#hes a flash rogue
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diggerharknesseshusbandom · 5 months ago
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(Giving this photo of him bc he looks like a whore⬇️)
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gothamite-rambler · 2 months ago
Two-Face being the father Jason wanted
Two-face and Red Hood walked past each other while a high-stake fight was occurring around them.
Two-Face: Hey, you're that kid that died.
Red Hood (lying): No.
Two-Face: Yes you are. You are alive. Good for you. Everything you did so far since returning... Good for you. Your dad would be proud.
Red Hood (sniffling but it's thankfully hidden in his helmet): I will ... Tell him what you said. I'm gonna go.
Two-Face: Take care, kid.
Red Hood walked away happy.
Batman (comm): You've got to be kidding me. Go back there and arrest him!
Red Hood (comm): Let me have this one! I'm just visiting for the day.
pt 2
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xysidhequeen · 1 year ago
It’s getting late (for me that is) but what about Jason first meeting with the rest of the council (Frostbite, Clockwork, Pandora and etc)?
You mean: Abominable Snowman, Benjamin Button and Mommy-sorry Step On Me? (Jason's crush on Wonder Woman did in fact transfer to Pandora)
Jason generally likes all of the council, and all of the council likes him in turn because he makes Danny happy.
He met Frostbite first. Danny took him to the Far Frozen to get checked out and to be sure the Baby Ghost was healthy and stuff. Jason had been forewarned and honestly, by that point, yetis were just one of those 'yeah that tracks' moments for Jason. Jason asked Frostbite, as a joke, if he could give him a piggyback ride. Frostbite picked him up, plunked him on his shoulder and booked it. 10/10 Jason had the BEST time. Definitely his favorite doctor.
Clockwork he met next, and it basically went:
Clockwork: I see you found your knight young king.
Danny: Yeah, thanks for WARNING ME
Jason: Who the is this fucker?
Danny: imagine a grandpa given unlimited power over time but retaining the 'stay off my lawn' energy but towards the time stream.
Jason: Ah
Clockwork: Wonderful. Off you two go
He then yeeted (yote?) Them through a portal because a member of the Flash Fam had severely fucked the timestream doing speedster shit. Luckily CW had smashed a hat on Jason's head first and he was in human form so the Flash fam member didn't recognize him. They were a bit too occupied with Danny yelling at them for fucking up and ripping them out of the speed force. The Flash fam member bought them lunch. (This was not the first or last time CW sent Danny to deal with the Flashes. They knew of him, and were all more than a little frightened of Danny. They think he's like. A speedforce demon or something. Theyre glad he eats burgers and not their souls) it was fun, even if they were stuck in the 40s for a bit until they cleaned everything up and got the Flash fam member back in the proper timeline. (You can imagine this as any of the Flash fam)
Jason met Pandora when she came to spar with Danny. And he just. Instant puppy crush. He watched this Amazonian woman beat the snot out of Danny and it was the best day of his life. If Fright Knight hadn't already claimed him as a protégé he would've been begging Pandora to train him. She thinks Jason is cute and is always happy to spar with him when she's around.
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sadiecoocoo · 7 months ago
I love how Wally is besties with basically every green lantern he meets. He and John are basically brothers at this point. He met Kilowag on screen twice and he’s got a weekly hangout with him. Hal is basically his uncle if we’re adding on more than just Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. And you KNOW he and Guy would be besties. I haven’t read the comics but I’ve seen some stuff with him and Kyle that’s rivals to besties/lovers if you ship it and I think that’s neat
Wally is unintentionally amassing an army of green lanterns and uses them for game nights bro has no idea the amount of power he holds
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 10 months ago
Why yes I did just read a gimmick advert comic specifically so I could see my favourite mangy alley cat Rogue ice prince working at a fast food joint. What of it?
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aesfocus · 8 months ago
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rotating him in my mind.
I can not find this mans clothing for the life of me this might be a ru to eng issue, or it could be that I'm just not looking in the right area. While I could have applied his normals and spec maps to this model I didn't.
Anyways have some spinning Heinrix models as I scream into the void.
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riddler-enthusiast · 4 months ago
Small Axel Walker from "Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge" because I feel like he has no idea of what is going on 90% of the time.
