#hes a fox moth btw!
I made a new bug-boy oc and I think I'm in love with him??
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I mean- just look at him
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Look at his cute little faces!
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Full body shot! He looks like he's being mugged
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squidinkedcreative · 6 months
WEEEEEEE almost a week's worth of what little energy i have after work + existing, and it's finally in a place where i feel comfortable sharing it lollll
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all my current favs in animal form !!!! had to include the snails too heheheh how could i leave them out !!!!
it goes: joel (luna moth / golden retriever), etho (longhair cat), scar (corgi), grian (beaver), gem (fox/cat), pearl (cat/fish) !!! im hoping to texture them all some n make them all look a bit better but tn is not the time for that as brain + bones hurt sm ough
i actually had such a good time doodling them all and figuring out colors for them!! tysm to all who rb'd my post about what colors etho would be btw!!! as that was needed for this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i LOOOVEEEE how scar came out he looks so goofy !!!!! and pearl, my favvvvvvvv aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh and joel and etho r so precious WAHHHHH
lmk how u like it and if u wanna see it finished !!!
if u enjoy my content, check out my blog!!!
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bonefall · 10 months
I'm sitting and looking at somebody's take about the scene of Willow Tail's death
"Clear Sky is fabulous here, and the deaths look karmic. Willow Tail dies blind bc she was so blinded by her wish of revenge she put innocent cats under threat and led to deaths of a medicine cat and an innocent kit. And Wind Runner, who prevented Moth Flight from saving Tiny Branch, lost a life to an injured leg just like he did. Beautiful."
Ig I'll just leave it here like a tribute
"the deaths look karmic" is the only correct thing in this passage. Yes, the writers ARE obsessed with punishing women, gruesomely zooming in on how much pain and suffering they're feeling when those horrible bitches finally get their comeuppance. Glad they can at least recognize torture porn when they see it.
Go one baby step further-- why do the writers keep choosing to frame the women as primarily responsible when Clear Sky is the same violent, egotistical tyrant he always was?
Willow Tail does die blinded-- by Clear Sky. The way he is constantly brutalizing every woman and foreigner in front of him. Just like how he was smacking Moth Flight before he ordered Red Claw to go up into the tree to beat the shit out of Micah and confiscate medicine, because he doesn't care when people die of treatable illness.
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But, sure. Sure, it's Willow Tail who caused the death of Micah, when she sees Moth Flight's face sliced open by a known serial murderer and jumps to her defense, and then learns that Red Claw has been ordered to attack a doctor.
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For those who haven't read Moth Flight's Vision, btw, Willow Tail is revealed to be the villain all along because she was planting rabbit bones on the border. This made Clear Sky mad because Wind Runner said "make your cats respect the borders YOU invented, bc MY cats didn't eat those rabbits" and she didn't just accept his answer of "nuh uh."
That's why it's totally the WOMEN'S fault that Clear Sky was throwing this tantrum, and not his own. Being offended is a totally valid reason to deny medical treatment and do assault and battery. Why would you ever hold a man in a position of power accountable for his own actions?
Wind Runner also didn't kill Tiny Branch through medical neglect. Clear Sky did. Can't believe I'm still saying this.
HE was the one who prevented Acorn Fur from getting help. He keeps insisting that he never needed Micah or any other foreigner to heal Tiny Branch's ailments. He didn't want Micah when it was a cough, and he didn't want Moth Flight when it was a fox attack.
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-Said in the Sap Confiscation Scene
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-Said as Tiny Branch is dying, confirming that yes, he DID stop her from getting the help right away.
Wind Runner PROPOSED an embargo at a meeting that SkyClan was absent for, AFTER Clear Sky had already insisted on denying medical treatment to Rocky and got Micah killed. Wind Runner's hypothetical embargo was broken less than a minute later when it's revealed SkyClan was late by several hours because Tiny Branch got attacked by a fox.
Here's how long they're held up by Wind Runner, though. All 214 words, less than a full page in dialogue, of it.
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How long would you guess this took? Was everyone here speaking at 0.025 speed? Did someone hit the slow motion button? Were they escaping out of a time bubble?
Why's Shattered Ice never mentioned as killing Tiny Branch, btw? The one who actually did physically hold up Moth Flight (but not the other three Medicine cats, Dappled Pelt, Cloud Spots, and Pebble Heart), even if it was for less than 30 seconds? When he's not even from Wind Runner's Clan? CURIOUS INNIT?
I need to remind you that he was also responsible for preventing Acorn Fur from being fully trained. That was HIS choice. HE closed the border. HE stopped Moth Flight from completing Acorn Fur's training. HE is in the middle of a book-length hissy fit about being told what to do.
And, yet, Moth Flight is held up for less than 5 minutes after Clear Sky forced Acorn Fur to save his son alone until signs of infection set in, and this is all Wind Runner's fault.
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So he later kidnaps Moth Flight, expecting Wind Runner to just trust that THIS time he takes a hostage he's not starving them like he did to Jackdaw's Cry, and not launch the two Clans into war. Redemption arc, btw.
And then he gets to be framed like a hero even though he is 100% responsible for every single one of his actions and escalated the situation at every turn. ZERO consequences for him, because him letting his own baby suffer and die was "punishment enough."
The bloodthirsty tyrant, child abuser, woman beater, and known liar was totally justified because It Made Him Sad When Wind Runner Didn't Trust His Word :( This was all actually an evil, scheming woman's fault for planting bunny bones, lol. So she totally deserves getting her eyes ripped out.
At MOST, the narrative considers Wind Runner and Clear Sky "Equally Bad", but only Wind Runner and Willow Tail get personally punished. With death and agony. Surely, SURELY this is not because of writer misogyny? In the Arc of 7 Fridgenings? Perish the thought.
Anyway, glad that I've curated my dash enough to not see that take out there in the wild. Who would even write something so ridiculous, Gray Wing?
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plantwriting · 7 months
Hello. List of what animals I believe each just roll with it pc I know would be. I am objectively correct but if you disagree please tell me anyways I crave other people’s opinions to steal.
Jay: a bird, obviously. Saying she’s a jaybird is easy and low hanging fruit and extremely valid. Personally I think she’s maybe a corvid since very smart but also absolute fucking menace. Honestly? Could be a seagull. Loud and lives near water and also smart but also? Absolutely insane. Yeah sure I could say she’s something cool like an eagle or whatever but I think in our hearts we all know she’s a seagull.
Gillion: of course he is a sea creature! But what kind? Fish. More specifically? Swordfish. Of course. What else could he be (he could be a shark but shhhh im saving that one for later)
Chip: the bastard man himself! Which animals are the biggest bastards? Raccoons. Yes I am basic. He’s either a raccoon or a little dog. I am specifically thinking my mom’s 11 year old small dog who yells at men and tries to pick a fight with every single dog that is larger than her. That’s some Chip energy right there.
Goobleck: bro who knows like what the hell is that thing i do not. Hes whatever he ate most recently. Bros fursona is just straight up slime. He is an enigma.
Prime defenders (+Ashe I don’t care that technically he was just a guest he deserves to be here)
William: ravens, black cats, bats, butterflies, snakes, crows. All associated with death which makes sense for our little ghost guy! But of course we can’t forget wolves! He has two wolves inside of him after all. But also? He is not cool enough to be a wolf. That man is a black cat with a dream and sharp sharp claws.
Vyncent: I think it would be funny to call him a rat. Since he eats them. And also he just kinda is a rat. But no, I believe he is a deer. Don’t really know why, just….. vibes.
