#her persona is named after Will Scarlet
system-threat-detected · 11 months
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Horizontober day 18: Tarot
A flimsy excuse to make another Persona crossover!
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bulbagarden · 11 months
Opinion: Scarlet and Violet are Pokémon's Queerest Games Yet (Bulbanews)
Hi it's Lisia here!! The following is an opinion piece from one of our staff members, Torchic W. Pip!! Blanc and I both loved this and like... we had to share it here LOL.
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Pokémon was my queer awakening. I had silly little crushes on male and female characters alike, and I resonated with many of the designs of the series’s more gender nonconforming designs. Pokémon has always had a wink and a nod to queerness: Jessie and James’s genderbending antics, Beauty Nova in X and Y, Blanche from Pokémon GO… the list goes on. But with Scarlet and Violet, queerness shines bright as celestial stars.
“But wait!” you might say. “Scarlet and Violet has no canonical gay or trans characters! How can this thesis make sense?” Well, queer representation need not be explicit to be impactful. Sometimes, the stories queer people resonate with most are told through metaphor, from the misfits in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to X-Men to Luca and Gwen Stacy. The roots of this trace back to a history of censorship. LGBTQ+ stories have been historically censored, such as with the Hays Code. Queer people have long been unable to see stories with explicitly queer characters, so they instead turned to metaphors and symbolism. Gender nonconformity is also nothing new to the scene of video games. Metroid, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, and Guilty Gear are just some of the games that play with our expectations of gender. It’s also nothing new to Pokémon. East Asian media tends to depict transness and gender nonconformity differently from the West, but for more on that, I'll direct you to this video.
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Even before the release of Scarlet and Violet, gender nonconformity shined through. Take a character like Grusha, for example, who many mistook for a girl when he was first introduced. It goes a little deeper than that, though. “Grusha” is Russian for “pear”, but it’s also a diminutive for the name “Agrafena”... a female Russian name. Whether or not it was intentional, it does add an extra layer of nonconformity to Grusha. Another character with some queercoded elements is Iono: Her color palette evokes the colours of the trans flag, and her Magnemite headpieces evoke an explicitly genderless Pokémon. Baggy clothes are common among many transgender people. Her friend Bellibolt is a frog, and many frogs in real life can change their sex. In Japanese, she speaks with a Bokukko speech pattern (a girl using the masculine “boku”), which is often used for plucky characters, but also nonconforming characters. All of Iono’s names across translations evoke themes of questions. On top of all that… well, the Vtubing scene is, from personal experience, very queer. All of my friends who watch VTubers are queer in some way. More seriously, creating a persona where you can let your true self shine in a way that regular society won't allow you to... that's pretty queer.
With the release of the games, we’ve seen a wide array of characters—Rika, Saguaro, Penny, and all of the leaders of Team Star, among others—showcase a wide range of gender expressions, either in their appearances, their personalities, or their hobbies. And all of these characters are seen as heroes, as role models.
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As with games before, there are two characters with queer subtext in their relationship. Hassel and Brassius have been seen by many as being in a gay relationship, bonding over a love of art, supporting each other in dark times, and giving each other pet names. Even if it's not outright stated that they're in a romantic relationship, their care for each other is a beautiful thing. Many gay coded relationships are often of younger men or women, and while these relationships are important, it's also important for older gay couples to receive some of the spotlight. After all, queer people have always existed, and it's important to remember our past and honor those who came before us, who helped paved the path to acceptance.
For the first time in a mainline game, the player character can choose any clothes, hair style, and so on regardless of gender. While the player can still only choose between being referred to by masculine or feminine terms, this is a step in the right direction, and it opens the door for many opportunities never seen before. Boys can be feminine, girls can be masculine, and both can be anywhere in between. The world of gender expression is as big as the open world of Paldea.
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But back to Team Star. The whole Team Star path is one big, queer metaphor. Think about it: kids are bullied for how they dress or act, these misfits band together and retaliate against their bullies, finding a sort of family in each other, villains who turn out to be just the opposite… It’s a story that, in some way or form, can resonate with many kids who have, sadly, dealt with homophobia or transphobia in school. The path is a story about righting what’s wrong, about making the world a more accepting place.
Scarlet and Violet is a game about shining bright in the sky with other stars, about being your true self. Its themes are deeply resonant with the queer experience. At the end of the Team Star path, you battle Penny, whose ace Pokémon is trans flag-coloured Sylveon, and as she Terastilizes her partner, she says, “Shine bright like the starry sky and become who you really want to be!” So shine bright, trainers, and be your true self.
Oh, and of course, Quaquaval is the queer icon of all time.
[Torchic W. Pip is a Bulbanews writer with a focus on music, merchandise, and spin-off games. They're also a fanfiction author and moderator of the Writer's Workshop subforum. Outside of writing, Torchic is studying music theory and linguistics, and his favorite games are X/Y and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.]
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selarina · 1 year
Out of Style
-> Suna Rintaro x Fem!Reader
Chapter 2: Digitial Duet
Summary: The following night, Suna can't help but find himself lured by your online persona.
Content Warnings: celebrity au, rockstar!suna rintaro, actress!reader, online interactions, band dynamics, fluff, sexual undertones, mention of smoking, character study, sensual imagery, eventual smut
Word Count: 1.7k words
Author's Note: I'm ngl lead singer!atsumu does things to me.... also, bonus points for you if you guess what osamu, aran and kita's roles are in the band
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Suna’s public account is filled with carefully curated images sent by his publicist, or sometimes it is simply just posted by a poor intern whose only job is analyzing and curating his online presence. He tried maintaining a sense of autonomy at first. After all, he only becomes a star after being on social media for quite a while. He quite liked it, the unseriousness of it all but too many sites have risen and fallen since then, and he’s realized he might be too old or too busy to get used to the new features.
So… Suna’s not one to spend a lot of time on social media, barring the one private Instagram account his sister, Reiko, set up for him. It’s private, it has the only photo ever posted on the account — a selfie of him and his sister from the same day she set the account up. She’s smiling at the camera, perfectly posed while he’s right behind her, his face is twisted, caught off guard. You could say he was objectively ugly in the photo.
Hmm? He stares down at the picture. Seems like he never really deleted it. He switches to his public account.
His eyes move to scan his phone screen for a brief second before he finds it. He’s still not used to how different everything is from the last time he used this app, and it’s only been two weeks. How can you change so much in so little time? And why would you even?
His finger taps to reach the search option, his fingers moving to type in your name. Immediately, he gets a list of results — a verified account on top with a profile picture of you. He looks at the rest of the accounts below yours, a list of fan accounts of you.
He clicks on your account.
When the screen finally opens, Suna is accosted by your familiar face, scattered across the range of tiny boxes.
He clicks on the first picture that catches his immediate eye, it’s a picture of you sitting outside an establishment. Your shoes are scattered beside you as you smile sweetly at the screen. He smiles.
Your profile actually looks like photos you are posting yourself, but well, so does his, he thinks. Frowning, he scrolls, and he scrolls. He feels like an intruder as his scrolling continues, but he can’t seem to stop for some reason. The photos are like a collection of your life — it’s full of photos of you, your friends, co-stars, your sister, and your cat. Sometimes, the occasional movie promotion, a fashion event, or something like that.
And then he stumbles upon it, it’s a photo of you wrapped in a blazer, as the rain pours in the foreground. And you — you’re twisting your head ever so slightly to address the camera directly with your eyes, and you manage to hold his eyes to yours for quite a well somehow. He can’t help but think if your lips are purposefully quirked with a ghost of a smile. He lingers far longer than he’d care to admit but eventually, he scrolls again, as one does.
Only to wash away his opinion of you, he says. Only to get accustomed and to get rid of this new feeling, he says.
He then stops at another picture, a promotional picture, but it’s not for your movie. It’s for this band. Scarlet Riot.
He remembers this band, during a meeting where his manager was very upset with the band for Scarlet Riot’s new single surpassing his band, Black Velvet’s single on the rankings. He remembers dozing off during the meeting and being forcefully woken up again, and again, and again until the manager had enough and sent him back home. He happily accepted.
He doesn’t know anything about Scarlet Riot, apart from the fact that they are apparently cut from the same cloth as his band but yes, he notices how there isn’t much visible. Not your face, not the guy’s face but he seems to be holding you and your very lightly covered body — just you in your bra, and your underwear to be candid.
The said faceless guy is clothed entirely with one hand grasping the small of your back, and the other one holding your leg up as you seem to lift it in tandem.
He immediately clicks off the post, switching to his official account as he searches for your profile.
His hands hover for a second over the send button before he clicks on it.
To be fair, he isn’t technically lying in his texts because he is now rewatching your movie to drown out the anticipation of your response, but at the moment he only had enough heed to hit send on the message then, and he didn’t know how long that would last.
He eyes his abandoned phone on the teak table in front of him, as he watches your movie. It currently has a conversation between two guys in the movie, and honestly, he couldn’t care less about them.
He couldn’t help it. He looked up the video, and he admits he can find himself agreeing with the rest of the 14 million people who seem to find the appeal. He pauses the video, and it pauses at a picture-worthy shot if he could say so himself — your eyes are heavy-lidded resulting in a sultry expression, akin to a languid panther moving through the tall grass, that makes something primal rake right beneath the confines of his body.
H clicks off from the video, turning off his phone as he unpauses your movie continuing to chomp on the rest of his pasta.
The next day, Suna found himself on auto-pilot making his way through the band's rehearsal studio. The place was cramped and confining — just as he secretly liked. It’s always overfilled with a diversified jumble of instruments, amps, and other recording equipment.
He adjusts his guitar strap as he began the process of plugging his instrument in. He’s early today, so it affords him the opportunity to observe as his bandmates and studio staff trickle in, one by one, as he sips on his coffee. He’s not usually a fan of hot beverages, preferring cooler, or lukewarm drinks but today, he needs the searing warmth to keep him from biting off his bandmates’ heads.
Atsumu, the drummer, finally saunters in with his signature impish grin that sent a surge of irritation coursing through Suna's veins. It’s just lack of sleep talking, he reassures himself as Atsumu takes a seat near him seating himself behind the drum set.
"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Atsumu quipped, his voice cutting through the studio's ambient hum Suna grew comfortable in.
Suna's retort was swift, a deadpan stare, as he took another sip. "Don't call me that.”
“Well, you look the part.” Atsumu remained undeterred, as he reclined against the seat, a smirk etched upon his features.
