#he’s a great person to bond with over these things shame he is not actually real
loverboydotcom · 9 months
im so bobby from my novel the way im on the bus listening to judas priest’s 1984 album defenders of the faith whilst going through waves of nausea
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Every time I see a Wedding Impossible GIFs on my dash I keep thinking that when it's over I'd love to read your take on what went wrong with this show. In a form of a very spiteful rant preferably.
(the show probably doesn't deserve too much of your time but I am just very VERY curious and had to share)
WELL! I was considering just letting this show go quietly into the night, but I will take this excuse to do a good rant instead.
*cracks knuckles*
You asked what went wrong with this show, but truly, nothing went right with it. From top to bottom, it's an utter waste of a good premise and a total destruction of the rare opportunity to get some positive queer rep into a het kdrama for a broader audience than will ever be reached by a ql. Let me list the most glaring problems:
They made Do Han a supporting character in his own narrative. Do Han, his sexuality, his desire and need to hide who he is to protect himself, and his desperate plan to avoid a life he doesn't want is the core of the story. Despite that, the story treats him like a minor supporting character with limited screen time and virtually no interiority or character development that made any sense.
The relationships were poorly written and the bonds were not believable. Ah Jeong was meant to be Do Han's ride or die bestie, but nothing in their scenes together or her behavior towards him suggested this was actually true. They seemed more like acquaintances who were friendly enough but had no real loyalty to each other, or even like she was a random actress he hired to play his wife. And Ji Han and Do Han had no brotherly bond or affection to speak of; their relationship consisted entirely of Ji Han throwing tantrums and demanding things for no reason other than he wants them, and Do Han trying to avoid being forced into them.
The leads were terrible people and the show did not realize that. Do Han's brother and best friend entered into a romance while she was engaged to Do Han. Ji Han thought it was a real relationship and did not seem to feel any guilt about pursuing his brother's lover. Ah Jeong was under a contract she agreed to as both his best friend and as a job to protect him and did not seem to care that she was breaking her commitment and threatening his safety. They gallivanted around flaunting their relationship in public with no regard for Do Han or his reputation whatsoever. And the show tried to convince me that Do Han was the selfish one in this scenario for the great sin of being gay and not just fucking off and getting out of the way of their relationship. Ji Han and Ah Jeong were never held accountable for what they did to him; instead we got to watch many scenes of Do Han being shamed and berated. Anyone who contributed to the writing and depiction of this can get fucked.
Every element of the story was poorly written and the resolutions were either unearned or so badly set up that they fell flat anyway. Do Han was being harassed and stalked and the story only barely cared about this. The family drama was boring and the grandpa character was a mess of contradictions who changed on a dime depending on the demands of the plot. There was no chemistry to speak of between the leads. The romance was utterly unbelievable and developed so poorly that it was impossible to care about whether these two assholes got together. The show used romcom tropes randomly to fill time even if they didn't fit. The final episode was stuffed with cameos by actors with personal connections to the cast and crew in the hopes it would distract us from what an unsatisfying conclusion it was, and the whole thing ended on a bizarre wedding gag that didn't work at all. The only good part was Do Han coming out on his own terms and leaving to go live his own life in New York, but the way they framed that was so gross I couldn't even enjoy it.
Most importantly, the messages of this show were deeply, unforgivably homophobic. This story went out of its way to tell us over and over again that Do Han is a selfish coward for being closeted, that his sexuality is a burden for his loved ones, that his family and friends are the real victims for having to deal with him, and that he was the one in the wrong for trying to protect himself. At no point was he allowed to get truly angry at the way his family and friends were treating him; he remained benevolent and shouldered the guilt and blame for everything, despite doing absolutely nothing except try to live an authentic life. At every turn the show depicted his siblings and grandfather and friend being hateful and/or careless with him, but then told us it was Do Han's fault for being who he is. They wanted us to blame the gay character and sympathize with a brother who resented him for not being the straight business leader he wanted him to be, and a friend who betrayed him without a second thought. The show argued passionately that the lies Do Han told to protect himself were the real problem, not the homophobia and hatred and rejection he faced every day of his life. It was an abysmal and offensive message and exactly the opposite of what a responsible piece of media would be trying to communicate.
I don't know if the people who made this show are actively malicious or just deeply incompetent, but they had no business telling a story involving a queer character if they were going to do it like this.
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aph-centric-fixs · 2 months
Zane with a fem reader he thought was a guy because of her avatar online headcanons or smth? :3 I think that'd be funee
Not at all like the game!!
Sure!! I've seen this trope in basically every fandom I've been in, and honestly I've got no problem with it as long as it's not made into a weird thing.
Zane x female! Reader (referred to with he/him in the beginning)
CW// possible ooc? & writing
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In all honesty, Zane never thought he'd get so hooked on a game, he was never the type. It just sort of ran in the family, not being too obsessed over games.
The only reason he even got the game was so he could play it with Aphmau, she wouldn't stop bothering him about it so he gave in. And here he is now, playing the game whenever he has free time. It was honestly embarrassing, especially after he reached a higher rank than Aphmau- she had been playing so much longer than him!
It wasn't all as bad as he expected. The story was decent, the characters customization was great, and the community wasn't all horrible. He had found a small guild to join pretty quickly, not too many active members but enough to go on raids and such. The boss of the guild was a high ranking player, good gear and all, and yet he never fit the stereotype of other high ranking players.
He always welcomed low levels into the party, and easily carried anyone who needed it. Zane felt a little embarrassed at times, having to ask him to help him defeat this one boss but he never once shamed Zane.
Over time a great bond grew, Zane and his new best friend raided dungeons and castles almost daily. It didn't come to that much of surprise when the question of hanging out in person was raised. Chatting in and out of the game led Zane to know he was an adult and not some kid, boy would that be horrible for him.
Setting a time and place was easy, though it came to a surprise on both ends that they lived in the same state, much more the same city. A park was decided to be the best place, nice and public while also not too far for either one. Plans weren't exactly made after that, Zane just figured it would be a go with the flow type of thing.
The hangout date came quicker than he thought it would, leaving him to be nervous all morning and on the way over. What if he didn't like Zane? If his voice was too squeaky or something? God, this was high school all over again!
When he arrived at the park he looked around at everyone there, no one looked like who he thought he was looking for, so he sat down at a bench and waited. He basically stared a hole into his phone waiting for a message to pop up. While he waited some one came and sat next to him, and he couldn't help but take a glance at the pretty girl next to him. With a scoff, Zane went back to looking at his phone.
With a small vibration his phone notified him of a text. Quickly opening it he almost laughed with the seemingly worried 'where are you!!' message. He didn't wait to type out a response of 'on a bench' and waiting for a reply. Imagine his surprise when he got back a 'me too!'. I mean there weren't many benches at the park, and most were taken up by families or couples. The only bench without one was...
Wait a minute. Zane turned to look over, almost stiff as he watched the girl next to him type... And his phone go off.
"You're a girl!!??!" He said, watching the poor person next to him jump and drop their phone.
It was silent between the two, him staring at you, you staring at him. Slowly reaching down and picking up your phone, you looked down at your phone then back at Zane.
"Your avatar looks so like you" Zane's eyes basically blew out of his skull with how much he was surprised.
"Oh, I could say the same for you" He bit back sarcastically, only to be met with a laugh. Rolling his eyes he put his phone in his pocket and crossed his arms.
With that confusion out of the way, the two of you started to chat, mostly about actual stuff rather than game stuff.
"So why'd you choose a guy character anyways?" Zane asked out of the blue, closing the small silence that had just passed.
"Well, girls in any gaming communities in general tend to get harassed. And the armor just looks so much better on male characters!" You replied, smiling and pulling up google to show him what you meant. With a hum he looked over your shoulder to see.
After a small bit of comparing male and female characters armor, Zane's stomach basically screamed out in hunger. It was embarrassing, but you didn't say anything other than a small laugh.
"Y'know, I know a good burrito place down the street" You suggested, standing up and stretching before looking back at Zane.
"Sounds good to me" He replied, standing up himself and following side by side as you two continued to chat.
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
William frustrates me beyond belief but I'm still so incredibly, madly in love with him. Also, reader is kinda yandere for William here as well. Reader is female.
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The pale moon in the night sky starkly contrasted the glow of a freshly lit candle, its warm flames just barely reaching the parchment of paper. Her hands shook violently as (y/n) analyzed it, word for word, heart racing in her chest as she positively beamed with joy, her (e/c) blown open wide with excitement.
William had written back to her. Finally.
The two had developed a friendship a little bit over a year ago but what William remained oblivious to was that (y/n) had been helplessly in love with him for years now. The Moriarty family was well known and regarded within polite society and their status as free bachelors boosted their popularity even more so, especially amongst the women. No matter which Moriarty brother entered the room, they would turn heads and people would talk. Be it in awe or jealousy, the entire family was something worth gawking at. Truth be told, their staff was also the hot talk of the town. They were easy to talk to and friendly, Moran and Bonde in particular. That was exactly how the girl managed to step into the threshold of the house and finally have a proper word with the handsome mathematician.
Their talks started off innocent enough with William indulging her with his company every now and then. She managed to slide through the tough cracks of the mysterious man, bit by bit. She would watch him grade papers sometimes, his gaze cascaded downwards as (y/n) played the role of the dutiful young lady who was minding her own business over some hot tea.
