#tiller jakobie
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merrigel · 6 months ago
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Chipping away at smth long and very self indulgent hehe
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ramblerogue · 8 months ago
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Tiller doodle page :3
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ramblerogueblogs · 4 months ago
Okay I keep trying to think of the best OC to give for the OC matching game since I feel like... It'd be more fun if it's not someone you already know through and through?? XD So I'll put forward my babygirl Viv from high school!! Upbeat, plant-y alien girl who's very excited to be your best friend!! (Please she hasn't talked to anyone outside of her own family for so long and she'll people-please her way into a friendship as much as she has to-)
A friend made this playlist for her way back when and I still think it captures her energy very well hehe >:3c
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(Or alternatively, literally any of my blorbos who you think would be fun LMAO, you know them all!! XD)
AWWWW VIV!!!! So nice to see her again! :') She seems so sweet! (Also Planet by Anamanaguchi my beloved) Okay so first, it's hard for me not to assign Tiller to anyone who's LOOKING for a friend. XD It's a very predictable choice, but you know that Tiller is friend shaped! I think Tiller could match Viv's upbeat energy and also be good about introducing her to more people, and generally making her feel at home! Tiller would also ask non-stop about Viv's home planet like "what's it like there? Is everyone a plant? Surely there's water then, and oceans right? Are your stars the same as ours?? Do you know what lobsters are????" I think they'd be a hoot!
Alternatively, I think Viv and Eva would get along very well, maybe with more of a mentor dynamic! I'm sure they'd have a lot to relate to both being aliens and traveling away from their planets and whatnot! Plus, I think Eva's the type of person to see Viv's people-pleasing qualities and try to gently steer her away from that. Like "hey, of course be kind to people, but also make sure you seek your own happiness and not just the happiness of others!" sort of thing. Eva's protector gene is very strong XD
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sea-dragon-pride · 5 years ago
A very neatly folded note rests on top of the blankets in your hammock, reading: "I thought you would enjoy a rainbow, assuming you've the time for all of these. Brick, Rust, Butterscotch, Laurel, (Navy??? JK) Aegean, Violet, Rouge, Bone, Gingerbread, Shadow, Ink"
A couple pages of scribbles are left under Av’s pillow (they’re a little crinkled) - *gasp*! OH WOW, what a sweet surprise!!! You know me so well, I can never decide on a favorite color!! Thank you as always to my adoring fans who may or may not happen to also be my roommate! I love you, mwah!! [Let it be known that the “mwah” is in fact written down on the paper, Tiller really wanted to get across blowing a kiss to her “audience”.] 
Brick - What are some things you dislike?
OH HMMMMMM okay…. OKAY YEAH, for one, I really don’t like bossy people. Like who do you think you are??? Telling me what to do? It’s different if we’re tight and it’s like a suggestion or we can talk about it or something, but folks who just shout orders around? Ew. Super not cute. I also don’t like storms. They rock the ship and make it hard to sleep and then water gets down in the hull and *I* have to bucket it out. It’s really inconvenient for ME but whatever. Last one, I dislike people who don’t tip.
Rust - Have you thought about becoming old? Can you become old? Are you scared of being old? What do you think about elders?
Um, DUH I get older, I’m not Kidd ya silly BITCH! I guess I haven’t thought much about it though... I still have a lot of time left (I hope hahaha) and my life so far has been going at a pretty fast pace, so I haven’t stopped to really think about the future? I like to live in the present and things have been working pretty okay that way!! I’m not that scared of being old, it would mean that I’d have lots of stories to tell and adventures that I’ve experienced. And I could pull pranks on people and no one could get mad at me because old people can do whatever they want! As for what I think about “elders”, I just think it depends on the person, like everything. Cause I’ve met some pretty stuffy old clams who were Super annoying and I don’t wanna hang with them, but then you have people like… well, All My Dads, who love me and give good advice and tell bad jokes! They’re a fun time if you can find the right ones!
Butterscotch - Is there candy in the world you live in? If so, do you have a favorite one? 
