#he’s a storyteller and he knows what makes a good story
pepurika · 11 hours
what inspired you to tell the story of a character like jamis? was he one of the first characters you came up with, and was his character role/creation really tied to remy from the start? you've done a really wonderful job at showing his growth/arc so far, and it seems like jamis and remy grow really in tandem with each other, so I was wondering how you came up with them and their struggles (for example, if you've just always been drawn to those character archetypes or if someone you know/a character you like inspired you) sorry for the long question!! i really love tigers <3 you're such a good storyteller!!!
Jamis and Remy were very tied together from the start! I wrote this whole story with the thought that Ludo/luck and jamis/remy will be sort of different sides of the same coin- jamis and remys arc is... softer? to me, more about the social structures and relationship drama- while Ludo and luck are more explosive and adventurous, creepy and wild.
balancing between the two storylines has helped me so much staying interested in drawing this story for years, every now and then when I grew tired of either one I could always switch to the other. highly recommended trick for other webcomic makers with adhd lmao!!
anyway about jamis; I needed one character that was a counter balance for all the secrecy and plotting in remys life- he lives in the world of traders where he has to navigate a sea of lies and schemes, and jamis is the complete opposite of that world- even to a fault maybe! he always speaks his mind, and he is true to his feelings (even if he might not understand them himself...) summa summarum, I wanted to make a character that's easy to love and easy to forgive, and even if he makes a ton of mistakes, they don't come from a malicious place.
and about remys and jamis love story, I just really wanted to write something that felt kind of doomed from the start (from remys pov at least haha), but then slowly... there builds up a chance, that even if you live in this world where you have to hide your love, there is a possibility for a happy ending. and I wanted it to build up slowly until- well, you'll just have to wait until the end to see what I have planned!!
also, to me remy and Ludo are the duo-main characters of this story, Ludo on the front as the one who makes things happen, and jamis and luck are the supporting characters for their stories. so everything rotates around Ludo and remy!
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qsycomplainsalot · 18 hours
So as a good NB bisexual trad wife married to a Jewish trans person I was in church this morning trying my hardest not to fall asleep on the good lord's shittiest seating arrangement, as is custom. Cutting right to it, the sermon was weird. What I listened to was a French translation of a text by one Gary Heinz, whom I've been told is a Canadian pastor but the only one I could find online is from the Carolinas, with a degree from Charleston, so for the purpose of this post I'll just say he's American in the same vague way as his tomato-based namesake.
The sermon was talking about the tale of the good Samaritan, which most people know about, and was composed thuszthly. First it goes over the tale again, then it helps define the elements of it and how they're relevant to the point made by our boy Jesus. The priest sees a naked beat-up man on the side of the rode, presumably from a mount, and decides not to get involved even though if he had any way to know the man had been Jewish he would have been bound to help him. The second man is a Levite, traditionally someone who helps priests and knows the law just as well, but decides not to get involved either. The third guy of course is a Samaritan. The Samaritans are a distinct but very closely related ethnoreligious group to the Hebrews/Jews, who we are often told hate them. The Samaritan helps the person, provides first aid, props him up on his horse and walks him to an inn where he houses him by giving the innkeeper two pieces of silver and promising to pay any extra cost on his next trip back. This according to the preacher is a symbol of limitless charity, we'll get back to that. The context of the tale was a smartass asking Jesus what to do to be saved and when being told to do unto thy neighbor as you would doeth unto thineselfe (in Middle English, which was very confusing at the time), follows up by asking who his neighbor was, aka who he should apply the law to. The point being made is that although the law could be read and almost bent into only applying to people you care about, only people you're explicitly meant to treat well and even then only once you're absolutely sure they're marked as such, it's more important to follow the spirit of the law which is to be kind to everyone. Which is a good message.
