#bakugou is the only one izuku’s age from 1A
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 10 months
Thinking of AiDeku. But like… soft.
Izuku who is a Quirkless analyst owns a cafe because while he makes good money he can't quite stop wanting to be the hero he dreamed of as a kid. So his little cafe gives free drinks to the homeless. He gives 50% off to people from the rehab center down the street and he hires former villains to help them get a good resume so they don’t reoffend.
He's the little hero of the community he's in. A kind word to people and a good cup of coffee goes a long way. A nice place to sit out of the rain, a safe haven for the abused kids he tries to help but CPS ignores it.
That's how he meets Aizawa. There's this purple kid who comes by every day, and the scars on his face scream muzzle. Izuku is worried about the kid, and reaches out to CPS only to learn that the kid has a ‘villain Quirk’. Izuku wants to snarl there’s no such thing.
He's upset and its noticed by people. Word gets out why and a few of the former villains decide to hunt down the one guy they think will help.
Shouta isn't sure why they're hunting him but he drops down to talk. Hearing about this guy with his cafe worried about a kid warms his heart (he was homeless for far to long himself, and knows havens like that are special.) so he goes looking. And uncovers a huge corrupt section of foster care taking payoffs to make sure villains form in shitty conditions.
Aizawa connects with Izuku then and just… he sees this guy around his age. He's got freckles and curly green hair. Scars on his arms and a burn scar on his neck. Izuku’s also got steel in his spine and does not look away as he stares Shouta down. It's attractive as hell.
The hero starts hanging around the cafe, talking. Izuku isn't an informant but plenty of former villains keep their ears to the ground and will tip off the hero. Shouta gets cards form Izuku he passes out to the desperate thieves and pickpockets who just are trying to survive. A place to work, or someone who can hook them up with a workplace.
The bond forms slowly until one day Izuku kisses Shouta and goes; Date?
It's a very firm agreement.
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catsoupki · 9 months
inspired by this wonderful post and this AMAZING one, both written by @cashmoneyyysstuff lmk if u want this taken down!
flower territory
the way katsuki crushes on you has stayed the same, since he was four he has made sure that everyone, including you, always knew that you were his.
he offers you roughed up flowers from the sandbox, covered in dust and dirt, shoved into your hands are the bundle of wild chrysanthemums and crumbled weeds, and in exchange are the paper rings you made before going to the park, because even when you were four, you already knew bakugou in the way you knew the names of the stuffed animals in your room; a sense of pride nestles inside, somewhere between your little childishly innocent heart and your soft fluttering stomach when you see your katsuki declare proudly with a smug smirk to all his groupies that he's now a married man, and that doesn't change.
in middle school, aged 12 bakugou isn't afraid to lean over your desk and stare you down and demand your time during recess, even though his cheeks used to redden when his female classmates would tease him for being such a romantic for you, he's learnt that it's either he toughens up and take this, otherwise he has to deal with the other boys from his class chatting you up, and seeing their little cheeks redden when they're spared even an ounce of (undeserved) attention from you is much more painful than having his own apples tinge pink from your gaze.
katsuki changes a lot in U.A. but not in this. maybe the other class 1A kids don't have enough reference to notice, but izuku sure as hell can tell that the slight glisten and shine in his childhood best friend's eyes when he looks at you have only ever grown in brightness as you mature and age. as your body takes shape and your voice deepens, his affection for you simply gets magnified from a sheer adoration for your ability to keep up with him on the monkey bars and to withstand his loudness, either that be from the epicentres of his palms or the ever growing intensity of his voice when deku gets in his way, his respect for you grows and grows and festers and festers the more you win in the sports festival, the more you train, the more muscular you get, and the more internships you are offered.
as his own brashness gets dimmed down while the months go on, deku is no longer the only one who is able to notice the soft spot he has for you. jirou and shoji can only ignore the way bakugou whispers 'that's my girl' to you during class drills so many times, ochako and mina can only turn a blind eye to the way bakugou always cooks for you during the late nights where you collapse from exhaustion before eating so many times, by the end of the second year, even shouto knew to always find bakugou when you got hurt during missions and to just leave you two to your own devices for the rest of the evening.
the smirks might have grown less and less smug throughout the years and maybe more genuine, but the childlike wonder when katsuki looks at you stays always the same, it stays constant from when you were four all the way to when you're walking down the altar, it stays the same, from stepped-on flowers to bouquets of roses, from 'that's my girl' to 'that's my wife', you've always been his, the switch from craft paper to the 24 carat diamond ring on both your fingers never changed that; his face, to deku, looks identical; whenever dynamight is on a talk show and is asked to watch a clip of you fighting, the soft creases next to his eyes have always been there, bakugou's lips just twitch upwards when it's you;
what can he say? your katsuki has always been a prodigy, he knew since he was a kid, since the second his grabby little hands and tiny rolling eyes were laid on you, he has since decided that you were the only one worthy of his greatness, no matter how shitty his temper was at age 15, he looks at you like how sunflowers look at the sun, and that will never change.
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animegirl3476 · 18 days
Another day, another discourse comparing and contrasting Shoya and Shoko’s relationship in A Silent Voice with Katsuki and Izuku’s relationship in My Hero Academia.
At the end of the day, you’ll never get a 1:1 comparison with these two cases due to the fact that 1) They belong to vastly different genres, 2) One is far longer than the other and 3) One is a grounded character drama and coming of age tale.
I think that A Silent Voice provides a fairly good basis for judging the way MHA handles the relationship development of two characters, where one used to bully the other and an arc of atonement occurs. More importantly, comparisons to A Silent Voice highlight the shortcomings of Katsuki and Izuku’s relationship development and allows me to understand and actually communicate what I don’t like about the way the story handles it.
In my opinion, what sets these two stories apart in the way they handle the atonement arcs of their respective bullies is the way they portray consequences. The big “C” word tends to elicit a hostile reaction from certain fans, who assume that your idea of consequences must necessarily involve the bully character being gratuitously punished and made to suffer as retribution for their past actions. But a consequence is just the “result or affect of an action or condition” and can range in severity, it can have many different effects.
A Silent Voice uses social consequences to prompt change from its main character. Shoya’s bullying results in him being shunned by his classmates and friends, and the story goes to great lengths to show how his actions not only hurt his victim, but that they also hurt people he cared about. His mom has to reimburse Shoko’s mom for the damaged hearing aids (when she is already short on money) for example. Furthermore, the knowledge of his past is something that impacts the way others perceive him, and that change in perception is essential to his arc.
More importantly, A Silent Voice makes it clear to the viewer/reader that despite Shoko generally being a kind and forgiving person, the bullying still hurt her deeply enough to leave a long lasting impression. Shoko is receptive to Shoya’s will to change, but the story doesn’t ignore that Shoko suffered greatly and that the bullying made her sad, frustrated and even angry. Her negative emotions are not overshadowed by her desire to see Shoya become a better person.
The thing that holds me back from enjoying Katsuki and Izuku’s relationship development is the lack of consequences Bakugou receives for his bullying (which is directly connected to the way the narrative denies Izuku both agency and introspection) The hard truth is that Bakugou faces little to no consequences for his past behaviour, and one would think that such a topic would have to be brought up at some point because, ya know…he goes to a hero school. A HERO school, a place where people train to be role models, help people on a large scale and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
The first scene we see with Bakugou depicts him as the opposite of a hero. A mean bully who beats up people weaker than him, and this is emphasized by the fact that he targets Izuku, who has no means of defending himself. Despite this, he gets into UA, which isn’t necessarily a problem because it communicates a major flaw in the system that cultivates heroes (Overlooking certain problematic traits in favour of innate talent and strength) BUT, the information that he used to be a bully never comes up among his classmates in any major or lasting way. We saw his classmates, and even his new friends discuss or think about how much they abhor bullying. The students of class 1A do not like it when people abuse their strength to pick on those weaker than them…yet that never seems to connect back to Bakugou’s past as a bully.
This issue is exacerbated by the lack of attention given to Izuku’s side of the story. In stories that involve the atonement or redemption of a bully, it is CRITICAL that the victim’s side of the story is treated as something equally important to the bully’s side. It’s not something that can just be overshadowed by the bully’s side, it must be focused on in order for the atonement arc to work.
