#hel got asks
hel-phoenyx · 2 months
Hello🤚🚨Urgent call🚨🚨🥺😔
I am Ibrahim a father of three children🥺
We have been living in a tent for many months due to the war on Gaza😔, and we suffer from homelessness, extreme heat, and famine.My children suffered from skin infections due to pollution in the tents.
Donate to us and help us live a better life🥺
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silverskye13 · 7 months
Question: if you gave Helsknight a 'fuck you in the language of flowers' bouquet, what would he do?
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He's flattered. How much trouble did you go through to get this? They're like actual literal flowers. He wears one as a token to his next tournament. When someone points out to him those flowers mean "Fuck you, actually" he somehow finds them more endearing. Gotta respect the nemesis hustle.
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
How would htp!Tango go with the bit from Limited Life episode 4 when he's running from everyone?
How would it be different from the actual scene?
(not canon to HTP ofc because the timelines don’t match up but HEY i like angst)
"tango!" skizz calls desperately, peering out over the ocean. he could’ve sworn he’d heard tango’s voice when he came this way, but the range of amplification their voices get from the proximity mod can be a little tricky sometimes-
tango’s voice crackles out of skizz’s communicator; he must be in range, after all. but skizz doesn’t relax just yet. crouching by the water’s edge, he scans the waves intently. his grip tightens around his axe.
"alright, where are you, dude?" he asks, voice low. he keeps the horizon in his periphery; he can just barely make out the horde of yellow names off on the distant shore, digging and searching for tango.
“r- right below you.” tango’s voice is shaky; probably from the adrenaline. being hunted by almost the entire server isn’t exactly a picnic. “where- is impulse with you? or- or etho?”
skizz shakes his head, even though he knows tango can’t see it. “no dude, they’re running interference, okay, but it won’t be long before the others see me over here.” he swallows. “you gotta let me kill you.”
there’s a brief silence.
“okay.” tango’s voice is barely audible. the tone of it gives skizz pause; that sounds like more than just nerves. “okay, o- okay, fine, i’m- i’m fine with that.”
“are you?” skizz asks, his brows furrowing.
“i…” there’s a shuddering exhale. “i don’t- i’d rather it be you, if- if i’m honest. the others, they might…” he breaks off, making a distressed sound in the back of his throat. “y- you know.”
there’s definitely something wrong. skizz’s heart is starting to pound, but he keeps his voice steady. “alright, yeah. this is gonna stick it to them so bad.” he lifts his communicator up and peers through its lens. “can you give me a quick tag, buddy?”
tango doesn’t reply, but skizz sees the flash of a gamer tag beneath the ocean before it vanishes again. tango’s not taking any chances, apparently. not that skizz can blame him.
“you’re pretty deep underwater, dude,” skizz informs him regretfully. “and i don’t- ugh, i don’t have my stupid shovel.”
tango inhales sharply. “i- i can’t- uh, can you…?”
“okay,” skizz murmurs. he knows tango won’t be harmed by water like a real blaze, but it’s uncomfortable even on the best of days and that’d be a lot to ask of him right now. “alright, i’ll come to you. stay put, okay?”
“okay,” tango whispers.
“there a hole for me, buddy?” skizz asks, putting his axe away.
“alright.” skizz straightens up, folding his wing tightly against his body. even one wing will cause a lot of drag underwater and he’s already not looking forward to soggy feathers. “i’m on my way, just hang on.”
taking a deep breath, skizz dives into the ocean.
salt stings his eyes as he swims towards the sand at the bottom. it’s darker down here than he’s expecting for midday, only the faint glow from his halo allowing him to see. he starts digging as soon as he reaches the bottom, hoping he’s in the right place. he’s acutely aware of how long he can hold his breath for and the last thing he needs is a stupid drowning death to steal even more time from him-
a figure enters his field of vision, making him jolt. it’s scott, his freshly yellow timer barely visible in the deep. still holding his breath, skizz equips his axe.
scott actually rolls his eyes. “i’m not gonna kill him, don’t worry.” his voice carries well underwater, and he doesn’t seem to have trouble breathing. must be due to those recently acquired gills of his.
