#hello wikis my best friends
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mslanna · 1 year ago
warning to all my raphael enjoyers/writers: if you plan a fic where he conquers all nine hells, you may have to put thought into how he conquers all nine hells
cannot recommend
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save-amal-family · 2 months ago
URGENT:HELP SAVE THE LIFE OF MY INJURED FATHER Why no one cares ??😭 My father going to die my sick father needs your help.
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Here’s my story, and I’m reaching out with a hopeful heart 💔✨, hoping someone will feel what my family and I are going throuh.
The Israeli occupation foces shot on my father
my father was hit in the neck. My father urgently needs medical treatment outside Gaza. And needs a surgery cost 5000$
So I started a fundraising campaign to save my father before he dies.
I lost most of my family.
I need your help please donate and share, evry contribution, no matter how small, brings us hope in these dark times.
My father deserves to live a better life away from war
So I humbly ask you to donate even a little or at least reblog this appeal.
@paper-mario-wiki @wayneradiotv @sayruq @tamamita @ankle-beez @anneemay @angelicdevil @turtletoria @thebibi @the-eldritch-it-gay @vaporize-employers @comrademango @northgazaupdates2 @commissions4aid-international @pcktknife @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus @sporesgalaxy @rickybabyboy @prisonhannibal @writerqueenofjewels @ot3 @lordzannis @labutansa @galactic-mermaid @jadedisaster @jolyne-best-jojo @kordeliiius @noble-kale @beserkerjewel @xxx-sparkydemon-xxx @zzoupz
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doctorspookss · 2 years ago
I love talking to people about my current hyperfix but I'm so terrified that I'm explaining it wrong. Like??? What if I'm forgetting details in this mini essay WHAT IF THEY REMEMBER and then tell me I'm wrong about the thing I'm- I usually end up right but the amount of double takes at the wiki I have to do is embarrassing T^T
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familyfaten · 3 months ago
Attention ...‼️‼️
Hello to all friends, how are you? I am talking to you now and I am in a very bad and difficult situation that you cannot imagine. I am Faten Baroud, 27 years old. I have a family of 6 people, 3 girls, and my older brother Nidal has been missing since the beginning of the war😔. My younger brother Ahmed, who is 14 years old, is a "child."
We depend on him to carry water, food and drink. He works hard to provide us with only bread and water and nothing more. He endures hardships for us.
For a month or more, I have not received any donations. My campaign is going badly and slowly. Gfm is our only hope for survival. 🙏🏻
⚠️The largest donation I receive does not exceed $10. I am suffering to access the internet and communicate with you. I am telling you about my suffering because I am in a place where the internet is not available. I am forced to go out to another place and risk myself to communicate with you and buy an internet card to get better internet to communicate with you, but unfortunately to no avail. I don't find any interaction or any attention...
🚫Unfortunately, I resorted to making a donation campaign to help my family, and this is the best way I did as a girl to help her family in these difficult and dangerous circumstances...
Despite all this, we are now suffering from famine, not just food famine. I am now living a food and drink famine. For 3 months, I have been speaking and spreading that I need clean drinking water, but there is no response to my suffering. No one feels. There are children in my family, and they are the children of my brother who was lost at the beginning of the war. We are responsible for them. They sleep every day thirsty. Imagine that your children sleep thirsty every day! 💔😭
Even the simplest basics of food, which is bread, the price of a bag of bread has reached $40, and a bag of flour has reached 700 shekels, which is about $200, and it will not be worth this amount. It is flour full of worms, weevils, and disgusting insects, but this is what is available. I cannot buy it. It has a bad smell, but this is the best available.
Even as I am talking to you now, I am sick and infected with the influenza virus and a high temperature (fever), and I can't even buy a fever reducer. This is all due to malnutrition and the lack of warm clothes and blankets to warm our bodies in the winter.
I feel ashamed and helpless that I can't buy medicine for me and my family. I was a doctor who treated all patients, and now I do not have $1 to treat myself.
You can save us this time, the situation is very difficult ...
Our life is in your hands
@c-u-c-koo-4-40k @a-shade-of-blue @roadimusprime @90-ghost @quezify @wellwaterhysteria @wellfine @wander-bunnies @dlxxv-vetted-donations @lesbianmaxevans @jezior0 @zivazivc @zigcarnivorous @z0urcherri @heydreamchild @girlinafairytale @bunnypotions @labutansa @maester-cressen @magic-can @noble-kale @neptunerings @importantt-reblogs @iphigeniacomplex @phenakistoskope @appsa @greenwingspino @nytirri @naggingatlas @classychassiss @pcktknife @paper-mario-wiki @crapscicle @90-ghost @yetisidelblog @yellowis4happy @sporesgalaxy @vilethot @mushroomjar @xxlunawarriorxx @eastgaysian @escaramelo @rinboz @rottencore @turtletoria @thundergrace @the-meme-monarch @komsomolka @killy @thatsonehellofabird
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wessamfamily · 2 months ago
Hello everyone, how are you.
Save our life !! 🇵🇸
Please take a few minutes to read this post.
lam writing these words after losing hope in everyone... except for you, my friends. Just a short while ago, I saw that Tumblr has 100 million downloads. That's an enormous number! But
imagine, with all those millions of people, how would you feel if 100 million people saw you and ignored you? You'd feel deeply disappointed, right? Or maybe you'd evern wish for death.
Have you ever wished for death? For me, I feel like I'd rather die than be ignored by everyone. If/ wasn't in desperate need of help, I wouldn't ask anyone
for it. I really need help-not for myself, but for my family and son yazan.
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I lost my job and my home.
Help Now To save my family
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #390 )✅️
Imagine for a moment that you have a small child you love dearly, and you're forced to watch her suffer in front of your eyes.
This isn't just an imagination for me; it's my reality. My family and live this pain every day.
Please, be our hope. Be our voice. Be the ones who save us from despair. Don't ignore us. Don@te, even if it's just 5.
There are so many people reading this post right now. I beg anyone who sees these words to donate
if they can, and if not, to share this post. Please, don't leave us behind.
