erin8411 · 9 days
Please y'all I need help finding a story. I can't recall all the details at the front but it is Crosshair Rejoins the Batch before S3, maybe after Kamino can't recall, and I think is actually chipless (unsure) but is having trouble integrating back into the batch. The one part I remember real well is they go on a mission to a pretty planet what Crosshair is like "This is a good place to die" and then during the mission something blows up and he gets internal injuries but doesn't realize. They return to the ship and he says he is fine then take a nap and wakes up to vomit blood in the fresher and the door has to be broken down by Hunter because internal bleeding is bad.
Please help I need it
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erin8411 · 9 days
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erin8411 · 11 days
I go with the assumption that his legs end mid-tights. From what I observed when Echo was freed by Rex and Tech, he still seemed to have part of his upper legs left.
It would also be interesting to know if, if he still has part of his upper legs that is, he had internal organ damage that resulted in him requiring (temporarily) a stoma (ileum/colon and/or uro).
Also, does he takes his protheses off for sleeping? Maybe the legs. But is the scomp detachable?
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erin8411 · 11 days
Thank you for making this awesome picrew! I had a blast recreating Captain Rex and the Bad Batch. (The white hair color is good hidden, it’s the first red color button.)
Had to give Crosshair a bit more hair volume, he looks so cool with this new haircut.
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If you’re looking for further ideas, how about accessories for the mouth, e.g. toothpicks, bubblegum, blade of grass or a rose?
Other head accessories could be a headpiece (like Echo‘s) or pen drawings because some used the timing while they were asleep.
Well, on day 7 of creating my own clone oc picrew I am happy to announce that!!!
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The picrew is officially out!
For anyone new, for the last week I’ve been creating a clone oc picrew for anyone to use and have fun with
It includes:
7 piercing and 5 earrings types,
18 tattoos,
7 facial haircuts,
18 haircuts, all in 13 colors and with highlights,
9 scars,
9 armor colors,
16 armor patterns in 9 colors,
Items specific for a commander, arc, captain and a pilot,
9 fun accessories
All to create your dream copy paste man pfp or reference!
If I get enough requests or ideas the picrew will be updated in the future <3
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erin8411 · 20 days
Honestly? I think he loves them all and will find fun stuff to do in each season.
In spring he will admire how nature comes back to life with all those colors.
Summer is the time of ice cream, swimming and sand castles.
In autumn he would play with the leaves and enjoy warm pumpkin meals. He would make a bet with Crosshair who creates the most original or scary costume.
In winter, there would be snow angels, snow peoples, snow Lula and snowball fights. Most likely participants are Crosshair, Omega and Wrecker himself. After a successful battle in the cold they would enjoy hot chocolate and cookies.
There are so many more activities he could come up with. For the poll‘s sake I chose winter. Because I want to see them enjoy the snow instead of running away from giant snow worms.
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Another week, another poll. Please elaborate in the replies! It's all about building headcanons for our big guy!
With the understanding we are talking places that have all four seasons (we do not here where I live)
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erin8411 · 21 days
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That One Annoying Sibling
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Main Prompt: "Stop touching me!" // "I’m not touching you!" (Week 13)
Alt. Prompt: Lula (Week 8)
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Crosshair: Stop touching me, Wrecker!
Wrecker: I‘m not touching you, Lula is!
In TBB S1E1 Wrecker whacked Lula several times in Crosshair‘s face and I‘m sure it wasn’t for the first time. So here is cadet Wrecker, grating Crosshair by touching him with stuffie Lula. The latter tells his older brother to stop -- not a chance! And technically, it’s only Lula who touches Cross.
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It‘s been such a long time since I’ve last drawn something. And when I looked at Summer of Bad Batch prompts, I was internally debating, if I should try it.
Me: Hey, look at all those entries! So many awesome ideas. Why not draw something too? It looks fun.
Also me: Maybe later. I‘m not feeling up to it.
And it only took me the whole summer and early September to finally grab my pencil and become active for a turn. Played with a filter afterwards so that the colors appear more washed out like on one of those old instant photos.
It’s simple and I like it. And it feels good to draw something without pressuring myself to make an outstanding creation. Self-pressure often kills that little motivation I have.
(Funny fact, this is the first time I created some fanart for TBB series.)
I got inspired by @locitapurplepink's
and the last two seconds from High Ground Animation‘s "CLONES - The Clone Wars Fan Animation Compilation". That eye-roll is so good.
(Seriously, when I first watched the clip, I didn’t realized it was fan-made. I thought, I can‘t remember that particular cutout, where in the TCW series is it?)
Aaand that wraps it up. Thank you for dropping by.
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erin8411 · 21 days
Wrecker simp rambles
People be praising Hunter for being a dad and Crosshair for being a big brother while forgetting Wrecker was Omegas biggest supporter from day one. He saw this kid throw food at another clone for their sake and didn't hesitate to get up behind her all protective and later on threw hands for her (also because he likes it but he wasn't let someone intimidate a kid)
And even more important he was the first and only one being like this is a kid: she needs a place to sleep and some privacy. Like he not only provided her own private place on an already limited ship, no he made sure everything was soft and padded and made it cozy with fairy lights. He was the only one like yeah a kid shouldn't be sleeping in a pilot chair or bare ass none padded shuttle bunks. He also was like I'm sure this is a lot for her. Let me give her my emotional support plushie, since she'll need it more right now.
Also like when they crash landed in that moon. And he actively forced himself to stop outwardly panicking cuz yeah maybe don't tell the kid that they gonna die.
Through the whole show Wrecker was the one providing constant positive physical touch (hugs, shoulder rides etc), feedback (little high five during meeting cid) and little routines like getting mantel mix . Like sure it kinda is played off like a joke cuz haha wrecker likes food but broskies. Omega is a kid and a clone and at least on screen no one went out of their way to treat omega like well a child to that extent early on and give her some amount of actual normality.
Also like when Cad Bane kidnapped her Wrecker immediately was there to comfort her or tell Tech to watch it after the Zillo incident. Like hands down if someone deserves parent of the year it's Wrecker
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erin8411 · 22 days
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Reblog to put a smile on someone’s face ♥️
Taglist: @padawancat97 @pb-jellybeans @littlefeatherr @the-bad-batch-baroness @antoinettesb @neyswxrld @elephantwoman4 @goblininawig @sevdidntdie @proteatook
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erin8411 · 22 days
Oh, I like Crosshair’s short trail of thought that Hunter and the regs could have been replaced with clawdites and then quickly shot it down again.
The Hunted Batch (Ch. 1)
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Summary: What if Hunter's inhibitor's chip activated instead of Crosshair's?
Word count: 3,540
Characters: Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech, Echo and Omega.
Tags & Warnings: Canon divergent, No romantic relationships, Inhibitor chips, Angst with a happy ending. (If I miss one please notify me)
You can also read it on AO3:
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“Hey Kid, you ready for this? We move fast.” “Good, that’s the only way I know.”
It all seemed good at first. A mission like many others they had had all up to that point. Droids did not stand a chance against their combined tactics, after all they were “The Clone force 99”, one of the best special forces the GAR had to spare. 