Dakota: my beloved son. He’s a yappy little dog. Bouncing all over the place and screaming at evil-doers. I believe in him.
Ashe: strong cat energy. Is william already a cat? Yes. But so is ashe. He’s like a fully gray cat with short hair :)
Rumi/Elena: fox! Because Sunny :) also because I can’t really think of an animal that would be a good representation for an identity crisis
Peter: “lizard” no. Peter Sqloint is a mouse. Just a lil guy. I’m right fuck you he. Is. A. Mouse.
Thanatos: spider! Kinda scary and lots of people dont like but in reality just an awesome dude. Shoutout to my friend’s pet spider Mörkö I love them
Blood in the bayou
Rolan: shark!!!! Im right and i need to say it. That man is a fucking shark. I love sharks. Sharks are generally misunderstood as violent and evil but they are just lil guys. Fits Rolan being an evil alien monster but just also a lawyer. (Also i just really like sharks)
Rand: y’all ever cry about pigeons? How we domesticated them and then abandoned them when we didnt need them anymore? How they dont even know how to make proper nests because they didnt need to for so long? Yeah. Im normal about this campaign.
Kian: he’s so hard to figure out because like…….. honestly? In canon? Weve got no fucking clue what his personality is actually like. We dont get a single moment with all the masks off and just the person underneath. The closest we get is him admitting that hes not really a rockstar and even that is so short and just. Auehgeh. This is why im obsessed with him btw i love a mystery i know will never be solved. Also so much room for headcanons. Is he a cat? A butterfly? A dog? A snake? A songbird? A dove? Something else? I dont know!! Lets go with a moth
The suckening
They are all cats. I mean c’mon. Emizel is a feral street cat that hisses at everyone who gets too close. Shilo is an indoor cat with an anxiety disorder. Arthur is their mother. Im correct.
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lilybug-02 · 7 months
i saw your "fursona pratice post" and i just had to draw this silly guy, I did it on my style, But hope you like! ^^
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I did his ears look like "Moth Fuffly Ears" cuz for some reason he look like one to me?? ( lol ) but also look like just Big and very fuffly fox ears.
And ofc - HE HAVE RAD SPIKY HAIRRR!! With a cool feather mane 👌, Lion Tail and Bull feets, with big wings <3!! ( Silly snoot Asriel reference 👀 )
I put blue eyes to him cuz- uh well, he looks cool, yeah thats the reason. 😶
And ofc i can't forget his Red cool Shirt! 🔥
( and his silly butterfly tongue lol )
I think thats all?? It was really cool to draw him btw, i think i did A redesing by accident XD
Ah... yeah, i did that too-
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Ok gonna sleep now, have a great day/night my Bread Friend!🚶
AHHHHH!!!! THis is AMaZing!!! eeee omg I love this so so much! This is such cool fan art! The spiky hair and big fluffy ears are perfection ✨🔥🌸🕊️ The amount of detail you put into this shows! >^< Thank you so much for the awesome art! 💜❤️💖💟
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brainless-snail · 5 months
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I'm back with more clangen cats lets goooooooooooo
More info on the characters under the cut
Hopstripe He/Him(Top left)-
As you can guess, he was originally a kittypet. There's not too much to him lore-wise. He's apart of this trio of cats (one of whom is Breezehorse from a previous post) who seem to like impressing the younger ones, but based off relationship status, I see as them try to appear cooler than the other ones. He's also one of the many cats crushing on Tricklestep (shown in previous post).
Splinterspeck He/Him (Top Right)-
Splinterspeck is one of the clan founders. He also has a weak leg from when he was almost carried off by an eagle but was luckily dropped. Most of the patrols he's on either end up with him recruiting a cat or chasing/attacking predators. He got his catmint accessory from a cat who is currently in the Dark Forest (I plan to draw him and the Starclan cats next btw). They also planned to visit Splinterspeck on the same moon he was caught in a twoleg trap so they may have caused that. He currently has an apprentice who is an emotional wreck at the moment. Along with that he another one of the cats crushing on Tricklestep and is extremely close with her so they probably have the best chances to become a future pairing.
Cavesong He/Him (Middle Left)-
Cavesong is Stemmouse and Fuzzyflick's first kits (cats mentioned in the other two posts) He got his moth wings from another warrior at his apprentice ceremony, where he chose to be a medicine cat. Said other cat is now mates with Stemmouse (sadly its not a polycule because Fuzzyflick died). He's generally popular among the clan with a lot of cats seen talking to him. However he does seem to neglect his duties a lot so that's a bit concerning.
Bisonstream He/Him (Middle Right)-
Bisonstream was originally from Ganderclan but joined as an apprentice. He's also very unlucky, getting greencough and getting attacked by an eagle on the same moon (which is where he got his scar from). He seems to get injured and sick a lot but bounces back pretty quickly. There's not too much too him other than that.
Logfruit She/Her (Bottom Left)-
Logfruit is one of Pebblestar and Leapflicker's kits (See first post on Echoclan for their lore) and is honestly a mess. Only a few moons into her apprenticeship her brother was murdered. She also saw it happen and the killer was her mentor. She kept quiet for a while, afraid of what would happen. Said mentor didn't know she saw and went on as normal. She picked the poppy flowers herself on the same moon Pebblestar was expecting kits so I imagine it might have been a celebratory thing. After a very long time, she did confide in her mother, who then exiled them. After that she's been having a better time and not much else has happened aside from some sickness.
Melon She/Her (Bottom Right)-
Melon was originally a rouge who joined the clan early on. She had a crush on Breezehorse(Previous post), or at least platonic interest in them, since very early on so they may have met before joining the clans. She got rejected by her then they became mates three moons later. She gained her neck scar from an eagle and tail scar from a fox. She's the last cat in the trio that likes impressing younger cats. She's generally pretty impulsive and reckless and gets hurt a lot. Also sidenote when I first created an actual system for deciding on fun little traits, Melon was the first to get one with the mustache.
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Roles of the mcyt/fnaf AU so far!
Also here's a basic summary of the plot so far: 23 kids went missing over the course of three years, all theorized to be connected to one pizza restaurant chain, Hermit's Hidden Forest. However, none of the kids were found to have been killed at or near any of the restaurants, and as such the case was dropped over eleven years ago.
Now, Pearl and Gem have decided to take up positions at the chain, each with their own motivations, but a common goal: get the case solved.
All Pearl wants to do is try and find her brother's murderer, Gem just wants to make sure that the restaurant is closed down, for good.
Now on their shifts, things get quite a bit harder when they might not survive the mandated four weeks. After a run-in with Pause, who also works at night (and who has a rivalry with the winged fox robot for some reason), the girls gain an ally in their plans.
However, with a virus attacking some of the animatronics, a shady business deal, some not-so-friendly ghosts, new Team Night members, and a killer who might not be human, nothing ever goes completely right.
Pearl and Gem: Nightguards
Pause: Kinda like a mechanic but he works at night. Idk I know next to nothing about him but I really like the direction I'm going with him lol
Xiusma: Former nightguard/phone guy, now Artic Axolotl. He is the closest thing to the Puppet/Golden Freddy in the AU.
Grian: Missing kid, Pitch the Parrot. He vibes. We love a chaotic parrot who crawls through the vents.
Etho: Missing kid, Shadow the Magic Fox. He. Just causes chaos but also has a history with Pause that is just full of miscommunications.
