#hehe thanks Eva!!
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komorebi-rabbit · 1 year ago
okie here we go!!
Eeee! Okay!
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Probably Lotus Eater! It's not a popular pairing so I'm not surprised over it, but I'm still proud of the way it turned out.
🍒 What’s your favorite character dynamic to write? (Can be romantic or platonic, specific or general!)
Oh, man, idk. I love a kind of enemies-to-lovers pipeline but also like... with ShiObi or Kkob or even kkita, younger guy simping for older guy they think they'll never have. And then one of them disappears for years and it makes the reunion sweeter in the end.
🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
Canon-divergent, my beloved.... I prefer reading fics set in the nart universe, for sure. However writing modern aus or just weird aus is so much fun?? I just dont read them often.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
SHISUI, hands down!! I love the idea that, because his father was canonically disabled when Shisui was very young, Obito helped Shisui learn to fend/provide for himself (Because Obito was known to take care of elders, its not a stretch to say he tried to help the disabled, too). And, because Obito was the first to show Shisui some mercy, Shisui took to following him around like a lil duckling, looking up to him. I also repeatedly used the idea that Kushina was his Jounin instructor. It's fun to give him a base knowledge of how seals work!
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sysig · 1 year ago
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Rosawatts, from memory (Patreon)
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ezrawip · 1 month ago
🤪🥰♥️ for whoever's on your mind :]
tysm for the ask!! <33 ill do this one for valorant! :3 · s/i ref
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🤪: “what is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?”
— i think they'd take my apathy to all the. y'know, shooting and killing and stuff a little too the heart 💀
probably would make my character too childish/uncaring about everything, and definitely would turn me into a 'gamer girl' of sorts 💀 because of that one line abt gaming
i feel like i'd be turned into pinkie pie the second 🙂‍↕️
🥰: “how would someone who loved you portray you?”
— this is a tough question bc the val fandom is either too much or too little regarding the agents, but 🤨 i think the main thing would be through actual understanding of the s/i?
they'd love to explore different clothing and aspects of her design (i do so myself 😭), not dumbing her down or making her into only a clumsy person. lots of stars and purple too! i feel like she'd be drawn cussing ppl out in games 🙂‍↕️ and with her friends??!!? thats her whole deal!! make her play dnd with clove! brazil card with raze! please!!
oh and speaking of brazil... anyone who loved her would do their absolute best at putting brazil in every single fanart. brazilian food brazilian clothing line..... anything fr ☝🏻
❤️: “how popular is you x your f/o? are you a rarepair?"
— ooh tricky... i think a lot of people would like how eva n iso are both purple coded and how their energy match each other, but maybe they'd be considered a boring ship?
definitely not a 'love it or hate it' thing, it's pretty simple so there isn't much to be against... everyone ships it because it's there and it's canon! plus they're cute together so 🤭
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averlym · 2 years ago
Sydney did a livestream last night and says two very silly Parrlyn things "Everyone else is so good at makeup, Zan shows up every day looking like a super model" and "I believe Cathy is queer coded so when I mention Thomas I'm like 'mm okay girl' "
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TOT omg this is what i get for not following the casts i guess. thank you for the update, anon! especially the quotes :OOOO
have a parr doodle <33
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ramblerogueblogs · 4 months ago
Okay I keep trying to think of the best OC to give for the OC matching game since I feel like... It'd be more fun if it's not someone you already know through and through?? XD So I'll put forward my babygirl Viv from high school!! Upbeat, plant-y alien girl who's very excited to be your best friend!! (Please she hasn't talked to anyone outside of her own family for so long and she'll people-please her way into a friendship as much as she has to-)
A friend made this playlist for her way back when and I still think it captures her energy very well hehe >:3c
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(Or alternatively, literally any of my blorbos who you think would be fun LMAO, you know them all!! XD)
AWWWW VIV!!!! So nice to see her again! :') She seems so sweet! (Also Planet by Anamanaguchi my beloved) Okay so first, it's hard for me not to assign Tiller to anyone who's LOOKING for a friend. XD It's a very predictable choice, but you know that Tiller is friend shaped! I think Tiller could match Viv's upbeat energy and also be good about introducing her to more people, and generally making her feel at home! Tiller would also ask non-stop about Viv's home planet like "what's it like there? Is everyone a plant? Surely there's water then, and oceans right? Are your stars the same as ours?? Do you know what lobsters are????" I think they'd be a hoot!
