#henrietta impulse
travelling schizophrenic dad or seizure daughter?
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neverscreens · 1 year
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Mind on Fire, 86 Screencaps.
Fight or Flight, 66 Screencaps.
For Those Lost, 57 Screencaps.
The Moroi. She doesnt appear.
Crossing the Threshold, 68 Screencaps.
Seven of Hearts, 114 Screencaps.
The End of the World, 78 Screencaps.
The Tether, 91 Screencaps.
A Moment of Clarity, 73 Screencaps.
Making Amends, 112 Screencaps.
Find in GALLERIES. Like or reblog the post it was useful. Your interaction shows me that I should keep making screencaps. And if you want me to post some in separate posts, tell me! ♡
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theprongspotter · 26 days
Impulse - Jegulus - @stag-microfic - Day 30 - 504 words
“James.” Regulus blinks, staring at the scene before him as if he’s stepped into some sort of bizarre alternate reality. There, in the middle of their kitchen, stands James Potter, cradling a brown hen in his arms as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “There’s no way this is real,” Regulus mutters to himself.
“Yes, jaanu?” James replies, his tone entirely too innocent as he beams at Regulus, the endearing nickname slipping from his lips with practiced ease.
Regulus narrows his eyes, disbelief still etched across his features. “Tell me that you didn’t impulse buy a chicken.”
James scoffs, as if the very idea is preposterous. “First of all, her name is Henrietta,” he corrects, holding the hen a little closer to his chest as if to shield her from any further insult. He runs a soothing hand over Henrietta’s head, her soft feathers ruffling under his touch. “Second of all, Remus grew up on a farm, so I basically know everything about chickens.”
Regulus isn’t moved by James’ logic; if anything, his expression hardens as he crosses his arms over his chest, a clear sign of his mounting exasperation. “I sent you to the store for eggs,” he points out, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and disbelief that James could’ve possibly misunderstood such a simple task.
James, ever the optimist, is unfazed. His eyes light up with enthusiasm as he presents his argument, cradling Henrietta like a prized possession. “Henrietta is a lifetime supply of eggs!” he declares triumphantly, as if this is the most brilliant solution to Regulus’ request.
Regulus’ gaze shifts from James to the hen, who seems perfectly content nestled in James’ arms. He pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to ward off the headache that’s threatening to form. “James,” he begins slowly, trying to keep his tone calm, “a lifetime supply of eggs is not what I meant when I asked you to pick up a dozen.”
“But think about it,” James continues, undeterred by Regulus’ lack of enthusiasm. “She’s eco-friendly, and we’ll never have to worry about running out of eggs again! Plus,” he adds with a mischievous grin, “she’s kind of cute, right?”
Regulus can’t help the small, begrudging smile that tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks at the ridiculous scene in front of him. “You’re impossible,” he mutters, but there’s no real bite to his words.
James’ grin widens, sensing victory. “So… can we keep her?”
Regulus sighs, already knowing he’s lost this battle. “Fine,” he concedes, rolling his eyes. “But you’re cleaning up after her, and don’t think this means you’re off the hook for getting those eggs next time.”
James cheers, pressing a quick kiss to Regulus’ cheek before turning his attention back to Henrietta. “Hear that, Henrietta? You’re part of the family now!”
Regulus shakes his head, but there’s a warmth in his chest that he can’t quite deny. Living with James was never going to be boring, that much is clear.
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esperfruit · 3 months
Refs for our favorite coaches and break van
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Annie Stroudley & Clarabel Stroudley
Age: 61 (Annie is older by 10 minutes)
Height: 171 cm
Twin sisters, close friends with Edward for decades and his flatmates. They also are Thomas' nannies and look out for him whenever Edward is busy. Both care for Thomas a lot and it's mutual. They are giving him good advice and are patient with him even if his impulsivity can become frustrating. Annie and Clarabel are both kind, joyful, patient, wise and supportive but Clarabel can be rather forceful from time to time.
Henrietta Holden
Age: 66
Height: 159 cm
Toby's devoted wife and caring foster grandmother of Percy. She was delighted when Toby agreed to her purposal of taking Percy in. Henrietta is a typical housewife and grandmother, enjoying regular domestic activities but also goes out a lot to meet with Emily, Annie and Clarabel. She and Toby have been happily married for decades and just as much in love as on their first day. She knows Toby better than everyone and knows how to calm him down, cheer him up and offers advice at any opportunity. Henrietta is also very hostpitable as she welcomes friends of Percy as well as Mavis, Toby's apprentice, with open arms, Mavis especially has basically become part of the family.
She has a calm and caring nature and she enjoys a quiet and peaceful life just like her husband and has a strained relationship with her reckless and chaotic sister Hannah.
Tyler "Toad" Swindon
Age: 30
Height: 165 cm
Oliver's best friend and sticks with him ever since they met during Oliver's great escape. Toad usually cheers Oliver up whenever he feels down and keeps his ego in check when it gets above his head again. Before the two met Toad was homeless after he fell into poverty when the company he worked for made him redundant. He received his nickname after he embarassingly fell into a pond during a school trip but he likes the nickname regardless and uses it to this day. Toad is overly polite, adressing everyone with Mister or Miss, considerate, appreciate and thoughtful but does not hold back at communicating his frustrations, especially when he feels left out.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
The more I think about Persuasion, the more I am convinced that Wentworth never should have proposed eight years prior in the first place.
He was broke, unemployed, and staying with his brother. He had no business asking someone to be his wife! It was a rash, impulsive decision and Lady Russell was correct to advise Anne to break off the engagement (even if her motives were suspect). Because Anne should have never said yes either! I guess maybe she would have wanted a long engagement, but her affection overwhelmed her judgement. The best case scenario is that Anne lived at home waiting for Wentworth to return, either married or engaged, but otherwise she’d probably be living in small rented rooms alone in some port city, hoping that Wentworth didn’t die at sea.
