing here; they have anteater-like tongues, they're super flexible and their spit is kinda sweet to help lure and grab up bugs
their ears are super duper sensitive particularly to feeling, while their hearing is very good, they're even better at picking up small differences in vibrations. it was initially developed to help with bug hunting, but they now use it to tell the difference between emotional tones in their trill language
because they often would dig tunnels both to hunt for bugs and as hidey-holes from predator attacks they evolved their horns to naturally** grow in a way that allows them to tell if a hole it too small. ie: if the horns don't fit, neither will the rest of them- so don't try it. they were also once used for dominance battles, but doing so in modern day is seen as childish and sometimes barbaric.
**while they naturally grow like this, once the species became sapient and started to become obsessed with their appearances, they quickly took to purposefully altering their horns with manipulative molds for purely aesthetic reasons. Shuichi's are so short because he's been conditioned to see them as an attention grabbing accessory and nothing more, and he doesn't want attention on himself so he files them down as far as he can.
yea that's alot more witting than i intended! whoops! there's more about this species, their culture, cities, and biology but this is all the diagram covers and this post does not need to be any longer
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Here's the Martin/Peter idea I kept thinking about at work but couldn't write cause write fics on my phone sucks.
Warning: weird vampire anatomy
On with the fic!
"Where did you get that doctor's bag?" Peter asked as he sat on his dining room table, a cool gothic looking piece he barely ate at and mainly just used for putting his stuff on and sometimes... seeing how sturdy it was (which is very much is a sturdy piece of antique Victorian furniture).
"Never you mind." Martin smiled as he slipped on his gloves and opened the bag, pulling out an assortment of tools and instruments. "Now, make with the face. And remove your shirt as well, please, it makes it so much easier to study when there are less obstacles in the way."
Peter stuck out his tongue and removed his tank top, throwing it somewhere off to the side before he rubbed at his face, not really wanting to do this. Martin had been bugging him for weeks to study his vampire face, and Peter thought it was stupid and invasive on his personal space, but he finally caved when Martin agreed to something Peter had been asking him to do in the bedroom for weeks.
He removed his hands and Martin was staring. Peter could feel the differences in his face, his hands, all over his body where his vampire nature made itself more well known. He absolutely hated it, but it was part of him now, and he had no choice in the matter.
"Alright, probe me." Peter said, spreading his arms.
Martin grunted, rolling his eyes, as he picked up a tool and started to tug at Peter's now-pointed ears, looking inside. "How well is your hearing? Is echolocation a thing for your species?"
"It's better than ever, which is great, considering I think I was starting to get that ringing issue from all the shit I do on stage. And going clubbing." Peter said, wincing when Martin pulled on his ear. "And echolocation is a thing, it's weird, but kinda cool. Works better when I'm adorable and furry."
"Do you make noises in your current form to do it?"
"You mean making weird chirps and screams? Yeah."
"Fascinating." Martin mumbled before writing something down on a notepad he clearly took from Peter, since it had fake blood splatter on the pages. The things you drunkenly buy online.
He looked at Peter's eyes, his mouth, even touching at his fangs. He asked questions and Peter asked them to the best of his ability. Martin even looked at his finger and toe nails, which were longer, pointed, and very sharp. They still had nail polish on them, but Peter would have to touch them up when he looked human again.
Martin pulled out a stethoscope and listened to Peter's heart, frowning. "It's weird, there's a heart beat, but it's so slow and weak, yet you seem perfectly healthy for a man your age."
"Oi, I'm not that old! I'm not a graying dilf like you!"
"I meant that as a compliment, and I hope you meant what you said as one as well." Martin grinned at him and Peter hissed, hoping he got spit on the guy's face.
"Alright, time to check your lungs." Martin said. "Turn around, it's easier to check from the ba- oh!"
Peter had shifted around, having dreaded this part of the exam but knew it would happen eventually. "Yeah, yeah, don't make a big deal about 'em."
"But... but you have wings!"
"Tiny, pathetic wings that don't do shit!"
Peter felt the wings on his back twitch and flap against his skin twice. They were fully functional bat wings, but the problem with them was that they were exactly the size they'd be if he were in his bat form!
They were so tiny and weak that they couldn't do anything except move and flap without making him airborne. "They're not really impressive, but some fur and leather and extra bones."
