#he's so pretty and intelligent ~
laufxsons · 10 months
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[Gale of Waterdeep]
Another try to understand colouring. I struggled so much with the face symmetry it wasn't funny anymore.
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tiny-crescent · 4 months
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Light practice ⋆ ✦❨ ⊹
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sysig · 5 months
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Gift (Patreon)
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willowser · 8 months
on the topic of princely bakugou—
i love the idea of his hand in marriage being the peace offering between your kingdom and his clan, as in he comes to live with you and rule in your castle. and he genuinely wants to do a good job; he's not coming in and tearing down the walls or defiling shrines or anything like that, because that would be the easiest way to lose good graces with his new realm.
the thing that i love the most about this is him being so barbaric, raised in a completely different way from you, taught to value different things and rule a different way—and yet he's sitting with his council (half of which are appointed men that swear loyalty to the realm regardless of who rules, and the other half being men he specifically chose and trusts) dressed in his furs and boots, scars out for all to see, and he's carefully trying to read letters and documents and negotiations, like a civil man would.
and it's not that he's changing anything about himself; he is firmly, to the core, always going to be a wild little barbarian pup—but he's grown enough to know the difference between respect and surrender. to know that he will be nothing without the support of the people, and to lose that after fighting so hard for it would be foolish.
he's very different than you expected, than you were ever taught to expect; your shared bed is too soft for him and he tosses and turns all night and gets up before the sun rises; he cooks, and you've found him fiddling around in the kitchen on more than one occasion; he values your opinion on a multitude of matters, and speaks to you more about politics than your father ever did.
you were told that he'd ravage you in the dirt, dripping sweat and the blood of your people, but—he hasn't laid a hand on you, hardly speaks to you unless it's absolutely necessary. you can almost feel it, though, sitting in his throat when you're across from him at the dinner table, or when he sits at the edge of the bed and looks back at you over his shoulder.
everything he does is so careful, thought out, and you think he might be doing the same with you, too. not barging in or breaking down doors, but waiting, patiently, for you to open up your heart to him.
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petorahs · 1 year
shuake works because it feels like akechi's the only one who listens to akira and prompts the otherwise quiet leader to talk.
in a game about defiant teens making their voice heard, goro akechi listens to akira's voice from the get-go. out of detective-sleuthing/work duties, sure, but over time it's clear that akechi genuinely finds akira interesting.
in fact, akechi's confidant route regardless of which game is being played starts with him deeming akira the antithesis to his thesis, a "worthwhile debate partner". akechi values joker's opinions.
its always nice to see people point out that in that one 3rd sem phone call with akechi, its the most involved akira's been in a conversation in-game. i myself remember inserting a lot more input during that story-sequence which usually i can put on autoplay otherwise. akechi, in a whole different reality, still seeks out joker's opinions on it. it's like he trusts no one but him.
and imo this gives a lot of character to akira. he talks the most with akechi. the quietest people have the most on their minds, and it shows with akira. but akira never gets a say in anything, and who would listen? he's less than a nobody in reality since society dictated that. so he pointedly made himself silent, hiding his thoughts beneath an impenetrable mask. during important story moments, akira favors doing more than saying. his teammates and confidants are all directly inspired by his actions over the course of the game.
but with akechi, it's different. actions seem to take a backseat as they continue with their verbal back-and-forth. in rank 7 of royal, they play pool while talking, but it's clear to the outsider that the focus is in the layered conversation they're having. they primarily talk everytime akechi's in the coffee shop, because they dont usually see eachother in their busy schedules. it's not just "hi, hello, how are you?" with them but "i find you and everything you stand for interesting. let's talk more."
there's something to be said about how two people with vastly different and opposing views seek eachother out to further discuss things instead of antagonizing eachother. its why maruki said "despite being enemies, your relationship was never based on hatred or ill will".
their relationship was never a one-sided thing. akechi helps joker as much as joker helps him... arguably more. he eggs joker on, shows him that he can do better. otherwise, the leader would remain stagnant and unchallenged. there is no progress where there is no thesis and-- you can finish the rest.
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crescentfool · 11 months
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p3 reload box art + the art book cover!
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pianokantzart · 2 days
What do you think about Bowser's 9,800 IQ?
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I theorize one of two things
The person under King Bowser who gave him the I.Q test purposefully fudged the numbers to make him happy
Bowser doesn't know how I.Q scores work and made up a large number off the top of his head
I'm leaning toward option 2, considering that even the most brilliant minds rarely score above 180. Depending on the canon I'd give Bowser an 130 I.Q max, and that's being generous.
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
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Welcome home to our new puppy boy, Wyvern. He’s four months old, the muttiest mutt, they shipped him to my state from Oklahoma.
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wayward-wren · 5 months
I am thinking about. Jamie and the Second Doctor.
Because out of all the incarnations of the Doctor, Two is arguably the one who uses manipulation and disguises the most. He thrives on using people's intelligence against them, on tricking people, on bluffing and his bluffs working. He has a different disguise every story pretty much and is constantly playing some kind of role.
