#hence the pauldrons
spooky-activity · 2 years
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Queen outfit redesign
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paterday · 1 year
The whole fuck this thang thing is extra funny when you know the context is that it’s for a Lasky pinup drawing
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 months
Why does Sephiroth have such a huge pauldron on his outfit?
When and why did he happen to wear the soldier outfit without a shirt and with the straps.... uhhh forming an X idk how to say it
I have this stupid headcanon that the SOLDIER uniform protocol mandates that straps must be visible regardless of rank. So when someone wears a coat, the straps have to be crossed to be visible—hence Genesis and Sephiroth wear them like that.
The pauldrons are similar to the one Miniroth wears with his uniform, so I'm guessing that's the type he prefers, and they just got bigger and bigger as he grew into a tank (with Shinra having a hand in making him look huge).
As for Sephiroth's lack of shirt, I write it as multiple layers being sensory hell for him, so he likes breathable clothes that allows him to perform better in combat. He opts out of the turtleneck because the coat and harness cover most of his torso. Shinra greenlit this choice mainly because it highlights his attractiveness and sells.
*Angeal is looking at his new uniform in the mirror right after making 1st Class*
Angeal: Hm. The uniform is good enough on its own. I don't need to add anything to it.
*Genesis saunters in with his red coat*
Angeal: You have got to be kidding me.
Genesis: Isn't it eye-catching? Isn't it vibrant? The only way Sephiroth could outshine me now is if he were to fight naked.
*Sephiroth walks in with his new uniform, no shirt, chest out*
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itsybitsybatsyspider · 2 months
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Astrid, Jamie, and Tooth Fairy designs for the Dragon Prince au
The Dragon Prince Au Masterpost
(design notes under the cut)
Astrid - for her design i tried mixing a bit of both General Amaya's armour and her HTTYD 2 costume. - since Astrid is a part of the dragon killing training program on Berk, i wanted to give her a mix of practical armour that she could wear casually (because she's always ready if shit happens) but also keep it comfortable enough for her to wear regularly. - hence the greaves, bracers, and small pauldrons. - her skirt and shirt were my favorites to draw and im really happy with how her hair came out
Jamie - Jamie's was also an easy one to work on. I mainly worked on interpreting his OG design into the Dragon Prince universe and i thought giving him a blue vest (like in the beginning of RotG) and orange shirt would do the trick. - I made sure to keep it simple though, because he is a commoner living on an outpost/village in Katolis, but still tried to give it the same level of depth that DP character designs always have.
Tooth - undoubtedly my favorite one to work on, and it was entirely because of the colors! - i gave her gold cuffs and earrings like we see in her OG design (even tho those are feathers) and the boots were probably my favorite part of the costume to work on! - her Elven markings are meant to be similar to how her feathers shape her face in her OG design, and the hair was so fun to work with and i think it really pulls it together! Thank goodness there are other Skywing elves with multicolored hair (i.e. Nyx) - the vest was probably the most difficult, i couldn't settle on which pattern to go with, but i wanted to make it look like the pants and vest weren't connected like a bodysuit. So the frilled collard shirt was a great help in distincting the two and the slightly different tones on the pants and vest helped to make it look like they weren't a part of each other. - so over all i'm really happy with how her design turned out!
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 8 months
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🎶 but I lost touch / ‘cause I’m always on my own / I am lonely to the bone 🎶
(from the song “Bone” by Mon Rovîa)
sketch, process, and close-up under this li’l cut here
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Din is somewhere in his twenties here (hence why he has his full red armour—he hasn’t lost his right pauldron yet and everything’s just a whole lot less beat-up and faded). I’d put this somewhere after he parted with Ran’s Crew and he’s just joined the Guild.
(also, he’s in the Mandalorian equivalent of a “ripped jeans” era with his fingerless gloves and a bit of neck showing)
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erin8411 · 1 month
~~~ The New Team Color of the Bad Batch in Season 2 ~~~
I was looking at the character posters of the Bad Batch (Season two) and only now realized that apparently their new unit color is orange.
Everyone -except Omega (and Crosshair, obviously)- has a orange stripe on their chest armor.
Besides on the cuirass (breastplate) the color can be found at minimum in one other place on everyone (except Crosshair).
The colors are especially well visible on the Hasbro Black Series figures.
Below you find the location of the orange paint on each batcher‘s armor.
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Locations: Cuirass, helmet, left greave (shin guard) and backpack
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Locations: Cuirass, both pauldrons, both poleyns (knee guards) and backpack
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Locations: Cuirass, both greaves and backpack
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Locations: Cuirass, left vambrace, right pauldron, scomp and backpack
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Locations: On top of her helmet
I am sure, in an alternate universe/reality, where Crosshair chose to leave with his brothers after the fall of Kamino, he would have orange paint on his cuirass, backpack, on his vambraces and/or poleyns and maybe on his helmet as well.