Martin gently took one in his hands, studying it in awe. "But this is amazing! You have wings that are moving and working! Can you fly?"
"Do you honestly believe tiny ass wings like that can carry my sorry ass?" Peter snorted. "I mean, I'm a skinny guy, but even I'm not light enough for these pathetic things to do that!"
"Ah, I see." Martin ran a finger over the small patch of light brown fur between the wings and Peter shivered. "Still, that's amazing! I didn't know you had these!"
Peter shifted, his face feeling a bit warmer since Martin kept petting that tiny fur patch. "Y-yeah, well, they only show up when I look like a B-movie monster."
"Oh, I wouldn't say that. You're much more handsome than those silly prosthetic features."
"Gee, thanks." Peter sniffed and squeaked, actually squeaked, when he felt Martin scratch the spot like he would a cat's ear. "S-stop that..!"
Martin sounded like he was grinning when he said "Oh! That's an interesting reaction!"
"Oh my God."
"Is this one of those erogenous zones people have?"
"Don't fuckin' say that about my bat wings!"
"How cute! I wonder if any other bat features of yours are as sensitive."
"God, you are a horrible doctor! No wonder you lost your license!"
"I think that was the murders, actually."
"Shut up!" Peter squeaked again. "Stop touchin' it!"
Martin laughed. "Ah, but progress requires more touching!"
"No, it does not!"
Peter is just really sensitive back there, I don't think it's an erogenous zone, haha.
(And yes, this sort of thing is true for Hardy in my Vardy au, he does have tiny wings on his back as well, but no one ever sees them because he's always in baggy suits)
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natalieleif · 11 months
Happy Goretober-ween, everyone! I wasn't quite able to get through all the gruesome prompts this year, but I was able to pull off 22 of them, which is a solid haul.
It was a fun challenge to try and sketch a unique character for each prompt, including digging through my old tabletop archives and sketchbooks for concepts I haven't looked at in a few years. Gonna put em all in a compilation here, I hope y'all enjoy!
(CONTENT WARNINGS: since this is Goretober, trigger warnings for blood, vomit, and general squick in the sketches below the Read More.)
Credit to On.Going.Crisis for this year's prompt list!
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TEETH. The zomboy Ian himself, discovering some new changes to his undead anatomy.
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2. CANDY GORE. My magical girl Harper after getting into a rainbowy fistfight with the monster of the week.
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3. NOSEBLEED. This one I did for the work whiteboard, so it was fun trying to figure out how to make it not too gross. :P
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4. MUTATION. The new Biology teacher, Miles, doesn't look totally normal... weird.
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5. AUTOPSY. Hey Andrew, what do an android's organs look like, anyway?
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6. EYES. Initiation into the mob can be pretty strict, but Shift is nothing if not determined.
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7. GUTS. Captain Eiche, pirate and deliveryman for the royal isles, knows that a captain always goes down with the ship.
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8. CRYSTALS. Witch-in-training Noelle discovers some new crystals that are really starting to grow on her... maybe a bit too much?
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9. POISONED. Tiefling charlatan Lucas discovers why you don't sample your own potion supply.
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10. HANAHAKI DISEASE. Sad hipster musician Nico is not very good at getting over his ex-boyfriend.
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11. INSECTS. Changeling magician Cybil is 99% goofball, 1% professional dreamweaver with a knack for the dramatic. Wouldn't recommend visiting her nightmare studio anytime soon.
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12. BRUISED. Roller derby champion Zoey Explodey shows off her lumps from a recent brawl.
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13. STITCHES. Practicing self-care in an abandoned zombie-filled West Virginia town isn't easy for someone already chronically ill, but Monica does her best with what she's got.
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14. PARASITE. <pops Bubble pops Bubble pops Bubble pops>
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15. FUNGI/MOSS. Okay, I slightly cheated on this one. TTRPG Warlock version of Ian struggles with a more magical sort of zombification.
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16. HOOKS. 1930s archivist and curator of mystical wares, Roland Chatterjee, shows off his fine collection.
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17. PLANT GROWTH. Nature elemental and changeling Elijah Bell wonders if his flowers and vines go all the way down. (They do.)
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18. CANNIBALISM. Impulsive survivalist Angel tries a sip of her zombie friend's forbidden juice box.
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19. BITES. A sequel to HANAHAKI DISEASE above--the feeling when your toxic vampiric ex Elliot tries to use chivalry on you.
