#Through many battles/I have been tested/I’ve never failed/Never have been bested || Toshinori Yagi
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truly-quirkless · 2 months ago
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@modeinthemiddle asked:
You're how tall? - Mode - 5 ft 10
[You're How Tall? || Accepting!]
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"To be fair, I'm taller than most of the population, save those who either have gigantism or a Quirk that improves their height..."
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"I'm the perfect height to hide my face in your chest!" ...Fin you said that out loud.
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truly-quirkless · 2 months ago
A moment was needed to place his hand to his chin in thought.
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"Not entirely,- I would view myself as bi or pan. Though there are traces of 'gay' in either, so I suppose that would make my actions gay?"
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"That ain't how it works, All Might!" Katsuki huffed loudly. "It's not dependent on if your partner's gay. It's if you consider yourself gay!"
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truly-quirkless · 3 months ago
[ @emotionalsupportvigilante-rp || Liked for a starter!]
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"...I was wondering when you would show up again, young Chizome." Pyre waved a hand towards the other, a soft smile on his face. He wiped a small amount of sweat from his brow, moving to lean on his home's front porch railing. "Were you able to eventually stop that wayward villain you were telling Fin and I about last time, by chance?" He paused for a moment as his eyes flickered down to the drink in his hand. "Would you like me to pour you some? I just finished brewing some hibiscus tea, and it's pretty good."
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truly-quirkless · 7 months ago
[ @refrxctedprism || Liked for a starter!]
He'd noticed it for days, now- and no longer could he stand idly by. He knew he had a solid half an hour or so- long enough for a small conversation. Which was why, as the bell had rung to symbolize the end of the day and students had gotten up from their seats- he'd called out the plucky 1-B child, who had been rather uncharacteristic for a few days.
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"Young Miyamoto! If I could please speak with you in private?" A few of his classmates, of course, glanced the student's way- uncertain as to why their teacher- why All Might- of all people, was asking for him. The kid wasn't exactly a troublemaker- so it had to be something else. Potentially the somber mood that hung around him at all hours,- something plenty of his classmates had been able to detect. "Move along, the rest of you- and I'll see you all tomorrow! Remember to study, I will be giving out a quiz!"
Honestly, he just got the 'quiz' business from his own U. A. days- as dusty as those were in his memories. Only once the other students had all filed out, leaving a virtually empty classroom, did he dare to turn his attention to the youth once more- fully and completely.
"Now then....has something been troubling you, young Miyamoto?"
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truly-quirkless · 8 months ago
[ @themultiversebundle || DM'd to plot!]
It had been a relatively normal day..as normal as things got, now that Yagi and Fin had somewhat(?) befriended a strange Quirk-holder kid who went by 'Cody'. It had been maybe a week since the teen had started crashing in an empty dorm in the faculty's dorm building, and the two were out and about. They had gone to buy groceries since their supplies were getting low, and it was such a bright, peaceful day...
Until an explosion rang out from a nearby street. Almost on instinct, the two were rushing over- Fin with a hand on their hidden pocket knife, and Yagi on his own recently-acquired pocket knife (he may have been retired, but Hell if he'd go down without a fight). The two paused, however, as they came across the street in question... And the child currently going haywire.
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"We needa calm that kid down...!" Before more damage was done. The duo let go of their handles,- Yagi rushing to knock a civilian out of the way before he could get crushed by a light pole, while Fin shot forward- hands latching onto two youths that were standing stock-still, staring at the scene.
"Y'gotta move, kids!"
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truly-quirkless · 5 months ago
"ACK-! TOSHI, WHY?!" Nori was quick to try to fight back against his brother's grip- but it wasn't exactly something he could escape from easily. It didn't help that he was roping in Fin- which meant his struggles could result in the other getting a wayward elbow or knee. His squirming faltered as they grew closer. "---Fin,-- Fin no,-!"
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"On it!!!" They all but dashed over- it had been far too long (in their opinion) since they'd last heard a true laughing fit from the blond- and it was kinda hard to say no to his twin (they could never say no to that face, really). Fin's hands were quick to slide under the cover of Nori's shirt- and not a moment later, he twitched.
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"I'LL GET YOU BOTH FOR THI----!" He was cut off as Fin began to wiggle their fingers- dancing along his armpits in a way that made every nerve in his body tense. "----PFFFFF-!" He tried to keep his mouth shut- but that was proving rather difficult as Fin ramped up speed. "-----PFFHAHAHAHAHAAAA----!" His kicks against his brother's legs grew substantially weaker as his laughter grew in volume.
“I think you’re right. The heat will be on Endeavor now.” He smirked at his unintentional joke. “But I guess it always has been.”
Toshi filled up the water heater & prepped Fin’s cup.
Seeing a reprieve, the twin innocently walked over then grabbed his brother’s chest & arms, trying to trap him. “Get him, Fin! Go for the ticklish spots!”
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Nori wasn’t wrong - All Might had discovered another troublemaker to pick on his brother, hadn’t he?
