#here’s the origins of alicent’s eventual madness
mmelolabelle · 3 months
“But Otto was already planning to–”
Yeah, but wasn’t Otto Hightower who talked Aegon into it, it was Alicent. Otto has never been able to get Aegon to listen to him about anything that mattered. If there is one person Aegon will at least hear out, it’s his mother. When he needs help, the person he inevitablely calls for is his mother – not Ser Criston, not Aemond, not Otto, his mother.
He does it in 1x09, and in the first episode of season 2. After Jaehaerys’ death, Aegon turns to Alicent for support when he doesn’t want the funeral procession to go ahead, and only gives in when Alicent supports the plan. Even in the trailer for 2x04, they are the two family members that are sitting down and actually talking, regardless of how tense the conversation apparently is.
If Alicent had told Aegon in 1x09 to reject any attempt to put him on the throne and to go and pledge fealty to Rhaenyra, he would have been on Sunfyre and halfway to Dragonstone in a heartbeat. The Green Council’s plotting would have been moot. Instead she told him that Viserys’ changed his mind, that he was the rightful king, and the rest is history.
No Alicent didn’t start the war, it was in the making arguably before she even married Viserys. But if she hadn’t been so quick interpret a delirious dying man’s words to suit her own desires, she could have prevented it, and as of 2x03 that’s something she knows for a fact, and now she will never be able to un-know it.
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grllmx · 8 months
"Ragatha in Wonderland"
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🌻 Them side by side for height difference 🌻
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Heya!! Y'all wouldn't mind some info dump, would ya?
But before I share my thoughts and ideas for this au, note that I am making this all for fun and that I am only merging two concepts at once because they sound fun in my head!
-- So without further ado, let's start shall we?
Ragatha in Wonderland is a fun silly lil' au I thought about in my spare time (Though I am aware that I'm not the only person who had similar ideas) buuut! Here's my take on how this concept goes ~
💜🟣🎀- - - - - RAGATHA IN WONDERLAND - - - - -🎀🟣💜
🌻 Wonderland is similar yet different from the Circus. Many possibilities await in this newly found land, but wait... How odd, suddenly everyone and everything is of new variation! Did things really stay the same? Are things different? It's a confusing world that warped and transformed the original digital land into something new. New places to explore, new outfits! New concepts... New people? It seems everything changed. Perhaps even... True death is possible now.
Ragatha - Plays the role as Alice. Confused and bewildered at first but Ragatha progressively adapts to the world and the surroundings around her. Acts like herself for the first portions of the story but as she dwells longer in this 'wonderland' she loses herself, her identity, as if the place was sucking out all of 'her'. She'll meet a lot of familiar faces. She feels comforted, knowing that she isn't alone in this newly found world but little does she know - they are not what she seemed.
Jax - The white rabbit leading Ragatha to wonderland. Jax was the one who dragged her in this, so Ragatha's first instincts was to follow him, hoping he knows where the exit is. Though he often plays tricks, teasing and playing with Ragatha's head whenever given the chance. Maybe he doesn't sound like a reliable shoulder to lean on, but he is Ragatha's key in terms of escaping wonderland.
Gangle - Starring as the mouse and the dormouse. The first person (other than Jax) Ragatha meets in wonderland. Gangle is skittish and has an extreme fear of cats. She does not like hearing or mentioning them, her mouse-like features says so otherwise. Though, in later unfortunate events, Ragatha scares her by mentioning, you guess it, cats. And then flees elsewhere.
Zooble - Following the (possibly tobacco) smoke trails, enters in the wise caterpillar. Meeting for the first time was not fun, in Ragatha's case mostly. Zooble asks Ragatha a lot of questions, typically centering around herself which gradually starts her descend into madness. Zooble's questions hit hard for Ragatha, making her realize a lot of things and learn more about the world. Though one question stuck the most, "who are YOU?"
Caine - The Hatter/Mad hatter. Need I say more? Hehe, anyways... Caine, alongside Bubble, is notably the most mad or insane person living in wonderland. Always yapping about random things (Riddles, jokes, factual statement... you name it) that can either be truth or made up, which Ragatha can't tell the difference of since they are always so surreal and deranged, or in other words, utter nonsense! He is another character that made Ragatha's mental state and mindset deteriorate. (Ragatha wishes to never meet him again)
Pomni - It's Pomni! Though, something is off... Pomni's role is the Cheshire cat. She's willing to help Ragatha escape, even suggesting ideas that felt to be possible, but are things really that easy? No, of course not! She is a red herring, a person filled with mischief that fools and plays with her victims until she deems them boring. Ragatha meets Pomni in the woods right after she ran away from Caine, and just like Jax, Pomni plays with Ragatha's head. But eventually helps her out and leads her to the kingdom's garden.
Kinger - Sometimes, a king is fit to be queen. Kinger is the Queen of Hearts, a short tempered, bossy but childish queen. After first meeting, Ragatha didn't deem Kinger as a threat at first, even playing a simple game of croquet with him. But as she starves and remembers that hunger was present in this land, she secretly ate the queen's well-known 'tarts'. This resulted into the seething rage of Kinger, declaring a court trial in which Ragatha was later proven to be 'guilty'. Hence, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
🌻 So, spoiler alert -- Just like in original tales and stories inspired by Alice in Wonderland, this was all in Ragatha's head, a dream! I'm debating to either turn this into a comic or not, because I think it helps further explain my ideas, but who knows? Maybe with the right motivation and energy, I might do it.
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Thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night 🌻
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artistdove · 6 days
Somewhat official designs for each of my Mickey and Oswald Aus along with minor lore. For those that want basic info on each au, here's the link.
Between the Screen Au
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Mirroring ear injuries due to Blot.
Mick has minor health injuries due to having the Blot in him during Epic Mickey, resulting in monthly check-ups and a paint monitor.
Mixed their outfits post Epic Mickey.
Oswald is co-leader of Wasteland and head of the Conversion Trolley Station, while Mickey still acts but occasionally works side jobs.
Tale of 2 Brothers
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Style is based on the Beta pitch, so semi-angular basically.
Both have the Blot in them, so they can use paint or thinner with their hands. Old movesets from the Epic Mickey Beta trailer are present when they fight.
Oswald keeps his Blot arm hidden at all times unless around Ortensia, Gus, Mad Doctor, and the Blot. Mick eventually sees it.
Toons & Dungeons
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Oswald is an Artificer/Sorcerer and Mickey is a Bard/Sorcerer.
Oswald has minor lighting spells while Mickey has various spells. Oswald has a gun that can shoot electricity, Energy/Paint, and Acid/Thinner. Mickey has a wand, Pan Flute, and Lute. Both carry a small hidden dagger.
Oswald was taken in by the Gremlins while Mick gets adopted by Yen Sid.
Rising Star
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Outfits change over the years, so this is the main look.
1920s-60s they stay conservative with looks, but eventually let loose as times change.
Can be depicted smoking or drinking cuz they old.
Magic Island
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Villagers inspired by Mickey and Oswald, so their names are different. Oswald = Clover while Mickey = Elias.
Clover is a Smug/Lazy Villager while Elias is a Jock/Peppy Villager. Idk if that makes sense (;・∀・).
Elias sleeps early while Clover stays up late.
Local Toon
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Classic old looks. Nothing much to say, they are kids in this world and look like their first designs.
Toon High
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Main designs until later arcs.
Oswald prefers loose cloths unless working on machines, which he wears tanks or snug clothes. Mickey likes active wear or normal teen clothes.
Later on, the two wear something of the other as a way to solidify their repaired brotherhood.
Ink & Mirrors
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Actual plot is Mick and Ink!Oswald. Parallel plot is Oswald and Ink!Mickey.
Both are dealing with completely different issues. Ink!Oswald is hunting Mickey while Ink!Mickey is trying to help Oswald.
Ink!Oswald is stuck in a sort of limbo where his mind is like pre-Epic Mickey, mostly due to the false heart Bendy implanted into him. Ink!Mickey seems to have kept some of his self due to his heart, but Alice Angel mangled the poor mouse.
Mickey is constantly stressed as he tries to escape the studio and revert his brother. Paint barely works on these enemies so he is stuck using only thinner and electricity, leaving him heavily drained.
Oswald is alert 24/7 and trying to rescue others alongside fixing his brother. Having never used the brush before, he finds it a tad difficult to use correctly. It's also causing him to drip. He has a limp due to an attempt to use his leg as a weapon, which failed horribly.
P.D. Toons
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Public Domain toons turned into ocs. They are still the original characters, but my own take.
Oswald is Oliver Hare and Mickey is Willy Fieldmouse.
Oliver is the local trolley driver. Willy is a staff member for a local studio.
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connorsnothereeither · 2 months
OH I realised today that I never actually explained the “Ulysses was originally a rabbit” joke… so here’s that explanation/behind the scenes on his character creation lol-
When I was first invited to join Fable as a cast member and create my own character for the world, I spent some time spitballing ideas. All the new cast were given a lot of wiggle room to build our little guys, and so I came up with 3 concept character pitches, which each could have explored different areas of the server’s lore that we hadn’t gotten a huge glimpse into in the first 2 seasons:
Character #1 was the aforementioned rabbit, named Tamlin! Although maybe rabbit isn’t quite accurate, he was a Jackalope hybrid. He was the most developed of the pitches I came up with, and I think I described him as “Alice in Wonderland’s White Rabbit meets Celtic Mythology/the Fae”. He would have been more Nature-Fam (specifically c!Jamie) adjacent, being a rabbit hybrid created by Deltavera, as a sort of assistant/companion. Narratively he functioned almost as a foil to c!Ven, being an assistant to Delta rather than Fable. He would have been driven mad by Fable to some extent after Delta’s death (we hadn’t decided on how exactly, at that point in time) and leaned hard into the Wonderland tea/madness/whimsical aspect. His purpose story-wise would have been to help c!Jamie learn about Deltavera over time, both of them unlocking pieces of the past together in scattered fragments, ending with Tamlin getting all of his memories back.
Character #2 was a piglin, I think? Or at the very least some kind of Nether Hybrid. They would have been a Nether soldier that fully deserted both sides of the war, and was living undercover in the Overworld as a fugitive while trying to fend off zombification. His working name was “Asmodius” or “Azzy”, and a lot of his characterisation and the idea of his family coming with him was eventually folded directly into the Tuskly’s as NPC’s!
Character #3 was an unnamed Telchin. He was originally solely a warrior, inspired by the Iliad, rather than the Odyssey, specifically Prince Hector of Troy. A soldier who had spent decades fighting and being hardened and calloused only to defend a city that was always doomed to fall. I didn’t want to interfere with the scientist side of the Telchin, since that was very much Metta and Ocie’s thing, so I intentionally tried to steer clear of that, and lean hard into the war-time aspect of the telchin, and the idea of the rest of society collapsing while the scientists worked on the projects.
In the end, there was a bunch of reasons the characters didn’t pan out.
Tamlin was ultimately just not narratively necessary? c!Jamie could find out most of those things on his own, and as Deltavera was developed into the more lovable “I only talk to animals” loner, it felt weird for him to have an assistant. Logistically it would also have been difficult for me to act as both Tamlin and Delta in any cutscenes lmao. As much as I liked the wacky Mad Hatter rabbit hybrid vibes, it also made him overlap just a little too much with what c!Haley had become. Certain elements were reused for Ulysses though, like the fragmented memories, and the “tea obsession” was changed to the “kelp obsession” at the beginning of the season, etc.
Asmodius just wasn’t as developed as a character, and I didn’t think he could hold water for the whole season. Not to mention Athena and Ocie were both expanding on the Nether aspect of the world though c!Athena and Oscar’s backstory, and I didn’t think I was bringing anything new enough that fully justified his existence as a character beyond the initial concept (hence why it was given to the Tuskly’s, specifically Wilkins, since at the time there was only ever going to be him as the only Tuskly).
I actually think it was Heyhay that approached me about expanding the Telchin idea? Maybe? It was a while ago now. I was really excited to be given the invite to take part in the established scientist/project lore that had been developed in s2, because it was something they’d really been building up, basically with the pitch of “hey… you like horror stuff right? *points at Brink* We have some horrors to witness” lol. I got to really go all in on the Frankenstein meets Greek Mythology angle, and finding a way to transition someone from a soldier to a scientist was what led to the medic/doctor angle, and examining what drives a once person to do the things Ulysses did, and experiment on a god they worshipped. The letter of regret about Project Leviathan was the first time I really got a feel for writing Ulysses as a character, and I instantly became very attached. Like, as much as the other ideas for him would have been fun, I would not trade the character he became and the development of him behind the scenes for the world, he is the best character outcome I could have hoped for when joining Fable ✨
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ascendedheavenly6 · 7 months
Meta out of this Alice in Wonderland Scan No.6
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Scan from @restructuralcommittee!!
All information and interpretations will be a synthesis between the No.6 Novel & Manga + This Alice in Wonderland Analysis from the Lewis Carroll version!
*This whole analysis was copy-pasted from my Discord*
Shion as the White Rabbit!!
HONESTLY, THIS IS A GOOD CHOICE NGL. I remember someone said Shion acts like a catalyst of the story, one way or another. You know now as I read the novel, Shion is the catalyst to the titular No.6 as he learns and relearns and then his background and experience mesh up to shift the direction of the setting. Shion’s curiosity and nervous demeanor of ‘down the rabbit hole’ is really like him too Also— on the website on Alice in Wonderland analysis stuff, they noted White Rabbit’s
The White Rabbit is nervous and always in a hurry. However, he is confident enough about himself to contradict the King of Hearts.
This is also fitting because Shion’s position later on (and even before) as a prestigious figure and highlights Shion’s personality as prestigious but not prideful, I think? Or is the exposure of being the ‘new person’ in Alice’s human world that made him weird at first glance…?
Nezumi as the Mad Hatter-
Technically this makes sense on multiple faces. One on the fictional effects of people, even though there’s actually not a lot of info about Mad Hatter as far as I know, he (or at least his archetype) remains quite popular, I think that’s also the influence that Nezumi has on reader: some sprinkle of mysterious and interesting narrative. Two is that in the original Alice in Wonderland, I just found out that Mad Hatter isn’t the original name - it’s only Hatter or some variation of that - which is kind of like Nezumi’s identity like ‘masking, unintentionally?’
But also here there’s a bit about Mad Hatter that on other opinions is that he keeps changing his personality, but his devotion and eccentricity remain true. I think this speaks to Nezumi a lot because he sticks to his promises no matter what, and his presence has kind of a charm - whether it’s in the theatrical dramatic sense or genuine - there is a presence of Nezumi that makes him consequently, quite lonely, or becomes more significant (Eve, VC, or his knife skills, or his high empathy) that it’s kind of ironic when it touches his survival instinct to stay low
He occasionally is very rude and provokes Alice during the tea party. When he is called upon by the Queen, he is very nervous and frightened
That kinda fits Nezumi because I think that in the end he is still human and he expresses his fear of Shion pretty often
That kinda fits Nezumi because I think that in the end he is still human and he expresses his fear of Shion pretty often
Also apparently Mad Hatter is a term to describe workers who were poisoned by Mercury exposure? I haven’t thought about how this fits it but uh - the more you know.
Inukashi as Cheshire Cat
Okay for one, that’s a very contrasting choice considering what Inukashi has attached themselves to, but also there isn’t a prominent dog-like character in Alice as far as I know.
But - the analysis website, states that Cheshire Cat actually listens to Alice’s concerns and guides her toward Wonderland itself. Cheshire Cat is mischievous, yet also a guidance is a guidance figure too - quite explicitly. This characterization is something that I think Inukashi also has because Inukashi, lovingly raised in a cruel environment, would still lend a hand and also express care like when they interrogated Nezumi or eventually wished Shion and Nezumi to be back safely Also as a guide - could be looking at Inukashi’s role in baby Shion’s life too?
But I don’t want to go among mad people,’ Alice remarked. Oh, you can’t help that,’ said the Cat: we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.’ How do you know I’m mad?’ said Alice. You must be,’ said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.’ Alice didn’t think that proved it at all; however, she went on And how do you know that you’re mad?’ To begin with,’ said the Cat, a dog’s not mad. You grant that?’ I suppose so,’ said Alice. Well, then,’ the Cat went on, you see, a dog growls when it’s angry, and wags its tail when it’s pleased. Now I growl when I’m pleased, and wag my tail when I’m angry. Therefore I’m mad.'
(sorry for the sucky format-)
Simple arguments but remain credible because one is a resident of that unknown place is also very Inukashi…
I’m sorry Rikiga but idk what the hell are you and I don’t wanna analyze you cause uh
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The Other Evans Girl [Part Twenty Eight]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 4417
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Tags/ Warnings: Hogwarts, Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Marauder’s Era, Teenage Angst, Babies, Weddings, Dating, Crying, Loss of Virginity, First Wizarding War, Love, Kissing, Teenagers, James Potter is a bit of a dick, Hogsmeade, 1970s, Fighting, Loss of Parents, Grief, Babies, Injuries, Gore, Harm, Christmas,  The Potter’s Mansion // Daisy’s Dress // NYE Lily’s Dress // NYE Daisy’s Dress // Lily’s Ring // Daisy’s Ring
Notes: Okay so I’ve been working on updating this and I’ve finally gone through all the chapters already written before I start writing more. It’s changed a lot so I’ve decided it’s just better to completely re-upload it.  
If you want tagging let me know
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After their deal was made Mrs Potter led the girls to the room in the annexe that Daisy had previously inhabited in summer. Daisy longed to go and see the boys and apologise for being so rotten but from her tone Euphemia seemed to be confining them in for the night.
‘Daisy, I know you’re familiar with everything so I’ll leave Lily in your capable hands. All your things are here so I’ll leave you to unpack. If you need anything just shout for Bonney and she’ll be right in, I’ll ask her to prepare you both something to eat,’ Euphemia said, watching them with a sad smile as they looked around their room their attention going back to her as she said, ‘try and rest. We’re just a corridor away if you need us.’
As soon as the door closed behind her Daisy sighed, only just realising she’d been holding her breath since they’d come in, and then sat down on the double bed, her eyes skimming over the stacks of her stuff tucked in the corner of the room that the boys had brought in earlier. She was tired and sad, and if truth be told, a little hungry. Not to mention that she wanted to speak to the boys, Sirius in particular, as none of them deserved how harsh she had been. Lily was busy checking out the Potter’s spare room but as she turned around she found Daisy watching her.
