#he's having the worst month of his life bc his ex and ex-father figure are both around
mxrcusflint · 13 days
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Bradley "Rooster Babygirl" Bradshaw inspired by this post
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mojaves · 1 year
tagged by @nuclearstorms @aartyom @faarkas and @cultistbase to do this tag game for some ocs!
not doing the picrew bc i can't make them all in it and it will make me insane but here it is for anyone else who wants to give it a try!!
it was a tie between him and alex. but i decided not to give alex special treatment bc otherwise he would be on here twice. anyway this isnt about him. this is about seb. the saddest wettest beast of an oc i think ive ever created. he can fit so much lore in him. he has the worst life. his now boyfriend once tried to kill him no less than 20ish times. his ex wife also tried to kill him. everyone is trying to kill him and he's just out here big silly and gay about it. AND he has great boobs. whats not to love. theyre so big bc theyre so full of the love he has for his friends and family. and im obsessed with him
VEGA | 2077
they are a bartender at a club. they have black and green hair. they love short guys and fast cars. theyre a menace. they were a merc once. they can down a whole can of beer in under 10 seconds. you want to he their friend so bad.
literally THE guy of all time who is SOSOSOSOSO important to me. he's gone through so many changes, appearance wise, story wise, even names. he is an amalgamation of so many old dead ocs i didnt know what to do with. he is THE babygirl of the moment and the moment is forever. he has existed in some form for 10??? years now. he CANNOT stay dead and it really shows in both his story and how many iterations he went through to get to this point. tall bastard man who im in love with actually.
she's a girlboss but also a horrible person. she tried to kill her husband [after she died. ghost revenge] and eventually succeeded. and then tormented his great[?] nephew, alex. for so many years. until HE also died. bc of her. and now his [not] life is in complete and utter shambles. 0 remorse she just saw this baby and was like ok now how can i torment him psychologically for the next 22 years of his life. and then did it. and for what. girl thats a wholeass fresh baked infant why are you haunting him. go somewhere else.
he is just a little guy who is SO full of love despite the horrors. so gentle with literally everything he touches. the city could have completely changed and ruined him. he could have become angry. he could have become a merc to get money. and fall into that pit like so many others did. but he didnt!!! he didnt let that happen!!!! yes the city may have hurt him and left him with cyberware he never wanted but it will NEVER stop him from being kind. ever. and i love him so much for it.
he is an arasaka plaything whose whole personality has been completely altered bc of it. he used to be welcoming and friendly and Kind. but bc of literally everything arasaka did to him, he's extremely cold and distant, and a bit of an asshole. he is well aware of this, and there is a little voice in him somewhere. begging for him to be kind again. just once. because while he won't ever admit it, he doesnt want to die believing everyone thought he was nothing more than an arasaka bootlicker and an all around shitty guy. he's a loving father, deep down in there somewhere, he just cant show it. and he doesnt know how </3 he'll figure it out again. one day
it's funny bc he is actually really smart, his brain is a sponge when it comes to learning new things, he is a great listener, and will remember basically everything you ever tell him. however!!! when he started his job as a security guard at a club, he somehow didnt notice his own brother was also there working occasionally. for a whole entire month. [theyre both idiots there sorry seb] but then after that. he also failed to mention to his two sisters that he finally got in contact with his brother again after almost 20 years. it took. ???? a good handful of months for anyone to find out. and it was entirely by accident.
he's very stupid and his idea of what is and isnt important is Very skewed. but i still love him.
he designed his own cyberarm. the fingers are full of different sized screwdrivers for different emergencies. he once plotted out the floorplan of an entire spaceship by memory and sheer luck. he is very good at repairing things. he is a cybersecurity expert. he almost got killed for hacking into the wrong systems at work once. he contains multitudes.
yes theres three of them theyre a package deal. marcus sees ghosts. ryan is a wandering soul trying to find her body back. val can read your fortune with eerie accuracy. if the three of them were my friends my life would never be boring ever again
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
GOD sorry. i am once again thinking about how tragic kiryu is as a character bc it's hurting my feelings. idek if I've made this post before but fuck it I'll make it again.
he just wanted to protect the ppl he loved. he just wanted to love and be loved and that's literally it his entire life and everyone who despised him did so because he was too good or because he hurt them by protecting himself.
he swore up to prove something to his foster father with his childhood best friend. when he got into hot water by chance and that same best friend tried to kill him to save him from torture, he accepted it blamelessly. and when he came back to save kiryu, he welcomed him, despite having pushed him away after the whole attempted murder thing. when that same bestie shot their patriarch to protect their other childhood friend (who they were both in love with), kiryu took the fall, went to jail for ten years, and accepted the title of patriarch killer. all to keep himself from having to figure out a world without nishiki, or to have to watch him suffer like that. and when he got outta jail there was no one (minus majima) to welcome him. suddenly the daughter (presumed niece) of his love shows up and he's got to seek yumi out. in the process he loses friends in shinji and reina, his father in kazama, his love in yumi, and, of course, nishiki. basically everyone in his life is dead and he's about to go to jail before date tells him he's gotta step up for haruka because she needs someone. no matter how badly he wants to tap out of life and go back to wasting away in prison, he's got a responsibility to yumi's daughter, now his.
so despite living one of the worst possible months of his life, he takes her in. he's traumatized, obviously. he moves away from kamurocho (idr if it's out of kamurocho or just further away from the center, but it's not the same spot) and tries to raise haruka somewhat normally. he doesn't want to get wrapped up in further tojo business. he's the ex-chairman and a legend, but he's got a daughter to raise and he's very aware of how simply being around him can endanger her. but if he doesn't help the tojo, a lot of people are gonna die. so he has to help. has to find daigo and get him out of his funk. legit i don't remember the plot of yk2 that haruka's kidnapped again despite his best efforts. he gets stabbed. he's almost blown up. ryuji (supposedly) does, as does... idk.. that racist cop? there's probably someone else. point is him moving a bit away wasn't enough and he needs to cut things off entirely.
so he decides to leave. he moves cross country to okinawa, leaving the tojo (and thus his son daigo) in majima's capable hands (one of the few friends he can trust to take care of himself). he starts an orphanage, a dream of his stemming from his own childhood as an orphan. he just wants to give back, to help these vulnerable children. and for a couple of years it's alright he adjusts to raising 8 children. he thought he was in danger by the local clan, but he smoothes that conflict out relatively easily. it's alright. things are peaceful here. and then the local patriarch is shot. and daigo. his son is in a coma. and people are trying to take the land his orphanage rests on. so he's got to go back to protect his new life. he reconnects with majima and date and the others, and it's so tempting to stay, to be with them. but the orphanage is destroyed. rikiya is killed. it's been a couple years since someone's died in his arms and you can just feel that "oh god not again" feeling in that scene. daigo wakes up just in time to watch his boyfriend most trusted friend due by suicide for their sakes as redemption for almost killing him. after declaring his love for him of course. kiryu is stabbed, but recovers back in his rebuilt home. it is a little emptier, but mostly still intact.