We are shown through the novel what could have happened. Admiral Croft and Sohpia had a similar short time of knowing each other and rapid marriage, but he was in already in a position to support her. She speaks fondly of their first home together. Captain Benwick goes through a long engagement and has to suffer through the death of his fiance. Captain Harville is injured and now supporting a wife on disability pay. To be honest, I think Anne and Wentworth would also do well in that situation, but it’s certainly not ideal. But we also have Mrs. Smith, who is the example of what happens when you marry financial insecurity. Wentworth spent freely, Anne doesn’t know if he can save in the future or not. Mr. Smith’s reckless spending made his wife extremely vulnerable upon his death. (and yes, Mr. Elliot influenced Mr. Smith, but people tempting you into more spending will always exist.)
Charles Hayter and Henrietta Musgrove show us the prudent option, one that Wentworth even suggests himself at the end of Persuasion. Hayter has a temporary living, but some good prospects for the future. That would be very similar to Wentworth, “with a few thousand pounds, and was posted into the Laconia”. Charles and Henrietta had to wait, and go through some trials, but their love is strong enough in the end. And we know that Anne was faithful enough to wait!
All of this is to say, the blame is usually focused on Anne for breaking the engagement and Lady Russell for encouraging her to do so. I think more blame needs to be assigned to Wentworth, for proposing to a woman when he could not properly provide for her. His proposal was unfair to her, as was his anger at her rational choice to break it off.
Is this because we have trouble understanding in modern times that Anne cannot work, and even if she did, the wages are far too low to support a family? Wentworth needs to be the provider in the society in which he lives.
(I do still find his resentment very human and natural, but I’ve always had the feeling that Anne said something like, “Not now” and he heard, “Not you.”)
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mercurygray · 11 months
Currently Reading - November 2023
Gosh, it's been a little while since I did one of these!
The Year of Peril: America in 1942 - Tracey Campbell . Found this one at the library booksale just after I finished the 1942 podcast series. The book is excellent so far and really flipping some interesting issues over.
Just Finished Reading:
Millions Like Us: Women's Lives during the Second World War by Virgina Nicolson - This was excellent and I strongly recommend it. I got a lot of inspiration for the end of TDS in it and there's a lot of material that I think will come in handy for MOTA.
Sisters in Arms: British Army Nurses Tell Their Story, by Nicola Tyrer - Another super excellent book that filled in a serious knowledge gap I had about British nursing. Might come in handy for future SAS:RH productions.
An Unladylike Profession: American Women War Correspondents in World War I by Chris Dubbs - This was an impulse purchase on thriftbooks and was very interesting.
The Call of the Wrens, by Jenni Walsh. Fiction. Glad this was only a library book - it was just okay. I'm not a big fan of time jumps as a narrative device - it feels thin.
Cassiel's Servant, by Jacqueline Carey. Fiction. It was really fun to go back to Terre D'Ange for this one, and interesting to see Joscelin's side of things. Realized Joscelin may be why/how I write Dick the way I do.
Ashes under water : the SS Eastland and the shipwreck that shook America, by Michael McCarthy. This was a book club pick that I ended up not being able to join discussion on. A really interesting story, if you're into maritime disasters.
Prisoners of the castle : an epic story of survival and escape from Colditz, the Nazis' fortress prison, by Ben Macintyre. This was on the shelf at the library and I was reading mostly for mentions of David Stirling. Still - very interesting, especially when paired with...
Churchill's Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare: The Mavericks Who Plotted Hitler's Defeat, by Giles Milton. This book was fascinating. A lot of backstory behind the stuff that made the war work.
The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot. A book club pick that I'm really glad I read.
Just Finished Watching:
Our Miracle Years (Unsere wunderbaren Jahre, Das Erste/PBS) - follows the life of one family in the post-war period. Some good food for thought here.
A Place to Call Home, Season 1 (Foxtel/ Hoopla) - More post-war, this time in Australia, which I started just as something to watch and am now very embroiled in. (Fair warning, this show contains conversation therapy, a miscarriage, and antisemitism, and may probably be triggering for some.)
World On Fire, Season 2 (BBC/PBS) - I came, I brought my Passport subscription, I tried...and after all six episodes I still don't like this show. I don't feel like we spend enough time with any of the characters to really appreciate them. It feels like everyone's there to make a point.
Outlander Season 7 (STARZ) - This was just fun. I'm not a huge fan of the books, but the TV series is really enjoyable for me.
Captain Horatio Hornblower (1951) - This has been on my list for a while and it popped up recently on Hoopla. I like Peck's nervousness in the role.
Dalgliesh, Season 2 (Acorn/Hoopla) - Bertie Carvel continues to do great in this role. I kind of wish there was a crossover involving him and Morse.
To Walk Invisible (BBC/ PBS)- It was really fun to watch this back to back with Emily.
Emily (2022) - Getting two mostly recent takes on the Bronte sisters so close together was really interesting.
Farewell My Queen (2012) - watched this while on vacation in Williamsburg. A nice 18th century drama.
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jamessunderlandgf · 1 year
—oc tag game
tagged by the usual angels @risingsh0t @simply-jason @aragorngf and @shellibisshe 🩵 thank u all sm this was so fun!!
tagging: @lizzywizzy @teamhawkeye @ghostfvcker @lesbian-croft @bloodskinandteeth @rosayoro @bunfey @aelyosos @florbelles @unholymilf @elluvians @nokstella @nuclearstorms @gcthamqueen @lxmbert @darksunning @serenedy @oc-musings @koudelka @leviiackrman and you!
🔮 sibyl delauvéy. she’s just been my baby cs i love the witcher universe so much, comfort game fr. it’s the perfect vehicle for me to tap into one of my favorite aesthetics of all time; mystical high fantasy that’s still kinda dark and gritty and UGH. i love her idk i love this game so much and love the idea of spellcasters
⚡️lottie byers. technically she’s the oldest, cs i’ve had her name and her fc and her aesthetic for the longest. although conceptually she isn’t, but some ocs have developed and evolved and have sorta existed before i knew what ocs were but lottie is the oldest that i had inserted into the source material
💥 nicole moore. truth be told— i still don’t know what i’m doing with her outside of giving könig a “he said no pickles” gf. and really that’s all i need don’t @ me just take her and run idk hehe
💎 jen daniels. her attitude is simply unmatched and her dick game is huge. jk but really she walks into rooms guns blazing always and will set the mood to maximum hostility. always. it’s fun for her idk but also it made me chuckle cs i love mean women and los santos is the perfect environment for it cs everyone sucks
honorable mention: lottie byers.
