#hero lost his mind
sunnynwanda · 1 year
When Villain's lifeless body hit the floor with a loud thud, the crowd let out a gasp of relief. For a long moment, everyone was stunned into silence. Until a singular triumphant cry was heard, and the atrium drowned in sounds of cheers and laughter. People hugged strangers, patted each other's backs, some even kissed, unable to express their happiness. The police officer that managed to shoot Villain was brought forward to receive a round of standing applause, to be showered in gratitude from the citizens. They were, after all, the saviour of the day. The one that ended it. It was the happiest day their city had seen. No one expected it to be the last.
When Hero showed up a week later, they looked different. Their hair was a tangled mess of dirty curls, dark bags adorned their eyes, and their lips no longer carried the usual gleeful smile. They had descended in front of the city hall to attend the funeral of their lifelong nemesis. That was what everyone assumed.
But when Hero's eyes landed on Villain's rigid features, they shuddered. Something flashed in the depths of their eyes, something so acute and fervent that those standing in the front lines stumbled back. They could feel the change, the shift that happened within Hero. Yet they were unable to grasp the severity of it all. Not until Villain's body was buried.
Then came the rage. Hero's eyes burned into anyone that tried to drag them away from the grave. They thrashed around, not making out who or what it was they were breaking, leaving the special forces a mess of mangled limbs and smashed ammunition. Consumed by their wrath, they ripped the police officer that shot Villain into pieces, gauging their eyes out as tears streamed down their own face.
Hero took over the city in less than an hour, executing anyone that dared speak against. They found and eliminated the mayor next, claiming the position and announcing the start of their reign. A reign of terror and revenge. For the light that faded in their lover's eyes was the one thing keeping them on the verge of sanity.
When Villain's lifeless body hit the floor, so did Hero's heart, shattering into a million pieces, digging into their flesh and sending them over the edge. Hero went batshit crazy. They became so so much worse than Villain ever was. And the city would pay for their loss. Until the last drop of blood would quench their thirst.
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snarkyship · 1 year
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The Bakusquad is well equipped
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nelkcats · 1 year
Not everything is what it seems
When Young Justice found Superboy, the heroes began to think, were there other similar places? Were there more cloned heroes? How had it all started?
So they investigated, there wasn't much to salvage from the destroyed place but they managed to trace the plans of the cloning pods to an abandoned mansion in Wisconsin. It appeared to be normal at first glance, although no one had set foot there in a while, that was until they got to the basement.
The basement was a mess, one side was destroyed as if something had exploded, on the other side were notes, capsules and DNA samples, though these were clearly useless, if the files could be trusted. It appeared to be old research, all of this was addressed at the weekly League meeting.
The worst part of it all was learning that the sample did not belong to any of them; what might have seemed like relief turned into torture when they discovered the existence of a "hero" in the past, a young hero who had acted before them all, and about whom no one knew anything. Another concern was a possible clone of said hero on the loose, though they didn't know how to address either issue.
Bruce couldn't get out of his head the image of a scared kid, out there without any support, fighting an evil version of himself. The League's priority was to find that boy immediately, and see if his clone was still active. They had to do something about it.
Most of them ignored Captain Marvel's advice to leave the matter alone, as it had been a long time and they didn't know the current circumstances.
At Amity Park, Danny felt a chill, he had a bad feeling. He decided to ignore it as he continued to scold Dan and Dani for using their powers irresponsibly, he knew the citizens of Amity wouldn't care, but the rest of the world would. Danny feared the world wasn't ready for them.
It really was hard being a single parent, although it didn't bother him, after the initial awkwardness everyone had adjusted and were quite happy.
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sherylhooper · 3 months
Now that BNHA is ending, I can finally say.... I didn't care about LoV at all, lmao. I didn't care about Shigaraki (kinda pitied little Tenko, sure), didn't care about Toga at all, didn't care about Spinner, Dabi, Compress, etc. Mind you Overhaul was more interesting with his "end the quirks cuz they are desease (kinda turned out true from AFO and Yoichi's backstory)".