So, why did they choose orange? Why not stay with red? Below are some of my speculations.
After the destruction, the Empire thinks the Bad Batch is dead. While they try to stay under radar, an encounter is never 100% avoidable. If they paint their armor differently, chances are that they are less recognizable. Red has been the batch‘s signature color.
They either lost parts of their armor during missions or it was beyond repair or ditched it in favor of comfort, practicality or something else. So they have to replace it. And they choose the replacement depending on availability and personal liking. To regain some sense on unity, they choose a new team color, hence the orange paint.
Maybe they let Omega decide what color to choose? Or they voted? Or they stood in a paint shop, getting some advice from a vendor and still chose some color according to a counting-out rhyme? Or they found a can of orange paint on one of their missions? The possibilities are endless.
Though I suspect that Tech researched color theory (orange armor paint and blue pants? -complementary colors) and made a list of pro and cons of every color and also about their symbolism and meaning.
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animaginaryartblog · 1 year
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[Image ID: two versions of a digital painting of Blaze the Cat. They are based on a Trollhunters screenshot, but replacing Jim with an AU Blaze design.
Blaze wears armor similar to Percival's in Sonic and the Black Knight: small, rounded shoulder pauldrons, metal gloves with flared cuffs, and a metal chest plate on her torso with armor pieces hanging from the hips, resembling a tailcoat. Inset in the chest plate, above where her heart would be, is a gold amulet housing a shard of a red gem.
Along with the armor, Blaze wears her usual gold necklace and red bindi. Each gauntlet has a simple curling design on the top, with a red jewel inset in the center, matching her bindi. Under the armor she wears a white bodysuit, covering her legs and arms.
In the first version, Blaze is in her normal form, with lavender fur and yellow eyes. Her hair is not tied up but falling loose down her back, and violet bangs partly cover her bindi. Her armor is a silver-purple color.
In the second version, Blaze is in her Burning form. Her fur is pink, and her armor and blade are both gold rather than silver. A gold circlet pulls her hair back - not that it's needed, as both her hair and the tip of her tail have turned to scarlet flame. Her eyes, too, have the appearance of fire.
In both versions, Blaze stands against a stormy background, looming over the viewer. In her right hand she holds a flame. In her left, she holds her sword from Sonic and the Black Knight, pointed down at someone unseen. Lightning flashes behind her as she looks down at her opponent with an unreadable expression, eyes glowing gold. /end ID]
For the glory of Solaris, Sunlight is mine to command.
last Friday I had this all prepped and ready to post, wrote a whole long explanation of this AU's lore, and then the page reloaded and I lost the entire thing--or I thought I did, only for it to turn out the draft just saved to my main instead of here. so. see below for the referenced screenshot, an explanation of the AU, and some concept sketches.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from the computer animated Trollhunters series. In the screenshot Jim, wearing his Trollhunter armor, stands against a stormy sky. He points his sword down towards something offscreen, his expression unreadable. Lightning flashes behind him. /end ID]
So a while back I got really into Tales of Arcadia with my brothers. it was brief, as my interests go, but during that time I, as is my wont, came up with a needlessly complicated Sonic AU starring Blaze the Cat. Because I never go about things halfway, I not only watched Trollhunters, 3Below, and Wizards, but I also went and read the original Trollhunters novel and some of the comics (and I would have read all the other novels too if they'd been available in our library and my interest had lasted longer).
Hence! The Sunhunter AU! It was originally called Shadowhunters, but I have too many AUs with "shadow" in the title anyway, and Sunhunter is more fitting anyway. Basic premise is that Blaze is the eponymous Sunhunter, and has been since she was a child, when she discovered the existence of the underworld and accidentally bonded with the amulet in a definitely-not-traumatic, totally-not-a-Disney-parent-death incident. Essentially, she fuses the roles of Jim from the show and Jack from the novel.
Blaze takes her duty extremely seriously and invests the bare minimum of time in her civilian identity. Who needs a childhood when there's an entire world to singlehandedly defend, amirite? Certainly not when the Black Arms are dangerously close to escaping and dooming the surface and the underworld both. But protagonists never get what they want.