☀️ andie la croix. she is the moment, the fan favorite, the sunshine motif. this is the oc that i have put all of the love i have in my heart into so i hope it translates into how she is perceived by y’all 🫶🏻
honorable mention: sacha leone.
🔮 sibyl delauvéy. she genuinely is the biggest recluse of all time— it’s a miracle that anyone still knows where she is and how to find her. anna henrietta is the single exception to her endless string of “do not perceive me” glares and quiet exits from whatever the fuck she was dragged into today. so true queen
honorable mention: elvira hawke.
🏜️ rosalind tyler. the canon chemical engineer. do i have to say anything else LMFAO
🥀 mildred malice. her whole bag is reanimating corpses through medical procedure so DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING ELSE
🔥 oslo avery. it’s… impulsivity that really gets them into Situations. cs the rapture is literally happening and they fight a one man war basically so like. yeah, they are Going To Do Something Stupid cs it would be funny and they need the laughs. “what, you gonna call the cops? i AM the cops.” you know
🩷 bianca vionetti. she’s a good time gal and we love to see it. i did on purpose make her friend shaped and it works! it just works!
honorable mention: andie la croix.
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vulturereyy · 2 months
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Fair Lady Éire and Henrietta Thistledown, two of my Elden Ring ocs :)
Fair Lady Éire is a leonine misbegotten who led her clan to the Haligtree in its infancy, seeking a better life for her kin. She eventually pledged herself to Miquella, and became something of a one-sided mother figure to him, eternally grateful to the 'cub' who had provided them sanctuary. In a very condensed version of her story, she became, intentionally or not, one of first true subjects of Miquella's charm. Her armor set has bewitching branches entwined in it, as while she would willingly follow Miquella wherever he went, she relied on his charm and influence to be the more 'higher society' figure she is currently. While she considers Miquella her adoptive son, and she his mother, Miquella came to regard her as a deeply loved pet, very useful in her own right. She would have been one of the followers of Miquella if I could make her an NPC in the game, and likely dotes over Thiollier. She begins to doubt in her lord for the first time when she finds the fissure cross-- and likewise, your character would find her curled up around it, clinging to the last shreds of that love when she realizes her son can no longer have any for her (and maybe never did in the same way she thought). She'd also be used by Miquella as a last obstacle before reaching his boss arena, compelled by his branches to fight on his behalf once more-- but a tremor in her hands as she draws her colossal version of Milady betrays that this isn't willing, a la Nameless King. You can use an item in her fight to knock her unconscious instead of killing her, maybe one of Thiollier's poisons to incapacitate her until Miquella is defeated? If you decide to incapacitate rather than kill her, Lady Éire thanks you for your decision, though her grief is understandably insurmountable. She eventually returns to the Haligtree to continue the work Miquella began; perhaps inspired by Sir Ansbach that the new era can be built by mortal hands, and that change does not need to come from the gods. Henrietta feels short to talk about by comparison LOL but she's a tarnished from the Haligtree as well. Despite her title of 'the Hushed', she's rather bold, brash, and lacks a great deal of impulse control. Henrietta was born sickly, and has a combination of chronic fatigue and mild narcolepsy that impact her daily life. She took up worship in St. Trina after teachings from the nearby albinaurics, finding a great deal of respect in a god who would want their domain to cover people like her. Henrietta, much like her patron goddess, is also genderfluid - and prefers to slick his hair back and go by the name Henri when he's feeling more masculine. Henrietta has a draft horse named Lambfeathers that she often uses to get around, with thick blankets instead of saddles so she can sleep easily on his broad back. She would accidentally bully Thiollier I'm afraid just given her nature, but she's always down to clown and would be one of my ocs with a big personal stake in taking down Miquella for what he did to Trina.
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Red White And Royal Blue OC Masterlist
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Name: Abigail Claremont-Diaz
Story: Miss Americana
Face claim:  Zion Moreno
Love Interest: Bea Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
For all that Abigail Claremont-Diaz wanted to build a name for herself outside of being First Daughter Of The United States, she also couldn’t imagine her life without the past four years.  Without her daily commute from the White House to the GWU campus, without the secret service always a step behind her, without the beautiful, bustling streets of DC to call her own.  She missed Texas, it would always hold a special place in her heart, but she couldn’t imagine life if she’d never left.  She certainly couldn’t imagine her life if she’d never started dating the Prince of Wales — although did it count as dating if her eyes always strayed to his sister?  Abi had spent four years building her perfect life under the microscope of Capitol Hill but, much like a £75,000 wedding cake, her twin brother’s lack of impulse control and obsession with her boyfriend had to send it crashing down around her. 
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Name: Caroline Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Sweet Caroline
Face claim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love Interest: Oliver Cochrane
Caroline Henrietta Alexandria Theresa Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor.  Princess of Wales.  Britain’s sweetheart, the tragic princess.  If her life were her own, maybe Caroline could have followed her dreams, could have followed her father’s footsteps and become an actress, the first female James Bond.  But her life belonged to crown and country, and Caroline’s free will only extended far enough to choose which media smile to use on any given day.  Caroline Fox had dreams, hopes, ambitions, secrets.  Princess Caroline was just a doll, a piece in her grandmother’s never ending game of chess.  This time, Caroline’s job was simple: to clean up the mess caused by her older brother and her dearest friend, to make the so-called Cakegate look like a silly misstep between best friends and not like an international incident that could determine the fate of American politics for the next four years and beyond.  In theory, it shouldn’t have been too hard, after all, Henry and Alex were quite possibly her two favourite people in the world, and Caroline had never not been able to charm her way out of trouble.  The only problem is that her grandmother’s plan involves a staging a relationship and eventually an engagement, possibly even another royal wedding.  The only problem is that this relationship would be between Caroline herself and Alex Claremont-Diaz.  The only problem is that Caroline knows that Henry has been in love with Alex for the past four years.