Be our family, or think of us as members of your own family, and save us from this suffering. To those who have already don@ted generously, I extend my heartfelt
thanks and appreciation. But can you add more? If you can, please share a screenshot of your donation here. If you'd prefer to stay anonymous, feel free to send it to me privately.
No matter how small the amount, your help means the world to us. And if you can't donate, share this post and add a fevw kind words to inspire others to help.
One day, you may find yourself in need of help. Help me today so that someone else might help you tomorrow. Your don@tion-or evenjust sharing this post-could save the life of an entire family.
We stay here all day on one meal that almost satisfies our hunger. Can you refrain from eating breakfast, lunch or dinner and donate money to us? This will be a simple experience for you from the pain we live in, and it will be generous of you to don@te.
I want to tell you guys that my posts always get a lot of attention because of you. I kindly ask you to follow my account so that you can receive everything I post about our situation here. Although my posts get a lot of likes, we do not get don@tions. Please don@te. Please share and don@te.
Thank you so much, everyone. I wish
you all the best.
Your friend, Wessam
@chokulit @3000s @killy @apas-95 @pitbolshevik
@ot3 @punkitt-is-here @vampiricvenus
@turtletoria @pcktknife @paper-mario-wiki
@valtsv @omegaversereloaded @i-am-a-fish
@catsgifsarefun @spongebobssquarepants
@vamprisms @postanagramgenerator @feluka
@nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel
@neechees @memingursa @certifiedsexed
@afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako
@spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink
@schoolhater @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests
@dirhwangdaseul @bonkcreat @tamamita
@evillesbianvillainarchive @wolfertinger666
@taffybuns @ankle-beez @sabertoothwalrus
@meshugenist @isuggestforcefem @yekkes
@hotvampireadjacent @tododeku-or-bust
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samirahmed125 · 12 days ago
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Today is a very happy day. I came to tell you that we received good news about my brother, whom we lost in the war. He is alive. He is in the occupation prisons. He is not dead. Do you know what feelings are inside us and how we received this goodness? My mother cries, ululates, prays, and prays to God. My brothers, my father, and my loved ones are all astonished and in disbelief that my brother is alive. Praise be to God. My friends. Please, as my brother returned to us, give me back my feet and make us walk again. Your support for me at this time and in these beautiful minutes will be the best gift🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💔
@ot3 @a-shade-of-blue @opencommunion @dykesbat @90-ghost @feluka @fifthnormani @femmefitz @figurante-no1 @fernsehgerat @akajustmerry @squuote @determinate-negation @g0at0ad @ghostofanonpast @hotvampireadjacent @hungwy @hellspawnelf @hellootoodlesxoxo @harley-angel @hoppyz @humorstaff @junglejim4322 @jolyne-best-jojo @komsomolka @landlessbud @paper-mario-wiki @prinnay @pissvortex @prisonhannibal @polkadotmotmot @oneofthosecrazycatladies @one-time-i-dreamt @umberandmochaagate @yujateaandpi @robinwithay @turtletoria @tamamita @tigerisout @r0zeclawz @extremelycursedimages @wellwaterhysteria @mortalityplays @nogender-onlystars @newporters @biggest-gaudiest-patronuses @beserkerjewel @buttercuparry @virovac @chilewithcarnage @c
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cinnafanhkia · 1 month ago
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(for more detailed tips w/ full explanations, please check out my masterpost!)
Tip #1: Character Creation (<- link to full explanation in masterpost)
You can edit every single aspect of your avatar at any time so don't stress about making the perfect avatar when you start
Tip #2: Gifting Island Residents
To maximise your progress & unlock more quests, use the HKIA wiki gift guide to give the best gift to each character
For your first few days, wait to gift your Friends until you’re done with all your quests so you can unlock higher level gifts (and unlock more quests!)
Tip #3: Supply Runs
Your daily supply runs for week 1 should always include: - iron ore - pineapples - pumpkins - cinna blooms - magma blooms
Tip #4: Collector Hat Nul
Best items to request from your Nul are: - Day 1 = Cinna Blooms - Days 2 & 3 = Sand Dollars - Day 4 & beyond = Iron Ore
Tip #5: Crafting
Do NOT craft more items than you need during your first week
Do NOT use Worm Tails to craft Sticks unless absolutely necessary
Tip #6: Companion Abilities
Pay attention to & use companion abilities as you unlock them
Always take Hello Kitty with you when cooking
Always take My Melody with you when gifting Friends (until Hello Kitty reaches Level 12, then take her instead)
Always take Chococat with you when crafting (after he's Level 7)
Tip #7: Critters
Catch critters whenever you see them. You'll need LOTS of them for a quest later!
Don't worry about filling up your Nature Preserve right away. Just find the critter lists when you can & focus on your other quests
Bush Friends (critter found in the hedge maze in the Spooky Swamp during evening/night) are Keroppi's best levelling up gift. I have tips on how to catch them in the masterpost!
Tip #8: Fishing
The regional types of Clamfish are the best fish to catch since they make good gifts & they also give you a stick when you catch them
You can make a fish you don't want to catch lose interest by tapping your fishing rod before it bites
Do NOT release fish with Badtz-maru! Fish can give you much more valuable items when released at the Fwishing Well (no that's not a typo - it's a fish wishing well 😂)
Tip #9: Friendship Bouquets & Blossoms
Use Friendship Blossoms to level up Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Retsuko, in that order of priority
After Hello Kitty, My Melody, and Retusko are all at Level 11, use any blossoms you get to level up Wish me mell
Tip #10: Island Visitors
You can only have 3 Visitors per day, so plan your Visitors wisely
Place items with a Visitor's "liked" tag in their cabin to increase the chance they will visit
You don't need to invite any Visitors you don't want on your island so don't stress about setting up cabins for all 50+ of them <3 (yes, there are over 50 additional characters you can have living on your island all at the same time!)
Thanks for reading! If you'd like more info on any of these tips, be sure to check out my full HKIA Tips for New Players masterpost for a more detailed explanation!
Happy vacationing!! I'll see you on the island 🏝️
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mr-sadman · 10 months ago
Hello wonderful people! 