well, that’s fortunate. skizz nods quickly and puts his axe away before resuming his digging. to his surprise, scott floats down next to him and starts helping, his webbed fingers making easy work of the sand. after a couple seconds, they’ve cleared enough sand for skizz to see a hold in the underlying stone, with a faint light beyond it. lungs burning, skizz dives for it.
he makes it through right as the first damage hits him, head breaking through the water with a gasp. kicking against the current, he finally emerges from the ocean. gravity once again takes hold of him. he flops onto the damp stone floor quite ungracefully, his wing heavy and pulling him slightly off-balance.
skizz hauls himself to his feet, dripping wet and catching his breath, and looks around the cave tango’s carved out for himself. it’s tiny, with just three blocks between them, and lit only by the glow of tango’s blaze rods. they’re redder than usual and roaring with flames, whirling above his head in agitation- the way a blaze spins before it starts shooting fireballs.
tango himself doesn’t seem to be doing any better. he’s crouched against a corner, his arms wrapped around his knees, claws digging into his skin. his pupils are blown, so much so that it almost makes his wide eyes look completely black. his chest is rising and falling rapidly, and the noise that comes with each breath sounds disturbingly like a blaze. his mouth hangs slightly parted as he pants, lips drawn back to show his sharp teeth- like a wolf does. but there’s no ferocity in his expression; just sick fear.
altogether, the sight sends a chill down skizz’s spine. it’s like he’s looking at an animal; a cornered, terrified, wild animal. there have been things in the past tango’s reacted strangely to, sure, but skizz has never seen it this bad before. god, he wishes impulse was here.
“hey, tango,” skizz says softly.
for a moment, tango just stares at skizz. then his eyes dart to the side, to the hole in the stone. belatedly, skizz realizes what’s got tango so concerned.
“scott,” he calls carefully, keeping his gaze on tango, “just uh, just stay out there, okay, dude?”
a dark shadow passes by the hole before vanishing. “you’re fine, just get on with it!”
skizz swallows. he stays where he is. “tango, buddy, you okay? talk to me.”
tango’s gaze cuts back to skizz. “is martyn…?”
“no, no martyn,” skizz assures him.
tango takes a shaky breath. “i killed him,” he says hoarsely. “he- he’ll want revenge. and- and the other yellows- you have to kill me, before they find me. skizz, please.”
“hey, hey, hey, it’s alright,” skizz soothes, despite the way his heart feels like it’s twisting itself into a knot. he never thought tango would fear the other players so badly; these are his friends. “you got it. what do you- uh, how do you want me to do it?”
“TNT?” tango asks quietly. “if you light it…”
“alright, yeah, i got some TNT,” skizz says, rummaging through his inventory and pulling out a block of it. “here, uh- you wanna just take that?”
warily, tango teaches a clawed hand out and takes the TNT. he sets it down right in front of him, flush against his folded knees.
“tango?” skizz prompts gently, pulling out his flint and steel. “i need to hear you say it, buddy.”
tango shudders. “do it,” he whispers, turning his face away. “you can kill me, you- i- i just want it to be over.”
“okay, thank you,” skizz murmurs, taking a cautious step forward. “that’s right, dude. after this, it’ll all be over. i’ll come find you at spawn, okay?”
“i’ll see ya there. now, count to five for me?"
tango swallows. “one…”
skizz lights the TNT. the sound of sizzling fills the air as the TNT starts to flash.
"t- two..."
putting the flint and steel away, skizz turns and dives back through the hole, into the ocean. tango's voice still sounds from his communicator.
kicking madly, skizz swims towards the surface, where scott is waiting.
skizz breaks the surface, gasping for breath. he glances back down and sees a new crater at the bottom of the ocean, water and sand churning into a froth. treading water with one arm, he holds his communicator up and looks at the chat.
Tango blew up.
scott gives skizz a sidelong look. "i know how hard it is to let a teammate kill you," he says, his voice low, "but that seemed..."