Now they were running through the snow of Kaller, chasing after the remaining separatist forces alongside a young Padawan named Caleb Dume. The cold of the winter could still be felt as they ran, even with their armors on, but neither Crosshair nor his companions seemed to care about it. The promise of the war ending soon had everyone filled with a rush of energy, there would be time to rest later. For now they pushed forward, ready to successfully finish another mission. 
However the sound of distant blasters behind them caught Crosshair’s attention. Were they being attacked from behind? His Squad stopped dead in their tracks as they saw the padawan rush back towards the trenches they just left. The heat of a battle had lifted a soft cloud of mist that prevented Crosshair from seeing clearly what was going on, but the light of a blue lightsaber deflecting blaster fire was recognizable. 
General Billaba, the Jedi in charge of this front, was in danger. 
Hunter and Crossair exchanged looks for a second before rushing back towards the battle, ready to assist their allies against a surprise droid attack. 
As they ran, Crosshair lowered his rangefinder to get a better view of the enemy and start his attack from afar, after all he was the sharpshooter of the squad, however what he saw shocked him to his core and froze him in place.
Those were not droids attacking General Billaba, those were clones. 
Confusion took over Crosshair at the fight he was witnessing, it was so bizarre, so unthinkable that he did not know how to react.
Before he could relay this information to his brothers, a blood curdling scream tore through the air, a sinking realization  settled heavily on Crosshair’s gut. They were too late. 
Hunter stopped when he saw the young Padawan running back towards them, tears streaming down his eyes. Were the regs going to attack him too?
“What happened?” Hunter asked, just as freaked out as he felt out of the confusion of the situation. He didn’t see what Crosshair had seen, how could he? Hunter did not possess his enhanced eyesight. 
“Stay away from me!” Commander Caleb swung his lightsaber at them, forcing the team of clones to keep their distance before he took off into the woods.
The squad stood frozen for a couple of seconds as they tried to process what had just happened. Just moments ago everything was fine and now an eerie sensation of peril took over the scene before them.
“Wha- What just happened?”  Echo’s shocked voice brought Crosshair back to reality, as he blinked to see his fellow teammate.
“The com channel is repeating one directive: “Execute order 66''.'' Tech said, his eyes glued on his data pad, as if trying to translate a phrase that was spoken in another, unrecognizable language. 
Those words however caused a strange stir inside Crosshair, a dreadful sensation of something important he should know but had been long forgotten. It didn’t matter how much he tried to “remember” it just didn’t make sense to him. He had never heard that order before. 
Was it a reg thing?
As he looked over at his brothers he could tell they were all as confused as he was, even Echo, who knew more of the “Reg manuals” than they did. 
Whenever there was doubt, the squad would always turn to Hunter. 
He had a natural skill for rational thinking and staying calm even in the most daring situations, which he used to guide his team towards victory or safety countless times. This would not be different, Crosshair thought.
At that moment, Hunter had his eyes glued to the forest, barely taking them away from the path the Padawan had left behind. 
‘He is probably worried about the kid’ Crosshair thought to himself, after all Hunter always had a soft spot for children. One that proved annoying for the sniper.
“Echo, Tech, talk to the Reg Captain, see what proceeds.” Hunter began telling his orders, directing his companions to move back to the trenches. 
“Crosshair, you and I will track down the Padawan and bring him back.”  Crosshair nodded in agreement.
“Wrecker, you contact me if anyone else tries to follow us.” Hunter told the tallest of his brothers before he began to run into the forest, giving Crosshair a signal to follow him close behind. 
They trotted down hill, knees deep into the snow, but keeping a determined pace. 
Crosshair and Hunter didn’t always see eye to eye, but there was not denying that the sniper trusted Hunter with his life. 
Crosshair had to admit that he admired and envied just how easily Hunter could stay calm in the worst of situations. Knowing that the sergeant was staying cool and composed  gave him a sense of security.  Everything will be fine as long as Hunter can lead us.
They ran through the thick evergreen branches, barely feeling the cold in the air as they kept their chase. 
Hunter would stop for a few seconds to read some tracks and check the air for signals of the kid before continuing down a path. He was focused like a hound chasing a target. 
Crosshair took the opportunity to find a large boulder, perfect for a perch and got in position, climbing to high ground with quick graceful moves. He scoped the area carefully, getting a better view of the terrain. 
His and Hunter’s abilities complimented each other perfectly for this kind of operations, with his keen eyesight catching the slightest details on the horizon, and hunter’s senses scanning for trails, there were very few things that could hide from them. 
Crosshair was about to move down from the boulder when Hunter’s voice was heard from his spot below.
“He is close…” Hunter whispered, raising a fist, signaling Crosshair to stop in his place. 
As he looked around at the trees, Crosshair noticed Caleb perched on one of the high branches, huddled with his robes in an attempt to camouflage himself and pass unnoticed. Sadly said disguise could not fool the sharpshooter’s eye. 
“There he is.” Crosshair pointed to Hunter with a slight gesture of his head, lowering his rifle and waiting for the sergeant to make the next move. 
Hunter has always been the face and voice of the group, being the only member of the batch that actually had decent social skills, along with natural charisma and good looks. He was skilled in making up for their antics with just his words, and people seemed to like Hunter better than they liked the loud Wrecker, the Introvert Tech or the broody Crosshair.
So it was no brainer that Crosshair would step aside so Hunter could try and calm the kid down. After all, that’s what Hunter was good at. He would walk up to the kid, speaking softly and calmly, asking him to come back down so they can take him safely back to camp.
Crosshair even moved his rifle’s barrel upwards to seem as less threatening as possible.
However, he did not expect what happened next.
Hunter doesn’t move from his place, he doesn’t get closer to the kid, he doesn’t even try to talk. Instead he draws his blaster from its holster and shoots at the kid. The blaster fire passing right next to Crosshair’s shoulder, startling him.
Caleb reflects the blast away with his lightsaber and runs away jumping through the treetops, getting lost in the snow for a moment. 
But Crosshair was not caring about that now, instead he was staring at Hunter in shock. 
“What are you doing?!” Crosshair asked the sergeant with a hiss as he leaped down the boulder, marching closer to Hunter.
“We need to finish the mission.” Hunter said sternly, hostling the gun back in place and starting to move back into tracking the kid when Crosshair grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing Hunter to look at him.
“What mission? This was not in our report to begin with!”  He was trying to read Hunter’s expression through the visor of his mask, but it was nearly impossible.  “Shouldn’t we stand down until we know what’s going on?”
Crosshair has never been fond of children, he had always found them annoying and a nuisance. And he had always had a problem with authority, finding Jedi to be pretentious, only a handful being able to gain his respect. But killing Caleb? A Jedi Commander? Let alone a Kid!? That was way out of line, especially for Hunter and it made Crosshair suspicious. 
Before he could respond, however, Hunter began to clutch his head, as if a sudden migraine had taken over him, bending over slightly, facing the white snowy floor of the forest.
“Good soldiers follow orders…” he whispered eerily. 
“What was that?” Crosshair leaned a bit closer to see if he could catch what Hunter was saying, but Hunter did not repeat his strange whisper. 