100% cotton candy!! I don’t know if it counts??? But it’s got “candy” in the name, so it has to! It’s just so fluffy and the way it melts in your mouth is wonderful and I would always get it as a kid on the Nassau boardwalks!
Laurel - Is there a major victory you’ve achieved in your life? if so, what is it?
I… don’t think so, actually. Sure, I’ve lived a life on sea for a good 8 years now but… I didn’t do it alone. I’ve seen many a great feat done by other people, and been on some really wild missions with you guys of course, but we got through it by working together and half the time we almost died haha! I suppose surviving to live another day is a victory in itself, but I’m guessing that’s not what you mean. It’s kind of embarrassing, but I feel like I’m not super useful on my own.
Navy - have you ever been on a boat/sailing? does it exist in your world? did you enjoy it? 
Avelinnnnnneeeeee!!!!! You crack me up! 
Aegean - Would you consider yourself a wise person? who do you look to for wisdom?
Not really??? I just pay attention to shit that’s like super obvious. And people will say “whoa how did you notice that?” and I’ll be like “UM I’m awake? What are you doing??” Regardless, I get a lot of wisdom and life TIPS from you guys! My adoring fans!!! (AKA, my Triumph pals, the several Captains I’ve known over the years, my dads, the fish that talk to me during the night shift, they got them deep philosophies.)
Violet - What is your ideal date?
Ohhhh I dunnnoooo hehehehehe!!!! I’m feel like I’m a simple gal, choose something FUN and I’ll like it! Like learning to cook together or having a beach day or going to a carnival or seeing fireworks or setting things ON fire together WITH the fireworks! Ya know, keep it SPICY, keep it FRESH! (Gifts Definitely don’t hurt either >:3c I know the most important thing is the romance and the vibes and the person you’re with, but COME ON, who doesn’t like getting a new bracelet or an imported set of map pens??) But seriously, any date is fun if you’re with the right person! Haha, if it’s meant to be, you could be trying to kill one another, and it’d still be fun and flirty haha ha ha h a,,, know what I mean??
Rouge- Do you have an unpopular opinion?
No, I’m very popular, everyone agrees with me :)
Bone - When was the first time you ever witnessed death? How did it impact you?
Yikes, a dark one, uh okayyy…. The first time I saw someone die was when I was briefly captured by Captain Elliot, so you could say a LOT of shitty things were happening that day. We were on course to Charlestown so they could execute us, but Elliot wanted to make an example of those who “disobeyed” him. He picked a man from the brig, I didn’t recognize his pirate sigil. He then called all the prisoners to watch as he tied the man by his hands and ankles and hoisted him over the railing of the ship… I didn’t know what keelhauling was at the time, but now I know it’s an old sailor tactic, real gruesome shit. Anyway, Elliot had a bag put over this prisoner’s head and dropped him overboard in the water. He used the rope on the other end of the ship to drag him underneath the hull, keeping him underwater till I was sure he wouldn’t make it. The prisoner did eventually get pulled up the other side- his clothes were shredded, and his skin covered in deep lacerations where the splinters and barnacles had cut him up. He was bleeding like a gutted fish, the bag over his head half torn off. The man was barely recognizable. He was coughing hard, and after waiting a few minutes to catch his breath… Elliot quietly strung him up again, and pulled him through a second time. He didn’t come up breathing the next time around.
Gingerbread - What is your favorite holiday?
Changing the tone from the last question entirely, PIRATE CHRISTMAS! Everyone can’t help but be a little more joyful, and you get to PRANK people by surprising them with stuff they like!!! They never see it coming!!! And then there’s the god awful combination of sea shanties and christmas carols and it’s such a mess that you can’t help but be endeared by it. And the ship looks really pretty with all the decorations minus the cold elements! I haven’t been anywhere where it snows yet, but I’m sure that would make the deck really slippery anyway so who needs it!
Shadow - What is your biggest regret?
…. There’s a lot of things I didn’t say to Mayday before I left the Sun Skulls ship in the dead of night. I regret that I wasn’t honest with her… about several things. I also regret that I left in the dead of night… it’s not an easy thing to come back from, and at this point I don’t think she’ll ever come around.