People calling mangaka bad writer just because most of the criminals died and faced consequncws of their action and weren't "integrated into the society" (as if they hadn't killed hundreds of people) to live their "sunshine and rainbow lives" and how dare mangaka only make it seem like only children deserve to be saved and not villains...
How delusional are you, people? They were fucking murderers! Young or not, abused or not, shamed or not, discarded or not, they killed people! Do ya'll know how many serial killers had horrible childhood and were abused as children? Should we make it okay for them to roam the street juat for that and discard all the crimes they did?
"Just because it's realistic, doesn't mean that mangaka wrote it well, they deserved better" 🙄
And I say death for most of them was mercy and deserved to rot in Tartaros, end of story.
(LOV lovers dni, cuz I see one word and I'm gonna block your delusional selves)
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There’s a general consensus that above all else Jason should be homicidal again. However I think what’s also very important is that he should be a fucking hoot.
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There’s nothing not funny about this entire bit.
1. He couldn’t give less of a shit about explaining that he’s single-handedly trying to stop a terrorist attack. Obviously cause he’s short on time, but even if he had all the time in the world he would still be this indifferent towards explaining himself to cops.
2. This bomb is seconds away from exploding but he’s at most mildly annoyed like he’s in the office doing some menial task.
3. The perfectly timed British jokes.
4. Circling back to number 1 on the list. After he throws the bomb into the water he just dips. For all they know he’s the (weird) terrorist. (But as long as everyone’s okay he doesn’t care! The beauty of Jason Todd everybody).
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This one is funny (but it’s also true)? Like yes … that is exactly what you are. (A sweet, kind-hearted goodboy learning how to effectively poison people, shoot guns, and blow shit up with all manner of explosives like a certified pro).
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #5 (2010-)
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Red Hood: The Lost Days #4 (2010-)
“Not so irritating for an American” is a far more impressive title than “genius” if you ask me. Although I think Jason balances both pretty well.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
In BotL, when Nico summoned the ghosts with Happy Meals and a Wal-Mart's twelve-pack of Coke. In his visions, Percy saw a large Wal-Mart bag and a white paper bag decorated with cartoons, which is obviously the Happy Meal.
What does it mean? It means that Nico bought them, instead of stealing them.
Because obviously, you cannot have the bags if you just grab stuff and shadow travel out of the store where the cameras can't catch you and neither the owner. I cannot talk about the clothes because I have no proof, but at least, this is logical.
So. Elevel-year-old Nico bought food and drinks, what's there to ask?
Well. Where, exactly, did he get the money?
Because he was a literal homeless kid at that point, running away from Camp, his father preferred his sister over him, his sister was dead, his mother died before her. He's a child with no guardian - unless you count Minos, whom I do not - and afaik, Nico did not bring any bag or the sort with him when he snapped at Percy and ran away.
So where did he get the money to buy stuff? Nico, tell me---
My explanation is that right before Percy arrived with the bad news, Nico had been playing poker with the Stolls brothers and won. A lot. And kept it in his pockets. This brings a whole new light to Nico and the Stolls' friendship but we're not talking about that here.
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ickyblickyy · 1 year
bro the fact that in bakugou’s first debut as a hero to the world he calls himself kacchan is absolutely killing me cuz junior high bakugou would be so fucking pissed off if he heard that shit like whattt
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Mha au where everything is the same except Kirishima and Bakugou met during the entrance exam and Bakugou just didn't recognize him (or remember him) on the first day since he dyed his hair.
"Oh hey! We met during the entrance exam!"
"Huh? Who the fuck are you???"