The comlink activates again with a beep and Wrecker’s voice could be heard.
“Hunter, you’ve got Regs inbound.” 
This seemed to snap Hunter out of his trance, as he stood up back straight and talked back into his comlink.
“Copy that.” He relies before looking at Crosshair as if nothing had happened. “Come on, let's keep moving.” He urges, running after the trail of fallen snow the kid left behind. 
Crosshair cannot help but stare at Hunter’s back as he runs, a sinking feeling of dread taking over his chest and the pit of his stomach. Something was wrong, very wrong.
Regardless, he follows the sergeant in the chase. 
“Hunter, we got a situation.” Tech’s voice cracked through the comlink.
“Talk to me Tech.” Hunter demanded as he kept running, seemingly undeterred as he searched around for the kid. 
“It appears the Regs have been ordered to execute all the Jedi, they are saying they committed treason.” Tech says, shocking Crosshair to the core. 
“Right, that explains a lot.” Hunter said coldly, prompting Crosshair to snap slightly at his words.
“How does that explain anything?”
He was beyond confused. The clones suddenly turning on the Jedi made no sense, it almost felt like a trap, a separatist ploy. How could Hunter just accept the situation with no skepticism? The Bad Batch had always been a rebellious group compared to the more disciplined soldiers of the GAR, they had broken many rules, among other things. They never just charged into battle in a straight line, following instructions to the T. Their success came from their ability to improvise and think outside the box. 
Every problem had a solution, they just needed to find it. Unofficial motto. So why was Hunter just accepting this as if nothing weird was going on?
It appeared Crosshair was not the only one feeling confusion over Hunter’s words as Tech stuttered a bit before continuing. 
“I… suggest you get back here.”
“Not until I’ve found the kid.” Hunter says firmly, determinedly, and terrifyingly cold as he shut the transmission with Tech and looked around. He was a soldier on a mission and it was well known of their squad that they did not stop until the mission was completed. 
However, the idea that the mission was hunting down a kid sent shivers down Crosshair’s spine.
As Crosshair scans the area he notices the kid again, perched on a tree branch once more, and he freezes.
He should tell Hunter, but he hesitates, this did not feel right with him but he also did not know how to proceed.
Before he can react, however, Hunter’s senses catch on to the Kid’s rapid breathing and he quickly turns around, drawing his blaster and shooting towards him. The branch Caleb is perched on snaps and he falls down into the snow below.
There is a moment of silence as the mist caused by the stirring of the snow settles and Caleb turns on his lightsaber, glaring at both clones before rushing towards them. Ready to fight for his life like a cornered animal. 
Hunter immediately reacts, trying to shoot back at the kid as he gets closer and closer with each hurried step. 
Crosshair freezes as he stares at the scene unfolding in front of him. What should he do? Should he shoot the kid or try to stop Hunter? His hands fumble with the safety of his rifle, his eyes darting from the gun in his hands to the battle. 
He can almost see it in slow motion, reading each movement before it happens, and it is then that he sees how Caleb lifts his lightsaber, ready to strike Hunter down. Crosshair can almost see it cutting his brother in half and a panicked “no!” slips out of his lips as he points his rifle at the padawan. 
This seemed to make Caleb react, as in the last second he contorted his body to kick Hunter in the chest, sending him tumbling towards a tree and making him hit his head, knocking him out cold. 
Caleb then turns towards Crosshair, glare blazing hot as the saber in his hands. Ready to lunge at him, however, Crosshair has his rifle pointed at him, waiting for him to make the first move. One false movement and it could be the end of either of them both.
“I do not want to hurt you…” Crosshair growls, ‘but I will if I must.’ He thinks.
Caleb doesn’t take his chances, instead he runs away back into the forest. 
Crosshair hesitates for a second, looking at Hunter carefully. The sergeant is still breathing, but still out cold, Crosshair instead decides to rush after the kid, following his tracks right towards a Waterfall. 
He can notice how Caleb moves anxiously in his place, looking around, desperate to find a way out when he senses the presence of the sharpshooter behind him, immediately drawing his lightsaber to confront Crosshair.
“Stay back!” Caleb was frantic, waving his lightsaber erratically, trying to keep Crosshair away.
The clone stopped and stayed still. He needed to make sure the kid was ok. 
He slowly raised his hands and dropped his rifle to the side. 
“Listen, I’m trying to help kid.” He says, his voice sounded more like a growl to which Crosshair mentally kicked himself. 
“No! You killed her! you traitors killed her!” There were tears streaming down the kid’s cheeks, and he backed away. 
Crosshair knew that if he did not do anything the kid wouldn't stand a chance on his own. He could be many things, but he was not a heartless man. He had to try and do something, even if he had no idea of what. What would Hunter do?
“The regs did” Crosshair tried, really tried, to soften his voice. But he was not made for that. “I’m not like them.”
Caleb seems to doubt for a second, but he is still looking around frantically. 
“I…I can help you get out of here alive.” Crosshair offers in a hurry. 
Frankly, Crosshair had no idea how he would do that. Planning was not his forte, but he trusted, partially,  he could figure something out quickly before Hunter came to or before the regs found him. 
The kid seems to calm down at his words and for a second Crosshair feels relief. He managed to convince the kid. However the damned voices of the regs in the distance caught both their attention. Caleb was not going to get himself captured, he glares at Crosshair for a moment before he takes the chance and jumps across the ravine.
Crosshair almost dreads he won’t make it. but the force has allowed Caleb to land safely on the other side. Once there, Caleb does not waste time running into the forest until he is lost from Crosshair’s sight. 
The sniper sighs, maybe it was for the best. The regs would not be able to chase him like this. However there was one clone who still might.
Crosshair took a piece of thick wood from the snowy forest floor along with his rifle and threw his target up into the air before the ravine, aiming at it and shooting.
It made a sound that he knew Hunter would recognize. The sound of a bullet hitting “something”.
He could not do much to help the kid now, but he hoped to at least fool Hunter enough to lose his trail.
Crosshair can hear footsteps running towards him, just a pair, which tells him that his brother has returned. So he keeps his eyesight on the misty falls below, begging to the force that Hunter won’t be able to see the footprints on the other side of the ledge. 
When Hunter reaches Crosshair he immediately kneels to inspect the tracks at his feet.
Would he notice the kid jumped? Of course he would, this was Hunter...
But would he notice his trick?
“Where is the Jedi?” He almost growls, like a dog anxious to catch its prey. 
“He tried to jump” Crosshair said, keeping his sight down “... So I shot him mid air, He fell into the waterfall.”
Without looking at Hunter, Crosshair turns on his heels and marches away. 
He can feel that Hunter is not convinced. He can tell that his brother is probably trying to regain his trail. But he also knows Hunter won’t be able to sniff out the trail in the mist of the waterfall.
The trip back home to Kamino was long, however Crosshair spent most of the time napping. 
It wasn’t unusual for him to nap as the Marauder cruised through hyperspace; The inside of the ship, surrounded by his brothers, was one of the two places Crosshair felt the safest and where he could sleep soundly, truly rest, without feeling on edge. 