i also legit forget 4's plot but like. a stranger washes up on his shore in a position kiryu was once in. he has to help him. and he just so happens to be majima's sworn brother. so he helps him back. then due to reasons i do not remember he's back in kamurocho and immediately finds out majima's getting arrested. it's daigo's doing and he has to beat him up about it. yasuko dies. idk it's a mess. he gains new allies but he is once again dragged back in. knowing this series he probably has another fakeout death idk
so, he's had enough. haruka wants to pursue her dream, and he's told outright that he can't be in the picture if she's to succeed. so he leaves. he moves far away to work on his own and provide for the orphanage from afar (unsuccessfully sneakily). he adopts a fake name. he drives a taxi. it's okay. he has a framed photo of the orphanage that he keeps facedown on its table. he's fine. daigo hops into his taxi one night. he did not want to be found. he can't do this again. he gives clipped advice. daigo disappears and kiryu is sought out to explain it. and suddenly he's back in it. again. and for the first time in the series he says outright that he cannot escape being yakuza. it's a part of him, and it will follow him forever. he's trapped. no matter what he does, sooner or later, he's going to get dragged (kicking and screaming) into a new conflict. he will be hurt and scared, and he will watch people die. people he could have saved, and failed to. the only thing he can do is run away from it all as fast as possible, because then, at least, the people he loves might be outside of the splash zone. and then majima dies. kiryu wasn't even in the same part of the coutnry as him, but he could have been... and now he has to investigate. and then he gets tied into a plot involving his daughter. they're trying to kill her this time. he cannot support her, even though she's come so far. she is so strong, and so like her mother. he can't even go near her, but he has to protect her, no matter the cost. and he fights. he fights incredibly hard and he's injured. his daughter finds him, having sacrificed her career and endured public scandal to reunite with him, because she doesn't think it's right to abandon her father for her career. he is bleeding out, and has nearly frozen to death. he doesn't believe she's real. he's hospitalized.
he doesn't even get to see some of his visitors before he's hauled off to jail. it's another few years. he can handle it. he waits, and he waits, entrusting the orphanage to haruka. her career is ruined, in a way, because of him. in the way mirei told him it would when she found haruka, when he agreed to leave. eventually, haruka stops visiting. just like the others when he was in for a decade. it's probably nothing. it's nothing. at the very least, he can't do anything about it now. and he finally returns to his children after three years in jail and months before that in fukuoka. and haruka's missing. she hasn't been there in years. so, immediately, he has to leave to find her, and bring her home. what's the point of sacrificing everything for family if you can't be together? so he does a bit of digging and it turns out she's in a coma. she was hit by a car. and she has a baby. she is around 19. kiryu is now a grandfather. no one knows who hit haruka, why (if there is a reason), or who the father is. child services doesn't recognize him, and is going to take the baby away, his baby's baby. so he kidnaps haruto. he starts seeking out answers. suddenly people are after the baby. of course they're after the baby. god, he's so tired. he gains a few more ducklings to chase after him and call him aniki. this hasn't gone well the past few times. one of them is haruto's father, unbeknownst to anyone but their patriarch. kiryu punches him through a glass door for being irresponsible. he goes on this big fucking thing to help everyone out yadda yadda. the patriarch dies. haruka wakes up and he and haruka, haruto, and yuta reunite. yuta promises to take care of her. he scolds her for leaving, even though it's a classic kiryu move. and it's here that he sits down and pens a letter to daigo. his will. it is here that he decided to die or fake his death, and leave it all behind. to cut himself out of their lives and their love completely, so that haruto, at the very least, could grow up in peace, with the loving family he deserved. no violence, two parents. a dream he could not provide haruka, or daigo, or any of the morning glory kids. they'll be okay now. he does not ask if he'll be okay. it doesn't matter anymore. he pens a letter to daigo admitting he feels as though he is daigo's father, and that he is a shitty one. he gives him one last piece of guidance before he disappears. it's a confession. (unbeknownst to kiryu, daigo reads this letter. he begins to refer to kiryu as his father directly. kiryu will never know his feelings are reciprocated by his son. he will never know the fondness the letter inspires in saejima and majima, two of his closest friends). he watches someya die for nothing, then another friend (the mama?? idr her name) die (he doesn't know she survives). he is tortured. he's getting too old for this. he fights, and it's bloody and desperate. it doesn't really matter if he dies anymore, because he'll be as good as dead soon anyway. he "dies" in his daughter's arms. he negotiates the faking of his death. and he returns to morning glory one last time to see haruto begin to walk. they don't need him anymore. it may be hard, but they are beginning to walk on their own. he's got to trust that they'll figure it out, eventually.
and that is the last time he lets himself see any of them. he's gone.
idk what his role in y7 is because i haven't gotten that far, but ik he's there. the trailer for y8 has him (w his kpop hair jdhsj) so it's not like he's disappearing completely. but at the very least during the kiryu saga that's it for him. that's the end of his story. god.
kiryu, a character defined by his love for and loyalty to others, is torn between protecting his two families, and someone always, always slips between his fingers. he is such a deeply passionate and warm and thoughtful perosn. literally all he does is try to help people dude. but because he's too fucking good at helping people everyone's in danger all the time. he is constantly torn between protecting the people he loves and the greater good, and he distances himself further and further from his loved ones because he just can't stop pulling them into hurricane kiryu. so he tries to separate himself from the love that's kept him going to the point of abandoning them completely just to protect them. in the fight between love and duty, love lost. he decided he wasn't able to protect them, and he left.
idk man.. i just think it's sad. he tried so hard and he definitely fucked up but so mucb of what happened was not his fault, not really. but does it matter when people's lives are at stake?
they're better off without him, anyway.
(p.s. i think this is part of what makes kiryu and majima such interesting foils when it comes to this kind of sacrifice. with makoto, majima quickly decided that she was far safer without him, and cut her out of his life. his entire adoption of the mad dog persona, to some extent, could be him keeping others distant for fear of entangling them in violence again. kiryu, on the other hand, tried desperately over and over again to protect people and failed until he finally came to the conclusion that majima did, that people like him are dangerous. that the noble thing to do is to avoid company out of love, to sacrifice your own happiness for others. to view that companionship as selfish. majima resigned to the fate kiryu fought for decades, and lost to. and once saejima's out of prison, majima slips right back beside him. and he cares for daigo, as promised. and he cares for kiryu. he's becoming closer to the people around him as kiryu's drifting away. (y3 is really where they intersect most in this, which is also why it's the most gay kazumaji-wise). god they just really won't let themselves be happy or love people even though they're such naturally caring people. what the hell. and part of why they don't quite distance themselves from each other is because they're both super duper strong. there's a safety there that numbs their protective instincts bc they're true peers. gah anyways love them)
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escapcd · 3 years
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( sebastian stan. 38. cis male. he/him. )  the story of SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES now lives in the soul of HUNTER HART , aged THIRTY-FIVE years. they’re a LOCAL, having been in woodvale for SEVENTEEN YEARS in the SOUTH as a SECURITY DETAIL. and yeah, they definitely have the vibes of THE HUNTSMAN with the powers of TIME REVERSAL, don’t you think?  @folkloremsintro​
abandonment tw, death tw
hunter didn’t grow up dreaming about killing people for a living. he wanted to be indiana jones, traveling the world, discovering artifacts, and ultimately saving the day.
his dad left when hunter was eight, leaving him and his mom to figure it out on their own. because of that, hunter developed a sense of duty to provide and make sure they had what they needed to survive. he did gig work until he was old enough to work two jobs during high school and helped his mom out with anything and everything
didn’t have many friends growing up bc he self-isolated
when he was 18, he heard his father was in woodvale, and hunter knew he needed to track him down. during his visit, he discovered that his father had died just a month after he’d left him and his mother. hunter didn’t know what to make of the information and has pushed it away ever since
when he tried to leave, hunter was just relocated to the other side of woodvale, and when he realized he was stuck there, he was absolutely devastated to be separated from his mom (possibly forever). she’d already lost his father, now to lose him? 
when he came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t gonna be getting out of woodvale anytime soon, hunter found a place in the west, sharing a trailer with the world’s worst roommate
without any degrees or diplomas, hunter had to hustle to make a living (nothing new to him). he tried to do things the honorable way at first, but then he got caught up with a bad crew and ended up doing unsavory things for money (mainly being a hitman for hire). there was a part of him that thought maybe somehow he could buy himself out of woodvale, but as years went by, that light at the end of the tunnel grew dimmer
one day, hunter decided he’d had enough of the hitman life and took on a job as security detail for a company. he thought he’d freed himself of his reputation until his boss ordered him to kill her step-daughter, snow. when the moment came, he couldn’t do it, he couldn’t bring himself to kill her - she would forever be his one missed hit
hunter’s recently bought himself a quaint cottage in the south, away from anyone who might associate with his work. it has a cabin feel to it with log laden walls and a big stone fireplace. he also has a dog named dagger (dag, for short) who he values more than almost anyone.
