#he's still a dick
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 10 months
Thinking of AiDeku. But like… soft.
Izuku who is a Quirkless analyst owns a cafe because while he makes good money he can't quite stop wanting to be the hero he dreamed of as a kid. So his little cafe gives free drinks to the homeless. He gives 50% off to people from the rehab center down the street and he hires former villains to help them get a good resume so they don’t reoffend.
He's the little hero of the community he's in. A kind word to people and a good cup of coffee goes a long way. A nice place to sit out of the rain, a safe haven for the abused kids he tries to help but CPS ignores it.
That's how he meets Aizawa. There's this purple kid who comes by every day, and the scars on his face scream muzzle. Izuku is worried about the kid, and reaches out to CPS only to learn that the kid has a ‘villain Quirk’. Izuku wants to snarl there’s no such thing.
He's upset and its noticed by people. Word gets out why and a few of the former villains decide to hunt down the one guy they think will help.
Shouta isn't sure why they're hunting him but he drops down to talk. Hearing about this guy with his cafe worried about a kid warms his heart (he was homeless for far to long himself, and knows havens like that are special.) so he goes looking. And uncovers a huge corrupt section of foster care taking payoffs to make sure villains form in shitty conditions.
Aizawa connects with Izuku then and just… he sees this guy around his age. He's got freckles and curly green hair. Scars on his arms and a burn scar on his neck. Izuku’s also got steel in his spine and does not look away as he stares Shouta down. It's attractive as hell.
The hero starts hanging around the cafe, talking. Izuku isn't an informant but plenty of former villains keep their ears to the ground and will tip off the hero. Shouta gets cards form Izuku he passes out to the desperate thieves and pickpockets who just are trying to survive. A place to work, or someone who can hook them up with a workplace.
The bond forms slowly until one day Izuku kisses Shouta and goes; Date?
It's a very firm agreement.
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punnifullife · 3 months
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Based off this post. funny doodles i took too seriously.
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lord-paul20 · 21 days
Okay maybe I understand ppl who like Peter a little bit. His undying (obsessive) love(?) for her speaks to my abandonment issues.
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itsdabatt · 19 days
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happy national impersonate your favorite vigilante day to those who celebrate
Part 2
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littlefankingdom · 2 months
Dick who climbed on anything as a child. Even in public, especially in public. The moment Bruce looks away, he is climbing something to get as high as possible. The first times, it gave Bruce an heart attack. Now, it's just a headache.
People pass by and ask if they should call the firefighters, and Bruce tiredly tell them "He is fine, he can get down on his own.", like people with cats.
Imagine, you're walking out of some building, only to see a 10 years old standing on top of a lamppost, having a discussion with his dad guardian at the bottom.
"Dick, get down."
"Make me."
"Get down or you're grounded."
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clericxhood777 · 1 month
Duke: Why is Dick sitting in between Jason and Roy?
Steph: Because he doesn't wanna see them cuddling.
Tim: Or kissing.
Duke: But they're a couple.
Tim: To Dick, Jason's still a baby.
Duke, holds up Damian: This is a baby, that's a grown ass adult.
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se-qo · 1 month
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free dick grayson from the shackles of his 20's
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farshootergotme · 3 months
Occasionally I picture Nightwing calling Red Hood "little wing" in front of others and people looking between this huge, 6'0 feet tall man with growing white hair, and then Nightwing, a shorter man who has flawless skin, probably around his 20's, and a fit but not too buff build and they just- don't know what's happening. Is it some kind of inside joke they aren't aware of? Why is Nightwing acting as if he's years older than Red-fucking jacked-Hood?
Nightwing: Little wing, you actually were decent in that fight! I'm impressed.
Hero, who was helping during this fight as well, listening in to the conversation: little...?
Red Hood: Wow, feeling very appreciated right now. Got any other backhanded compliments in there?
Hero: Wait, excuse me-
Nightwing: As a matter of fact-
Red Hood: Nope! I'm outta here. Screw you!
Nightwing: You know you love me!
