mojaves · 1 year
tagged by @nuclearstorms @aartyom @faarkas and @cultistbase to do this tag game for some ocs!
not doing the picrew bc i can't make them all in it and it will make me insane but here it is for anyone else who wants to give it a try!!
it was a tie between him and alex. but i decided not to give alex special treatment bc otherwise he would be on here twice. anyway this isnt about him. this is about seb. the saddest wettest beast of an oc i think ive ever created. he can fit so much lore in him. he has the worst life. his now boyfriend once tried to kill him no less than 20ish times. his ex wife also tried to kill him. everyone is trying to kill him and he's just out here big silly and gay about it. AND he has great boobs. whats not to love. theyre so big bc theyre so full of the love he has for his friends and family. and im obsessed with him
VEGA | 2077
they are a bartender at a club. they have black and green hair. they love short guys and fast cars. theyre a menace. they were a merc once. they can down a whole can of beer in under 10 seconds. you want to he their friend so bad.
literally THE guy of all time who is SOSOSOSOSO important to me. he's gone through so many changes, appearance wise, story wise, even names. he is an amalgamation of so many old dead ocs i didnt know what to do with. he is THE babygirl of the moment and the moment is forever. he has existed in some form for 10??? years now. he CANNOT stay dead and it really shows in both his story and how many iterations he went through to get to this point. tall bastard man who im in love with actually.
she's a girlboss but also a horrible person. she tried to kill her husband [after she died. ghost revenge] and eventually succeeded. and then tormented his great[?] nephew, alex. for so many years. until HE also died. bc of her. and now his [not] life is in complete and utter shambles. 0 remorse she just saw this baby and was like ok now how can i torment him psychologically for the next 22 years of his life. and then did it. and for what. girl thats a wholeass fresh baked infant why are you haunting him. go somewhere else.
he is just a little guy who is SO full of love despite the horrors. so gentle with literally everything he touches. the city could have completely changed and ruined him. he could have become angry. he could have become a merc to get money. and fall into that pit like so many others did. but he didnt!!! he didnt let that happen!!!! yes the city may have hurt him and left him with cyberware he never wanted but it will NEVER stop him from being kind. ever. and i love him so much for it.
he is an arasaka plaything whose whole personality has been completely altered bc of it. he used to be welcoming and friendly and Kind. but bc of literally everything arasaka did to him, he's extremely cold and distant, and a bit of an asshole. he is well aware of this, and there is a little voice in him somewhere. begging for him to be kind again. just once. because while he won't ever admit it, he doesnt want to die believing everyone thought he was nothing more than an arasaka bootlicker and an all around shitty guy. he's a loving father, deep down in there somewhere, he just cant show it. and he doesnt know how </3 he'll figure it out again. one day
it's funny bc he is actually really smart, his brain is a sponge when it comes to learning new things, he is a great listener, and will remember basically everything you ever tell him. however!!! when he started his job as a security guard at a club, he somehow didnt notice his own brother was also there working occasionally. for a whole entire month. [theyre both idiots there sorry seb] but then after that. he also failed to mention to his two sisters that he finally got in contact with his brother again after almost 20 years. it took. ???? a good handful of months for anyone to find out. and it was entirely by accident.
he's very stupid and his idea of what is and isnt important is Very skewed. but i still love him.
he designed his own cyberarm. the fingers are full of different sized screwdrivers for different emergencies. he once plotted out the floorplan of an entire spaceship by memory and sheer luck. he is very good at repairing things. he is a cybersecurity expert. he almost got killed for hacking into the wrong systems at work once. he contains multitudes.
yes theres three of them theyre a package deal. marcus sees ghosts. ryan is a wandering soul trying to find her body back. val can read your fortune with eerie accuracy. if the three of them were my friends my life would never be boring ever again
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
INFP-T. AFAB they/them. Down to be paired with any gender.
I am a lover of sweets, cats, and games and tend to be very passionate about the things that I’m interested in. Often, I act like an older sibling to friends that are younger than me, and like a complete troll/bratty younger sibling to friends that are older (or taller). I have been referred to as a “chaos gremlin.”
Still, I know when to be responsible. Overall, I try my best to be kind and happy, and have been told that my smile “lights up a room”. ;-; so nice.
I am a bit short at 5’2.5”. I also get bouts of anxiety and have a tendency to overthink or read too much into things that don’t actually mean anything.
Thank you so much for opening up your matchups again, and I hope you’re doing well!!! <3
Hello thx for the request! Sorry this is extremely late. Also I prefer if people send asks for different fandoms separately so if you could send a separate ask for star rail that’d be great. Anywho DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Itto are a very silly couple. Despite you being the more responsible of the two of you, you still get wrapped up in just as many shenanigans. However you always have each other’s back.
You were just a young nekomata (two tailed cat youkai like Kirara) who had a tendency to get into a bit of mischief from time to time. You never ment any harm by it, you would just be playing games with the citizens of inazuma and they didn’t seem to bothered.
However today you happened to chose the wrong people to bother
You thought it would be fun if you took borrowed a hat from your Nobushi friend to entertain the kids. So you went to where he was normally stationed, only to find out you accidentally took the wrong hat.
And so now you’re running away from a gang of nobushi. Itto was just looking for some beetles when he saw you being chased by angry men with swords. Yeah he decided to step in.
After he saved you he introduced himself as Arataki Itto. You were so grateful to him for saving you and you two became instant friends.
You joined his gang and you and him spend your days entertaining the children and pulling harmless pranks. He also gives you a multitude of silly nicknames to your dismay.
He thinks it’s adorable how double sided you can be. You tease him and act like a complete gremlin with him, but with the kids you’re a sweet and responsible oni-chan (pun).
One day he invited to come watch one of his beetle battles. You see in your time of knowing you Itto has grown to have a little (big) crush on you. He likes to show off and impress you every chance he gets, so he really wanted you to watch him win.
He won of course. He was so happy he picked you up and spun you around! In that moment you two looked into each other’s eyes eyes and realized something important…
There’s no one you’d rather have by your side but one another. You two promised to be each other’s partner and crime forever and sealed that promise with a kiss.
Itto is a very gentleman type boyfriend. Spoils you with gifts, give you a coat when you’re cold, pulls out chairs and opens doors for you.
He just wants you to know that even though he’s a big goof ball, he takes his love for you very seriously.
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thewriterowl · 1 year
So I just finished reading Blooms for the first time...and man what a roller-coaster of feels to say the least.
I know this didn't happen, and wouldn't have happened but how would it go if after Luke killed Palpatine he went full on villain mode unwilling to listen to or trust his husband, and dad? If he had turned to them and told them that if they ever cross him again, Palpatine's death would look merciful in comparison to what he would do to them? With bright golden eyes and an emotionless expression.
I will forever believe that he forgave everyone way too easily, and that nobody really had to do anything to get him back. That they didn't have to fight for him, and while I tried to see it from their perspective, and while yes I do understand why they felt the way they did and that they changed their minds...I have a strong belief that actions speak louder than words...and unfortunately their actions says to me that Luke isn't a priority to them, or at least a main one.
I mean his own father and husband decided to watch videos of Luke being tortured instead of rushing to his rescue, Like both of them would have undoubtedly have done for others. But no...they decided to wait, until Luke snapped. Only then did they hurry.
They all took him for granted again, and again assuming that since they changed their minds about him it should all be honkey dorey. He was treated like a second class citizen, literally nobody cared about him and I don't see many people trying to apologize to him either.
He didn't deserve any of that, and it's a shame that nobody is willing to put in much effort to make it right. And that they all just want Luke to just move on.
So that leads to my next question...just how are the mandalorians going to make it right when they see Luke again? After all he did sacrifice himself for them despite them being so cruel to him.
Will they apologize or try to brush it off like it's nothing? Would they shower him with gifts? And give him flowers? Would the children hug him?
I'm really curious about how the citizens all feel about this whole situation, their consort sacrificed his life for them, and the next time they see him he's missing an arm and is unconscious.
I did really enjoy the fic overall, I just wish that Din and Anakin had to grovel a bit, and work a bit before Luke was willing to give them a second chance. Cuase he definitely deserves to have someone fight for him. And truth be told, he deserves way better than anything they could ever hope to give him.
I'm sorry I just kinda want someone to yell at Anakin, and Din...hell all of Mandalor for being idiots, but nobody is going to do that, cause the only people who love Luke to that extent are all dead. Jeez....Luke really is all alone, only surround by the people who took him for granted and continued to hurt him.
Hello! I am glad that you found Blooms and took the time read it! Sorry it took me so long to respond to your ask!
I just don't see Luke doing that. he wouldn't torture them or even threaten anything like that. Going Dark wouldn't mean he would've gone full blown evil. If he did go Sith, he would just reject them. He'd want to wipe hands clean of them like he was tempted to do in the end. If he had turned, there would've been no second chances. He would've just been done. He'd had no hope and no more affection to give or try to receive from them. Instead of hate, he'd done them worse by just turning off his emotions and being apathetic. He wouldn't bother to care any more. They wouldn't even be in his heart to hate.
To be fair, they literally couldn't leave--and that was a driving force in why they watched the videos. Both were emotional and about to go when they had to be reminded that if they do in the state they were in, they'd probably get Luke killed along with thousands, if not millions, of others. BUT, that is something that haunts them because of their power and skills they probably could've snuck off to start the mission a few hours earlier than what they did. They were stuck and they are haunted by that, as they should be. Luke did forgive them a little easy and part of that also really hurts them because he stole a bit of their power away. He decided what he wanted to do and gave them a line they can no longer cross or he's gone. The forgiveness was 100% for Luke, not for them. But they are willing to do whatever is necessary to help support him--they just need reminders that what they think is right or healthy may not be the case and may be more selfish of them.
I probably should've done more groveling. I 100% concede to that. It needed far more groveling over all. It's some of my favorite tropes and i didn't do enough of it. I will admit to that and apologize cause Luke deserved better. But Blooms could have more short-stories added to it in the future (like I did the sexy times fic) I wouldn't be opposed to that one day. Maybe another little story with a more focus on the others (Din and Anakin included) and it is more about them and what they need to do since the end of Blooms was more about Luke finding his own voice and comfort.
You're all good! You are more than welcomed here to share your thoughts and ideas and wants! it's always fun to hear about! And for Blooms, which has been completed for a while, it makes me excited to hear people finding it and having interest in it and sharing things about it is always super fun and exciting! I also agree with more groveling cause I made Luke suffer hard through Blooms, no lie lol
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mybrokenveins3000 · 1 year
I’m starting uni in just over 2 weeks too! How are you feeling about it? You probably get that question a lot, I know I do, I usually just say I’m excited but a bit nervous because explaining how I’m really feeling is too much haha. I’d love to hear how your really feeling about it though, I feel like it would be nice to hear someone else’s experience even if it’s just to remind anyone else going that we’re in the same boat :)
HELLO HI thank u for. talking to me, it's really nice to know i'm not alone out here on tumblr/the world :,) NOW get ready for an unnecessarily long + personal answer bc i love to talk 😀👍
ok so i'm in a bit of an interesting position because i took a gap year. sixth form burnt me out academically and emotionally so i knew i had to do something else for a bit to fall back in love with the idea of being student. AND I HAVE!! so like you, im immensely, immensely excited.
one advantage of doing this is that i got to watch my friends and how they got on in first year. i'm feeling quite confident because of how much i observed and learnt, how to avoid making mistakes/what mistakes i'm inevitably going to make. im quite lucky, im comforted by the fact that i already know a few people there bc i deferred, but im also able to make new friends. sorry, this answer is so niche and specific atm ANYWAYS I DIGRESS.
but like you, i'm so nervous. i cannot contain how genuinely terrified i am, the idea that MY WHOLE LIFE AS I KNOW IT is completely changing — im actually gonna shit myself. like this year i really got to a position where i really like myself, i feel on top of the world because i feel like i know myself and how my life looks like, WDYM THATS ALL GOING TO CHANGE. oh, the dread i feel when my parents with drive back home without me. i've really learnt to love so many things abt my pre-uni life as well, i wish i could set up myself up to not have my heart break, but that's inevitable and SCARY.
it's all so close as well, i think about what my life will look like in two/three weeks and i see nothing? in the least fatalistic way. it's both a comfort and a nightmare.
i'm moving from a small town to a big city (such a cliché), so of course i'm like. 🎶JUST A SMALL TOWN GIRLLL, LIVIN IN A LONELYY WORLDD🎶 excited, i feel like my life is expanding outward like a galaxy and that the next three years are a blank canvas for me to do whatever the fuck i want with, be whoever i want to be, study what i LOVE (english lit and film [ofc im doing film, reader in that fresher!ross oneshot is embarrassingly based off me]), take every opportunity that's available to me, do things i otherwise would never be able to do in this town. im so excited to meet new people and to talk (u can tell i like to talk 💀), it's just really nice to know i'm on the border of some of the best memories/most formative years of my life.
but im also grieving this idea of growing up. it will surely pain me to move all my stuff from my childhood bedroom to a new place, to not have my parents' cooking everyday, to come back an adult and be regarded to as an adult. ITS A REAL MIXED BAG. i dunno if any of this helps, im shitting it but i am so so so excited.
last thing i will say that might help anyone reading is that, hey, im a delusional girlie, i started a fanfic account of gods sake, so i tend to fantasise and fictionalise my life, have expectations on what my life or what this milestone should look like. eg. in uni i will find the love of my life and we will be together forever (exaggerated example but an example nonetheless) — im saying this more for me but the answer is to let go of expectations. operate on no plan. organise your academic life sure, but personal life wise, BE FREE! take every situation as it comes and don't give yourself a headache thinking too far ahead. from what i've heard and read, thats a big thing people in their twenties have to deal with, with some people having children, getting married, whilst others are job searching, still in school etc. ive only just turned 19 so that's far away from me atm, but it's just a good thing to remember that everyone's life is different, paced differently, and there's no fix structure anyone needs to follow.
that's about it, let me know your thoughts :,) sorry this was so long 💀 but thank you for asking that because i enjoyed answering 🫶🫶🫶 please know that you are not alone, if u need a friend during uni, theres a you-sized hole in my messages/asks inbox thats all for you.
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Mine Forever?
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir x F!Reader
Started: November 2021
Finished: 5-13-22
Request description: Where Adrien Agreste has a fiancée and they were engaged since they were kids, Y/n is the one who is cold and distant towards him but secretly cares for him. She just doesn’t know how to express her emotions. Everyone doesn’t know that Adrien was already engaged to someone else, by the time the reader accidentally discovered that Chat Noir was Adrien, they both started trusting one another. They always got each other’s backs, Y/n would help Adrien to sneak off just to save Paris. Whenever Adrien was badly hurt, from the fight, Y/n is ready to help him. They care for one another; she would always comfort him when he feels down when he has a tiring day. That’s why Y/n is the hardest to akumatize, even Gabriel tries to, but she trusts Adrien the most.
Edit: This just hit 400 notes today, 10/27/22. I posted this back in May. Honestly I'm shocked. (Dont stop liking it, it just baffles me because it's my hated child😭.)
Edit 2: It's 7/13/23. HOW DOES THIS HAVE 965 NOTES QUICKLY APPROACHING 1000😭 Honestly reading it makes me cringe but whatever floats your boat. Ill be back here for 1000.😂
Genre: Fluff, Fanfiction
Warnings: Arranged marriage(?), lil' bit of angst, brief mentions of blood/wounds, cursing(a bit)
A/N: I am SO SO SO SO SO sorry this took so long! Life just was one big punch in the gut after the other after this request came in, not including school. Also forgive me if this turns out to be garbage, I'm trying.😭
2 years old
Your mother was taking you to the Agreste mansion today. For what, you didn’t know. However, it would change your life.
Born of a rich Paris family, it wasn’t uncommon for children to have an arranged marriage for when they got older. Your mother and Emilie Agreste have been friends since high school, and your father and Gabriel are business partners, thus at this meeting, they decided you would marry their son, Adrien, when you came of age.
9 years old
Growing up with Adrien was fun but also hard at times. He would spend a lot of time with that Chloe Bourgeois girl, and while you wanted to be like her, it was hard as you had a hard time expressing emotions. Mostly due to the fact that your parents were always busy with their work so you spent most of your time alone in the house or with Adrien. Adrien came home from the Bourgeois residence one day, you were with your mother while she was having a business meeting with Gabriel, so she sent you upstairs with him. He talked about how much fun he had with Chloe and you wanted to say how you wanted to spend more time with him, but, due to lack of emotional expression, you kept silent and gave him a sad smile. But it was worth it to see that look of joy on his face.
14 years old
Today was your first day of high school, and your mother had dropped you off at the Agreste home that morning so you and Adrien could go to school together while she went to work.