first roommate in woodvale: it would’ve been seventeen years ago in the west of woodvale. hunter hated living with this person for one reason or another - could be they were just annoying af or maybe they were too similar, def open to whatever!!
past employers: ppl who’ve hired hunter for his services in the past (aka to kill ppl or give em a scare) and maybe want to hire him again
ex: a relationship he had near the beginning of his years in woodvale. things were going well until he started doing his current work and we can def plot this out more depending on things!!
drinking bud: someone who doesn’t ask hunter too many questions and enjoys a good drink
“co-workers”: people he’s teamed up with for jobs in the past/present
dog park friend: someone he sees whenever he takes dagger out who has no idea who he is
so many more!!!! im v open to plotting specifically relating to ur character etc etc!!!!
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scvrletwtch · 4 years
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( summer bishil, female, pansexual, she/her ) rome welcomes Luna Lakhani, a vampire. they are 31/868 years old and have been in the city for eight years. they are known to be loyal + insensitive, which makes sense because they’re irritated about the marriages. i heard they’re betrothed to Rowan Korcari and to Rosalie Leong - a dragon and a seelie princess.
--- hello hello, i’m nona & i’m super excited for this !! i’m late but i’m usually like, a full day late to openings because of work so i feel pretty lucky rn. i have luna, who is A Huge Mess™ & astoria whose intro will be up soon-ish ( i haven’t started writing it yet oops ) . anyways i think i messed up luna’s timeline somewhere in this and might have repeated something bc i edited stuff and moved things around and then got distracted by youtube and forgot how old she is for like 30 minutes so excuse my lack of organisation 
before the turn ;;
luna was born lalita in tamil nadu in india. she had a lot of sisters and two brothers.
she was close to her siblings and her mother, but often clashed with her father over things.
she just wanted a quiet life. she was actually a pretty nice person as a human.
the worst clashing with her parents though, was when they arranged a marriage and she fought it at every turn. she drove away eight possible suitors before they managed to confirm one.
well, the man they arranged for her to marry turned out to be a vampire. he liked humans and he tried to protect them, and he’d just been traveling a lot to avoid suspicion of him not ageing. he helped her to gain control of her life. despite the marriage being arranged when she was 28, she managed to push it off for quite some time. he helped with the excuses, figuring it would happen eventually (he intended to turn her because he’d grown lonely traveling alone, but he didn’t intend to tell her what he was until after). he tried to protect her, though.
rape/violence tw: but he couldn’t protect her from everything, and one night she was jumped by a group of men who were angry at her father. they held her down and their “ leader ” forced himself on her. she was left bloody and covered in cuts and bruises. her betrothed found her and healed her with his blood.
death tw: later that night, she informed him she didn’t intend to go through with the wedding. he was livid, and he killed her in a fit of rage. 
after the turn ;;
luna woke up alone, starving. she remembered dying, and before she could stop herself, she killed her youngest sister when she came to find her. she’d killed two more of her sisters by the time her betrothed returned. he’d gone to get her a daylight ring from a witch friend, thinking that she’d be safe enough in her home. he compelled what was left of her family to forget her, and took her away.
she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
suicide attempts/violence/murder tw: she didn’t want to be a vampire, and the entire time she was with him, she continued to make attempts at her own life. she stayed with him for a few months, but she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
she eventually ran away from him after a few months, though. she was halfway across the world, on a murderous, angry rampage, when he found her next, two hundred years later ( she was 330 at this point ) . she was furious that he tracked her down and fought against everything he tried to do. he didn’t want to risk hurting her. she tried to make him fight her, and when he refused, she threatened his life, and he let her kill him. 
this took up approximately the first 450 years of her life.
connection #1: she actually met someone good for her a few years after that though. they had both become vampires through less than ideal events, and neither had wanted it. both were a little unstable but they started to keep each other in check. they didn’t always stay together, but they’d check in on each other every so often, make sure neither had gone back to the years where they hadn’t cared about the human lives they took.
she tracked down some of her mother’s side of her family in mexico when she was maybe 500 ( i’m going to have to put together a timeline for both hers and astoria’s lives at some point but i’m still not awake enough to right now lol ) . turned out that her mother was from a line of witches and they accepted her, although she definitely left out the killing parts of her history. they’re the ones who started calling her luna, and she kinda dropped her surname, too. it let her be herself but separate from the girl who killed her family in her youth.
she started writing when she was living with them, and when she had to move on because people were growing suspicious, she kept writing. she hid out in greece for a while and moved from island to island and through the country for 100 more years.
when she was 700ish, one of the witches contacted her, said they were having problems with vampires. she went back to mexico and got caught in the middle of the conflict, and took the witches’ side ( family above everything ) .
she was with her family when the war started, and most of them were killed. she brought the few who were left to rome with her eight years ago.
other details ;; 
she really likes to read, likes to be around books more than she really likes to be around other people, supernatural or not, if she’s entirely honest.
she has learned to control her emotions a lot more. but she uses cynicism and  often says what she thinks before thinking and then is just kinda like, “ oops ” if she offends someone. 
but she’s so loyal to the people she cares about. she kinda mellowed out after meeting connection #1 & her mother’s family, and while her personality didn’t change, she grew a little more reserved, caused a lot less trouble ( at least large scale trouble anyways ) and was a little bit better of a person ( she really isn’t that bad just bad at controlling emotions ) 
she’s super protective of her family and friends. 
her feelings on the marriages are of irritation because she feels too out of control about it. she likes to be in control of everything. losing control reminds her too much of her early life as a vampire ( which she’s really not all that proud of, although she doesn’t really feel guilty about what she did, per se, just about how out of control she was ) .
connections ;; 
friends ;; literally anything, tbh
best friend other than connection #1 ;; someone she’s known for at least decades. they know about her past and put up with her bad days
connection #1 ;; her vampire friend who she met in... when she was about 450 years old. they probably have a lot better control over their emotions.
family members ;; her mother’s extended family’s descendants are witches and only a few are left. 
exes/flings/etc. ;; someone she had a fling with during her darker days would be interesting tbh but i’m kinda open to anything. she wouldn’t have stayed in an actual relationship for long ( she has a few trust issues ) and she wouldn’t have had a lot of casual sex either except in the darker days
enemies ;; something she’s definitely made over time. 
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sureivy · 5 years
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is that HALSEY? no, that’s just IVY CALDER. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR years old and is an EMPLOYEE AT DON’T FRET & PAWS 4 LOVE. rumor has it they’ve been in town for FOUR MONTHS / TEN YEARS. on a good day, they’re CREATIVE & VERSATILE. but watch out! they can also be IRRESPONSIBLE & VOLATILE. TRIGGER BANG BY LILY ALLEN (FT. GIGGS) plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
hello my pals ! i’m amy ( 20 // est // she/her ) and i am super excited to be here! we also over here bringing back a fairly old muse (i,, apparently,, play her during election years,,) with a couple of tweaks, so we love that for me! also! pls forgive me if this is lowkey disorganized, we’ve been in and out of airports all day! can’t wait to contract that sexy corona!
full name: ivy rose calder
date of birth: may 2, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: taurus sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: high school diploma
enneagram: 7w8?
mbti: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
positive traits: creative, versatile, passionate, compassionate
negative traits: irresponsible, volatile, impressionable, hedonistic
triggers: brief implied sexual abuse, suicide, a lot of death talk?, drug abuse ( desoxyn ), overdose
ivy lived the first eight years of her life in newark, nj. she had a mere family of three – her mother, a model-turned-stay-at-home-mom, her father, a politician, and herself. she was much closer to her mother, but she and her father were close at night.
when her mother finally found out about this, she wasted no time in taking ivy’s father’s side. what a good mom! instead, ya girl was already getting in touch with cps herself... but wow... it was gonna ruin his career in politics :\
“Now, one thing I lerned from Storys is, when something big is about to okur, a riter will go: Then it hapened! This tells the reeder: Get Reddy. Here I go: Then it hapened!” - fox 8
then it happened!
humiliated, clearly never getting a platform back, and absolutely bitter, ivy’s father killed himself before being sent to prison. 