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20. VOMIT. Post-apocalyptic anarchist adventurer Snap Zapcannon eats a bad ration. Oops.
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21. LACERATIONS. A fanart this time! @jeanne-de-valois 's boy Uriel getting some ghostly visions. It's probably fine, don't worry about it. (Also, preorder The Hundredth Voice if you haven't already, it's good.)
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22. SILVER PLATTER. Trauma psychologist Dr. Gabriel Haller has made a lot of sacrifices to get where he is.
And that's the lot of 'em! Hope you enjoyed, and HAPPY SPOOKY MONTH.
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lmelodie · 1 year
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Oh boy OH BOY there’s some good content here today for this one. A good batch that I really like with lots of words under the cut >:) Here ya go:
Robyn Frost, here to cause PROBLEMS. Drawing their funky hair is always so fun. I give to you the highest honor I can bestow: Cool Jacket. 
JACQUELINE MOTHER FUCKING FROST BITCH!!! I realized that I haven't been drawing the titular frost sibling NEARLY as much as I should for how often she lives in my head. I BUSTED this pose out SO FAST cause I also realized that I haven't drawn her being BAD ASS YET??? How this has happened I do not know. It’s a concept sketch, something to add to the pile of things that I could finish someday.
And Spring??? Hello??? I'm not gonna lie, I was a spring hater when I first read Dani’s work. (Mostly because I read them out of order going from Frostmas to Meet the Frosts to CS. First impressions before the rewrite.) And I thought she was a bitch at first. But she's actually really grown on me since then! She’s just got her own inferiority complexes just like everybody else. Can't wait for her to get the closure she deserves on that.
So, when were you guys gonna tell me that BlackIce has been Voxman coded this whole time??? Also, fun fact! My main voice claim for Kills is Professor Venemous (along with Dark older Danny from the ultimate enemy to a lesser extent). He gets the closest to how he sounds in my head so there ya go. He sounds like PV.
More canonical looking winter! I still ended up giving her those weird hair thingies in the back because I cannot stop myself, but double bun winter!
Thawed!Jack hair studies. Because the whole concept of being thawed/frozen isn't a thing in my universe I don't have the excuse to draw thawed jack (plus he looked so lame in the movie why even bother) But! Here is how I think his hair would look like without all the ice. I do think he still freeze dries it, but in my head canon his hair is blue 😌 and his little hair flippy is all limp but not in a depressed way this time.
Ok so, the elephant in the room, a fucking TREAT for yall: Shirtless Killian doodle. Because in all honestly, I just really wanted to try more anatomy stuff. And while I was making it, this really solidified his once ambiguous sexuality as now Very Gay. 
Ive decided that after the break up he has thoroughly given up on love and entered his WHORE ERA. not nearly as egregious as Jack’s whore era, but a slut period none the less. Fuck buddies situation with a vampire happened at one point.
Everyday this man strays further and further into Very Attractive territory (at least to me) and I have to learn how to reel it back SO FAST because this could get out of control SO QUICKLY. No one would be able to stop him if he just keeps getting hotter, it would be a DISASTER.
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diary-of-a-mad-man · 2 years
Every plot line in Ninjago would make a banger dnd plot line and I will elaborate but only up to the sky pirate arc because I stopped watching then.
Base Explanation (I’m working off of non homebrew dnd rules except for subclasses)
The Ninjas are all either monks or rougues and humans except for Zane, Lloyd, Wu and Garmadon. Zane obviously gets revealed to be a war forged but the trio I’m leaning towards being tieflings but I’m not completely confident in that. I do have full like deep dive dnd decision for the core cast but this is all the base shit. Rouge Subclasses there’s; Thuderbolt and Arsonist and Monk there’s; frozen fist, electric veined, storm surge, unbroken stone, the four elements (homebrew the homebrew), and mistweaver. The only mutliclassing I would think of is Nya and Jay being Artficiers too. So it Rounds out to a party of 4 monks, nya and wu are helpful npcs, Garmadon is the BBG. Onto the arcs;
The pilot; so the team starts at like lvl 2 so no subclass but some training to explain the like entire first 2 episodes, Kai PC lore drop, introduce the mcguffin of save nya and collect the weapons. And there’s the entire first arc, yippee. They lvl up to 3 and subclasses are unlocked but are still kinda weak. Skeletons are like a classic starter lvl enemy anyway.