Beef: Missing kid, Comfrey Cow. I honestly don't know exactly what he's doing but he's here
Mumbo: Missing kid, Mako Moth. Same as Beef tbh, he's just Grian and Scar's friend.
Scar: Missing kid, Jellie the Jaguar. I am very proud of his name btw
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transchaoswizard · 2 years
Miraculous ladybug is such a fantastic train wreck of a show because it manages to be both interesting, good, and infuriatingly bad all at the same time and it's really hard to articulate why. Especially with more plot happening in the later seasons it's interesting to see how it maintains an active audience both in the better and worst parts of the show. Which is funny because they're usually the same parts
Ok for example. Sentibubbler is one of my favorite episodes because it actually engages in an interesting scenario; Hawk Moth has finally managed to find someone who might lead him to Ladybug, so Rena Rouge has to really use her powers in creative ways just to throw him off her trail. It's a actually creative setup compared to the usual Monster of the week format. But while I liked it, the setup, payoffs and consequences feel jarring and sour the whole setup.
Alya just became the Permanent Holder of the Fox Miraculous an episode. And Ladybug is doubting that choice, rightly so I'd say, because Hawk Moth almost immediately realizes that she has a closer relationship with LB because he was spying on known previous holders. She knew this because she caught the spying sentimonsters in the same episode she let Alya keep the fox. She goes to voice her fear and is told she's overreacting by just about everybody in the know despite having experienced tangible evidence that there is a danger(chat blanc), immediately shown to be right and shadow moth is targeting Alya, and then apologizes afterwards for being afraid of something that just happened. And her fear is more than sensible and is shown to be right, because Alya breaks the rules and shares her own identity to Nino. So Marinette is shown to basically be entirely right in her fears, told she is bad for being afraid, and is given the blame when it all comes crashing down. When Rena is rediscover because Nino reveals he knows she's active (in front of Hawk Moth again btw) LB takes the fox back again, which is both entirely justified and arguably the wrong decision because once it happens LB immediately gets all the kwami's stolen.
And to make things seem weirder, Hawk Moth was only spying on Alya because he learned her identity as a temp holder from Miracle Queen and was spying on known holders and watching how LB gets to them. Miracle Queen only became an Akuma because she was angry that ther rules meant that with her secret exposed, she couldn't be a superhero anymore. (Same with Kagami. She's explicitly told that because she outed her Identity, she can't be a super again) So why does Alya not have to follow those rules because their identities got exposed? In the same vein it's not okay for LB and CN to know each other's identities, but it's ok for Alya and Nino to know each other as temp holders(Chat blanc shows an actual effect of sharing identities, but not why the rules apply so selectively).
This show both creates some impressive ideas and seems to never respect them. Honestly it feels like this show operates entirely on dream logic where things just happen as the writers need to, logic be damned, which leads to a bunch of inspirational ideas that conflict constantly. Which is why I think so many people both like the show, engage with the show, make theories, get angry with the show, and then make fix-it fics and Au's that often are better than canon*. I think this is why this show is so popular; it's less of a good show and more like a pintrest board of someone's ideas, designs and inspirations. Most of it clashes but a lot of the base chunks have some really good foundations.
*not me though. I exclusively started watching the show because Hawk Moth acting like a dark and serious person, saying the word "Evil-ize" in a serious voice, and then summon the dumbest villain you've ever seen is so irrationally funny to me. This is a comedy with a fandom attached and both are doing two separate things
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kisilinramblings · 3 years
You know, when Ladybug was giving Miraculous temporarily to people, no one made comments such as “She should consult Chat Noir beforehand”. Though we did got “Chat Noir should be giving Miraculous to people too!” while in canon, what CN did mind was to be left completely in the dark about what was going on, not the fact he couldn’t partake in the decisions nor the selection of potential candidates. Because the powers and the people LB selects are part of LB’s plan to defeat the Akumatized villains. 
But when Ladybug decides to give the Fox Miraculous permanently to Alya so she can be Marinette’s backup ressource, there are people upset she didn’t meet with Chat Noir and discuss about that decision with him? 
Like what changed?
I do agree we are heading toward an episode similar to Syren if Ladybug still keeps Chat Noir too much in the dark again that makes him feel useless or question his presence in the team. But that people get mad on Chat Noir stead for not being “consulted” on a decision that has always been up to LB? Especially that she is now the official Guardian and Chat Noir respects and follows her lead and convulated plans? 
Even when, during Miraculer, when CN saw that Chloé was still lighting her Bee Signal and realized that LB didn’t yet take the time to tell Chloé the truth, Chat Noir just reminder LB to go talk to Chloé instead of offering to go in LB’s place. Why? Because it is LB’s role.
Even when, during Furious Fu, Chat Noir tells Ladybug he will accept to give back his Miraculous if only Ladybug decided so because she is the only Guardian in his eyes? Because he trusts her?
I mean, Chat Noir isn’t oblivious either. He notices things too. He has his own point of view and LB usually listens to him. And Chat is usually open to express himself unless he has been hurt. That’s when he shuts down. But otherwise? He supports LB however he can contribute. 
All that to say that at the end of Optigami, when CN asked LB how she knew there was a sentimonster hidden inside the Miraculous, LB answered him:
“Thanks to my Lucky Charm, Kitty. It always shows me the right way, but this time, I was shortly led astray”.
And you see his reaction. 
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He gets serious. He doesn’t say anything yet, but mentally seems to take notes.
That day, Chat Noir wasn’t able to be much by her side or so he thinks, but that doesn’t mean he cannot be the support LB needs. If Chat Noir sees Ladybug be led astray again during one of their missions, Chat Noir will remind her and raise a flag. 
Because he has the knowledge and power to do so. He has the objectivity precisely because he isn’t personally involved. Because he knows they need a focused Ladybug to succeed. Whereas all the temporary Holders are “sidekicks” who follow LB’s lead and authority. Including Alya. Heck she has tried to take some initiative and regretted it because it almost lead the Bad Guys to know Ladybug’s secret identity. So chances are very high Rena will just stick to LB’s plans because she doesn’t want to put her best friend in danger again. Whereas Chat Noir is more at ease to propose things and work with and around LB’s plan so she can succeed.
Anyway, even if Chat Noir knew about the whole Ladybug and Rena Rouge ordeal at this point, even if Ladybug did ask him what he thinks about it, I wonder if really Chat Noir’s opinion would have mattered in the balance. I assume it would have ended like how LB didn’t understood what her Lucky Charm was trying to warn her about until the very last minute. 
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It was fitting Ladybug was fused into Lady Bee for this episode. Because the Bee Miraculous is used by someone who can defy authority. And that was what Lady Bee was doing. Defying the omniscient guidance of her Lucky Charm. It is only when Ladybug was back as herself that she questions why her Lucky Charm didn’t have any use to defeat the supervillain this time around. 
Anyway, is Marinette making the wrong decision by permanently giving Alya the Fox Miraculous? I think Trixx did point out the issue.
“See? I am right, even if I am not”.
Marinette knows who to trust, however like any human, her biases, her emotions and traumas can cloud her decisions. We want to believe every character and person will react logically to a situation they are personally living. Spoilers alert, unless they are a machine or from a race that has no emotion, they won’t. And Marinette is mentally recovering from a severe breakdown. And who ended up being her life raft during that difficult period? Alya. 
Marinette does have a point. She needs someone who can be her backup when she is unable to transform. She cannot always count on the Kwamis since their respective power comes with a chaotic aftermath. She can be in a position where she thinks it isn’t safe to transform. 
