#healing power of natural extracts
extroilnaturalss · 8 months
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glitter-stained · 2 months
Batfam magical girl AU where a magical villain's spell fucks with the Gotham smog and causes the constellations of the Gotham night sky to shatter and fall. People who were standing there in the street at that moment are suddenly hit with magical fragments and becoming the Galaxy, also known as Stars of Gotham, magical protectors of the city now that the power of the enchanted Gotham night sky is broken and can't protect it from the forces of evil anymore (which explains why the city is so ridden with crime).
Bruce's new ward, Dick Grayson, is running away from the manor to try and hunt down his parents' murderer, Bruce hot on his tail. The two of them arrive to the harbour during the Starfall. Dick is hit with two fragments, the Constellation of the Robin and the dormant Constellation of the Bird, which get lodged in his heart. Bruce is hit with the Constellation of the Bat in a similar manner.
Barbara Gordon shouldn't be sneaking out, really, but her dad still hasn't come home from the police precinct and she just wanted to walk there and take him home when she is struck with the dormant Constellation of the Whispering Woman.
A couple alleys over, a very young boy is hiding from his mom's dealer in the alley near his apartment complex when he is hit by the dormant Constellation of the Wolf.
Over in the Bowlery, Crystal Brown is walking with her baby in her arms when said baby is hit with the dormant Constellation of the Closed Fist.
In the Narrows, Ellen Thomas is struck with the power of the dormant Constellation of the Eclipse.
Bruce becomes Batman, holder of the most powerful constellation in Gotham, with Dick's Robin at his side. But the fragment of the Bat constellation is too powerful and unstable, threatening his life as Bruce's crystal core grows inside his heart. Him, Kate and Barbara work together to stabilize the crystal, which works, but in the process of its extraction it shatters in four, one part in Bruce's chest, one part that they protect in a glass case, and one part in Kate's and Barbara's chests.
Dormant fragments tend to awaken in situations of crisis or great changes in somebody's life. This is how Dick's Bird fragment awakens as he fights with Bruce over firing him and taking in a new kid without telling him. Because Dick can't take the strain of two star fragments, he gives it to Jason after spending a day getting to know eachother and bonding as brothers, and the start of Nightwing and Robin.
After Barbara is shot and paralyzed, the fragments of the Whispering Woman awaken and keep her alive long enough to get to the hospital, but the cohabitation with her bat fragment endangers hers, so she eventually gives it to Bruce's newly adopted daughter Cassandra.
When Jason dies, they extract the Robin fragment from his heart because an awoken fragment in a dead body is a recipe for a big explosion. Tim fuses with the Robin fragment in the Batcave in order to save Batman's life. Steph has a turn with the Robin fragment when Tim has to retire because of his dad, until she is kidnapped by Black Mask and her closed fist constellation awakens, enabling her escape with an awesome burst of power but endangering her, leading to Tim reabsorbing the fragment.
Jason's wolf constellation awakens while he's in the coffin, and the strength of this magical disturbance brings him back to life, though it's unfortunately not enough to heal his brain damage.
Damian is a special case, a child born of someone with a crystal core (since Bruce was already a magical girl when at his conception). Because of this, he has a natural crystal core which is compatible with the reception of another fragment, so when the Robin fragment grows uncontrollably in a bid to make up for Bruce's absence, Damian absorbs part of it and his powers become a hybrid of the Robin and the Bat's, and he inherits Robin while Tim becomes Red Robin.
Duke, similar to Damian, inherits his powers from Ellen, and they begin to manifest as he finds himself in foster care and joing a gang of Robin fan children, leading to being eventually taken in by Bruce.
All of them have magical girl transformation sequences complete with glitter, diamonds and classic magical girl anime costumes.
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Unpunishable (Shang Tsung x F!Reader)
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a/n: no one asked for this, but hey, i've been in love with that soul stealing stink-man, i had to finally write something for him. this one is specifically MK1 story mode adjacent, but i do want to write more (for MK11 and the movie), Cross-Posted on AO3
Warnings: Dub-Con (kinda i guess), Captivity, playing fast and loose with the canon, Kinda Soft Shang?, Reader is a Blood Mage (nothing too serious tho)
Summary: After you and your friends raid Shang Tsung's laboratory, you get caught and kept captive by the Sorcerer himself.
Is it wrong to want more?
That was the thought plaguing you from the beginning of your training at the Wu-Shi temple. Blood magic was frowned upon in Outworld. For you to even cross the threshold of the realm, there had been some serious negotiations set in place. Still, the Fire God has managed to convince Empress Sindel of your assets as a healer.
And, you were a curious thing, after all. Humans were not born with magic in Earthrealm, it could only be bestowed by a God. Which is why your natural talent at commanding blood, both yours, and later someone else's, was a strange sight indeed. Strange enough to stir the interest of Outworld's nobility, granting you a safe passage to the tournament with your training companions.
Which is how you landed here. Between helping Raiden navigate the Tournament, through the secret mission on behalf of Liu Kang, and right up to now. As you sit, poised like a decorative doll, hands locked behind your back, intricate, golden cuffs digging into the skin of your wrists. There are piles upon piles of golden coins surrounding you, gold trickles down the walls in long smears of paint, golden dust stains your skin. A kink forms deep within your spine, from the uncomfortable position you have been put in.
And then, there's the deep, bleeding cut, stretching the expanse of your thigh. It was a stupid idea, tagging along for the mission to find Shang Tsung, and bring him to Liu Kang for questioning. You shouldn't have followed your friends into that one. Even more idiotic, was your short stand against Princess Mileena, as her Tarkat affliction took control of her. The fight, if you could even call it that, ended with you gaining a black eye and an awful, ugly cut, made by Princess's knives.
You shift in your position, trying to relieve some of the discomfort. Instead, the thick fabric of your pants slides on the wound, making you wince in pain. Flexing your fingers behind your back, you try to focus on the constant throbbing in your leg. If the traditional means of escape have been taken from you, perhaps a more finessed touch would be efficient.
Blood trickles on your skin, and every fiber of your being zeros in on the feeling. Sweat forms on your forehead, as you slowly force the stream to run upwards, towards your hip, and around your back. Your fingers flex into intricate positions, a thin line of your own blood reaches your wrist.
You have never tried this trick with your magic, all your life dedicating your gift to the art of healing. Dealing with the blood of other people, stopping, pushing, extracting, those were the things you were good at. Solidifying your own plasma, so it can cut through metal cuffs, was an entirely different topic.
But you have to escape. You have to. There's no telling what will happen to you, should you remain in this prison. Surrounded by gold and jewels, like some sort of perverted spoil of war. You valued yourself too much, to allow that. And, most importantly, your friends needed help. The intel you've gathered while being stuck in this wretched place wasn't much, but it was something, which in turn was enough to keep fighting.
Breathing becomes a hassle. You've already exerted far too much of your power, trying to extract from your bleeding thigh, and your hands shake behind your back, as you visualize particles sticking together, forming something solid, something that would free you of this prison. The liquid curling around your wrist shifts, an outer layer forming around it. All you've managed to achieve, is a sort of coagulated jelly, sticking to your skin.
"Your dedication to freedom in commandable." a familiar, male voice surrounds you, and you whip around, chain jingling at the sudden movement.
There he stands, in all his glory. Your captor.
Shang Tsung stalks towards you, his hands clasped behind his back as he leans down, hair flowing past his shoulders and obscuring the two of you from the world in a thick, black curtain. He smells rich. Sandalwood and jasmine, mixed with a nauseating undertone of blood and rot, no doubt, a leftover from his laboratory. It forces you to reel your head back, to try and escape it, but your efforts are quickly destroyed, as the sorcerer closes in further.
"Your skill, however…" his dark eyes fly around your face, taking in your distressed expression with a cruel smile "Well, let's just say there's some room for improvement."
Your eyebrows crease, as he flashes you a grin, before straightening up to his full height, allowing you a moment of relief from his overpowering presence. The bloody clot you've managed to form around your wrist falls to the floor as soon as you lose focus, and silently, you mourn the feeling of blood sinking between golden coins, never to be recovered again. You couldn't even if you tried, not with the Outworld's Snake right in front of you, circling your body like a hawk ready to strike.
