#he is my favorite short birb
officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
✦ If I may ask, is it wrong for a mortal to wish for a god? May my hopes and dreams to embrace Idia be brought to fruition? Or will they just be scattered like stars in the sky..?
I apologize for two Idia asks already, sadly he is on of my favorites ✧
"... Child of mortals, one truth you must understand
To love a god, a great risk you put in your hands
Tragedies shall ensue, for the ichor you lack
For love should a god falls, there is no turning back."
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pairing: idia shroud x reader
content: short drabble, hurt/probably no comfort, character death, ichor's effect on humans is probably inaccurately described (on purpose btw), idia has yet to meet his persephone here, angst :) , greek mythology
the oracle speaks — this hurts my soul to write (not really but still)
The Fates cannot save you now. I am sorry, my child.
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— you couldn't breathe.
each inhale was a wave of pain you had to endure. your lungs felt like they were burning, it made everything physically hurt to just breathe.
tears poured out from your dulling eyes like rivers, its coolness was like a salve to your burning skin. but it wasn't enough.
what had you done to deserve a fate like this?
"no... no, nonononononono—" you heard a familiar voice muttered, then a pair of arms wrapped around your sore body, cradling you in his hold. "this- this wasn't supposed to happen—"
his cool hand cupped your cheek, sending yet another painful throb to your brain. it took you everything to even open your eyes, bloody lips stretched into a pained smile as you saw his distinctive glowing blue hair. wisps of blue fire caressed your skin, light like feathers.
"i'm sorry, my king." your throat felt dry, the beautiful voice he adored hearing was now reduced to mere rasps. oh, how it felt like godly stabs to his immortal heart, seeing you in such a state.
his mind briefly wandered to just a moment before, when the ichor he spilt had made its way onto your delicate mortal skin. thus, putting you on the line to the underworld for eternity to come. you would be with him, still, it was just not the same.
tears pooled the corner of his eyes, he wondered if this was his fault, or it was a cruel destiny the fates had set for him. his cold lips pressed a kiss on your burning forehead, a grim reminder of your horrible demise.
"you deserve to reach elysium. i will make sure of it." he murmured, holding back his tears as he witnessed the fates snip your cord, ending your suffering at last.
his quiet voice, laced thick with sorrow was the last thing you heard, before you fell into a slumber, never to wake up again.
"I am so sorry, my love."
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🏷️ @dove-da-birb, @cave-of-jade, @xen-blank, @lyle-my-beloved, @krenenbaker, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @identity-theft-101, @siren-serenity + idia kissers
remember to reblog if you enjoy my works! ^-^
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
Caspian Aster!
(my Twst’s Yuu)
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The beauty mark is under the wrong eye because I’m An idiot
Trans masculine, he/him or ey/em, bisexual
Grade/Class: Sophmore/1A and 2C (keep reading if you’re Confused)
Birthday: October 13 (Libra)
Age: 17 (cause that’s when I started the game)
Height: 157 cm (Ik he’s short 😢)
Dominant Hand: Left
Homeland: Louisiana (doesn’t remember that)
Club: was in film studies but it was a bit to much for him so he joined board gaming club after meeting Azul. He also sometimes hangs out with Malleus and Jade so they aren’t lonely and will also pop by science club and pop music club for fun. Best Subject: History
Likes: making films
Dislikes: Sports
Favorite food: Teriyaki Pineapple Burger
Least Favorite food: Brownies
Talent: Being from another world? Idk
———————————————————— Cool Facts:
In the middle of Book 5 before the VDC performance he asked Vil to cut his hair, bye bye ponytail!
His guest room has a mini Monstoro lounge bar because he’s a stupid simp and basically recreated Octavinelle in his guest room and Azul decided to make a profit out of it
Hates Star Rouge with a burning passion
A few differences from canon:
Grade: in my Yuu’s universe after book 3 he complained to The headmage that being a joint student with Grim was bringing his grades down. So aside from magic related classes their grades are separate now and because of this Cas was able to take some of the basic classes as a sophomore because the freshman classes were too easy. He’s the age of the sophomores anyway.
Book 3: He did not tease Azul for his baby photo because WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?
Book 4: Did take up the offer to stay at Octavinelle over Winter break, but still had to keep ramshackle from falling apart so the events of the book are unaltered
Book 5: He did make it into VDC, because he does have experience performing on stage.
Book 6: Stayed at Octavinelle during Ramshackle’s repairs
Rooks nickname for him is Monsieur Soleil
Haven’t decided how many of them are in the actual story but obvi I self ship with Azul, Rook, and Jade :)
@keii-starz, @shinysparklesapphires, @dove-da-birb, @v-anrouge, @vivigoesinsane, @edith-is-a-cat, @krenenbaker, @l7k-a, @distant-velleity, @xen-blank come meet my Yuu!
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ROAW Stuff - Weekly Writing Post #2
Hello, and welcome to my second weekly post ^.^
Like I promised at the end of my last weekly post, in this one I have a few topics to cover. This might be a bit of a long one! :D
Topics covered: Twin Feathers, Towns and Cities, The Afterlife
On that end, let's start with the members of Twin Feathers, the rival adventuring party that the members of Lucky Seven meet and become so inseparable from.
Eirairr is an interesting one-- he's a full elf, but due to his many long years of isolation he's incredibly eccentric. His personality changes on a dime, he is very much a person that takes from other peoples personalities and tries to mimic them if he thinks they're "cool" or "funny". Despite his weirdness, he's dependable when it counts. He's a good friend, and loyal-- even if he IS a bit immature and annoying at times. (and almost incapable of taking anything seriously) He is definitely the most childish out of the six.
Some of my favorite Eirairr scenes are when he's acting like a total nutcase, and then Qlul joins in because he's a bubbly, energetic birb.
Speaking of Qlul, let's talk about him next! The resident birdfolk healer of Twin Feathers, he shares a few similarities with Eirairr. Namely, he's awful with directions, is far too energetic and happy, (although honestly, you can never be TOO happy) and has a problem taking most things seriously. His serious side does come out more often than Eirairr's. All in all, Qlul is a very empathetic person who cares deeply for his friends and the general well-being of those around him. He's dependable when it counts.
Contrasting Ecirr, he's an eagle-like birdfolk with white/brown plumage. (although honestly, i always see him as pretty much completely white)
(and he's dating Ecirr)
Ecirr is the closest thing to a leader Twin Feathers has-- stoic, stubborn, and serious, maybe a bit arrogant. He (also a birdfolk, but raven-like in appearance) and Qlul grew up together as close friends. They attended a prestigious university in Kaarda, then headed to Kommodia to become adventurers-- and see the world. I'd say Ecirr and Qlul are both of above average intelligence, but you wouldn't really guess it with how Qlul acts.
He has a good heart, if a short temper. He's the kind of person who won't say anything if he sees other people doing something wrong, until they notice. This tends to result in Twin Feathers getting very lost in the middle of nowhere for days on end. (and arguing alot)
Honestly, it's a miracle their party works at all. It's thanks to that when it really comes down to it, all of them can really "get their head in the game" so to speak.
Final Words on Twin Feathers
Before we move onto the next topic, I just wanted to say that I really love Twin Feathers. They give a much needed "happy" vibe to the world when they're around. They're the kinds of people that when you're around them, you can't help but smile, even if they're acting utterly ridiculous.
It may not seem it, but these three silly guys have a huge part to play in the overarching story. Without saying too much, there's a certain part where their lives (Taka, Beriyl, Arthur's) would have taken a very dark turn had they not been able to intervene/had they never met one another.
What is a "starting town"?
This will be a relatively short explanation, and I started thinking about it because I watched a scene from the new Sword Art Online Aincrad movie, (which i still need to watch, really want to) and i was like hmm... Why do I call Leln a "starting town"?