Alternatively, I think Viv and Eva would get along very well, maybe with more of a mentor dynamic! I'm sure they'd have a lot to relate to both being aliens and traveling away from their planets and whatnot! Plus, I think Eva's the type of person to see Viv's people-pleasing qualities and try to gently steer her away from that. Like "hey, of course be kind to people, but also make sure you seek your own happiness and not just the happiness of others!" sort of thing. Eva's protector gene is very strong XD
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divineatrophy · 5 months ago
#4 from the writers ask for DotS please!!
4. What’s something you’ve researched but haven’t incorporated into your fic?
THIS BARELY COUNTS but I did casually farm information on the real housewives of dubai from my roommate who happened to be watching it at that time because I hoped I could incorporate it somehow. I wish desperately she would watch iwtv so I could make her tell me what armand's opinions would be because I love real housewives fan armand but she continues to fail me
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neorukix · 10 months ago
I ran out of options tehee (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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dramaticallytotal · 2 months ago
The Rise of Team E-Scope Headcanons: Part Three
Idea Post Last Part
• Izzy being entertained by DJ's animal curse at first: "That's my son. DJ. The animal killer."
Noah worried for all his animal friends he knows are working for the show: "Izzy, as much as you know I appreciate a good quote, I don't think now is a good time for Starkid quotes."
Izzy with a hand held to her heart looking absolutely betrayed: "Noah Navam Mason Mudaliar! You take that back! Every time, all the time, is good for Starkid quotes!"
Yes, Izzy and Noah are fellow Dikrats.
• Izzy and Noah often quote things and look at each other to see if the other heard or got it and get super happy when they respond in kind if the quote is a two person of a long one.
• I do headcanon for the Halloween after Action Izzy made Noah do a duo costume with her, which turned into a group costume with her being Mable and Noah being Dipper, Owen was Soos and Eva was bribed into being Bill Cipher.
• Everyone thinks it's great that Noah and Eva are there to control and talk reason into Izzy and Owen but the truth is when all four of them are together they tend to share like 2 braincells max. Usually, Noah has ownership of them. But with his innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge, sometimes he gets roped into the shenanigans because he needs to see the outcomes.
• Eva and Noah bond over their similar senses of humor, but Eva also brings out the competitive side of Noah, and the two tend to have small competition between the two. Like who can take the most food off Owen's plate before he notices or the plate becomes empty. Or who can send Izzy on a long-winded story about herself or her family and betting on which competitors get annoyed first and snap.
• Owen and Noah give me Inigo and Fezzik vibes like the two will just get into random rhyming moments. Owen brings out the more childish side to Noah. He loves to make his little buddy laugh.
• Because of Izzy and Noah, they won the Area 51 challenge. Noah is no snitch, but he is worried about how many things Izzy managed to take and hide on her person.
• Same challenge Noah definitely hacked into Area 51 to turn off all the alarms and lasers, and Alejandro would be a big liar who lied if he didn't admit he was impressed and found it oddly attractive.
• Team E-Scope seems to have adopted some players. They fully believe they just made new friends, which yay! They're not the best at making friends, so they count it as a win. Because they continue to stick up for Katie and Sadie, the two girls tend to listen to their thoughts a lot. Though they never say it out loud, the two definitely think they're all in an alliance and vote whoever seems to be the target. Cody is also someone who views them all in an alliance. Eva won his loyalty with how she protected him from Sierra and consequently helped him vote her off.
• Katie, Sadie, and Cody: hehe we are such a sneaky alliance.
Team E-Scope: What are our three runts snickering about?
Owen: Yay, my buddies are making new friends 🥰
• Alejandro & Heather seeing the group's numbers grow: Damn they're good.
• Another point on Alejandro's: Noah is more than he seems, list, was added in Jamaica. While Noah was definitely distracted by Mr. Speedo. Mr. Speedo was also distracted by him. Specifically, the sight of him without his many shirts and look, yes, Alejandro is but a teenage boy, but also Noah was surprisingly fit for someone who everyone said was lanky and the most unathletic person on the show ever.
So why did he have some muscle definition?