Suddenly, he crouches down, right beside your abused leg, your breath catching in your lungs at the sudden change. The way he moved never seized to amaze you, as much as you hated to admit it. There was grace burned into his very being, every step a slithery dance. It terrified you, rightfully so, but underneath something new was brewing. A feeling, which you could easily dismiss during the rush of fighting, was no longer satisfied with staying dormant.
There was a strange pull between the two of you, like two magnets on the opposite sides of a table. Whenever your eyes met with the Sorcerer, you could feel something buried inside your soul start to wake. It felt so foreign, yet so very familiar at the same time, like a ghost of some ancient prophecy clawing at your mind.
Once you free yourself from this hellish predicament, you'll ask Liu Kang what is going on with you. He has to know, or at least, suspect something, and you knew very well, feelings like those could not be ignored. Too much was at stake, to keep secrets out of some misguided shame. That is, if you even make it out of here, because the man beside you suddenly pushes his robe outwards, producing a small box with a practiced flare, like a magician during one of his shows.
"Do not fret, Mortal" you're not sure if the "pet" name is a thinly veiled insult, or if it's just the way the Sorcerer speaks "This is simply something to heal your leg."
Now, your confusion must be palpable, because Shang Tsung's smile widens, as he takes in your face. Then, he laughs quietly to himself, barely above a whisper, and the hairs at the back of your neck stand straight at the sound.
"I don't want anything from you" it's a pathetic effort at staying defiant, and both of you know it.
Instead of entertaining your little outburst, the Sorcerer grabs your leg with his free hand. Immediately, you start to struggle, despite the sharp pain overtaking your senses, as his grip on you tightens. Then, you let out a sharp squeak, when the man's golden claws tear into the fabric of your pants just above the wound, and dangerously close to the apex of your thighs.
The wound looks back at you, swollen and bloody, and you swallow thickly, as blood flows from your face. You could treat it, successfully as well, if only your hands weren't currently bound behind your back, with very limited moving space. Shang Tsung opens the box with delicate fingers. There is some sort of salve packed inside, a rather large indent right in the middle proving it's been used quite extensively.
His hold on you becomes less of a grip, bordering almost on a soft caress, which brings an entire wave of concerning feelings to the surface of your mind. If he notices the way your cheeks flush, he says nothing, opting instead on dipping his fingers into the salve.
"This might hurt" he warns you, although there is not a single note of concern in his voice.
"What is that? Another Tarkat experiment?" you try to mask the shaking in your voice, as the thought of being experimented on genuinely frightens you.
Your leg twitches under his fingers, and he digs in deeper, turning to face you with an unexpected, serious expression. Again, you feel short of breath, as his dark eyes bear into yours with intensity you haven't yet experienced.
"I would never..." he cuts himself off.
The word, or rather, the tone in which he says it seems to startle you both. His eyebrows furrow in an expression of annoyance, or worry, you're not entirely sure, and he turns back towards your wound, his black hair shielding his face from your gaze. Was that repulsion, hidden within his voice? Your chest suddenly feels much too tight. Was the merciless Sorcerer disgusted by the prospect of conducting his inhumane experiments on you? You weren't sure if the sentiment warmed your heart… Or terrified you to the very core of your being.
Still, all your thoughts leave your brain, as soon as Shang Tsung places his fingers on your wound. At first, a cold feeling overtakes you, pain letting go for just a split second. Then, fire. White, hot, burning ache, seeping into your wound. It feels as if it reaches your bone marrow, and with a silent scream you fall on your back, writhing on the floor. Golden coins fly from under your feet, as you kick around, the golden chain tying your hands together strains, as you pull on it with all your might. Slowly, the pain fades, some sort of tight sensation pulling at the skin of your thigh.
And one more thing.
As you come down from the initial shock of the painful treatment, your brain registers something warm and firm, rubbing circles into your flesh. It takes you another while longer to realize it's Shang Tsung's hand, resting right above the wound, claws tapping on the inside of your leg. He watches you, as your breathing starts to slow, eyes following drops of sweat falling from your forehead and mingling with tears. Your lips parted, your eyelids flutter, and you let out a long sigh, finally being able to look down on your leg.
Where the wound once was, now, a long, pink scar shines in the light of the torches strung around the chamber. Shang Tsung closes the box, before hiding it amongst the many layers of his outfit. You half expect him to stand up and leave, but your hopes are squashed once again, as the man kneels down next to you, turning his attention towards your heaving chest.
His hand comes up, towards your face, claws shining gold. You wince and close your eyes, despite your best efforts to appear strong, but the pain you've anticipated doesn't come. Instead, you feel something sharp drag itself across your forehead. You risk cracking an eye at him, face scrunching, before relaxing into an expression of utter confusion.
There he was, your captor, tormentor, your enemy, brushing flyaway hairs from your sweaty forehead. Your eyes meet, and again, feelings swirl inside your gut, some you're too scared to decipher, and some need no explanation. His lips curl into something akin to a smirk, yet his eyes remain focused on you entirely, thoughts swimming behind his irises. Then, as if some magic spell has been broken, you can see him shift into his true self, the same scheming energy overflowing him, as if a new, frightful idea has formed inside his mind.
Once again, he reaches into the pockets of his robe, this time producing a deliciously red apple. Its skin is shiny, the potent smell makes your mouth water, and suddenly you remember you haven't eaten in Gods know how many hours. With a dark chuckle, the man turns the apple, from side to side, as if he wants you to take full stock of just how sinful it looks. Then, with a simple gesture, he tips it towards your lips. Your eyes snap up at him.
"I can't eat it with my hands tied" your voice sounds rough from all the pain you've experienced before.
"Nonsense, I shall feed you" he answers, as if this was the most obvious way out of your predicament, and the heat of embarrassment mixes with anger in your gut.
"You want me to eat out of your hand like some damned pet?"
Now, he laughs, fully. His eyes crinkle at the sides, as he inclines his head towards you.
"I know full-well you're too dangerous to let roam freely" your eyes flicker towards the apple, "And after all you've been through, aren't you hungry, Mortal?"
Your teeth grind against each other, as you weight your options. Shang Tsung moves the apple again in a tantalizing manner, and your resolve crumbles. Your eyes lock onto his, giving him the best performance of defiance you could muster, and slowly, you open your mouth.
"Good girl" he croons, and for a split second you ponder, if spitting at the man was worth the consequences.
He brings the apple closer, lets it rest on your bottom lip, before giving you a patronizingly inviting smile. Swallowing your pride, your teeth sink into the fruit, and you can't stop the absolutely shameful moan from slipping out of you, as the sweetness of the apple hits your tongue. Damned be precautions, damned be your dignity, you were hungry, and that apple was delicious. So you take a bite so large, it almost reaches the stem, letting some juice flow down your chin.
Shang Tsung watches you eat with a laser focus one might imagine he reserves for his experiments, teeth catching his bottom lip.
Another bite, this one silent on your part. His eyes follow the column of your throat, when you swallow. One more, and you give him a show of looking up at his darkened expression when your teeth all but tear away from the fruit.
Your hands are shaking behind your back, a coil is forming deep within you, and you press your legs tight together, to shield the rest of your dwindling dignity from completely being torn away. He notices. Of course, he does, as your actions seem to have a similar effect on him, if his bitten lips and heavy breaths are anything to go by.
"Why go through all this trouble, Sorcerer?" you ask, licking your lips from the remnants of your meal.
His eyes follow your tongue, before looking back right into your eyes. The rest of the apple is thrown somewhere amongst the golden piles of treasure, forgotten entirely. Time seems to slow down, air becomes thick between the two of you, surrounding you like a vat of tar. The pull you've been feeling since meeting this infamous monster becomes almost too strong to ignore.
Shang Tsung raises his hand, grabbing your chin and pushing it upwards. There is a myriad of emotions running rampant on his face, until it finally settles on something so dark and wanting, your stomach tightens at the mere sight. His lips come down upon yours in an avalanche, slipping towards your chin, where he provocatively licks at your skin, tasting the apple's juices and humming to himself.
