#here you go anti
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kittlesandbugs · 5 days ago
FHR Prompt: Between the lines Pairing: Chargestep (lil Chargentstep) Warnings: None, mostly fluffy post-sex cuddles Word Count: ~650 Prompt: Prompt to write a gesture, a specific instance, a moment of tenderness, of softness, of emotional depth, of vulnerability. The warm fingertip trails across your skin, and you shiver slightly. You'd blame the cooling sweat across your back if he commented on it, but he doesn't do more than let out a little thoughtful hum. There's a deliberate path to his meandering that you recognize in the unusual pivots and hard turns. He's tracing your skin between your tattoos like it's a maze. 
You shift a little in his lap, drawing your face out of the hollow of his collarbone where you'd buried it as he took you apart. Craning your neck a little to peek up at him, and of course, he's already looking for your reaction. 
“Does that bother you?” he asks, finger stilling over one of the scars on the back of your shoulder that carves through the lines. 
After mulling it over for a moment, you shake your head, humming a negative as you press your lips to the steady pulse in his neck. 
“Only if it bothers you that you've been wetting your dick in a robot,” you tease, getting a very satisfying choked noise in response. 
“It's not my fault the sexiest robot in Los Diablos came onto me," he snarks back once he recovers, finger resuming its wandering through the delicate lines. His other hand on your hip gives you a tender squeeze as you scoff. “She's very difficult to say no to.”
You smirk as your own fingers roam around the ports at the base of his neck, following along his spine. The movie you'd been invited over to watch plays forgotten on the TV behind you, a subtle buzz as pleasant as his skull. At this point, it's a pretext when it's just the two of you.  Seven years is a long time to make up for. More if you’re honest, but he really doesn’t need that much encouragement. Now that he knows what you really are, you rarely turn down his advances. He's never turned down yours. And it's not your fault movies are so flat and boring compared to the telepathic depths you perceive reality in, anyway. 
“At least now I know I don't have to worry about Hollow Ground showing up on my doorstep with a shotgun," he chuckles and presses his lips to the top of your head. 
Your lips curl against his neck. It’s funny, but not in the way he thinks. 
And he doesn't need to know she's already working with your alter ego. Just like he doesn't need to know about your alter ego at all. Despite Argent's insistence to the contrary. If she's allowed her terrible secrets, you're allowed yours.
“Not her, no," you agree. Hollow Ground is no threat to you at all. The opposite, really. “Just…” 
You trail off, not wanting to entertain that thought. There is so much more on the line now. Freedoms that you no longer take for granted. People too, you can admit that in the sanctity of your own skull. It’s really only a matter of time before your luck runs out again and they find you. And they’ll do anything to tear you away and get you back in their cage. You don't realize your arms have tightened around him until his reciprocate. 
“Hey,” he murmurs, turning your face so he can look you in the eye with a sincerity in his deep brown eyes that makes your guts twist. “No one's taking you away ever again, okay? We won't let them. I promise.”
It would be so nice to let yourself believe he and Argent really could keep you safe. But they have no idea what they're really up against. Not like you do. The Farm would kill to have them in their possession too. 
“Don’t make promises you can't keep, idiot,” you mutter, tucking your face back into his shoulder. 
He huffs a laugh against your hair, the barb unable to pierce his unending confidence. “Don't underestimate us, idiot.”
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tawnysoup · 3 months ago
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Finally now that the comic is fully public on comicfury, I get to share it with all of you here, too <3
If you enjoyed, please consider supporting by buying a PDF of the comic on itch.io: https://tawnysoup.itch.io/home-in-the-woods
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lilianade-comics · 11 days ago
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Maddie Fenton: ghost hunter, homemaker, cleaning product entrepreneur.