“Hello Nathalie,” you said as you entered the house. “Good morning, Miss Y/N, Adrien is in his room.” “Thank you, Nathalie,” you said as you walked past her. You knocked on Adrien’s door, and he opened it a few seconds later, slightly disheveled. You had an amused look on your face and asked, “Did I wake you up?” He responded with a mumble which you took to be a yes. “Adrien it’s 7:30.” (A/N: pretend they start school at 8am like in America lol) He opened his eyes wider, as coming to terms with your statement. “Crap.” He muttered, and quickly let you inside while going to get dressed in the bathroom. You sat at his computer, staring at the image of him and his mother, smiling fondly. You missed her, she was always so kind and inviting. When she disappeared, you comforted Adrien the best you could. Gabriel got stricter on him, making you want to smack him. Little did either of you know what would happen later that day, when Adrien got his miraculous.
15 years old (1/2)
It was Friday evening, you were sitting in his room waiting for him to get home from his Chinese lesson* when an akuma struck the city. You figured Adrien was safe since he had his bodyguard with him wherever his lesson was held. (*Pretend his Chinese lesson takes place outside of the house) After 10 minutes, the akuma was defeated. You had to use the restroom, and when you came back, there was Chat Noir standing in Adrien’s room. But he didn’t see you, and detransformed. Adrien had scratches on his face and a bruise on his arm. He turns around and sees you staring at him in disbelief. “Um- hey Y/N-“ he says awkwardly. "Adrien…how- whatever that doesn’t matter, what matters is you’re injured.” “How did you get this bruise?” “I tripped on the stairs running to transform, but the scratches came from the akuma.” "Okay let's get you patched up."
Needless to say, it was very awkward between you two that afternoon, but you swore you would always protect Adrien’s secret.
15 years old (2/2)
Hawkmoth attempted to akumatize you twice while you and Adrien were 15. Here's what happened:
1st time- Gabriel threatened to remove Adrien from school. You stood up to him but he basically kicked you out of the house so you couldn't see Adrien at home until you straightened up. Of course he was planning to akumatize you. It failed because Adrien called you asking where you were, he wanted to talk to you about a project.
2nd time- You saw Adrien and Marinette laughing and talking together. However illogical, due to the fact that you were secretly engaged to Adrien, you were worried he would fall for her and try to get his father to call off the marriage. You walk into class one day, seeing Mari and Adrien talking and then when they notice you, they immediately go quiet. You run out of the room crying, and slump against the wall somewhere. Adrien went after you, but while he was looking for you, Hawkmoth's akuma landed on your necklace Adrien made for you when you were 6. Upon seeing Adrien running toward you, you renounce the akuma. Adrien pulls you into a tight hug, and confesses that he loves you.
And that he was asking Mari for advice on planning a surprise party for you for your 16th birthday.
17 years old
While you were over at Adrien’s house studying one day, Hawkmoth released an akuma, so Adrien had to transform and leave. Unfortunately, Gabriel was planning this akuma and assigned Nathalie to check on you and Adrien every 10 minutes, to keep Adrien safe. “Y/N I need to go, Ladybug needs help.” “Then go, Adrien.” “But what about Nathalie- she’s going to come in here and find I’m gone.” “Listen I’ll turn the shower on and tell her you’re taking a shower.” It worked, Nathalie never found out, and Adrien got back in time.
18 years old
“It’s over, Hawkmoth!” Chat Noir yelled after landing in the basement.
Hawkmoth chuckled. “Oh? Is it really? There’s something I want you to see.”
Hawkmoth opens the coffin.
And there lies his mother.
You, the current holder of the horse miraculous, Ladybug, and Chat Noir all stare in complete silence.
“I’m doing this to protect her. Your mother…Adrien.”
Adrien looks up at his father, horrified. “H-how…”
“Join me, son. Use your miraculous to take the miraculouses of the Ladybug and the Horse.”
The 3 of you then launch into a fierce battle against Hawkmoth for the final time.
22 years old
4 years later, you were getting dressed, putting on the white dress you knew you would one day wear. You and Adrien decided to get married, not because of Gabriel’s arrangement with your parents, but because you had been through so much together, and never wanted to leave the other’s side. Though you had once been worried about Marinette and Adrien falling for one another, you and her grew so close, close enough that she was your maid of honor at the wedding. Gabriel, however, while he was in prison, was allowed to view the wedding through a tablet. You were concerned that Adrien wouldn’t want his father present in any way, but he firmly stated that Gabriel was still his father, and he couldn’t imagine not having him present.
You reached the end of the aisle, walked down it by your father.
As you looked up at Adrien’s emerald eyes, you whispered silently to yourself,
“Mine forever.”
Again I'm so sorry if this turned out to be garbage.
Please don't steal my work and remember to drink water and that you are loved!
@oyasumimosura thank you for sending this request in, I am so so sorry this took this long. My deepest apologies. And thank you for being my first fanfic requester.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
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soulmate au where when you touch your soulmate you see glimpses of your future with them; the winter soldier touches you and realizes there’s so much more out there
series masterlist // previous // next
part four
word count: 4.5k (worth it omg)
a/n: hi bffs !! hope u all enjoy this chapter i am v proud of it :] let me know what u guys think i love reading ur feedback and talking w you guys !! (srry for any typos :P)
You were giddy with excitement, texting steve that you were ready to be picked up when he was ready. Your hands fiddled with buckys dog tags, a smile on your face while you waited on the couch for Steve.
It had become routine for you to join steve on his visits to wakanda to visit bucky. T’challa had been kind enough to allow you to tag along, saying soulmates should never have to deal with all the two of you had gone through.
You phone buzzed with a message from steve letting you know he was on his way. The excitement in your chest grew, having so many stories to tell bucky.
The drive and the flight felt long despite you sleeping through most of it. Finally stepping out into the fresh air and greeting the royal family, making small talk with shuri as t’challa and steve walked towards where bucky was staying.
“i should get going, I’ll be sure to meet up with you tomorrow so we can talk about it!” you smiled brightly at the girl and she nodded, waving you off.
Shuri had been kind enough to tell you about the designs for Bucky’s new vibranium arm, she had asked for you opinions and what you thought he would prefer. It warmed your heart and had brought the two of you closer together.
Bucky knew you would be coming, he made sure his long hair was tied neatly, his heart racing as he heard steve approaching. He smiled, taking in a deep breath and checking himself out in the mirror one more time.
Steve knocked on the side of the hut twice, a smile on his face as he waited for his best friend to move aside the bright curtains. Bucky opened them with a smile, saying hello and pulling steve in for a hug.
“you know you can just let yourself in right?” Bucky joked, “wheres y/n?” he asked as soon as they pulled apart. Steve rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his face.
“don’t even care about your best friend anymore?” Steve joked and bucky frowned, “kidding, kidding, she was talking with shuri about something, should be here in a bit” he smiled at his friend a bucky nodded, moving so he could enter his little home.
You walked quickly, excited to finally be with bucky after two long months. You couldn’t stop the excitement that grew in your chest, heart racing as you got closer to him.
Finally you reached the hut, knocking three times before stepping away slightly, focusing your sight on the goats next to the huts. The sound of the curtains moving brought you attention back, making you turn your head back.
Bucky smiled at you, before he could say anything you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“well hello to you too doll” he joked and you giggled, not bothering to let go of him. As you pulled away you beamed up at bucky, saying a breathless ‘hi’ before he smiled back at you, a charming smile on his face as he kissed your cheek.
The two of you walked in, hands intertwined as you joined steve the three of you falling into easy conversation, talking of your recent missions and adventures.
“no, yeah steve got his ass handed to him” you laughed, the blonde rolling his eyes and mouthing a ‘no,’ bucky rolled his eyes at his friend, knowing he probably did.
“so you took down how many people?” Bucky asked you, a proud smile on your face as you replied.
“eight guys” you boasted, “didn’t even break a sweat” you smirked. Steve and bucky looked at each other before laughing, bucky pulling you into his side, kissing the top of your head.
“you didn’t even leave your bed the next day from how sore you were!” Steve teased and you frowned, moving to punch him.
Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap. You landed with a huff and Steve grinned at you.
“you never get sore it’s not fair” you shot back, bucky resting his head on your shoulder.
Steve shrugged his shoulders, the three of you continuing to bicker and laugh until the sunset. You were leaning on Buckys chest, his arm wrapped around you as you rested your eyes. Steve and bucky reminisced on some fight they had in the 40s laughing at how minuscule the problem now seemed.
“I’ll leave you two for the night, it was good seeing you buck” Steve smiled, the three of you getting up from your spots.
“it was good seeing you too steve, glad to know you can still hold your own” he joked and Steve laughed, the two men hugging tightly before letting go. Steve turned to you, a smile on his face before moving towards the door.
“I’ll come get you in the morning” he called out, letting the curtains fall behind him.
Bucky let out a small sigh of relief and you looked at him, shocked at his action.
“i know you didn’t just let out a sigh of relief because he left!” You gasped and bucky blushed, turning to you before crashing his lips onto yours.
You melted into the kiss, letting yourselves get lost in the other. Your hands played with his hair, it was longer than last time. The two of you pulled away breathless, hearts racing.
“cant do that when he’s around darling” Bucky smirked, leaning in to kiss you quickly a couple more times, soft giggles leaving your lips as he beard tickled your face.
“still rude” you teased, placing soft kisses on his face as the two of you sat down, cuddled up as close as possible.
Bucky chuckled, looking at you with starry eyes and a bright smile. He swore you had never looked so pretty, sitting there with the moonlight peeking in and lightning up the small hut.
“stating is rude you know” bucky rolled his eyes, leaning in to kiss you, smiling into the kiss when you pulled him in for another.
“missed you so much doll” he mumbled, your foreheads pressed against one another, eyes closed for a second before pulling away.
“not a day goes by where i don’t think of you James” you sighed, heart sinking as you realized you would be leaving him once more in the morning.
Bucky noticed the shift in your attitude, placing his fingers under you chin and moving you to look at him.
“i promise you,” he mumbled, placing a kiss on your forehead, “once I’m free from all the shit HYDRA did to me, were gonna be together” he smiled at you softly.
“just wish it could come faster” you frowned and bucky nodded, a small smile on his face as he placed another kiss on your forehead.
“we have forever to be happy baby” he spoke, turning to you, “right?” you smiled, heart fluttering at his words.
“I’m yours forever lovebug” you assured him, moving to kiss his cheek.
“and I’m yours forever dollface” he smiled, heart racing the thought of a forever with you. Bucky wished he could fast forward and just be happy with you. But he knew he had to get through this, he just had to fight this final battle and he could be free.
Just one more fight and he could be happy, with you.
Morning came far too soon for either of your liking, waking up to the sun shining in your eyes. Your legs tangled with Buckys and his arm wrapped securely around your waist, holding you tightly.
“buck” you grumbled, wiggling to try and get out of his grip. You gave up when he never budged, waiting a couple minutes before trying again. “James” you called out, he moved a little, eyes fluttering open and landing on you with a smile.
“mornin doll” he mumbled, voice raspy and deep from sleep. He loosened his grip and let you wiggle out, stretching and letting out a yawn.
“goodmorning” you smiled sweetly, grabbing a couple things before getting ready. Bucky laid on his side, a sleepy smile on his face while he watched you get ready for the day, heart sinking a bit when he realized you would be leaving today.
“wish you could stay longer” he mumbled, his words weighed on your shoulders, causing you to slump a little and frown. You turned to look at him after you had finished getting ready, giving him a soft smile before sitting across from him.
“i do too angel, but you know how things are” he sighed softly, getting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“we still have at least two hours before steve comes, get up so we can enjoy the time we’ve got” you beamed, a bright smile on his face. Bucky admired that about you, how optimistic you were even in such an unfortunate situation.
Deep down you were upset, you were hurting and you were angry that the two of you had to go through so much to be happy. You shoved away those emotions, choosing instead to focus on what little time you had with him.
Bucky got ready quickly, giddy to get the day started. You helped him feed the goats, giggling as their fuzzy lips tickled your hand when you fed them.
“i named this one butter” he smiled, pointing a light colored sheep, “he’s kinda chubby” you teased and he gasped, a hurt expression on his face.
“i cant believe you come here and insult my goats, i raised them! they’re my children!” He teased and you rolled your eyes, walking towards him with your arms extended, he huffed, turning away from you. Laughing when he so easily melted into you after wrapping your arms around his waist, your head resting on his back.
“sorry for bullying butter, i am once again asking for forgiveness” you teased and he let out a low hum, you rolled your eyes. “I promise to not insult your goats-” Bucky turned around, brows furrowed and you groaned.
“i promise to not insult your kids, and i will give you all the kisses you want” you finished, arms crossed and bucky looked at you with a boyish smile, leaning down to kiss you.
It was quick, but it was sweet and made you swoon, smiling as he continued to pepper kisses all over your face. You yelped as one of his goats rammed his head into buckys leg.
“seems like someone wants your attention” you teased and he smiled, continuing to place the hay out along with a couple other things for them to eat.
The two of you were sitting along the bank of the river, sharing stories of what you had missed between your last visit.
“y/n!” Steve called out and your heart fell, a tight smile on your face when you saw the way Bucky’s expression fell. You squeezed his hand, kissing his temple before standing up, pulling bucky up with you as you walked back towards the hut, grabbing the backpack you had brought.
The two men talked for a bit while you gathered everything, double checking that you didn’t forget anything. You smiled as you rummaged through your backpack, holding the stack of letters you had written for bucky from the past two months.
You handed them bucky with a smile, apologizing for your handwriting in some of them.
“i already put yours in your bag doll, my handwriting is amazing” he teased and you punched him lightly.
The goodbyes always hurt, the way your heart tugged in your chest, like it was telling you to stay, that you were meant to be together.
You always ignored it, letting it only resurface at 3 am when your heart hurt and you longed for your soulmate.
Just this last fight, he just had to be truly free from HYDRA and you could be happy.
“don’t worry lovebug, I’ll see you soon” you comforted him, holding him tightly before letting go.
“see you soon” Bucky smiled, his heart sinking as you and Steve walked away, laughing when you turned around and waved at him, a bright smile on his face.
Before leaving you met with shuri, offering a couple more inputs on Buckys new arm before saying goodbye to her, she gave you a tight hug before letting you go.
You did see them soon. Although the circumstances were different. It wasn’t a ‘yay i get to see my soulmate and my friends and have a good time!’ visit.
It was more of a ‘oh god this purple guy wants some crazy crystals and is gonna kill half the universe with them please help’ kind of visit.
The plane landed and you greeted the royal family as usual, nervous as you followed shuri to her lab. Everything was moving so fast and your heart was in a frenzy. You had arrived earlier than the others, shuri sending a jet for you so you could be there when bucky got the arm.
You gasped as you saw the final product, a smile on your face as your fingers ghosted over the black and gold arm.
“shuri this is incredible!” You praised and she smirked, shrugging her shoulders.
“it’s what i do” she replied, closing the box before calling T’challa over so you could go give the arm to bucky.
“we think you should give it to him, explain to him what’s going on and all that” shuri spoke, T’challa and okoye nodding at her words.
“but-” okoye cut you off, her words gentle.
“it’s whats best for him” she assured you and you nodded, taking a deep breath as you waved goodbye to shuri.
T’challa and okoye accompanied you, a soft smile on your face as you saw him throwing the hay bales for his goats. Your smile grew when you noticed he had since gained two new friends, two cows laying down and one standing close to him.
“good to know you made new friends while i was gone” you called out, smiling as bucky looked at you with wide eyes. A smile on his face as you walked closer to him.
“doll!” He grinned, walking over to hug you as T’challa set the box down on a bale of hay. “what’s happening what’s going on? It hasn’t even been two weeks since last time” he questioned, looking at the two behind you.
“not that I’m not happy to see you but” he cut himself off, noting the fact you were suited up for a fight. You interlaced your fingers and sighed softly.
“c’mere” you spoke softly, pulling him along to the box. You have him a soft smile, letting go of his hand and opening the box.
He finally looked into the box, the shiny new vibranium arm gleaming in the sunlight. His heart fell. That’s why your heart was in frenzy, that’s why okoye and T’challa were so tense.
“wheres the fight” he spoke quietly, eyes not leaving the metal arm.
“on the way” T’challa spoke and he nodded. Okoye and T’challa left the two of you alone after explaining to bucky how to put the arm on.
You were silent, petting the goat you recognized as butter while bucky put the new arm on, changing into his suit while he was at it. Your heart ached.
One more fight, you had told yourselves for the last two years. Just one more fight and you could be together and be happy.
But the universe was cruel and decided to make the two of you wait longer, to put yet another barrier between the two of you and happiness.
it’s okay, after this fight everything will be okay
The words rang in your mind, letting out a shaky sigh. How bad could this fight be? It’s not like you hadn’t fought countless other villains before.