Rise of the Snakes; a couple of side quest that introduce Lloyd, players don’t know about Lloyd unlocking the snakes but start running into them, play the snakes as Yuan-Ti and base the lore more around that so still clans but magic instead of just anatomy being funky. Party is maybe lvl 5-6 about half way through, just a lot of side quest that start to connect, I think lvl 5 is when more subclass stuff is unlocked so true potential shit or whatever for lvl 5, the entire Jay is turning into a snake is vampire mechanics but snake flavored. Nya is that one npc that keeps preventing TPKs because the DM is still adjusting the difficulties, she’s an Artifier at the time. Wooo dee do a 5th player is introduced and takes over Lloyd. It’s like when a new player gets introduced and the party spends all their time teaching the newbie.
Rise of the Green Ninja; the training arc that gets bored quickly the the new player wants to be older and not 8 anymore. And oh damn this was the stone warrior arc?? With the overlord?? New BBG?? I don’t remember this part happening so soon but whatever. Lvl like 7-8, they fight god? I’m sure there’s a dnd god similar to the overlord but I don’t remember which one, but the 1st spinjitzu master 100% counts as a Paladin or Cleric’s God, also Garmadon is a warlock with the overlord as his patron that he then betrays for that dramatic father son npc and pc lore that got built up. Shout out the player with premade backstory, I don’t think cole even has a last name. But yeah big cool black dragon fight, they breath acid so it works.
Rebooted; Jay gets starts to take some levels in Artificer, good for him. Lvl like 10, Jay is probably like lvl 7 monk with lvl 3 artificer, also monks can cast Pass without Trace starting at lvl 3 so like, the entire gangs stealth is insane at all times. I don’t really remember the plot of this one but DM is in a sci-fi phase and it shows. They also keep needing to explain the super nerdy stuff so PIXEL is introduced, the party keeps calling her Siri. The overlord is their baby and they will continue to use the same BBG because “look their stat blocks are already set up and I barley have to change anything anyway!”. The main Yuan-Ti leader is back (Pythor or whatever his name was) Zane dies, they don’t have a healer, tpks get closer every boss battle. IRL vibes of the player having to temporarily quite and using being a war forged as an excuse on how they could probably come back.
Tournament of Elements; Zane’s player is back but not fully, they had a break and the DM made way to many possible PCs if they ever get to play, Tournament of Elements is brought on. Who doesn’t love the vibes of mysteries with weird challenges and people. Player v. player action, some intense ass role play because Kai’s Player developed a backstory beyond ‘dead parents’ with DM. Zane is back officially and the player got new art and keeps asking Siri questions about mechanics, hi PIXEL. Dragons are back from the og transports when the DM got rid of them after being like “hm, kinda op”, they got tired of the cool transport getting fucked up.
Possession: Me after watching any horror media. DM learned about the Call of Cthulhu system and wanted to steal the vibe, they also keep finding a ton of wind monk subclasses and their inner emo of maker is craving. Morro keeps getting called MCR and Lloyd’s player needed a break, Cole’s dice are cursed and are now in dice jail, the ghost mechanics drive him insane, same with the DM but they can’t admit defeat. TPK almost happened again so Kai’s player and the DM conspire again to get Nya more lore to help out. Girlboss time for her. Ronin is the DM’s other emo oc but this one is cool but also still a wet cat. Airjitzu mechanics took years off the DMs life that ended with just “roll the dice for luck to see if it works and how high”, they’re trying but also did this to their self
Skybound: DM found the Genies in the Monster Manual and just rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean. Jay’s player wanted to rewrite some backstory and the DM is just tired at this point, Improv can only take them so far. The big buff lady is the DMs saving grace of mentality. The Dm had to cancel a session because of a wedding and they regretted going and made it all the players problem. Cold is still a ghost and neither the DM nor the players have figured the mechanics of fixing that yet. The layers of reality pages in the DM’s Manual have been abused throughly. There a chalkboard with a list of wishes that have been made. Nya dies but everyone gets pissed so the DM bs’s a way to that she can comeback only to rewrite time.
And that is in my professional opinion of dming for around 3-4 years now and haven’t watched a single episode of Ninjago since like the movie came out. I do also have a full thought process on the cooler character sheet breakdown I might explain someday.