Red Hood: In your dreams, dickhead!
Nightwing: Hey! We don't use that-
Red Hood: Not listening!
Nightwing: Jeez, kids these days...
Red Hood: I'm an adult and fuck you too!
Nightwing: What? Thought you weren't-
Red Hood: See you never, I'm out.
Hero: ...
Hero: what the actual fuck?
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giotanner · 2 months
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Nightwing and Tim Drake, Discowing and the loss of Jason Todd (link to the entire tiktok here)
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bonerot19 · 4 months
I know we like writing fics where Jason is all "I'm not the kid you lost" and "he died and I'm all the worst parts of him that came back" and whatever. but lately I've been thinking about a Jason that's angry bc everyone thinks he came back wrong, because to him, he's the same as he's always been. sure, he's more upset and angry and traumatized, but he's still Jason.
I've been thinking about a Jason that spent most of the time since his death underground and then catatonic. to him, hardly any time has passed at all. to his family, three years have gone by. and Jason knows he looks different than he did, and he knows he's sharper around the edges, now, but he's still Jason. he's the same kid that died and now he's back and why doesn't anyone see that?
they're the ones that changed, not him
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swugflower · 11 months
Brucie Wayne gets interviewed and the question who, expect Batman, is his favorite Gotham hero.
After some awkward moments of silence, he blurts out that it’s Spoiler. Since she is the only one from the main active team that isn’t his kid and this way he avoids picking a favorite.
Meanwhile, the group chats explodes into chaos instantly.
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mirthmave · 14 days
So I was thinking about the whole younger siblings getting taller that older siblings thing that I am a victim of and it got me thinking.
So it’s known that some boys will continue to grow until they reach the age of 21 . Not all of them mind you, but some of them do.
From what I remember, Dick is currently 26, Jason is 22-23, Tim is forever 16-17 and Damian is 14.
Dick being the eldest was able to stay the tallest for a long time. Then Jason came back around 17-18 and suddenly his little brother isn’t so little anymore and Dick suddenly realises that it is possible that the others will get taller than him as well.
Damian is a given as Bruce is 6’2” so Dick knows that he hasn’t got a chance there, especially when Damian starts getting that mid-teen growth spurt. But Tim…
Tim has always been shorter than him by four inches. He’s 5’6” and Dick is 5’10” and the kid is barely growing. There is hope that he will continue to be taller than Tim!
Little does Dick know that Tim is still growing, just slowly.
Something happens that causes Tim and Dick not to see each other for a little while (nothing bad, just busy vigilante stuff) so it comes as a shock to Dick when they can all get together for dinner finally that he’s not seeing the top of Tim’s head.
No, that boy is now looking at him eye to eye.
Only not completely because Tim now has an inch on Dick.
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
Tim: I know who you are.
Danny, squinting down at him wearing Hello Kitty pjs.: What are you talking about? Who's child is this?
Tim: Batman has gotten too dangerous. He is a threat to himself and others. He needs a Robin to keep him sane. You need to come back to Gotham.
Danny: Kid-
Tim: I have proof! I'll release it all!
Danny sighing: I was just about to have some milk and Oreos. Do you want some?
Later, while Tim is eating his snack, Danny is talking on the phone: No Jazz, of course I'm not Robin! How was I supposed to know that turning off gravity so I could do a crazy hard flip would lead to a literal toddler thinking I was Robin? .....Because apparently, the quadruple somersault can only be done by four people in the world.....I don't know! What am I supposed to do with him? Tim already threatened to become Robin himself! He's so tiny, Jazz! I can't just send him out in the field like that!.........Look, Batman is spiraling. He'll never notice.....yes, I'm sure. How hard can being Robin be? I was already Phantom for a few years.