So why am I kvetching ? That was only the first part of the sermon, and if you thought the second part would be about linking that message to current event you'd unfortunately be wrong. It's instead focused on finding, or making up really, symbolism in the story that foretells the passion of Jesus. You see the Samaritan was really a stand-in for anyone you might hate, including, and I quote, "a Nazi or a member of ISIS", because even they can be saved and be your neighbor for the purpose of doing unto them like unto thyself. And the two silver coins well you see they would pay for two nights and on the third one Jesus comes back from the dead. Now I'm not an expert on the cost of living in Ancient Judea. But Gary Heinz isn't either so I'm gonna say it, he pulled that number out of his ass. Also a little confused about the same storytelling element being earlier compared to limitless charity, only now to be quantified as worth two nights at a B&B. But that's just nitpicking, what I'm really tired of is every reading of the holy texts [cut to meme] by Christian preachers devolving into improv rapping about Jesus and how he died for us. The lessons in the Bible stop being broadly applicable to daily life and are instead contrived into fifty different ways to say "he is risen" like it's isn't the sole fucking reason we're in church to begin with. That's usually bad enough, but when a pastor says that the Samaritan in the tale of the good Samaritan was here for shock value and could be "a Nazi or a member of ISIS", this changes the meaning of the tale to "be kind to everyone regardless of who they are, including Nazis apparently", from the original condemnation of prejudices. The Samaritan didn't chose to be a Samaritan, he's not doing any harm being a Samaritan, and the tale shows that his religion being slightly removed from orthodox Judaism isn't as important as his doing good and helping his fellow man. I don't think someone who joined a political party predicated on the extermination of minorities would fit that message, and I think changing said message to a more broad declaration of love from Jesus is ignoring what people need to hear these days where prejudice against minorities makes up 90% of the news.
And you might say it's not really a preacher's job to raise awareness for current events, but I'll ask you this: is hearing about how Jesus totally died for you every week supposed to make me a better Christian ? Or is learning that he told us pretty much in clear text not to hate minorities based on prejudice gonna do that. Cause I think most Christians need to hear the later more.
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rowanwritestoomuch · 2 days
The Best Writing Advice I've Ever Recieved
"There are no original stories. Only new ways to tell them."
On it's face, this might seem like terrible advice and so disheartening, and for me, it was. I asked so many follow up questions to expand on what my mentor meant by this, and he offered only this; 'we created every story there ever was before the beginning of time was recorded, before we could read or write, when we were sitting in caves casting shadows and craving pictures on the wall. Every archetype, every trope, every cliche, every character arc, every plot twist--- its already been done. So do it your way.'
For a long time, I thought this meant I needed to be unique, that I needed to literally find a new way to tell the stories I wanted to tell, which fit into tropes and archetypes and plot points I understood, and I agonized for hours twisting my ideas into every possible shape in order to make them as unique as possible-- and turning them into something completely incomprehensible.
I spent a lot of time stewing on this advice, trying to find my new way. Wondering, were there stories that hadn't been told? Could I be the one to finally figure out a way to tell a story that's never been done before? How do I tell my story in a way that doesn't remind anyone of anything else they've ever read?
And I focused on that. Guess what? The text was boring. Soulless. Contrite. Banal. Like the world's beigest pillow.
And if that last line struck you as familiar, it's popular from AMC's Interview with a Vampire right now, a fandom joke. And fandom is what taught me the thing I really needed to know from this advice; references aren't bad. Your media being akin to other media like it isn't a fault. I don't need to create a new story, I need to tell my own story, in my voice.
Telling a story in a your own way will always be new, will always be unique, will always be something that has never been done before; and to tell those stories in a way that resonates with us and the audiance, looking back on all the storytelling before us, and leaning on it rather than running away from it, using it to guide us, help us, hold our hands while we learn to sing with our own voice the song of generations and generations before that are all connected through storytelling---
that's what he was trying to tell me.
Your idea is good; it's been done before. That's okay; let that help you.
A story will be unique because you told it.