Bucky walked out suited and ready to go, though he was reluctant he knew it’s what had to be done. You gave him a small smile, shamelessly checking him out, not bothering to hide the smirk on your face.
“you know, under any other circumstances i would definitely not let you leave that hut” you teased and he blushed.
“I’ve only seen you suited up a couple times doll and it makes my heart face everytime” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, thinking back to when you and steve visited him immediately after a couple of missions.
The two of you walked hand in hand, getting a feel for his new arm as you made it to the plane, greeting steve with a smile and reluctantly saying hello to Sam.
You stood with bucky and Sam as you saw wakandas defenses go up, your mouth opened in awe as you watched it.
Not long after you saw something hitting it, breaking apart as it made contact and you and Sam flinched a bit.
“god i love this place” bucky spoke, watching alongside you and Sam. You heard Rhodey speak up not moments after.
“don’t start celebrating yet, we got more incoming outside the dome!” He called out, your eyes wide and you saw multiple things falling, planting themselves into the ground.
You let out a shaky breath, bucky bls your hand for a moment, squeezing it and kissing your temple.
“one more” he whispered and you smiled, nodding your head. “one more,” you repeated, hope blossoming in your chest.
You stood alongside bucky, looking back in awe as you saw all the hundreds of people, all ready to fight. Your stomach was in knots, your hands were shaky and you looked at bucky.
A small smile made its way onto your face. You would be okay.
“they surrender?” Bucky asked as steve, natasha and t’chalks returned.
“not exactly” steve sighed, you watched wide wide eyes as you all hundreds- maybe thousands of those things running towards the barrier.
You and bucky began shooting, taking out some of the ones which had made it through, sam and Rhodey already in the air. Your heart was thumping in your ears as you heard T’challa giving orders to open the barrier, bucky looked at you, eyes sparkling as he smiled at you.
“we’re gonna be okay, i promise doll” he assured you and you nodded, taking in a deep breath before taking off in a sprint alongside everyone. As the barriers opened, all of them got in, it was all a blur, shouts and groans coming from all around.
You shot as many as you could, making sure to try and keep everyone safe. You had lost bucky on the battlefield, everyone clashing. You didn’t have time to look for him as you continued shooting.
One of them knocked you over and you let out a groan, reaching for your ankle and swiftly stabbing it in the neck, cutting it open for good measure and rolling away before it’s blood could land on you.
You took the knife out, immediately throwing it and hitting one of them in the head and killing it before it could reach you. You were breathless as you continued to fight, running out of bullets.
“fuck” you whispered, eyes wide as you saw one of them running directly towards you. Scrambling to took one of your knives from a body on the floor, trying to throw it before the creature got too close. You were too late, by the time you turned around it had tackled you to the ground, sending the knife clattering to the floor.
You used all your strength to keep it from biting your head off, screaming as your limbs almost gave out.
You heard the sound of thunder above you, a bright light in the center of the battle field. You sighed out of relief when something hit the creature off of you, smiling widely as you realized who it had been.
You got up quickly, grabbing another gun from the floor and laughing lightly when your eyes landed on the god of thunder, he was joined by a raccoon and some tree. You felt a weight lift off you shoulders.
“you guys are so screwed now!” Bruce cried out, joyous as he saw his friend.
“Bring me thanos!” Thor cried out, lightning emitting from his body as his eyes glowed, hitting the ground and electrocuting all the creatures around him.
You continued to shoot, frantic to try and minimize the number of the things on the field. It seemed like they would never stop coming, an infinite amount of them constantly bombarding you all.
The panic arose in your chest, you continued shooting, focusing on the endgame. You just had to finish this fight. You and bucky could get through this.
Your eyes were wide as you heard a deep rumbling, watching in horror as what seemed like giant spikey wheels erupted from the ground.
“fall back! fall back now!” T’challa cried out, your eyes searched for bucky, landing on him quickly and running towards him.
“y/n!” He called out, sighing in relief as he you ran next to him, stopping when you both saw wanda take some of them out.
“thought you were hurt” he spoke loudly between the gunfire, the two of you standing back to back as your shot.
“I could find you i got so worried” you replied loudly, glancing back and seeing a creature getting ready to pounce on the two of you.
“get down!” You yelled, pushing bucky to the ground and taking the knife he had strapped to his waist.
You reacted quickly, ducking slightly and thrusting the knife up into the air, the creature effectively cutting itself open, its insides pouring out as it flopped to the ground.
You helped bucky up and he smiled at you, in awe of your actions.
“thank you doll” he sighed out and you nodded, smiling for a second before going back to fighting.
“vision needs backup!” You heard over your earpiece, you and bucky turning to look at each other, nodding before taking off in a sprint towards the woody areas.
As the two of you arrived you stopped, catching your breath before realize how eerily quiet it was. Bucky looked over at you, concern on his face.
“‘M fine” you panted, wincing when you stood up straight, “just out of shape is all” you teased and bucky smiled.
“only you would make a joke while we’re about to face the most powerful being in the universe” he spoke and you smiled.
“if i don’t then who will” you shot back, walking quietly in search of the titan.
Your eyes landed on the rest of the team, running towards the titan and easily being thrown to the side, you and bucky ran together, raising your guns.
Neither of you even got a shot out before being tossed into the surrounding trees, wheezing as your back hit the trunk. You rolled on the ground, winded as you held your side.
Bucky recovered quicker than you, rushing to your side and helping you up.
“are you alright darlin?” there was worry in his voice and you managed a nod, moving to stand up, he threw your arm over his shoulder, helping you up.
You stood up with a wince, arms wrapping around him, holding him tightly and kissing his cheek before pulling away. You picked up your guns, handing one to bucky.
“ready?” you spoke and he nodded, the two of you ran to where you had last seen thanos.
Your heart dropped as you saw the mad titan snap his fingers, a bright light flashed before your eyes and bucky shielded you with his body.
When you looked back you saw his arm and the stoned sizzling, your eyes were wide and your lips trembled. No. No. this can’t happen.
“what did you do?!” Thor yelled, panic in his voice. Thanos quickly looked around, opening a portal and leaving into nothingness.
You walked over to steve quickly, bucky trailing behind you.
“Whered he go?” You spoke quietly, “where did he go!” You shouted.
“y/n?” You heard bucky say from behind you, steve and Thor looked over.
You turned your head, your eyes meeting with Buckys blue ones. The same baby blue ones you had seen on the highway, the same ones you saw on the helicarrier and when he found you after SHIELD fell.
It was the same bright blue eyes you would look into while cuddling by the lake when you visited him in wakanda.
They were wide, full of fear and panic as he looked at you and back to his hand as it turned to dust.
“bucky” you whispered, going to reach out to him, his legs turning to dust beneath him. You ran to catch him, wanting to hold him and tell him it would be okay.
You were to late, getting only a handful of dust as you reached for him. You felt your heart break in your chest, a pain you had never felt before. Falling to your knees you touched the ground, letting out a shaky breath and trying to calm yourself.
You shook your head, teary eyes as you watched those around you turn to dust.
“Sam!” You heard Rhodey call out. You could hear okoye shouting for t’challa.
You looked at steve in thor, hot tears in your face as you sobbed quietly.
You looked at your hands, ready for them to turn to dust, you could see the way they shook even through your teary vision.
A moment passed and nothing happened, you looked at your legs, expecting them to fade away but they never did.
No. No, not again. You shook your head, bringing your hands to your chest and curling into yourself.
“i cant lose him again” you whispered to yourself, “not when i was just getting him back, not when he was barely in my grasp”
You wiped away your tears as you heard natasha run to where Rhodey, Bruce, rocket steve and you were. You watched silently as steve flipped over visions body, your stomach hurt at the sight of it.
“what the hell is happening?” Rhodey spoke, looking around as steve let himself fall to the floor.
It was quiet as all of you looked around, natasha’s eyes landing on your broken expression. Your eyes were red, and you looked at steve, hoping he knew what to do.
“oh god” he let out, breathless as he looked around.
“I’m yours forever doll, no matter what happens” bucky smiled at you, his eyes bright as you bit your lip to hold back your smile. You handed him a gun, everyone around you running to get in position.
“and I’m yours forever my lovebug, we can get through this” you assured him, holding out your pinky as he quickly looped it in yours, bringing it to his chest and pulling you into his arms.
“one more fight” you whispered, the hope that you had wilted away, you grasped onto the flashes of the future you had seen.
taglist ! (send me an ask if you want to be added!)
@felicityofbakerstreet @newyork47 @classygirlything @ebxny27 @hhaydenn @miaangel24 @shawnie--jo @quinnmaddie @mugscraps @bucky-32557038 @marvelfansworld @hey-there-angels @buckys2thicc @groovyvalentine @daughterofthemoon92 @livetay84 @pearlruth @euphoniumpets @lady-loki-ren @pastel-boy-sungjae
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hello, i just want to start off by saying how much i appreciate your blog and all its positivity. i have a question, but i'm sorry if you don't entertain these type of questions which i fully understand, it really is a genuine question though.
i'm not a intense close follower of the sussex's but i admire them so much and love their little family. how do you deal with all the hate and just plain rudeness that people throw towards the people that you follow? it becomes such an icky & negative thing and it's so unfortunate. it's frustrating seeing a random video pop up on my youtube trying to convince me that meghan is a "narcissist". all of it can be so conflicting and i'm just like why?
i'm sorry if this makes no sense but it's so FRUSTRATING. thank you for reading <3
Well firstly thank you so much for the love - I'm nowhere near as active or engaged as I used to be but I do try and keep this a positive bubble to update and share the Sussex joy and support with you all.
And no it's a great question and very valid, I think people deal with it differently and have different mindsets, so I can only speak for myself. Other people can probably chime in with how they deal with it. Some fight back, some do good in their name, some create their own space to focus on the good, y'know?
Truthfully I took a big step back, I found myself so emotionally attached and genuinely my heart was aching for them and I couldn't defend them against the relentless waves of abuse and negativity. It was beginning to suck all enjoyment out of following them and if I was tired, I can't imagine how their loved ones dealt with it truely. Even now, thinking we only really know the tip of the iceberg of all that went out?
You make total sense. As a long term Harry girl lol, I was SO thrilled for him when he found Meghan. His other half, someone to love him fully while being perfect for "the job". Full of excitement and hope and optimism about what their future would hold. And the media narrative that was created and continually fueled did it's damn best to taint that joy and excitement for many. But they remained loved, and people that saw and knew their hearts and characters beyond the bullshit, remained hopeful for their future. And I still am, it's not the future I presumed they'd have, but I'm still very invested in what's to come for them.
In how I deal with it? I surround myself with the best people to cancel out the noise. I block, report and don't engage with any trolls, racists or negative nancys. I don't click articles by certain "journalists" because I know what to expect now. I follow a small amount of amazing positive "Sussex Squad" members on twitter, people that celebrate their successes and happiness and don't fuel the bullshit. And most importantly I guess I have my group chat of wonderful ladies who I chat the highs and lows of it all - forever thankful H & Meg brought them into my life.
It is frustrating that they are damned regardless what they do, that a narrative has been built and gets more added to whenever it suits. However I chose to focus on the good. People that know them, people that meet them have incredible things to say. Their love for each other and their children clear. The causes close to their heart known.
They are thriving. They are building a life and carving their own destiny. They make a difference, their actions and passions have impact. They want to make a difference.
I believe in them.
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eluvion · 2 years
do you have any dazai-centric fic recs? i've read through yours and intimatopia's fics already and seem to have picked up a new blorbo
firstly, intimitopia's fics are so wonderful and lovely and im so glad that you read their writing it deserves everything!! secondly, most of my recs are in my bookmarks, most of which i keep public, so you're always welcome to look through those!! third, because my taste in angst can be very intense, please please read the tags for all of these.
now onto the actual rec list!!
The Many Pleasant Deaths of Dazai Osamu by Allegory_for_Hatred
43k, gen this was done for Whumptober 2019, and it is very well done!! short and angsty one-shots, wonderful characterization - I love it a lot. This author also has a few other angst pieces and a "dazai goes to hogwarts" au
A mouth to empty into (series) by osamuchuu
Soukoku, and learning to love and also, to live. Featuring addict!Dazai, addiction, relapse, recovery, and relationship building. ~23k, soukoku literally one of my favorite fic series of all time!! ive always liked the idea of dazai being an addict, and chuuya in this series is so wonderfully written and realistic
Head Full of Lies by AbsoluteNegation
Chuuya embarks on a drastic course of action. Dazai is the last one to know why. ~125k, soukoku VERY well done, literally one of my favorite fics ever!! featuring the complications and mixed feelings of being raised by mori ougai, mafia boss chuuya, and some of the best writing ive ever read
the orange sunset (series) by Metallic_Sweet
In a world where Oda Sakunosuke survives, Dazai Osamu becomes the Boss of the Port Mafia. ~30k, soukoku and odazai this series made me stare at a wall for like ten minutes its so heartbreaking and well written, and it has the same kind of feeling that beast does where everyone/someone surviving is not a good think and actually hurts a lot
hopelessly devoted by soukocacola (hongbabey)
"Get your grades up." Oda tells him. "Then we'll talk."  Well, Dazai thinks. If he's going to be miserable, the least he can do is make Chuuya miserable, too. Maybe then Chuuya will ditch him and Dazai can fail out of college with no regrets.  ~129k, ongoing, soukoku everything i could ask from a college au!! the angst is so good, and i absolutely love how setting everything in a different context makes the pain even sharper. fyodor IS ooc but its such a GOOD ooc that i accepted it
pockets full of stones by Misila
It was like talking to a wall. Or it would be, if walls could talk back and be annoying and try their best to push everyone away whenever they weren’t alright. 2.7k, kunikidazai very horrifying and angsty (compliment)!! brings up a lot of the realities of what dazai's ability could mean.
given and taken by somnium_sin
Dazai knows that death and life are part of one another. They are not their antithesis. Oda Sakunosuke is alive. (It must count for something, the way in which Dazai unravels so quickly.) Oda is alive and he doesn't remember Dazai. (Dazai feels like he’s dying.) 42k, ongoing, odazai so so so good i love this so much. takes everything i love about odazai as a ship and stretches it out to 42k words i am so so ahhhhhhhh
it takes a village by magicandlight
He's been sick for weeks when he finally gives in and goes to a free clinic. If it weren't for his promise to Odasaku, he wouldn't have bothered. Dazai would have just allowed whatever mysterious illness he had to kill him. But he promised Oda he'd be better, and he hasn't done that yet. Maybe it's cancer, he thinks. The symptoms technically fit. (Spoiler: It's Not.) ~23k, ongoing, soukoku i had a lot of hesitation when i read the tags (im not really one for reading pregnancy or my favorite characters having children) but when i read it, those doubts instantly melted away. the fic is really well done and beautifully written, and in the last few chapters especially, it delves into how dazai parents with depression. i always love trans dazai, and in the extra snippets theres also trans tanizaki which makes me so !!!!
carve your love into my skin by Dont_Wake_The_Writer
Chuuya looks underneath Dazai's bandages without his permission. This breach of trust isn't one mendable with words alone. or Dazai is the Book itself, and only so many pages remain. ~82k, ongoing, soukoku another one of my favorite fics ever!! this is so well written and angsty and i love it a lot. especially in the later chapters, it carves into the history of humanity - a lot of it very recent history. as a person raised in america, i never got to hear about the war crimes we committed in detail, and this fic really delves into that. paired with the beautiful writing i!! could not stop thinking abt this fic for like a month
thank you for the ask anon!!
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
All for My Girls (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
Tumblr media
(Not my gif!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader.
Summary: Spencer missed calls and texts from his wife. Something important happened and he needs to rush to the hospital.
Word Count: 1494.
Warnings: None. Just a short self-indulgent fluff fic.
A/N: Spencer Reid as a father. It’s all we need.
Spencer was dozing off in that uncomfortable plastic chair in the middle of a hospital's waiting room. It was 3 in the morning. His eyelids are heavy from exhaustion. When he arrived home that night, her wife wasn't there. Weird. She hadn't told him about going out.
He thought a little in case he forgot something. But he never forgets anything, even less if it was something related to her. Spencer never forgot a birthday, an anniversary, a particular date, an appointment in all the years they were married. Nothing. What did he miss now?
When he pulled his phone from his jacket, he noticed that it was off. He didn't see it before. That made sense to him. Maybe his wife called him, and he didn't answer because his phone was dead. Oh, God! What if something terrible happened?
Spencer rushed to the nightstand where the charger was and plugged his phone on it. It took longer than five minutes for his phone to return to life.
He unlocked the screen and saw a lot of messages and missed calls from his wife.