Very Tragique™
ok. so. to distance themselves from the poor memories, but to save money, ivy and her mother moved to springhill, temporarily sharing ivy’s aunt’s apartment while her mother began collecting enough money to buy an apartment of their own and keep it.
during this time, ivy was seeing a lot of people and she didn’t know why! they asked questions about her mental health, but she didn’t know why! i mean, totally not traumatic, right?
yes. instead of managing communication well, she became very fascinated by the concept of death. she had many questions about it, she, a youth, had some extended conversations with clergymen about it –– she never killed any animals, god forbid, but she was absolutely fascinated when she ran across them.
ok, i’m gonna skip ahead a little. now in teen years and still fascinated by death, but in a healthier way!, and no longer in therapy because... like... that costs a lot of money!
she dealt with it the best she could. became enamored with music... because why wouldn’t she? some covers here and there, some originals here and there, living that youtube lyf, but not expecting anything to come of it. just liked validation! mood!
she also dealt with it the worst she could! became enamored with drugs! naturally, it started out small. some weed, some lsd, some molly –– you know, just drugs that you don’t typically think of as addictive. although her grades suffered, it was harmless enough...
upon graduating high school, she figured... no college. instead, with barely any money to her name, she was like “i... will go to new york... and i will become famous.”
and she did! she did go to new york! she found a few sketchy places that didn’t charge much for a few nights as she began networking - both socially and “i would like to be known for music” (i literally just forgot the word for networking like..... employment wise.... y’all i’m so dumb). when she’d made some friends, she began crashing on couches that were not quite as sketchy! 
but :\ she did meet these friends in sketchy places :\ and they were like “ok here r some new and more addictive drugs for u to try!”
what she wound up abusing using the most was desoxyn. it kept her awake, it kept her focused, it even shed a few pounds to create an excellent figure! what wasn’t to love! 
i mean it’s literally a prescription methamphetamine,,, when abused,,, literally almost exact same effects as meth,,, but when meth mouth, skin lesions, acne, etc aren’t occurring as a side effect? who was she to care!
20, she released an actual ep with the help of a super cool friend who made everyone call him puppy mills! wow! things were excellent! it wasn’t necessarily seeing mainstream traction, but there was a decent enough following! enough to release an album at 22!
perfect timing, btw! desoxyn was starting to become too expensive for puppy to afford and trying to fake having such a severe form of adhd that desoxyn would be prescribed as opposed to something like ritalin or adderal when it’s literally illegal to prescribe in some countries now?? too hard :\ but the money from the album helped her and puppy!
*olaf vc* puppy died. *end vc*
she was there for it too. she thought it was just a freak-out, took a LITTLE too much, but not OVERDOSE worthy... then he l i t e r a l l y died. and it was a painful death!
“oh wow! maybe prescription meth isn’t super cool after all! shucks!” but that was also an opening?? to visit death herself?? like... she didn’t necessarily want to die (sort of), but she wanted... an answer to the question that had plagued her her entire life... so she was like “ok hope i die then someone revives me but if i die then :\ i guess i die!”
did not die. but also did not get a satisfying answer to her question. the only way it would’ve been truly satisfying? if she had been dead for longer than a minute - then it would’ve given a definite answer! because the answer she received was just nothingness which, while peaceful... is it true?
she tried to detox alone, what because rehab is a business, and it... only... sort of worked. she would be clean for a few weeks, then fall back in, then clean for a few weeks, then fall back in. whenever she wasn’t just naturally focused and awake, or whenever what she was focused on was the past, she would fall back in.
i mean, a side effect is memory loss, so win/win!
she made the semi-wise decision to move back to springhill. wisest would’ve been to just move to a town/city she had absolutely no memories in, but better than moving back to newark!
so... without much to show, and with an unreliable streak, she knew she wouldn’t be able to start looking for much of an occupation – but she still needed money! so she began working at don’t fret out of a love for music, then began working at the animal shelter after completing training.
the main training was, of course, for putting animals to sleep.
ah yes. how she pretends it’s healthy... even tho there are studies and statistics relating suicide to veterinarians and shelter workers who euthanize animals... ah yes.
has been back for four months now. love that. do not know how to finish this.
TL ; DR:
born in newark. moved to springhill at 8. childhood trauma that she is still carrying causes fascination with death. “i love music.” moved to ny at 18 because realistic. childhood trauma also causes dependency on desoxyn. releases an ep and an album. does not become famous, but they both have decent traction. moves back after an overdose. relapses... often. now sells records and puts animals to sleep. miss american dream since she was 17, amirite?
one person one week, a totally different person the next.
wants to please people, but also wants to be her own person? it’s a whole deal!
in spite of her slight icarian incident, she still hopes to maybe one day become a real musician and performer. until then, we selling records and saying ‘goodbye’ to sweet animals!
can truly flip like a switch in interactions! does love ruining things for herself! almost always feels bad after bc :\ damn :\ alright :\
i’m very bad at these sections i really hate that i always include them!
is still avoiding healthy coping mechanisms. love that for her.
favorite movie is, unironically, the bee movie. favorite horror movie is cats.
SO GOOD at memorizing random lines or trivia. could probably recite literally all of who’s afraid of virginia woolf? other than that?? her memory is so bad. hate drugs for that :\
she uses her hair to express herself! (that sounds really boring.) ...she uses her hair to express herself!
but no. seriously. wears the black shag weave the most, followed by the blue/yellow combo ( we stan the badlands aesthetic ). occasionally forays into other colors and styles when money permits, but it’s usually gonna be one of those two!!
was an envy on the coast stan in high school which makes an inappropriate amount of sense.
will go out and steal the dumbest shit when she’s drunk. has a history of stealing chickens.
once again: hate that i always include these!! feel free 2 j consult the personality parts in the quick facts!!
ok we gonna list some general ones for right now! all are open to multiple people unless there’s an asterisk by it!
close friends –– moonie, teagan,
ride or die
childhood friends –– moonie,
bad influence ( mutual or her on them ) –– veronica ( mutual ),
good influence ( them on her ) –– presley, hayden, gabrielle,
exes ( can be from high school or something like that if based in springhill, can be from 20s in new york if based in new york )
fwb –– trent,
will they, won’t they –– presley,
someone who knew her music ( can be neutral, a fan of it, or hate it afhkjsl ) –– presley, moonie, teagan, indiana, 
will also possibly be sending in some wanted connections for things that are! more specific!
truly anything!! also up to brainstorm and/or look at yours if you have them!!
UPDATE: i have created a wc page so we luv that for me.
OK. like this or hmu if you’d like to plot!
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flve-hargreeves · 4 years
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( chris wood, 28, he/him ) class is in session for ANSEM WARBECK. their resume says they’re a WITCH and they’ve been teaching MENTAL MAGIC at the academy for THREE YEARS. the psychological report says they are LETHARGIC and CONTEMPTUOUS, but they’re also IRONWILLED and COMPASSIONATE. we wish them good luck in the new school year.  