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kvothes · 1 year
sooo true about kkc. reading it was a life altering experience for me but also every time I think about the felurian bit i wanna commit a violence. like yes kvothe is special. it could've stopped at being able to play his lute with broken strings (which works bc he learned how to in a time of great misery). it didn't have to be that he could, as a virgin teenager, [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] the fairy of fucking who turns everyone insane and just leave her there with no obvious consequence besides a boost to his self-esteem bc now he is a special boy who also Fucks 😮‍💨
oh the felurian chapters are the worst yeah. and like… i don’t want to give rothfuss too much credit, but i do think there’s a certain amount of unreliable narration going on. like, kvothe is telling this story himself, and we know there are things he elides or speeds through. so that part of the book deeply annoys me but i think it’s a very deliberate move on kvothe’s part or continue this myth of how he wants to be remembered—especially since it is happening around this horrible, horrible encounter with the cthaeh.
and it’s so funny! because he does also, in his narration, admit to weakness and mistakes and doubt. we see him shatter over and over. but i do think stuff like that is meant to bolster his image in a really obvious way.
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ratatatastic · 26 days
"Alright and then my last question on the celebration because we are huge fans of this—maybe the greatest establishment of all time—how was the party at E11even?" "From what we remember? Yeah. You know, that whole week was crazy."
Empty Netters | 8.26.24 (x)
"The next day—" "Still haven't slept?" "Still have not slept. That night I probably got an hour of sleep. Maybe 2 hours. The next night was the boys night in Miami. So we have dinner at Catch—which is... what a great spot down in Miami Beach! And then we go to E11even. And E11even put on one of the greatest parties I'll ever go! I don't know if I'll ever go to a better party!" "Big Dog's there? Pitbull?" "I can't remember! But it was—I remember. It was incredible! Like it wasn't even like guys were going crazy. We've been drinking for 3 days straight so you're already in the pocket! You're just enjoying all the fans and like the night that they put on for us was like—it was incredible! We own the place basically! It was so fun! A night I'll remember forever!"
Cam & Strick Podcast | 8.27.24 (x)
and just for prosperity sakes monty and swaggy had public signings at hollywood collectibles on the 29th and even 2 days after the event™ they could not remember jack shit about it (x)(x)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
so in conclusion: "so about e11even-" "i dont remember anything about it but it sure was fun ill remember that i dont remember 😃"
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shannonallaround · 6 months
After pondering on it for several days, I have officially decided I did not like the direction of KFP4 and have banished it from my brain. It is no longer canon. KFP4? What's that? Don't know what you're talking about.
#spoilers ahead#it wasn't all bad#I really truly loved the scenes with Li and Mr Ping they were wonderfully hilarious#and the music was great#BUT#I just did not like the direction they took Po's story at all.#and I'm kinda furious they subtly undermined Shifu's character#by making him “fine”/“not fine” with Oogway picking Po as his successor instead of him.#it was only a thing for 2 seconds for the sake of humor but it completely undermines his inner peace character development#first off why can there only be one successor#and second off why can't Po take primarily the fighting side and Shifu take the spiritual side#It FITS HIM#don't know if most people would notice that shifu's character was undermined but because he's one of my favorites I sure did and it HURT#also um the furious five WHY didn't we have them be the main characters with Po instead of the fox chick no one cares about#literally their interactions with Po that's WHY WE'RE HERE DREAMWORKS#also it's become really obvious to me that the fox girl was literally written just so they could cast a specific voice actress in a big rol#nothing against that actress I love her in other stuff but that was a bad move Dreamworks#and another thing#the movie's message about change not always being bad is perfectly fine and good in theory#but such character change is only satisfying from a storytelling perspective if the audience actually WANTS the character to change!!!#I don't WANT Po to stop being the dragon warrior! I don't WANT him to pick a successor! That wasn't satisfying!! like whyyyyyyyyy#Plus he's like way too young?? to be worrying about this??? Oogway didn't worry about it until he was literally 900 years old#Shifu is what in his 60s? 80s? and he hasn't picked one#why would they make shifu worry about po doing that any time soon literally at all#so there dreamworks#I banish this movie#I banish it for one thousand years#kfp4#kung fu panda 4#po kung fu panda
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obstinatecondolement · 10 months
I have a lot of fondness for clunky Hallmark Christmas romance movies with rock bottom production values, vaguely established and extremely contrived plots, dodgy dialgoue, often questionable line readings, and child actors playing a kid who seems either three years younger or older than themselves. Hallmark have not undermined themselves with glib, self aware irony or attempted to "elevate" the delightful low artform that they excel in. Refreshing, honestly.