She has Chat Noir who can stall the villain and buy time but it is only if he manages to be there on time too. And after witnessing the Chat Blanc timeline, Ladybug is avoiding as much as she can to trigger it back. Adrien discovering her secret identity was one piece, but there was another piece concerning Chat Noir and her and that is was she is afraid of and that concerned their secret identity that was later found out and used by Hawk Moth to akumatize Chat Noir.
And then, there is Alya to whom Marinette revealed herself when she was at her lowest and who have been nothing but helpful ever since. Alya is now so much involved with Marinette either as a superhero or a civilian. And Marinette relies on Alya. And now, it looks Marinette is starting to depend on her maybe too much that it will affect Alya in a way she is unprepared for. I’ll keep an eye on Alya’s relationship with Nino. It sure did shake her to find out she had been fooled by SM and that she didn’t realized the being in front of her wasn’t the real Nino. 
Alya is a good and trustworthy ally. She does learn from her mistake and works to do better, but I agree Marinette didn’t seem to have made the most enlightened decision there and Chat Noir’s opinion would probably have changed nothing. 
By wanting to be relieved and have someone to back her up, I think Marinette is not clearly seeing the burden she is imposing on Alya. 
Btw, I am personally presuming that even if Alya could transform at any given opportunity now, it doesn’t mean Rena Rouge will be present all the time on the team during patrols or Akuma attacks. Rena Rouge would still be on-call when the power or Illusion is needed. Like how she had access to the Miracle Box, but still waited for Marinette’s instructions. 
Still, i wonder how much time it will take for Chat Noir to point out LB is maybe relying too much on Rena Rouge and putting her in danger more than necessary.
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
Consider this: Marinette is out sick the day Lila Rossi first shows up to school. Marinette doesn't see her steal the book from Adrien, doesn't hear about the friend claim... as a result, instead of Lila being Akumatized, there's no confrontation, and Hawkmoth later sends an Akuma after Lila (Ladybug's "best friend"). Or better yet, Lila's mom, whom Lila /probably/ cares about if she isn't a literal sociopath. Cue reality check for Lie-la Rossi.
There's something else to consider here...
If we really want to be logical about this, the first thing that would happen would be that Adrien mistakenly believes Lila is actually another Miraculous-user. Since Ladybug never outs her, Lila is free to carry on with her claims of being a Fox hero and to keep Adrien's attention, probably amps up the claims about her abilities and history. Maybe Adrien would get put off by her trash-talking Ladybug in the process? Maybe he'd be inspired and bring it up with Ladybug as Chat and it'd get her attention that way?
The second thing that happens is that none of that would matter anyway because without Maribug there, it means that Lila successfully threw away with Miraculous Grimoire, nobody pulls it out of the trash, and Adrien ends up pulled out of school for losing it.
Gabriel may still attempt to akumatize himself in his overly convoluted plan to convince the heroes he's not Hawk Moth on the baseless assumption that if HE doesn't have the Grimoire, they must have it and suspect him because of it. This backfires as Ladybug hadn't even known about the book or its importance in the first place until this akumatization, and it's kiiiinda suspicious that a civilian would have such a book about Miraculous and that he'd get akumatized over its loss if he can't read it and doesn't know its value.
Since Marinette wouldn't have found the book herself to return it to him within a couple days of him losing it, this means Gabriel would have to shift gears to try to get the Grimoire back himself or give it up for good and risk the loss of whatever important Miraculous-based information is inside and ANY possibility of ever translating it. Meaning the SMART thing to do would be to create an akuma with the powers and purpose for specifically finding the Grimoire wherever it may be. Now to be fair, he could just use any old akuma for this purpose, but it'd make more sense if he akumatized Adrien since he's the one grounded over the book and would have reason to want to find it and bring it back, which would correlate with Gabriel's own desire which for once would be something OTHER than the Miraculous and would be bound to raise a few eyebrows at the abrupt change of goals.
This would likely force Plagg to fly off to meet Ladybug himself to tell her that Chat's not coming and "oh yeah, btw, we found this weird book that may have been the Grimoire but we lost track of it and it's the same book the current akuma is going nuts over and I probably should have mentioned this sooner whoops?" At which point the kwamis may figure that they need to take Marinette to the Guardian because the book is "serious business" and they need to find a way to get it before the akuma does and takes it to Hawk Moth. Which brings up the valid question of why Hawk Moth would want the book if he didn't know what was in it...and HOW Hawk Moth knows about the book if it isn't his?
Thus the whole prospect of Gabriel Agreste is Hawk Moth would be considered more seriously than canon instead of being blown off for the sake of milking the same setup for three more seasons without any progress in trying to track down their supervillain.
As well as an Adrien akumatization, which if he at any point warranted, it'd be over being grounded from school. So Ladybug and Plagg team up to deal with Akumadrien in the most hilarious game of keep away...with some struggle on both sides because Adrien is distracted flirting with Ladybug and she's...kind trying to deal, okay? But she manages to deakumatize him in the end, keep the book safely hidden, and get a sweet Ladrien moment before parting ways with him. Chat later meets up with her and apologizes for not being at the fight, at which point Ladybug brings up the whole "Gabriel Agreste could be Hawk Moth" bit. Chat naturally doesn't like this idea but by this point is also kind of miffed with his father over a book the man couldn't even read which apparently had Miraculous heroes in it and as much as he loves his father and doesn't want to suspect him, he's keeping a closer eye on him...which is made easier by the fact that he's home all the time now.
Ladybug and Master Fu also keep an eye on Gabriel as a result, finding the timing of his akumatization and the followup akuma both focused on a book the man shouldn't have suspicious. As much as Marinette wants to return the book and get Adrien back in school, they need to confirm that they aren't just giving a potential resource to Hawk Moth. And even if he ISN'T Hawk Moth, it's clear the supervillain knows about the book and may target the Agreste's if he realizes they have the book.
So while Master Fu keeps an eye on the mansion, Marinette glumly returns to school without Adrien (and also warns Alya about the girl in her latest interview being a liar at the same time Adrien sends a text to Nino about Lila probably being responsible for him being pulled out, leaving everyone pretty cross with the new transfer student and making her a nonissue anyway). Then Master Fu catches evil butterflies coming out of the mansion and goes "yep, he's Hawk Moth all right", which eventually leads to an epic confrontation with Ladybug and Jade Turtle and maybe Rena and Carapace fighting Hawk Moth in the mansion and Chat being confronted with the truth that Hawk Moth is his father and uncertain who to side with.
And the whole Hawk Moth plot is thus resolved in 2 seasons.
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thebigpapilio · 3 years
I saw your submission for the “Kwami Wheel” AU over at Justanotherpersonsuniverse.
I would like to hear more about it please.
Ooh, I’m so glad you asked!
Before that, apologies to @justanotherpersonsuniverse​ for pushing on what I presume are your rules. I should have done my research... I’m sorry for it all.
Other than Ladybug!Nath/Kid Crimson (as he ages, he goes simply by Crimson; there’s probably a yo mama joke in the future that goes something like Yo mama so old she knew Kid Crimson) & Black Cat!Kagami/Kuro Neko, here are the other wielders.
Moth!Marc Anciel/Indigo: Like Kid Crimson and Kuro Neko, he’s given his Miraculous at the beginning; his Miraculous and Duusu’s (which we’ll get to) are safe in Fu’s hands. He doesn’t have comphet like KC & KN so much as he has severe anxiety... in any case, he ends up with Nath.
