#because it might be different from having a fav canon character ig?
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erinwantstowrite · 6 months ago
wait guys... i just thought about smth...
specifically thinking about LoF, not just in general. I might do smth for when I it 4000 followers on here (like a DTIYS or smth else if anyone has any ideas? maybe start the LoF drabble/oneshots/etc fic with the POV of whoever wins this poll)
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ladybyakuya · 7 months ago
| HIGH IN LOW PLACES + natsuki seba & yoichi nagumo.
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+cw. — fem!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, canon typical themes and elements, mention of alcohol and drinking,ex.plicit smut{ mention ofunprotected, oral acts }, slight angst and fluff.
+wc. — 2k.
+syn.— how do they generally spend their off day ? Is it any different when you're with them?
+notes. — my sk days debut post. yay! yay! i just caught up with it and im still making memes in my head ( yeah, its that bad </3)tap the banner for better quality </3 cuz tumblr made it so whack after upload. the title is from a song by beach weather ( one of my recent favs ). i have some more wips on sk days but lets see if the starts align or they go against me. wanted add two more characters but i got carried away while writing. so next two for next weekend ig. if you catch my favoritism, then good. go ahead & exploit it ;) | redirect to blog navigation.
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✦ natsuki seba : 
The sun has not even kissed the horizon yet. It is still afternoon. Natsuki was busy building one of his work-in-progress weapons as usual even though it was an off day. The JCC is not exactly asleep but is surely a little doused today. JCC never sleeps. You are in his dorm room, waiting for him to finish his work at least to a certain stage and then have lunch with you but you doubt he is barely aware of what time it is. You are not exactly hungry, at least not for those wet soggy noodles but you do miss him even though he is right in front of you. There are times when you have to feed him lunch so that he can keep working. The dorm room is small for two but given the habits of you two, it always works out, somehow. You sleep when he is working while he sleeps when you are busy or out to get something. But currently, sleep is nowhere to be found at the banks of your eyes.
“Natsu, come eat with me,”
Seba turns his head at first and gives you a look; a look that clearly states: “Are you mad?” Do you know how ridiculous you sound? His eyebrows grow closer while his lips pucker forming a pout and then he goes back to working again. He is mocking you. He is working while you sit idle and flip through a porn magazine from his collection. It’s funny because the porn magazine is not his. It is from Shin. He was just looking out for him. Shin thought it was highly uncanny how a guy could make weapons all day and night, and be obsessed with something so odd that one forgets to masturbate. Doesn’t even have the urge? Or better does his curious side not think about such self-pleasurable prospects? Well, what would Shin know?
“Natsu, come eat me out,” 
At first, he looks up from the device he was working on and then spares a glance at you.
You make yourself busy flipping through the pages of that lewd magazine. He is staring. You can feel it.
He goes back to work again but a second later he puts the miniature parts from his hand beside the device and turns his chair towards you rubbing his chin as his elbow stands on the hand-rest of the chair. He is considering it. Holy Shit. You did not mean that.
“Really? Can I?” There is a thin layer of sneer laced underneath his voice.
You closed the magazine and stood up, keeping it on his table. He looks at the cover and a chuckle escapes from his chest probably remembering how he got it or why you ordered him to eat you out; not that he would mind . . . his eyes are back on you again. “Now that I’ve your attention. Finish your lunch and then work on your project.”
“I’m going out to meet someone,” You try to leave but he grabs your wrist pulling you back in front of the bed. 
“You're lying.” he snorts out a chuckle.
“You know,” Natsuki gets up and takes slow steps towards you as you back away cornering you as he still holds your hand. “eating you out . . . that might just be the thing I need to finish my project.”
Wait. what?
Before you can ask anything he just puts you on his shoulders, walks to the bed throwing you on the mattress. For someone who is a weapon engineer, who does not spend time on fieldwork he sure has a lot of strength.
“I didn’t mean it. I just wanted to get your attention that’s all.” you try to protest but it does not faze him, not even a little.
“Well you did a good job.” Grabbing your ankles he pulls you towards the edge of the bed before getting on his knees. He points to the cup noodles. “And, i’m not eating that.”
He pulls down your panties and shorts simultaneously. You do not stop him because you crave him as much as he needs this to de-stress or that’s how he would put it. Spreading your legs he places a trail of tender kisses along your thighs threatening your sanity, threatening the urge to push him away but you simply do not want to do that. You want this: him worshipping you like he used to. The moment his lips graze your entrance you arch back, hands resting on the mattress and crumpling the sheets as Seba gets more devoted to the cause. You put one of your legs over his shoulders as he buries his face deeper inclining his face a little to lap his tongue against your pussy lips. You bite your lower lip roughly before a whisper of words comes out of your mouth, “Ya know, you should return those magazines to Shin,”
“What?” he asks; nose glistening with your arousal, wet lips, cherry cheeks, and excited eyes. A curvature appears along your lips as you run your fingers through his hair and tug at it revealing his forehead forcing his eyes to close just for a second. He is still waiting for your response. 
“Nothing. Get to work,” you say and he listens to it like a good boy.
✦ yoichi nagumo.
“Is it that tasty?” Nagumo asks drinking an o-choko full of sake from your share. His face distorts feeling the strong fizziness. “How can you drink this?” his voice spikes up as he gulps it down. He hates it, hates this, that how you on every weekend would to go Sakamoto stores and buy liquor to drink out your misery. What a waste! He does not understand why you would spend your weekends drinking, especially when he is here. Sakamoto would often tell you to stop drinking but what’s the point? You nod like a good girl, buy some cup noodles and chips and after the store closes Shin arrives with the booze. Shin is knocked out on the floor already. But he is still keeping up with you not that he enjoys it but he is looking for an opportunity to make you stop and in that process, he ended up taking a few shots. He hates it, he hates this. He hates how you make drinks. It stings on his tongue. This is not because he wants to spend his off day with you. He rarely gets a day off and he can not go that to waste, can he now?
“Wanna fuck?”
You look at him with heavy eyes and a flustered face for a few seconds. “No.”
He is stone-cold sober. He is not even that drunk, to begin with. You are. You are still so dizzy and slumber threatening your eyes but you force them open divulging, “Too much work.” Ah! The slur. The slur in your voice. His head tilts as a smile breaks on his face like a plague.