With everything on her shoulders, it was only a matter of time until Blaze stumbled - and Marine was there to see it. Now she has to protect/put up with this young raccoon girl who refuses to leave her alone. This definitely will not lead to any burgeoning friendships, the development of a much needed support system, or discoveries about her enemies that she never would have made alone. No sir.
also it's Sonaze. because of course it is.
now for the concept sketches
that's right, we do speedpaints now! I mean, Procreate's always saved time lapses of my art, but now I'm actually going to try and share them! maybe! sometimes!
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As you can see, I have a few different ideas for the exact mechanics of this AU. The first route would be to have humans still be, well, humans, and Mobians are either the equivalent of trolls, or a type of troll. This could be fun, but I doubt I'll go this route, since I like my silly little cartoon animals to stay silly little cartoon animals.
The other option is to have mobians living alongside humans, as in Sonic canon. From there I could either keep trolls the same as they are in Trollhunters canon, or replace them/supplement them with a Mobian equivalent. I do have the beginnings of some lore ideas for Mobians being split between the surface and the underground...
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anomnum · 9 months
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Survivor References, Vol. 1
Hey folks! If you've been keeping up with my last art posts, you've probably already seen these. They're a set of concept sketches for a still in-development project, and though it's a long way from public release, I wanted to share some information about it! More below the cut.
Eda's design is based heavily on these concepts for Watching and Dreaming by Luz Batista, especially the second one. Her outfit is intended to be more practical than stylish, though the cape is absolutely something she wears to honor her old maroon dress. Her shoulder pauldron is fashioned from the armor of a Coven Scout Captain, salvaged from the ruins of Police Precinct 206 in Latassia. King's mom and sister got to have cloaks, so he decided he wanted one too! His cloak is hand-made, which Eda had stitched together from a collection of old, unused blankets. The Golden Pendant is removed from his collar and used to hold the cloak together. Luz recovered her old Witches Wool cloak not long after the Day of Unity, and has been wearing it since due to the heightened protection it offers, hence the wear and tear it's undergone. 
Now, I'm going to preface that this project is still in very early development, still in the scripting phase, and everything regarding it is subject to change. However, I do want to share some information about it. The working and likely final title is The Children of Hope. It's a story set in a divergent Alternate Universe, where King is never knocked down the stairs of the bridge, and thus, never meets the collector. As a consequence, the Day of Unity isn't stopped. It's a very dark universe compared to cannon, but not all is so bleak - four years after the Day of Unity, Luz is given a vision of a powerful, incredibly complex spell. One that can send memories back through time, comparable to something like Time Travel. Using this spell, she and her surviving friends-slash-family are able to return to the start of Season One, and completely flip the playing field in their favor. 
Again, I don't have much to share about the Alternate Universe - I'm still planning it out, after all! - but I'm excited to put more work into it over time, in between other projects. I hope, when it's eventually developed enough to warrant a release, that you'll enjoy reading it! Until then, I'll share any big content updates on it over time. Have a good day, and thanks for reading all my rambling! 
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cyber--raven · 1 year
My OOAK Frollo doll, start to finish...
Just thought I’d upload the entire process here; sorry if it seems repetitive of me, as I have posted pictures of this here before. It’s more so for my own record really, as it’s just super easy and convenient to put on multiple images onto one post here, or anyone who’s interested. 
Please note this is for my newest version, I have made others in the past using different doll bodies, fabric and head sculpts- some turned out better, some not, but all part of the experimenting, construction process.
Body: A Monster High Deuce Gorgon doll. I chose this because of the good articulation, good hand sculpts and it is the right size body to fit my head sculpts. Had to just trim the head peg and stabilize it by wrapping some string coated in PVA glue around it, as the weight of the head makes it flop down otherwise. It doesn’t have as much head movement as it used to, but it does have a little. 
In hindsight, one wonders if could be attached with magnets somehow, perhaps, but not sure. In the end it was attached with hot glue.
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Head sculpts. I ended up using the one of the left. Made from super sculpey clay. The one on the right was originally on a different body, hence the different skin colour to match.
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Purple trousers/Hose - made from purple stretch fabric- the same material used in swimwear.
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I kept the top which came with the Monster High doll, as it has a nice brocade sort of pattern on it. I just dyed it purple, and made and attached the purple sleeves. Lets face it, no one knows wtf he wears under there,
Tricky part, the shoulder-piece.
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Black velvet fabric with red braid /edging cord, and red ribbon stripes for the pauldron stripes. Back-piece of the purple stretch fabric. On the underside I made a pocket in which I inserted craft wire to hold the shape.
Finished with adding black cord around the edges to neaten it up, and glued on two red diamonds adhesive plastic craft jewels.
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At this point I also made the white collar, the square shaped top sewn on. The circular base is so it stays in place. And also sort of resembles the collar and bib worn by nuns. Frollo Wasn’t a priest in the animated version that Disney did, but they sure sneaked in some clerical looking attire. 