Fox!Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Foxy Lady: TBH, the name needs work, but I don’t wanna go with Húlí, either... she’s shipped with Kagami, BTW.
Turtle!Max Kante/Plastron: I’m pretty proud of this name... I know I usually HC Alix as aro-ace, but this time I ship Alix, Max and...
Bee!Kim Le Chien/Con Ong: There is a Miracle Queen equivalent, but nobody betrays KC. He also doesn’t reveal his identity to anybody, having no reason to impress Audrey Bourgeois.
Luka Couffaine/Phantom P: Can you tell I like the concept of Gentleman Rogue!Luka? For a while, the heroes only stick around for akumas and any important events of the like, but it’s Phantom P who inspires them to address more world issues than that of magical problems. Oh, and I ship him with...
Horse!Chloe Bourgeois/Trailblazer: She gets a genuine redemption arc in this AU. It’s not an easy path, obviously, but she gets there. I’m considering that she’s already in the middle of a redemption arc, but the villain attacks and the reappearance of her mother threaten relapses.
Rabbit!Sabrina Raincomprix/Chronométreur: My favorite Rabbit alias for such a sweet girl (it literally means Timehopper)... rarepair time: Alyabrina is the ship for this fic!
Rooster!Alya Cesaire/Cocorica: She still runs the Ladyblog equivalent (IDK the name RN... give me some pitches if y’all want). Cocorica is a probably-nongrammatical form of Cocorico, the French word for cock-a-doodle-doo.
Pig!Alix/Truix: Truie is French for sow. Again, she’s shipped with Kim and Max... though now I’m wondering if I should ship her with Alya & Sabrina instead...
Dragon!Ivan Bruel/Wyvern: One of my favorite Dragon aliases... I think there ought to be some exploration of his career paths beyond Kitty Section.
Dog!Mylene Haprele/Dachshund: Here be Myvan... 
Snake!Rose Lavillant/Pythonelle: Timeline trauma time~!
Monkey!Juleka Couffaine/Hurleuse: Hurleuse means Howler in French, apparently. Julerose all the way!
Mouse!Nino Lahiffe/Jerboa: Not too much to say about most of the rest other than their ships. Adrinino here!
Ox!Adrien Agreste/Stampede: Most of what I have to say about him revolves around his home-life. Emilie is alive, but her and Gabriel’s relationship is strained regardless. He’s still a douchebag, and a manipulator at that. Adrien has a lot more freedom bc of Emilie canceling out some of Gabriel’s commands. That said, it was at Gabriel’s insistence that Adrien be homeschooled, and... well, enough about that for now.
Importantly, Gabriel isn’t Hawkmoth, nor does Nathalie work for him (nor is she Mayura). Instead...
Tiger!Tomoe Tsurugi/Tiger Queen: Tomoe is not a good parent. There are some sympathetic moments, as is par for the course, but... 
Goat!Nathalie Sancoeur/She-Goat: Like with Marinette, I think the name needs work. I was trying to parody She-Ra and She-Hulk, TBH. Oh, and Nathalie works for Tomoe in this AU.
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If you have any questions, feel free to ask! If anyone wants to write or draw anything, plz let me know first!
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maanae · 3 years
The Court: Origins
Guess who wrote that instead of searching for an appart ? .-.
But kinda like it and I mean there's Hawkgirl so it can't be that bad (yes it's from the animated JL. I mean it's the best girl from that carton. Best. Girl.)
Ladybug and Chat Noir meet heros : Wonder Woman is the First (working in Paris ?) and she introduces them to the rest. Because they need help and decent backing. (shinanigans and awkwardiness are totally here, they're fans ok?) But it's a firm 'no' to any direct intervention from foreign heroes who doesn't manage his emotions (akumatized Superman... brr). But they need help. They send Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl. (Wonder Woman would have come, with her own ties with the Miraculous and all, but she's already the ambassador of her people so can't.) Immediately, there are results. Crazy the efficacity of training right? (Master Fu gets an earful along the way, heroes don't like this Gardian way of his)
Ladybug is still his apprentice but she has back-up so she doesn't drown and she trains Chat Noir in secret from Fu. Because y'know, they're p a r t n e r s! (Hawkgirl called bullshit on the inequality between the two and Martian Manhunter said it was a good idea so). Ladybug and Chat Noir totally plan to rope Nino in it too. The Turtle always have more Gardian-vibe than the rest because Protection and Nino is Nino so he's trustworthy. (He could be Grand Gardian in the future but Ladybug is a martyr if anything else and she doesn't want to overburden him. She works on that. (And Chat Noir works on the "self-sacrificing" bit of his personality. Hawkgirl called bullshit on that too)).
They don't know each other's identity but when Chat Noir flirts and Ladybug complains they know it's more for fun than anything else. Sure, they have a tiny tiny crush on each other but they're heroes (teenage heroes) after all, they need the comic relief please.
Marinette and Adrian are more busy than ever and it's hard sometimes but they're not drowning and it's better than what could have been without the Justice League so they manage. Sure, Marinette doesn't design as much as before and Adrian runs on three hours of sleep tops but they manage! Sure they're in high school now but they're in seconde and it can be a lot of work but it's also the year the most laid back of high school so. They can do it.
With help, comes suspects. Did you think Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl were here only as supports? They're might be not as detective-oriented as Batman but they have their own way to have answers. They're still heroes, even if they're not detectives. Chat Noir isn't happy when his father made it on the List and is a serious suspect. And he's not happy when Ladybug supports this theory with her own evidence either. And sure his suspects are believable too but he overlooks Gabriel completely and Ladybug is not impressed with him (Lila comes back at the same time and Marinette is not impressed with Adrien either.) Maybe their argument and all the yelling gave away their identities a little too quickly. Oups.
They ignore each other for two good weeks, in class like in battle, before Hawkgirl forces them to talk. (Communication is important kids). It's not a fun conversation. They somewhat forgive each other even if it's strain in the first weeks. But they work on it (because frienships too need work) and they come to it at least! And sure Hawkmoth landed some good hits during that time but they always win, good relationship or not. They're professionnals guys.
And maybe they become so close they're often taken for a couple. Except she gives him advices about Kagami and he's pushing her in Luka's arms. They're often saying they're more like siblings if ask. At some point Adrien is all but officially adopted by the Dupain-Cheng. (The Lahiffe tried but hey, a whole bakery. They can't hold a candle to that.) It was a happy few months despite the stress and the akumas and amoks. Even with Lila. (because the class isn't full of idiots, yes they find Lila great and yes her war with Marinette and Adrien is weird but they're friends either way. They just... don't go out at the same time with them. They take turns. They think of something to make it work. Because being friends with a whole class is cute but not realistic.)
And then there is a conversation who strucks odd to Adrien. Not even a conversation, just an off-hand comment. Barely a "make sure Duusu obey correctly next time". Just a few seconds. Adrien wouldn't have think of anything if he didn't exactly knew who was Duusu. Oups x2. He took it pretty bad. Poor Chat.
Their plan is simple - in theory (well, more or less, it's still Ladybug we speak of). A sort of "breaking & entering" with thief!Marinette and complice!Adrian. Martian Manhunter in invisibility mode scoots the hallways before the two and Hawkgirl is at the end of the formation, ready for all he can throw at them. Of course it comes crashing down. La faute à pas de chance like we say in French - they come during the Night of Hawkmoth (the one random night in the week where Hawkmoth akumatises someone from a nightmare - look, he needs to sleep to). So when Adrian lets Ladyfox enter, the illusions doesn't fool the high-security systems and he prepares. Time for Scarlet Moth to shine!