“I’ll do the work.” Nagumo insists. “All of it.” His voice is low, slow. He wants to get through to you. “I’ll make you feel so good.” He does not want you to dismiss his words as just a drunken haze or something like that. He is already neck-deep in guilt for being unable to give as much time he wants, as much as the time you demand and crave from him. He can not sabotage your security but he would not deny that he likes meeting with you in secret; gives him some sort of thrill he thinks. “I promise,” he mumbly adds.
But he does not want to overdo it or wear you out. He can’t. He won’t. He is a good when he is with you. “Woah, careful.”
After moving the bottles and cups aside, now you are all on your fours crawling towards him like a cat. He can see your boobs, the nipples— everything. Wait, is that his tank top? He must have left it when he came to you here last time. He can’t remember when but he remembers he lost that one black tank top.
As you reach, your face inches away from him you lean for a kiss but he sways away. It instantly ruins your mood. He is smirking now as you are pouting. It turns into a snort. “Shin’s still here,” He points at the boy sleeping on the couch. You glance at the boy and then look at Nagumo. He is confused. You are impatient. Fuck it.
You hold on to his shoulders trying to get into his lap, legs sprawled apart and as you make yourself comfortable your legs get clamped around his waist. He does not lose his balance but rather helps you with it.
“Babe, Shin’s still here,” Nagumo repeats making you remember.
“Don’t care,” you shout and Nagumo covers your mouth with his palm while his index finger stills over his lips shushing you. You nod. It seems he got through to you.
You do not allow him to dodge him anymore.
You lean into his hand that is still over your mouth, nuzzling against his palm. He shoves his fingers into your hair, his index finger grazing behind your ears igniting your skin with goosebumps. His thumb roughly stretches across your bottom lip before you kiss the tip of it but he swats his hand away before you could suck on it; grabbing his other arm and you slide it under the blacktop. Nagumo does not squeeze your boobs. Not yet. He does not want to do it, not like this. Last time, both of you were sober and now both of you are drunk: you on alcohol and him on you. You buck your hips trying to get closer to him. 
“God Nagumo, why are you being like this? You said you'd do all the work. . .”
because it's amusing. The fact that you are scolding him with a whispering tone is making him tremble in mirth. He is barely holding it; you are frustrated, drunk, and horny. God! What is he going to do with you? Can he really hold himself back? Maybe he should not have proposed the idea in the first place. His hands are stretched, settled on the floor as he watches you: intently, nervously.
“Kiss me.”
And your lips instantly dance against his in a frenzy yet his hands are still on the floor. Even in this state, you manage to unbuckle his belt with one hand as the other works on the buttons of his shirt. It turns him on how swift you are too. You would be very skilled in his line of work. Maybe you are, too skilled that he did not even notice. Nah! you can't be a spy.
“Put it in” you command this time breaking the kiss. Nagumo was just starting to get to the good part of the kiss only to get deprived of it. He does not waste a second to abide by your said words. If he did, he might have to walk out thinking out the possibilities of how odd it was for a first meeting with you.
Strong hands against the plush of your hip as he adjusts his cock to your entrance. He pushes aside your panty before rubbing it against your entrance. Your hands squeeze the muscles of his shoulders.
“Without . . . condom?”
So, is that why he was delaying it? You thought he didn't want this but mentioned it for the sake of pity and now he is trying to get on your nerves to wake Shin up.
Your brain freezes after such a flow of info. You give him a nod.
Nagumo swallows before his cock goes inside without rubber. It's electric: the feeling of your flesh around his.
“Take me to that room,” you gasp out the words.
“I said what I said.”
You become so handful when drunk not that he minds. He takes you to the room kicking back the door behind you to close before crashing onto the bed.
The next morning Shin has to buy a pair of black trousers for Nagumo and he does it without even questioning. He really does not wanna know what happened after he took you inside the room.
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xx-scene4ngel-xx · 6 months ago
HAIIIII my new reference sheet 4 any1 who wants 2 draw meee :333
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i have way more outfits than just these 2 but i dont have the energy 2 draw that much lololol
the raccoon tail patterns that go infront of my chest are fake hair extensions btw :)) i have a lotta different ones
ANYWAYYYYYY the rest of mah info under the cut :33 !!!!!!!
Full name: Bugthing (you don’t get to know my last name 😁)
Aliases: Bug, Creature — Buggie (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Species: Concept Dragon (Fire, Type 3) / Angel (Type 4) hybrid
Planet of Origination: The Concept Universe / ‘The Void’
Age: I’m not telling you that. (OOC: usually it depends on which universe i throw him it but i typically characterise him as my age. which makes him a minor.)
Height: 8’9”
Gender: Biologically female; identifies as transmasculine & xenogender
Pronouns: He/Him/His, Xey/Xem/Xeirs/ It/Its/Itself, They/Them/Theirs — Blood/Bleed/Bloodself, Gore/Gory/Goreself (FRIENDS/FAMILY ONLY)
Sexuality: Lunian, fictosexual, fictoromantic (i use the term aroace in conversations tho, its easier :3)
S/O: None. Technically. Unless you count my F/Os (that being Galacta Knight, Holly/THK, Moonjumper, and Shamura)
Family: Parents, brother, a number of cousins (and technically that one fankid i made for me n holly named Moggie but. They’re not canon.)
I’m an artist and fanfic author, and Nebbie’s assistant as a newly ascended Creator entity!!!!
Buddies with uhhhh God :))) (or Jesus ig but her name is Yk here. I call her Nebulis/Nebs/Nebbie tho. Bc we’re friends :3) (he uses all prns btw)
Bc of my fun powers and rights as Nebbie’s assistant creator I get to travel to whatever universes I feel like. Both to make sure everything’s going well and nobody’s broken the space time continuum and also to hang with my favs.
I like to call myself a Nice Boy(TM) but thats only really to my friends/family (not including my brother because I fucking hate him). I can get REALLY mean when I’m upset/if i don’t like you. But yeah I’m usually pretty ok!! Not the best person out there but at least I’m not a bigot lol. SPEAKING OF BIGOTS a lot of my very outward “”””cringe”””” behaviour is from me just being comfy in my own skin and pissing ableists off On Purpose bc I find it funny (it is).