"Spencer Reid, grab your ass and come to the hospital right now! It's time!" it read in the last message. Spencer put on his coat again and rushed to the hospital. How he could be so negligent! He knew the baby would come any time, and he wasn't prepared? 'It's a shame, Spencer!' He scolded himself.
Spencer arrived at the hospital past 10 pm. When he made it to the waiting room, he saw Morgan and Savannah waiting.
"Hey, guys!" Spencer greeted, gasping for the long run he made from the entrance.
"Pretty Boy! Where have you been?" Morgan asked. "(Y/N) texted us, and I tried to call you. You never answered! What happened man? We were worried," Derek questioned. Spencer shook his head, catching his breath. Clearly, his physical condition was not optimal for that run.
"I - I'm sorry. My phone gone dead. Where - where is she?" the genius doctor inquired.
"She is in the delivery room right now. She is in labor," Savannah replied.
"What? Damn it! I came too late! I couldn't even see her!" Spencer complained.
"We almost didn't. When we got here, (Y/N) was just entering the room with the doctors and nurses. But she was okay, man. We have to wait now, you can’t get in," Morgan stated.
Spencer started pacing the waiting room... waiting. Reid felt sad that he hadn't seen the calls and messages on his phone before. Perhaps he could have arrived in time to see the birth of their little girl. He was anxiously now, waiting next to Morgan and Savannah.
The clock marked 11 pm, midnight, 1 am... and there was still no news. Spencer knew it could be a long time to wait, but he secretly hoped that their little girl wouldn't put up much resistance to get out. Although he didn't blame her, what could be more secure and calm than her mother's womb?
Spencer recalled all the times he dreamed of having a baby. He remembered the times when with (Y/N) talked that he wanted a girl. A little girl to teach her, spoil her, and love her. He dreamed with a little girl as a (Y/N)'s carbon copy. With her eyes, her smile, her personality. He wanted a girl so so much.
When they both were at the doctor's office to know the baby's gender, he was so nervous. Looking at the screen and seeing a tiny bundle moving on made them both cry. And when the doctor said that they were expecting a girl, Spencer almost passed out of pure and utterly emotion.
Spencer was so excited and happy that he did everything he could to make (Y/N) comfortable and supported during her pregnancy. He helped her in everything. Spencer went to all the doctor's appointments. He stayed late at night, helping his wife sleep in a comfortable position. He woke up early to make breakfast. Of course, he read all the books about the pregnancy he could.
In the nights before sleep, Spencer was accustomed to reading a story to his little girl. She started to recognize his voice: every time Spencer talked, the baby moved or kicked. (Y/N) assured him that she would be a daddy's girl. And she was. And she still is. Twenty-six years later, she's his little girl yet.
A commotion brought Spencer out of his thoughts. Hank Morgan appeared in the waiting room with a huge grin that could illuminate all DC.
"It's a healthy little girl!" he yelled. Morgan was the first to hug his son, who now became a father. Spencer looked at him with watering eyes and speechless. The same happened to him when his daughter was born.
After he hugged his mother, Hank moved toward Spencer.
"She is okay. A little tired, but she is okay. And your granddaughter is beautiful and healthy. They are waiting for you," Hank assured Spencer, pointed to the room where his - now two - little girls were.
When Spencer walked into the room, it was like going back 26 years, only this time, a third little person was included in the scene. When his daughter saw him arrive, her eyes lit up. She was holding a small wrapped bundle in her arms. His wife was standing next to the bed, looking at him with a smile on her lips.
"Hi dad!, come over here, I want to introduce you to someone," she said, whispering. Spencer couldn't help but see those beautiful eyes lit up despite the exhaustion after hours of labor. Those eyes his daughter inherited from his wife. He approached slowly and plastered a kiss on his daughter's forehead.
"Hello Pumpkin. I'm so sorry I was late..." Spencer apologized.
"Let's see if you worry about having your phone with enough charge next time," (Y/N) scolded him.
"Mom, don't be rude to Dad. He's already here." Spencer could barely pay attention. Now his eyes were on the little person sleeping in her mother's arms. "Dad, let me introduce you to Amelia Morgan Reid, your granddaughter," she said solemnly.
Because, of course, as Spencer had to learn over the years, children grow and make their lives. Her little girl grew up, fell in love, and made her own family. And with Derek Morgan, his friend for years, they were now joined by their own children. The result of that love now slept peacefully in his daughter's arms.
"Can - Can I hold her?" Spencer asked shyly.
"Sure you can, Dad," she said, handing him the little girl wrapped in a cozy blanket.
When Spencer held his granddaughter in his arms, time stopped for him.
Where did his mind go? To the moment when he held her daughter for the first time. It was a rainy day, and (Y/N)'s water broke at the same BAU. It was Morgan who drove the car to take them to the hospital. Spencer was with (Y/N) the entire time. Encouraging her between each contraction, kissing her temple, and letting her squeeze his hand throughout the process. When the cries of the newborn flooded the room, Spencer swore that at that moment, his life had changed forever. So it was. Holding her daughter for the first time, he promised her always to be for her. Spencer promised to give her all the love in the world and always support her. And Spencer Reid has kept his word.
Now holding his granddaughter, Spencer couldn't help but repeat his vows.
"My little girl. You don't know how happy I am to have you in my arms. You don't know how happy you will make this family. I know that I'll have to share your love and that maybe I won't be your favorite grandfather. I cannot compete with Grandpa Morgan in many things, but I can assure you that I will be there for you when you need me. And the day I leave this world, I will continue to take care of you. Just like I'll continue to take care of your mom and your grandmother," Spencer whispered as Amelia stir and opened her little eyes. A big smile crept on Spencer's face.
"I see you both are already having your first serious conversation," her daughter mused. Spencer turned and walked over to the bed to lay her granddaughter in her mother's arms.
"The same conversation I had with you the day you were born," Spencer replied. "I'm proud of you, Pumpkin," Spencer praised. His daughter smiled.
"Thanks, dad. For everything," she said, snuggling Amelia into her arms again.
"Always. All for my girls," Spencer declared, holding his wife's hand and placing a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead.
And what Spencer Reid said was entirely right. He has given everything. And he will continue doing everything in his power for his wife, daughter, and now for his granddaughter—everything for his family.
I’m tagging some friends around here!: @andiebeaword​ @blameitonthenight21​ @dreatine​ @sierraraeck​ @paulaern​ @calm-and-doctor​ @spencers-dria​ @safertokiss​ @hopefulfangirl24​  @reverdevivre​  @matthewstiles1912​ @goldentournesol​ @psychedellic-phase​ @psychicdonuts​
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A/N: Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I'm back with another fic for you! Couldn't find a better pic
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Pairing: Yandere Henry Cavill x Trans male reader; Tyler Hoechlin x trans male reader. (mentioned)
Rating: MATURE
Warnings: Male Pregnancy, use of drugs, kidnapping, no consent. (what you expect? This yandere)
Word count: 3560
Summary: It started out with acting, then it went to stalking, and it went to him kidnapping you. And it ended with you spending the rest of your life with him.
I hope you enjoy this! Sorry if it's bad! And sorry for any errors that are found!
If you like what I write, how about check out my masterlist?
E/c: Eye color
H/c: Hair Color
H/l: Hair length
S/c: Skin color
Y/a: Your age. (Pick an appropriate age)
Henry was currently waiting for this someone to come. 'I wonder who it could be.' he thought to myself. We were going to start acting in the new TV show, Superman & Lois.
(Okay, I know that Tyler stars in this, but I'm just going to switch him out with Henry and play as Lois. You can change the name)
He then sees some guy, who looks small and innocent. You had h/l and beautiful, most dazzling e/c. His s/c looked smooth and soft like a freshly made bed. (?)
He looked to be Y/a. You looked so ethereal, a walking sex god. The source of men's sexual desire. He was so sexy and hot- 'Wait- what am I thinking? I'm not gay- I have a beautiful girlfriend, I need to stop thinking like this.'
Henry sees you approach me. "Hi! I'm assuming your Henry right?" you questioned, tilting your head. "Y-yeah- I'm Henry! N-nice to m-meet you!" Henry sturred over my words.
'Shit, why am I nervous around him? What is he doing to me?' Henry then heard a little chuckle. 'His laugh- AAGGHH!'
"Well, nice to meet you, Henry, I'm M/N!" you gave your hand out, Henry hesitantly shook it. 'His hands are rough and large!' you thought.
(Sorry, but I'll be using M/N.)
'His hands are so soft, like a baby's skin! I just wanna hold it forever-' Henry said to himself before pulling back. He didn't realize he had a rough grip on your hand.
"Ah- sorry about that," Henry said scratching his head out of embarrassment. "It's okay!" you gave your famous smile. Henry blushed.
'Why is this happening?! What is he doing to me!' Henry's mind was going all over the place, he was having a gay panic. 'What's wrong with this guy? I thought he was supposed to be calm and collected?'
You had no idea what was going on with him. "Well- I gotta go..." you said, backing away slowly before going to someone and starting a conversation with them. Hoping it won't be as awkward or weird
Henry just stared as you walked. He didn't notice that his hands were twitching. You could feel his stare piercing through your head. Such a dark and dominant stare.
'Maybe, he's just staring at something that so happens to be in my direction!' you said to yourself.
(No you dumb shit!)
"OKAY! Everyone, we're gonna be starting soon. Everyone to your stations and gets ready!" The director yelled. "Take M/N and Henry to their dressing rooms."
"Okay, sir. Come on!" They grabbed you and Henry to get dressed and ready.
They put on Henry's iconic Superman suit and they dressed you as Lois or the male equivalent of her. You looked at Henry and blushed a little. 'If I wasn't married to my husband, I would've gone for him. But he's straight.'
You looked away so Henry wouldn't notice but he did. 'He was blushing... AT ME- STOP IT!' Henry then glared at you. You noticed his glare and looked away. He didn't mean to glare.
"Okay, everyone get to your positions! Do you two know your lines?" The director asks looking back and forth. You both nodded your heads. "Okay, go on the scene and be ready!"
Once you both got there and got in position, the director yells, "ACTION!"
(I don't know what they be doing at the studio.)
"Hey- Uh... M/n!" Henry called out. You turned to face Henry, "Mh?" Henry looked at you trying to get the words out. "Uh... You have something to say?"
"Uh- well." Henry scratching his head. "I'm sorry... for glaring at you earlier today." He was now blushing hard while grinning.
You looked at him confused about what he was talking about. Then you remembered earlier. "Oh-, Its okay Henry! I know you didn't mean it." you smiled at him, reassuring him that it was okay.
You were about to continue, but you got a call. You looked at the caller ID. "Hubby😘" is calling, your husband was calling. "I got to take this call." you then walked away to a private location.
Henry was curious so he followed you. He knows this is eavesdropping, but he wants to know, "what was so important about a phone call?"
Apparently, he took too long but he heard this. "I love you too." Henry left before you could spot him. 'He loves someone? Why do I care if he is in love with someone?'
"I'm gonna have to go! Bye Henry!" You then left leaving Henry behind to think about what was happening.
'What are you doing to me M/n? I never felt this way before.'
TIMESKIP (6 months)
You and Henry have been acquaintances for 6 months. Henry's feelings for you grew and grew but there wasn't that ultimate trigger that would finally set the bomb off.
Until now and later on today. (so two ultimate triggers.)
You wrapped your arms around Clark's neck. You were shorter than, so all you saw was his muscular chest. Clark then wrapped his arms around your waist, looking into your beautiful e/c.
Alarms were going off in Henry's mind as he pulls you closer to him. 'This is actually happening.' M/n smells so nice like fresh lavenders.
Your lips then met Clarks. You tilted your head a little to the side to have better access. Though his nose was kind of in the way. You closed your eyes as you fully gave in.
'He tastes so sweet like chocolate and strawberries.' (You eating my children?) Henry was getting real intimate with the kiss.
(Was that a good kissing scene? I have never seen the TV show)
"CUT!" you pulled back before walking away to get a drink. Henry was still in a daze. Your lips were so soft and delicious, he wants more. Henry never felt like this when kissed his girlfriend.
In fact, he was getting disgusted by her touch and only wants you to touch him. Hell, sometimes you made him hard and he would imagine having sex with you while having sex with her...
He was about to approach you before he heard that... voice. "BABE!" his girlfriend... Henry then felt two arms wrapped around him and a small kiss on his lips.
Henry felt like he wanna puke. It wasn't like the kiss he had with you- even though it was just acting but it was real to him- but he had to act like he enjoyed it. "HI! You must be Henry's wife, right?"
You intervene in their conversation. "Yes, I'm Henry's wife- well girlfriend! My name is Natalie Viscuso! You must be M/n? I'm a big fan of you!"
You and Natalie kept talking and getting along. Henry was just watching, he was getting angry and jealous. After about 30 minutes, Natalie went back to Henry.
"Sorry about that, I got carried away. How about me and you have some fun when we get home?" Henry just nodded his head without giving an expression.
TIMESKIP (5 hours later. At Henry's home)
(I know that Henry's real-life GF/Wife is a good lady. Remember, this is fiction)
"A-ahh! H-henry... you f-feel so good! Y-your... dick is... s-so BIG!" Natalie moaned as she rode Henry's cock.
Henry didn't seem to enjoy it, not one bit. He pushed- not too hard - Natalie off of him. "Why did you stop?" she said confused, Henry was getting dressed.
Henry didn't pay attention to her and just walked out.
The next morning, the news of Henry's and Natalie's break up spread like wildfire. Nobody understood why he broke up with her, they were doing just fine.
Henry didn't feel upset. While walking around last night, he began to think how you made him feel feelings he has never felt before.
He likes how you touch him- even though you didn't mean to. He likes your soft lips- even though you two were acting. He feels disgusted whenever he was with Natalie. Angry and jealousy surge through his veins whenever you talked with someone that wasn't him.
Henry now accepted that he likes you.
When you got the news of them breaking up, you were shocked. "Henry are you okay? I heard you and Natalie broke up," you asked worriedly.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Henry replied, nonchalantly. "You don't seem upset about it..." Henry just stared at you with his deep, dark eyes. 'What's wrong with him?'
You've been waiting months to tell Henry something very important. You were nervous, scared, and... paranoid.
During the 3 months of waiting, you feel like you were being watched. Wherever you gom even in your own room.
You told Henry about it -since he was a close friend- and he told you not to worry about it saying, "You're just paranoid, it something you shouldn't worry about."
But you still kept your guard up. You made to look around and if you see someone looking suspicious. But tomorrow, you were going to come out to him.
You arrived at a... Dunkin Donuts (?) and ordered some donuts and coffee and took a seat by the window. You looked out to see some people walking by. There was a car that had black tinted windows, you couldn't see who was inside.
You pulled your phone to text Henry to come and talk with him. But that wasn't necessary, Henry walked and turned in your direction. "Hey, M/n!"
'How did he know I was here? Or was it a coincidence?' you thought. Then you felt a rough hand on your shoulder. "Mind if I sit here?" you shake your head.
Henry took his seat and ordered some food and coffee. 'It's too crowded here.' While seating there, you could feel stares and glances. You just ignored them.
Henry stared at you with love in his eyes, taking in all your features. Then he notices something on your finger, 'Is that a ring? IS HE ENGAGED? Or..... is he MARRIED!'
Rage was running through his veins but he had to calm himself down or you'll notice.
You had enough of his staring and break the silence. "I need to tell you something but it can't be here." that snapped Henry out of his daze. "What do you need to about?"
"It's something personal and it can't be here." You said getting up, and stressing your muscles, and heading out the door. Henry nodded his head before getting up and following you out.
As you two were walking, just taking in the fresh air and sounds of cars driving by. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Henry turned to you.
"Well... I hope you don't look at me differently..." you said looking down at the ground. "I'll never look at you differently bab- M/n."
You took a deep breath. "I'm trans..." you said quietly but Henry still heard you. "Oh... just because you're trans doesn't change what I see in you. You're still a man," Henry said putting his hand on your shoulder.
You smiled at him before jumping onto him. Henry wrapped his arms around you. He wanted to stay like this forever, you just in his arms feeling your warm, heat against him.
But sadly, you pulled away. "Thank you! Thank you!" you're glad Henry accepted you.
But Henry knew you were trans. Remember how you feel like you were being watched? Well, that was all Henry, he would watch you play with yourself. He would masturbate to this, he was quite turned on about this discovery.
'I'll accept whoever you are baby.'
TIMESKIP (1 week)
It's been one week since the whole coming out thing and Henry was gathering the confidence to ask you out. But today is the day.
Henry got a text saying, "Meet me at the park." so naturally he did. He didn't spot you at first until he recognizes your h/c. Then it's at that time he notices someone else there.
This bastard had his arms wrapped around you, and he gave small kisses on your lips. Henry's right eye twitched as he watched the display right in front of him.