Your voice comes out as a small whimper, entire body reacting to his kiss, as you fight between pushing him away and pulling him much closer. He decides for you, coming back to claim your lips again, as his hands start to travel up the sides of your stomach, gathering your shirt in the process.
His clawed gauntlets scratch at your skin, not enough to actually hurt you, but enough to elicit a wave of shudders from your body. Finally, he pulls away, considering your swollen lips and disheveled hair as one would their newest painting. Pride and mischief mix well in his black irises, and he licks his lips slowly, making you blush impossibly red.
"You look quite beautiful, like this" he croons, tangling his free hand in the hair at the back of your neck, "So pliant under my fingers."
For a moment, all you can do is stare at him, poised above you with his usual smirk gracing his features. Then a thought materializes in your head, a chance at finding an escape route, if you could play your cards right.
"Untie me" you moan wantonly, arching your neck, as if to give him better access.
He launches at your exposed pulse point immediately, licking a long stripe up, before giving your skin a few delicious nips, ones that make you almost forget your half-formed plan. Almost. Gathering all your resolve, you writhe against him. His clothes are hiding a lean, but well-muscled body, and you wish so hard, you could run your hands down his chest.
"Untie me, please" you don't recognize your voice, so broken and needy.
The Snake stops his ministrations, tugging at your hair, before sliding his hand towards your shoulders, where he grabs you and pulls you even closer, so your body is leaning almost completely on his lap. His other hand makes quick work of the zipper on your trousers and worms itself into your underwear. A wave of humilation hits you, as your pink, polka-dotted panties look at you from between the fly.
"I can't risk you getting away" he whispers in your ear and takes a long whiff of your hair, humming in pleasure, "My Benefactor has made it clear, you are crucial to their plan."
That startles you. Or it would, if the Sorcerer hadn't began to delicately rub his fingers over your lower lips, just shy of entering you. It's torture, a new brand of cruel experiment, you think, as you buck your hips against him, trying to get some sort of pressure
"I would've thought you wanted me for yourself" you pant between heated kisses you're leaving on the exposed skin of is neck, "It certainly - oh - seems so."
The hand which is currently not occupied sneaks around your middle, before grabbing a handful of your right breasts.
"Would you like that?" he asks into the crown of your head, his fingers finally dipping into your opening.
It takes you several tries to form an answer in your brain, and another few to vocalize it. His thumb makes quick work of finding your bundle of nerves, and instantly starts to abuse that newly-found knowledge. You bite your lip, hard, to stop any sounds from escaping you, but the Sorcerer wouldn't have it. His mouth finds yours, and he swallows your moans of pleasure with an approving hum reverberating through his chest,
"Would you like to be kept by me? Be mine and mine alone" his lips brush against yours as he talks, and you tug mercilessly on your binds, wanting to hold onto something, anything. Him.
"I-" you can't quite finish your sentence, because the hand that's been, for the most part, playing with your breast like it's a stress ball, begins to travel further down, until it rests on the lower part of your stomach. "No."
It comes out as choked and desperate, as his fingers curl upwards inside you, hitting a spot that nearly makes you fly off the ground. He laughs, right in your ear.
"No" you swallow, "I'm- oh fuck... I'm too good for you."
Another deliberate motion of his fingers and your toes start to curl. He might be the key to undoing the entire universe, but hell, he does know how to use his fingers. Long and elegant fingers, trained by years spent on studying ad practicing spells, made dexterous by whatever horrors he has committed in his laboratories. Fingers, which are currently pumping in and out of you with a pace set specifically to drive you insane.
"Yes" he hisses through his teeth, pressing his nose to the crown of your head, "You are too good for me, aren't you? That's why you're here, taking my fingers like you were meant for it."
Gods, his voice really isn't helping you focus. By the feeling of something hard and rather large poking you in your thigh, you guess you're not the only one getting off on the sound of his voice. A coil starts to tighten deep within you, growing tighter with every movement of his fingers, every word coming out of his filthy mouth
"Even the Fire God couldn't keep you away from me" his thumb presses down onto your clit and begins to rub it in quick circles, "He was so scared to let you go into my lair, wasn't he?"
You nod absentmindedly, thrashing in the Sorcerer's lap, as a strong shiver of pleasure wrecks your body. Experimentally, you move your backside, rubbing against his growing erection, and the man hisses into your ear, his movements faltering for a split-second.
"He was right" Shang Tsung seethes the words into your skin, before coming down to bite on your shoulder, "We will be each other's undoing."
His palm presses flat on your lower stomach, as his efforts inside your pants increase tenfold. The coil is so close to breaking, you can feel tears start to form in the corners of your eyes.
"Ladies first, sweet thing" he hums, pressing your writhing body even closer to himself, "Come undone for me."
And you do, as if compelled by some ancient magic. Your face buries itself into his robes, teeth catching on the skin of the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. And you bite, hard enough to break his skin, taste his blood on your tongue. The coil shatters, and so does your grip on the world. You let out a muffled wail, the Sorcerer pulling you even closer, engulfing you entirely in his presence, his smell. Your legs are shaking, as Shang Tsung lets you ride out your orgasm on his nimble fingers, and soon, your body becomes boneless.
He doesn't let you go for a while longer, still pressed to your body, swaying with you in some sort of perversion of intimacy. Or perhaps, as much as the thought terrifies you, there is some link building between the two of you. Something more than lust and curiosity. Then, his hand leaves your pants, coming up out of your field of vision. You catch a glimpse of his soaked fingers, and your imagination fills in, what might be happening just above your head, as an obscenely wet sound of sucking reaches your ears.
Then, like the gentleman he is, he helps you button your pants back up, straightens your shirt and ties your hair more neatly. You want to kiss him again. There is another need brewing inside you, as you watch him stand up and dust his clothes, which are now stained with gold dust in places.
Is it wrong to want more?
You want to reach up, brush your fingers through his hair, kiss him until he can't speak clearly. You wants to feel his breath quicken again, feel his pulse run wild. You want to drain his blood and feed on his power until there's nothing left.That last thought freezes you in your spot, cold shivers climbing up your body like a dead hand gripping you from beneath the earth.
Too dark, too power-hungry, and you were none of those things. You never will be.
"Beautiful" he murmurs again, watching you from above, but this moment of sentiment is cut shortly, as his head snaps towards the entrance to the chamber, expression souring instantly
Your eyes follow his, but there's nothing you can see in the darkness. A chill runs up your spine.
"Get ready, Mortal" oh, so we're back to thinly veiled insults, "My Benefactor will want to meet you soon."
With that, he turns to leave, not sparing you a second glance, and you're back to being alone. Used and left between the piles upon piles of gold surrounding you, like your part of this chamber. A pretty thing, stained gold, made to exist only when it's owner is looking at it.
You need to get out of here, before you lose your mind.
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reality-detective · 7 months
🌿✨Curious about a natural solution to dental dilemmas that doesn’t involve harsh chemicals?
Meet nature’s secret to a radiant smile! 🍃💚
💖Benefits Unleashed :
- Prevents and heals canker sores.
- Strengthens teeth enamel.
- Soothes sensitive teeth.
🔬 The Science :
These herbs are packed with powerful compounds like menthol in spearmint, rosmarinic acid in rosemary, carnosic acid in sage, and azulene in yarrow. Together, they form a formidable team against inflammation and bacteria, significantly enhancing oral health.
🌱Everclear, our controversial hero, serves a noble purpose by extracting the potent essence of these herbs, creating a powerhouse against oral afflictions.
Add the ingredients you feel you need the most :
- 🌼 (1Tbs) Yarrow: Speeds healing, perfect for canker sores.
- 🍃 (1Tbs) Spearmint & Peppermint: Freshens breath, combats bad odors.
- 🌿 (1Tsp) Rosemary & Sage: Protects gums, fights bacteria.
- 🌺 (1/2Tsp) Clove : Eases sensitivity, comforts teeth.
