#here this shit is ig
beets · 6 months
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baby, bi bi bi
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babymorte · 1 month
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i actually felt cute today
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notahorseindisguise · 2 years
I'm so sorry you're hurting yourself like this. You're clearly an autistic young woman. I hope you get the help you need ❤️
thank you so much!! i really needed this encouragement. it means so much to hear you call me a woman, especially since im a cisgender male.
i will get the help i need! ill look into hormone replacement therapy and become the beautiful autistic young woman you see inside me!!
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morastfrck · 4 months
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triple-pupil · 29 days
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Forgot to post her.
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sappho-rose · 3 months
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"The world doesn't know me yet."
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sualne · 10 months
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and now...
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nochangeintheplan · 4 months
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Sketchdump of stuff I know i'm prob not gonna be able to finish out
I can't remember who made the eggman comment/tag but bless you
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Smtn I wanted to make into an animation later and kiryu vs Mine thumbnails ig
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Someone showed a sick character design the other day and it reminded me of this tokusatsu/sentai vibe AU that I have been sitting on for a while. so many thoughts... a whole section of my Obsidian organizing. Anyway here's halfway thru a Mine and a ryuji concepting drawing heavily from dino thunder oops
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Fallout thoughts (I know the vaults dont go that high dont @ me)
I also drew a horrible horrible pic of ghoul Mine but Idk if I want to post it here
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levemetal · 4 months
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POV you are trying to cover for your ghost gege but no one told you the inside jokes between him and his head disciple
I arrived about 20 days with bootleg starbucks late for this, but I had this silly idea and I needed to get it out of my system.
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leviraaaaaa · 11 months
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“I hate it.”
You looked up at him, gritting your teeth through the words. You were angry, so so angry. Furious, enraged, aggravated. Who does he think he is, that fucking Jaeger?
Eren’s last letter finally came through. The one where he says he was going to raid Liberio and asked the scouts for help. Or did he? With or without help, he said. The audacity.
After all the shit you and the others had to go through, the huge reports trying to explain why he went missing, answering the higher ups about his disappearance, trying to justify it, seeking up excuses. Then he has the fucking nerve to send these letters.
You had stormed out right after Hange read out the words, not even bothering to ask to be excused. You were tired of dealing with that emo teenage brat.
But Levi gave no reaction to the sharpness of your tone, already aware of the cause of your temper. He was there in the room, his expression had tightened just as yours had. And he must’ve followed you right after.
He always does.
Without a word, he lowered himself down on the step beside you.
“This is filthy.” He scrunched his nose. “Couldn’t have found a better place?”
“I didn’t ask you to sit here.” You grumbled, rolling your eyes. You just kind of took the first isolated corner you could find. Sure, the stairs were filthy, but that was the last thing on your mind.
“Why did you follow me anyways?” You asked.
“I didn’t follow you.” Levi sighs, stretching his leg to kick a piece of rock. It flew all the way over to a wall, making soft little sounds on the pavement as it impacted. “I needed air. He pissed me off.”
You let out a noise in agreement. That’s one thing you can both agree on. Eren Jaeger was an absolute piece of shit with a talent to irritate like no other.
“Next time I’m seeing him,” You mumbled darkly. “I’m breaking a couple bones, I swear.”
“That was actually my plan, but I’d let you have the honors as well.”
“You should’ve hit him harder all those years ago, back in the courtroom.”
That made you smile.
But it was the absolute seriousness of his expression that made you crack. The stony face, with an even more stoic tone. He actually seemed to be considering the idea. As if you and him were merely discussing the weather instead of the best way to beat up an adolescent boy. Without even meaning to, you were grinning, a snort escaping you making Levi glance at you with the side of his eyes. He frowned.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” You smiled. “That’s why it’s funny.” Poor Eren, he’s had it coming.”
Finally, you felt the anger go down.
It’s always like that. You get angry, you get emotional, but when you turn around, Levi’s always there, in his own strange little way, a hand on your shoulder and shooting you a look. Or times like this when you’re upset and pissed, and he just sits with you and goes along with everything you say until you feel better.
You leaned back, letting yourself fall back on your arms, kicking your legs and stretching them. Your shoulders hurt from how stiff they’ve been from the tension until now. You tilted your head to look at him.