• That would be a thanks to Eva, Izzy, his sisters Nisha, Nila, Nidhi, and Naomi, and actually Owen. His chubby buddy had been so excited for all four of them to hang out more, and he took them to his favorite restaurants. It meant Noah was made to eat. It's not that he doesn't like eating or is picky, but he tends to get distracted and lazy and miss meals. But because of everyone's efforts, he actually gained weight, which his doctor was very pleased with.
• Izzy and Noah are definitely Epic: The Musical fans.
• Chris definitely rigs the votes to keep certain people in the competition. For the views!!! Not because he's fond of Noah and Noah would be sad if his friends got out before their schemes could bear fruit! That group is where the money is at that's all.
• Eva made Noah swim a lot as part of her training mainly because she knew it was an activity Noah actually enjoyed. It definitely helped in giving him more muscle. He was already a fast swimmer when he wanted to be, but the training improved it. Which is why he was the second one to reach his team's boat in Newfoundland.
• Eva maybe still holds a grudge against Courtney, so sometimes she can't help but start little arguments with her and then pretend that she was clueless how it started. (Izzy has taught her how to weaponize her 'sad cat' face.)
Eva: Look, I know you don't like me, but what did I do to make you yell at me?
Courtney: you're the one who said my shoes were stupid out of nowhere!
Eva:....Courtney, you were complaining about them being stupid the other day, and I made a joke and asked if they were being stupid again...
Courtney: that is not what you said!
Eva: obviously this was a misunderstanding
Courtney: don't gaslight me!!!
The rest of Team Amazon, but especially Cody: calm down Courtney. It was a misunderstanding! Eva wouldn't gaslight someone.
• Later, Eva would be in the confessional with the biggest shit eating grin ever and just look dead at the camera: I did say her shoes looked stupid.
• Noah trained Izzy and Eva to resist Justin's charms. Which more than definitely paid off the first time Noah got to witness both of his friends resist Justin's smile and the sudden whipping off his shirt in Egypt. It left the fool floored and it was glorious!
• In this au, Noah can still really sing, and the first time, he was made to really sing in front of everyone it wasn't just Trent, Cody, and Harold who wanted Noah to join their emo band, it was also Justin. Which added to his flirting with Noah.
• He definitely calls Noah his little songbird and angel of music (he's a phantom fan).
• Alejandro feels this indescribable urge to take a page out of Noah's book and start throwing things at the model every time he does so.
• Izzy and Noah have a habit of scheming in different languages, and it frightened the others the first time they heard them talking. The fear heightened when the two went from conversing in ASL to German to Russian to French back to ASL. Eva helpfully points out that those aren't even all the languages the two speak.
• The gwuncan kiss did happen, but not because they like each other. It was an actual accident caused by the planes' turbulence when Duncan was about to leave so Gwen could finish her venting. It didn't even last long, but it was long enough for Tyler to see and run away before anything could be explained. It wasn't even much of a kiss. It was more like their faces got mushed together.
• Eva went to make a confessional when she accidentally heard Duncan and Gwen freaking out about a kiss. She didn't really stay to listen to the whole thing because she was freaking out over the news. She knew Noah was cool with Gwen, and she didn't know what to do or say, so she went to find him and tell him everything.
• Noah is shocked and also uncertain because he did not believe Gwen nor Duncan, who annoyed him, would ever cheat. He explains as much to Eva and correctly guesses that it was probably the turbulence. Noah has faith in Gwen that Gwen would tell Courtney about the mistake, but when no news came of it until Greece, he kind of started to doubt it. That is until Gwen grabbed him and confessed the whole thing and begged him for advice on how to tell Courtney.
• It's a whole mess made even messier by Tyler loudly shouting he saw Gwen and Duncan kiss during their challenge for no reason (he didn't know Alejandro planned it) Courtney was inconsolable and wouldn't listen to anyone, let alone Gwen and Duncan, when they tried to explain it wasn't even a kiss it was the turbulence.
• Trent became really protective of Gwen because Courtney couldn't see reason, so was acting out, Sierra was being more crazy than usual, and Heather, who was trying to milk the drama as much as she could.