- Alternative Medicine 🤔
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nobrashfestivity · 3 months
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Jill Pflugheber, Microscopy Specialist, and Dr. Steven White, Lewis Professor of Hispanic Studies (retired) Trichocereus Trichocereus pachanoi Feldman’s research on the ritual use of “Wachuma,” the San Pedro cactus, establishes that Trichocereus pachanoi is one of the plants of power that is best represented in pre-Incan iconography, appearing in the art of a variety of indigenous cultures such as that of Chavín, Nazca, Moche, Paracas, and Chimú. The traditional use of this cactus, which contains significant amounts of mescaline, extends to northern Chile, northwestern Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador. Even so, he says, the pre-Hispanic uses of the cactus (as a sacrament that facilitated communing with the divine spirits of nature) are still particularly well-conserved in northern Peru in the mountains of Piura (Huancabamba and Ayabaca), where the Complex of Las Huaringas Lagoons (a UNESCO World Heritage Centre) with its “paramo” ecosystem is located. Feldman analyzes the social function of San Pedro as a means of diagnosing illness and healing as well as conflict resolution or achieving prosperity in diverse forms. It is also employed in rituals for predicting the weather, doing astronomical observation, and extracting the mamayacu, (the mother of the sacred waters of the lakes). Feldman believes that the traditional use of San Pedro “represents a factor of social cohesion and regional cultural identity, while at the same time preserving a centuries-old religious system.”
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Henri Michaux, Mescaline Paintings. 1950s
“I first took mescaline,” Michaux has said, “to see if I was capable of having luminous and colorful visions. I considered myself a kind of cripple: all my dreams and inner mental images are in dull grey.” But after a few minutes under the drug he decided that the search for luminous images was secondary to the possibilities of the drug for exploring the mind itself. “What immediately interested me,” he says, “was the rapport between the image and the idea, between the wish to see something and what one sees. In mescaline one finds an independent consciousness with its own world of images. One learns what it is both to have and not have a will.’’
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comicaurora · 11 months
Okay so we know Raw Life is INCREDIBLY mutagenic, but like-how bad can it get? I'm imagining bones growing in all the wrong places, maybe even granting life to extra diseases, heck-maybe even fungus or bacteria growing on the person since thats a form of life-essentially, I'm imagining a worse version of the chimeric plague. But does it get worse then that? This might be spoilers but I'm really curious.
Raw Life is mutagenic to absolutely everything. Even raw Stone boils into strange arrangements under it, no two alike. Fire and lightning take on bizarre properties and transfer the mutagenic state to anything they ground into. Its transformative potential is seemingly limitless, but it has absolutely devastating effects on anything particularly attached to its shape or its functionality. It's almost completely gone from the world because its presence in the early world was unbelievably dangerous to The Twins' creations, so the biosphere system they made is very good at fusing it into organic matter, at which point its mutagenic powers become directed by the nature of the substance - instead of absolute chaos it becomes things like growth, healing, the potential for mutations that thrive in new environments. The matter of Life stays fused at every stage in the circle of life, whether it decays into the soil or is consumed by animals, so its pure form never reemerges unless it's painstakingly extracted in small quantities by a mage.
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satansaidnottoday · 1 year
Filthy traitor.
Info: Belphegor x GN!Mc, OG Game.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
Can't stop thinking of Belphegor with an MC who was sweet and genuinely cared about him before the event. But then became extremely bitter because of his actions.
Warnings: Entrapment, Murder, Choking (not the sexy kind), Lesson 16 spoilers, Toxic Behavior.
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He hated humans, all of them. He blamed them for everything: His sister's death, the fall, his brother's depression, and his imprisonment. If it wasn't for that stupid human student, and for the idiot demon lord who brought them, he wouldn't be trapped in the attic.
He should have killed them all, every last one of those stupid, useless, vain creatures. But from that cage, all he could do was cry and sleep and refuse to eat for long enough that Lucifer stopped coming to check on him.
When you finally arrived at the house he thought of punishing you. Haunting your dreams. Making you relive all of your most painful memories, repeating them so many times, until your brain turned into mush and your mind is lost forever.
But he realized he could use you to get out and get his revenge.
So when you gave in to his pleas for help and made your way to the attic, he played his best innocent act. You were just a poor, naive human. He could manipulate you, make anything of you. Then kill you off just as easily the moment he got what he wanted.
Even after you figured out he was the youngest brother, he still thought you were stupid. You kept helping him after all, like a good loyal puppy.
You went to see him every night. At first, you just sat there and talked to him, you told him about what had happened that day. Mammon's newest scheme, what Satan was reading that week, what Beel's new favorite food was. He engaged in the conversation only out of necessity, or at least that's what he told himself. He had to gather intel and convince you that he was on your side. So it really was just all part of the plan.
You started saving a portion of whatever dinner you were having that day and snuck it up to him. You told him it was so he didn't feel left out of the family dinner. What a stupid thing, he thought. He was being held captive by his own brother, he was not part of that family anymore.
But still, he ate. And he laughed along as you told him stories about his brothers. Sometimes he would tell you his own stories of them before everything had turned bitter. He found himself waiting around the door every night for your arrival, getting nervous if you ever were late, thinking you wouldn't come. But of course, you never failed to show up, not even once.
He started to think of you late at night after you had left. He wondered about you. For as much as you talked, you never said much about yourself. What kind of life did you have before? What were your hobbies? What were you thinking about that very moment? He started to ask about you during your visits, and with every answer came more questions.
He told himself he was interested only because he was bored. You were his only source of entertainment, it was only natural. And of course, he'd want to extract every drop of information that could be useful. He was using you after all.
You saw through him. The fake smile he had while you were leaving. He was deeply, undeniably lonely. Every day you brought him more things, little gifts and trinkets. Books and games to keep him company in your absence. But you knew it wasn't enough. It would never be.
And you worked so hard every day. You had learned from Solomon that you could draw from a demon's power if you had a pact with them. You could use it for your own magic, and you did just that. You trained with Solomon every day, learning to control the magic flowing through your body. You knew with enough power and practice you'd be able to set him free.
You had to free him.
So he could be happy. So he could be with his people again. So he could heal with them. And maybe, if you were lucky, so he'd be yours.
And the fateful day came when you knew you were ready. With Mammon's help and an enchantment you had practiced a thousand times before, you broke the seal keeping him from you. Immense joy shocked your body. You had done it, finally. You proved to him just how much you loved and cared for him. You wanted nothing more than to hold him.
All of his rage fell on you like boiling hot water. Your body slammed to the floor, blood seeping from the crack in your skull. The air left your lungs. Before you could try to breathe in again, his hands tied themselves around your neck. You felt your body growing limp, you could almost see yourself dying.
Yes, you could. You saw your corpse there on the floor. What killed you in the end? Was it the blood loss? Or were it his hands? You wondered. You could also see Belphegor's smile. A genuine smile.
Everything changed in a moment.
As he saw the life leave your eyes, he realized something horrible. Something terrifying.
He loved you. He loved you so deeply and so desperately. Regret replaced all of his anger, all of his sadness, even his grief. He could not feel anything else.
Your corpse mocked him. It held your form, but nothing was left inside. He could not reach you. And he needed you.
Oh, how much he needed you.
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This ended up longer than expected so I'll be dividing it into two parts. Hope you liked it and thanks for reading!
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mikaikaika · 7 months
Everyone tubbo L-ing in chat as if he didnt get exactly the information he was looking for in that cucurucho interaction. My guy has been asking if cucurucho still has power since the reset and well - he finally found out
I'm so excited that Tubbo is back at the arc where he is grilling Cucurucho for information again. The original conversation where he extracted so many things from Cucurucho in such a smooth manner is so good to watch as a viewer. How at some point Cucurucho started hesitating and actually stuttering because it didn't even realize how seamlessly Tubbo had extracted slightly too much information.
QTubbo is back to interrogating Cucurucho in his way of thinly vieling it as him being his normal annoying self. Too smart for his own good as Bad once said. Nature is healing <3
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skst8497 · 2 months
Achieve Youthful Skin with XYZ Smart Collagen: Boost Collagen, Reduce Wrinkles, and Restore Elasticity
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You're on your way to youthful skin with Revolutionary XYZ Smart Collagen, which tackles aging by boosting your skin's collagen production. Made with powerful Bulbine Frutescens and nourishing Acerola Cherry, this product reignites your skin's capacity to regenerate essential collagen and restore elasticity. 
