#what I know of Eva is thanks to Gintama
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neorukix · 10 months ago
I ran out of options tehee (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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arirna · 8 years ago
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 tagged by: @ahsoca (wow, this was a difficult one but it was pretty fun! Thank you for tagging me!)
rules: post a pic of urself  and 8 characters u relate to!
tagging: @bossladytae, @sentrakk, @the-rain-transformed, @zuura, @itomorimachi, @nicorobins, @coolthingtrash, @ykchahine and anyone else who wants to try this one
Watashi (Yojōhan Shinwa Taikei) a young student who is obsessed with finding his way to "rose-colored campus life", while being socially awkward mess with wild dreams and no willpower to achieve them - that’s me in a nutshell
Hanekawa Tsubasa (Monogatari Series) a class representative, who hides her insecurities behind the always calm and rational persona? I feel you, Hanekawa
Yamazaki Sagaru (Gintama) he invented blandness and he owns it - I will always root for him (the whole list could’ve been Gintama characters but I decided to limit it to one character from the fandom)
Nozaki Umetarou (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun) a guy who is obssessed with shoujo romance and has no idea what real relationship looks like? very relatable
Kikuhiko/Yakumo (Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu) emotionally distant and secluded guy who prefers to escape from himself and the world around him into the stories he performs for the audience
Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) an oblivious nerd who thinks that they know everything about the world and people surrounding them while it’s actually them who are clueless - can relate 
Eva Heinemann (Monster) despite being a walking trainwreck she actually managed to regain her will to live and she even found new goals to achieve - truly an inspiration 
Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time) she was an insecure woman who was suffering from abandonment issues, so she decided to surround herself with huge emotional walls to protect herself from the pain. Thankfully her journey ended with her finding her family, new friends and new love and - the most important part - she finally learned to love herself. I hope we all will achieve the same in our lives.
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lunosamentelunitoo · 8 years ago
Gintama 628 translation
TITLE: When you are not able to open the lid of your jam. try to seize it with a gum glover”
RAWS: https://www.spoiler.net/spoiler/gz.1-gintama-chapter-628
Kagura: ...
Shinpachi: Whatching at this is still so amazing, every one fought together.
“Kabuki cho 4 devas”
Otose: So in short.. the liberation army will probaly come back in a day or two, this town has a little of peace for now.
Kondo: We got separetad by the bakufu’s army in space and lost every means of communications with them, but this happened with their army too, so rearrenging will be hard even for a big troupe. 
Toshi: The rest of the bakufu’s army went after the ones that escaped and got scattered. But now we don’t know the situation of our army, and we don’t know how to do an offence attack.
Okita: While the situation here, it will be hard to guarantee an attack even against a lone army, maybe if we attack their supplies the enemy will crumble. 
Sacchan: We have to jump in? We could proceed making a massacre, but we thought our aim was t ostop all of that and make an armistice.
Zenzou; We still don’t know how many enemies we chased away but.. we still don’t have a confirmation, but it seems that there is still a mercanary army around. 
“Yagyuu clan”
Binbokusai: We didn’t forget that, this victory is been a miracle, and we paid a big price for it, this is both like to wish fo sometihng, that lose something
“Yoshiwara guards Hyakka”
Tsukuyo: We didn’t won this fight. We just stopped this war for a while, would’t the liberation army go to seek for some aid too? 
“Onmyoji clans Ketsuno, Shirino”
Seimei: This is like being captured, while riding a boat on a stream, it will seem easy to escape, but there will be still a change of another tree blocking us. Our job is done, but anyway our visit was not the last chance of victory
Ketsuno ana: Brother! but the war...
Seimei: If we consider it now, we only had useless lost and sacrificies.
Shinsengumi: But the risks are the same, bith if we stop or begin a war! A resolution is needed! We have to fight!
Onmyouji: No, we done.
Gedomaru: .... And what about you Yorozuya? Do you wantto ride this chance and atack the enemy? Or you want to come back to set things up? We need your opinion
Kagura: SOme curry will be ok, thanks
Shinpachi: They weren’t talking about meals, Kagura chan... we don’t get a lot from this difficukt matters but.. If i have to be honest, even if we all fell donw somehow, there is nothing to be scared, but all of this is kinda inspirational... to see so much people fighting together for Edo, for the Earth, for the place they were born.. I��m so..sorry, maybe isn’t that you wanted to hear, I am so sorry. 