"scott, buddy," skizz says tiredly, heading for the shore, "keep this between us, will ya?"
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I have some questions for Stanley do you ever have flashbacks and nightmares of the war? If so how bad do they tend to get? do you have some sort of comfort item or like a little safe space for you?
Stanley: *looks awkwardly away* Well-yeah kinda, like I’ve struggled with severe anxiety, the amount of panic and anxiety attacks I’ve gotten especially after Kyle’s death, and my jinx definitely didn’t help me out, well some days I have nightmares on that day or when-him-constantly berating me and calling me all sorts of horrid things or when my old manager before I came to the msr-
But Nia and Freddie, they also know-what’s it’s like- I mean they did sortave kindave taught me everything they know(like Kyle)-They’re were both so funny and tried their hardest to made me laugh and smile and they didn’t criticize or berate me when I’ve cried or made mistakes started talking about bugs and stayed awake with me when I had trouble falling asleep (insomnia I hate you so much) since they also had trouble sleeping…
Nia spoke a lot about her old home in South Africa 🇿🇦 like the animals living there and she told me stories and she sung me a lullaby in Xhosa? Zulu? I believe (and I’ve memorized it by heart) to help soothe my fears, we talked a lot about animals together even spend time at her flower garden and Freddie always tries to get me to race him though it’s more of a doubleheader with him being goofy and telling me a bunch of silly things heh.
The others have also helped me.. I mean Stuart, Falcon and Andreas worked all day to try and help me with my jinx and Andreas did apologize to me for suggesting I would be better off as a generator (though that’s not a terrible idea, I’ll keep it in mind and that’s not the most horrible thing I’ve been told to do-….)
And- and *he gives a slight hopeful grin* Duke and Toby did help me get rid of my jinx and well-I feel so happy *gently chuckles*I’ve haven’t felt this much… freedom in years…it’s.its exhilarating (kyle should be alive not me-)
Ah-sorry for rambling I admit I don’t exactly have a comforting item or memento unless you count the Little Rock’s and geodes or herbs and flowers Nia, Freddie and I find together, and I love being in Nia’s flower garden, there’s a track nearby the forest where I get to look at the constellations 🌌 and the stars since Nia and Kyle told me so much if that’s a comfort space to say-well as long as its not raining or the weather is too much it’s comforting to me…
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sintreaties · 2 years
I just want to say that Kirari and Terano
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n4b3 · 1 year
#genuinely just want her out of my life the pain i experienced whenever i see her is tremendous#it is equally as painful as being ill#i woke up at 4am and its almost 6 and i can't stop thinking about her#and i stupid ass girl thought everything would be fine that she would understand what im going through and cried my eyes out asking for hel#and yet i got nothing. thinking she was someone i could rely on#it is so painful to see the fragments of what we were in other people. but she has actively avoided me and treated me so badly#and yet i bite back when she does and it couldn't get any worse#and i held to that hope that there's a way it can be fixed there's hope to that promise she said she didn't want to lose me#and lose the connection we had for so many years#it's like she's that kind of person everybody likes. everybody friend. but its only there for the good times and not for the bad times#and made me wonder what does friend mean to other people? for me is for the ppl who are in the good and the bad#i just kind of realized i can't talk to her anymore bc it sends me on this spirals of why's why's why's#why is she like that with me? why didn't she kept up with her promise? what kind of shit did i do or say that made everything go south?#this is too much for me and i don't know what I did wrong#everywhere i go i just see her bc she's my classmate but also i can't scape her bc her art is suddenly in art galleries#she haunts me in a way#but i miss her so much and i just we could go back to what we used to be#and i don't understand why shes like that with me none of our common friends understand either and everyone telling me to drop her#because of her behavior#and im just here praying for someone to pop up into my life and take me out of this misery#but it is really one of the hardest things for me is to meet new people literally my Achilles heel#its so hard to go through this pain alone i can barely keep up with the illness i have this shit is the cherry on top#made me wish I had ride or dies#and I have so many reasons to hate her and treat her badly and awful and yet i don't do it... and I even forgave her what she did to me#treats me like I was the one who did what she did to me#is really so bizarre
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dulcewrites · 1 year
My heart 💔 for fmo reader I don't like this but yeah mamas heart completely broken it would kill her. Aemond is definitely dead to her if it happened while in old town he's on her list too among others. Now I do like queen daella and daemon meeting his end at her hands as well.