It’s disappointing that Izuku lacks the introspection that Katsuki gets, and very unsatisfying that it effectively lets Katsuki off the hook for literally every bad thing he’s ever done. The ways the bullying might’ve impacted Izuku for the worst is hardly ever discussed because every time the narrative approaches the topic, it always pivots to Izuku praising Katsuki for the things he did right. This is a big problem, because it silences any discussion that focuses on Izuku’s feelings and shines the spotlight on Katsuki instead.
Before I end my little tangent, I also feel the need to say this: Pointing to any instance of Katsuki’s suffering throughout the series IS NOT EVIDENCE OF CONSEQUENCES! Any bad thing will happen to Katsuki and people will proceed to say: “SEE?! Did you see that?? Katsuki HAS faced consequences! How can you say that he never faced consequences for his actions? Why do you want him to suffer?” It’s so disingenuous and it’s a terrible argument that refuses to criticize the text.
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imaginarylungfish · 1 year
My Hero Academia fic recs
alright, this is the fandom i have the read the most fanfics for (and for which the ships i read for have expanded the most). they are organized by ships and sfw/nsfw. enjoy! and thank you fanfic writers!! (my favorites in purple. and my absolute favorite in pink.)
Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
The Color of Love: short 600 middle school AU fic where izuku and shouto do homework together
Keep Me Warm (It's a Cold Night): 1K fic about pro-heroes and husabnds Deku and Shouto cuddling after a long day at work
Morning: 1,100 cute fic where shouto asks izuku a question
Heart on Your Sleeve: 2,200 established relationship emotional hurt/comfort
It's Always Been You: 2.6K fic where izuku is avoiding shouto based on rumors of him having a boyfriend
The Idiot's Guide to Realizing You're in Love (...And Doing Something About It): 4K fic in which shouto realizes his feelings for izuku. background erasermic
Authored by WillWorkForSoba: 4K fic where shouto becomes a fanfic writer to cope with his feelings for izuku. featuring todobaku friendship [related to Smaller_Might Left Kudos on This Work!]
Smaller_Might Left Kudos on This Work!: 6K fic where izuku reads some tododeku fanfic and likes a specific fanfic writer in the process. background kiribaku and momojirou [best to read Authored by WillWorkForSoba first]
A Good Start: 5,500 fluff and angst with happy ending. (shouto doesn't like bakugo in this one.)
Rainbow: almost 7K fic where shouto comes out with the help of kirishima and kaminari's face paint
All According to Keikaku...........: 8,800 fluff and getting together
The Right to Be: 10K fic where enji accepts and advocates for shouto's relationship with izuku (mostly enji-centric)
If I'm Being Honest: 26K fic where shouto is hit by a truth serum and some classmates take him to mcdonald's and figure out his crush on izuku. some background kiribaku
That Feel When Your Quirk is Also a Sexy Eldritch Horror You Can Only KINDA Control: almost 3K fic where izuku's blackwhip just has a thing for his boyfriend shouto
Got an Issue? Here's a Tissue: almost 3K fic where shouto has a hard time controlling his quirk because of izuku
But You Went to Fight Off Your Genetics: 3K abo fic where beta izuku needs some emotional support from his boyfriend shouto
Hit Me With Your Sweet Love, Steam Me With a Kiss: 10K quirkless college au with pining shouto and camboy izuku
Ten Years, One Torch: 40K fic where pro hero izuku returns to japan after working in america and realizes he is not over shouto. background class 1a friendships and kiribkau relationship progression
The Roots that Clutch: 296K pro hero slow burn (i'm talking 46 chapters, friends). highly recommend but damn, be ready for some heavy angst.
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Deserving: almost 3K fic where kiri gets hit with a mind-reading quirk (with some homophobia from mineta)
Authored By: GroundZero420: 3,500 fic where bakugo realizes his feelings for kiri through finding and subsequently writing fanfic [related to WannaRi0t Left Kudos on This Work!]
Not Yet: 4K oblivious bakugo realizing his feelings
WannaRi0t Left Kudos on This Work!: 5,400 fic where kiri reads some kiribaku fanfic and finds a specific fanfic writer he likes [best to read Authored By: GroundZero420 first]
Why Fucking Not?: 6K fic where bakugo has acute amnesia and thinks he and kiri are boyfriends
Sweaty Palms and Swollen Knuckles: 3,700 poetic aged-up friends -to-lovers fic
So Spend Some Time With Me (I Really Like Your Company): almost 9K quirkless college au where bakugo and shouto go to hooters and bakugo is interested in a certain hooters waiter (kiri). background tododeku.
More Than I'd Like, More Than You Do: 25K fic where katsuki reunites with kiri after a year and things progress
Look At Me, I Hear You: 59K quirkless au with deaf bakugo and blind kirishima as roommates at a boarding school. the two realize their feelings for each other and learn how to navigate their relationship together. just lovely.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Souvenirs: short 500 fic where aged-up katsuki finds souvenirs for his boyfriends after a trip to new york
When You Know You Know: 1,400 of tododeku pillow talk fluff while squished next to katsuki on the bed
Accompanied by City Lights: 1,600 pro-hero established relationship fic where izuku has insomnia and his boyfriends try to get him to stay home and go to bed
This Love is a Sure Thing: 1,600 fic about pro-hero's izuku, shouto, and katsuki date night
To the Feeling: 1,700 fluff where pro-heroes izuku, shouto, and katsuki attend a hero convention disguised
Dinner Plans: 2,200 quirkless college (?) au in which izuku, katsuki, and shouto make some plans together
I'm Home (in Your Arms): 2,600 fic where aged-up katsuki and izuku pick shouto up from the airport. both established relationship and getting together.
Gezellig: 3K domestic fluff where izuku, shouto, and katsuki are pro-heros and dads
Love in Three Parts: 5K fic set during deku's dark hero arc. katsuki and shouto worry about him and everyone pines
The All Might Trivia Contest: 5K fic in which all might leads facilitates a class 1a trivia night. background erasermight and kamishin
I Was Hurting And You Knew (So You Showed Me What To Do): 6K fic where aged-up katsuki and shouto (established relationship) care for a sick izuku
Triptych For the Heart: 11K fic in which shouto is a pro-hero and a little lost, but izuku and katsuki are by his side
Communication Breakdown: almost 16K fic where shouto thinks he has two boyfriends but neither of them know. very funny and cute fic.
Bakugou Katsuki's Guide to Ignoring PTSD: 86K quirkless college au. katsuki has ptsd from a past car crash. he doesn't deal with it well, but his friends (and eventual lovers) help him along the way. great depiction of ptsd. background kamishin and miritami
The Distance of Differences: 86K fic where pro-hero izuku gets amnesia and doesn't remember he has two boyfriends. shouto and katsuki are so patient and caring to him. wonderful read. background erasermight.
Small World: short almost 700 abo fic with omega shouto and alpha izuku and katsuki
Trains Run Late: 1,500 quirkless au fic where izuku makes out with a beautiful man (shouto) and his boyfriend (katsuki) at a bar
Without Me?: 1,600 aged-up fic where katsuki helps shouto get with izuku (and also himself in the process)
Mates: 2K aged-up abo fic where katsuki returns from a long shift at work and is greeted by his sleepy husbands (one being pregnant)
You're Okay, Sweet Prince: 3K aged-up fic in which shouto's boyfriends help him cope with his past
Before Dawn (I'm With You): 3K fic where shouto and izuku have food (and more) ready for pro-hero katsuki when he returns home from an overnight shift
Pandora: 3K pro-hero fic where izuku, katsuki, and shouto are trapped in a quirk-deactivating box
Beginning to End: 3,500 pro-hero fic where katsuki and shouto try to make izuku's birthday special
All or Nothing: 4K todobakudeku first time
Fluffle: 5K aged-up fic where shouto gets a fantasy fulfilled by izuku and katsuki
There's a Little Me That Lives in You: really creative 8K soul marks fic in which our boys are oblivious
I'd Love to See Me From Your Point of View: fun/funny 9K body-swapping fic
Touch Me, Touch Me Not, Touch Me: almost 13K fic where izuku, shouto, and katsuki each get hit with different quirks and need to figure out how to undo them
Rock, Paper, Scissors: 20K fic with pro-heros izuku, shouto, and katsuki being messy and drunk, and eventually getting together
When It's Sunrise: 22K pro-hero angst-with-a-happy-ending fic
In Media Res: 74K+ (still ongoing) bakudeku + todo slow burn into todobakudeku endgame. this is honestly my favorite todobakudeku fic, by a long shot. the pacing is superb. the writing and flow are just amazing. and the characters feel so real. i love love love it! (plus it has a companion called Interlude where we see other characters' POV's of main plotlines!)