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emotionalsupportdilf · 28 days ago
Love the tricksters because Jesse has like swagger and soul and then Axel is like if you cast a 2020 tiktok e-boy as The Joker
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coldflasher · 5 months ago
still thinking about my post from the other day about eobard making barry the flash about a decade earlier, when he's still a teenager, so he'd be easier to manipulate. and then obviously i started thinking about where len would be in this scenario because i'm unwell and i have permanent leonard snart brainrot :)
assuming barry's 13 in this AU and we're sticking with the same age gap, len would be around 30... so then i started thinking about how different the dynamic would be, with a lonely barry who's being increasingly isolated by eobard, right in the thick of the most tumultous time in his relationship with joe, because he's always sneaking off and coming back all busted up and lying his head off and acting all cagey and exploding with temper every five minutes---except while joe thinks he's just a traumatized kid acting out and having a hard time at school, really he's off every night being "trained" by eobard and then being pitted against fully grown adult metas... though i do think i'd make at least some of them the same age as barry if only because imagine the ANGST of barry getting his powers, thinking he finally has one up on his bullies, and then the other kids at school start turning into metas as well.
i'm thinking specifically of tony woodward—all the pain and frustration and humiliation that twenty-five-year-old barry felt facing up against his childhood bully, now with powers... imagine that, except he's still at school, still stuck in the thick of it with this kid who's made his life hell, except now his bully has superpowers, and so any fantasies barry might have had about kicking his ass now he's the flash and is more powerful than any of the kids at school could imagine? well, forget it, because tony's STILL bigger and stronger than him and now he's now kicking barry's ass outside of school too
anyway i'm getting sidetracked. my point is i was thinking about moody teenage barry and an older len who's faced up against the flash, thinking there's a new player in town, only to discover that the flash is some scrawny punk kid with no one in his corner, and all the adults in his life are failing him, ESPECIALLY this creep eobard thawne who's "mentoring" him. len takes a very dim view of anyone who's getting a kid mixed up in the criminal world, considering his own father did it to him, AND he's just getting skeevy vibes off eobard anyway because he's an adult and better equipped to see through eobard's manipulations, unlike barry, who's doing the infuriating teenage thing of thinking he's sooo mature for his age and knows what he's doing and is not gonna listen to anyone who's trying to warn him that this whole thing is super sketchy and he's falling victim to a predator, but unfortunately he's not gonna realize it until he's a decade or so older and his frontal lobe develops---
and so we have this (platonic bc barry's like 13/14, though barry probably has a lil unrequited crush) coldflash dynamic with them kinda being friends bc len's somehow inadvertently ended up a mentor/support system for this fucked up, scrappy, little meta kid because god knows no one else is looking out for him, and anyway here's a small snippet of what my brain's doing (unedited but whatever we're just having fun and god knows i can't start another insane sprawling AU right now as much as i've been violently chewing on this idea all day, soooo)
Barry picked at the splintered wood on the table. “Eobard makes me feel kinda weird sometimes.”
Len watched him out of the corner of his eye. He didn’t like the sound of that. “Weird how?”
Barry shrugged his birdlike shoulders.
For a moment, Len focused on the map laid out in front of him, considering his next move. When it came to locks, carefully getting them to open up was his specialty. When it came to people, not so much.
He decided to be blunt. “He touch you?”
Barry’s mouth popped open, outrage and disgust mingling together. “No!” he protested, his voice cracking a little. Immediately, his mouth snapped shut, jaw jutting out mulishly, and he glared at Len. “Not like that.”
Len scrutinized him. He was pretty satisfied it was an honest answer. The kid wasn’t a bad liar, given time to prepare, but he sucked at improv; put him on the spot and he crumbled in seconds.
“He’s just… intense, that’s all. About my powers.”
Somehow Len doubted that was all he was intense about. Clearly something about this Eobard creep was making the kid’s spidey senses tingle, and probably for good reason. Len knew his type—there were plenty like him in prison, doing time for their proclivities. And plenty more on the outside who were better at hiding it. Just because the guy hadn’t put his hands on the kid so far didn’t mean he hadn’t thought about it.
“You thought about talking to someone?” Len asked. “An adult?”
Barry gave him a withering look like only a teenager could, then looked him insolently up and down, like he was missing something very obvious. Len gave him a similarly derisive look right back, one with over a decade of extra power behind it, just to show him how it was done. “I meant an authority figure.”
“You mean like a shrink?” Barry scoffed—which was pretty similar to what Len’s response would have been if anyone had made that suggestion to him. “Pretty sure Joe’s insurance wouldn’t cover another one. And we’d have to go out of state. I’ve seen every shrink in the city and they all think I’m crazy.”
