#worm buzz
allwormdiet · 23 hours
Buzz 7.2
Dog City USA, Population Rachel and Taylor
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More Rachel insights, and they make sense! What the Undersiders comes down to for her is a bunch of stuff (and people) she's putting up with in order to get more money for her dogs; presumably she'd work another job if she liked it better and met the same needs, but that job doesn't exist, so this is how she's hacking it.
And like, obviously Rachel is happier without the weight of other people on her mind, but I do think some of how this is being presented to us is a projection on Taylor's part. She's freshly liberated from her home and living with a bunch of self-emancipated teenagers, out here doing Lost Boys shit; Rachel is almost the most "liberated" of them all in that framework, so that reads as something more to Taylor.
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So I knew that at some point Taylor starts using her power to kind of swallow up emotions she doesn't want to deal with, and if I was a gambler I'd bet this is the start of that habit. Making her problems smaller by making herself feel smaller. Handy, but troubling if she ends up leaning on that too much; I'm sure she'll be careful and moderate power usage in this way, though.
And then yeah, fucking heartworms.
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Rachel: Oh yeah this is pretty dangerous, but we're fucking doing it bc it cures my dog's parasite problem and what's a missing limb in comparison
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She's learning!
The subsequent argument is, hmm. I'm not sure exactly why Taylor is picking the fight here, and she doesn't seem sure of it either? The resolution is fine enough, and why am I not surprised that Rachel's order is "anything with meat," but I dunno, I've scooped dog poop enough in my life that I wouldn't take offense to being told to do it. Maybe it's her having to scoop poop while Rachel is "just" watching Sirius recover.
Current Thoughts
Yaaaaaaaay more Rachel
I'm sure nothing bad will happen on this wonderful time spent with Rachel's dogs, now that we've caught those nasty heartworms
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gastlives · 1 year
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…… ……. …………………..
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well i dont think u guys can with good concsience stay with him anymore concsience how do u spell that consciousconscience conscience
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i think taylor might lash out at u
damn well
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rip aegis
well its endbringer time..
i think itos kinda interesting how she didnt feel much bc she already experienced too many Horrors to care about letting herself go with america
i do have feeling there might be some Big shit in next arc either trigger event or death or idk… just big status quo shit maybe at first i thought this thing was the leviathan but im not too sure abt that carnage
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timblrdrake · 1 month
anything to propagate bug infestations
congrats on the pregnancy btw
i can’t tell if this is worse than the cocaine accusations … at least the news hasn’t picked this up good fucking lord.
thank you for the insects in this trying time.
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berryshipbasket · 6 months
Groovy, baby!
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Pushed myself to finally draw self ship art again,,, I love you funny worm man...
Proship / Exclusionists DNI
[Sona goes by She/they/he]
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Now that I've known him for a few chapters, you know what someone with the power to "control destinies" really sounds like? An author.
A man who knows capes from all over the place, yet focuses specifically on Brockton Bay and nowhere else as the place to exert his influence. A man who enables the Undersiders to operate and to win, but does so from afar without showing his face or even letting the people who work for him know his identity.
A man who can flip coins and have them land however he wants, every time. A man who can arrange the worst possible coincidences of timing between Taylor and Rachel embarrassing E88 recruits and a massive attack on the E88 leadership launched out of nowhere. A man whose costume is pure black emptiness except for a snake winding all around, as if he's not even there himself, even as the winding path of destiny is overlaid on him and could not exist on its own.
A man who admits that he is not a good man, but does care about the city, in his own self-serving, egotistic way -- perhaps because without exerting his power to write the destinies of Brockton Bay, no one would ever know who he is at all, or even know a thing about the world his city is in. Worm is, after all, the first parahumans web serial.
I am proposing that Coil is in fact a self-insert.
And therefore, my recommendation is: Taylor, get his ass. Kill Wildbow, and then be as gay as you know you were always meant to be.
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“How was she?  Any fights?” “Nothing serious.  No, it was actually kind of nice.  I might even do it again, if she let me.” “Really,” he replied, skepticism clear in his tone. “Really.” “What changed?” “I’m figuring her out, I think.  How she operates, how she thinks.”