I’ve lived in the Concept Universe/Void my whole life, but I tend to wander off to various universes both for My Duty(TM) and also I Like The Characters. I was first given the opportunity to leave the Void when I was abt 8 I think? My good buddy/auntcle figure Xephyr asked me and my brother if we wanted to check out what ppl were doing down there (with Nebs’ and our parents’ permission ofc), and we agreed. I’ve never been normal since (that’s a good thing though).
I don’t USUALLY do fighting stuff (unless I’m in like a COTL variation universe or something) but when I do I usually just use fire. I might be a pyromaniac. Which is concerning because I have fire magic and can easily commit arson. Yeag :)
Hex codes
(Not including the bracelets or hair extensions)
Body/both fits or smth:
#0E0E0E — Horns / Burns / Burnt feathers / Fit 1 base
#0400B4 — Iris
#D80000 — Tail tip
#FFB7A7 — Blood / Blush
#F8D7CF — Scars / Wing webbing
#EBE6E6 — Freckles
#FAFAFA — Skin
#FFFFFF — Teeth / Talons / Septum piercing gems / Glasses lenses
#F7FBFF — Sclera
#F2F2F2 — Hair / Feathers (the ones that AREN’T scorched)
#F9DEBF — Halo star / Light magic things 2
#F3B16D — Halo / Light magic things 1
#000000 — Nose / Septum piercing / Fishnets (alt fit) / Glasses frame
Usual fit:
#0F0F0F — Belt base
#910000 — Fit accents
#C40000 — Belt accents
#BEBEBE— Belt buckle
#3A2222 — Socks (ignore the fact that this isn’t in the ref image plsss)
Alt fit:
#161616 — Shirt base
#2E2E2E — Shorts 1
#464646 — Shorts 2
#CCCCCC — Belt buckles
#DFDFDF — Belt 1 studs / Chains / Choker & cuff spikes
#F3F3F3 — Shirt pattern 1 (anarchy symbol)
#81FF5A — Shirt pattern 2
#FF5AEC — Shirt pattern 3
#FA0000 — Cuff / Choker
Funny Rainbow Checker Belt (gets its own section bc SO MANY COLOURS):
#D70000 (red)
#D76D00 (orange)
#D79200 (orange-yellow)
#D7C000 (yellow)
#65D700 (yellow-green)
#00D73E (green)
#00D7BD (teal)
#009ED7 (light blue)
#0034D7 (dark blue)
#5300D7 (purple)
#7200D7 (purple-magenta)
#B600D7 (magenta)
#D700B7 (pink)
#D70065 (pink-red)
Socks (again, its own section bc too many colours):
#FF6690 (pastel red)
#FF9997 (pastel red-orange)
#FFB881 (pastel orange)
#FDFFA7 (pastel yellow)
#84BCFF (pastel blue
#9C84FF (pastel purple)
#A210FF (magenta)
(istg if you draw any nsfw of me ill devour you)>🐜
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iamjackstitanicbreath · 1 year ago
Favs of '23: Marvel:
10/10. That's it. That's the rating. Give it a Michelin or five if I could. My standards can't get higher now. I think this might be the best I've ever read. Winter Soldier origin story. No ships like Stucky or anything. Very dark, very cold, very very real. It's really a talent to be able to write a whole story in five chapters.
"Between the fall and the monsters, the Winter Soldier is in orbit. This is what happens in the Red Room. These are the people who make him what and who he becomes.
Inspired by comics canon, in particular Ed Brubaker's Captain America issue 11, which included pages from the Winter Soldier file, and far too many Cold War books. Because HYDRA in the movie uses the Winter Soldier as a blunt instrument, and blunt instruments do not become legends."
This could also be a 10/10 on its own but I put it in the same list as the first one so I have to lower it by a notch or two. It's like putting Joaquin Phoenix and Brad Pitt in the same room and labelling it 'Greatest Actors'. They're great, but on different levels. Anyway, this one's got amazing dialogue. Very in character. It's entertaining, but it's also a tragic comedy one-shot. It's fun and has a nice ending. For you Irondad and Spiderson lovers ig. But it's good. Well written. Superficially hilarious, but the actual message is kinda depressing but deep. Sums up Peter's college life pretty well if Tony were in the picture. It's the Goldilocks ratio of Raimi's Spider-Man, TASM, and MCU Spidey.
9/10. I read it a while ago, so I don't have much to say, but the writing is just beautiful. TW: relationship abuse. Skip Westcott.
But it's amazingly written and it's seen through the eyes of Steve. Like author's a genius with words. Check out their Batman stuff too 'cause it's just so so good. Good stuff. Like lick your fingers after eating kind of good.
Anyways, moving on.
Star Wars
9/10. Pretty sure everyone's read this one by now but same author, Beth Winter, so I had to give an honourable mention. I remember thoroughly enjoying this one and wishing we got to see more engineer Darth Vader and corporate environment in the Galactic Empire with Vader at the head 'cause I mostly only these kinds of stories in the comics and even then, not enough. I mean, for chrissake, it's a fundamental aspect of his character. I've seen some other ones with like Vader finding Luke through some sort of design submission or email and Luke's an aspiring Engineer from Tatooine but I'd give them like a 4/10. I have a very picky and very particular standard for writing though, and Beth Winter just writes very well. Same for the Gruoch fellow. I know I liked this one the most of all the Star Wars fics, but nothing hits the same as a Marvel Cold War fic so that's remaining at the top.
7/10. Started off so so so so good. Would've given a 10/10 if not for the ending. It's a series. Read both parts. Very very good. It's very beautifully written and it takes a very unique inspiration from the book A Secret Garden. It was a really clever combination and What If? so I love it. But I'm not the biggest fan of that abrupt ending. Anyways, SPOILERS AHEAD:
I feel like giving a character the possibility of redemption throughout and showing the more humane side and still at the very end judging them as too evil to live? Idk, I mean, it feels sudden. Like you feel me? The story was continuously leading to the possibility of a happy ending or at least something along the lines of a compromise. And then suddenly author basically said "actually Vader's an unredeemable piece of shit, so let's just kill him off. I know I made it seem like he had a good side and that there was a future where he could be a very good parent, but I changed my mind." Anyways, it's fanfiction. Can't be too critical. Nobody's getting paid to write this stuff so I'm not going to bash it too much for inconsistency, but it did feel like the story was desperately trying to show at first that the situation isn't so black and white, but then resorted to viewing it through a black and white lens at the end. Went from no such thing as "absolutes" to well, absolutes.