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Name: Cate Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Diamond Eyes
Face claim: Liz Gillies
Love Interest: June Claremont-Diaz & Nora Holleran
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Name: Eileen Eisner
Story: Come On Eileen
Face claim: Lily Collins
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Name: Isabel Luna
Story: We Built This City
Face claim: Ana De Armas
Frankly, the entire goddamn country should feel grateful that Isabel Luna loves Alex Claremont-Diaz as much as she does.  She wouldn’t be stepping back from her beloved — and well earned, no nepotism required — job as her older brother’s chief of staff to babysit just any First Child for the entire year leading up to Ellen’s reelection.  But it was Alex.  Alex, who she’d known for pretty much ever.  Alex, who she’d comforted through his first heartbreak.  Who she’d given his very first shot of tequila, who she’d mentored when they worked together on Raf’s campaign.  Alex, who was her brother just as much as Rafael.  And it was for Ellen — and maybe Isa wasn’t as close to her as she was to Oscar, but Ellen had always been an inspiration to her and she would do whatever it took to ensure that she beat Richards in the election.  Besides, she’d been babysitting Alex since he was a pubescent little shit, she was probably the most qualified person to wrangle him around for the next year.  Honestly, preventing another Cakegate level international incident should have been easy; if only Alex hadn’t decided to fall in love - and bed - with the Prince of Wales.
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Name: Kennedy Quinlan
Story: Winding Roads
Face claim: Ashley Benson
Kennedy Quinlan couldn’t remember a time before Alex Claremont-Diaz.  The three musketeers, along with their other best friend Liam, they’d been inseparable since pre-school.  For well over a decade, they had done everything together.  And yes, Kennedy had known that graduation would change everything, but she hadn’t expected this.  With Ellen winning her election, Alex no longer had a reason to return to Austin.  With Kennedy on the road, following wherever the rodeo circuit led, she never had time to visit either boy.  And Liam, well, she wasn’t sure what had happened, but he had completely ghosted.  Without her best friends to ground her, Kennedy lost herself in her horses.  No other life, no other interests, being “Rodeo Barbie” had become her life, not just her job.  That was all that she was.  Until the fall.Injured, untethered, with no idea who or what she wanted to be if she wasn’t a rodeo star, Kennedy had no idea what was supposed to come next.  Until Mama Ellen offered her an internship under Zahra Bankston, a home within the White House, and some semblance of direction in her life.  But Kennedy is no longer the girl she’d once been, and Alex is no longer the boy she once knew, and one way or another, the impending election was going to force Kennedy to figure out who exactly she is.
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Name: London Carter
Story: Closer To Fine
Face claim: Emily Alyn Lind
London Carter had plans.  She had plans for graduating Magna Cum Laude with a double major in political science and international relations.  She had plans to work on Ellen Claremont’s reelection campaign, to help make another four years of Claremont-Holleran a reality.  She had plans for winning her senate seat, and for becoming Secretary of State.  She had plans to be Vice President in the Claremont-Diaz Carter administration of 2032-2040 alongside her best friend, FSOTUS Alex Claremont-Diaz.  Her plans did not include Alex causing an international incident with the Prince Of England.  Her plans also did not include having to use every bit of her upcoming international relations degree to clean up his mess.  And her plans definitely did not include Alex falling in love with said Prince Of England, especially in the middle of Ellen’s reelection.
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Name: Lucy Kent
Story: Lucy In The Sky
Face claim:  Maude Apatow
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Name: Madison Richards
Story: All-American Bitch
Face claim: Madelaine Petsch
Aside from her general and entirely justified dislike for her father, Madison Richards had several other issues with his plan for her to – in his words – seduce the youngest British prince and steal the trade deal out from President Claremont.  To start, judging by the fact that he had never once attempted to sneak a glance down her dresses, Madison suspected that she was far from Prince Henry’s type.  Furthermore, his plan failed to consider the fact that she had spent the whole campaign trail so far sneaking around for clandestine hookups with Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son himself.   And, last but certainly not least, her father still had no idea that she had spent her entire time in rehab sleeping with the Prince’s older sister.  But then again, getting herself in close quarters with the Prince and Princess of Wales and the First Son could only help in her own plan: to do whatever it takes to stop her father from getting elected.
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Name: Margaret Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Story: Heartbreak Princess
Face claim:  Florence Pugh
Love Interest: Pez Ojonjo
Where Henry was the Prince Of England’s Hearts, Margaret had always been the Heartbreak Princess.  Filling the void left by her father’s death with a string of meaningless flings, Margaret had never been anything but completely transparent about what she was looking for: a distraction.  Not love, never love, but a way to pass the time in between Bea’s breakdowns, Mary’s lectures, and trying to draw Henry out of his shell.  But when Henry falls into a cake, and a torrid romance, with the American First Son, Margaret finds herself swept up in an international whirlwind as she tries desperately to protect her twin brother’s heart — only to realize that in doing so, she may have left her own heart far more open than she’d ever intended.
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Name: Oliver Cochrane
Story: Sweet Caroline
Face claim: Thomas Doherty
Love Interest: Caroline Fox
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impulsivealchemy · 2 years
Impulse stares and tilts his head. Effie (short for Effie-Nugget-Henrietta-Doomclaw, destroyer of couches, the first of her name, queen of the fire escape, second freeloader of apartment 204) tilts her head in turn. Freshly washed, dried, and spoiled with treats by the entire apartment, she’s looking much better than the waterlogged bird he found.
Zed has officially won this argument, the conniver. He wormed Effie right into their hearts. Good thing Impulse didn’t find a sheep or he’s certain they’d be starting a farm.