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You killed my mother/brother prepare to die
Queen consort daella who has lost everyone would be so good. Bc it would be in tandem with egg 3, who is also a traumatized kid who lost his mom. And the dynamic would only be more interesting if the only real adult left from it all is Daemon bc daella just knows. She may not have proof but she knows. I think there would be ‘fun’ tension between her and egg bc they honestly have so much in common and really no reason to hate each other (this was never their fight), but she can never fully let herself be his friend/eventual lover/confidant whatever they maybe bc of his father.
That being said, she is equal parts of her father and mother, so she can be ruthless and burn hot at times, but she is extremely self aware with how she moves.
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verdiesque · 2 years
Gin Ichimaru for the character bingo 👀
Hel my love are you sitting in my brain because I was literally just thinking about him.
Characters who sacrifice everything for revenge and ruin their life in the process my beloved <3 literally I eat that shit up every time. I rewatched the episodes with his death the other day and bawled like a child. Traitor of all time I love him so so much.
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helreginn · 2 years
Sleipnir thought on it for a moment. “...yeah? I have no reason to be scared of you.”
Hel’s brows wrinkled together and she breathed in deep before letting out a heavy sigh. “Can I.. Will you hug me? I don’t know why but hearing you say that you’re not scared of me makes me want to cry.”
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iheartcborle · 1 month
yk wdamhn welle i wont force eit ouats of ysou cuz s nost msy jsob but LSO bur vevery clealry not okay if youre upset talks abst it or atelsst ssay sso we BEENE TRHRORUGH THSI SMY GUYS DENIAL WHELEPS WWNOBDODYSHGJDVIYGUO
'm not upset, I'm okay. Not in denial either. 'm allll good. -Orin Scrivello
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enigmaris · 4 months
All Father Thor, King of Asgard,
A new ruler of Hel has been chosen, the fearsome King Phantom, defeater of Pariah Dark. It is time for Asgard to prepare to pay the dues required to keep peace between the realms of the gods and of the dead. Bring the terms of your surrender to King’s Phantom’s representative on earth, Daniel James Fenton of Amity Park.
The Noble Scribe of King Phantom,
Ghost Writer
“Okay so let me get this straight,” Tony Stark, Iron Man and Avenger said. “Ghosts are real.”
“Yes.” King Thor Odinson, Asgardian and god of thunder agreed.
“And they’re evil.”
“A bit of an oversimplification, but yes.” Prince Loki Odinson, sometimes villain and would be planet invader, answered.
“And the ghosts have had one ruler, the most powerful ghost in existence. And that new rulers are chosen by combat, meaning that every new ruler is more powerful than the last.”
“Yes, you’ve got the idea.” Thor said looking down at his knees for a moment.
“And since ghosts are so evil and so powerful, that means that their ruler is practically an unstoppable force of destruction.”
“Doesn’t it sound delightful?” Loki asked, to which he received a glare.
“So, for the past 10,000 years, at least, Asgard and plenty of other realms have been paying taxes to the ghost king to avoid a war. A racketeering scheme.”
“I don’t know what a racketeering scheme is but yes, the ghost peace treaty does require that Asgard pay the ghost king gold and magical weapons every century and if we fail to pay that price, then the peace treaty will be broken and Asgard will likely be forfeit.”
“That’s a racketeering scheme!”
“Well then yes.”
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. It was clear the man’s headache was only growing stronger as he walked through the information the two gods had dumped into his lap this morning. Thor and Loki both had rushed into his lab and started babbling about world ending threats and how they might possibly be absolutely screwed.
“So, now there’s a new king. Which means a new peace treaty has to be signed.” Tony said the words ‘peace treaty’ in the same way he’d say ‘nuclear bomb’ or ‘Steve Rogers’.