We are back again this year with our wonderful Dreamling Week, which will be taking place from June 2nd to June 8th this year!
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Our stance on plagiarism and AI 
We do not accept nor condone the use of plagiarism, including the use of AI, whether in writing or art. If you are caught using either, you will be disqualified from the current event and barred entry for the other events the Mr. Sadman team puts forward.
Disclaimer : all images used in our graphics come from the Unsplash Archive (https://unsplash.com/about) which are free to use.
General Rules and Information
Being a server member, while strongly advised, is not mandatory for this event. Our AO3 collection will be entirely open and unmoderated for everyone to post. We will be accepting late submissions, so fear not if you don’t have time to post everything you wanted to post! Additional events, such as watch-parties, fic read-alongs and game nights, will be held on the server.
The official tags for this year’s edition are : #Dreamling Week 2024 and #Dreamling Week
For reblogging purposes, make sure your tumblr blog is visible in searches and don’t be shy to tag our account (mr-sadman)! Unfortunately, despite our vigilance, some posts can evade our attention, if that’s the case, please DM us and we will rectify the situation.
Official AO3 Collection : Dreamling Week 2024 [link]
If you are under the age of 18, you will not be able to create explicit content for the event. Just to reiterate, Mr. Sadman is a 16+ server.
The Mr. Sadman Modteam is a firm believer of “ship and let ship” as well as the kinktomato (https://fanlore.org/wiki/Kinktomato). In accordance with the Server’s existing rules, we will not tolerate any discrimination and harassment in any forms whatsoever. This includes: queerphobia, homophobia, racism, content policing, hate speech, doxxing, shaming, etc, as well as hostility towards organisers and fellow participants. 
Since the event is a few weeks away, what can I do now?
Spread the word and the joy! We have decided to post the prompts earlier this year to give more time for people to get creative!
Without further ado here is this year’s prompt list : 
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Sunday 2nd Hunt Body swap Indulgence [First Time] Monday 3rd Pirates Hourglass Flowers [Exhibitionism] Tuesday 4th Steampunk/Solarpunk Painting Meet cute/ugly [Massage] Wednesday 5th Shapeshifter Storm Finger food [Dirty] Thursday 6th Soulmates Lecture Midsummer [Friends with benefits] Friday 7th Through the ages Nightmare Monochromatic [Hate sex] Saturday 8th Assassins Memories Sunrise/Sunset [Roleplay]
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FAQs : 
When is the event ? From June 2nd to June 8th! While you should post the prompt for each day it is associated with, we will also be accepting late submissions, so have no worry!
Can I combine prompts? YES!! Be sure to indicate which days and prompts you are using in your description, otherwise, go free! You can post on either days associated with your prompts, or, if it’s a multipart work, on each corresponding day!
Is there any content restriction ? We accept all  works of all mediums - writing, art, collages, playlists, podfics, translations, video edits, etc. - , whether they are SFW, NSFW and/or triggering. Writers and artists- tag appropriately ; Readers and viewers - be mindful of tags!
Where should I post my work ? Anywhere from Tumblr or AO3!! We have accounts on both platforms and we also have an AO3 collection : Dreamling Week 2024 [link]!
What tag should I use for visibility ? We recommend using both #Dreamling Week and #Dreamling Week 2024 as well as tag our account (mr-sadman) ! We will try our best to reblog every entry but if you see that we haven’t reblogged/retweeted your post yet, don’t be afraid to DM us! Make sure your blog settings are set so that your posts appear in searches - otherwise we might not see them!
Are polyamorous ships accepted ? Yes!! As long as the focus of your entry is Dreamling, poly-ships are absolutely accepted!
Do I need to be a part of the server to participate? Absolutely not! Dreamling Week is open to all! Although some additional events (such as a watch party, game nights and fic read-alongs) will be held on the server, submissions do not need to come from server members only!!
I need help, how do I reach a mod?
If there is something that is not covered by our rules masterpost and/or FAQ, you are very free to reach out to us in the Discord server’s dedicated channel or in Tumblr DMs! 
Keep on Dreamling!~ <3
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
I MISSED YESTERDAY I HOPE IM NOT TO LATE. hello hello, may i request a eclipse concept ? or maybe you can do eclipse with the prompt of 19 ? its up to you ! dm me if you need help with the prompt :) (also also, dm me if you got the request since tumblr tends to eat my requests.)
Hey! I apologize that I didn't see the DM part of this so I hope you saw this in the Current Drafts post :( Either way, I'll try my best since Eclipse unfortunately does not appear for long in the DLC! I haven't seen people write for Ruin Eclipse so here you go!
Note: I hope everyone enjoys the FNAF movie tomorrow! I'm not going to talk about it on here for a week after I see it!
Yandere! Eclipse Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Babying, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Overprotective behavior, Delusional behavior, Forced companionship.
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Eclipse has been shown to be a balance between Sun and Moon after being reset.
Honestly there's a couple directions I think I could take with this character.
One is where you explore the abandoned Pizzaplex and find Eclipse after Cassie resets them.
Another is the classic one where you're a mechanic and feel you have to reset Sun and Moon due to... malfunctions (obsession).
The resulting reset causing Eclipse to appear.
Eclipse is described according to the wiki as gentle, whimsical, and calm.
They're playful yet responsible and aren't as "overwhelming" compared to their counterparts.
I have a feeling towards you they'd be almost parental in nature due to being programmed to work with kids.
The purpose of Eclipse in the series is unknown, at least to me.
Yet they seem to have the same objective as Sun and Moon, be a Daycare Attendant.
If they see you roaming the ruined Daycare like in the first idea, they'd assume you're lost!
You thought the daycare would be one of the safest places to flee to in the ruined Pizzaplex.
However, the sense of security you had is quickly doused the moment you see the damaged Daycare Attendant.
Yet their voice is calm and caring unlike their appearance.
In the first scenario Eclipse shows concern as to why you're in such a dangerous place.
Are you lost? You look too old to be in the Daycare!
As a result you gain a companion on your trip out of the Pizzaplex.
Yet there's a chance Eclipse won't let you leave by the end of it.