There is the matter of where to house her though. Tango helped him set up a “mini portable indoor magickified grass field” in their guest room while Zed and Skizz built her a tiny coop. Tango also tampered with the window hinges to let her in and out of their balcony garden. But Impulse doesn’t want her to be restrained to the small four walls of their apartment. She deserves the chance to wander, to stretch her legs and explore. They all have half a dozen ways to track her down so losing her isn’t an issue. But where would be concealed from the landlord enough and safe enough to let a chicken free roam?
A soft ding from his brewing stand distracts Impulse. His potions are ready! His pest control prank potions…
Well there’s a thought! His traps aren’t deadly. And it’s nothing a few drops of luck potion won’t help her avoid until he thinks up an alternative.
Impulse watches Effie’s feathery behind disappear around a bend in the vents, gold sparks of luck haloing her head, a small bottle of light around her neck brightening the dark space as she goes.
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dementedspeedster · 7 months
Earth-11 Verse - Thalia Thawne
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Basic Information:
Name: Thalia “Thal” Thawne Age: 21 Height: 5'7' Alias: Inertia Species: Meta-Human Clone, Clone of Barb Allen (Barbara Henrietta Allen aka Impulse) Orientation: Demisexual Biromantic Powers: Superspeed Teams/Associations: (Formerly while disguised as Impulse) Young Justice, (Formerly) Titans East Universe: Earth-11 (Draws more from New Earth history)
Thalia has a similar background and backstory as Thad. She was cloned from her universe's version of Impulse (Barb Allen) and created by Earthgov President Thalia Thawne.
What drives Thalia is the need to be the perfect. To always succeed no matter what.
Prior to the events of Impulse all she wants is to be the perfect daughter to her mother/creator (Pres. Thalia Thawne).
She goes through the events that happen in Impulse: She does take Barb's place for a while both in her civilian life with Max and hero life as Impulse, impersonates her amongst her Young Justice friends, and attempts to kill Barb and Max after her identity is revealed, etc.
The revelation (thanks to Barb and Max and living Barb's life) that she has been used a tool for revenge, that she was never loved, and never loved unconditionally (but rather based upon her successs) hits her just as hard as it hit Thad. She's angry and abandons her mission to kill Barb in that instance and runs off, However, Thalia returns home to confront her mother.
When she returns home to confront her mother she's still shaken up and furious by what she has come to realize about her life. However, this revelation doesn't last for long
It takes her longer to realize that she doesn't want to be a part of the Thawne family and that her family was using her because Pres. Thalia Thawne was more manipulative toward her. When Thalia confronts her and asks if her mother ever loved her Pres. Thawne lies to her and puts on an act, treating her as if she had misunderstood their relationship or that she was tricked by Barb and Max, and continually reassures Thalia that she is loved, that her treatment of her so far is her form of love. And Thalia believes her because she truly doesn't know better. So she falls back into line.
Thalia was also raised more like daughter for the sake of Pres. Thalia Thawne's manipulation of her. Rather than utilizing fear/fear of failure/fear of not making the family proud as (New Earth) Pres. Thawne does for Thad, (Earth-11) Pres. Thawne lies to her and tells Thalia that she loves her in order to keep her under her control.
She wasn't entirely raised in a lab or VR, but instead she also lived in the same home/mansion with Pres. Thawne and her son Mel (Barb's father; who is going through the same sort of house arrest and deal with his mother as Meloni does in the comics. Where he has struck a deal/forced to stay with Pres. Thawne so she doesn't target his Barb or Earth-11's Jenni. He is a part of the resistance against his mother.)
After the events of Impulse, Thalia does go through an obsessive period and thinks that by fulfilling her role and killing Barb she really will be a perfect daughter and that she'll get validation in her life. That somehow by doing this she'll prove that Barb was wrong about her. That she was wrong about her and her life completely. (It is a bit delusional, but she is being manipulated.)
During this obsessive period and prior to killing Barb she does end up dating her E-11 version of Deborah Morgna/Sungirl and joining Deathstroke's Titan's East, all for the sake of getting access to Velocity-9 and enacting a similar plan of getting Barb's attention (now the Flash) and later on killing her.
The outcome of killing Barb: Thalia believes that somehow by "winning" and killing Barb that she'll be the one who is right in the end. But instead killing Barb just leads to more heartbreak. She's empty when she kills Barb. She knows that this fixes nothing in her life, and that she cannot ignore the signs of how she has been treated as just a tool to be used in her life, as a thing that get results for her mother, she realizes that is not loved and she has never been loved by her Mother, she realizes that Mel (who has been trying to push her in the right direction, trying to push her to get away from Pres. Thawne and realize that she's been manipulated and used this entire time) was right, but also realizes that all this time she has been enacted other's wills that she doesn't have a clue as to who she really is as a person.
After killing Barb, she returns home angrier than ever due to how she is finally coming to realize the actual truths in her life, but also due to how she sees how people react to Barb's death, how people (family and friends) have always treated her with unconditional love, and that in contrast the love toward her by her mother has always been conditional. How it's always been dictated upon by what she does and what she does right for Pres. Thawne rather than being loved unconditionally as a daughter.
Thalia wanted love and approval so much that she ignored the signs around her until the point she couldn't ignore or stand it any longer. In the end she gets her revenge and retaliates against her mother. It's an uncontrollable rage and heartbreak and a sense of mourning that leads her to kill her mother.
After this, she becomes a fugitive in time and flees to the 21st Century. It's not her first choice and she knows it's not safe after what she killed Barb, but it was the only time and place she could think of. The only place she knew.
Currently, she is at a point of limbo in her life and trying to discover herself while keeping herself safe from The Time Police (for killing her mother), The Rogues (for pulling them into her scheme of killing Barb), and the Flash Fam (for killing Barb).
Other Notes:
She isn't captured after killing Barb. So she doesn't go through a period where her speed is stolen and put on display in the Flash Museum. Though she knows that it'll be bad if any of the Flash family catches wind of her and they will at some point.