Apply the cream twice daily to see reduced wrinkles and improved skin quality, aligning with the positive experiences of 90% of users. Regular use enhances a notable transformation, and the hydrating complex keeps your skin perfectly moisturized.
Curious about the full impact of integrating XYZ Smart Collagen into your skincare routine? You'll discover how each ingredient contributes to those age-defying results.
Key Takeaways
XYZ Smart Collagen reduces wrinkles and significantly improves skin quality.
Incorporates Bulbine Frutescens, which reignites the skin's collagen production.
Offers a non-invasive alternative to frequent treatments with its smart collagen management.
Enhanced with Acerola Cherry and Madecassoside for brightened skin and improved repair.
Consistent application twice daily yields best results for a youthful appearance.
Product Overview
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XYZ Smart Collagen offers you a groundbreaking skincare solution, delivering visible improvements in skin firmness and texture while reducing wrinkles. Free yourself from the bonds of ineffective treatments as clinical results show a notable boost in skin quality. Imagine the confidence you'll gain as 90% of women who've used it recommend this miracle cream, reflecting high user satisfaction.
It's not just about looking younger; it's about feeling liberated in your skin, embracing a solution that truly works. Join the ranks of those who've seen real changes. Don't settle for less; choose a product that delivers on its promises. It's your time to shine with healthier, more resilient skin.
Smart Collagen Management
You'll discover that Smart Collagen Management is a breakthrough approach, focusing specifically on the age-related decline in collagen production.
This innovative strategy isn't just about replacing what's lost; it's about reigniting your skin's ability to regenerate collagen on its own.
Imagine the freedom of watching your skin naturally rejuvenate, reducing the need for frequent treatments or invasive procedures.
Key Ingredients
Harnessing the power of nature, XYZ Smart Collagen uses key ingredients like the Bulbine frutescens plant extract, which is essential in managing collagen production efficiently. This formulation is rooted in scientific research to guarantee its effectiveness.
Here's why you'll love what's inside:
Bulbine Frutescens: Boosts collagen production, supported by scientific studies showing its effectiveness.
Acerola Cherry: Loaded with vitamin C, it helps in brightening your skin and restoring elasticity.
Madecassoside: Derived from Centella Asiatica, known for its healing properties and improving skin repair.
Hydrating Complex: A blend that maintains moisture balance, ensuring your skin stays hydrated and plump.
Embrace these ingredient benefits for a liberated, youthful glow.
Application Instructions
To achieve the best outcomes from XYZ Smart Collagen, apply the cream twice daily to clean, dry skin.
Part of your liberating journey towards reclaiming your skin's youthful vigor involves integrating this potent formula into your daily skincare routine.
Here's your quick how-to guide: morning and night, after cleansing, take a small amount of XYZ Smart Collagen and gently massage it onto your face and neck using upward strokes. This ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness.
Purchase Options
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XYZ Smart Collagen offers several purchase options to suit your skincare needs and budget. You're not just buying a product; you're investing in freedom from aging worries.
Here's a breakdown of your choices, featuring pricing comparison and customer savings:
Single Purchase: Buy one jar for $59.99, regularly $69.99—save $10 instantly.
Three-Pack: Grab the 3-pack for $149.97, a slash from $199.96, saving you nearly $50.
Five-Pack Bulk Discount: Opt for the 5-pack at $249.95, down from $349.93, pocketing almost $100 in savings.
Subscription Options: Subscribe and save 15% more on each order, ensuring your liberation from aging doesn't take a break.
Choose freedom, choose smart savings with XYZ Smart Collagen.
Customer Reviews
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As you consider the different purchase options, let's examine how other customers have benefited from using XYZ Smart Collagen.
The anti-aging testimonials are inspiring, revealing stories of remarkable skin transformation. Users report not just visible improvements in firmness and texture, but a reinvigorated sense of freedom and confidence in their appearance.
They've broken free from the doubts and limits aging skin often brings. Reviewers frequently mention looking and feeling years younger, with results that defy their age.
This isn't just about reclaiming your skin's youth; it's about liberating yourself from the constraints of time. Embrace this journey to a more youthful you, powered by the proven results of XYZ Smart Collagen.
Nature-Based Collagen Restoration
Harnessing the power of plant extracts, XYZ Smart Collagen offers a nature-based approach to restoring your skin's collagen effectively.
Embrace the freedom of rejuvenating your skin with the pure essence of nature. Here's how you can achieve that youthful liberation:
Plant Extracts Power: Utilize the potent Bulbine frutescens for natural collagen synthesis.
Skin Rejuvenation: Experience visible improvements in skin firmness and texture.
Youthful Liberation: Free your skin from the signs of aging with a controlled, quality collagen boost.
Natural Efficacy: Trust in a product that merges nature with science for best outcomes.
Step into a domain where your skin's health is restored naturally, giving you the power to shine with essential energy.
Sustainability Commitment
Building on its commitment to nature-based solutions, XYZ Smart Collagen also prioritizes sustainability in every aspect of production. You're not just choosing a product; you're embracing a movement with eco-friendly practices at its heart.
Each jar of our organic skincare harnesses ingredients that respect the earth and your skin. We're devoted to minimizing our environmental impact, ensuring that our green packaging is as conscientious as the contents inside.
We know you're seeking freedom from the conventional, the harmful, and the unsustainable. That's why we're transparent about our processes – so you can feel liberated, knowing you're part of a larger solution.
Join us in transforming skincare into a force for good, where beauty and responsibility go hand in hand.
Age-Defying Results
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You'll notice remarkable age-defying results as XYZ Smart Collagen restores your skin's youthful appearance. Embrace the freedom of turning back the clock with every application, liberating your skin from the signs of aging.
Here's how you can expect your skin transformation to unfold:
Boost in Collagen Production: Increases your skin's natural collagen synthesis, firming and smoothing age lines.
Reduction in Wrinkles: Noticeably reduces the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles within weeks.
Enhanced Skin Texture: Revitalizes and heals, enhancing your skin's texture and giving it a youthful glow.
Improved Skin Elasticity: Restores elasticity, making your skin feel suppler and more resilient against aging factors.
Rediscover your skin's youthful radiance and feel emboldened every day!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can XYZ Smart Collagen Be Used With Other Skincare Products?
Imagine layering your favorite serums and moisturizers like a skin-nurturing quilt. You can indeed use XYZ Smart Collagen with other products, just check for ingredient compatibility to guarantee they mesh well.
Is XYZ Smart Collagen Suitable for Sensitive Skin Types?
XYZ Smart Collagen is generally suitable for sensitive skin types, but you should test it first to check for any skin reactions or ingredient interactions, considering your unique sensitivity levels and product compatibility.
How Long Before I See Noticeable Results From XYZ Smart Collagen?
You'll start seeing a rejuvenation in your skin within 3 to 6 weeks of integrating XYZ Smart Collagen into your skincare routine, as per glowing customer reviews highlighting its anti-aging benefits.
Are There Any Allergens in XYZ Smart Collagen Ingredients?
You should review XYZ Smart Collagen's ingredients for allergen concerns, as ingredient sensitivity varies and may lead to skin reactions. Confirm the product's shelf life hasn't expired to see best XYZ Smart Collagen results.
What Is the Shelf Life of XYZ Smart Collagen Once Opened?
Once opened, XYZ Smart Collagen has a shelf life of 6 months. For best longevity, follow storage recommendations and keep it in a cool, dry place. Check the expiration date to maximize effectiveness.
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gordon-furman · 9 months
aka speculative biology + how my shock troopers work (this post requires at least a bit of knowledge of Half Life/ Opposing Force lore)
First, an explanation of the relationship between the shock trooper/Race X homeworld and Xen.
Xen is a borderworld comprising of many floating islands and the wildlife that live upon them. Existing between dimensions, most creatures upon Xen inhabit it by accident; having been brought by portal storms and then unable to leave. Other creatures purposely fled to Xen due to an oppressive alien force, such as the Nihilanth, the Vortigaunts, and other unnamed/unknown races.
Some of these are Race X native species.