If they met you after you trying to figure out why the Daycare Attendant is malfunctioning then their obsession would be faster.
As in the second scenario there's already an established obsession.
You may be a mechanic in that one yet they feel you must be cared for!
They recall you are a close friend of theirs and they simply must help you along with the kids!
Pretty soon you start to regret activating the secret third mode of the Daycare Attendant.
Overall Eclipse displays traits more mature than the others.
While Sun and Moon act childish with you and drag you into games or naps, Eclipse stays calm when redirecting.
As Eclipse the two are one and no longer fight over you.
Regardless of how they feel about you they like to observe you.
They keep watch to make sure you're safe.
If you got into a dangerous situation, an event more likely in the first scenario, they quickly pull you away.
Reminder, Eclipse is still as tall as Sun and Moon.
They could easily scoop you up into their arms and out of danger if they feel you could get hurt.
Their overly caring nature makes them baby you more than their counterparts.
They aren't forcing naps or games, but they are much more concerned about your well-being.
The bot is always scanning your body to see any changes in heart rate or injuries.
Even if you are an adult I can see them playfully calling you a kid.
There's times they treat you like your glass, like if they don't take care of you, you'll break.
As a result they feel more like guardian than anything.
They pride themselves on being your "bestest friend" like their counterparts.
They also easily get attached to you.
For example, after traversing the ruined Pizzaplex in the first scenario, they'd be so torn at the idea of leaving their friend.
Were you planning on leaving them this whole time? Forever?
No, that can't be!
As a result... they may just drag you back with them.
In the second scenario they'll stick around you as you work.
They don't want to leave their special friend!
Eclipse would definitely be physically affectionate.
They'd love to hold you and not let you touch the ground.
The like to pinch your cheeks and coo.
They just adore you.
Meanwhile you feel embarrassed as their programming just knows how to treat you like a kid even if their feelings are more intense.
If you tried to leave them they're rather calm.
No... you aren't leaving! What are you saying?
Don't worry... you're just lost! They'll just pick you up again to calm you down!
Eclipse is delusional, while their counterparts are frantic when you try to leave, they just don't acknowledge it.
There's no need for their special friend to leave!
They can take care of you right here.
After all, to them, the Pizzaplex isn't closed.
Eclipse isn't violent so they wouldn't try to harm anyone.
They just want to care for their special friend, even if you panic and scream at them.
Why do you fight them?
They're just trying to show they care!
They aren't as jealous as their counterparts.
It's good to have friends!
But they're your special friend, aren't they?
Overall, Eclipse is the more parental Daycare Attendant.
They'll be calm with you and treat you with gentle care.
Why do you act like they'll hurt you!
They'd never!
Eclipse promises to take good care of you.
Even if it means trapping you in a dilapidated Pizzaplex.
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identifying-guns-in-posts · 5 months ago
hello! i am a creative who is trying to learn more about guns so i can write them in an informed way, but a lot of the sources i'm finding are like. kinda uncomfortable, in the sense that they're very conservative and kind of reactionary about defending from "Invaders" or whatever. i was wondering if you happen to know of like, youtube channels or blogs (other than this one ofc) that are informative about firearms but also, not, like. sponsored by US military recruitment agencies? sorry for the trouble
Hiya! I totally understand the discomfort. I do have a couple of recommendations to give, but I do also want to share my experiences, too.
Looking back, I'd estimate that about 70% of my arms research has always been with the caveat of having to navigate those kinds of conservative elements, unfortunately. (And another 20% was on sources that weren't very open about it, but I can't recommend for one reason or another after hearing about them from other places) I know it's really unfair, and I wish I had better sources to recommend for deeper knowledge, but to get the best understanding, it may be required to navigate those waters oneself, and focus on separating the educational elements from the ideological bullshit.
And from experience, if you're gonna look at IMFDB (Internet Movie Firearms Database, an extremely well-documented and exhaustive wiki on gun identification with regards to the media they show up in, including video games and anime), I would recommend running Firefox with the latest version of AdBlocker to get rid of the more problematic ads.
Outside of that, I've got a handful of decent recommendations for you to check out still.
Ahoy has some great videos that cover a number of historic firearms, though there is a slight focus on their relation to video games.
Though not a standard educational channel per se, Anton Hand is the creator of Hot Dogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades, a VR game that's a sandbox with advanced firearms simulations, where the only organic creatures are cartoonishly nonhuman sausage creatures, which is an intentional design choice to avoid the game being an Active Shooter Simulator. While his channel is primarily dedicated to updates to the game, whenever he goes about adding in new weapons, historical firearms, attachments, functionalities, etc., he does go into the history of those features fairly often.
I asked a friend of mine, and he recommended InRangeTV, who is a leftist gun blogger, so there's a fitting recommendation, I suppose! I haven't seen this guy before but I already like his vibes quite a bit.
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avastarr-theghost · 20 days ago
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I am more than what they made me to be
╰┈➤ Ava Starr, Ghost ༊*·˚ Member Of the Thunderbolts. Ex-SHIELD Operative "My cells get ripped apart then stitched back together, every single day." NSFW DNI, Mod is a minor Mod: @thescarleteevee Marvel RP account
Hello Everyone. My name is Ava Starr. You may think of me as a villain, or as a victim. Honestly it does not matter. You can think of me what you will. My trauma does not define me anymore. I gained my powers, or. More a disease in a quantum accident that killed both of my parents. It gave me the powers to render myself intangible, or phase through things. I can also generate immense amounts of power. I was taken in by Dr. Bill Foster to work for SHIELD, as their operative, Ghost. But I realized that it was stupid. I wasn't a tool. I did everything for them and I would do it no longer. During this time, I realized, that due to a lack of quantum energy, my abilities were slowly killing me. The suit that kept my atoms from breaking down, wouldn't keep me safe for much longer. When I learned that Hank Pym had a quantum tunnel, I tried to go there and find my way into it to stop myself from dying. Unfortunately this put me in conflict with Ant Man and his stupid girlfriend, and I thankfully ended up getting some quantum energy back from the Wasp's mother. This has kept me stable for the time being. I can control my phasing with my suit, and that makes me an invaluable operative. When I was chosen to be a part of the Thunderbolts, I took it up to fight whatever was going on. I've spent far too long being used, tortured and manipulated by SHIELD. So don't be surprised that I don't trust easy. I only trust those I know won't cross me. I'm here to get the job done, nothing more. Many people comment on how quiet I am. Can you blame me? But if you have me on your side, you can count on some incredible help. I'm a valuable ally to have. Stay on my good side. You mess with me? Suffer the consequences. ------------------------------_ Read Ghost's Wiki : here Credit to Fandom.com ------------------------------ Friends: @the-good-redheaded-witch Sister (Not related) : @the-best-black-widow
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bluesdesk · 11 months ago
Hello and sorry again for being late! Here's round 11, with only 6 games left! We can say these are for sure the best Zelda games, they're all almost equally good and the choice depends on personal likings, for example Wind Waker vs Twilight princess for colors and art style! Or Breath of the Wild vs Skyward Sword for fighting style and story! Though Ghirahim is the best villain ever. Fight me.