He doesn't go to the confrontation this coward - he knows they will kick his ass with their training and help of the Justice League. Nah, he creates several really destructive akumas. Y'know. Criminals and the such he carefully avoided before. Trumps cards! Mayura joins not long after. It's a massacre. They need help. Big help. Big like all the box. (And Not the Justice League because maybe Scarlet Moth isn't at his limit and they can't risk it.)
So they recruit. Rena Rouge, Carapace, Hornet (Queen Bee 2.0), Ryuko, Viperion, Bunnyx, and sometimes random people whom the kwamis sense they have a greater affinity than the other persons in their class. It's still bad. They die - a lot. All of them, except Bunnyx. The number of times she jumped from her Burrow to protect a fellow hero is... frightening. Sometimes she made them exchange their miraculous, to better suit their affinities and needs. It lasts three days.
They win! Somewhat. They're... not broken, almost, mourning their innocence and deeply hurt. But they're alive and Paris is standing and Hawkmoth and Mayura are not - yet - winners so. They take what they can.
Ladybug and Chat Noir don't take back the Miraculous from those who want to fight with them. Some people can't be heroes, can't have the mental for it. Others are desesperate to stop this. And others still are born for it - like them. Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter agreed to train them - they're not in their best mindset either (they didn't see so much destruction since their last world-ending event, it's not an everyday occurrence even for them) but they're adults, professionals. The kids need them so they help, of course. The Court is born, with new heroes and new names. Too many has been compromised during the battle to keep their old, and... they are not the same as before either. Dame Chance (Ladybug - Marinette), Cat Sìth (Cat - Adrian), Alya (Tiger - Tigris), Nino (Turtle - Shield), Chloé (Bee - Hornet), Kagami (Dragon - Kinryu), Luka (Snake - Ouroboros), Alix (Bunny - Bunnyx), Nathaniel (Fox - Renart), Allegra (Rooster - Mélodie), Bridgette (Ox - Niú), Claude (Horse - Kid Mime) and Alan (Dog - Gavroche).
From here, it's hell. Hawkmoth and Mayura send akumas and sentimonsters at a frenetic pace, sometimes switching with a Scarlet Moth Situation (not too otfen because it costs a great deal of energy but at least one on three days). Life in Paris is impossible, the city is lock down, the civilians need to stay home for their security and the heroes all but stop to live. They move in the QG Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter set up at the beginning and scheme. Identities don't matter (and that's an interesting conversation), sleeping, eating, all of that is pushed aside. They can't deal with distractions. That's also a interesting conversation. (Look, some of them don't lose their priorities. Sleep and food are not distractions. But go say that to Marinette, hah.) But nevertheless, their lifes are put on hold for their hunt (and training. the new heroes need it.) No need to say, they're on a fine line from madness.
It lasts two weeks (an eternity) before they attack. The battle is horrible - like all battles - and the Court is spread across all Paris to protect it from the akumas and sentimonsters. Against Hawkmoth and Mayura, it's only Dame Chance, Cat Sìth, Ouroboros, Kinryu and Martian Manhunter.
They win. Finally. And they sleep the month after that, because trauma (very much so), adrenaline and - just - their bodies shut down. Especially Marinette and Adrian.
Now, the Box is used as almost full capacity. Nino has the Turtle. So Fu is like 'cool, Marinette is ready!' Hence Marinette is Grand Guardian at 16 (joy. so much.) and as first decision names Adrian and Nino Guardians with her. Fu isn't too please. She doesn't give a flying fuck.
After Hawkmoth Alya, Nathaniel, Bridgette and Claude gave back their miraculous (they were heroes when needed but it isn't a life they want).
The next two years are a lot of juggling between training, learning, apprenticeship and heroing but nowhere near the intensity of their first two years.
Because the Court is still active. Even without Hawkmoth and Mayura (by the way Nooroo and Duusu are absolutely being pampered in the box), they remained active, help the police and all. Especially with the new risk of attacks from terrorists (they couldn't prevent the bombs, only help afterwards and that was... hard. Definitely more so than Hawkmoth because the Cure can't revive these victims. There wasn't any Miraculous involved - only plain, old, ugly humanity).
Btw the Justice League is on speed dial in case they need help for a magical/miraculous/world-ending event and because they're allies now but they're not part of it.
So yes they're heroes but they're teenagers too. Marinette and Luka date one year before they break up and remain friends (and maybe she has a little something with Kagami at one point. maybe), Adrien discovers preferring guys, Nino and Alya are still as in love as ever. They grow up, they graduate high school. Some stay in Paris, others go discover the world.
Alya made a name for herself with the Ladyblog and has a brilliant carrier ahead of her, already thinking of doing something similar to Lois Lane : war reporter, then specialising herself in heroics. She wants to be the best and knows damn well what she needs to do for that (Lila be damned). Chloé flourishes in New York, attempting business and politics degrees (nobody else see Chloe as Mayor of Gotham? I think it would suit her - a broken city needing her help and power. pretty much her). Luka makes soundtracks for movies and makes a name for himself ; in the same sector, Allegra joins the National Orchestra of France. Nino chooses a degree in the cinema, DJing in the weekend. Adrian works with Sabine and Tom, training to inherit, one day, the bakery - Gabriel crumbled with his father and he has no intention to ever build it back. Kagami trains for the Olympics. Alix goes for a degree in archeology - following her family and her miraculous. The comic series relating the aventures of the Court by Nathaniel and Mark is a huge success, assuring their own place in the world. Allan go to Japan for a degree in languages. Bridgette and Marinette goes to China to visit their family (they're totally cousins) and for their respective studies in communication and fashion.
Paris is heartbroken and very concerned when Dame Chance and Cat Sìth disapear but the Ladyblog remains active so they can explain that they're young, they want to learn to live in this world and they need to attends some Miraculous matters - but of course if Paris or the France or even the world need their help one day, they'd come back.
At 23, Marinette, Adrian, Nino and Alix take a gap year and go to Tibet. Because they're not civilians despite their somewhat inactivity and their Court is cool but they very much need to think about the future, the after them. So they need to rebuild the Order.
Oh. The League/The Untitled/a great bad. Coucou. (book 2?)
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bonefall · 2 years
you talk about clear sky likes he’s this huge tyrant or something. now i haven’t read dawn of the clans in a long time but was he really that bad? i don’t remember a lot of things that happen in that arc btw. or did you make him even worse with the bonefall rewrite??
i should reread dawn of the clans
Things Canon Clear Sky does;
Throw his disabled brother into the wilderness to die
Reject his only surviving son because its mother died in a building collapse after leaving in protest of all his violence
Come back only once that son is grown and useful
Refuse to care for a clanmate with an infected wound, kicking him out
Tells his son to lick the pus off his friend's wound if he cares about him so much, publicly
A lot of public humiliation in general
Is 1 of 2 suspects in the mauling of a battered housewife who dies of her injuries
General warmongering
Responds to the idea of peace talks by taking a prisoner of war
Starves that prisoner of war to the point of emaciation after promising to care for him while he's detained
Starts the bloody First Battle when the starving prisoner of war catches a bat because he hasn't eaten in days
Dozens of people die in this completely pointless and avoidable fight. They cannot dig the mass grave in one day.
