#tendou fic
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katescorner · 1 month ago
BAKED WITH LOVE — tendou satori x reader
some would call it a cliche. tendou calls it fate. after all, what were the odds a paris chocolatier would fall for a baker?
"i'm in love," tendou said with a dreamy sigh.
"you're dramatic," his coworker replied.
but he could only shake his head. you worked in the shop across from his, which meant that every so often he caught glimpses of you. it also meant his coworkers never heard the end of it about you, but that's beside the point.
"if you're so in love, why don't you ever go over there? strike a conversation?"
it's a question that came up every shift, but tendou was a lot . . . shyer than people thought. what if you rejected him? or worse—what if you said yes?
he doesn't realize he's staring until you send him a small wave, laughing when he turns a shade of red matching his hair.
he tries to busy himself, too embarrassed to look your way anymore until the end of day was nearing.
tendou doesn't know if it was the effect valentine's day had on him or all the love and affection he'd witnessed today or perhaps his coworkers' words ringing loudly in his ear. but he glanced across the street once more. he watched you welcome a customer in and greet another goodbye. you had an apron tied around your front; it was decorated in red hearts, and suddenly his mind was racing with ideas.
he only hoped he could catch you before you left.
he'd never worked so fast. whipping up a batch of chocolates for customers to buy because it was something he was paid to do was one thing. but it was another thing to be pouring his effort into creating chocolate for someone he cares about.
"finally worked up the courage to head to the bakery?"
"something like that," he responds, taking a deep breath and heading to where you work. he's through the door before he realizes he has no idea what he plans to tell you.
"i work across the street. i'm a chocolatier," he says sheepishly when you stare at him brightly, welcoming him in. "my name is—"
"satori," you cut in with a smile. "right? your coworkers come here a lot during their lunch break . . . lots of whispers about something regarding you and me?"
he doesn't know how deeper he can flush—both from the fact that you know his name and that his coworkers yap about him. he's stumbles over his words to mask his feelings. "i-i made you—here," he pushes a box your way, "it's chocolate!"
he wants the earth to open up and swallow him whole in the moment you freeze, before you have the chance to say anything.
"i . . ."
"please reject me quickly!"
your eyes widen, and you place a quick hand over the chocolate box almost protectively much to his surpise. "who said anything about rejecting you?"
tendou looks blankly at you; it's almost amusing.
"i . . . i was going to say i made you something too."
you bring out a small cupcake from behind the counter—red velvet with cream cheese frosting, decorated with pink hearts. it had just finished cooling after coming out of the oven.
"i was going to ask you . . ." you feel small under his gaze.
"do you want to have dinner with me tonight?" tendou asks.
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seijorhi · 4 months ago
All In
the beta fic you have been waiting months for <33 Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita & Tendou Satori x female reader w.c 6.8k tw: yandere themes, a/b/o, noncon, (sorta) smut, nsfw, one mention of blood and oozing wounds, implied stalking, forced claiming
“They’re good guys – good alphas. This won’t be like last time, I promise. You’ll see what I mean when you meet them,” Ayako murmurs, squeezing your hand in reassurance and offering you a brilliant grin. “They’re gonna love you.”
Love seems a bit of a stretch.
But Aya looks so… hopeful. You sigh. “You really like them, huh?”
“I really like them,” she admits, a pretty pink blush tingeing her cheeks. “You come first, though. You’re my beta, and if it doesn’t feel right, we’ll walk, okay? No questions asked.” 
A promise she’s kept more than once. Too many times. Omegas like Aya, young and vibrant and oh-so-lovely, shouldn’t have any trouble finding a pack to settle down with. Hell, alphas should be banging down the door just for a chance with her – to fuck, to bond, anything and everything in between. You’re the sticking point. The reason why Ayako hasn’t bonded into a pack yet.
Alphas have no interest in betas. They do nothing for them – can’t take a knot, don’t have heats. Betas aren’t durable enough to ride out an alpha’s rut. All that compounded by the simple fact that bonding bites between the two don’t last longer than a few months, so why bother?
You’re dead weight. Aya clings to you anyway. 
She pulls your hand to her cheek, the tender, delicate spot right beneath the curve of her jaw. Scenting, you realise a touch belatedly. Omegas have stronger scents than betas do; florals, spice, indulgent, enticing things – you once knew an omega whose scent reminded you of hot caramel drizzled over apple pie. Ayako smells like lilacs and the rain, a softer scent admittedly, yet one that screams of home and comfort and familiar things. 
Your own scent is milder. Now, on top of sea salt and that faint whisper of summer, you’ll smell a little of her. She’s claiming you as pack, as hers. Her beta, exactly as she’d said
A flutter of warmth blooms in your chest, and you smile back at her, the first genuine one of the night. 
“You look great, by the way,” she tells you. “Come on, Tendou messaged to say they’re running a bit late and we should head on in without them. Ushijima’s practice doesn’t finish up ‘til about seven, so we’ve got plenty of time for the show.” She winks and lets out a bubbling laugh and you kind of feel like you’ve missed the joke.
Nevertheless, you let her tug you into the stadium. The lady behind the ticketing counter slides across two visitor’s passes on lanyards when Ayako gives your names.
“Practices are closed to the public,” the omega explains in a hushed voice while the two of you make your way towards the door for the stands. “Apparently the team get a few passes they can hand out to whoever they like – pack, usually.”
The pass has your name printed on it. Beneath it, in bold; Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
You finger the plastic edges absentmindedly. 
There’s other people in the stands, all wearing the same style lanyard draped around your neck. Some, you think, are partners. Friends and family. Pack, like Ayako said. You spy a woman maybe a few years older than you, bouncing a toddler on her lap and pointing animatedly towards the court, another guy sitting beside her, an arm curled over the back of her seat. Others appear to be there in a more official capacity – staff, you suppose, wearing the same white polo edged in blue and gold (team colours, you guess), talking quietly amongst themselves and jotting things down on expensive looking tablets. 
They pay you no mind. Ayako does the same, dragging you right up to the guard-rail with an excited gasp. You’d been expecting them to be running laps or tossing balls in pairs or something. You weren’t expecting anything like this. 
Without the roar of a crowd, every noise on the court is amplified; the squeaking of shoes, the thwack of palms meeting leather, shouts ricocheting from both sides as they scramble for the ball.
Scramble isn’t the right word, though. It flies through the air between the players, choreographed chaos.
One of the players, a dark haired behemoth, shoots up and connects with the ball, slamming it over the net with a terrifying force – you feel the impact in your chest when it hits the floor.
A whistle rings out.
“Oh my god,” Aya breathes.
The behemoth turns, dark eyes zeroing in on your figure from across the court. His nostrils flare.
Alpha, you realise. He’s one of Aya’s alphas.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
“You know he’s one of the top wing spikers in the country, and he’s on the national team? He’s already got like three Olympic medals! Three!” she gushes. “He’s incredible.”
You hardly hear her. The other players on the court, his teammates, are already re-setting, a blond slapping Ushijima on the back, another hurling a teasing jab across the net – earning him a middle finger in response – Ushijima’s gaze doesn’t shift, his attention doesn’t waver. You swear you see his pupils dilate. 
Your breath is caught somewhere in your chest. 
“Are you gonna wave at the alpha you dressed so pretty for?” 
“Would you stop?” you hiss, tearing your gaze away to jab an elbow into Ayako’s side, which she artfully dodges with a delighted giggle. 
“Can’t say I blame you for drooling. I practically melted into a puddle the first time Semi dragged him into the bakery. He’s hot as hell,” she sighs. 
The problem is, she isn't wrong. Weird, heavy, way too intense eye contact aside, Ushijima is the textbook definition of ‘hot alpha’; all tall and broad shouldered, his face hewn with clean, strong lines. Add on the ridiculous athleticism, the muscles that clearly aren’t just for show – yeah, no wonder Aya’s got heart eyes already. 
On the court below, the whistle blows. More cheers. Another point scored. By the time you glance down again, Ushijima’s lost interest, his focus returned to the game, nodding at something one of the (you presume) coaches yells across the court.
The tight, prickling feeling writhing beneath your skin, that doesn’t fade as quick. 
God, you’re way too worked up about this whole thing. 
“He’s very, uh…” 
“Intimidating? No– impressive? Or were you gonna say sexy? All true, by the way. Ushiwaka’s a beast.”
The other two alphas have finally deigned to grace you with their presence. Wonderful. 
Swallowing back a wince, you turn to face the duo. “Good,” you say. “I was going to say he’s very… good.”