(anyway, i think that's why this came to mind)
In the first chapter of my book, I describe Leln as a "beginners town" or something to that effect. The reason is relatively simple:
In the world of commercialized adventuring, where everyone wants to do it and tons of people *are* doing it, it's a very lucrative business.
Leln is situated in the perfect part of the world where new adventurers can get the hang of things, do a few jobs, figure stuff out, all that good stuff. Leln is smaller than most cities, it *is* a town, after all. (I think with something like less than 20,000 people living there, probably in the 5,000-10,000 range. Compare this to the capital city which is like 300,000 or more? So...)
(the numbers aren't exact, i have them written somewhere but i'm too lazy to pull them up rn)
Basically: Leln is relatively safe. The goblins in the area are culled regularly by government-sent high ranking adventurers who can be trusted to do the job and do it right. (This, of course, is standard procedure and happens in Hamelan Territory, too. Hamelan is actually very safe, the towns outside Hamelan's walls pay a tax to the royal family to be under their knights protection, so pretty much everyone up there is relatively safe)
Back to Leln: There aren't too many caves or dungeons nearby, and given that it's a small town, the "risk level" of jobs at the Guild are, naturally, much lower than the ones you might see in a sprawling city like Hamelan (the capital). or even Demarcos (a coastal city) idk if that makes any sense.
tldr: leln calm area of the world, other places not so much, but still safe enough. leln good for new adventurer, other places ok too, but leln is the most popular destination (and also the one the *MAIN* Advent Route has carriage's go to!)
And finally... Let's talk about The Afterlife
First, there are a few things I think it's important to understand about the world before I delve fully into what awaits people after death.
In the world of Tamalnh, the Gods tend to not intervene. They do exist, but a very long time ago, they swore to not intervene in the world any more than absolutely necessary to ensure it's survival. (As the Gods are omnipotent, they'd step in if a world-ending threat were to crop up, but as long as 50% of the world remains safe they won't intervene. To reiterate, if a threat capable of killing more than 50% of the worlds population arose, they would step in and destroy it to save their world, and their creations.)
Here are some fun bullet points:
When you die, there's a short period of time as your soul leaves the Mortal Realm, ascending to the Judging Realms for the "Will of the Gods" to, for lack of a better word, judge you for your actions and intents in life. When a soul has reached the Judging Realms, it can not be brought back into the body it was from- ergo, resurrection magic only works within a short window (and it's very, very hard to pull off. I will talk about healing magic, magic in general most likely, churches and resurrection magic/etc in a later post. I also want to talk about "Wills" as that is very important to my world.)
The "window" shortens or lengthens based on the individuals will/desire to live, how much they have left undone. I think the longest time a soul could stay tethered to it's vessel would be 8-10 hours. It's usually a pretty short process of a few hours, although theoretically the most strong willed of people could stay tethered for a day or two, i suppose.
You are not conscious as your soul ascends, and as souls cannot be pulled from the Judging Realms or the Afterlife itself, no memory of the "in-between period" remains, hence nobody knows the afterlife exists.
However, there are some practitioners of specialized magic known as Soul Diviners/Spiritual Diviners/whatever u wanna call em. These people serve two purposes: They can read your soul and tell you your fortune, like a palm-reader, or they can tell you the color of your soul. The color of one's magic is tied to the soul, so the proof of a soul, magic that interacts with a soul, and some other phenomenon prove that souls exist (and hence, the afterlife.) Also, Ghosts, Revenants, Wraiths, etc, exist.
The Gods believe that Soul Erasure is the worst "crime" one could ever inflict on another (apart from the act of killing someone to begin with, I wager. Although they aren't going to condemn you to eternal torment for killing in self defense like Arthur has/does, it's circumstantial.), as life does not end in death, it only begins. Your eternity begins in death, an eternity of doing whatever you wish for as long as you wish, with the ability to sleep, be intimate, read, write, do whatever you like-- forever. Taking that away from someone, taking life away from someone is something the Gods can not condone. Even the worst of criminals aren't subjected to the erasure of their soul, and only one in history was ever punished in a way even slightly reminiscent to that-- they were put permanently to sleep. They still exist, technically, but are unable to experience the afterlife, as they are asleep. Forever. Fun little loophole for the Gods, I say.
If a person dies before the age of 15 (or was it 20-25, i dont remember), when their soul is "completed", they are given a second chance and allowed to reincarnate. They lose the memories of their past life. Similarly, the two examples of isekai'ed people (Rend, Arthur's childhood friend, and Lelnas, the legendary hero. fwiw, this will never be brought up in my book, so it's not a spoiler at all) lost their memories of their time in their original worlds. For the most part, generally people who are murdered or lose their "remaining/full life" in some unfortunate way are granted a second chance if they wish to take it, a chance to reincarnate. Their soul and personality would remain the same as they're still the same consciousness/person but in a different body, going through different circumstances. You know how every person you know kind of has their own "feeling" to them? It would be like if one person you knew died, and you met another who had the same "feeling". That's how you'd know someone you cared about had reincarnated.
Closing notes:
I'm not really sure what i'll cover next, but i should still have a few things I can talk about that are general lore that wont be talked about in the main books and isnt a huge spoiler for anything. I might talk about the "Body of God" and the nature of reality and some other fun things. I think that'd fit in well to my long expo dump about magic in my next post :p
Unrelated: this song reminds me of taka, beriyl, and arthur's dynamic (and it reminds me of ecirr, qlul, and eirairr)
(the tone of the series changes alot with book 2 and i feel like this would fit as an anime ED showing the lighthearted moments of book 1 as a sort of parallel)
its a good song :D bye for now!
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guardian-rocket · 1 year
Who are your top 10 favorite muns to write with and why? If a mun is a multimuse also tell which are your favorite characters to write with and why?
(The order in which you list the people doesn't matter unless you want to assign them specific places.)
Question Master
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Top 10, here we go... @antvnger Puppy-Mun is the first I am putting on this list first because of all the threads and ideas I've ever had on here the thread I've been doing with them (Space Heist) is the largest single run I've had so far. We actually had an entire 4 part mission and went to Knowhere. I feel like Rocket and Scott made some real progress in becoming friends and I love that. Every post they make is gold. They're nice to their anons and I generally enjoy interacting with them OOC and hijacking their random posts. They're also genuinely funny, which I feel is very important for someone portraying Scott. I already loved Ant-Man but Puppy-Mun makes me adore him even more! They also often tag me and I love that 💕
@byondtheveil Rei-Mun (Birb-Queen) is #1 OC in Rocket's world and my Rocket muse simply adores her. I always look forward to reading her replies and she's a great person to talk to and shoot the breeze OOC. We both love thrifting IRL so it's fun to just spam her DMs about my latest finds. Her character Rei is literally one of the most endearing original characters I've ever come across. She's well thought out and has connected with Rocket in a way most muses can't do. With her I have been able to explore Rocket's comfortability just popping on and off Earth and get some much deserved down time. @papetoonfox Papetoonfox was a RP partner I had many years ago. We haven't interacted much on tumblr but we got a RP going on Discord that I am fully engrossed in. Our conversations OOC often puts me in stitches and we have so much common interest it's so easy to just get lost in our own little nostalgic world of Y2K aesthetics and retrowave vibes. They're also very encouraging with me about my art and they produce some of the coolest music I've heard from anyone I know. I love their portrayal of Fox and so does my muse.
@stripesofbrooklyn They were one of the first to interact with me OOC when I started getting more active again and I feel we check in on eachother both ways pretty regularly I am confident to call them a friend. Our muses have great chemistry together and Rocket always loves hearing from them no matter what strange shenanigan they might be getting into. Rocket fully admires and trusts their Steve and is someone Rocket would go out of his way for.