'Who the hell is he?!? Is HE the one that M/n married?' he snapped out of it when you called his name to come over.
"I'm glad you came Henry! This is my husband, Tyler Hoechlin. Tyler, this is Henry, one of my friends!" you said with a smile. 'So, that means his name is M/n Hoechlin.'
Tyler gave his hand out and Henry shook it. Henry had a rough grip on his hand, squeezing it. And he just glared at him. "Well, let's go!"
Henry just glared at Tyler the whole time. 'M/N should ONLY have my last name! I should be the one with him!' Tyler notices how Henry was glaring at him the whole time. But he wasn't fazed by it.
'I'm gonna find a way to get rid of you! Or I could just take M/n?'
It had been 3 days since Henry met your husband, and he wasn't happy at all. Today he wants to hang out with you, and talk about something. Henry called your phone and waited for you to pick it up.
Meanwhile... (This is my first shot at writing smut with TMR.)
"A-ahh! d-daddy... your c-cock... is so... b-big!" you moaned as rode Tyler like your life depended on it. "Fuck, you're so wet and warm for me, M/n. Your tight little pussy feels amazing!" Tyler groaned as he thrust further into you.
Tyler sees that your phone is vibrating, 'Henry?' Tyler smirked, he knew that Henry was glaring at him with hate and stared at you with love. 'This will teach him who my baby boy belongs to.'
"Be a good boy for daddy and answer the phone." Tyler handed you the phone, you took a look at the caller and noticed it was Henry calling. "D-daddy... I-i can't do... it with y-you- thrusting... i-into me!"
Tyler stopped his thrusts but as you answered his call, he thrust right back into you. "A-ah!"
"Hey, M/n! Are you okay?" Henry questioned. "Y-yeah... I'm okay..." Tyler stopped thrusting, you could his cock pulsing and twitching inside you.
"You're little pussy is wet for me. You like it when I rub you here?" Tyler then began to rub your small dick. You tried to not moan out loud.
But Henry could tell, that you were moaning. And he was angry and just hanged up. "H-hello?... I think he... h-hung up." "Now, I can fuck you!" And he went back to banging you.
5 days after the little event, Henry hasn't called you. You tried calling him and seeing what's wrong, but he never answered.
Tyler kept telling you to not worry about him. Meanwhile, Henry was just in his room masturbating to a picture of yours and mutters, "You belong to me... Tyler and your's relationship is fake! We kissed, we held each other, and so many other things."
The acting seems to make Henry delusional, cause he believed it was all real and that you meant it. He has to find a way to make you his and he just how to do it.
There was a party coming up. You and Tyler would both be attending.
You and Tyler both arrived at the party. People were drinking, dancing, and doing other weird things. "I'm gonna go get a drink." Tyler nodded his head.
He went over to a table and sat down. Tyler wasn't the type to get a drink. Meanwhile, Henry kept his eyes on you. 'This is going to be a fun night!' You thought.
But this will turn out to be the worst night you'll ever have.
Had a few drinks, you were trying to find Tyler in the crowd but couldn't find him. You didn't feel the vibration in your phone, "I'll be waiting for you in the car."
As you were walking around, you felt yourself being pushed up against a wall. "Oh... *HIc* T-Tyler... I didn't *Hic* know you could be *Hic* this rough."
Henry pinned you against the wall and crash his lips against yours. Sweet but tasted like alcohol. 'Since when did Tyler become all muscular' Then you felt a needle pierce through your neck and injecting you with some kind of drug.
TIMESKIP (After the party.)
You woke up with a massive headache. Your mind is still blurry but after a few moments later you could see properly. You noticed a cup of water and headache pills by it. You took it.
Then, you realized, this isn't your room and that you were wearing a bunny outfit! 'What the fuck? Where am I?!' Then you began to feel hot and needy.
Your pussy was leaking and clenching around nothing. Your small dick was aching to be touched. "Is my little bunny awake?" A deep husky voice said.
You turned in its direction to notice that it was Henry?! But your mind was getting clouded with lust and want. "H-Henry...?"
"Shh, baby. Daddies here." Henry said getting closer to you and pulling you to his lap. Your hands were now on his shirtless chest, feeling his hairy pecs.
"Where's... T-Tyler?" you questioned, bad mistake. Henry smacked one of your cheeks. "DON'T EVER MENTION HIS NAME! YOU BELONG TO ME! FORGET ABOUT HIM!"
You were getting turned on. It must be the drug he gave you, cause you don't like it someone yells at you. "You're leaking so much slick? You want daddy to help you?"
Before you could respond, Henry pushed you down onto the couch and you could feel his meaty cock at your front entrance. "Your little pussy is leaking so much, you don't know how much you turn me on."
Henry lubes his cock with your slick before pushing in. "F-fuck! You're so tight! I guess Tyler didn't fuck you that good." Henry groaned as he pushed all the way in you.
He let you adjust a little before thrusting back into you. "You're so wet, tight, and warm. Better than my ex!" Henry groaned as he feels you tightening around him.
His hand then went down to stroke your cock. "A-ah!" you moaned as you tried to turn your face away. "You're close? Me too!" you could feel Henry thrust into your womb.
He was hitting your pleasure spot tip-on. "M-mmhh!" Your body clenched before convulsing beneath him. Your muscles twitched around his cock.
"Fuck, you came! I'm close! You'll look so beautiful swollen with my kids. The thought of spending the rest of my life with you just makes me wanna cum!"
You could feel his cock burst inside you. Feeling you up with his cum. "Get pregnant from this!" He stayed inside you before collapsing onto your smaller body.
He was leaving love marks. "You belong to me now, M/n..."
It has been a decade since you were taken away. A decade being with a monster- who you looked up to before. He had taken you away from others.
You were in the kitchen cooking some waiting for him to come home. "PAPA! When is daddy coming home?" your oldest child said playing with his lego spaceship.
"He'll be home soon. How about go play with your siblings?" they nodded their head before heading to their room. You gave birth to Henry's children, when you had O/C/N, you promised that you'll take them far away from this monster.
You looked at the ring. It was no longer Tyler's ring but Henry's. Just as you said Henry, two strong muscular arms wrapped around your waist.
"How is my beautiful husband doing?" you tried pushing him away but it didn't work.
"Just accept it, M/n. You'll never escape me, and you don't want anything bad to happen to your- no- OUR kids? Right?" tears began to pour out your eyes.
"No. Please don't hurt them... they're just kids, they did nothing wrong." you cried trying to not alarm them.
"Then just accept your fate. You've been resisting for 10 years, it's no use. No one will ever find you." Henry whispered into your ear.
"Just accept it."
A/N: I hope this was good! I'm sorry if anything is incorrect. Do you like my new format? Anyways, bye my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Request; from @tsundere-cherry-girl
Hello there! I love your writings btw, especially the Levi ones. I’ve seen you write scenarios like this before so I was gonna ask if you could do Zuko x pregnant reader. If you’ve read the comics, she becomes pregnant around the time of the Promise and goes into labor after the final battle in Smoke and Shadow. The child being Izumi. If you haven’t read the comics you don’t need to do that. I just want to see some Zuko and reader with baby Izumi fluff UwU
A/N: I changed it up just a tiny bit to fit the comic but also be it’s own story as well, ALSO! I’m sorry this took so long! 
Warning; Long, had to be cut for length
Please enjoy~🍰
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The night was calm, quiet, and warm. You laid in your husbands arms as you both slept. After so much chaos, hatred and war you were finally able to rest. Well, almost, Zuko has been very jumpy since being crowned fire lord. Although some of his hunches did turn out to be true, he was very set on someone trying to kill him 
“Guards!“ he had woken you from your sleep calling for the guards again, “Someone is here, secure Y/N and search the area!“ he ordered them as he jumped from bed. You following him to bring him back to bed
“Fire Lord Zuko, there is no one here, you’re safe“ one explained rushing to the door where he was ready to fight. Sometimes you thought he had too much trauma as a child that it will forever effect him
“Zuko sweet, please come back to bed. The guards have been here the whole night“ you said laying a hand on his chest attempting to keep him in a calmer state 
“You highness I can assure you no one is here-“
“There have been 5 attempts already on my life! Next thing you know they’ll come for my wife“ he grabbed the guard by the front of his uniform to make the message clear as to how serious he was 
“Sir we’ve-“ just as the guard spoke his head had been hit by an object knocking him out to the floor. Zuko pushes you behind him and gets into his fighting stance ready to defend you 
“Who’s there?! Show yourself“ just as commanded the intruder shows themselves whirling around what seemed to be a metal ball with spikes. Right before your eyes they go at it. Taking swings at each other, sooner than expected Zuko has his opponent at his mercy being taken away by his guards. He comes back to check on you
“Hey are you alright? Are you hurt?” he checks your face, you hands anything that could have gotten a scratch. You were physically okay but mentally you didn’t feel so well. You haven’t been feeling 100% for some time now and you were getting suspicious 
“I’m not hurt but, I don’t feel well Zuko“ you said leaning your head on his shoulder “Can you help me to bed please?“ You ask him, he wraps an arm around you and helps you walk to the bed and lay down. Walking back to the door his guards wait for his order
“I want double the guards here tonight and tomorrow I need the royal healer here for Y/N“
“Yes Sir!“ he closes the door and walks back to your side of the bed. Kissing your head he watches over you through the night. For one, you might not feel well, and the other being of what just happened. It was going to be a very long night....
The next morning the healer came as asked and took some time to check up on you while Zuko got ready for the day. He had given you some medical tea blends and told you to get rest. Turns out you were pregnant. Now you needed a way to tell Zuko, and with all the stress he’s under you wouldn’t know how to react. You had just finished getting dressed when he had walked in 
“Y/N, I’m heading out into town to settle last nights incident. What did the healer say?“ he asked coming over to where you sat
“Well, it’s nothing to be worried about but, something that will change everything“ you said fiddling with the tips of your hair 
“Well?“ he urges you “Come on Y/N, if I hear you’re okay it’ll make my day better“ he offered a soft smile which he knew, you melted for. You said and take his hands into yours and look into his eyes
“I’m pregnant...“ his jaw went slack almost as if he were frozen in time. It scared you “Zuko...?“ anything, he could just make a sound but you needed to hear him say something. 
“I....I have to go. I’ll see you later.“ he said kissing your forehead and leaving without saying another word. You were, hurt. You didn’t blame him completely because expressing his emotions wasn’t exactly his forte. Instead while he was out you went to the other person you trusted the most.
Knocking softly on the entrance to the garden Iroh was sat drinking some tea. 
“Ah Y/N, good morning come have some tea. I heard Zuko went to town to settle some things“ he said as he poured you a cup “I’ve also heard you’ve got something on your hands“
You simply nod and take the tea he held out to you
“So, why don’t you tell me about it“ he said with a kind smile. Iroh was probably the wisest, kindest soul you knew.
Later that afternoon Zuko came back and if anything looked more tired than before. You had a hunch as to where he was but you were hoping it wasn't true. Walking to him you cup his chin with both your hands and make him look at you in the eye
“You need to relax more...“ you said running your thumb over the bags under his eyes “You’re going to be tired before the baby gets here..and stop visiting your father, it’s not good for you“
His larger hands come up to hold yours “I’ll try, and I’m sorry about before...I’m happy” he offered a soft smile 
“Are you really?“ you pout slightly making him peck your lips 
“Yes I am, I know I’m not the best person for a father or husband..”
“Zuko“ you bring his forehead to rest on yours “You are the best person to be my husband and the father of my children. I couldn’t want anyone else“
As time went on things only weighed in his shoulders more. You were probably the only thing that kept him sane. You were also starting to show, your baby was growing nicely and very restless as well. On days when Zuko would have trouble sleeping the baby would get restless leaving both of you tired. But he had figured it out, if he lays in bed with you and talks to your bump, the baby calms down.
“What do you think it’ll be Zuko?“ you asked 
“Hmm, I think it’s a girl. They refuse to listen, and gets upset when I don’t talk to it, I’d say it’s you any day“ you gently wack his shoulder causing you both to laugh “I don’t mind what they are, if they’re healthy and we can make them happy is all I care about“
“You’re going to be a great father Zuko“ you said kissing his forehead 
“But...what if-“
“I’m going to stop you ahead of time. You are NOTHING like that man and you will never be. You are the kindest, strongest, best man I have ever met and our baby is lucky enough to have you as a father” 
Yes, he was terrified to make the same mistake this father make the same mistake his father made. You knew him better than anyone and if he were half as back as his father, you wouldn’t be there at that moment.
By the time you were almost due it seemed as if war had never left. From Azula attacking once again, to disagreements and even almost a Fight with Aang. Things were heavy on his shoulders, he’s tightened security because of your baby. The last thing he wanted was for anything to happen to you both.
Finally a day where everything was being settled, calmly he felt some kind of relief. That was until a guard barged into the meeting room to announce you had gone into labor. The funny thing about Zuko is that he’s fast and for some reason no one sees him. As soon as people looked away from the door and back to Zuko, only his chair was in their sight.
“Do you think he left that fast when he heard you were alive?” Sokka asked as the room became quiet
Rushing to the healers room at the door he was told he wasn’t allowed inside.
“What do you mean?! My wife is giving birth to our baby and I need to be with her!” This was going to be an old rule he was going to get rid of...
“I-I apologize sir but it’s been a tradition for generations-“
“ZUKO!!” Next thing you knew one of the midwives came to the door and saw Zuko and said
“The lady wishes for you to be with her Fire Lord Zuko” she said timidly. It took him less than a second to trip of his cape and run to your side. This was it, the end of your pregnancy, labor, the day your baby would finally be in your arms. It was a very difficult day for you, she took all day to be born and finally when the moon was high in the sky she made her appearance. She was just perfect, and for a moment the world seemed so at peace.
“She looks like you“ you whisper to Zuko as you both gaze down and admire her 
“Yeah but, she’s beautiful like you“ he whispered back, he truly felt something he’s never felt. It was happiness, excitement, protectiveness, and everything in between. He doesn’t remember the last time he was this happy, this was the best day right next to your wedding day.
Just as you expected he really was a wonderful father. During the first few weeks he wanted you only on bed rest. At night he would help care for Izumi and calm her when she needed it. He was actually the one who taught her to walk. When Aang and the rest of your friends met her, he was secretly super proud and cocky about it. They couldn’t get over how much she looked like him and just how cute she was.
He also liked to have her sleep in the same bed as you guys while she was still young. When he couldn’t sleep he would just gaze at her and talk to her, even though she couldn’t answer back.
“..and you could be anything you want to be, and you could rule the kingdom your way. If you’re like your mother I know you’ll be a kind and smart ruler. You probably can’t understand me right now but, I love you and your mother so much“ you felt your hear swell while you pretended to be asleep. 
Although your favorite memory was him showing her how to bend when she first made a flame. She was around 6 when she first bended and he felt the flame of pride light in his chest. He showed her how to meditate and control it instead of training. He was always patient and gentle with her. It was very safe to say he was never the same as his father was with him.
Izumi and Zuko were nothing more than the center of your universe, the apples of your eye. And you knew it was the same for Zuko when he looked at you. 
I hope this was okay!❤️
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
Christmas in Holmes Chapel
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Y/N
Genre: Christmas fluff on top of Christmas fluff
Word count: 1.7K 
A/N: Hi everyone! This is something I wrote super quick because I was in the Christmas spirit! I was/am also quite drunk (so be nice)!! More of my better writing can be found in my masterlist and I would love to hear what you think ab this in my ask! Also shoutout to Liz (@kiwicherryallaboutharry​) and Morgan (@soullikestyles​) for beta-ing and being sweethearts!! Thank you for reading <3
Shouts of “they’re finally here!” were the first things she heard when Harry opened the door to his mum’s house. After two delayed flights, ten hours on a plane, and bumper to bumper traffic the entire way to Anne’s, they were in shambles. This was the first time the pair were spending Christmas with Harry’s family, and this was definitely not the way she wanted it to start. She almost started crying when Gemma took her into her arms after nearly running across the house to greet her.
“I’m so happy you two made it,” she smiled, rubbing Y/N’s tired back when she didn’t release from the hug right away. “I was afraid that you weren’t going to make it tonight.”
“I could cry, Gem. I'm so happy to be here right now,” she confessed honestly, exhaustion clear in her voice.
Gemma released her from the embrace when Harry tapped her on the shoulder. “Hello? I’m here too. Do you not miss your baby brother?” His voice dripped with sarcasm and his dimples were deep on his cheeks, as they always were when he was home.
She rolled her eyes at him, muttering sarcastically “not as much as I missed your lovely girlfriend,” before he pulled her into a hug of his own. The two were the spitting image of each other, both with their exceptionally similar smiles and adorable noses. He squeezed the smaller woman tight, enjoying their reunion after not seeing each other for at least three or four months. They were still so close, even after Harry’s move to LA to be closer to his girlfriend. Y/N had pretended more than once that she hadn’t overheard them when he would call her for relationship advice.
