#∘⡊ ☾ ˚⊹‘゚aqυí ѕe va a вaιlar con poca lυz│interacciones.
scvrletwtch · 4 years
@witchsfoundling​ & @diviines​
--- She felt too scattered, and everything was beginning to feel like too much. She’d made an attempt to sleep, but sleeping when she was angry never really went well, so she’d eventually opted to skip sleeping altogether and slipped out onto the terrace after an hour of lying on the couch. It wasn’t like she needed to sleep anyways.
   She’d started out reading, focusing on the pages so her mind wouldn’t wander too far, but even trying to focus on the book was too hard, and she found herself letting her thoughts stray to the ceremony, the bond, as she stared out at the city. It wasn’t fair. She’d never wanted attachments, and sure, she’d agreed to the wedding to stay in Rome, to stay with her relatives. But she hadn’t agreed to a soul bond. She hadn’t agreed to anything that would tie her to anyone for the rest of eternity, at least in that way. 
   She tried to force herself not to think about how much she wanted to rip someone’s throat out, and instead made herself focus on the view, on the city, for some time, before finally dragging her attention back to the book she’d grabbed.
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   But by morning, she’d dropped the book on a step, not having processed any of the words, and was back to staring out at the city. Her mind was wandering through all of the things she’d done in her youth, and trying to decide if she could get away with repeating some of it here.
   Eventually, she pulled herself away from the edge of the terrace and stepped back inside, stopping in her tracks when she realised that both Rowan and Rosalie were awake already.
   “I suppose we have a lot to talk about...” Luna rubbed a hand over her neck before wrapping her arms around herself. She still felt awkward, on top of the agitation she was feeling over the whole bond.
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scvrletwtch · 4 years
--- luna ran a finger over the silver band absent-mindedly before she readjusted her saree. she’d worn it mainly because she’d imagined her parents faces if they were there, the disappointment if she didn’t have at least something traditional, after she’d spent her whole human life avoiding this very situation. though, she hadn’t wanted to show up underdressed, either. it would have been rude. and she’d been glad she had dressed up, since rowan and rosalie both looked so nice.
   she wished they’d had longer to get to know each other before the wedding. she’d have liked to have been able to know them better, before they were actually married. and now she was annoyed about the soul bond. what a surprise, indeed. to have it sprung on them after they’d already been bonded. she pulled herself from her thoughts, realising she’d been staring at someone for probably too long. she took a deep breath, “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to stare,” she said, though the words came out a little flat. she plastered on a smile, though.
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scvrletwtch · 4 years
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--- luna looked at the menu for the small cafe, turning towards the barista, “ i feel that it is important that i should tell you. you have called the chai latte a ‘ tea tea latte ’ . it seems silly, no ? ” she asked, taking her coffee when it was held out to her by the very disgruntled looking barista. in her defence, the menu was handwritten, so she assumed it could be edited easily enough. she shrugged, offering a thank you and turning to find a spot to sit. @bloodwedstuff​
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