Ink - write your autobiography in one sentence
Tiller Jakobie, called by the sea and happy to answer.
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merrigel · 10 months ago
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Doodles from last session- local pirates get forced into going to therapy
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ramblerogue · 10 months ago
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Casual Tiller and Frath out for boba :3
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ramblerogue · 2 years ago
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saw a post that reminded me of them
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ramblerogue · 2 years ago
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✨🌊TA-DAH!🌊✨ Presenting the newest members of The Triumph crew! 
(AKA the PC line-up I did like a year ago, but never posted because I had grand dreams of drawing an NPC line-up to accompany it and then... didn’t because I got tired lol, I hope you enjoy regardless!!)
From left to right: Aveline Blackwood (and Snapper): @merrigel Patrick E’Choux (and Meringue): @/pondpaws on twitter Frath Hornraven: @nikitatheninth Tiller Jakobie: Me!
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ramblerogueblogs · 1 year ago
2,53, and 77 for all three of the girlies ya mentioned!! (Also I can't WAIT till everyone gets to meet You Know Who omg)
WAAHHH KAT THANK YOU SO MUCCHH!!!!! You spoil me omg! :3c AND I CANT WAIT FOR YOU KNOW WHO EITHER!!!! Soon.... everyone will Know
First up, Tiller! 🌊🦀🪼🐉☀️
2. Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
Honestly?? I think it's Aveline! First off, Aveline is the most competent in battle, and has already personally saved Tiller's ass so many times, which she is SO thankful for! Tiller knows Av is very strong, as well as cool under pressure so she knows she can always count on her. Also, Tiller believes the two of them have built up a lot of trust since the beginning of the adventure, and I think feeling so confident in Av's care for her is one of Tiller's greatest accomplishments! :") They've come so far!!
53. What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
Very simple, but I think it's Water Breathing! She likes being able to be with all the sea life she loves so much, and she can bring friends along!
77. If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so?
Probably cleric! Tiller just met her mom who is a god, so I'm sure she's already developing some dynamic around her mom, and the religion that literally already exists around her. XD But I think she'd like going on small pilgrimages to find other sea dragon siblings in the future, and spread the word so to speak. And plus, she'd be a little more like Roy!
Next, Sandra! 💘✨💒🍸😈
2. Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
Ooooggghhh this is hard... I think Wizard. There's something about his confidence, self-assuredness, and laid back attitude that Sandra would fully trust him with Anything. Like if he says "hey brother, it's all gonna be okie dokie <|:)", like she'd believe that statement to be fact now. It IS all gonna be okie dokie.
53. What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
I think Glyph of Warding. It's made Sandra a couple of friends the last couple of times she's used it, and she likes helping people! Also it has the ability to explode the target when triggered, and if that isn't the Sandra dichotomy, well :) Spell of Help Out My Friends And Also Fuck You
77. If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so?
Maybe Bard? That was my answer to one of Frenchy's questions, asking what she would do if she had a full class change. So many of her social skills and talents already overlap to bardic traits so I think it would mesh well with her whole attitude. She'd love to give better shows and throw bardic inspirations around lol! (I can also see Wizard tho... she IS studious)
And of course, Aubreyyyyy 💀🚬💸🤬🙄
2. Who in the party would your character trust the most with their life?
Oh mannnn, Aubrey wouldn't trust any of you bitches, which works out well because if she loses her life, that's not a big deal for her. If I had to choose tho... probably Jeannine, cause who else is she gonna turn too except her toxic yuri situationship. Like "hi save me not because you care about me, but because I KNOW you're a phantom rogue and I'm gonna haunt your ass to hell and back if you don't"
53. What is your character’s favorite spell? If they don’t use spells: what is their favorite personal weapon/combat maneuver/skill/etc.?
Fear. She thinks it's funny.
77. If your character had to multiclass into a class they currently aren’t the next time they level up, what would it be and what reason would they have for doing so?