@spidermanxnoir / @jeff-the-gnome-king First they get super points just for playing my favorite version of Spider-Man (Noir) and our thread which started off without any plotting has turned into one of the most epic adventures my Rocket has ever had. I think Rocket's gotten pretty attached to him as they've gone along and genuinely think he's cool. Looking forward to them retaining an ongoing friendship. Being able to tie or franchises together has been a ton of fun and I think we write beautifully together. Also they're super chill OOC and I love bugging them with my latest ideas. @the-mjolnir-owner This Thor is one of my best friends on Tumblr. They are often sending me posts in my DMs to see about Rocket and Thor and I just love their characterization. We also have a lot of fun discussions about Thor and the Guardians and I feel they capture Thor very well in their writing. Just in general they're an absolute joy.
@butwithmoreme I know our thread is fairly new/short but I literally hear Tony's voice in their writing, it's so damn good. As Rocket's mun I will hold a special place in my heart for anyone who doesn't just write him off for being a little shit. The fact they're being science bros together makes me so happy. @spideymn A big stand-out as a great writer. Sounding repetitive here, but I hear Tom Holland in their dialog and they feel very in character. A shining standout, and my muse likes him because he's a helpful kiddo. Happy to see them interacting together. @beatfreesmysoul They're my #1 music buddy right now, and I enjoy dropping into their DMs to be annoying lol. It's so great to have someone here to talk tunes with because I genuinely am a big music nerd. I love that they send me memes/tag me for that stuff too. As a Rocket RPer I often feel a bit sidelined so they make me feel included on things which I super appreciate. Our thread taking place earlier in the storyline is great too, kinda fun to undo all my muse's character development and let him have 'issues' he needs to work through and I love that we can explore or character's developing friendship.
@gctbusydying I am pretty sure they're my first Kitty Pryde and honestly, worth the wait. Interacting with them feels like we're jumping right out of the comics. I think that Kitty is canonly one of Rocket's favorite ladies and their friendship is important to me. I know I MOSTLY adhere to MCU canon but I've read the comics too (albeit a long time ago) but when it comes to Kitty I'm like -slams fist on desk- FRIENDS. I know we haven't had a TON of interaction but I hope it keeps going.
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stars-and-birds · 1 year
if chrissy survived headcanons!
@misfittq @el-fandom-birb
(disclaimer these are headcanons not what i think would’ve happened)
okay so i spent like an hour last night doodling ideas so… here it goes
(this is kinda long so hcs under cut)
she was basically saved from vecna by chance. when she go to eddie’s trailer, he turned on the radio and her fav song played during her vecna-ing. her arm is still broken tho. (it’s broken for the whole season)
eddie, since it’s essential to his arc, still runs away from the trailer after that
jason notices her broken arm and asks her what happened. she doesn’t tell him but he finds out she went to eddie’s trailer and assumes it was him
things get worse when jasons’s friend dies by vecna alone (in the place of chrissy, basically) and eddie is nowhere to be found. jason continues to assume it’s eddie and his whole arc is sparked by that
chirsys tries to get him to stop but he doesn’t believe her when she says it wasn’t eddie
chrissy finds dustin and asks him if he knows where eddie is (she saw them hanging out or smth, idk)
they find eddie together and she convinces him to listen to everyone
she ends up staying with eddie in the shed and we don’t see her till she and eddie are escaping
she and eddie have some scenes together, nothing romantic
when jason finds eddie, chrissys in the boat with him. jason brought someone else with him to confront eddie, and they end up dying (it’s a pretty weak plot point, i know, but it’s all i could come up with)
chrissy and eddie steal a walkie talkie to talk to everyone else and they hide out at the rock
they have a small sweet moment where eddie asks what she saw in vecnas visions and she ends up admitting she’s a lesbian and vecna was also sending her haunting dreams about that. yes that is my headcanon and it is my au so shush.
eddie is ofc very supportive <3
she jumps into the upside down with the older kids, after robin before eddie
after going into the upside down, during the fight with the monsters, a demobat grabs her hair and someone with an oar beats it to death. but now there’s a dead animal tangled in her hair so she ends up chopping some of it off with a knife found in the upside down wheelers. (short haired chrissy is one of my favorite headcanons leave me alone)
when they get back to the regular world eddie gives her a proper haircut before the final battle
reminder that her arms still in a cast btw
to resolve her jason arc she ends up confronting him before he can reach lucas or erica and knocks him out. that way that arc is fulfilled and the two black characters don’t get beat up by the white bully <3
jason still dies
at the end of the season, she’s seen comforting dustin after his talk with wayne. they have a nice little hug and cry :(
bc it’s still my au it’s chrissy not vickie making peanut butter sandwiches with robin. buckingham canon(and maybe even buckinghamler/chronance…)
aaaaand that’s it i have some sketches if anyone wants to see
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ashiiblack · 1 year
Hi! I just saw that you have a lot of Endhawks in your blog. Do you maybe have some fic recs? Even if it's fanfics you've written it's tfine by me! I want to get into the ship, but so far no fic has really called my attention😭 If you know a really angsty one, I'd love to read it akdbajdb. Thank you for reading this and have a good day!
Hi anon!
Endhawks is one of my favorite ships of all time! There's something hauntingly beautiful about how these two find each other and support the other in their own way. Their love can be quiet or broadcast on social media, but either way, it always feels authentic to me. I like my hurt with comfort and happy endings but I'll try to do some recs! This is a short list but I tried to focus on hurt/comfort and slightly angstier pieces. I have a lot more ready to share. I'm not including fics with more than 1k kudos, as those are pretty easy to find (with that being said, Where the Archangels Go by surveycorpsjean is a deliciously plotty, angsty post-Paranormal Liberation War Arc fic).
Charmed by nicolefrickle- Nicole is better known for Trouble, a college AU, but this is a 1k feel-good read where Endeavor warms up Hawks while they're on patrol. I visit this fic whenever I need a mood lift.
keep it coming by bakunoist - casual sex, virgin Hawks, a good amount of supporting cast
Threader by Jinbeizaki - An AU where soulmates are connected by the red string of fate. Hawks can cut threads. Enji is severing his thread to his wife but there's a bit more to it than that. :P
More Than Enough by DJFishHead - I have a weakness for the hurt/comfort that the Paranormal Liberation War Arc brings, between Dabi's official reveal and Hawks's wings, from both Endeavor and Hawks sharing their stories in the hospital, it's really prime Endhawks fodder. This fic is the embodiment of a lot of what I love about this time period.
Crescendo by quietfaun - All of Alice's fics are amazing but this one is one of my favorites. It's so romantic and you can feel how much they want each other in each scene. It's a pretty quick read too.
Letting Off Some Steam by AwkardlyUnoriginal - Hawks is a phone sex operator and Enji needs a release. It's a fun read and very sexy.
it won't make sense right now by bea_meupscotty - I used to not like soulmate tropes but fics like this turned me into a convert. This is one of those "your soulmate's first words to you are tattooed on your skin" soulmate aus and it's very satisfying. Misunderstandings, light angst, all of it.
Our Room, Untouched by Time by keptcolor - Jeanist sets up an anonymous sex opportunity for Endeavor. This one is mostly smut and sweet but the reveal is really well-written.
Words Never Spoken (self rec) - Endeavor wakes up in an alternate reality where he was able to save Touya, he's married to Hawks, and he's a teacher at UA. This is my most angsty Endhawks fic so I humbly offer this up to you. :)
I hope this gives you a start into Endhawks! Most of these authors (including myself) have multiple endhawks fics so if you like the writing style, be sure to check them out! Overall, we're a pretty chill bunch of shippers who love our beefy fire daddy and snarky birb.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 years
Please for the love of god infodump at me
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It Takes A Village
Writing Sideblog
I go by Byrd for short. I'm an intersex autistic trans man, I use it/he pronouns (unless it's funnier or gayer not to), I'm plural, and I'm over 18. I'm also an ex-mormon. Do not fucking proselytize any fucking religion at me. You will be blocked.