(Ecto-B-Gone's patented formula contains a high concentrate of dysectoglycin, a powerful phytotoxin naturally occuring in Rosa umbraea (common name Blood Blossom). Dysectoglycin has an adverse effect on ectoplasm, and causes ectoplasm-based entities extreme pain on contact. Please consult a doctor (or a mortician) if rashes resembling chemical burns, swelling, melting, oozing, or other symptoms result from the use of this product. If you suspect you or a loved one are a ghost and have been exposed to dysectoglycin, please contact a poison control center. FentonWorks is not responsible for misuse of product. Please read all instructions and warnings before use.)
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aalexan · 5 months ago
I believe all religion is made up by men to oppress women. if that offends you dni 💗
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nyanbinary-87 · 11 months ago
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hello mcyt nation is this anything
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mywitchyblog · 4 months ago
Message to @alphaltrainreflection
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First of all, bitch, where did I ever say anything about "eroticizing inferiority"? Like, be fucking for real. Show me the receipts. Because unless you’re reading between lines that don’t exist, nothing in my post said anything about power dynamics, submission, or “inferiority.” It sounds like you’re projecting some judgmental bullshit that I didn’t even invite into the conversation. So let’s start there—check yourself before you come into my space twisting my words to fit your weird little agenda.
Second of all, and I mean this with every ounce of sincerity, shut the fuck up. Genuinely, if you don’t like what you see, don’t interact. It’s that simple. Not everyone has to match your narrow idea of what shifting is “supposed” to be. Shifting isn’t some gated community where you get to play security guard and decide who’s allowed in. So do us all a favor, take that rigid-ass energy, and keep it to yourself, bitch.
Let’s be real for a second. You said, “sex freaks who insist on eroticizing inferiority are ruining shifting.” Bitch, nobody’s ruining anything—especially not me. All I said was that I want to get fucked. Plain and simple. If my desire to shift for a good time offends you, you’re free to move along. Shifting means different things to different people, and if sex is part of that, it’s totally valid. If I want to shift to a reality for some damn good dick, who the fuck are you to get all sanctimonious about it? Newsflash: your opinion on what’s “appropriate” doesn’t apply here, darling.
And let’s get one thing fucking clear, because clearly, you need this spelled out: even if someone did want to shift to a reality where they take on a more passive, submissive role, what of it? Why the fuck does that bother you so much? Some people spend their whole lives having to be strong, holding shit together, constantly defending themselves, and staying in control just to survive. Maybe, just maybe, they want to create a reality where they can finally let go, surrender, and trust someone who respects them and won’t take advantage of them. Imagine that—feeling safe enough to let down your guard and explore a side of yourself you don’t get to express in this life. For some people, that’s healing. For others, it’s fun. Either way, it’s their choice, not yours. So back the fuck off.
So let’s talk about this “ruining shifting” nonsense you pulled out of nowhere. Bitch, the only thing “ruining” anything is people like you, stomping into conversations uninvited and acting like you’re the gatekeeper of how others should experience their desires. You’re clinging to this imaginary rulebook about what’s “appropriate” for shifting as if that makes you morally superior, but all it does is make you look insecure, judgmental, and way too invested in other people’s business. Spoiler alert: nobody gives a fuck about your approval or needs it to validate their experience.
Here’s the truth, since you seem to need a wake-up call: shifting is deeply personal. It’s about self-determination and freedom, not conforming to some rigid-ass code of conduct set by random bitches on the internet. If someone wants to shift for spiritual growth, self-discovery, sexual exploration, or all of the above, that’s their fucking prerogative. Shaming them because it doesn’t align with your limited, vanilla-ass view of what’s “appropriate” is straight-up pathetic.
And by the way, bitch, sex is a natural, beautiful, and completely valid part of life. If I want to shift for sex, or if someone else wants to shift to feel cherished, adored, or, yes, even submissive, that’s nobody’s fucking business but ours. Maybe instead of trying to drag others down to your level of insecurity, you could take a hard look in the mirror and figure out why other people’s sexual autonomy bothers you so damn much. Because this isn’t about “ruining shifting”; it’s about you being uncomfortable with the idea of someone enjoying themselves in a way that’s different from what you deem acceptable. Maybe some self-reflection would do you some good.