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jackdaniel69nice · 2 months
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Bnha manga spoilers (hawks)
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Phantom Wings
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hella1975 · 6 months
picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor reaching for the phone cause i can’t fight it anymore and i wonder if i ever cross your mind for me it happens all the time IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M ALL ALONE AND I NEED YOU NOW SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I LOST ALL CONTROL AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DONT KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOW another shot of whiskey can’t stop looking at the door wishing you’d come sweeping in the way you did before and i wonder if i ever cross your mind FOR ME IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIMEEEEE IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M A LITTLE DRUNK AND I NEED YOU NOW SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I LOST ALL CONTROL AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DON’T KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOWWWWWWW OHHHWOAHHH guess i’d rather hurt than feel nothing at alllllllllllllll IT’S A QUARTER AFTER ONE I’M ALL ALONE AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I SAID I WOULDN’T COME BUT I’M A LITTLE DRUNK AND I NEED YOU NOW AND I DON’T KNOW HOW I CAN DO WITHOUT I JUST NEED YOU NOOOWWWWWWWWWWW I JUST NEED YOU NOWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWWW OH BABY I NEED YOU NOOWWWWWWWWWWW
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imu-chan · 1 year
Mu Qing, someone who has been steamrolling his deepest emotions for nearly a millennia, tormented by a class system in which he has been labeled as fundamentally untrustworthy, someone whose every mildly positive intention has been twisted into malevolence due to his personality, and whose literal actual name means ‘one who yearns for affection’: alright let’s help dianxia in disguise, what’s one more mask to wear, what’s one more attempted good deed that will ultimately blow up in my face
Xie Lian, a prince of an extremely extravagant and ludicrously wealthy kingdom, who didn’t recognize Mu Qing as a deity (or even a person lmao) and not a servant: *legit takes every opportunity to throw shade at Mu Qing and badmouth him to his face, and then later reveals he ‘knew’ Fu Yao was Mu Qing all along* yeah duh of course I knew it was him, his name is ‘one who rises above their station’, plus we grew up together lmao of COURSE I’d recognize him (:
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another-clive-blog · 8 months
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I am thinking SO HARD about these two's dynamic (I was supposed to have a second piece with them harassing Dimitri but I'll spare him for now)
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Seeing the leaks for the end of BNHA and honestly what the fuck is that ending
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truly-quirkless · 4 months
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@sparkles0n asked:
❝ where are you taking me ? ❞
[Prompted. || Accepting!]
Yagi let out a breath. He'd been holding Aoyama's arm for a minute, now- he let it go. It was through no pain towards the boy,...just disappointment in himself. Rage. He should have noticed. He should have seen it...and yet, he hadn't.
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"....somewhere you and I can speak. Alone, young Aoyama." He should have noticed...that thought swirled in his head. He was meant to be All Might,...everyone's Hero.
Why couldn't he notice the suffering going on right under his nose?
Why hadn't he seen the pleas behind those eyes?
What information he'd been given...to him, it showed that Aoyama wasn't a villain. The kid was a wreck- another life destroyed. Another soul he'd failed to save. The anger in his voice wasn't for Yuga. It was directed at himself- but he doubted the kid would see it that way.
He felt like someone was ripping his soul apart- again.
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carpthecarp · 17 days
"Batman should have killed Joker, Batman not killing is stupid, Batman should kill when necessary."
No. Batman doesnt kill for a reason. Batman was born in death blood and violence. Batman is what he is because he wants to stop the cycle, because he wants to save those who cant protect themselves, and those who are on the wrong path.
Not only does he not kill because it goes against everything he believes in, but also because killing would make him just as bad as the people who he fights. Batman is a flawed hero, hes a flawed man. Killing even one person would send him down a path or darkness hate and destruction that he would not be able to get himself out of.
The idea that Batman is heartless is one that stems from poor writing. Batman is cold, yes. Batman is harsh at times, yes. But Batman also gives little kids lolipops after he saves them. He helps people who many other people would say dont deserve it. He shows kindness to his enemies.
He saw a little boy steal his tires, and instead of punishing him or leaving him to an apparent harsh fate, he took him in and raised him. He saw a little boy lose everything and he taught him to control his anger, and he gave him a home and family.