(y/n) was many, many things and eager was one of them. This, whatever this was - it was not enough for her. More, she needs more. Having afternoon tea with William was the highlight of her day but by God, it felt as though she was going to implode!! William, ever the gentleman, never once made a move on her, no inappropriate glance, no comment, nothing. Be it day or night William was constantly keeping her at the edge of her seat, wondering whether or not he would actually do something. Sometimes, if she was lucky, she could feel the touch of his slender fingers against her own as they both reach for the sugar. Their eyes would meet and William would give her a sweet smile, never actually recoiling in shame or embarrassment. Did this mean he was fond of her? Was she overanalyzing it? She couldn't know, William was such a hard person to get a good read on. (y/n) knew that no one was perfect in this world but in her eyes, William was more brilliant than the stars that hung high in the night sky.
Letting out a sigh, (y/n) hugs his letter close to her chest as she looks out the open window, the crisp air giving her a sense of relief as it blew into the room and onto her hot skin. It was so late in the evening, no one was awake now. What even was the point of all this?
Unbeknownst to her, William was wide awake in his office as he looked out his own window, his cheek resting on the palm of his hand as a wicked little smirk made its way onto his face. Several papers were sprawled out in front of him, all of which were your letters. William took great pleasure in reading them all from time to time and analyzing everything you said. You tried so hard to act like a perfect little noblewoman, always having a polite smile on your face and carefully choosing each word you dared to utter. He felt a little bad, toying with you like this, keeping you dancing on the very edge until you finally crack.
William was desperate to see the real you, the oh so jealous (y/n) who did her best to hide her seething rage in front of the other ladies who gushed about William right in front of you. He never failed to spot the way you bite the inside of your cheek, the rage in your eyes was so evident but oh so precious. He was selfish, keeping you on his tight leash like this but it was all worth it in the end. He was driving you mad with desire and before long, he was sure that you are close to your breaking point.
He can't wait to have you, all of you.
There was nothing in the world that could stop him.
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chaifootsteps · 23 days
(Long semi rant trying to dissect what the basis of stolitz bond is supposed to be)
Some time ago Viv liked fanart of Blitzø holding a broken gold chain round his neck tearfully saying “please don’t get rid of me” so she knows his reaction is Stockholm syndrome not love but she’s trying to sell it as love? Going by her “what are you doing here then?” Line from stolas, she thinks him crawling back and begging to be sexually abused again, means he is in love and wants stolas to be his boyfriend. Christ.
She’s really struggling to write their supposed connection. If it requires a tertiary character like Millie or Fizz to state it to us, that’s not enough. Millie made him mad, and Fizz was saying “well your jokes are so bad that anyone laughing at them proves how in love they are!” I mean cmon. That’s nothing. Everyone laughs at the jokes of a guy they want to fuck.
It’s never organic. Either someone purchases one of them to be owned by the other, or the person is forced against his will by some contrivance, to leave his home behind and get stuck with the other. Vivzie sees this force, coercion and transaction as the strings of fate connecting their pinkie fingers. Is she deranged?
I guess he blushed at stolas ugly human form and made weird faces during All 2 U, and even though she strongly established him as not wanting to have sex with stolas all throughout season 1 and the start of season 2, she’s trying to go back and tell us he actually did? The evidence being his photo on his phone, where the phone inexplicably hovered above then both without Blitzø holding it at all, and his confusing horny song at Full Moon. Sorry but no matter what I can’t unsee him as a rape victim who can’t accept anything else and is very hypersexual.
Stolas is a guilt-ridden rapist trying to overcome his lust and domesticate a prostitute his father bought him as a kid 25 years ago, who can’t fathom love and has severe mental health issues. The rapist then gaslights and devalues the prostitute in public shaming, until he sees the rapist as superior to him and accepts all abuse as deserved. He feels like he has to win his abuser back to prove his own worth. Then once the prostitute sees the rapist has an abusive wife, starts dating him like he always demanded. That’s her magnum opus.
I think she just can’t comprehend the psychology of someone who’s been forced to have sex with another person over and over. Gross as it is, you can become accustomed to it and try to find power in it. This is the psychology of sex trafficking. And in general, she doesn’t understand Blitzø at all. She can’t understand someone not loving stolas. She thinks that someone compartmentalising the trauma and forcing themselves to be into it, kindve a “fake it til you make it” type deal, she thinks that’s a sign someone is attracted, and falling in love. In that case I hope she stays away from victims who’ve become attached to their rapists. She would tell them they protest too much and need to grow up, stop letting their self hatred make them imagine abuse that’s totally not real and just assuming the worst, and settle down with them.
Sorry, take from this what you will, or don’t, it’s just my long winded dissection for anyone willing to read it.
No, it's a great dissection, thank you for sending it!
And the thing is, fictional Stockholm syndrome relationships are super fascinating in fiction; everyone likes them. If they'd just call Blitz and Stolas's relationship what it is and explore that to its full twisted potential, I don't think there'd be any complaints. I certainly wouldn't be objecting.
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bibibbon · 3 months
Loved the idea of dabi having to coach Shig... except I can't see him helping Shig at all...they are frenemies, emphasis on the enemy part.
But jokes aside....this make me think how Izu doesn't fit in any group or in any arc. I know I started this with a silly joke but ...when it comes down to it...Izu is not important, not really. There no connection to him nor an attempt.
Shiga in MVA got an army and the entire arc felt smth fro ANOTHER MANGA. There no mention of Izu. "Oh you wanted people to talk his name in every conversation" not that, I wanted people, the villains in this case, to recognize how powerful Izu is as it seems only the villains give credit to Izu.... but it's like he doesn't exist.
Shiga got an army and does .... nothing!
Shiga got money and does.... Nothing!
What happened to Daika is glossed over. We don't even know if Izu saw what happened in Daika (by tv or internet)
And it's a pattern since day 1. Izu is not allowed to really have connections, to bond with people...to grow.
MHA is a story where the mc is sidelined in his own story for no reason and he still gets blame in the story and fandom.
Hey @mikeellee 👋
I see where you're coming from with the whole Dabi and shigaraki are enemies first and friends second but in a situation where shigaraki is well more developed and actually proves and earns his title as the league of villains leader while utilising the MVA resources I feel like he would help Dabi with his revenge.
Hmm the point you bring up about izuku is interesting for sure. To me him not fitting in or not making genuine connections with other characters feels like an unintentional writing mistakes by horikoshi.
In the earlier parts of the series it's evidently clear that shigaraki was really interested and amused by Izuku. The guy literally had a picture of izuku, watched the sports festival and went to izuku for advice (the mall scene) he also showed interest and regarded Izuku's opinion about why people listen to stain and not him. Before shigaraki got the league Izuku was the closest person he could talk to and that simply disappears after he gets the league which is weird because shigaraki doesn't ever get a proper arc that shows him and the league bonding or becoming close rather he just promises them that he won't take away things they like as long as they work for him. Shigaraki in my opinion also doesn't earn the role of leader in the league neither does he do much to earn their trust which is why his line of caring about the league felt so underwhelming to me.
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In the earlier arcs izuku and shigaraki had some built up but that was sidelined and even when shigaraki had resources to conduct research on izuku and maybe even reach out he chose not to. The MVA had a lot of potential and it's a shame that horikoshi doesn't tie izuku into it especially because it's not only shigaraki that's interested in Izuku but also toga. The two of them could of looped and included Izuku and we also seem to forget that izuku strangely has a lot of parallels between the villains just in general!!
In my opinion the whole shigaraki and izuku sharing memories thing was a horrible plot point and was used to rush the build up between shig and izuku which was almost non existent at this point. One of my problems with it is that it really doesn't show much of anything from Izuku so all it did was have Izuku learn about shig and not shig also learning about izuku.
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Outside of the league Izuku's relationships in general aren't really any better either in terms of development. Izuku could of had a great relationship with various characters but they were either sidelined, not developed enough or overall horribly built.
A lot of the time Izuku only receives recognition from loved ones when he does something for them as evident in the vigilante arc. Also due to the lack of academia and academic/ filler type arcs in the series there really isn't a huge bond with Izuku and the rest of 1A
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ouroboros-hideout · 2 months
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Russian Girl
Alyona "Aon" Petrova 02/???
I am just a simple Russian girl I've got vodka in my blood So I dance with brown bears And my soul is torn apart
First look at corpo!Aon. Damn. It's so weird. But I like it. Not sure about the hair yet, and finding clothes is pain. But it's something.
Mayor wall of text and brainrot (and probably spelling mistakes) under the cut. Enter at your own risk.
I think I only talked about this AU in a Wip Whenever 200 years ago. So the core to it is basically that Aon never left Moscow to join a clan of Nomads and was more or less forced to stay and start her career at SovOil as an engineer.
She later meets Kurt through some "lucky" circumstances and leaves with him to America to work for Militech, fights in Unification War at his side and takes part in the creating Dogtown (what a delulu AU).
So far so good. I really like this "What if" -scenario a lot, but still had some difficulties with it which, I think, I know have solved.
Thanks to Ves and Olly for the insane Vlad Brainrot lately. Even if he's a sick bastard and I am still not sure why you want your precious OCs to suffer so much, but we don't shame anyone in this circus.