Looking away from the Styles siblings, she was met by Anne's bright smile paired with her wide open arms extended for a hug. “Sweetheart, it’s so good to see you!” she exclaimed with a Santa hat sitting snugly on her head, pulling her close to the woman’s warm and kind body. “There are plates of dinner made up for the two of you in the kitchen and plenty of leftovers in the fridge if you want any more.” She was naturally so caring about those around her and tonight was no different.
“Thank you so much, Anne,” she said graciously. “I’m so sorry we’re so late.”
“Oh, stop it. It’s a Christmas miracle you made it at all with the snow,” she brushed away her apologies, her voice taking a more serious turn as she locked her eyes with hers. “I’m so happy you’re here, Y/N. You’re just as much a part of our family as Harry is now.”
Y/N’s heart warmed with the kindness behind Anne’s words. There was so much love surrounding her right now, too much for her to comprehend without getting teary eyed. She was so thankful for the tenderness and care Harry’s family had shown her over the last three years. She felt at home in what used to just be a house to her; like she was a part of the family.
“Oi, stop hogging her,” Harry teased Y/N, bumping her hip lightly with his and nudging her out of the way so he could hug his mum.
“Harry Edward, I raised you to be polite. Leave the poor girl alone,” she scolded, but opened her arms up wide to receive her son. He was so much bigger than she was, seeming to swallow her body whole in his arms. Y/N couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips as she watched the two interact.
The pair of travelers were passed around the living room, giving hugs and kisses to the various aunts, uncles, cousins, and stragglers that were attending Christmas Eve dinner at Anne’s. The room was full of loud boisterous laughter and Christmas music that played off an antique record player and it smelled like wine and the remnants of a large dinner that had been eaten when they just couldn’t wait any longer for the two to arrive.
Y/N’s stomach growled without permission as soon as she saw the plates of food resting on the counter that had been waiting for them. The pair stood hovered over the plates and ate like they hadn’t seen food in weeks. At the moment, she could only think of two things she knew about Anne for sure: she knew how to raise children and she was a fantastic cook.
When she looked up and saw a spot of gravy hanging on the edge of Harry’s mouth, she just couldn’t resist. She tiptoed and pressed a short kiss to the corner of his lips, taking the gravy with her in the process. He looked down at her with a slightly surprised, but mostly loving, look after she pulled away. The edges of his lips turned up, asking “What was that for?”
“You had something,” she mused, jokingly twirling her pointer finger in the direction of her own mouth.
Before she could process it, his lips were back on hers, kissing her slowly and with so much love. His lips were soft and pillowy as always, but there was something more behind them that she just couldn’t place.
“What was that for?” she asked breathlessly when he released her, using his own words against him.
“I know I have been kind of on edge all day and I just wanted to thank you for dealing with me. I love you so much.” She couldn’t fight the grin that found its way onto her face every time he told her that he loved her. Sometimes she still couldn’t believe she had nabbed such a good one.
“I love you too. Are you alright?” She asked worriedly, noticing the way his eyebrows were nervously knit together and how his posture was slightly worsened like it always was when he was stressed.
“I’ll be okay soon.” There was more behind his words, she knew it for sure, but Harry was very good at playing it cool when he wanted to. She knew he would either tell her soon or it would resolve on its own; she trusted him to tell her what was going on if he really needed her.
Her train of thought was interrupted when Gemma stuck her head into the kitchen and announced that the annual Charades tournament was beginning. Y/N had only heard about the myth of the Charades tournament before and she was excited to find out why her boyfriend raved about it so often. Harry excitedly grabbed her hand, leading her into the crowded living room, watching as the first teams had already begun acting out and guessing.
Before long, it was Harry and Y/N’s turn to go, matched up against Gemma and her husband. She sat on the couch, assigned to play the guesser after he cockily told her ‘there's only one actor in this family,’ and watched closely as both Harry and Gemma read the clue written on the small slip of paper. Gemma gave him a playful and excited smile before extending a friendly hand for him to shake.
“You ready for this, H?” she asked, but once again, Y/N felt like there was more behind her words than friendly competition. Y/N began to think she was being kept in the dark about something, but before she could think too hard about it the pair had begun their miming.
Harry took the approach of creating a circle with his pointer and thumb, repeatedly slipping the whole he had created over his left ring finger.
“Wedding ring!” she guessed excitedly from the couch, only to be met with a shake of his head.
He then moved to get down on one knee, pretending to hold a ring box in his hands. “Asking someone to marry you!” she questioningly yelled again, only met with another shake of his head, but she could tell she was getting closer.
It was when he performed the same ring gesture while on his knee that she got it. “Engagement ring!” She nearly screamed and jumped off the couch, twirling in celebration (a symptom of always being a bit too competitive) after Harry’s face lit up and signaled they had won.
She was confused for a split second when she came back around and Harry was still on his knee, but it all made sense when she saw the real ring box that was now in his hands. Her hands flew up to her face in shock and she was unable to form coherent thoughts, let alone words.
“My love,” he began softly, “I knew I wanted you in my life forever from the moment I met you at that stupid bar. I fought Mitch so hard that night, but he dragged me along and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
She remembered that night fondly, but it had admittedly been a mess. She had just gotten dumped and so had Harry, when they found each other at the end of the bar, far away from anyone who was actually having fun, they had started talking and never stopped.
“You make me a better person,” he went on as tears had begun to roll down her cheeks, “and I never want to be who I was before I met you ever again. I love you so much and I never want to live without you. So,” he took a deep breath with hopeful eyes, “will you marry me?”
A shout of “Yes!” let her lips before he even finished, throwing herself at him and bringing him into a kiss.
It all made sense now. She understood why Harry had been so upset when their flight had been messed up, and why Gemma and Anne had been so excited to see them, and especially why he had been on edge all day. He was nervous to ask her, in the most charming and endearing way.
The crowd around them cheered when they finally stood up and their eyes locked as Harry delicately slid the ring onto her left hand. His eyes were slightly teary, but held an excitement that was unmatched. The ring was giant and beautiful, exactly what she expected from him when the time came, and she could barely tear her eyes away from it.
“This is the best Christmas present ever, H. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Thank you for reading! Reblogs/feedback are much appreciated!! 
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angeltreasure · 3 years
Hello friend, sorry if this is a silly question but could you explain what the Eucharist is and why it is important? I’m in the beginning of my journey and feel so overwhelmed by google. Have a beautiful day 😊💛
I’ve been saving this ask for a while so this is so exciting! I apologize for my lateness. I usually answer right away but we have had trouble with the WiFi setting up. Anyway! Welcome Anon!!! I am so excited for your faith journey!! Welcome. 😊🙏🏻
Don’t worry, this isn’t a silly question at all. No, it’s a very good question! I am a Catholic, so I will be explaining my Christian denomination believes what the Eucharist is. In fact, this is a VERY important topic to learn about. I will give you my answer then give you some quotes and videos. Hope you enjoy.
The Eucharist IS Jesus Christ. You know how traffic lights are different colors? Red for stop, yellow to caution; slow down, and green for go? Well, you must understand if you choose to join the Catholic Church that the Eucharist is not a symbol. Although the appearance is a wafer bread and tastes like one, it is not plain like a traffic signal. When a priest blesses the host at a Catholic mass, the host transforms into the body of Jesus Christ. You will not see Jesus appear in the priest hand when he raises the host up for that blessing, and you will not taste human flesh when you eat of it. The veil between this world we live in and the afterlife block us so the appearance and taste remain as a wafer host but the substance has really changed into the body of Jesus Christ. Eating the bread means Christ becomes a part of us and makes us stronger in faith! ♥️
Here’s what the Bible says about the Eucharist, taken from my favorite New Testament book called Matthew. I will color the specific verse in the story as red to help you understand what we believe. In the story, Jesus and His disciples were preparing to find a place for Passover. There is a lot to unpack since you are very new to the faith, so I will skip right to the verses of what Jesus spoke. [Passover: “Passover is a Jewish holiday that honors the freedom and exodus of the Israelites (Jewish slaves) from Egypt during the reign of the Pharaoh Ramses II. Before the ancient Jews fled Egypt, their firstborn children were "passed over" and spared from death, thus dubbing the holiday "Passover."”]
….. “While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” - Matthew 26:26-29
You see, at this point in time, His disciples did not fully understand the mystery surrounding what was to come. After this night, Jesus was betrayed by Judas (one of His followers) gave His life to die on the cross. In doing so, He saved us from the punishment of all of our sins and opened the gates to Heaven. Back in the past, animals were often given up a sacrifice. Jesus Himself was the perfect sacrificial lamb for slaughter in order to save us from death. This image is the very best that I love that describes the Eucharist Transubstantiation.
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I love this one too…
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So when you eat the blessed Eucharist and drink the blessed wine done by a Catholic priest, you really do consume the substance that is Jesus’s body, blood, soul, and divinity. Ever hear that phrase, “you are what you eat”? When we consume Jesus, that doesn’t mean we are cannibals, become God, or re-sacrifice Jesus. It means we become a better reflection of Jesus.
Catholics believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist because Jesus tells us this is true in the Bible: ““No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?” Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” He said this while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you? Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before! The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.” From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” John 6:44-66
Fun facts!!!:
Eucharist: “is a transliteration of the Greek word eucharistia, which is itself a translation of the Hebrew word berekah. All three words have the meaning of thanksgiving, or praise for the wonderful works of God.”
Bethlehem: the city where Jesus was born means “House of Bread”!
Transubstantiation: “the conversion of the substance of the Eucharistic elements into the body and blood of Christ at consecration, only the appearances of bread and wine still remaining.”
I saw a poll that only one third of Catholics really believe in Transubstantiation. If you decide in your journey to become part of the Catholic Church, please do not ever forget the words Jesus spoke about Himself to His people and those who read today. He truly is present as the Eucharist and wine.
Did you know there is evidence that the Eucharist is truly Jesus?! They are called Eucharistic Miracles. There are sooo many stories from around the world of bleeding Eucharists that scientists and such have actually tested in their labs to find real they had human blood down to a specific blood type AND material evidence of finding human heart tissue not healthy and strong but distressed! Blessed Carlo Acutis (a young man that passed away that is currently in the process of sainthood here on Earth) created an amazing website that collected examples of Eucharistic Miracles. (See link below.) This subject itself is just extra icing on the cake but don’t fall down the rabbit hole so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
Bishop Barron on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
Explaining the Faith - The Eucharist In Scripture
Explaining the Faith - Eucharistic Miracles: Scientific Proof
The Veil Removed, what really happens during a Catholic Mass
I could give you so much more but this was just so wonderful to be able to teach you. Know that it’s ok to feel overwhelmed. The topic of what the Eucharist really is and why it is so important is so rich in history and traditions. I hope I was able to satisfy your curiosity. If you ever have any more questions about it, I highly recommend reading sections about it in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (revised edition) but more importantly, reach out to a Catholic priest or bishop by calling them, e-mailing, or even dropping by in person. I am not part of the clergy at all, so talking to a Catholic priest or bishop, you will be able to answer any more questions you have to the Eucharist and they will explain it so well. If you are interested in wanting to know more about the Catholic Faith, I strongly suggest asking about the RCIA, free classes offered by your nearest Catholic Church which will allow you to explore what the Catholic Faith is and answer any questions you have. No pressure though, but just know we are here for you. I am so happy you were chosen as well by God! I will pray that you have a wonderful, exciting journey! God bless and you have a wonderful day/night as well.
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kim-miyeon · 4 years
Hell Above-Chapter Ten
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PAIRINGS: Hwang Hyunjin x Female Reader
WARNINGS: Series contains mature content. read at your own discretion. Mafia!AU, explicit language, suggestive language, slight sexual scenes, pregnancy family issues, mild abuse, angst, 18+
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I Will Soon Forget The Color Of Your Eyes And You’ll Forget Mine
Time was a funny concept. Who knew that time could feel so slow in moments of fast pace and heightened anxiety. Then in the slower passing moments, when your mind drifts off into a deep end, time clicks slowly.
Like it was for Hyunjin.
He sat there, pen in his hand sketching out images that plastered in his mind. Eyes glued into the white sheet, lost in the daze. Each stroke, darker than the next, until the picture became more clear. That with each passing stroke he sketched a woman. A woman imprinted on his mind. Constantly in his heart, stained there forever.
His mind wandered off to moments of your smile. Heart fluttered as he imagined the days he would see you sparkle under the sun rays, skin glowing… you were so radiant. His lips pulled to the side, half smiled trying to replay the sound of your voice. The way you laughed, smelled, touch. Every bit of you… was now a distant memory. Just a faint image of a woman who was there and now was gone. And Hyunjin ached every day from your absence.
A knock at the door cause Hyunjin to jolt with surprise as he looked up from the sketch and saw the head of Jisung pop through the door as he opened.
“Sorry to bug you but,” Jisung paused as he walked over to Hyunjin’s desk holding a garment bag, “your suit is here.”
Hyunjin watched as Jisung walked further and laid the garment bag down on the side couch as he continued, “ your father said that you should meet Jin-Ae at…”
“Did you find her?”
Jisung stood there looking at Hyunjin as he had been cut off. Hyunjin’s demeanor was serious as he looked back at Jisung, trying to get an answer for his question.
“Hyunjin..” Jisung sighed, “it’s been over a month now. Don’t you think that maybe we should st-“
“Keep looking? Yes.” Hyunjin interjected and set his pen down on the desk.
“What if she doesn’t want to be found?”
Hyunjin heart skipped an uneasy beat to Jisung’s question. You had been gone for so long, with no trace of where you could be, and no update if you’ve been seen. It wasn’t a secret that people knew Hyunjin was suffering, and he craved you. He never thought that he could function in a world where you no longer lingered close by and how he could feel a sense of emptiness within him. All in all, Hyunjin knew that if anyone found out that he was sending Jisung out to try and conjure up information on you, it could mean serious punishment.
But Jisung’s words did have incredible meaning behind them. What if you didn’t want to be found? What if you really left everything behind and what if you really didn’t love Hyunjin? All those feelings, Hyunjin tried to suppress. He didn’t want to believe that you could be that cold hearted to capture his heart the way you did and let him pour his most vulnerable self out just so you can break him. You weren’t heartless, at least that’s what he wanted to believe. You were a kind woman. Gentle. Even behind a gun, Hyunjin imagined you as graceful as an angel. Even after knowing that you also had blood on your hands, he couldn’t spare to think that you were a monster in sheep’s clothing.
But you could have been the devil in disguise.
“Keep looking.” Hyunjin croaked out softly and Jisung exhaled loudly as he nodded and turned on his feet to walk back out of the office.
Hyunjin lifted his hands to his face as he rubbed his skin. He groaned at the feeling of the pressure but also the frustration and emotional burnout. How did it come to this? That’s all he thought about. How did any of this occur? He let his mind drift back to the day you left and the morning after, reflecting on a day living in hell.
******************************************************* Hyunjin’s arm extended out to the side of the bed feeling the smoothness of the sheets against his fingertips. His mind in bliss as he recollected bits of moments from the night before. You were here, you were always here. He smiled and pulled his hand back when he realized, you weren’t. His eyes shot opened, straining against the light of the morning as he realized that you weren’t in bed. Was it a dream? Could he have dreamt of you here? He frantically looked around the room for answers and saw his clothes on the ground, but no sign of you being with him.
“Y/N?” Hyunjin flung the sheets over his body, pulling hims self up as he ran out the room and into the living room.
You weren’t sitting on the sofa, cozy up in your favorite blanket watching a random show. You weren’t in the kitchen, wearing an oversized shirt and no pants, cooking you two breakfast. You weren’t in the dining room, setting the table, asking Hyunjin if he preferred juice of coffee.
You weren’t there.
“Fuck..” Hyunjin ran back into his room and grabbed his phone quickly as he began to dial your number. He stood there hands rummaging his hair and looking around.
“The number you are trying to reach has bee-“
“No no NO. FUCK Y/N answer the phone!!”
He dialed again and thought thoroughly about last night. You held a gun at him. You were in the basement of the Lee Mansion. You came home. You told him you would be honest. He made a promise to you. He wasn’t going to do everything he could to keep you next to him. So why did you leave?
That’s when Hyunjin saw it. When his blood stopped cold and ears grew hot. Stomach frozen and breath hitched. The last thing he thought he’d ever see.
Your wedding ring on the bedside table.
“The number you are trying to reach has been disabled.”
Hyunjin felt the sickness in the pit of him and he felt the tears burning against his eyes. He walked over to the ring that had been so beautiful places on your finger for two years, sitting on the wooden table. No note. No anything. Just this. You were gone. Hyunjin choked back his tears as he felt his legs give out from the pain and sat down on the floor holding the ring in his hand as he couldn’t hold his tears anymore.