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truly-quirkless · 8 months ago
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@chxrgebxltmeltdown asked:
“…..my hand is stuck in the pringles tube, please help????” Denki most definitely does have a pringles tube stuck on his arm… and a good portion of his forearm has been successfully shoved in it.
[Prompted. || Accepting!]
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He wasn't even sure if he should ask, at this point. No, instead, Yagi moved forward- a hand wrapping around the tube, the other around what portion of Denki's arm wasn't trapped inside the cardboard.
"On three, young Kaminari. One, two, THREE--!" He yanked, hearing the satisfying POP as the youth's arm was forcibly pulled free- though his grip faded off the pringles can mid-pull. He felt it slide- and then it was gone, whacking into the wall of the teacher dorm's living room with a small THWCK.
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"Valid question, kid...how'd you even get your hand stuck in that t'begin with?" Fin moved to pick up the can where it had fallen- already making a beeline for the trash in the corner to toss the thing out. "Were y'tryin' t'see how much of your arm would fit in it, or somethin'...?" They'd be lying if they said they'd never thought of (and attempted) similar...though Fin had never managed to get their arm stuck in said attempts.
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"...does your arm feel alright, kid?"
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truly-quirkless · 6 months ago
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"Maybe you should take that 'crash course' the kids are doing..."
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"I don't make fucking abominations to man, I just burn everything I try to cook..."
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"....think about that sentence for one minute, love..."
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truly-quirkless · 9 months ago
Oh...God...why did his body ache-- so much more than usual?.... Yagi tried to sit up- confused when only one blanket fell from his chest. Where was the mountain he usually slept under, alongside Fin?...where were the plushies they liked- the few he adored- where was Prism?...
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Bloodshot eyes slowly shifted open with a pained groan.
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truly-quirkless · 14 days ago
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"....is it really that big of an issue to miss...?" There were specialized goodies that came with pre-ordering, of course, but...
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truly-quirkless · 9 months ago
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@leostar-regalius asked:
you seem, oddly familiar -he looks at yagi- have i met you before?
(i tried to find his height outside the mucle form couldn't find it,also leo has met alternate all mights, sorry if i bother you)
[Unprompted. || Accepting.]
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"You might have! But there's also a chance you just saw the news broadcast with my face on it several months back. I'm All Might." Or 'Symbol of the Dead'. The fact that nickname kept swinging back around in his head was really starting to bother him...he smiled lightly.
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truly-quirkless · 1 year ago
[@themultiversebundle | Plotted in DMs!]
It had been a rather quiet day, yet again..so Fin and Yagi had decided to walk about town. The tall blond still got a few odd stares, and every now and again, someone would walk up wanting an autograph. It had taken the world time to get used to Yagi as he was now- and while the whispers of 'the Symbol of the Dead' weren't exactly welcome...it was better that than All for One in the streets.
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"What do you say to dropping by Smoothie King before we head back to the school?" Yagi's suggestion hadn't been in the air for more than a second when he bumped into something- or rather, someone. He took a stumbling step back, his smile instantly transforming to apologetic as he raised his hands. "Ah- sorry about that! I didn't mean to bump into you."
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Huh....Fin wasn't exactly the best at Heroes, but this one...didn't look familiar. They'd seen a few ever since their rise in Hero society, but they had yet to see one that looked so...robotic? It wasn't like Ingenium or his younger brother, Ida- this felt...different.
Their eyes flickered towards the nearby store the stranger had stepped out of- revealing an interior beyond the door that very much wasn't what could be seen through the glass. They immediately jumped towards it- but the door slammed closed before they could catch it.
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truly-quirkless · 1 day ago
"Everyone's got their methods." Fin couldn't understand why she was thanking both of them- but they wouldn't voice it. If it made her a bit happier- they were more than happy to share.
Neither doubted that Mode had a few new nightmares of her own, of late.
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There'd be no resistance from either. Each merely turning to return Mode's hug. Yagi only hoped she'd be able to find some peace.- No one deserved to suffer even after the traumatic event had already passed. But he couldn't offer much- just his willingness to help. At times, the Hero truly wished mental pain could be dealt with as easily as villains. But that wasn't the way life functioned.
"Alright." Yagi paused for a moment. "Take your time." He could guess it was a manner of retreat. He'd not begrudge that desire.
"See you in a bit." Fin offered a small, reassuring smile before Mode departed. When they heard the door click, they snuggled a little further into Yagi. "Wish I coulda punched that asshole." Yagi released a quiet breath, one hand moving to Fin's shoulder and pulling them just that hint closer.
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"There's nothing we can do but be there for her, Hazelnut." Though he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel the same sentiment. What terrible timing it'd all been. But the two would still try to help- in what ways they could.
Mental distractions; ignoring thoughts; they’re only dreams; physical distractions.
Less liquor; meditation.
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She listened, finishing up her coffee & putting the mug on a coaster on the coffee table.
“I feel you both have a better handle on it than I do. Washing my face with cold water has helped me the most. I think it forces me to be in the present; to get my head out of those moments. Thank you both for your honesty. I think I might try some of your ways soon.”