First thing that was a major stomache ache for me is the fact that Aon never got her "happy found family"-moments with the Nomads what is a huge part of her character developement in the main story. I know I shouldn't bother so much, since it's an AU. But I feel sorry for her, that I leave her in this golden cage.
Second thing I wasn't sure about is how she and Vlad would interact in this AU, since they would become "colleagues". They work in different departments, but they already knew each other so it would be weird, if they wouldn't have some touch points.
How to solve the issue with Aon beeing lonely in the Corpo-World: I had an idea for a person for a tiny little role in my main story for quite some time now but she always felt kind of "out of place" or "forced into the story". She (doesn't have a name yet. Just vague and blurry pictures in my head) is a Nomad in another clan as Aon, and both families have a rivalry going on. So they wouldn't have so much touch points because of bad blood. But she actually knew Aon's real father and would give her some major hints of what happened to him, after Aon's mom took her away into the big city as a lil baby girl. So I thought: why not bring her into the corpo AU. The how and why they meet shouldn't be to hard to figure out and I like the thought that Aon can get her "Nomad-Experience" through her and the stories she would tell. The feeling of freedom through a friend (or more ;) )
How to solve Vlads and Aons relationship: I decided they are something like medium-close friends. They are both huge loners, don't have many or any friends within the corporation or in general so they bonded over their loneliness. Vlad of course tried to rizz on her for quite some time, but she is resistent to his "charm". Still a very complicated dynamic. They can rely on each other, even if she is 80% of the time annoyed about anything he says or does, but it's still better than having no one around. Let's call it grumpy friends. I don't know how to put it better. And she kinda feels sorry for him, because she knows, that in his fucked up little head and heart is actually something human left, but he is unable to "get it out". For him she plays an even bigger role, besides having a normal social contact, because she knows about his little "accidents" and bodies, that need to be hidden afterwards.
I could go on with my blabbering about all of this for a lot longer but I think it's enough words for this post and I already start to lose the context and my head goes all over the place. Brainrot stronk! AHU!
Great, you made it to the end. Here's something silly for your endurance.
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allwormdiet · 9 days
Buzz 7.1
Oh boy, some calm, thank goodness, I hope there's no storm that might interrupt this somehow
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Oh, Taylor. You've gotta find a better way to score physical intimacy with people than this, you are not going to get what you're looking for
I was already a bit reserved about whether I thought these two would work out and that was before reading the rest of this arc, so...
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Does Lisa know that this is going to end the way it does? I can't imagine she would, she wants her team happy and the way things are about to go between these two is not going to be super happy. Maybe she's reading Brian wrong, if what he said is true about not being so good with girls, and her power is misinterpreting the data
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Taylor, you both fucked that up last night, don't pin it all on Danny. You could have told him and given him the opportunity to prove you wrong, to give you something better than the worst-case scenario, but you overruled that and left your home out of. Pride? Shame? C'mon girl.
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Fucking finally we get the Alec backstory
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Fucking creepy power, though I guess the real creep factor is that he's willing to use it and has used it to make a fucking slave army out of brainwashed women
On the one hand, I get pressing Alec for information, because all of a sudden that's something that the rest of them may have to worry about, but I'm not sure threatening him into talking is the way...
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I think that's the youngest age we have for a trigger event so far. And it was deliberately induced by Alec's father. Utterly horrifying.
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So... Alec doesn't seem to think he has any kind of moral core, and I'm not sure that's true? Lisa is still the only one out of the group who carries a gun, and Taylor is out here with a knife that she's used to take eyes and toes at this point; Alec's got a comparatively nonlethal loadout, so even if he doesn't feel bad about killing, he doesn't put himself in a situation where it's easy to do.
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Taylor, hon, I don't think it's on you to judge him, much as you would love to
Like. Was Alec even treated as a person before he got his power? Was he treated as a person after that? None of the adults in his life ever made an effort to raise him, because they were either his monster father or his father's brainwashed slaves who only cared about him, so any "parenting" would've come from older siblings probably about as fucked as him.
You know what? I'm laying it out here now. The fact that Alec is lazy, selfish, and kind of an asshole, who's not great at reading people and prioritizes personal pleasure over most other things? Actually no joke a huge mark in his favor, because that's who he's figured out how to be after spending 12-13 years of his 15-16 years of life in Hell (which, as I've long suspected, is contained within Montreal) and then three years on the run as a career criminal. The worst thing that I can say about him is that he acts like a shitty teenager, and people act like shitty teenagers while coming from normal homes. Congratulations, Alec, you will be getting a trophy for good behavior (given the circumstances) delivered in the mail
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This is sweet. Even with this unpleasant surprise, Brian is still reluctant to act like they'd leave Alec to deal with Heartbreaker alone
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This is the most obvious downside of the arrangement, setting aside the matter of "can we trust Coil" (hahahaha)
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Rachel, fucking bless you for being the voice of reason here
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Yes! Bonding time with Rachel! Friendship rank up with Rachel! Upgrade your Social Link with Rachel in order to strength Personas of the Chariot Arcana!
Actually has someone made a read of the Worm cast as Persona S.Links because I feel like you could make some interesting choices there, obviously Taylor fulfills the Fool/Wild Card role
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This is smart as fuck actually. She's basically cutting Brian off before he can interject as the head of the team and establishing her own stance within the hierarchy
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An explicit bargain, made with rules for Taylor to follow and consequences if Taylor breaks those rules, all slanted in Rachel's favor.
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One day you're gonna call her Rachel in your own head, Taylor, and I can't wait for that
Current Thoughts
Main thing with this chapter is that we've gotten all but one Undersider backstory filled in with Alec's ties to Heartbreaker laid out. Lisa's the last holdout, and I suspect she'll remain mum on the subject as long as she can get away with it
I'm still of the position that Alec reads a lot more shallow on the surface than he actually is, but all we have to go off of is what he says and what he does, with the trick that it's filtered through Taylor's own fairly biased perspective (she thinks he's a coldblooded murderer because his father ordered him to kill an enemy gang member, and that's certainly a read of the situation but she's just as likely jumping to conclusions). He's also taken care to not do much when he can help it, save for the Bakuda fight where he worked his ass off keeping them all alive. It's a waiting game to get to the meat of his character, I suspect, same as basically every other Undersider except Rachel.
Speaking of which, really enjoy the next chapters with Rachel. By far the Undersider I'd spend the most time with. We'd hang out with dogs and not talk to each other for hours, it'd be great.
Anyway, after a brief little scare with my entire account getting temporarily dropped from existence, I'm going to start using the alt I made @wormstreetsback as a backup for this one, on the off chance something goes horribly awry again. It's just going to be reblogs of my own stuff so don't follow it yet, unless you're fine with doubled posts.
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themetkayinaoracle · 2 years
Love At First Sight
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Synopsis: How each of these characters would experience love at first sight.
(Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Ao'nung)
Jake Sully
ok wo we have basically already seen Jake experiencing love at first sight with Neytiri
Jake 'cool guy' Sully is a major romantic
he has no shame in flirting and letting you know how he feels. none at all.
so I think it would happen somewhat similar to the first avatar movie, you rescue the dummy avatar about to get eaten
he sees you
and this is one of the few times Jake does not have a flirty pick up line ready to go
you're just so ethereal
he chokes on his spit a little bit
but Jake recovers smoothly
I like to think Jake has his own version of the Flynn Ryder smolder and BOY IS HE USING IT ON YOU
smoldering. everywhere.
puffing out his chest??? constantly???
but on the inside he is giggling, feet kicking in the air
I also feel like Jake is a blusher
I mean the tiniest thing could set him off
eye contact
physical contact
eye contact during the physical contact
he will blush at the drop of a hat and this BOTHERS HIM SO MUCH
but its actually really cute
I don't think Jake would right off the bat be like "OH we're in love"
but he is the type to be like "we're meant to be fs"
I love him.
Neytiri is not like Jake
at all
I feel like you guys would meet in the village
doing something mundane like weaving or picking fruits near the village
and she'd see you before you saw her
she's hiding behind a tree now watching as you delicately pick fruits and put it in your woven basket
I doubt the Na'vi have stories of love at first sight the way humans do
so she was flabbergasted
im talking her flabber was absolutely gasted.
why was her heart beating so fast?
her hands were sweating?
for why?
you eventually clock her hiding spot and peak ur head around the trunk of the tree, greeting her with a shy 'hi'
Neytiri is having a panic attack
she barely registers her own voice responding to you
Neytiri will look confused for this whole encounter
these feelings are very new to her
she kind of studies you a little, looking you up and down, eyes tracing over the intricate beading of your fkxile
I feel like in the end Neytiri would admit to herself that she was in love
it was the only explanation for how she felt
she wouldn't be outright flirting but lets be so astronomically fr
Neytiri is oozing rizz she just doesn't know it
Neteyam is like his mom
I know exactly how you guys would meet.
he would have minor injuries from a hunt gone sideways or something of the sort
and he goes back to the stronghold, looking for kiri- she was usually the one to tend to his wounds
a little sibling bonding moment
only kiri is busy helping someone else who is far worse for wear than Neteyam
so he goes to his grandmother...who is also busy
but she quickly calls someone over
its a name Neteyam doesn't recognize
and then you walk in
if the color could drain out of his face...it would
you were absolutely breathtaking
and immediately he felt like he was gonna puke
pretty people make him nervous
because of his nerves he'd be very short
I feel like at first you'd think he just didn't like you, or would rather be helped by someone else
but oh well, you were healing him and he'd have get over it
every time you touch him Neteyam gets even more rigid, eyes wide and staring at the same place in the hut
his mind is also going a mile a minute because holy fuck you're beautiful, you're touching him, you're talking to him, and he is absolutely bombing rn
it isn't until you hit him with a line confirming his thoughts
"I know im probably not the first person you'd choose to tend to your wounds, but bare with me I am almost done."