Aya had told you the basics, of course; Semi’s the lead singer slash guitarist in a band, Tendou’s a chocolatier. The former used to be a civil servant, the latter recently moved back from a stint in Paris, and both of them played Volleyball with Ushijima in high school. 
You’re not entirely sure what you were expecting. Carbon cutouts of their packmate, maybe, big, brawny, radiating the kind of imposing dominance that forces everyone around them – other alphas included – to sit down and shut up with a look alone. 
The two alphas before you aren’t that. 
The shorter of the two, more wiry in his build than the redhead beside him, smirks. “Good, huh?” 
He’s teasing you. They’re both teasing you. Your cheeks burn hotter. Before you can open your mouth to apologise, try and sidestep you shoving your own foot in your mouth as a first impression, Aya intervenes. 
“You should’ve seen her a minute ago, her jaw was on the ground. She’s playing it cool.”
The sound of her laugh digs at you in a way it shouldn’t. 
It’s not fair, not when you’re the one who’s acting like you don’t have a single working brain cell and she’s trying to cover for you, but it bothers you when Ayako acts like she has to smoothe over your edges, make you more palatable, more pleasing. You’re not an omega, you won’t ever be an omega, and sometimes you can’t help but wonder if Aya’s gonna spend the rest of your lives trying to compensate for that.
Her shoulder knocks with yours, a gentle bump, that same hopeful, painfully optimistic look in her eyes. 
Guilt, an old, familiar friend at this point, washes over you. 
“This is Semi,” she introduces, gesturing at the ash-blond with the ripped jeans, “and Tendou,” the gangly redhead. 
“And you must be our beta,” Semi surmises, slowly eyeing you over. 
The casual possessiveness rankles you, your tight smile freezing in place. Again Ayako simply laughs, her fingers, very deliberately, lacing with yours once more. “She’s my beta, you have yet to win her over.”
Neither alpha appears all that put out by the prospect.
Tendou, eyes crinkling with a wide, eager grin that takes you a little aback, thrusts a hand out towards you, a white gift bag you hadn’t noticed dangling from his fingertips. “Presents help with the whole wooing thing, right?” he jokes.
From your experience, yes. 
Aya’s received plenty. You, as her tag along beta, less so. 
One pack brought you a bouquet of pink and white peonies on your first date. Not quite as  extravagant as the arrangement of roses they presented Aya with, they had a lovely, subtle perfume and when you put them in a vase and set them atop your nightstand, they brightened up the whole room. You could appreciate that they’d at least tried to make you feel an equal part of this. 
They’d been willing to play pretend.
Back then, when Aya first started bringing potential packs around, you were… idealistic. Naive, maybe. 
You watched them dote on her. Lap up Aya’s attention like it was the sweetest fix. You saw the hunger. The arousal that flared, thick and syrupy, whenever she did something unintentionally appealing to the alpha inside of them – a simple stretch, nibbling on her bottom lip while she mulled over a menu, the sway of her hips as she walked up to the bar.
Oh, they were polite to you. Drew you into conversations, chatted about your job, your hobbies, the plans the two of you had for the holidays in a few weeks’ time – all the while tracking every movement of the omega beside you from the corner of their eyes.
They were nice to you. You didn’t want ‘nice’. You wanted what they so freely offered to Aya; hunger and captivated attention, a desire so thick in the air you could choke on it. 
Foolish, pretty fantasies. There’s no competing with biology, you know that. The most interesting, beautiful beta in the room is still just a beta. 
Down below, the court’s quieter, muted chatter drifting up to the bleachers in place of squeaking and thuds and the sharp trill of whistles blowing. Did the practice match finish up?
Aya squeezes your hand. Drops it. As subtle a cue as she can manage. 
Brain kicking back into gear, you step closer and pluck the gift from the alpha’s outstretched hand, an odd little shiver trickling down your spine when the tips of your fingers graze his rough palm. 
“Ah, thank you,” you say, remembering your manners at last.
Tendou’s eyes flutter shut, breathing in deep, shuddering a little on the exhale. When they open again, there’s a giddy sort of satisfaction creeping from his expression. He licks his lips, smiling wide. “Sea salt.”
“… Sorry?”
“The chocolates,” his chin juts towards the gift. “Sea salt caramel. I had a feeling, went with it. I’m not usually wrong.” He sounds absurdly proud of the fact. 
Beside you, Aya looks as lost as you feel. Semi, on the other hand, snorts, shaking his head. “You might wanna ease up on the beta, dude. She met you all of three minutes ago.”
“Yeah, but we’re gonna be besties. I can feel it.” Without warning he slings an arm over your shoulders, dragging you close to smush you into his side, unbothered by your startled yelp, the way the bag of chocolates smacks against his torso when the hand clutching it jerks out to steady yourself. “Don’t be jealous ‘cuz I’m already the favourite, Semi-Semi.”
Semi shrugs, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, leaning back against the centre railing behind him. Slowly, a smirk unfurls. A challenge. “For now.”
Plastered against Tendou’s side, swallowed up by the heat of him, the heady scent of cherrywood – of alpha – thick and strong, and with no sign of him letting you go anytime soon, you dart a glance to Aya.
Your best, oldest (admittedly only) friend, watching the three of you with a quirked eyebrow, expression otherwise indecipherable–
And then, she giggles, rolling her eyes with exasperated amusement. “Can we at least sit while you two fight over my well-earned spot?” 
You wonder if they notice the brief look of concern she throws your way as Tendou relaxes his hold and the two usher you over to a seat, Semi snagging the one to your left, Aya taking the right.
Her promise from earlier rings in your head. One word and she’ll walk, no questions asked. 
Aya needs a pack. She wants this one. She likes this one, but at some point, she’ll need one. 
Omegas don’t do well long term without mates. Right now her heats are okay, manageable with suppressants and toys – eventually those won’t be enough. They’ll get worse, come without warning, more frequently. The suppressants won’t help, she’ll ache and burn up, forgo food, water, sleep…
The lucky ones end up hospitalised. The unlucky ones either end up dead or in situations where it’d be a kindness if they were. 
“You okay?” she asks, whisper soft. Her voice won’t carry, the other two aren’t paying attention anyway. Semi’s thigh brushes up against yours when he spreads his legs wide, thumbing out a message on his phone, and Tendou’s leaning over the backrest between you, chin perched on his folded forearms, watching him type. 
One word and she’ll walk, that’s what Aya promised. 
Down on the court below, the players spread across the floor, stretching out and cooling down, half empty water bottles and sweat towels scattered around them. Ushjima’s lying on your side of the court, one thigh drawn over the other, twisting out his lower back. If he realises he’s got an audience in you and Aya, he gives no indication of caring, holding the stretch for a few seconds longer before repeating the motion with the other leg. 
If chocolates and overly tactile besties are what you get out of this, you can manage that. 
While you wait out front of the stadium for Ushijima to finish up, Semi smokes.
A lit cigarette dangles loosely between two fingers, the tip glowing cherry red with every drag. He stands separate from the three of you, a few feet away, because when he’d fished out the slightly crumpled packet from his jacket pocket to pluck one out, Aya’s nose wrinkled. Omegas are sensitive to strong smells at the best of times, and Aya’s loathed the stench of cigarettes ever since she was a kid and her dad would smoke on the back porch of her gran’s place. He died years ago, and to this day she swears up and down that every time she sets foot back there, she smells those Seven Stars.
To her credit, she hadn’t actually said anything, and to Semi’s, he hadn’t kicked up a fuss. He’d shrugged, shuffled on back and lit up anyway. Water off a duck’s back.
Tendou talks loudly and Aya’s giggling laugh echoes louder. Semi watches. Idle – bored, almost. 
Until his gaze shifts to you.
And stays there.
From a young age, you’re taught that alphas are stronger than betas and omegas. They’re quicker. Smarter. In the old days, they tell you, alphas were the hunters, the providers – protectors, when the situation called for it. What they mean, dressing the truth up in nicer, more palatable terms is that alphas are, down to their marrow, predators. 
Those instincts don’t go away just because society’s a little more civilised these days. 
Semi’s expression doesn’t change. There’s nothing particularly dangerous or threatening there, nothing to explain the sudden ball of anxiety that lodges itself in your stomach. 
Yet you can’t shake the sense that with that stare, every ounce of his focus rests solely on you. Every breath, every nervous twitch, shift of your muscles, all of it tracked, analysed. He stares, breathing out a slow plume of smoke, and you feel the physical weight of it bearing down on you.
He won’t bite, lunge for the kill – but he could.