Suna doesn’t respond, his attention returning to the coffee cup, as he took another sip.
“Where's everyone else?” Suna set aside the guitar, carefully placing his chair as he weaved through to discard the now-empty cup into the bin.
"Aran’s out for a smoke. Osamu’s stuck in traffic, surprise surprise. Kita’s at a shoot. He should be late today," Atsumu replied.
Suna's response was a barely discernible hum as he sat back in his chair. He occupied himself with tuning his guitar, his fingers moving with practiced familiarity, attuned to the nuances of each string.
They continued to wait in silence, Atsumu’s soft humming withheld. Not that Suna particularly took issue with it, in fact, it was a bit soothing to exist in his space, until Atsumu spoke again that is.
"So, you seemed to have an interesting night.” Atsumu's tone was teasing, his words laden with an underlying implication that Suna found distinctly annoying.
A warning glint flickered through Suna's eyes, his response lax but firm. "No idea what you’re talking about."
Atsumu leaned back against his seat, a smile playing on his lips. "Oh, come on now. We all saw you last night. Never knew you could physically bring yourself to smile."
Suna's eyes narrowed. “We were just talking.”
Atsumu barely hummed in response, but Suna’s annoyance seemed to seep back under his skin – he didn't want to engage in this conversation, especially not with Atsumu, who generally had a talented knack for pushing his buttons early in the morning.
Atsumu waggled his eyebrows as they raise up. "So, what kind of talkin' were ya doin', hmm?"
Suna shot a sharp look at Atsumu, his fingers pausing his task on the guitar. "None of your business."
“Okay,” Atsumu responds and Suna’s relieved. For all his many complaints about Atsumu, he truly does know how to read people, and as much as he seemed to like pushing boundaries, he never truly seemed to cross them.
“Just be careful,” Atsumu speaks up, Atsumu's tone was tinged with a rare sincerity. Suna finds it a bit too jarring like he’s an alternate reality.
“What do you mean?”
“It’s just — Relationships with other people like us never truly work out, ya know.”
“I know,” Suna responds, as his eyes flit down to his guitar. Suna's fingers slipped on the strings, creating a dissonant sound.
Atsumu sighs as his voice comes out in a subdued murmur, “I should know better than anyone,” before Osamu's voice carries from outside to inside the studio, disrupting the momentary exchange.
Osamu walks through pushing the entry door as he stomps over to where they are.
“Get off my seat, ya imp,” he says, tossing his back to the side before he proceeds to push Atsumu off the chair, and almost like he was slapped out of it — Atsumu’s back to his usual self as his hands rise up to pull Osamu’s hair.
At the backdrop of the familiar dance between Osamu and Atsumu, Suna pulls out of his phone and the muted buzz against his thigh.
Ping! His eyes flit up to the top of his phone. It’s you. He clicks on the notification.
yn_ln : sorry i passed out but wow, flattery and a movie review?
yn_ln : i'm honored
Suna smirks as he taps on the screen. His fingers seem to type out a reply before he's even fully aware of it.
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mythos321 · 2 months
The Fourth of my WoF x Persona AU Profiles, this one being just a confidant as opposed to a Phantom Thief(also with a different arcana compared to the character they’re crossed with)
Kestrel: The Hanged Dragon
Arcana: Hanged Man
Birthdate: April 7th, 4981 AS
Backstory:Kestrels backstory starts similar to how it does in the main universe, with her losing both her children at The Diamond Spray river, one to Queen Scarlet, and the other to the river. However, due to the lack of The Talons of Peace, Kestrel instead kept up her search for her son, searching high and low for him almost like a madwoman. She nearly did find her son many times, but each time he disappeared from her sights, and she had no idea what to do, however, she had determined the general area where he stayed, and set up a cavern for herself for the time.
However, the day she finally found her son, she realized he was completely terrified of her, he hadn’t been disappearing from her for no reason…he thought she was trying to kill him. This shook Kestrel to her core, and though she tried to speak with her son, a small scavenger seemed to attempt to ward her off, and Kestrel, in so much shock, willingly fled, however always keeping close to her son as she slowly tried to make him trust her, with very minimal progress in such.
Kestrel felt lost, broken, and ashamed, passing her time by turning her cavern into a sort of cafe/bar she(uncreatively) named Cavern Tavern, serving multiple assortments of dishes, mainky coffee and curry. During this time she met a Mudwing named Asha who was the closest she had to an acquaintance, and one day learned from her about her nephew Clay, who by Ashas accord was being sent on probation due to being framed for attacking an unknown Skywing official.
Kestrel put together from the Skywings behavior they must have been Queen Scarlet, and with this knowledge, volunteered to let Clay stay with her as his guardian, and until his probations up, he shall be taken under her wings(hehe).
Physical Description: Kestrel is overall the same in her appearance, with a minor change in having a small scar on her paw after it was stabbed by a certain scavenger that was with her son. The biggest difference in appearance is actually Kestrels demeanor, having a much calmer abd more approachable face.
Personality:Although she used to be very similar to her main version, Kestrel is much less aggressive now after what happened between her and her son, with her having had the subconscious realization her actions and way of life made her own child afraid of her. She however is still very strict and cold, if only initially when Clay first meets her. Some also claim she has a smooth charm to her, though Kestrel herself admits she lost a lot of over the years.
Goals:To try and make amends with her son, and hopefully find her daughter one day.
-Unlike her main counterpart, Kestrel would never even dream of harming the other dragonets, much less Clay
-Kestrels immediate assumption whenever Clay brings a dragon around his age to her cafe is that they’re his girlfriend/boyfriend, and she often snarks he’s surprisingly uneventful in that regard considering all the other hijinks he tells her about(or what she secretly reads from his journal and letters when he isn’t looking)
-Kestrel has a medical condition that gives her a forked tongue, she thinks it’s weird but does admit it makes for the occasional fun party trick
-Kestrel is a master of curry, her best ones being Beef Curry and(after lots of practice) Vegetable curry, the latter which she mainly makes for Sky
-Kestrel thinks those who do nothing about themself and use the excuse that that is the way life made them are losers who should get thrown off a cliff, she’d know, she used to think that way
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howhow326 · 2 years
Harlequin AU: villain Maribug
This idea just popped into my head: what if Miraculous was a villain origin story? What if all the times where Marinette got treated like dog doo doo by her friends, society, and the narrative actually mattered?? What if all the times Marinette got needlessly traumatized were actually a prelude to a more dramatic mental break, a la Scarlet Witch??? What if Marinette went ape shit???? Here's my idea:
Marinette's descent into villainy starts the same way every other day of her life starts: Chloe and Sabrina bully her; Lila bullies her and none of her friends stand up for her; Chat Noir borderline sexually harasses her OR he acts like all the times he proclaimed his undying love to her never happened so he can avoid going on a date with her; the usual.
As Marinette goes into her room, she gets ready to cry herself to sleep like she does every night. And then, an idea pops into her head...
"Tiki, red spots on." "Marinette, no! You can't use the miraculous for evil! You know it always ends in disaster!" "Disaster for ME!!! I'm the one that always sufferers the most for mine and every else mistakes! No more... NO MORE!!! TIKI, RED SPOTS ON!!!"
Marinette transforms, but not into Ladybug. Her trauma and her 'selfish' desire to do what's good for her mixes into a new persona: Harlequin. Her outfit is a color flipped version of Ladybug's enhanced outfit from season 4, a black body suit with red spots.
Harlequin jumps out of her house and announces herself, "Bonsoir, citizens of Paris. You used to know me as the weak Ladybug, the failure superhero." Gasps can be heard from the late night citizens, wondering why their darling would call herself that. "But from now on my name is Harlequin, the strongest superhero in Earth! And I'll prove my strength by finding Hawkmoth and arresting him! CREATION CHARM!!!"
Harlequin digs deep with her power over creation, forcing her power to work for her the same way Hawkmoth forces his power to make akumas. She creates a magic compass that points in the direction of the Butterfly miraculous, and as soon as she arrives at the Agreste mansion, she knows exactly who has been making her life hell.
Gabriel is asleep when Harlequin crashes through his window and assults him. " Oh, you BETTER wake up!" Harlequin snatches his miraculous away and beats him into submission.
When Adrien walks in, he feels like he's in a nightmare. "Ladybug, what are you doing!" The boy screams as she continues to beat a corpse. "Happy Valentine's day, Adrien! Your abusive father, Hawkmoth, won't be bothering us anytime soon." As she walks out of the room to retrieve her kwamis, she turns back to face Adrien. "And by the way, it's Harlequin now."
Gabriel Agreste, AKA Hawkmoth, is dead. Suicide by cop, of course. It's not like anyone cares. Nathile is sent to a UN jail for life after her connection to Gabriel is found out. Adrien inherents his father's company and is to be allowed to live in the guardianship of the Gorilla until he becomes 18. Harlequin recreates the miraculous and brings them back home. But it's not a happy ending. It's just the beginning.
The next day, Lila is up to her old tricks. Afterschool, Harlequin drags her into the street in font of a local news station. "Bonjour citizens of Paris, Harlequin speaking! This girl, Lila Rossi, has been bullying an innocent girl in her class room for the last year. Lila has claimed an innocent girl cheated on a test, she claimed an innocent girl pushed her down the stairs, all sorts of lies really! She even claimed to be my best friend, although there's one hole in that story... Tiki, red spots off!" As Marinette reveals her identity to everyone in Paris, Lila's heart sinks. "The whole time I have been saving the people of Paris, the whole time I've been helping my friends, this wench has been bullying me! NO MORE! Tiki, red spots on!" Harlequin swings away into the distance...
The next day, Lila Rossi disappears. The people of Paris don't care, she bullyed their savior after all. Meanwhile, the akuma class' reputation is destroyed, each one becoming a social outcast.
The day after, Harlequin finds out that the Mayor of Paris has been breaking one two many laws. She decides that he, his wife, and Chloe are all going to go to a "nice family prison".
That's what she told the public. Harlequin used the bunny miraculous to send them back in time into the French Revolution. Chloe will never bully Marinette again.
The day Harlequin becomes the new Empress of France is met with cheers. She saved the world from Hawkmoth. She erased all crime in the country. She seperated France from the UN, so that they may be their own superpower again. Longue vie la Harlequin!
"Marinette, you need to stop! Don't you see that this is crazy?" Alya pleeds to her best friend. "Tell me Alya, where were you when I was being bullied by Lila? NEVER TELL ME WHAT I NEED!!!" Alya is sent away to the camps, where everyone who dare disagrees with Harlequin is sent.