• This was the episode Sierra got voted out because Courtney sabotaged her team's wings. Her plan backfired on her since she wanted to vote Gwen out, but Eva promised Cody they would get Sierra out and made sure Gwen voted the girl, too. Cody somehow convinced Sierra to vote for Courtney. He didn't feel guilty about tricking her, Eva helped him see that the rest of the team should have helped him with Sierra the way Eva tried to.
• When Courtney threw a fit about Gwen not being gone, Eva lost it. She yelled at all her teammates, excluding Cody. She yelled at them about keeping Sierra in despite the fact they knew how she was treating Cody. And if it was the other way around or god forbid it was one of them dealing with a crazy stalker said stalker would have been off the plane first chance they got. She ranted about how she expected them as women to understand but she was wrong she guessed.
• Then she yelled into the cameras about everyone who acted like Sierra and the fact the producers let her in and made Chris keep her in. Because she knew Chris hated fans like that, considering the man had his fair share of stalkers.
• Little did she know that words made an impact, and there were a lot of TD fans angry with the producers, especially since Chris joined in and explained he wanted her gone the first episode. The producers tried to throw him under the bus, and that's when he called his lawyers and publicly tweeted all the messages he sent to the network about Sierra. None of the competitors know this is going on. Chris was more than a little done with the producers, and the way this season was getting views, he was making his move of buying out the producers. Or maybe just buy the rights to the show and take it to a different network.
• This is why he was on the phone all China.
• Once Noah and Izzy found out Sierra was gone, they cheered and hugged Cody because they knew how big this was for him, and this further boosted Team E-Scope's popularity.
• Anytime Alejandro flirts with Noah, Izzy and Eva look into the cameras as a live slugs reaction. The viewers think it's hilarious.
• Trent is trying to figure out how he became the sane one on his team. He doesn't like it. Alejandro, take the brain cell back, please! Stop making goo-goo eyes at Noah!
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liamrrys · 5 months ago
01. by the flicker of candlelight.
𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘦𝘷𝘵𝘩𝘺𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵 —— ( 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘯𝘪𝘭𝘦 )
rated: t word count: 1.6k notes: pt. 1 of a cheeky two parter exploring quiet moments between rame and ev. just wanted to write for them again <3. had this song on repeat as i wrote this hehe. enjoy!! tags: @rc-catalog
“Rame, we need to stop making this a habit.” Eva sighs as she pours herself her final cup of heqet, shaking the jug as to not waste the last drops. She frowns when she realises her cup is only half-full.
Ramesses laughs softly at the sight of her displeasure. “Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?” He takes a final sip from his own cup before pouring the rest into hers.
Eva’s only response was to plant her face into her hands, groaning as she ruffled the hair on the side of her head. “If you kill me now, I promise to be your servant in our next life.” It was already late at night, and they had been studying for hours. Her eyelids had grown heavy and her fingers were stained black with ink. Ramesses declared himself complete for the night, but Eva promised herself just one more parchment of practice before she would let herslef sleep.
She’d have liked to say that these efforts were made due to her “studious nature,” but her actual reasons were not as noble.
A few too many close calls with the epistates had rendered her fearful — curse her sharp tongue. After many evenings being caught by Amen himself, Eva aimed to lower any suspicion by proving herself useful as a scribe. With their next trip to Thebes the next morning, Eva took the night as an opportunity to prepare. 
“Tempting, neferut.” Rame sits himself on the table, beside Eva’s ink and parchment. He cocks his head to the side as if trying to land in her line of sight. “I imagine it would be funny to have you be the one to row me up and down the nile.”
“— Then we would not last long in that life either.” Eva dabs her pen into a pot of ink, continuing to write. ”The crocodiles will get to us before the sun even reaches its peak if I am the one rowing.” She manages a soft smile through tired eyes. It was times like these that she had been thankful for Ramesses’ company. Long evenings of writing would not nearly be as tolerable without his constant bickering (though gods forbid she would ever say it out loud).
As Ramesses sat closer to her, she felt herself calm, the only sounds filling the library were the scratch of her pen and the sound of their breaths, syncing to the cadence of each others. Out of curiosity, he unscrolls her complete works to examine them. He catches himself yawning as his eyes glaze over her writing, failing to realise how exhaustion came over him until that very moment.
“You don’t have to stay. We both have an early morning tomorrow.” Without much thought, she places her non-writing hand on his thigh, her eyes not leaving her scroll. Rame clears his throat at the contact.
