#∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹‘゚no ѕoy nι мala nι ѕanтa│biografía.
scvrletwtch · 4 years
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( summer bishil, female, pansexual, she/her ) rome welcomes Luna Lakhani, a vampire. they are 31/868 years old and have been in the city for eight years. they are known to be loyal + insensitive, which makes sense because they’re irritated about the marriages. i heard they’re betrothed to Rowan Korcari and to Rosalie Leong - a dragon and a seelie princess.
--- hello hello, i’m nona & i’m super excited for this !! i’m late but i’m usually like, a full day late to openings because of work so i feel pretty lucky rn. i have luna, who is A Huge Mess™ & astoria whose intro will be up soon-ish ( i haven’t started writing it yet oops ) . anyways i think i messed up luna’s timeline somewhere in this and might have repeated something bc i edited stuff and moved things around and then got distracted by youtube and forgot how old she is for like 30 minutes so excuse my lack of organisation 
before the turn ;;
luna was born lalita in tamil nadu in india. she had a lot of sisters and two brothers.
she was close to her siblings and her mother, but often clashed with her father over things.
she just wanted a quiet life. she was actually a pretty nice person as a human.
the worst clashing with her parents though, was when they arranged a marriage and she fought it at every turn. she drove away eight possible suitors before they managed to confirm one.
well, the man they arranged for her to marry turned out to be a vampire. he liked humans and he tried to protect them, and he’d just been traveling a lot to avoid suspicion of him not ageing. he helped her to gain control of her life. despite the marriage being arranged when she was 28, she managed to push it off for quite some time. he helped with the excuses, figuring it would happen eventually (he intended to turn her because he’d grown lonely traveling alone, but he didn’t intend to tell her what he was until after). he tried to protect her, though.
rape/violence tw: but he couldn’t protect her from everything, and one night she was jumped by a group of men who were angry at her father. they held her down and their “ leader ” forced himself on her. she was left bloody and covered in cuts and bruises. her betrothed found her and healed her with his blood.
death tw: later that night, she informed him she didn’t intend to go through with the wedding. he was livid, and he killed her in a fit of rage. 
after the turn ;;
luna woke up alone, starving. she remembered dying, and before she could stop herself, she killed her youngest sister when she came to find her. she’d killed two more of her sisters by the time her betrothed returned. he’d gone to get her a daylight ring from a witch friend, thinking that she’d be safe enough in her home. he compelled what was left of her family to forget her, and took her away.
she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
suicide attempts/violence/murder tw: she didn’t want to be a vampire, and the entire time she was with him, she continued to make attempts at her own life. she stayed with him for a few months, but she grew more and more bitter. she wanted to grow old with her sisters and die of old age, and she wouldn’t get that. she hadn’t wanted her own children or spouse, but her sisters had, and she’d intended to spoil their children. but she couldn’t.
she eventually ran away from him after a few months, though. she was halfway across the world, on a murderous, angry rampage, when he found her next, two hundred years later ( she was 330 at this point ) . she was furious that he tracked her down and fought against everything he tried to do. he didn’t want to risk hurting her. she tried to make him fight her, and when he refused, she threatened his life, and he let her kill him. 
this took up approximately the first 450 years of her life.
connection #1: she actually met someone good for her a few years after that though. they had both become vampires through less than ideal events, and neither had wanted it. both were a little unstable but they started to keep each other in check. they didn’t always stay together, but they’d check in on each other every so often, make sure neither had gone back to the years where they hadn’t cared about the human lives they took.
she tracked down some of her mother’s side of her family in mexico when she was maybe 500 ( i’m going to have to put together a timeline for both hers and astoria’s lives at some point but i’m still not awake enough to right now lol ) . turned out that her mother was from a line of witches and they accepted her, although she definitely left out the killing parts of her history. they’re the ones who started calling her luna, and she kinda dropped her surname, too. it let her be herself but separate from the girl who killed her family in her youth.
she started writing when she was living with them, and when she had to move on because people were growing suspicious, she kept writing. she hid out in greece for a while and moved from island to island and through the country for 100 more years.
when she was 700ish, one of the witches contacted her, said they were having problems with vampires. she went back to mexico and got caught in the middle of the conflict, and took the witches’ side ( family above everything ) .
she was with her family when the war started, and most of them were killed. she brought the few who were left to rome with her eight years ago.
other details ;; 
she really likes to read, likes to be around books more than she really likes to be around other people, supernatural or not, if she’s entirely honest.
she has learned to control her emotions a lot more. but she uses cynicism and  often says what she thinks before thinking and then is just kinda like, “ oops ” if she offends someone. 
but she’s so loyal to the people she cares about. she kinda mellowed out after meeting connection #1 & her mother’s family, and while her personality didn’t change, she grew a little more reserved, caused a lot less trouble ( at least large scale trouble anyways ) and was a little bit better of a person ( she really isn’t that bad just bad at controlling emotions ) 
she’s super protective of her family and friends. 
her feelings on the marriages are of irritation because she feels too out of control about it. she likes to be in control of everything. losing control reminds her too much of her early life as a vampire ( which she’s really not all that proud of, although she doesn’t really feel guilty about what she did, per se, just about how out of control she was ) .
connections ;; 
friends ;; literally anything, tbh
best friend other than connection #1 ;; someone she’s known for at least decades. they know about her past and put up with her bad days
connection #1 ;; her vampire friend who she met in... when she was about 450 years old. they probably have a lot better control over their emotions.
family members ;; her mother’s extended family’s descendants are witches and only a few are left. 
exes/flings/etc. ;; someone she had a fling with during her darker days would be interesting tbh but i’m kinda open to anything. she wouldn’t have stayed in an actual relationship for long ( she has a few trust issues ) and she wouldn’t have had a lot of casual sex either except in the darker days
enemies ;; something she’s definitely made over time. 
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scvrletwtch · 4 years
;; tag dump !!
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