“We are coming up on Kamino.” Tech’s voice  brought him out of his slumber, slowly waking him up. Crosshair  sighed and stretched slightly in his chair. He could hear his brothers talking in the cockpit, something about how long they had been away from home. 
However what caught Crosshair’s attention was the eerie feeling of being watched. 
Hunter had been staring at him, his eyes unreadable under his helmet.  Crosshair could not tell if he had just now laid his eyes on him or if Hunter had been staring at him for a longer time while he slept. 
Still Cross tries to remain calm as he just growled back at Hunter. “What now?” He asked, acting annoyed at Hunter’s stare. 
“Are you sure you shot the padawan dead Crosshair?” Hunter asked, his tone cold under the helmet, causing an involuntary shiver to run down Crosshair’s back.
“I never miss my shots Hunter”  He reminded him, trying to sound as convinced as he would usually be. 
“Well, I could’ve sworn I still heard his heartbeat at the ridge.” Hunter says, keeping his stare on crosshair, reading his expressions. Crosshair thanked the maker that he knew how to keep his own heartbeat stable, or else Hunter would know he was lying. 
“When you don’t shoot the heart, it usually still beats until you bleed out. Besides, if the shot didn’t kill him the fall did, or the rapids." Crosshair said. “Either case, the kid is dead.” He lies, standing up and walking towards the rest, feeling safer by their side as Hunter’s glare was still burning at the nape of his neck.
Hunter didn’t chase after him, but the dreadful feeling that something was wrong kept eating at Crosshair’s mind. 
Hunter was not acting as his usual self, he was angry and aggressive and for once Crosshair was not sure what caused his attitude to change. Usually when he got upset it was because of something they had done or something that had gone wrong during the mission. He was 90% sure he and his brothers didn’t do anything wrong this time so he ruled that one out. 
Was Hunter upset that they couldn’t save the jedi general? No, if that was the case he wouldn’t have tried to kill the kid. 
Did he think the kid had done it?
Crosshair remembered that only he saw the regs attacking the Jedi master, maybe Hunter had the wrong idea of what happened? Then again, Caleb had run back when they started hearing the blasters, Hunter must have noticed that too.
As he kept replaying the events of the mission in his head, he felt more and more confused.
It almost felt like someone or something had replaced Hunter and the Regs all of the sudden.
He remembered that one time they had a mission involving clawdites and a shiver ran down his spine. What if--
No, it couldn’t have happened, Hunter never left his side before he started to act weird, so Crosshair could rule out that he was actually replaced.
But then… Why was everyone acting so strange all of the sudden?
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ᴰᶦᵛᶦᵈᵉʳ ᵇʸ @stars-n-spice
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erin8411 · 23 days
I think about this a lot...
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Crosshair, Mr. "We don't usually work with Regs", Mr. "I would have left him for dead too, he is just another Reg", Sees this mangled mess of a clone fight for a couple of minutes and decides to place his hand on his shoulder when the battle is over.
It almost feels like he is worried Echo will tumble over the edge and fall, even tho we don't see Echo loosing his balance once. But, it also feels like a congratulation, like he recognizes just how good of a soldier Echo actually is. You don't see it in the Gif, but he even gives him a little head nod of acknowledgment!
Do you think he realized why they took so much risk for just one "Reg"? He came to understand why Echo was so important and Rex made such a big fuss about it?
Do you think he came to accept that Echo was "not bad for a reg?"
Cause if he did, he would have been the first of The Bad Batch to do so. Since in the next episode we have both Hunter and Tech distrusting Echo and his ideas, worried he might have some ulterior motives.
I think... Mr. "I hate regs" is actually a big softie and accepted Echo as a brother way before the others did.
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erin8411 · 23 days
And time-wise it would make so much more sense in my opinion. Because I think, they are a lot younger than most clones. I assume that the Kaminoans weren’t enhancing genetic mutations from the beginning. Maybe a few years later. Three or four? And CF99 is the final result, all that remains. Because they enhanced so many more but it was a trial and error thing.
Honestly, if they were biological similar in the age to the other clones as presented in the show, had their accelerated aging been even more accelerated? Because that would be really dark.
But yeah, sixteen year olds on the battlefield.
Oh, and when they go to 79‘s, and they aren’t served more than a beer because 'no strong alcohol to minors'. (How old do you have to be in the Star Wars universe for purchasing and drinking alcohol anyway?)
And when Omega comes along, Echo internally thinks 'oh no, now there’s five of them'.
the bad batch could have been fixed if they were teenagers actually. like yeah they’re assholes and they fuck up all the time and they’re bad at handling stuff. they’re sixteen. sixteen year olds do that.
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erin8411 · 1 month
Some Thoughts on Crosshair (TBB)
**Buckle up because this is probably the longest post I’ve ever made because I lost the plot halfway through. Like this started out analytical and then just went sideways. (I spent hours writing this instead of doing my homework)
I think part of what makes Crosshair’s character so compelling in Season 1 & 2 of TBB is that his storyline is incredibly unique to himself.
Like throughout TCW & TBB we see that the clones are in this constant struggle of having to follow orders vs. choosing to do what they think is right. While every time this dilemma comes up, it happens in slightly different ways and has different consequences each time, the premise is mostly the same. The clones rebel against their orders, to do what the general audience views as “the right thing”. In certain cases, it may be more nuanced, such as Slick killing other clones as an act of revolution against the people he views as their oppressors (the Jedi & the Republic), or such as Fives attempting to assassinate the Chancellor.
It’s one of the main tropes of TCW - the clones were conditioned to be subservient , but the orders are questionable or immoral, and in the end the clone rebels. They made a distinct point of having Dogma, whose name is directly tied to obedience of authority, be the one to kill Krell when Rex couldn’t. Even the whole Cut & Suu situation was an act rebellion in itself. Time and time again, TCW shows the clones rebelling in various ways, whether it be desertion and quaint domesticity, or attempting to assassinate the head political figure of your governing body.
Then in the last season of TCW and TBB, we see the clones rebellion being set up in a more distinctive pattern - the clones learn about the chips, the clones remove their chips, and then immediately after the clones either (1) die, (2) decide to retire or go on the run (3) organize and fight against the empire, or some combination of those three.
Enter Crosshair, who is quite literally one of the only clones (the only clone?) who doesn’t follow the pattern. Every single clone we’ve seen who is aware of the chips/has their chip removed, and even some of the ones who don’t in TBB, chose to fight against the Empire. It reinforces to the audience that this is the Right Choice to make. They’re shoving it in our faces, saying “Hey! See!! This is the right thing to do!!! This is what any one would do in this situation!! Any good person would rebel!!! Because it’s the right thing to do!!!” But Crosshair is the exception. Somewhere between 1x08 and 1x14, his chip is removed. And unlike every other clone who has been in his position, he chooses to stay, to follow orders (somewhat), and to turn his back on everyone who rebels.
This creates a fascinating arc and an incredibly unique mindset for Crosshair, because it goes against everything we’ve seen about the clones and their morals. No matter side of the rebellion that they’re on, the clones have all placed a tremendous emphasis on loyalty and brotherhood when it comes down to decision making and their morals. A significant amount of clones that TBB or Rex & his rebellion squad encounter allow themselves to be reasoned with, subconsciously placing their loyalty and sense of brotherhood above following their orders, such as Howzer in s1 and Wolffe in s3. But not Crosshair.