“I could, but I know you’d be oh soooo sad to see me go.” He places his hand over hers, giving it a friendly(?) squeeze. He notices she doesn’t shake him away. “And who else is going to make fun of your chicken scratches?”
“It’s because you keep looking at me. You try writing under pressure.”
“Do I make you nervous, Evthys?” He raises a brow, teasing her. Rame doesn’t know if it’s the heqet, drowsiness, or both that fog his judgement, but his hand moves to brush a strand of hair from her eyes to tuck it behind her ear. Eva looks up at his touch, and he notices how the flickering candlelight reflects in the dark of her eyes; dancing and twinkling like the stars above.
“Ugh. Shut up.” She rolls her eyes at him playfully. “Go make yourself busy then. You’re distracting.” 
Rame holds his tongue from making another quip, a rare moment of restraint. Eva notices him shift, and stand up from right next to her. She tries to not look at him, keeping her head down and watching his movements through her peripherals instead. He disappears from her blindspot, though reappears into her senses when she feels a soft tug as gentle fingers comb through her hair.
“I’m keeping busy.” He sections off a tuft of her hair to braid. “Is this okay?”
“If it’ll stop you from watching me write.” Even with her face turned away, Ramesses knew her well enought to know that she was pouting through her words.
“Oh Isfet, just hurry and finish your page—“ He grumbles to himself, only to be met with the sounds of Eva’s laughter. 
In moments like these, Ramesses allowed his mind to wander — if he couldn’t have his dreams anymore, maybe he could indulge in a few fantasies. He imagines they’re back at the temple of Thoth; his and Eva’s relentless back and forth providing him a strange comfort, as if they had never been forced away to Thebes. Back when times were simpler. It was hard enough being discreet, hiding from the hunters that patrolled the alleys they practiced in; now they were expected to survive amongst their quarters. By the luck of the gods, Rame found himself living in the hunter’s lodges, so he had only ever returned to his room to sleep, as he found any excuse to stay away.
Late evenings in the library that started off as necessary practice quickly turned into a welcome part of their routine. It had simply been the logical choice: Eva kept herself out of trouble, and Rame stayed away from the watchful eyes of the hunters. Their constant meetings had nothing to do with the enjoyment of each other’s company.
Or the way Evthys felt her heartbeat steady when around him.
She tries to not enjoy his touch as much as she does when he fingers through her hair delicately. Ramesses pulls on each tuft gently, weaving plats into her dark curls. If she presses him on his actions, he’ll say that he’s doing her a favour. You won’t have time to fix your hair before going to Thebes tomorrow.
But she doesn’t protest, maybe enjoying the pampering a little too much.
He continues in their comfortable silence. Ramesses scatters which tufts he braids and which sections of her hair to artfully leave untouched. Eva’s hair is soft in his fingertips when he sections off parts to frame her face.
“Almost done!” She exclaims, turning back to smile at him. Rame doesn’t kick a fuss over how the braid he was fixing slipped out of his hands at her sudden movement. Instead he finds himself smiling back at her as a warm glow lay itself on her features, the contours of her cheekbones, her jaw, collarbone… her lips. For a moment he loses himself at the sight of her, snapping back into reality when she turns away to reward herself with a hurried swig. “——Did you fill my cup?”
“No. Why would I do that?” 
“Thaaank youuu, Ramee.” She says in a sing-song voice, letting her vowels drag in a melodical yet irritating way. Eva turns to look up at his towering figure, batting her eyes. “You’re going soft on me.”
“I’m going to shave your hair when you sleep.”
Ramesses pulled a face. No matter how much he had tried to deny it, he had gone soft on her. Or maybe he always had been? Perhaps he only cared about her wellbeing to keep her, and therefore himself out of trouble. He shook those thoughts from his mind as he finished the last of Eva’s braids.
As if taking the words out of his mouth, Eva shrieks. “Good gods, I’m done!” Punctuated by the slamming of her pen against the desk. She stands up excitedly and turns to wrap her arms over Ramesses shoulder.
As if on instinct, he catches her by the waist and swings her to the motion of her force. “Eva! Calm down, you’re going to wake the whole settlement!”