Ok, I'm done rambling. You get the picture. Next!
Harry Potter
Heed the warnings. 8/10. The writing's very good and the plot hooks you in immediately. But heed the warnings. Not for the faint of heart ig. Also covers sensitive topics. I'm kinda iffy about putting this on the same list as a Beth WInter fic but maybe I'm being overdramatic. It's not artsy is what I mean to say. Author didn't intend for it so come across as a poem. But the writing's still very very good and the plot is even better. UNFINISHED. I'm angrily waiting for an update. Like stalk author's tumblr waiting. Maybe that's why I'm being so petty with the rating and review.
Code Geass
Anything by this author:
Favorites are The Fool Ascendant and The House of Usher. 10/10, both. Haven't read all of them, but also, writing style is very artsy. Character and dynamic studies mostly, and snippets of things we didn't see in canon.
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head-empty-just-sigma · 3 years ago
tachihara, vanitas, miya, and inumaki for the character ask game ! (one from each respective fandom, hope it's not too much lol)
it’s not too much!! i’ll just put it under a cut cuz jeez these can get long xD
fav thing: his jacket. i want it lol. but i like his personality, and his character as a whole. he was so dedicated to his role in the Mafia and his friends there and uGH it’s just so GOOD i can’t explain it
least fav thing: he hid his ability from us for SO LONG and yet it’s SO FREAKING COOL (i’m so bad at coming up with least fav things i might just not do it)
fav line: “Kill everyone you don’t recognize” >:D also “Orders made me who I am. So if I happen to die by those orders, I’ll regret nothing.” *sobs*
brOTP: Tachihara and Hirotsu best bros in the Black Lizard fr or him and Gin (even tho she’s a girl)
OTP: he’s not rlly. shipped with anyone. that i would see making a good dynamic… except Tachihara x Tanizaki if he ever joined the Mafia i guess
nOTP: Tachihara and Chuuya. there’s nothing there. don’t put something there. that’s Dazai’s property
random headcanon: he used his ability on his guns in the Mafia but nobody knew about it bcuz he’s just a good marksman in general, so no one batted an eye when he never missed a shot
song i associate with him: Boy in the Bubble by Alec Benjamin
fav picture:
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screaming crying throwing up i want someone to look at me like Tachihara looks at future dead people
everyone else is under the cut!
fav thing: his eyes are pretty auGh he’s a complicated character who does good things for ALL the wrong reasons but it makes sense? i just like him as a character ig
least fav thing: he. he assaulted Jeanne. yep. that’s it.
fav line: “There’s not much difference between humans and Vampires. They’re all terribly ugly, endlessly selfish creatures.”
brOTP: Vanitas and Dante lol pals for life
OTP: Vanitas x Noé of course
nOTP: he’s not shipped with anyone that i don’t like so? none ig
random headcanon: (idk if this is actually canon) he’s always cold, like 24/7 because of the blue moon stuff. he def used Noé as a portable heater
unpopular opinion: Vanitas and Jeanne do not have any sort of healthy relationship at ALL, but it’s not bad enough to be my nOTP. i still don’t like it tho
song i associate with them: idfc by blackbear (cuz he says he’s not attracted to someone who loves him back)
fav picture:
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he was so cool for this like yes king save your boyfriend
fav thing: his character design is adorable lol. i also love his personality, he’s def one of the best side characters in the anime imo i love this little bean
least fav thing: i give up i can’t think of anything
fav line: whenever he calls someone a slime or troll idk why it’s just so funny to me 😭 new insults for me to also use tbh
brOTP: Miya and Shadow aka the third wheel duo
OTP: he’s an actual kid bro
nOTP: none i guess cuz i don’t ship him with anyone and neither does the fandom rlly
random headcanon: he watches isekai anime (and particularly likes ‘that time i got reincarnated as a slime’)
unpopular opinion: i have mixed feelings about his “cat boy” vibes tbh
song i associate with them: i feel like he’d listen to K/DA (yknow the LoL fake k-pop band thing)
fav picture:
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doing God’s work istg
fav thing: his speech pattern because of his cursed technique they’re so funny and cute 😭😭
least fav thing: literally nothing he’s my fav character in jjk 🥺 he shares my number 1 character spot with Megumi auGh
fav line: he says. like nothing. lmao. BUT i love his voice in general i can’t lie— props to his jp seiyou
brOTP: Inumaki and Panda or Maki. all three of them tbh they’re besties for life they can’t be separated
OTP: Inumaki x Okkotsu obviously lol
nOTP: none ig
random headcanon: sometimes he also sends text in rice ball ingredient language just because
unpopular opinion: can’t think of anything
fav picture:
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he’s such a skrunkly little bean
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lovestoned-ophelia · 3 years ago
(As someone who’s working her way though the books, and is on number four, and has found a new hyperfixation)
it looks like they’re really gonna play with the whole Whistledown/Penelope thing this season, so that’ll definitely keep things fresh & off book. I kinda forgot the Queen existed in the world of the show, and personally, it’s a welcome addition now that I know what to expect from the main plot, so I can be surprised by tv exclusive characters and plot lines.
KATE AND EDWINA!!!!! EDWINA AND KATE!!! MY DARLINGS! MY BELOVEDS!!! The casting is so insanely perfect!! Edwina seems just as cute, proper, and doe eyed as she was in the book, LOOK AT HER LIL PINK DRESSES MY B A B E Y!!! She’s canonically like 17 so I’m positive they’re gonna age her up, which is very rad.
It looks like Lady Danbury is going to be sponsoring the girls, and for the route the show takes, it’s such a great choice!! Lady Danbury isn’t an integral character in the books, especially not the first few, and making her a matriarchal or mentor figure for other characters in the show is SUCCHHHH an amazing idea. Love a bad bitch💜
I like the teeny differences I see already! Like Newton being uneasy with Anthony from the start, instead of being a Good Boy™️ right away.
I can bet money they’re going to change the word Pall Mall to croquet.
From the promo pics, I assume they’re gonna do hunting flashbacks with Anthony and Edmund. I can’t find exactly where Kate fits in there though.