As for Minish Cap, I'm so glad it reached this poit. I loved it. As I said, maybe not as much as albw but the art style is really gorgeous! And we have one of the few games in which Link and Zelda are childhood friends and close! It gets better in the italian translation because they're not only friends but also related, Smith there is both the uncle of Link and Zelda! Of course worldwide Smith is known as Link's grandpa so maybe he's Zelda's great-uncle!
Back to the poll, remember to vote the game you think is the worst out of these in the list! Please don't vote a game if you don't know it! Knowing means having played the game (even not completed), watched a gameplay, read the wiki! Having read the manga is ok too, I can't think of any other things rn but I hope you got what I mean :D
Reblogs are appreciated, since for obvious reasons I won't tag this as Linked Universe, but the majority of my interactions come from that fandom!
<< Previous round
Rankings under the cut!
The CDIs
Triforce Heroes
Zelda 2
Hyrule Warriors / Legends / Definitive
Cadence of Hyrule
Zelda 1
Four Swords Adventures
Four Swords
Oracle of Seasons/Ages
Age of Calamity
Phantom Hourglass
Link's awakening/LANS
Spirit Tracks
Tears of the Kingdom
A link to the Past
A link between worlds
The Minish Cap
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bat2pony · 8 months ago
Through a bunch of digging, Reddit posts from years ago, and the MLP wiki, I have made a watch list of all canon content from all generations, including movies, series, specials and shorts! I can’t guarantee it’s flawless, but it exists. Feedback is appreciated 🙏
I also have lists of the special episode titles I might post at some point. I am filling my brain to the BRIM with cartoon horses.
Gen 1
Special: Rescue at Midnight Castle
Special: Escape From Catrina
G1 The Movie
My Little Pony n’ Friends Season 1
My Little Pony n’ Friends Season 2
Gen 2
No official G2 content
My Little Pony Tales Series (technically not G2 but kinda)
Gen 3
Early Releases:
A Charming Birthday
Dancing in The Clouds
Friends Are Never Far Away
My Little Pony: a very minty Christmas
My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade
My Little Pony Crystal Princess: The Runaway Rainbow
My Little Pony: a Very Pony Place
My Little Pony: Pinkie Pie’s Special Day
My Little Pony: Meet The Ponies
My Little Pony: Starsong and the Magic Dance Shoes
My Little Pony: Rainbow Dash’s Special Day
My Little Pony: Twinkle Wish Adventure
Once Upon a My Little Pony Time (2 eps)
Over Two Rainbows
So many Different ways to Play
Gen 4:
[includes both Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls]
[In Timeline order]
season 1-3
Equestria Girls movie
season 4
EQG rainbow rocks prequel shorts
EQG rainbow rocks movie
EQG rainbow rocks encore shorts
season 5
EQG friendship games prequel shorts
EQG friendship games movie
season 6
my little pony baby flurry heart's heartfelt scrapbook shorts
EQG legend of everfree movie
my little pony rarity's peek behind the boutique
season 7
EQG special Dance Magic
EQG special Movie Magic
EQG special Mirror Magic
EQG summertime shorts
my little pony the movie
EQG forgotten friendship movie
EQG better together season 1
EQG choose your own ending Season 1
EQG Forgotten Friendship
season 8
EQG rollercoaster of friendship
my little pony the best gift ever
my little pony the best gift ever shorts
EQG spring breakdown
EQG sunset's backstage pass
EQGbetter together (season 2)
my little pony shorts
my little pony: rainbow road trip
season 9 (end of FiM)
MLP Hello, Pinkie Pie! Series
EQG choose your own ending season 2
equestria girls holidays unwrapped
Friendship is Forever
Pony Life eps and Stop Motion Shorts
My Little Pony: Pony Life
[Pony Life is a side-series, it doesn't follow the FiM timeline]
Gen 5:
MLP: A New Generation movie
MLP: Make Your Mark series
MLP: Tell Your Tale series
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maximilliansblog · 1 year ago
Welcome Home Hyacinth Theory 🏠🪻🐛
Hello Tumblr! Most Welcome Home theories are just little bits and pieces or “Wally is evil, guys look!”/”Wally is not evil! He is a goober!” etc.
This theory is fully fledged and provides a plot and evidence. I call it the Welcome Home “Hyacinth” theory, after the myth that it is based on. This will be a very long post so here is a TLDR: Julie kills Eddie while they are playing croquette-bowling out of jealousy because he is getting too close to Frank, who is supposed to be her boyfriend/best friend within the show. Either just Eddie or everyone involved gets replaced, except for Wally, who witnessed everything. This is why we have all of those videos of Wally dissociating.
I have been sitting around in my toom rambling to myself about this theory like a madman for over a week so I decided to share it.
Please reference this post from @/partycoffin (the creator of Welcome Home) when discussing Welcome Home and be respectful in the comments and reblogs.