The Beating of My Glass Heart: 209K angsty soulmate slowburn fic with happy ending. super good, but damn get ready for some angst.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
(Not-So) Silent Loving: 2,400 cute fic about katsuki mixing up some words
Feels Like Home: 6K fic where class 2a has a party and izuku and katsuki get a little drunk
Sing One We Know: 33K post-war fic where izuku and katsuki navigate life and figure out their feelings for each other
What's Your Type: 20K pro heroes bakugo and deku go on a game show to test their knowledge about each other but miss one question... that leads to something more
Your Hand in Mine (In Every Universe): 56K really cool alternate-timelines-clashing au where we see different katsuki's realize the same thing about izuku
Philophobia: 10K fic where izuku, and katsuki, take care of eri and eventually confess some things in the process
Half Drunk, Happy: 13K post-graduation fic where izuku and katsuki hook up and then figure things out
Go Get Your Man, Young Bakugo!: 16K fic where all might misinterprets izuku and katsuki's relationship but the miscommunication leads to something more for them
Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
Baby Fever: 1.3K established todobaku visit shouto's new nephew in the hospital and seeing shouto hold a baby makes katsuki feel things
Love is an Accident Waiting to Happen: 7K married todobaku + todofam interactions
When We Did Not Know the Answers: 67K shouto-centric slow burn showing shouto's dating experiences while he figures out what he likes
Yuck!: 34K abo todobaku with oblivious katsuki and uncommunicative shouto
Triple Dog Dare: 50K post-breakup katsuki finds friendship (and more) with shouto
Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Want It All: 29K fic where tododeku and kiribaku figure some things out [related to Ten Years, One Torch]
Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
To Sleep At Your Side (an Act of Trust): 3K tamaki-centric fic about trust and sharing a bed
A Job That No One Wants: 5K fic where mirio is babysitting eri and it's clear his care for her and tamaki come from the same place: love
Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
We Are So (Not) Married: fun 53K fic where present mic and erasherhead figure some things out while under the guise of being married
Kuduo | Second One For All User/Yoichi | First One For All User
Iridescent: almost 2K fic of yoichi fluff
Candescent: 1.7K fic where yoichi gives kuduo ofa
Todoroki Touya | Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Primal Factor (Unfinished): 2K unfinished fic (but i think it's fine as a one-shot) that's mainly smut
Incendiate: 8,500 angsty enemies-to-lovers fic
Yakitori: 80K fic with mpreg trans keigo and touya figuring things out
Rhapsody: 188K fic where keigo and touya get hit by a quirk that makes them realize some things (read trigger warnings before reading)
Carrying a Villian's Kid Arc I, Arc II & III: 16- and 25-chapter abo wip with mpreg keigo and touya figuring things out
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pocketramblr · 1 year
For 5 ask game: an au where Izuku is a (still quirkless) child prodigy, thus is actually 12 upon receiving 0FA and entering UA
Smallish hiccup, he forgot to mention to All Might he skipped a few grades
1- Izuku has been testing up through school because he realized it's the only way to get a better deal out of there. He won't be moved to a different class away from his bullies, but if he skips a grade he can get a little distance, and more with a second, when he becomes more impressive to the school and classmates who aren't as familiar with his quirklessness. (They aren't nice to him by any means, but getting ignored is better than being exploded on the regular) It means he has to work very hard to study, prioritizing it above all else, and he's hoping to graduate middle school early and then spend a couple years just training for UA. Then, he meets All Might
2- look. They apparently didn't make All Might do any sort of certification or learning program before hiring him as a teacher. He's never taken a child development class! He has no idea how an 12 year old is different from a 14 year old. (PLENTY DIFFERENT BTW. Maybe not at appearance, kids grow differently, but def behavior.) So the fact that this kid skipped two grades is not obvious to him. And Izuku forgets to mention it! (Though his grades are slipping for focusing on training. Towards the end of the school year his teachers wonder if moving up two grades was too much for him, if he'll need to repeat the year. He doesn't, it's still fine.)
3- and then All Might talks about him taking the entrance exam this year, and Izuku just figures it's his plus ultra mindset! Or good strategy, he can test the quirk for a first time in a contained environment, and then have a year or two to just focus on training ofa before he can pass a test he's more familiar with. And uh. Then he gets in.
4- Izuku's muttering during the instructions is complained about by one student, but then a blond boy laughs and takes attention off him, before patting his leg and whispering that it's ok, he and his friend are nervous too. (Next to Mirio, Tamaki is practically curled up in fetal position about the two of them not being in the same arena.) Izuku somehow gets enough rescue points. Yay! He's in 1A, with Mirio and Yuyu, who about fall over when Izuku mentions his age. Which is better than All Might, who coughed up a lung when looking over the student files and seeing young Midoriya's age.
5- after the SF, Bakugou shows up at Izuku's house demanding to know what villain has taken that quirkless kid he slightly forgot about after he ran away to a different school's identity. And how dumb is that villain, to use the name and face of a kid who isn't old enough for ua. Izuku is like "I didn't move schools? I moved up a grade? Two actually? Did you just assume I did when I wasn't sitting behind you anymore and forget about me??" Bakugou would never admit to that so he just yells and then leaves, swearing he'll graduate middle school this year so he can get into UA early too and beat him. Izuku wishes him confused but genuine luck, then has his attention pulled away by Mirio calling to invite him to join he, Yuyu, and Tamaki for lunch as they bemoan their lackluster first SF performance and celebrate they can only go up from there. That makes it a bit awkward when Tamaki nervously invited Nejire, the SF winner along, who wasn't sure how to join the conversation until Mirio cracked a joke about Izuku's age, and then Nejire unleashed a torrent of questions and brightened up, cementing them as more of a group of friends who'd be sticking together a while.
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sapphic-agent · 1 year
There are so many interesting aspects of MHA worldbuilding/academia that we never got to see, and it pains me.
For a world that doesn't allow people to use their Quirks in public areas, how do 1A (bar Izuku, Kaminari, and Aoyama) have such control over their Quirks? Are there gyms or training facilities they can go to in order to train their Quirks? I'm assuming Yaoyorozu and Ida got some form of private training, given their wealth, and Todoroki had been trained by Endeavor from age 4/5.
How exactly do the work studies even function? They're optional and located all across Japan, so how do they make up the absences? How do they keep up with their schoolwork? Does UA pay for lodging? Why are the lowest ranked students in class even allowed to go on a work study if their grades are so bad? How has Oboro dying and the Shie Hassaikai raid not given UA even more bad press, considering that Sir Nighteye was killed and many UA students were injured? Nedzu mentioned "restarting" the work studies, so I assume maybe Oboro's death caused UA to pause them?
We also see in universe that the teachers disagree with Nedzu/the establishment on how UA should be run. Snipe didn't want the Sports Festival being held so soon after the USJ Attack. Present Mic was rightfully upset that his traitor theory was being shot down (wonder how they all felt when they found out he was right). All Might didn't like the first years being on work studies to begin with. Later on, Snipe, Cementoss, and Vlad King didn't want the work studies being made mandatory (though that last one was due to the HPSC).
It's funny you say this because I was actually somewhat thinking about this topic.
One thing that always nagged at me was that Yaoyorozu and Todoroki were really the only 1A students who were exemplary (I'm excluding Bakugou here for a second). It's supposed to be the best hero school in the world, yet it's only the two of them who actually show that off (with their quirk control, Yaoyorozu with her intelligence, and Todoroki with his raw strength). They should have been the expectation, not the exception.
Don't get me wrong, other 1A students like Kirishima and Tokoyami are good with their quirks, but not to the level that those two were at the beginning. To get into the greatest hero school in the world, you would expect more exceptional students. Even looking at a wider scope, the only other examples we can point to are the Big Three (and maybe Kendo but we don't see much of her skills beyond her fight with Yaoyorozu).