‘Are you mad at me?’ Lily said not looking at her twin as she took a seat on the bed beside her. ‘No,’ Daisy said honestly, her ire had waned now, ‘I understand why you did it…if anything it was a good thing.’ ‘I can’t believe they offered to help us,’ Lily said, still in shock. ‘I know,’ Daisy said, though knowing just how much they’d done for Sirius she wasn’t surprised in the least. ‘I mean, it’s a good thing we can stay in school and keep the house. And Tuney and Vernon will be happy they’re not having to run the house and their flat,’ Lily said, again trying to convince herself it’d all work out. ‘I don’t think that’s what Vernon was worried about. Probably can’t wait to get his hands on that cash,’ Daisy grumbled. ‘Well, whatever they want to do with it it’s no business of ours,’ Lily said, as always playing both sides between sister’s though she couldn’t deny Daisy probably had a point. Though in an effort to get away from that topic she reverted back to her shock and said, ‘I just feel guilty I mean they’ve been so lovely to us and we hardly know them.’ ‘Honestly? I think they just like that James has someone you know?’ ‘James has got everything,’ Lily scoffed, ‘look at this house!’ ‘Yeah, but money’s not everything we know that,’ Daisy mumbled sadly, ‘besides the way she is with us, his friends, I think they would’ve had another kid or two if they could.’ ‘Maybe, I suppose they’re a bit older than other parents. I guess it’s none of our business,’ Lily said, feeling guilty for speculating given how kind they’d been. ‘You’re right,’ Daisy said before she cracked a smile, ‘this does mean one thing though.’ ‘What?’ Lily asked. ‘You are gonna have to be nice to James now.’
Daisy woke with a start caused by a loud and sudden bang that yanked her out of the first peaceful night’s sleep she had had in over a week. She sat bolt upright in bed and looked around, spotting a house-elf she didn’t know the name lugging a bag of her laundry out of the room, not noticing they had disturbed her. A glance at the clock told her she had slept for almost twelve whole hours which was probably why she was actually feeling rested for the first time in an age. After chatting with Lily she’d had a bath, changed into fresh pyjamas and enjoyed a hearty bacon sandwich in bed courtesy of Bonney. Whilst Lily went through her things for school Daisy had watched her, listening to her witter on about her plans for revision the first week back, before slipping into a sound sleep.
Now she was awake though she found the room was different. Everything had been tidied away, their suitcases now gone, as was Lily she noticed. That didn’t surprise her, even during the holidays she wasn’t one for sleeping in, and realising she should probably do the same Daisy climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After a quick wash and brush of her teeth and hair she changed into a new outfit. It was nothing fancy, just a pair of jeans and a thick jumper but it felt good to be in clean clothes for a change. Though when she checked her appearance she was shocked by the face looking back at her. Her eyes were no longer bloodshot and though there were still light bags underneath they were nowhere near the suitcases they had been a few days ago. Still, with a new outfit and her hair brushed so it fell neatly around her face she actually looked presentable for a change.
‘It’s a wonder what a good night’s sleep can do,’ she thought as she exited the room. As she got outside she found the corridor was deserted, as was the games room and the drawing room, the places she’d expected to find her friends. Figuring they’d appear at some point she headed to the kitchen where she found Bonney who offered her breakfast which she declined and a cup of tea which she accepted. ‘Where is everyone?’ she asked the small elf bustled around, readying the cup and kettle for her tea. ‘Master and Mistress Potter have gone to town today, miss. And Master James and his friends are in the orchard,’ she squeaked, as she finished up pouring her a drink. Daisy thanked her and then headed out towards the drawing room, allowing her to get back to the cleaning she’d been doing before she’d disturbed her. It was brighter in here than last night now that the curtains on the large French windows were pushed back, allowing the low winter’s sun to shine in. She looked out, trying to see her friends flying along the treeline of the orchard but she couldn’t spot them, realising they were no longer out there as the door opened and Sirius came in.
He was dressed in flying gear that was a considerable two shades darker implying he was sodden though she hadn’t noticed the rain looking outside. His clothes were also darkened by the amount of mud on him as was his face though she could still see his cheeks and nose tinged with pink under the dirt. He wasn’t looking at her, seemingly preoccupied with something so much so he didn’t notice she was there until he almost walked into her.
‘Dais,’ he said, smiling as he realised she was standing there. Her heart thudded, relieved that he didn’t seem to remember or mind how much of a cow she had been. ‘Hey,’ she said, ‘quidditch?’ ‘Yeah, me and the boys decided to have a two-on-two lucky for us Lily took your place as a ref,’ he smiled. ‘Maybe that’s what she thought being nice to James was,’ she chuckled. ‘Ah, I thought she was oddly jovial though I couldn’t tell because she doesn’t grumble as much as you do,’ he smiled. ‘Well by all means you can have her,’ Daisy said, laughing along before the pair of them silent. Daisy was going to apologise but she didn’t have a chance to as four rowdy teenagers, all in a similar state to Sirius, entered stealing focus. Their faces were red from the cold and their clothes sodden from the rain though Lily was drier than the rest opting to wear her big coat rather than flying robes which looking at them seemed to have been the best option.
‘Well, well, look who’s arisen,’ James chuckled walking over to where Daisy was standing and pulling her into his side for a hug though Daisy pushed him away stating, ‘ew you’re all sweaty and wet.’ ‘That’s the musk of a well-played game Dais,’ James chuckled grabbing her and forcing her face into his armpit until she prodded him hard in his side which made him let go. ‘You’re disgusting,’ Daisy chuckled pulling away and moving to stand behind Sirius as a shield. ‘Padfoot’s not much better of an option,’ James said. ‘Yeah, at least James isn’t covered in blood,’ Peter jibed. ‘Covered in blood?’ Daisy asked worriedly, moving so she could see him properly. ‘It’s nothing,’ he said as her eyes roved over him eventually landing on the place he’d been staring at when he came in. She grabbed his hand which was sporting a nasty gash on the palm and frowned. ‘What happened?’ Daisy asked anxiously. ‘It was an accident,’ Sirius said quietly, placing his hand over hers in an effort to soothe her as well as hide the wound from view. ‘We were playing by the rules,’ James explained, ‘which we don’t normally bother with.’ ‘It’s my fault, I asked why they didn’t play like they do at school so they got all the balls out and well I didn’t realise that a bludger doesn’t distinguish between players and the referee,’ Lily said meekly. ‘That’s why we don’t usually bother with it,’ Remus said. ‘It’s no one’s fault,’ Sirius insisted seeing the worry in Daisy’s eyes, ‘I’ve played with them before not like I don’t know what to do.’ ‘I just got in the way,’ Lily admitted, ‘it would’ve been my head if James hadn’t pulled me out of the way.’ ‘Don’t thank me Padfoot was the one to knock it into next week,’ James said. ‘Yeah, he knocked it so hard it splintered the bat!’ Peter added giddily making Sirius grit his teeth as he realised what his excitement was doing to the nervous girl in front of him. ‘That’s what hurt you?’ Daisy asked worriedly, not noticing she was still holding Sirius’ hand. ‘Yeah but it was nothing honest,’ he said quickly stopping whatever Peter was going to say. ‘You could’ve been really hurt,’ Daisy said worry evident in her voice, ‘all of you.’ ‘It was nothing. Right boys?’ Sirius said staring pointedly at all three boys who added murmurs of agreement as they realised what he was getting at. ‘Yeah but it’s not going to happen again. We’ll just play as we normally do right?’ James said. ‘Yeah I prefer it that way anyway. Besides it’ll be fine once we’ve got a proper bat. I bet that one is about a hundred years old,’ Remus said. Even Peter seemed to get the message as he added, ‘we’ll have to ask your mum to get a new one next time she’s in town.’ ‘Good idea Pete,’ James said. Fortunately she seemed to settle with their reassurance at least enough to realise she was still holding Sirius’ palm which she dropped quickly, offering him a weak smile before she followed James in the direction of the kitchen.
It didn’t reassure her completely though because she couldn’t help but think about it. He could’ve been hurt; Lily could’ve been hurt. One wrong move and two more people she loved were gone forever. And that was something she couldn’t help worry about.
Sirius stood under the scorching water of the shower allowing its warmth to seep into his bones, warming him from the outside in. Once inside the house the girls and boys had gone their separate ways, the latter heading to get changed. Whilst they’d headed upstairs James had rabbited on at him about a new Quidditch move he had been devising and Sirius nodded along though he wasn’t really listening. Luckily for him, Peter held onto every word that James uttered so his presence wasn’t too missed when he excused himself to the bathroom.
Though his hand stung when he held it under the water he did so anyway allowing the warm water to clean away the dried blood and mud that had clung to the gash in his hand until finally it started to run clear. However as the cut became more apparent he realised the wound was deeper than he’d anticipated now he was inspecting it. His mind went to Daisy, as it often did, suspecting she might have been right to worry. He didn’t blame her either as it wasn’t as though he didn’t spend all his time worrying too, always about her, though admittedly it had lessened a little bit after seeing her today. She looked better granted not one hundred per cent herself but close enough it made him feel reassured. As the water started to become a little cooler he decided to hop out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist as he left the bathroom, a plume of steam following him. ‘Bloody hell mate, save some hot water for the rest of us,’ James said, pushing up onto his elbows from where he had been lying on the bed.
‘There’s plenty left,’ Sirius said sitting down on the armchair in the corner of the room. Since the boys had arrived Sirus had vacated the spare room he had been permanently occupying and bunked in with James. ‘How’s the hand?’ James said, sitting up properly as Sirius shucked a pair of underpants on under his towel. ‘Not too bad, where are the boys?’ Sirius countered. ‘They got changed and went for some lunch, they didn’t want a shower,’ James said. ‘Yeah, lucky for them neither of them got chucked off their brooms into the mud,’ Sirius said, moving to grab a pair of jeans to change in to. ‘Yeah, and lucky for you neither of them mentioned that bit of the story to Daisy eh?’ James said, making him pause to look back at him. Sirius’ eyes narrowed as he asked, ‘what you’d rather I’d tell her the truth?’ ‘Maybe you should,’ James shrugged. Sirius scowled, ignoring him as he pulled his jeans on and then a t-shirt. Once he was dressed he looked at James and said, ‘you saw her face when I told her about the bat splintering I didn’t think I needed to add that after launching it I fell twenty feet off my broom.’ ‘Caught by me,’ James said. ‘Yeah, two people rescued from danger. You’re a hero mate,’ Sirius chuckled. ‘And I can’t even brag about it,’ James said. ‘Well I’m sure Lily’s very grateful,’ Sirius said with a wry smile. ‘I’ll take that as compensation eh?’ James said with a cheeky grin. ‘Maybe you should ask for a kiss at midnight tomorrow, huh?’ Sirius chuckled as he shrugged a jumper on. ‘I’d like to start the year without a dead arm but sure,’ James said rising from the bed. ‘I don’t know,’ Sirius shrugged, ‘she seems a lot more lenient with you these days.’ ‘Speaking of, how’s the plan on telling Dais going?’ James said. ‘It’s not the time,’ Sirius said, sitting back down on the chair to put on some socks. ‘Mate,’ James sighed. ‘She’s just lost her parents. Hardly the time to be burdening her by bearing my soul is it?’ Sirius reasoned, thankful putting on his socks gave him an excuse not to look at James who was watching him disapprovingly. ‘I don’t know I just feel like you’re making excuses,’ James admitted as he climbed off the bed, ‘I mean you’ve gotta tell her some time and god knows she could do with some good news right about now.’
And before Sirius could argue James walked off into the bathroom. Sirius only looked up when he heard the door close fully, flopping back onto the armchair with a sigh as his mind whirred. Should he tell her? In fact he’d already planned to tell her tomorrow anyway. Over Christmas, before he’d started worrying, he’d decided that his pining had gone on long enough and to save her being the only one who didn’t know about his feelings or having to explain why the mystery girl he’d lied about didn’t make an appearance he’d decided to tell her the truth. But that was before the bombshell that had hit. Before she’d been put through the ringer and was already confused about her life as it was anyway. Now it wouldn’t be fair to Daisy to laden her with more confusion whilst she was grieving.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sounds of voices below in the hall. Figuring there was no point waiting for James he headed downstairs and found everyone sitting in the kitchen around the island with mugs of hot chocolate in front of them and a tray of sandwiches in the middle. He slid into the seat beside Daisy who smiled at him before turning back to Remus who was telling them about his Christmas.
‘I’d only gotten to the bit where the Gandalf and Saruman are going to fight when my Dad insisted we go and see my grandma and forbid me to bring it,’ Remus said. ‘Oh my god, you’re nearly at one of my favourite parts!’ Lily said enthusiastically. ‘What’s this?’ Sirius said. ‘Some boring book Lily bought Rem for Christmas,’ Peter said looking bored, the plate of food in front of him surprisingly not enough to alter his mood. ‘It’s not boring!’ Remus and Lily protested in unison. ‘You say that but until Sirius came in I was asleep with my eyes open,’ Daisy ribbed making Sirius smirk. ‘God forbid we try and inject a bit of culture into our group,’ Lily grumbled, missing the way she had included herself as part of the group even if Daisy hadn’t. ‘Don’t bother Lil,’ Remus said, ‘I’ve tried for the past six years.’ ‘We have culture!’ Peter protested. ‘Yeah, Dais and I have a good knowledge of every muggle rock band,’ Sirius said. ‘Yeah, and Sirius, James and Peter could tell you every single winner of the quidditch world cup since 1874,’ Daisy said proudly, ‘you’re just snobby.’ ‘Who’s snobby?’ James said coming into the kitchen, now clean though his hair still held its trademark unruliness. ‘These two,’ Daisy said thumbing at Remus and Lily. ‘We’re not snobby!’ Lily said, ‘but I am happy to change my stance on the remark, you’re very cultured.’ ‘Well that’s something,’ Peter chuckled as James sat down and was immediately flanked by two house elves who gave him a plate of sandwiches and mug of hot chocolate. He took a small sip and winced as the boiling beverage seared his tongue before he said, ‘well whether we have culture or not won’t matter when all of the wizarding world’s high society rock up here tomorrow night.’ ‘Yeah but having Pete talk to the minister of magic about the ins and outs of gobstones rules might be a laugh,’ Sirius chuckled.
As Daisy looked at them laughing about the party she realised she had completely forgotten about it and now it was in the forefront of her mind she realised something else. She had no desire to go. Doing this had been hard enough and though she’d felt okay seeing people for the first time in days she figured seeing all of wizarding high society might not be the same. Sirius seemed to notice the way she had frozen next to him and glanced at her which she caught him doing, offering him a weak smile of reassurance before her gaze dropped to her mug which she picked up in order to have something to do. The gang talked a bit more about the party, though Daisy neglected to participate, and planned what they were going to do once released from their obligations. Sirius noted her quietness but said nothing, deciding he was going to have a word with her later.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get a chance to speak to her much as Fleamont and Euphemia returned home shortly after and insisted the children helped prepare for the party tomorrow. James grumbled that they and the house-elves could get everything done much quicker with magic but Euphemia insisted they do it the muggle way which Daisy found helpful, as it kept her mind occupied. Whilst the boys put up decorations in the drawing room the girls helped Euphemia make plates and plates of nibbles and finger foods ready for tomorrow. And as evening fell everyone had found a rhythm in which to work which meant each job was ticked off the list in quick succession. Just as Lily and Daisy finished filling the dozens of vol-au-vents they had made Fleamont popped his head around the kitchen door and informed them dinner was ready. The girls wrapped up the rest of the food and followed him to the dining room where everyone was already sat, mountains of food laid out on the table.
‘Come on girls,’ Euphemia said on the end of a chuckle, ‘I’m surprised these boys haven’t had my hand off.’ ‘We’re growing lads,’ James protested. ‘Yeah, and we worked till our fingers bled,’ Peter ribbed. ‘I’m surprised we’re not skin and bone,’ Sirius added as the girls descended into their seats. ‘And here I was always told having a girl would be hard work,’ Fleamont chuckled. ‘They’re good as gold dear I always said that,’ Euphemia chuckled smiling at the twins. ‘I’ll not take this to heart, eh?’ James chuckled. ‘I always said you’d look good as a girl,’ Remus said earning a laugh from around the table. Lily blushed deep crimson at the indirect compliment whilst Daisy dropped her gaze to her plate, surprised as a familiar pang of grief reared its ugly head. Whilst the boys took their entrance as a cue to tuck in Daisy kept her head down hoping to fend off that horrible feeling. She didn’t know why it had come now, for most of the day she’d managed to push it out of her mind but the normality of a family dinner, the laughing and joking washed her with sadness.
She thought it might be Eupehmia’s words, triggering a memory from years ago when her parents had been joking about having another baby. Her parents had always told them about how they’d wanted three children; it was just that the twins had gotten them there a little sooner than planned. And whilst they’d assured them they wouldn’t have traded how things had worked out for the world they’d joked about having a boy to finish off their little family.
As a child Daisy had been excited by the idea given she was a tomboy in a house full of girly-girls. She smiled as she remembered the younger years of her life, when she and her dad would spend hours together playing football in the garden or when he would take her fishing with him even though she could never sit still long enough to catch anything. She thought about how all of that had disappeared once they had gone to Hogwarts. Of course they’d never meant to drift apart but spending three quarters of the year at school meant that spending time with one other became harder and harder. Had her Dad missed his tomboy when she morphed into the woman she was? Had her mother told Petunia how she missed them but never let on when they were home? Had they been upset when she didn’t come home for Christmas last year? Did Lily tell them that instead of spending time with them she chose to spend it here, with her friends?
Her brain was spiralling, she had zoned out unaware that Euphemia had said something to her and Lily was now nudging her trying to get her attention. As she came to she realised everyone was looking at her, awaiting an answer she couldn’t give. Sirius was watching her from across the table, his brow furrowed in worry, and as her chest squoze tighter she felt weaker which meant the glass she didn’t realise she had been holding slipped from her grasp and collided with the fine China plate, splintering both into pieces.