Adrien is at a crossroads. If he chooses to love Harlequin, then his life will be full of joy and madness. Harlequin forgives him for all the wrong he did to her, and accepts him with open arms. Togather, they become the rulers of France... but their relationship is one of imbalance. Just as the Ladybug miraculous is so much more powerful that the Cat, Marinette is so much more powerful than Adrien. Everyday, Adrien thinks Marinette looks more and more like his father. He never says it out loud tho... He dosen't want to be punished again.
If Adrien rejects Harlequin, Kill Bill by Sza plays. Then Harlequin actually kills him.
As Marinette lays in her bed, she still cries herself to sleep. She has everything she could ever want... and she still has nothing...
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
What do you think about (as an idea for a slight retcon to explain the Maximoff twins’ background without removing Natalya from their story) Magda actually BEING Natalya? As in, when Magda is presumed dead after giving birth, she actually took on a new persona as Natalya and started a new life as a witch? This way, Magneto and Magda could still be the twins’ parents. I feel like it’s iffy because Magda is Western European and Natalya is likely Eastern European implying they’d be from different vistas (sorry, I’m not 100% sure that this is the proper term) but I think it would be the best way to bring back the old story without undoing the new one.
I gotta tell you, that would be really hard to pull off. I mean, Marvel is no stranger to sloppy retcons, but if you actually care about good writing, I think it'd be tough. First of all, in Scarlet Witch, Wanda encounters a past version of Natalya from before the twins were born, and she's already a witch, already going by that name, etc. Second, multiple living characters attest that Natalya was Django's brother and had been living-- and doing magic-- in the Balkans her whole life.
So, you need to find a way to account for all that. If Natalya, as a character, existed in a vacuum, then maybe it would work, although I really don't like that almost every Romani woman in comics is a witch, so I'd like to keep Magda out of that if possible.
On that subject, though, if we are going to continue employing Romani witch archetypes, I want to do it in a way that speaks authentically to this part of Romani history.
As I understand it, things like folk magic and divination, in the Romani community, are usually family trades, and were historically practiced as survival work, so, for most people, it is something that goes back several generations. A lot of those skills, like cartomancy, were developed by applying Romani ancestral customs to European folkways, and many of our communities do still have closed and/or initiatory spiritual traditions.
I don't have all the right answers, but I feel very strongly that if Wanda's magic is hereditary, it does need to be a part of a family lineage. My dream would be to really incorporate this part of Romani history into the Marvel canon in a way that changes outsider perceptions of witches and gypsies in genre fiction for the better. That's a lofty goal, and I'm not the right person to do it-- I'm sure you can imagine that this is difficult to talk about in a way that respects our cultural boundaries, and you end up walking a really fine line between representation and affirming stereotypes. So, it's just really hard.
Anyway, that's why I kind of love Natalya as she is, and I want to believe that something really positive could be done with this character. In the same vein, I actually really like that Magda is just an ordinary lady-- her story's really dark, but it's important for people to be reminded of Romani Holocaust victims, and I worry that we would be taking away from that if we made her into a magical being.
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In this house we stan two unique, individual, and equally important Romani mothers!!!
The word you're looking for is "vitsa," which, in this context, is used to describe distinct groups or communities within the global Romani diaspora. Those distinctions are not technically based on geography-- it's more about lineage and dialect-- but, yeah, in Europe, they tend to be regional. It's not a hard rule, or anything. My family lives really far north from where you'd think to find Cale people, but that's who we are! I don't think it's ever explicitly stated, but we can infer from context that Magda is Sinti. She is actually one of the few Romani characters in comics with an identifiable vitsa. The fact that the Maximoffs don't have one can make it harder to nail down "authentic" details, which is sometimes frustrating.
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cutieparadox · 2 years
OK PERSONA OC EXPLANATION BECAUSE. YES. I FINALLY FIGURED EVERYTHING OUT. UNDER THE CUT. if you saw me struggle to add a line break no you didnt.
I keep referring to my persona ocs and acting like everyone knows who they are and what I’m talking about, so, yeah here they are.
This is an original story, so this doesn’t happen during any of the games, or have any of the canon characters, this could be an alternate timeline, maybe one where the p2 timelines never split?? That’s not super important, but it does take place in sumaru city.
Or more accurately, it takes place in Yokohama! I’ll call it Sumaru City, but all of the background shots I’ll draw are just Yokohama. So.
The main cast is all based on each persona game, so for example Asuka is persona 3, so she’s blu-themed, and she's coming to terms with the limited time she has and to stop caring about other people because of it. Nana is based on persona 2 so she’s scarlet red themed and her character development is being like “yeah horrible things have happened to me, but I can decide if I become more bitter and angry because of it, or I can become a loving and supportive person instead.”, etc, etc.
So all of these people (Asuka Iwasaki, Nana Akiteru, Mikuru Saki, Ruuna Narumi, and Oka Morishita)
are childhood friends, Oka, Asuka, and Nana being the first to meet, and then Saki and Ruuna move in and meet them after, and they become INSEPARABLE like these 5 are just a package deal. They are split up between the two schools from persona 2, but they just run to the middle point once school ends to hang out anyway.
Ok so for the actual PERSONA stuff!!
In 2022, (when this story takes place), a strange phenomenon has been happening for about 4 years.
People have noticed objects or ideas from their dreams appearing in reality, but only to them. Reflections change to their fantasy self, surroundings shifting for only a moment.
Mental illness diagnosis and hospitalization have gone up tenfold, even if the patient's family history doesn’t have any listed psychosis cases. It’s baffled scientists and other researchers for years, as there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.
More recently, a particularly extreme set of cases has started happening all over japan. People have started suddenly going into a psychotic breakdown, speaking absolute nonsense and parading through the streets, possibly hurting other people or causing property destruction. They also end up admitting things they would NEVER admit willingly while in this trance, I have this vivid idea of a married man falling victim to this, and admitting to his wife that he never actually saw her as anything other than a friend and that he only married her to ignore the fact that he was gay and in love with his best friend. This character wouldn’t be important, just an idea of what happens.
They can not be stopped unless death or stamina runs out. Eventually, they run out of energy and collapse on the spot! Just. Crumple. These patients almost always fall into a coma and die after a month or so. When they are in that coma, their brain shuts off completely. Not even essential brain waves are active, and yet, their heart still beats?? I haven’t figured that part out uh
The apparent cause has been privately researched by two scientists by the names of Lain Hayashi and Ayaka Suzuki, as well as their assistants Ami Iwasaki and Ichiro Narumi.
Ami is Asuka’s Cousin, and Ichiro is Ruuna’s older brother and legal caretaker, as well as the owner of the house they live in. Ami lives there too, her and Ichiro have been dating since they were in school.
Both of them are super cute together. I adore them. the heterosexuals ever.
The “Lab” (I haven’t thought of a name for it, probably something like project blank) came up with the theory of the “Rem cycle” phenomenon, as well as the idea of the “inside”
Only persona users can enter the inside, so out of the research team, only Ami and Ichiro can enter it.
The inside is a HUGE towering hospital with a large labyrinthine courtyard.
I’ll talk about the courtyard first, it’s like mementos essentially. Something like..” forgotten dreams are laid to rest here” so it’s overgrown and stuff. It’s actually off to the side, so it’s like. Out of the way.
The individual dreams are separated into wards. These wards are basically pockets of whatever dream the holder is having. So, for example, if someone is having a dream where they are the Prime Minister, the dream world would be that version of japan. Or if anyone had a dream about being a princess in a Victorian castle then the ward would be that area of the world, and more particularly whatever castle they would live in. Persona users are not exempt from falling victim to this. Using my last example, one of my ocs is actually like that. She is completely aware that she is in a dream, and that her real body will die. She’s able to control everything around her because of that awareness. This is exclusive to persona users. But in most cases, at least the only case I had written which is aforementioned, they have to fuse with their shadow, therefore taking its place. I haven’t worked out all the logistics of that, so come back to me on that later. I just know that fusing causes heterochromia, with one eye being their natural color, whichever one the dominant side of their handsis, and the other being the yellow that shadows are known for. It also causes incredible power shifts that can be very physically dangerous. It doesn’t however cause any split personality tropes, because the shadow is them, so there’s no battle for control type things. Hypothetically there could be if you fuse with a shadow that is not your own, but I haven’t thought about that much.
The goal of these persona users is to kill the shadow and release the holder, or in the case of the fused people, get them to relinquish control and allow the ward to crumble and for them to return to reality.
When in the inside, persona users get their own outfits. Basically the metaverse outfits or magical girl transformations. Small colors change depending on the Ward, however.
Another interesting thing, particularly skilled persona users can bend the inside to their whims, if only in certain ways. Things like weapons appearing from thin air, floating/flying, destroying different structures,etc.
Two shadows end up joining the team as well after the rest of their awakenings. They are completely safe and stuff no like. Betrayal.
They didn’t have a name so they asked the team to name them.
Shadow A ends up asking for “the prettiest cutest loveliest name you can give me” so, she got Kokorohime MajiBaton Loveha. The ultimate KiraKira bs name. Everyone calls her Hime but she insists strangers call her by her full “legal” name, much to everyone else’s dismay.
Shadow B asked for any name that didn’t sound like that. So they got Natsuro Masa. Yay! New team members get. The two move in with Ruuna and Ami and Ichiro! Ami thought they were so cute so she was fine with it, And Ichiro was too tired to care and they had an extra room anyway. He basically just said “whatever kids have fun”
Eventually, they named the team “ dream saviors” or “YumeYumis!” I just call them the saviors in my head.
Other random stuff includes:
All of the saviors' (and Ichiro and Ami's) personas are the muses from Greek mythology! Some of these are super shallow relations but uh. Ignore that it will make sense eventually!! Here is The list of personas and how they connect to the characters are:
Ami has Erato, the muse of Love poetry. She’s like dangerously in love with Ichiro, like. Girly would put her life on the line for that man. (and it’s completely mutual dw)
Ichiro has Clio, the muse of history. Uh. He’s smart! That’s it!! I kind of didn’t have any other ideas for him I’m so sorry my baby boy.
Nana has Melpomene, the muse of tragedy and chorus. Nana has gone through some stuff. Like really. I haven’t exactly decided what. But I do know it’s some STUFF. So uh. Tragedy!
Saki has Calliope, The muse of epic poetry. Saki is a hardcore theater kid. She works for a theater troupe and is their rising star!