Batman is often harsh. He has done conflicting, bad things. He is not a perfect man, he is not a perfect hero. But that doesnt mean that he isnt kind. His mistakes, his issues, all of them have stemmed from fear, fear of losing those he loves.
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the higher-ups (and Yaga) immediately trying to leverage Gojo & Ieri's absence to put Yuuta on the roster??? God that's such a stark moment. Thank god Nanami and Gojo saw through that one immediately, because Yuuta wants to justify his own survival so badly he would've fallen straight into it.
That whole scene, with Yuuta immediately jumping on the opportunity to help people even though something is Extremely Wrong with him and he's on the brink of physical collapse--this boy is selfless to the point of self destruction and I am chewing the drywall about it. I love him so much.
If only he was able to summon his newly found homicidal rage in defense of himself, the higher-ups would no longer be a problem. Alas, this boy is Extremely Unwell.
(Sea Glass Gardens is absolutely incredible and i am obsessed with it in a way that is totally and 100% normal. I'm so normal about it, trust me <3 )
The thing about Yuuta is that he really is prime to be taken advantage of right now and the higher ups know it. They had him try to kill himself for them--they know that there's a window of opportunity that they can use to get him under their thumb and avoid The Problem of Gojo, which is, namely, having a human weapon who you cannot fully control. Gojo nailed it from the beginning: they want a magic gatling gun with no personality or free will. They learned their lesson with Gojo and are trying to rob Yuuta of his agency before he learns how to protect himself.
And Yaga's part in that scene really was meant to kind of emphasize how, even with the best intention's, he just doesn't work to protect the kids. Like. everything he said was technically true, and he meant it with the best of intentions. He's the guy who has to think of everyone's needs. he has to manage this crisis. he's got a lot of people hurt badly who just came out of a war, and a lot of people going into fights with some very aggravated curses spawning without sufficient manpower to address the danger and no healer to save them if they cut it a little too close. He didn't have the intention of manipulating or sacrificing Yuuta, but he was aware that it would come to his detriment and risk.
The issue is the higher ups. They don't give a shit about the people in their workforce. They should be the ones doing whatever it takes to solve this crisis and save their people--and if that means giving up on their machinations? They should have already done it. It's their responsibility.
They just don't care. They want Okkotsu Yuuta under their thumb, and their society hemorrhaging is treated like an opportunity, not a dire problem to be solved. They don't care if half a dozen of their own people need to die to do it. Hell, it's better if they do die--they can put it straight on Okkotsu for not being willing to sacrifice himself, when they should have been making whatever promises they had to in order to make this work.
Gojo's done this before, is the thing. He was Yuuta, a long time ago. Nanami was right there watching it happen. They both know what the higher ups do: They let society get to a crisis level and put all the responsibility on you to save it. they let you maneuver yourself into a vulnerable position as a result, and then they use it as leverage to put their goddamn boot on your neck.
The thing is that Gojo adopting megumi all those years ago really did put them into a crisis state. the zenin pitched the mother of all bitch fits trying to secure his unconditional return, and they were a huge percentage of jujutsu society's labor force and resource pools. instead of the higher ups managing the problem at all, they took advantage of the situation and shoved more and more of its weight and responsibility onto gojo, until he was dropping off his own kid at his abusers' compound thinking it was the only compromise that could resolve things. megumi paid the price for gojo not calling bullshit, and right now, with him in a hospital bed? gojo's less willing to repeat mistakes than ever.
he knows that they're going to use the safety and suffering of everyone else as the leverage against him, and he knows that as terrible as it is, he cannot blink first. He's played this game before, and he knows that the only way to get the higher ups to back off on something like this is to dig in your heels.
I think what happened to Megumi all those years ago and how bad it got before they put a stop to it is something that haunts all three of them. When they first started raising him, they were very young, and they were very broken, and they loved him very, very much. He was their little boy, and he was never the same after the Zenin. They were supposed to protect him, and they didn't, and not a single one of them has forgiven themselves for that.