His phone buzzed and Hyunjin immediately reacted as he turned to grab it faster than light, only to see Jisung’s caller ID pop up. Disappointment was an understatement.
“Hello?” Hyunjin managed to choke out through the tears.
“Hyunjin you gotta get to the office right now.”
“What’s wrong?” Hyunjin stood up wiping his face.
“Your father’s here.”
Hyunjin walked into the conference room to find his father and mother sitting at the head of the table, Jisung, Chan, and Changbin sitting next to him and Yeji at the front.
Hyunjin looked to his parents and bowed his head in respect. “Hello Father. Hello Mother.”
“Hello my son, care to tell me why your sister called a family meeting?” Hyunjin’s father spoke and Hyunjin confusingly turned to Yeji and she smiled at him.
“I am calling for the removal of Hwang Hyunjin as leader.”
Hyunjin squinted at Yeji who cocked her eyebrow as Hyunjin took a seat next to his fathers. Hyunjin saw Changin’s eyes widened and Chan turned to Hyunjin. Hyunjin’s father laughed.
“Is that so? And what evidence to you have against my son that you feel needs to end with his removal?”
“Your son has been married to the leader of the Lee family for two years and failed to execute her last night during a planned attack that Chan and I put together.
Hyunjin looked at Chan who’s eyes grew and looked back at Hyunjin. Anger stemmed from Hyunjin’s demeanor. A sense of backstabbing came after hearing those words. Jisung looked at Hyunjin in concern as Hyunjin looked down at the table in disbelief of the situation.
“Hyunjin is this true?” Hyunjin’s mother, a gentle woman with a fiery backbone. She cared deeply for her children but learned quickly how to defend herself. Unlike other wives, Hyunjin’s mother was just as untouchable as his father.
“I didn’t know.” Hyunjin looked at his mother, with honest eyes. The saddest he’s ever had and his mother looked back at him in agony of wanting to comfort her son.
“According to the articles of treason within the Hwang family, Hyunjin has committed a crime by allowing a member of the Lee family live. He is also completely overtaken by this woman and I believe has incredible bias towards her. He is unfit to lead.”
“And how, may I ask, did you find this information Yeji?”
“During my absence, I was able to research intensively about the Lee family and traced information to this woman, Lee Y/N. Chan helped me find more information by doing scans. She was kept secret from everytime after the massacre and her one mission was to kill Hyunjin.”
Hyunjin’s expression changed and he looked at Yeji. To kill him?
“After finding out his information, we did our best to let our leader do what he had to. Which he had ultimately failed.”
Hyunjin felt all this new information overwhelmingZ you’re sole mission was to kill him, so why wasn’t he dead? Was it possible that you did love him and you couldn’t do it? Or was everything a lie?
“Hyunjin.. Yeji..” Hyunjin’s father spoke and looked at the children, “come with me.”
Hyunjin’s father stood and walked out the door as Hyunjin pushed back in his chair and stood to follow. Yeji behind Hyunjin came close and whispered in his ear, “I told you so.”
Once Hyunjin was out of the conference room he turned and grabbed Yeji and slammed her against the wall.
“Are you satisfied yet?”
“Not quite.” Yeji smirked at Hyunjin.
“You’re sick and twisted, you know that? What do you get out of all of this?”
“Watching you suffer.” She clicked her tongue and Hyunjin’s grip loosened
“What?” He said analyzing her.
“Did she come home last night? Did she leave you this morning?”
“How do you—“
“Face it Hyunjin, at the end of the day, she’s going to be the one thing you want and you can never have. And to watch you crumble the way I have all these years will be satisfying.” Yeji’s words rolled off her lips and she smiled darkly.
“HYUNJIN. YEJI. NOW.” Hyunjin’s father yelled from the office down the hallway and Yeji pushed Hyunjin off her and walked towards the room leaving Hyunjin dazed.
As he followed her into the office, he closed the door and Hyunjin’s father cleared his throat.
“Did you know?” Hyunjin’s father asked softly and Hyunjin shook his head.
“No sir, I didn’t know.”
“Removal of the Hwang leader would mean that the next in line would take over.”
Yeji’s eyes sparkled and Hyunjin’s father frowned. “But there will be no removal of the leader Yeji.”
“WHAT!? Father, treason is punishable by death. He let a Lee live.”
“And I heard you did the same with that young boy.”
Yeji silenced and Hyunjin’s father continued, “You are also unfit to lead Yeji and as long as I live, Hyunjin will stay as the rightful heir to this business.”
Yeji clenched her jaw and her breathing intensified.
“Now leave.”
Yeji stormed out to the room and left Hyunjin standing there with his father.
“The woman from the ball?”
Hyunjin nodded slowly to the question as he looked up at his father and his father sighed.
“Did you love her?”
Hyunjin felt his heart tightened and tears formed in his eyes. He knew he had to play a part for his father.
“I didn’t know who she was before today. But I promise that going forth I will not make the same mistakes.”
“I know you won’t, because I will be choosing your wife.”
With that,  Hyunjin’s father patted Hyunjin’s back and left the room with Hyunjin standing there marinating the words that had been spoken. All the information made him feel overwhelmed. He had so many questions and no answers for anything. Reaching into his pocket he grabbed the small silver band with the diamond and looked at it sadly.
He knew you. He had to have known the real you. If you wanted to kill him you would have. If you really hated him then he would be dead. Even last night when you had your chance to pull the trigger, you could have. But you didn’t. You never did. There had to be a piece of you inside that cared for him. He had to know. So he was going to find you. Anyway he knew how. He would find you and keep his promise he made.
He wasn’t letting you go.
A knock came from the door, and Hyunjin turned to see Chan entering and Hyunjin’s sadness turned to disgust. And Chan knew.
“Hyunjin l-“
“You knew.”
“I didn’t-“
“Spare me your bullshit lies Chan I fucking trusted you.” Hyunjin growled at Chan.
“Hyunjin you didn’t know her.”
“Yes I fucking did! I knew her better than anyone! And you just couldn't let me be happy!” Hyunjn yelled.
“You gave your trust to a woman who you couldn’t be honest to. How did you not see all the missing holes in her scans? How did you not think about everyone else!” Chan tried to reason with Hyunjin but it made no difference.
“I was trying to protect you. I wanted to make sure she could be trusted.” Chan softly said as Hyunjin stood there looking at Chan, as he tried to redeem himself. Hyunjin scoffed
“Did you get what you needed then? You helped my sister and now you feel bad?”
“I didn’t know this was her plan. But fuck Hyunjin, Y/N was going to kill you.” Chan stepped closer to Hyunjin.
“So why didn’t she?! Hmm? ! How come I’m still alive, standing in front of you.”
Chan went silent.
“She had two years to kill me!  We lived in the same house, shared the same life! In my most vulnerable moments, she had more than enough chances to take her gun and shoot me!”
Chan stood there thinking. Could you have been truly in love with Hyunjin so much that you couldn’t pull the trigger. But Chan tried to find a viable explanation for why you did what you did, anything that wasn’t love. Because how could two people who shouldn’t be together fall in love. But Chan knew Hyunjin was hurting, and he felt responsible.
“Get out of my face Chan.” Hyunjin stormed out of the room leaving Chan to soak in the atmosphere he had created.
******************************************************* You stood by, far away, as you watched the nurse hold Jeongin’s hand and slowly help him take steps. She smiled at him and he smiled his goofy bright one back. It was so contagious that you could help but smile. It made you happy, to see him slowly recovering. Just the smallest movements that he makes was success in your eyes. You didn’t think Jeongin would make it.
In fact, he almost didn’t.
The doctors said his recovery would take years, and that he may not be able to walk properly and may have other disabilities such as memory loss or muscle spasms. All the negative things that could be a permanent issue never could take away the main concept. Jeongin was alive. That’s all that mattered in the end.
But at what cost? You lost security. You lost your title. You lost Hyunjin. When you let your mind drift off to the night you left, you find yourself in a dark place. One where you can’t breathe, can’t function. It was heart wrenching. You didn’t want to think about how Hyunjin reacted. Then hours after you fled you found out that Yeji had called for his official removal and you knew he found out the truth to who you were. You didn’t know what that meant for you, where Hyunjin’s head was. Did he hate you now?
The month that you have stayed away has brought many hardships and tears. Your grandfather had called for a transition of power to Minho and since then, Minho had been training to take your place. There would have to be a discreet passing of the torch is how you worldly describe the ritual, a ritual that has never been done before in your family's history. You and Minho had to fight. A fight that was written where the victor would be crowned if he spilled blood of his opponent. You wondered if that meant fight to the death, and the thought about killing Minho didn’t tickle your brain or make you feel happy. But knowing him, you wondered if he was ready to kill you. A part of you wondered if he really wanted this too. If any of you did.
You saw the nurse and Jeongin head back into the hospital room and you adjusted your hat as you walked closer to Jeongin’s room. When you turned the corner to see inside, the nurse helped Jeongin lay back down in his bed and she ruffled his hair a bit and smiled. When she began to head out, she looked at you and smiled softly, nodding respectfully before she left and you looked over her shoulder as she walked off. You smiled and walked further and saw the boy look at you brightly.
“Look at you, flirting with the nurse I see.” You teased and he rolled his eyes at you and you laughed.
“Oh shut up, you have to admit she is pretty.” Jeongin slowly sat up and you helped him.
“Prettier than me?” You frowned and Jeongin nudged you.
“Aye, no one is prettier than you.” Jeongin laughed and you smiled as you took a seat next to him.
“You’re recovering really well, faster than anticipated.”
“I have to. Gotta get back on my feet to help you guys.”
“Have you been training for the transition?”
“Well I was in the beginning but um… I sort of had to stop.” You purse your lips as Jeongin looked at you worryingly. You had been waiting to get this weight off your chest for so long.
“Why? You need to train, Minho could get an upper hand on you.” Jeongin began to start his lecture and you reached into your cross body bag as he spoke and pulled on the white long stick.
“Jeongin..” you placed the heavy plastic stick in his hands. The little device showing the word that you still couldn’t believe, but knew had to be true.
“Y/N..” Jeongin gasped, “ How long-“
“Can’t be very long. The last time I saw Hyunjin was a month ago.” You looked down and tapped your feet together. You couldn’t be surprised. Before all of the Yeji incidents, you stopped taking birth control. You were trying to have a family. Then it was all taken away from you so fast.
“You’re gonna —“
“Keep it? I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m going to do.” You responded still looking down and burying yourself in thought.
“Who else knows?”
“Only you. I can’t tell the others. This could be very bad.” You looked up and Jeongin frowned.
“You have to tell Hyunjin” he said in a serious tone.
“I cannot tell him.” You felt fear Tun through you at the thought of looking into Hyunjin’s eyes after everything.
“Jeongin I can’t. I’ve been hiding away and if I come out of nowhere he might kill me.” You began to feel your anxiety increase and Jeongin reached his hand out over yours as he tried to calm you.
“He wouldn’t kill you.” He softly said.
“Jeongin we don’t know him the way we used to, he probably has changed his opinion on me. Last I heard, he was dating someone and plans to marry them-“
“Y/n… Hyunjin loves you.”
Hyunjin loves you. Those words shattered the small wall you were building in your heart to cut out the feeling of losing someone so precious. The pain you experienced when you left him made you avoid the whole thing. But at the end of the day you always wondered if Hyunjin loved you still. How could he after everything you did to him. You began to cry softly, tears falling from your eyes down your cheeks as you let your heart feel things you wouldn’t let it.
“Are you okay? Jeongin asked and it was the first time in a long time if anyone had truly asked you, if you were okay.
Because for months you haven’t been. For years, you never were.
“No. I'm not okay.”
“I had a great time tonight Hyunjin.” Jin-Ae Stood in front of her door, wearing a beautiful emerald dress as she looked at Hyunjin, admiring his dark suit and tie. She adjusted the tie softly and Hyunjin lifted his hands to pull hers down.
“I’m glad, thank you.” He politely said trying to end his night faster than it started.
“Do you want to come inside for a drink?” She offered as she twisted her keys in the lock and Hyunjin shook his hands.
“No, I shouldn’t. It’s late and I have to get home.”
“Oh come on! One drink won’t hurt you.” Jin-Ae grabbed Hyunjin’s hand and led him inside. Closing the door behind her she walked over to her kitchen bar, flipping the lights and smiling.
“What can I get you? Scotch, Bourbon,—“
“Do you have any Cabernet Sauvignon? Red?” Your favorite. Hyunjin hadn’t drank wine in so long. He always shared your favorite of dry red wine over dinner. A taste that he hated at first, but grew to love.
“Interesting choice for a man of your nature. Dry red wine wasn’t something that I would have thought you’d enjoy casually.” Jin-Ae grabbed a wine glass and poured the red liquid in less than half way as she walked over to Hyunjin and handed him the drink.
“It’s a taste I’ve grown well acquainted to.” Jin-Ae had Hyunjin sit on her bar stools as Hyunjin lifted the wine glass to take more than a sip of the alcohol. Burning the back of his throat, all he could think about was you.
“Should we talk more comfortably about.. us?”
Jin-Ae caught Hyunjin off guard with her question. He knew that his father had paired her for Hyunjin and she came from another family of mafia leaders. His father thought that a marriage could stem from this relationship and benefit both families, but Hyunjin wasn’t interested in Jin-Ae romantically. He knew where his heart was.“What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean.. these small dinner dates are lovely and I am enjoying them. But if we are going to get married shouldn’t we-
“Marriage isn’t definite Jin-Ae.” Hyunjin looked at her more serious taking another sip of his wine.
“But isn’t that the goal. For us to be married?” She looked at him teasingly and Hyunjin clenched his jaw. She smiled softly.
“Your father mentioned that you were in a relationship prior. He assumed you wouldn’t be very accepting to this new phase.”
Jin-Ae leaned in closer to Hyunjin, resting her small hand on his thigh.
“This is all business to me Jin-Ae.” Hyunjin looked at her as she came closer.
“But it doesn’t have to be you know.” Hyunjin began to pull back slowly, her hand gliding up his thigh nearing his dick as she chuckled.
“Jin-Ae..” he whispered.
“We don’t have to be in love to have fun.” Jin-Ae enclosed the space between Hyunjin lips and hers and Hyunjin let her. She kissed him as he responded by kissing her back and letting her hands roam his legs. It was weak. Selfish. The back of Hyunjin’s mind told him to stop because she wasn’t you. The park he felt when you kissed him wasn’t there with her. The butterflies in his stomach were dead when Jin-Ae touched him. He wasn’t being faithful to you at this moment. His mind didn’t click fully until Jin-Aw began to fumble with his belt.
“Stop. I can’t.” Hyunjin pulled back and pushed her hands away.
“Can’t or won’t” Jin-Ae said a bit annoyed and Hyunjin stood from the chair.
“This is just business. You and I.” Jin-Ae facial expression grew disappointed. Hyunjin felt bad for being honest with her, as he suspect that she may have been developing some illusion in her mind that Hyunjin felt the same as her.
“Sorry I should go.”
Hyunjin headed for the door. He shook his head in frustration and scurried to his car before he sat in the seat. He hit the steering wheel hard and cursed out loud. Everything in his life was so twisted. He just wanted to erase everything and just focus on what truly mattered. Hyunjin started the car and began driving back to the home you two had shared together. The home that Hyunjin was told to not return to, in fear of you coming to finish what you started. But every night, this is where he went. In hopes you’d come back to be with him.
When he got to the house and opened the door, he was broken. Angry at the fact that he allowed another woman to touch him, angry that you weren’t home again. He walked in and placed his keys down on the mantle, and looked at the picture sitting there. A picture of you and Hyunjin laughing. How did we get here? He wondered.
It was a daily battle, trying to stay strong enough in front of everyone but feeling so defeated. It never took Hyunjin long to carry the weight of his own body to the couch and curl his legs in. And he cried. Every night.