— * | ansem warbeck is the oldest child of ragnor and celena warbeck. he has a twin brother named arson and while they are identical, they couldn’t be more different. both ragnor and celena are influential members of the magical community and always prided themselves on having a stellar reputation. stellar isn’t quite so stellar though; they are morally gray.  they  never get into dark magic themselves, but their family has profited heavily from it over the years.  ( think … war profiteers, i guess.  they never get their hands dirty but they have plenty of blood money ).  arson is the dutiful son, the good son, and ansem’s always been the disappointment who couldn’t live up to their expectations.  ( the michael bluth )
 ansem was never good at doing what he was told and rebelled against the behaviours his parents tried to ingrain in him. he never listened, always liked to do his own thing, and never bought into the whole ‘pureblood supremacy’ thing that they tried to drill into his head.  so what if they came from an old witch family? la creme de la crop? magic was magic. he figured if you could do it, you were just as good as anyone else.  ( his family disagreed. )  he  started  at  arcanas  when  he  was  eleven,  like  his  descendants  before  him,  and  was  a  member  of  house  aquis.  
       personality wise, ansem is sharp, sarcastic, and doesn’t have a high tolerance for people. the list of people he dislikes is longer than those he likes. he likes to have a good laugh ( sometimes at the expense of others ) and isn’t one to take on responsibility. ironic, given he’s now teaching at the school he used to go to. for someone as intelligent as he is, he does the least amount of work possible and does well but never really exceeds his own expectations. he’s incredibly lazy and can usually be found snacking or napping around the school.
 shortly after graduation he worked as a for hire curse breaker.  if there was a hex you couldn’t undo, or a curse on your family name, he was the guy you called to fix it.  he was good too.  it was only after a curse backfired and nearly killed him that he got scared and backed out of it. the fear was greater than the love he had.  arcanas was safe, a reminder of good days (and far far away from his family) so he was happy to ya yeet out of the real world.  less than a year after graduation, he was enrolled at a magical college and eventually became a mental magic teacher.
 another  point  of  irony,  given  how  much  he  claims  to  hate  people,  is  the  story  of  how  a  twenty/twenty one  year  old  mess  accidentally  adopted  an  eleven  year  old.   it  was  an  assignment  from  one  of  the  teachers  or  housemasters,  a  mentorship  program  between  tenth  and  first  years.  he  was  assigned  jade  brantley  and  at  first  ?  oh  boy  did  he  hate  her.   or  rather,  the  responsibility  he  felt  towards  her.   it  became  pretty  evident  the  more  he  got  to  know  her  that  they  were  put  together  for  a  reason.   her  family  had  sent  her  to  arcanas  without  so  much  as  a  second  look  and  couldn’t  have  cared  less  if  they  ever  saw  her  again.   she  stayed  behind  at  the  school  for  christmas,  as  did  he  to  avoid  tense  family  dinners  with  the  warbecks,  and  that  was  when  their  mentorship  started  to  become  more  like  family.   
by  the  end  of  the  year,  he  looked  at  her  like  —  his  kid,  if  he  was  being  honest.   it  was  kind  of  terrifying,  wanting  to  protect  another  person  from  the  realities  of  their  life,  but  he  knew  it  was  the  right  decision  to  make.  it  helped  that  his  partner  agreed;   they’d  come  to  care  about  jade  in  those  months  too,  and  they  both  knew  it  was  the  right  call.   he  contacted  her  parents,  assumed  temporary  guardianship,  and  she  moved  in  with  them  that  summer  after  they  graduated.   (  the individual that set all of this up,  the  cheeky  bastard,  sent  them  a  potted  plant  as  a  housewarming  gift.   a  plant  that  would  have  needed  to  have  been  potted  SIX  MONTHS  EARLIER.   he’d  be  mad  about  getting  played  if  he  wasn’t  so  happy.  )
they  formally  adopted  jade  a  few  years  later.  they  were  already  family  in  everything  but  blood  and  name  —  it  was  simply  a  formality.   the  three  of  them  —  four,  if  you  counted  jessica  the  cat  (  famously  known  for  stepping  on  faces  )  —  had  been  more  of  a  family  than  any  of  his  blood  relatives  had  ever  been.     he’s  never  regretted  his  choices.
that  being  said,  things  weren’t  always  happy.  he  and  his  partner  fought  a  lot,  sometimes  over  nothing  and  couldn’t  remember  why  they  ever  loved  each  other  in  the  first  place.  but  this  isn't  a  story  about  vindictive  exes,  it's  about  two  people  that  do  love  each  other,  probably  always  will,  but  just  didn't  love  being  together  anymore.  they're  excellent  co-parents  to  their  adopted  daughter  and  they're  working  their  way  back  to  being  best  friends  even  though  it's  a  little  awkward.  they  split  up  roughly  three  years  ago,  shortly  after  ansem  started  teaching  at  arcanas.
he  was  a  bit  of  a  mess  that  first  year,  i  won’t  lie.  he  probably  drank  too  much,  smoked  like  a  chimney,  and  was  trying  to  remember  how  to  be  a  person  instead  of  1/2  of  a  couple.  he’d  been  with  his  partner  almost  his  entire  life,  it  was  a  process  —  discovering  himself  again.  he  eventually  started  seeing  jude  montague  (  who,  ironically,  he’d  always  had  a  schoolboy  crush  on  when  he  was  a  student  )  who  also  taught  at  the  school.  one  thing  led  to  another  and  they’ve  recently  taken  things  to  the  next  level:  they  got  married.   ansem’s  still  a  little  terrified  this  one  is  going  to  go  belly  up  too,  that  he’s  going  to  mess  things  up,  but  they’re  still  in  the  newlywed  phase  so  he’s  not  quite  as  pessimistic  on  their  outlook.   it  also  helps  that  his  family  hates  jude:   1.  he’s  much  older,  even  without  the  whole  phoenix  thing,  2.  he’s  not  a  pureblood  witch  who  comes  from  a  good  family  name,  and  3.  he’s  a  man.   yeah,  celena  warbeck  was  not  happy  and  threatened  to  cut  him  off.   she  didn’t,  of  course,  but  his  father  hasn’t  spoken  a  single  word  to  him  ever  since  they  got  married.  it’s  a  game  now,  trying  to  see  if  he  can  say  or  do  something  to  make  him  break.  so  far,  he  hasn’t  won.  
 when  he’s  not  staying  at  arcanas,  watching  over  his  water  demons,  he’s  at  his  house  nearby.   now  that  he’s  married  jude,  however,  the  clan  (  bc  ansem  doesn’t  go  anywhere  without  jade,  jessica,  and  by  extension  kit  )  will  be  moving  into  his  definitely-haunted  house  nearby.  it’s  an  old  victorian,  fits  jude’s  goth  boy  aesthetic  perfectly,  and  tbh  as  long  as  it  has  decent  wifi  and  an  espresso  machine?  he’ll  be  fine.  
     he’s been teaching mental magic at arcanas academy for three years, so connections can be assumed with other staff members and students !!   he’s also been the housemaster for aquis, who he refers to as his water demons, so that’s opportunities for connections too! ( there’s also a 99% chance he calls all of his students by pokemon names. sorry not sorry. )   he’s  your  typical  panic  first,  think  logically  later,  type  person,  so  if  he  heard  about  the  orb  being  stolen  he’d  fear  for  their  inevitable  demise.   y’know,  chaotic  and  assuming  the  worst  case  scenario  from  the  get  go.
so that’s basically him in essence.  see some quick stats below for more tidbits.
— * | BASICS !
NAME: — ansem ragnorius warbeck.
NICKNAME(S): — ansem.
PRONOUNS: —he/him.
AGE/DOB: — twenty seven / july 25th.  (  he’s  almost  28,  so  don’t  @  me  )
ETHNICITY: — caucasian.