Megumi was sort of sacrificed for the greater good when he was a kid. None of them thought that that was what they were doing when it happened, but that's what happened. His happiness, safety, and wellbeing were sacrificed to pacify the Zenin and make it easier on everyone else.
Megumi and Tsumiki had to become their non-negotiables after. They had to become the things they refused to compromise on. The Zenin would take miles and miles if you gave them a millimeter, let alone an inch.
Gojo didn't think he was compromising them when he left them on their own to deal with Geto's war. They were disgustingly self-sufficient kids. They had been alone for longer stretches of time when they were practically toddlers--they should have been fine on their own for a couple of weeks.
But they were still his kids, and he still left them alone for everyone else's sake, and now his kid is blind and half dead in a hospital bed. It's like being punched in the face by old mistakes.
So they're off the roster completely, all of them. And they're not compromising an inch on what their focus is, and they're not letting anything happen to any of the other kids in their care.
It's terrible that their coworkers are suffering, but it wouldn't be happening if the Zenin hadn't fucked with Gojo Satoru's kid, of all the goddamn people. It wouldn't be happening if the higher ups would actually do their job and start managing shit.
And if they use Yuuta as an anxiety riddled bandaid on the bullet hole in their society? Then they'd be sacrificing him the way they sacrificed Megumi all those years ago. And they have never been less willing to do that.
I'm so so glad you like the story! Thank you for talking with me!
#i think gojo has such a big emphasis on giving kids the tools to protect themselves because no one ever did that for him or geto#geto snapped under the pressure and was lost to gojo forever#Gojo repeatedly focuses on giving the kids the tools to enjoy their childhood without being hurt#like with yuuji--he doesn't want him to sacrifice his youth and happiness with the others#so he focuses on giving him the strength to protect himself when gojo isn't there#in my mind that's also why gojo was always trying to feed yuuji the fingers#like when i first started the series it seemed kind of weird to me because gojo very obviously didn't want yuuji dead#until i realized that yuuji canonically had a good chance at suppressing sukuna even at 20 fingers as long as he had them spaced out#if yuuji had sukunas power level and had gotten it in increments eventually the higher ups couldnt touch him and hed still be under control#honestly none of the adults are doing well right now#a little under a decade ago the issue with the zenin came to a head and megumi ended up being very small and very hurt in a hospital bed#and they promised him that it would never happen again#now he looks very small and very hurt and he's in a hospital bed and the zenin put him there#as much as he's an angry teenager who hates displays affection he really is their little boy and they adore him#nanami was the one who took him from the zenin the final time all those years ago and he personally promised megumi that he would never eve#go back to that place. he feels like a complete failure right now.#gojo always blamed himself for not digging in his heels and refusing the custody compromise and now he's FURIOUS that this happened under#his nose a second time. i think gojos really interesting in the hero role because he's canonically low empathy and struggles with homicidal#impulses and let me tell you he thought about just killing all the zenin back then and he's REALLY thinking about it right now. there's one#fucking way of making sure this never happens again.#shoko generally feels like shit because this is supposed to be the one thing she can do to help and she /can't/ do it right now to help#megumi. also she privately thinks she had the most opportunity to realize how bad it was with the zenin back then and /didn't/.#she was going through a lot of her own issues back then and the zenin had some kind of believable excuses for why megumi was always banged#up. like. he was already getting into fights at school. its not like the zenin had issues procreating. they said he was picking fights#with other kids and that's where he got hurt. they actually blamed maki more than once. and some bruises here and there is expected for a#kid in combat training even at what was meant to be a very preliminary level. he was supposed to be in like. kiddie karate classes and they#didn't realize the zenin were training him like a fucking marine. it was SO obvious in hindsight and that tortures them.#protecting yuuta right now kind of feels like a chance to get it right the first time and all of them need that now that they feel like the#fucked it up with megumi a second time#sea glass gardens
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