hes blushing fr fr
"NO. no. im just a little tired. we have not met before, I am Neteyam"
you smile up at him
its the start of a beautiful relationship
I think you guys would probably meet in the forest
she was prancing around just admiring the beauty
you were doing something idk
picking flowers
washing things in the river
something cutesy
kiri would for sure initiate the conversation
and she is making direct, intense, eye contact the whole time
kiri's smile is reaching her eyes so beautifully it has you blushing
I feel like kiri is also very touchy while she's flirting
in a respectful way
for example
you guys are talking and she'd run her hand along your arm
or reach out and 'fix' the beads around your neck
or or or
she'd push your hair behind your ear
"we should weave baskets together!" *grabs your hand*
but yeah kiri has astronomical rizz and she knows it
you know it too
Lo'ak is just like his dad
I mean
its almost as if Jake wrote a book, titled Sully Rizz, and Lo'ak has read and annotated that book cover to cover
you guys would meet after he just got yelled at by his dad
cliche I know but... its Lo'money you know how it is
and his dad would've been upset with him for wandering off and going into the 'dangerous' parts of the forest without telling anybody
basically Lo'ak was just going places he wasn't supposed and not letting people know in case of emergency
he'd be grumbling and mumbling to himself about how this is 'so unfair' or 'so not cool'
he's walked into someone
and he is quite literally about to beat this person's ass, he is just so frustrated and mad
then he sees you
hs never seen you before
but suddenly his anger is melting away???
he can feel himself calming down???
he's never felt like this with anyone before, and all you were doing was looking up at him
he did open and close his mouth a couple times like a fish before regaining his composure...kinda
"oh, oH, no no, my fault."
he'd smirk
rizz turned on to 100
he's using it on you 100%
on the inside he is absolutely screaming and giggling and so excited to tell Spider and Neteyam about you
on the outside he is suave, flirty, charming...but almost a little too much
he's overdoing the flirting just a little, and he can tell because you're looking at him like 🤨
and then he'd exhale, his puffed chest would go down, and he'd smile sheepishly
"we should go talk somewhere...if-if you're not busy."
he got in trouble again for being out late
but honestly??? he couldn't find it in him to care, not when he's holding the pretty rock you found for him.
alright y'all
the way of water????? nah. the way of rizz
the charm just flows in, out, and around Tsireya like water
but immediately it would all be gone
upon seeing you
she would be a blushing, giggling mess
at first she would be shy too, but then once she opened up a little in convo she'd have a habit of rambling
hi I love her so much???
I was gonna say y'all would meet when the Sully's came to Awa'atlu but we've already been there and seen that story line with Lo'ak and her in the movie
I think you guys would meet when she is working as a healer with her mom
it was after a hunt, everyone came back and you had a few cuts and scratches that were a little too deep to just ignore and go to bed
so you go into the healers tent, hoping someone would be able to help you and it is Ronal who has you sit on a mat and tells you to wait she'll bring over an 'apprentice'
the apprentice is Tsireya, Tsireya is the apprentice
she walks up to you, bowl of healing stuff in hand, and looks up just as she reaches the mat to meet your eyes
she nearly drops the bowl, it fumbles around a little in her hands before she gets control of it again
she's blushing
you are confused
introductions would be very short and she would have a ver difficult time making eye contact, like you'd meet her eyes and shed blush harder and look away
I think after some small talk-initiated by you- she would open up a fair amount
the rizz is slowly coming back
she's making more eye contact
its ur turn to blush now
you guys end up spending a little too long talking and laughing together on the mat
she had finished dressing your cuts and scratches a long time ago, half the time she was just reapplying things to get you to stay longer
bro doesn't have rizz
bro is just a little mean and calls it rizz
but it works!
for him I think you'd meet because you come in with the Sully family
you can decide if ur a sibling or a close friend they needed to bring along
in my personal opinion, I think Ao'nung would see you, be like what the fuck??? why do I feel like I can't breathe??? and then it would immediately switch to nah fuck them I don't like them
the first time you meet he'd be mad at you?
and you just thought it was because he didn't want you guys there
which was fair you guessed, but also??? that's fucked up fr
so you'd be the one to try and get close try and get closets him
always being partnered up for exercises
talking to him when you see him in the village
and Ao'nung is like??? what is this🤨
but he will warm up to you, comically fast
it's almost overnight
and suddenly its rizz galore
he's teasing you
very flirty
you can always feel him
Ao'nung kinda slays lowkey
I don't think he'd ever go through an awkward stage during this time tho
like he's showing you what he's feeling, he isn't hiding shit
Ao'nung W fr
I love this guy
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grucylover · 6 months
Thoughts on DM3. Don’t hate me. 😂
DM3 was not a bad film, I have seen a lot worse and I even went to see it at the cinema a few times. I’d rate it a 6/7 out of ten.
The problem was with it, it felt outdated with an 80s obsessed villian. Don’t get me wrong, I think Bratt is a great idea and I get the concept of it but just maybe with his own film, not in DM.
Aswell, I felt they took a lot of things away from us that were just getting started.
- Agnes sold Fluffy the unicorn though in DM2 she would have screamed the house down if anything happened to him and he was such a big part of the merch. But no, gone, sold to some lil blonde.
- We didn’t see much of Grus freeze-ray nor his tank of a car. - not a big deal but these lil things make the film what it is.
-There was no Fred. - again like the point above. I would have also have liked to have seen Jillian, I thought she was a great and (annoying) addition to DM2.
-Gru didn’t really bother with the girls or interact with any of them, well a part from Agnes. He didn’t even put them to bed like he used to and just left Lucy to do it all. He didn’t really seem supportive of her with her trying to be a mum I thought. If that was my husband I would have kicked his arse lol!
- Margo got engaged to some weird kid and Gru was nowhere to be seen but in DM2 he was this overprotective dad that would have broke his nose or something lol! I know Lucy had it in hand but…..ya know. I wanted to see the overprotective dad mode.
- We didn’t see much of the house which we seen a lot of in DM1/2 and I thought that was such a shame. Why couldn’t Dru just come to Grus house or something lol
- I disliked how the writers wrote out Dr Nefario (we won’t mention the actors name and no one would of cared if someone else was voicing him) but what a lazy way to just freeze him in carbinite. Gru didn’t really seem that upset over it though the Dr had been like a dad to him. Like ?????
- Dru wasn’t bad, it was kinda nice seeing Gru have some male company as if he was down the pub with a mate but I also found it odd they had all of a sudden put on him the temptation to go back to villainy when in DM2 he had that temptation but he wasn’t interested in the slightest. He just wanted to be a father, get a job, get his girl and that was it. Every scene was perfect, the actors, writers etc put all there heart and soul into it and you couldn’t have put anymore into it really, even if you tried. Gru was really at his peak in DM2. Maybe I’ve got it wrong. Idkkkk.
- I didn’t mind the Minions and personally I never do, I think they just add to the film and I don’t find them annoying. I actually liked the prison scene, I thought that was a pretty good idea tbh.
It even felt like at times the animated characters didn’t want to even be doing the storyline in DM3. 😂
3 obviously made a lot of money because everyone was still hyped around DM2 but came out of the cinema or wherever they first watched it empty handed.
Yes it’s ok chucking in a scene here and there with a treehouse or an Agnes and Gru moment to put in some heart but it was almost forced. The writers said themselves they struggled and just wrote for themselves which I found really sad as there is so much you can do with this franchise I think.
I’m ngl, I am a bit nervous about DM4 as I think this will be its last chance to survive but the trailer looks amazing and I’m already won over by the baby Gru Jr. I wanted them to have a baby in DM3!!!!! Really DM4 should have been 3.
Should have rhey aged the girls up. Yes and no. Maybe a bit? Tbh personally, I don’t really care. It keeps there innocence but I would like to see Gru bonding with them again.
It wasn’t all bad though, I liked Lucy trying to be a mom and the animation has definitely stepped up a notch to the point that Gru is pale AF now and they all look a bit different. Aswell the actors, Carell, Kristin did a great job as always.
This is all my own opinion so don’t come at me 🤣.
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gildedcageif · 1 year
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Ahmad: He believes he is really subtle, but is absolutely obvious about it. Overnight he is suddenly wearing only his finest of clothing and his hair is combed to perfection. He finds the stupidest of excuses to be near the person he likes. Suddenly, he has a bunch of gifts to give out also.
Like "Oh, look what I have hear. A million dollar ring I just found in my dresser randomly. Shame I can't keep it. It would look great in your finger. Want to have it?" or "anyway so I wrote a love poem about this person who looks like you, sounds like you, acts like you and generally just is you... oh my Annur, how did you figure out it is devoted to you? You are so smart. Here have a family heirloom by the way"
When my man is smitten, you can see it from another plane of existence. He is smiling, he is grinning, he is pestering their lover with gifts and whenever they are not around, he stares wistfully out of the window. Meanwhile he thinks he is super covert.