His chin tilts, eyebrow lifting. A flicker of amusement, as if he knows exactly the thoughts running wild in your head. You shake them off, ignore the hammering of your heart to follow the wordless, beckoning call to his side, nudging Aya on the way past so she won’t think you’ve abandoned her. 
“You realise she’s gonna try and get you to quit,” you tell him in what you hope is a friendly, upbeat tone. 
Semi scoffs and takes another drag of his cigarette. You watch, off-kilter, a little dazed as his head tilts back, exposing the long, lithe column of his throat, and he slowly exhales.
With dark, sweeping lashes and angular features, the problem, you realise, is that Semi is distractingly pretty. An artless, grunged up sort of pretty. Pretty like pools of oil on asphalt after it rains. 
Pretty in the way that poisonous things often are. 
“She’s more than welcome to try.” He plucks his cig from his lips and extends it your way, his expression almost… goading. 
You don’t take it.
There isn’t much surprise to be found in your refusal, his pretty mouth pursing as his arm falls by the wayside. “Omega’s got her claws stuck in you good, huh.”
And that’s the rub, isn’t it. What all this boils down to. Right from the start, the very first pack you met and every pack since – Aya’s made it clear from the get-go. They don’t get her without you. You’re her beta. 
“Is that a problem for you?”
You won’t take the cigarette because Aya has issues with it. She won’t entertain you leaving her because the two of you are too fucking entangled in one another to handle extrication.
You’re pack, you’re family, you’re all each other has left, now that her grandma – the woman who essentially raised you and her – is gone. 
You won’t play second fiddle, if only because Aya won’t allow them to push you aside like that. If that’s a problem, a dealbreaker (and, historically speaking, it has been) better they figure it out now, before she – or you – gets too attached and ends up hurt. 
Semi regards you for a long moment, taking one last puff of his cigarette before he flicks it away, grinds the smoldering butt into the cement with the toe of his boot. “Don’t know yet. Guess we’ll find out.”
And you nod, because at least that’s an honest answer. 
“Tendou came back to Japan for her, didn’t he?” It’d twigged when you’d gone to hand back your visitor’s pass and the lady behind the counter made some casual comment about not expecting to see him ‘til next season.
Not back for a visit, back permanently.
Semi shakes his head, “He was always coming back. Paris was only ever a temporary thing,” he corrects. “But yeah, he made the decision to come home early when we realised the opportunity that’d fallen into our laps.”
While you don’t love the way he makes meeting Aya sound, you understand the gravity of what he’s saying. Tendou uprooted his life for her. 
You glance back over your shoulder, fiddling with the handles of the bag of chocolates he’d made for you. They’re still talking, quieter now, both of them subtly – subconsciously, probably – angled towards the two of you; Aya with that same bright-eyed look about her, Tendou like he’s just itching to interrupt and steal your attention back for himself. He, at least, might actually like you. 
“And you? Are you all in, too?”
The words slip out before you can stop them. Semi doesn’t owe you an answer, you know that. It’s not fair that you asked, it’s just– you can’t get a read on him. For all his sharp edges and the smirks that make your insides squirm, you don’t know whether this is what he wants. Wanted, maybe.
Semi surprises you. In a move too quick for you to catch, he closes in on you. He doesn’t pin you down per se. You’re not caged in, trapped between his body and a wall. Physically speaking, there’s nothing stopping you from stepping back and regaining that inch of space as he looms over your shorter frame, tilting your chin upwards with two curled fingers like he’s going to kiss you. 
Nothing except your suddenly jelly legs. 
There’s barely anything separating you. Millimetres. Heat floods your face. Your stomach tightens, blood simmering, writhing beneath your skin. Long fingers encircle your wrist, right where Aya had scented you, his thumb digging in over your fluttering pulse. A noise escapes you then, a distressed sort of whimper you thought yourself above, and Semi’s eyes flick down to your lips, something dark and hungry flaring in response. 
Alpha. Smaller than his packmates, but no less. 
“Who d’you think called him and told him to get his ass back home, little beta?” 
You swallow unsteadily–
“Time to share, Semi-Semi,” Tendou sings, snaking an arm around your waist to haul you away from the blond. To you, he says, “You wanna come say hi to our big, bad pack alpha, don’tcha?” 
It’s then you realise that Ushijima, along with several of his teammates, have finally emerged. While they wave each other off, scattering across the carpark, some heading to their cars, others in the direction of buses and the train station, Ushijima halts near the door – Aya already skipping on over. 
“Ah… yes?”
Tendou snickers. 
“Relax,” Semi tells you with a smirk, clapping your shoulder as he brushes on past. “Ushiwaka doesn’t bite.” 
As Tendou nudges you forward like an errant duckling, you fix Semi with an unimpressed look. He winks. Asshole.
Omegas, especially unbonded omegas, tend to be picky about touch and physical affection outside of pack and family. Aya, for all her moon-eyed infatuation, doesn’t throw herself at the alpha. Ushijima offers a single, wooden pat on her head, the edges of his mouth lifting in what you suppose is an approximation of a smile.
She beams all the same.
“– and this is my beta,” she introduces. 
You’re not anticipating an overly warm welcome. For one, he looks stiff enough smiling at Aya to suspect he’s not practised with the expression, for another… the whole, weird staring thing from earlier sits all too fresh in your mind. If he’d heard your awkward fumbling with his packmates in the aftermath, you doubt that’s helped endear you to him any.
Nothing prepares you for the way he turns, every speck of goodwill falling from his features when your scent finally reaches him. Cold, remote stone, eyeing you down. 
“You smell like lilacs,” he grunts, like the very concept offends him. You, a beta, wearing his would-be mate’s scent. 
The izakaya the alphas take you to is only a few minutes walk from the stadium, and each one of them passes in near unbearable, stilted tension. 
Aya doesn’t question you when you make a bee-line for the bathroom rather than following the others to a table, though the small furrow between her brows says plenty.
You just need a minute.
The single unisex stall offers spartan amenities at best – a sink with a cracked mirror hammered into the wall, paper towels, and a lone, flickering light above. 
Braced over the porcelain vanity, eyes closed, shaking like a leaf with remnants of ice-cold water dripping down your face, you will the frantic, sickening churn inside you to ease. 
What’s wrong with you?
Ushijima could barely stand that Aya had scented you, and you’re supposed to believe he’d let you bond into the pack with her? And if he did, what kind of life would that be? You, forever on the outside, pack but not really, not in the ways that matter. 
What place does a beta have between alphas and their omega?
More to the point, how, after all the packs you and Aya have tried this with, all the the indifference and dismissal you’ve weathered, the cruel insults you weren’t supposed to hear–
Think of it this way, dude; it’s a spare hole for you to stick your cock in while the omega’s busy bouncing on my knot.
–how are you still surprised that they don’t want you?
You let a slow breath out, shoulders sagging. Okay. 
Straightening up, you rip a sheet of paper towel from the dispenser, dabbing to remove any trace of distress from your face. You can do this, you tell yourself. Smile, play pretend. A few drinks, some dumplings, yakitori – two, three hours max.
Nothing’s changed.
The alphas want Ayako. Ayako wants these alphas.
In spite of that, in spite of the blushing and fawning and big, lovely doe eyes that bat ever so prettily for her alphas, she’ll hold true to her promise if you ask it of her. 
No questions asked, without an ounce of resentment, she’d walk away from them. She’d choose you. 
It’d be a few weeks of moping around, picking each other up and dusting yourselves off. There’ll be other packs. Aya’s got a few years yet before her heats really become an issue. You can always try again.
The thing is… you don’t want to anymore.
They like you as a friend. You’re in the way. They wanna fuck you, but only if the omega’s otherwise occupied. You can take care of the household stuff during heats and ruts, right? Maybe one day there could be something more. 
They wouldn’t look twice if it wasn’t for Ayako. 
Every time it hurts, like clawing out pieces of yourself, and you just… you can’t anymore. You won’t.
So tonight, you’ll be the bestie. Let her have her fun, flirt with the big, strong alphas she’s so enamoured by, and then tomorrow… tomorrow you’ll find a way to cut yourself loose from all of this. Aya gets her pack and you can find a nice, normal beta to settle down with. You’ll both be happier for it in the long run. 
Wiping a smudge of mascara from under your eye, you suck in another fortifying breath, nodding at yourself in the mirror. A few hours of pretending is nothing. A piece of cake.
Focused entirely on the veneer you have to slip into, you don’t notice the large, muscular frame blocking the door until you quite literally collide with it.