It would have been way more impactful for Izuku and Bakugou to get there and see how far behind they were (mostly Bakugou as Izuku already experienced this somewhat). Bakugou being the second best right of the bat makes no sense when Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Iida have (presumably) has the best training and tutoring possible (I will never stop being salty about Bakugou beating out Todoroki in class ranking, in what world does that even make sense). If this was going to be the best hero school in the world, there should have been students who have pushed themselves to the limits their entire life. Bakugou getting there and seeing that he wasn't any more special than everyone else would have been way more impactful. They both should have spent more time playing catch up.
But I'm rambling. UA in and of itself is just messy and the story just doesn't go into depth past surface level in any aspect. The only time Horikoshi starts to do this is with Lady Nagant, but even then a lot of society and its impact on her is left in the air
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nutzgunray-lvt · 1 year
The Eri Problem
I'm going to get some flack for this, but I've never been a fan of Eri. Yeah, she's a cute kid who was dealt an awful hand in life, but I hate the way she's written/placed in the story. I think she could have been so much more if different things were done with her character, but as things stand right now, she's just a walking-talking plot device. I'll try and break down why I'm not a fan of how she's been written thus far and what it means for the story thus far:
(sidenote: this has some anti Bakugou and anti Aizawa elements, as well as some UA critical ranting, so it's also been tagged as such)
1. Her backstory
Her backstory sounds like something straight out of fanfiction, and while other people may like that (I'm not judging if you do), I'm just not a fan of it. You have characters with much more realistic backstories such as Izuku (absent father, mercilessly bullied due to being Quirkless), Shoto (hospitalized mother, has an extremely famous public figure for a father that happens to be abusive), and Kota (hero parents were killed in the line of duty when he was a toddler, raised by his aunt as a result of that).
Then you have Eri: she erased her father from existence on accident (she also has no birth certificate for whatever reason), causing her mother to hate/fear her to the point where she's put in the care of the Yakuza. The head of the Yakuza - who happens to be her maternal grandfather - becomes unable to care for her, leading Overhaul to experiment on her for his Quirk erasing bullets. She then gets taken in by Eraserhead and the staff of UA. In fanfiction (depending on how it's done), I wouldn't mind seeing this, but seeing this done in canon just doesn't sit with me.
2. Her Quirk
I'm not saying anything new here, given that this is by far the most debated thing about her, but her Quirk just lowers the stakes of the story to me. Why should I worry about Mirio being Quirkless when we all know that Eri's going to restore his Quirk? For that matter, why don't they have her restore Aizawa's leg and eye? Why don't they have her restore All Might back to his prime? If they have her do one of these things, why not have her do the other two?
3. Her Role
The above two points kind of converge into this one, and I think it's one of the biggest reasons why I have such a problem with her character: she HATES her Quirk (for totally valid reasons, I'd hate Rewind if I had it), yet is used by UA to restore Mirio's Quirk with no consideration for her own feelings on the matter. That doesn't sit right with me, and I've seen a few other people agree.
She's also used to rehabilitate Aizawa and Bakugou's images without giving them proper character development.
Aizawa is a mess of a man who has no business taking care of any child, regardless of their age. I understand that pragmatically, he's the best option until she gains control of her Quirk, but we don't even see him take care of her! Whenever she's trotted out in the story for her designated cute moments, he more often than not just leaves her in the care of his class. I will give him props for sacrificing his leg for her sake, but that's just about the only big "bonding" moment that they have. People often point to Aizawa's relationship with Eri as evidence that he's not just some asshole teacher, but that just raises a question for me: if he supposedly cares for his students as much as he does for Eri, why don't we see him loosening up on his assholery towards them? Why don't we see him reflecting on his frankly horrible treatment of them (Izuku in particular) and resolving to try and do better? In the light novels, we see how much Eri adores Izuku (wanting Santa to visit him as well, asking if Izuku was okay when he ran off to get the candy apples to surprise her with), which would have been a perfect set up for this.
*bonus complaint, but how can these teachers take such good care of Eri and then turn around and pretend to kidnap the parents of Class 1A for Parents Day? How can they just sit by and let Bakugou treat everyone around him the way he does? How can they say that they see these kids as their own children if they not only do nothing to help Izuku, Aoyama, and Kaminari control their Quirks, but they let Izuku drop out of UA to go fight All For One and Shigaraki? How can they ignore all of the child abuse red flags Todoroki throws up? How can Midnight make outright sexual comments that canonically make the students uncomfortable?
In the 6th light novel, she's also used to teach Bakugou to not be such an asshole 24/7. I don't even need to get into why leaving a traumatized 6 year with such a mean-spirited bully is a horrible idea... then again, Aizawa thought he could resolve the bad blood between Izuku and Bakugou by forcing them to work together, and we all know how well that turned out (Bakugou backhanding Izuku and outright stating he'd rather fail than work with Izuku), so what the hell do I know?
In my honest opinion, Eri would have been much happier if she had somehow gotten her Quirk erased and was taken in by Mirio and his family. She could still be in the story, but more along the lines of how Kota is in the story: very occasionally popping up to show their recovery and their love for Izuku.
Maybe they could even start an Izuku fanclub together.
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ebonysficcollection · 2 years
BNHA Fic Recs: Family/Friendship Feels
make this feel like home by carolinaa
The Todoroki siblings all come together for Christmas for the first time in years when they hear that Endeavor will be out of town during the break. Very painful, but also the most realistic depiction of estranged siblings that clearly love each other, but don't know how to act around each other. Fantastically written, and it's told from Natsuo's perspective, which is a refreshing take on this genre of Todoroki family recovery fics.
Tickets to the Todoroki Trauma Drama Are Buy 1 Get 1 Free by miniongrin
Touya and Fuyumi are twins and get body-swapped and learn about the lives they've developed since being separated and grow closer as a result. Fucking hysterical, great characterization of Fuyumi specifically, and surprisingly sweet and sad when it wants to be.
journey to the past by aloneintherain
When Izuku's classmates are pro heroes, they time travel back to when Izuku was little and save him from villain attacks repeatedly over the course of his life. This is heartbreakingly sweet. It shows all of Izuku's baggage and loneliness while simultaneously giving us the best friend bonding that is Pro Hero Class A playing with baby Deku. It's like getting an ice cream after getting decked in the nose.
Confusion by bortzy
Todoroki and Kirishima bonding over being gay. That's kind of it, but it's cute. I like Kirishima and Todoroki being friends. It's just uncomplicated friend stuff.
Movin' Out by momojirounation
Todoroki and Yaoyorozu not knowing how to function so they ask their partners for help. Very cute and funny, I love platonic Todomomo, and also they're both autistic, which is just--yes.
i. shaky hands by rexcorvidae
Izuku has chronic pain on account of being the human embodiment of poor impulse control, so Dadzawa steps in and helps him deal with it. It's just nice. It's just nice seeing people treating Izuku well. It's vicarious catharsis.
If We're Being Honest by thequeenofwhump
Class 1A is hit with a truth quirk that causes them to spout "fucking word vomit" for almost a month, and because no one can lie, all the couples get together in, like, the first chapter, and it's great. It's hilarious, especially the internal narration of the characters, and there's a lot of really good friendship moments between everyone involved, and I do mean everyone. It's not just the usual angst-ridden characters like Todoroki and Bakugou. I have a whole review typed up for this bad boy, but I'd say it's worth a read.
Imperceptible by lunarecrypt
A Hagakure-centric fic was something I did not know I needed, but now I'm glad I have it. Hagakure needs stealth advice from Todoroki, and she finds out the barest bones of his backstory and why he is the way he is. I always love fics about less popular characters, and I especially love them when they're told from the perspective of an underappreciated character. I really like Hagakure, and I wish there was more available content about her.
Terrible Twos by PotterheadAvengerDemigod
Midoriya is hit with a Quirk that de-ages him back to when he's four years old, and since Bakugou is the only person he knows and remembers, Bakugou has to babysit him. Tooth-rottingly adorable and features Bakugou struggling not to swear in the presence of innocent baby Deku, lest his friends hit him over the head with a rolled up newspaper. It's great, fucking love it.
all according to keikaku................. by carolinaa
Kirishima gets sick of Midoriya and Todoroki's pining, so he decides to flirt with Todoroki in an attempt to not-so-subtly force Midoriya to confess by taking advantage of Midoriya's competitive streak. The characterization is really solid and features teenagers being teenagers, with all the hell that is high school put on full display. I just love it when class 1A is depicted as just the most Gen Z kids to ever exist. This fic is almost literally every conversation I've overheard or been apart of in homework group study sessions. It's great.