He was surrounded with your memories. Because that’s all you became anymore, was a memory. You were a piece of his life that he feels so out of touch from. He missed you every day, every second. All while, his grasp of your being was slipping. The way you smelled, the feeling of your hair, how soft your skin was. Everything was fading. He feared as time went on if he would forget, but he had to hold on. He knew you’d be back on day, you had to.  He bit his lip as he sat there in the corner of your shared couch and buried his head into his knees. Another night of hopeless praying to follow
A/N: Hello!!! Another week another dramatic chapter. Hopefully this serves you well!! We are almost to 200 followers 🥺. Thank you guys so much! As always share your thoughts and comments. I love you guys 🥰
Taglist:   @hyunfeji @zenzedana @datura-inoxia@minaamhh @ninjaleeknow @beethiin @hyunsxle​ @hwangful​
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
The doctor (part 1)
Cedric Diggory x Reader
Summary - When a 25 year old single father Cedric Diggory was woken up by his daughter to get shots he knew something was going to happen but not in the slightest bit did he know he was going to find a new love. (Muggle AU)
Warning - Swearing
Part 1       Part 2
"Daddy!" A voice and little hands of his daughter disturbed Cedric's deep slumber, "Papa, wake up,"
Cedric groaned, his hands blindly searched for his toddler and pulled her underneath his arm, forcing her to lay still. She giggled, "Papa, wake up, its 10,"
He turned his head so that his cheek was pressed against the soft pillows and his eyes were on his baby girl, "Today is Sunday,"
She smiled, snuggling closer into her father's chest. Cedric adjusted so he was laying on his back with his daughter pressed against his chest, "We need to get your shots today, shouldn't we?" He asked sensing his daughter's sudden give up. 
She pouted, "Yes". Being a single father was not something Cedric hoped or wanted at the ripe age of 25.
Cedric sighed, rolling to the side making him tower over his daughter who looked up at her father with wide grey eyes. His eyes. She was a carbon copy of his father except for her hair, raven, just like her mother's and just as stubborn as her. 
Cedric had never felt a pull like he had to the woman, she was his first love and was supposed to be forever until she felt the need to leave him and want a divorce. Why? He would never know, all he knew on that horrible day was a terrible fight one minute and another minute he was begging his wife not to leave, holding his seven month old daughter delicately in his arms, tears streaking his cheeks. That was a long time ago but they still haven't gotten a divorce.
"Love, we have to get your shots so you stay healthy, right?" He asked, wiping the strand hairs from her forehead.
She hummed sadly, "I don't want to,"
"We can go to the beach after it,"
She pouted, "B-but we need to get many shots,"
Cedric closed his eyes and took a deep breath, shaking off the image of his daughter's quivering lips and tear-filled eyes, "We can do whatever you want after we get it done."
A small smile formed on her face after he proposed his offer, "Late bedtime?" He agreed to all of what she had listed when she finally agreed to get to the hospital. 
Both of them get ready quickly so there is no sudden change of decisions and within half an hour they hit the road to the nearest clinic Cedric had booked an appointment at.
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"Ms. (L/N)?" Cedric called, knocking on the door of the doctor's office and peeking in.
A young woman turned around and Cedric felt air knocked out of his lungs, she looked beautiful, almost setting an example to the word in his eyes.
"Hello!" she greeted cheerfully, beaming at them. Carrying his little girl in his arms he walked to sit before the doctor's desk.
"Hey," she cooed at his daughter who had her arms tightly wrapped around his neck, her head leaning against his jaw.
"Charlotte Diggory, is it?" She asked looking at the report, "Can I call you Angel?" She asked, grabbing the attention of the toddler in Cedric's arms who nodded with a small blush.
"Well then, Angel, you are here for your," she read the report carefully and grimaced, "shots. Ah, man. I guess you don't want it?"
Charlotte looked at the doctor with wide hopeful eyes and nodded enthusiastically, "Aw, Angel, I hate those too, you know?" 
"The needle, it hurts," Cedric’s daughter said, pouting.
The doctor hummed, "I mean if you think it does, then it sure will. Alright now, what do you like the most?" 
Charlotte's eyes widened as she spoke about her favourite cartoon character to the doctor who listened carefully and replied at the right moment. Cedric felt a surge of respect for the girl in front of him, the way she interacted with his daughter was something he liked, something he perhaps will grow fond of.
"You love milky bars!?" (Y/N) asked, she looked as though she finally got something that she needed, "How about I give you a deal?" She asked the little girl, reaching into her drawer and pulled out two bars of the chocolate Charlotte loved making him buy loads and loads.
"You get your shots and I give you these, alright?" she asked, looking at the toddler expectantly who was contemplating on the offer and finally deciding chocolates held more worth than needles and agreeing to the offer.
(Y/N) grinned standing up from her seat and taking Cedric's daughter into her arms. 
With the minimal amount of screaming from his daughter and maximum giggles and talks, they bid goodbye to the doctor announcing their return tomorrow.
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The next day, Charlotte was excited to get her shots that even Cedric was afraid she was getting addicted to, but alas, they had to walk-in in the evening around 7.
"You're leaving?" He asked (Y/N) once they reached the hospital and saw her locking her office door with her bag slung over her shoulder, her coat and stethoscope draped over her arm.
"Ah, well, yep, I did an overtime, so," she said, looking apologetically, "You're here for your shots, aren't you?" 
Charlotte nodded disappointedly, "Well, my friend here is a cool paediatrician she will take care of those," (Y/N) said, pointing at the room opposite to hers.
"I can stay here with you if you want," she added, seeing Charlotte let her head lull against her father dejectedly.
"Yes," "No," the father and the daughter answered simultaneously. 
"No, princess, she gotta go, she did an overtime," Cedric explained to his daughter.
"Oh, it's alright," (Y/N) said dismissively, and took Charlotte from Cedric's grasp who happily went into her arms.
Cedric felt a sudden pang of jealousy of the girl who took his daughter from his arms but it dissipated as soon as it appeared. Charlotte hadn't been held by a woman other than Cedric's mother for months now and she didn't want it either, she was content being in her father's embrace yet today she had voluntarily moved into a girl's arms.
"Hey, Em," she greeted the doctor in the opposite room she had pointed at, "Shots,"
"Ah," The doctor - Emily - said, preparing the injection. Charlotte had buried her face into (Y/N)'s shoulder.
"Hey, Angel," (Y/N) said, grabbing the attention of the little girl, distracting her as Emily neared to get the injection done, "What was the character you said you liked the most?" She started the conversation with ease as the doctor injected the medicine, soon realising what happened Charlotte burst into tears.
(Y/N) bounced Cedric's daughter in her arms, rubbing her back soothingly and paced the room, whispering sweet nothings. And at that moment Cedric's heart melted into puddles, the way she held his daughter was something compared to a way a mother would hold her child, the sweet nothings would just add on.
"You alright, yeah?" (Y/N) asked, wiping the little girl's eyes, pressing a kiss to her forehead and chuckled, "That's it! Done. One last time tomorrow and no more shots!" She exclaimed happily, handing Charlotte back to Cedric who cradled his daughter against his chest.
"I can drop you if you want," Cedric offered (Y/N) as they walked to the exit of the hospital. 
"Oh, it's alright, it's nearby. Besides, I gotta get a few things," She said, politely. 
"Well, I can walk you,"
"What? No no, it's alright,"
"Oh come on, I insist," 
After loads of convincing (Y/N) finally gave in, agreeing Cedric to walk with her. Charlotte wiggled from his arms and walked between the two of them, her hand clasped in her father's. 
They chatted casually, speaking about anything and everything until they reached near a pub when a woman stumbled forward and into Cedric's arms. As she caught him to steady herself, Cedric's heart clenched, it was his wife.
Looking at his taken aback and frozen form, (Y/N) pulled the little girl closer to her.
"Cedric," she slurred, pouting, "How are you? I missed you a lot,"
Cedric's breath hitched when she said those words and leaned more into him. Somewhere deep in his heart he wanted to give her a chance, but he knew he had given a lot of those, perhaps begged for it yet she didn't use it rather abandoned him and his daughter. He could still not let go the sight of his constant crying daughter as he desperately attempted to calm her down, or when she had longingly looked at mothers holding their children when Cedric held her unable to change it, or at the times he let his daughter alone at his friend's to go for the hearing, it was all because of the woman in front of him and he would never forgive her for it.
He gently pushed her back and guided his daughter and (Y/N) away before his wife shrieked, "Charlotte! My baby girl," she rushed to the little scared girl who held her father's hand tightly.
"Oh, how much you have grown up," she said, dragging a hand down her face.
"Get away from her," Cedric said, as his daughter shuffled to hide behind his leg.
"You can tell me to get away, I am her mother!" She said, glaring at him.
"You have lost the position long ago," Cedric replied through gritted teeth.
"No! Ho-how?" Her eyes fell on (Y/N) who had looked at the interaction confused, "You!" She yelled, stumbled towards her.
Cedric moved to shield (Y/N) from his drunk wife, "Don't drag her into this,"
She gasped, "she stole you from me! That monstrous thing stole you from me!"
More than simply offended by her statement, (Y/N) scrunched her face, "I didn't steal anything from you, you might've lost it. Besides, I don't even know who the hell you are!" She said, angrily marching away with Charlotte tagging along as Cedric turned to deal with the woman in front of him who still stared at the retreating doctor.
"What do you want!?" He asked, irritated. 
"You! Come back, we can live together, raise Charlotte like you've always wanted,"
"Live together?" Cedric asked scoffing, "come back, huh? I never left you but you did when Charlotte was just a baby, you didn't want us, you left us at the wrong time,"
"I am sorry, Cedric-" she said, looking at the verge of tears just as he knew he looked somewhat similar. 
"Don't." He said sternly, raising his index finger to stop her, "Save it."
He stuffed his hands into his pockets and left in search of his daughter and the girl who sat on a bench huddled together.
"Papa!" Charlotte yelled, rushing into his arms as he crouched, holding her close, "Papa, who was that?"
Cedric gulped not knowing what to say to his daughter, "Don't worry about it, princess," he said, leaning to press a kiss to her forehead.
"That's your...?" (Y/N) asked as Cedric carried a fast asleep Charlotte in his arms.
He chuckled sadly, "My wife, or ex-wife, we didn't get divorced yet,"
"Oh," she said and opened her mouth as if curious to ask another question but resorted to letting them walk in silence while Cedric still wanted to vent.
"Charlotte was seven months when she left," he said, looking down at his daughter's calm asleep face fondly as if etching it in his mind so that it's all he would be able to see and not the contrast of it.
"What?" (Y/N) asked, flabbergasted, "Seven months? She was-oh my goodness," she ran her fingers through her hair. 
"You took care of her alone?" She asked, surprise still written all over her face.
"Yeah," Cedric frowned, tears glistening his eyes as a trail of those horrid nights flashed in his mind, "I don't know how I did it,"
She stared at him as if wanting to console him any possible way and as he turned around and she saw his eyes, she wrapped her arms around his torso in an extremely short and quick hug, "I am so sorry," she muttered.
Cedric closed his eyes, the warmth from her seeping into his body was something that he wanted to treasure yet he couldn't, "It's alright,"
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" She asked.
"No, I have to go, you know," he said, jerking his head towards his daughter.
"Ah, ok, take care," 
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"Ugh! I dunno! If she had just told me yesterday morning I would have done something," Cedric heard (Y/N) exclaim to her friend inside her office when they had come the next day to get Charlotte's final shot. Cedric knew he shouldn't eavesdrop but the tone of her voice was so intricate that he had to listen.
"She had left a letter on your door yesterday evening," Emily said.
"I came home late yesterday-"
"That's your mistake,"
"Besides, left a letter!? She could've texted me, is she that back in technology!?"
"That doesn't matter,"
"Yes it does, if she had texted me I would have done something about it earlier and not be homeless now!"
Cedric knocked on the door, feeling too uncomfortable to eavesdrop anymore and as an idea popped in his mind. A terrible idea.
"Come in!" She yelled from inside.
"Hey, Angel," she greeted with a wide grin that was almost impossible to tell whether fake or not.
"Um, I couldn't help but hear over your conversation," Cedric said, and quickly added after he saw her raise an eyebrow, "And I am sorry about that. But if you don't mind, there is an extra room in our flat and you stay there until you get home,"
Cedric felt so stupid uttering those words and had no idea where this confidence in him raised from. She gasped at him and stood up.
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onbeinganangel · 3 years
hello! question for a rainy day. what are your top five favorite fics you've ever written? why?
hello my evil little darling, brightest star in the sky 🌟 you know exactly what you’re doing with this question and i hate you so much for it, thank you xxxxx
1. [redacted fic I can’t talk about as well you know, you terrible, terrible human being]
seriously though, even without that this is such a tough question buuuuut in chronological order we have:
1. Forever Yours/Yours Forever (wolfstar, M, 2.8k) — This was the first thing I ever posted on ao3 and it’s a very Mari brand of angst imo! At the point I posted this I think I had finished writing Inevitable but was too scared to post something that long and I had also finished taught by thirst and wanted something angstier and less spicy to balance it all out. I wrote it in one sitting and I’m still really proud of the post-Azkaban Sirius voice that I wrote for it. My feelings and thoughts on the Harry Potter series have shifted a lot in the past few years for a lot of reasons, but Sirius has always been a character I really love and I think even in canon his story is so so heartbreaking and he’s truly one of those characters you wish you could wrap up in a blanket and protect (shit just keeps happening to this man, like, give him a break) and I really enjoy writing his POV.
2. taught by thirst  (jeddy, E, 6k) — I wrote taught by thirst for Sudsfest 2020, which was my first fest, so that makes it really, really special in my eyes. I didn’t know a lot of people back then, I was mostly still lurking and I was super nervous about it, but really wanted to go for it. I immediately fell in love with the prompt that inspired it, but I told myself to wait a couple of days (convinced the prompt was so good someone else would take it) and if no one took it, I’d claim it. And there it was, waiting for me when I went to check days later, so I no longer had any excuse not to write it. The prompt also came with a really good choice of pairings and I think I was a bit nervous about writing Drarry and just thought why not try my hand at a little bit of Jeddy? I think it’s a really fun piece and I do like a devious Teddy (I mean, come on, he is Tonks’ AND Remus’ kid, the boy is TROUBLE!!!) and I think there’s a really good balance of smut and sweetness and mischief in it.
3. Inevitable (From the Very Start) (drarry, 54k) — Lord, I’m sorry, I AM going to talk about it again. You did ask, though. I started writing Inevitable sometime… last summer? I don’t know? And I was… not doing so hot back then. This is truly one of those “I want to read a fic about X” and then you blink and you’re suddenly writing a fic about X. I keep describing Inevitable as my ultimate horcrux — I think everything you write or create ends up having a little bit of you in it whether you want it or not, but I am convinced Inevitable may have a little bit more of my soul in it than your average piece lol. I don’t like re-reading it because I feel like I’d write it really differently now but I still love it a lot. It’s Drarry in their 40s just… navigating life and really settling. You’ve got a neurotic widower Draco carrying a fuckton of grief and anxiety with him wherever he goes and you’ve got a no-fucks-given go-with-the-flow divorcee Harry just completely arse over tit for Draco. There are some big angsty/dramatic moments in it, but I feel like it’s all very slice of life, falling in love, lives melding together with all there is to them (friends, children, devious ex-wife, dead wife, jobs, dreams, etc).
4. Petrichor, Pineapple and Pomegranate (wolfstarbucks, E, 6k) — What’s a girl to do if she really loves triads and Wolfstar but also has a soft spot for Prongsfoot? Write. This. Fic. I’m going to be honest, I don’t even remember how my Year Of The Threesome Series idea came to be anymore (other than I was affectionately bullied into it by some people) and I don’t know how I decided that this would be the first one but it just happened. I wrote most of it in one day, it has one of my favourite passages/paragraphs I have ever written in it, I got to indulge in some scent kink and I got to write three best friends just banging it out. What’s not to like?
5. heavy (drarry, E, 6k) — Right. This one. Good afternoon from the most self indulgent shit I have ever written. Truly. heavy is the last of my Kinkuary series which proceeded to kill my ability to write while also teaching me that I am capable of so much more than I could have ever imagined. I’d saved the drarry pairing for last because they’re my favourite and tbh it seemed like a lot of pressure. There are already so many good kinky Drarry fics out there and I was so intimidated by the idea — so many of my favourite fic writers write mostly/exclusively Drarry and it was honestly daunting to even think about it. So I ignored it and wrote all the other filthy rarepairs like there wasn’t a massively scary thing waiting for me at the end like a sour middle to a delicious sweet. What ended up happening was that I was so fucking exhausted when I got to the end of Kinkuary that I went ‘fuck it.’
(Where’s that ‘I’m gonna give [me] everything [I] want’ or that ‘I’m gonna create a [fic] that is so [self-indulgent]’ meme when I need it? Lmao)
All through February, I kept a list of possible kinks to write for it since the last day didn't have a prompt/was a wildcard, and when I got to it I just... wrote a fuckton of them all into the same fic just because I wanted to!
In the end, I wrote the scary kink I’d wanted to write for ages, I wrote drarry falling in love through little snippets of smut packed with a ton of subtext and feeling and I was just really pleased that I put together this porn soup I would have never have put together in any other context.
And there you have it. I will change my mind again in 0.3 seconds but right now those are my favourite 5 fics I've written! Thank you for coming into my house and forcing me to pick my favourite puppies out of the litter lol
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