“Oof– Sorry, my b–”
The words wither like ash on your tongue when you look up to find Ushijima standing over you.
Despite the resolution you’d come to mere moments ago, you’re not feeling particularly charitable towards the hulking behemoth of an alpha, and you have every intention of wordlessly skirting around him to head back to the table and join your friend, civility be damned. 
You make it all of a single step before a change sweeps over him and he stiffens, nostrils flaring like they had back on the court. His eyes bleed black, and that’s the only warning you get before he seizes your wrist in one giant hand and starts to haul you back into the stall, slamming the door shut behind you both. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” you hiss. 
“She scented you,” he growls, looking angrier than he did before. “You smell like omega.”
No, this isn’t anger. Not exactly. Ushijima’s shoulders heave with every breath, his whole frame almost shuddering, pulled taut like a bowstring primed to snap–
And that’s when realisation hits. 
“You’re in a rut,” you whisper, eyes going wide in horror. “Ushiji–” You don’t get to finish the sentence. 
Big should mean slow. Clumsy. Ushijima’s neither. 
In an instant he surges into motion, one hand clamping down over your mouth, the other shoving you forward, trapping you on the tips of your toes between his hulking body and the vanity that was your lifeline five minutes ago. Just like then, your hands automatically reach out, clutching the edge of the sink to steady yourself. Stupid, when the full weight of Ushijima pins you precariously in place anyway.
Your heart hammers, panic and terror clawing at your stomach. You aren’t an omega, you can’t take a knot. If Ushijima tries to fuck you like he wants – like his instincts are driving him to – he’ll tear you apart. He’ll break you. 
But if any part of the mindless, snarling alpha behind you recognises that, he doesn’t care. The warm body in his grasp smells like lilacs, like the omega outside, and that’s good enough.
He noses at your hair and pants, yanking your skirt up to rip at your underwear. The fabric gives easily.
While he rips and claws at his own clothes to free his cock, Ushijima stares at your reflection, watching you shake as the tears well up and spill over. There’s nothing human there, nothing cognizant. The black pits staring back at you are pure alpha, consumed by the need to fuck and breed. 
You have seconds – seconds – to brace yourself.
Ushijima drags the head of his cock along your slit just once, bends you over, and without warning or preamble, splits you in two. 
Omegas have slick to help with sudden ruts. You don’t. 
It doesn’t matter that you’re not prepared to take him, that it hurts worse than anything you’ve experienced before and you’re choking on tears and muffled wails. You scream into his hand and Ushijima grunts, bullying his cock into you one agonising millimetre at a time. 
He fucks into you like you’re made to take his cock, every thrust slamming you into the unforgiving edge of the sink while your legs scramble for purchase. You’re fairly sure you’re close to passing out when you feel the swell of his knot start to catch. 
Oblivious to your panic, the wheezing cries and pleas dashed against his palm, the alpha snarls in open-mouthed pleasure, his spare hand coming down to cover one of your own, braced against the sink. “Mine.”
With the added weight, the vanity unit rattles against the wall, and you pray that someone’s walking by and hears it, cares enough to come investigate.
You aren’t that lucky, though.
Ushijima hauls you back upright, and as his knot swells, thick and pulsing, stretching you to breaking point and spurts of hot cum coat your insides, you cling on to consciousness just long enough to watch him tilt your chin to the side, lap at a bead of sweat trailing down your neck, and bury his teeth in your skin. 
Three days after your release from hospital, you wake to Aya knocking at your bedroom.
“S’posed to be at the bakery,” you mumble, curling tighter into the warm cocoon of your sheets. Soft morning light spills into your room. You can’t be bothered reaching for your phone to see the time, however your internal clock tells you that whatever the time is, it’s too early.
Aya sighs, taking that as an invitation to slip inside and plant herself on the edge of the mattress beside you. “Soon. I swapped shifts so I could start a bit later. I didn’t want…” she seems to struggle to find the right words, her shoulders rising and falling in a helpless shrug. “You know I love you, right?”
“I know.”
That isn’t the problem. 
“You remember the day your mom left?” The stark flinch beneath the covers must serve as answer enough. “You wouldn’t stop crying. Gran was so worried you’d make yourself sick, kept bringing you tea, bottles of water, anything to keep you hydrated.” 
An omega like her granddaughter, the last of her alphas having passed away a few years before, she’d paced fretfully outside Aya’s bedroom door for hours while you’d sobbed into your best friend’s arms, an absolute wreck. 
A bittersweet feeling floods your heart at the memory. No one ever loved you like gran did. 
Aya continues, “I made a decision that day. I wasn’t going to leave. I wasn’t going to run off with a bunch of alphas to live out some fairytale happily ever after and leave you behind. You can blame me for what happened. I get it. If I hadn’t scented you, he–” she breaks off with a sharp inhale.
He wouldn’t have tipped into a rut.
Wouldn’t have fucked you.
Knotted you.
Bit you. 
“You can blame me for it,” she repeats, though her voice shakes and her eyes shine with tears she won’t let fall. “Hate me for it if you have to, so long as you know I’m not going anywhere. You’re still my beta, my best friend. All I wanted was to keep us together.”
Aya waits for you to say something. To forgive or condemn, and you try– you genuinely do, because blaming her isn’t fair, and you could no sooner hate her than you could carve out a lung. 
Only… you open your mouth and there’s nothing. 
The way her expression collapses before she has a chance to plaster over it hits you like a punch to the stomach. 
“Alright, lovely girl. I’ll see you when I get back – four-ish probably, unless we get hit with a late rush. I’ll try and steal some of those mini strawberry cakes to bring home too, I know how much you like them,” she rambles, patting your blanket covered knee and rising to her feet. “Call me if you need anything.”
Already halfway to the door, she turns, perfect brow arched, “Hm?” Like she’s expecting you to ask for another blanket. Some tea. Nothing wrong, nothing amiss. 
“Love you, too.”
And it’s like the sun coming out from the clouds. Aya beams a watery smile, and quietly closes the door behind her. 
Sleep drags you back under before you hear the front door click. The doctors warned you about that; one of the many charming side effects you’d be subjected to over the next few weeks.
Bond sickness, they called it. An alpha’s bite formed a mating bond, and that bond doesn’t respond well when it’s neglected, say by putting several miles of distance between you and the alpha who marked you. For omegas it can be deadly if it goes on long enough. Alphas have a sense of it, but it doesn’t affect them in the same way. They don’t get sick. For you, it means a month or so of lethargy, aches, low grade fevers and chills, nausea, a veritable shopping list of symptoms that’ll ease and fade as the bond itself does. 
None of that had stopped one of the nurse’s at the hospital from suggesting that, despite the delicate nature of the situation, it might be beneficial for your health if you moved in with Ushijima and his pack until it did fade. 
It was Aya who’d jumped down her throat for that one. 
You were still in shock. Numb–
Except for the foreign, slow simmering anger lodged like a thorn between your ribs. A small piece of you that wasn’t you at all. 
Sometime around midmorning, you stir again.
There’s footsteps in the living room, pattering through towards your bedroom. Dancing on the edge of awake, your brain slow and sluggish, jumps to the most logical conclusion. 
You expect your door to open, that familiar bloom of lilacs to spill into your room along with your best friend, a bowl of noodle soup from the shop on the corner in tow, the strawberry cakes she promised earlier, extra pillows, coffee, her laptop with your favourite movie already queued up; comfort things she knows will help.
The door does swing open, and neither one of the tall, looming frames behind it belong to Aya. 
“Sorry to disappoint, little beta,” Semi drawls, crossing the threshold like he has every right to be there. “Your girlfriend’s busy, you’re gonna have to play with us instead.”
The blood in your veins runs cold. 
Drawing your legs up tight to put as much distance between you and the advancing alpha as you can, your eyes dart between the two, Tendou lingering in the doorway, fingers drumming against the jamb. 
“I didn’t report him. I’m not going to,” you tell them, clutching at the blankets around you so your hands won’t shake. “I know how it’ll go, I’m not i-interested in–”
Semi reaches your bed. That look he’d had in his eyes back at the stadium, dark, focused, predatory – it’s there again, sharp and gleaming. He’s smirking. 
“There’s no– you don’t need to threaten me, or-or try to scare me–” His knee hits the mattress and your voice jumps to a squeak as he climbs on up.
You squirm back against the headboard. Semi prowls closer. 
There’s nowhere for you to go. 
Tendou’s not so subtly placed himself between you and the exit, and even if you could launch yourself out of bed without Semi catching you – without your head spinning and stomach threatening to upheave – they’re alphas. You couldn’t outrun them on a good day, you sure as hell can’t fight them.  