She doesn't go through a Kid Zoom arc.
Was close friends with E-11 Match and definitely had a bit of a crush on her as well.
Sees Mel (Meloni) as more of an older brother figure. He tries to guide her away from his mother’s influence but it just doesn’t work out.
Thalia keeps her hair short and styles it in a similar sort of messy style Thad does.
She’s a bit fussy with her appearance. Never knows what to do with it.
It’s the ego and the focus on being the perfect daughter that keeps her from the more introspective and existential thoughts related to being a clone. She also hasn't yet got the comparisons as much as Thad has.
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lightsblooming · 10 months
They're crouched over a bin that's chattering with the cheeps of chicklets. A heat lamp cusps over one side, a water bowl wedged on the other. . Pine shavings rustle beneath the pitter-patter of feet.
"All right, lil Miss," Cole grins, elbows perched on knees, "Henrietta's just hatched a few chicks, but they ain't got any names. How're you feelin' 'bout helpin' 'em out?"
inbox | @colecassiidy
mary sits with her legs tucked beneath her, the skirt of her dress floofed up and nestled into the pine shavings cushioning her against the bare ground. the sunlight illuminates the chicks in a way that almost makes them glow, their fuzzy baby feathers dissolving into the soft outline of light as her hands are curled against the edge of the crate, leaning in for a better look. she's never seen baby chicks before outside of a storybook. they're so small and precious—she has the impulsive urge to snatch them up and stuff them in her clothes.
she reaches out without warning, petting the closest one with an untrained hand.
"um, this one can be marshmallow—" marshmallow promptly gets yoinked out of the crate and hoarded into her lap; its the fluffiest chick of the bunch. she points to another chick near the water bowl, "liebling," then to another, tinier one, that keeps frantically hopping about, "bandaid," she says— which leaves three more. "rainbow," a chick with a speck on it's beak, "ted," a chick with a missing claw, and the last one dozing sleepily as close to the heat lamp as it can be, which mary stares at for a considerable moment before deciding on...
"princess sprinkles."
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1, 6, 8, 11, 14, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30. maybe too many for one post but u can split it up as u like.
HIIII you always give me a billion qs from ask games i love u sm for it <3
obligatory link back to the npc ask game
1. What’s your NPC creation process like?
6. How do you pick names for NPCs?
same way i pick names for ocs of mine! if theyre not a one off npc or one off turned main npc then i search for a name that has a meaning relevant to who they are as a character! (swords's last name is lyon and her symbolic animal is a lion... winifreds name means reconciliation, giving her a fun ironic twist since she wants to KILL her ex husband soso bad lol) but if theyre a one off then typically i just generate the name using this american name generator and pick something i think fits the character at hand!
the only one that doesnt fit in either here is jacques who as i belief i said is named off of my old cat with the same name <3
8. What kinds of NPC (personality, class, culture, age, whatever occurs to you!) tends to be your favorite to make and/or play?
i really enjoy fucked up dudes!!!! if it werent obvious from my ocs... this was supposed to be a lighter campaign but i really love tragedy and making people have OBVIOUS issues and its fun to have stuff with those play out with the players, sometimes even being used to bounce off the players! also i like magic users. theyre fun. or people involved with the gods of this world! i think i really really enjoy making people who give off lore hints or just straight up tell you interesting stuff about the world c:
11. (which oc is...) Most unique?
oh this is a hard one... if we mean in context of the world itself like in that world then i would have to say speciallest girl ever henrietta but also not really bc theres also vanya.... hmmmmmmm but out of context i would have to say probably daggers, swords or dr. shi, i feel like those three have a good spread of not being too like many of my other ocs! (daggers having lots of image issues and being outwardly guilt trippy and feminine, swords being impulsive and almost like a shonen character, and dr shi being very monotone and intelligent (i like my dumbasses) plus all three have big as hell prides, they think they are HOT shit)
(putting the rest under a readmore so that people dont hate seeing me on their dash)
14. Most likely to be on a reality show?
HARD TO TELL... first instinct is to say daggers or swords bc those two interact with media enough to want to go onto a reality show (or henrietta bc shes. you know. leader of the old rebellion imagine the numbers that could do for the show) but i think final answer would be delilah bc not only would she LOVE to be on tv but she would like have an AWESOME time
21. Which NPC is the easiest for you to roleplay? Why?
22. Which NPC is the most difficult to roleplay? Why?
ouhhh hard one here but id probably say first of all vanya bc my russian accent skills are NOT there. but in terms of personality and roleplaying in general not just speaking as them then probably wiz or daggers! both have to have an incredible amount of balance, in daggers's case its so that she is nuanced and not an annoying caricature considering my concept for her and with wiz its just . not revealing some things too early and not revealing some things too late, plus hes the quest giver and PLUS idk why but doing his voice gives me troubles. this is all ironic bc he is like. one of my favorite npcs lmao (hes better in writing IMO)
26. Which NPC is YOUR least favorite and why?
oh interesting... this is like having to say i hate one of my children i really never dislike any characters i create i just get agonies over them tbh but if i HAD to choose one..... hmmm probably vanya and/or richter, i really enjoy them conceptually but i feel like i fumble them too much and their story, while interesting and exciting in the beginning, became a bit more extraneous as time went on ! but really its not by much that i dislike them, i really love every npc i make
28. Is there any NPC you wish your party interacted with more?
29. Are there any NPCs you wish you could play as a PC one day?
wiz probably fits most closely into the type of pc i would create for a game like this! however if i would want to be more fun more creative then i would actually really like to play jacques or vanya, mostly because they also are the types of characters i would make and they are easily translateable into a pc for this specific campaign (both in stat ways and in story ways!) as for a complete wildcard i think also playing as someone closer to the religion of this campaign (swords, rhys, etc) would be very interesting ! but im sure if i were to recycle a character concept from this game i would not expect who i would choose in the future...