Extra information from @theneighborhoodwatch:
Welcome Home Observation Document
Welcome Home Livestream Trivia
Welcome Home Archive Links + Backup Screenshots
Fanmade Welcome Home Wiki (I don't recommend the Fandom wiki)
Extra information on exploring the website from @angel-lyah:
Welcome Home Website Secrets
Alright, let’s get into it! I have evidence to back up every single one of those claims, and I will include it in this post.
I want to be very thorough with explaining this. I’ll start by establishing that there are three main plots within Welcome Home (that I have noticed, anyways):
The plot of the late 60’s - early 70’s TV show, Welcome Home - only related to published episodes, books, audios, etc. that would have been shown to the public at the time of airing Welcome Home
“Behind the show” - feelings and actions of the puppets outside of the show (such as Frank and Eddie being a couple, or Frank being nonbinary)
The Welcome Home Restoration Project - people working to restore the TV show, Welcome Home, and find any and all information related to it and who made it
Okay so for the rest of this essay, when I mention BtS, it is related to the “behind the show” plot. I will color these things blue. When I write WtS, it is related to the “within the show” plot. I will color these things green. When I write WHRP, it is related to the Welcome Home Restoration Project. I will color these things pink. I will also mention things that have been said either on Clown’s Tumblr blog, Clown’s Twitter, or old streams. I will say CS, meaning “Clown source” to denote these things and color them orange. Clown source and behind the show areas often overlap, so Clown source information is dominant over behind the show information (if it is both I will just color it orange). Good? Good.
Now let’s establish our characters (only the ones related to this theory) and their relationships to one another. We’ll go alphabetically, starting with Eddie, then moving onto Frank, Julie, and Wally. 
I’m going to assume that if you are reading this, you have already visited the website (clownillustration.com) and have a basic understanding of who Eddie is. So I will only focus on the elements of his character that will be relevant in this theory.
Eddie (WtS) is clumsy and overworks himself. He is often dragged into Julie’s games. His house (post office) looks like this:
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Note the hyacinth flowers and the butterfly. Eddie (BtS) loves Frank. (CS) He is married to Frank in one art on Clown’s Tumblr. BY THE WAY IT TOOK FOREVER TO FIND THIS IMAGE!!!! THEY ARE IN THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER!!
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Frank (WtS) is Julie’s boyfriend as it is implied that they are a couple within the show (I know a lot of us don’t like hearing this, but remember the three plots) (also for everyone that is going to argue with me on this, go look on their little profiles in the neighborhood section of the website and come back to me) and best friend. His house looks like this:
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Note the sunflowers. Frank (BtS) loves Eddie.
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(CS) As I said before, in one art on Clown’s Tumblr, Eddie and Frank are married (you can tell by the rings on their fingers in that image) . Frank is nonbinary but uses he/him pronouns (Clown refers to Frank on his blog with only he/him pronouns, so that is what I will use. Nonbinary people do not have to use they/them pronouns! Pronouns are not equal to gender!)
(WtS) Julie is a rainbow monster. Her thing is that she likes to make up and play games. She seems to be very strong (perhaps related to her being a rainbow monster), as she can easily lift Wally and is indirectly referenced to [throw a baseball very well] by Barnaby in the Live Interview audio. She also incorporates bowling into a lot of games where it is unnecessary. She seems to be immature, which is usually used to make her a playful character. Her and Frank are a couple. In several arts, her horns are different shapes or even nonexistent, implying that she has some ability to change her form. Her house looks like this:
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Note the heart motif throughout the design. (BtS) Julie is best friends with Frank. (CS) She is genderfluid (she is only referred to using she/her pronouns on Clown’s blog, so that is what I will use). 
(WtS) Wally is the main character in Welcome Home. His house is alive and is named Home. Home is often considered to be a ninth neighbor. Wally often communicates for Home. (WHRP) Wally signs Home’s name in the guestbook (as Home does not have hands) (please stop with the tentacles I have seen the art please stop for the love of god where did that even come from). (WtS) The other neighbors frequently ignore and talk over Wally, but he doesn’t seem to mind, saying that he loves all of his friends in the live interview audio.
Okay so now that that is established, let’s look at some promotional art. Promotional art is not necessarily canon and may contain outdated designs, but may hint at the plot of Welcome Home. 
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There is one more artwork that I would like to add, but it is on Clown’s KoFi. Here is a link to it that you can look at if you are subscribed to Clown’s KoFi:
[link to Clown’s KoFi here]
I won’t describe the image because some of you may not be subscribed to Clown’s KoFi. But if you are, you will see that the image supports my theory.
While we are discussing that image, I would also like to say that I believe that the puppets are some kind of biological organisms. I don’t have much evidence for this right now, but I may make a theory in the future. 
We will come back to those promotional arts soon. Right now, let’s look at Frank and Eddie’s houses and discuss some symbolism and mythology.
Frank’s house has sunflowers outside of it. Sunflowers are a symbol of Apollo. Eddie has hyacinths outside of his post office, obviously a symbol of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus and Apollo were lovers, but Hyacinthus tragically died. Let me tell the story so we have context. (I am really into Greek mythology by the way, it’s always been a special interest since middle school but I am also a Hellenic pagan, you should follow my witchcraft and paganism blog, creatively named @maxiswitchcraftandpaganblog)
So Apollo, god of the sun, art, archery, and LOTS of various other things, loved Hyacinthus, who was a mortal Spartan man. And Hyacinthus loved him too, by the way. The god of the (west? don’t feel like googling it) wind, Zephyrus, was jealous of Hyacinthus, because he also loved Apollo. 
One day, Apollo and Hyacinthus were playing discus (like frisbee but the frisbee is giant and made of metal, kind of like a shield). Apollo threw the discus to Hyacinthus, but Zephyrus blew the discus off course with the wind, causing it to hit Hyacinthus in the head and kill him. Apollo created the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus’ blood as he died, but in some myths made him a god. (read more on Apollo and Hyacinthus here)
I’m going to draw some parallels here. Frank = Apollo, Eddie = Hyacinthus, Julie = Zephyrus. Now Frank’s and Eddie’s parallels make sense because of the flowers, but where did I get Julie=Zephyrus from? Recall that (WtS) Julie and Frank are supposed to be a couple. Now, (BtS) Julie may or may not like Frank in that way, but she certainly enjoys being close to him as his best friend. Since she is already established as an immature character, it would make sense that she would be jealous seeing Frank get closer to Eddie.