“Please. You can go. I-I won’t say anything.”
“Fuck, that’s cute,” Tendou shivers, the deep red of his iris nearly swallowed by black. His fingers aren’t idly drumming anymore, they’re digging into the wood, splintering it beneath his grip. 
Inches away from you, Semi suddenly freezes, his attention snapping downwards to focus on something near his right hand. His nose wrinkles, lip curling. “You wanna know what I liked best about the omega?” he asks, lifting his gaze back to you. “I don’t think you really believed me back at the stadium.”
You shake your head. You don’t want to know. If they aren’t here to scare you into keeping your mouth shut about Ushijima, then–
A low, husky chuckle comes from the doorway. 
“When she’d show up smelling like the sea in summer.” 
He strikes hard and fast – seizing your ankle to yank you under him. His mouth finds the soft curve where your neck meets your shoulder and he bites down. Hard. 
Agony washes you over you, chased by fire. 
Panting wildly, your body locks up, arcing against him; against the warmth that crowds you, the hard muscles that cage you, the face now tucked into the crook of your neck, licking at the bloody, oozing wound. 
He’s there inside of you, too. Buried beneath your skin, brimming with smug satisfaction. 
“Bite her and we’ll take her home to the nest. I’m not fucking her here,” he calls over his shoulder, keeping his eyes fixed on you. He pats your hair, strokes your cheek. “Little beta needs her mates, don’t you?”
“Course she does!”
You’re gasping for air that won’t come, trembling, heart beating so frantically inside your chest you worry it’ll give out.
Tendou, bounding over with puppy-like eagerness, jumps on the bed and shoves his fellow alpha out of the way. 
“A…ya,” you rasp, weakly pushing at the large body crawling atop yours. You’re not sure whether it’s a question or a plea, but you get the sense that it doesn’t actually matter either way. 
Semi rolls his eyes – you can feel the flicker of his irritation – while Tendou, pawing at your sleep tee, pushing it up and shoving his face into the soft skin revealed there only groans, huffing at your scent like he can’t get enough. 
“Pretty omega like her? She’ll have her own alphas to worry about,” Semi dismisses, a faint frown marring his pretty face as he zeros in on the bandage over your neck. 
A split second too late, you realise his intentions. 
“No, don’t–”
He rips off the gauze.
Ushijima’s bite is puffy and inflamed. Calloused fingertips drift over the edges of the wound, Semi’s eyes boring into you as you let out a low, anxious whine. As Tendou licks and nips at your chest, working his way upwards, the blond increases the pressure, digging in.
You choke on a cry, pleasure, rather than pain, flooding and overwhelming your senses, and deep in your core, the answering surge of rabid need rips through you so viciously it punches the air from your lungs–
“We don’t fucking share.”
–and you scream as Tendou’s teeth sink into the curve of your breast, claiming you one final time.
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fayelero · 1 month ago
⤷ multiple ﹫ female reader ﹫ fluff ﹫ drabbles
⌗ bokuto, kageyama, kuroo, tendou, atsumu, osamu, suna, kenma, tsukishima, semi, iwaizumi
⚠︎ suggestive for some of them, fluff .ᐟ.ᐟ
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𓍯𓂃 bokuto kotaro
Bokuto’s golden eyes lock onto yours with a sharp, knowing intensity, the kind that sets your skin ablaze before he even speaks. He leans in just slightly, that signature smirk tugging at the corner of his lips—cocky, playful, and entirely too devastating. Your breath catches, heat rushing to your cheeks as his gaze never wavers, holding you there like a prisoner to his wicked amusement. “What’s wrong, babe?” he murmurs, voice low, teasing, fully aware of the effect he has on you. The smirk deepens, and you swear your heart might just give out as his fingers brush against your wrist—light, fleeting, but enough to send a shiver straight down your spine.
He chuckles, the sound rich and smug, as if he can see right through you—see the way your pulse is racing, the way your lips part just slightly, searching for a comeback that won’t come. His fingers trail higher, tracing lazy circles against your skin, and when he finally tilts his head, his smirk turning downright sinful, you swear you forget how to breathe. “You always get this flustered when I look at you like that?” he teases, voice dripping with amusement, but there’s something darker beneath it—something possessive, hungry. He inches closer, so close you can feel his breath ghost over your lips, and just when you think he’ll kiss you, he pulls back with a satisfied hum, leaving you burning, aching, and hopelessly addicted to the way he unravels you with nothing but a look.
𓍯𓂃 kageyama tobio
Kageyama isn’t one for grand gestures, but the way he sneaks in those fleeting, stolen kisses when no one is looking? It’s downright lethal. One moment, you’re standing beside him, completely unsuspecting, and the next, his lips brush against the side of your temple—so quick, so soft, you almost think you imagined it. But then he does it again, this time at the corner of your mouth, so subtle yet so deliberate it sends a rush of heat straight through you. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t even acknowledge the way your breath hitches or how your fingers curl into fists at your sides. Instead, he just keeps his expression neutral, only the slight twitch of his lips betraying his amusement. And when you finally manage to shoot him a flustered glare, cheeks burning, he just shrugs, leans in one last time, and murmurs against your skin, “You make it too easy.”
As if to prove his point, he does it again—this time a featherlight press of his lips just below your ear, so quick yet so devastating that your entire body tenses. Your breath stutters, heart hammering against your ribs, and he knows it. You can feel the way his lips linger for a fraction of a second longer than necessary, the ghost of a smirk hidden against your skin. And then he’s gone, standing beside you as if nothing happened, eyes fixed ahead like the perfect picture of innocence. But when you dare to glance up at him, you catch it—the slightest hint of mischief flickering in his deep blue eyes, his hand brushing against yours like a silent promise: This isn’t over.
𓍯𓂃 tetsuro kuroo
Kuroo is relentless, a walking storm of teasing fingers and knowing smirks, completely unbothered by when or where he touches you—because to him, there’s never a bad time to drive you insane. His hands are always on you, tracing lazy patterns along your thighs when you sit beside him, ghosting over your lower back as he passes by, slipping beneath the hem of your shirt just to rest against your waist like he belongs there. And he does it so effortlessly, so naturally, that it leaves you breathless every single time. His fingers toy with the ends of your hair, tugging just enough to make your stomach flip, his palm pressing firmly against the curve of your hip when he pulls you closer, his touch burning through the fabric of your clothes like a brand. And the worst part? He knows what he’s doing. The way your breath catches, the way you shiver under his touch—he drinks it in, smirking against your ear as he leans in, voice low and full of sinful amusement. “You get flustered way too easily, babe,” he murmurs, his fingers slipping beneath your chin to tilt your gaze up to his. “Good thing I don’t mind making it worse.”
As if to prove his point, his fingers trail down, tracing the column of your throat with a touch so light it sends a full-body shiver ripping through you. His smirk deepens, eyes dark with satisfaction as his hands find your waist again, gripping just hard enough to make your breath hitch. And then—because he’s Kuroo, because he lives to see you unravel—he dips his head, lips barely grazing your jaw, his breath hot against your skin. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs, his voice dripping with mock innocence, his fingers kneading slow, deliberate circles into your hips. “Can’t handle me?” He’s taunting you, playing with you like it’s his favorite game, and when your hands fly up to his chest to push him away—halfhearted and weak—he just chuckles, pressing a fleeting kiss to the corner of your lips before pulling back, eyes gleaming. “Baby,” he muses, hands still resting on you, still making your skin burn. “you’re not fooling anyone.”
𓍯𓂃 atsumu miya
Atsumu is shameless, and he knows exactly what he’s doing when he tugs you in by the waist—fast, effortless, like it’s second nature. One second you’re standing there, minding your own business, and the next, his hands are locked around you, pulling you flush against him with a grip that’s all confidence and zero hesitation. He leans in close, lips hovering just over your ear, his breath warm and teasing as his fingers flex against your sides. “Didn’t expect that, did ya?” he murmurs, voice dripping with amusement, his smirk pressed into the curve of your jaw. He waits for it, the way your breath stutters, the way your hands instinctively clutch at his arms like he’s the only thing keeping you upright. And when your cheeks go hot, when you finally manage to stammer out something incoherent, he chuckles—low, deep, and entirely too smug. “Aww, look at ya,” he coos, tilting his head back just enough to drink in your flustered expression, his grip on you tightening like he has no plans of letting go. “Y’always get this shy when I touch ya like this?”
