#he is the guy you got annoyed with because how can someone be smart stupid and pretty at the same time??
howlsofbloodhounds · 2 days
I feel like Killer often had to act dumber than Nightmare around him. I just know that Nightmare is the kind of guy who wouldn't take kindly to not being the smartest person in the room at any given time. It mostly stems from his own childhood traumas (I'm sure that the fact that nothing he ever did was good enough to make him deserving of not getting abused stuck with him post corruption), but to me he's a walking inferiority complex.
And the thing is that Nightmare isn't stupid. He's a very studious person and he probably retains a lot of the stuff he reads about. But Killer is undoubtedly more observant and logical than he is. I feel like he probably picks up on stuff much quicker (even though he also probably forgets a lot of it just as quickly because of his memory issues).
And, well, I saw a couple of comics of them playing chess and Killer winning every time. And I do think that, realistically, if he played at full capacity every time, he would win against Nightmare. Chess is a game that rewards his kind of smarts so much more than Nightmare's.
But I also think he'd know not to win most of the time (unless his purpose is to piss off Nightmare that day). But, here's the kicker. I think it would be just as humiliating for Nightmare if Killer dominated the entire game only to make some very obviously porpuseful fumbles at the end. Of course, Nightmare could call him out on it, but then he'd need to admit that he would have lost had Killer not thrown the game. And he's not gonna fucking do that. Not when they both already know and Killer is staring unblinkingly at him, challenging him to say something, to admit defeat.
No, he's gonna take that fake victory and he's gonna massage his bruised ego with it. Denial is always a powerful shield.
Yeah absolutely. Killer knows how to stroke people’s egos and notice their insecurities, he will use both against someone for his own benefit. He knows he needs to walk a fine line with people like Nightmare and Chara—those that tend to have huge egos, that are also very fragile. Those whose first instincts are to lash out, and in Chara’s case, throw violent tantrums.
It’s like managing the moods of very explosive, highly dangerous bombs. It’s just that sometimes Killer can’t resist playing a little careless, in a calculated way. He is not above putting himself in huge danger and playing with his life just to gain momentarily pleasure in pissing them off, or to provoke them into hurting him just to alleviate his soul crushing apathy and boredom in controlled bursts.
Like micro-dosing on a drug that is pain, or simply because he knows (or thinks) it is inevitable that they will hurt him today, so he will provoke them earlier and take away their satisfaction in hurting him by taking away their control and bruising their egos.
Let Chara think he loves them. Let Nightmare think he’s stupid and blindly loyal. Those are the things he knows to maintain control over them. On the flip side, a way to keep Killer under control (particularly Stage 2), is to let him think he has more control than he actually does.
Imagine how powerless Nightmare could make him feel if he were to say, find a way to destroy any pleasure and satisfaction Killer gets out of pain. If he takes away the framing of torture, punishment, and pain as “fun” and “playing” in Killer’s mind.
I wouldn’t be suprised if Killer finds a sense of pride in his ability to not only endure but enjoy vast amounts of suffering—especially if he ever got some form of validation or approval for it. He views it as him still having power and control even as he is being “dominated”—because he can say that he enjoys it and therefore it means nothing and has no genuine impact on him beyond the satisfaction and pleasure.
People being unnerved and annoyed when you laugh in their face after they’ve broken your bones just means that Killer still has control over their emotions.
Yet another way he is views himself as sort of, above others. Not in the self loving ego stroking way, but still in a superior, ‘I’m above you, so don’t try me’ way. He’d likely look down on anyone who runs from or hates pain— or anyone who obviously lets it show. Viewing them as inferior and weak.
If Nightmare can take that away, then pain is just pain. Potentially sending Stage 2 deeper into his apathetic, nihilistic, fatalistic worldview—“just get it over with if you aren’t going to make it fun.”
Which is probably the reason why physical punishment wouldn’t work on Stage 2 at all—not until you can take away his sense of control in these situations—psychological stuff like isolation and sensory deprivation certainly would.
I feel like another way would be to greyrock him whenever he tries to provoke someone into violence and hurting him—not giving him the reaction he expects and craves. Which would either make him quickly lose interest, or motivate him to keep escalating until he gets what he wants.
Killer has definitely greyrocked Chara and Nightmare before as well— refusing to give them any type of satisfaction or control over him by not giving any response or reaction they want from him. And sometimes giving the exact opposite of a reaction or response that they want.
All in all, I can definitely see Killer underplaying himself and his own abilities to satisfy others egos and play into expectations if it benefits him or avoids inconvenience. And he’d definitely use their egos to lure them into little mind games and traps—like the one you described.
{ @stellocchia }
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haamuart · 1 year
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Boys!! OC doodles from 2021.
Teppo (the dark-haired guy) is a witch while Petteri (or Pertsa) is from a family of witches. They are boyfriends ❤️
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sailorkamino · 7 months
random (soft) bad batch headcannons
a/n: a lot of these are based on the batch being neurodivergent!
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• from oldest to youngest is 99, hunter, wrecker, crosshair, tech
• tech was bullied the most as a cadet since he was the smallest (and mouthiest)
• plus w/o his goggles he can't see well enough to fight back
• his brothers wouldn't let him go anywhere alone
• tech and crosshair have the same dry, sarcastic sense of humor and find each other the funniest batcher
• hunter and wrecker disagree
• if they're in a situation where they have separate rooms hunter always shares w/ crosshair (aka the quietest)
• wrecker and tech share since they don't mind each other's mess
• crosshair or wrecker is always the 1st to notice when hunter is overstimulated
• wrecker is the most emotionally intelligent
• the batch have a rule to never call wrecker dumb or stupid because he's actually really insecure about his intelligence (which is ridiculous, do u know how smart a demolitions expert is?? he's a himbo but he's not an idiot)
• tech prefers info dumping to crosshair cuz he's the best listener
• crosshair loves all his brothers the same but he has a soft spot for tech
• crosshair gets really mad at wrecker for interrupting/ignoring tech cuz it makes tech feel annoying
• then wrecker explains he doesn't cut him off cuz he finds tech annoying, he just has a short attention span
• wrecker likes to see the best in people and can be quite trusting, something that stresses out his protective brothers
• wrecker will physically carry tech away from his work bench if he's not sleeping
• crosshair is the only one who can lie to hunter and get away w/ it bc his heart rate doesn't change
• most of the boys can ignore shit talk but wrecker is somewhat sensitive, making his brothers very protective
• maker help you if you hurt wrecker's feelings
• crosshair and tech would always get hunter to comfort him so they could plot revenge
• losing eyesight is crosshairs worst fear, watching it happen to wrecker broke his heart (he definitely cried on his big brother's chest when they were alone)
• even if they try to hide it hunter can always hear when someone's crying
• hunter tries to stay strong for his batch 24/7 but if he needs comfort, he goes to wrecker
• big guy gives the BEST hugs
• since they were raised very isolated from regs they missed out on a lot of clone culture, they don't speak mando'a
• wrecker loves cuddles!
• hunter and tech have sensory issues so they don't always want to be touched but they usually don't mind it
• as long as it doesn't get in the way of tech's work he'll chill in pretty much any position so wrecker will just use him as a teddy bear
• tech: *reading in bed*
wrecker: *climbs into tech's bunk wordlessly, puts his head against his stomach and wraps around him*
tech: *doesn't stop reading as he pats wrecker's shoulder*
• crosshair is always cold so he doesn't actually mind cuddling but he pretends to hate it
• wrecker hates sparring with crosshair cuz he bites
• crosshair has an oral fixation and used to chew on his shirts w/o realizing it
• would get very embarassed/defensive if anyone brought it up
• tech made lula from scrap fabrics courtesy of 99 when wrecker kept having nightmares
• anytime hunter hears crosshair audibly laughing his stomach drops cuz that usually means someone got hurt (he's a physical comedy guy, what can i say?)
• the hardest crosshair has ever laughed is when wrecker, wearing rocket boots made by tech, flew into a wall
• cross and wrecker are the most playful but in different ways
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adventuringblind · 1 year
hi!! could you possibly to a max x reader where the reader is mostly blind ( like the one with charles) because of a major traumatic incident when she was a kid and it starts off with max hating her and vice versa but then they fall in love, if she’s best friends with lando, alex and yuki that would be great too! (maybe max got jealous over something and that’s why he hates her?)
thank you!!💕
Passenger Side
Max Verstappen x reader
Genre: The beginning is a little sad and angsty, but the rest is fluff
Request: yes! I had fun writing this one because the reader is kind of sassy. I'm open for Charles, Max, Daniel, Lando, Oscar, and George.
Summary: Max hated her. Couldn't stand seeing her hanging off the guys in the paddock. Until he finds out the truth and it changes his entire perspective
Warnings: car accident, injury descriptions, Max is oblivious, Jos and his behaviors are mentioned
Notes: Third-person perspective. Please remember that blindness is a spectrum and can happen for many reasons. I am blind myself. If anyone has any questions and would like to know more, my inbox is open :)
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If he was truly honest with himself, he couldn't come up with a legitimate reason for hating her.
She's kind, smart, gorgeous, and her smile lights up the room. Yet every time he was around her, he couldn't muster up any sort of courage to talk to her.
She was always hanging around Lando, Charles, Alex, and George. The four had almost dragged him to hang out with her, but he couldn't do it.
She was always hanging off their arms. It seemed to be flirtatious to him. Maybe that's what annoyed him.
She's clumsy, touchy, and never goes anywhere on her own. Was he jealous? Probably. But he wasn't about to admit that to anyone.