‘Daisy are you okay?’ Fleamont said with alarm, his hand touching her shoulder to try and get her to zone in. ‘Dais?’ Sirius said urgently but Daisy didn’t say anything. Instead, she slid from her chair, unresponsive to the chatter around her and ran from the room. Lily stood up as she disappeared out the door, making to follow her twin but Euphemia stood also and looked at the redhead with a sympathetic smile. ‘I think it’s probably best if we leave her be sweetheart,’ the older witch said gesturing for her to sit back down before she flourished her wand, causing the plate and glass to restore themselves into their normal forms and fly back into the Welsh dresser. Lily nodded and sat down quietly though her appetite was now gone. ‘Do you think she’s okay?’ James said sadly, though admittedly he was watching Lily instead of Daisy. ‘Griefs a funny old thing,’ Fleamont said through a mouthful of bread. ‘Monty please don’t speak whilst you’re eating,’ Euphemia chastised looking sternly at her husband before her gaze turned to her son, her hand on the back of his as she said, ‘I’m sure she’s fine sweetheart. Probably just a little overtired.’ ‘It’s the first day she’s spent doing…well, anything since the funeral,’ Lily admitted. ‘Well that’ll be it,’ Fleamont said smiling at the redhead reassuringly. Lily returned it. ‘Yeah, I mean she’s been busy all day,’ Peter reasoned. ‘Probably just hit her all at once,’ Remus added looking in deep thought about it. ‘Shouldn’t one of us go and see if she’s okay?’ Sirius asked, hoping one of them would support his idea and allow him to go and check on her. ‘Best not, old boy,’ Fleamont said, ‘best to leave her with her thoughts for the night. There’ll be plenty of time to reopen old wounds another night better to let the lass mull it over herself.’ ‘Dad’s right best just let her go at her own pace,’ James said, though as the words left his mouth and his gaze met Sirius’ the pair of them realised what that meant. And to Sirius’ relief James nodded signalling he understood.
Sirius wasn’t going to tell her.
Not yet.
@maeisafangirl @mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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It’s the second Thursday before Valicertine’s Day, and in preparation, here is my second OT3 Ship Meme for Valicer, from @riessene! And as before, anything that I feel needs some explanation is going under the “read more” --
Nicknames: Okay, this one was a bit difficult, largely because I don’t really picture them USING nicknames or pet names all that often. Mostly because I’m not really good at them myself -- I will use nicknames that those I know already have established, but I don’t really come up with them on my own. Fortunately, after some thought, I remembered that I’d had them use nicknames in one of my previous “Not-Incorrect Quotes” compilations here (the “Occasionally Saucy Edition”). So that gave me “darling” for Alice to Victor (also used in the one fanfic snippet I’ve posted); “love” for Victor to Alice; “bestie” for Smiler to Alice; and “goofball” for Alice to Smiler. That did still leave me with Smiler to Victor and Victor to Smiler, though. . . I eventually settled on “sweetheart” for the former and “honey” for the latter, as they were the best “pet names” I could come up with that sounded right. *shrug* They’re not used often, but they’re there now if I need them!
The Graphs:
“How It Happens” was pretty easy -- none of these three expected to get into a romantic relationship with the others. XD Yeah, okay, Victor and Alice were established when they met Smiler, but even they didn’t realize they were going to become boyfriend and girlfriend when they first met. XD And it wasn’t love at first sight for anybody either -- Alice took the longest to fall in love/realize her feelings, then Victor, then Smiler. Though admittedly that’s partially because Smiler had the least amount of time between meeting them and The Big Revelation thanks to Victor’s hypnosis session. :p
“Misadventures” took a little bit more thought -- I was only too happy to put Smiler in the “gets them into trouble/joins the trouble” quadrant, as they are a bit chaotic, but I wasn’t sure exactly where Victor and Alice should go. I eventually put Alice in “gets them out of trouble/joins the trouble” (as her tendency to use Wonderland to fix her problems felt like it fit that general vibe), and Victor in “gets them into trouble/avoids trouble” (as, well, he was TRYING to avoid trouble when he woke up Emily in the movie, sooo...). I think that works, especially when paired with the “OT3 Roles” post I reblogged a while back.
“Handling Conflict” was reasonably easy -- none of them try to start arguments, and I figured Smiler was the most laid-back of the trio. They try not to let stuff bother them! I felt like Victor would be the quickest to forgive, though (he doesn’t like being mad or having them mad at him), while Alice is the most prickly (blame having the Queen of Hearts in her head) and needs the most time to forgive (which isn’t SUPER long, but she needs longer than either Victor or Smiler).
“Relationship Attitude” was back to pretty easy -- I started out by copying Victor and Alice’s placements in a similar graph from an older ship meme I did for Victor and Alice, then slapping Smiler in the same “very dedicated” position firmly on the PDA side. XD Though I did actually end up swapping Alice and Victor’s sides after a moment’s thought -- though I put that Victor might be the one more willing to be open with affection in front of strangers on that original meme, I now feel that it’s the other way around, with Alice being a little more open and Victor a little more reserved. At least for the Modern AU verse I’m basing this on! There is always some variance depending on the verse!
Checkboxes: Some of these are the same as those from last week and thus need no explanation -- for the others:
Budgets -- Victor is good at keeping and going over ledgers and stuff (it’s a skill William taught him in preparation for taking over the cannery empire), but due to growing up rich, he himself will admit that he’s got a bit of a skewed idea about what “expensive” means. Alice, who has experienced both wealth and poverty, knows a lot more about the value of a pound/dollar/what have you, so I feel like she actually MAKES the budget and has Victor help record everything and double-check the math.
Makes Decisions -- Alice and Smiler are more prone to making the decisions as they’re more prone to just taking the initiative -- Victor is a bit of a waffler sometimes, and he’s kind of used to just having to go along with whatever his mother says, so. . .he gets better about it as time goes on, but they remain the primary decision-makers in the trio.
Plans Dates -- On the other hand, Victor and Smiler are the more romantic pair of the trio, so I figure they take the lead on date nights and suchlike. Alice is happy to just lie on the couch with them reading books, frankly. (Which, they are too, but Victor likes to treat his beloveds, and Smiler just likes to get them out of the house. XD)
Cleans -- Well, I’ve established now that Smiler is the messiest one. XD They will assist if asked, but it’s not really their top priority.
The Best Caregiver -- I’d already established Alice as better at taking care of Victor when he’s sick in a previous Valice meme; I figured Smiler, with their emphasis on maximizing happiness, would also be pretty good at it. They just want to see you smile, even if you’ve got a runny nose at the time. (I think when they’re sick, they alternate between putting on a brave face and whining depending on how bad they’re feeling. XD)
Does Most Of The Speaking -- Smiler. Hands down. XD They are The Extrovert of the bunch and will happily handle that for their bestie and their sweetie.
Sensitive To Subtle Changes -- I went with Smiler for this too, as I imagine it ties into wanting to make sure Victor and Alice are happy -- they’re a lot more tuned-in to signs of unhappiness or weirdness. I’m sure Victor and Alice would notice changes, but it might take a bit longer -- both CAN be a little bit oblivious sometimes. :P
Hogs The Blanket -- Victor. He’s the one who is always cold and will steal blankets and covers if given half a chance. (Perhaps THIS is why he’s generally middle spoon when they sleep together -- it means he can’t do this as much!)
Ticklish -- Victor canonically, but I bet Smiler is too. Not as much as Victor, though. XD
Good Kisser -- Okay, I don’t think ANY of them are bad, but I put Smiler here on the basis of they’re the most experienced. While Victor was Alice’s first romantic outing, and Alice Victor’s third, Smiler had a lot more casual dates and short relationships in high school and the beginning of college. They’ve had a chance to practice!
Irresponsible One -- Sorry, Smiler, but I keep assigning you the role of “Chaotic Cryptid,” so I kind of had to put you here. XD They’re not HORRIBLE, but they will prioritize fun over homework and chores unless prodded.
Where They Are On The Meters: Again, fair amount of overlap with the last meme, so we’ll stick to the newer ones that aren’t immediately obvious:
Doesn’t Use Pet Names/Loves Pet Names -- as indicated by my trouble coming up with them, none of them use pet names THAT much, but I feel like Smiler is the one to most often use them, with Alice the least. Probably because Smiler’s friend group goes almost exclusively by nicknames (except for Rita, because -- coaster is named Rita).
Screams About Bugs/Squashes Bugs -- Smiler and Victor went in the middle here because they don’t SCREAM -- as per the previous meme, they’re more likely to let the bug out. (Well, Victor is; it depends on the bug with Smiler!)
Drives The Car/Can’t Drive -- Similarly, Alice gets moved all the way over to “can’t drive” on this one after being closer to “Responsible Driver” on the last one because "Can’t Drive” can be interpreted as a simple statement of fact. And Alice, well, can’t really drive because she suffers auditory and visual hallucinations and doesn’t want to put anyone in danger. (Which also makes her responsible!)
Slow Build Up/Pounces -- I spaced them out like this because, yes, it takes a little while each time for them to realize they’re in love -- but I had to put Smiler closer to “Pounces” just for the image of them glomping Victor and Alice. XD They so totally would!
Compassion/Tough Love -- Alice is a bit “tough love”-y just because that’s how Wonderland treats her -- sometimes you gotta just push through the pain to get at the good stuff behind it. She still has plenty of compassion, though.
Direct At Confessing/Indirect At Confessing -- Smiler and Alice may be oblivious to their own feelings sometimes, but they WILL come out and just say it once they realize. Victor is more likely to hem and haw and hint due to a fear of rejection. Which, given his romantic history, is understandable.
Cuddle At Home/Go On Adventure -- Alice may not be great at planning dates, but she does like going on random adventures a bit more than Victor! Again, blame Wonderland’s influence. . .though maybe I should have put her a little closer to the middle, given how most of her adventures take place in her head. *shrug* And yeah, Smiler is all for adventure. :P
Emotional/Detached -- Just from the games, we can see a lot of times Alice likes to hide her emotions behind snark -- it’s just easier for her that way. Smiler, though, is definitely the most emotional -- I imagine them wearing their heart on their sleeve. Victor, for his part may TRY to hide his emotions sometimes, but he’s pretty easy to read.
Confident In Public/Embarrassed in Public -- Smiler is an Extrovert and often feels confident in public; Alice tries to fake it until she makes it; Victor just wants to hide and go home, please. XD
Needs Space/Needs Attention -- Victor and Alice enjoy their alone time, while Smiler enjoys hanging out with those they love. It can be a little tough sometimes with the conflicting social needs, but they make it work. :)
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bibaybe · 15 days
#-C OC Fandoms Masterlist
The 100
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Athena Rhodes
age: 0-7
character type: side character
appearance: season 1-7 (minor)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
faceclaim: a baby
series: mad woman
summary: emika's daughter born in season 1, athena is raised by her grandfather and as emika's sister due to her struggles with athena being a result of her rape. is beloved by her father until his death. eventually emika takes over raising athena when their father gets sick during the Dark Year and passes away.
links: playlist / tag
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Emika Rhodes
age: 18-25
character type: main character
appearance: season 1-7 (main)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: straight
love interest: noah fuji, bellamy blake
faceclaim: anastasia baranova
series: mad woman
summary: Emika Rhodes never expected to be locked in the Sky Box, but ultimately, life never ends up as one expects. After being sexually assaulted by the son of a Council member, Emika turned to her parents, desperate for comfort. Instead, her mother tried to murder the man who assaulted her and was promptly floated. Determined to finish what her mother started, Emika murdered her rapist and found herself in the Skybox. With her eighteenth birthday coming up, it was only a matter of time before she would follow her mother into the void of space. That is, until a fever that sent her to the doctor led to a new discovery: she was pregnant. Now that there was a baby in the picture, Emika was allowed to live until the baby was born. But just a month before she was due to give birth, Emika found herself being shoved into a drop ship with ninety-nine other delinquents. Given a new chance at life on Earth, Emika is determined to survive and thrive to the best of her abilities. But that’s pretty damn difficult when you’re heavily pregnant with a baby you don’t want and nobody around you can keep from arguing long enough for you to get a good nights sleep. And add in the fact that they’re not alone? Shit, this whole thriving thing might just not be in the cards for any of them.
links: playlist / tag
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Noah Fuji
age: 20
character type: side character
appearances: season 2-3 (main), season 4 (minor)
gender and pronouns: cis man, he/him
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: emika rhodes
faceclaim: kento yamazaki
series: mad woman
summary: Noah always knew he wouldn’t get to step on Earth during his lifetime. There was, at the very least, another 150 years before anyone would be able to touch the Earth again. At least, that’s what he believed. Everything changed when the news went out - they were running out of air and soon, Earth would be their only saving grace. Within days, his world changed. And when he finally got to step on the rough dirt of Earth, everything seemed right. But Earth wasn’t at all what he expected it to be. While it was beautiful and magical, it was also dangerous and ferocious. And they weren’t the only ones down here. To survive, the Arkers will have to learn to fight and cooperate with their new neighbors. But that’s easier said than done, especially with the delinquents originally sent down having made a mess of the relations. Noah is convinced they can learn to coexist with the Grounders. And to do that, he’s going to have to team up with the last person he expected: one of the delinquents, Emika Rhodes.
links: playlist / tag
9-1-1: Lone Star
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Lennox Garcia
age: 24
character type: main character, plot bunny
enters: tba
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: lesbian
love interest: marjan marwani
faceclaim: selena gomez
series: n/a
summary: n/a
links: playlist / tag
Alice in Borderland
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Miyata Rika
age: 24
character type: main character
appearances: season 1-2 (main)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
love interest: daikichi karube, morizono aguni, shuntarō chishiya
faceclaim: karen fukuhara
series: knife's edge
summary: All Rika wanted was to grab a book from the libaray. Should have been a simple task, but all she did was blink and, all at once, she was alone. All the people she’d been slipping her way through were gone in an instant. Suddenly alone and without any electricity, cell signal, or hearing aid, Rika began the search for others in this alternate Tokyo, desperate to find anyone. Soon enough she stumbled upon, and won, her first game, beginning to learn the rules of the Borderland. But the basics weren’t enough for her - she wanted to understand how, and why, she was here. So when a man calling himself the Hatter invites her to a place called the Beach, touting its luxurious lifestyle and goal to collect all the cards, Rika is quick to take him up on his offer. But the Beach is dangerous for a woman, especially one who’s hard of hearing, and Rika quickly decides she needs someone to be her ears, to want to protect her with her limitations. Seducing the stoic military leader Aguni is a strategic choice, with his high standing and close relationship with the Hatter. But when she starts to notice Chishiya around the Beach, he piques her interest in a way no one else has. When she approaches Kuina and him about being a double agent so they can steal the cards and get out themselves, the two are surprised but accept her offer. Working with Chishiya bring up unbidden emotions, feelings she can’t risk showing when she’s with Aguni. But when it comes down it, all Rika wants is to get back home and she’ll do whatever it takes to get back there. No matter who’s in her way.
links: playlist / tag
All of Us are Dead
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Park Sun-hi
age: 16
character type: main character
enters: season 1 (main)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: lee cheong-san, jang wu-jin
faceclaim: go minsi
series: n/a
summary: Sun-hi has always loved horror, but her favorite type? Well, that’s always been zombies. But loving the zombies in fiction versus facing zombies in real life is a very different story. But when zombies begin beating the doors to the cafeteria down, Sun-hi finds herself facing her favorite antagonists in real life. Banding together with her classmates, Sun-hi is desperate to survive, no matter what it takes. But as tensions rise and plots begin to twist in directions she’d never imagine, Sun-hi finds it harder than she’d ever realized. And when she gets bitten but doesn’t turn? Well, that just adds another layer of complications to things.
links: playlist / tag
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Lydia Levine
age: 25
character type: main character
appearances: tba
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her and they/them
sexuality: pansexual
love interest: trevor aimes, cisco ramon
faceclaim: emma dumont
series: n/a
summary: tba
links: playlist / tag
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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age: 15
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual, polyamorous
love interest: katara/zuko
fandom: avatar: the last airbender
series: whatever it takes
summary: When the Fire Nation attacked the airbenders, there was one thing they never considered: that an airbender might have chosen to not live amongst their brethren. One hundred years later, Miyako believes that she is one of the last airbenders alive - that is, until the Avatar rolls into town proclaiming that her latest home is in danger. Suddenly faced with the fact that she’s not alone, Miyako manages to convince the crew to let her tag along on their trip so she can be trained by Aang. But when the skeletons in Miyako’s closet are revealed, she has to choose - will she help the banished son of the Fire Lord capture the Avatar or will she fight by the young airbender’s side?
links: playlist / tag
Big Time Rush
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Cordelia Love
age: 16-18
character type: main character
appearances: seasons 1 (minor), seasons 2-4(main)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: brett griffin, carlos garcia
faceclaim: sabrina carpenter
series: Mastermind
summary: tba
links: playlist / tag
ship links: brett griffin - playlist / tag || carlos garcia - playlist / tag
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Claudia de Pina
age: 41
character type: side character
appearances: season 3-5(minor)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: straight
love interest: raphael de pina
faceclaim: tais araujo
series: n/a
summary: nora booth's mom. married to raphael de pina, has breast cancer.
links: playlist / tag
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Haiden Pierce
age: 20
character type: minor character
enters: mid season 3
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
love interest: n/a
faceclaim: laura marano
series: n/a
summary: Nora Booth's roommate and close friend. Chemistry major. Is the victim of an attempted assault and successful murder and Nora convinces Booth and Bones to investigate for her.
links: playlist / tag
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Kasey Dawson
age: 23
character type: side character
enters: mid season 3
gender and pronouns: cis man, he/him
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: tbd
faceclaim: wolfgang novogratz
series: n/a
summary: Nora Booth's best friend, college dropout who is currently pursuing music while working in the Jeffersonian gift shop in the meantime.
links: playlist / tag
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Nora Booth
age: 21-31
character type: main character
enters: mid season 3
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: pansexual
love interest: vincent nigel-murray, lance sweets, jessica warren, james aubrey
faceclaim: kiana madeira
series: n/a
summary: Nora Booth learned young not to ask about her father. Her mom always said the only thing she had of her dad’s was her last name, and that was it for 20 years. Everything changed when her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and, fearing death, finally confessed who her father was, telling the story of how she came to be. Shocked to find out that not only does she have a father, she also has two half-brothers, Nora sets to work trying to track down her siblings. It’s not hard to do with her computer skills, and soon enough she’s tracked them both down - only to discover that her brother not only lives in the same town she’s about to head back to university for, he has works with the university she’s been vying to get an internship from. Finally, it seems that all the stars have aligned for her. But going from an only child to a little sister who is the only one who knows she’s a little sister is harder than it looks, and now she has to figure out how to tell Seely Booth he’s her brother, all while dealing with her new internship, a budding crush on her brother’s shrink, and all the other joys and tribulations of your early twenties.
links: playlist /tag
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Celia Bridgerton
age: 22
character type: main character, plot bunny
enters: season 1 (main), season 2 (minor)
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: bisexual
love interest: simon basset
faceclaim: emma watson
series: n/a
summary: n/a
links: playlist / tag
Criminal Minds
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Contessa Wright
age: 33
character type: main character, plot bunny
enters: season 10
gender and pronouns: cis woman, she/her
sexuality: straight
love interest: spencer reid
faceclaim: jessica chastain
series: n/a
summary: Contessa Wright wanted to be an actress all her life. At least, until she discovered that her father was actually a sociopathic serial killer who had kidnapped her when she was young after the BAU arrested him. After that, her life changed drastically and Tessa couldn’t imagine doing anything with her life but trying to put people like her father - kidnapper - behind bars. Fifteen years pass and finally Tessa makes it to the top - the BAU. Joining the team that ultimately brought down the man who ruined her life is a dream come true, but it’s not always easy. Balancing her PTSD and fear of getting close to others with the rest of her life is difficult, especially when dealing with others’ trauma every day. But the rest of the team has her back, whether she likes it or not, and soon enough she’ll find that life isn’t just full of bad things. Ultimately, she’ll discover that the world can be a better place than she ever expected.
links: playlist / tag
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webspace-informations · 7 months
"All for what? Because you think we're the ones who've gone soft?!" - Tiara, chapter 13
Handle: Tiara (@TSTROBOVSKI) Game Origin: Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski First Appearance: Ch 04: Mad Scientist Jailbreak Counterparts: ?? (Merged) Species: Tarwill Gender: Female, She/Her Height: 190cm / 6'3" PURPOSE: Unknown Weapon: None Relationships:
Viktor (Husband)
Ben (Player)
Alice (Friend)
Angellica (Friend)
Erie (Friend)
Laura (Friend)
Marzia (Friend)
Aldurra (Acquaintance)
Candice (Acquaintance)
Olivia (Acquaintance)
Scrina (Friend)
Alex (Enemy)
Dave 1 (Enemy)
She appears as a standard Tarwill, black skin, almost white mask, with black eyeholes and white, ring-like, glowing irises. What makes her unique is an extra pair of arms that form whenever she regenerates. This is as a result of her rare mutation. She can hide them at will.