Selim: Selim is an expert at hiding his emotions. He thinks he is at least. He is kind of like Ahmad in that way.
He tries to hide how he feels, but then literally just stares at his lover the whole time like he wants to consume them whole.
When he falls in love, he becomes more considerate for lack of a better word. He leaves pauses in conversation desperately trying to find the right thing to say in order to pull them closer but also not too close for comfort. He thinks about them throughout. About small things he can do to help them out. His love will mainly be shown in how he helps them with their tasks. You have lots of work? No, you don't anymore. Some other concubine is bullying you? Oh no, they tripped and died.
It is a... unique way to express love, but it's still love.
Nazli: Nazli is actually good at hiding her emotions. You probably won't realise her emotions have changed until she tells you to your face.
The main changes will come from how much time the two of you spend together. All of your duties and tasks change suddenly and now they all involve serving her in some way- and thus spending all day with her. Then even at morning and night, she wants you to break fast and dine by her side.
She, similar to her son, also becomes very generous with gifts. Jewels, clothes, furs, art pieces, anything and everything that comes to mind is yours. Some of the clothes she has actually sewn herself!
You will know when she has a crush because she will literally come up to you and tell you. Girlie does not waste time.
But even beforehand, if she tries to hide it, she kind of does a terrible job at it. She is constantly smiling and giggling and blushing and stumbling all over her words. She constantly seems to gravitate towards her crush, finding an excuse to be around them and touch them.
When in love, she is the most affectionate person in existence. She wants to hold and exchange kisses and to brush your hair for hours. She even starts coordinating outfits with you so you can always match wherever you go.
The main tell is that she is constantly smiling. Like the world could be burning down and she is just giggling cause "isn't her love the cutest?"
She will also try to get you to bond with her son, Mustafa. She wants you two to have a good relationship so she will constantly be inviting you for bedtime stories or to play at the gardens.
Emil De Angelis
Emil is really, really good at hiding it. It helps that half the time he is so deep in denial that he genuinely misses the signs that he is in love or crushing on someone. When he does realise, he basically goes through an existential threat session.
When in love, Emil is not exactly like a talking feelings kind of lover. He may never say the actual three words, or say them very rarely, but that does not mean he does not feel that.
When in love, he will build whole ass statues and paintings devotes to their lover. Many of those will never see the light of day. They are not meant for the public eye. No they are meant for him to immortalise their love. Not to be feasted on by people who won't understand the magnificence of their love. (He is dramatic like that)
He generally becomes much more relaxed. He is glad to just lay down with them early in the morning and talk about utter nonsense. He does not mind wasting time so much if it is with them.
Helena is really obvious for a specific reason. She is a massive flirt. She will spend all her time trying to butter you up, using pick up lines to try and charm you.
The way you truly know she is in love though is when she gets flustered. Helena is a player. She likes to flirt, she likes the game, she likes to play around. The result of having so much experience is you don't get flustered too easily.
When she blushes, when she stumbles over her words, that is when she is hooked.
When in love, Helena wants to share everything with her lover. She wants to see them as they are, to understand them completely. And she wants the same to go for them. The total truth of it, nothing more, nothing less.
She wants to cuddle and joke and to go on wild adventures. She is the type to make grand gestures. Standing outside their window and singing to them type of energy.
Thanks for the ask!
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
In "His Dark Materials" by Philip Pullman, "dæmons" are essentially the soul of a person, which take the form of an animal outside the body. Dæmons are precious companions to their humans.
Rules for Dæmons (HDM):
1. Dæmons can interact with and touch another dæmon, but not another human. It is a taboo in of itself to touch another person's dæmon. Doing so can cause the person and their dæmons great distress and pain.
2. Dæmons can speak, but will mostly converse with their own human, and no one else.
3. Dæmons shape shift during the stages of childhood, but will settle into a permanent form once their human reaches puberty.
4. Dæmons are often the opposite gender of their human.
5. Dæmons also have names.
The story (and rules) for the AU
What inspired the AU
- Mario's dæmon is a lion (about the size and height of a Great Dane) and Luigi's is a ferret.
- Mario dæmon is called Eliseo
An Italian/Spanish name from the hebrew form "Elisha" - "el (God) and "sha" ("to help/to serve")
- Luigi’s dæmon is called Belissia.
Taken from the Italian female name "Bellissa - meaning fair/lovely one, and the Italian word "belissima" ("very beautiful")
- Unlike in HDM, the dæmons cannot talk.
- - -
Part 1 - The Beginning
- Thousands of years ago, amongst the Star Spirits, a prophecy came to be...
An evil King's rein spreads darkness across the land...
Two souls from another world are destined to put things right...
Though separated, they shall overcome trials to be together...
And the love of two brothers, shall restore the balance across all worlds...
- Mario and Luigi are special in which, ever since they were born, they have always been able to interact with each other's dæmons, without causing each other any pain.
- Others were quick to notice, and regarded this with fear and resentment. Adults were scared. Kids would bully them.
- The brothers were reminded over and over how wrong it was to touch another person's dæmon, and they must never do so with each other's. This ingrained itself in their heads so much, that the Bros actually (unknowingly) created a "barrier" around their bond, which prevented them from ever physically interacting with each other's dæmons ever again.
Part 2 - The Warp Pipe
- During a plumbing job, the brothers find a warp pipe, before getting sucked in. They are unfortunately separated halfway through.
- Mario ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Luigi ends up in the Darklands.
- Bowser is aware of what a dæmon is (thanks to having come across Peach and her dæmon years ago). He then proceeds to torture Luigi by holding Belissia - something that is of course taboo. Luigi is overcome with so much pain and disgust over his dæmon - his soul - getting held and hurt by this monster - that he ends up spilling everything about Mario, much to his shame.
Part ? - The Underwhere
- Halfway through the journey the Bros reunite but Peach is taken down into the Underwhere by Bowser!
- Determined to rescue her, the Bros prepare to go to the Underwhere...However, this comes at the cost of having to leave their dæmons behind, a process that is usually impossible and too painful - as dæmons cannot go too far from their humans. They are overcome by pain during the journey - but also realise that they can feel each other's pain; thus confirming that the spiritual connection that was thought to have been erased by the "barrier" is still there!
Part ? - The Final Battle
- The strong bond of their brotherly love (as well as the Power Star) is what is able to heal all worlds of the darkness leaking out from the Darklands.
Part ? - Post Adventure
- The Power Star "broke" the barrier and allowed them to finally interact with each other's dæmons again ❤💚
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sleepy-grav3 · 1 year
Bonding - Kikaku x Uramichi
A/N: Ok so... I love these 2 so much and there's... nothing on them... I can't find enough fanfics about this entire fandom. So I'm just gonna start writing random things to fill my empty heart ^v^.
Summary: Amon was stalking Uramichi, as usual when he ran out of show ideas. Thankfully, Kikaku was there to spot him and Uramichi, deciding to just drag the poor victim away and send a small warning to the script writer.
Tw: Swears, stalking, hopefully nothing else that I forgot about
There's not any actual romance, just a bunch of bonding because this specific idea got stuck in my head and just wouldn't correlate with actual romance... It does hint at one though.
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“I swear I’ve been getting this feeling once a week now…”
Recently, Uramichi has been getting the sensation that he’s being watched. And he was. And by none other than Amon, the writer of the show he worked on. The writer had decided to gain as much inspiration from Uramichi as possible by stalking him until his idea became more popular than Uramichi’s nightmare friend, Kotori-san, the creepy bird drawing that no kid actually liked at first.
So now, Amon was following the adult into a cafe.
“Maybe a change of scenery will give me a change of pace. A cafe should do the trick.”
“Hello sir, a table for 1?”
“Uh, yes. Just one.”
“Just one, huh? This guy must be a single gym rat who lifelessly works out to fill a void in his heart.” The waitress thought, inwardly sighing at how sad she assumed the man’s life was.
Sadly… she was spot on.
“Right this way sir!”
He was guided to a round table that had 2 chairs despite the table space seeming to only fit 1 person’s plate. Uramichi’s thoughts drifted to that subject once he sat down and was given the menu.
“You know, having multiple of these tables is good for more customers… but the space on the table is something that tends to make people realize their boundaries more. The small table makes it that 2 people are too close together, so only one person could comfortably put their arms on it, but doing so would make them feel selfish or overbearing because they’re imposing on the potential space the other had available. And they can’t properly stretch their legs either or else that’ll lead to them awkwardly brushing against each other. This table… This table is only welcoming to lovers or those who don’t have any awareness of personal bubbles.”
All of these thoughts only drained him further, making him not realize that amon was sitting diagonally from him, staring without an ounce of shame.
“He doesn’t usually go to cafes… I think I could get something great from this!”
Ding Ding!
“Damn bastard, I told him to stop putting up the pre-order pages when they weren’t approved…” Kikaku grumbled with a wide-eyed death glare.
“It doesn’t look that bad this time th…ough…”
Kikaku paused for a moment.
“Table for one this time, sir?”
He didn’t bother to listen to the hostess, snapping his head to the left, seeing Amon spying on Uramichi with a camera on the table and a notepad in hand. The hostess obviously noticed. Due to him being a regular, she knew that Kikaku had known him well enough to put so much attention on him.
“Oh, is that your friend? You can sit with him if you’d like.”
“Yeah, sure.”
He didn’t bother to look back, walking on over with his usual closed-eyed smile.