She seemed to run into things far too often for it to be a coincidence. Maybe it was her way it flirting. If that's the, he was better of staying away. He'd never been one to find that attractive.
She wears sunglasses almost every time he sees her. Unless they’re inside in a darker space.
He didn't understand her, and yet he constantly felt intrigued to know more.
It was an off day in the summer. Max and Lando were doing some sim racing together when the topic of the girl came up.
"I see you make eyes at her all the time. Would it kill you to say hi?"
Max nearly winced. Grateful this wasn't a stream or his strange infatuation and simultaneous dislike if this girl would be found out. "She's just so strange." Was all he could come up with on the spot.
The Brit laughed at him. "Strange? How so? Explain to me how she is stranger then you."
"She runs into everything constantly."
Lando only laughed harder.
"She's always clinging onto someone's arm."
His laughing was irritating him now.
"and she always wears those stupid sunglasses- Why are you laughing so hard?!" Max shouted into his headset.
Lando could hardly breathe. He was laughing so hard. His mouth is not able to form coherent words.
"Mate!- she's blind!" He finally managed, trying to get air back into his lungs.
"She's what?"
"She can't see. Well, she can a little bit, but barely anything really."
Max's entire facade fell apart right before him. Like a tarp being pulled out from underneath his mental walls.
Every reason he found not to like her is because she's blind.
Lando took pity on Max. Obviously, he's clueless. Now is his chance to be the best wingman Max never asked for.
The next GP was too hectic for Max. Mostly because he was finding every reason to avoid Lando. The boy finding it neccecary to make him meet her.
Max felt like a ninja. Marketing though he'd been replaced. Christian was confused at why Max kept hiding behind the cars. His PR manager was convinced he'd contracted a virus. Everyone was confused.
Lando, on the other hand, was not. He knew exactly what was going on.
"I don't understand why we're by the redbull garage." She asked him. The female holding his bicep loosely to let him effectively guide her.
"We're waiting for Max. I have something for him." Little she know it was her.
"And you felt the need to drag me all the way over here for this? Yuki was showing off somthing he cooked." She exaggerated a frown.
"Relax, you'll get to eat his food again."
"I may not be able to see very well, but I can hear your eye roll." Then the two started giggling.
Max had popped around the corner to see the two distracted. He decided to risk getting into his driver room. Darting speedily around the objects.
"Max!" Lando's voice made Max freeze. Grimacing at the thought of having to deal with whatever Lando was planning.
He made his way over to the pair. "What brings you over?" He tried to ask cheerily, but it came out more broken than anything.
He felt nervous. But why?
"I'm delivering a note from Daniel." Lando's cheeky smile did not go unnoticed by the Dutch. His hands dramatically search his pockets. "Damn, I think it fell out while I was changing."
Lando taps the arm of the girl holding onto him. "Are you okay waiting with Max while I go and get it?"
She nodded her head and smiled understandingly at her friend. Lando stands directly in front of Max, removes her hand from his arm, and places it on Max's.
"I'll be right back!" He yells while jogging back the direction of the McLaren paddock.
"Sorry about this. I understand if you're busy. You can point me in the direction of the nearest fence, and I'm sure I'll manage just fine." She smiled again reassuringly. She sensed his unease the moment her hand made sontact with him and his muscles tensed.
"No, it's alright, I was just going to hide somewhere." He confessed.
"Understandable. People tend to be nosy." They were walking now. Max is trying to get her out of the middle of the walkway. Trying and sort of failing.
He could hear her feet tapping the ground at each step. Humming every occasionally to herself.
"I'm Y/N, by the way."
"You can ask if you want."
Max was taken off guard by the question. So much so that he almost ran himself into the approaching wall. "Ask you about what."
She laughed and put a hand on the cold metal of the garage. Now facing Max without him having help her. His confusion about her growing g steadily. "About my eyes."
She was still wearing her sunglasses. Despite the overcast weather. He wanted to see her eyes. He read people through their eyes. It's how he could tell what kind of mood his dad was in.
Then it hit him. That's why he'd hated her. He couldn't read her because he couldn't see her eyes. In a way, he was blind to how she was feeling and reacting to things.
"Can I see your eyes?" It was almost a whisper. His tapping his things in anxiousness.
"It's kind gross, but sure." She slowly removed the glassed and lifted her head upwards. His gaze memorizing eyes aspect he could.
One of her eyes was glassed over by a mix of yellow and red. The pupil is a shade of cream white. The other was clear aside from the pupil looking mildly foggy.
She didn't tell him the story that day. Mainly because Lando had come running back, a piece of paper clutched in his hands. "I'm back!" They heard him yell in the distance.
"Let me take you on a date." The words fell out faster than his brain could prosccess what he was saying.
Max still laughed at himself for falling for Lando's master plan. Though he kept the blank piece of paper in his pocket as a reminder of what his friend did to get him here.
The two had been on a handfull of now. It was fun exploring different areas with her on his arm.
The boys who had been guiding her for years now made sure he was properly trained. Three of them were getting protective of their visually compromised friend, unlike Lando, who was squealing about how cute they looked every chance he got.
Now it was winter break. Max had invited her to stay with him in Monaco. An invitation she graciously accepted.
She'd yet to tell him about her story. The traumatic and sudden loss of her vision.
Max had only asked once. When she told him it was hard to talk about, he respected that she would tell him in her own time.
That time was coming sooner than she planned.
Max wasn't able to get her from the airport. But Alex had been on his way to spend time with Lando, so he'd offered to be her traveling partner.
It had gone well. The plane ride was smooth. The night traffic made the car ride easy.
When the light turned green at the intersection, the last thing either was expecting was to be t-boned by a drunk driver.
Max thought she wasn't coming. He'd tried texting her but received no response. Even Alex wasn't picking up the phone.
She'd texted him that she was safe on the ground and would be there soon. That was three hours ago.
He was starting to worry. Panic even.
So he did the next logical move and called Lando. Praying that his friend had heard something.
It didn't take long for him to answer the phone. "I was just about to call you." Max hadn't heard Lando's voice quite so frantic in a while.
"What going on?"
"There was an accident. They're both at the hospital."
Max was driving as fast a caution would let him. He agreed he'd meet Lando there. Both of them hoping to see their friends safe and breathing.
Lando was waiting for him out front. He didn't want to face either of them alone. Unsure the correct way to act in this situation.
The next thing they knew, a nurse was leading them back to where their friends were.
Alex was upright and attentive. Stitches lined a few places on his face. doctors are doing a few tests to make sure there's no internal damage.
Y/N was unconscious, but the moniter tracking her heart was beeping steadily.
Max was at her side instantly. Assessing the damage he could see. The nurse followed him in. Getting a few vitals from the sleeping figure.
"She has a concussion and a few broken ribs, but she'll be fine." The nurse smiled reassuringly at him.
"Why's she unconscious then?" He'd finally gotten to understand her. He didn't want to lose that yet.
"Every time she woke up, she started panicking and hyperventilating. The doctors felt it best to put her under and let her rest." Then the nurse left him alone woth her.
Later, Max, Lando, and Alex were discussing it. Alex had been discharged and could leave whenever he wanted, but the three felt the need to stay until she woke up.
"The truck hit the passenger side of our car. That's probably why she was panicking." Alex pointed at making Lando nod in agreement.
Max's confusion was visible on his face. "Wait, has she not told you?" Asked Lando."
"Told me what?"
"How she lost her vision."
The two boys had refused to tell Max the story. Claiming it wasn't their place. Max respected that, but he was growing more and more curious.
Lando and Alex had left him an hour ago. Alex was exhausted and in need of a new shirt. The one he was wearing now stained with the excess blood from his head wounds.
When she woke up, the heart moniter started to beep faster. Alerting Max that something was wrong.
He gently grabbed her hand and placed it on his arm. Leaning over the bed so he could talk quietly.
It was odd how her hand on his arm had become a comfort for him. He wasn't sure if it was for hers, but he was panicking and needed to do something before she could hyperventilate again.
"It's okay, you're safe now." He soothes. His free hand now stroking the top of her head.
Her breathing calmed down at hearing his voice. "Is Alex okay?" She rasped. Her throat dry from her previous panicked shouts.
"Yeah, he went with Lando. He texted, saying he was safe at his apartment."
It was quiet for a moment before he heard her sigh. "I need to tell you what happened."
Max just shook his head to show he was listening. Grimacing at the horrific details she recounted to him.
There had been a massive crash. Six cars were involved. Her family had been innocent. Yet they suffered the most.
Their family car had landed on its side. Two cars landing on top of it. One crushed the front with the impact, killing both her parents. The other landed over the top of her. Oil leaked out from the bottom of the car, finding its way through broken glass of her mirror. The strong, smelling liquid getting in her eyes.
She screamed, trying to wipe it away as it burned her. Only to push it farther in and make it worse. She had been on the passenger side that day. Waiting thirty minutes for them to get her out safely.
She woke up alone in the hospital. Her parents and vision both gone.
Lando and her hand been friends. So she went to stay with their family. His parents let her into their home like she was their own.
When the car crashed into the passenger side, she was transported back into that moment.
Now she's here, with Max, his voice pulling her into a sense of security.
It didn't take long for her to be discharged after that. Max sent a quick message they the two were back at his apartment.
Max Verstappen embraced the girl he once hated. His lack of understanding eating away at his pride. But he understood now.
"I'm sorry about everything you've had to go through. I can't change the past, but I can be here for you in the future." He leaned his forehead against hers. The innocent affection communicating everything.
He knew how she was feeling through other signals. When blotchy tears rolled down her cheeks, he could feel every emotion rolling through her body. Finally able to get closure on what had happened so long ago.
