#go read his reaction to blockbuster and then tell me that he wouldnt care about killing someone with his own hands
carpthecarp ยท 17 days
"Batman should have killed Joker, Batman not killing is stupid, Batman should kill when necessary."
No. Batman doesnt kill for a reason. Batman was born in death blood and violence. Batman is what he is because he wants to stop the cycle, because he wants to save those who cant protect themselves, and those who are on the wrong path.
Not only does he not kill because it goes against everything he believes in, but also because killing would make him just as bad as the people who he fights. Batman is a flawed hero, hes a flawed man. Killing even one person would send him down a path or darkness hate and destruction that he would not be able to get himself out of.
The idea that Batman is heartless is one that stems from poor writing. Batman is cold, yes. Batman is harsh at times, yes. But Batman also gives little kids lolipops after he saves them. He helps people who many other people would say dont deserve it. He shows kindness to his enemies.
He saw a little boy steal his tires, and instead of punishing him or leaving him to an apparent harsh fate, he took him in and raised him. He saw a little boy lose everything and he taught him to control his anger, and he gave him a home and family.
Batman is often harsh. He has done conflicting, bad things. He is not a perfect man, he is not a perfect hero. But that doesnt mean that he isnt kind. His mistakes, his issues, all of them have stemmed from fear, fear of losing those he loves.
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