I mostly reblog about random shit, but sometimes I'll make original posts and/or respond with my take on a situation - those should be mostly tagged as #byrd chirps.
My exmo tag is #byrd is an exmo. Sometimes, my moot @twiggyfrogblog sends me birds, sometimes other people do too, so if you're looking for fantastic bird posts, the tags #byrd's birds and #ty twiggy! should take you there. Ask games are tagged #byrd's ask games. Transparent gifs are tagged as both #transparent gif and #transparent gifs.
I also have some new tags - #byrd's silly art, which is for my artwork (currently just me tracing photographs to try and wrap my head around concepts like shapes and shading), and #byrd's writing, which is how I tag any posts about my writing.
I am currently writing a fanfic - I've started to try and tag that as #stt and #byrd's silly little fanfic - once someone finds the fic on AO3, I'll put a link in here.
Some of my posts/reblogs contain triggering/heavy/nsfw topics. I do my best to tag these, but I'm not perfect. Let me know if I miss anything. I don't generally tag swearing, and I do use the word queer as a self-identifier unapologetically.
I have a few sideblogs - some of which are currently inactive. I won't link them here - see if you can find them!
I'm friends with Kea, a writer who distributes his work under a pseudonym, and I have his permission to post his writing. Here is my favorite of his, The Model and The Letter.
Lots of links below the cut, including resources and ask games.
Current ask games:
Not Like The Other Ask Games™
Who Am I To You?
Gentle Cottagecore
Iconic Tumblr Post
Vibe Check
Why Do You Tolerate Me
What am I the patron saint of?
Character Opinion Bingo
what 3 fictional characters do you associate with me
Another Character Opinion Bingo
????? 2 electric boogaloo
Another Colors
Pokemon types
Literally anything (I make no promises of answers, however)
send me a shitty summary of my blog?
want me to pick a sentence from one of my WIPs to share?
the blorbo blingus (character ask game)
litcherally just ask me anything about my ocs
who am i to you?
toss me a gender, why dontcha
polyamory asks
squishmallow character ask game
In addition, I really enjoy helping to name things like fictional characters and whatnot. I have a method that I use that creates original names with meaning - it's not foolproof, but I've come up with some great names through it.
If you need help naming someone/something, feel free to send in an ask at least giving me a few words you'd like associated with the thing - more information is better, though! There's no cost, either - it's a fun exercise in creativity on my end. These will be tagged as #byrd's name game.
DNI is in my bio.
Other links -
My ex-terf/ex-radfem blog
Everything you know about obesity is a lie (tw minor healthism in the article)
Body Neutral/Positive Recipes Base Post (feel free to contribute!)
Body Neutral/Positive Recipes Main Thread
Free Online ASL Lessons
Planned Parenthood's sex ed tab
help getting out of medical debt for usamericans
Masterlist of Native/Indigenous products
Good picrews for fat people
literally every animorphs book for free
Alternative search engines
The distinction between hating men and being a feminist and why it's so important
Piracy Subreddit
Drawing Tips Masterpost
Visual Snow Syndrome
If you need a smile:
Get a random birb
No Notes Bungus
Handmade ball python plushies
Good news: COVID-19 edition
The world's cutest alligator
Good news: Climate Change edition
A Different Aftermath
An important reminder
an absolutely buckwild idea i had
Tumblr writers
The Model and The Letter by Kea (if it gets 420k notes by the end of the year I'll read Animorphs and maybe write an essay about it)
Kea's Chapbooks on Ao3
Tumbleweed by Kea
Tumblr's Folk Tales
The origins of parafonian
Kissinger Death Tontine
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technicalknockout · 1 year
*flaps excitedly* PIGEON OC LORE DUMP
warning long and incoherent with way too many elizabeths than required
Oh my god i realized there is no fricking way im explaining everything today theres so MUCH HDKKSJDKS i'll just explain the basic mythology and some of my favorite guys
Ok we need to start with the gods
Once upon a time there was nothing. One day Nothing decided it wanted to be something. It split itself into multiple parts and those parts became the first three gods. The part of Nothing that wanted to be something became Creator (cre) and the part that liked being Nothing became Red (ree. This is a placeholder name i really cant decide on a fitting name for red hdjsdkskd). Also there was this indecisive middle guy and their name is Astral (starry. Starry is important because they're the responsible sibling. They mostly do everything)
These are the Incompetent God Siblings. There are smaller gods who split from the siblings but theyre mostly irrelevant. Also the gods look like birds (actually it's the other way around, birds look like gods because the gods wanted to put something that looks like themselves in the mortal realm. Kind of like self insert ocs dhjskfkd) so i also call them Birbs
Anyway the thousands of new gods just hung around for some time in their newfound existance until cre decided this was boring. So the gods all decided to make some universes with stuff in it. Except ree who was against the whole 'existing' thing in the first place and was a grump about it, so the gods conpromised with ree and put a expiration date on the universe. Spoilers: this leads to some politic problems later on
So tada theres a universe now. Multiple universes. Parallel worlds are relevant later but that would make this post longer than an entire novel series so dropping that topic
Now onto the actual ocs dhjdkskfks
Domino aka Elizabeth the 3rd. (Some quick background lore, the elizabeths are guys who are trapped in an unending loop of reincarnation (courtesy of ree). They all have their own memories and personalities but share some core traits such as god obsession) Domino is part of the "villain squad" in the plot and a (pseudo)scientist who works at the shadow government. She's very cold and NOT interested in anything except for her (ethically questionable) experiments concerning angels and, unfortunately, the main characters. She was relatively fine until she got involved in some plot relevant scheme as a kid and almost died now shes Not Fine.. has two lab assistants Apel Pine (pineapple) and Stein Mango (mangosteen. Theyre 9 years old, twins and orphans, domino named them and yes she is canonically bad at names). Pineapple is traumatized and deprieved of affection, desperately seeking love from domino who is the only thing close to a parent figure he's ever had. Domino does not notice nor does she care.. which makes pineapple :(. He's aggressive to others and needs therapy. Unlike him though, mangosteen is very okay! Mostly because pineapple tried his very best to protect mango from the bad things in life. It worked and pineapple now has twice the trauma he was supposed to have, while mango has none. He turned out as a silly little guy who is oblivious to the horrors and he tries really really hard to make everyone get along. And he likes snow :D theres a short backstory behind pineapple and mango from before they were domino's assistants which explains why theyre Like That, which i will maybe perhaps talk about later
Also in a different universe theres a 12 year old menace called damo who wears a poncho thingie and claims to be the most evil villain in the whole universe (she isnt she has no idea what a villain is, she thinks theyre cool people who explode stuff). She likes bombs and doing disney villain laughs. She is the silly ever and nothing bad happens to her and i love her very very much
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e17omm · 2 years
Me: sweet, Im getting close to finishing the HoI arc! Once Im done, I can start thinking about the HoS arc!
My brain: yeah but what if you didnt?
Me: *softly* dont
Brain: yeah but why dont you think about HoS' arc start, middle and finish, with Schicksal HQ battle 2 (you still havent written SSHQ battle 1 btw), along with the HoStars event and how to tease the HoDol arc? Also dont forget about Nagazora! While youre at it why dont you write short chapters canonalizing Parasol Kaiserin in Snippets?
Me: please stop.
Brain: Oh and also how about that Mobius and Hua first meeting at St Freya? On the topic of the birb, its gonna be fun writing about her arriving as a "student" and Sirin celebrating Hua's 17th birthday twice, and lets not forget about Cecilia or Ragna visiting the School! Oh and didnt you just come up with the idea of Sirin using her projection as a Halloween "costume" and she used it while younger? Btw, what would an adult version of that look like? It seems less effort than teleporting and it'd be a waste for Sirin not to learn it. Now why dont you actually get to writing about everyone's favorite noodle lover Kevin and how he's NOT gonna be sitting on his ass all the time? Oh oh! And also there's the whole thing with Finality, why dont we–
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kosmonauttihai · 2 years
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Some of my favorites of the screenshots I’ve taken on raptor nestcam streams in the 2022 nesting season.