"I love you, even if you can hardly see me, I love you."
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lemons4u · 11 months
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒┊i’ve left you guys w nothing for so long 💔 so take this small series (multiple chapters) as a apology, hopefully you guys will forgive meeee— AND i’d like to add the kazuha smut isn’t gonna come out till the end of november or thee begging of december, anddd expect a albedo smau ❤️
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒┊fluff, suggestive (ofc, it’s written by pri, what else do u expect?), fem! reader, modern au, somewhat ooc alhaitham not rly though, AND CUTIE PATOOTIE READER… w a little attitude
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“ come on alhaitham! it can’t hurt to try dating someone… ” kaveh tried to reason with him— claiming that he’d been single long enough and needed a relationship. ( also he is very attractive, and has chicks swarming all around him… you’d think he’d make the effort to start something with one of them… but! guess not! )
“ kaveh, i said no. i’m in no need of a reltionship— plus all these.. girls. ” he hesitated— thinking of a proper way to describe them.
“ their annoying, and clearly don’t care much for their studies.. i need a partner who actually has a brain. ” alhaitham said sourly.
“ ugh… ” kaveh pouted, “ brains aren’t everything, you know? if i were you i would’ve got a girlfriend already!! ”
“ i hope one day these girls realize you’ve got no personality and are rude and— and well, you know!”
“then they’ll realize what a true man is… ” he grinned. “ aka, me. ”
“ brains aren’t everything? i disagree… a persons brain is—”
“ shush! i don’t need one of your lectures about how blah blah means blah blah. ” kaveh scoffed, frowning once more.
“ one day you’re going to end up dating a no brainer, just because their pretty. ” alhaitham murmured, closing his book and leaning his head back on his seat.
“ and you’re gonna end up dating no one. ” kaveh snapped back.
“ fine by me. ” alhaitham said stoically, but to be honest… he did want to love someone eventually, but he wouldn’t admit that to kaveh.
“ you know what? if you can’t find anyone you like here at our uni… why not get a dating app! there’s plenty of smart people on those! ” kaveh exclaimed excitedly, desperate to get his “lonely” roommate a partner.
“ and get catfished? no thank you. ” alhaitham declined quickly… but seriously, a dating app might be a good idea— maybe he could meet someone at his intellectual level.. not some dumbass like all the girls here.
“ not everyone on dating apps are catfishers, come on! please try one! and i’ll pay you a visit to the library…!! ” kaveh pleaded. “ you don’t even have to date… you can just make a friend! ”
friend….? well he certainly needed more of those— as well as new books.
“ a visit to the bookstore, not library, and you have a deal. ” alhaitham tilted his head up at kaveh.
“ ugh… fine. just don’t buy too many books! or else i’ll never be able to afford supplies for my project. ”
alhaitham hummed. “ alright, i’ll limit myself to… eh, three books. ”
from the most expensive section too…
“ three?! come on make it at least two… ” kaveh pouted. “ you always get the most expensive books, so two! ”
alhaitham sighed, “ fine, two books, and i’ll try that stupid dating app. ”
“ bet! ” kaveh gleamed, picking up alhaitham’s phone which made alhaitham jolt up a bit.
“ hey what are you— ” kaveh shushed him.
“ getting you the app, obviously!! ” kaveh chuckled, flashing the phone over to alhaitham’s face for face-id.
poor alhaitham couldn’t even snatch it back.
kaveh was typing away on alhaithams phone ( without alhaitham’s consent too! how rude! )
“ here! now you can set up your profile. ” kaveh handed alhaitham back the phone.
“ okay, okay. ” alhaitham muttered, sounding unhappy… but in reality he was a little bit excited.
“ kaveh. why do you even want me to date someone….? ”
“ because haitham, your 23 and haven’t even gotten a peck on the lips— and your like, i dunno, attractive? i have no idea i just wanna help you live a little… ”
alhaitham blinked at his friend a couple of times… live a little? he was already living his life the best he could.
well actually, that was debatable.
“ yeah, okay. ” alhaitham clicked on the profile… he needed a profile picture and bio..
“ use the photo from the festival! you know, the one with the glasses and you actually smiling! ” kaveh suggested.
“ that one…? okay. ” alhaitham scrolled through his gallery, which was mostly just photos of kaveh making faces, books, and some things he found appealing (aesthetic sunsets, and photos of trees and plants).
“ what about for my bio? ” alhaitham asked kaveh, who seemed to already be conducting something “good”.
“ say your name, age, mbti, zodiac, and major! and whatever else you think is important for your soulmate to know. ” kaveh nodded proudly.
“ soulmate? you make me laugh. there’s no such things as soulmates. ” alhaitham scoffed. “ people fall in love and that’s it, there’s no mystical soulmate thing behind it— think realistically kaveh. ”
“ i am thinking realistically! ” kaveh snapped back, brows furrowing. “ your so ungrateful. ”
“ and my zodiac? the fuck does that have to do with anything? ” alhaitham raised a eyebrow, but typed it down anyways.
“ i thought you believed in astrology! ”
kaveh sighed, trying to calm himself down— screaming wasn’t going to help him. he couldn’t get a another sore throat from alhaitham.
“ whatever, just put anything down at this point…”
“ i should write down ‘ lover has to be smart ’… ” alhaitham said with the faintest smile.
kaveh gave him a look.
“ it’s a joke dumb ass. ” or was it?
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( 2 days later ) it was about 1:24 a.m— and for some reason alhaitham was awake watching tiktok.
i mean he couldn’t sleep because of kaveh’s loud snoring.. and he has finished his books— and didn’t exactly want to binge on his new ones all in one night.
and that’s when he got it— a silly little notification.
‘ you matched with… [ name ], [ last name ] ! congratulations!! ’
“ the fuck… ” alhaitham squinted, clicking on the notification to be brought to your profile.
he examined it for a moment, you took the same major as him and were fairly… pretty.
he stared at it for a moment longer before receiving another notification.
‘ [ name ], [ last name ] would like to chat with you! ’
of course, he quickly clicked the approve button.
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d3k4z-bl00d · 4 months
"ive always hated you."
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König x gn reader (male leaning)
violence, no detailed gore, König hates reader, reader hates König, König is an asshole, suggestive at the end (?), I lost motivation half way, this is based of a bot, is this an outlet for my own rage against him? yes.
You two hate each other, now your in a locker. Together.
The moment you stepped foot into Kortac, is the moment you hated despised könig. He was so cocky for no reason. Always finding out something wrong in your stance, seeing to the millimeter how much you missed the target, how your plan you spent days on would fail miserably, etc. It's not like you could teach him a lesson, he's your colonel afterall.
It didn't help how you captain didn't take your countless fights seriously. Thinking it's some common bittering. If bittering was wanting to stab him, he would be correct.
Horangi found it funny how you two hated each other so much for basically no reason. Always side eyeing each other, an accidental nudge turning into a fight scene until someone (multiple people) pulled you off each other, choosing ech other to spar just to show how much they could hurt them, etc.
Kreuger found it funny at first, then it just became annoying how you guys would yell at each other on missions, almost costing their lives. Him and hutch had gone to the captain countless times. Just being met with a chuckle and "they'll fight it out one day"
Nikto found it annoying at day one. He agreed with both of you and found both of you annoying. He didn't care at all for anyone. He half listened when kreuger ranted about you two.
That's until captain himself had enough and sent both of you on a small misson together in hopes you two can work together for once. When you both found out, you two's defenses on why not to go fell on deaf ears. For once you two agree on something atleast.
You two didn't uther a word to each other the whole ride. Just staring with loath. When you arrived at the location. You both hopped out. The misson was simple, enter building, kill some guards, take Intel and leave.
Easy right? Yeah..
You were first. You plunged you knife into the guards throat. The corpse dropped to the ground as you snatched the keys. You motioned könig to come. You whispered something under your breath. "Hm?" The Austrian giant hummed. "Nothing." You said back stoic, not wanting to cause a fight now. You two proceeded. Until someone got away (definitely königs fault). They alerted the rest as a alarm rang through the building. You make a run for it, intending to leave König behind. But just like everytime, he ruins that. He caught up to you and pushed you into a locker with quick thinking. He also cramped himself in there. "Smart ass plan, big gu-" you got cut off by a hand covering your face (literally). Your two hands held his on your face as you looked up unamused. He brought to pointer finger to his mouth, a sign for you to shut up. As if you can talk. The sounds on tens of footsteps sound. When the sound was right infront of your locker, it stopped and decreased again. König took his hands off your face. "Fuck you." You said as he did. "Shut up, just because their gone doesn't mean you should be your loud ass self." He said quietly with his stupid Austrian accent. You were about to say something, yet you realized you promised yourself you wouldn't argue with him on this misson. You just nodded resentfully. Staying quiet.
After what felt like 5 minutes of being pressed to each other in awkward silence. You talked again, "when are we getting out?" "When I want too." The annoying voice you heard to much today echoed in the locker. You grunted and tried to move. Before könig grabbed your hips to stop you. "Stop moving.." He grunted. You were confused and tried to get out his grip, causing him to grip you tighter and press you more against the locker wall, if it was even possible. You pressed himself against the other wall. Still holding you, you too were still touching. "If you were just.. smaller.. this would have been way easier." You sighed, giving up on typing to escape. "You think I don't know that?" His hateful voice gave his answer. You sighed. This was going to be a long misson..
taglist: @ridicheajohn
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mins-fins · 1 year
a motherfuckin' trainwreck — yeon sieun
yeon sieun x gender neutral!reader
requested : !
warnings : might be a little ooc (?)