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And Finally...
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I has dagger too.
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Fur is used in Dalish clothing to some extent in all of the Dragon Age games, but in different way for each. It's used the least amount in Origins. In origins only female mages sport fur pauldrons. Marethari, Merril, and Zathrian's first all have these. In Dragon Age 2 this motif continues on with mostly only Marethari and Merril wearing fur. There is however a random found item quest where there is a male mage wearing the same style of fur pauldrons in the Dalish camp. By inquisition we see more Dalish just in general and several have fur pauldrons. Hunters and mages alike.
This could imply a scarcity in fur throughout the first two games or possibly cultural differences between dalish clans in different areas. Or some semblance of both.
So fur pauldrons as a mark of a respected female mage could be common practice amongst Fereldan Dalish clans as status markers. This is backed in Inquisition with that one Dalish mage you can meet in the hinterlands in the ruin where you learn about veil fire.
In the Clans of the Free Marches it is likely it does not have a gender related connotation (or possibly I'm assuming someone's gender). The mage you meet briefly in the dalish camp is not part of Merril's clan and you will never see them again.
What's interesting is you see this design a lot in general mage robes in both Origins and DA2 most notably in the clothing Anders wears and escaped circle mages in Dragon Age 2 especially. So there is some sort of cultural exchange going on with this outfit. It wouldn't be unlikely for circle mages to latch onto this outfit as a symbol of freedom for mages and this choose to wear this outfit.
Most of the Dalish you meet in Inquisition are in Orlais. Hunters of all genders wear them as well as herbalists etc. This indicates a cultural difference between the different clans across Thedas. Orlesian Dalish likely have a less symbolic use for fur pauldrons in their attire making it more of a design/fashion choice.
What's especially interesting about this is the difference in wildlife throughout the games. In Origins the world is very devoid of wildlife apart from wolves and the occasional blighted bear. Which if you look at it less as a mechanical result of an older game engine and more of a narrative choice does imply some interesting things.
If the forests are lacking in wildlife in origins it is very a likely a result of the approaching blight. Animals flee when shit is wrong and it would not be a stretch to assume much of Fereldan wildlife has a made a run for it. Or even that the ecological effects of darkspawn were wiping them out. This would result in lower supplies of fur and fewer varieties or it available. In which case reserving luxuries like fur for necessities of insulation and warmth would become a top priority and decorative displays of it such as with the pauldrons would mark a higher status such as you see with keepers and their firsts.
During Dragon Age 2 the Dalish clan you interact with is camped upon Sundermount for years and sundermount appears to only have giant spiders and undead so fur would still be at a premium.
By Inquisition however much of Fereldan's wildlife has returned and there is plenty of varied wildlife throughout Orlais and everywhere you visit. This would make it more acquirable as a fashion choice thus increasing the number of dalish you see with the design as a whole.
This would still be a cultural variation. Origins implies that the blight had been building up for awhile by the time Origins starts hence why Duncan is recruiting. And Kirkwall is so goddamn blighted by bloodmagic it's hardly a surprise half of all wildlife is giant spiders and that's definitely been going on for a long ass time. That could easily lead to these cultural differences between Dalish clans in various areas. These differences are easily exacerbated by things such as the Orlesian occupation of Fereldan, the 5th blight, and every other thing that happens in Thedas.
Side Note: the robe Marethari wears in Origins is the same as the Archon Robe which is described as being "decorated in the style of tevinter" which adds another layer to the adoption of this style by run away mages and some interesting further discussions on the original of this style as a designation for mage.
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saffronarts · 1 year
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Had a discussion about Warriors’ one shoulder pauldron and his appreciation for asymmetrical outfits, hence a one-sleeved bodycon look for him, thank you very much
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scalproie · 4 days
Ok. Observations.
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Demons on the cars
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These shots are back to back but in the last one, dante doesnt have his coat, maybe he puts it on mid-fight, or those are two different scenes. Unlikely, since the pool table in the two shots might indicate this is still in the devil may cry bar. And you can tell its the dmc bar bc again, pool table and jukebox, also couches and one (1) stool on the upper left.
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Here they're in the same location as the second and third pic (can tell bc of the hole in the wall and the window) so likely dmc bar, but if you look at the second pic, all the men wear the same uniform, while in the third, some wear tge red uniform, but others are kinda dressed like bikers/mad max extras? With pauldrons and everything. I believe there are two groups, and the guys being punched above by dante is from the second group, the guy with legs sliced off in the third pic also might belong to this group.