This causes the audience to question why? Why would Crosshair choose the Empire? Why would he choose to go against the rebellion? Why would he choose to give up part of his freedom, part of his ability to make choices, just to side with the Empire? Why would he believe that this is the right thing to do?
And while it is somewhat established that part of his reasoning is that he feels like he was betrayed by TBB and that Empire is making the world better (or whatever propaganda they were spewing), I think it goes a lot deeper than that.
In 1x01, we see Echo upset by the revelation that the Republic has now become the Galactic Empire, to which Crosshair says “Republic, Empire, what’s the difference?” I think it’s a very subtle allusion to how little freedom the clones had in their lives, and how much the Republic had already fallen. While Crosshair asks the question in a very bored/deadpan drawl (as he does most things), it does seem to be a genuine question. What is the difference between? I know most people would probably interpret that scene as him implying that it doesn’t matter whether they fight for the Empire or the Republic, because it’s all the same to him and they’re just supposed to follow orders.
But just how different is the Empire from the Republic, really? From a general point of view, the main difference in how they operate is that the Chancellor - now Emperor, has more permanent power and influence. He’s legally(?) allowed to make more decisions without approval from the Senate. But he was already doing that throughout the war. He was already gaining more and more power. He was already in complete control of the Republic and he held extreme influence over the entire Jedi Order. This was all in his persona as Palpatine as well, not as Darth Sidious. Sure he orchestrated behind the scenes as a Sith, played both sides of the war, yada yada, made convoluted plans to cause chaos and distrust within the order, groomed children to be evil, and all that other stuff. But like also, from a general pov, he literally controlled the order. Like whenever the order was like “we don’t think this a good idea” or “we shouldn’t do it this way” or “this goes against our code”, he straight up was just like “well I’m Chancellor of the Republic. You have to do what I say. And I say you have to do it.” Like the Jedi, who are “peacekeepers” were literally forced into being warmongers. The Jedi don’t want a Zillo Beast running around, the Chancellor makes it his pet and then lets it run around. Anakin wants to lead his men on Umbara, the Chancellor calls him back. The Jedi want to know more about Fives death, the Chancellor gets them to back off. Anakin thinks they should take Dooku in alive, the Chancellor convinces him to kill Dooku. The Jedi want the Chancellor to give up his emergency powers, the Chancellor kills all of them. Jedi say no, Chancellor says yes. The Chancellor was controlling everything long before he even uttered the words “Galactic Empire”. The only thing that changed was that he was no longer trying to hide it. The Senate no longer had the illusion of democracy, and then and their people could see the freedom they once had shrinking as they days passed.
But the clones never lived under the assumption that they would be permitted freedom - not really. Sure, maybe they were allowed to make some choices, they could change their haircut, paint their armor, and have downtime if they were lucky. But even then, they lived under the idea that they were there to serve the Republic as soldiers. They were there to follow orders and nothing else. And while, like I stated before, they did rebel against their orders at times in TCW, they were never actively trying to dismantle the system they rebelled against (except maybe Fives, who immediately tried to kill the Chancellor once he realized what was going on). They were aware that they didn’t have much control, and they were resigned to that fact for the most part. So really, what did it matter if the Republic became an Empire instead?
Well, Tech responds by saying that a big difference for him between the Republic and the Empire was the genocide of the Jedi. Despite the fact that they were labeled as traitors, the entire batch (sans Crosshair) is uneasy with idea that they had all committed mass genocide against the same people they served beside. This is important because it demonstrates that they aren’t upset by their own lack of freedom within this Empire, but rather the actions of the Empire itself. They don’t view the Empire as evil because of the system it creates, but rather because of what the Empire has done.
Then the episode continues, and TBB are ordered to kill innocent civilians. This just further reinforces the idea that the Empire is evil - or at the very least, wrong. The rest of season unfolds similarly, with Empire doing evil stuff and TBB fighting against it, and Crosshair siding with the Empire the whole time. Now, this brings me back to my earlier statement that Crosshairs motivations are deeper than just the chip and the betrayal he feels by TBB. It’s clear in episode 1, and in other episodes, that Crosshair is struggling against the chip. The clear headache and confusion he has about why he’s following orders is a huge tell. Then, after Bracca (likely when his chip was removed), we see that he’s not as trigger happy against “traitors” and that he himself can now disobey orders. But Crosshair stays with the Empire. He can’t be reasoned with. In fact, Crosshair is the one trying to persuade TBB to join the Empire. He abducts Hunter, hatches his plot, kills a bunch of imperials, nearly gets himself killed, and even saves the child he was beefing with. But TBB don’t want to be apart of the Empire, and Crosshair does. Unlike the other clones in his position, Crosshair doesn’t put brotherhood first.
Crosshair constantly talks about how he’s doing something great by being apart of the Empire and spouts propaganda all day long, but I don’t think he really believes it. I don’t think it’s necessarily about loyalty, or even about following orders. All of the other clones, even the rest of TBB, viewed themselves as soldiers/assets of the Republic. For a lot of them, this meant fighting and possibly dying beside their brothers, and beside their Jedis. But I think Crosshair didn’t really see himself as soldier, but rather as a weapon.
TBB is a specialized task force that doesn’t get along with most clones, and they don’t have a Jedi or general, they just have each other. They get sent on a mission, they complete it successfully, then they go to Kamino where they’re isolated and ostracized. While it’s clear they can form bonds with other clones (Cody, Rex, etc.) and even some Jedi (Anakin, Depa?), they don’t so very often, and they likely don’t see those clones very often. So, for the most part, they have to rely on each other. But Crosshair is more isolated than the rest of them, because as the sniper, he kind of has to be. They all rely on him to have their backs, and so he has to be more cautious, more alert, and more observant. The rest of the batch can fall short at times, Hunter can lose a fight, Wrecker can be too loud or accidentally set off an explosion, Tech can mess up or take too long, Echo can trigger something he didn’t intend to, but Crosshair? Crosshair never misses, because he can’t afford to. He doesn’t have the luxury of making mistakes, not like the rest of them do. And when they do mess up, he has to be prepared to fix it. Because all their lives depend on it. And sure, the rest of the batch has the ability to think quickly and creatively and come up with solutions for any mistakes they make, but Crosshair has the ability to take down enemies long before anyone else sees them coming. He can pick them off one by one from afar, whereas the rest of the batch wouldn’t be able to do so. Hunter, Tech, and Echo would likely have to resort to hand-to-hand combat. Tech and Echo would also likely be able to find some sort of way to electronically take them down, but it would still take time and effort. Wrecker would be able to detonate explosives, launch grenades, and would likely take down a larger number of enemies in hand-to-hand combat, but he’s also a bigger target and has to be careful about when and how he rigs his explosives. But Crosshair can kill them quickly and efficiently without fail, and so that’s what he does.