As if he hasn’t already wrecked you enough, he gives your waist a playful squeeze, pulling you in just a fraction closer—like he needs you there, pressed up against him. His smirk deepens when you suck in a sharp breath, and before you can even think of escaping, he dips his head, brushing his lips against your temple in a featherlight tease. “Mmh,” he mutters, his voice laced with pure mischief, fingers still firm against your sides. “I think I like ya even more when you’re speechless.”
𓍯𓂃 tendou satori
Tendō is usually all sharp grins and endless chatter, but when he goes silent—really silent—it’s dangerous. You’re mid-sentence, voice steady, trying to keep your train of thought, but then it happens. His gaze flickers down—just for a second—to your lips, slow and deliberate, before dragging back up to your eyes. And suddenly, every word dies in your throat. He doesn’t smirk, doesn’t tease, just watches you with that unnervingly intense stare, his crimson eyes dark with something unreadable, something that sends a shiver straight down your spine. The weight of his gaze alone sets you on fire, but it’s the way he tilts his head slightly, as if considering something, as if debating whether to act on whatever thought just crossed his mind, that really makes you unravel. He leans in just a little, close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off him, and then—just when you think he might actually kiss you—he pulls back with a hum, lips curling into a knowing smirk. “What’s wrong?” he muses, amusement dripping from his voice as he rests his chin in his palm. “You were saying something, right?”
𓍯𓂃 osamu miya
Osamu isn’t the type to make a big show of affection, but when he does? It’s enough to knock the air from your lungs. You don’t even hear him coming—not until his arms snake around your waist from behind, pulling you flush against his chest in one smooth, effortless motion. A startled gasp escapes you, but before you can even process the warmth of him, his lips brush against your cheek—soft, slow, but deliberate. The heat of his breath lingers against your skin, and he doesn’t move, doesn’t let go, just holds you there like he has all the time in the world. “Didn’t mean to scare ya,” he murmurs, his voice low, lazy, but there’s something smug beneath it—something that tells you he knows exactly what he’s doing. His grip tightens just slightly, his fingers pressing into your hips as he tilts his head, his lips barely an inch from your ear now. “But ya went all quiet on me,” he muses, his tone rich with amusement. “That mean ya liked it?”
𓍯𓂃 suna rintaro
Suna doesn’t just hug you—he engulfs you, his arms locking around you in a way that makes it impossible to escape, like he needs you this close. His body is warm against yours, solid, unyielding, but it’s the way his lips press against your neck—slow, unhurried—that really sets your skin on fire. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t give you a second to breathe, just keeps kissing along the sensitive curve of your throat, each press of his lips sending a shiver down your spine. His grip tightens as you squirm, a deep hum vibrating in his chest like he finds your reaction amusing. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs against your skin, his voice low and laced with something dark, something teasing. Another kiss—this time just beneath your ear, slower, more deliberate. “You’re shakin’,” he notes, his tone smug, his arms still locked around you, holding you in place. He finally pauses, just for a second, his breath hot against your neck. “Too much for you?” But before you can even think of answering, his lips are back on you—this time, with even less restraint.
𓍯𓂃 kenma kozume
Kenma is subtle, effortless in the way he completely disarms you without even trying. He doesn’t say anything when he leans into you, just rests his head against your shoulder like it’s second nature, like you were made to support him. The warmth of him seeps into your skin, and you swear your heartbeat stumbles, but he stays perfectly calm—his fingers idly seeking yours out, lacing them together in a loose but deliberate grip. It’s such a simple thing, the way he holds your hand, the way his thumb brushes absentmindedly against your skin, but it sends a rush of warmth straight to your cheeks. You try to focus on anything else, anything but the way he’s practically melting against you, so at ease, so soft—but then he sighs, the tiniest, most content sound, and you swear your heart nearly gives out. He shifts slightly, just enough to glance up at you through half-lidded golden eyes, his expression unreadable. And then, as if sensing your flustered state, he squeezes your hand once and murmurs, voice barely above a whisper, “You’re warm.” Simple. Quiet. But enough to wreck you completely.
𓍯𓂃 tsukishima kei
Tsukishima isn’t one for big displays of affection, but when he decides to fluster you? He doesn’t miss. It happens so fast you barely have time to process it—one second, you’re standing beside him in a crowded space, and the next, he’s leaning down, his height making it effortless for him to hover just over you. His breath brushes against your ear, his voice so low, so quiet, that it’s meant for you and no one else. “I love you.” Three simple words, but the way he says them—soft, deliberate, intimate—has your entire body locking up. You feel his smirk before you even see it, the faintest tilt of his lips as he pulls back just enough to watch your reaction, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. He doesn’t need to tease, doesn’t need to say anything else—he just watches, waiting for the inevitable flush to creep up your neck, for the way your fingers twitch like you don’t know what to do with yourself. And then, as if he didn’t just ruin you in the middle of a public space, he straightens up, pushing his glasses up with an infuriating nonchalance. “What? Did you want me to say it louder?”
𓍯𓂃 hajime iwaizumi
Iwaizumi doesn’t even think about it—it’s instinct, second nature, the way his hand always finds its place on your waist. It doesn’t matter where you are or who’s around; his grip is firm, steady, possessive in a way that makes your heart race every single time. He’ll guide you through a crowd with an effortless pull, his fingers pressing just hard enough to make your breath catch. Or worse—he’ll stand behind you, his palm resting against your hip like it belongs there, his thumb absentmindedly stroking slow, teasing circles against your skin. And he acts so casual about it, barely even glancing at you while you’re left burning under his touch. But then—when he finally does look down at you, noticing the way you tense, the way your fingers grip at your clothes like you’re trying to compose yourself—he smirks, tilting his head slightly. “What’s with that look?” he murmurs, voice low, teasing. “You get flustered that easily?” His fingers tighten just slightly, a silent reminder of how close he is, and when you stammer out something incoherent, he just chuckles, leaning in to mutter, “Better get used to it, sweetheart.”
𓍯𓂃 semi eita
Semi doesn’t do things halfway—when he kisses you, he really kisses you. It’s never just a soft peck or a fleeting brush of lips; it’s deep, deliberate, and all-consuming. And the fact that he does it in public? That just makes it worse. One second, you’re standing there, minding your business, and the next, his hand is gripping your jaw, tilting your face up to his before his lips crash against yours. It’s not just a kiss—it’s claiming, his tongue sliding against yours with no hesitation, no shame, like he wants people to see. His fingers press into your skin, keeping you close, holding you in place as he kisses you like he has something to prove. And when he finally pulls back—leaving you breathless, your lips tingling, your entire body burning—he just smirks, brushing his thumb over your swollen bottom lip. “What?” he murmurs, voice low, teasing. “Too much for you?” His eyes gleam with amusement, knowing damn well he just wrecked you in front of everyone, and as he leans in again, lips barely an inch from yours, he adds, “Better get used to it, babe. I’m not done yet.”
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strwbivy · 9 months ago
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synopsis. quite literally the title, how haikyu men would star off the your newly established romantic relationship.
wc. 0.7k words | genre. fluffy | cw. bad writing, a bit ooc, no warnings just very fluffy content, established relationship, eating soba \(●ˇ∀ˇ●)/
m.list // hq. masterlist
you've got mail ✉ ! this is one of my first post from my other acc now reposted and slightly edited! and so i hope you enjoy or re-enjoy this, READ WELL READER !
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♡ —he would literally spoil you. giving gifts is his love language. whenever he would go out shopping, he always comes out with a bag in hand awaiting to be opened by you. the price doesn't matter to him, as long it makes you happy it feels like the price is being repaid for him. he gives you so much gifts, it makes your room look like a store. plushies stocked up at one corner of the room, and your desk displayed by plenty of trinkets and merchandise of your fav shows. it brings him joy whenever your face brightens up when he gives you, another gift.
❝ here I bought you something, do you.. like it? ❞
osamu, kita, tendou, ennoshita, yaku (?)
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♡ —he would be a bit shy at first. he doesn't really like physical touch but if it comes from you, he doesn't mind it. whenever you come and run up to hug him it sends a shock through his body, your touch still feels all too new for him. but he slowly got used to your touch when you kept being by his side, hugging him, playing with his hair, squeezing his cheeks, and when you kept your gentle hands holding his. he doesn't really know how to show his affection but he still makes his efforts, he tries to copy on how you show your love but whenever he tries or does it always ends up him being embarrassed and shy. he completely melts at your touch and eventually, he makes you melt into his <3
❝ your hand is so soft, ..don't remove it from mine. ❞
tsukishima, asahi, kageyama, kenma, ushijima, sakusa, kentaro, goshiki
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♡ —he would start out to take you out on dates. he's definitely a bit of an outdoorsy person. school's done? he'll take you out on a date. he just finished practicing and is still tired? he'll take you out on a date. a stressful day? he'll take you out on a date. spending time with you is his favorite time of his days/weeks. he just loves it when you both are alone together, it's the best feeling he ever felt. he definitely love to take you out to small soba noodle shops. he also loves going to places with pretty sceneries. a specific thing he loves when you both go out to eat is watching you eat and a small bump appears on your cheek when you happily munch on your food, he finds it cute and it makes him giggle then you would look up at him with a confused look. he absolutely loves it when you spend time together, and he hopes he'll get to spend the rest of his life with you.