(Honestly, just go read everything by this author).
bff (brother friend forever) by carolinaa
A collection of snapshots showing Iida and Uraraka's friendship, where they're really just bratty siblings that love each other just so much. As always with this author, great writing style, fantastic characterization, and hit me in the fucking feels.
(Seriously. Read everything by this author. Especially if you want good Erasermic and Todo-family fics).
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mooblybloom · 1 year
Süirelean Queen Au
Midoriya inko is an ex high ranking villain better known as Süirel (Mongolian word meaning destruction) she was known for her powerful telekinesis quirk while also being The mistress of the famed AFO King of the underworld The devil himself rumor says they had a child and the queen of the underworld The She Devil herself quit And she hasn't been seen since.
Mizuki Bakugo is an ex vigilante that goes by the name Nitrous she's famous for being the only one who seem to be able to calm down the shea devil from unnecessary kills not to say that she didn't have a fuse herself though she mostly fought quirkless she retired without a word and no reasoning for her disappearance from field.
Matsuura Bakugou better known as Acid Slip was an underground hero known for his powerful acid base quirk And quick thinking on the field admired by many though he retired years back for unknown reasons.
Next Gen
Midoriya Izuku young hero hopeful born "without a quirk" (It was taken by his father because of the physical strain it had on his young body his mother knows this they agreed upon it) Izuku does not know of his mother's double life All he knows is that she quit her job somewhere around the age of when he was 10 and started staying home a lot more. Now overpowered with the looks of his mother and the personality of his father he strikes fear by merely existing into the hearts of the underground who know him just by his face iconic green hair viridian almost glowing eyes same as his mother and the unhinged personality he has when he's finally having fun In a fight. Izuku Midoriya son of the devil himself unknowingly
Bakugo Katsuki well aware of his parents retired double lives having caught them sneaking into the house many times before as a kid He knew of his father's ex-profession and his mother's less than legal ex profession even still with this information he wanted to be just like his parents and grow to be heroes like them Izuku right along next to him(inko found this hilariously ironic hisashi not so much) Even still he replaces his mother's role in her and Inko's dynamic being the sort of buffer to his best friend's violence
Izuku midoriya is a crazy little shit right away throwing himself into danger just to feel a little bit of fun and Bakugo's just there to make sure he doesn't end up with murder charges and even if he does he'd pay them off
Class 1A is amazed at how easily Bakugo and Midoriya can call each other down so quickly.
(I'm going to edit this later I'm tired)
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izusun · 3 years
Goblin anon here absolutely screeching over feral quirkless Midoriya, it's everything I wanted
I would like to also introduce a brand (my brand) of feral to Midoriya: pyromaniac.
Imagine Midoriya getting through the entrance exam by saving people, but also by bringing makeshift Molotov cocktails and wrecking almost as much shop as Bakugou.
Imagine the battle trials where Bakugou tries to blow up the building because "that's the only way to keep this little shit down" and in response Midoriya dodges and then sets the building on fire.
Imagine the USJ incident, which goes about the same, but his first instinct is to set the Noumu on fire. Yes he does so. He also nearly sets the stadium on fire at the sports festival so much that they had to evacuate sections of the stadium.
Midoriya (say it with me now) sets Stain on fire. When Tsukauchi meets with the murder trio after the Hosu incident, he just sighs and is like "Midoriya, really?" And this is when we learn that Midoriya has a history of coming across random villains and setting them on fire. When Inko arrives to pick him up she's just like "You're grounded."
There's theories about what Midoriya's quirk, everything from increased intelligence to extremely shitty luck to the ability to make anything he touches explodes (due to his inane ability to make a bomb/lighter out of the most insane things). When it comes out that he's quirkless, it just makes everyone even more afraid, as Midoriya can make a bomb out of some LSD and a rubber duck quirkless-
Pyromaniac quirkless Midoriya.
- Goblin anon
GOBLIN ANON IT’S BEEN AGES IM SORRY IM JUST RESPONDING NOW (ive been so bad at responding asks my god i struggle but thank u for ur au dumps, i love loVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!)
feral quirkless gremlin midoriya going through shit by setting things on fire is just the way to go im duwldjwksk
i read midoriya with molotov cocktails and i have not stopped simping for and thinking about this midoriya
genuinely swooning at this ver of him
midoriya probably has a collection of lighters and basically does those hand tricks to calm him down or to take his mind off of things
bakugou and midoriya being more familiar with each other in their middle school days compared to canon and bakugou gifting midoriya with personalized all might lighter god that’s adorable
ok but they’re talking about their favourite heroes and bakugou goes, “shocking that you don’t like endeavour.”
and midoriya just shrugs, twisting his hand and fingers to orchestrate the fire’s dance from his lighter, his viridian eyes brighter and says, “his fire feels wrong.” and they leave it at that
midoriya being inspired by bakugou’s explosions and attempting to copy those so bad that bakugou thought midoriya’s trying out for support classes
he yanks out makeshift molotov cocktails from his bag, lights them up and throws them at the bastard. the sludge villain screams and retreats slightly because not only was he facing the fires but also the exploded glass shards. it gave enough time for bakugou to explode the villain and escape enough to allow him to breathe. in the end, all might still defeats the sludge but he misses bakugou and midoriya who escaped. no ofa for firey green bean.
bakugou helping midoriya create more explosions.
“but kacchba i want fire, not explosions!”
“same difference you pyro asshole!”
midoriya learns them anyways and enjoys it.
i have two ways:
one: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed support items and they allowed him and they watched in shock as this little boy explodes the arena worse than the explosion-quirked student. of course he passes and aizawa took him on as his student.
two: midoriya appealed to the staff that he needed his support items but the staff did NOT allow him because they’re considered weapons (as if quirks are not genetic weapons but i DIGRESS) and so when the exam starts, he stays at the very back of the other examinees. this was so that when he arrives at the scene, there are already spare parts for him to scavenge so that he can build makeshift explosions (foregoing whatever shit he learned from katsuki because all that’s on his mind right now are molotov cocktails)
so that’s what happens. he scavenges parts and hides inside one of the buildings so that he can focus more on making explosions and be less worried about being attacked. when he was fully geared, he steps out and begins to retaliate.
he works fast as to not waste his time and the makeshift explosions. because of this, others (ahem-aoyama-ahem) had no opportunity to steal his score.
same thing happens: uraraka gets caught and midoriya explodes the zero pointer. this time, however, the robot is utterly destroyed.
aizawa and majima saw midoriya’s performance, adored it, and began fighting for midoriya.
“majima, he’s here for the hero classes.”
“great. now give him to me.”
nezu pretends that he’s not planning on splitting midoriya’s schedule anyways.
BATTLE TRIAL OH MY GOD rip all might i bet you keeled over so bad, you were one second from turning to small might there and then.
all might: ok so one explodey kid to look out for. that’s not bad.
all might, one minute later: this green kid looks familiar…
all might, ten minutes later: what the fuck.
NO BECAUSE bakugou and midoriya being excited to explode things (well, more like midoriya’s excited and bakugou just wants to fight midoriya) and having a blast when fighting each other.
1a’s probably thinking “oh no” followed by “they’re hot” (literally too because yk the building’s on fire.)
midoriya saw this monster running to aizawa and he just points a more eloquent looking flame thrower (thank u mei for working with midoriya with that) at this beast and sets it on fire.
it effectively slowed the noumu and gave the others an opportunity to pull aizawa from the hit zone. it also granted all might more freedom when fighting the noumu because it was slowed enough that all might didn’t have to worry about exceeding his time limit.
the fire damaged some of its nerve processes that the scientist and afo had not accounted for. of course this review is returned to them and many of the noumus become fireproof because of this incident.
midoriya crushing on todoroki because fire.
he was actually very interested in todoroki prior to sports fest but something about todoroki’s fight against sero sparked something more in midoriya. midoriya saw the anger from his ice, now he wants to see the same intensity from his fire.
his spiel of “that’s your power, todoroki” goes differently. todoroki still pulls him aside and trauma dumps on him but this time he goes, without missing a beat, “that fire is a waste on you.”
todoroki full body pauses because that’s not something he’s ever, well, considered to hear after trauma dumping.