“Look at us, making plans about how to beat up a kid half our age. What have we come to?”
“Our fucking limit.” Levi grumbled, but the scowl lessened, his brows straightening slightly at your calmer tone. His own shoulders relaxed. “He deserves it at this point.”
You grinned. Sure, you can’t really hit Eren right now, but the idea does make you feel better. For the time being at least, you’ll have to cope by daydreaming.
But you were so tired, you think. Very so.
Why is it that you could never stop running?
Eren’s shit was only the least of it, but it’s been so hard. Being a scout was never supposed to be easy. But ever since Erwin and the others died, nothing's been the same. You could hardly celebrate the success at retaking wall maria when the price to pay was the blood of everyone you knew. Even witnessing the wonder that is the sea for the first time hadn’t been as thrilling as you thought, how could it when you know there’s a whole other world beyond it, and that they want you dead? Stepping in Marley and realizing all that you’ve been kept away from, a life you couldn’t even imagine. It must be nice to live without being so terrified, scared for you and scared for your friends, you had thought. Must be nice to live without having the rest of the world label you as devils and to take the peace for granted.
You wished you could just catch a fucking break. Maybe forever.
You sighed.
He gave a lazy glance. “What?”
“Let’s run away.” You muttered softly under your breath. Eyes focused on the ground. “Me and you. And Hange, if they want to come.” You sighed, pausing a little. “I hate it. I hate all of it. I’m sure you do too.”
With that, you turned to look at him, right in those silver eyes of his. They looked almost blue here in the moonlight. Was it just you or was even the wind holding its breath?
“This isn’t what I signed up for Lev. I thought I was going to fight titans, not humans.”
“What..” He asked, staring at you unblinking, almost confused. And surprised. And something else you couldn’t quite place. “What are you on about?”
“So, let’s go.”
“I’m serious. Somewhere far away. We could just get up and leave right now.”
Levi gaped, struggling to find something to say. Your light tone indicated that it was a joke but yet, there was something in your eyes. A glimmer of something. That made him think that maybe it wasn’t a joke after all.
You grinned. “Leave this to the kids. They don’t listen to us either way. Let’s go and start another life.”
And for a moment, there was silence. You stared at him as he did the same, eyes boring into each other, unspoken words and unconfessed truths thrumming in the air between.
And just for that moment, you considered it. You really, really considered it. Just saying it out loud.
To tell him what you never did. What you’ve been hiding from him for so long.
Would that be so bad?
What if you did run away after all?
You sighed.
“Jeez, Levi.” You finally looked away, peeling your eyes off of him. “Relax. You look like I’m about to drag you from here at gunpoint. It was a joke.”
Levi was quick to duck his head away as well. “I know.” He mumbled. “I know. I’m not that fucking dense.”
“Were you hoping I was serious?” You pulled your knees up to his chest, letting your head rest on them to look at him, a grin forming.
He did. But he couldn’t say that, could he?
“You are the last person I’d willingly choose to spend my life with.” He scowled.
“That’s cruel.” You gasped dramatically, feigning hurt and giving him a mock glare. “We get along fine.”
“You’re missing the part where I want to choke one or two dozen times a day.”
“Fuck off.”
“Okay, but, think about it,” You pressed your lips together with the effort to hold the grin together, trying your best to look serious. How could you when he looked so incredulous? It only made you want to fuck around with him a little more. “You could be a farmer or some shit. I could be the pretty housewife. Some peace and calm.”
“You as a housewife?” Levi snorted, amusement gleaming in his eyes at the thought. “Peace and calm at the same place where you are?”
“Well,” You shrugged, “You could be the pretty housewife then. I won’t mind.”
“I think I'll stick to being a squad captain, thanks.”
"You're no fun."
"Shut the fuck up.''
The giggle finally escaped you, unable to hold it in any longer. And little after, you were laughing, clutching your sides, making the mistake of looking at his very offended face and then you were laughing so hard you could hardly breathe. Soon, even Levi’s face softened, the corners of his mouth quirking up just a little.
Hange yells, appearing out of nowhere and startling the shit out of the two of you, making you almost choke. They flopped themselves down between you, wrapping their arms around both of your shoulders, squeezing hard and letting their head drop. “Nice of you to leave me alone with those children. Gave me a headache.”