Black Mesa found out about Race X by chance through their teleportation experiments. Through very calculated and very risky missions, Black Mesa was able to obtain some specimens from the places where Race X resided, as well as Xen. Those scientists then took them down to the deepest parts of Black Mesa to study.
Black Mesa had been extracting crystals and wildlife from Xen for a while, these new species were kept secret to only those with the highest clearances. Still, they were not able to gather enough data before the Cascade; when all the alien species contained within Black Mesa were unleashed unto the world.
There is no determined number amount of Shock Troopers who reside on Earth, but we estimate that they are few and far between. Unlike Vortigaunts, most (if any) Shock Troopers who inhabit Earth nowadays are hostile towards both Humans and Combine alike. However, they prove to be smart and reliable allies when possible.
Most everything we know about Shock Troopers and the other species of Race X has been filled in by Shock Troopers themselves. The following information was gathered by a Shock Trooper who had joined a small team of rebels stationed in an abandoned quarry, then passed on to rebel scientists.
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(Pictured: a murky healing pool with Spore Launchers)
On their homeworld and their other colonized planets, shock trooper young (called spore launchers) start their lives in pools. They are amphibious in nature and are able to crawl upon land with their tiny arms. The majority of their life, however, is spent in the pools.
Those familar with the borderworld Xen will recognize the healing pool that serves as their watery cradle. Starting from eggs, spore launchers hatch into these pools by the dozen and stay there for much of their adolescent lives. As more hatchlings leave their leathery eggs and inhabit the pools, the natural healing power lessens and lessens; until the pool itself is murky and stagnant.
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(Pictured: infant Jack, Tiger, and Spot; my half life ocs)
Adult shock troopers do not care for their young outside of feeding (though it is a common occurrence that they don't get fed), which leads to their pools being a very hostile environment in their later stages. The natural properties of the pool that healed their wounds when they were newborn no longer nurse the bigger and older spore launchers. It is not uncommon for spore launchers to be aggressive towards each other at this time. There are often so many babies in one pool that feeding is foregone entirely; leading to a strictly cannibal diet among the young (though cannibalism is a regular occurrence in pools that are well supplied with food as well.).
Spore launchers come in the same colors as Shock Troopers do, though a Shock Trooper's patterns are often determined by how much nutrients that they collected as a baby. (Which often leads to the most complex and abundant patterns belonging to the most aggressive shock troopers. Or, at least, those that were aggressive in their infant stage.)
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(Pictured: Two Shock Troopers and a baby Spore Launcher)
Spore Launchers turn into Shock Troopers via a sort of metamorphosis. Mature Spore Launches encase themselves in a cocoon of their own spit (often mixed with juices and remains of Spore Fruit, a main staple in their diet) and emerge as fully grown Shock Troopers. It is at this point that they assimilate into Shock Trooper culture and community.
Shock Trooper culture is very militaristic and nationalist. They are very competitive and engage in sparing as a sport, though they do not have much to bet but food and actions. (A Shock Trooper who lost a bet, for example, might have to do an unwanted chore or something embarrassing.) They do not have clothing or music, though the very few who have spent time on Earth have enjoyed wind and percussion instruments.
Shock Trooper relationships are different from human ideas of the concept. Romantic relationships are extremely rare (occurring only under rare circumstances and only with Shock Troopers from different colonies) and sexual ones are nonexistent. This means that, in human terms, most Shock Troopers are aromantic, and all of them are biologically asexual.
Instead of romantic relationships, some examples of high value relationships within the Shock Trooper community are mentor-mentees, tight knit friend groups (or squads, as they call them) and leader- follower groups. These relationships can be as complicated as human ones at times; as one Shock Trooper might see their bond as friendship, while the other Shock Trooper might see them as a leader-follower pair.
Despite their differences, it is a common belief in their homeworld communities that Shock Troopers are 'above' all other specie, including those they have domesticated. Some domesticated species found in and around communities are Shock Roaches, Pit Drones, and Voltigores (not to be confused with Vortigaunts). Shock Roaches are symbiotic insect-like weapons, while Pit Drones and Voltigores could be compared (if need be, as these creatures are nothing like Earth creatures) to very aggressive dogs and livestock. Their farming habits support their omnivorous diet; which consists of Spore fruit and Voltigores, as well as anything else they can get their hands on.
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(Pictured: a Gene Worm)
While they seem primitive in many ways, Shock Troopers are one step above Black Mesa's scientists; they have mastered reliable teleportation. While they always have a Gene Worm to create teleportation portals, they were able to use Xen crystal constructs and Sprite-powered portals in order to create a reliable network. This network was how they were able to conduct their assault on Black Mesa and attempted colonization of Earth.
Gene worms are one of the final stages of Shock Trooper evolution. Much like ants or bees, Spore Launchers turn into Gene worms with the help of a special chemical jelly diet created in the throats of Shock Troopers. The fed Spore Launcher then feeds on anything it can fit in its mouth to support it's growth, then turning into their 'queen'.
The Gene Worm is the only reproductive being among their species; dedicating much of it's time to laying eggs. There are multiple Gene Worms across their home planet and other places, so not all Shock Troopers are directly related.
Interestingly enough, though Shock Troopers feed and care for the Gene Worm well into it's adulthood, it is not out of any obligation. Ants serve a queen. This queen serves its offspring. The Gene Worm is able to create and change the landscape around it to create a perfect home for Shock Troopers. This, mixed with their teleportation knowledge, has led them to successfully terraform and colonize one other planet besides their own.
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(Pictured: a Gene Worm and a Tentacle)
The last example of the Shock Trooper life cycle are Tentacles. Like the Gene Worm, these creatures evolve from Spore Launchers who are fed a special diet. Unlike the Gene Worm, however, these Tentacles are made to the guards of Gene Worm nests and other important areas. Relatively blind, they attack their opponents using hearing to pinpoint their locations. Shock Troopers make sure to vocalize loudly while in their presence to ensure that the Tentacles will not mistake them for an enemy.
Shock Troopers are complicated and highly intelligent creatures who are yet untouched by the decimation of the Combine. Maybe, just maybe, they would make good allies in the future for the war against the Combine; if they knew what was at stake.
However, knowing the overall nationalistic culture of the Shock Troopers and their previous attempt to colonize Earth...probably not.
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AEIWAM question:
The Soul Society has the ability to interact with the human world physically, and wildly more firepower than pre-dead people have. Is there a particular reason the world of the dead hasn't pulled a colonialism or other form of resource extraction on the world of the living? Is there a reason the warlords on the fringes of the rukongai don't set up in the world of the living instead of the spirit world's most marginal land?
Why haven't the dead colonized the living? The dead have not pulled a colonialism on the living world because (and IIRC this is canon but it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment) while Shinigami, Arrancar and other dead spirits CAN go hang out in the living world for brief periods of time, if forced to STAY in the living world, their superpowers rapidly degrade because the ambient spiritual energy in the living world is so low. That's why Rukia wasn't *immediately* suspicious when her powers weren't coming back after activating Ichigo's, and why the shinigami that visit Ichigo's school during the aarancar arc don't stay after the battle- they can't heal effectively. There's also the whole "Balance the total number of Souls between the living and spirit worlds" thing. I'm not sure what the dead having permanent residency in the world of the living would do to that balance, but it's probably Not Great.