Standing up, Pe went behind where they were sitting & hugged them both longer than she meant to.
“Excuse me. I’m going to use your restroom.” And she wandered off to do that.
The woman sighed, holding her face, wanting a few moments alone before being social again.
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truly-quirkless · 1 year ago
[@frogsonalotusleaf | From here!]
Yagi nearly flinched at that mention- an awkward half-smile crossing his face. Yeah,- he'd never been one for paperwork, not when it came to Hero business. Even at his agency, there were others under him who filed most of his reports.- But he had slowly been forced to take on more and more files and sortings, until it had become an every-day task, these past few months...
Being a teacher really was something else.
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His smile fell, however, at the utterance of him 'trying harder'. That was what he'd done for so many years- but now, when all he could do was follow a doctor's instructions and hope it kept him alive...his old friend wanted him to do more. He exhaled softly. I'm not that strong, anymore.-- It was something he was slowly coming to grips with.
"...I can't." It sounded like an excuse- but it didn't ring any less true. What he had- what was left- was a delicate balance. He was trying to gain back some form of strength...what little remained...but he couldn't gain back some things. I can't be All Might anymore. The strain was too much. Even just looking like the old Hero for more than a second was enough to cause bloody coughing fits...
I can't be the Hero you want me to be, Nighteye.
"A soup doesn't need to have solids, but...if you're sure." He wouldn't push the issue. As much as Yagi wanted to help...he knew that (at least, personally) he would resist the aid of others if it was offered...and he had no doubt Nighteye would resist his.-- He sighed under his breath. The blond didn't have much he could do, and it seemed both of them were dancing the old subject. Maybe...it would just heal, on its own. Over time...those years apart might fade, but he worried.
Even his attempt at bringing it up had failed. It seemed Nighteye was rather intent on his personal life. Been there, he thought. When he'd been hospitalized- and for a long time after- he'd done everything he could to avoid anything down-putting. But the two would have to circle back to the original topic eventually.
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"Well...they definitely joke a lot- though I don't think you'd care for their...style..." Toshinori rested his hand on his chin, thumb pressed slightly against his cheek, his fingers splayed out slightly along the other. "...they're scrappy, and can handle themself in a fight. The first night we met, they actually attacked some would-be robbers with a cookie tin..." He chuckled slightly at the memory.
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"...they always seem to know how to make their coworkers smile, and I've seen them chatting with some of the ki--- students.-- Young Midoriya actually took a bit of a shining to them." He grinned. It was nice that his successor and his soulmate could get along. "Though they're really anxious when it comes to the general public..."
He wondered if it was okay to be saying that when Fin was on the same floor- but he doubted they wouldn't give him and Nighteye some privacy.
"I actually asked them to come with,...if you want to meet them." More to keep him company, though thinking about it...he probably shouldn't have invited them while he was speaking to Mirai. But, what was done was done.
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truly-quirkless · 7 months ago
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@x-whiskeylullaby-x asked:
"Dad let me protect you this time."
(Izuku @ Toshi)
[Unprompted. || Accepting!]
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"...young Midoriya..." His voice was quiet- nearly gone. He could only stare at the youth. His timer was almost up- he didn't have the extra power left for this fight...but he couldn't...he didn't want to risk his son's involvement- he didn't have the ability to prevent it. The blond stood, frozen. "...don't..."
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truly-quirkless · 2 months ago
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@kuurosakiis asked:
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Ichigo didn't know how long he'd been here, hiding (coward) from the whispers of Heroes and students alike, while the Sports Festival was still on (or was it? He'd escaped after the obstacle course, whispers getting to him). His shoulders were slumped in defeat, and while he wasn't crying, it was obvious how upset he was.
That's how they'd find him.
[Unprompted? || Accepting!]
He'd heard a few of the whispers while he was out and about. It wasn't hard to listen, internally filtering- only to pause when he'd heard the name of one of his students. Young Ichigo...he was being demeaned- murmurs and comments of how the youth looked more like a villain- didn't deserve to be here. Whispers he was a bit familiar with himself, due to a visage in his True Form that made children pale and adults give him a wary side-eye.
Of course,...he couldn't let that stand. As Toshinori, there wasn't much he could do- he was just a substitute for All Might when the Hero was 'busy' on-campus, so there wasn't much of a connection there. But as All Might, maybe he could get through to the kid.
The blond's mind made up, he vanished into the hallways reserved for the staff and students of U. A.- silently slipping into a faculty lounge before transforming, smoke billowing as muscle filled out his frame. Only once he was certain he was fully there did All Might dare to leave the lounge in search of the youth. All the while, trying desperately to run over just what he'd say.
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"Young Ichigo! I was wondering where you were." He might've laughed, were it not for the air around the other. Upset- not quite to tears, but definitely upset. Tread carefully. He'd do his best. "...are you alright, kid?" Not even a chance, he could figure that out on his own. But the question still tumbled from his lips as naturally as breathing. His voice had at least quieted, no longer booming- pulling back a fraction of his power to keep it from being overwhelming.
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