30. Bonus question! Answer any that you haven’t been asked, or talk about any NPC you want!
oh god an open ended q ummm this is really the hardest question ever . i will give you a few little tidbits abt characters not on their toyhouse and not like fully really talked abt i tink...
Vanya is based on a character from dungeon meshi and originally followed this characters plot way more closely before i changed her up! not saying who tho
hook and rex came out to each other at the exact same time (as trans).... it was really funny and they almost immediately did a fun little clothes swap :)
even though wiz has his 50 ft vision, sometimes bc of habit when hes in his house he wont use it and if he has a guest he will often times get spooked by them... he feels silly after it happens every time lol
jacques is bisexual. also has never dated anyone ever. (he feels like its weird to date anyone from the village hes from bc everyones kinda like family there...)
rhys and the griffin god priest (mr hightower) have actually met once on occasion, they found each others company very enlightening but will not meet again ever
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etruatcaelum · 1 year
But who would ask for this?
It's an opportunity for greatness. It's brave to try. It's a choice he makes to put others before himself. It is...
Empty words. He's scared. The fear digs deeper every day, and he's learning how to breathe with that dagger between his ribs. Inside his head there is a great dam, cracked and crumbling, and he lives in the shadow of it—already in water up to his knees, waiting with dread for those old stones to break.
Sometimes, late at night when the dam groans and memories that are not his own spill through to wet his face with ancient tears, Ozma whispers I'm so sorry for the hundredth, thousandth time, and there is nothing in the world Oscar hates more than the rising impulse to close his eyes, and answer it's not your fault, you know, and tear that fucking wall down himself.
Then, at least, it would be quick.
He never knew his parents. The woman who raised him didn't know them either, although she and he talked once about whether it would be alright for him to call her mother; in the end she had shuddered and told him he could think of her any way he liked, but she'd gone her whole life being called Henrietta by everyone that matters to her and she couldn't find it in herself to change that now.
Since then, he's called her his Aunt, because it seemed like a fair enough compromise.
When he left, he couldn't find the nerve to tell her so to her face. Oscar did leave a note explaining it all as best he could, despite the uncomfortable noises Ozpin made in his head about that, and then slipped away an hour after the light in her bedroom went dark for the evening.
Probably she thinks he's gone crazy.
The handful of voicemails he listened to before they got too far out of reach from the regional mast in Kuchinashi didn't say it in so many words, but the concern was tangible. If there's any upside to the nightmare his life has become, it's that it gets easier not to think about it as the curse wears him down.
But he does feel bad about the whole ordeal. She was always good to him.
On the train to Mistral, he asks if it always happens like this. If Ozpin had been fourteen-almost-fifteen, too, when the past caught up with him. If he fought back.
The answer comes as a long, painful silence, before Ozpin says: No. No, things never happen the same way twice.
He wants to ask if anyone has ever escaped, but he already knows. It's one of the first things he remembers, that sensation of profound dread laced with resignation, weeks before the first time Ozpin collects himself enough to speak in Oscar's head. The answer is no. The answer is they can't.
Eventually, Ironwood tells him one day, you won't even know who's who anymore, and it rings in his voice that this is a good thing—that he expects Oscar will embrace it as reprieve from the terror of separation, and it is then that Oscar feels a fundamental part of himself wither into nothing and fade away like so much dust in the wind.
He's tired.
The really awful thing is that he knows Salem.
He remembers this hand on their face with shocking clarity, and neither searing pain nor the hard glint of mockery in her eyes cut deep enough to spare him the ache of a sorrowful longing—a crashing wave against the shore, cold bitter foam, like Salem reached down into his soul to strike a blow against that old decaying dam.
Like-minded souls, indeed.
But the really awful thing—the worst thing—the thing that falls like a hammer-blow against the anvil of his despair and ignites something too black and hateful to call it hope—is that Oscar knows her well enough to read the faint trace of pity in her mien before she turns away.
He thinks, then, with a steely calm that belongs only to him:
Fuck you both.
On the short side for his age, but stocky. Compact. Tanned and heavily freckled skin. Hair dark brown, almost black, tousled. Eyes bright green around the outside and autumn-brown in the center. Oval face, soft features. Ears a bit too large. Small raised scar on his chin, shaped like a check-mark, from falling off a horse. Old burns on his palms, from a wood stove when he was small.
Prefers to wear things to meticulously-mended rags; a good hand with needle and thread. Clothes accumulate patches and multicolored darning over time. Warmer autumn colors, orange and yellow, some red after he meets Ruby; he inherits some of Ozma's preference for green, as well. Seldom seen without his orange work gloves, as the scars on his hands get irritated easily. He has no emblem until after he's freed from Ozma's curse, then experiments with various designs before landing on a pumpkin with clockwork leaves.
Oscar never quite feels like Long Memory belongs to him, no matter how much of Ozma's familiarity he inherits. He's not at all broken up about parting with it once they're separated, and eventually makes his own weapon: an aruval forged of steel alloyed with a tiny amount of lyke dust, which he names Aleya after the ghostly marsh-lights of his home region. The blade has a pale, rather eerie opalescence—hence the name—and can petrify grimm flesh on contact.
Green. Bright orange, like a sunset. His aura was dormant before Ozma's curse bound them together, so he technically doesn't awaken his own until after the curse is broken.