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mocking-the-bird · 8 months
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I returned to drawing Tiny Tim because I am a weak human being controlled by dopamine release
I think I'll make part two with Jason and Bruce, and I hope you want that too :p
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This is not meant to be a dig more just an observation at why opinions differ, but I feel like the people who view Dick as being a fatherly figure to Damian/them having a Parent-Child dynamic vs a Older Sibling-Little Sibling dynamic don’t know what it’s like to have siblings that are waaaaaaaay older than you in a big family! They may take on a more guardian role but it’s still a different dynamic idk
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flamingpudding · 2 months
It all started when a number code flashed across the screen of the Batcomputer while Tim was working on a case.
7 8 15 19 20
Flashed across the screen several times to the point it made Tim think that someone somehow managed to hack into the Batcomputer. It was also a number code he was not familiar with at all. So Tim reported it back over their comms in hopes that maybe one of the others knew what the numbers meant. Because all he managed to figure out from it was that the number code was an alert on the Batcomputer, one that came with coordinates that lead into the middle of nowhere.
Tim was about to join the discussion Dick and Jason were having on it when Bruce silenced them all apruptly speaking up.
"Answer code 2 1 20, sent them to the coordinates attached. I will be in the cave in ETA3 and take over from there."
The sudden silence on their communication line spoke volumes especially when Tim new the numbers was a simply code for Bat. He still did what Bruce asked him to do but that didn't stop the questions running through Tim's mind. He watched on the screen of the Batcomputer how the moment he sent the code in return, Programs started like on autopilot. A map opening that contained nothing at first but then changed into a map of a whole good damn city. Tim could only gap at what was happening on the Batcomputer before Bruce appeared and pulled him away from his seat to take over himself.
Bruce without a beat of delay started to input more codes and apparently access codes too as more and more windows opened on the Batcomputer. Tim did not realise that with time Dick, Cass and Damian had joined him as they watched Bruce work away on the Batcomputer. At some point an audiotrack opened but all they could hear was only static. They thought Bruce was going to run it through one of the noise filtering programs.
But to the shock of them, Bruce suddenly triggered a hidden compartment on the console, causing it to flip over and reveal communication link build in a way non of them had ever seen before. It was silver with green accents and looked far... older and less sleek than any of the ones they used. It was clearly not designed to stay completely hidden if put into your ear.
They watched how he simply put that earpiece on and then replayed the audiotrack.
The batkids shared a look of confusion. Non of them sure what to make of the situation until suddenly Bruce stood up from the Batcomputer.
"Prepare for a rescue mission. Nightwing, Orphan and Robin will come with me, the rest of you will stay in Gotham." Was all the man said before storming of towards the Batplane.
"Bruce what is going on?!" Dick instead of going to prepare asked stoping the man before he could get away from them. "What is the meaning of that code? Aside from the fact that simply translated it means ghost."
Bruce eyed the batkids present for a moment before letting out a grunt. "Ghost is finally ready to join the family."
"Ghost?" Tim echoed confused, never having heard that alias for any of them.
"Father what do you mean, 'join the family'?" Damian chimed in clearly frowning with suspicion.
The man eyed them once more his eyes going over each of his children, it looked like he was contemplating telling them more for a moment before he stood to fully face them and let out a sigh. "Like Clark, I too have clone child."
There was a stunned silence. No one speaking up until Dick did. "How long...?"
"14 years ago"
The silence continued as they all did the mental math. Once more it was Dick who spoke up first, clearly stunned. "You had a clone since I was eleven and now is the first time I hear of that?! You never bothered telling any of us?!"
There was a long suffering sigh. "We got to Danny before he was aged up, he was a normal baby even if created in a laboratory, so it was best for him to grow up normally, with the league we arranged for him to be sent to selected family since I had my hands full with you and-"
"Danny?!" Dick cut in. "His name is Danny? Does he even know about us?"
"Dick." Bruce called out his tone warning. "Of course I kept an eye on Danny's life. And I did made contact with him when the time was appropriated considering some of the things that were happening for the boy as he grew up, however he is not aware that he is a clone and it will stay that way. He will get to know all of you once we finished this rescue mission."
Before Dick or any of the others could say anything more Bruce spoke up firmly again. "Get ready now, we do not have any more time. Anything else will be handled later."
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