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sieun is literally the awkwardest of awkward people
he doesn't even know how he actually got into a relationship is he’s being honest
he's weird about affection too
not like in a "oh i'll kill you if you touch me" kinda way but in a "oh my god your hugging me what do i do?" kinda way
whenever you give him hugs he kinda just stands there, confused
but he loves holding hands
and linking arms probably
your basically the only one who can distract him from studying too much and he pretends to hate it but can't hide how grateful he is
sieun struggles to voice his feelings and he's grateful with how patient you are with him
he probably sometimes still uses platonic words to address you and you just go "wow, friendzoning me after all we've been through?" he would roll his eyes, but he still loves you
your probably on his mind all day
while he's in class he's probably wondering "oh how's [name] doing?", "is [name] alright?", "is [name] happy?"
will literally always sleep on you if he's tired
laying on your shoulder or lap
he's SOOO clingy but then he'll deny it???
"sieun you know your super clingy right?" "stop lying, [name]".
your love language is physical touch and sieun's is probably words of affirmation
oh he LOOVES complimenting you
he just finds everything about you admiring and can't resist the urge to compliment you whenever he gets
"you have nice eyes, [name]", "you know your super pretty right?", "i can't believe how i'm dating such an amazing person".
sometimes he does it without even realizing
and you go so red which he laughs at
despite that sieun isn't the greatest at taking compliments himself
whenever you compliment him he freezes and goes red, not being able to respond
"sieun, your so smart, i can't even begin to rant about how great you are".
"uh huh" sieun.exe.has stopped working
sieun is so confident about the relationship despite how quiet he is??
like he'll hear someone talking bad about you in front of him and he'll say something like "that's my partner, watch your mouth".
he probably gets jealous so easily too
like he just loves your attention and when it's on someone else whose so random
he'll glare from afar
and then you'll ask him later like- "why were you glaring earlier?"
he would probably lie but then say, "fine i was jealous".
then you'd laugh and tease him about it as long as possible
sieun probably helps you study too
he gets so annoyed by you doing everything but listening to him so he literally has to force you to
"[name] can you pay attention?", "no, i'm too busy staring at your pretty face", "shut up".
your literally always at his house
his parents are barely home so you basically live there at this point
"sieun, your beds so comfy", "don't mess up my pillows, [name]".
you probably sleep on him too
like- you'll be laying on his shoulder as he finishes his math work for the night
and you'll have to force him to stop so he could get at least 5 hours of sleep
your probably one of the only people whose made sieun smile more than once in a day (sorry suho)
he hates your stupid jokes but smiles anyway because he loves you so much it's hard not to
he has a habit of running his finger up and down your arm, it's basically become a routine for him
HIS EYES OH MY GOD HIS EYES- he always stares at you with this majestic look
they're always on you if not on that damn paper all the time
he could simply go on and on about you and your interests and how amazing you are and how much he loves you
AND he's such an AMAZING LISTENER too like he remembers all of your interests, pet peeves, what you like, what you hate, your icks, everything
you guys probably listen to music together <333
your the only person who knows the music in his playlist
you read together too
whenever you guys read dramatic books you always give an over-the-top reaction whilst he just stares at you like your insane
"OH MY GOD SHE KILLED HIM!?", "yeah.. that's what it says, [name]".
he's probably just super calm and your super overdramatic
you guys are like the jumpy extrovert x calm introvert trope
you'll be jumping around and full of energy whilst he holds onto you so you don't get lost
he lets you clean his scars and treat his wounds since he likes when you do it
on rare occasions he likes to ramble about just random things and he's so cute when he does it too
like- he'll be going on about his interests and you just sit there staring at him lovingly
you guys are literally opposites attract
sieun being the "grumpy" and reserved introvert whilst your the jumpy and energetic extrovert
i love grumpy x sunshine tropes can you tell??
you always buy him food
making sure to feed him too
you always struggle with that though
"sieun you have to eat", "no i have to study [name]".
he still will eat for you though
sometimes he just likes to lean on his hand and admire you
just stare at you
probably thinking about how pretty you are in his head
he sometimes unconsciously smiles while thinking about you
he just loves you very very much
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thatoneloonaticsfan · 4 months
I don't know if anyone thought of this, but what about a Loonatics Unleashed opposite au? I already have a few ideas:
Common stuff:
- All the Loonatics are villains while all the villains are the heroes.
- The Loonatics black part of the suits are white.
- The triangles on the Loonatics suits are upside-down.
- Some of these might change.
- Zadavia and Optimatus are gods instead of aliens in this au.
- Might genderbend them later but I don't know.
- They have the same powers as they do in the normal show.
Now, the Loonatics themselves:
- He's usually always angry and has a big temper.
Ace Bunny Rabbit:
- Refuses to share the same last name as his sister Lexi.
- His laser eyes are always activated, meaning he's always ready to shoot and blast at anyone.
- His laser eyes are only off when he looks at someone he likes (cough cough Duck cough cough.) or is calm. (Which barely happens.)
- He literally hates everyone, especially Zadavia, Lexi, and sometimes Rev.
- Only leader because Duck didn't want to be.
- He has a big ego and will usually use it to make himself bigger then he actually is.
- Everyone hates him besides Duck and Tech. (Tech is too dumb to hate him or to really care.)
- "God damn it guys! You always ruin everything!"
Danger Duck(ling):
- Cares about Ace a lot and is the only one who calls him a good leader.
- How is he a villain?
- The others don't understand and see him as more innocent and such.
- He doesn't really like being looked at or having attention on him.
- Hates attention actually.
- Doesn't feel like he deserves to be loved by anyone or anything.
- Everyone likes him.
- Has 0 self-confidence.
- He usually likes staying away from fighting so he always asks Zadavia if he can just stay at HQ because he hates fighting but still does go out in the field to try and help.
- Has never harmed anyone during a fight unless he has to get away.
- He is Zadavia's favorite.
- Cares about the others and if they get hurt. (He usually bandages them up and such.)
- He usually tries to hide when there are a lot of people.
- Hates having a lot of eyes on him. (He's better with one on ones.)
- Never swears (He refuses to and sees them as very hurtful.)
- Everyone respects and loves him, which he doesn't get.
- Hides his face most of the time. (He thinks his scars make him look ugly.)
- "Are you guys ok? Nothing broken or anything right?"
- Unlike what his original name says, he is actually very dumb and stupid.
Tech E. Coyote Experiment 402/The Mutt:
- Doesn't know what is happening a lot of the time.
- He is more like a savage animal.
- Enjoys getting hurt or killed because he at least knows he'll just come back.
- Is around Rev most of the time because he enjoys Rev's threats to cut him open or skin him when he's fully aware he'll be fine.
- Speaks about nonsense a lot of the time, which annoys Rev more as Rev corrects him a lot.
- He would kill the rest of the team if it wasn't for the collar Rev made.
- He has a big kill count.
- Dispite hating Rev as well he does find Rev attractive for some odd reason.
- "Come on, just one bite won't hurt."
Rev Runner:
- His hair or top feathers are down all the time, and his tail feathers are very short and also down
- The smart guy of the group. (Someone has to be.)
- Likes roadrunner meat. (Yes, he's a cannibal.)
- Blames Rip for all his scars. (An accident happened causing Rev to have a lot of burn marks and losing an arm which he had to replace with a robot one and losing vision in one of his eyes.)
- Hates Tech but also enjoys him sometimes.
- Was the hated child who also got abused. (Which is also why he hates Rip because Rip got a lot of good attention.)
- If you ever use 'Runner' when addressing him, he'll completely ignore you.
- Is the only one who can keep up with Tech's nonsense, which while annoying, he knows what to correct.
- Is lazy most of the time and only makes inventions when he feels like he has to.
- The one who least repeats or likes Duck, but he still does somewhat.
- Usually talks business with Slam.
- Never goes on missions because he's to lazy to.
- Always wears a lab coat.
- Rip believes he's dead.
- "No, you can do that later after a few tests I do on them."
Slam Tasmanian:
- Secret Villian
- Is the only Loonatic people don't know about as he doesn't go on missions and is very busy with his business.
- Has a successful business and is very rich.
- Speaks perfect English and is British. (Don't ask how.)
- Hates getting his hands dirty.
- Is the only reason Rev can make his inventions.
- "As you can see on this chart."
Lexi Bunny:
- Is a spoiled brat.
- Hates Ace as she seems him as very usless.
- Will usually say how beautiful she is and comparing herself to the others to bring them down. (She barely does it to Duck.)
- Hates it when people bring up her flaws, but she's perfectly fine with bringing others flaws up to make herself look better.
- Hates video games and sees them as a waste of time.
- Is usually putting makeup on herself or making herself look good before missions.
- "God damn it! You broke one of my nails!"
- Godess of chaos and disharmony. (Again and her brother are gods in this au.)
- Hates everyone besides Duck.
- Hates Ace the most.
- Actually tries to spoil Duck which he's uncomfortable with.
- Keeps asking Duck if he wants to be the lead, which he says no to.
- "I'm so proud of you Duck."
That's all for now! Note again that some of these might change and let me know if you wanna know if you guys want a part 2. Hope to see ya all later!
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headmate-sanctum · 1 day
I triwd asking someone else to do this, but they dont do introjects and im aware that you do so im asking you guys.
May we please have any of the following as a headmate pack:
Hitoshi Shinso
Katsuki Bakugo
Eijiro Kirishima
Kaminari Denki
Shoto Todoroki
(or even any of the girls)
We already have Izuku and Aizawa, but they say they would like to reunite with anyone from the above list. You get to choose because they said no matter who it is, it's okay.