NATIONALITY: — british.
HOMETOWN: — manchester, uk.
EDUCATION: — he previously attended  arcanas, aquis house.  four  years  @  a  magical  college  near  aurora  /  arcanas  school. 
STAR SIGN: — leo.
ALIGNMENT: — chaotic neutral.
PHOBIA(S): — enclosed spaces, clowns, snakes.
VICE(S): — cynicism, impatience, vindictiveness, spitefulness.
VIRTUE(S): — accountability, candor, realism, honesty, loyalty.
PARENT(S): — ragnor and celena warbeck.
SIBLING(S): — arson warbeck ( twin brother. )
— * | PHYSICAL !
FACECLAIM: — chris wood.
HEIGHT: — 6'0.
WEIGHT: — 71kg.
EYE COLOR: — brown.
HAIR COLOR: — brown.
TATTOOS: — n/a.
SCARS: — jagged scar across his collarbone.
— * | MEDICAL !
ALLERGIES: — shellfish.
SMOKING/ALCOHOL/DRUGS: — former smoker. he hasn’t had a cigarette in approx. 112 days.  he drinks more than he should.  no drug use.
BLOOD TYPE: — universal donor.
students  with  an  aptitude  for  mental  magic  that  he  provides  additional  /  advanced  work  for  to  challenge  them.  (2/2)  dominic masters & rome hawks.
students  who  need  extra  help  in  one  or  more  of  the  aspects  of  his  curriculum.  this  would  include  after  hours  help,  extra  assignments,  or  one  on  one  attention  if  they  were  struggling  with  concepts  (1/4):  ella  bloom.
students  that  give  him  a  hard  time  in  class  for  one  reason  or  another.  could  be  people  who  sleep  in  class,  talk  back,  distract  others,  etc.  (1/??):  morgan  stife.
the  unholy  trinity:  fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  be  chaotic,  shittalk  their  students,  and  forget  they’re  not  seventeen  anymore  bc  they’re  fucking  idiots  who  like  to  troll  (2/2):  maximus & reserved
fellow  teachers  who  like  to  get  together  and  drink  wine  after  stressful  days,  or  just  when  they  feel  like  it  tbh.  (1/????)  maxwell gray.
a  rival/enemy  from  when  he  was  @  arcanas  who  now  also  works  at  arcanas.  he  can’t  remember  why  they  don’t  like  each  other  but  he’s  dedicated  to  the  feud.  it’s  petty,  he  knows, but  he  sucks  at  admitting  he’s  wrong.  (0/1)
ex-wife.  see  wanted  connections.  (0/1)
childhood  friend.  fellow  witches  who  would  have  hung  around  people  who  were  haughty  and  thought  they  were  better  than  everyone  else.  ansem’s  parents  thought  they  were  hot  shit  so  maybe  their  parents  felt  the  same.  they  both  rebelled  against  what  their  parents  wanted  for  them  and  it  bonded  them.  (0/1)
partner  in  crime.  (28  years  old)  this  person  was  very  different  from  ansem.  different  species,  a  little  more  serious,  the  kind  of  person  you  wouldn’t  expect  to  be  friends  with  him.  they’re  probably  the  only  reason  ansem  even  passed  his  exams,  forced  to  study,  and  he  forced  this  friend  to  actually  have  fun  and  live  a  little.  they’re  still  close  but  maybe  fell  out  of  touch  over  the  years.  this  person  would  be  new  to  arcanas  as  a  staff  member,  or  teacher,  but  would  be  an  alumnus  preferably  from  house  aquis  but  could  be  any.  
others  to  be  added  when  it  isn’t  2am  and  my  brains  fried.
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ofmiscreants · 5 years
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♡ ◟ ° ›   jung jaewon, cismale, he/him, twenty three   ⋯   ❛   thank you for applying to STONED RECORDS, MILO YUN ! before we start this job interview, i would just like to go over a few questions. you said your best attribute was ASSERTIVE, right ? well, word around town is that some people find you to be a bit more EGOCENTRIC … but, nevermind that. i’m actually more curious about whether you were actually THE ONE WHO LEAKED THEIR EX’S NUDES last year ? oh, you were ? that’s unfortunate. on the bright side, i heard that you excel at VIDEOGRAPHY …. so that’s cool ! now, one more question … your last manager said that you’re hiding that you’ve been CAMMING FOR TWO YEARS FOR SOME SIDE CASH AND YOUR BEST FRIEND’S FATHER IS YOUR NUMBER ONE TIPPER, is that true ? — haha , just kidding ! they didn’t say that, i just read that about you online . anyway , you got the job ! ❜ 】 eri, pst, she/her. 
hello i’m eri ! a cat obsessed, possibly nocturnal and very awkward individual. this is my first time joining an rp in .. years, and honestly i am very excited. i do work full time so i will likely be more active on line, but i look forward to writing threads on the dash as well ! i want to preface this with the fact that i am NOT my muse. the things that milo does / say are not me, i do not agree with his moral ( or lack there of ) and trust me when i say i probably hate him more than you. with that said, prepare yourself for the mess that is milo yun. 
so to start off, a brief history of milo's childhood: boy was a spoiled BRAT. his mother gave him everything, he basically never heard the word no, and although he ended up with a little sister by five years he still radiated and owned his only child energy. his mother married a very wealthy man when he was about 8, and milo always hated him for taking even more attention away from him. the only good thing that came from his step-dad was all the money he knew came directly from that man's bank account.
growing up, he was a generally decent person other than his hatred of the word no and not getting his way. personality-wise, he was tolerable. he teased people in joking ways, was a bit outspoken, but nothing too bad. that was until he got in his first relationship. he'd lost his virginity at 13 but didn't get with anyone for real until 15/16 ( i am hoping to get this connection so we can discuss that further if you're interested ). it was a year or so together before milo found out they'd cheated on him and that changed him for the worst. never having been the most romantic guy, he vowed to be the exact opposite from that day on. never again would someone make him cry, never would someone come close enough to his heart to break it, and he would never allow himself to be vulnerable with someone on a level like that again.
it wasn't just a fear of love he gained but an entirely fucked up and cynical attitude as well. he started acting out more, picking fights with people until someone else swung first and he couldn't be pinned for starting it (even though he 100% instigated it ). he wasn't miserable, but he had miserable moments. and soon it became harder for him to care about other's feelings or happiness, and started worrying only about his own happiness and his own needs.
by the time he finished high school he had a well-known reputation of being quite the casanova, and had left all too many hearts broken in his wake. he might not have the urge to love again, but he had a craving for every other part of it ... and deep down he missed it, feeling loved, even if he had no intention of reciprocating it.
ok so at 18 he graduated from high school as you do, naturally his parents assumed he'd be going to college but when he informed them that nah he was not, they waite a few months which were spent partying and acting like a crazed teenager in heat before finally warning him that if he didn't get a job he'd be cut off until he did. naturally, he went a week giving them both the silent treatment.. and in that time landed his first job at a coffee shop. it did not last long, and he worked at various other places around town and most of which he didn't last more than a few months at. authority? yeah .. he simply is not a fan. his luck was running out, that was until he decided to try out camming.
it started off slow, but by 21 he was killing it. getting paid to sit in his room and undress for men who are showering him in compliments and tips?? it was a dream come true. after realizing how much money he could make .. it changed a lot. he decided to only work part-time jobs in order to keep the illusion that he was making regular money a thing, and kept all his camming and sugar daddies behind closed doors.