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darknoverse · 1 year
MMMMMM been a while since I drew the hoot hoot .
Have an blazing Arsène post yippeeee
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I love him sm he's pathetic and terrible but I love himb (not him yelling at his half-sister in the middle of a burning building lol)
Also another fire scene one cuz mmmhmmmm that's the peak of his character development
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And have a few sketchies
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dykeferatu · 6 months
i can be a little vain as a treat. look at my biceps
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fallow-grove · 2 years
would you love me if i was a webp
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grahamcore · 1 year
good morning thinking abt remus lupin again
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Im back to my roots, back to being normal, I'm healthy now and perfectly sane*
*I am drawing Gun Powdered Tim in a Dress
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gastlives · 1 year
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(copy and pasting past texts now) wyhat the hell shes still a girl...
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i do think itd be more realistic for him to not rly want to date.......... now especially
me when i got dumped and now have to stay at the guy's apartment and also deal w the fact i just got dumped and also get over it while staying there
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... did coil kidnap someone
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you do?
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i still cant believe she straight up almost ripped ur ear off
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oh my god
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thank goid
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its too bad she cant defend herself as much, at least taylor has bugs though it doesnt work always..
but it helps
tho her smugness ALSO helps if the bitch is willing to listen
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oh that gotta be a chaotic fight up ahead
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a flare of WHITE with other WHITE (idk what i was trying to say)
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i almost forgot new wave was a hero group only seen like 2 new wave ppl so far phonton mom, amazing photon hi glory hole… again oh wow even amy is here
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oh my god sabrina the teenage nazi
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also they fucked bitch's dogs nooo!!
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jee grue is dying
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is she straight up an eldritch monster
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ah shit
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thank u lisa
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oh god
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yeah its kind of a Lot
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yeah she still doesnt know abt ur Secret
or she does but didnt say it for some reason
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who is this
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is she a calculator
probability calculator child i see
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this is probably normal
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what the hel
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maybe its cuz ure not actually helping when these guys know what ur ass just pulled?
now theyll probably want to work with u even less
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damn taylor
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wormbloggign · 8 months
taylor is pulling all of her teammates (except alec but thats okay bc hes a child) with her neurodivergent rizz
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soup-sponge · 1 year
found myself in a situation today in which i had to go a downwards spiral staircase which happened to have a whole bunch of screaming faces plastered along the walls
i was with Normal People so i could not say what i was thinking but. just know that it was WOAH SCREAMING STAIRCASE LOCKWOOD AND CO REFERENCE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT
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So Aster has been kidnapped (or taken by CPS and heroes) and now Purity is leveling the city until her baby is returned...
You know what would solve this issue really quick? To make sure that nobody could hold onto Aster when they shouldn't?
Maybe... something that was sitting on a table in the loft several arcs ago and has never been mentioned again since those couple sentences way back then?
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The old man ignored me.  He looked at Brian, “I thought you’d be on the other girl’s side, not sure I would’ve let you past if I knew it was any different.” Why had he come to that conclusion?  Because Brian and Sophia were both black?  I didn’t like that assumption, that I was automatically the bad guy, here. “No,” was Brian’s curt reply.  “My friend is right.  That girl attacked her.” Sophia backed away another few small steps, behind the old man.  When Brian moved forward, the old man got in his way, angry.  “Hey now, I’m not going to have any more fighting in my bookstore.” Sophia saw her chance and ran.  I raised my hand, as if I could somehow reach out and stop her, then dropped it. It took us another two minutes to wrap things up with the old man.  He accused me twice more of being a thief and gave us a dressing down for causing violence in his store. 
Okay this just feels all kinds of 'wtf wildbow'. Like, plausible the elderly black guy might be more inclined to assume the white girl is the problem in a city like Brockton Bay with it's E88 problem, especially right now, but like -
Sophia still was the aggressor chasing after a 'stolen' thing, and you've got Brian stepping in and Taylor's clearly more visibly beat up and the whole passage just feels...
Definitely feels icky, especially the part where the store owner just assumes Brian would be on Sophia's side and then keeps doubling down on the accusations. Like, is he trying to make some sort of "reverse racism" commentary or -
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