Exclusive to Tarwills:
Flesh Disguise: She can hide in another's body completely, without causing them harm. While doing so, she greatly increases their stats closer to her own.
Possession: Only when inside another's body. She hasn't done that in a long time, however.
Super Strength: Exactly what it says on the tin.
Regeneration: She can regenerate her entire body so long as her mask is intact, and isn't trapped in an enclosed space (such as a Tarwill Container). She can also retreat into her mask for safety.
Mass Generation: Can extend limbs and body, grow whole new limbs, etc.
Cold Immunity: Tarwill body temperatures are very low, so equally chilly environments pose no issue for her.
Exclusive to The Webspace:
Long Jump: Can leap at great distances.
It is greatly implied that, before the Webspace, Tiara and Alice came to an understanding and learned to cooperate. Along the way, through the domain and through merges, she gained abilities she normally wouldn't have, even deciding that perhaps being a mutant isn't so bad. Eventually she married Viktor.
For the majority of Alex's shenanigans, she and Alice had worked together with Viktor, Marzia, and Erie. Then, a situation presented itself, where retreat became necessary. She bought Alice and Erie time, by separating from her former host, and oddly enough... Never went back.
Despite having been beaten down, mask cracked, locked away with her husband in a Tarwill Container, she seems to be coming into her own.
She is currently alive.
She is one of the few characters from her game to take the "merging" route.
Her vengeful side still exists, but it doesn't present itself often like in the past.
She is so smart, I love her so much :) - Viktor
If there's anything that reads as "whoa that's insane but evidence plz" it'll be put here.
Advanced Education with Viktor Strobovski Alice Freudenmacher | Angellica | Erie | Laura | Marzia V@@@@@ | Scrina | Tiara (u r here) | Viktor Strobovski
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kaatiba · 1 year
For the weird writer asks -- 1, 7, 17, and 22! ^_^
Thanks for asking! Another long answer lol
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I write in Times New Roman! I used to write in Georgia and Garamond and once wrote in Papyrus (insert meme here) a long time ago because 13 year old me thought it fit the fantasy-aesthetic. But I like Times best.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
Oh man just...the euphoria of the words flowing without any struggle or uncertainty, when you stop being aware of the actual act of writing and you are just there, and it's happening and the world disappears! This...mostly happens when I'm rereading something actually. Usually after some time from it, so that I'm not in nitpicking-editor mode and am just in 'what did I write again? oh wow this is pretty good—where's the rest of it >:[" mode. I would say the ultimate joy is having my work read and loved, especially when people get excited about it or comment about favourite parts of it and express curiosity about the rest of it/choices made etc.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
I've talked about LofM here so let me talk about...Oracle wip! Oracle wip is my vent wip, in a way. I conceptualized the latest version of it in a time in my life where I was full of anger and bitterness and pain and feeling very trapped (i.e. during the last couple of years lol). My characters are all either wrathful and despairing or amoral or just plain awful. It's my self-indulgent 'what if everyone was a terrible person and/or deeply unhinged in their own unique ways' wip. But! It actually comes from a very old idea I had a long time ago! (It's nearly as old as LofM, so about a decade old!)
Back then I wanted to do a YA retelling of Alice in Wonderland, and Oracle still has a lot of roots in that original idea, just....executed very differently. Back then, my AiW retelling was very generic medieval-esque fantasy YA (nothing wrong with that, of course, just not what I want to write anymore). Alice was the MC, she was a secret heir to the throne, was in hiding due to the usurpation of the Queen of Hearts, the Mad Hatter was a dark and broody love interest, and the White Rabbit was a rival love interest and mysterious and broody. I scrapped the idea when The Looking Glass Wars was published, because my plan for it was too similar.
I'm no longer quite so miserable as I was, but I still want to have gleeful unhinged fun with this wip and I'm excited for it, and some elements of the original idea are definitely still being incorporated, with a twist!
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I don't think I'm that organized at all! Mostly I just make sure each wip has its own folder so I don't lose anything. But I write bits and bobs and scenes and plans in Google docs (or on tumblr, to eventually be transferred to Docs/my site if I'm sharing it) both on my computer and my phone, as well as in various journals or any bit of paper I have on hand, to eventually be transferred to the Docs.
I used to write on Evernote, but it's become quite glitchy.
My wip folders contain documents with every version of the story I'm writing (I write chronologically, which means I always have multiple 'chapter ones', for example). I have some documents titled 'plot' or something similar for various wips, and sometimes they also have character or worldbuilding things I want to keep in mind, or issues with the story I need to work out or grapple with, or names for countries or the families of characters or minor characters etc.
Sometimes all those thing will be in separate documents each titled in such a way that I remember what each doc contains. Some documents are just scenes that didn't work that I refuse to get rid of in case I end up re-purposing them somehow, somewhere. (Never kill your darlings. Just shift them to their own doc!) Mostly all this is written in bullet points (except the actual story proper).
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
From Me, The Moon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jVDMNOk
by MessusMinnow
Remus Lupin had never fit in, always trapped between the world of magic from his father who walked out, and the ordinary life he and his mother lived. Neither meshed against the edges that created him.
A couple of notes on this fanfic: This is mostly canon compliant, so there is your first warning. This is still set in the 1970’s, but I wanted to create a more timeless feel, mainly when it comes to sexuality. I’m honestly just tired of reading all of the internalized homophobia that comes from the setting of the 70’s, so I’m just omitting that part entirely. In this fic queerness is celebrated. If you’ve read my other long canon wolfstar fic, this is not a rewrite of that, but an entirely different story with different characterizations. However, I am stealing a few of my ideas that I really liked from there. It is what it is. This fic will be dealing with some heavy themes (check tags), I will always give content warnings when they come up. If you’d like to listen to the same playlist I do while writing this fic, here it is: https://ift.tt/OhA0vpJ
This is a queer story written by a queer creator.
Words: 2056, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wolfstar - Fandom, Marauders - Fandom, Harry Potter - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr., Evan Rosier, Garrick Mulciber, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Hope Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Poppy Pomfrey, Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Lestrange, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Original Characters, Harry Potter Characters
Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, James Potter/Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Additional Tags: wolfstar, jily, Marauders, Achingly Slow Burn, it is literally so slow, Marauders at hogwarts, first wizarding war, Second Wizarding War, Canon Compliant (Mostly), Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Angst, Eventual Smut, Mutual Pining, Soulmates, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, implied eating disorder, Panic Attacks, Romance, Drinking, Smoking, Marijuana, Swearing, Gay Sirius Black, Gay Remus Lupin, Marlene serves cunt on the daily, Queer Themes, Queer Character, Astrology, Abusive Parents, Peter is very cherished, Remus heavy POV, Sirius side POV, Hope is a single mom
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/jVDMNOk
0 notes
Endgame II | Dark Phoenix Series P.4
Takes place during the second act of Avengers: Endgame
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Read Parts 1-3 here -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Dr. Evelyn Alice Stark (OC)/The Eagle/Host of the Phoenix Force, Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlet Witch (platonic, eventual ally & enemy), Doctor Stephen Strange (implied romance), Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier (implied romance), Tony Stark (platonic/nephew), Howard Stark (Platonic/brother), Steve Rogers (platonic/best friend)—a lot of the marvel characters will be involved in this series since it take place during phase 3 & 4.
Content Warnings: profanity, light angst, canon divergence, mentions of violence and near death experience. | female OC (she/her) | Read time: 15-20 minutes (6000k+ words)
Premise: 5 years have past since the events of the Infinity War between Earth’s Avengers and the Mad Titan, Thanos. In that time, the universe has adapted to the catastrophic aftermath of losing half its population. Many have moved on, but others have refused. When a former ally of Steve Rogers returns out of the blue, believing to have been amongst the vanish, an opportunity arises. But to do that, they are going to need help. And the truth of what resides in Eve Stark is finally revealed….to an extent.
Note: SO for this, I am kinda going off of the comic counterpart of Jean Grey, but also similar to ‘The Last Stand,’ where the Phoenix is a separate entity in Jean. In ‘X-Men: Dark Phoenix,’ Jean was infused with the force, but was still Jean, whereas in the previous incarnations we see it having a mind of it’s own and using Jean’s body as a vessel. That’s how I am doing it for Eve, where she is basically the vessel and the Phoenix takes over control. But you’ll see where I take it as the story goes and I’m very excited, but I wanted to clarify what I’m going for this version of the Phoenix.
“What’s happening to me, Tony?”
“I don’t know, Eve. But we’ll figure it out, okay? Together.”
“I feel like…..like I’m not the only one in control of my mind anymore.”
Family, friends, neighbors, classmates, the list goes on and on. Gone. With a simple snap of the fingers. Abandoned homes and buildings decorate the streets. Cars overfill parking lots. It truly was a ghost town on every corner of planet Earth.
It was the same on every planet.
Mighty heroes and those who guard the galaxy are left with an endless void of sorrow and defeat. Moving on was harder than it looked, especially when the loss came at their own hand.
Five years had gone by and that feeling remained. Some tried and pretended they were finding peace. Others accepted they could never.
The Avengers were not what they once were when the world was introduced to them more than ten years before. Those brave souls who defeated a lost God and genocidal android, lost to a mad Titan on a quest for universal damnation.
With six of the original seven Avengers out of the picture, the Black Widow was the one to keep the spirit of them alive. She was the one who stayed at the compound, when everyone else left. She was the one running meetings and sending them off to investigate. She was the one trying to keep the team together.
For five years, Natasha Romanoff was the Avenger who always answered the call.
So when Scott Lang appears out of the blue the night Steve happens to visit, frantically talking about the Quantum realm and being stuck for five hours rather than years, she was the first hand on deck at the sound of an opportunity.
An opportunity to go back in time.
Their first order of business was to talk to someone with genius level knowledge of quantum physics. And who would that be? The Iron Man himself of course. So here they were pulling up to the beautiful house by the lake where Tony now resided with Pepper and his young daughter, Morgan. The two were heading inside for lunch as the trio arrived, now they were huddled around his patio furniture.
“No, we know what it sounds like,” Scott stammers out as Tony pours four glasses of some kind of concoction for the group.
“Tony, after everything you’ve seen, is anything really impossible?” Steve backs him up, hands in his pockets.
“Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck scale which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition, can we agree on that?” Tony hands him a cup, Steve thanking him. He turns to Scott and says, “In layman’s terms, it means you’re not coming home.”
“I did,” Scott points out.
“No, you accidentally survived. It’s a billion-to-one cosmic fluke.” Tony pours another glass adding, “And now you wanna pull a…what do you call it?”
Taking the glass, Scott shrugs and sheepishly says, “A time heist?”
“Yeah,” Tony sighs, “a time heist. Of course.” He looks to Steve and Nat, “Why didn’t we think of this before? Oh, because it’s laughable. Because it’s a pipe dream?”
“The stones are in the past,” Steve explains. “We could go back, we could get them.”
“We can snap our own fingers. We can bring everyone back.” Nat adds on.
Tony shrugs, raising his eyebrows. “Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?”
“I don’t believe we would.”
The genius waves his hands, clutching a cup in his right one. “Gotta say it. I sometimes miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won’t help if there’s no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said time heist.” Tony lowers himself onto the bench. The faces of the three show they don’t like what he’s saying, but he continues on. “I believe the most likely outcome will be our collective demise.”
“Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel,” Scott takes a seat in front of Tony. “All right? It means no talking to our past selves, no betting on sporting events—.” Tony cuts him off with the raise of hand.
“I’m gonna stop you right there, Scott,” he leans closer to him. “Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?”
Scott scoffs, like the assumption was offensive to him. Tony asks again, “is it?”
“Good. You had me worried there. ‘Cause that’s not how quantum physics works.”
“Tony,” Nat finally cuts in after being silent for so long. There was strong emotion on her face, determination in her gaze. “We have to take a stand.”
“We did stand,” he told her solemnly. “And yet, here we are.” She looks away, tears brimming in her eyes and Scott draws Tony’s attention back to him.
“I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter. Your aunt is still here.” Scott doesn’t notice the looks that pass between Nat and Steve at the mention of Eve. They hadn’t caught him up to speed on what happened while trying to figure out how to approach the time heist. Scott continues, oblivious to the strained expression from Tony, “But I lost someone very important to me. A lot of people did. And now, now we have a chance to bring her back—to bring everyone back and you’re telling me that you won’t even—.”
“That’s right, Scott,” he interrupts. “I won’t even. I can’t.” A door closes behind them, followed by tiny feet padding toward them. Morgan skips to her father and jumps in his lap.
“Mommy told me to come and save you.” His arms wrap around her tiny figure to hold her close to him.
“Good job. I’m saved.” Tony nuzzles her before looking back to the three. “I wish you were coming here to ask me something else. Anything else.” Standing, Tony holds Morgan to his chest and starts to move toward the front door. “I’m honestly happy to see you guys, I just—-oh, look, the table’s set for six.” Steve’s hand comes up to hold his elbow.
“Tony. I get it. And I’m happy for you. I really am,” he glances briefly at the little girl. “But this is a second chance.”
“I got my second chance right here, Cap. Can’t roll the dice on it.” Backing away, Tony locks eyes with each of them. “If you don’t talk shop, you can stay for lunch.” He bites his lip, contemplating on if he should say the next words. It takes a moment, but he sighs and caves in. “Or, you can go across the pond to pitch your plan to—.” He stops again, not wanting to say it in front of his daughter.
Nat stiffens, as does Steve though Scott remains confused. The soldier steps closer to Tony, his voice falling into a whisper. “Are you talking about Eve?”
“Honey, would you go help mama? I’ll be there in a second.” Tony sets Morgan down and she races back inside, the group watching her go before they face each other once more.
It’s silent for a few seconds before Steve says, “When did she wake up?” His tone is calm. Almost like he expected Tony to keep the news of Eve waking a secret from him. Not once did Steve get a call or even a text in the weeks and months after he left the compound. He assumed she either succumbed to whatever was inhabiting her, or went off the grid after waking up.
“A week after,” Tony didn’t explain further. Steve took a sharp inhale, bringing his hand up to caress his jaw. Tony could see the mix of disappointment and sadness in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you call me?”
Tony shakes his head, lightly scoffing. “If you saw what happened, you’d want to keep it quiet too. Plus I don’t think Eve waking up in her state and seeing you for the first time in two years would’ve been good.”
“He’s right, Steve,” Nat looks to the ground, avoiding his gaze when he turns to her. She didn’t want to see the look of betrayal from him. “We had to.”
Scott just looks lost, looking between the three to get some sort of understanding. “I’m sorry, can you explain what the hell you’re talking about?” Steve ignores the question and puts his hands on his hips.
“Who all knows?” He was referring to Eve being awake.
“Well, you and thumbelina are the most recent to find out. But the night she woke, it was us two,” Tony points between him and Nat, “Rhodey, Pep, and Happy in attendance.” He clenches his jaw, the memory replaying in his head. “We, um, Pep and I felt coming out here was the best idea for her.”
Steve tries to wrap his head around the fact Eve was awake. It was a lot to take in and he felt an immense amount of relief. But the way Tony was talking about her and the fact it was kept secret for so long worried the Captain. He could feel he was not being told everything. “What happened, Tony?”
It was obvious Tony had trouble talking about whatever was bothering him. That fact it was his own aunt made it more concerning. The two were very close after everything they’d been through together. He was the one who found her frozen and captive in the desert. They took down enemies and always supported one another even if they didn’t always agree.
They were Starks. Through thick and thin.
“Tony,” Steve says again, snapping the older man out of his inner thoughts.
“You just have to go talk to her yourself,” he eventually says with a low voice. “Although, I doubt it’ll be her.”
“Excuse me?” Steve’s voice is sharp, eyes narrowed in suspicion by the alarm bells going off inside him. What the hell did the man mean by ‘I doubt it’ll be her’?
“What the hell does that mean, Tony?” He cuts him off angrily, “Are you saying Eve is gone and whatever blasted her on Titan is—-?” Tony raises his hands up to silence Steve, annoyed by him jumping to conclusions.
Although he wasn’t too far off.
“Do you remember what Thor told you before you went to find Thanos?” His eyes flicker to Nat and back to Steve. “About some ‘cosmic entity’ or being his old man used to tell him about?” Steve nods, as does Nat, and his shoulders drop from their tense position. He could tell where Tony was getting at.
“You’re saying he was right.”
“Quite possibly,” Tony sighs, scratching his neck. It was hard to explain the details of his aunt's state. Especially when the topic of question refuses to give much information. “I’ve been trying to understand it for five years. And I’ve only gotten a little bit—it’s um, it’s taken to her. Eve is sorta like its host and it’s made her different.”
“How different?” Scott asks curiously. He still didn’t fully know what happened, but he could assume it wasn’t good.