Asuka has Euterpe, the muse of music. She’s the headliner of a metal band. Yeah. Kinda clear there.
Oka has Polyhymnia, the muse of Hymns and sacred poetry. She’s a writer. Yet again, that’s it!!
Hime has Terpsichore, the muse of dancing. Hime's inside outfit (or what she wore for her entire life before getting pulled out of the inside) was a ballerina ensemble. Yet again, super shallow, but I feel like she would like dancing anyway.
Natsuro has Urania, the muse of astronomy! She’s space themed, but like 70’s science fiction space stuff??? You know what I meant!!
Last but not least, Ruuna has Thalia, the muse of comedy. Joking and being like, high energy is her coping mechanism. And uh. Yeah. That’s it!!
You might also be asking “why don’t Ichiro and Ami go save these people themselves” because they literally can’t!!
One, they are disallowed by Lain and Ayaka to do anything outside of looking around, and killing any random shadows walking around the hallways. They also just can’t enter the wards. The saviors are the “keys” to the wards because of fate and stuff. If the two followed behind them they could, that’s actually how they found out how they are researching the rem cycle.
Anything past any of this I don’t know. Lol.
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scarlctheart · 1 year
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❀ *◦ han dong. cis woman. she/her. pansexual. ⇝ hey, isn’t that freya chen? i think that the twenty-eight year old from san diego, california works as an apprentice at the sorceress' dress and burlesque dancer at sweet cheeks cabaret & burlesque lounge, but outside of that people describe them as dimly lit dressing rooms, driving through the city at night with the windows rolled down, flickering and slowly melting candlesticks, holes worn into discarded pointe shoes, and echoing museum halls. i hear they are melancholic & bitter, but they are also known to be diligent & considerate. consider giving them a visit at their home in seal harbor apartments ( basement under maiden alley cinema ) and get to know why they’re called the sacrifice.
-eldest sister of three, radiates big sister energy -trained as a ballerina throughout her life but never got to pursue it professionally -burlesque performer under the name scarlet rouge -polar opposite of her stage persona, is actually pretty reserved -budding seamstress, makes most of her clothes -a bit of a control freak, likes things done a certain way -ran off to alaska a few months ago to get away from her family (and the law lol) -in her black swan era, tired of putting others before herself
pinterest board / playlist
so insecure, so uptight: lore.
tw: emotional neglect, gambling
For as long as Freya can remember, her identity has been tied to her responsibility as the eldest daughter of the Chen family. While her father was busy running his tech start-up, her mother filled her days flitting around social events along the west coast, which left the Chen sisters to look after each other. Though they were occasionally cared for by their paternal grandparents, Freya was always the one that shouldered the responsibility of making sure her sisters, Grace and Elise, were eating well, doing their homework, and generally being good girls.
The sisters wanted for nothing, thanks to their father's lucrative career, but their parents weren't very involved in their upbringing. In fact, the only time they got to spend with their parents individually were either when they were being paraded around their mother's social circles or acting as idle spectators whenever their father had his partners over for poker nights (Freya much preferred the later, since it involved minimal socializing and lots of people watching).
As soon as they were old enough, their mother signed Freya and her sisters up for dance classes as a way to get the girls out of her hair, even for just a few extra hours at a time. Though her sisters only stuck with the classes until they finished high school to humor their parents, Freya genuinely fell in love with dance and continued her training, specifically in ballet. 
As her sisters grew older and were able to look after themselves, Freya felt comfortable enough to devote more of her energy to dance. She signed up for every class and workshop she could find to improve her skills. And when the opportunity presented itself to study at a prestigious arts academy, she leapt at it. 
Dance was a respite for Freya. Not only did rehearsals and conditioning get her out of the house (and out of her own head) for long stretches of time, she found that with her Type A personality, she genuinely enjoyed the discipline and attention to detail it took. After college, she was presented with the chance to audition for the New York City Ballet and Miami City Ballet companies.
But what should have been an exciting time for Freya, finally getting to forge her own path and pursue her dreams, came with a crushing reality check when her father was arrested a week after her college graduation for defrauding his investors and gambling away their money. And so went Freya's chance to chase that elusive dream. As the eldest, she felt obligated to stay in California and help her mother sort through the wreckage of their financials while her sisters finished their own studies.
Present Day:
After graduation, Freya took up any odd job she could to help her family climb out of the financial hole they were left in by her father. She started teaching beginner-level dance at a local studio, where she found the unlikely opportunity to dance onstage again and make a little extra cash as a burlesque performer.
Though she was initially intimidated by the new challenge, far more comfortable with the structure of ballet, Freya found that she enjoyed the art form and getting to create and play up a persona that was nothing like herself. Thus, Scarlet Rouge was born, Freya's Jessica Rabbit-inspired stage alter ego.
But her mother was none too happy about the revelation of where Freya's extra money was coming from. Forget the fact that she was actually putting her dance education to use, or that her new gig had fostered a curiosity for making and mending clothes, something that could certainly serve them well. The only thing her mother could focus on was how trashy it looked that her sweet ballerina had turned into a showgirl.
But a girl can only give up so much. Realizing that her life is nothing like she envisioned it would be, Freya couldn't take it anymore. Done with putting her family's happiness over her own and unwilling to give up anything else for them, she took off. The girls were old enough now, had graduated college and started their lives. They didn't need her anymore, right?
As a way to make a little extra money, Freya frequents casinos and anywhere with a billiards table where she might be able to squeeze a couple hundred dollars from unsuspecting patrons. Typical that the gambler's daughter would pick up a few of his tricks over the years. The only difference is, she isn't dumb enough to get caught. Even if it means moving her whole life up to Alaska. 
i break my neck to be polite: stats.
General Info: Full Name: Freya Angelique Chen. Nicknames: None. Age: 28. Date of Birth: December 30th, 1995. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn. Gender: Cis woman. Pronouns: she/her. Sexual Orientation: Pansexual. Romantic Orientation: Panromantic. Relationship Status: Taken, crushing on Mei-xie Chia. Alignment: True Neutral. MBTI: INTJ, the Architect.
Appearance: Faceclaim: Han Dong. Height: 5′6. Eye Color: Brown. Hair Color: Black naturally, but she's been dying it red for the last couple of years / lets it fade to shades of orange and pink before refreshing her color. Has experimented with her hair color in the past, but is currently loving the red. Tattoos: None. Piercings: One earlobe piercing on each ear, a conch piercing in her right ear.
Background: Education: BFA in dance, attended prep school throughout her high school years. Occupation: Apprentice at the Sorceress' Dress, burlesque dancer under the name Scarlet Rouge at Sweet Cheeks Cabaret & Burlesque Lounge, seamstress. Residence: The Seal Harbor Apartments ( in the basement apartment under Maiden Alley Cinema ). Class: Working. Ethnicity: Chinese. Language(s) Spoken: English / Mandarin.
Identity: Label: the sacrifice. Positive Traits: hard working, charming, practical, gracious, resourceful. Negative Traits: pessimistic, hesitant, secretive, pretentious, rigid. Quirks/Habits: bites her nails, bounces her leg, will idly stretch and roll her neck/shoulders. Love Language: Acts of service. Hobbies: sewing, reading, putting together puzzles. Likes: floral sundresses, scented candles, beautiful journals, crystal paintings, gold jewelry. Dislikes: talking about her problems, being underestimated. Fears: losing herself, ending up like her father.
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midnight197 · 2 years
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After 2 weeks I finally drew something again xD Like you can see, I'm pretty much in Scarlet and Violet-Hype and I wanted to make a Persona-Form of it similar to Midori and Midna xD
Since Paldea is based on Spain, I wanted to give my Character a Spanish-esk name xD Media means "Half" and De La Noche means of the Night, so basically Media De La Noche = Midnight xD
Media and Midori aren't the Same Person. Similar that Midna isn't Midori either. They might be related tho xD
Of course, she bases on the Character I played in Scarlet, so her Team is: Meowscarada Palafin Kilowattrel Clodsire Farigiraf Paldean Tauros (The pure Fighting Type)
Hope you guys like it!
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mystiquewanderlust · 2 years
[PART 8]
The Long Ballad🎭
GENRE: Wuxia, Adventure, Historical, Romance
RATING: 1000/10
No. Of Episodes: 49
Date Watched: March 2-6, 2023
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This drama is everything!! Never a dull momemt again and it's not that intense where I wanna take a break and switch to a comedy drama just to ease the tension I was feeling while watching an intense episode (based on actual experience). The casts and the production made this drama even more exciting to watch. Like the actors and the costumes and the setting.. it was the icing on top! I just love the three main casts (not to mention very popular and highly paid ones)--Dilraba, Lusi and Leo.. yeah we're on first name basis now haha. Have watched some of their dramas already that's why I was more enticed to watch this drama. Like just Dilraba already screams WATCH ME to me.. not to mention those other two, especially Leo who I just watched in Fight Break Spears.. I loved him there! Even though he appears like a teen there and just two years later this new drama with Dilraba shook my entire system. I mean he was so different from that drama, less manly.. if you know what I mean. But in this drama.. he is soooo handsome!!