I like the consistency with wardrobe, (particularly the featheringtons) and how they’re keeping Penelope in the gaudy fits until much later.
Eloise is out now ig! Ik her and Penelope are sort of having their own little B plot throughout the season, and idk if I’m looking forward to it. I kind of lean in favor of book Eloise as opposed to Netflix Eloise ngl. That might change though!
I LOOOVE the snippet we got of the Bridgerton Boys at the races with nearly identical fits bc all they talk about in the books is how it’s hard to tell them apart sometimes.
Speaking of, if seems like we’ll be getting more Benedict and Colin this season!!!
Benedict had more of a personality in the first season of the show than he did in the books until his own, and even then it didn’t exactly feel like something earned. J like how we’re building up to him (maybe my fav brother)
Hyped to see further Colin mischief
Seeing Daphne again made me smile. Simon is in the Pall Mall game in the book, but we already know he’s not showing up this season. But we DO get a baby!!! That child looks so fuckin precious!!
The way he LOOKS at Kate!! WMMMMM ghhhhhhhhhhh
Kinda sad that the River incident doesn’t happen via Newton chase, but I’m satiated because of that bit where he’s angrily getting out of the water.
speaking of,,,,,,, W-WROW🥵😳
Kate Sharma is a lucky lucky woman 😭😭😭😭
I think that’s all I have to say about it for now but AAAAAAAAAAA
I wont be able to stop blabbing about it, and I know I’m going to be veeeeery frustrated when it gets more hype again. I watched/read the bridgerton series once the hype died, and now I don’t think I’m gonna survive its return. I’m gonna have to try and zip my lips at every turn and force my own opinions down my throat so I don’t,,,, y’know,,,,, kill ppl-
Love y’all!!
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cometcrystal · 5 years ago
rating (almost) every fred jones look
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classic fred (several movies and series) - you truly cannot go wrong with this look. there’s a REASON they keep going back to the OG outfits and it’s because they rock. the ascot was a cultural reset and it still is. 10/10
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what’s new scooby doo fred - a really nice, modern spin on the classic outfit. love me a stripey shirt. this is a fred who would bring me ice cream at 3:00am because i was crying because my girlfriend dumped me and he’s my good friend and lesbian ally. 9/10
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a pup named scooby doo freddie - im just gonna say it i DON’T like this fred and it’s all because of his haircut. like my mutual marce said, he looks like a trust fund baby and he should have kazoo kid hair instead. 1/10
more under the cut
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mystery incorporated fred - some people aren’t a fan of this series’ art style, but i don’t really mind it. he’s chinnegan junior and this series leans into that. some of the sdmi designs change a lil bit but this is just OG fred but pointy. he gets bonus points because this is one of my fav freds in terms of personality and that’s not really fair but this is my list of freds not yours. 7/10
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scoob! fred - why the fuck his eyes so small 3.5/10
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zombie island fred - THIS IS A TOP NOTCH FRED hes got his vest on his camera ready and god help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen. also this fred proves you don’t NEED the ascot to have a great fred, the ascot is just a bonus. 100/10
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be cool scooby doo fred - okay we all KNOWWW the art style in this show is ugly as hell and i think fred looks the worst out of the gang besides scooby but he gets 3 sympathy points because the show itself is REALLY GOOD 3/10
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live action fred 1.1 - VERY good casting for him and this fred also gets a bonus because freddie prinze jr. and michelle gellar were engaged and thats so cute. points are deducted from 10 for his weird OOC sexist comments 8/10
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live action fred 1.2 - DO NOT LIKE THIS HAIR ON HIM i hate the bucket hat haircut and im glad it died. points are added from 0 for his improved behavior 5/10
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live action fred 2 - HE’S NOT EVEN BLONDE 0/10
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scooby apocalypse fred pre-issue 25 - a lot of panels and covers make him look like too much of a gun-slinging action hero (i found the best panel i could) but this is still a good fred. devoted to his kween and still the heart of the group, despite this series’ bleak plot. 8/10
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scooby apocalypse fred post-issue 25 - UMMM SKIP THIS FRED IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS FOR THESE COMICS IG. i’ve still got a few issues left before i finish this series so i’m not sure how it ends or if fred is brought back at all but THIS IS NOT FRED THIS IS SOMEONE ELSE POSSESSING FRED’S BODY AFTER HE WAS IN-CANON KILLED OFF BY ZOMBIES. VERY EVIL THERE IS NO SCORE LOW ENOUGH/10
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shaggy and scooby doo get a clue fred - he’s in a total of like 2 episodes but this might be my favorite fred design/lewk ever. HE IS SO ROUND AND FRIENDLY. TOP MARKS IN ALL AREAS ∞/10
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mystery map puppet fred - STOP GIVING HIM A BUZZUT -5,000/10
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where’s my mummy fred - love me a fred in a vest. this is just zombie island but a different color but still fun 6.5/10
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PJs fred (shaggy’s showdown, possibly others) - COMFEY but why does he still tuck in his shirt even when he’s going to sleep. he’s so dumb i love him. 10/10
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winter fred (several appearances) - this is a GOOD boy look at his little hat and his warm cozy jacket. props to the 2nd one for including his ascot. one point deducted because the striped one doesn’t have a pompom. 9/10 
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intro animation fred (several movies) - this boy looks sunburned 4/10
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frankencreepy opening fred - this is a character from monster seeking monster. 7.5/10
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stage fright opening fred - i love the retro style!! AN INTELLIGENT BOY A HANDSOME BOY A BOY OF MANY TALENTS AND HE LOVES TO POSE FOR PHOTOS 10/10
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first frights fred - when i agreed that i wanted young fred to have kazoo kid hair i didn’t mean like this never like this. what the fuck -5/10
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xbox/ps2 fred - he’s going to kill me on april 23rd 2027 at 6:02pm 0̷̢̙̻̱̠͆͑͆̊̀̈͆̕̕1̸̛͉̳̙̞̭̺̯̺̹͕̤̀ͅ0̷̻̀̐͋̈́̌̀̇̈́̄̅̚͝/10
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lego fred - LEGO BOUCE. LEGO BOUCE. 10000/10
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ibelonginthepast · 4 years ago
okay I need your klance fic recs(i feel like you have really good taste)(i mean your icon is literally THE keith of course you have god tier taste)
okay so the thing is.. that when i say am kinda messed up and disgusting sometimes... and becoming a madwoman... am not over exaggerating or saying it in a funky way.. i actually am getting like that .. and that's how i got into the klance fandom initially. i project through lance and read really langsty fics.. and they are messed messed with like violent nsfw, gore, horror, serious mental health issues etc? so if u want those... i'll only send them if u want?