Rogue, with the intention of building up to the Mastermind archetype. It's literally Manipulator The Class, lol so Aubrey would love it. I can see her getting frustrated with the "unwanted attention" and "consequences" that her undead warlock magic and maybe a little murder causes. So it's nice to have a plan A that's just "I tell you what I want and you give it to me". Lot easier on the clean-up. (Also with that Expertise, her Deception/Intimidation would be +14 so like... let's go girls)
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ramblerogueblogs · 1 year ago
24, 29, 35 and 89 for TILLER MY BELOVED
Answers for my sweet beloved little chaos girl under the cut!
24. Which other player character does your character find themselves having the most in common with?
I think it'd have to be our bard, Frath. Over the campaign Tiller and Frath have definitely developed a very sweet sibling dynamic and I think that's because their personalities mesh so well. They both like humor, they're both a bit impulsive, and they both like to get into shenanigans. I think they enable each other a lot (for better or for worse) when they're in the same room together. XD But they're also both very sentimental people (though I think Frath is a bit more guarded about that fact and hides it with snark and sarcasm, while Tiller wears her heart on her sleeve.) They also discovered their magical abilities/aspects of their past surrounding magic around the same time, and thus have bonded over those experiences as well! Here they are! (After a night of too much drinking for Frath ahaha)
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29. What are your character’s hobbies and interests outside of their class?
Cartography/starcharting, drawing, gossiping, singing (in group settings like shanties and karaoke), and crafting/weaving/sewing! I've always imagined that Tiller made her own clothes after deserting the Navy, out of sail scraps and other fabric lying around the ship. And of course she makes her signature friendship bracelets! :3
35. Why is your character’s lowest stat their lowest (the in-character reason, not “because there’s no reason for a wizard to have 16 strength, duh”)?
Tiller's lowest stat is Strength, sitting at a 7 (-2 modifier) LMAO. The reason for that is in two parts. Firstly, at the beginning of her nautical career, she was a navigator so she had the sailor equivalent of a desk job. She never really helped out with heavy lifting or manual labor, besides standard cleaning and what not. And secondly, now that she can wild shape, she definitely uses that as a crutch. Like "why would I waste time getting strong myself when I just turn into a bear instead?" So girliepop just has never and will never spend the time to build up muscle mass haha
89. What is your character’s relationship with magic? Are they scared of it, wish to know more about it, indifferent to it?
OOOO this is a meaty one. Tiller has a great love of magic, and views it to be an extraordinary blessing. For some context, while Tiller appears and acts human, she is indeed a water spirit created by a sea dragon deity. So even though she is a druid by class, she's also inherently magic, and that magic was dormant for most of her life until one of the first sessions of our campaign when she discovered it. With that context, she views it as a gift and something special since she hasn't always had it. And her relationship with magic feels very intimate to her as well, because magic isn't a tool she uses, magic is something she IS. She was created from, and must be sustained by magic. (Which made our latest arc very scary because she almost died from an Anti-Ocean Magic/Magic Nullifying disease. But don't worry, she has been cured and is thriving now!) Looking forward, magic is something that Tiller wants to keep exploring and get better at. It's something that really excites her, and honing that skill makes her feel closer to her roots and her family.
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merrigel · 2 years ago
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Okay, this is late and super silly BUT I'm still pleased with this; last year for christmas, I made my friends some character blogs themed after those old fuckyeah! type blogs that used to be so huge on there- you can see the actual blogs (which I maintain for fun haha) below!
@fuckyeahjacquescalico @fuckyeahpatechoux @fuckyeahtillerjakobie @fuckyeahfrathhornraven
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ramblerogue · 2 years ago
I wanna know more about tiller she’s amazing
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AW! Thank you so much! :') I'm so happy others get a kick out of my sweet pirate girl! I'll put a general summary of her under a read more because I tend to ramble about her hehe! If you have more specific questions after reading, feel free to send those along!! I love talking about her!!! <3
SO! Tiller Jakobie is my character from a DnD 5e pirate-themed campaign I play with my friends, called "Cape Curiosity"! She is a druid, navigator, and, of course, a pirate! She travels with the main party as apart of the crew for The Triumph, captained by Jacques Calico, and accompanied by her new best friends; Aveline Blackwood, Frath Hornraven, and Patrick E'Choux! (And many others!! But those are the DMPC and the other PCs respectively).