“Your Dad, then.” Not that Len believed a guy who murdered his wife was exactly a stellar role model, and clearly Henry Allen was no stranger to manipulation himself, to have the kid so staunchly convinced he hadn’t done it when it had happened right in front of him—but having a father in prison had its perks. Len’s own father wasn’t exactly father of the year, but even he’d have called in a few favours from Iron Heights if he caught wind of some creep sniffing around his kid, if only on principle.
“I’m not allowed to see him,” Barry muttered.
The dark look in his eye told Len that there was little use in suggesting he told Joe. Clearly, they still weren’t getting along.
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cheeweburgev · 7 months ago
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nothing could make me hate him
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danothan · 1 year ago
thoughts on coldflash?? just curious
don’t have fully fledged thoughts on them yet, but smth is going for sure.
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for silly purposes alone, i like them a lot ^__^
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I saw your probably very old post where someone asked you something like “Who’s the most OP speedsters”
In the tags I saw you mentioned that Meloni is a speedster? And that she’s classified as one? Can you give me a link, or a comic? Bc I think that’s rlly cool (and never rlly thought about it regarding the whole Thawne-Allen thing).
Yeah so, this was when Owen was trying to figure out who his mom was and was doing research into female speedsters. Off the top of my head I can't remember which Flash issue this was or what the arc was called but it was the one that the West twins were born in. The one with the rogues war. I actually did a whole post breaking that arc down if you can get the search function on Tumblr to work for once.
But yeah, Meloni was considered a 'female speedster' in that arc and it does make sense because Owen had to get his powers from somewhere. And his dad is Captain Boomerang, so he certainly didn't get them from him. Meloni has never shown any actual powers that I know of but she is a Thawne and both of her children are speedsters, so she does have some sort of inherent speedforce connection. (She might not use it though because of her father's hatred for speedsters)
So yeah, it's Wally's Flash run. The arc where the twins are born. But the start of that arc. If you've hit Zombie Captain Boomerang then turn back and look at earlier issues in the arc, cause you've gone too far.
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rockabillywonder · 2 years ago
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seal snarts.....sneals.....anyway here's something for mermay
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Kid Devil in an 8 page story about Captain Cold and The Trickster! I loved this story. I want fifty more of these stories, immediately. Jokes? Plenty of them. Good plot and art? Yes to both. A light read but one that makes me smile and laugh? Yes. This is the ideal for humour. It makes you smile, it makes you laugh, and it makes your day brighten. Kid Devil's being taught by the weird scientists from before, and they've hired Captain Cold to do a guest lecture for them. But The Trickster vets jealous, and tricks Captain Cold into breaking back into crime. Then Kid Devil stops him with The Tricksters aid, and Captain Cold goes back to jail (leaving Trickster free to soak up the fame)!
I don't know what joke I love most here. The fact that the trickster dressed in drag for his scheme? The fact that he used cottage cheese as a prop to sell the idea of non-melting ice cream? The fact that his fake name is Trixie (so unsubtle it's funny)? The fact that his invention came from a Professor Baskin (like Baskin Robbins)? The fact Captain Cold apparently keeps getting mistaken for other ice villians? Or the fact that adorable hero Kid Devil mostly wins because The Trickster throws him like a ragdoll? I don't know. This thing has so many wonderful jokes. I love it. (Blue Devil #19):
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coldinpants · 1 year ago
So... What about Leonard Snart, who openly cares about his Rogues? He doesn't care about most people on this planet, but his little partners in crime deserve love and respect!
Imagine Leonard arranging a funeral for Mark's brother because Mardon didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him properly.
Leonard listens to a drunken Hartley crying loudly over his homophobic parents, and the next day the Rogues abruptly change their plans and rob the Rathaway mansion.
Leonard helps Shawna get out of her toxic relationship with her boyfriend by using examples from his past.
Leonard, who takes Mick to the psychiatrist and makes sure he takes his pills correctly and on time.
Leonard paints Lisa's toenails and listens intently as she complains about her problems and supports her emotionally by calling all the antagonists of her stories assholes.
And the Rogues appreciate and deeply respect their leader in return.
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tiger-in-the-flightdeck · 2 years ago
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DC Social Media DC Pride Edition!!
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From Rogues to Robins, lots of characters want to show their Pride
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