To every other shifter out there who’s ever been made to feel guilty or “lesser” for shifting for your own reasons, listen up: you don’t owe anyone an explanation, and you don’t need anyone’s approval. Your DR, your fucking rules. If shifting for you is about finding love, intimacy, exploration, or yes, even some good dick, that’s your choice. Don’t let some insecure bitch shame you or make you feel like you’re somehow ruining the experience just because it doesn’t fit into their narrow little box. Shifting is about creating the life and reality you want to live—whatever the fuck that looks like for you.
So, here’s a suggestion: take your unsolicited, holier-than-thou attitude and keep it to yourself. If you can’t handle seeing people talk openly about their desires and goals for shifting, then bitch, scroll past and save yourself the outrage. Because at the end of the day, I’m not here to please you, and neither is anyone else. We’re here to live our best lives, however we see fit, and if that’s too much for you, the door’s right over there.
To everyone who’s out here shifting for what they want, keep going. Own your desires, own your reality, and don’t let anyone’s outdated judgment make you feel like you’re doing it wrong. Shifting is your journey, and if that includes exploring intimacy, vulnerability, or sexuality, you’re not alone. You’re valid, and your experience is just as real and important as anyone else’s.
Consider this your reminder that no one’s begging for your approval. I’ll be over here, unbothered, shifting for exactly what I want, and loving every fucking second of it. ✨
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jadewritesficshere · 4 months ago
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Synopsis: Steve gets a wake up call from yall's daughter
Contents: talks of aging, kids being kids, references to smut but nothing explicit
Steve groans as his consciousness comes to. Something is hitting his face. Someone. Repeatedly.
Steve squints his bleary eyes open as a hand smacks him in the jaw again. A small smile appears on his face even though his jaw stings from the impact. "Morning," Steve's voice is still thick with sleep as he turns to look into brown eyes barely peeking over the edge of the bed.
A quiet voice repeats back ,"Morning," to Steve before arms reach up over the edge of the bed to try and grasp something. Small hands grab the blanket and tug it off of him slightly as the child attempts to climb up. At two and half, Amelia Joy Harrington can barely see above the edge of her parents' bed, let alone get on it.
Steve hoists Amelia up and sits her on his stomach. Steve winces as Amelia scrambles, a stray foot hitting his thigh precariously close to his crotch. Arms are thrown around his neck in a hug as Amelia lays her head against her dad's chest.
Steve feels like his heart could burst out of his chest from the joy he is feeling. A hug from his baby? The best way to wake up in the morning. Who cares if his jaw is still stinging and probably red, his little girl loves him.
Steve sighs in contentment. Steve holds his daughter close until she starts to fidget and wiggle. Amelia sits up and throws her hands in the air. "Happy Birthday!" She whispers excitedly, except she has no concept of how quiet a whisper should actually be and says it in a much too loud voice.
"What?" Steve asks, hand hovering near Amelia's side in case she slips. Amelia's eyebrows furrow as she pouts at him, a look that is an exact copy of you. Her arms slowly lower as she stares at Steve. "Happy Birthday. You old." Amelia pouts at him.
Steve blinks at Amelia in confusion but nods his head. First off, rude, he isn't that old. Steve isn't sure where she gets her unfiltered, blunt commentary (it absolutely isn't him). Second, it absolutely isn't his birthday. Not even close.
"Why uh...why is it my birthday?" Steve asks, unsure if Amelia fully understands the concept. Not sure if he can explain the idea of a birthday to a two (and a half) year old. "Grey." Amelia declares giving Steve whiplash. Before Steve can speak, Amelia points at the comforter," Blue." Steve smiles," Yes, blue."
Amelia points to her shirt," Green." Steve nods. Amelia taps under Steve's eye, lashes brushing against her finger causing him to close it. Steve hopes she doesn't attempt to actually poke his eye.