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darnellthefirestarter · 9 months
Pico found out about some non alcoholic fruit cocktails Darnell had
He's in heaven <3
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Also, I won't be posting until after Christmas. So, merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other holiday you might celebrate! And if you don't celebrate anything this time of year, I hope you have an amazing rest of 2023! :]
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overthinkingtaleblr · 2 years
isnt it cool how supposedly like. johnny ghosts birthday is august 28th and toasts is august 8th ("special holiday for himself" may not be his birthday... but) toast is 2 years older than him. 2 years and 20 days. man. i just find this information super cool
also oast??? has a cybernetic arm??? his left arm. thats. what
I think august 28th might be ghost’s like. 3/4 birthday or something— I remember being annoyed that we got a chance to figure out his birthday and had to do MATH to find it, and I did not know they had a canon age difference (2 years! I had no idea!!!)!! That’s super cool!!! Birthday stuff is weird for me cuz I never know if the dates correlate with the date the video comes out on and they rarely say the dates when declaring important dates fjdhjfjg
tbh word to the wise, anon, I have completely given up trying to figure out anything about Toast’s anatomy he’s already a vampire werewolf zombie depending on the sources and I feel like every time I try to figure out a single detail about his anatomy a new random and incredibly visible thing gets added JFHSJFJ.
Cybernetic arm tho… cool as hell… makes you wonder what happened to the other arm lowkey but… Luke Skywalker Toast moments
(Also another thing to thing about. “Special holiday for himself”…. When he has a twin brother….. either august 8th has different importance to him or he really just cut Gavin out KFHDJBDJFJF)
I love these guys
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jupiterbyrd · 10 months
I was getting bored with my current Sims 4 game but I wanted to continue my current legacy game because I am on the 5th generation. My 4th generation adult sim is obsessed with having a child of every occult option (which for me is alien, mermaid, and vampire) but he also is the caregiver for his human teen nephew because his twin sister moved out to be an evil mastermind. So I was debating on buying another occult (spellcaster or werewolf) vs buying high school years to make the teen more interesting
I opened the Sims 4 expansions page to compare prices cause I was gonna buy the cheapest one. And it turned out a week ago I bought the high school years pack when I was very drunk and don't remember it. I never installed it so I didn't remember that I did that.
But my teen was already an A student so he went to high school for 1 day and graduated early and is now going to university. Which does make him more interesting because teens can't go to university without the high school pack.
But now I have to wait for my child to age up to a teen fully experience the high school pack, which will be a while because I play on long lifespan but I age up whenever I feel is appropriate.
Wish I installed high school years last week when I bought it. Or I wish I got an occult instead so my sim can have another weird baby, because I already ran out of occults I own
(my sim is a scientist who wants to personally study occults. The canon is that he got abducted by aliens and they impregnated him and changed his anatomy so that he could get pregnant in the future. Which is how his mermaid son and vampire daughter were naturally conceived with him being a cis man)
My sim also built a robot, but it died when left out in the rain. I count that robot as another occult child of my adult sim. Robot was also abducted by aliens and somehow gave birth to an alien. I sent that alien back to homeworld with the canon in my story being that it died in childbirth because robots can't give birth
0 notes
forgot to do the monthly summary thing three months in a row lol
Summary of October:
Downloaded Leechblock. It helped somewhat. Managed to get all of my non-sketch fills done (14) for Huxloween even while dealing with bad life stuff. Posted bust-up FE fanart semi-regularly on my other Twitter account (~2-4 hours of work). Trying to get commissions on dA and Reddit (no bites yet).