this plan worked out great, two years in and he's working at stoned records and chilling, while nightly leading his double life as a very successful male cammer with a wide variety of fans from male to female of all ages. his favorites, however .. tend to be the older gentleman, the ones he can sucker into paying for skype dates and private videos, the ones who he has to resist rolling his eyes when he calls them daddy but that instant gratification of gifts of money being sent to him makes it all worth it. simple enough, until one of his top tippers turns out to be his best friend's dad. yikes .. and at first he questioned whether or not this was a good idea, but knowing how much money they had, it was hard to resist. he figured .. if it weren't him, it would be some other cammer so why not enjoy the wealth? well because of this he's been holding in a dark secret, having to avoid eye contact during those awkward run-ins, and pretending not to now intimate details about his own friends' family. this is a plot i would VERY much like to fill, and i am willing to change details or information around to make it fit better with your muse.
ok now that i have rambled forever i'm going to attempt to give a few more points that are much shorter
his rumor is about how he leaked his exes nudes after their break up ... this a heavily desired plot and i would love to have it. milo is a fucked up guy and honestly, they probably found out he cheated so in order to "win" this battle he leaked the nudes he had of them and then proceeded to dump them .. i'm sorry he's horrible
sexually he chooses not to label himself, he is attracted to attractive people and goes for what he wants. pansexual would be the closest description, but he himself will never put his sexuality into a box. with that said, he leans toward the dominant-top position, but he is also very open-minded and very filthy so opportunities are endless with him. sex to him is the biggest ego boost .. he loves being wanted, love the validation he gets from someone wanting him and feeling good because of him. he also very much gets off on others being vulnerable with him ( yes we get it he was traumatized bc he's a big brat ) and enjoys the power play dynamic that can come from sexual situations. anything beyond sex and .. he just stops caring. he knows ahead of time that he'll never be the one from them and doesn't plan on making that realization a very easy or pain-free one.
romantically he has only ever felt that attachment once. after he got his heart broken he vowed no more. he technically considers himself aromantic, but if you ask me he's just stubborn and refuses to relinquish power because he was embarrassed and his ego got very bruised. in reality, he's terrified of being vulnerable and giving someone else the chance to decide he isn't good enough. mind games are fun simply because he knows how to gain and keep the upper hand.
a few last things i feel like mentioning, he gets into fights often, drinks very often, does any sort of substance offered to him ( no injecting himself with anything though ), and basically is just ... a fucked up dude with an extremely distorted view of reality. his ego drives him 90% of the time, and he seriously lacks empathy. he's not the best dude in the world .... very far from it.
oh and his dream was to become a famous youtuber / influencer so he got really good at photography and videography but when he didn't become really famous within six months he gave up and instead started camming, just felt like throwing that in so i didn't forget oK now he's milo with the big dick and great lighting.
OK NOW THAT IM DONE RAMBLING .. hopefully some of you actually made it through this, i apologize again for the length of this. anyway i have stats for him and wanted connections so please feel free to check them out and hit me up if you want to do any of them OR if you have other ideas OR just to brainstorm together because i want all of the plots. ok thank you for reading and ily you !
p.s. all plots are open to any gender unless a specific one is stated where it says open. some may have certain pronouns already written but i am by no means closed off to other gender considering it is not something he has a preference for. i also did not have time to write out as many connections as i wanted so please don’t be discouraged with the lack of them .. i work full time and have been very busy lately i swear. i will try to fill them in / edit them as i get more.
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ardcnts · 5 years
       hey friends whats up ? this is c, ur local trashbag, whos age is a whopping 19 yrs, prefers using female pronouns n currently resides on the gmt-2 tmz. this was also meant to be done a while ago but i got distracted by game of thrones n then somehow also got distracted by parkour fails on youtube ? anywayth im here to introduce u to arden, a legitimate dumbass thot if there ever was one ? this might be a lil messy bc its been a while since i done one of these but if yall bear w me we might make it through ? 
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quick stats:
name: arden marie davenport
nickname: none based on her name, but anything cute you can come up with is good for her
age: twenty one
pronouns: she & her
orientation: bisexual
zodiac sign: taurus
place of birth: monaco
about (tw: infidelity):
arden is the only daughter of a succesful hollywood director and an up-and-comer model back in 1998. her parents had a whirlwind romance, meeting in a small get-together thrown by an actor he had directed previously, and got married 7 months later, in a small, private cerimony in his house. arden was born 6 months after their wedding, in monaco where her father was shooting a movie, but lived most of her life in chicago.
her parents actually split up when she was 4 years old, which was when they officially settled down in chicago, but they remained good friends and her father was very present in her life, considering she was his only daughter, even after he remarried several times. her mom remarried once, to a man that had a son from a previous relationship, but they also never had any other kids. 
she grew up very spoiled by pretty much everyone around her. whenever arden spent any time with her dad, he always insisted on giving her everything she could possibly need or want, and rarely got in trouble, even when doing something purposefully wrong. her mom was a little more strict, but also taught arden to have an extremely high sense of value and to never accept anything less than she deserved. her step-father thought she hung the moon, being the only girl in the house, and was always very loving and attentive, if slightly less materialistic.
arden was homeschooled her entire life, and while she always wanted to have the whole school experience, her parents always made huge deals out of the possible school events, like proms and homecomings and graduation. she has graduated but has not gone to college so far. she has very little interest in academics and both her parents are seemingly okay with the fact.
considering she was the daughter of two very influential people, arden was frequently seen with famous actors or young models, but was never a very public figure until she got caught in a big scandal right after her eighteenth birthday, when she travelled to see her father in france, where he was shooting a movie, since he hadn’t been able to celebrate her birthday with the rest of the family, and during the period she was there, arden got caught in “compromising” positions with the lead actor of the movie, who so happened to be married.
basically a shitstorm, but bigger stars were born out of worst scandals, and suddenly, instead of people calling her names on her instagram posts and tweets, she had 20 million followers and was being treated like some sort of celebrity, getting invited to red carpets and first rows of fashion shows. 
currently, she dabbles in modelling and is every now and then starring in a dj’s music video, but is mainly a social media star. 
personality (tw: drug use):
considering how she was raised, it’s no surprise that arden grew up to be very self-centered. not in an unpleasant way, those who are around her mostly find her to be very funny in her selfishness, but it shouldn’t be uncommon if it rubs some people the wrong way.
she’s very dramatic, loves to make mountains out of molehills and in very incovenient moments. loves attention all the time. also, very used to getting away with things, and is just ... totally thrown for a loop if she has to be held accountable for, quite literally, anything.
a huge party girl. dabbles in a lot of recreational drugs, sometimes a little more often than that. and is a big drinker. every situation suits wine, according to her own mindset.
super high-maintenance. honestly is not lowkey in any way, shape or form. lazy nights in probably require professionals masseuses. has never eaten burger king in her life.
that being said, she’s just a really fun person to be around. her dramatics make her incredibly funny, and she’s always down for adventures and the first person to encourage you to make bad decisions. 
all in all, just... a mess pretty much all the time. 
possible connections:
best friends, childhood pals, first loves, bad influences, toxic relationships, exes, friends with benefits, fake friends, awkward one night stands, skinny loves. those are pretty shallow but we can always discuss things and get to know the muses a little better before setting things up. 
okay so this is pretty much it ? if u guys enjoyed the ride pls give this video a thumbs up also if u wanna plot pls hit me up or just like this thing ? i promise im much better in person
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whatevenis2016-blog · 8 years
Please just kill me already.