"Brown." Amelia declares. "Thats right." Steve grins, his girl is so smart. Amelia points to his temple," Grey." "That's ri- what?! No!" Steve's mouth drops open as Amelia giggles. "Uncle Dustbin says grey is old. Birthday makes old. Happy Birthday!"
The creak of the loose floorboard in the hall notifies Steve of your approach. You peek into the doorway of the room, seeing your two favorite people. One looking aghast and the other giggling at her father's reaction.
"What's going on in here?" You ask, leaning against the doorway. "Grey. Birthday." Amelia announces, like it explains everything. And it does in her little mind.
You hum in response, looking at your husband who seems lost for words. Amelia slides off of Steve and off the bed, Steve guiding her so her feet land on the ground absent-mindedly. He would never let her fall or get hurt. Or you.
Amelia half walks half dances in your direction. A prance in her step, she stops in front of you and grabs your hands. "It's daddy's birthday," She says before headbutting your leg. You chuckle and pat her head as she dances out of the room, in her own little world.
"You lying to my kid again?" You ask once Amelia is gone. Steve sputters as he sits up," I did not- our kid- did not lie." "Uh-huh, sure," you say sarcastically. Steve rolls his eyes at you as he gets up out of bed.
Steve stretches as he rocks on his feet, back cracking, before strolling over to you. "Good morning," Steve mumbles, hand landing on your hip. You hum back as he leans in and kisses you. Soft. Slow. Sweet. Leaving you longing for more as he pulls back.
"Love you," Steve says, fingers running along the waistband of your pants. "I love you too," you want to melt into him. Curl up in his arms and stay in this moment. Let the love and adoration fill the air around you.
"Do I look old?" Steve is the first to break the silence. Your brow furrows in confusion," huh?" "Amelia she," Steve huffs out a laugh," said I have grey hair." You chuckle as you bring a hand up, fingers threading through his hair," You have some but its nice." "Its nice huh?" "Makes you look distinguished. Handsome." You bite your lip and look up at him.
Steve knows that look. Knows it well. It's the look you gave him the first time you moved past just making out. The same look you gave him on your first anniversary. The same look you wore on your wedding night. The same look you gave before Amelia was conceived.
Steve can't help the smirk that spreads across his face. If getting old gives him that look, well, he won't complain.
"What about me?" You ask, batting your lashes. "Beautiful," Steve kisses your cheek," Gorgeous," he kisses the corner of your lips. He continues to alternate between kissing all over your face and praising you.
"My love," Steve whispers before kissing you softly on the lips. You sigh into the kiss, one hand tangling in his hair, the other trying to pull him closer.
A loud crash from the living room has you two pulling back from the sweet moment you stole. "What was that?" You call down the hall. "Nothing!" Amelia yells back, making you sigh but smile. Steve can't help but grin too. His life was a little hectic dealing with a rambunctious child, but he wouldn't trade it for the world. And he thinks, if life is like this, he can manage getting old with you. He wouldn't want it any other way.
#Steve whines to Robin later who just sits there laughing until she cries#Until he points out she's aged too because she has laugh lines from smiling and then she spirals just a bit#He has to hold her hand and tell her its a good thing and she goes on a rant about anti-aging and its harder for women then men#How there's all this extra pressure and Steve is aghast like he isnt dumb he knew there was but he never heard it all verbalized#He comes home and kisses you and gets on his knees and tells you he loves you#He then begs you to let him show you how much he loves you wanting nothing more then to use his tongue on you#I mean why would you not let him#And when you lay in bed cuddling after he thinks again he doesn't mind aging if he's doing it with you#You wake up abruptly in the middle of the night and startle him awake#“Oh my God Amelia is going to go to high school and get a boyfriend” you whine#Steve just mutters an oh God and immediately starts thinking if it would be TOO much to have the nail bat when he speaks to said boyfriend#You both think about it for a long time meanwhile Amelia is asleep in her room with drool running out of her mouth hugging a stuffed animal#Anyways Steve nation we up??? This has been drafted for awhile but not posted but I am inspired#And I saw this and went oh yeah post that#So here it is...for u...on this fine Friday early morning#Jade is talking#steve harrington x reader#Steve harrington x you#Steve Harrington x y/n#Steve Harrington/you#Steve Harrington/reader#steve harrington x female!reader
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licorishh · 1 month ago
so uhhh happy valentine's day i suppose !!