Many thanks and take care,
I couldn't decide so I went with two, I hope that's alright! - Eden
Name: kaminari denki, spark, bolt, static
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/they
Gender(s): demiboy
Orientation: pansexual
Source(s): my hero academia
Role: mood-booster, energetic headmate
Personality: he's pretty upbeat, peppy, and loud. Theyre also incredibly optimistic, to the point that it seems like he's entirely ignoring any possible bad outcome of his actions. They never think before they speak or act, just jumping right into the deep end and then being absolutely shocked that his actions have consequences. Due to all of this, and his inability to sit still, he's seen as rather stupid and fidgety and sometimes childish. However, he's actually rather smart. He's just an idiot at the same time.
Interests: physics and engineering (he's a huge science nerd and loves finding out how things work behind the scenes), loves researching about the mechanics of rollercoasters and loves dyeing his own and other people's hair.
Extra info: they frequently type in all caps and uses gen z/gen alpha language (says sigma, fire, skibidi toilet, rizz, etc.) The brain rot is terminal I fear /j. Basically the annoying little brother that lives to poke everyone around them.
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Name: eijiro kirishima, spike, onyx
Age: 16
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): trans man
Orientation: bisexual with a huge preference for men
Source(s): my hero academia
Role: confidence booster, protector
Personality: he's got a rock solid sense of right and wrong and isn't scared to stand up for himself and others. He can be a bit dense at times, completely missing the point of jokes or when someone's flirting with him, which has led some people to think he's stupid. Academically, he's not exactly the brightest, but he always puts the maximum amount of effort into everything he does, even studying.
Interests: sports (especially football, but his favorite sport to play is table tennis because he's so good at it), he really likes the outdoors and taking hikes/long walks, he's a bit of a gym bro and gets really into eating healthy and working out.
Extra info: loves liberty spikes (the hairdo) and would absolutely try to get the body's hair to look like that at least once if possible. He also enjoys painting his nails and when texting, he uses keyboard smashes to convey laughter instead of just typing "lol" like a normal person. Also! I could see him being a spider-man kin <3
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grimparks · 9 months
Chapter 3:
Just a Little note to say that because there is a remake of the au, some information in the old chapter are not canon anymore so I have to remake them, anyway enjoy your Christmas gift!
Narrator- the next day as promised, Kyle went to see the guys he knew that could help him and the new guy to actually find Stan and Clyde
Kyle- that should be that house… just hope that he hasn't moved…
Kyle- …
???- yes hello…
Kyle- are you uh… The Mole ?
Christophe- WHO GIVES YOU THAT ? Wait … WHAT ARE YOU ?
Narrator- Christophe took his shovel to put the sharp side right under Kyle face in a fast way
Christophe- you’re not a human… either a hybrid…
Christophe- what kind of anomaly are you…
Kyle- I… I don't know ! It just happened one day and pouf!
Christophe- not enough…
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Christophe- i want a really answer NOW
Christophe- uh ? Pardon ?…
Kyle- stop with your shovel dude ! I’m just some kind of superhuman I don't know ! You're some kind of goddamn WEREWOLF. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ?!
Christophe- pff…
Christophe- I’m not a werewolf dude, I’m a fox, un renard!
Christophe- whatever, you’re right what do you want ?
Kyle- so um… i… the new guy and i need your help to infiltrate the police station, at night, to get some documents…
Christophe- uh uh
Kyle- so ?…
Christophe- why do you want to get there, what kind of paper do you need ?
Kyle- it’s about Stan March and Clyde Donovan disappearing.
Christophe- Okay…
Christophe- so, how much am i paid ?
Kyle- wait what ?!
Christophe- yeah, the new guy helped me one time so it’s okay for me to help her, but not you.
Kyle- i think it’s “they” actually… but, come on… what do you want, how much ?
Christophe- they are okay with anything so shut your mouth…
Christophe- and uh… a package of cigaret
Kyle- that’s all ?
Christophe- yes, you know with the price getting more and more expensive and all that stuff… and my stupid mom doesn't want to buy me those…
Kyle- yeah okay okay I’m going to pay you that
Christophe- yipee
Kyle- anyway, there will be a reunion tomorrow at the new guy home at… uh 10PM. You can come ?
Christophe- uhhhh… je crois, uh, yes i can.
Kyle- awesome!
Christophe- i can’t believe a human can see hybrid that’s incredible
Christophe- mind if i smoke ?
Kyle- um… no it’s okay
Christophe- cool
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Christophe- need anything else ?
Kyle- yes actually, do you remember the theater kid that was at my school and who was with Wendy Testaburger ?
Kyle- the one that gave me your card.
Christophe- Oh… that faggot… why do you need him ?
Kyle- well, he was maybe annoying but he was good to create infiltration plan so… yeah
Christophe- i see…
Christophe- yep, i know where that gay ass lives… come on follow me
Kyle- if you have anything else to do that’s okay.
Christophe- dude i was watching a shitty French comedy…
Kyle- oh okay let’s go then!
Narrator- meanwhile all of that the new guy was just doing their usual stuff
Narrator- like robbing a laboratory
*alarm ringing*
Security 1- how haven’t we seen him ?!
Security 2- I don't know man! He just appeared from nowhere !
Security 1- god damn, that guy is fast !
Security 1- what has he stolen ?
Security 2- the last experience of the boss
Security 2- the guy is exiting the building ! GET THEM NOW
New guy- HAHA, see you loser !
Narrator- they broke the window of the building to finish in a little street not so far away.
New guy- so… what is this…
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New guy- oh… shiny, why does that idiot need that ? I mean…
New guy- he’s smart he could create it himself.
New guy- little sus
New guy- oh someone tried to call me… again… Kyle ? Oh yeah, that’s right I’m supposed to search for Stan and Clyde i forgot…
New guy- uh… should call him before or after i go home…
Security 1- not a move…
New guy- hehe, guess I’ll do that after…
New guy- ready to play my dudes ?!
Narrator- Kyle finally arrived to his destination following Christophe during all that time
Kyle- you’re sure it’s here ?
Christophe- sure, nobody have a note under their name that say « incredible actor »
Kyle- you’re right
Kyle- …
Kyle- he’s not-
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Gregory- greeting ! Who is here WHOA- WHY IN THE WORLD A HUMAN CAN SEE-
Christophe- come on dude, he heard that all day give him a break
Gregory- i uh… my mistake…
Gregory- wait a sec… you’re one of Stan's friends ?! Dude, you know I hate those guys !
Christophe- uh… actually he came to ask for your help…
Gregory- really ?! Interesting… So what do you want ?
Kyle- actually it’s the new guy that sent me here-
Gregory- EVEN BETTER ! So what is it ?! You got my attention.
Kyle- um… you see the new disparition thing ?
Gregory- yes… Stan is finally gone ! Is a good thing !
Kyle- um…
Christophe- i forgot to mention he hates Stan
Kyle- never mind… uh… the new guy needs to find a private case in the police station about uh… someone… and we need YOU to create a plan to break in !
Gregory- um… it must be Pocket… okay I’m in !
Kyle- who’s tha-
Gregory- I’m sure we’re gonna make a great team together !
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Christophe- urg…
Kyle- WAIT, who’s Pock-
Gregory- it reminds me of so many great memories!
Gregory- is there a meaning organized ?
Kyle- um… yes tomorrow at 10PM
Gregory- oki… see you too then ! Especially you Christophe, it’s been a while!
Christophe- la ferme abruti
Gregory- i still don’t speak baguette…
Christophe- just go back in, you idiot!
Narrator- let's go see what the new guy is up too while all this is going on
New guy- HAHHAHA, comedy
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New guy- where was i… oh yes call Kyle and get my alcohol stock back!
New guy- i really look like my mom uh ?…
New guy- YEAH NO, you’re not looking like that BITCH… hehe…
Narrator- on their way back in town ready to go into all the alcohol shops to buy every bottle of vodka and red wine she actually got a call from Kyle.
New guy- yes ? Hello, Euphonie on the phone…
Kyle- hello… yeah i got the two guys i talk to you about into the plan.
New guy- FANTASTIC! Can I know who they are ?
Kyle- i don’t think you know them actually-
New guy- pff- dude, i know everyone in the town! And most people know me from the wanted poster on all other walls !
Kyle- oh then, it’s Gregory Bellarose and Christophe … uh, i don’t know his complete name…
New guy- OH, these two dumb dumb! Interesting… it’s gonna be even more fun…
Kyle- yeah yeah… just do you know someone who is good in computer science to maybe hack into the police station system ?
New guy- i… uh…
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New guy- i can try…
Kyle- i thought that maybe Kenny could help us but… his parents have a divorce so i don’t want to disturb him.
New guy- yeah yeah… I can try to call someone but I don't think he can…
Kyle- okay okay… thank you by the way.
New guy- that’s my job dude, don’t worry !
New guy- anyway, i have stuff to do so see you tomorrow !
New guy- where was i… oh yeah
New guy- mom stuff…
Narrator- a good hour flew by as the new guy come back home with a lot of all kind of alcohol
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New guy- I'M BACK ! HAHA, no one there of course…
New guy- oh i need to call my buddy i forgot…
New guy- beep boop bap
*phone calling sound*
???- hello ?
New guy- hii, how are ya doing ?
???- uh… good and you ?
New guy- Goood, I put the shiny blue sphere in your mailbox as you wanted !
???- wait… YOU’VE TOUCHED IT ???