Anyways, getting back to the drama.. the plot, wow.. I was blown! It was like another new dimension which reminded me of Legend of Fuyao where they traveled to the different kingdoms--Central Plains, Grasslands and Dessert.. with the divisions--Eagle, Bear and Wolf of the Ashle Tribe. Also love the wars and struggle for power which turned to 180 degree in the end.. aside from the deaths of the innocent people who contributed a lot in the growth of the main characters, the story was a beauty. I wasn't traumatized with the ending.. unlike some dramas (ehem, Scarlet Heart).. Can't wait to watch the other dramas of these three main casts ♡♡♡
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The Starry Love⭐
Genre: Xianxia, Romance, Adventure
Rating: 100/10
No. of Episodes: 40
Date Watched: Feb 16-Mar 11, 2023 realtime
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This drama is cute! Yes, cute is the word. Haha! I was drawn by the plot the very first time I learned about this. I mean twins with different persona--one prim&proper (the role model) and one happy-go-lucky/crafty (the deliquent) as it was described. One who will bring luck and prosper and one who will bring bad luck and disaster. And guess what? They got swapped with their supposed to be groom--one from the Heavenly Realm and one from the Demon Realm. Exciting, right?! And yes, I wasn't mistaken after watching the drama--it was so fun! The searching for the male lead's three soul chards was really a fun and funny adventure. The plot, check! Costumes, check! Characters/Actors, check! All of the main actors for me is new aside from the male lead who I already encountered in Goodbye My Princess (which is soo not a drama worth recommending. why? #ScarletHeartOnceAgain) The ending tho was so cliffhanger! I know they will have a happy ending based from the last scene, but they didn't make it come true! To see is to believe and be relieved. Hays. Hoping for that Stinger tho. Will patiently wait for my happy happy ending! ♡
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Immortal Samsara💮
Genre: Xianxia, Romance, Adventure
Rate: 1000/10
No. of Episodes: 59 + 2 stingers
Date Watched: Mar (last week) - Apr 5 2023
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First of all, I wasn't expecting anything from this drama at all. Why? Because first, I'm not fond of the female lead (watched her from Ashes of Love btw) and not familiar with the male lead (I'm kinda not feeling him from the photos/teasers?). Second, I don't know, maybe because I've watched xianxia dramas before and I pretty know what to expect--dieties, mortals, demons, trials, spells and all that. BUT I was stand corrected! THIS DRAMA IS EVERYTHING!! And I'm not exaggerating at all. Like wow, #newchineseactorcrushalert Cheng Yi is the new love of my life! He portrayed his role like so on-point, from the emotions the costumes, how he carry himself--he was a Supreme Lord indeed! (Shoutout to Dylan Wang who is also so good at portraying this role) The plot of this drama blown me away. It was really new and so exciting to watched. And the epic love story--the main couple sacrificing themselves for love--I know it is so overrated but I was totally hooked by their portrayals. This for me even beat the Ashes of Love (which she by the way was also the female lead lol)! Srsly! Still love the Eternal Love tho, they're head to head. But yeah, super satisfied with this 59-long episode drama. Imagine how long this drama is! But I was still bitin. OMG. And oh, the final ending was only made in two stingers so I'm so intrigued how the story really ended. They never explained how the two got revived from the dead because they died in Episode 59! Like what the heck?! But still, glad they made an effort to give the viewers some happy ending to hope for. #ScarletHeartNeverAgain Lol. Now I'm searching for Cheng Yi's drama and of course his new drama which is still a costume drama! Can't wait!!
And oh, this drama is so picturesque, I can't help but capture tons of photos of the leads :D
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cupids-valentina · 2 years
Evelyn's Garden of Ghosts
Some ramblings from Discord about this idea copy pasted onto Tumblr ----- Had an idea for a character dynamic lol A goth exorcist and a preppy girly girl medium. You join this ghost-hunting group and you meet this overly excited girl who looks like she was born from the depths of Instagram hell and her goth GF who is totally done with life. And said insta girl is the one crawling on the walls like a fucking spider hunting down your ass in some rickety mansion after being possessed for the 50th time and the goth is sipping soda-like. "Just another day, time to get the cross." You're just screaming and shit and the goth girl sprays the prep girl with a holy water bottle like "no, bad demon"
If that was a comedy anime I would totally watch it--- The Ghost Hunting Trio Includes: Plain Jane: Some unfortunate soul who was dragged along for the ride Goth Gabrielle: Completely done with life and wants her gf to stop doing stupid shit Insta Isabella: Aw look a kitty! Gets Possessed
Adding another one too Yk the mean popular girl archetype? Yeah, I'm adding them.
They'd probably dress in like those double-skirt lolita dresses, with legwarmers over heels. They'd probably be best friends with Isabella and would forever make excuses about why they can't go with them to the haunted places. "Oh I have work that day", or "Yeah I wanna hang out with some other friends" or "I have like a family business"
But in reality, it's because she likes to eat demons lol.
Do you guys know the Mandela Catalogue Au where Mark eats Alternates? Imagine that but it's entities lol. Isabella gets possessed by spirits, and this girl likes to eat demons and fae lolol
And she knows Isabella is a medium, and it kinda freaks her out a little bit. She's kinda worried she won't be able to control herself around her because, despite her stuck-up persona, she genuinely likes Isabella, Gabrielle, and Jane lol
I should really rename my characters Gabrielle ----> Scarlet Ambricombie Isabella ----> Eve or Evelyn Édith Jane ----> Coral or Chloe (?) Young
And i'm giving the name Gabrielle Lemoine' to the popular girl. Really think it fits her
I'll make character bios for them later lol
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theelispace · 2 years
A Sunsketch AU
Crushed by sorrow, half of me is drawn away
These hits and those shafts
The noises and the slams
They make me forget your name
But never for too long
Trapped and decided to slay my own flesh and blood
Far beyond the clouds, far beyond my tears
A vast furore raise in the air
It fills my head, toys with my words
She has never - and will never - show any mercy
My final act shall be pain, suffering, and vengeance
All hope has been vanquished from my soul
I weep in dire dissolution
And on the skulls of the victims I plant black flags
Striking with the fury of my wrath, nothing holds me back
Your steps are with me, and I move forward
Into the warm embrace of the scarlet night.
- Mincy
At first, you may be wondering, what does this all mean? Well, think of it like this. Two rivers separated, eventually converge into one, flowing into the ocean, the lake. One river flows calmly, fluidly, and the other rages and crashes against the rocks. Well, here’s how it’s put. A split personality, a persona. On one side, you have someone that is shy but friendly. They’re someone that you would normally see as a good person at heart and someone… in control. On the other side, you have someone that holds love, admiration, and devotion, so strong that it is expressed as an excessive obsession and possessiveness. They become so attached to their love interests so that it's impossible to let go. They entrust themselves to their love interest, trusting in their love interest's kindness. They probe the deepest recesses of their love interest's heart so as to more perfectly form their greatest self within their love interest. Some will go so far as to behave in immoral and troubling ways. They will not care about the negative effect that their behaviors can have to others, including their love interest, because they only care about their own feelings. On other times, if there’s a rival, they will eliminate them, in the name of the one they love.
All in the name of love right? Mincy would do anything for Sunny, even if it meant eliminating someone who is in the way, someone that could take away her love.
But you shouldn't fear death. It is after all... inevitable. It is the tax one pays for having lived, and it comes, eventually, to everybody. Still...none of us want for it to come too soon, do we?
That's all for the moment. We'll talk again soon enough. We'll have the opportunity to... account... for all the actions that were taken... or whatever mess that was made.
Y A N D E R E M I N C Y ?
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embrassemoi · 3 years
In Red Lipstick || S.B & R.L
Remus has always been a patient man. Sirius... not so much. But something about red lipstick on her causes them to swap personas. Remus never felt so restless as Sirius learns that patience has its perks.
Pairings: Sirius B (centric), F!Reader, Remus L
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: smut, participants are 18+ (as always), 3way, Dom/sub, unprotected, rough sex, overstim, name calling (dumb, slut), praise, hint of size kink, finger sucking, oral, bit of degradation, colour system, they’re all FWB
A/N: in celebration of 500 followers, I wrote this monstrosity. Ngl, tipsy asf rn and probably shouldn’t be posting but it is what it is. Cheers 🥂 xx
Masterlist | ao3
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DISCLAIMER: Do not use these stories as an educational reference and always practice safe sex!
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Remus was a patient man, there’s no denying that. After all the years he’d spent with the Marauders, staying up countless nights to work on intricate pranks; holding study groups with eager first-years back at Hogwarts — hell, dealing with both Sirius, Y/N and the full moon on top, there was no way he wasn’t patient. Naturally, over the years, he’d built up a tolerance.
Along with being patient, it also taught him how to stay in control of himself. It’s what he prided himself on — control and patience.
Sirius, on the other hand, was everything but patient. He was reckless, wanted things done in a second — even counting to ten with his fingers left him growing bored by the second, leaving him whining out and annoyingly tapping his foot or finger against a nearby surface. Sirius would admit, he’s quite a lot to handle. But it balances out his dynamic with Remus and her.
To him, waiting around, feeling useless and wasting precious, valuable time made Sirius never want to be compliant.
But that day, Remus never felt so restless in his life while Sirius took over his role and stayed calm, quiet even. Simply watching and feeling his smirk grow.
Remus’ leg bounced up and down as annoyance bubbled deep within his chest as he desperately tried to hold onto his thinning composure. Sirius theorized the events about to take place as he downed the liquid amber in his glass cup in one go; his hand rubbing up and down Remus’ shoulder.
Sirius noticed his jaw clenching hard as he stared at her from across the small pub. The loud music reverberated throughout the room as bodies pressed against each other. There, putting on a show for them both, Y/N stood in the middle, dancing to the music clad in the most beautiful red attire and red lipstick both Sirius and Remus had ever seen her in.
She’d been teasing them since they left their flat. Whispered lewd words in Remus’ ear, her fingers slipping underneath his shirt and trailed down his back before slipping away; hand resting on Sirius’ inner thigh…
Maybe it was the influence of the full moon approaching or working below his skill level or the ever-present war looming over their heads, but Remus was on edge and she wasn’t helping. He in particular was having a hard time keeping his eyes off of her and her bright red lips… Remus was enthralled by her, leaving him begging to be closer.
Red has always been Sirius’ favourite colour, what was there not to like about it? Eye-catching, vibrant — it didn’t matter the red. Cherry, scarlet, brick, berry, cheery, merlot, wine — and on her, clearly Remus was enjoying it too.
She was such a tease and the way she grinned at them, she knew it too.
Blow off some steam, Sirius thought to himself as he eyed Remus, playing with the hairs on his neck.
Whatever the final push was for Remus, he pushed himself up, grumbling out something low that Sirius’ couldn’t make out, meanwhile he stalked up towards her on the dancefloor.
His arms locked around her lower stomach, pulling her flush against his tall, towering figure. A thunderous throbbing flowed through his veins that made Remus shudder at her touch while his head hung low. “You’re beautiful.” His warm breath fanned the side of her face, lips hovering by her ear. His raspy voice sent shivers down her spine as immediate goosebumps formed. “Such a fucking tease.”
With the beat of the music, he rolled his hips up and she could feel his growing bulge harden against her. “Do you feel that?” A soft gasp slipped from her and Remus had to stifle his groan. “You did that to me.”
Sirius pushed himself off his stool, drifting towards them. She turned around to face Remus as Sirius’ hand rested low on her back, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead while observing Remus’ rigid, resolve crumbling.
“I think we should go home, don’t you think, love?” Sirius teased. Y/N nodded earnestly, a yes spewing from her.
“Need you,” Remus whispered to her over the loud music, dragging them both out of the pub.