Plan from August :/ :
All monthly/weekly goals for the year ✗
Proko: ribcage ✗
Review all Proko notes ✗
DAB Lesson 7 ✗
Ky/lux reunion piece (mechanical studies) ✓
one vehicle from life a week (20min) ✗
November plan:
All monthly/weekly goals for the year
Proko: ribcage
Review all Proko notes
DAB Lesson 7
One FE fanart every 4 days
Draw N7 Day piece before N7 Day
notes and improvements from finished stuff (Oct):
make notes on figure proportions relating to head ✗ but have been looking it up, USE AT LEAST ONE PHOTO REFERENCE PER PIECE ✗, do some studies (at least one session) on head/neck connection and tilt ✗ I forgot this was a thing but have been tryng to pay attention to it with figure drawing
apples - background details too clean/without width and thickness (like decals), proportions and position in space kinda screwy, background figures distractingly bad
eldritch hux: cigarette got flattened out, hat doesn't fit properly on his head, highlights on belt buckle VERY bad, fucked up face, I do like the composition though
haunted locations: composition got kinda sidelined when I was trying to fit everything I'd drawn in, speeder looks kinda wonky because the perspective was very difficult, inconsistent use of spot blacks, do like the colours though
bonfire: hands unreferenced and thus screwed up, fucked up faces (nose tip always looks wrong), clothing thickness/folds abysmal
demons: values too indistinct (needs more contrast), hux's arm looks too short, really bad hands, bits got cut off and I didn't resize the canvas, shading looks awful, scroll is flat even though I tried to make it not so
manuela: face w/ open mouth looks kinda unfocussed, otherwise pretty ok
valter: armour lost its form, otherwise pretty ok for what it is
vampires: very messy & confusing colours, anatomy fucked up (ribcage is flat and too long), bad hands that don't look like they're interacting with the chair properly, props for trying this much detail in perspective though
ghosts: luke doesn't look like he's standing on the floor (looks rotated upwards a little), room feels bare and undetailed, could have used more embellishment on the items, nice composition with leading lines and contrast though
curse: hands look awful because I don't know how to render shiny materials, shading on face kinda weirdly simplified, shading on body and clothing folds makes no sense, lost dynamism of sketch due to having to apply correct anatomy
scrying: extremely messy lineart, values somewhat unclear, bad use of linework to express texture (like in the gas tank), sense of scale a bit smaller than I intended (should have made bg people smaller), I do like the concept and details though
knoll and lyon: proportions ABSOLUTELY FUCKED (lyon's legs are like twice the length they should be), very stiff poses, vacant expressions, too many gaps in lineart (rebelle's fault though), clothing folds all completely wrong, colour too messy
orochimaru: vacant expression, scales on snake look awful and flatten it out, weird pose, you can see where I gave up on drawing the flowers, face is flat, nose tip doesn't extend enough
ritual: kylo's back looks like it's bulging, overall very messy, foreground vine merges with hux in the midground, statue hands suck, figures too simplified compared to background, overall scene easy to understand though
trick/treat: faces look gormless, kylo's chest has no depth to it, hands look squishy, kylo's pose hard to read, the knife is hard to place in space (looks like it's occupying the same space as hux's arm), nice details and lineart though
ACTIONABLES: try to find photo reference for expressions, do Proko ribcage lesson, draw and detail with linework everyday objects
0 notes
chippedaxe · 3 years
𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖈𝖞𝖙 𝕳𝖈'𝖘
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Title: 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕸𝖈𝖞𝖙 𝕳𝖈'𝖘
Warnings: SFW at the top, NSFW at the bottom!! Demons, religious things may be mentioned.
Pronouns: They/Them, non gender specific anatomy
Synopsis: Demon Mcyt X mortal reader hc's
Word count: 1.3k
Note: No one asked for this but if I have an idea than I need to write it <3
- This is an old draft that I have finally finished.
- Also I didn't feel like writing for Punz today, apologies.
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SFW (Safe to read)
c! Dream
- He would be hot to the touch, skin burning you almost every time you two made contact. It was hard dating him until he had finally got enough and decided to strike a deal with you, knowing it was the only way you two could live in peace.
- "Give me a part of your soul and I will be yours forever" you hadn't even thought about it until after you gave him your hand, falling unconscious at the moment he let go of you.
- You always felt a little bit emptier inside but Dream was there to fill the hole inside your soul, feeling guilty every passing moment that he stole your soul away. His deal however had meant that he was now in debt to you which therefore meant he couldn't harm you in any way, insuring he could no longer burn you.
c! Sapnap
- He was warm but he wasn't burning hot, you could touch him without getting injured which was great! His saliva tingled as it lingered on your skin however, feeling a bit spicy as it burned your skin slightly.
- Sapnap would rest his horns on you as a way of showing affection, lowering his head and bumping you with them was what he did to make you feel loved.