Oscar doesn't have a semblance and won't have a semblance until he's separated from Ozma. If the curse were allowed to continue unchecked, the person Ozma became would discover a new permutation of their semblance sooner or later, but it wouldn't in any meaningful sense belong to Oscar, because Oscar would, for all intents and purposes, be dead. But once he's free, and once he sorts out who he is and who he wants to be outside of his overwhelming existential dread, he'll be able to find his own semblance. In the essentials, Oscar's semblance is a specialized form of empathy: he can take the words people say and unfold them to reveal the things they mean, feelings they're trying to express but failing to communicate clearly, and then he can find the words to articulate those things back to them. He's an interpreter—not of language, but of emotion. He's able to very quickly talk through to the heart of a problem, and preternaturally skilled at listening in a way that makes people feel seen and heard. It also has the side effect of making him nearly impossible to lie to. Even with Ozma in his head, there are traces of his latent ability eking through to the surface. His determination to connect with Ironwood throughout his time in Atlas, his intuitive sense for what to say to Hazel and Emerald to earn their trust, and even earlier, when he breaks through Ozpin's control long enough to choke out Jinn's name: all of these things are inklings of what could be, if not strangled by Ozma's curse. This sort of rising-to-the-surface is vanishingly rare among Ozma's like-minded souls. With Oscar, it happens in part because he's fighting so hard to hold on for as long as he can, and in part because his upbringing gave him a rock-solid sense of identity to start with, and in part because the nature of his semblance itself resists falsehood and obfuscation. Latent though it is, it still gives him a firmer place to stand when he pushes back and asserts himself against Ozma's influence. That struggle also has the effect of deepening the potential of his semblance, like warming it up before it properly manifests, so once he's free and it emerges fully, he gets in tune with it fast.
On Ozma's Reincarnation On Oscar's Aunt Henrietta
The Little Prince –> Oscar is the Little Prince, a child navigating the precipitous, impossible challenge of growing up without losing his wonder and faith in the world; I must emphasize here that despite her name, Ruby is not the Rose in his story—the Rose is the farm he left behind—Ruby is the Snake. (For interested parties: please see this only slightly unhinged post on my personal for the textual argument.) The Marvelous Land of Oz –> Oscar is Jack Pumpkinhead, Tip's pumpkinheaded "son" brought to life by Mombi's magic, who incidentally spends half the book in a state of inconsolable existential dread because he's afraid his head will rot.
I am emphatically not a Dadpin Person. By no means does Oscar hate Oz—in fact he's far more forgiving of them than Ozma is of themself, for the most part—but the curse is nevertheless killing him and the most Ozma can really do about it is apologize. While there is a rapport between them and they do come to care about each other, there's a great deal of tension and trauma here. Oscar also already has a fatherly figure in his Uncle Emre, his Aunt's younger brother, and he isn't particularly in need of another. The merging of their souls is caused by a sort of wound in Ozma's soul, which is reopened and grafted and made to heal around the like-minded soul—see the linked headcanon post for details. Following the Fall of Atlas, Ozma starts trying to fight this process by unseaming the connection between themself and Oscar; it works, but it's also like ripping at a scab, and causes them both a great deal of pain. The curse itself, woven by the God of Light to insure Ozma's everlasting obedience, also reacts very badly to this act of rebellion: becomes more erratic, more punishing, and violently forcing Ozma forward. Henrietta Pine arrives in Vacuo not long after Team RWBY and Jaune make it home from the Ever After. Her presence helps to bolster Oscar against the curse somewhat by sheer force of personality; to everyone else, she's a friendly terror. Oscar is not Ozma or Ozpin, and he doesn't feel super great about the tendency of Ozpin's former associates to treat him like "the next Ozpin." He has complex feelings about the skills, power, and knowledge he's gaining from Ozma, and similarly conflicted feelings about being perceived as a prodigy because of that inheritance.
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starwrittenfates · 29 days
Guilt & Humanity (for Dettlaff)
headcanons for muses with a difficult past
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Guilt // What actions or decisions do they feel guilty or regretful about? Or is there no sense of guilt whatsoever? What would motivate them to reflect?
Dettlaff holds a lot of guilt and regret over his actions as the Beast of Beauclair, but especially with having to kill Syanna. At the time, he thought his intentions were for the best. He genuinely believed he was doing all this in order to protect his Rhena and bring her back safe and alive. He didn't know there was more to this and it was something deeper. And he had at least given Syanna three days time to come see him and explain herself. However, because of circumstances, especially with Anna Henrietta locking her sister away before Syanna even had the chance to do so, that chance was lost. Dettlaff stuck to his word and began his attack on Beauclair. When Syanna finally showed up after the fact, it seemed his answer was clear---since she didn't show up within three days, she was guilty. She never cared about him. Did he jump the gun so to speak? Yes, but that's how Dettlaff is. He's emotional and impulsive. He reflects on what he did to her often. It's why it makes it harder for him to be around humans now. He doesn't know if he can trust them or if it will play out as before.
Humanity // If they’re asked what ‘humanity’ means to them and how they would describe it, what would they answer? Do they love or hate humans?
Depends on when in his timeline this is being asked. It changes drastically after the events of Blood and Wine--- Before, Humanity was something he struggled to understand, but had no ill will towards. If any human showed him kindness, he would repay it back, wanting nothing in return. When Syanna aka Rhena entered his life, things changed for the better at first. She became his light, his mate, his symbol of humanity, and Dettlaff fell in love with her. He was deeply frightened when he discovered her to be kidnapped and would do anything to see her returned safe and sound. However, once the truth of everything was revealed, his views on humanity began to change, taking a dark and depressing turn. His light was gone. She had played him for a fool. Dettlaff came to believe everything he had with Syanna was nothing more than a ruse on her end. It scarred him deeply. I mean...even Dettlaff's journal entries state how much it hurt him--- "Upon learning the woman he loved was using him for her own ends, Dettlaff lost all will to keep on living. The only thing left to him was longing for vengeance – blind, unrestrained vengeance," and "Dettlaff harbored no hard feelings for Regis, knowing death was his best option, there no longer being anything in this world he wished to live for." After that, I'd say he loses all love for humanity. He doesn't hate them, but he isn't as trusting or willingly to be associated with them anymore. It would take A LOT of work to help him get back up there. You'd have to gain his trust and prove you won't backstab him for sure.
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danielleurbansblog · 10 months
Review: The Wishing Bridge
Synopsis: Once the hottest mergers and acquisitions executive in the company, Henrietta Wegner can see the ambitious and impossibly young up-and-comers gunning for her job. When Henri’s boss makes it clear she’ll be starting the New Year unemployed unless she can close a big deal before the holidays, Henri impulsively tells him that she can convince her aging parents to sell Wegner’s—their…
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