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seventh-district · 7 months
#it is 5 hrs past my bedtime and i am awake listening to Two Hearts by Dermot Kennedy on loop and crying over Rotating Shifts. again.#i couldn’t resist the urge to read the latest chapter any longer but i knew when i did i’d get like this#so Why did i wait for my period to roll around. i have made. a silly decision lmaooo#i’ve complained abt it before but i’m conflicted about how much more sensitive it makes me#my nightmares usually don’t make me cry but oh i was a Wreck this morning#so why i picked tonight to read the fic that always makes me cry is beyond me#i have never met a fic before that had me in such an intense emotional grip#and it’s fucking hilarious bc it’s not that intense of a story!! like yeah there’s been devastating parts but i’m out here having to-#-take a break every single chapter bc i’ll read one line that hits my inner child like a truck and i have to take a minute to recover#but the whiplash this fic gives me is so fucking funny and the range in the storytelling from comedy to tragedy is just.. *scream-cries*#it has my favorite characterization of Sun and Moon that i have ever seen#this chapter wasn’t even that sad i’m just Making myself sad about it#but on another level it also makes me sad in the sense that i don’t think i’ll ever be able to write something that good..#all that i want out of my writing endeavors is to make one (1) person feel as strongly and as much as RS makes me feel#and i don’t know if i can do that. i don’t know if my writing has what it takes bc i can’t even describe exactly what it is#i don’t think it’s a science that can be replicated. things either connect with someone or they don’t#the way Sun goes from worryingly innocent ‘wdym we can’t invite strangers to live with us?’ ‘wdym we can’t adopt an adult that needs help?’#to fucking. tearing an animatronic in half in a fit of protective rage and blocking access to all dating apps to prevent you from-#-finding anyone else bc he’s your Special Friend and he can’t have his Daydream falling for anyone else!! no no!!#it’s not a new concept but i eat it tf up when Sun is actually the one you should fear the most#like no i don’t think he’d hurt Reader but i dread to think of the things he would do For them#the back and forth between childlike innocence and terrifying intelligence possessiveness and physical capability is just mmmmm 100/10#and don’t even get me started on Moon. or i Will start crying again#he’s ​like yeah dumbass of course i’m gonna save you every time some POS man tries to **** you. of course i will you fucking crater-head#but i will complain at you about it the Entire way home and then i will steal your fucking toilet paper and pack you a raw egg for lunch#because i hate you 🖤 but Sun loves you and we would both kill for you 🖤 also i drank all of your chocolate milk 🖤 also i hate you :)#anyways i am paraphrasing obviously and dear god i hope no one who actually reads RS sees this bc i do not want my 2am ramblings taken as-#-any kind of Official Thoughtful Analysis of the story ok pls pls pls let me be insane abt my favorite fic without having to be articulate#i just have so many fucking FEELINGS about them. i am unwell.#i’m not even tagging this i’m just hitting post and going to sleep goodnight
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fragmentedblade · 1 year
No but even beyond the heathcliffean air of his story as a kid, Nelly scene and revenge fantasies included, and even beyond the identification of the self with the craft, the entire concept of Yingxing is so good.
The glimpse we get of the relationship he has with his master has so much potential. What it says about him, what it says about everyone around them, what it says about the kid.
The fact that already as a child Yingxing was vindictive, as he will be as Blade.
His self-consciousness about being a short life species, and how he is right to be self-conscious about it. How in such a short time, being so young, he's had to deal with enormous tragedy, so that he can even as a kid look the truth in the eye and admit it. Admit that he has to work harder, longer, more obsessively, and that still nonetheless there's little chance to get ever at the level of the long life species that look down on him and take him for granted. How he is able to overcome it.