“Uramichi, buddy!”
Uramichi flinched, turning his head stiffly with owlish eyes.
“K-Kikaku? I didn’t *ahem* expect to see you here..”
“Yeah! I felt like a good coffee. Once I saw my good friend sitting all alone at a table, I couldn’t help but come over.”
His eyes opened with a dark look that shot straight at Amon. The said writer jumped with a squeak while Uramichi tensed, thinking that he was the target of the glare.
Kikaku’s expression went back to cheerful as he sat down.
A door to Uramichi’s heart seemed to creak open slowly as Kikaku took out his phone to see the cafe’s menu from there, as nobody gave him the physical menu.
“Seeing him calm like this is oddly comforting. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten with someone one on one like this before… Nobody that didn’t give me stress immediately after they spoke that is… This is a nice change.”
“Is my face that disturbing to you or something?” Kikaku questioned as he put his phone aside.
Uramichi tensed.
“No, you look just perfectly fine- I just- um…”
“What the hell do I say to him?”
“I never saw you come by here. Change of pace”
“Uh, yeah. It might sound weird but… I’ve been getting this feeling that someone’s been watching me. It’s every week now. I think my usual routine has gotten to me so I decided to.. come here.. Sorry, you probably don’t really care about it.”
“Every week now, hmm? When does it start? Actually… do you get this feeling when you get home too?”
That last part was said a bit louder, making the writer who had picked up his camera set it back down immediately with a jolt. Meanwhile, Uramichi felt his heart speed up just a bit, looking down at the menu still in his hands with a flowery aura around him. The door to his heart creaked a bit more open.
“He believes me.”
“It starts right when I get out of work and tends to end only when I get to the building.”
“Really now? Huhh… Well! I bet you don’t want to think about it at the moment- So what are you thinking of getting?”
“Just a strawberry shortcake, you?”
“Black coffee with as much sugar as they can put without poisoning me. Seems like the big boss wants me to design shirts with.. What was the bird called again?”
Uramichi pursed his lips, sweating a bit.
“I don’t know if he likes me or hates me.”
“Hello! Have you chosen what you want?”
“A strawberry shortcake please.”
“And for you, I’m assuming it’s the usual coffee?”
“Yeah, add a sunset lemonade for him too.”
“Right away!”
And off she went, making Uramichi look over at Kikaku for answers when he froze up. Kikaku had an elbow on the table, leaning his cheek on his hand.
“The lemonade here is pretty good. Anybody who doesn’t like their lemonade doesn’t have any taste at all and should just die.”
“Y-you must come here often then…”
“Yep. I come straight here for coffee and come up with designs late at night since the boss like to give me work last minute-”
His phone then rang. He looked at the caller ID and instantly clenched his jaw.
“Sorry about that, one of my side-chicks is pretty clingy. No matter how much I tell her to leave me alone, she keeps bothering me. The complete opposite of you and yet you’re both upsetting.”
“Um, sorry?”
“You better be. Do you know how frustrating it is to get in contact with you without your number? I have to actually keep track of your work hours and finish stuff or even wait to start things until I can align it with your schedule.”
Uramichi could feel Kikaku’s temper rising once more.
“So sorry…”
There was an awkward moment of silence until Kikaku took a deep breath to calm himself.
“He’s so damn dense.”
“Can I have your number now??”
Uramichi scrambled to get his phone out, nearly dropping it before turning it on and pulling up his number before handing his phone over to Kikaku to not anger him further. Kikaku, satisfied with his achievement, entirely calmed down and added Uramichi into his contacts and vice-versa.
“There we go! Now I can contact you whenever I need to!”
Uramichi looked down at the contact name Kikaku saved himself as.
“It was nice to-”
Kikaku put his arm over Uramichi’s shoulder.
“Leaving already? C’mon, I’ll walk you home. I insist.”
“S-sure..! Can you please uh.. let me go…...”
Kikaku didn’t let go, making him walk forward towards Uramichi’s apartment. He took a moment to look back though, sending another wide-eyed glare to Amon who also exited the cafe a second after they set off.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH! He’s going to kill me!!!”
Amon ran off afterwards.
“Goodnight, Kikaku. Thanks for walking me here. That feeling went away thanks to you. Guess I might’ve just felt lonely or something.”
Kikaku paused at the door for a moment before he let out an airy chuckle.
“Yeah. Let’s hang out more often. I’ll show you some new hobbies, seeing as you’re such a gym rat.”
“Uh, yeah sure. That would be great.”
“See ya then, Uramichi.”
“See ya, Kikaku.”
Uramichi walked into his apartment and closed the door behind him. But he only stood there, hearing Kikaku walk away.
“He wants to hang out with me more…”
A smile made its way onto his face at the thought. In fact, the smile kept popping up each time he thought of it until he fell asleep.
Kikaku felt a similar way, looking forward to their next hang out as he made his way to Amon's house. It was just a little visit...
“What. The. Hell. Is. THIS?!” Kikaku shouted, his entire body trembling from anger.
He was currently looking at a new shirt design that had a new character inputted into the show. Apparently, Kotori-san had a new bird friend… A creepy owl named Yuzu-san. He knew immediately what that was about.
“That bastard…”
But despite his anger, he actually kept 2 shirts and forcefully gave the rest to Uramichi once the product came out. He seemed a little less resistant this time to the product. They both did.
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A/N: So uh, not that good but it's something? Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. I'll probably never get motivation to do anything like this again :)
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yunarim · 1 year
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our rainbow-coloured days will advance forward, so shine forever
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❤︎ summary : Yuuka, a completely ordinary magicless girl, finds herself in an incomprehensible predicament. Soulmates appeared in the human world only a few decades ago and still have many inconsistencies, but Yuuka's case, to her dismay, becomes rather unprecedented.
Apparently, her soulmate is waiting for her somewhere beyond this world. ❤︎ tags : female reader, soulmates, reader is yuu, sfw, fluff, pining in some chapters, one character = one soulmate prompt ❤︎ ao3
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ִ    ꕤ Deal with the devil | Azul Ashengrotto
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⏤ . . . prompt : soulmates have vague description of how they will meet in a form of a short message on their hands ⏤
❤︎ before reading : book 1-3 spoilers!
Azul predetermined Mostro Lounge’s prosperity and a huge profitability increase rate a long time ago. He recalled himself still a high-schooler, already making preparations and building a solid clientele before taking over the named establishment. 
Soulmates phenomena happened to be such a beneficial circumstance. Ah, just to think how much money Azul could accumulate, romanticizing soulmates-related content! Discounts for couples who already found their kindred spirits, special offers for those who were still in bewilderment, desperately trying to figure out who their soulmate were and where they could be. Sevens, in the name of benevolence of the Great Sea Witch, only if she knew there was such a beautiful motive to pursue another successful bargain awaited for her followers!.. Azul even tried to convince Jade to use his assertiveness in order to make even more money in a form of consultations on finding one’s soulmate, but an eel fellow politely declined, much to Azul’s chagrin.
During his first year he got the best out of his entrepreneurial abilities, advertising so-called ‘Soulmates Nights’ when couples could get a discount or an extra drink, ah, such a good promo it was. However, businesses tend to stagnate if not supported by constant inventive advertising and the introduction of innovative features.
Azul reminisced about the one little event during his childhood. Not such a pleasant time, indeed, and yet there was a ray of light in a dark realm he was caging himself in, desperately trying to escape bullying. He was around twelve back then, a sudden itching feeling lingered on his skin, an ink slowly digging into it, cursive letters forming words. 
He didn’t ask for a soulmate, ever, and yet he had one. Indescribable feeling, a wondrous thoughts filling up his mind all at once. That one time he let himself act as a child without any shame of it, enjoying the thought of having someone kindred. He didn’t want to ponder if they even wanted to meet him, to find him, so pathetic and dismal, it was just him and his little joy he buried alive, keeping this fact all to himself as an embodiment of a little naive child within him.
Only to never ever think of finding his soulmate again.
But then it was summer holidays when an excellent nimble idea came to his mind. 
Why wouldn’t he just advertise his own soulmate bond shape?
Goodness, it was excellent. Even his soulmate was useful somehow, all things pointing out his entrepreneurial destiny. He rolled out his sleeves, running fingers through a tattoo written in cursive. 
︶⏝ ◦  A spacious room surrounded by coffins... a noisy commotion, a mysterious figure... a captivating voice ◦ ︶⏝
Jade used to find Azul, working himself to the bone sometimes and finding an indescribable calmness in rereading this line, the look in his eyes always full of fondness, which he quickly erased as Jade chuckled at a vulnerable side of an octomer.
Azul wasn’t intending to find his soulmate ever in his lifetime, quite enjoying his business skills alone. Why would he seek for another person to deal with? It would be beneficial and profitable to him, yes, but what was the actual point in the end? It wasn’t a mere fairy tale, where he happens to magically fall in love with someone or at least make a good friend. Life was hard, and in order to survive he was planning to make a solid ground to stand on.
Even so, it didn't hurt to get as much information as possible. So, a spacious room with coffins was quite clear to him, what else would it be if not a Mirror Chamber. But a noisy commotion? And what’s with the mysterious figure? It could be literally anyone. Another prominent hint was a captivating voice, but still plenty of students have them, so how in the world could he guess?
Even though he didn’t intend on finding his soulmate, why wouldn’t he try to advertise the idea of it?