“She’s got some tricks like Wanda. I’ll give you that much,” Tony shakes his head, seeing the shocked gazes from the three. Boy were they in for a treat. He crosses his arms and looks Steve dead in the eye. “She’s not your old war buddy anymore, Cap. She won’t ever be that again. Maybe it’s for the best that you keep your distance. But maybe you can convince both of them for your expedition, although, I wouldn’t give it much hope.”
After a lunch, which mostly consisted of awkward conversations avoiding the two main topics: Time heist and Eve Stark, the three lone Avengers got in the car to make the small trip around the lake where another cabin like home resided. Where Tony informed them Eve resided.
Nerves filled them. Nat and Steve the most. Nat for the memory of what she witnessed the night Eve woke from her month long coma. And Steve for coming face to face for the first time in seven years. The last time he saw his former best friend she was unconscious with wires attached, before that was her in Siberia. The day Captain America lost his Eagle.
Steve could still picture her face staring back at him behind the barrel of a gun after firing one shot into his side when he thrusted his shield into Tony’s arc reactor. Wings were ripped from her back by his own hands during the fight. Eve was shaking, but the gun in her hands was the only thing steady. Her cold words rang in his ear, “I gave you that shield, Steve Rogers. I’m taking it back. And if you ever show your face again, mine will be the last thing you see.” She lowered the gun, but her gaze never faltered. “I hope it was worth it. Because you can never come home again.”
Thinking back, maybe Tony was right and he should abort the mission. Evelyn Stark always followed through with her promises. He should know better.
But it was too late because the car was passing the mailbox and up the driveway.
“It should just be me,” He says when Nat and Scott unbuckle their seatbelts. The redhead looks at him hesitantly.
“Steve, I don’t think that’s a good idea—.”
“Fill Scott in,” he tells her, unbuckling his own before turning the engine off. Steve doesn’t let Natasha get another word in because he’s out of the car and approaching the front steps. He didn't need to turn around to see her annoyed expression, Steve could feel it burning into the back of his head.
The super soldier makes his way around the surrounding patio until he finds the front door. Passing by a window, he glances in, but sees no sign of Eve. All he could hear was the faint sound of a record player.
Playing a song he knew all too well.
Ignoring the sting in his heart, Steve walks up to the door. He mentally prepares himself as his arm raises to knock, but before he gets the chance it opens on its own.
And no one is standing behind it.
Instead Steve finds an empty hallway. Peeking in, he glances from right to left. On one side is a sitting room overlooking the lake, the other is the entrance to a little library. Shelves cover from ceiling to floor and books align every inch of the walls.
Stepping in, Steve shakes off the feeling of uncertainty and closes the door. He doesn’t want to think about how it opened on its own. Part of him feels he already knows the answer.
‘She’s got some tricks like Wanda,’ Tony’s words remind him.
The music is louder now that he’s inside. His plan is to follow the sound of it, assuming it will lead him to Eve. The song choice was very personal to Steve and if his theory was correct, it was being played on purpose.
Steve passes the staircase leading to the second floor, and the door in the hallway which he assumes is to the basement. A kitchen entrance is to his right which then goes out to the back patio. With no sign of Eve yet, he cuts the corner into another sitting room. The melody increases, he was getting close to where it was coming from.
Finally he reaches what appears to be an office. It has celing to floor windows overlooking the lake with a finely cut wooden desk in front of it. It was alarmaning organized. In all the years he knew Evelyn Stark, never once did he see her desk so clean and arranged. Papers were always scattered with uncapped pens halfway dried out and sticky notes on the edges. Somehow she always remembered where she would place something in the mess pile, but God forbid someone messed with the desk. One time Eve nearly sent Steve into the wall for moving a file without telling her.
On the opposite wall were photos and various degrees hanging— ranging from her first in 1935 to the most recent honorary one in 2020. Chemistry, Physics, Aeronautical Engineering, Literature. The list went on and on.
In the corner, seated on a wooden night stand by a framed sepia picture of Eve with her husband and daughter, is a vintage record player straight from the 1940s.
Steve felt another sting in his heart as he eyed the photo. Eve, 31 and holding her baby daughter, Juliette in her arms while her husband, Army doctor Captain Archie Rivers stood next to them with his arm around her shoulder. They were both looking down, smiling at the baby as she lifted her tiny hand to play with Eve’s necklace.
Steve frowned as the guilt pools in him. And when he looks in between the photo and record player, he sees Eve’s wedding rings. He remembered how when the two reunited in 2012, Eve still wore the jewelry on her fingers. Then it slowly turned to her wearing them on a chain around her neck. Now they sit on a table. A symbol of her past as a soldier out of time.
Speaking of the soldier, Steve had still not seen her despite scouting the entire first floor. He backs away from the office, moving to check if she was outside the whole time. As his hand touches the knob, the record player stops. He freezes, hand gripping the knob when the song restarts after a three second pause.
Steve rushes to the office, heart picking up and stops dead in the doorway at the sight in front of him.
Eve’s back is to him, hands clasped behind her as she stares out the window. He can’t make out her face at all. She’s wearing a long deep green trench coat made out of leather with white boots. Her hair is down, cascading in long waves to her mid back, however, there’s a hue to the color at the top Steve quite can’t make out.
“‘It’s Been a Long, Long Time,’” Her voice was so different it took him by surprise. While it still sounded like Eve, there was a shift in the tone. It made her sound like a completely different person. “Released in nineteen-forty-five by Harry James and Kitty Kallen. Ironic, isn’t it? How songs can convey meaning to situations.” Steve steps into the office, while Eve remains in place. “I thought it was fitting. Took me a while to sift through those memories, but this song was special to you two. Especially you, Steve Rogers. Right?”
He didn’t like how she was talking. Almost robotic-like and void of emotion. This wasn’t Eve.
“You were supposed to dance to this song with Margaret, yes?” He didn’t answer, stiffening at the mention of his love. “Or, no, her name was Peggy. Agent Carter when in professional settings. But to both of you, she was simply Peggy. Beautiful lady she was. Intelligent, courageous, the backbone of S.H.I.E.L.D—considering all that she did for it.” There’s a slight pause. “Evelyn has very fond memories of her.”
Steve continued to stay silent, unsure of how to approach the subject. Here Eve was referring to herself in the third person as though she’s not really there. It was difficult to grasp, but somehow Steve knew it was true. And Tony’s message from earlier continued to play in his mind.
“As do you, Captain,” Her voice echoes, Steve stiffening when she begins to turn. It was a simple pivot in his direction. Hands remained clasped by her lower back and her right shoulder maneuvered to reveal Eve’s side profile.
And the first thing his eyes are drawn too are the tiny orange cracks aligning her jaw, cheek, and hairline. Then Eve is facing him head on. Well it’s Eve’s face, but her eyes are not the chocolate brown shade he was accustomed to. They were a glowing orange, similar to the cracks.
They seemed amused by his reaction, lips curling up in a smirk. “Tragic things had to end the way they did. I’m sure Margaret—no sorry, Peggy,” the tone indicated they weren’t apologetic, “—would’ve given everything if it meant you would be found. Too bad they just didn’t look close enough.” They tsked at the end.
Steve had enough, “Who are you?”
“That’s the question, isn’t it?” They leaned forward, still smiling. “What Tony has spent the last five years trying to figure out. What Evelyn, herself, has trouble coming to terms with when I showed her everything she wanted to know. Humans, you all crave the same thing. For everything and anything to be simple. From building cities, to bringing peace, and even an answer to a question.” The hands behind their back went to lay flat on the surface, “But the answer is not that simple, Steve Rogers, in fact, it is everything but.” They then took a step around the desk, moving closer to him.
The soldier watches them approach, keeping his gaze the same. When they got roughly an arm's distance Steve felt the air catch in his throat. Up close the cracks, though small and scattered on the outer edges of their visage, were bright and moving. The matching color of their eyes was just as blinding. And at this proximity, Steve noticed how the root of Eve’s hair was no longer a rich brown. Scarlet red took up nearly three inches until it flowed into the natural color.
“Where’s my friend?” Steve asked, eyes never straying away from theirs.
“Friend?” They repeated, tilting their (Eve’s) head, “You still see her as that? Seven years, Steve Rogers, and all that was involved yet you still view her as such.”
His eyes narrowed, offended by the assumption. “Sixty years passed before we were reunited and it didn’t change a thing. She’ll always be my friend.”
“But friends don’t betray each other. Don’t they, Steve?”
“How do you know that?” He was getting tired of this….being, having the upper hand. They were cutting into his past and memories. It was an invasion of privacy and he wanted answers. More importantly, Steve wanted to know where Eve was.
“The mind is like a library and once you have access, everything is laid out. Just waiting to be read. Page by page,” their voice falls an octave, just higher than a whisper. “Evelyn is a strong woman. It’s something I admire greatly, and why I chose to save her that day on Titan.” Steve's blood runs cold at the mention of the fateful day. They sense his distress, once again smirking. “But even those with the strongest will, eventually bend and break. Putting her in the sleep was a blessing in disguise—it made it easier for her, though she argues it did no good.” They give a shrug before adding, “I strongly believe she’d think otherwise if I allowed her to remain conscious during the entire month of her mind and body adapting to my presence.”
The way they were talking about Eve raised alarms in Steve. He thought back to the night she and Tony were brought back to Earth. By then it had been 22 days since Thanos and whatever inhabited Eve. Everything about her was abnormal, even disregarding the super soldier serum. Only Thor could provide a theory as to what transpired on Titan.
“Please,” he says after a moment, eyes pleading. “Is Eve okay? Where is she—?”
“I assure you, Captain, Evelyn is very safe.”
He wasn’t convinced, “Oh, I’m supposed to just trust your word then, right? I don’t even know who or what you are.” He gestures over them with a hand. “You look like Eve—you sound like Eve, but yet you don’t at the same time. I want to know where my friend is and why you are controlling her.”
“Contrary to what assumptions you may have of me, Steve Rogers, I have no intention of harming Evelyn. I’m rather fond of her,” They step away, putting their hands into their coat pockets and walk along beside the wall of photos. “What occurred on Titan was never my plan. I was just passing through—traveling the cosmos as I always do, when I sensed the Infinity Stones.” They didn’t see Steve visibly react to the revelation. “It surprised me. Never had more than one be in the same place—although, there was a brief moment in twenty-twelve.” The invasion of New York.
“If you saw Thanos with that many, why didn’t you take him out?” Steve asked, curious to know the answer. The threat was right there. If they knew having multiple stones together was dangerous, why not remove the reason for it.
They turn around, bottom lip jutted out in thought, “Would you have rather I done that, Steve Rogers? Had I done so, poor Evelyn would have succumbed to her injuries in mere seconds.” Steve grimaced, looking out the window and away from their gaze. “Maybe you do wish that happened. Then half of the universe would still be here.”
“I don’t wish that,” he snapped back at them, anger rising at the accusation. “She’s my friend and I care for her.”
“Yet again you—.”
“I made a mistake keeping the truth from her. I wish I hadn’t and I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. The point is, we don’t trade lives.”
“Hmm,” they mutter, glancing over him. It took a moment for Steve to realize they were probably reading his thoughts, to see if he was lying. “You’re telling the truth. Evelyn will be pleased to hear that.”
“Where is Eve?” He repeated his question from earlier, though he sounded more demanding. “You keep dodging the question and it’s giving more reason to distrust you.”
“Tony was the same in the beginning. He still is, though he tries not to think about it when we’re around.” The song on the record player finally ended again. They walked over and took the needle away from the record, eyes flicking over the picture of Eve’s family. “Here’s what I will tell you, Steve Rogers. Evelyn is merely a vessel—a host if you will. I was drawn to her on Titan and decided to save her, and because she’s human and I’m…..far from that, it took time and energy for Evelyn to adapt to my…,” they snap their fingers a few times to get the right word, “habitation of her body and conscience.”
“So what does that mean?” They roll their eyes, annoyed at being interrupted.
“I was getting to that, thank you.” They let out a huff. “Anyway, hence Evelyn being comatose for nearly a month. As I mentioned earlier, she’s a strong woman—again something I admire, but it made it difficult for me to break down the walls in her mind. Not to mention the changes in her biological composition and having to get used to newfound abilities I gifted her.” They paused to chuckle before adding, “because it’s not everyday a super human becomes the host to something like me.”
“And what is that?”
“Have you really not figured it out?” They stepped back closer to Steve, looking up with mock amusement. “You’re so close you know, it should be obvious. I thought you were smarter than that, Steve Rogers. You must've realized by now your Godly friend was right all along.” Thor.
They were reading his thoughts the moment he stepped through the door. Probably even sorted through his memories before making their entrance. “You’re a cosmic entity.” It wasn’t a question, nor accusation. It was simply stating a fact.
The single nod confirmed it all. A smirk plastered Eve’s face, though it was not Eve doing the action. “I should feel flattered. I'm still a question among legends even after so many millennia. Not many can achieve such a thing.” Another step to Steve has the cracks practically glowing in his face. He could feel the heat radiation off of them.
“Has been here the entire time.” They don’t wait for his look of confusion, simply bringing a hand up to point to their temple. “C’mon, Steven, it’s pretty simple. Evelyn is a vessel, a host, to me. You didn’t think my presence meant she was gone, did you?” When Steve didn’t answer, still wrapping his head around everything, the entity continued. “I’ll explain this the best way I can. Make it a metaphor—I know humans love those.”
Spinning around, they walk around the desk and take a seat in the leather chair. Motioning to Steve to sit, which he does after a few seconds, they pull out a blank sheet of paper and threepens: a black, orange, and yellow. They first take the yellow to draw a stick figure in the middle. Then above they draw another in yellow and orange. With a black pen they draw a cloud-like object in the middle between the stick figures.
“Look at it like this,” they turn the paper so it faces him. “This is Evelyn’s body,” the bottom of the black pen points to the lone yellow figure. It then trails to the cloud above, “this here, is the state of mind. Are you following?” Steve nods and they smile, but it still makes the soldier feel uneasy. “Good. Think of it as the ‘driver's seat of a car,’ where whoever is in it, they are the one in control.” Something about the statement sends chills in Steve. ‘The one in control.’
“Now, this figure,” the pen points to the smaller yellow above the cloud, “represents Evelyn’s subconscious. Her thoughts, her memories, everything that makes up Evelyn as a whole. We could get into the whole mind/body theory, and the question of if the mind is separate from the body and brain, but I’ll leave you to do that on your own. For this scenario, the mind is separate—it’s why you’re talking to me right now.”
The pen drags over to the orange figure, “which brings me to this. This is my subconscious. I don’t have a physical body, Steve Rogers, what you saw from the footage Tony showed you is the manifestation I take form in.”
“A solar flare?” Steve asked, looking up at them.
They shrugged, “That’s one way to look at it.” They wave a hand to dismiss further discussion on the topic, focusing back to the drawing. “Going back to the driver's seat. Before Titan, Evelyn was the sole driver. Her subconscious was here,” they draw a yellow figure in the cloud and then connect the lines between all three. “Mind and body together. Then Titan happened and I saved her life. By doing so, I invaded the void between the two. So now when Evelyn is in the driver’s seat, I ride passenger,” they draw another orange figure, but this time in the cloud, connecting the two with a line.
“So you understand, Steven, I see what Evelyn sees. I hear what she hears. I feel what she feels.” It was all coming together, the metaphor giving the answers. “Her memories, her thoughts, they’re all there at my disposal. I can communicate with her even when she’s in control. She’s told me it feels like there’s a pressure in the back of her head, letting her know of my presence.”
Steve leaned back in the chair, arms coming over his chest. “So since you’re in control right now, does that mean Eve can see and hear everything too? She’s the one riding passenger?” From their analogy, it would be the logical explanation. Eve’s subconscious is trapped while the entity has control of her body.
The flicker in their expression causes him to lean forward, eyes narrowing. “Tell me now.”
“While you would be correct, I’m afraid it is not all that meets the eye.” Their left hand comes over the paper, covering the yellow figure in the cloud. And with their right, the orange pen hovers over the one representing Eve’s body. “When I am in the driver’s seat,” drawing over with orange, the yellow figure changes color. “My consciousness takes control of Eve’s body, as you can see right now. But Evelyn, she is pushed to the back. Locked away in a dark void until I release control. As you can see here.”
The paper showed exactly that. Eve’s subconscious was pushed aside when the entity had power over the mind and body. It sparked a level of dread and worry in Steve. It wasn’t hard to piece together it meant Eve was unaware what took place when the entity was in control. For all he knew, it probably meant she would have amnesia for that time period.
“You’re right,” the voice snapped out of his thoughts. He once again forgot his mind was vulnerable. “Evelyn doesn’t know. She won’t know anything we said unless one of us tells her.” They pull the paper away, folding it before handing it to Steve. “It’s why I don’t do this often—have full control. I prefer to ride passenger because it makes Evelyn weak after having her subconscious away for so long.”
He takes the paper, putting it in his jacket pocket. He assumes they want him to have it so he can explain to the others. Nat would want to know immediately so it helps to have a visual on hand. “What happens when she is away for too long?”
“Oh, well, her mind will deteriorate I suppose. Again, the whole mind-brain-body thing fits into it,” they wave their hands in defense at his alarmed expression. Chuckling, they bring them down, ignoring the fact he wasn’t finding anything amusing about the situation. “I’ve never been in control for so long to the point it was a concern. Usually Evelyn feels some fatigue, maybe a headache or is in a daze for a few hours. The only time I’ve been in the driver’s seat this long was when I showed myself to Tony for the first time. And I told him everything I’ve told you.”
Steve relaxes, but not all the way. There is still some doubt but he tries not to think about it so the entity cannot hear it in his thoughts. “Don’t you think it’s a little unfair that you get to invade Eve’s mind when she’s in control of her own body, while you push her away into the dark?”
He still couldn’t over how similar yet different the smirk on Eve’s face was with the entity in control. It was unsettling. “It’s for the best that Evelyn doesn’t see into my consciousness. I have billions upon billions of years worth of memories embedded into me that it would fry her completely to have access to them.” They lean back in the chair, keeping their gaze firm on him. “Evelyn's history is like a grain of sand on a beach. Whereas mine, it is the whole perimeter. You think she’d be able to go through every grain to cond and not lose herself to madness?”
They rise from the chair, Steve doing the same as they walk around the desk and stand in front of him. Some of the cracks were starting to fade. They were about to let Eve go. “I think it’s time you speak to Evelyn. It’s the reason you came, yes? You’ve found an opportunity to reverse the snap.” Steve knew better than to question. He wondered how far their range went when it came to reading people's thoughts. “You don’t have to answer,” the smirk remained on their lips, “I already know.” Yeah, it was going to take time getting used to that.
“Can you only read minds?”