“I thought you said it was a racketeering scheme?” Loki asked.
“Shut it.” Tony hissed.
“A new treaty must be signed.” Thor repeated, trying to keep the three of them on track.
“And since the last king Pariah Dark was so powerful that he made the entirety of Asgard tremble, you’re pretty sure this new king, Phantom, is probably worse.”
“Pariah Dark had the power to suck entire planets into the afterlife, destroying them,” Loki said looking at his nails. “Stands to reason that a ghost powerful enough to defeat him could do much, much worse.”
“Right. Fantastic!” Tony practically shouted.
“I don’t think anything about this is fantastic.” Thor admitted, he was ignored.
“And according to you Asgard has been paying the ghost tax for both their realm and ours since we were under Odin’s protection. And since Hela and Sutur destroyed your entire planet and your entire people are refugees, now we have to figure out how to keep an ultrapowerful ghost from wiping out our home without any way of paying him.”
“Technically we don’t know if Phantom is a ‘he’.” Loki pointed out unhelpfully.
“The letter literally says he’s a king!”
“Could be a title. What do the dead have need for gender?”
“This is not the point of this discussion,” Thor cut in before an argument about the usefulness of gender and the concept of a female king burst forth. “We’re here to figure out how to make peace with King Phantom without resulting in a war that would destroy our world and our peoples.”
“We don’t even have Earth’s mightiest heroes anymore.” Loki said, referencing the painful results of the civil war and the Accords.
“We’re fucked.” Tony decided.
“Yes,” Thor agreed. “We probably are.”
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hel-phoenyx · 2 months
Hello 🖐
I am Amira from Gaza😢, living in constant danger due to the ongoing war. I noticed that you have many followers, and I kindly ask you to share my story to help us find safety🙏🙏.
Sharing my story and the donation campaign link can help protect my family. I am deeply grateful for your support💙.
With sincere thanks,
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silverskye13 · 2 years
Can I just say: I love your Helsknight incredibly much? he's a prickly cranky curmudgeon, but there's something decent under all that spike and I just [gestures] This Guy. I like This Guy.
I'm glad you like him!! I really enjoy complicated spikey characters. They're unlikeable in the most likeable way and really fun to write for sometimes. And a la standard tropes, there's always something interesting going on once you crack them open.
Plus just, added little bonus for me, I really like twists on white knight characters? Helsknight scratches a very specific itch for me of "Paragon character who isn't nice/kind/some other easily digestible version of sticking to your moral code."
In short, he's a snapping turtle with a moral compass. A creature. An idiot. A blorbo--
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
hi i had an idea but it would not work out in hels canon at all so. consider an alternate alternate universe where there’s a decked out hels counterpart? maybe it’s a sentient dungeon near spawn designed to lure people into a false sense of security and perhaps bravo is the creator of it… or the bait? other game component ideas like peace(hazard) or stillness(clank)
hehe i’m just spitballing silly ideas to you for fun >:) sorry if you’ve received an ask like this before
:0 now this is an interesting (non-canon ofc) concept. bravo would absolutely make a decked out in hels just to one-up tango. but since he’s annoyed and fatigued by the brutality of hels, he wouldn’t just make a more intense, deadly decked out: he’d make it an escape. a sprawling map safe from the outside world, filled with beautiful scenery and fun puzzles and some damn peace and quiet for once.
but what he didn’t anticipate is that the dungeon can take on a mind of its own, and this one would want to keep players ‘safe’ forever and ever- by never letting anyone leave. it’d do its best to make players want to stay, but it’s not above trapping them if it has to.
timmy would 100% fall victim to the dungeon, happy to finally be safe and provided for. he’d even try to discourage other hels players from staying- not as a warning, but for his own sake. he doesn’t want more hels players ruining his sanctuary, even at the cost of incurring the dungeon’s wrath.
it’s like the opposite of @hybbart’s deepfrost cast au, where jimmy acts as a dungeon guide. timmy would be a territorial (but still pathetic) herald of doom, desperately trying to get hels players to leave this apparent ‘paradise’ before it’s too late (because he wants this place all to himself, thank you very much).