Summer holidays passed quickly, while Azul was making preparations and business plans, according to which the Lounge’s profit would double. 
What the hell.
Yuuka was absolutely not ready for this. 
She was pretty good in maintaining her ordinary life when she was seventeen, studying to the point she was in the top-10 best students in a whole school and making her parents worry themselves out due to her taking an enormous pack of part-time jobs in order to raise some cash for her needs. Why bother parents when she got an excellent budget management skills and a sharp mind? A truly multi-tasking queen she was. And yet her parents wondered if she was going to show her sweet voice off to the world, even her speech sounded wonderful… If only she cared. 
But then again, it was hard to react in a rational, calm way when she was a ten years old child with no understanding of how hard it is to make money by herself or whatever back then. She was just a little girl having a hard time deciding whether she wanted a ridiculously huge backpack with Hello Kitty or Shadow the Hedgehog pattern on it because she just entered her rebellious phase. 
Of course it was hard to realize what the hell was happening to her when a… a message appeared on her hand. 
︶⏝ ◦  A spacious room surrounded by coffins... different dimension, a noisy commotion… sea waves scent ◦ ︶⏝
That wasn’t something a little girl could handle all alone. And she wasn’t intending on doing so, but somehow telling her parents about this creepy message was something she was afraid of. How would they react? She knew a thing or two about soulmates, they’re someone precious or something… Yuuka hasn't ever seemed to be bothered, why would she when there was a new Sims 3 add on coming up, would her soulmates magically appear in front of her with all expansion packs bought? Hell no, then why care!
Still, her mother freaked out. Her father said that was rather… strange quandary, but maybe the ‘different dimension’ thing meant Yuuka herself would view a whole situation as an incredible outer-world experience? 
Yuuka decided parents knew best. 
By sixteen she realized how interesting math was. She was quick-witted, always managing to help her mother with consignment notes as well as assisting her father during his busy days. She didn’t really know in which field she wanted to specialize, but still she had enough time, making herself enjoy what she had and not even thinking about the strange message on her hand.
Until she happened to witness in person what the ‘another dimension’ thing meant. 
Azul was smirking proudly at his advertising campaign’s plan, double checking all the preparations. 
“Azul,” Jade entered his office, knocking twice but didn’t intend on waiting for the reply, so he just made his way to his dorm leader. “How’s the preparations?”
“All set, of course,” Azul adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and chuckled. “By the time we’re done with the ceremony, make sure there are ads everywhere.”
“Sure thing.”
With that Azul awaited for the next day and the opening ceremony for an upcoming first-years, all things settled. The timing was perfect and nothing could ruin his idea, and even if it could, then he had a backup plan and two others in case the first one won’t work out.
What he didn’t actually predict was a mysterious person’s appearance completely out of hand which led to them making an incommensurable clutter no freaking one was ready for this. 
Come to think of it… 
He rolled out his sleeve, taking a quick glance at the message on his hand and gasped silently, making himself shut in one second, not noticing Jade smirking and Floyd bothering his twin, desperately trying to figure out what was so special. 
Azul just brushed it off, coming to his senses. He was quick to figure out that he definitely was destined to meet his soulmate right here, right now, but there were so many people. And the mysterious figure? Come on, everyone was wearing hoods, maybe that was considered mysterious. 
The only thing remaining was a captivating voice. And there was no way he could actually distinguish which voice was captivating and which was not in all that disarray. Ah, really, must it be today? 
He made his way towards Riddle, grabbing a magic pen and making sure he will catch that cat monster in no time and will strengthen his position and remain in the headmaster's good books.
Azul heard a quiet disappointed sigh beside him, then turned to the source of that sound and felt his heart skipping its stupid beat.
It was a girl. It didn’t really matter, and yet something about her made his breath hitch, and something painfully clicked in his chest, and in the next second something bloomed inside him with bright flashes of multi-colored fireworks.
“Azul might have found them absolutely hot,” Floyd giggled, making sure to capture this moment on camera, Jade giving him a nod of approval. “He’s been staring for a whole minute by now, hehe~”
Yuuka chuckled nervously, waving to a cinereous-haired boy, and absolutely not handling everything was happening to her, but a sudden fresh, salty scent that reminded her of a trip to the sea as she was a little girl, managed to wash away her worries, and she relaxed for a mere second, her smile fading from crooked and nervous to soft and gentle.
And she was absolutely adorable.
She hasn’t seen that boy since the day she got transmigrated here. Yuuka was a little too busy saving Ace and Deuce’s asses, as well as making sure Grim wouldn’t get expelled for hating the mere thought of doing math tasks on Crewel’s classes and losing all his concentration during Trein’s lectures.
It was similar with her tasks back home, her real home, but with the difference there were a bunch of magicians always surrounding her. Was it another marvelous skill of hers to make friends with some of them?
Two weeks passed after her arrival and it was PE lesson when she just had to wear a t-shirt, no sleeves covering her hands. 
It was then she realized she forgot about her soulmate business long long ago, and now she entered an outer-world realm. 
She couldn't care less if not ADeuce duo who got maybe too excited at her strange tattoo.
“Girl, how long were you planning on hiding this?” Ace grabbed her hand, while Yuuka was drinking water before the lesson. “What kind of bond is it even?”
“That’s our first meeting description,” Deuce benched over to observe the message with Ace too, their eyes narrowed. “The strange one. But at least I know I was, hm… destined? To get transmigrated, I mean. No way I would meet my soulmate in my world under these circumstances.”
“Have you managed to find him then?” Deuce asked, looking absolutely excited. 
“No,” she sighed, standing up and starting to stretch out. “It’s not like I really want to…”
“Oi, don’t talk nonsense,” Ace retorted at her, smirking. “Sea waves scent… Must be someone from Octavinelle!”
She heard Vargas demanding to get ready and sighed deeply. Somehow… She felt as if finding her soulmate would be a good idea. 
Oh, uhm, it was just beneficial, that’s it. She was not thinking about that boy. 
Argh, seriously, she was surrounded by complete idiots. Dragging her into a series of events which led to Riddle overblotting just because Ace ate a freaking tart? What was he, a child of three? 
All she did was to drill some common sense in both Ace and his dorm leader. Riddle thought she was an excellent mediator in her group of friends. 
She even gained some approval from Leona, who was too proud to admit he was enjoying her being absolutely unbothered by her friends’ antics. It’s not like he was okay with her pointing out how he behaved not so long ago, little scratches on her body still remained itching after his overblot.
But overall everything was fine until Ace and Deuce fell into Azul’s trap. How improvidently of them. 
In any case she was the very first one to try to save them from capitalistic hell and labor exploitation or so these two described their contract conditions under Azul’s. 
Yuuka proceeded to Mostro Lounge in order to talk things out and negotiate with Octavinelle dorm leader so that she could set Ace and Deuce free and bargain to something nicer. 
On her way to the Lounge she managed to admire the establishment, ignoring the crowd of students with funny anemones on their heads, when she heard something really interesting.
“Hey, how much did you bet on guessing Azul’s soulmate today?”
“50 thaumarks… Man, I’m screwed.”
“Same here… Why won’t they just find each other already, I want a discount season so bad. Have you ever tried their new drink? Jade be slaying hard…”
“Ugh, don’t rub it…”
She walked up to the entrance to the Lounge and practically coughed in surprise as she stared at the nicely designed advertisement.
✦ Be the very first one to guess who Azul soulmate is! Read the description of his first meeting and make a bet on the person you think is suitable to be his kindred spirit! 
✩ Azul checks his kindred connection every Friday! Will you be the one who will get to guess right? Or maybe you are the one who is destined to be with him?!
♡ The one who guesses right will get a permanent discount on everything in Mostro Lounge’s menu! Hurry up and place your bet! ✦
Yuuka cursed under her breath, censored speech left her mind for a while, leaving room only for swearing.
She shot inside, nearly knocking Jade off his feet and surprising him, as it took a real effort to see his dumbfounded look in general, let alone nearly knock him off his feet.
“Welcome, dear customer,” he chuckled and placed his hand on where his heart was, nodding in a gentle way. “I see you’re here not to discuss anemone business… anymore?”
“Huh, quite right you are. Where’s Azul?”
“Aww, Shrimpy's about to show us something interesting!” Floyd materialized out of nowhere, but Yuuka remained unbothered by his presence.
“Now, now, Floyd, give them some time. This way, Yuuka-san,” Jade waved his hand in the direction of Azul's office, noticing how nice her voice sounded even in this commotion caused by silly little students with cute anemones on their heads.
Jade personally opened the door to Azul's office for her, letting her in without knocking and causing Octavinelle dorm leader to jolt, his glasses almost sliding down completely. 
Yuuka fell silent for a second, collecting her thoughts, but they left her with indignation as soon as she looked into his cendre blue eyes. Oh, he looked so adorable with his slightly disheveled hair and big, round eyes. Was he always this cute? Ugh…
“Well, good evening…” she stuttered for a moment, but then regained her confidence. 
Azul thought she was a siren, a somnolent enchanting lullaby instead of her words bewitching him at once.
“Ramshackle prefect,” he greeted her, standing up from his chair and stretched out his gloved hand to her. “Great timing, I was about to call for you.”
“What for?” She stared at his hand, thinking what she should do at the moment.