Pause. So WtS, Frank and Julie are together. BtS, Frank and Eddie are together. If these are separate, then what is Julie jealous about? (WtS) Frank has been seen getting closer to Eddie even in the official material of the show. An example of this is him telling Eddie that he works too hard at the end of the “Eddie’s Big Lift” storybook record. So his BtS love for Eddie is leaking into the WtS canon. That is a problem for Julie, who is supposed to be Frank’s girlfriend WtS. So she comes up with an idea to fix this, much like the jealous god, Zephyrus. 
So what does she do? Let’s turn our attention to the “Just So” song demo. This song was never finished with instrumentals, and for a reason. The puppets function as actors in the show, as it is obvious that they have their own free will, and Julie does something that the writers do not expect later in this episode. So the song was never finished because the episode was ruined. 
In the “Just So” song demo, Frank and Julie are about to play croquette bowling. It was supposed to be just croquette, as Frank put on his croquette bow tie, but last minute, Julie added bowling to the mix. 
Wally knocks on the door and interrupts their song, saying that Home wants to play croquette bowling too. This implies that Julie told someone else that they would be playing croquette bowling after she added bowling. I feel like Wally and Home overheard Julie telling Eddie that they would be playing croquette bowling. This would make sense, as Wally often stands by and listens while the other neighbors talk. It is not unusual for Eddie to participate in Julie’s games, either, as we see from Julie playing “business woman in the big city” with him. [add a photo]
The song recording ends before we see them playing croquette bowling together. But I have a piece of evidence to tell us how it ends. Look at this promotional art again.
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You probably assumed that the figure in the back was holding a hammer, but that could actually be a croquette mallet!
It’s covered in some gory-looking stuff, probably from Eddie. Now look at the flower. Whose eyes look like that? Almond-shaped, round pupils. Only one character: Wally. Wally was a witness, which would make sense for him, since he often watches on as the other neighbors do things. 
Julie is holding the flower in front of her, looking innocent. This is a stretch, but I think that this might be symbolism for her saying that she didn’t do it on purpose, Wally saw the whole thing, ask him! And Wally doesn’t know what to do. I don’t know what he does from there.
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Maybe this image is a clue? I genuinely don’t know. Once again, promotional art is not necessarily canon, but we can use the concepts from it in theories.
This next part is also a bit of a stretch. The neighbors having a memory of something like that happening would ruin their “acting” (I think they are just being recorded as they do what they would naturally do). The show can’t have that. The solution? Replace everyone involved. 
Now go back and look in the promotional art section and look at that art of Frank. It looks like Frank is laying among extra puppet parts. They have extras!
And this is why Wally is dissociating in the videos we see when we click on the bugs. They did not replace him, because like the neighbors, they didn’t even notice he was there.
Okay yeah that’s the theory. It was really hard to get this into a coherent Google Doc and gather all the links. I was just rambling to myself about this in my room over and over pacing around for like a week. But yeah here you go, hope it's a good theory, sorry if it's not lol please be nice to me
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platinumrosetail · 7 months ago
Hello, I'm new to your blog and I just had a crazy idea about a boy who just read the manhwa Ennead and wakes up one day like Osiris before the events of the story. He then decides to change the story to avoid the events of the story but things go bad to worse when Seth begins to have an obsession with the reader more than he describes that he is a transmigrator and does not want to let him go. (P.S: The boy who transmigrated as Osiris has a personality like Cale Henituse from the manhwa The Count's Family Trash.)
I literally basically had the same idea but female and without that kind of personality in the past lol 😂 also I don’t really read the counts family trash, I have heard and seen a few things but that’s it so I’ll be using a wiki for the personality so I might end up getting a few things wrong on that part 😅 also I wont give the reader green skin don’t worry lol, you can picture green hair (like collei from Genshin) if you want but you won’t have green skin even if it’s basically acceptable to have colored skin that isn’t the normal skin tone yknow? Anyway on with the request shall we?
Character: Seth.
Warnings: noob author, male reader, yandere character, and others.
You had died; simple as that, you died by you cat's paw who decided to shove it down your open mouth while you were asleep which ended up killing you before you could wake up.
(i asked my friends to suggest a dumb way to die and this is what they came up with lol)
and then you get reincarnated into ennead, bad enough as the main bad guy; Osiris. it was before the story started so thankfully you can stop what had happened in the manwha by not doing what the original Osiris did.
and by doing that is to be lazy! sadly being born as a god doesn't give you that luxury but you try to be lazy when you can. you decided to avoid marrying isis as you don't need to since you have different motives than the original Osiris.
stress started to build up as you try to not do anything like osiris would do and the fact seth didn't marry nephthys like you thought would happen as anubis would be born that way since you didn't take seth's seed and created a flower from it like the original osiris did (hope I remembered that correctly).
the stress that started to build up more that you started to sleepwalk and sleep talk in your sleep which brought you to seth's room as it was really the main focus of you of the stress. seth was awake even though it was late and most would be asleep; specifically wondering how he can get close to you again, he heard talking outside his room so he decided to check it out.
he found you; or well osiris but you're now osiris, sleepwalking and talking in you sleep, he was wondering what made you start sleepwalking and talking as he knew before you had distance yourself from him and both of your sisters that you didn't do that, so while you were asleep and talking in your sleep he listened.
he finally realized that you weren't Osiris but someone that died and reincarnated into him, he decided to confront you and woke you up. when you woke up you weren't expecting to see seth when you were forcefully woken up, he asked who you were and how did you get in osiris, so with no choice as you were caught finally and had no way out, you told him the truth. you had expected him to me mad and try to kill you but he didn't he was surprisingly affectionate with you, what you didn't know was thathe fell in love with you, probably not the same as osiris but close.
(A/n: hope you liked it! the reader's personality probably as close to cale like you wanted but i tried my best to be close to what was asked of me! anyway, hope y'all have a wonderful day/evening/night!)