yeah tho i entered with this thingy that klance is gonna be like my guilty pleasure or some shit but them i inevitably fell in love with some GORGEOUS fanfictions out there and KEITH KOGANE in all shapes sizes genders and ages so lol...
but they aren't flowery. that's just not my taste. Some of them might be "problematic"? it's in quotes because i don't agree with it. it's not going to be problematic in plain ignorant sense like racial issues or blatant sexism or mental abuse.... but they might have like stuff which people dont always agree with like drugs. most of them would have nsfw it's just something that i need to have for feels and that's why i asked if u minded it. some things are like more subjective,, characterizations for example, cause like some people dont think keith is a skirt guy cause he isnt in fashion but i think he is petty and rebellious so he will defo do that? some of them would have like physical fights and stuff.. or keith and lance being mean to each other.. some ugly habits which aren't necessarily condemned like anger or drugs.? but with how i see it, it's not glorified, so i see them as human. i love the raw and ugly in these or idk its just human to me (but some people dont like which is completely valid cause we are all different from different environments and think different and resonate with different stuff.)
wait addition: i think some of them will have sexist themes? which i have complained about a lot before. i dont know why authors feel the need to somehow put women down to show how a mlm relationship without any women is superior or some shit it's annoying as fuck i hate it. i dont think i would have any especially sexist fics here, but there might be some with lowkey themes and bad handling of those issues. some of them mau have that subtext of disgusting heteronormative standards, but in subtext uk like bottom lance having a small waist and being giggly and all in contrast to big bulk keith.
here are some that i had bookmarked... but i may remember some more and then send them to u and or add them here...
a heads up.. i dont remember all of them very well. its been a while and i read fanfictions A LOT so yeah.. incase one slips up here which isnt very good am sorry dont judge me
the bold ones are the ones u should really check out if our taste is similar.
to begin with plain f l u f f,, my first klance bookmark was How Could I Say No? by Padfoots_Pawprint. tws for violence, bullying, injury BUT it's not actually gory or something like that it's just keith being keith and getting hurt and lance helping my boi like he should. it made me feeeeeeeel ksksk
this was one that kinda really touched me,, Wasted youth, Cryptids, and Waterboys by Baea THIS HAS EXPLICIT NSFW in it, the first chapter kicks off with it.. its a good fuck buddies to lovers in my opinion.. i love the writing style, the choice of how it's just a couple entries of random days in their lives. i love keith's characterization.. he is a hobo and a conspiracy nerd.. i love how down for him lance is, very dedicated. i love their growth.. i love how they help each other grow,, and it's so like real and usual day to day and human and down to earth idk how else to express it. this is INCOMPLETE. it's 12 chapters and discontinued as of now,, but it's not a deadly cliffhanger
similar in style and approach to the above. tho i think here is where it gets dubious. Easy, Tiger. by @/WhatTheBodyGraspsNot ... this is INCOMPLETE too and as of now discontinued. this has that sorta murky vibe with it's drug usage, them being teenagers in school and engaging in stuff like this, bad boy keith and all. this has nsfw too. i just remember really liking it and its very raw and unfiltered. tho it's incomplete it's not an open ending for now.
okay so i am restarting this but am upset as fuck that it all got deleted so i am gonna be lazy and not put as much effort as i did.
i have also Crowd Pleaser bookmarked by the same author,, this one's complete and it has some serious issues around gaslighting if i remember correctly... i really liked it then. keith is literally an angel here, i want to kidnap him and marry him literally. the s h w ee t e s t shit ,, and i like how lance gives him all the support and space to get his shit together
Drummer boy by klancekorner,, i think it's similar to the prev one, but lance's pov(which is what i prefer ngl). this authors fanfics are all just wholesome. i had put links to all their fics before, but imma now just say that u should go and check all their fics out. i have them all bookmarked, i must have seen something in them (can't remember what now tho and i cant be bothered to skim through them like last time *rolls eyes*)
War of hearts? idk why honestly, just ik keira has made me gay, and lesbian rejection angst? garrison? yes :) it's incomplete, conveniently left at the point where lance's heart is broken lol
Fuck buddies with benefits. THE NAME IS BAD I KNOW but i just love the idea of a dedicated mess of a keith and lance taking care of him. that's it that's the fic if i remember correctly. oh wait yeah u might think keith is not treating lance right, but i think it's fine if lance is treated a bit stupid. this is a bit too sex driven tho i dont like it but just SLEEPDEPRIVED KEITH TO TAKE CARE OF IMMA SIGN UP (ik this maybe coming off toxic but lol look at me)
Rambling: THIS WAS ME.
Last Defense: TW SUICIDE this is literally the langst i have for canon lance
I want something else: bad boy keith can break my limbs and cut my face and i will thank him
A thank you would be nice: keira damn
game-set-match: b a d b o y
I swear to go the devil made me do it: my typically fav trop, hardcore pining lance, literally perfect angsty keith. very similar to the top ones ig? idk also this one is one of my comparatively recent sane bookmarks so that's something. it starts off weird, u think it gon be subtly sexist but it turns out better so hold on
you've got me locked up: i think it's delinquent keith,, its floofy
Dad lance and tattoo artist keith: the name says it
damn while going through my bookmarks i realized that there are a lot of things i never bookmarked? i am pretty sure i loved a lot of long fanfictions, flower shop aus and tattoo artists shit wtf-
wait here's one, it's not complete: Blood jumps in the sun: it's very heavy has a lot of growth and kinda wholesome,, tags and summary will give u an idea what u getting in.