“what?” he croaks, confused at the bubbling feeling. it’s a miasma of anger and hurt, but to a scale so unfamiliar.
midoriya shrugs. “fire is unique, more so as an elemental quirk. you think it doesn’t make half of you—well, i mean you’re right. it doesn’t. you make it. you control it. fire is often uncontrollable and yet here you are, having it as your power. it’s yours to control, so control it. use it.”
todoroki’s ears are ringing.
“you have it as your power.”
“so control it.”
and so he did.
midoriya watched todoki’s fire; watched the way the flames lick up up up and leaves no air bathed in heat. midoriya sees the rawness of anger and determination and thinks, “this is how fire should always look like.”
unconsciously he also thinks how todoroki’s fire is far more beautiful than endeavour’s.
midoriya loses and he’s not as sad about it. losing to something sentient (fire, not todoroki), for him, is a blessing.
todoroki advances along with bakugou.
bakugou who is jealous of todoroki because he saw how midoriya eyed todoroki’s fire and knew todoroki’s a competition in other more ways.
bakugou wins again, this time less angry because todoroki used his fire against him.
todoroki full on pausing because he thought he’s the one who set stain on fire unconsciously only to follow the fire’s trail and sees it’s from one of midoriya’s many support items.
“shoot i didn’t mean to burn him that fast!”
“that’s your issue!?”
midoriya gives them a “duh?” look and todoroki feels himself warming up (HAH another fire pun) at midoriya’s ease.
flying noumi still comes and picks him up but midoriya also sets this thing on fire. the difference between a winged noumu and a normal noumu is that the wings are far more flammable and midoriya had quite a bit of fun at setting it on fire and hearing the crackling of flames on rubbery wings.
endeavour casts him a glance that speaks of approval and midoriya doesn’t know if he hates it or not.
tsukauchi arrives and sees not only stain, but the noumu and heaves up a very big sigh. “midoriya, really?”
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lurking96 · 3 years
Chapter 319 or why Bakugou might not be healthy for Izuku
This here might be a bit on the anti Bakugou side. I tagged it as such so you can filter those out and put it under a read more if you dont want to read it.
So. In the last day I did read a few opinions on the chapter leaks. What some think will happen and so on. Some from Pros some from Antis. This again is an opinion. It is not absolute. I do not claim it to be the absolute truth. This is just my personal interpretation. What I think that will happen is that Class 1A lead by Bakugou will fight Midoriya to try to bring him back. I don’t think talking to him will happen with Bakugou there. As one of Bakugous coping mechanisms is fighting. However with that come problems. I can understand the reasoning behind fighting him. A little talk will most likely not make him come back. However it might ease things. Might make him a tiny bit calmer. Might not make things worse. Fighting however will make things worse. Izuku is already on edge. He is already filled with paranoia. He hasn’t slept or eaten well. He might do rash decisions. He is not in a healthy mental state. And here we have it. His friends, his supposed allies are fighting him. The people he wants to protect went out and attack him. Out in their costumes. Ready for battle. A kinda scary scene overall. You dont see their faces. You feel anger coming from them.
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It might bring some memories back to Izuku if you compare it with another picture.
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Just like the picture before Bakugou is kinda in the foreground.He is leading just like back then he was leading his so called “extras” This might bring back memories to Izuku. Again he is sleep deprived. His mind might not work the sharpest. For all he knows it´s like back in his other schools where Bakugou lead his group of “extras” to attack Izuku. He might fight back stronger than intended. He might just try to flee even more. Overall it is not very helpful to him. Because a part of the reason for Izukus mental health is Bakugou. Not in a kind of friendship way but more as a cause. Bakugou to put it simply had been Izukus main bully. They were never apart. From preschool to UA. They were in the same class. With team exercises they were together. Izuku never had a break from him. He was never allowed to have time without him. From early on Bakugou has called him useless, worthless, what does one think the name Deku means. Has been using his quirk on him without the teachers caring. Before people say that is long ago. It is not. Right now they are in their second year. How did their first year start. Bakugou trying to attack Midoriya. Trying to kill him. Insulting him where he goes. It is not long ago. And even if it was like 300 or so chapters ago. That still happened. That is still the characters backstory. Honestly you are fine to like a character. But one should recognize that a character has flaws. No character is perfect. Saying that you like a character and saying that they are an asshole that needs to change can coexist. I like Overhauls aesthetic and quirk. Am I okay with what he did. Nope. Would I want him set on fire. Yes. Simple as that. Now back to it. In chapter 319 we hear Bakugou say that Izukus self sacrificial nature is caused by All Might. This. I do not agree with. Again. Who has called him worthless, a pebble on the road, useless, a deku for years. It was not All Might. Izuku has incredible low self worth. If it means saving a cat from a tree he would break his legs. He doesnt care for himself. He sees himself as worthless and only as somewhat useful when he is saving people. It got drilled into him from a young age. This is not something simple that is left behind after a few days. It can take years. And so far he has nothing contrary to those ideas. There are three people that know of his former quirklessness. His mom. Who is kinda supposed to love him. All Might who never really went back on the quirkless hero thing and Bakugou who still insults him for it. Everyone else only knows him with his quirk. Only knows him with being useful. Just because he has a quirk now doesnt mean that quirkless Izuku has ever left his mind. Yes All Might is not perfect. He has flaws. Those flaws are shown and others call him out. Could he have done more. Yes. Could he have helped him mentally. To a degree. But again. All Might is flawed. He is not perfect. All Might is shown to lack social skills. Seeing Bakugou just as rival or Endeavor who has open hate for him as friends. He never had a normal relationship. And again he was not the cause for Izukus psyche. He didnt lay the groundwork. With Bakugou blaming it on All Might. The guy that is not there and can’t protect himself he is doing something one could call damage control. He is not telling the entire truth. For the truth would hinder his dream of becoming number one and reduce his social standing. Him telling others that he is even partly responsible would surely open more questions later he would want to avoid. He also calls Midoriya crazy which is a tactic used to discredit a victim. Same for him making things up and overexaggerating and so on. He did do damage control before. A bit ago he told All Might that he was bullying Izuku in the past. You would think It´s something positive. But here is the thing. He lacked details. He didnt tell him much. For all we know All Might assumed some rough housing and name calling. Nothing that bad. It is to soften the blow. So if Izuku tells him later All Might is already in the mindset that it wasn’t so bad. Bakugou seems not that he would lie and my successor must be overexaggerating a bit. Bakugou is not that dumb. He knows his way around words. He knows when to not openly attack and wait for a better chance. A fool would have kept attacking Izuku after Aizawa held him back. He was just waiting for the training with All Might. He knows what buttons to push to get information out of Izuku. He basically forced the OFA secret out of him. One could call this a good use of crocodile tears if they so want. If they dislike him that much. Again an opinion of many. As of Chapter 319. He might have good intentions. He might want something good for Izuku. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Good intentions are not an excuse. Just because Bakugou thinks it is the best doesn’t mean it will be automatically the best. Just because the dog wants the chocolate bar doesnt mean it will be healthy for anyone involved. Bakugou being there might be quite detrimental to Izukus health. He might just open up wounds again. Izuku fighting class 1A would probably not increase his trust. And what are they going to do if they win. Tie him up, drug him, force him back. He will just try to escape. His trust in them will be broken. He might allow some sleep but it will never be the same. He already had trust issues before this will just expand them further. Isolate him further. This is what AFO wants. To have the heroes fighting with eachother. To have the OFA holder isolated and even branded as Villain for fighting as hero class. 1A winning is also a big IF. Shigaraki fought Gigantomachia and the MLA sleep deprived and incredible tired and won. Shigaraki and Izuku are foils. Two sides of the same coin. Izuku had a year to analyse their quirks. He has a bunch of quirks for himself and OFA mastered far more than anytime before he trained with them. He has become a natural disaster in human form. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he defeats them and leaves. To me the good option would be trying to talk to him. Not let Bakugou do the talking. He lacks the fine control. Get him in the direction of rest. Sadly none of them are trained professionals to deal with mental health. They are children that just fought in a war and also got traumatised. So I dont have great hope on them taking the talking route. Overall I think this will be a breaking point. They will fight. Izuku will most likely win and his trust will be broken even more. He will be even more isolated. His personality might take a darker turn seeing as there is no one he can trust. It might just get even darker than before.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 3 years
Alright, so since we had that one Quote thing about Izuku asking why Bakugou hid what he did, I got reminded of an idea I had after reading to many '1A gets hit by a truth Quirk' fics where while sure, the bullying comes out but oh, Bakugou was abused and doesn't know any better and his actions never face consequences and he never fucking changes.