Remus pressed her flat on the door, opening it hastily. His jaw slid across her jaw as his fingers tugged off her dress, practically ripping off her clothes while Sirius clicked the door shut softly as they headed up the stairs.
Pushing her down on the bed, she giggled in anticipation and he swore he felt something inside him snap. Only her panties were on, a large damp spot left.
“Pretty girl,” he cooed, finger tracing her clothed clit. She sucked in a sharp breath while he bent down, his hand gripping her jaw delicately, thumb gliding over her painted, plush lips. “So wet and I barely touched you.”
Remus discarded the rest of her clothing, leaving her bare and already withering underneath him. His free hand travelled up and down her inner thighs while pressing greedy kisses to her lips.
“Please,” she breathed, thighs rubbing together for my friction but Remus kept her legs spread apart. “I need you.”
“Remember, use your words and tell us if you don’t like something. We’ll stop,” Remus said, making sure she understood while stripping himself from his clothes. “Colour?”
“Green! Please! Remus!”
Sirius took his time, kicking off his shoes, washing his hands and unbuttoned his shirt before making his way to the bedroom. Excitement thumped through every inch of him, but the build-up was worth it. Is this what Moony felt like all the time? Because if so, Sirius noted to be patient more often.
The door was slightly ajar, moans and skin slapping together flowed from inside. Once stepping inside, Sirius sat himself down on the loveseat in the corner of the room, simply observing the scene in front. He felt hypnotized, cock aching at the sight and pretty noises.
Large hands encircled her hips, face pressed into the bed. He pulled his cock out almost entirely before his hips slammed back inside, her body jolting forward from the force. Her hands balled tightly as she fisted the sheets while Remus’ head was thrown back; neck and mouth smudged with red lipstick and mouth prints.
Remus grunted out, “You’re doing so well, taking my large cock like a good girl.”
She melted at the praise, whimpering as he became even rougher with his movements. Her reaction had both men groaning.
With practiced ease, Sirius tugged down his zipper, reaching inside his trousers and took himself in hand, precum rolling seeping out.
“F-feel so good,” she moaned, “I want more, please, give me more.”
“More? Greedy. Am I not fucking you hard enough?”
Sirius gripped his cock tightly, his movements fast, letting out audible moans as he watched. But then, the chair scraped backwards as he rose to his feet, moving over to the bed.
Catching on, Remus pulled her up so that she supported herself with her arms and levelled her face with his cock.
“Wanted more?” Sirius said.
“Why don’t we put your mouth to good use?” Remus added.
“Show me, show us how good you really are. Wanna see your pretty lips ‘round me.”
The sight of his body, torso, chest and arms covered in inky tattoos while he jerked his cock in front of her face caused another gush of wetness to slip from her, clenching down around Remus tightly as her mouth opened wide.
Her tongue dragged along the underside of Sirius’ throbbing cock, lips stretched wide around him — nose nearly brushing against his stomach. A few times, Sirius bucked his hips, the head hitting the back of her convulsing throat. Every deep, sharp thrust from Remus pushed her further onto Sirius that caused her to gag and moan around him. Keeping her cheeks hollowed for added pressure, Sirius let out a series of groans from her lips squeezing around his length. His hand reached to gently keep her mouth on him.
Remus fucked her thoroughly, feeling so deep within her while he held her tightly, preventing her from sinking on the bed as Sirius panted, thighs flexing.
“Such a good girl, just for us. Right?” Remus nearly purred.
Sirius pulled her off of him, “He asked you a question.”
“J-just for you!” And then she was back on Sirius.
“She was made for this, wasn’t she?” He asked Moony, watching a bead of sweat dripping down his face. He hummed in return.
Y/N felt another surge of pleasure shoot through her as the praise made her feel fuzzy. Remus’ hand went down to rub fast circles as she moaned loudly as Sirius felt his tip nudge the back of her throat.
Sirius suddenly pulled away from her mouth, feeling his high approaching almost embarrassingly fast. A string of saliva connected from her lips as he bent down and whipped the spit from her mouth, bringing her into a searing kiss.
Remus slowed his movements while watching Sirius move onto the bed, laying down on an incline as he pulled her body to press against his chest, cradled by him. She settled between his legs while Remus adjusted his potion, tilting her hips and pace picked up.
The new angle had Y/N mewling loudly while her hands clawed into Moony’s shoulder, his breaths coming out short and ragged. Sirius made sure to lift his legs, latching over hers to spread them further, his hands drifting to fondle her breast. His fingers pinched, rolling her nipples, chuckling at her surprised moans.
Her head laid back on Sirius’ shoulder, her head turning to press kisses onto his neck while babbling incoherently. Remus’ thumb didn’t stop its assault onto her clit as he rubbed fast, yet soft circles. Along with Sirius tantalizing her nipples, sensitive with how he fiddled with them, had her mind hazy.
“You fucked her dumb,” Sirius mused, a hand pulling back to caress her face. Every thrust caused her to rub his cock and Sirius moaned, clenching his eyes shut.
“Colour?” Remus called out.
“Mm - green.” Her gaze refocused on him. “Harder, please. Gonna cum.”
Remus stopped, “Not how we ask.”
“May I cum?”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he panted.
Remus kept his pace steady, only moving slightly to get more comfortable as he pressed his hand down on her lower stomach where his cock kept hitting the deepest part of her as she let out a scream.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, pleasure boiling inside her overflowed as she climaxed. Eaves of arousal washed over her, breaking down a barrier. While her heart hammered in her ribcage.
Then Remus let out a loud groan as he came, hands pinning her hips down. His cum shooting deep inside her as his hips continued to jerk forwards until his cock became too sensitive and pulled out with a grunt. Y/N whined at the empty feeling while Sirius moved to sit in front of her while Remus laid beside her, catching his breath.
“More, please,” she moaned. Sirius tsked, waiting a few minutes to let her come down to avoid it from hurting.
Sirius’ cock twitched, eyes roaming over her naked body. Her legs were spread out, twitching a few times from Remus. Sirius smiled devilishly while he watched Remus’ cum slowly seep out. He quickly brings his fingers between her dripping core and drags two fingers to collect the slickness between her folds and slips it back into her.
She clenched around them, happy at the feeling and he kept slowly pumping in and out.
“You okay?” He asked.
“Mmhm. You?” she asked back which had him chuckling out.
“Never better.”
“You okay, Moony?” A tired grunt came from beside her. He laughed at him.
After a while, Sirius got to his knees, leaning over as he held his cock, rubbing himself between her folds, a choked moan came from both of them as he sank inside. A hand reaches out for her chin, softly turning her face. Remus flipped over to his side, swallowing her moans as his lips crashed against hers. She pulled him closer.
Sirius keeps his pace slow, at a steady rhythm, hanging his head as deep moans slip from him. She clenched around him several times, causing his hips to stutter.
“You feel amazing!” She cried, the praise sending shivers straight down Sirius’ spine. Her breath hitches as Remus moved to bury his face in her neck, nipping at her collarbone.
Her thighs squeezed him while Remus began pumping his cock. He hissed as Y/N noticed, her hand travelling to thumb his sensitive tip before flicking her wrist up and down his thick length fast.
Sirius picked up his pace, feeling lost in the pleasure. The quick movements had her shuddering along with him. Sirius was maddeningly close. His head tilted back, hair a rumpled mess.
Remus lets out low grunts, licking his lips. “You’re taking Sirius so well. So pretty. He’s fucking you good?” His voice was raspy, murmuring praises into her ear while he shoved two fingers inside her mouth. She sucked them eagerly, tongue swirling around each digit before pulling out, setting a faint red rim coat his finger before his hand slipped between her and Sirius, rubbing her aching nub which coaxed her closer to her release.
“You should wear red lipstick more often.”
She clenched hard around Sirius while her legs began to shake. Her muscles spasmed as a warm feeling washed over her, making her see white.
Sirius was just seconds behind her while he moved to catch her lips, moaning into her as his hips slammed harder, not stopping. Y/N began weeping in oversensitivity while Remus held her down tightly, voice gentle to reassure her.
“S-Sirius, too much,” she whined, hands weakly pushing him away but with no real force behind her actions.
“Don’t remember you asking if you could cum.” Sirius sneered, speaking to her like a misbehaving child. He desperately tried to hide his smile. It finally dawned upon her why he wasn’t relenting. “Dumb girl.”
“Colour?” Sirius asked between thrusts.
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© gotkindabored 2021. Do not repost or modify
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
Meta: Signs of the Darkhold’s Corruption in Wanda’s Aesthetic
{out of paprikash} I’ve been thinking a lot about the aesthetic changes in Wanda’s outfit from the end of WandaVision to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. There are some interesting things to take in, some likely intentional and some... maybe I’m just reading too much into, heh. But all of them, to me, were indicative of the spiritual and physical corruption Wanda was going through as a result of the Darkhold’s compulsive hold on her. I realized I’ve been hoarding a lot of headcanons regarding this topic and I thought I would share them, in case anyone else thought they were interesting or wanted to build upon them for their own interpretation of Wanda.
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Let’s just compare the two outfits for a moment. There are two changes I’m sure were not accidents at all, namely her makeup and the sprawling black shatter or spider-web-like pattern radiating out from her heart. One change, that of her longer sleeves, was probably just a random wardrobe difference, but it could also be creatively interpreted as well.
The sleeves in my opinion gave a feel of the outfit expanding, spreading out to cover more of her body. This felt like a symbolic representation of the Scarlet Witch persona taking over more of Wanda’s psyche, and her witchcraft abilities expanding. Her costume/outfit/uniform, however you want to call it, ceased to be just wardrobe for me once Wanda fully became the Scarlet Witch. After that, the outfit felt almost like a living organism, or at least a metaphor for one and for her transition into the Scarlet Witch. The outfit changed, both in expanse and aesthetic, as the kind of witch she was morally and the scope of her power also changed.
On to the more intentional changes that were probably meant to mean something by the creators of the movie... The creeping shatter pattern that develops on the bodice portion of her outfit to me looks like something seeping out of her heart, or at least out from over where it lies. The pattern stretches over her entire outfit, but the origin of the blackness is definitely positioned right over her heart. I took this to be a visual representation of Wanda being corrupted, and it started in her heart, her emotions. The Darkhold put down roots there, soured it, and from there, its influence spread. 