She finds her balance and keeps him in her arms. Ramesses doesn’t pull away either. “Sorry! It just felt like I’d never finish.”
Still in each other’s embrace, they share a comfortable silence as Eva gazes into his eyes, lost in its darkness. Had he always looked this beautiful? She notes the way he’s looking at her — softly but with intent and feels her cheeks flush.
“Eva?” Rame’s voice is raspy and gentle, almost like a whisper.
“Can I do something?”
Eva, looking back into his eyes, nods. She frees him from her grip, relaxing as she lets her hands rest on his collar instead.
Ramesses slides his hands from around Eva’s waist before reaching into the plat of his hair. Eva quirks her head at his actions, watching his hands as they unhook the silver charms he had imbedded into his hair before reaching over and clipping it onto the ends of her own smaller braids.
He removes his own charms until all of Eva’s smaller plats have clips, leaving him with only a handful left in his own locks.
“I know you favour gold, so I hope you don’t mind—“
“I’m sure you’ve made me look very beautiful, Rame.”
Not hard to do when you are already beauty incarnate. The words found itself imbedded in Ramesses’ throat, not daring to spill from his lips. Instead, he smiles teasingly down at her. “Now when you go to Thebes; you won’t be mistaken for a corpse.”
She groans and pushes him away.
“ I wish you still had dreams for me to haunt.”
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niceminipotato · 8 months ago
Heyo guysss. So Chapter 13 is up and I need sleep ASAP. Hopefully not too many mistakes on it hehe. Enjoy!!! And thank you for being patient with me.
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Summary: Subject 19-04, yet another failed experiment in Mother Miranda’s search to find a suitable vessel for Eva, her deceased daughter. 19-04 is used to tests and trials of any nature, some more gruesome than the last. However, she has reached the end of the line. Once you are dubbed a failure you are disposed of as one. What happens when Mother Miranda decides to leave the useless subject in the hands of the illustrious Lady Alcina Dimitrescu and her three fearsome daughters? Will this castle be where 19-04 meets her end? Or will she finally get her life back?
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dixidin · 15 days ago
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zeldamomoe · 1 year ago
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"Finding light in the bad times is the mark of a true leader." – Nier, about the King of Facade
I love Sechs (the Prince/King of Facade) so much, especially since I'm Middle Eastern; I gravitate towards those characters a lot of the time! I wanted to cosplay him since I first played NieR Gestalt in 2015🙏 I started the costume in 2021 and finally finished it in the summer of 2022! 💖
Mask is made out of EVA and craft foam. Costume was made out of simple black cotton fabric, and I covered craft foam with the fabric to make the collar and dress panels more rigid. The "coins" are actually just confetti 🤣 and of course, there's the little bells on the bottoms of the capelet, and dress panels! I jingle so much in this costume just like he does in-game hehe :3
photos by my partner Raph & edited by me on my twitch channel~ and thanks to our friend m0rdack for helping pose my mask high up in the last photo!
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c2-eh · 11 months ago
Oh my god I'm so so sorry eva. It completely slipped my mind. I was going to follow up with what I wanted. I was trying to be dramatic. Girl (gn) I'm terribly sorry. But I was going to ask you to please give me your entire versainz thesis cause oh my god "after the battles comes the reward" was such an amazing fic. I was just going to ask you not to gatekeep your versainz brain and give me all the thoughts you had about them. I'm reading to read essays. The fic was amazing. The personalities were so contrasting to each other and at the end when Charles and max see each inherent and that whole moment was so guckin spectacular. I loved the whole thing. That's all I wanted to ask. Once again really sorry for leaving you hanging like that.
i'm so so sorry anon for leaving you hanging like that, but i was not in the right place to answer and i wanted to answer this properly!! also don't apologize so much it's fineee!! :)) i should be the one apologizing because of how long this took 😭
okay so first of all thank you so much, i'm so happy you liked the fic!! <3 i have to put it under "keep reading" because i went kinda insane with it hehe
so my versainz thesis is partly reflected in the fic. i don't think it is appreciated enough how great their relationship is after all these years – even after all the "alleged" bullshit and toxic atmosphere that was going on in toro rosso (the toxic versainz was jos and sr, no one is changing my mind). they were each others' first teammates, they kinda eased into the whole f1 world together – young and eager and trying so so hard to beat each other because that is what you do, no? they tried to prove themselves (especially in the team that would get them to RBR) and still managed to be friends, to respect each other and that stayed with them till today. they both are sons of famous fathers so the expectations and pressure was even worse (from public? NO, from their own fathers) so that is another thing to bond on. why? one understood what the other was going through and he got why the mood was swinging here and there every day, and why the mood depend on if "he" was at the race.