Murders Rainswept Flower during this, saying he "got so mad he didn't know what he was doing". This is accepted as a reasonable excuse lmao something is deeply wrong with these writers.
And that's all BEFORE the "Redemption Arc." He continues to act like this but now the narrative decides he's good now and everyone's mean to him for holding him accountable for his actions, he's so sorry guys :(((
After his redemption arc;
Loudly whines and complains that StarClan is forcing him to take an outsider, Micah, as a doctor
Treats him poorly while he's in SkyClan, shown to be verbally abusive every time it comes up (Micah insists he's not so bad if you give it back to him, though this is shown to not be true)
Foists a Clanborn apprentice onto him immediately, Acorn Fur, with the implication that she will replace him as soon as possible.
Refuses to allow Moth Flight and Micah to gather sap for another Clan, knowing denying medicine will kill someone
Orders Red Claw to fight Micah, getting Micah killed
Refuses to allow Moth Flight to finish Acorn Fur's training
When his baby son gets mauled by a fox, he refuses to allow Acorn Fur to go get help until infection sets in
He blames Wind Runner for this because she held Moth Flight back for like 5 minutes.
Holds Moth Flight as a prisoner of war when she needs that sap again until Wind Runner apologizes for killing his baby
So in short; he is canonically an awful tyrant and I'm barely making him any worse in my rewrite. I'm just making it so he doesn't have a failed 'redemption arc' because he didn't even actually change in-canon.
I don't care how "scared and sad" he was when he was doing war crimes. His motivations are piss poor excuses for justifications and his botched redemption arc is one of the worst plots the writers ever hatched.
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
If all your big scary villains have animal totem themes going on, where Mev is a wolf and Charivari is a bear, what does that make the Unnamed?
These are their crest animals. China canonly has a scorpion as a crest animal and I think the crest animal of Skul's family is a fox.
The Unnamed doesn't even have a name, I doubt he has a crest animal. I feel like his crest would be made of abstract forms in reference to his FO heritage.
Btw I headcanon Nef's crest animal as a snake + moth and Baron's as a lion. Vile doesn't have a crest. I could see Eliza's crest being a rose with well-defined thorns.
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whenimgoodandready · 3 years
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(suspenseful music plays)🎶I always feel like somebody's watchin' me, And I have no privacy, I always feel like somebody's watchin' me, Is it just a dream?🎶 You guys ever get the feeling, like, maybe you’re being watched? Like with hidden cameras or drones or maybe even some creepy edgy looking butterfly? It’s scary! God knows what they’ll find or even who’s watching us! We can’t be too careful. No matter how alone we feel. There might be something out there uncovering our secrets! (whispers) Just. Keep. Quiet! Shhhhhhh! Ironically, let’s see how others are keeping a watchful eye:
*Optigami-No thanks to Miracle Queen, Shadow Moth and Mayura now know half the members of Team Miraculous! If that wasn’t bad enough, starting from that moment onwards, Mayura had created a sharp winged spy butterfly sentimonster named Optigami, using her tablet as the amok, to watch over them in secret all over Paris to find out Ladybug’s identity! Don! Don! Don! Fortunately, the occasional supers just do normal average teen activities and Ladybug was too slick for Optigami as she always stayed in costume when giving/getting back the miraculouses from them and evading being caught. Ha! Ha! Stupid sentimonster :P. However, Gabe still has a plan to find out Ladybugs identity even with Nathalie bedridden still from the formerly broken peacock miraculous. These people are relentless!
He stages a ceremony where his son Adrien will be receiving an award form Style Queen magazine (that’s a magazine?) by Audrey Bourgeois, hosted by Alec and invites everyone. Especially that of Team Miraculous, yeah that’s not suspicious to anyone, but Shadow Moth has a sentimonster created in the form of Alec (SentiAlec), while the real Alec just cowered into a corner watching the whole thing. He’s probably the first person (outside of Nathalie) to see Shadow Moth in action. SentiAlec berates Audrey (and Shadow Moth has a ball with this) until she’s upset enough to be akumatized as Style Queen again. Huh, you know this was one of the eps I wasn’t entirely spoiled by (I’m 95% spoiled by the season) and it’s cuz the title and plot confused me and I never thought that Audrey would be the akumatized victim of the ep! Interesting.
Style Queen ends up turning everyone into piles of glitter (Oh look! Upgrade!) and mostly Team Miraculous until only Alya is left for them to target on discovering Ladybugs identity by having Optigami go into her miraculous and following her (Ladybug) home. Where are the dynamic duo you ask? Oh, well they’re stuck in the elevator that’s where! In their civilian forms! Cuz of that, they can’t transform! Oh sh*t! Now what!? OMG! Optigami is there! So is Style Queen! Don! Don! Don! Oh hold on! Since Adrien is the villain’s son and both he and Marinette are “not” miraculous holders, Nathalie tells Shadow Moth this who then tells Style Queen that it’s “empty”. Phew! That was close.
Well that’s great and everything, but still, we need Ladybug and Cat Noir! Hey! Wasn’t Alya still out? Oh yeah! Screw you! Shadow Moth! You’re not the only one with connections! Marinette calls up the Kwamis, who inform Alya to get a few miraculouses, transform into Rena Rouge, get her (Marinette) and Adrien out, (unbeknownst to them) go their separate ways to transform and save the day! Boom baby! Marinette becomes Ladybee (love the ponytail btw), Alya is Rena Rouge and (not planned) Nino is Carapace! Cuz Alya wanted her boyfriend around. Wait a minute! That’s not Nino! That’s SentiNino! Now he’s SentiCarapace! Don! Don! Don!✊Damn you! Shadow Moooooooth!
Bomb #13, Mayura’s been watching us for a long time! Don! Don! Don! Also, Alya now officially gets to hold onto the fox miraculous! Yea! This has got be the longest running sentimonster in the shows history (or so we think! *cough*AdrienandFelix*cough*). Optigami was so sleuth and invisible that nobody noticed it! Damn! Yet it never once tracked down Alya to Marinette where they’d find out she’s Ladybug? Huh, guess it’s not that competent ¯\_( ಠ_ಠ)_/¯, but Alya sure was! With help from the Kwamis (minus the monumental disasters), she delivered and earned herself the permanent holder of the fox miraculous! Congrats! Girl! Yeah, she made a mistake on almost getting tricked by handing the turtle miraculous to SentiNino, but Ladybug has a good eye (most of the time) and figured it out thus defeating both SentiNino and Optigami and entrusting Alya telling her to learn from her mistakes. Sorry Cat Noir, looks like Ladybug doesn’t need a “black cat” around to balance her good luck! I’m not selling him short here! If it weren’t for him, Shadow Moth and Mayura would’ve gotten away with everything! Cat Noirs still a great value! Although this does foreshadow the whole “Cat Noir feels unneeded by Ladybug” storyline I’ve seen going around and I’m guessing it starts here. We get another almost reveal! Marinette and Adrien almost confessed they were supers when they thought the chips were down. Course we’re only half way in the season so there’s no way that would’ve happened. It’s all thanks to the villains and their allies that that didn’t happen outta perfect convenance. Didn’t I tell you people that there’d be consequences of knowing identities from those exposed and still being given a miraculous? It’s been happening since “Mr. Pigeon 72” and “Mega Leech”. Now Shadow Moth is gonna go after Alya to get to Ladybug! Watch out Alya! Don! Don! Don!