Sydney White-bellied Sea Eagle nest - chicks SE29 and SE30 grow their big birb feathers and learn to fly
1. Five weeks old and still pretty fluffy. SE29 left, SE30 right.
2. Seven weeks old, SE30 (front) is a day short. Juvenile plumages are pretty far along, and the chicks are nearing their full size. SE30 is getting bigger than her older sibling and has a broader beak, so SE30 is likely a female and SE29 a male, as female raptors are larger.
3. Tracking something that needs tilting your head to fully comperhend. SE29 left, SE30 right.
4. Eight weeks old, and starting to look like proper birds. SE29 left, SE30 right.
5. Almost-10-week-old SE29. What a pretty boy he has grown up to be.
6. & 7. SE30 finds something in the nest, but decides it's yucky. (Not sure what it was, but she didn’t swallow it.)
8. SE29 has recently figured out he can climb out of the nest onto the branches. Bothering Dad to bring him more food is a good motivator to make him venture farther up the branch.
9. Each eaglet on their own branch. SE30 on the “beginners branch”, SE29 partially obscured on a slightly more advanced one on the right.
10. 11-week-old SE29 returns to nest after fledging.
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
worm juice time
Lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
Protective reader x everyone's favorite fucked up blue gamer charizard (idia)
Idk maybe some hcs? +10 points for height difference. I feel violent and wanna fight people like a not knight like knight. Screw being fair I'm stealing your life force and then eating chips with my introvert
time to cause chaos :3
reader isn't yuu, gender neutral reader, reader is shorter than idia, implied established relationship, tw for violence, short bc i decided to juice enough worms to put me to sleep
idia didn't know when it happened.
the one time he decided to get out of his safe haven, you just spawned next to him and kinda adopted this introvert.
and now he had a bitey gremlin with a tendency for violence following him around.
they sometimes bite him and use him as a heat pillow to snuggle, but will bring him snacks and just stay by him whenever depreciating thoughts caught up to him.
they also plot revenge against those to talk bad about him, the violence meter depends on how badly they fucked up.
a handful were sent to the infirmary, some were sent to ER, the other few lived in fear of retribution for the rest of the year.
they were suspended, of course, but were set free just a month later. i will not elaborate, they just do.
actually, now that he thought about it, it wasn't that bad.
they didn't do much that gave him the ick, they were... tolerable. surprisingly.
they are quite affectionate to him, but manage to stop themself before they make him uncomfortable.
they like to cuddle with him whenever he games or just generally there in one place. much like a cat, a feral one to be precise.
eventually, he decided he (somewhat) enjoyed their company, and let them do as they please.
in conclusion: you cause chaos for him, he accepts your affections and tolerates you enough to let you be near his personal space.
taglist🏷️ @dove-da-birb @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @cave-of-jade @twistwonderlanddevotee @vioisgoinginsane + idia kissers
remember to reblog is you enjoy my works! ^-^
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butchdykekondraki · 2 years
Anyways, Grian here with special guest Verna to talk about...our partners! As a way to lighten up the room. We'll use our respective emojis to signal who's gushing about who:
Hnnnn I love laying on Mumbo's lap while he and Scar bounce build/redstone ideas off each other. Holding Scar's hand was a natural default when we were within arm's reach of the other. Though, I think Mumbo was what keeps us sane? I mean–after a point, Scar and I turn into an elderly couple who bickers. We still love each other dearly but my word. Never let us have a one on one conversation longer than five minutes. /lh
The Moon stuff in season 8 was fun for a while. I don't remember much because...sleeby birb. Too sleepy. I remember stars...the night sky and laying on top of different roofs? Scar and Mumbo on either side. Telling each other the different constellations. Mumbo didn't know much as it was more Scar and I teaching him.
My favorite guys. Wanna just kiss them. Just smooches.
...I–it was Ren. I dated King Ren. LISTEN THOUGH. I...he–I...when I first arrived to the Hermitcraft server, I fell through the birch forest by Impulse and Gem's bases. Bdubs was gathering some materials I think–he found me and took me straight to the king as I was "an uninvited guest".
Night time and a full moon does NOT mix well with a werewolf and a bunny hybrid being stuck in the same castle. Long story short: bdubs found Ren whimpering at the locked door I was behind trying to apologize in the morning.
That aside–I love him. He's a real theater kid with a dramatic flair. Ren knew he was attractive and had fun with it. A bit of a flirt but acted innocent. Oh how I loved playing with his hair. His cloak was always so warm. I preferred the one without the diamonds. Pretty. Boy. Eyes. With. A. Dad. Bod. Gahhhh. Hello??? Handsome.
Anyways, that's been us rambling about our partners. Xoxo
– Grian 🦜 + Verna 🐇
shoutout to partners for. gay. ^_^
0 notes
showtoonzfan · 3 years
Why Stolas From Helluva Boss Is NOT A Good Dad (rant and analysis)
I think it’s finally time to talk about everyone’s favorite “misunderstood owl birb” from Helluva Boss, specifically, how much of an “AWSOME amazing dad” he is, and his relationship with his daughter, Octavia. When it comes to Stolas, despite despising him like Angel Dust and Blitzo, I could care less if people felt bad for him, or really want him to be in a relationship with Blitz. Okay, that’s a lie, I do care, but nothing grinds my gears even MORE by how I keep seeing both the CREW and fandom gush over how good of a dad he is, so today, I’m going to talk about why I PERSONALLY don’t think he’s a good dad. Without wasting any more time, let’s get to it.
It of course all circles back to the pilot, where these two portraits are shown in the background of two shots. One were blitz was sneaking the book away from Stolas, and the other where Stolas is in on the phone with blitz.
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This revealed to the audience that Stolas DOES indeed have a daughter, and judging by the scene where blitz falls on the table, he is currently cheating on his wife. We of course at the time didn’t know his daughters name yet, or anything about her, just that she existed. I should also note, that judging by most of the comments and videos I’ve seen of the fandom talking about Stolas, there were always two categories. People either hated Stolas for his creepy pervy vibes, or people downright loved him for his raunchy and goofy look and voice. Of COURSE though, most of the people who hated him seemed to change their opinions once episode 2 released.
With episode 2 coming out, the plot was going to be about Stolas, and the relationship with his daughter, as he takes her to a theme park she loved when she was a kid. Kinda early to start the emotional beat of a serious issue for a comedy show, but whatever Viv, you do you.
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In the beginning of the episode, we open with his young daughter crying in the middle of the night, a flashback. We are also technically introduced to his wife Stella, as she groggily asks him to deal with her. Despite Stolas being tired, he goes, which yes, is sweet. He refers to his daughter as “Via” short for her real name “Octavia”. After she reveals she had a bad dream, Stolas of course sings a song, telling her that no matter what happens, she’ll be okay. While again, this scene was very sweet, and reveals that Stolas cares for his daughter deeply, this is one of the scenes that seemed to blind the crew and fandom. I was always sick of people constantly acting like just because he sang a sweet beautiful song to her in the past, that suddenly makes what he’s doing NOW okay, or make him any better than he is now. To quote Spinel from SU, “You can’t just make everything better by singing some stupid song”. I think it’s clear Viv’s intentions here were to have him sing a song not just because she has an obsession with musicals, (like EVERY thing she touches needs to have songs in it) but because she wanted to show how close they were before, versus now, because of HIM. Something HE did, something HE fucked up with, yet even she herself seems to act like he’s a misunderstood baby who loves his daughter. Let’s move on to get what I’m talking about.
It’s clear that Stolas and his daughter had a very good relationship with one another, but once the years passed, and ever since he has been associated with Blitz, everything changed.