Why aren't there fringe district warlords or other countries? Great news! THERE ARE. They're just not human. Hueco Mundo used to be the bulk of the West 80th disctrict, but then it got lightly dimension'd off by the noble houses after they stole the Soul King's bodyparts, and the partition between Hueco Mundo and Soul Society is made of the Soul King's toes. Heck, it's even got a capital city- Las Noches! Las Noches used to be drastically more populated before Barragan took over and murdered the shit out of everyone he could find, because there's a BIG difference between not being able to let go of the living world and actually resorting to cannibalism, and I think there used to be a TON of hollows like Dondochaka and Pesche who just subsist off the ambient Reishi and do whatever instead of eating people. The Eastern 80th district is the land of the Beastfolk- Spirits like kitsune and tanuki, the ghosts of ancient and venerated trees, the sort of thing that appear in Mononoke/Mushishi/Princess Mononoke etc. and the wolves that Komamura is descended from. They're not as organized as the hollows so they didn't get ghetto'd like Hueco Mundo, but neither is the Soul Society able to tangle with them,. See, the entire Court Guard System and Central 46 was founded SPECIFICALLY to end and prevent the warring clans that had dominated Soul Society for so long. So the Central 46 and yamamoto are very much erring on "Don't let any extant clan or district or whatever political org gain too much power, and for the love of god, don't start a war", so the East is heavily protected by the sanctions that keep any clan from raising an army to invade another clan (much smaller than what would be needed to invade the east), the fact that the gotei-13 recruits very nearly all spiritually powerful people away from joining that kind of force, and Yamamoto's personal connection to Komamura's wolf clan (Major spoilers for the fic but the upshot is that he will NEVER tresspass on Wolf land, and the shinigami are also forbidden from doing so) The North is uncolonized for roughly the same reason antartica is uncolonized- most of it is straight-up inhospitable to human life, or all but a handful of beasfolk and hollows. In fact, the only thing that "Lives" up there are Kami- Serious Kami, like The Firebird and other personifications of Major natural disasters or philosophical concepts. The ONLY reason to go to North 80 is if you want to pick a fight with a God, and why would you do THAT when one of them just moved into the court guards? (That isn't quite true, actually- there are quite a few humans living on the southern edge of the Zaraki District- but they live in isolated villages that change locations every few decades and don't appear in Soul Society census data. They don't pay taxes, but neither do they demand services. The court guard is aware of the tribes living up north, but so long as they don't start shit, the gotei-13 is willing to ignore them.) The South 80th district is... well, it's 95% ocean, for starters, and many of the lovely tropical islands in there are active volcanoes and/or hellmouths. There's quite a few humans living in South 80, but the overall population is even smaller than the tribes in North 80, and many of the islands are "Uninhabited". I use quotes because those volcanoes are the result of Hell cracking under the strain of not being able to pass souls through it fast enough, and making incursions into other dimensions. The Demons that live on the spirit world side of these cracks have no beef with soul society- if anything, they're very pleased with it!, but they're busy trying to prevent a dimensional collapse or mass prison break, and tend to chase off any curious humans, so the closest thing to a "real" government is the Dimensional Crack Stabilization Project Manager, and the Law of Hell is mostly OSHA.
Thank you, that was a very helpful question!
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sabrinathp · 4 months
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Crystals For Your Zodiac Signs 💌
I have been working with crystals for 9 years. The most important thing I discovered was some crystals really don’t work well with certain people. So I found a way to use the energy of the 12 zodiac signs as well as the energy of certain crystals & heres what I came up with:
Carnelian- can enhance your inner voice and block doubt and negativity
Citrine- can increase clarity of thought and assist in manifesting your dreams.
Red Jasper- can move energy throughout the body that can enhance strength and endurance
Peridot- can help you find the courage to go after your hearts desires
Carnelian- energizes your life force while encouraging confidence & passion
Pyrite- can bring blessings & abundance
Jade- can transmute negativity and bring peace within your physical body and emotional state
Rutilated Quartz- can connect you with your highest self, help with spiritual guidance
Carnelian- can support your creative side, bring personal power and joy
Moonstone- can align you with the moons energy, provides womb healing
Red Jasper- ca enhance your stamina and endurance
Abalone Shell- can connect you with the ocean and the energies of the sea
Tigers Eye- can combine energy of the sun and earth to assiduously in your souls evolution
Carnelian- can balance your inner strength
Citrine- can block any negative energies trying to dim your light
Kyanite- can help you align the energies of your chakras
Amazonite- can give your the support you need when experiencing new things
Jade- can bring harmony in your love life as well as bringing prosperity
Lapis Lazuli- can support you with making solid decisions
Citrine- can balance the Yin & Yang energy within you
Labradorite- can clear and protect your aura
Malachite- can support you with the many transformations you experience, brings emotional healing
Amethyst- can clear your aura and open the crown chakra to enhance peace
Citrine- can clear darkness and bring feeling of light, joy & happiness
Bronzite- can help when experiencing major changes
Labradorite- can help you reconnect with your roots and true soul purpose
Turquoise- can enhance your natural intuition
Garnet- can bring serenity by extracting negative energies from your chakras
Azurite- can help stimulate the mind, body and soul
Peridot- can cleanse and encourage openness of the heart
Amethyst- can connect your mind, body & spirit, great form of protection
Yellow Jasper- can help heal old wounds
Aquamarine- can support ideas of community and universal truth
Chrysocolla- can soothe heartaches and support in expressing your emotions
Aquamarine- can offer inside into underlying emotional issues and suppressed feelings
Blue Calcite-can keep you balanced when experiencing vivid dreams
I also did a series on what crystals can match your natal placements, if anyone is interested leave a note of your sun,moon, rising, venus, mars or mercury 💌
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ndjournal · 10 months
Hey there!! I wanted to share an experience I had after reading your excerpt from The Ultimate Truth posted @4dbarbie-archive yesterday. It really resonated with me and it inspired me to want to practice conscious creation instead of letting it happen because of subconscious programming. In particular this part (which is most of the extract lol):
Man was never intended to be a victim of circumstances. He is the controller of them, but has lost awareness of this fact. When he regains his awareness of it, he again becomes the master of circumstances, and consciously controls his environment. Matter, energy, space, and time are in mind. When man realizes this, he has mental control over them and controls them at his will. Man is unconsciously determining the world. When he wakes up to this, he gains conscious control. Creation is just a mental projection.
Lester also said in the Introduction of the book that it is necessary to prove it to yourself and never accept anything completely on hearsay:
A unique characteristic of this Truth is that it must be seen my each one through his own perception. No one and no book can do it for him. Necessary is the proof of Truth, and necessary it is that each one must prove the Truth for himself. Nothing should ever be accepted on hearsay. One should listen to, reflect upon, and then prove. The best attitude one may take would be to not believe nor disbelieve, but to accept Truths for checking. Then, and only then, after one has proven them without a doubt should one accept them. As Truth begins to prove itself, one gains more confidence in it, and then proofs come more easily and more readily; until finally, one perceives the Absolute Truth, — that we are unlimited beings, unlimited in our knowledge, power and joy.
So I've understood non-duality to a certain extent starting my "journey" from when 4dbarbie was still around and it felt like I eventually came to a sort of standstill. I just sort of fell into a lull and didn't feel anything about life in general. I really resonated with the teachings, stopped desiring anything and had let go of a lot of things but still didn't really feel connected to Self entirely (it would come and go). Recently though, I thought about how my life is just a mental projection of subconscious thoughts and how I would rather be able to consciously control it. For background, I've been using energy manipulation to heal my body using my mind and I think that's when I started to truly know that everything is just a projection of the mind (there's a much deeper innate knowing that comes from experiencing it than reading something and accepting it as truth). Then I started thinking back on the things I had "manifested" simply by deciding it to be so. And then I saw your excerpt and it really clicked for me.
To me, consciously controlling your circumstances is a "skill" because we're so used to living in limitation, it can take some time and development in order to remove those illusions of limitation (of course, it needn't take time, it depends on the individual!). I know in some LOA blogs, they call it intention setting so it's within the same vein imo. Anyway, after reading that extract and reading some of the book, I decided I wanted to practice conscious creation and strengthen this innate ability in order to connect me closer to the understanding and knowing that I am an infinite limitless being. Lester said "Matter, energy, space, and time are in mind." so I want to test all these although less so energy manipulation as I have already done this in numerous ways already. To me this was easier than the others but I now recognize that is a concept of limitation that doesn't need to be so as they are all equally mental projections. And I am not doing this to "get" any desires since I don't have any anymore, I am only doing it to remember the real me and exercise my innate natural ability of conscious creation and also "prove" it to myself through experience that I am limitless as Lester teaches.
I will give one example of "success" since I started last night! There's too much background history that I won't go over but basically this friend of mine stopped messaging me a few weeks ago and this had been a repeating cycle for a few years and it used to trigger me so much. Through being on this path, I let go of caring about it or wanting things to be different. But last night I decided to use this case scenario as a test subject for practicing conscious creation because I know I used to have a lot of mental resistance and triggers when it came to this person and if I really did succeed, it would truly be proof to me that this was purely a result of my conscious creation and not anything else.