New guy- calm down… i just looked at it really quick but that's all i swear…
???- Great…
New guy- …
New guy- why…
New guy- why do you need it so bad ?…
???- …
???- you don’t need to know…
New guy- Terrance… we haven’t talked for months and… you just come back out of nowhere for me to get you that…
Terrance- that’s your job, i just… i can’t tell you that
New guy- i guess i don’t deserve to know it then hehe…
Terrance- let’s just say it’s dangerous stuff…
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New guy- really…
New guy- i could…
New guy- help you ? Maybe…
Terrance- no… no need
New guy- of course…
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New guy- oh ! By the way, I have to ask you something !
New guy- you see the late disparition ? Well I got put on the case and me and my team need yoouuu to maybe hack the police computer system !
New guy- what do you think ?
Terrance- i uh…
Terrance- i can’t
*weird background sound on Terrance side*
Terrance- uh ?
Terrance- where is she ?
New guy- is something wrong ?
New guy- hello ?!
Terrance- uh … i need to go
New guy- Terrance what’s wrong ?!
Terrance- I’m sorry please forgive m-
New guy- oh…
Terrance- hello ?!
Terrance- Euphonie ?! You’re here
???- hi you !
End of chapter 3
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presidentbungus · 2 years
Scout has incredible street smarts! While it seems irrelevant in the base dropped in the middle of nowhere, he is invaluable during contract missions located within urban areas.
He can notice an undercover cop in a second, distinguish accents, recognize a scam happening, pinpoint a drug dealer who looks like a sweet old granny and see the signs of some group's terf markings. The team is looking for some local hotshot and they have no leads? Scout runs to the downtown and locates the first bodega/laundromat/bar/gas station/pizza parlor, blends in and befriends some entry-position-apprentice who gives him all the info he needs.
South Boston is the top school in the world for the street-smarts and Scout graduated it with honors.
yep! while scout has resigned himself to the position of “the stupid one” alongside a crowd of extremely talented, socially awkward PhD owners, once somebody finally has the idea that he seems good at talking and drags him along on a mission they figure out pretty quick that holy shit this kid is good at talking.
Engie’s usually the negotiator if they need one at all, mostly because he knows how to say please and thank you when it seems necessary, but he still has sort of a… distrustful aura around him. the accent’s disarming, sure, and does a great job pushing through a crowd of white middle-aged church moms, but it turns out there are a lot of parts where a moderately-wealthy-looking fourty-year-old white man with a little bit of a weird glint in his eyes ain’t really that welcome. so they might send scout in, since he really, really wants to go in and they’re all out of options (unless they want to send sniper, and he’d probably leave the building having bitten at least four people on reflex)—and when he comes back out he’s got everything they need to know, plus some free snacks, plus an invite to some teenage boy’s birthday party.
it turns out that little air of authenticity goes a long way—and the team watches him flip from polite upstanding church-boy cashier to poor sad orphan boy on the streets to egregiously annoying emotional armor-shredding “class clown” in what seems like seconds, and I guess it should occur to someone at some point that he’s spent his entire life figuring out how to blend in places like that and get what he wants.
(everybody would joke he got the ‘good actor’ gene from spy, if it didn’t just make them sad. also, a few people see him effortlessly skating his way person-to-person, molding his conversational targets like putty, and wonder exactly how much of an act he might be putting on back at the base, too.)
addendum: of all the characters he is able to axt in, “suave” or “ladykiller” or anything along those lines is not one of them. please don’t get me wrong. he’s the friendly face you see on the other end of the sidewalk, or the guy you run into at the grocery store that turns towards you and awkwardly tells a whole bunch of jokes in a row and it’s so weirdly pathetic and charming at the same time you can’t help but laugh, but he’s still terrible at romance, and as a matter of fact most things Involving charisma in general. he just takes advantage of that sad wet kitten energy, you know? it works out
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Hi :D
I saw you're taking requests and was wondering, can you please write fluff with Bo Sinclair x GN reader where he sees the reader being really mad and breaking shit? (Preferably comfort at the end?)
Have an amazing day/ night,
PhantomCat 💜
A vase
A Bo x gn! Readership 
Warnings: fluff! Reader cuts hand,  blood, Bo and reader argue. Comfort and confession 
It all started when Bo kept flirting with some of the newcomers in town. You tried not to take it to heart until you saw her give him her number in front of you, while you worked on ‘finding’ a new fan belt for her and her friends car. You tried your best not to let it bother you, you really, really tried. But when they left to go explore the house of wax, which Bo so charmingly suggested, you two were left in silence. It kept that way for a bit until you finally said something.
   “You shouldn’t flirt with them..” you commented, as you cleaned up the garage, head looking down and focusing on your work. You heard him sigh loudly, as if annoyed that you were saying something stupid. 
   “ I think I’ll be just fine with what I do. Why does it matter?” He spat out, his southern drawl mixing in with his words. Your grip on the broom, now tighter. 
   “Because, why flirt with someone you’re gonna kill? Is it some sick game you like to play? Or just giving you her number would be enough to save her and her friends life?” You asked, with a sneer. Finally looking up at him. He scoffed at you and shook his head.
  “I suggest you mind your damn business about how I do things. You don’t see me bitching when you make comments about some of the guys that come in.” He commented, with sass. You laughed and and stared at him incredulously. 
   “Are you fucking kidding me? You don’t bitch? Well here’s the difference smart guy,” you start, placing the broom against the wall and turn around to look at him once more. “ I don’t flirt with them, I barely talk to any of the people who come through. I just act like an innocent bystander in you and your brothers fucked up world that you’ve created. I don’t ask for much, nor will I. But when I do ask for the bare minimum, which is to NOT flirt with your victims, maybe just don’t. It’s creepy.” You finished. He walked toward you, only a step or two, a snear painted on his face. 
   “Don’t be jealous no one wants to get in your fucking pants. Not even Lester would try. Just because you aren’t pretty enough to get attention from me, doesn’t mean you get to tell me on how to act with girls who are.” He snided. You felt his words sting against you. They hurt, they were mean. Simple as that. He wanted to be mean.
   “Fine, you wanna be like that? Fuck you, have fun cleaning the fucking garage by yourself. Maybe I’ll prove you wrong and fuck that guy she was with.” You threw the broom at him and started to walk away. 
   “Don’t sell yourself too short now! Maybe he’s not into bitchy people!” You turn around to tell something else, but before you could, the group had already came back. Apparently the place was locked. You bit your tongue and walked away. Scolding the unknowing girl and her friends before walking back to the house. 
   You tried to keep yourself calm when you got back home. The place was cleaner, (thanks to you), and you went into the kitchen. You were gonna do something to get your mind off of the whole situation. To cook, maybe clean. Something, just something to calm yourself down. While you looked through the pantry for anything, his words kept replaying in your head. You hated how he would make fun of you when he was mad. He never liked losing arguments so he would reside to insults very quickly. It was never simple ones either, he’d go for insecurities or past mistakes you’ve made. He got personal. 
   You couldn’t find anything to do, so you just leaned against the counter, trying to calm yourself down. You felt your chest rising up and down, and your eyes watering. You wanted to stay calm, and not let his words get to you. You didn’t want him to win, yet here you were. Crying and angry, over his comments, again. Without thinking, you grabbed the nearest thing towards you, and smashing it against the wall behind you. It was glass or porcelain , you could tell by the sound of it shattering. Your breath was heavy as you looked down to the smashed bits of a vase Vincent had made. The piece now laid into bits on the floor. You looked over to your hand and noticed it was bleeding. You had no clue as to how that happened. You didn’t care either. You were gonna have to clean this up. And apologize to Vincent. You went to look for a broom, but before you even made it out of the kitchen the door opened, the sound of boots creaking the floors of the house. You turn your head to see Bo, walking in. You try your best to ignore him and kept looking for the broom.
   “Thanks for leaving early, I got to talk more to the girl, her name’s Amanda. Pretty little thing. Sucks that the garage wasn’t clean.” He commented and you looked quicker, trying to just get it done. “You didn’t haft’a be such a bitch about it,” he started. But before he could even finish, you started.
  “Shut the fuck up! I don’t care, I don’t care that you wanted to get laid! I don’t care that you wanted help! I don’t give a fuck about what you want! Why the fuck should I care about you, or your opinions! I slave around this fucking place making sure that everyone can come home to a clean house. Not even a thank you from anyone besides Vincent! AND HE DOESN’T TALK! I try so hard to appease you and your brothers, to make sure everyone is happy and yet no matter how hard I try. You don’t care! It’s never good enough. You are never satisfied with what I do. You haven’t liked me since I got here, or have even tried to get to know anything about me!  So I don’t care, I’m done. You can clean up the broken vase in the kitchen.” You finished. Your eyes stung with tears, you had your hands out as you expressed with anger about how you felt. That’s when he noticed your bloody hand. He looked like he was going to comment on it, you cut him off holding up said bloody hand. “Don’t. I don’t care what you have to say.” You tried stomped off into the bathroom to clean your hand. Before you could even walk away, he grabbed your wrist, you try to twist your hand away but his grip was stronger. You looked at him through hazy eyes. You tried jerking your hand away again, to no avail. 
   “Stop. Sit down. You probably wouldn’t clean it right anyways.” He muttered, annoyed. You scoffed at him. 
  “This is exactly what I mean. You don’t care, I don’t need your advice on how to care for myself. If I did take it, I’d probably end up with an even worse infection, let go.” You ordered. He didn’t though, he instead started to lead you towards to couch, you try to jerk your hand away again. Making his grip tighter as he jerked you foward. He tossed you toward the couch, you hands instinctively went infront of you. Your bloody hand smashing against the hard arm rest of the chair. You curse out and grab your hand in pain. “You fucking asshole! The the fuck is your deal?” You yell out. You turn to look at him but he’s already walking away. “Where the fuck are you going?!” You yell at him.