The lessons we learned: can't remember much other than florist keith, sad keith, smart keith, really long, pining
damn i think i have a lot of happy ones i didn't bookmark cause my brain was like u dont deserve the serotonin :( i'll add if i have more)
some actually angsty, detailed nsfw and messy (according to the way u interpret these) ones... lemoninagin.. they have some very detailed and explicit nsfw stuff but i am not there for it. some of it has the kind of angst i like? an actual one that i love and they recently posted and the reason am putting them here is infinitesimal. best friends to lovers and tho usually it's not my cup of tea.. it's a character study, an interpretation of klance in a modern world i dare say,, which is very similar to mine. the thing about them is that i like their characterization a lot, and in no love in this, i like what kind of background stories they give to klance in their aus. i haven't read many by them, so if u want u can check them out.
i just realized i have put some lowkey sad/fucked fics here... i did remove 5 rn... i hope its all good damn why am i doing this i feel like am putting myself naked out there when i recommend my favs
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years ago
SPN 5X3 Free to be You and Me
huh oh right they're split up
boy I'm curious to see what's gonna happen
huh open on Sam
like yes, protagonist, but
man she hasn't aged
boy it's nice she's remembered tho
poor Sam and the constant violation of his bodily autonomy
see it's shot like that one lucifer thing
Oh simple man, ok wow
I like this one
Great American Loneliness
Dean canonically knows about twilight
Bedlund started it and they all just liked it so much
teenage mutant ninja angel
“are you flirting with me” “I’m fucking trying to”
Cas and his complete sincerity vs. Dean and quips :)
K E I T H ?
o h world peace oof
Sam the Slightly Off kid is SO GOOD
the president quip also feels pointed at the times
cas *stares*
IT’S THE DEMONS- no no it’s not
aww their dynamic is so good I love it
actual humor just by virtue of people oh my god I love castiel
I do like the dichotomy of like…Sam liked hunting the most but has to give it up(established in the office au) like he’s growing into it
he fucking LOOKS ethereal
“you do” jesus cas
“last night on earth” I’m going feral what the fuck was this
they’re so fucking funny oh my god I’m cackling
listen…I get it…but also…apocalypse
Sam b ru h
although to be entirely fair, he might be more of a liability
aw I like Lindsay although she’s gonna be…dead probably
oh we’ve got themes of world weary in one way vs naive in one way and also knowledgable of the Universe vs the whole GED thing that gets brought up in fic and AAA
“years” oh no Dean :(
I do like the wandering archetype for him actually tbh
Aw she’s three years sober
“come and get me you little bastard” damn I LOVE HIM
Also Dean hunches over they’re about the same height now
he deflects so Cas is ok aw
“It was his idea” * B I T C H *
gOd iS dEaD anD we have kIllEd Him
ah there we got to the lindsay death :(
the ages old “what do when god is gone, would he let this happen”
“just cuz shit’s fucked up doesn’t mean you make it more fucked up” VERY NICE
“godless universe” and yeah it be like that
post office sksks
ooo it being lucifer is a Nice Touch
it’s not true but still cool
and he does hulk out but like…human hulk out
“you gotta do what you believe” AWW
“we’re not so different you and I” type beat AW
Dean being happy without Sam is Ouch but also
it’s different with not being responsible for someone
aw he’s happy
Ah it’s luci
whelp that must have been violating
heh vessel bros
“and I’ll just bring you back” IS H O R R I F Y I N G, and worse, it’s set up
sincere villain is so interesting though damn
okok wrap:
1. straining against budget. listen it’s painfully clear that Supernatural wants to be more than it is. Like the fact that they burn through a lot of really popular songs(budget) at the beginning is like. there’s a vision, and it can’t be reached. Although in some cases that constraint ends up for the better(I think my fav example is Misha’s crazy hair), other times it ends up well. But the idea that it wants to be more than it is? I go Feral, I want to Eat Glass
No wonder this is like the Most Fanficced Show
2. simple man. I really liked the mirroring montage. They lean TOO heavily on the radio gag(have it be a tape, have it be SOMETHING else so it’s not the same thing two episodes in a row) but I thought it was a good time passing/show the dichotomy montage
actually speaking of
3. dichotomy!! like we know from the office ep/season 4 Sam is down to fight(always more like John, always more taken in by revenge and pain and power etc etc), and Dean has been reticent, wants a normal life, in both Yellow Fever and office ep, and they had to do the other things. And “Weirder” still, Dean is happy! like yeah Sam is Burdened, but Dean is happy to just…vibe for the first time in his life
ok see it’s different cuz a younger sibling is still responsibility, it isn’t technically equal, so Dean was never able to relax because John’s an absent father. the younger sibling thing
but their dichotomy here was very good, and I liked the simple man was highlighted. Once again, Sam being miserable in a normal life(like he always prolly would have been) but Dean finding himself way from his family.
3. Sam I REALLY liked the wandering archetype for Sam. Him actually going to figure shit out would be interesting, but they never actually have the time, or leave the time, for people to go through with it and it’s a shame! Weird Kid Sam would be so cool to see around in a story
also sidetone, but once you notice how little agency Sam has like…ever…like wow, this kid never had a choice thanks to destiny, and that SUCKS
slowly getting more on the Sam Hype Train tbh
4. Cas listen. Not only is Cas’s grapple with his absent father cool, he’s genuinely funny to be around! Like him and Dean have a fucking fantastic dynamic, he Acts Different than Humans(thanks Misha Collins holy hell) so it’s incredibly clear something’s off and it’s just
like it’s so good to have a character like that, he’s just so cool.
Also…Dean was flirting. that was flirting. THAT WAS LITERALL-
See I thought people were exagerrating! Like even Merlin I can kinda see what they were going for sometimes!