“Oh, I can do much more than that,” as they speak, a glass of water comes out of nowhere, moving in the air until it settles on the surface of the desk. Then the music starts to play. Steve turns his head to find the needle back on the record before moving away causing the song to stop. Then suddenly a voice is speaking directly into his head. “Satisfied Captain Rogers?”
Steve jumped, turning back in the chair to face them. Their brows raise, amused by the reaction. Steve shakes it off, not letting it get to him. “What’s going to happen now?” He wanted to know the context of Eve’s state being back in her body. If she would faint, be in distress, or fairly normal.
Well as normal as one can be when a cosmic entity possesses their body.
“Like I said before, I don’t do this often and the times I have she’s reacted rather negatively until I can calm her down. She’ll probably be a little scared, since she’ll have no memory of what took place. Expect her to be surprised to see you. If she attacks you just know I had no say in it.” Their eyes begin to flicker, the orange fading.
“Wait,” Steve stops them, causing the glow to return. “Who exactly are you? I know what you are, but you never referred to yourself with a name.”
Their head tilts, as if they were debating on giving him one. “Perhaps that can be the subject of our next conversation. Whenever that may be.” The cracks slowly shrink. “It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Steve Rogers.” Eve’s eyes twitched, fluttering close as the last of the cracks disappeared and suddenly the woman was gasping for air around her. A hand came to her chest, knees wobbling causing Steve to rush forward and catch her before she fell.
“Eve!” He shouted in relief. Steve could feel the weight of catching her pulling him down, warmth in his palms when his hands hit the leather of her coat. For a second he forgot how she was scorching like a sun five years ago. Now it was like the feeling of being out in the sun too long on a hot summer day. The type of heat where it makes one want to rush inside because it’s too hot to even breathe.
“Eve,” he says again, bringing her up to stand straight. She was panting and sweat had gathered on her forehead. He thought the rest of her hair would return to the natural color, but the red stayed, flowing into the brown. “I got you, Eve. It’s me, Steve.”
Finally Eve’s brown eyes connected with his. They were wide open with no sight of the glowing orange he had peered into just minutes before. Just looking into them Steve could tell fear and shock was swimming in them.
Her breathing slowed, but she was still panting. “St-Steve?” Hands came up to grip his shoulders. “Ste-Steve.” Water had pooled in her eyes and Steve could feel her shaking.
“It’s okay,” he assured her, keeping his voice calm. “I’m right here, Eve, I got you. Listen to me, I'll explain everything I promise.” It did little to calm her down, he could still visibly see the anxiety.
Her head started to nod, a lone tear escaping. “H-how long? How long did it have—?”
Steve shakes his head, unsure exactly of the time period Eve was locked away in the void. “What was the last thing you remember, Eve?” She blinks a few times, looking around to find the clock on the wall.
“I-I, I had just finished making lunch. I was sitting on the porch,” she glances out the door in the direction of the porch entrance. “Then I heard a car in the distance. And I—I heard you. Not your voice, but your mind. And Nat’s too and,” she pauses, thinking hard before a look of surprise takes over, followed by a gasp. “And Scott. I heard Scott, but how—?”
He gently squeezes her shoulder repeating, “I promise, I’ll explain. I just need to talk to you. Can we do that, please?”
Eve nodded again, blinking back the tears but her bottom lip quivered. “Yeah,” her voice cracked, trying to smile at him. “Yeah we can talk.”
He felt his own eyes start to water. The emotion he was feeling started to overwhelm him. Steve had really missed Eve, and finally after seven years he was able to stand in front of her again. The guilt and regret coursed through him, “I’m sorry, Eve. I really am.”
The woman squeezed his shoulders like he did to her, tearfully smiling at him. “I’m sorry too, Steve.” The second the words left her Steve didn’t hesitate to embrace her. Arms around her waist and Eve’s going around his shoulders she accepted the hug, returning it with just as much emotion.
He could feel the warmth through her clothes, but it didn’t bother him. All that mattered to Steve was the fact he was holding Eve in his arms. His best friend, who was the only person in the world he cared most for.
They had a lot to unpack. A lot to discuss. And a lot to worry about. But at this moment. Steve could feel some peace. With whatever the future held and the possibility of rewriting time with the stones, hope was on the horizon.
Now that Captain America had his Eagle.
Tag list: @todaywasafairytale07, @ohholyaphrodite, @esposadomd, @psychomanias
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atlasdoe · 3 years
Slytherin Horcrux Hunters
This is part four so to make sure you know what's going on please make sure to read part one here, part two here and part three here :)
SO our ot4 have all been split up
Since James’ family is rich and his parents are very well respected and all that he doesn’t get sent to Azkaban but instead is just heavily monitored and sent back to Hogwarts
Remus is sent to a dangerous creatures detention center because he’s a werewolf. His family did fight to get him out but the ministry are bastards and weren’t having any of it
Regulus (who was captured alongside Dorcas by the death eaters) had his parents to twist the tale into convincing Voldy that Regulus was a spy and force Regulus to get the dark mark then and there to prove it
Meanwhile Dorcas is kicking and screaming at everyone she comes into contact with and is sent to the cellar until they find something to do with her
 James still has the ring and has been wearing it since the ball
It’s now the end of the winter holidays, James has no idea where any of his friends are or if they’re safe (he rightly assumes they’re not) and he’s wearing a piece of Voldemort's soul everywhere he goes
So he's not in the best of moods
In fact on the first day back he burns every bridge that he has
He blames Barty for what happened to Regulus and Dorcas and gets into a fight with him cause Barty ain’t too pleased either that they tricked him into helping defeat Voldy
James finally breaks up with Lily but in a much more aggressive way then he originally intended to
And he also isn't too happy with Sirius or Marlene because they failed to help at the ball
He’s still determined to finish their mission but doesn't know how without the venom
But he continues research and befriends Alice Fortescue who is a Gryffindor in his year
Alice and James grew up together because they were neighbours but grew apart after being sorted into different houses 
Alice is a sweetheart and even though they haven't talked for years shed been worried about James and what he was doing
After some nagging James eventually gives up and tells Alice everything
He also tells Alice about the ring and its Alice who tells him that the ring must be why he’s been acting like a little bitch and should take it off
James is reluctant to do so but Alice assures him that she has a safe space to hide it where nobody will suspect
And it’ll be safer with her since nobody knows that she knows
So James hands it over and Alice hides it
Alice also tells James what happened to Remus and that he’s in one of the centers
James parents lied and told him that Remus moved in with his dad because they didn't want him doing anything stupid like trying to break Remus out
They know their son well because thats exactly what James plans to do with Alice's help
MEANWHILE Regulus is lying through his teeth 
He’s trying his hardest to go with the lie that he’s a spy without getting Dorcas in the shit 
In the end he manages to sway the truth a little
He tells them all that Dorcas never liked Dumbledore and was only ever listening to him because she wanted to protect Remus (which is true)
But he also lies to them and tells them that Dorcas would be willing to join the death eaters so long as she's convinced that they won't hurt anyone she loves
Voldy agrees and gives Regulus some time alone with Dorcas to tell her to join the death eaters
Regulus explains and Dorcas is on board until he mentions her getting the dark mark
She’s not willing to get the mark and is mad at Regulus for getting it himself although she understands
Regulus reminds Dorcas that its just a mark and at the end of the day if she’ll die
Dorcas doesn't seem to mind dying but she agrees because she wants to be there for Regulus and help finish the mission
They agree to keep a low profile while trying to also find the other horcruxes and some more venom
They both get a better look into death eater life and even go out on a few missions or two
one of which brings them to the seaside where a massive battle happens and Pandora Jenkins gets captured by the death eaters 
Pandora graduated Hogwarts only two years ago so Dorcas recognises her immediately and is very curious as to why she wasn’t just killed like everyone else
 During this time Regulus confesses to Dorcas that he has feelings for James and Dorcas confesses to Regulus that she has feelings for Marlene
(Neither of them know what happened to James and Remus btw)
Pandora is kept in the cellar of Grimmauld Place which is where Dorcas and Reg are staying 
They use Kreachure to play telephone and figure out that Pandora is a seer and the death eaters are trying to recruit her to use her powers
While Orion and Walburga are out one weekend Dorcas and Reg sneak into the cellar to talk to Pandora face to face
They let her out and let her clean herself and heal her wounds before telling her about the horcruxes and asking her to use her abilities to find the next one
Pandora finds out that the only ones that are left is the ring and the snake
They don’t know that James and Alice have the ring
Pandora also offers to try to come up with a spell to destroy horcruxes since they no longer have the venom
Somewhere during this I am going to make Pandora mention her sister who she thinks Regulus will get along with
(Because although Jegulus have my heart Regrose has my soul)
But don’t worry Maryrose wont make an appearance 
 In case you’re wondering how Remus is doing I wont lie to you he aint doing so well
He has no idea if Dorcas and Regulus are even alive and only knows that James was sent back to Hogwarts but nothing else
Theres not much for him to do but sit in the corner and sulk while the other werewolves around him socialise and all that
I imagine this detention center sorta like prison 
But i don't know really anything about prison
So he wakes up, eats, reads, eats, reads and then sleeps
Full moons are killer
In this au the Marauders obviously never became the Marauders so James isn't an animagus yet
so full moons were already hard but now they’re just a lot harder
Greyback is also here
He was arrested during the ball as well along with a bunch of other death eater werewolves
One day Remus is just minding his own business when Greyback approaches him
Greyback tells him that Voldemort wants to recruit him and that him and the other werewolves are planning to break out
Greyback is lying through his teeth
Really he knows that Remus was up to some sketchy shit and thinks that Voldemort will be less mad at him for getting arrested if he brings him Remus
Now Remus ain't no fool
And he’d never join the death eaters anyway 
So he agrees to help in the break out with the intention of completely ditching the group the moment they get out
And that's exactly what he does
ANDDDD this is where I’m leaving you until part five. I’m so sorry I didn't think this was going to be so many parts when I first started
In Case anyone's wondering with the Pandoras sister thing. Maryrose Jenkins is an oc from The Marauders series on wattpad by Pengiwen which is my favorite marauders fic ever I highly recommend. I want to reference her but I won't use her because she isnt my character  
This is going to be one long ass fanfiction I better start writing I NEED A NAME THOUGH SOMEONE HELP ME I HAVE LIMITED BRAIN CELLS
ALSO I really appreciate all of the likes and reblogs and comments. Pls tell me if you’re enjoying this and what you like i thrive off of validation and attention. Either through just commenting or sending something in my asks. I’d really like some feedback 
part five should be up maybe wednesday since I’m out tomorrow :)
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girl8890 · 3 years
Special Nickname
Personal Ballerina (Part 3)
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{ Alice in Borderland Master List }
Summary: The Beach group members original goal was to destroy the other groups plans, but this changed into curiosity and a deal is made. Niragi is pissed at Hatter’s decision, but no one cares about the deal when you walk into the room. The longing is clear as day from Niragi, but he’s changed so much you don’t even notice it’s him. 
Warnings: Death Threats.
Notes: I will also be posting this on AO3 if you want to read it there. Here’s the LINK. 
Tags: @starjane312​ @dream-escaper​
AIB ML | Index | Part 4
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:*·'(*゚▽゚*)'·*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
When everyone walked into the room, only the two out of three top tiers, and their ringleader Aoto, were there.
Aoto had a big smile on his face and he was feeling ecstatic to finally get to meet the fellow group leader Hatter himself. He’s heard a lot about him through ‘someone’ and he just couldn’t wait for the day that The Beach players came here.
Aoto stood up and stretched his arms out.
“Welcome! Come sit, come sit.”
Niragi was hesitant to sit down at first. He really wanted to demand the whereabouts of you, but he didn’t want the others to know he knew you. He hated half the people in his group, so he wasn't going to bring anymore attention to himself then he already did back when he almost shot the guy that was trying to fight you.
He sat down next to Leo and diagonal from Minato. The seat in front of him stayed empty, per Aoto’s request, and Niragi was hoping it was because you would eventually sit in front of him.
Aoto signaled for the bartender to bring us all drinks, but Hatter wasn't here to have a drink.
“What gave you the bright idea to create this group? You obviously knew about The Beach, MY Beach, so what is all this?”
Aoto straightened his back and his smile faltered for a second. He wasn’t expecting Hatter to get right to the point. Niragi looked across the table at Aguni. Signaling he’s ready for a fight if ordered.
No one in the opposite group had weapons on them that he saw, and they had no guards there to protect them either, so The Beach players could easily take them.
“Well... let’s just say a little birdie gave me the idea. When I created this place you were around, but not as big as you are now. Even though you may not believe me Hatter, but I envy you.”
“Y-you envy me?”
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Niragi rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat. One thing Hatter could never resist, is when people complement his work. The guy gets horny off of compliments.
“Well, yes. I feel it’s hard enough to keep track of the three of them. Don’t let the amount people in the crowd fool you, they all come as they please, but you have hundreds of people doing your bitting. It’s impressive.”
Hatter was taken back by how envies Aoto was being of him. Everyone else in the room, was kinda confused as to where this exact conversation was leading.
“My group is small, but the best of the best. And your group is big, with some great players sprinkled in. With that being said... I was thinking we can do something that would benefit all of us.”
Niragi eyed Aoto suspiciously now. The way he's acting and forming his words are off. He doesn’t know him at all. He just met him not even five minutes ago, but something about making a proposition with these people doesn’t seem right.
“And, what is that exactly?”
Hatter asked cautiously.
���Combine groups and collect all the cards together. You can even still be the first one to leave.”
And there it is. The needle has dropped and Niragi has never wanted to laugh at a proposition more in his life. Hatter would never fall for…
“What!?” Everyone, but Aoto, Leo, and Minato, exclaimed at the same time.
Niragi was looking at Hatter like he just planned to join the game masters. Luckily, everyone else had the same expression. It wasn't Niragi’s place to say anything, but Aguni wasn't going to not say something.
“Hatter - are you mad!? We just met these people... We planned on taking down these people no more than a hour ago. Your just going to give up The Beach-”
Hatter cut him off.
“Not ‘give up’ Aguni, enhance it. We saw what just one of their top tiers can do. Imagine having the three of them in our corner now! We will get all the cards in no time.”
The cards.
That’s all Hatter ever thinks about.
Even when this proposal was so rushed, and not even a negotiation happened, Hatter was blinded by the fact that he could collect all the cards. A theory he found out by ‘someone’ that isn't even full proof.
Leo gives a golf clap to the succession of their plan, and even Minato smiles at Aoto’s accomplishment.
“There’s just one thing I would like to ask you Aoto.”
Aoto raises his eyebrow in question at Hatter. Signaling for him to ask away.
“Where’s your Spades girl?”
This makes Niragi listen more contently. He’s been waiting for someone to ask this question since he's gotten into this room. When he saw how impressed Hatter was with your skills, he thought he would ask where you were right away.
Aoto, Leo, and Minato all looked at each other with concern. Niragi noticed and now he was feeling concerned for your whereabouts too. He knows he shouldn't. He knows he doesn’t have the right to be concerned for you.
But he is - just like he’s always been.
Always going soft for his personal ballerina. He really needs to revaluate this soft spot of his later because right now if anyone looked at him they would know his concern very clearly.
Leo turns back to the group and has that Mira wide, creepy smile on.
“Our Spades Queen is dancing her worries away.”
Excuse a fucking me?
Niragi couldn’t help but look dumbfound at the bitch’s answer. It’s really starting to annoy him on how much these people remind him so much of the people he already hates at The Beach.
Aoto is like Hatter. Leo is like Mira. And Minato, well he hasn't said much to be a copycat of anyone yet. But by the ways Niragi catches Minato eyeing some of them, he has a feeling he’s just like Chishiya.
Mira and Hatter he can tolerate, but a second Chishiya? No thanks! Ones enough, even though he rather none, in Niragi’s world.
A silence fell onto the group after that. Most of them were trying to question Leo’s words, but didn’t voice it out loud.
Then, the door bangs open. It opens so fast it dents the wall next to it.
Someone kicked it open, and that person was none other than Y/n herself.
Niragi’s mouth went automatically dry at the sight of you.
You were wearing a black jacket with the zipper unzipped, and a black tank top underneath. You had ripped up shorts, that weren't like that when you got them, and black boots to conceal some of your knives in.
But it wasn’t your outfit that made Niragi freeze. You walked in with your hair in a pony tail, something you weren’t wearing before, and Niragi had a perfect view of your long neck. This was always his favorite part of you. When you would pull it up before you started your performance for him all those times, all those years ago, he would always have to try super hard to cover up his ‘nose bleed.’
Now, he just wants to lick up your neck and feel you shiver for him.
Niragi wasn't just looking at your neck though. He was looking at your eyes, nose, lips, all the parts of you he adored so many times in his mind. Which, for Niragi, every part of you was perfection.
Your eyes weren’t on him though, and you didn’t look happy to be in that room, unlike Niragi.
After you killed that guy at the field, you were told to come straight here. But you wouldn’t come to this ‘meeting’ before you showered your sadness away, and scrub your skin raw. Crying in the shower is the only place you were able to do this.
You would have gone to your spot in the stadium that no one was allowed to go, but you, but you didn’t want to annoy Aoto and get into a useless fight that the other top tiers wouldn’t be on your side for.
You didn't even look at the people at the center table. You walked right over to the bar in the corner of the room and nudged the bartender out of the way. If anyone else went behind this bar, Tray, the bartender, would have kicked them out or tried to shot him with the gun concealed under the bar. But since it was you, he moved right out of the way.
Everyone knew not to mess with you after a game or after one of Aoto’s personal games. You would shove your knife deep into someone’s eye sockets if they did and worry about the trauma later. Your head was full of so many darks thoughts, and killing that guy today was on a repeated loop in your mind.
You went under the bar and took out the half empty bourbon bottle. You placed it on the bar top then started taking out all your knives from your person because you didn’t need them right now.
The four on your back holster, the two in each pockets, and the big baby in your boot. You were about to reach for the bottle of bourbon, but you remembered one last knife. You shoved your hand into your shirt, and didn’t care if anyone was watching. You took out a pink knife and threw it on top of the pile you made.
Making, unknowingly to you, a certain person in the room grip the table in front of him.
You were about to take your first sip of many of the harsh alcohol for the night, but then an unknown voice to you stopped you.
“Wow! Where did you find a girl like her?”
You looked up from inside of the bottle that was about to touch your lips, and saw there wasn't just the fellow tiers in here. There was a bunch of people you've never seen in your life. You looked at all of them each for a second, until you got to one in particular.