I think that deep down his role has an incredibly large impact on his sense of self and it dehumanizes him in a way that the others’ roles don’t. Because as I said earlier, the rest of them are soldiers, but Crosshair sees himself as a weapon. Hunter is a leader, and a tracker, and a fighter. He uses his body to fight and track and uses his mind to give orders. Tech is a genius, and a pilot, and a fighter. He uses his mind primarily and he uses it impressively but he’s capable of using his body when he needs to. Wrecker is a bomb technician, a hulk, and a lover. He uses his mind when he rigging his explosives, and he uses his body to fight and to be overly affectionate with everyone he cares about. Echo is a tactician, an ARC, and a survivor. He uses his mind to plan and uses his body to fight and he’s able to keep alive against all odds. Crosshair is an enigma experiment, a good soldier shot, and a brother loner. Sure he has to use his mind to calculate the angles of shots and whatnot, and he can use his body to see a target, align his scope and pull the trigger, but really how’s that any different than a machine. Droids do all that too. The only difference is that Crosshair is really fucking great at it, and droids aren’t. And sure, Crosshair can think, and he can eat, and he can sleep, and he can feel, but what’s so important about all of that anyways? That’s not what he was made for. That’s not what he’s needed for. He may need to eat and think and sleep at times, but those were more inconvenient than they were anything else. Droids don’t need food, or sleep, or the ability to do anything other than be a weapon. But Crosshair did need those, despite how much better of a weapon he was. So sure, Crosshair was technically a living breathing person soldier. But deep down he knew that if there was some way for Kaminoans to get rid of those needs, to rid him of them, they would. So really, the only differences between him and any other weapon was that he was a lot fucking better than the other weapons, and that he had a few more needs, every weapon needs regular upkeep anyways.
That’s why he stays. Because weapons don’t need brothers, they need handlers. Because weapons don’t need family, they need targets. Because weapons don’t need love, they need war. Because weapons don’t need belonging or loyalty, they need purpose, they need use. That’s all he needs. That’s all he knows. That’s why he stays.
That’s why the batch’s reasoning, their appeal to brotherhood and loyalty, and love, and morals, doesn’t work. That’s not who what he is. That’s not what he’s made for. That’s not why he saved them and that’s not why he lets go and that’s not why he lies to Empire (yes it is). And that’s not why, despite everything, he can’t look away watches them leave him again and wonders if it hurt them this much to watch him stay if they watched at all. That’s not why, as the rotations pass and nobody comes and his hunger and thirst become more apparent, and his body starts to weaken, he briefly wishes he went with them. That’s not why at all. He just misses them food and water and sleep, he just wants them the ache in bones to leave, he just needs them some rest and a target and purpose, really that’s all he needs. Because he’s a weapon. That’s all he’s ever been he was a brother and a person. That’s all he’s ever supposed to be. That’s why, when Cody begins asking questions, he reminds him that they’re soldiers, that they’re doing what they’re supposed to do. But Cody doesn’t seem to get it, or maybe he gets it too much, because then he tells Crosshair that they’re different from droids, that they make their own choices, and that they have to live with their choices since when did he get to live with anything. And maybe Crosshair is the one who doesn’t get it, but he doesn’t need to, because he’s a weapon and weapons don’t need to think good soldiers follow orders. Except, maybe being a weapon isn’t enough anymore. Crosshair was a good weapon, a great weapon, and yet he was shipped off to some nowhere ice planet for no reason weapons don’t need reasons. Then came Mayday. Crosshair tried to keep him at arms length weapons don’t need friends, but then Crosshair steps on the mine weapons can’t make mistakes and Mayday saves him despite the risk Crosshair can’t need saving that’s not how snipers operate. And then they find the cargo. And then Mayday gets injured. And then Crosshair saves him and carries him all way back. And then Nolan lets him die. And then Crosshair - Crosshair was angry weapons don’t feel, and for a moment he let himself feel everything. And then he was reprimanded, and being given orders, and he should follow them. It was what he was made for. But he didn’t. He wanted answers, wanted to know what he did wrong, wanted to know why he was being discarded again, wanted to know why Hunter and Echo and Tech and Wrecker and Howzer and Cody and hundreds of other clones seemed to see something he couldn’t, wanted to know why Mayday had to die when he was a good soldier good soldiers follow orders, and he wanted to know his purpose. But weapons don’t need to think, and Crosshair was a weapon. So he did as all weapons do, and he fired. And Nolan never saw it coming. And it’s not until he’s being experimented on, surrounded by hundreds of other clones in the same position as him, that Crosshair realizes he’s not a weapon he never was.
This is why his arc is compelling, so fascinating, and so significant. When the other clones struggle with following orders and their loyalty to the Republic/Empire, it’s because they’re struggling between what they’ve been conditioned to think/supposed to do and what they care about/think is right. But Crosshair’s struggle comes from the war between his obedience and his individualism. This is why it takes him so long to leave, because his individualism is part of the reason he’s so obedient in the first place. Because he thinks differently, he views himself differently, he has a different world view, and a different kind of logic. The other clones leave/disobey when they realize that Republic/Empire is doing more harm than good but to Crosshair it doesn’t matter what happens so long as he obeys and does his job. Which, again, is why the batch’s actions and pleas for him to leave the Empire don’t appeal to him. In their minds, they’re doing what’s right by helping people and trying to stop the Empire from hurting and killing others. In Crosshair’s mind, he’s doing what’s right by fulfilling his purpose and doing whatever the Empire asks of him. I just find it highly unlikely that the reason Crosshair stayed with the Empire was because he felt betrayed and left behind by Hunter and the batch or because he wanted some sort of revenge. Getting left behind would have likely be upsetting and make him angry, but I don’t think it’s the main motivation for Crosshairs actions in S1. He stated in TCW that he would’ve left Echo behind as well, which might’ve just been to rile up Rex, but then in S2 he tells Mayday he’s not going to carry any deadweight. While he does end up carrying Mayday, I think that Crosshair’s words imply that he can understand why he was left behind, even if it is upsetting. I think most of Crosshair’s anger isn’t because they left him behind, but because they left the Empire at all. Because despite what Crosshair says about Hunter not being to loyal and never giving him a chance, Crosshair didn’t want to go with them, he wanted them to come back. Crosshair had multiple opportunities to leave before the S1 finale, and he had the opportunity to leave in the finale as well, but he turned them down because he didn’t want to get out.
This all really makes me wish we had gotten episodes about the batch when they were younger. I want to know more about how they grew up and what their training looked like and their first missions.
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erin8411 · 1 month
I think if someone could goad him into doing bungee jumping it would be Crosshair. If only to prove him wrong. What if Hunter jokingly said he would hold his hand and Wrecker took him up on that offer? And it would become a running gag until season 7 in the Clone Wars?
We all saw Wrecker doing things in great high despite his fear. This man jumped even after Crosshair who for some unexplained reason lost his balance on those pipes.
Welcome to Bad Batch Would You Rather episode 10!!
*Insert theme music here*
Last week, we wondered who Echo hoped was cooking when he came to Pabu to visit. The results were overwhelming in Wrecker's favor...him earning 56.9% of 174 votes...beating Omega, Crosshair, Hunter, Tech, and getting takeout!