shoves this in your face and runs away
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so. uh. yyyyyeah. when i said i liked all interpretations of their dynamic equally i uh. i lied. and to be totally and completely and 100% honest with you it speaks volumes to the state of the internet that i have been legitimately afraid to say that like i've genuinely been debating and turning it over in my head and arguing with myself about it for days because i don't want people frickin' YELLING at me and telling me to off myself because i like a dadgum fictional ship but it's valentine's and my friend has been hyping up the crap outta me so i'm past the point of having a reasonable excuse to chicken out (and i know myself and if i don't do it today then i likely won't do it at all)
anyway words actually cannot express how obsessed i am with post-o66 aus in which they stay together (largely because i so completely refuse to believe they'd be willing to split up after THAT, ESPECIALLY that soon) so yeah shoutout to the softest fluffiest gut-punch-iest pair in the galaxy to whom everything bad has happened but who stay silly despite the horrors
#star wars#clone wars#star wars the clone wars#rexsoka#ahsoka tano#captain rex#clone wars ahsoka#clone wars rex#my art#crying screaming throwing up etc.#LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN WATCHING THE SIEGE OF MANDALORE FOR THE FIRST TIME CHANGES A PERSON OKAY I AM A SIMPLE GIRL#uploading both versions cause y'all seem to really like the simple gradient coloring apparently#i am such a sucker for these two it's actually kind of pathetic haha! i've been into them for years now ever since i first watched s7#but i am only recently devolving into like. neuvia levels of unhealthily obsessed. ouegh.#i'd just like for them to have the freedom to sit in a grassy field with a nice breeze and just Exist for a little while#iiiii've actually been working on an extensive post-o66 au of my own and i reaaaaaaaaaally wanna draw some stuff related to it. hehehe#if you don't like the ship that's totally fine but please just be nice about it or don't say anything at all#i do not have the energy to deal with people screaming at me and it's also just kind of insanely offensive so#i am so scared to put this up actually whoaa haha#also unrelated but looking at the cover for the ahsoka novel... how did y'all arrive at the conclusion that her shirt is blue#that. that looks brown to me. i am relatively sure that is brown#ALTERNATIVELY COME TO THINK OF IT IF THAT IS BLUE THEN HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MORE 501ST COLORS I LIKE IT#i drew this like two weeks ago but wanted to save it for today so i could finally get out of this rut of being too nervous to say anything#ughhh.#do y'all even still like them here...? seems like a lot of the rxsk-centric blogs just disappeared in recent years for some reason#hope it wasn't antis but it would not surprise me in the slightest#PUT THIS IN THE QUEUE AND GO TO BED YOU COWARD (<- talking to myself)
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aromanticduck · 2 months ago
You transitioning is never a loss for the world.
We're not losing a Good Feminist Man who defies toxic masculinity by embracing his feminine side - we're gaining a wonderful trans woman.
We're not losing a lesbian, or a cool tomboy, or an inspirational woman making it in a male-dominated field - we're gaining a fantastic trans man.
Being who you truly are is the best thing you can do, both for the world and for yourself.
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delaneytveit · 4 months ago
y’all i cant. i just saw a post that rhysand hiding the pregnancy complications is better than “tamlin beating feyre nearly to death”
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they MUST be confusing acotar with one of their dark stalker romances or something i swear GAWD.
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yaralulu · 11 months ago
I desperately need a scene where the IC are having dinner and the topic of tamlin gets brought up and they start talking shit about him and going on about how he deserves everything thats happening to him and lucien’s just sitting there gripping his fork,jaw twitching,eyes simmering,hands shaking with rage as he tries so hard to keep his mouth shut because now is not the time to say something stupid—but they just keep talking and talking and talking until eventually he has enough and gives everybody a vanserra style telling off 😁.