The one with multiple piercings, long hair that’s partly pinned up in a bun, and a face that girls would get instantly wet for. You tilted your head at him because you swore he looked so familiar to you.
Just when you were about to think hard enough to try and remember how he looks familiar, Minato grabbed your attention.
“Starting already? I would of thought you just stayed in that special room of yours all night.”
You roll your eyes at Minato. Don’t let Minato’s height and smartest foul you, he was the biggest slut you'll ever meet. He gets a new girl coming out of his room every night, and he always tries to get in your’s and Leo’s pants. You have too much respect for yourself to do anything with him, and Leo has a husband in the real Tokyo that she would never betray by sleeping with a guy like him.
“I wasn't. But thanks for your concern.”
It was an empty thanks, but you were hoping it would end whatever conversation he was trying to create. Sadly, this didn’t happen.
“No problem, baby. Always got to look after my personal ballerina.”
The bottle broke in your hand and you snapped your eyes at him. No one ever called you that.
Only one person you allowed to give you that nickname. One person, you haven’t talk to in years. And Minato was notthe exception to this special rule of yours you kept sacred to the guy that kept you living throughout your high school years.
You grabbed one of your knives from the pile and ran at him. Minato jumped right out of his seat and started running around the table to get away from you. You just went around Aoto, at the table, when Leo stood up and stopped you.
“Y/n breath.”
You were staring at Aoto across the table. Cowering behind a guy you don’t know that looked to be the same size as Minato himself.
That nickname was the only precious thing you had of your old life. As soon as your friend Suguru Niragi graduated high school, you lied to him and told him you joined the Tokyo ballet. He knew you always wanted to join them one day, but you never could. You never got into your dream ballet, and you didn't want to hold him back from his dreams of escaping his own demons.
So, you lied to him. You lost connection with him over the years, but not because you wanted too. Not because you didn’t want to hear his voice and see him blush by the obvious longing he had for you. But because you didn't want to be a disappointment. You didn’t want the one person you cared about to feel disappointed in you.
So, you never picked up that phone, but you still thought about him every time you danced.
And then you got stuck here.
With a person like Minato that wants to take your special nickname you only ever allowed one person to give you. You weren’t going to allow that. He knew it meant something to you because you’ve had this exact fight before. Leo would always be the one to coax you out of actually killing him.
“Don’t you ever, EVER call me that again! If you do, I'll cut off your tongue and make you eat it. And, you know what? You’ll be my first kill I'll ever enjoy. Don’t fucking test me.”
After you're done with your true threats, you throw the knife onto the center of the table. You glance at everyone in the room, and keep your eyes on the guy you can’t quiet place where you know him from for a few second longer, then head for the door.
You don’t leave before yelling back,
“If you need me, don’t.”
Then you left, and everyone’s faces showed how stunned they were by what just happened. Everyone, but Niragi.
He had the biggest smile on his face.
Ending Notes: Sorry this chapter was short and had really nothing excited to it. I promise the other chapters will be much better :)
(Part 4)
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This is a weird question, but what would happen if Edward slept with or raped Bella in Twilight and got her pregnant with Renesmee? I know that this is even more unlikely than her getting pregnant in NW, but well we're in the land of answers to unlikely questions on this blog
Well anon, I guess we're going here.
Specifically anon is referencing this post.
My Usual Up Front Note
Yes, I know, we all know this is outlandish but I have to do this. Otherwise this blog descends into me writing fanfiction, and I have an AO3 and FFNet account for that.
Edward is many things and it's no great secret that I think he... makes very questionable decisions all the time and should not be romantically entangled with anybody.
However, Edward is not a rapist.
In the original post I go over my thoughts on this but essentially the crux of it is that Edward does have his moral standards. He will not have sex with a woman without a) being married to her first and b) without her explicit consent. Which, Bella does give against his advice in New Moon, fully aware of all the consequences that Edward himself is aware of (neither knew Renesmee was on the table then).
I do not think, at least without a lot of terrible things and huge catalysts happening first, that Edward would rape Bella.
I certainly don't think they'd be having sex as early as Twilight. Bella's not yet eighteen, Edward has no immediate plans to leave her (likely telling himself he'll leave after graduation when the separation is more natural), and he has no plans to marry her.
Sex isn't even on the table in Twilight.
Come on, Muffin, Try
But, per the ask, Edward and Bella do have sex in Twilight.
I have no idea how this would occur without a substantial amount of sex pollen. So, sex pollen it is.
Edward and Bella are in the meadow, it's the happiest day of Edward's life as Bella now fully understands what he is and doesn't run in terror. It's the happiest day of Bella's life as beautiful Edward has just shown her his innermost vulnerable self.
The stupid lamb is in love with the stupid lion. Huzzah.
Just then, wafting through the sky, is a blossoming alien plant life that for some unknown reason is also an intense aphrodisiac. This likely affects the entire town of Forks, but never mind them, we're focusing on Bella and Edward.
Bella looks at Edward, Edward looks at Bella, chemicals in their brain are churning. And as many a fanfiction protagonist has found out: resistance is futile. Edward and Bella succumb to the sex pollen in short order.
Edward probably crushes Bella in the act of sex and ends up sucking her blood out of the grass like a vacuum cleaner while naked. When he comes to, there's bits of Bella's pancreas on his face. He sobs in despair, for he is the world's greatest monster who has raped the love of his life to death and then devoured her corpse.
He goes to Volterra to kill himself. Aro's not sure what to say to any of this, Caius judges Carlisle by association.
However, we're not in that timeline per the ask.
Instead, somehow, despite both parties being not at home, Edward does not crush Bella in the midst of intercourse. Instead, as the sex pollen fades, they get to stare at each other in the aftermath.
They're in a meadow, naked, their clothes are torn into pieces, neither Bella nor Edward is a virgin and both of them can barely remember having sex.
Edward likely flees with suicide on his mind.
He may not have crushed Bella and devoured her corpse but he did just rape her. His inner demon took over and tarnished the most wonderful thing in all the world: he is no better than the monsters he once devoured.
He's likely planning his flight to Volterra before he even gets to the house. All he needs is a change of clothes and a credit card.
And luckily for him, since the entire town just succumbed to sex pollen (including the Cullens), Alice is probably in too much of a daze to see what's about to happen. Edward is able to find some pants, purchase a flight, and runs.
Bella is left naked and alone in the meadow. And very, very, sore.
Eventually, she has to hobble back to the street. She probably gets lost, as she did in canon. Eventually, a search party is probably sent out for Bella. One of the Cullens probably finds her first and... holy god she's looking full on rape victim.
No clothes, shivering naked and dangerously cold, covered in bruises.
Carlisle has not seen Edward all day, sex pollen descended on the town, this is painting a very bad picture of what just happened to Edward and Bella.
Bella tries to insist she's fine. She's not. She's taken to the hospital. And then the bomb drops. Bella easily confesses to Carlisle that she and Edward had sex. Bella has had sex with no one else. She's given a pregnancy test, it comes back positive.
Bella is pregnant with Edward's vampire child.
Carlisle... does not know how to tell Bella. Bella takes it very well surprisingly. By which she doesn't at all.
She does not want to be a teenage mother, that girl in that small town, at all. (She also would be devastated to be thought of as Edward Cullen's rape victim, but Bella's oblivious to that whole part of this)
She also has her whole life ahead of her and never wanted kids or to get married. She's seen how that shit turns out.
On the other hand, this is Edward's child, how can Bella take something so beautiful out of this world? Also, Renesmee's probably working overtime.
Bella tells Carlisle, right there in the hospital, that she's keeping the baby. Yes, she knows that she will have to fake her death, that she'll never see her family again. Yes, she's carrying a child that Carlisle's never seen before, he's not an OBGYN, and there's no telling what will happen. Yes, she's aware she could die. She's doing this.
Well. Carlisle's life just got ten times harder.
He fakes her death in the hospital somehow. Bella Swan dies of internal bleeding from the rape and is carted out of the hospital. Charlie, naturally, comes to arrest Edward Cullen (despite the entire town being affected by sex pollen all at once) but Carlisle truthfully notes that Edward isn't there. He hasn't seen Edward since the day before.
Charlie is also probably working overtime as the whole damn town was raped and does not have much time to look into this. Though Bella will be top priority case.
Charlie leaves (likely to go get a search warrant) and Carlisle gets to breathe a temporary sigh of relief. That sigh of relief is very temporary. Alice comes in in a flurry: Edward has fled to Volterra to kill himself.
Bella, who comes out of the cupboard she was hiding in during Charlie's visit, asks, "What's a Volterra?"
Carlisle calls Aro, tells him to stall Edward until Carlisle can come and also, Bella's pregnant with Edward's child.
Aro has no idea how to take that, and confesses what Carlisle guessed: no, he's never heard of such a thing before. Well, Aro will ask around and try to see if this (or sex pollen) have ever happened before and why doesn't Carlisle bring Bella with him when he comes to pick up Edward.
(Remember, this is before Eclipse, and as such all the shady nonsense has yet to go down.)
The whole family vamooses in the middle of the investigation, Dr. Carlisle Cullen won't be allowed t exist for a while. They head to Volterra, where Edward, indeed, has been stalled and he and Bella reunite.
Though, when I say "they", it's probably the Cullens sans Alice and Jasper. Alice wouldn't want to tempt Aro too much and, since Bella's carrying Renesmee, her visions are pretty much useless anyway. She'll see them later.
Edward is not nearly as thrilled as Bella that she is carrying his demon rape child. However, no one's listening to him and Bella insists she's not aborting the baby. Instead, Bella is heartbroken and tries to assure Edward that he's worthy of her and that it wasn't rape (it was) she had a great time! And she wants his demon baby!
Caius can't believe this soap opera is in his house.
Well, Edward probably won't try to kill himself before killing Renesmee, but then Renesmee's gift works overtime and he's convinced vampires have souls and is somehow able to forgive himself all this madness.
Edward marries Bella after she turns and gives birth, everyone loves Renesmee and they decide she's not a demon and is worthy of life, and they eventually leave Volterra great friends with the Volturi.
Sort of.
Weirdest decades of Caius' life.
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Look, Louts! Lilies! - Yuri For A Hope-Flung Present and Hopeful Future
Look, I’ll be frank. I typically try to keep to a more formal tone when I write for this blog. I’m not in a formal mood. It is June October 2020, and I, like the rest of you, have been under quarantine for a little over three almost seven months now due to the Covid-19 virus. Throw in a eensy, teensy bit of massive political movements and change in response to police violence and racism, and an increase of police violence and racism in response to those movements, and I think it’s fair to say it’s been a tumultuous couple of months. Except, strangely, it also hasn’t been, because so much of this time has been characterized by ennui and isolation. Stressful, yet soul-numbing. In short, it’s been a very weird place to be in.
So, we’ve all found our different ways to cope. My sister’s way has been getting really into succulents(?), and my way has been buying digital manga and video games. I’ve finished stuff I’ve put off for literal years and bought stuff I had heard was good but wasn’t that hyped to get into. And somehow, the one thing I’ve really gotten into has been yuri? 
Now, yuri has a very long and rich history, as well as its own sets of conventions and nuances, so it is with a great, great, GREAT deal of respect that I say that I’m going to simplify it for this essay as “Japanese media with a particular focus on romance between women” for brevity’s sake. If you want to know more, there’s actually quite a lot that’s been written about it in English, but I’m aiming this essay at English-speakers who have had at least a little experience with yuri and more than just passing knowledge.
Because you see, I’ve found that yuri fans have a lot of things to say about yuri! And a lot of those things really bug me!! “Yuri is only fetish quasi-porn written by men,” “yuri is only bland wholesome fluff,” “yuri is only high school drama,” so on, so on. It made me mad, but it also made me realize something: a lot of people simply must not know how big this field of lilies truly is! How else can we get people saying “yuri is oversexualized” and “yuri is sexless” as gospel truth? Something’s not adding up here, guys!
So, all that is to say I’m doing something different for this blog: I’m writing up a recommendation list of yuri. A large chunk of it will be stuff I’ve read and can officially give my seal of approval to, while some of them are just titles I’ve heard of that I think will interest others. All of them have been specifically chosen to counter common untrue things I’ve heard about yuri as a whole. I hope you can find at least a few things on this list that you will enjoy and help you keep your head as the encroaching darkness lurches yet a few inches closer!
1. “Yuri is all schoolgirl stuff! Where’s the sci-fi, the period pieces, the action, the fantasy?”
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Otherside Picnic
What It Is: A light novel series written by Iori Miyazawa (illustrated by shirakaba). Ongoing, four volumes at time of writing. The story is being adapted into a manga by Eita Mizuno, and an anime adaptation directed by Takuya Satou will be airing in January 2021.
What It’s About: It was on her third trip to the Otherside that Sorawo Kamikoshi almost died, and it was on that same trip she was saved by an angel. Toriko Nishina is a beautiful and confident young woman who also happens to have intimate knowledge of the Otherside, a dangerous yet captivating world that Sorawo can’t help but being drawn to. Toriko convinces Sorawo to join her on her expeditions to the Otherside, fighting off bizarre creatures that have somehow been ripped out of Japanese urban legends and finding strange artifacts in order to make a little extra cash-- all the while keeping an eye out for someone dear to Toriko’s heart.
What I Think: Otherside Picnic is heavily inspired by the novel Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and features several creatures and scenarios from ghost stories, net lore, and-- there’s no other way to put this-- creepypasta. On paper this sounds deeply unoriginal, so it’s pretty surprising that OP has an incredibly strong identity. The idea of fusing horror with a yuri love story excited me enough the moment I heard about it, so when I finally got to read it for myself, I was delighted to find that the horror elements and the romance elements are both quite strong. 
I will say that thanks to the author’s commitment to following his sources of inspiration to the letter sometimes causes him to undercut his own writing (good example: in one arc there’s an ominous train that keeps being mentioned, causing the reader to dread its arrival with each passing page, but seeing what’s on the train will inevitably fall flat in comparison to the reader’s imagination), but those moments are made up by the more original moments-- the things that are left unseen and unexplained.
The place where the story truly shines is the relationship between the two leads. Sorawo and Toriko are great characters, both incredibly charming and deeply flawed, and they achieve a great chemistry with each other right off the bat. Sorawo is a very interesting protagonist, one who turns out to have a deeply tragic past that has made her into a reclusive, somewhat selfish young woman. What’s great is that Toriko, vivacious and confident, everything Sorawo isn’t, accepts this part of her, in a way. Toriko flat out admits she’s not looking for a particularly virtuous person to accompany her, but an “accomplice.” A big part of the appeal of OP is seeing these two “accomplices” bounce off each other, and eventually come to care about each other, all playing against a background of some genuinely spine-crawling horror. Otherside Picnic is a truly underrated series, and I deeply hope that the anime adaption next year will finally get it all the eyes it deserves (menacing phrasing very much intended).
Where To Get It: The light novels are published by J-Novel Club and can be found via various digital platforms and bookstores. The manga will be published by Square Enix Books starting May 2021. The anime will start airing on January 4th, 2021.
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Goodbye My Rose Garden
What It Is: A manga by Dr. Pepperco. Three volumes, complete. It inspired a stage play that ran for a while in Japan, but not much information is available about it in English. 
What It’s About: Hanako has two goals: to meet Victor Franks, the mysterious author who pens the books she adores, and to become a writer herself. Despite having the mettle to travel to England on her own to pursue her dreams, she soons finds that it’s difficult for a young, unwed Japanese woman to dream in 20th century London. However, her luck seems to turn around when she meets Alice Douglas, a noblewoman who offers her a job as her maid-- as well as a surprisingly warm friendship. Alice even offers Hanako a way to meet her idol… but at the price of a horrifying request.
What I Think: In the afterword of Volume 1, Dr. Pepperco openly admits that Goodbye, My Rose Garden was the result of them trying to marry all of their favorite tropes (“Victorian maids! Loads of frills! An English family manor!” are some standout items), and this is apparent in the best way possible. GMRG is a lush period piece that will likely appeal to fans of movies like The Handmaiden and Portrait Of A Lady On Fire, with loving attention paid to details like clothes and settings. 
The relationship between Alice and Hanako is quite charming, with Alice supporting Hanako as much as she can while still taking every available opportunity to tease her, while Hanako constantly surprises Alice each time she shows her moxie and strength. It’s an adorable, sweet dynamic, yet a dark, melancholy weight lurks in the background in the form of Alice’s request-- in short, it’s a relationship that feels tailor made for me. Still, I believe this “darkness” never threatens to overwhelm the story, only enhance it in such a way that the reader will soldier on, hoping for a happy ending for our two leads. With an engaging plot and gorgeous art, this is a great manga for both longtime yuri fans and newcomers looking for an introduction to the world of yuri.
Where To Get It: Seven Seas Entertainment has translated the first two volumes, with the final one coming to English soon all three volumes into English.
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What It Is: A visual novel by paleontology, a Japanese doujin circle.
What It’s About: Mizuno Sachiko is a designer who is haunted by visions of Takako, her vivacious childhood friend and former lover. Narasaki Hibiki is a psychiatrist who wants to help Sachiko make sense of these hallucinations. Takako is… confused, trying to figure out why she keeps losing her memory and why she and Sachiko drifted apart despite being so close. Seabed is a story that spans the pasts and presents of these three women as they attempt to find and understand the truth.
What I Think: At first glance, Seabed seems simple, but it’s a bit of a hard story to explain. In a way, there isn’t much to explain-- it’s a very slow, down-to-earth story that gets almost tedious at times. I think it would be a hard sell to someone who isn’t used to visual novels, but I could imagine it being challenging even for fans. All I’ll say is this: if you give Seabed a chance, it will draw you into a surreal, gentle, melancholy tale akin to slowly sinking beneath the water of a strange, yet not unfriendly sea. For its simplicity, it’s got quite a few surprises in its long, long runtime, and any attempt to explain further will just ruin an experience that’s meant to wash over the reader over time. The only thing I’ll say is the one thing I think everyone knows: the climax will make you cry.
Where To Get It: Seabed is published in English through Fruitbat Factory and is available on Steam, Itch.io, and Nintendo Switch.
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What It Is: A manga by Sono. Ongoing.
What It’s About: Sawada is one of the few women working for the Special Hazardous Waste Disposal, and the only one in her office. But that changes when the stunningly-strong yet staggeringly-sweet Koga is hired, and the two become close in no time. Sawada trains Koga and soon the two go on their first mission to dispose of the “hazardous waste” left after a recent war… the dangerous, organic anti-human weapons known as the Dynamis.