Gintoki: It’s not like that, it’s more like all the humanity gathered for the same goal or something, and how we will fall, it’s only a trivial matter. So if you have so much time to spare, we could just decide playong Jaken. You bastards had hear what i said? It’s time to reibult things, the enemy is still around we are still in the middle of all. do you want get in in the EVA?
“All purpose demon model decisive battle weapon: EVANDOROGON”
Gintoki: What’s up guys? I made any sort of preparation to take the sync ration at its max, when will be ready to go?
Shinpachi: What I am looking at? This is far beyong the drama clichè, what the hell is a Eva? What the hell... what are you doing?
Gintoki: Yorozuya san you already gave your opinion.
Shinpachi : You ar part of the yorozuya too..
Gintoki: Eva, is this the right way to ride you? Do you prefer to be on stand by? What do you think? Do you like it?
Shinpachi: Before one knows, he is been elected as the chosen one for the Eva...
Gintoki: Eva what do you think? Oi Eva...
Hedoro: ....
Gintoki: Ehm... Hedoro san?
Hedoro: Eh? Me? I think i can go, but..
Shinpachi: EH??? He don’t know he is been turned into a EVA???
Toshi: Kondo san... what do we do? I think it’s to early tho...
Kondo: Yeah,,, me to
Sacchan: He said to go, butt I think it is still not the time.. isn’t Tsukki?
Tsukuyo: Yeah, same.
Jirocho: Entrust it to the youth my ass...
Otose: You don’t like the EVA?
Dudes: Eva or not.. or well, how did he said? Nova? 
Dudes: He said EVA
Shinpachi: Everyone has no clues!! You kicked in too early!! I thought everyone but me already knew 
Toshi: me too
Gintoki.You didn’t know? I thought you did...
Shinpachi: How we can if you don’t give us explanations??
Gintoki: There is nothing to explain, this is just a EVA, Hedoro was extraordinary enought to destroy the liberation army but he perished 7 times, so he is now becoming a Eva.
Shinpachi: Do we need an epser to understand??? We got nothing!! It is just getting even more complicated!!
Gintoki: The point is... inside Hedoro san there is a devil that wants to destroy the world, and Hedoro san wants to stop it and protect the world. But I that already seen the hell, came to rescue the world, and used this power to save the world from ruin. I will just use the power of Hedoro, and use it against the liberation army. Mankind’s greatest enemy will become its messiah. This is the essence of the  All purpose demon model decisive battle weapon: EVANDOROGON
Shinpachii: Say what you want, but you just created a monster!!
Gintoki: It’s ok! Above all errors, I disocvered how to roperly use the poewrof this angel and demon. I have just manupulate at my will this 2 flowers. So now i will rty to do some tsukkomi, you just be the boke.
Shinpachi: That was so sudden!! And the tsukkomi is me!!
Hedora: What are you doing?’ I will destroy you mankind!
Shinpachi: Hahahahah!!
Gintoki: So this way.. if you move the right level, the demon of destruction Hedora will appear. Te main tsukkomi to do is that he can't even open the lid frm the jam’s jar.
Shinpachi: What kond of use of his power is that?? Are you doing tsukkomi to the mankind? he still didn’t gave up to destroy us! That’s too dangerous!!
Gintoki: While the left level is...
Hedoro: Shinpachi kun didn’t you get injutried? I am so sorry, hedora is so  rude.
Shinpachi: He.. hedoro san
Hedoro: Pay more attention!! there is a poor bug here!!!
Shinpachi: It’s still the same!!
Gintoki: So depending on the situation, you can use both the power of the angel and the one of the devil. and this is the whole plan of how protect mankind.
Hedoro: Thank god he seems to be ok!
Shinpachi: he is still a devil, don’t matter how you look at him, but he seems to got it wrong and took out the perfect plan to protect bugs!