“You’re the commander after all.” You said coughing, trying to get your breathing back to normal.
“Next time, can you at least say hello before you proceed to crush us to death?” Levi grumbled, squirming under Hange’s grasp.
“No.” They reply to Levi. “But jeez.. I say one word and Mikasa gets all defensive. Why is everyone acting like it’s my fault?” Hange pouts.
“Aw Hange.” You pat their back, laughing.
“I want to smack Eren.”
“Don’t we all?” Levi muttered quietly under his breath.
“Me and Levi booked him first.” You said. “You can have the rest if anything remains.”
“Aw man. No fair.”
Hange pulled a face. And then they pulled the two of you closer, until all 3 of you were practically squishing against each other.
You let your eyes fall shut, soaking in the warmth. And Levi, even Levi— who’s always complaining about Hange’s very physical manners—didn’t complain anymore. And the three of you just stayed like that, leaning against each other in silence. The presence of the other was enough itself.
Then Hange spoke, so quietly you would’ve barely heard it if you weren’t so close.
“How long do you think until it’s over?”
You pondered over the question a little while, thinking about it. Then you sighed.
“Who knows? Will it ever really be over?”
Hange exhaled softly, pausing. They looked up, the moonlight glinting off their glasses. There were a lot of stars tonight.
“Think Erwin’s getting amusement watching us be miserable?” They muttered.
It was Levi to answer this time.
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extraaa-30 · 7 months
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literally has anyone done a full analysis of the shoulder symbolism in this show yet it's so- 😭
like, s1 we have
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And of course my beloved
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and now in s2 we have this
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and this
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does this count?
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also THIS from the edinburgh minisode (crowley is the angel on aziraphale's shoulder here)
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what does it all MEANNNN
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erinwantstowrite · 19 days
wait guys... i just thought about smth...
specifically thinking about LoF, not just in general. I might do smth for when I it 4000 followers on here (like a DTIYS or smth else if anyone has any ideas? maybe start the LoF drabble/oneshots/etc fic with the POV of whoever wins this poll)
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rebouks · 4 months
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Previous // Next
Levi: What do you want? [Robin shrugged, peering around Levi’s head] Robin: Nothing in particular-.. who’s that, your sister? Levi: Yeah. Robin: Wanna ditch her n’ hang out? Levi: With you? Robin: Uh-huh-.. Jacob and Jude too, his dad’s looking at a house for sale over there. [Levi glanced over his shoulder, grimacing at the prospect of being stuck with Tiffany and her annoying friends] Levi: Fine, whatever. Levi: You know you forgot your shoes, right? Robin: Shoes are overrated-.. I like to feel stuff on my feet. Levi: [scoffs] Weirdo. … Levi: It’s tiny. Jacob: Houses are expensive though, right? Robin: Uh-huh, everything is. Levi: How much do you think this one’s worth? Jacob: Uh-.. ten thousand? Robin: [laughs] Try that times twenty. Jude: Woah. Jacob: How big is your house if this one’s so small then? Bigger than Robin’s? Levi: How should I know?! Robin: It’s kinda big. Levi: If you say so-.. our last house was massive, but we had to move. Jude: Why? Levi: None of your business! Jude: Alright, geez. [Jacob rolled his eyes, wondering why Robin had even gone to the trouble of bringing Levi over] … Jude: Did you get it?! Ivan: It ain’t that quick, bud! We’ll see. Oscar: How you doing, Levi? Levi: Uh, yeah.. I’m great! Robin: Can he come over? Levi: Wai-… Oscar: Sure. Robin: You wouldn’t rather be stuck with your sister all day, would you? [Levi squinted at Robin and his irksome brazenness, but he merely gazed back at him calmly-.. he knew he wasn’t wrong] Jacob: He better not make a habit of inviting Levi to hang out with us all summer. Jude: Maybe he just feels bad for him. He did almost die. Jacob: Only almost.
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hypnosis-microsys · 1 year
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20 days of Hypmic; day 2 - fave division
data jingie
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mossdogs · 18 days
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last prom
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hyunpic · 9 months
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2023 year in review with hyunjin [it’s a wrap] 🎉
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