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Later in the trailer we also see this guy, who might be a demon disguised as a human, hence the clothes, and his clothes are of a similar style as the second group of armed men imo. At least it wouldnt surprise me.
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And finally, this demon has torn pants, and if you look again at the first pic, the demons on the cars wear pants as well.
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aeriona · 2 years
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Revali, the Rito Champion in my own style! (+ raw art)
I’ve made a few anatomical changes to the Rito (I’m gonna post about that in detail soon), namely the wings having a hand and resting against the torso in that sort-of raptor pose. Revali’s holding his Great Eagle Bow using his hand, but in most cases he actually uses the bow in his feet (hence why his quiver of arrows is tied around his leg and not his waist, so his other foot can reach it) because it allows him to shoot while flying. Also the thing wrapped around his other leg is a hunting knife.
I also modified his clothing slightly, mainly getting rid of most of the stuff around his chest. I did this primarily because a Rito’s flight muscles and lungs (or just birds in general) are absolutely massive and need a lot of space in order to move, and having tight clothing wrapped around the chest would limit breathing and wing movement. The shoulder guards/pauldrons are tolerated because the shoulder joints are rather vulnerable in Rito (especially during flight) and they must be protected.
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cuddles-with-dragons · 9 months
Meet Squad 610
Their main color is eye-burning cyan
Nickname(s): Muddy
-The leader, very much done with shit.
-He loses his left eye a few weeks before Order 66 in an explosion, really cool scar and does not like people to talk about it.
-Has the mudhorn painted in black on his left pauldron, suspiciously similar to Din's.
-Actually very nice once he trusts you, very loyal.
-For some reason he always is attracted to badass lesbians, and they don't want to date him.
Nickname(s): Nex, Doc, Shithead
-Medic, does not like people who downplay injuries.
-Has dark grey claw marks painted on his armor, from a distance it looks like the paint has chipped. Also has the medic symbol in red on both pauldrons.
-Grumpy and sarcastic, but really super sweet and loves his brothers.
-Very gay. VERY GAY. He has a rainbow bandana. Will be open about if you ask, but doesn't just say it without someone asking. For some reason he always falls for the most homicidal guys.
-He has a satchel, wears it at all times, it's his medkit. It's dark red with a white medic symbol.
Nickname(s): Aster
-Normal trooper, but prefers piloting and fixing ships.
-Has a eight-pointed star on the center of the dome of his helmet. Flamelike shapes on his chestplate.
-Chill and nerdy, loves to infodump about ships and droids. Always on the lookout for new facts and info.
-The most social and outgoing out to the group. Has chats online with the friends he's made in other battalions/squads.
Nickname(s): None
-The sharpshooter. He's actually a very good shot.
-Has a black/cyan checkerboard pattern on his pauldrons. Darker blue crosshair painted on the right one.
-Total sweetheart. He's the cinnamon roll that can kill you.
-Number is 1313, hence the nickname. He's not superstitious, and neither are his squadmates!
-Does not like people touching his things, especially his rifle.
Nickname(s): Gravey, Graves
-Good at slicing.
-Has purple and red accents on his armor, with the cyan in the middle.
-Nervous, but brave.
-Deserted the GAR. Original squad was killed by a Sith. Joined Squad 610 after, but deserted after realizing that the Republic doesn't give a shit about clones.
-Based off a snow cone that is blue raspberry, grape, and cherry. It's called the Graveyard, and it's from my summer camp. Blue bones, purple brains, and red blood.
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purpllehazel · 1 year
Can't believe I forgot to post this here but I finally finished the entire space wolves intercessor squad! I themed the squad as a personal detail to Ragnar Blackmane hence the black and gold shoulder pauldrons
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
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Minovae’s armor reference sheet - one of the earliest design commissions I ordered for her! This is her canon armor in Act 5 (and the tabletop version of her, who is currently level 17 and fighting for her life against 3 Lesser Deaths please pray for her jskdjsal) .
The design is clearly a mix on typical Hellknight aesthetics but more ‘approachable’. She wanted people to both trust her (the downtrodden and working class who were her best informants, or the common rank and file soldiers in the army) and underestimate her (the aristocracy and her political targets), so overall a much ‘smoother’ and welcoming design. The big thing: no spiky pauldrons! How could she carry anyone to safety if her shoulders were weaponized? She also opts for a half-cloak because the typical much longer one would just get tangled with her tail, which presents a whole ‘nother problem wearing armor itself... Hence the longer tassets and shorter cuisses. The color is also slightly out of the normal range of Hellknights - a deep viridian green.
 Amazing work done by Lala Berekai https://ko-fi.com/lalabee/commissions
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