❝ i miss ya' so much baby! hooww about we go to the soba shop right now, ya' don't mind right? ❞
tanaka, nishinoya, sugawara, lev, atsumu
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♡ —he would brag about you to anyone. he doesn't brag because he got a girlfriend, but it's about YOU he's bragging about. he tells about you to anyone on how much of a beautiful person you are inside and out. he brags about how perfect your whole being his. he's just hanging out with his friends and you seem to cross his mind and he just starts to explosively ramble about you, he brags on how he got such a perfect person like you. he tells them on how much he loves and adores you. he could talk about you for hours, it seems like he has an infinite amount of words about you. he also definitely praises you a lot when you too are alone, his words turns you into a flustered mess but he's oblivious by it. but he knows that no amount of words he could measure his love for you.
❝ you're so beautifuuulll! the most perfect person i have set my eyes on.❞
hinata, yamaguchi, bokuto, terushima, kogane, oikawa
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♡ —ever since you both got together, he's been a bit more stricter. he keeps looking out for you. he reminds you daily to sleep early, to eat at the right time and eat healthy, to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and more. he also makes sure whenever you cross the street he's always right there. you getting hurt is the thing he hates most and whether it's physical or emotional. he'll immediately be by your side when you do get hurt. he just wants to make sure his baby is safe from anything <3
❝ woah-woah, careful now.. we don't want you to get hurt now do we? ❞
daichi, kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi, kita
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copyright © strwbivy ↣ do not copy, translate or repost.
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teamatsumu · 1 year ago
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kinktober 2023 -> day 12
public play - tendou satori x reader
word count: 607
kinktober masterlist
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You’d always known Tendou was a freak in bed. Even before you two had begun dating, you had an inkling. With how unorthodox he was, anyone would’ve guessed he was less than vanilla under the sheets. What shocked them was when he got together with you.
You knew how you looked to the people of your university. Prim, proper, never a hair out of place, well-ironed clothes and clean smile, always early for class and always on top of your grades. What can you say? You were efficient.
So how had you ended up here? Dating the Guess Monster of all people? You heard the whispers follow you when Tendou walked you to class, the same class he had the gall to be skipping. You knew they wondered, and you knew that they had no idea just how similar you and Tendou actually were.
“I wish they could see you now, honey.” Tendou cooed in your ear as your body squirmed and jerked. His lean, surprisingly sturdy figure held you in place against the wall, long thin fingers wiggling inside you so carelessly that you were worried he would rip you apart. He hummed to himself right afterward in contemplation. “Well, they could very well see you. All they have to do is really look.”
And he was right, standing under the shadow of the staircase, it wouldn’t take much for the bustling crowd of students rushing through the halls to take a little breath and slow down, realizing that the huddle under the stairs was you pressed into the wall while your tall boyfriend fingered you fast and rough, his hand disappearing under the hem of your skirt.
You bit into Tendou’s shoulder to try and stifle your moans, bucking your hips into him more and more. You wanted to cum so bad, all rational thought had flown out the window long ago. You didn’t care who saw you at this point, the voices and chatter of the people long drowned out by the roaring in your ears. Tendou chuckled.
“Dirty little thing,” he had a teasing lilt to his voice. “You love this, don’t you? Getting fingered in public. Crying all over my hand. And you’re soaking, too. Way more than usual. Should I do this more often?”
You were panting at this point, breathing hard to try and compensate for your lack of moans. You were close, and Tendou could tell, from the slow stiffening of your body to how you pushed yourself closer to him, your movements getting more desperate.
“Or maybe I should drag you out there in front of everybody,” he mused, knowing what his dirty ramblings did to you, knowing they would push you closer to the end. “I should lay you out on the floor and fuck you right there, so a crowd can gather and watch you cry and cum over my cock. That what you want? Everyone to see how big of a whore you are?”
And his words worked, because the next moment you were cumming, your juices running down his hand and his wrist, his fingers moving faster and faster to prolong your orgasm as much as he could, ignoring how hard his own cock was, straining against his pants. This was enough for now, getting off on the thought of taking you in front of all these idiots who thought he didn’t deserve you. They would understand then, as they watched you cry and moan about how good his fingers felt, why you were with him. That would shut them up real quick.
And Tendou was just freaky enough to actually pull that stunt someday.
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@bxbyyyjocelyn @thisbicc @lazuliquartz @dreamayy @kuroosluthoe @true-form-hoe @akumakitsune21 @cham0mil3-and-h0n3y @samisfunky @universal-s1ut @msbyomimi @dohwaesu @leothesquishy @n0tmykays @tsukiran @reyofsunshinelol @bleach-your-panties @galaneiaeris @leyra-giovanni @erenspersonalwh0re @peachesncats @soapsoftheworld @iwannabecamiloshovel @vintagevict0ria @smithieandy @moonlit-mizukage @snazzyturtles
A/N: For those whose tags arent working, im sorry! I tried and for some reason, your names wont show up in the mentions :( another way of being notified is to turn on my blog notifs for @teamatsumufics . I only reblog my fics there so it serves almost like being in a taglist!
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thunderpetal · 5 months ago
Sometimes two characters don’t need to kiss on screen for it to be blatantly obvious they want each other, and in the case of maya and claudine, I think performing an 10 minute extended swordfight with intense homoerotic undertones using faust and mephistopheles as a metaphor including multiple costume changes, romantic/wedding imagery, calling each other beautiful, passionately yelling ‘for me there is you’ in sync while surrounded by roses, promising to continue to be partners and rivals again and again for eternity even if they are physically separated, all done to the music of a gorgeous classical symphony tribute with really gay lyrics that was supposed to be titled ‘a beautiful person, or a love song?’ until that second bit was forcibly cut, and doing it all IN FRONT OF THEIR CLASSMATES who get a front row scene to this incredibly gay shit???
Yeah I think it kind of gets the point across pretty well
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kitasgloves · 1 year ago
comforting your insecure bf
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part 1 . part 3 . part 4
— ♬ NSFW, MINORS DNI, gn reader, based on this post
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— ♬ Tendou Satori
Growing up, Tendou Satori didn't have anyone to rely on until he reached high school where he met his teammates on the volleyball team and his best friend Ushijima Wakatoshi. Having experienced bullying in middle school, he created doubts he'll find someone who will love him.
Until he graduates college and moves to France, Tendou becomes a profound chocolatier and sells his chocolates in Paris. It seemed fate had planned it when you walked into his shop and purchased a box of his famous sweets. The way you smiled at him was sweeter than any chocolate Tendou has tasted. He was too stunned to even ask for your name before you walked out of his shop. Tendou had a serious sweet tooth because he was craving for your smile.
Fate has heeded his longing because you returned to his shop again with that sweet smile of yours, by then Tendou dared to ask for your name. Your visits have become frequent, on the third visit he makes you smile, the fourth he makes you laugh, on the fifth he asks for your number, and on the sixth you ask him out on a date.
It appeared so ideal, falling in love with a sweet chocolatier in Paris. Tendou stole your heart with his precious humor and his earnest feelings. Everything looked perfect the moment you and the chocolatier became a couple. Tendou thought he was contented, letting you move in with him. But then he believed everything was moving too fast, you two went beyond kissing and before he knew it he was overwhelmed.
However, he doesn't have the heart to tell you. He's afraid that if he did, you'd give him some space and he doesn't want that. He doesn't want you to be out of his reach, he doesn't want you to leave him. Because Tendou believes he'll never find someone who'll love a weirdo like him. He's already skeptical if you're genuinely in love with him. Even as an adult, he's still bothered by the looks people give him when he's with you. He knows what they're thinking.
What is a weirdo like him doing with someone beautiful like you?
"Satori? Are okay, chérie?"