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azulhood · 10 months
So, in John Constantine's backstory he accidentally sends a kid to hell.
Which I think is a big part of his backstory, but we'll get back to it.
So, Danny got crowned king of the ghost zone which is a lot of work.
thankfully there are other beings (Hades, Hel, Lucifer, Anubis, over assorted angels, and so on) who rule their own little sections of the afterlife to rule while still answering to the ghost king.
Made everything a lot easier for him, but as king he was expected to inspect those sections at least once.
Which was fine, he could spend a day or two checking things out.
And this is where the kid Connie sent to hell comes in.
During his visit through hell, he notices an innocent soul that wasn't supposed to be there.
The soul had died a long time ago, hell wasn't really made for the living, but they were still trapped.
He of course takes them with him when he leaves.
The kid asks if he could help them tell Constantine that they're out of hell since he was looking for ways to save them. (They know since demons are loudmouths and the demons wanted to use the fact, that no matter how hard John tried he would never be able to rescue them, to hurt the kid.)
Danny agrees, because how hard could finding a sad British trench coat magic man be?
Cue hero's from around the multiverse waking up, after taking a hit, to a white haired and green-eyed eldritch horror asking them "Do you know John Constantine?"
Turns out finding a sad British trench coat magic man was incredibly hard, who knew?
And even when they did find a John Constantine the kid said it wasn't their John Constantine, how the kid could tell Danny had no clue.
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often-daydreaming · 25 days
'Hel-' 'I told you I was okay mom, you need to stop texting me so much.' Danny? 'I'm still at the library near Nightingale Drive but I promise I'll be home soon.'
Dinah was out of her chair and hurrying towards the nearest teleporter before he could finish speaking and inadvertently startling a few nearby heroes as she pushed past them.
'Dinah, what's happening.' Oliver called out when he noticed her leaving.
'Danny, a kid I've been mentoring just called using one of the codewords we came up with for emergencies.' And it must have been bad if Danny was calling her this late at night but at least he was using the phone she got him so it only took a few seconds to pull up his location through the built in tracker.
What in the world was Danny doing in Star City?
It didn't matter. Not right now. She'd ask later but for now she was busy punching in the right coordinates while Oliver ran to grab his own gear.
-_- -_- -_-
It didn't take long to find him. The kid, Dinah's boy was hiding in a coffee shop a few blocks away from the library he was using for his cover story so Oliver stayed back for now and watched from his hiding spot on a nearby rooftop as Dinah hurried into the shop playing up the role of a worried mom.
She was good at it.
Nobody gave her a second glance as she pulled the kid into a hug while muttering soft reassurance that doubled as codewords. He knew some of it meant danger and alone but he was too far away to make anything else out and Dinah angled the kid in a way that kept him and anyone else watching from reading their lips.
And he got it.
He really did.
From his bloodshot eyes to the sway in his every other step it was obvious from just a glance that the kid was dead on his feet. He'd more than likely been running for a while now and was one soft breeze away from collapsing so the last thing he needed was a complete stranger coming out of nowhere and questioning him but that still left Oliver with a dozen different questions as he listened to Roy going over everything they could dig up on such short notice which wasn't much.
It looked like somebody had gone through a lot of trouble to erase Amity Park's existence but a few things managed to get through like news covering the Fenton's home being raided by the government and Vlad Masters' very public, very messy custody battle with the older sister. Both of them were seen accusing each other of everything and anything, screaming insults and overly creative threats, and on more than one occasion the police had to pull Jasmine off of Masters who kept paying her bail but there was nothing explaining the hows or whys behind everything going on.
I know it isn't much but I just had the thought of Danny's parents getting arrested for whatever reason really but I'm going with their change of heart after a reveal gone right for this prompt. They shut everything down and stop making weapons that can actually hurt magical beings and a lot of influential people don't like that leading to a police raid while Jazz is away and forcing Danny to reach out to Dinah who could be his anything really from one of those online therapists to a godmother who tries to help him figure out his powers.
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