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geekgirles · 5 years
Marinette, her friendships and Lila
If there’s something that’s been bugging me (pun non-intended) is the possible implications of Lila’s threat to Marinette.
When I first heard it, I assumed (like probably many of the members of the fandom) that it was only foreshadowing a disastrous episode that would, in the end, still have stand-alone value. “Ladybug” would be a good example of this, or we were probably all expecting an Akumanette episode when we watched Chameleon for the first time, too.
However, now I wonder if it was actually foreshadowing a series of events that started with Lila’s appearance.
If I’m not mistaken, we were told that Marinette would have to face changes in the dynamics she has with people. 
After “The Battle of the Miraculous”, it’s obvious that Adrien/Chat Noir, Kagami and Luka will be part of that change, but will they really be the only ones affected by it?
We, salt shakers (this time, pun totally intended), have been on edge about Marinette’s friends since Chameleon, especially Alya. And, when given some thought, we might have seen hints on the blogger changing sides for a while, all of them going unnoticed.
The one moment that makes me the most suspicious is when Alya had just turned into Rena Rouge and mentioned that she looked just like Lila did when she was akumatised.
However, there hasn’t been the slightest mention of that ever since!
At least, not in a hopeful light.
For example, despite Ladybug mentioning twice during Heroes’ Day that Volpina had been active, both times with witnesses, none of those times have helped the characters to connect the dots and realise that Lila wasn’t in Achu like she said!
If there’s something you have to learn the hard way when you’re part of the miraculous fandom, that’s that Lila’s never featured nor mentioned without a purpose.
Let’s take a look at Timetagger or Félix, for instance.
In Timetagger, the episode seemingly had nothing to do with her, and, yet, she appears. Not long after we discover that there’ll be a different Hawk Moth in the future, no less. Now, if that’s not a hint.. I don’t know what is.
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In Félix, she appeared for a few seconds as part of the video chat Alya had opened to discuss ways to cheer Adrien up on the day he lost his mother. And still, it was her who alerted Nathalie and Gabriel of “Adrien”’s strange behaviour.
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Where do I want to go with this?
Lila saw Alya transform into Rena Rouge.
Listen, it actually makes perfect sense.
Catalyst, Mayura and Ladybug showed that Lila lives around the park and that, moreover, she’s actually been keeping a close eye on Marinette and the class for quite some time.
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Alya transformed in the park!
Lila could’ve seen it and strategise from there. For instance, it explains how on Earth she hasn’t lied about being Rena Rouge yet. Let’s think about that situation for a moment, alright? 
If Lila didn’t know Alya is Rena Rouge, she could have tried convincing Adrien that the incident in Volpina was just Ladybug’s way of protecting her secret identity from being exposed, claiming that after that they’d decided to change her superhero alterego and rename it to Rena Rouge as it to not arise suspicion. 
But she didn’t do it!
And it’s clearly not because she’s learned to not lie around Adrien, because she has indeed tried to in Chameleon, Oni-chan and Ladybug. Even if she is perfectly aware that he knows she’s a liar.
So I wouldn’t put it past her.
So that brings me to this: Alya might abandon Marinette for Lila.
It’s true she tried to help Marinette in Ladybug, and that she cares about Marinette; but there are moments and behaviours that hint on this happening.
To this day, Alya hasn’t doubted Lila once. Not even when her best friend is so stressed out around her. Sure, we can always say that Alya’s seen the most unreasonable and irrational part of Marinette, but that doesn’t excuse anything.
In Ladybug, she quickly dismissed Marinette’s suspicions on Lila, telling her she shouldn’t jump to conclusions like that, and when it came to actually talking to Lila about it, she actually comforted her instead of showing the slightest caution around her. She even went as far as mentioning Marinette’s jealousy rather than letting the poor girl talk or even explain  her reasoning behind her claims!
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Now, if we compare Alya’s behaviour towards Lila and Marinette with the way she acts around Marinette and Kagami, it’s clear there’s some serious bias there. 
Until Ikari Gozen, Marinette was actually just jealous of Kagami, unlike her feelings towards Lila.
Unlike Alya’s teasing and scolding regarding Marinette’s reactions and decisions concerning Lila, where she never fails to mention she’s just defensive because Lila’s close to Adrien  (utter bullshit, btw. Alya, please, do change your glasses.), she never does anything of the sorts when it comes to Marinette’s actual insecurities towards the fencer.
In Ikari Gozen, instead of telling her that she barely knows Kagami and that she should be more open with her (like she did with Lila in Chameleon), she was sympathetic of Marinette’s distress. She practically encouraged her to lose the contest on purpose!
The only conclusion I get from this is that Alya is that way towards Kagami because... She’s not Lila. And, since Alya isn’t very fond of her either, then it’s not so serious if Marinette is actually unfair to her or not.
And that sickens me. Quite honestly.
Aside from this, we also have the events that took place in Feast; despite knowing first-hand that the miraculous is something that the less people know about it, the better, that didn’t stop Alya from talking about the different miraculous holders throughout History and the exhibition on her blog.
Marinette thought it was something so grave she actually confessed she shouldn’t have entrusted Alya with a miraculous!
And that loss in faith is something very serious, especially in this show.
Because, if in the future Ladybug has no choice but to never hand her the fox miraculous again (something very possible considering the events that took place during Miracle Queen), maybe Alya will act as entitled as Chloé did. Questioning why would Ladybug not entrust her with it when she did give it back to Chloé. More than once.
After all, after Chloé, we saw in Sapotis that Alya was the less willing of all of Ladybug’s allies to give her the miraculous back. She almost kept it.
And, if Alya loses faith in Ladybug, that would be the perfect opening for Lila, who could reveal to her that she knew of her secret identity all along and try to get her against Ladybug and, maybe, even Marinette.
Just imagine, she could even say she was the Fox Miraculous Holder before her, Volpina, but that  after some silly argument Ladybug was petty enough to take the miraculous from her. But that she lied about still being friends with her for the sake of Paris.
Now, that would be a major change in dynamics.
But, just as I’ve written about the worst case scenario, I also have some hopeful news about Marinette’s next confidant.
I’ll admit, of all her friends, Alix has always shown that she was the least convinced of Marinette’s distrust towards Lila. Always being very quick to show her anger towards Marinette for her actions.
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Even so, we must not forget that she will soon entrust her with the Rabbit Miraculous. Giving her the power to fix everything, even when the clock is against the heroes.
And I think I know why she entrusted it to her in the first place.
In Chat Blanc, Bunnix told Ladybug that the reason she chose her was because “She’s very good at keeping secrets”. On the other hand, she suggested that maybe the reason Chat Noir knew of her secret identity was that Adrien had told Nino, that had told Alya, that had published it on the Ladyblog.
What if this is more foreshadowing?
What if Bunnix is subtly warning Marinette about Alya and that the Ladyblog is actually more important to her than her role as a superhero?
But going back to the reason Ladybug chose Alix as Bunnix, maybe it will be Alix the first one to discover her secret identity, and will promise to never reveal it to anyone.
If that were the case, Alix would also be the first one besides Adrien and Marinette to know that Lila is a liar and that Marinette had every right to be as distant to her as she was.
Maybe Alix will be Marinette’s first ally against the Italian girl in and out of the suits (aside from Adrien, of course).
After all, if there’s something Thomas Astruc has proved he’s good at, that’s misleading us. Ehem, Chloé’s redemption, ehem. Ehem, Félix, ehem!
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