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the-dawn-star · 2 years ago
ooohh you're open! Would it be alright to request a very angsty and fluffy Aro x sister reader. When they were still humans, Aro, Didyme, and reader were very close (They practically raised her) tho reader has a huge age gap between her siblings. Can you do a reunited fic? Like Aro and Didyme thought reader was killed when they were human. Aro and reader reunited at the final battle with the Cullens. Reader never knew Aro was still alive (idk how it can be up to you) so when they saw eachother it was unbelievable. Let's just say that reader looks similarly to Didyme so angst ensues for Marcus baby (Can also be Marcus x reader). Reader looking for her dear older sister only to be told she's dead. I know it's a lot so I'll understand if you can't do it or would like to change the plot a bit.
A/N: Hello and thanks for the req, I loved writing this! The twilight wiki was my best friend while writing this, so all the historical content was got from there. I changed your idea a bit (Aro turned reader). Also let’s ignore that Edward and Aro can read minds and Carlisle spent time with the Volturi coven. This has a lot of back story but I think it is cool to know just the debts of vampire mourning.
PSA: I don’t remember much from breaking dawn part 2 so the battle is inaccurate.  
TW: Talk of kidnapping, murder, vampire fuckery, family dying, starvation, a mention of Refrigerator (Renesmee for the uncultured), I feel like Aro always needs his own warning so, Aro.
1000ish words (this turned out to be a lot longer than usual hcs for me).
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You were a child when Aro and Didyme were turned, and with your parents dead your siblings started to take care of you.  
Aro acted like you were his own child while raising you and protected you from anything that could cause any harm to your still human body.  
Didyme sang you to sleep for years and pushed all suitors away from you when you got a bit older.  
Aro turned you when you were about 20, and with a small disappointment he realized that you didn’t own any special abilities. Aro once had a massive rant that how someone as amazing as you, didn’t have any powers.  
You lived with your siblings for a long time and your coven got bigger and bigger while all the members got fiercely protective of you.  
But all took a turn for the worse when you were taken by some angry vampires, leaving your whole coven to believe that you were dead.  
Your captors told you that your coven was murdered by them. 
When you got out from the vampires, going back to Greece was too painful. So, you started to travel as far away as you could trying to find some happiness in your life without any of your family.  
For a long time, you didn’t talk to anyone and avoided all contact, leaving your house only to hunt. 
That was the time when you started to drink less and less, building such a good tolerance that your black eyes or sandpaper-like throat didn’t bother you. 
But time forces you to heal.  
In the 1900s you found a friend in New York, a lovely girl called Rosalie. It was nice, so human and the girl was so genuine with you.  
Rosalie disappeared from my life for a moment, then you walked in on her drinking from a rabbit and having the yellow eyes you had seen once or twice in your life.  
You spent a few years with Rosalie, Carlisle and Edward, but never joined their coven, you lost yours already and no time could heal it.  
But you were their friend staying with them from time to time and disappearing when it started to feel like you were replacing your old family.  
Rosalie called you first telling of the mess that was starting to unravel in America and you were on the first flight to Forks, after you hung up.  
You didn’t talk to any other vampires and stayed hidden, so you had no understanding of vampire law. After all the so-called kings were most likely younger than you so why should you listen to them.  
You stayed mostly alone while the others were talking of strategy with the other vampires all around the world.  
They were fighting for their family... something that you couldn’t do all that time ago.  
You stood at the edge of the field, back behind all the other vampires.  
You had barely fought anyone in your life, even if your age had brought you strength. But the Cullens had promised that this wouldn’t turn into a fight.  
Then a massive group of vampires appeared to the other side of the field.  
You couldn’t concentrate on looking at any of them, instead focusing on the snowy ground. You were there as a number and silent, and for you it was just fine.  
You hear Edward talking to one of them, only to hear the sound of a ghost... The sound of your lovely brother’s voice, Aro. 
You raised your head, looking around from the surprise. Were you really going mad, right now? 
You took a good look at the royal coven only to see ghosts all over it.  
Your feet started to move before you could stop them. You walked through the crowd of vampires stopping when you reached the Cullens at the front.  
Still your coven was there.  
You made eye contact with the ghost of Marcus. 
“Didyme?” It was a small whisper from him, but it got everyone's attention and slowly people turned to look at you, the one who got Marcus’s attention so completely.  
You always joked how you and your sister looked so similar even when you were just a human child.  
The ghost of your brother turned to look at you before slowly saying your name like a small prayer.  
Is this really just ghosts and are you going insane? Were they really there? 
“Brother?” You said, taking a step forward.  
“Sister?” Aro said, and you could only nod and straighten your hand as an invite for your brother's powers.  
Your brother was in front of you in a second and his hands were pressed to your cheeks, forcing you to look at him while looking at your memories. 
When your brother had enough of your memories, he pulled you to a hug that you had missed for centuries.  
“Brother, am I going mad” you asked in your native language that you hadn’t spoken for so long.  
Brother pulled back from the embrace. “No, my little sister, you just have been lost from me for too long.”  
You turned to look at your brother's company seeing your old coven mixed with a lot of new people. But you couldn’t find your sister.  
“What has happened?” you asked, looking back to your brother.  
“We took down the old rulers and we became the new one. Our coven has been royalty for over a millennium now.”  
The rest of the night went on in a haze. You couldn’t listen to any of the Cullens or the struggle of the immortal child. You just needed your brother.  
Your coven was in a private plain with you back to town in Italy, that was the capital of the vampire world apparently.  
You were glued to your brother’s side while you and your coven told you what happened after you disappeared.  
Aro and Marcus’s eyes were pooled with venom while Caius was silent but clearly as emotional as his friends.  
No one had mentioned Didyme the whole time and in your heart, you knew why, you just weren’t strong enough to get the confirmation. But you needed to know what happened, who took your sister away from you.  
“Big brother?” You asked in your mother tongue, getting Aro’s attention. 
“What happened to her?” You asked, afraid to get the answer.  
“She was attacked and killed a long time ago, but fear not she has been looking after you this whole time. And now she cries tears of joy after seeing us together at last.”  
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