I lost interest, but here: a scene that would have been the climax:
“So here’s the thing- either you’re right and Bakugou doesn’t know better because of his parents treated him. He’s completely unaware that his actions are wrong. If so, then he shouldn’t be allowed in the hero course at this time,” Shinsou says casually, eyebrow raised and a cup of coffee in hand. “I mean, why would you allow someone who doesn’t know right from wrong to be a hero right now? What if he uses to much fire power and hurts someone badly or worse?”
“He wouldn’t do that!” Kirishima cries. Izuku stands there watching the argument with his heart beating in his chest, the noise in his ears as his hands shake.
“Didn’t he attempt to use those gauntlets against Midoriya even after being told no?” Shinsou asks, lifting the mug to his lips, an eyebrow raised as he sips his coffee.
That gets them all looking at each other. One of them wants to say something, Izuku can tell by watching Hagakure’s skirt move side to side.
“And if your argument is now he’s lashing out because Midoriya never stepped in- Midoriya, when were you last at Bakugou’s house?” Shinsou Asks.
“When we were five. I haven’t been back since.” Izuku shrugs. Shinsou nods.
“So the argument that you should have known is wrong because a five-year-old doesn’t know better. And from what I can see given the very expensive clothes and stuff Bakugou owns, his parents didn’t appear abusive if you weren’t aware of what was wrong.”
The class trade looks again. No one knows what to say as Shinsou drinks more coffee.
“It’s either he truly does not know or he does,” Shinsou says casually. “And to be blunt- his right to cope does not mean he gets to bully and abuse others.”
“He hasn’t abused others!” Kirishima cries out.
“Bullying is another word for abuse,” Shinsou says ruthlessly. “Insults are verbal abuse, hitting is physical, I’m pretty sure his constant degrading of Midoriya can be seen as mental abuse…”
“... I mean yeah,” Izuku admitted, the words coming from him. “... thanks Shinsou.”
“Hmm?” Shinsou asked. Izuku knew that he knew what Izuku was about to say but played along.
“I felt pressured into forgiving Kacchan, because everyone acted like he had a right to bully me, to torment me and abuse me,” Izuku said. He looked over at his class. “He didn’t. Nothing he did was okay, and to be blunt- none of you know how bad it got.”
“He said it got bad!” Kirishima defended, looking angry.
“Did he tell you he used his Quirk on me multiple times? Did he tell you people used to leave me spider lilies and death threats? Did he tell you he told me to jump off a roof?” Izuku asked. The entire class went silent, just as Bakugou came downstairs. The blonde looked annoyed. “Did you Kacchan?”
“What?!” Bakugou barked.
“Did you tell them you used your Quirk on me as kids? Did you tell them I wasn’t your only bullying victim? Did you tell them about the suicide taunts?” Izuku asked. Bakugou froze, facing paling. He opened and then closed his mouth.
“...Bro?” Kirishima asked in horror.
“It’s not my fault!” Bakugou instantly barked. “My parents-”
“Then you shouldn’t be here.” Shinsou jumped in. “If you, at age 16, cannot understand what you did was wrong despite apparently knowing your parents abusing you is then you obviously are unfit to be a hero.” Shinsou stared at Bakugou. “Or, you do know but are attempting to avoid responsibility for your actions and act like everyone else is at fault because this way you don’t have to face consequences… in which case, you probably shouldn’t be here anyway cause that’s something a villain would do.”
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sapphic-agent · 11 months
The thing that bugs me the most is how izuku never got recognised for his efforts and sacrifices. These should've been revealed when izuku was being denied entry into UA by the civilians. It was the best time to reveal. He tried to save bakuhoe's ass even when he was powerless while AM and other hero's gave up and that he cleaned the entire beach when none of the so called heroes bothered to do. All might along with Mt lady could've told the whole world about this. Heck even some of the civilians living near the beach could've told the other civilians about his deeds. Endeavour, big 3 and Ryukyu could've talked about izuku's heroic deeds with stain and overhaul incident. Rock-lock and pussy cats could've talked about the muscular fight and fight with shigaraki during the war. Even we could've had some of the civilians who were saved by izuku be there in UA to talk about him saving them as well as a hero course student from muscular. These all could've been done to instill hope for the civilians who were banning izuku to rest in UA as well give recognition to izuku. This would've been izuku's true hero rising.
Izuku isn't just someone obsessed with being a hero just because it's cool. He has the same reason as Uraraka for wanting to be a hero when Uraraka talks about herself in chapter 220.(she ain't the only one who has this noble reason even if this came out of nowhere). Izuku trying to defend someone at the age of 4 or 5 from Bakuhoe and his lackeys is proof & that's more than just being an all Might fanboy or being obsessed with heroes overall. Even when he was trying to save Bakuhoe it was because he looked bakuhoe's eyes and saw someone crying for help. It wasn't because it was Bakuhoe. Izuku would've done the same if it was anyone else.
I would've preferred this over Uraraka's so-called 'great speech'. Yeah sure on the surface of it she was pleading to let izuku in but Hori's BS narrative makes it as if she's the only reason civilians are at peace with heroes, when it was Izuku's sacrifices, his vigilante stint were the entire reason for it. Don't believe me? check how Iida comments about Uraraka in the following chapters when he talks to izuku during their training. If he never left UA, Uraraka's words would've been empty. Those words only had any effect because of izuku. It pisses me that Uraraka and even 1A gets praised during the end of the vigilante arc and for her speech when they didn't even do 5% of what izuku did during that arc. The entire arc should've been izuku's rising and becoming the ultimate hero surpassing all might which nezu envisions. It should've been him standing tall and not Uraraka or anyone else on those 2 pages in that chapter 327 or 326 (don't remember which of these 2).
I also saw the later chapters about the so called recognition he got during his second fight with Shigi and imo it was pathetic. It felt empty.
Again I am sorry if it's too biased but I feel more than Uraraka or any other character, izuku deserved 'THE' spotlight considering how he has been treated like shit since chapter 1 and considering how much he has done in the series including the vigilante arc when compared to other characters.
Also I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh on Uraraka. I do like her but the way Hori treats his MC throughout the series and then he freakin gives Uraraka and 1A the recognition when izuku did all the work truly pissed me off.
I definitely agree that Izuku deserves more credit at least for everything he did during Dark Deku. He was on the runs for weeks; almost completely alone/isolated, exhausted, and mentally in shambles. And he was still proactive in not only protecting everyone, but also making people feel safe and comfortable. Like what he did for that woman with the mutant quirk. At the time, he was really the only one somewhat salvaging the relationship between civilians and heroes. And he doesn't get any recognition for it, just berated by Bakugou and 1A. It's unfair.
And I'm not gonna lie, Izuku's change from "this is how I become the #1 hero" to "this is how we become the #1 heroes" annoyed the hell out of me.
See, this is Horikoshi once again leans on "subverting expectations." Izuku can't have anything. I didn't invest in watching/reading this series to see everyone else infringe on what should be Izuku's story. I like (most of) 1A, but they were almost entirely irrelevant to the story before this. Other than Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Tsu, Aoyama, and Yaoyorozu, I don't care about any of them past finding them endearing. They were never important to the original overall theme or Izuku's story (except Bakugou, but only as an antagonistic force).
And no, there's nothing inherently wrong with the hero students working towards a better future together. But a) you can't work towards a better future if you don't acknowledge what's wrong with the present (if you asked 1A, no one would even have an idea other than Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, and Aoyama) and b) this had 0 build up. There was nothing to ever indicate that this ever changed into 1A's goal.
I love Uraraka too- I even liked her speech- but Horikoshi made a bigger deal about that than all the work Izuku was doing for weeks. You're absolutely right to call that out
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quirkwizard · 2 years
hello quirkwizard! would you mind saying where you think everyone in class 1-a would eventually rank on the hero billboards (if they rank in any significant way at all) and why?
this is the person from the class 1a hero billboard ranking ask - could you please include shinso, too? thank you! <3
Instead of going for specific rankings, I'm going to be giving general ranges. Because if I didn't, I might as well be assigning random numbers. And since some of my choices are pretty obvious, I'm going to rank them and give some notes on the ones I think need explaining. Finally, I am both how capable they are as heroes and how popular I think they would be as those are both factors hero rankings.