another thing is that i am sure carlos was max' gay awakening (max wasn't carlos' because carlos was dense and way too convinced his dad is the god (iykwim)). they might not have been bestest of friends (they still kept their distance because they did not know having friends in this sport is ok), but you can see by every single of their interactions how much they respect each other. they have very contrasting personalities as well, which is so very compelling to me. as i portrayed it in my fic, max is all "no bullshit guy" when it comes to racing and he is not afraid to be blunt and tell how things are. all while carlos is calmer and more well spoken. if we combine them, it is perfect balance. i see max as the one that is overprotective - when he talked about how carlos felt in vegas 2023? that moment is integrated into my brain forever. on the other hand, carlos is the one that is calm, stands for what's right and protects his loved ones, but does it with more grace and peace. they just fit so well, because they are the definiton of thunder (but not really) vs calm (but also not really) (but for that we would need another convo lmao).
i just think these two are the definition of "right person at the very wrong time" because they understood each other (and still do), but the time was not right – too young, too soon, so much responsibility, distraction and so on... there are SO many things that speak so loudly about these two. like, they are not even "getting back together" trope, but "finding someone you loved again and it is finally a right time". also max is soft – soft and giggly but not many know it, but carlos does. and carlos loves it, which makes max even more soft.
the fact they started together and saw each other win – carlos even was right there (literally next to max, might i add) when max won his first wdc. the hug is so personal to me to this day. they just love each other, thank uuu
i would pay good money to have these two as teammates again to see the relationship and the dynamic and how it shifted now they are older and more experienced <3
so sorry it is so long actually haha, love u anon ! sequel to that versainz fic will come in the summer!
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lemonisherelol · 3 months ago
Sneak peek of a reanimated scene :)
(Honestly I actually wanted to animate for a while now but here’s what I found problems here in the movie)
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So you see, I made Corporal more happier while in the movie, he looks rather pissed and I’d never get why he was mad at the penguins, isn’t he supposed to feel sympathy for them because he loves animals??? Why the switch up? Anyways I decided to make him happier and make him agree with the penguins! And then he shakes his head whenever Classified said no with a sad frown "D:"
Also I plan on adding another scene where Eva does give her food to Skipper and the others, and Kowalski thanks her for that! That way these two actually can have feelings for each other since in the movie it feels more awkward!
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Hehe…who is this DIVA? 💜
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luxurychristmaspudding · 4 months ago
ON CALL! my fav frankie fic eva
maddieeeee!!!! hello my love!!!!!! thank you SO MUCH ily ily ily.
i've had the idea for on call for aaaaages, taken from the kings of leon song with the same name. it's such a simple sentiment - of being there for someone at any time, no matter what it is. at first it really was just babysitting, but the more i wrote in the very early days, the more they became people with a real fondness for each other.
which is how we got to a mini series! they were very natural characters to develop, and the loss bug has experienced is something frankie knows very well. it was so interesting and comforting for both characters to have things they struggled with that the other understood implicitly, which felt very special and sweet. it felt like a very gentle way to explore grief, if that makes sense?
as for the other chapter names - arizona was more for the vibe. just a slow, cosy night where they might look at one another and think - oh. i think i kind of like you. like a whisp of feeling that they'd look back on and laugh about, especially with the lyrics that taste/all i ever needed/all i ever wanted/too dumb to surrender.
mi amigo is a tribute to their friendship and how they lift each other up in so many ways. i have a headcanon that frankie is a big kings of leon fan, and i think he'd think of bug anytime he listened to that song, at any point in their relationship. it's very her, and it's cute to think of him wishing she had been around when he was younger, wishing they'd met sooner in some way, just because of the peace they bring each other. and also to imagine him a little flushed at the 'big old dick' bit before anything happens between them, and then how he'd laugh when bug hollers it at the top of her lungs in the car afterwards.