Basically every aspect of my life sucks rn. Work is horrible and gets worse and worse everyday. I can't stand it and I just want someone to call me back so I can get out of this hell hole. It's so funny tho this one girl gets to work 45, 50, even an hour late every single day and my boss doesn't seem to care and I get to work everyday on time and then I change into my work cloths there and clock in like 3 minutes late. But do you know who she gives shit and bitched about behind her back to other employees? Me. Not her. She literally doesn't appreciate the fact that I basically run her store and shes never there. And she takes weekends off and gives the girl who's always late weekends off and this guy every Friday and Sunday off but won't give me or the other girl who actually do shit at work any weekend days off. Ever. I ask one weekend off a year, for my birthday. And she still Give Me Shit about how hard it is for her to make it work without me being there. Oh wow. Go fuck yourself. Like really. I don't care how hard it is for you, it's your business not mine. It's not my problem. Like if you can't make it work with the people you have, maybe you should fucking hire more people? And not just have like 6 employees.... And about a million other reasons why working there is complete ass. My mother hates me. And no I'm not exaggerating, not even a little bit. Here are some direct quotes from my mother, all completely unprovoked and completely out of the blue:: "you are a psychopath" "maybe I should keep calling your bitch of an employer" she's trying to get me fired bc I refused to see her on my birthday "you're off your meds, you aren't wearing your retainer, you dropped out of college. You're living in an unhealthy environment" my doctor took me off my meds bc I'm doing better, I stopped wearing my retainer bc it's been ever a year since I got my braces off, I'm taking ONE semester off bc my whole fucking life is imploding around me and an way too stressed out and overwhelmed to handle school on top of all my other problems. "Your father said he was going to kill me" complete lies bc she's mad my father got custody of me when I was a child. "maybe C***** didn't stab you in the back she just didn't like how he was treating you" and ex friend of mine treated me like shit and tried to break me and an ex up and then tore apart many other friendships bc she's an insecure person but she wants me to believe I was the problem not other people. "your dad doesn't want you to succeed" "it's time to grow up and stop blaming shit on me!!!!!!!" "You only text me when you're angry" " I tried so hard with you" "I wasted XXXX$ on your braces" she tried to take my father to Cort and force him to pay for braces but because she was thousands and thousands of dollars behind in child support they made her pay for them, not to mention doing things like that are what you're suppose to do as a parent not bc your child 'deserves it'. All those are just text messages she's sent me resently. I'm currently 21 and she still owns me like 33,000$++ in child support. She doesn't even work, she sponges off the government. The money she gets from the government every month is more that my father Earns every month. And my dad is able to out food on the table, buy clothing for me and then some but she's not even able to buy anything more than bread and ramen noodles bc she spends the rest of her money on drugs and alcohol and other stupid shit (like smart phones she doesn't know how to use and DS3Ds as soon as they are released and again doesn't know how to use. All for herself I might add). She has completely treated my like shit for my entire life. When I was younger I used to believe I deserved it bc I was just a shitty person but after seeing a good therapist, I know know she's mentally ill, refuses to get help and just projects all her issues and anger onto me. She tells me I'm the worst thing that has ever happened to her, that I'm mentally retarded and would never graduate high school (even though from 11th great until my junior year or college I got all As and Bs except 2 classes I really struggled in), she would tell me I don't deserve love and I would die alone. Day in and day out for absolutely no reason other than just wanting me to feel horrible. If I wouldn't do simple things like dishes or taking trash out she would threaten me never to take me to a doctor or dentist again (which incase you can't figure this out for yourself is sick and twisted) you should ground your kid of a weekend not refuse medical attention. She's woken me up in the middle of the night, knocking me out of bed and kicked me out with no explanation. Once I was out with a friend and came home probably around 11pm and she had locked me out of our appartment and wouldn't let me back in and I had called my dad but he was asleep so he didn't answer, so I just waited outside in the hallway until the next morning and rode the bus to school. One of the first therapists I had told her she can't keep treating me the way she does (keep in mind my mother would sit in on my appointments and do most of the talking herself so it wasn't even just me spouting out a bunch of shit, it was just from the words spoken from my mother). On the way home she told me how horrible I am, how I was the worst thing that has ever happened to her, that I deserved all the bad thing possible to happen to me. There have been times when she was mad at one of my brother's (she has 2 other sons, my 2 half brother's) and she would take her anger out on me (bc they didn't live with us) she would tell me it was my responsibility to step up and take her shit, that's what it meant to be 'part of a family' what it meant to be 'an adult'. Does that make sense to you? If you're mad at someone but they aren't there...That you would yell and a completely unrelated person simply bc you were mad...? Bc that's what it meant to be a family...? No. It doesn't make sense. I've literally seen my mother do something and then turn around a yell at my brother like he did it. She's so fucked up, she just can't stand it when there isn't drama. The last time l lived with her was my senior year of high schoool, in the middle of the night she tricked me into coming downstairs telling me she was hurt and needed help. When really she was shitfaced drunk, she told me how sick of me she was, how she couldn't stand me, how she didn't want to take care of me anymore. She had a hand full of several bills all in my name, all way past due, that she didn't pay or give to me, that were ruining my credit bc they were unpayed. Just to fuck me over. And then kicked me out. It was like 1 in the morning. And after I left, within the next week she was pissed as all hell that I refused to come back. She had kicked me out several times in the past and I was forced to go back bc I was under 18 but this time there was absolutely no reason for me to go back. She wouldn't stop harassing me she called and left so many messages in 2 weeks it filled my entire voicemail. I didn't even know that was possible. But it is. They were all telling me I was a shitty person. I had to get a whole new phone number bc of her. What a great mother right? And she literally cannot wrap her hear around why I want nothing to do with her. And on top of all of her shit my brother's are so brain washed they believe it's okay for her to act the way she does and are MAD AT ME for not wanting to interact with her. They literally try to make me feel guilty for not wanting to see or talk to her. Like the way she acts in in no way, shape or form okay for a parent to act. And the fact they think I should PUT UP WITH IT is fucking ridiculous. I have literally told my one brother story's of what she has does and all he says is "you should really call and talk to mom". Like wow, I can fell the love. I can tell my mental health is important to you. And currently I have been having some serious issues with my insurance. I need to be enrolled in school to get my insurance benefits and I guess this year my shit got messed up and they never received my enrollment info. So for like the last 3 months I've been trying to get it straitened out with problem after problem after problem. And several hours sitting on call waiting with my insurance. Currently I'm emailing someone from college trying to get enrollment verification forms. So I emailed the lady saying I needed help for the fall semester of 2016 and explained my whole problem to her. The spring of 2017 I'm taking off bc of personal problems and she already knew that bc I've already talked to her about it. All she replies with "you're not currently enrolled". I was so pissed and crushed. She clearly didn't even read my email. I have dealt with her before and I have friends that have dealt with her, and she has never been anything but a cunt. And I don't genuinely say cunt as a insult but she's a cunt. Like what even is her job but to help students?? She has either not helped me or given me so much shit in the process. If you fucking hate your job so much that you treat your students like shit, you should get a new job. Like are you serious, I am thousands of dollars in debt to my insurance that I don't owe bc my shit fell through for a stupid reason. And it's affecting my credit score bc I don't want to just pay for it and potentially not get replayed.... And a couple months ago my father had surgery for cancer and isn't working. So with my shit job where I don't even make the minimum wage, I'm trying to support us. And right after he had his surgery and I accidently broke my finger. All in the finals week of school. So I was trying to finish final projects, study for finals, being torn apart hoping my father would be okay, wanting to go out of town to visit him in the hospital and then not being able to bc I broke my finger, and missing several days of school and having to make up finals. All while having my work issues too and being expected to work way more hours than I could physically and mentally handle but doing it anyway. Just being torn apart in every direction possible and having no one care... And since my father's surgery I've had to drive him 2 hours our of town for check ups since his surgery and when I ask those day off from work my boss has the audacity to give me shit about needing those days off even though she knows full well why I was asking them off. I literally hate my life and wish I was dead. Like all of my problems are bc of other people, things that are completely out of my control. Like I try so hard to fix shit and nothing gets better. My entire life I've tried to bend over backwards trying to make my mother love me but she just hates me more and more everyday. No matter what I do or say my boss never takes me seriously or respects or appreciated a single thing I do. No matter who I talk to or what I send nothing changes with my insurance. Can someone just kill me.....
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