What I Think: SHWD opens with several close-ups of Sawada’s arm muscles as she works out. I have found that page alone is sometimes enough to convince someone to read SHWD, and if not, pictures of Sawada and-- especially-- Koga are often enough to do the job. In all seriousness, what I love about SHWD can be summarized by something Sono said in an interview about the manga:
‘The first motivating force was "I want to write a yuri manga featuring strong women." I was very drawn to strong female characters by watching "PERSON of INTEREST" and "Assassin's Creed Odyssey." However, I felt that I should differentiate myself by doing something other than a "strong woman" and "weak woman" dynamic. So, I thought about coupling women with different types of strength. This is why all of the SHWD main characters are "strong women."’
It’s a mindset I love a lot. Koga is remarkably strong in a physical sense, but her mental fortitude is fragile due to her past experiences with the Dynamis, and as such, it’s Sawada who uses her immense mental strength to support her. Indeed, every character in SHWD so far bears intense trauma born of the Dynamis in some way, and it’s hard to see how their pasts still hurt them in the present. But that just makes it satisfying to see these women come together to support one another. SHWD drew me in with a unique and often dark action-oriented story with horror elements, but it’s this idea of “strong women” who make up for each other’s weaknesses that really makes it dear to me. 
Also, it can’t be stated enough that Sono is so so so so so (etc) good at drawing muscular women. 
On a completely unrelated note, there’s a side story about Koga and Sawada playing sports together. This includes judo. I am saying this for no reason.
Where To Get It: The English translation of the manga is released in chapters by Lilyka Manga.
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Sexiled: My Sexist Party Leader Kicked Me Out, So I Teamed Up With a Mythical Sorceress!
What It Is: A two volume light novel series by Ameko Kaeruda, illustrated by Kazutomo Miya. Possibly complete.
What It’s About: Tanya Artemiciov is an absurdly talented Mage. So why the hell was she kicked out of her adventuring party? Her leader and former friend sums it up in four words: “You’re a woman, Tanya.” In a fit of rage, Tanya channels her anger into a “venting” session that involves swearing her head of and casting a volley of Explosion spells into the wasteland… and accidentally releases a legendary sorceress! Luckily, Laplace is actually quite nice, and just as powerful as the legends say, so the two decide to team up so Tanya can have her revenge!
What I Think: So, this is a silly one, but after a couple of darker entries I think it’s a good palate cleanser. Sexiled is a loud, not-even-remotely subtle, unabashedly feminist take on the “power fantasy” light novel, especially the “revenge fantasy” subgenre-- and even if that sounds awesome on paper to you (ex. me), it will probably feel over-the-top at times to you (ex. me). But in a way, that’s actually kind of its charm. 
I like that Kaeruda utterly refuses to let up on what she wants to tell you, especially because the story was inspired by a real case in Japan. One may be tempted to think “this story is ridiculous, no one would ever be this cartoonishly sexist!” and then you read a news article about how in a famous Japanese medical university was found rigging the test scores of women, and you realize, “oh, people are still this cartoonishly sexist.” So I’m fine with Kaeruda letting it all out in this story. At the same time, I think Sexiled is best when it’s focused not on Tanya’s revenge but on her kindness, and the way her compassion, her strength, and yes, her anger inspires the women and girls around her. 
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Sexiled is a fun and often very funny romp about assholes getting theirs, with some surprisingly deep and nuanced moments hiding in a very unsubtle story.
Where To Get It: The light novels are published by J-Novel Club and can be found via various digital platforms and bookstores.
BONUS: Other titles with sci-fi/fantasy/action elements that may interest you!
The Blank Of Describer: A one-shot manga by kkzt about a pair of two dream-builders. They’ve taken all kinds of commissions in the past, but one job they recieve throws them for a loop: a request for a shinigami that can predict and report death. And then comes the kicker: the customer asks the two of them to give it features that the both of them “adore the most…” (Published in English by Lilyka Manga)
A Lily Blooms In Another World: A light novel by Ameko Kaeruda (illustrated by Shio Sakura), author of Sexiled, about Miyako, a Japanese wage slave reincarnated into another world based on her favorite otome game. However, she’s not interested in her would-be love interest, but in Fuuka Hamilton-- the game’s villainess! After Miyako confesses her love, Fuuka decides to give her a challenge: if Miyako can make her say the words “I’m happy” in fourteen days, she’ll stay by her side! (Published in English through J-Novel Club, available on various platforms)
Superwomen In Love: An ongoing manga by sometime about the sentai villainess Honey Trap and her infatuation with the masked superheroine Rapid Rabbit. After being kicked out of her evil organization, Honey Trap decides to team up with her former nemesis to fight evil-- and hopefully, find romance! (To be published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, coming in April 2021)
2. “Yuri is all stories about teenagers! Where’s the stuff about adults?”
Take a look at the previous section: there’s the stuff about adults! Otherside Picnic, Goodbye My Rose Garden, Seabed, SHWD, Sexiled, The Blank of Describer, A Lily Blooms In Another World, and Superwomen In Love are all stories with adult-aged protagonists! But if you’re searching for a more down-to-earth romance, I’m happy to report there’s quite a bit of options to look into!
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Still Sick
What It Is: A manga by Akashi. Three volumes, complete.
What It’s About: Makoto Shimizu is an office lady with a secret: she’s a yuri fan who draws doujinshi. She’s able to keep her two lives separate, all until the day she comes face-to-face with her co-worker at a convention! To Makoto’s horror, Akane Maekawa is amused by her nerdy secret, but Akane may have some secrets of her own...
What I Think: This one was a roller coaster for me: I loved the premise of the manga, but wasn’t sure about the dynamic between the leads… that is, until near the end of the first volume, where something happened and everything changed. Without giving too much away, I implore people to give Still Sick a chance-- it has a much deeper story than one might initially guess, as well as an interesting character dynamic between the two leads with some surprising turns.
Where To Get It: The first two volumes of Still Sick are published in English by Tokyopop, with the final one coming soon All three volumes have been published in English by Tokyopop.
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After Hours
What It Is: A manga by Yuhta Nishio. Three volumes, complete.
What It’s About: After being ditched by her friend at a club, Emi Ashiana is ready to write the whole night off. All that changes when she meets Kei, a DJ who seems to be everything Emi is not-- cool, confident… employed.... But Kei and Emi hit it off and Emi’s life changes as Kei draws her into the world of Japan’s club scene!
What I Think: It’s hard to explain exactly why I like this manga, but I reeeeally like this manga. 
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There’s just something about the sleek art, the amazing atmosphere of the scenes set in nightclubs, the chemistry between Emi and Kei, the focus on more mature topics.... it’s a manga that’s remarkably magnetic for how down-to-earth it is. It’s also just interesting to read stories about subcultures that don’t normally get a spotlight in comics. To sum it up, After Hours is just a lovely manga that’s severely underrated that’s perfect for someone who’s looking for a story that’s both fun and mature.
Where To Get It: All three volumes are published in English by Viz Media.
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How Do We Relationship?
What It Is: A manga by Tamifull. Ongoing, five volumes at time of writing.
What It’s About: Miwa and Saeko’s first meeting is… interesting. But despite that, and despite their clashing personalities, the two of them become fast friends. Well… actually, perhaps more than friends. You see, pretty soon the two of them learn that the other is into women. With that in mind, Saeko suggests they try dating each other-- might as well, right? “Might as well” seems like a strange place to begin a relationship, but perhaps even something like that could end in true love?
What I Think: “Why do romances always end when they decide to start dating?!” That’s the question Tamifull poses in the afterword of Volume 1. And it’s a great question! What makes How Do We Relationship? an interesting manga is how oddly realistic it is, highlighting things like the compromises people make in relationships, people who get into relationships for pragmatic reasons rather than love, the whole “thing” about sex… as well as highlighting the additional issues queer people have to deal with. That may sound like a heavy story, but it’s actually quite light-hearted, as well as very, very funny at times. With a cute art style and surprisingly deep premise, HDWR is a great manga for older yuri fans who are craving a more mature story.
Where To Get It: The first volume has been published in English by Viz Media, with more on the way.
BONUS: Other titles with adult protagonists that may interest you!
Even Though We’re Adults: A manga by Takako Shimura about two women in their thirties. Ayano and Akari meet each other in a bar and almost immediately feel a sense of chemistry between them. There’s just one problem: Ayano is married to someone else. (To be published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, coming in January 2021)
Doughnuts Under A Crescent Moon: A manga by Shio Usui. Uno Hinako wants nothing more than to be seen as a normal young woman, but she just can’t seem to make a “normal” romance work. But maybe Sato Asahi, a woman who works at the same company as her, can show her a new kind of normal? (To be published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, coming in February 2021)
Our Teachers Are Dating: A manga by Pikachi Ohi. Hayama Asuka is a gym teacher, Terano Saki is a biology teacher. One day, they come into work both looking suspiciously happy… because they’ve started dating! (Published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment)
I Married My Best Friend To Shut My Parents Up: A one-volume manga by Kodama Naoko. Morimoto is sick and tired about constantly being badgered about finding a man to marry, so her kouhai from her high school days offers a solution: marry each other to make her parents back off! (Published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment)
Now Loading…!: A one-volume manga by Mikan Uji. Takagi has just snagged her dream job at a games publisher, but being put in charge of a mobile game that’s barely pulling in any attention isn’t exactly what she was hoping for. What’s worse, she’s drawn the attention of her strict higher-up Sakurazuki Kaori… who also happened to design her most favorite game of all time?! (Published in English through Seven Seas Entertainment)
3.  “Yuri is all schoolgirl stuff! Where’s- wait, didn’t we already do this one?”
Yes we did. And you know what? I’m making a stand! There’s a lot of really, really good yuri stories set in high schools, and I think more people need to give them a chance! Here are some high school titles that I think are worth a second look for one reason or another!
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Bloom Into You
What It Is: A manga by Nakatani Nio. Eight volumes, complete. A twelve episode anime aired in 2018, covering about the first half of the series. A three volume spinoff light novel series written by Hitoma Iruma was also published.
What It’s About: Yuu Koito has long dreamed of the day she’d find That One, Storybook Romance that would make her feel like she was walking on air, but the day that a boy confesses to her, her feet remain firmly planted on the ground. When she meets Touko Nanami, a girl who seems to have the same strange, distant relationship to romance as she does, Yuu feels like she has found a comrade. But what will happen when the next person to confess to Yuu… is Touko?
What I Think: What can I say about Bloom Into You that hasn’t already been said? There’s a reason it’s basically considered a staple of yuri despite being only five years old. The art is beautiful and delicate, the story has a deft mastery of comedy, drama, and romance, and the characters are deeply loveable. Really, the only reason this one is here is to tell you to get to reading this manga (or watching the anime) if you haven’t already. So get to it!
Where To Get It: The entire series-- as well as the spinoff light novel series Regarding Saeki Sayaka-- has been published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment. The anime is currently streaming on HiDive.
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Yuri Is My Job
What It Is: A manga by Miman. Ongoing, seven volumes at time of writing.
What It’s About: Hime wants nothing more than to be adored by everyone and to someday bag a rich husband. Of course, being loved by all takes a lot of work, and she prides herself in keeping her perfect, adorable facade so well-maintained. But of course, the one time she slips up, she ends up injuring the manager of a local cafe! Hime finds herself strong-armed into working for this cafe under their star employee, a kind, graceful girl named Mitsuki. But things aren’t quite so simple-- you see, this cafe has a gimmick in which all the employees are constantly acting out yuri-inspired scenes for the customers, so in a way, the employees also have their own facades. And under her facade, Mitsuki… hates Hime’s guts!
What I Think: Yuri Is My Job is an odd duck, but in a good way. It’s advertised and initially framed as a comedy, but it becomes a surprisingly thoughtful drama about the personas people adopt and why they do so (though, luckily, the comedy never truly goes away). There’s an interesting web of relationships between the girls, and having those interactions take place in a setting where they must act out a completely different sort of drama adds an extra level of drama and intrigue. The cute, polished artwork is just the icing on the cake. YIMJ is a good manga for those who are already familiar with yuri tropes and those who are interested in a drama that doesn’t get too heavy.
Where To Get It: Six volumes have been published in English by Kodansha comics, with the seventh on the way.
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Riddle Story of Devil
What It Is: A manga written by Yun Kouga and illustrated by Sunao Minakata. Five volumes, complete. A 12 episode anime aired in 2014.
What It’s About: At Myojo Private School, an elite all-girl’s academy, Class Black has a secret. Twelve of the thirteen girls are actually assassins who have been offered a dark deal-- one wish will be granted to whoever manages to kill Haru Ichinose, the thirteenth student. But there’s still hope for Haru in the form of Tokaku Azuma, one of the assassins who has decided to defect to Haru’s side-- and defend her from the other girls at any cost.
What I Think: I’m not sure… if I can say Riddle Story of Devil is “good.” It’s definitely something. Although its premise is vaguely similar to Revolutionary Girl Utena, its tone and atmosphere remind me a lot more of the Dangan Ronpa series. It’s schlocky and ridiculous and often over-the-top and at times exploitative. It’s pure junk food, basically… and I believe that’s where the charm comes from. It’s my guiltiest of guilty pleasures. It may not exactly be good, but more often than not, it’s fun. It’s hard not to be immediately interested in a yuri battle series, you have to admit. 
And if it does have one undeniably good element, it’s Tokaku and Haru’s relationship. They contrast each other nicely, and while one might expect Haru to be boring and helpless, she’s actually quite proactive at times, and some of the most interesting, engaging parts of the series come from seeing how the two work together to fend off the latest assassin. It’s a short read and if anything, it’s worth it to see how each girl ends up. I recommend it for older viewers who are okay with violence and ludicrous battle scenarios.
Where To Get It: All five volumes are available through Seven Seas Entertainment. The anime can be watched through Funimation.*
*Please don’t watch the anime.**
** At the very least, please don’t watch the anime unless you’ve read the entire manga. Riddle Story Of Devil was one of those unfortunate cases where the anime adaption was produced before the manga reached its conclusion, and as such it has a very strange, rushed ending that includes none of what I enjoyed about the actual ending. Several scenes were also changed, and if I recall correctly, fanservice was added in several places where there was none previously. All in all, I’d really only recommend it for big fans of the series.
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Side By Side Dreamers
What It Is: A light novel by Iori Miyazawa, illustrated by Akane Malbeni. One volume, complete.
What It’s About: Saya Hokage has been suffering from insomnia, but one day finds relief in the form of Hitsuji Konparu, a strange girl who can put people to sleep. As it turns out, Hitsuji is a person who has the special ability to move freely in their dreams, known as a “Sleepwalker.” The Sleepwalkers have been battling beings that possess people through their dreams, and it turns out they want Saya to join them in the fight.
What I Think: Side By Side Dreamers is short and… well, dreamy. I really enjoyed the premise and I think it’s a good novel for people who think Otherside Picnic may be a little too much for them. I also enjoyed each dream sequence-- I tend to find that the writing in light novels is a little dry, so the use of figurative language to describe these scenes was really refreshing and interesting. SBSD is a fun oneshot that I think is especially ideal for newcomers to yuri.
Where To Get It: Side-by-Side Dreamers is published by J-Novel Club and can be found via various digital platforms and bookstores.
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Cocoon Entwined
What It Is: A manga by Yuriko Hara. Three volumes, ongoing.
What It’s About: Hoshimiya Girls' Academy is a strange, almost otherworldly paradise with a peculiar tradition. For all three years, each girl grows out her hair to absurd, breathtaking lengths, in order for it to eventually be cut and weaved into uniforms for future students. Perhaps it is these strange uniforms that seem to whisper about the past that makes the school seem frozen in another time… picturesque, yet stagnant. But one day, a shocking incident shatters the quiet peace of the academy, and the tumultuous feelings that have long been hidden in the hearts of these girls come rushing into the light.
What I Think: Cocoon Entwined is, in a word, eerie. It’s not marketed as a horror story, and I don’t think it’s intended to be one, but I’ve seen some that say they get horror vibes from it. I definitely understand that-- there’s a deep sense of unease that permeates the entire story in a way that’s a bit hard to articulate. The running thread of uniforms made from human hair definitely doesn’t hurt (it does-- I’ve seen many people understandably turned off by this element), but it’s more than that. It’s the sense that everything at Hoshimiya feels frozen and fragile. It’s the sense that everyone is burying their true feelings under countless layers. It’s the fact that in one scene, Saeki reaches out in a dark room full of uniforms and feels her arm touched by countless hands made of hair. 
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Cocoon Entwined is a strange manga, and I feel it’s not for everyone-- besides the way many are put off by the central premise, the way that the story jumps around in time can be a bit confusing to follow. But in my opinion, I love it for these elements: the uniforms and their marriage between beauty and grotesque, the sense of frozen time, the delicate artwork that feels like it might be shattered by the weight of your gaze, the strange, airless atmosphere, the girls and their clear exhaustion of having to be ideal women. It’s a strange little series that I think should be given a shot, particularly if you want something a little more out there, or a darker take on Class S tropes.
Where To Get It: Yen Press has currently published two volumes in English.
BONUS: Other high school titles that may interest you!
A Tropical Fish Yearns For Snow: A manga by Makoto Hagino. Konatsu Amano has just moved to a new town by the sea, and must deal with her new school’s mandatory club policy. Luckily, she meets Koyuki Honami, an older girl who runs the Aquarium Club. Recognizing her loneliness, Konatsu decides to join her club. (Published  in English by Viz Media)
Flowers: A four-part series of visual novels published by Innocent Grey. Flowers focuses on Saint Angraecum Academy, a private high school that prides itself on overseeing the growth of proper young ladies. One notable thing about the academy is the Amitié program, a system that pairs students together in order to foster friendships between the girls. But friendship isn’t the only thing blooming… (Available in English from Steam, J-List, and JAST USA)
Adachi And Shimamura: A series of light novels written by Hitoma Iruma and illustrated by Non that has recently received a manga adaptation and an anime adaption. Adachi and Shimamura are two girls who encounter each other one day while cutting class. Little by little, the two girls become a part of each other’s lives, and feelings begin to form. (The light novels are published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment, the anime is licensed by Funimation)
And there we go! 24 different yuri titles. I didn’t even go into the series that I tried but personally didn’t like that still might interest other people. I primarily made this list to gush about yuri that I liked, but I also tried to include a fairly wide range of things so that, hopefully, any random person who read this whole list could find at least one new title that interests them. And I hope that includes you!
The yuri scene is quite large and wonderful if you know where to look, and it too often gets a bad rap. I hope that this list could give you a new perspective on what kinds of titles are available, and I hope it gives you something new to try. And remember: if you want something specific, try looking for it! There’s a good chance the story you’re craving is already out there, waiting to be discovered!
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