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1-10: Izuku, Bakugou, Shoto, Tokoyami
11-25: Momo, Iida, Mina, Uraraka, Tsuyu,
26-100: Shinso, Kamanari, Kirishima, Jiro, Shoji,
101-200: Sero, Aoyama, Koda, Mineta, Sato, Hagakure, Ojiro
So some of you may be surprised that all these characters are so high in the rankings, but I have my reasons. Obviously, there is the fact that a large chunk of heroes are either dead or missing, which is bound to clear up the rankings and lessen competition. But the bigger reasons are that they are UA students, which is bound to give them lots of experience and attention in the wider hero world as they come from such a prestigious hero school. And that they have a lot more field training as heroes. Not only were they sidekicks at much younger ages, but they fought plenty of villains as well. They have had way more practical experience than a lot of other people, giving them more to work with when they strike out as heroes. Now, on to the notes:
-Kirishima could easily be popular and effective, but I think his lack of skills or uses may hurt his ability to be a top hero.
-While Shoji is very competent as a hero, I think that his more reserved and down-to-earth personality might hinder him when it comes to gaining popularity.
-Mina is the opposite. I think she is skilled, but I believe she would climb faster and higher due to popularity, since her enthusiastic nature and outgoing personality will draw people in.
-Same goes for Jiro, just not to the same degree as Mina. I don’t think her Quirk is bad, just not as useful as the other students. I expect that a lot of her ranking would come from her musical talents.
-I was tempted to put Shinso as non-applicable for these rankings, as he’s likely to be an underground hero who tries to avoid attention and stay off the rankings, but I believed that wouldn’t be as interesting as including him.
-It was extremely tempting to put Momo in the top ten. I could see her being capable and popular, but I think her more support and leadership oriented role might hold her back in terms of villains captured or cases solved. That, and I didn’t want half of the Top Ten to be Class 1-A alumni.
-I think that Shoto and Iida would actually climb the ranks pretty fast. Not only because they are great heroes, but because of their relation to other famous heroes. I know both of them wouldn’t want to associate with their family for their own reasons, but I have to imagine it would be a factor. 
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dioko · 3 years
MHA x gn! reader
Characters -> Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki
Genre -> [relationship] drabbles
Content -> pro-hero! au, aged up characters, sfw, fluff, saccharine domestic lives, reader stays at home because i didn’t know how else to organize it | lemme know if i missed anything
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a/n -> this was a little short, and i hope it's not too hard to read. also its unedited, so apologies in advance and enjoy!
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BAKUGOU KATSUKI is serious about working his way up the hero ranks and staying there. He works harsh hours and often comes home battered and exhausted - and it’s not that you doubt his strength, but you can’t help but worry he’s not going to emerge from battle victorious, one day. On a brighter note - maybe - he chooses to push his stamina, and no matter how hard yesterday’s fight was for him, he insists on taking you out, even when you’re listing reason after reason why he should just stay home. “M’not that weak,” he scoffs at you, but then his voice softens in a way that always gets you, “I’m fine. Just... let me take you out.” His stubbornness is the absolute bane of your existence because no matter how you swerve the conversation, you always end up caving. 
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MIDORIYA IZUKU has a lot of weight on his back. Being the number 1 pro-hero of Japan is far harder than he makes it seem, and you know it. His days off with you are ones filled with stay-at-home movie dates, playful banter and lots of smiles. “My bunny,” he whispers softly; neither of you are really paying attention to the movie, “I love you.” Then, when the sun finally sets, the two of you might take a bath together, or simply shower individually and get into bed as early as you can. It’s the best way to enjoy each other’s presence - he gets to have his arms wrapped around you with the knowledge that you're real and safe, and you get to lay on his chest - all in the comfort of your home. 
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TODOROKI SHOUTO works long hours, surrounded by villains and paperwork both. On his days off, all he wants to do is lie in bed with you, and only considers getting up to eat. If the two of you are feeling fancy, he’ll order take out - something neither of you really get to eat. Sometimes, just for fun, the two of you will stay up until past midnight and hang out in the kitchen together, doing nothing in particular. “Hey, y/n,” he’s standing between your legs while you sit on the countertop, “are you sleepy?” You'd shake your head and he'd rest his arms on your lap, just... watching you. Both of you will pay dearly for staying up so late the next morning, but that’s future y/n and Shouto’s problem. 
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the-storming-sea · 3 years
I have some questions/ideas about that plus ultra cute AU! :D
How long will effect of that quirk last? and who would be in charge of kids?
I guess teachers would watch over Yuuga and Izuku but what about Melissa or All Might? Will they call Gran Torino to pick up his feral kid? Will All Might even let them take kids from him?
Could they have a sleepover?
It could be in 1A dorms, (l'm sure class would love it) Torino's house, teachers lounge, Recovery girl's office (OMFG COULD YOU IMAGINE IF IT HAD THE SAME ENERGY AS STAYING AT YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S HOUSE WITH YOUR COUSINS)
Did after being hit, they stayed in the same clothes they were wearing?
I imagine 14yo All Might being confused why he's wearing this XXXXL yellow suit, Yuga wearing his white poet shirt as a dress, Melissa struggling with wearing glasses that have too strong prescription and Izuku just crying in a pile of too big clothes
Think about Todoroki seizing the opportunity to interview All Might and Izuku in order to new evidences for his "secret love child theory"
Todoroki: " 'Toshi' are you familiar with a girl named Inko Midoriya?"
Bakugou: "For fuck sake, icy-hot they-"
Toshinori: "of course! She's the green haired cutie from my neighborhood! Her best friend Masaru Bakugou told me that she has a free friday, so maybe I could talk to her then and officially introduce myself :D
Bakugou: *maybe he is his secret love child.?..* I need to call my old man...
*english is not my first language*
ur english is great! also thank u!
I genuinely have no idea how long the quirk will last. Disregarding everything that happens in s5 and beyond (since this takes place at least before s5 starts), I’d like to say probably a month or a little less? Just so everyone has enough time to interact with the kids.
As for who are in charge of the kids, the teachers are in charge of all of them. Melissa is allowed to stay because David thinks it’ll be good for her – she knows enough Japanese to communicate, there are at least two people in the school who are fluent in English, and David thinks it’ll be good for her to stay with people her age instead of learning that her father is under house arrest for villainous activities. Toshi is pretty self reliant – I hc that he pretty much raised himself, which is partially why he doesn’t lean on people a lot. He insists that he doesn’t need people to take care of him but Recovery Girl and later on Inko insist on mothering him a little bit.
As for his hold on the other kids, Toshi has claimed them for himself and will only give them back when he believes people will play nice
I’d like to think that the quirkless club will sleep with each other whenever they want. Melissa gets to have a room to herself but often times multiple people will go to each other’s rooms to sleep. Toshi’s room in the teachers dorms is the most popular one for the kids to go to since its a pretty big room (so lots of space), empty enough for extra futons and its run by adults and not by very loud teenagers. As for sleepovers with the other 1-A students (if you’re also referring to that), it would take a lot of convincing, but eventually Izuku, Yuuga, and Melissa would be 100% up for it. Toshi would adamantly refuse on joining until all three of the kids pull the puppy eyes on him, and even then he’s pretty apprehensive on staying for too long
They did and were absolutely swimming in their clothes when they were turned. Toshi was very confused when he woke up with pant legs that were TOO long and the nearest eyeglass store needed to quickly make a new pair of glasses for Melissa. On the plus side, Izuku’s shirt that says ‘dress’ is now a proper dress on little Izuku, and Yuuga loves wearing his shirt as a dress with the worlds LONGEST sleeves
Toshi thinks Shoto’s really weird for keeping on asking these questions (Izuku is simply his adopted babiest brother and he has never met an inko before thank you very much) but he supposes that Shoto isn’t the worst of the Todoroki line he’s seen (the current head of the Todoroki family is much, much worse) and accepts these theories. Unfortunately, the kids have now started calling him a mix of brother/dad and its just started to set in how unprepared for parenthood Toshi is, especially since he’s only 13-14
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