It's incredible also in the context of Dan Feng. How both struggle with their identities and how they get new ones, but in totally opposite ways. Dan Feng is weighted down by what he is and what he can do, and wants to escape that fate, and dreams of a new life in which he can be something else; and Dan Heng is born. Yingxing takes pride in that which he can do, something he wasn't born into, something he had to work very hard to achieve, and that was the path to overcome the prejudices and undermining gazes he had to bear as a short life species. He crafts his place into the Xianzhou society and becomes the legendary Furnace Master. Even on a more personal level, one could argue this is his way of maneuvering his life, of expressing himself, this is how he deals with things; like his relationship with Jing Yuan having a turning point after giving him his weapon, or how he crafted that jade flask. And then he loses his ability to create and loses himself; he becomes Blade.
The fact that even as an adult, as an exceedingly arrogant craftsman, something of the shy self-conscious kid remains is both endearing and heartbreaking as well. In some ways we still see that in Blade.
We also see echoes of that personality in Mr. Xiao, who worked under him. And that alongside his craftsmanship, his ability to fix and create auromatons even though they are vanishing in the civilian landscape, live on through Mr. Xiao. And die alongside him, for Mr. Xiao too has become but a relic of another time.
The way the other stories of craftsmen enhance facets of Yingxing's is so good too. Mainly in the story of Master Ryan and Chengjie, with the insight we get of the struggles of short life species in the Xianzhou, especially those dedicated to a craft, and how hard it is for them to reach positions of prestige. It also poses the question of how we can transcend time, if it's possible at all, and how the sharing of knowledge, the passing down of skills, the shared loved, is one of the answers. This was all already significant before, but the information gains weight with the existence of Mr. Xiao. I'd argue there's echoes of Yingxing even in Master Gongshu. His love for his automatons, his sincere fondness for them, his pride on his job, his loyalty to his position and duties, the way he is both hard and stern as well as loving with his apprentices, and how he talks about short life species.
On a sort of ontological way, it's very interesting to see how Yingxing goes from craftsman to tool or weapon, from creator to creation, from subject to object. The potential in the context of Abundance/Destruction is also extremely intriguing, I think. He who created is unmade by a curse of Abundance. He who forged weapons now follows that path of destruction. There's so much going on with Yingxing conceptually around the cycles of death and rebirth, destruction and creation; it's so fitting that now Blade is stuck in such a cycle in the most literal way.
And it's so fitting too that, in all this context, given Yingxing's entire story, Blade's entire being, that which he made unmade him. That which he created and gave him so much pride was the weapon that killed him. And now he wields it himself, his tool of revenge while he follows the path to eternal and irrevocable death.
#Yingxing#Blade#I talk too much#Fragments and scraps#sort of. I think I'll delete that tag when I save these ideas somewhere else#These are only some of the things I can't stop thinking about#Among other things I wondered what it must have been for Mr. Xiao to see his master's face everywhere around the Luofu#Fu Xuan makes a comment about not believing the short life species are necessarily less knowledgeable and that also said a lot I think#Due both to how she worded and the context. How it seemed to be another sign of her superior wisdom that she realises this#but how it's still an extended pov along the Xianzhou#The idea of being/becoming/losing oneself through and/or because of one's own skills and abilities is also applicable to Jing Yuan#I don't know. There's really so much to think about and dissect. It's so juicy#For real Yingxing is so good as a character. I didn't expect something so good and so well crafted#(and so in tune with all my favourite characteristics and stories. I've not talked#about the Orphic elements and the suicidal tendencies here‚ or the play on betrayals‚ but goodness)#I really wasn't expecting something as good and with so much potential (I am so afraid of them ruining the writing)#The way the worldbuilding and the little glimpses at everyday life of NPCs enhance every concept forming the character is amazing#I truly can't stop thinking of Yingxing/Blade in every facet he has. The very way we are told things is telling#I always say form is substance‚ and I mean it. Yingxing's and Blade's story is such a clear case of this#The fragmentary condition of the storytelling as well as the different levels of trust one can give to every fragment works magnificently#with Blade as a mara-struck person dealing with memory loss and the loss of the self#It also works well with Dan Heng and Jingliu going through something similar‚ with Jing Yuan being manipulative and deceptive and silent‚#with Baiheng being dead. Ironically in my opinion it also works very well with how it seems to be hinted that both Dan Heng#and Blade may recall more than they let on or admit. I'm talking a lot and I should stop already but yes. I can't stop thinking about him#He's skyrocketed to the higher positions in the list of my all-time favourite characters in no time at all#Or at least his potential has. Goodness‚ I hope they don't ruin him...#Ugh I've talked way too much. I'm going to have to move the tags
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how do i explode
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rotisseries · 8 months
what’re your thoughts on live action zelda movie? i assume they’re not positive !