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Octavia has now turned into an edgy emo teen-OH I mean a teen who’s life has turned upside down. She now barley seems happy when she’s around the house, not even looking like she wants to live there. Her father’s actions have not only ruined his relationship with her, but her mother’s relationship with him as well, causing the teen to look depressed and in a horrible mood most of the time, so not only has her father ruined their family’s relationship, but her life as well. We cut to Via waking up abruptly to her mother’s screaming at her husband. We can tell this has certainly happened before, as Via is not happy. Now, I’m not here to talk about Stolas as a husband, but as a father, to let’s forget Stella. Stolas, seeing his daughter clearly upset, tries to lighten the mood by wanting to take her to a theme park she loved when she was a child, Loo Loo Land. Now, let me just say that yes, Stolas IS trying to put in SOME kind of effort for his daughter. We see that he genuinely wants her to be happy, and he truly believes that if they go to a theme park she used to like, she’ll feel better. We can all of course appreciate the effort he’s trying to put in, he could have simply ignored her like Stella did, but instead, he tries to go out and do something with her. Even if he’s clearly not listening to Octavia or thinking about what SHE might want, (since she says she’s not five anymore and he completely brushes it off), it’s STILL sweet that he’s trying. When it comes to trying to fix relationships, you got to take baby steps remember? I would have at least appreciated him as a character if this is the route they went, but of course.....now we’re at the part you knew was coming. The part that REALLY grinds my gears, the part that basically ruined any from of likability I could have had for him when it came to him and Octavia. Stolas says he’ll get the security going, and when he explains that they’re rich and famous (so demons would go after them) WHO does he invite as a bodyguard?
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Now, I’m going to speak calmly, so let me share something about myself. Whenever I try to bring up HUGE unpopular opinions when it comes to Viv and her works, I always genuinely try to be calm and not be petty at all. I feel like if you’re petty, people are most likely to not listen to you. Now, yes, I’ll admit that I AM petty from time to time when it comes to my HH/HB and Viv related posts, but...I just have to say this because...I’m sorry. I have nothing against people who disagree with me on Stolas being a good dad but I just....is the fandom...blind? Like....did we ALL watch the same video? Is the crew blind? Because this....THIS right here, is ALL the proof you need pointing to Stolas being a shitty dad. I think the worse part is that this ain’t even the ONLY proof that points to that, but it is a huge one, the one that everyone saw yet....no one batted an eye for some reason.
So let’s recap........Stolas sees his daughter upset, especially since he ruined the relationship between him and his wife by cheating on her. In attempts to cheer her up, he tells her they’ll have a day to one another, JUST THE TWO OF THEM, and brings her to a theme park she used to love when she was younger, not really getting her as a person NOW, but still trying. He then says they need security since they’re so famous, and so...he brings along Blitz, the person he’s fucking, the person who’s the center of the main problem that’s ruining his daughter and wife’s life, JUST TO FLIRT WITH HIM. Because yes, we DO learn that he can fend for himself, so not only did he LIE to his daughter about needing security, but he brought blitz along just to get his hard on, when again, the whole point he was DOING this in the first place was to spend time with his daughter. This is why I don’t get the fandom. How...HOW is he a good dad? I’m not even DONE with this post yet and I already managed to explain why he sucks. I feel like the crew and fandom just saw this scene and brushed it over, because I swear, NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT THIS SCENE. Ever. Everyone is just blinded by the song he sang, and the ending, which yes, we’ll get to. But holy FUCK guys, this man stooped the bar low all the way to Gahanna.
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The funny thing is out of all of this is that at the same time, he ACTUALLY is trying still. He asks his daughter to check out the rides with him, looks at shirts and toys with her, and suggests going to see Robo Fizz’s show since she “loved” it so much as a kid. Again, he’s not really listening to her at all and seems blind (which btw, even if he’s trying, that doesn’t excuse him not listening to her) but he’s STILL trying. However, like I said before, his effort is literally RUINED once he decides to bring blitz along. I don’t understand why Viv decided to go this route. I don’t get why we couldn’t have this episode just be centered around Stolas and his daughter trying to connect with one another, instead of pointless filler scenes with Moxxie and Millie, and a scene with Blitz and Robo fizz that goes nowhere. Blitz and his crew did NOT need to be in this episode, but...of course they had to for the Stolatz shippers and M&M lovers. Oh, and I guess we’re following the Steven Universe law as well, where the main characters HAVE to be in every episode no matter what. I’m trialing, so let’s continue.
So yeah, throughout the whole episode, Stolas is constantly flirting with blitz on the side. Can I just be the first to say (since I guess again, the fandom and crew didn’t seem to notice or care) Stolas flirting with Blitz in FRONT OF HIS DAUGHTER IS DISGUSTING. Not only is he being inappropriate as all hell, (being vulgar and saying blitz is the only man who can fuck him when she’s RIGHT there) but he DOESN’T EVEN BOTHER TO THINK HOW SHE MIGHT FEEL IN THIS SITUATION. Like this “best dad in all of hell” apparently has the nerve to flirt with the key to this families problems, in front of his daughter who’s literally depressed and miserable BECAUSE OF THIS. Like....WOW guys, Stolas is SUCH a good dad omg yess good owl birb 🥺 NO. Just no. Christ, if I had a father who tried to fix his relationship with me by bringing me to a place I was specifically vocal about NOT wanting to go, as well as bringing the person he’s cheating on my mom with just to get his popsicle standing, I would have said “fuck off, you don’t deserve my love”. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. Let’s wrap this up.
So, after Octavia FINALLY has had enough with her fathers bullshit and storms off (as she should yass queen) Stolas follows her to a fun house, (oh, of course not before asking where Blitz is because he’s his “night in shining armor”) where she’s sitting alone, in tears.
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And so, we’re finally at this episodes ending, the famous scene of Stolas consoling his daughter, the scene that everyone said was “moving” and brought people to tears. The scene that wraps this whole mess up, even if it’s waaay to fucking soon to fix a complex relationship like this but again, whatever. It starts out with him sitting next to her, saying “I take it you are not having fun”. I.....GEE YA THINK? What could have brought you to THAT conclusion? Maybe it’s because you forced her to go some place she didn’t want to, and practically ignored her emotionally all day just to flirt with your sex toy but I could...COULD be wrong. Anyway, Octavia says she didn’t want to come here, and he actually apologizes, but of course saying he thought she loved it here even though any smart full grown adult would know that she’s too old for this shit and would have actually LISTENED to her when she said it the first time. Octavia expressed that she was happier when she was kid, when Stolas wasn’t with Blitz and when her parents weren’t arguing all the time. Again, I can appreciate what Stolas says here, because he finally does admit that he should have listened to her, but that’s part of the problem guys. He didn’t, and he brought blitz along. Finally, we get to the part that I think is the most important.
After Octavia says she wants to go home, but that home doesn’t feel like home anymore, Stolas....actually tries to explain how he feels about his wife. A person who used to love someone trying to explain to a child why they don’t anymore is a VERY hefty subject, and a very hard thing to do, ESPECIALLY if that child is your kid, who wants you two to be together again. I want people to know that despite everything I’ve said and what I’m TRYING to say, I’m going to say it now. I don’t think Stolas should get with Stella. I’m not saying he’s a shitty dad because he’s not in love with her anymore, or doesn’t want to be with her, because not being in love with someone anymore isn’t a bad thing, you need to do what’s best for you, otherwise you would end up miserable. I’m saying he’s a shitty dad because he doesn’t listen to her, doesn’t think of how she would feel, and most importantly, DOES NOT PUT IN THE EFFORT. Before I elaborate though, let’s finish this ending. So like I said, Stolas tries to explain what’s going on with his wife. He tries to tell her that he doesn’t love her anymore, and that he’s not happy with her, but......he just can’t get it out. He doesn’t have the words, nor knows how to tell his daughter that he can’t just go back to loving her to fix everything. Now...when it came to this scene, I didn’t know what to think. Some people found this part heart wrenching but positive for Stolas, since people seem to think that the reason he didn’t have the words was simply because he KNEW what he did was wrong, so he couldn’t say anything to back himself up. Others took that scene of him just not knowing how to say it. For me....well, I disagree with the first one. Knowing Viv, it seems more like he said that just because he didn’t know how to say it, not because he knew he was in the wrong. If he knew he was in the wrong, he would have changed his actions, he would have LISTENED to his daughter, and at least TRIED to fix his relationship with his wife, as well as cutting off blitz for a bit to make up lost time with his daughter. But...he doesn’t do that....does he?