   “Getting the gauze and peroxide. Just shut the hell up for a moment, you’re giving me a fucking head ache..” he groaned. He came back a moment later with said items and a bandage. You were still holding your hand in pain. He got on one knee in front of you and tried to take your hand, but you pulled it away from him. He rolled his eyes at you. 
   “Don’t touch me.” You hissed. You were still pissed off. 
   “I don’t want to, you’re lucky I’m even trying to help you.” He grabbed your hand, softly. He then took the gauze and placed it on your palm, gently swiping the drying blood. It was silent when he wrapped your hand up, not a word spoken once he tied it. You looked up at him after he was done. He let go of your hand, expecting you to jerk it away from him instantly. But you didn’t, it kept in his. You were still upset, of course. You wanted to kick his ass still, yell at him for being rude. Anything just to let off steam that he created, but you didn’t. You didn’t want to fight anymore. 
   “Thank you..” you finally said after a long moment. He nodded his head curtly and began to stand up. “Where are you going?” You asked again. He shrugged and looked over at you from his shoulder, a small yet comforting grin on his face. 
   “Cleaning up the mess I caused in the kitchen.” You felt your face drop a little after he said that, it felt like he was making fun of you again, like the little progress you made was nothing now, blown in the wind. “Sit down for a bit, you deserve to just chill out for a while…” he muttered something at the end you couldn’t pick up “darlin’…” 
  “What?” You asked, still sitting on the couch. He shook his head and looked for the broom. Somehow he Magically found it in a place you had looked previously. You rolled your eyes at that, he was always hiding things to piss you off. But I guess it came in handy for things like this, no pun intended. 
After he had finished, he sat down at the opposite end of the couch. He grabbed the remote to the tv and put something on. Not like you two were actually watching it.
  “Vinny’s gonna throw a fit over that vase…” he muttered once more. You lightly chuckled at that, knowing it was gonna be true. You felt horrible for the broken vase, you were gonna have to make it up to him later. “If you want, I can take blame for it. I wouldn’t want him thinking that his ‘best friend’ broke it in a rage.” You winced at the words slightly. You already felt bad, but hearing that out loud wasn’t feeling any better. “He’d probably be more willing to accept I broke it, having a bitch fit or something. Yeah, he’d believe that.. I don’t mind getting yelled at by him.” He noted, shaking his head lightly and laughing to himself. He looked over at you, noticing you weren’t really saying anything. He felt kind of awkward, so he Scrooched a little closer to you. You immediately noticed and made a face. He held up his hands, in a way to show you no threat. “Look… what I said back there was…” he struggled for words. You lifted your eyebrows in curiosity. Was he finally gonna admit he was being an ass? His face looked as if he was struggling for words so you helped him out.
   “Rude, bitchy, unnecessarily mean?” You suggested. That got you a small laugh. He nodded and looked up at you again, taking off his cap and throwing it onto the coffee table in front of him. His hair a slicked back mess, you liked it like that. 
   “Yeah, we’ll go with whatever you feel like…” he said… a small moment of silence followed. He took a deep breath and released it with a long sigh once more. He placed his big hand onto your thigh, it caught you off guard but you didn’t flinch away. That gave Bo enough confidence to keep going. “I wanna say…” you didn’t make eye contact with you as he kept talking “I’m sorry..” damn him and his pride. This was the first time he’s ever apologized to you and he couldn’t even look you in the eye. But you didn’t care, you felt your eyes sting with more tears, and with s wobbly voice..
  “Look at me..” you asked softly. He did after a few long moments. “Say it again. I wanna hear you say it to my face.” You said, with a grin, eyes still welling with tears. He rolled his eyes, but looked at you once more.
  “I’m sorry.” He said again, the grip on your thigh tighter. You smiled and nodded your head. 
  “I might forgive you, if you get rid of that chick’s number.” You suggested with a small laugh. Bo quickly reached into his pocket and took out the piece of paper with Amanda’s number on it. Crumbled it up and threw it somewhere away from you both. You gave him an annoyed look. “I’m gonna have to clean again.” Wiping away the small tears that had snuck out.
   “It’s a piece of paper, you’ll live. So.. am I forgiven.. darlin’” you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked away from him. His hand never leaving your thigh. 
   “Maybe..” you muttered. He tsk’ed at you and grabbed your chin with his other hand. Pulling your face towards him. 
  “Nah, we ain’t doing that. You wanted me to look at you when I talk.” His grip on your chin, now a little tighter, pulling you every so closely, “ I’d like the same treatment. So,  do you forgive me?” You nodded your head, the burning in your cheeks now even hotter. He let go of your chin and flashed you a grin. “Good! Then I’m glad we’re on even ground. Vincent will be back in a bit, if he asks about the vase blame me. “ you nodded again and sighed.
   “I feel horrible for breaking it.” You mentioned quietly. Bo shrugged and looked over at the tv,       “he’ll be fine. It wouldn’t be the first thing you’ve broken in this house.” You look at him questionably. He looked back at you, his grin still painted on his face. 
   “What else have I broke in this house?” You asked Bo. You both heard a car pull up, assuming it to be Lester about to walk into the house. He looked back at you as he started to walk away. 
   “A pact that me, Vincent and Lester made when we first brought you in.” He confessed.
  “What pact?” You asked
   “A pact not to fall for your dumbass.” You felt your heartbeat faster at his words. 
   “Well how did I break that, if I wasn’t even involved in it?”
   “Oh you were,” he looked back at you. “Since you’re the reason I just broke it, like how I’m the reason you broke that vase.” He added. “Things come full circle Darlin’…” he walked away before you could ask him any more questions. Lester walked in with the dog, and you smiled to yourself. 
(This isn’t perfect but I’m not usually one to write fluff! So I hope this is good!)
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
Komi Can't Communicate au? Where Yata is Komi Shoko and Saruhiko is Tadano HitoHito? (Well, semi-Tadano, not completely since they have two different personalities, but I think you understand what I mean)
Fushimi is literally the absolute worst person to help someone else make 100 friends though XD Maybe what Yata really wants though is to just make one really good friend — sure, he’d like to have a whole bunch of friends that he could run around and have fun with, but if even just one guy could be his friend that would be enough. Say in this case Yata’s communication disorder issue is that initially at least he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he just blurted out everything he felt. Initially this got him a lot of friends among other kids who admired Yata for being so tough and talking back to bullies, but then when his mom gets remarried and he switches schools it becomes a handicap. People start bullying and shunning him and it gets so bad that Yata becomes afraid to even open his mouth, always worried that he’ll say the wrong thing and everyone will start to ostracize him again.
His parents switch him to another school for high school and Yata thinks maybe this won’t be too bad, since no one knows him here. He still can’t really talk though, just sitting in silence while other kids ignore him. I feel like Yata would be kinda overlooked in this case, just that short kid with nothing special about him, and instead people in class are all gossiping about this other quiet kid with a pretty face. Except when people talk to Fushimi he responds to them with acid remarks and tongue clicks and Yata secretly thinks that it’s kinda cool isn’t it, the way Fushimi doesn’t care what other people think.
One day the class needs two people to stay behind to clean, Yata is chosen because he can’t speak up to say no. The class also chooses Fushimi, laughing all ‘you don’t mind staying late right.’ Fushimi clicks his tongue and the rest of the class leaves, Yata’s there all nervous because he doesn’t know what to do. He’s frustrated but he can’t say anything so he just starts cleaning, which is when he hears another tongue click. Fushimi says he doesn’t care about idiots, but if it upsets Yata so much he should have said so. Yata laughs nervously and tries to say that it’s fine but his voice won’t come out. Fushimi looks at him for a moment and then gets up and walks to the chalkboard. He says staying quiet in front of others is stupid, if Yata wants to yell he should yell, and if he can’t yell then write it at least. Yata stares at him blankly and Fushimi says he doesn’t want to be stuck cleaning with a guy who just gives up in front of others, so write what you can’t say. Otherwise Yata can clean quietly after all and Fushimi will go home, because why should he work with a shorty who can’t even muster an argument.
Yata feels this sudden burst of anger and imagine him grabbing the chalk and writing ‘I’M NOT A SHORTY’ on the board in big messy letters. Fushimi scoffs all yes you are and suddenly it’s like the floodgates have opened, Yata writing about how angry he is and how annoying Fushimi is and if you’re so smart why didn’t you stand up when they made you clean, why do we have to listen to those guys, next time Yata will just skip cleaning and see how they like that. He throws the chalk down in frustration but then looks up when he hears someone else writing, Fushimi with a slight smirk as he writes ‘yeah, worthless guys like that are annoying, when they make other people do all the work just because we aren’t all uselessly friendly.’ Yata laughs at that and writes ‘you’re a weird guy,’ Fushimi responds with his own ‘so are you.’ Suddenly they’re both writing all over the board, complaints about school and their classmates and everything. Yata finds himself smiling widely for the first time in a long time as he writes ‘hey, you’re really cool!’, and he thinks maybe he saw Fushimi give the smallest smile reading it.
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content-d3leted · 2 months
Here's another useless paragraph or two that noone will ever read but I need to type it anyway because..........yes.
Robert. (I know, what are the chances that this is about him again!!). He's such an odd character, in the sense that he is considered a genius by many, and acts all smart, aswell as being an inventor AND a robot, which are usually both stereotyped as clever, however he is actually so stupid (in a nice way) for the most part.