so glad you asked! my plans for the premiere will be a suicide bombing at nintendo hq! hope this answered your question!
#I think it's a bad idea lol#I think zelda is not a good franchise to try and adapt to a movie format in general#because it's very much a story that uses the fact it's a video game to TELL the story. so putting it in a different medium changes that#and that isn't to say that an adaptation can never change things about what it's adapting in fact the mark of a good adaptation#is often knowing when and where and what to change and how#but soooo much of zelda and it's appeal and storytelling comes from the fact it's a video game. so I can't imagine liking it as a movie#and then nothing about it is inspiring confidence#I think if they absolutely HADDD to adapt loz. it should've been animated. loz is a franchise where the art direction is really important#so. taking that away is. a choice#and then the movie is being directed by the guy who directed the fucking MAZE RUNNER MOVIESSSSS😭😭😭#and those are. well the quality is. tbf the fact that the maze runner is just not amazingly well written was working against that too#but still#the only possible saving graces are A. the guy said his aims are something to the effect of a live action ghibli movie#I don't have much faith in that being successful but at least he's trying?#and B. I will say the fact it's live action means they're probably going to TRY to take the story seriously??#if it was animated they probably would've treated it like the mario movie which would've been SOOO bad#ultimately though I think best case scenario is a mediocre movie we forget about#and worst case scenario it makes history with other well known godawful adaptations#yes im gonna hate it yes I will be watching it. unfortunately. I need to see how this turns out#ask#supercoolswampert#hi hanaan!#loz#loz movie
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fellhellion · 11 months
as a purely personal preference i honestly kind of wish sm/2099 had more self contained issues and/or specials, since the restrained format seems to really prompt the writers (PAD as well as the guest writers of the specials) to play around with and explore a particular niche of the world building implications of 2099 upon the characters.
#i honestly want to read some more of PAD's work because i get the impression that he gets kind of. lost??? narratively sometimes??? on the#journey to get where he wants to go w the point of the arcs#the first ten issues are - imo - as good as they are w their pacing Because they would've been the pitch arc yknow?#arc 2 has a Really interesting core idea that its driving at (exploring what the prevelance of cults and new faith religiosity#in 2099 is all about) but by the time you GET to the core of that arc it feels like weve lingered too long in the question of#'are supes back?' instead of exploring what that MEANS to the characters (and the fuckign xmen crossover oh lord <- hater disease)#because the mystery of 'are supes back' is just. honestly not that interesting when you dont explore what Effects this would have on miguel#esp right out of the gate of his first Real Spiderman Identity Actualisation. 'spiderman 2099 meets spiderman' seems to retroactively speak#to all of that characater unpacking i WANTED from arc 2 but the fact of the matter is that - imo - 2 spends too long on the set up and too#little on the implications of the answers WHICH ARE FACINATING ANSWERS.#also AS a hater of crossovers i just think dooms inclusion is very disjointed in the story. hes got some interesting stuff to say when hes#around but when he disappears for like 20 issues and by the time he does a military coup (the buildup to which was in his OWN run) ur just#kind of disorientated by his reemergence in the narrative. comic reader complains about hallmarks of the medium SURE but like.#for STORYTELLING purposes i feel like this isnt the best. like to prioritise reiterating miguels venom abilities so new readers know whats#going on w him but assuming its not going to be disorientating if doom suddenly injects himself into the narrative#where the stakes and buildup are in a COMPLETELY different run and never alluded to just honestly sucks as storytelling to me#like ur going to give new readers a power run down of the protagonist of THE RUN??? but not coordinate foreshadowing for your own crossover#???? like i KNOW that would be a lot of work but its also like. why NOT make the effort to do it effectively yknow?#tunes talks critical#man this went all over the place#tunes talks 2099