Hedora: What are you doing?’ Mankind I will destroy you!!
Shinpachi: I was tsukkomed by the tsukkomi!!
Gintoki: Tha’ts whyyou got it wrong and said something stupid, you just be a boke. you just don’t said stupid hings, you look like an idiot too, go, let’s tsukkomi!!
Shinpachi: That’s bad!! there is a devil riding a devil!!
Kondo: Wait Yorozuya! That’s too dangerous! That thing is nor a tsukkomi nor a boke. Let mankind be its own tsukkomi. At this rate this tsukkomi will not attack only the liberation army, but you too.
Gintoki: But yet.. yet.. we can’t go on being a tsukkomi. we can't laught to our downfall.. until this stupid heart will be stopped..
Kondo: So I will take the tsukkomi!!
Gintoki: But you are in my way..
Kondo Go!!
Gintoki: Move
Kondo ; Do it!!
Hedoro: You can’t tsukkomi, you are not even human, but just a troglodyte
Kondo; Go.. do it . give me some tsukkomi!!
Hedoro: py some attention!! there is cockroach here!!
All: He fell for the tsukkomi!!
Otae: You not a demon, but maybe you are a god, Ginsan would never go to rest if not for something like that, so go to rest for today, even th gods needs some rest. So don’t worry Hedoro. the one to be sorry should be this idiot that started to play robot with others.
Hedoro: I am so sorry, for me both Sakata san and cockroaches are important friends on this planet.
Gin: Otae chan, so my life have the same value of a cockraoch, this god is not cute at all.
Otae: Well. be strong! You can’t be less than that cockroach, right?
Hedora: What are you doing?’ Mankind I will destroy you!!
Gin: Ho w can i got stronger like that?? Leave those leaves alone!!
Shinpachi: But you really should rest Ginsan.
Gin: You should say that to your sister.
Shinpachi: The was will surely continue from tomorrow, if yu consider it, the only thing you did, since came back to Edo is being fighting. And that goes on since Rakuyou, and Kurosjyoushima.. you just barely fought. I just a sensation,but i feel like we kept running and now i just feel so tired.
Gin: Yes, you always been with me.YOu had be really usefull, and worked for free. You did a great job, This unworthy president, is really a useless adult and you two became so strong.
Otae: They took all the futon, and that was really a rere thing to heard from you.
Gin: There is still a lot to come, both for them and for me.
Okita: Hijikata san, why we are the only one to not rest, we could rest, and tomorrow work on some plan against the liberation army.
Toshi: I hate the idea of sleeping while the world is on the verge of destruction, so let’s enjoy this corrupt world by ourself
Otae: Don’t you know? you can enjoy  this dark times even sleeping, usually birth rate rise when there are blackouts.
Gin: Even with Edo in ruins you want to rise birthrate??
Toshi: this is what i was looking for
Okita: eh a girlfriend like that?
Toshi: No!! the man that caused this blackout stopping all the machines! Hiraga Genkai, In order to stop  any comminication between the enemy’s fleets, he created a virus and spreaded it with this cannon, but now we are in the same situation and cant’t communicate with our allies in space!
“I gave you some nourishment while youare asleep, get well: Gedomarou”
Toshi: Genkai have probaly take some measures to fix it
Dude: The old Genkai? I didn’t saw him in a while. If I remember right, the mercenary army wanted to capture him, but I saw him running away , other than that i don’t know.
An other dude: He? Genkai san? I dunno I run away with the others. Prob he had some business to do and got separetad, he will surely be back.
Some other dude: Eh Genkai? Wasn’t he shouthing something like going under cover with paper.. I don’t know who , but I heard some faint voice near that wall, he said something like god* help me, but i was too afraid to get closer.
*God in japanese is kami, that has the same sounds as paper. so the dude heard kami, believing that Genkai were asking help to god, but he were just asking for some (toilet) paper 
Toshi: I am sorry to interrupt you in a moment like this, but I have a request for you.. Genkai?
Yato: So the one that putted down the liberation army is this old fart, So genkai, why are you here? But it doesn’t matter anymore.
Genkai: Well, I just finished, at least make me cover my ass.
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