you and i is a tribute to their mutual love of fleetwood mac, and also because i couldn't decide on a kol song that fit the chapter. @jolapeno was a massive help with this one, so it's her i have to thank hehe. it's very simple, and feels like it really is just the two of them existing, which is the vibe i wanted to have.
as for the extras, they're also songs. super graphic is because bug would serve a fearful amount of cunt screaming 'fugly jeans' in the club, which frankie would find hilarious. weightless is by one of my favourite bands, and is actually written by a dad, talking to his son about his own dad. perfect - i had this sad idea that bug remembers the weightlessness of her dad at the end and then how she feels weightless to frankie, like he's losing her amidst the grief. and the immortals felt very much frankie and the boys. the open road, the path of greatness/it's at your fingers/go be the one that keeps on fighting/go be the stranger. just them finding who they are together, then hitting this older point where these lines feel pertinent: once you've had enough/carry on/don't forget to love/before you're gone.
the playlist for their whiskey night was also lovely to make. a lot of my stuff is music based, so it felt extra special to have so many people involved in what would be playing the night everything changes!
anyway. i've yapped way too much. if you want to know about the epilogue, let me know! ❤️
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year ago
Re: this post hehe
A request where Richie and reader are friends that are super flirty (a lil too flirty), but they’re close!! Like he’s met some of your fam, your mom calls him mijo, y’all always say hi w the usual cheek kiss (he justifies it to the guys that he does that w Tina too, just to hide the fact that he gets lil butterflies when you do it), you teach him and Eva Spanish here and there
At some point he has this “oh fuck she’s hot but oh fuck she makes me feel 🥺💕” moment after ages
"Wait, is that...?" You gasped as you recognized the tall figure emerging from the car, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a case of Modelo on the other.
Immediately, you looked down at your fachas -- a pair of sweatpants and an old college hoodie, perfectly paired with some slippers. Your parents were hosting a carne asada, but your dad had assured you it would just be family around.
No one ever really dressed up for this kind of thing, but that was unless the guy you had an embarrassingly big crush on was in attendance.
You turned to glare at your dad, who was working the grill. "Apa! You invited Richie?"
"Yeah, of course! What, you didn't want him to come?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought you two were friends... or something."
"We are friends! It's just..." you gestured at yourself exasperatedly. "You could've given me a warning!"
"Oh please, if he doesn't like you all fodonga, then that's his problem."
You rolled your eyes, having to plaster on your best smile as Richie came closer. He greeted your mom first, kissing her on the cheek before handing her the bouquet.
"Para ti, mamá. Just for you. Pretty, right?" He said with an utterly charming grin, accepting her excited embrace. "Thank you for inviting me. Let me just put these in the cooler."
As he approached you where you stood, coincidentally right next to the cooler, he nodded and waved at a few more of your family members. Everyone seemed excited to see him, and it was as if he had always been a part of things.
"Hey, Richie," you said with an awkward little wave, feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Hey, pretty lady," he said, his handsome smile seemingly wider than before, bending down to kiss your cheek. "Todo bien?"
A pretty fierce tingle ran down your spine as you felt his stubble graze your skin, and you had to keep yourself from shuddering.
You nodded quickly. "Y-yep, all good."
He knelt to put the beer in the cooler and your dad called out behind you, "Ey, Richie! How are you, compadre?"
Richie went to greet him next, the two of them clapping each other's backs.
"Smells fucking amazing. You need help with anything?" Richie offered, his eyes momentarily flicking in your direction and meeting your gaze.
You looked away, smiling a little to yourself.
"Niña," your mom said teasingly, elbowing you a little on the side. "Is there something you wanna tell me? Are you two finally dating?"
"No! We're just friends," you said defensively. "I don't even know if he likes me like that."
"Ay, por favor. You two have more tension than my telenovelas. You can't keep your eyes off each other."
"Amá!" you hissed, bringing a finger to your lips. "Not so loud. He's right there."
She shrugged helplessly, which only made you sigh. Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.
"Come on, mija, take a shot of tequila for courage and tell him how you feel," she said. "You know what? I'm gonna play some Luis Miguel to set the mood. Wait here, I'll bring the bottle."
You shook your head, knowing that even if you were definitely not making any confessions, you would still need the tequila to get through the night.
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