Tiller is 23, so young in her pirate career but already excited by all the things ahead of her! She is extremely extroverted, and quick to make friends (both of the human and animal variety). She has a curious and humorous view of the world, and loves exploring and spending time with those she cares about more than anything.
For a little history: Tiller was adopted by her two dads, Jimmy and John (lol). Her dads own a restaurant on Nassau (just guess the name), and Tiller grew up there and helped them with the family business. After taking an interest in sailing and navigation, Tiller joined the Royal British Navy to get out on the open seas and help finance her dads business. Fast forward 3 years, Tiller realizes the Navy fuckin sucks, and mutiny's with the help of some pirate prisoners on her ship!
Those pirate prisoners turn out to be her first pirate crew!!! A crew called The Sea Dragons. Now would be a good time to mention that Tiller has had a ~ mysterious ~ tattoo of a sea dragon on her arm since birth, and her dads claim that it was there when they adopted her. So Tiller joins immediately in hopes of solving this tattoo mystery. (And also The Sea Dragons rule, and are nice to her! And they become her second family! Yay!!!)
Tiller eventually links up with The Triumph crew in hopes of deceiving them into trusting her, and then robbing their ship under Sea Dragon orders. However, she has a change of heart a couple weeks into the mission, as these Triumph people are really cool! AND The Sea Dragon crew has gone MISSING! :0 *gasp* Cue 4 arcs of trying to find them and rescue them from a fate most foul.
SO! That's a VERY quick spark notes version of Miss Tiller! Turns out when you play someone for like 4 years, you... add a lot to their story PSDJGLH:SGKSHGSG cause we didn't even scratch the surface on a couple things, like:
Tiller has a girlfriend named Mayday that she met on a similar deceitful Triumph-like mission. They did the whole friends > enemies > friends > lovers song and dance, and Mayday is staying with The Triumph crew at the time while we search for HER crew which is ALSO MISSING.
ALSO ALSO! Remember how I said Tiller was adopted and had that sea dragon tattoo since birth? Well it turns out there is an ocean deity that is a REAL sea dragon, and created Tiller from the ocean (per request from her dads who wanted a daughter :') So Tiller is more of a water spirit rather than a human, and that's the source of her druid magic as well. AND her mom is a dragon.
And there’s so much juicy story outside of Tiller! The main story arc with the Triumph crew is traveling across the seas in search of 7 keys which will unlock a map that leads to the reader’s greatest treasure.... And I’m sure all of the crew members have different ideas for what they would use that power for.
That's all I got for now! Here's some speedy Tiller fun facts to tide y'all over: - Her birthday is June 8th (she's a gemini) - She was the first to drop to 0 hit points in the party (don't worry she got better) - She is slowly making friendship bracelets for the party - She has a pet jellyfish named Snapchat - Her middle name is Kickflip and she invented skateboarding - Her favorite ice cream flavor is cookies and cream - She is a HUGE gossip - She speaks English and Spanish - She loves singing shanties and having karaoke night with her crewmates
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ramblerogue · 2 years ago
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A Tiller drawing from about a year ago that I never finished. I’d love to get back into traditional work, pen/ink was always my fav :’)
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ramblerogue · 3 years ago
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it runs in the family
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ramblerogue · 3 years ago
Ooohhh what about.... 🌸 for Tiller and/or ✂️ for whoever you like >:3c
AAAA thank you for the suggestions!!! Omg, a flower crown for Tiller is so sweet ;;-;; we gotta get her one in-game! And you KNOW I love different hair styles, these were both really fun!! THANK U!
🌸 = Tiller in a flower crown
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✂️ = OC Hair swap. I thought Mayday would look cool with Eva's hair style, so I went with that! (Tho it's always so funky to see her without the bandana XD !)
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merrigel · 2 years ago
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Another batch of little icons, but I just make these for discord hehe- PIRATE CREW
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