To celebrate Wrecker's landslide victory, we're going to ask what Wrecker would rather do this week...
This question brought to you by my sweet husband 🥰
As someone who is terrified of heights (I get queasy standing on a ledge in Fortnite), I'd tell treats goodbye for a few months 👋
But what would Wrecker rather??
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erin8411 · 1 month
Glad they didn’t meet such an ending.
For Hunter I have to point out that he had his chip out when he was captured on Davo. Either the Kaminoans put a new chip in or Hemlock came swooping in "I have this fantastic machine that turns every clone into a loyal soldier to me of the Empire."
Omega‘s meeting with Cad Bane went maybe somewhere along that line:
Boba: Omega, this is Cad Bane, my mentor. Bane, this is Omega, my little sister I never knew I had.
Omega: …
Bane: …
Omega: You kidnapped me and tried to collect a bounty on me.
Bane: As I said last time. Sorry young lady, nothing personal.
Oough,, hear me out-
Bad Ending Bad Batch AU.
Bad Ending Batch? Bad² Batch? I swear I had a cooler name before but I forgot it-
Because I was thinking about like a Bad Endings AU for my ocs and then had an idea to make one for the Bad Batch as well.
Essentially,, it'd be like,, Imperial!Bad Batch - but also like,, okay hear me out:
Literally just Imperial!Hunter
Maybe in this AU at the end of S1 when they capture Hunter and bring him back to Kamino they mess with his chip and he becomes an operative
And oh BOY is he a very useful weapon for the Empire with his heightened senses and all of that
In this AU Echo never made it out of the stasis chamber (oof)
Ended up stuck in there and at the end of the war, even if they didn't really need his strategies anymore, they decided to keep him
Then he becomes "The Algorithm" or something and they continue to seep information out of him that could help
Eventually they probably take him out of the chamber and use him as an operative as well since he was an ARC Trooper and therefore highly skilled
Like,, Winter Soldier-esque probably because they have to brainwash him or something since his chip probably doesn't work
I mean,, we got a glimpse of what he'd be like in this AU in canon
And it's basically just that
This AU is "what if they never got Wrecker's chip out?" sort of deal
They pull a "he's too far gone" and for their safety bolt out of there, leaving Wrecker
Eventually he makes his way back to the Empire and starts to do work for them and is a fucking FORCE of nature
Like,, holy shit,,
Return of CX-2
He'd be the last of his brothers to fall (lmao literally) into the hands of the Empire
Bad Batch Bad Ending AU is basically just,, Tech Lives AU but as CX-2
Probably gets paired with Crosshair a lot on missions and they are both forces to be reckoned with
He's basically the same (as in like S1 and half of S2 Crosshair)
MAYBE there's the chance that he "gets better" but this is the Bad Endings AU so like,, psshh that doesn't happen
No they keep messing with his chip and he becomes worse
Loyal to the Empire to a fault would fucking die for them if the time came
Nothing you say or do will sway him
Okay so like,, I'm thinking in this AU either she 1) ends up staying on Kamino and eventually starts to work in the science division of the Empire when she's a bit older (like Emerie) and then is subjected to experiments once they realize she's got a compatible M-Count
OR 2) she DOES leave with her brothers but then slowly loses them one by one to their chip/the Empire until she's all alone again and after failed attempts to save them she finds Boba instead and stays with him (and Bossk or Cad Bane or whoever) and becomes a bounty hunter like Boba
You could even have a 3rd option where you mush those two together - she escapes the Imperial facility and THEN finds Bossk and Boba or like,, idk one or the other of the first two
Might make designs for them later idk.
Feel free to add on any other ideas though!!
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erin8411 · 1 month
The first of several Tech Lives posts. I was going to do in show quotes, possible foreshadowing, and moments that are just kinda suspicious in one post, but just the quotes got too long. So, with the caveat that I’m arguing that I don’t think a Tech return was cut and that it’s just going to happen later than we expected, here’s a list of lines either said by or connected to Tech that could point to him coming back at some point:
"Better late than dead." Phee, as her introductory line, right before she starts hitting on Tech, "Spoils of War."
"Hey, I'm a survivor. Remember?" Romar, to Tech, followed by like a six second camera hold on Tech before he goes back to get into the ship. "Ruins of War"
The entire exchange about culture and memory; Tech's actual character arc was about experiencing life outside the war and the narrow definitions the war gave him. That was not an arc that was completed, no one steps up to fill that space or continue that arc, and maybe it’s not an arc that could have been picked up in season three without focusing on Tech and writing Omega into the background of her own show. Maybe it needed its own space.
This exchange (which I bring up because it happens right after Tech fixes Romar's databank and restores that cultural memory, and we do get the implication in season three that Tech could be running around with amnesia. So.):
Romar: You--you actually did it! Tech: Of course I did.
THIS exchange:
Omega: You did it! Tech: You sound surprised. Wrecker: I thought you were a goner.
Like. Come on. He drifts into a cloud of dust so that the outcome of the race is hidden from view at first, Wrecker and Omega thought he was going to die because he made the decision (in defiance of their requests not to) to do something that would have killed almost anybody else in order to save them, he succeeds and he comes out alive.
"I guess I owe you one, Goggles." Cid, in "Faster." This isn't something they just forgot about, either. Tech indirectly brings it up as a reason she should help them at the end of "The Crossing," and it actually does get Cid to relent a little and say that she'll see what she can do before cutting off the call. But, since she doesn't come through on that, she still owes Tech that favor.
This exchange:
Phee: Don't go running off with any pirates or smugglers while you're gone. Tech: No. This mission should not require either.
Because of course this isn't literally what Phee means, she even clarifies in the next sentence that this isn't literally what she means, but can we at least all agree that this is a weird ass way to say, "Don't run off with any hotties while you're out, I'm still interested and I'm right here?" There's no reason for her to say it this way…unless Tech is going to end up running into some pirates and smugglers. Which hasn't happened yet.
"See you around, Brown Eyes." Phee, the current last thing she says to Tech, in "The Summit."
This exchange:
Crosshair: Where's the jedi? Hunter: Stunned him when he jumped. He didn't make it.
you know, the one where Hunter and Crosshair are talking about Caleb, the jedi who very much did not fall to his death (which plants the idea that falling deaths are suspect right in the first fifteen minutes of the series, btw), is worded almost identically to THIS exchange:
Omega: Where's Tech? Hunter: Omega…Tech didn't make it.
And it's the only two places in the entire show that "Where's X?" is followed up with, "X didn't make it,” btw.
"We have to go back! What if he's hurt? He--he needs us! Tell him, Wrecker. We can't just leave him! No! Tech's not gone! He can't be!" Omega, to Hunter and Wrecker about Tech, in "Plan 99."
Two things. One, Omega is actually…usually right about this kind of thing. We never do get explicit confirmation that she has any force sensitivity, but we do get a somewhat implicit one that she does at least have a little bit of natural ability. And even if she doesn’t, when she has a feeling about something that feeling usually turns out to be justified. No reason this should be any different. Two, I got through the rest of this episode about a dozen times and the entirety of season three without ever knowing for sure if Omega even thinks that Tech is dead. The closest she ever gets is saying that she "lost" him, and then goes on to use that exact word in the exact same sentence to describe Hunter, Wrecker, and Echo being captured, and actually said that they'd lost Echo way back in "The Crossing" when Echo was very much not dead and she knew it.