- It didn't work a lot though obviously since you wouldn't know, to you it just seemed like some annoying thing he was doing to get on your nerves! When he finally explains it to you is when your face drops, you feel so guilty for telling him off for it!
c! George
- He'd curl up with you on the couch or on the bed wherever the two of you are, his body heat keeping you warm during the cold. His pheromones' would also encourage you to fall asleep a lot easier, sometimes accidentally causing you to doze off during the day.
- George would sometimes go to sleep for long periods during the day just so you could stay awake longer, you two were so worried sometimes about his pheromones' but you knew you could do nothing about it.
- Your body eventually started to grow resistant to his pheromones' and you'd be able to stay awake which was fantastic for the two of you!
c! Eret
- Her as a demon? It'd be proper madness! You'd definitely be treated as either a toy or as her little pet, you'd have to obey her every command! "Darling, come here.." they'd beckon you with his long claw.
- Their nails would drag against your skin gently as the two of you cuddled and laid together, threatening to pierce your skin but never doing so.
- She bites you? Don't worry about it. It's just a way he's showing their affection, chomping onto your skin to release your blood. A way of marking you and claiming you as his.
c! Karl
- I feel like he wouldn't properly understand how humans work, gasping and being surprised when he sees your sleeping form "did you just die?" he asks you. He pokes you awake and invades you with questions.
- You do the same to him, grabbing his tail and pulling at his horns "What's these for then?" you question "That's my tail! I use it for- I don't know! Balance?" he tries to answer you.
- He's a demon. Touch starved. He'd melt in your arms as soon as you lay a finger on him, desperate to always be near you and touch you.
NSFW (Minors DNI)
Nsfw warning(s): blood mentions, temp play?, power play definitely, corruption maybe, degrading, knife (claw) play, somni, idk what other warnings to include.
c! Dream
- Hot. So hot. Everything is so hot. Dream would shudder and cry at how good your hot fleshy walls feels around his cock as he fucked your slutty hole.
- He's strong as hell, being able to just lift you up and toss you wherever he wants! He'd be the type to just pick you up and pin you against the wall (consensually).
- He'd love making out with you the most, it'd be his favorite activity to do with you apart from the actual sex.
c! Sapnap
- He's a sweetheart no doubt about it! He will take care of you and make sure you are having the absolute time of your life, being careful as to not injure you or strain you too much since he knows he can go on for a long time.
- He will only stop when you ask him to stop since he won't realize that you've been tired out, hips slamming into yours ruthlessly and without mercy until you call out to him "Sorry darling! I'll be more careful!" and then he slows down.
- You remember how I mentioned his hot saliva? Yeah, lets talk about that again. His warm wet tongue would be slithering all over you, he would be leaning over your body and slobbering and drooling like s starved man.
- His hot spit would feel weird at first, a very hot burning sensation against your soft mortal skin. It'd burn marks into you that would last only a few days, a reminder to yourself that he was yours and only yours.
c! George
- He'd let out a sweet alluring smell when the two of you would have sex, the scent messing with your head and clouding it with only thoughts of him- filling your mind and mouth with absolute garbage which made you babble "feel..so good!"
- George would indulge in somnophillia with you, (if you granted him permission to do so) pleasing your body while your subconscious was resting.
- He would whisper things in your ear as you slept, little lingering touches on your skin which made your sleeping body's mind wander into having an erotic and lewd dream about him.
c! Eret
- He'd bite you with his fangs and then lick up the blood, slurping it up like some kind of brute vampire.
- Her nails would dig into you as he held your arms above your head, their claws threatening to cut you as he ran his hands over your soft body. "It'd be so easy to just slit your throat right now, such a small fragile being.. You wouldn't be able to stop me, you wouldn't be able to do anything!" she knew how much power his words had over you.
- He would embarrass and humiliate you whenever he wanted, putting you on display and showing you off as her prize. They wouldn't hesitate to let the whole world know you're his.
c! Karl
- He'd be so curious, hands anywhere and everywhere while exploring your human body. "Oh what's this for?" he'd massage your chest "hey- don't.." you wouldn't even be able to finish your sentence as he'd start playing with your nipples.
- He would be so inexperienced with you but yet still feel so good! Karl would spread your legs and just lick away "What's this taste like? What's this liquid?" and he'd easily get addicted.
- Karl would squirm a lot when you try to touch him, you'd have to reassure him as well that you were fine and didn't mind doing this "in fact- it's a pleasure! I'd love to touch you, find out more about your body and especially it's reproductive organs.." you tell him.
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