Instead, it turns out that Octavia wasn’t upset about Stolas being a twat, she was upset because she’s afraid that Stolas will LEAVE her and run off with blitz. Wow Viv.....really? Yeah okay. Anyway, that’s when Stolas says he would NEVER leave her.....and......guess what guys? EVERYTHING IS OKAY NOW!
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Yup! Everything okay, apparently all Stolas needed to do was tell his daughter he would never leave her, (because out of EVERYTHING he did to her, THAT was the biggest problem apparently) and their relationship is now magically fixed! Fuck this. I’m sorry....I....what...what kind of writing is this? And thanks to the “glorious” writing here, everyone thinks Stolas is an amazing dad, simply because he said ONE thing to her. Not because he apologized, not because he changed his actions, but because he said he wouldn’t leave her. Apparently after the HELL he put his daughter through simply because he’s a creepy horny PERVERT, this was ALL the fandom needed to instantly say he’s a good dad. Wow. But....hey....ya know what? Maybe he will get better. Maybe after seeing how hurt he made his daughter and wife, maybe after everything him and his daughter have been through, maybe he won’t go back to loving Stella, but making a change for his daughter, fixing the relationship with his wife and ease down on blitz so he can work on being a better person, so that this broken family can slowly heal and-
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So....circling back to my question before....is the fandom blind? We’re all looking at the same thing right? How this man literally saw his daughter at her worst, and despite him apologizing to her, he goes back to fucking blitz as if episode 2 NEVER HAPPENED. I....we’re literally back at the beginning. NO changes were made, we’re RIGHT back where we fucking started. No “hey blitz, I need to focus more on my daughter so we can’t fuck right now” or “hey blitz, I’m going to have to stop seeing you because right now I need to focus on my daughter”, NOTHING. He’s just screwing around with the man who’s the problem to all of this, not even mentioning or thinking of his daughter, hell, he’s STILL SCREWING BLITZ IN THE SAME BED STELLA WAS GETTING ON HIS CASE ABOUT. If episode 2 didn’t ruin Stolas for me, it was damn well episode 5, because this reveals he made ZERO changes for Octavia. Best dad my FUCKING ass.
And you know what? I’m damn glad Stella took Octavia with her for weekends, because after THIS? This man doesn’t even deserve to look in his daughters direction until he gets his shit together. He can’t even freaking figure out if he truly loves blitz, or sees him as a play thing. Stolas does NOT deserve Octavia, I said what I fucking said. Stolas might as well run off with blitz, because blitz is all he seems to care about. And I don’t care if Stella isn’t the best mother, I truly don’t believe Octavia should be with him. Yeah it’s a hot take, but I’m sick of people saying he’s a good dad when he not only didn’t TRY to change for the sake of his daughters mental health, but he goes back to fucking blitz, and not even trying to fix the relationship with his wife. Christ, he literally used the fact that Octavia was away for HIS BENEFIT in episode 7, just so he could get close to blitz. It doesn’t matter if he genuinely loves his daughter guys. The fandom doesn’t seem to understand that you can GENUINELY love someone and still treat them like shit, or make wrong decisions. Just because you love someone, doesn’t mean you’re a saint when it comes to the relationship. I really hope in the future of this show, Stolas either puts in effort to change, or gets the consequences coming to him. And NO, Stella trying to kill him doesn’t count. I’m sick of the fandom siding with Stolas simply because Stella is worse. I don’t care if she’s worse, Stolas still did what he did, he still SUCKS AS A DAD.
He’s a HORRIBLE husband, and a horrible father. Thank you for reading.
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Headcanons for a short s/o / favorite employee for any of these: all sephirah, nothing there, funeral of the dead butterflies, and Der Freischütz? And if you want you can put a favorite of yours in it too!
Short gang rise up
But my favourites are mostly Birbs so i'll try to mix it up. Also, because i now do separate sephirahs and abnormalities, i'll do it in 2 parts
Abnormalities with short (S/O)
Big and Will Be Bad Wolf (my fav)
•you remind him of a sheep. You are just smol™
•tries not to bite or scratch you, but sometimes it happens. He is a hungry "evil" wolf
•you are the only employee that can sleep on Wolf and use his fur as a pillow/tail as blanket and live
•calls you "pup, sheep, piggy". If he uses anything but pup, he is hungry and you need to feed Wolf first. Just a heads-up
Nothing There (also my fav)
•to be fair, your size doesnt matter for Nothing There as if it wanted, it would had broken its own bones 20 times to fit in your shell
•but it likes you, so you dont have to worry about it. Favourite thing for this flesh doggo to do is to pat you with his blue arm
•you get free rides on NT. Even if it is in its final form (you know. Breaching wise). Its a funny sight to see
•cant really talk to call you anything, but mostly uses either positive things Nothing There heard or shows affection through actions
Funeral of the Dead Butterflies
•adores your smolness! Definitely calls you "butterfly" because of it
•wants to hold you. He is gentle (like holding a hamburger). Has no problem with helping you to reach for the things you need if you cant reach
•likes to do dances with you, cuddle, put butterflies on your hair
Der Freischütz
•small = fragile = must be protected = cannot touch. Thats the thought process of Der Frei when you actually like each other
•you are not allowed to have his gun. Dont. He will shoot whoever you dont like himself
•"i only had (S/O) for a day and a half, but if anything happens to them, i'll kill everyone in this facility and then myself" - Der Freischütz. Trust me
•gives you nicknames in his native tongue. Like "Sternchen" (little star), "Häschen" (little rabbit)
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fadedneonzzz · 3 years
Of the many characters who I have a higher opinion of than I did before, Qrow would be one of them. Honestly, despite his massive popularity I didn’t really like him that much, thankfully that has changed with V7 and V8. 
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So why did people like Qrow so much? Well he had a lot of lore built around him before he was introduced in V3, he was Ruby’s mentor, he was Ruby and Yang’s cool and edgy uncle who was never around, he’s 1/4th of the legendary team STRQ, the twin brother of everyone’s favorite birb mom Raven, He had one of the best and impactful debuts for a new character so far and he left a pretty good first impression. He was the cool dude with a dark past, a big sword, everything about him screamed cool. 
Now let me get into why I didn’t like Qrow at first and why I wasn’t super interested in him at first. The first reason is a little petty on my part because I wasn’t fond of the “Qrow is Ruby’s real father” theory that was popular for a time. The theory is basically dead now, but for a time it seemed plausible, however I feel that it wouldn’t make sense for him to be Ruby’s father. Outside of a shocking revelation, I’m not sure how it would help either of their character. Was it not enough that Ruby and Qrow were mentor and student? Why do they have to be related by blood? Why would he lie to her for so long? Especially when it was established in canon and in the comics that Qrow himself hates dishonesty and lying. In short, it was the people who supported this theory that made me have a low opinion of Qrow. Was it fair? In hindsight, no, but thankfully that theory is dead.
The next issue I had with Qrow was how he was in V4 and V5.
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While I enjoyed his fight against Tyrian, he seemed to take the agency away from RNJR. I understand that they’re young, inexperienced, they needed guidance, and there was no way they could’ve defeated Tyrian without his help, it felt like they couldn’t do anything without his permission. The same could be said about Ozpin too, but it’s almost like they weren’t allowed to question him or Ozpin at all. Then again this is more of a V5 issue than a V4 one, as RNJR managed to defeat the Nucklavee without his help.