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genericpuff · 8 months ago
There's a user going around currently reblogging/commenting on antiLO content with the intent of "digging up dirt" on people who simply read and enjoy the comic. Basically demanding the OP's of such posts to inform them of any 'stans' so they can add them to a 'list' that they absolutely do not have any good intentions to do with, along with making some very unsavory and completely unwarranted comments about the fans in general (and I don't mean the usual "lmao LO fans are weird/dumb/etc." stuff, I mean genuinely cruel wishes to have the fans of the comic doxxed/harmed/etc.) I have blocked this user for obvious reasons, and if you get a similar reblog or DM like I did from this person, I hope you'll do the same.
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Please do not play into this. As much as I and many others talk shit about this dumpster fire of a comic and its questionable if not outright controversial writing and messaging, none of us have any right to go after any of the fans or stans directly. At best that would just be proving to the fans who already hate this part of the fandom that we're boogeymen out to get people, at worst it would be a betrayal to our own integrity as human beings who should be capable of discussing media without turning it into a harassment campaign. Making shitposts about the media and the fandom is fine, discussing the media itself and the creator who made it within our own little spaces of the Internet is ultimately harmless so long as it's managed within reason, but deliberately going out of your way to dig up personal information on innocent people within the fandom for the purpose of ruining their life is not okay and if you ever get to that point where you're trying to rationalize going after people directly, you need to log off.
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is-that-sand-in-my-waffles · 8 months ago
✨️Jedi positivity time✨️✨️
Reblog and add something you love about the Jedi Order or a specific member of the Order!
I love how the Jedi get to all live in a big multi-generational group where older members like Tera Sinube are basically communal grandparents to the initiates and padawans❤️
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moldy-flowers · 2 months ago
"Kakashi's trauma is just as bad as Sasuke's and HE never left the village."
Ok!?!?!?!? Shut up!!!! Stop comparing trauma!!!!! Two completely different situations!!!!! Literally worlds apart!!!!!! Different personalities!!!!!! Different traditions!!!!!!! Different times!!!!!!! Different mental states!!!!!! Different ages!!!!!! Different environment!!!!!! Different upbringing!!!!!!!
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renesassing · 5 months ago
what i think is sometimes overlooked or missed entirely about the old republic (more specifically, the old sith wars era) is like. old republic jedi were not peacekeepers the way golden age (prequel) jedi were peacekeepers. old republic jedi were esoteric warrior monks and they acted like it. tales of the jedi (the comic run), ft. all the shit about exar kun, the last major player in the galaxy before the start of knights of the old republic (everything in kotor is his fault and i stand by it) came out in the early 90's, back when the only concept of what a jedi was shaped by obi-wan and yoda in the original trilogy. aka people shaped their idea of what the jedi was partially based off of a guy whose idea of conflict de-escalation was mind control and dismemberment. they were the good guys, yeah, but in a 'don't make me come back there' kind of way. and they had to be, because unlike in the golden age, some sith asshole was rearing its head up every generation or so and trying to tear the galaxy asunder and shit. in swtor they're at war with a sith empire for almost three decades. it was a different jedi order back then is what im tryin' to say. and if you don't see that and appreciate it for being what it is, just?? stay out of the old republic??
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 3 months ago
catra: constantly abuses adora physically and emotionally, gaslights and manipulates adora, doesn't try to better herself even though she is offered several second chances, continues repeating her toxic behavior even after her "redemption arc"
fans: omg relationship goals! we love toxic yuri 🎀
caitlyn: hits vi once because she is overwhelmed by the grief of losing her mother, corrects her actions after meeting up with vi again, tries to help vi rescue vander, never repeats her toxic behavior and supports vi unconditionally afterwards
fans: what an abusive bitch! vi deserves so much better!
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