And then when we get to season three, she never actually talks about That Time Her Brother Threw Himself Off A Gondola To Save Her On The Worst Day Of Her Life, and she only brings Tech up once, and only when prompted by Crosshair. I have NO IDEA if she's accepted that Tech is gone or if she even believes he's never coming back, we're given no real indication either way. You know what she WAS real explicit about, though? Demanding that they go back because Tech isn't gone and needs their help.
Honorable Mentions:
"This story changes every time she tells it." Tech, about Phee, in Entombed. This isn't an obvious comeback line, and it's a bit of a stretch, but the thing is. The thing. Is. That Tech being alive, especially depending on how he comes back if he is, when, who knew what, who was hoping what, etc. has the potential to completely recontextualize the entire third season, if not the entire show. A lot of things would be different without actually having to change anything at all.
"I thought it was obvious." Also not foreshadowing, but makes for one hell of a zinger if it turns out he's alive and the clues were there all along.
"Yes, I am playing against myself. It is the only time this game is a challenge," would be one hell of a line if it turns out Tech was forced to be someone else for a while and ends up really struggling with that once he's recovered. Not like. There's any hinting. That this is a thing that could have happened.
“The last time we crossed paths, you had just lost a member of your squad. And it appears history may repeat itself. CT-9904 resisted my conditioning in the past, but I've made alterations to my methods. If you all survive, you will make fine operatives. And if not, well, there's no shortage of clones to test on next.” Dr. Hemlock, “The Cavalry Has Arrived.” I blazed right over this line originally, but @eriexplosion brought up that it’s just *real weird* for Hemlock to be bringing up Tech and that history is going to repeat itself in the context of being right about to start CX-ing the others and being so confident it’s going to work. So here’s what I’m thinking might be happening here: either he CX’d Tech and Tech’s standing right over there in the room with them, or he did something else to Tech and Tech was the change he made to his CXing method. This is actually one of several reasons I don’t think the CX-Tech plot was dropped or cut, and that we aren’t actually done with this—we get little bits of hinting it’s him even in the final episode.
“This isn’t over.” Wolffe to CX-2, “Extraction” Like a few others in this “honorable mentions” section, this relies on Tech being CX-2 either physically or mentally. But I uh. Do think it points to Wolffe potentially having a run in with CX-2 again.
Controversial, but I’m putting it on this list anyway:
“Clone Force 99 died with Tech! We’re not that squad anymore!” Crosshair to Wrecker and Hunter, “The Cavalry Has Arrived”
I know.
But here’s why.
First, one of the long running narrative questions of The Bad Batch was whether or not Clone Force 99 could ever be whole—whether they could ever fix what the Empire broke in “Aftermath.” Because we never get a full reunion by the end of the series, the answer we get isn’t a “yes,” but it wasn’t really a “no” either. Because the entire Tech situation is so unconfirmed, and because the show did nothing to allow either the audience or the other characters to let him go, the possibility of a full batch reunion and reconciliation remains on the table. There’s still a remote chance that they can fix what the Empire broke after all. Maybe they won’t all live in the same place when all is said and done, but maybe, maybe they can still be a whole and complete family. Because the story never fully closed that off as an option.
And the thing is, the show could have had the family fully heal without Tech. They could have resolved the family stuff without him by dealing with him as dead and allowing everyone to treat their wounds and move on. But because we get this line in the last episode, because no one ever pushes back on it in a meaningful way, because Crosshair never takes it back, that’s not what the story does at all. So the answer we end up with here is, “Maybe, maybe not—but not without Tech, apparently. They’re still broken without Tech.”
Second, Crosshair has always been a little cynical, but this season went out of its way to establish him as Pessimism Georg, an outlier who shouldn’t be counted. The last time he said someone was probably dead, way back in “A Different Approach,” we knew it almost definitely wasn’t true and Omega immediately shut him down. He wasn’t there on Eriadu, he doesn’t know any more about Tech falling (he might know other things but we don’t know that) than the others and probably less, and I think there’s a possible future spoiler reason why they had Crosshair say this when Omega wasn’t around to hear it instead of any time that she would have been.
Third, like. Okay. Crosshair might believe Tech is dead. Crosshair might know something about what happened to Tech that no one else does, and might need to believe Tech is dead because of it. He might have suspicions about where Tech is. He might know nothing. Whatever Crosshair actually thinks or believes, though, one thing I do think we have to keep in mind here is that words very rarely leave Crosshair’s mouth without being filtered through fifteen layers of Crosshair being Crosshair, and so Crosshair frequently exaggerates, omits, talks from a certain point of view, lies, and so on.
He’s a genuinely perceptive guy who can read people and situations like no one’s business BUT his brain cells turn off and that big wounded heart of his takes over whenever he has to make a decision, so his internal logic makes sense but he comes to some wild conclusions. (For example: The batch escaped without him and from his perspective, they didn’t do enough to give him a chance. Reasonable given what he knows about the situation. Justified. His solution to that is to capture them and invite them to the apocalypse to hear the galaxy’s worst business pitch.) He’s just. His observations are often good and, in contrast to his foil, Omega, like his foil, Omega, who’s usually right about this kind of stuff, Crosshair has a tendency to come to the wrong conclusion.
And on top of that, let’s remember that this is a guy who will say the most cutting, ruthless out-of-pocket thing in order to get a reaction or even to get people to leave him alone. And he’s good at it. It’s a skill. I’m not sure he even has a sense of what going to far looks like (I don’t think he left Tech out of his fight with Hunter because he thought it was a step too far, I think he left Tech out of that fight because he blames himself for Tech too much to blame Hunter for it). He told a child he would leave her to die if he had the chance. A child he would both kill and die for. So of course if wasn’t true, Omega immediately calls him out on it, but he still said it because he thought it would get her to save herself. It’s worth noting that the entire reason Crosshair launches into the entire “Clone Force 99 died with Tech” speech is because he’s trying to get Wrecker and Hunter to protect themselves and let him go into Tantiss alone.
Lastly, even if Tech was definitely dead, this line is custom made to get Tech spinning in his grave so fast that he’d spontaneously resurrect for the sole purpose of decking Crosshair across the jaw because what does Crosshair think he fell for then? You…can’t really have the final note on a man who (supposedly) died to save his family be that his family is irrevocably broken because he “died.” Which is another thing—they’re not just a squad. They’re a family, and Tech thought of them as a family. Like. Just. This entire line is just so perfectly crafted as something that feels like it needs to be pushed back against and refuted I’m just. I’m *biting biting biting*
All this to say that Crosshair should not be regarded as a source of objective fact.
Aaaand that’s. All the ones I can remember.
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erin8411 · 1 month
Why does it look the same?
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erin8411 · 1 month
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Echo didn't tell him.
Hunter looks like he drinks Tea.
Here is another stupid drawing inspired by something I just to do when I was a kid.
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