5. absent fathers. Ok listen. Dean sympathizing with Cas because of trying to find an absent father(ties into the beginning of the show, dad’s on a hunting trip etc) and giving him hope to find him is SO CUTE! Like Dean giving Cas hope because of similar situations! Cas letting Dean finally relax! GOOD
Also I mentioned it, but their dichotomy of like…I think streetsmarts(Dean) and booksmarts(Ig universesmarts tho, he knows a lot of Weird Things) IS SO INTERESTING and COOL and AHH
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bitchsexuality · 5 years ago
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ok first off i’m sorry i took so long to reply!! i’ve been busy in the most tedious way possible so my brain’s not exactly my best friend right now. second off: THANK U SO MUCH these were so fun to answer!!
i’m putting all of these in the same post because i started talking and i could not Shut The Up, and i think one atrociously long post is better than four long posts when it comes to like, scrollability. scrollpastability? scroll-Something. and putting it under a readmore too for the same reasons
SO, from top to bottom:
weirdest character idea for D-N-D:
it’s an idea i’ve already had because i can’t come up with anything right now dksjfgbd, but
once i made a druid for a D//N/D-based CRPG who only cast spells when they gave him something edible (in theory ofc, the game didn’t let me eat my summoned bears... thankfully...), so i ended up with nothing but goodberries and several animal summoning spells. then i proceeded to cheat my way through the game, which defeated the point sdfgsd, but it was still fun concept-wise
also made me spend too much time wondering if the entangle spell’s vines could be eaten. i mean you can’t eat the WHOLE thing but maybe you could like, munch on it a little, or try to slurp it up like a noodle. it wouldn’t be tasty, it wouldn’t be easy, and it most definitely would not be healthy, but it’s like. the principle of the thing 
if ur asking yourself WHY i did that… well there aren’t THAT many D/ND-based CRPGS out there and i’d already played that one —several times, in fact— so i wanted to try something different :0
i mean it’s not THAT weird tbh, but he’s the only OC i can think of right now that soooooort of fits? and my brain is like, a tundra of creativity at the moment. a deep tar pool that absorbs all inspiration and drags it, kicking and screaming, to its viscous doom. well you get the idea. or i hope you do because i sure fucking don’t
ideal ending for one of my characters:
hmmmm for like, original fiction characters i more or less have all their endings planned out? most of them ARE ideal because i am fully in control of their destinies and i am also a softhearted lidle bich who prefers stories with relatively uplifting/happy endings. or tbh even the ones that aren’t technically happy are still ideal in terms of character arcs, development, etc
(i might be giving myself way too much credit there though skdjgbdksjfg)
and —though this is super unlikely and mostly just me deceiving myself at this point— i do want to publish what i’m working on rn, so talking about endings would be a spoiler for something that does not exist and probably never will outside of my idiot fool head. so i’m gonna talk about an old OC that i’m not doing anything with anymore!
her name was elina and her entire deal was that she came from a family of very powerful witches who owned a, uh, i guess you could call it an archive? or a library?? idk, it was just an ABSURDLY large collection of magic-related books, and it pretty much contained all known arcane knowledge (though come think of it, “all known arcane knowledge” can’t have been THAT much because the archive was just one room. a huge fucking monster of a room yeah but like. still just One)
so anyway, her family members were very dutiful + responsible when it came to the archivelibraryroom thing, but they were also too traditional for her tastes? like they didn’t bother practicing/using magic, or experimenting, or looking for anything outside of books; they only cared about written things, and even then they did nothing but get the Very Important Books, put them in the archivelibraryroom and forget about them completely
then elina ran into a group of other magic-users who were investigating a weird phenomenon in her hometown, and she asked her family about it, but they essentially were like “oh if it doesn’t affect the books we don’t care lol anyway it’s your turn to clean the archivelibrary now”
but yeah i’m sure y’all can tell where this is going kjdfgbd elina was the typical YA protag in that she was super rebellious, so she turned her back on her family and left her house to help the group of inconveniently yet stereotypically teenage magic-users, made friends, learned about magic, blah blah blah
the issue is that i never gave that story an ending? like the closest thing to it was a vague “uhhhh elina goes back home to find the archivelibrary is burning down and pulls some kind of mysterious water magic out of her ass to save it; then her family apologizes, they begin to respect her and she stays with them to keep caring for the archivelibrary, But With A Progressive Twist”
the issue was that after writing around two chapters i realized i didn’t actually Have a plot, so i didn’t know what story that ending would be... ending... and since i couldn’t think of anything + i wasn’t THAT attached to the characters anyway i just gave up on it
but now that i’m thinking of it again, just for the sake of ending the Story That Never Was, i feel like making her earn the respect of her family just because she saved the books + proved she actually cares about that too is, idk, shallow? out of character? 
because she believed that her family’s fixation on history + Neatly Documented stuff was holding them back and making things worse for everyone. she left her home behind because her ideals re.: magic —that it should grow and change to fit the context + people’s needs, and not the other way around— were so strong
OOF THIS IS GETTING SO FUCKING LONG KSDJGB i’m just gonna stop here and say: elina’s new ideal ending is pretty much that while she ends up in friendly terms with her family —because, in spite of their fundamental disagreements, they never hurt her— she doesn’t go back home and chooses to travel around the world instead, helping people in whichever way possible and freely sharing her knowledge with anyone who’s willing to listen and, at the same time, learning from them
i mean, the concept’s not too original ksjdbg just something i thought of super quick, and that’s just a half-assed attempt at closure for an OC i made when i was like… 9
headcanons about my favs:
ok this one’s hard because i’m not into any like… fandom things right now? i haven’t found anything that rly interests me or that i could see myself being passionate about, which sucks because i do kinda miss being into stuff with Established Content :( 
so i’ve been focusing on my OCs + original stories and such. and i’m not sure if OC headcanons count as headcanons because i control canon so technically everything i come up with IS canon. then again it’s headcanon too because it’s a canon from my head because that’s where ideas come from. okay wait i’m not making any cents here x 
but uhh knowing me i might think of something right after publishing this, so if that happens i’ll come back and edit this post :0
also just saying but if any of y’all know of something i could get into then lmk, i’m open to suggestions! preferably free stuff though... i’m beset by capitalisms
a favorite scene that i loved:
i can’t remember any in particular right now, either from my #content or somebody else’s SDFKJGBDF god my mind 😔 well i mean i’m gonna be a little bit full of meself and say that i’ve written things that i really like, especially imagery-wise, but i Also want to publish those someday… like i’ve also written original/OC-related stuff that i don’t plan on publishing, but i’m not THAT proud of them tbh :/
i was —emphasis on was— trying to write a short story about jasna (one of my D-N/D OCs, a cleric of oghma) that never really went anywhere, but i did post a snippet on my OC blog, and that’s what i hate the least out of all my recent attempts at writing? so i’m just gonna put it here again ig sdfgs (not actually linking to the OC blog post because it’s kind of a mess rn, i need to fix the theme + clean it up a bit)
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if you got this far and read all of this nonsensical verbal monster: i love u with all my heart and i would legitimately die for u.
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