Another thing, and this might be a nitpick, but his relationship with Raven is so under-explored it’s almost frustrating. I understand CRWBY doesn’t have an unlimited budget and time is of the essence but they never dive any deeper than what we see on screen. I find it very interesting that they were both in the Branwen Tribe, left to learn how to fight/kill huntsman, then they both ended up being in Ozpin’s inner circle to help in the fight against Salem. I even wonder if Qrow is/was consumed by guilt because of his past actions. Yes, he’s done a lot to make up for it, but that in addition to STRQ’s past could be the reason he drank so much.
So when V6 rolled around I didn’t know what to expect from him as a character, but I think this volume started a turnaround for the better. I used to wonder why he was so devoted to Ozpin’s cause that he went on dangerous mission after dangerous mission for him. He stood up to Ironwood to defend Ozpin, even going as far as to belittle his showing of strength. Turns out it was because Qrow wanted a place in the world despite his “curse”, he wanted his life to have meaning aside from being a bad luck charm. It’s very understandable why he punches Oscar when Ozpin says he doesn’t have a plan to beat Salem.
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Everything he had worked for was nothing more than him helping Ozpin play an eternal game of Keep-Away. It’s very understandable why he’s very dejected throughout the rest of the volume. Add on his alcoholism, he was more of a hinderance than a help. Though ironically if it weren’t for him dropping his bottle, they may not have woken up.
Later on in the volume, he keeps drinking because again he just realized everything he did was for nothing and the man he trusted with his life was a liar. He doesn’t know what to do, but he obviously doesn’t want anyone to get hurt under his watch. Then Ruby tells him that he needs to trust her, and it’s one of the best scenes in V6 in my opinion.
The next biggest change for him would be the end of V6 when he decides to stop drinking. I think he made the right choice as because of his alcoholism he only got in the way, it also shows how Ruby has such a positive effect on people. It’s also huge growth for his character as drinking was, while funny to some degree, was becoming a bigger and bigger issue. I’ve seen people complain that the writers didn’t play up his alcoholic withdrawal enough outside of a few scenes, however I think it was handled pretty well. And CRWBY really doesn’t have the time to make his withdrawal more realistic.
Moving on to V7 and V8, this is where I really began to enjoy his character a lot more. Firstly, he has his own subplot going on, he acknowledges that Ruby and Yang aren’t kids anymore and they can take care of themselves. He’s there to help them, but not to the same degree as V4 and V5.
Secondly, I liked his relationship with Clover in V7 and Robyn in V8
Now regardless of how you feel about Clover, the ship Fair Game, or how their fight against Tyrian was handled, I think it was very interesting to give Qrow a friend who is a similar age and position as him.
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Now I can understand why people don’t like Clover, especially since he’s basically Mr. Perfect, however I enjoyed their Batman/Superman dynamic and it would’ve been interesting if it lasted more than one volume. However as we all know, Clover didn’t make it.
Next was his relationship with Robyn. I think it was an interesting choice, because Qrow has befriended two people from the opposing sides of Atlas society.
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She was one of the few people he was willing to open up to about his past, they both agreed that if/when they got out they’d take down Ironwood. What I liked is that she stopped him from going on a killing rampage to get to Ironwood. Robyn reminded him how selfish revenge is, and at that point his revenge was trivial in comparison to Ironwood’s threat to nuke Mantle.
What I liked about his arc is that it was completely detached from Ruby’s storyline. It let Ruby keep her agency, while giving Qrow something to do that was relevant. Now I’m interested in seeing what he’ll do next, maybe not as much as other characters, but I like Qrow a lot more now than I did years ago much like Nora, Jaune, and Weiss. It’s like they found a perfect balance of keeping Qrow a cool character, while not taking away the agency of the other main characters. I love it when my opinions of characters change in a positive way
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Scar just watching appreciatively fondly when Mumbo unbuttons his shirt LMAO I know I already said that but I needed to highlight it here-
I love how scary Scar is in this jkgfkjfd like that man is SCARY even when he's smiling I love it <3 The fact that he can just so casually mark someone (well, mark in the literal sense of marking them with a glyph hjfdsk) and pull up a barrier and well he's fae so like. Scary <3 my beloved-
and Mumbo's serious attitude versus Scar's seemingly laidback attitude I love it <3 One of my favorite dynamics honestly <3
"Are you a vampire" "Yes." Short, simple and to the point lol. Mumbo's inherent distrust of Grian and I'm just like. Get used to him sweetie that's part of your future right there <3
ALSO THE CONVENIENCE OF SCAR JUST BLOCKING THE ROOM OFF TO KEEP GRIAN FROM FOLLOWING and just. Accidentally trapping Grian inside with the intruder lmao WHOOPS. Grian casually being birb and perching on the chandelier, it is CRIMINAL that I didn't think of that aw man, I love it-
THE FIGHT. GRIAN FIGHT. HE GOT SOME FIGHT. He might be light and have bird bones but he know how to FIGHT ahaha and OF COURSE it's then that Scar and Mumbo show up. Wonder how far away they were when the gunshots went off....
Scar being more miffed about the floor being ruined because he CHOSE that specific hardwood for MUMBO jhkflsdkghj AND MUMBO MAGIC MUMBO MAGIC we get a glimpse of MUMBO MAGIC AAAAA I love it already hjgfjh <3 I can't wait to see more of it at work 👀
Grian literally jumping across the room (with the help of his wings) after Mumbo startled him and Mumbo just like so not impressed or amused lmao I cannot WAIT to see how the tide turns with these two I just hgfdjkgfdjk
But hey, CONVENIENT WAY to prove you're not on the enemy's side~! Lmao <3
He is looking disrespectfully |D hnnnnnngh my scary pretty man. I haven't fully figured out how fae magic works since I'm just going with my gut here but hnnnnnnnnngh. I love him
Y E S Somebody needs to be serious or else nobody would take scar serious and that would be terrible for business fdhklsgh. though you know, as seen above, scar's scary in his own right but its just like - if YOU saw that man interacting with someone in public no hackles would raise at all. Now if you saw that man with a critture stood over his shoulder -
ALSO YES ASDFGAKDLFG I feel like its always Scar v Grian when it comes to like the three of them and MUMBO V GRIAN IS SO FUN ahhhh especially considering they are in Mumbo's Domain and NOT Scars im dfsldfkgsd 👀👀👀
LMAOOOOOO I do love the "Alright I'm gonna keep you here to get you out of the way - oh good the way went to you" trope it is one of my favorites. Now of course the question remains - who or what is The Way 👀👀
ALSO YES I literally started this AU w the intention of having Grian fight in the first story but it wasnt in the cards so HERE HE GOES AHHH - of course with the disadvantage that he's never seen a gun so in his head he's like "Its like a cross bow right" WRONG. INCORRECT. It is a good thing that shot hit something vital-- ASDFGH I MEAAAAAAAAAAAAN The manor is Big but it's not Getting Lost in a Maze of Cooridors Big in my head so who knows 👀
SCAR MY DESIGNER LOVE I have some Plans for that tbh coming up and I am Very Excited because this Au started VERY actiony but theres a whole lull/fluff/.....idk piece i've got in mind coming up bc Scar has Stuff To Do and ahhhh my lil designer ALSO YES MUMBOS MAGIC AHHH The og vampires I'm basing my ideas off of are like. 12 years old from a story I handwrote in a spiral notebook and it feels SO GOOD to dust them off and actually write them decently
BIRD BOY PESKY BIRD BOOOOOOOY I am discovering I really like writing Bird Antics so I had to sneak something in there just like right at the last second dsfkljasg
Ah yes 👀👀Convenient 👀Prove 👀👀👀👀👀👀
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