Wanda’s makeup changes, the way her face is shadowed to make her seem more gaunt, and the darker coloration around her eyes, is likely just to make her look more “evil.” However, it could also be the signs of her being physically affected by the Darkhold. She looks unwell to me. Especially later in the film when she had some serious bags and lines under her eyes. Compare this look to her WandaVision look, and she definitely looked healthier before. I interpreted this as part of my overall interpretation of how the Darkhold’s corruption works with Wanda, namely that it works like a very addictive drug. The more she is affected mentally and emotionally, the more she suffers physically as well. It’s slowly killing her. I’ll come back to that headcanon in a bit...
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And then of course there are her blackened fingertips, which happened as a result of her continued use of the Darkhold. This is completely random, but an interesting thought occurred to me. I’m sure the whole blackened fingers thing was again just meant to make her (and other evil spellcasters like Agatha) seem more “evil,” but... it’s also what really advanced frostbite looks like. The Darkhold is of course connected to the frozen mountain of Wundagore, so the fact that the use of a book connected to and maybe even originally made on a frozen mountain gives the user frostbitten fingertips is... interesting.
Or, there could be another interpretation. Her fingers also look like the beginnings of rot, as in how a corpse would rot. This could be meant to symbolize the very literal negative impacts on Wanda’s physical health that her use of the Darkhold is causing, or it could be a symbolic sort of... using this book puts the caster closer to death. She’s being brought closer to the state of death and those who are dead. Closer to the “veil,” as it were. It makes a bit of sense considering there’s plenty of necromantic spells contained within the Darkhold, as well as lethal spells. And since her hands are where her magic emanates from and what she uses to bring it forth into the world, it also makes sense that her hands would be the first to be affected by this deathly transformation. The book is very much associated with death, so the blackening of fingers and hands could be a symbolic representation of that, or a very real physical affect that a living person would experience while blurring that line between the living and the dead. Wanda is being touched by death which, considering how unwell she looks otherwise, further supports the theory I mentioned earlier that the book is slowly killing her. It’s the kind of gradual death that takes years, little by little, wasting the person away.
Wanda’s outfit and physical appearance are therefore like visual gauges of her health, morality, mental state, etc. Were she to continue on past the events of DSMoM and completely “detox” from the Darkhold’s influence, I believe her physical appearance and the condition of her outfit would return to the look she had in WandaVision. 
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader - The Consequences To Our Actions
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*A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner.
**Please don’t forget to comment, like, and reblog. It means a lot to content creators of all kinds!
***I’d also like to thank @grimtamlain-writes​ for being my beta reader.
Word Count: 3376
Icy blue eyes narrowed as Eobard stared at the wall in thought, his hands slipped his long, dark jacket on to brace for the cold that would welcome him outside. The smell of rain still hung in the air as a breeze from the slightly opened window floated in, yet the rain shower had dissipated hours ago. The sky was overcast, obscuring the full moon’s rays from the city. Instead, Central City’s lights twinkled and gleamed under the clouds casting an artificial golden undertone to the melancholy clumps of water drops and ice crystals. Few souls were out this hour. A sigh left Eobard as a bit of weight escaped his shoulders; he was looking forward to the next few seconds, a true smile forming on his lips. For the night he’d be able to shed his persona and the burdens that came with being Barry Allen. He would once again be Eobard Thawne. Checking his phone, the genius scientist grinned to himself at the text message he had received a few minutes ago. His heart warmed in his chest, thumping in anticipation.
“Where are you going out this late?”
The speedster snapped his head to the direction of the soft voice, his blood froze for a second before collecting himself. Iris stood there with hands on her hips and a knowing look while sporting her pajamas. Ugh, not now. You’re wasting my time. “I can’t stay here knowing that Allen will be back,” Eobard answered his ‘fiancé’; it wasn’t a lie. The ‘scarlet’ speedster knew Barry would be coming to this year – the question was: when. Regardless, it meant that Eobard needed to work faster while in this form, just not tonight. Not when he had someone important to see. And that person was certainly not Iris West. “He always comes back; I just have a gut feeling. I want to take some necessary precautions.”
“So, you’re not coming to bed tonight?”
“I will after I get something specific done. I want to recalibrate our satellites for any life-form materializing from the Negative Speed Force.” I’m not going to do that – Barry will show up and it’ll be obvious, he isn’t really that good at incognito when time traveling. It would be wise if Team Flash had done so prior to Reverse Flashpoint, but they aren’t smart enough – especially when it was Barry’s fault that all the Wells had died. Cisco may have been able to do it, but he wanted an out. Shame, I was looking forward to terrorizing him again. “I’m the only one who can stop him.” Eobard found it laughable - in truth, anyone in any timeline could be The Flash and Iris would always fall for them once she’d first lay eyes on the speedster. A conditional love in contrast to Barry’s love for purely Iris West. Case in point, here Eobard was - taken the position of being The Flash yet he was still under his true name of Eobard Thawne. Such a shallow beginning to love that had blossomed and caused demise to anyone around Barry and Iris.
“Babe, hey, look at me.” The speedster did his best to school his expression, plastering that fake sweet smile on his face as Iris cupped his cheeks with both hands. His hands moved mechanically to hold Iris’ upper arms, feigning affection. “We’ll get him, we always do. We are The Flash.” Eobard did not care for her reassurances or words of affirmation – he knew exactly what he had to do, whether he had her support with this persona or not. The strings to this act will all fall into place, one way or another. “Don’t stay out too late, you might end up sleeping in tomorrow and miss my breakfast,” Iris whispered, leaning close to place a simple kiss on his cheek before bidding the speedster goodnight and heading off to their ‘shared bedroom’. The dark-haired man had masked his cringe when she kissed his cheek and mentioned breakfast. How Allen could ever stomach Iris’ horrid cooking skills truly amazed him. The journalist had even offered to make him a banana. Who the fuck makes a banana?? It’s a natural fruit. Every morning, Eobard would try to wake up before Iris to avoid her cooking, usually he’d be the one to make food. And honestly, the dark-haired speedster wondered if Barry had done the same a majority of times, but out of love wouldn’t say anything to Iris about her cooking. Regardless, he had to hand it to his rival that he does have an iron stomach to be able to withstand such atrocious meals. Eobard shook his head and his disgust from his thoughts. 
The things I have to put up with as Barry Allen. No matter, none of this – none of them will mean anything once the stage is fully set and Barry uncovers this timeline to change it. I just need to keep this act together for longer to maintain this level of Barry’s speed before the timeline is altered again. Then I’ll be able to be on par with him in my true form as the Reverse Flash. Once Eobard was sure Iris had entered the bedroom, shutting the door with a firm click the speedster was gone in an instant as yellow lightning trailed in his wake. Using Barry’s Speed Force was different, it was lighter like he had always assumed it to be compared to the Negative Speed Force. His feet carried him to the one place he’s craving to be in all day, eagerness was present in his demeanor since arriving at home and waiting for Iris to become lethargic for bed. The air smelled freshly crisp as the ‘heroic’ speedster ran at this new velocity, wind brushed past his face, but nothing would stop him from reaching his destination. It would be wrong to say that he wasn’t ecstatic at being able to reach such speeds, yet a pang of jealousy would hit Eobard each time at the realization that this was Barry’s raw speed and not his. The thought only fueled his anger towards his rival, his steps increasing in pace. The more you are loved, the more I will take from you, Barry Allen. Mark my words, I will make your life a living hell in this timeline. Everyone you know and love will never be on your side in my timeline. Just as you had taken from me, I will take from you until you’ve been whittled down to nothing. He couldn’t wait to see the helplessness and resent on Barry’s face.
Eobard’s feet came to a stop when he came face-to-face with a familiar oak door, his yellow lightning licked up in the air for a brief moment then dissolved. The dark-haired genius entered the quaint home on the outskirts of Central City by phasing his body through the door and checking the multiple locks on it. Warmth enveloped him as well as the scents of cinnamon and apples wafted through the air. This little safe haven was far enough that the team wouldn’t have any idea of who resided here or his frequent trips in the middle of the night to such a location. Gideon guarded this home, kept it under lock and key for Eobard when he was away. The AI would alert him if something were to happen or someone were to break in, but that was seldom the case because of the security measures Eobard had installed here. Iris was none-the-wiser, good, she wasn’t that smart to know what Eobard was truly up to.
Taking in a little breath, Eobard ran a hand through his hair to tame his wild locks from his run. He shed his jacket on the fabric couch before taking light steps upstairs. With quick steps, Eobard made it to the bedroom, twisting the brass knob and pushing the door open. He was greeted with a familiar sight that brought a love-struck twinkle in his eyes. You snapped your head up from your book, placing the thick novel on your lap and sending him the sincerest of smiles. Such a simple thing pulled at the villainous speedster’s heart as he returned the smile with a grin. You had been propped up by a few pillows with the lamp light on beside you and a plate of food from earlier. The speedster assumed you must have gotten full after a few bites. Shutting the door behind him, Eobard walked over to you, his eyes subtly glancing at the machines in the bedroom, his ears fully registering the low sounds of in—pace beeping. The dark-haired genius’ eyes met yours, his larger hand already reaching for your own that rested on the cover of your book.
“Eo,” you breathed out, tired eyes gazing up at him as he leaned down to press a meaningful kiss to your lips then to your forehead. You felt him squeeze your hand when his lips moved to your own. Playfully, you nipped at his bottom lip right before his mouth had disconnected from yours. A little giggle escaped your lips at the pout he made. Patting the spot beside you, Eobard shook off his black sneakers and crawled into the king-sized bed; his arms wrapped around you, mindful of the IV fluids and the other tubes that connected you to the vital monitors. His blue eyes danced on the heart monitor again, noticing the slight change in heart rhythm. Although the speedster could tell by just looking at your face, you weren’t as pale as a few days ago. You carded your fingers through his hair, the heat in your cheeks residing there at the closeness you craved every night.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
“What are you reading? I don’t think I’ve seen this one before,” Eobard gestured to the book that now rested on the other side of you while you cuddled your fiancé. Your heart couldn’t stop swelling in your chest at the mere fact that he was here tonight. Eobard would visit you every other night so as to not draw attention to himself or this place – the others assumed he was working on some projects. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You were the one project he needed to see through to the end.
“Just a new book from the stack you got for me. It’s called ‘A Game of Fate’.”
“What number is this?”
“I think this is number 7.”
“15 books and you’re almost halfway done with them.”
“Well, it’s not like I can do a whole lot when you’re gone anyways,” you blurted out in a mumble. An instant wash of regret filled you when those words left your mouth.