This guy can create machines allowing you to see other people's dreams, he can create dusters that can automatically detect mess, he can create whisks that un-scramble eggs..........yet he didn't know what a seed was. He didn't know what pretty much any sport was or how it worked, he didn't know what an audition was, what a holiday was, or a sleepover, the poor chap doesn't even know whats going on half the time! (Well, in series 1 at least).
In a way, its quite nice. It shows he is not just a stereotypical genius who knows everything, but is infact only knowledgeable on very specific topics. Basiclly....engineering and cleaning. I suppose that this is because in robot school, that was all he was taught. He didn't learn about biology (hence not knowing what a seed does), or sport, or enjoyable activities in general, because he didn't NEED to. His sole purpose was to serve others, which usually only requires skills that a normal butler would have.
In the usual scenario of what his job should've been like would be cleaning the house and taking care of the people inside with the occasional small-talk, then off to bed. The classic butler. Just standing in the corner of the room, being seen and not heard really.
Justin was different. He didn't see Robert as a mere helper, but instead saw him as a roomate. A best friend. I presume J must of been feeling a bit down and lonely as he moved house alone into a new neighbourhood. He needed a friend, someone to keep him company. So that worked out pretty well. It also meant that Robert got to experience and learn of new things that he never would've done if he lived elsewhere. His first sleepover, his first music festival, his first experience camping! Without Justin, he never would've even known the existence of doing such things! And then they fell in love awwwwwwwww
I doubt Robert had many (or even any?) close friends before meeting Justin, since otherwise he would of heard of having a sleepover for sure. He never really mentions having friends, other than the ones that are already pals of Justin (except Jodie of course, the pair of them seem good friends so he must of had 1 then). Its like the universe destined for he and J to meet, because they really needed eachother!
Throughout the show, Justin is portrayed as a clumsy idiot-like person, who is thought to be considerably less smart than Robert, mostly due to his child-like behaviour and the (annoying) 'funny' voices and faces he does (that cheek wobble thing he does is the most annoying thing ever. Actually pisses me off so much). However, in actual fact, he and Robert are both equally dumb. If anything, Justin is smarter than him! Justin knows more things about the real world and more broader subjects, so really, if you add it all up, he knows more than Robert. Of course though, Robert is very smart in his own special way.
Wait actually now that I think about it, Robert does act child-like aswell. In series 1 there were some scenes where he acted like that (eg when he was given the 'official whistle'). And throughout the show, especially in s4, 5 and 6 (although he also does it often in 1, 2 and 3 too), he's become more and more prone to doing his silly little 'hand clapping whilst bouncing' thingy whenever he's excited. I don't personally think that's childish since I do (and will continue doing forever) similar things lol, however others may perceive it as being childish, sooo basiclly he and Justin are both as childish as eachother in their own different ways <33333
It's quite funny how space is one of Robert's main interests, and he clearly adores it, yet he knows so little about it. He didn't know that Uranus had rings?!?!! Does he just decide to not read a single book or anything about his interest?? Or maybe he did but he's just forgetful lol
I actually need to consume them I need to commit an osmosis and absorb this show into my flesh it is just SO GOOD.
I was only supposed to write 1 short paragraph, what happened!! The autism possessed me 😔 /j
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snobgoblin · 1 year
Seeing as you’ve been diagnosed the Ace Wiki how does someone unfamiliar with the powerpuff girls write Ace? (Not just as a boyfriend but just in general)
ok Ace is a bit of a tricky character to write (I've made a guide like this before but it was vague and also I can't find it) but it's not so hard once you keep these core traits of his in mind-
Ace is stupid. he just is. it's not bad, he's just kind of dumb. but he THINKS he's smart. and his gang does too (besides Snake sometimes) he's got a big ego and nothing much to show for it. he often doesn't think things through and acts very impulsively, and he gets words and phrases wrong a lot and he doesn't know about a lot of things, but pretends he does (like Shakespeare, calls him the guy that's always shaking the spear)
he likes to get under people's skin and has no accountability. he likes to bully people or annoy them on purpose and then immediately backtrack and say he can explain or someone else told him to do it or something
he is self serving. he puts himself and, to a lesser extent his gang, first (I say to a lesser extent because for the most part he keeps them safe but its not unheard of for him to throw them under the bus)
he's funny! intentionally sometimes, making dumb jokes or puns, and unintentionally other times ("gimme the money or your fish will be swimming with the... fishes" <- not meant as a joke he just didn't think it through)
he's chill for the most part but he does have anger issues
he puts on this air of confidence that's always quick to come down as soon as something goes wrong- he's really really nervous under all that
he's an outcast. nobody likes him, not even other villains, and he's incredibly aware of this
he's a manipulator! he knows how to get on somebody's good side if it means he'll get something out of it
above all else, he's charismatic, at least he thinks he is. you really just have to watch clips of him to understand what I mean by this it's hard to put into words
......yeah I hope that was enough. I feel like I really went ham listing off his bad traits but there is a lot of good in him too- he's been known to comfort people and actually be sad when they die in later seasons, so there is a bit of development there and even in Gorillaz! he says "please can you get out of my way" that would be unheard of in ppg, he only really said please when he was begging for his life, not when he was telling someone to get out of his way. so I will give them that there is a little development there but at the same time he's still the same old scamp (carries around knives, even popped somebody's basketball though he felt bad? about it (though its very possible this is another case of "he does a bad thing and then loses his confidence as a defense mechanism"), carries around brass knuckles implying he gets in a lot of fights, steals toasters, implied to have eaten a cigarette, definitely drank alcohol when he was specifically told by his parent company not to) he's not suddenly some average Joe just because he said please one time you know?
and remember that I left out some traits because they're incredibly scene-specific and not necessarily true for the entire show, like that he melts when he gets excited in Aspirarions and hes incredibly loyal to Sedusa because she promised them a better life, things like that. his character works differently for the purpose of some episodes but he largely remains the same and has consistent traits
I don't think I explained right at all so I definitely encourage you to just kinda like? watch clips of him if you wanna write him. I don't articulate things well and you'll be better off getting it from the source (though I do love talking about him though so thank you >:]) just try to remember he's a scamp first and foremost and don't try to scrub that away. his strong personality is something to be embraced not worked around
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clonehub · 2 years
Rewatching tbb wish me luck.
First thing I've noticed is that the way tbb fights is really inefficent. It looks cool until you realize they're taking out droids one by one and techs droid poppers are only good for one use each. A normal droid popper would take out maybe like 6 droids at once if they're close enough. Tech used three and got three but we saw the whole sequence of it ig bc it's mean to be cool?
And again like I'm confused bc how much of this is their own skill and how much is access to weapons that regular clones don't have.
Like why does tech insist on getting as close as possible to stick these grenades and droid poppers on droids when the more efficient thing is to throw it from a distance?
"if you're done hiding down there" shut UPPPP oh my god
You know how like. Ppl say the Travis books are mean spirited and the jkr books are mean spirited. This feels mean. Like these are clones who were about to be overrun, who needed help, who relied on you to save them and you're immediately berating them for what?? Needing reinforcements? Waiting for YOU to do YOUR job?
No bc like just how like in s7 tbb gets away with breaking chain of command they do it here too. The captains right to berate them for insubordination like huh.
Caleb's voice has me in tears 😭
Geez the way they converse is so annoying. Wrecker is so annoying. I don't like characters that yell a lot sorry.
Kinda crazy that it took tbb that long to run back.
"talk to the reg captain" he has a name
Again the way they say regs just sounds like a slur.
Also like I feel like episode one is just the beginning of everyone else being rewritten in order to prop up tbb like kanans fans were PISSED his entire story about O66 was rewritten to give something to them.
Ah yes the first instance of Wrecker and tech being the dumb/genius trope.
Now that I think about it it actually feels kinda disrespectful to have like. The goofier/funnier moments of like the food fight and all that in an episode where a genocides just been committed???
And like wrecker isn't funny they don't actually know how to write funny. When that one critic said their personalities had been turned up to an almost caricaturish degree they were right.
And tech here asking that one clone what division he's from and naturally being brushed aside and then using that as evidence that they're still the same. Like huh. You see kaminos lockdown you see the Jedi have all been executed you see ppl got shit to do and you step directly in front of someone to ask them a stupid question like that 😭 like what was even the point of that scene they just screen wiped immediately after 😭
Good lord they're so ugly.
"they manipulated preexisting aberrations in our DNA--" ok so like. An aberration implies something bad. Defect implies something bad. But it's clear these aberrations were good differences taken to their extremes. Because in what world is looking at someone's DNA and seeing there actually a genius (barring that this isn't how this works) like actually a defect. "Oh this guy's strong and this one seems to have stronger senses" that's. They started out good and then were taken further??? Like??? And it was done on purpose too, not like the the Batch were unplanned, the Kaminoans specifically made them this way which is a luxury and privilege like no other clones can have.
Which is what annoys me so much about tbb being bullied by regs for being ~different~ bc that's such a shallow read on what differences exatly would make the regs hate tbb so much. Like no kdy gets bullied for being smart or strong they get bullied for being annoying as hell and being arrogant and derisive to ppl they think are "beneath" them. So the bad batch were bullied for their appearance then and the privilege they have over other clones in clone society. So like. These white boys that were made to be better than everyone else and get rewarded for it all the time look down on the """regs""" why am I meant to side w tbb lbr. Like it looks like hyped up white kids getting bullied by jealous brown kids. Huh. Bffr.
This is so bad. IM ONLY 18 MINUTES IN WHAT--
"you're more machine than man percentage wise" die
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