“Ahem, apparently your friends happened to beg me for demanding you here. Good for them and for me you came here by yourself.”
“Hm,” she smirked, making Azul feel weak in his knees. “Indeed. But before we can proceed to what those two dragged me into again, I would verify something. Will you let me, Azul?”
She reached out for his hand, barely touching his fingers and making him gasp meekly.
“Your wish is my command, dear customer.”
Yuuka quickly grabbed Azul's arm, pulling up the sleeves of his uniform shirt and revealing the familiar message. He mumbled something unintelligible in response, but did not resist her touch at all, the ephemeral weightlessness of her fingers pleasantly caressed his skin. 
“I just…” she laughed genuinely. “I can’t believe you actually made an advertisement for your business of our soulmate bond. You’re so ridiculously smart!”
“Oh my, thank you, but… Wait! Our soulmate bond?!”
“I won’t believe even if you swear to me you didn’t suspect it,” her fingers slid from his forearm to his wrist, wrapping it gently. “You’re too devilish.”
Azul chuckled, trying his best in remaining collected and calm, but a cute pink dust on his cheeks said otherwise. 
“Care to make a deal with the devil then?”
She pressed her lips to his, leaving a light kiss on them and enjoying the scent of sea waves that enveloped her, smiling through the kiss.
“Only if you announce I’m the winner in that little game of yours. I may even consider running your documentation. Believe me, I have an experience.”
“Hm,” he cupped her cheeks in his gloved hands. “Alright, then let us make a pact.”
This time he was the one who leaned to her in a kiss as if swayed by a siren’s song.
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❤︎ notes : song : deal with the devil - tia AZUUUUUUL i swear i'm in my azul pure adoration era i'm so dsajhdsjghfsa for him right now
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© ayavielle 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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cattimeswithjellie · 10 months
Predictions Hall of Shame, Secret Life 8
Spoilers, obviously
As promised, I am back with the dawning of Session 8, here to look over all the brazenly confident predictions I made after Session 7 and see how good a prognosticator I actually am!
...not great, as it turns out.
In fairness to me, after the madness of Session 7, I don't think many people were predicting the comparatively tranquil atmosphere of Session 8, which somehow managed to have only five kills, two sacrifices, and no permadeaths. That's like, Session 4 behavior right there, 5 tops. I thought for sure we couldn't possibly go beyond Session 9, but I don't even know what to think anymore!
Anyway, let's take a look at my predictions:
There is a better-than-even chance that Session 8 is the last session for Secret Life. Under no circumstances will the game go longer than Session 9. CCs want Christmas off too, after all. Undetermined. Very wrong about the Session 8 thing, but this was a wishy-washy prediction to start with anyway.
There will be no yellows left by the end of Session 8. The reds will take out all the yellows to secure as many hearts as possible, then turn on one another. Correct! I actually managed to get one right, good for me!
Scar permadies in Session 8. We know he turns red in the session and has an absolute banger of a skin for it. Chaos Scar has been aching to emerge for weeks, and he is finally allowed fully out of his cocoon. Scar will not pay attention to the idea of red tasks directing red violence, he will make his own fun and self-destruct gloriously. Wrong! He's still alive! I haven't seen his episode yet, but from the looks of it he's still trying to go the diplomatic route despite it working approximately 10% of the time thus far.
Scar will manage to kill at least once in Session 8. Correct! Guess who never forgot that game of catch, Dad!
One of the previous winners will sacrifice themselves in an effort at kingmaking. Nobody really wants to win twice, but they all have their favorites. My money right now is on Scott to let somebody take him down to red for the ten hearts. Correct and double correct! Thanks, Scott!
Mounders alliance is over in Session 8, and all the members join other groups or go unaligned. Joel and Bdubs will probably hook up with Martyn and become Big Dogs. Pearl might try and join the Cherry Blossoms or even the Big Dogs as well (not being literally red has never stopped her before), or she might go off on her own. Mumbo will remain deceased. Mehhhh... I'll just say wrong, but not very wrong. The Mounders are technically still an alliance in that they haven't declared against one another, but Joel is doing his red thing and Bdubs is spreading his love all over town, as per usual.
Heart Foundation alliance is over in Session 8. BigB will desert the team and retreat into his base with his excellent new Red skin. Tango and Skizz might stick together, but both of them will be gone by the end of the session. Wrong, though I don't know how far off I was until someone from the HF releases an episode. They are clearly still working together in some capacity.
Cherry Blossom Alliance does not formally dissolve but is functionally over in Session 8. Gem and Impulse both betrayed the alliance last session and Scott and Cleo reinvoked the Widows Alliance, which they have clearly been wanting to do all season. NameMC says all of the Cherries are red by the end of the session and I just don't see a lot of trust remaining there. The most wrong I've been in any of my predictions, whoops! Apparently Scott turned on Cleo entirely and then he and Impulse ended up giving Gem their yellow lives, probably just to spite me personally for this prediction.
Roomies Alliance survives during Session 8. Etho got zombified in Session 7 and still managed to not betray the team, cementing their bond of trust. They are also all still yellow at the start of the session, which means they are all a target. They'll still all get picked off, but not, I think, by one another. Correct! They all got picked off, but not by each other! Good job, past me!
There is a slight possibility that Pearl and Gem do some kind of Thelma and Louise thing involving the camel, but that's based on interpretations of Pearl's Twitter emojis and I don't stand by it. I'm gonna call this correct! They didn't dive off a cliff, but they sure did embark on a epic road trip where they shot at a bunch of people and I think that's close enough.
And the big one: Assuming Session 8 is not the final session, who lives, who dies, who goes on to a Session 9 showdown? Here's my list of Session 8 permadeaths, in decreasing order of likelihood.
Martyn Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! I still can't believe there were zero permadeaths this session! I'm actually shocked by this. I can only assume at this point that nobody changed the red tasks this session, which means there was greater benefit to plinking the yellows than in actually taking anybody out. I assume they'll fix that for next time (at the very least make it so "non-red" is no longer a target) so some people actually die.
So! That's five correct predictions, five incorrect (or eleven if you make me eat my words individually for every permadeath guess) and one where the jury's still out. I actually could've done a lot worse, but man was I wrong on the episode as a whole. I don't even know what to guess next!
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turnertable · 1 year
can I say something controversial after we just got done celebrating miles and Alex reuniting?
I think Milex is a cute ship, it is, they are an adorable pair. their chemistry is very sweet and they are like soulmates you can tell, be that platonic or not in y'alls opinions. I personally don't ship it (always been a mattlex girly myself, platonically talking). I do feel at times y'all do focus on the wrong thing with Miles and Alex. some of you lot love defending Miles and how he doesn't deserve to just be associated with Alex but please and I beg you, tell me truthfully you know Miles from his solo work and not from TLSP. there's few of us, I think Miles is great and his music is good, I saw him before AM live FFS but no I wouldn't know Miles without Alex. It's just a thing that will always exist and it's unfortunate I know but it's true. I also think documenting and cherry picking at specific moments that have literally no correlation at all to milex romantic moments and making them oddly sexual is fucking odd. like I'll give you the d, I wish you would: that's an innuendo, that's funny and you can make that sexual cuz they did. they act like an old married couple at times. the lentils joke about their bad habits for example, it's cute and domestic. it's fic material. I understand that, trust me but like sometimes they are just on coke and giggling like little boys over like bringing bread and crumpets to the studio and that's not an allegory for fucking each other (an actual real post someone made). please it's odd and fetishism of two men who are straight. I understand that being gay is still a taboo subject for some people from more oppressive countries and maybe at 14 when you found AM, milex was your first introduction to shipping culture and men being shipped together, that would be exciting to you. However the nuances of that is that it can cross a line to a degree where you aren't respecting the two real people. I was in the Dan and Phil fandom before they came out and we had an era called 2012 where Dan especially was on the defense constantly to a point where it was a taboo to us to talk about but through time, that defense became more empathetic with them coming out. we all grew up and that behaviour from when we were kids was not ok anymore and that frustration was valid. I have many straight friends who have felt that pressure to be part of the LGBT community in order to not be shamed and on the flip side, I don't even need to tell you how hard it is still for lgbtqia people to want to hide in the closet with all the problems we still as a society have to face.
what I'm trying to say is, these are straight men and it's ok for straight men to be affectionate with their friends, I know it may still be frowned upon in some cultures but we wouldn't have am without a close bond between the lads. we wouldn't have TLSP without miles and Alex being best friends. i don't think milex is wrong, plz do what you want, draw your porn art if you want, write fics upon fics but plz just think about why this makes you so happy and understand the true consequences on what you say because you could be upsetting the gay community around you by being elated that miles can kiss his friend on the cheek. let boys love each other platonically or not, it doesn't matter. If Alex or Miles came out tomorrow, I'd support them, it's just something to think about.
Plus it's ok for teenagers and younger people to see what the boys do and want that, that's valid and I hope you have fun. There's a point where you may realise that something you said was a kid that you don't agree with and that's part of growing up, I know (hence the dnp rant). I see this now as an adult and think of that as crossing a line by prying at someone's sexuality cuz that's not mine to know and I don't know that person in real life. However if you are like a long time monkeys fan in your late 20s, early 30s, please consider what you're doing and re-evaluate what this means to you because maybe it's not just Alex and Miles that make you feel this way and that's not healthy: that's a parasocial relationship you've held for so long you don't know any different.
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