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
I'm still thinking a lot about Ion's grave, and then ranking Ion below Orupeusu in terms of "Most Loved" of the Sunchildren
If you go by Ion's grave, there's a lot of sigils around it -- sigils that you may come across while traversing Enkanomiya (I don't really know if it means much of anything, but iirc I think the sigils also looked like the map of Watatsumi Island--). Maybe the sigils were something related to Ion's fortunetelling for his people -- a charm of good luck he'd give to them to give them some assurance against whatever bad fate awaited them
I guess my brain's going a few different ways with this:
Maybe the people gave Ion sigils to commemorate him because of the joy he'd bring with his fortunes for them. To express their love and gratitude for his act of kindness
In the face of all the false fortunetelling he did, the people would choose to neglect Ion instead, meaning that these sigils instead were made by his caretaker to commemorate him when no one will.
On the same note, because of the false fortunetelling,the people would cast aside the sigils given to them by the Sunchild, returning it back to the Sunchild's side at his tomb. Numbers of false promises of a better life than the one dealt to them.
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butchlifeguard · 2 months
primrose's ch3 is GOOD btw
#fucking simeon bro.......#i cant yap too hard without doing spoilers so heres another tag to fill space lalalala#ot1 spoilers#octopath spoilers#ANYWAYYY it starts with primrose coming back to her hometown which is already pretty strong#seeing a guy Fucking dying which is a great way to establish the harm done by the obsidian people and establish their power#.because if they didnt have a great amount of political power simeons entire motivation would fall through#but in the flashbacks he was sooo fucking good the writing (+ eng translation) did a good job of creating a gray area#between 'nice guy who is also courteous because primrose is a noble' and 'creep who might have a slightly overbearing crush on this kid'#bc shes like. 8 right ? and hes old enough to work as a gardener w/o his parents also being in service of the azelharts#so probably 17 at least?#ok um. i just looked up his age on the wiki and i dont know what the fuck is going on there#i didnt spoil myself but why is he 126.#anyway i actually feel like thats worse 💀#and then his breakdown calling himself primroses one true love..#shes so good i love the contrast between everyonee calling her beautiful + whatever the fuck helgenish and simeon were doing#and her showing no romantic interest in anyone. romance repulsed icon tbh#3 people this chapter were like 'lady primrose you have grown so beautiful since we last saw you' and shes like 😐#coming back around to simeons twist villain shit they went OFF reinforcing primroses performer theme#'the crowd gasps' etc etc. DAMN BRO#a lot of her story is theatrical drama coded ime. like with the ending narration saying 'tragic or happy ending'#she does seem like a dark take on a princess archetype which is cool#anyway the actual use of the game is good here too#the dark screen after she gets knocked out with the perfectly timed music??#and the flashbacks and the use of the titles on peoples speech bubbles#because the shift from 'simeon' to 'simeon the puppet master' kind kf made me lose it a little bit#RIGHT BEFORE the flashback where hes just 'gardener' ? yeah thats a banger#overall this is fairly simple good storytelling but it all comes together along w the actual game mechanics to make one of my...#... favorite chapters so far. plus im really excited for her ch4 now.
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obsessed. OBsessed. finally some good fucking food
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butrememberthesong · 5 months
actually on a similar note
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