So I decided in my mind that this friend would message me on instagram, I decided I didn't care if it was a text message or sharing a reel (though he normally sent reels so that would be most likely). I could still feel uncertainty over this after deciding so I decided it would happen the next day (today) in order for the test results to be more verifiable as not having a deadline could mean he could message me next year lol, too vague. I briefly saw it in my mind's eye the message but didn't dwell on it after, I just decided it would happen. Aaaanyway, I opened my IG messages earlier and GUESS WHO MESSAGED ME WITH A REEL!! I just laughed and got so excited, not because of receiving the message itself (since I let go of desiring anything from him long ago) but because of the proof it represented of my conscious creation! I want to emphasize this distinction because I had tried to "manifest" a text from him in the same way so many times before (because it's been a repeating cycle for so long lol) but it also came from a desire and attachment for the message itself (and connection with the person), while this time there was none of that but was from a non-attached perspective of just experimenting and testing my ability and wanting to practice and improve it. I want to add that I also had previously used LOA to "reality shift" to a "different reality" where he had messaged me the same day instead of leaving me on read for several weeks through "imagination" (this was way before I learned about non-duality so it was still driven by attachment and desire) but I gotta say this way of simply deciding it to be so is so much easier, simpler and better than having to "live and persist in imagination" lol but to each their own I guess?
So anyway, this is really exciting for me and I am going to continue on this way for fun!
Thank you for sharing your experience, that's awesome and I'm happy for you! 💖 Keep having fun and feel free to keep us updated on your future experiments!
This is the post anon was talking about. I highly recommend Lester's books for those who haven't read them yet (or have but want a refresher).
Edit: Adding this excerpt from The Ultimate Truth with my highlights
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
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xiao zhan - evelom
On May 30 at 19:30, we invite you to explore the journey of cleansing and healing with the brand spokesperson (makeup removal series) @X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY . Please visit the EVE LOM official flagship store on Tmall and Douyin to learn the healing story of the legendary cleansing cream, feel the natural healing power of plant extracts, and enjoy glowing skin.
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elisabethbabarci · 26 days
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May my affirmations heal, awaken, and restore your soul within. You have the power to evoke forgiveness in every aspect of your existence. Give yourself the precious sacred gift of inner peace throughout your life.
My natural state is that of peace.
I choose to reclaim my inner peace, sovereignty, and power as I accept with patience, understanding, and wisdom that life is uncertain and I must embrace change.
With intention I liberate and emancipate myself from my experiences, processes, circumstances, and situations that are beyond my control.
With compassion and awareness I evoke self care and self love during my recovery.
With self respect, dignity, and honour I remind myself that I am not the body, I am consciousness.
I am progress in motion, and I choose to not foster a destructive environment where I maintain the rhetoric or belief to keep the pain alive within, as I acknowledge doing so, is regressive and harmful to my soul.
With each passing day, I learn to embrace self forgiveness by loving myself, as my experiences do not define me.
Breaking generational cycles, beliefs, patterns, and attitudes enables me to dissipate residual anger as my past circumstances or experiences do not have power over me.
As I seek inner peace, I enable self compassion, self love, self care, and self respect for myself and others.
I acknowledge and accept that I am processing my internal and external emotions of feeling intentionally wronged, harmed, hurt, or being a victim of endured suffering. I allow myself to heal and emancipate now.
I am more than my experiences as I am experiencing symptoms of a much greater root that is healing internally with every passing moment.
I recognize that I am safe and within a loving environment to make an intentional decision to release resentment, regret, anger, and negative emotions that may have consumed me at one period of time however, I have extracted the lesson to move forward with enlightened wisdom and strength.
I accept the process of life, and I embrace my natural transformation through catharsis and metamorphosis.
I accept my new awakening that I am liberated from behaviours, perceptions, patterns, cycles, feelings and emotions that are not aligned with my path.
I rise with every opportunity to become a stronger version of myself as I emancipate from stagnated perceptions and constructs that misalign with my moral and ethical principles.
Accepting loss does not constitute weakness or defeat, for it resurrects within me my inner power, to choose what I partake in.
I acknowledge the inner pain, as it enables me to evoke self reflection and deeper examination of core roots that I need to heal within. I am safe.
Practicing empathy enables me to consciously analyze a situation and reflect on my actions, thoughts, words, behaviours, and the impact it has on others.
The process of forgiveness enables liberation from stagnation and disturbance to establish inner equilibrium and tranquility.
Coexisting in perfect harmony enables compassion for others, respect, love, and community as we are all one, complete and whole. By seeing through anothers eyes enables me to gain deeper insight into the realm of higher conscious state of awareness.
Forgiveness then allows me to return to my natural state of peace. Securing a state of inner peace within myself enables and fosters forgiveness. I acknowledge and accept that both concepts are interconnected and promote divinity within.
There is universal power in compassion and love for another, which enhances the moral principle of interconnectivity, honour, integrity, respect, and virtue.
Forgiveness enables me to see beyond my fears, and to lead with love in every aspect of my existence.
Forgiveness is an inherent human right which is an essential element of benevolence.
Forgiveness is within my moral fabric of self, as I seek justice not revenge.
Embracing vigilance and prudence offers the ability to remain ethical in all pursuits, while governing my actions with fair impartiality and reason. 
With diligence, I observe and respect others perspectives as it enables me to become impartial during my recovery. 
Consideration of others feelings, thoughts, experiences, and trajectories enables myself to step outside of my comfort zone to observe the matter through another dimension. 
With care, perseverance, and motivation, I seek solutions which enables empathy, resolutions, and solutions. 
Self reflection fosters an internal dialogue with myself to observe and evaluate my actions critically, to foster and implement improvements of my behaviour, to enhance peace in all aspects of my life. 
As I encompass forgiveness, it liberates my soul within, from the confines of the illusion of control and fear. 
Forgiveness enables me the intentional decision to release resentment, residual anger, sadness and grief, and regret. 
I release residual energy that is holding me back. I am free to embark on my journey with ease, hope, and grace. 
I give permission to be gentle with myself through my recovery process. 
I forgive myself with patience, I forgive myself with time, I forgive myself with love, I forgive myself with acceptance, I forgive myself with care, I forgive myself with self support, I forgive myself with self compassion, I forgive myself with self love, I forgive myself with self empathy, I forgive myself with self respect, I forgive myself with understanding, I forgive myself with peace, I forgive myself with inner truth, I forgive myself now.
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thedemonofcat · 1 year
Jaskier's vibrant nature was unmistakable; he was constantly in motion, singing, dancing, never at rest for long, and even when he did settle, he couldn't help but fidget. This was one of the qualities Geralt cherished most about him.
Despite Geralt's efforts to protect Jaskier, he couldn't be in two places simultaneously. One fateful day, while Geralt was spending time with Ciri, Nilfgaard captured Jaskier, intending to extract information about Ciri and Geralt through torture.
Sadly, it took Geralt four weeks to locate Jaskier. During his captivity, Jaskier remained steadfastly silent, but the relentless torment took its toll, rendering him catatonic.
Gently, Geralt brought Jaskier back to Kaer Morhen. Yennefer used her magic to heal his physical wounds, but even her formidable powers couldn't mend Jaskier's fractured mind without risking further damage.
Nevertheless, Geralt was resolute in helping his beloved Bard recover. He tended to Jaskier's needs, feeding him, assisting with baths, and reading him happy-ending fairy tales. When the weather allowed, Geralt used a wooden wheelchair Eskel had crafted to take Jaskier outside for fresh air.
Doubts nagged at Geralt, questioning the worth of his efforts. Would the motionless, distant Jaskier be all that remained of the once-vibrant Bard? Perhaps ending Jaskier's suffering swiftly would be the kindest choice.
Yet, Geralt stood steadfastly by Jaskier's side. Then, one night, he heard Jaskier whisper his name.
At that moment, Geralt knew that their love story would find its happy ending.
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