Eobard’s eyes widened a fraction, the light within them darkened - taking on a sullener tone before averting them from you to the IV fluid tube in your hand. “I’m sorry,” came his immediate response; the subtle tones of hurt in his voice.
“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s the truth. I hadn’t calculated this. I hadn’t calculated that the timeline would retaliate in such a way.”
You cupped Eobard’s face with both hands, your thumbs rubbing his cheeks in a soothing manner. Eobard let out a breath through his nose at the softness of your touch. One of his hands grasped onto one of yours, subconsciously trying to reassure himself of your presence. His finger felt the cool metal of the ring he had made for you. Refined rose gold with embedded black gemstones, elegant like his queen. “What’s done is done. I don’t regret coming here with you. We’re only here for a short amount of time, right?” Eobard nodded at your words, but he couldn’t help the guilt that gutted him as he eyed your weakened state. “I’ll manage; for you, I’ll push to live longer.” Because I don’t want to be without you, Eobard. You were his rightful fiancé, the air that he needs to breathe, the light that shines his darkened life – yet he couldn’t even protect you when the timeline struck against you, punishment for Reverse Flashpoint. Before… altering the timeline, Eobard had given you the rundown of his plan a few months after the battle with Godspeed. It had been the only thing he could come up with that didn’t include taking a speed drug. He would not end up like Zolomon nor does he want to lug around a metal tin can of a suit like Pizza-face. If he couldn’t get faster than The Flash, then he would be The Flash to siphon off enough speed in Barry’s state for ‘if’ and ‘when’ the timeline is reverted back, his speed would then be able to rival Barry’s once more. It would be Yin and Yang all over again, as it was always meant to be.
Eobard pulled both your hands off his face; his lips kissed the tips of each of your fingers. Reconnecting his eyes with your, he holds both hands close to his chest. Your fiancé licked his lips before asking, “Are you still coughing up blood?”
“Not as much anymore, but the headaches and chest pains are still there.”
“I’m almost done with the antidote. Once Barry reverts this timeline back, you should still remain in one piece.”
“I hope so. I’m so tired, Eo.”
“I know, kitten. I know. Just bear with it for a few more days. I swear on my life that I won’t lose you.” The villain’s grip tightened once his arms fully wrapped around you; he held onto you as if his life depended on it.
You had been… hesitant at his idea; Eobard saw the reluctance, the doubt that filled your eyes at the instant realizations – the harsh reality of living as Barry Allen in a Reverse Flashpoint. Not only would the world see Eobard Thawne as Barry Allen and Barry Allen as Eobard Thawne, but your fiancé would be taking on all aspects of Barry’s life, including Iris West and everything that follows her story with Barry Allen to Eobard’s tempo. The thought of her being with your man boiled your blood, a seed of doubt had planted itself in your heart and ‘what ifs’ swirled in your mind at how close they would be. Did this count as cheating? Even if it’d all be a ruse? All of it didn’t settle well with you to the point where you’d be zoned out in thought, hesitant to agree to such a plan, but it seemed that Eobard had been growing desperate. The past trauma that he had confided in you haunted him more than ever after Barry threw him like a Ragdoll after Eo had dealt with Godspeed. Eobard saw in this time’s Barry Allen the demeanor of the Barry Allen from the future that had spiraled him down such a dark path. The betrayal of the people around him, the public humiliation, and the degrading remarks from what he once called his idol. All of that trauma was from his time’s Barry Allen.
Convincing you of his plan had been no easy feat, the speedster understood more than anyone the fear of being thrown away for something better, someone better. Time and time again, he had proven that you’re the one for him. That Iris was a burden he’d have to take on, only meant to hurt Barry when he’d run to 2031. The dark-haired genius would never be interested in her affections or words – for he did not care for her existence but needed to put on a show just to agonize Barry as much as he had hurt you and him. You're always his endgame, his person, his drive  - that the ‘affections’ he’d have to feign with Iris would manifest itself in the slowest way possible to avoid her touch.. After convincing you and altering the timeline, Eo plucked you from that spare moment of acceptance to 2031 where his plans on siphoning off enough of Barry's speed had begun. His tale of being The Flash was different than Barry’s– he had successfully killed Barry Allen and assumed the role as the Scarlet Speedster the city needed. His so-called ‘history’ with Iris would begin when he had assumed the role as The Flash.
Your fiancé had already arranged a home on the outskirts of Central City, completely in contrast to the lavish mansion he had constructed in a previous timeline, while he had the daunting task of living with Iris. Your heart was always at ease when he’d text you throughout the day, his visits every other night to stay with you and vent about the ignorance of the people around him. Whenever he’d visit, he’d make sure to pick up a few books for you from the reading list he took a peek at or some of your favorite snacks. The two of you would even spontaneously cook at 2 AM, in which you tease him about Iris’ cooking – that had earned you a deadpanned look, but the speedster was truly smitten with you. He’d do anything to see that happiness dance in your eyes and a bright smile on your face. A few weeks into living in this new timeline, headaches came and went – you thought nothing of it until you started violently coughing up blood, your breathing had become labored. Eobard recalled the site of your crippled form on the ground, hunched over with a hand covering your mouth, but remnants of blood had dripped out and onto the ground. He vividly remembered the ominous feeling he had in the pit of his soul when your health started to decline in his new world. His perfect, new world… where Time would punish him by trying to take you away from him. Eobard felt everything crumble around him as he held onto your weakening body; the speedster would be damned if he had to live a life without you.
Day by day, you had grown gradually sicker until you needed to be on IV fluids every two days. The IV fluids helped maintain your hydration, electrolyte, and blood sugar levels to prevent fatigue for the next two days. Immersing himself in medical research, the genius had begun synthesizing temporary cures while intensely monitoring your vitals. He’d given Caitlin hypothetical scenarios to understand a better approach he would need to take for your condition. She was a prodigy after all – graduating from medical school at a young age and becoming a biochemical researcher. Her knowledge of medicine was valuable, and it had guided Eobard to creating your injection medication. You could still move around, but any extraneous activity (such as using your powers) would overstimulate your heart and that terrified the speedster. Your condition consumed his thoughts and guilt would hammer at his conscious – this was all his fault; he did this to you. YOUWEREGOINGTODIEBECAUSEOFHIM. Eobard tried to convince himself that he’s still in control of the situation, but nightmares had soon enveloped his mind. Gideon had given him frequent reports, but the dark-haired man was not satisfied until you were healthy again. A possible hypothesis that rang though his head was the need for Barry to come here and change the timeline – the villainous speedster would just need to hold out until then, keeping your body at around homeostatic levels until a newer timeline can be reinstated and your health would be recovered.
You saw the burden weighing down on Eobard when he’d zone out, each and every time you’d hug him tightly and pepper kissing all over his face to break him out of those regretful thoughts. “What are you feeling, Eobard?”
“Guilt. Anger – towards myself, towards Barry, the timeline, but… a little flicker of hope.”
“Because I’d rather see the world burn down a million times than to live a world without you in it, my love.” And Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash, the murderous villain, the darkest entity to rival The Flash had meant every word of it. He watched a bashful grin shy itself on your face as color coated your cheeks, he would never tire of such a spectacle even in your current condition. 
The thing is, you’d let him burn the world down for you.
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celestialflamesme · 3 years
FINALLY!! I'm going to begin writing a complete series about FTNG (do not ask when I will finish, that is up to the anime gods)
And now for the reveal...... Here are my OCs (credit to@kkumri for a few of these character names and personas and for being 14 year old me's hero!!!) Nashi Layla Dragneel
Parents: Natsu Dragneel , Lucy Heartfilia
Magic: Fire Dragon slayer and Celestial Requip Mage (also known as Swiper for her ability to teleport zodiac weapons straight out of the hands of the zodiacs)
Age: 22 years She's overall the friendliest and most confident person you'll meet. Sometimes a little too stubborn for her own good though. She'd walk through hell and back for her friends, but is hesitant to ask for help, because she feels she is a burden, as untrue as it is. She loves reading like her mom, and missions involving patterns, spells and puzzles are her favorite kind.
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Storm Ur Fullbuster
Parents: Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser
Magic: Ice Mage, Weather Manipulation Mage
Age: 22 years He's almost as reckless as Nashi but at the same time, he's as calm as they come (which is more than what he can say about his siblings) and has the world's worst sweet tooth. He can be counted on to make a reasonable decision, and is the first person his friends go to for advice. He'd take your secrets to the grave. His food is to die for.
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Gale Metalicana Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Archive Mage
Age: 23 years Twin to Genesis Redfox. He's the brains of every operation and can be counted on to produce blackmail info on any of his friends. He's a secret romantic, and once in a while one can find him and Nashi hunched over, discussing crazy theories over milkshakes. He will end your universe if you hurt any of his friends. He plays the guitar like his dad (only infinitely better).
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Genesis Lily Redfox
Parents: Gajeel Redfox, Levy McGarden
Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer
Age: 23 years She's the crazy one of the group and is always on the lookout for chaos. She and Nashi together make up FT's Demolition Duo, with the record of most number of buildings destroyed in their pocket. She's the shortest Faerie (damn her brother for abandoning her!) and can kick butt and take ass like no other. She is ridiculously good at playing the drums.
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Reiki Simon Fernandes
Parents: Jellal Fernandes, Erza Scarlet
Magic: Requip Mage
Age: 22 years He's the most responsible (and daresay, terrifying) Faerie. He loves training with his friends and has a big heart. He doesn't break rules persay, but a loophole or two never hurt anyway, although most of the time he's forced to string along on the gang's crazy shenanigans to check on them. He is a bear-hugger (and spine-cracker) and is sometimes very oblivious to the things right in front of him.
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Kai Makarov Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Take Over Mage
Age: 24 years He is S-class but seldom found in the guild as he prefers being alone in his apartment (if only, but unfortunately Genesis and her exceed Frankie seem to consider it their second home) He is very protective of his guild and even in long absences, somehow knows everything that has transpired in the guild and with his friends (Gen is to blame) He takes S-class missions with Gale and Gen sometimes.
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Nova Mavis Dreyar
Parents: Laxus Dreyar, Mirajane Strauss
Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer
Age: 22 years She works part-time at the guild bar with Asuka after she turned 18. Loves scrapbooking, bopping to music and matchmaking. Sweetest of all the Faeries like her mom, always manages to get dragged into Gen and Nashi's crazy schemes (more than often, she's the ring leader but shh, nobody has to know...) Her hair frizzes up whenever she's upset (perks of being a lightning slayer, ugh.)
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