And then you look at Jamie, and some of Jamie's most front and center traits are his loyalty and his honesty (and protectiveness, but less applicable). Jamie is loyal to a fault and extremely trusting of the Doctor. He's honest and straightforward and deeply caring.
And Jamie is the one who sticks by the Second Doctor for as long as he physically can--and you'd look at those two characters, one who is manipulative and cunning, and one who is loyal to a fault, and you'd think the Doctor would easily be able to take advantage of Jamie, that Jamie would just be a tool for him but he's not, they're on equal footing. Jamie pulls the Doctor down and reminds him what being human is all about.
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quazies · 2 years
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What if a funny little creature walked out of the ocean because it really wanted to light people on fire 🤔
Love human interpretations but I think it would be funny if they were some weird creature and nobody knew for the longest time...
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rosypeachblossoms · 6 months
Gene Wilder is a man written by a woman 🥺🩷
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soullessjack · 1 month
i think jack and mcu peter parker could probably bond over having their entire character be reduced to the precious smol bean lovechild for a popular ship
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sysig · 5 months
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How much of me is me? (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Another one that I cried to while drawing hehe ♪ Hhhhh I love their dynamic so much <3 <3 ;;#Sans' apparent disinterest in hurting Gaster is deeply interesting to me - we see him punch Gaster in Mercyplates even! :0#I can't help but feel that a good portion of it is Papyrus being there with him when Gaster gives them his arm haha#Would he have been as well-behaved if he'd been by himself? I wonder :)#But generally I read it as him having grown up <3 They've both matured so beautifully by that point it's just ah- such a treat to read#Their transition from their childhood to their teens and young adulthood into themselves is just jdlksafhdsfd it's incredibly well written!#I say ''I wonder'' quite a lot lol but that's just speculation - watching them grow into themselves is So Incredibly satisfying <3#It feels so natural to watch them become themselves ♥ It's beautiful ♪♫#And their sibling dynamic is truly unrivaled <3 They support each other! Lift each other up! Where one stumbles the other catches him!#I love them so much ahh#Papyrus' emotional intelligence gets me so bad <3 The sweetest lad#I feel like it would bother Sans that he/they have Gaster's memories and not their own#It makes me especially sad to think about everything he missed of them - if only you hadn't fallen behind on the footage Gaster! >:0#They already have some pretty incredible identity issues just throw being pieces of him in every sense into the mix#They're grown from him and even when they got away and built themselves that still got subplanted with memories that aren't even theirs!#It's a rough spot#Papyrus though ♥ Always knows what to say hehe#Reaffirming that Sans is the most important person to him - that they are to each other - that no matter what they're brothers#And that no matter what - even having Gaster's memories or being without memories at all - that Sans is a good person#That it's not out of self-preservation or trying to do it for Papyrus' sake (even if that is a lot of it haha)#That /Sans/ is the one making that decision of his own volition and his own morals and beliefs#And that he loves and supports him no matter what <3#''I know you can be a good person. You can choose to do the right thing'' and ''I see you being a good person. You're doing the right thing'#Hhhh <3 I love them <3
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steakout-05 · 13 days
being attracted to fictional men who are literally the emotional equivalent of a group of crying seals is so funny. i could hear someone go "oh look, a pathetic disheveled sad little man who's either really going through it or has nothing to look forward to in life!" and i'll excitedly whip around like a disney princess and shout "where!?"
they are the love of my life <3
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twinkalicious · 21 days
common misconception i see about claudia is that she's a grown woman trapped inside a child's body. while this isn't technically incorrect, it leaves out a major aspect of her character that isn't often addressed and serves to make her all the more tragic. see claudia is less a woman who's been forced into a child's body and more a child who is and will always be a child no matter how long she lives. don't misunderstand, she's blindingly intelligent, she certainly has the intellect of a grown adult, but she does not and never will possess the wisdom and maturity of an actual adult. all of the vampires in the series, claudia included, essentially exist in a state of limbo as though frozen in time, their organs petrified and unable to grown or age. in claudia's case specifically her brain ceased to finish developing at 14. her frontal lobe will never come in, because its development got cut off while she was still a child. it's why she often makes choices that aren't always rational, or why she might be blind to the intentions of others, namely the parisian coven. its part of why she can't see that she's being toyed with, and why she has such a desire for community, a desire to fit in and be seen as mature. that's the thing that makes her so tragic to me, she wants nothing more than to be seen as an adult, even though, in the eyes of both mortals and her immortal peers, she is not and never will be one. if anything, her attempts to do so will always and forever be seen as childish, like a little girl trying on her mother's oversized high heels for the first time.
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moeblob · 4 months
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Tiny one is a deity of lightning and she just wants to run around with the mortals and have fun but having a physical body takes a toll on her. So she has these two devoted followers she can communicate with and they can let her have control of their body which is easier on her (not them).
White haired woman is very strong while black haired man is skilled in magic. So if the deity is feeling really pent up she uses his body to discharge.
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