Tendou blinks and awkwardly smiles at you while nodding. His eyes returned to the television screen but his mind was elsewhere. And you can tell, for the past few days, Tendou has been acting out of his character. He stopped telling you jokes and making chocolates with you. Something was bothering him. Wordlessly, you took his hand and pulled him up from the couch. There was no protest when you took him to your shared bedroom. The two of you settled on the bed.
"Darling, I know something is bothering you and I want you to be honest with me"
"I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a little bit unwell"
Tendou sighs at your warning tone. You gently took his larger hands, sharing your warmth. He can feel his eyes grow wet.
"[Name]...why the hell did you fall in love with me?"
You blinked, there was a shake of your head and a lighthearted smile on your face. You know how bizarre Tendou can behave, which makes him unique. His red buzzcut and quirky smile captured your heart. You didn't give a shit if everybody else found him weird, to you he's the most perfect man you know.
"Do you want me to show you, Satori?"
Tendou wouldn't have imagined this scenario. You settle behind him, your hand fisting his cock as he is forced to watch everything through the bedroom mirror. It didn't help that the mirror was huge and he could see every explicit detail. The precum leaking out of the slit of his dick, a red flush all over his face, and your soft hand pumping his length to draw moans out of his lips
"Ah! Chérie! Please slow down!"
You only smiled sweetly at him and continued jerking him off, he threw his head back with a strangled moan.
"Eyes on the mirror, darling"
Tendou obeys with his head spinning in pleasure. He can hear his heart palpitating wildly in his ears as you pull him apart with each stroke of your hand.
"You asked me why I fell in love with you. How could I not when you're such an adorable, funny, and caring man?"
"How could I not swoon at every chocolate you make and gift for me? For every kiss we shared under the Paris lights? And the way you swept me off my feet and took me to bed after one month of being together?"
Your pace on his cock went slower, you wanted him to hear every word you said. Tendou can feel his breath going shallow at every sentence.
"I don't care what people think of us and neither should you. As long as I'm happy with you, to hell with what they think"
"[Name] I-"
"Oh Satori, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to get married and start a family"
Suddenly, your hand wandered to his balls as you played with them. Tendou's moans echoed in the room as the pleasure went crashing in. His eyes watch you through the mirror as he feels his release building up.
"Oh fuck, [Name], please!"
"Do you want that too, darling?"
"Yes! Fuck yes! Shit, I'm gonna cum!"
"Yeah? Go on, cum for me, Satori"
His hands grip the bedsheets as his hips bucked upward on your fist as he cums. You continue to pump him, letting the cum shoot out and leak on your hand. Tendou hisses as his eyes watered at the overstimulation. You kiss his neck tenderly after his orgasm. He was catching his breath when he looked at his messy reflection, he chuckled to himself. Suddenly, you pressed your lips against his ear.
"The next time you cum, it's going to be inside of me"
Tendou gulps as a bashful blush covered his cheeks. You smile sweetly at him as if you didn't whisper the nastiest shit he has ever heard against his ear.
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— ♬ Hirugami Sachiro
Your first encounter with Hirugami Sachiro was when you took your dog to the vet for a check-up. You recently moved into the area and it was your first time visiting a new vet. Hirugami could've sworn Cupid pulled one of the stupid golden arrows and shot him in the back when you both locked eyes for the first time. You were gorgeous and you had an adorable dog too.
He treated your dog with utmost care and you couldn't even be happier. Since then, you started getting monthly checkups for your dog. Hirugami always looked forward to each of your arrivals, and each time he could feel himself slowly falling hard for you. At every check-up, you get to know the veterinarian more. You knew how he used to play volleyball, how he's the youngest of his siblings, his pro-volleyball best friend Hoshiumi Korai, and even his sweet dog named Kotarou.
Before you two knew it, you both grew closer and closer at each encounter. It was a matter of time before one of you would profess your feelings first. And it was Hirugami. He asked you to hang out outside of the vet to grab lunch and he confesses. He was expecting a rejection from you but you surprise him by returning his feelings.
It was only natural for you and Hirugami to become a couple. It was the happiest both of you have been in your lives. You kiss on sidewalks, have romantic dinners, and take your dogs together at the dog park. Everything felt perfect. But suddenly, you got busy with your work.
You were so busy that you had to take your dog to your cousin's to take of them for you because you didn't have time to do it. Hirugami pretended that it barely stung when you talked less and less with him. You both stopped seeing each other every day. There wasn't any bitterness rising it was just dead silence. Hirugami figured he should focus on his profession as a veterinarian. The both of you wouldn't have proper contact for weeks to the point Hirugami becomes concerned.
He didn't understand why you were busy all of a sudden, to him, it's like you barely made an effort to check on him. He felt pathetic desperately reaching out for you until he began doubting himself. What if you grew tired of him? What if you started seeing somebody else? His thoughts frightened him. Hirugami wanted to be the perfect boyfriend for you. Before he realizes it, he's falling back to his bad habits back in high school.
Hiruguami used to be a perfectionist during volleyball, he'd blame himself for every mistake he made. He mindlessly scrapped his knuckles against a stone surface to the point that it bled. And he was doing it again, although less harshly. When you finally had the time to see him, you immediately asked to go over to his place.
When you saw your boyfriend your heart dropped, he looked like he was barely taking care of himself. There were dark bags under his eyes, he seemed paler, and bandages on his knuckles.
"What happened to you, Sachiro?"
You asked him, visibly concerned. It made Hirugami guilty. You two catch up during dinner and he finally tells you what is going on with him. You can feel your heart shatter.
"I thought I was never going to be the perfect boyfriend for you, [Name]"
"Is that why you began scraping your knuckles?"
"I'm sorry..."
"Hey, don't be. I should be the one apologizing for not trying to reach out"
"But you were busy, and I understand that-"
"Sachiro, that's still not an excuse to suddenly cut contact with you"
"But I should've done better, you know? I could've"
You firmly stopped him. Hirugami bites his lip and looks at you like a scolded child. You sighed as you went over to take his hands and kiss his bandaged knuckles. He was facing away and it seemed like he wasn't getting the message you're trying to get across. Then, you thought of an interesting way to do it.
"[Name], shit!"
Hirugami gritted his teeth as he observed you stroking his cock in front of his bedroom mirror. Everything happened so fast, one moment you were fervently kissing him and the next you were behind him giving him a handjob.
"I missed you, Sachiro"
You purred from behind as you gently pumped his cock. No matter how much he tried to resist, Hirugami couldn't peel his eyes away from the mirror. His pants were clumsily pulled down, sweat dripping down his neck, and his face completely flushed. He was so mesmerized with your hand stroking his length.
"I'm sorry for making you feel bad, baby"
"You deserve to be treated better because you're so sweet, nice, and handsome"
Hirugami's mouth falls open as a moan escapes his mouth. His eyes shut when the pleasure overtakes his body when you suddenly grab his chin.
"Keep your eyes on the mirror for me please?"
You requested and who was he to deny you? You jerked him off at a pleasurable pace as he watched himself melt in your presence.
"You're the best boyfriend in the world, Sachiro. I'm not letting you think otherwise"
"You're so hot, passionate about your job, and the best at making me cum every time we fuck"
Hirugami lets out a low groan when you reach for his sack as you start to massage it. Every thought of insecurity vanishes in his head as he focuses on you as you drive him lightheaded.
"[Name], fuck! I wanna cum!"
"Not until you tell me that you're the best boyfriend in the world"
When you begin to tease his slit with your fingers, he grabs your thigh and glares at you through the mirror. The feral look in his eye made him look so attractive. He looks at you dead in the eye through the mirror as you physically shiver.
"I'm the best boyfriend in the world"
"Damn right you are, and don't you ever forget that"
With that, you viciously pumped his cock to the brink of orgasm. The pace was so overwhelming that Hirugami's eyes rolled back as the most earth-shattering orgasm hit him. He could've sworn he went to heaven and back. After his release, he sees through the mirror that his cum has stained his abdomen and your hand. His hair was a mess and he's covered in sweat all over.
"Feeling better now, Sachiro?"
"I am, thank you"
He smiles at you as you return the gesture. But then you begin to pull your shirt over your head as his eyes bulge out of their sockets, before he can say something, you possessively grab his shoulders.
"How about we make up for the time we lost, baby?"
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— ♬ Miya Osamu
During the humble beginnings of his business at Onigiri Miya, you stumbled into Osamu Miya's life. Freshly graduated from college, you clumsily entered his shop hungry and prepared to devour anything available on the menu. You were done after a grueling job interview. Osamu was eager to feed you whatever was best on his menu.
"Oh my gosh, this is so delicious!"
You exclaimed as you pointed at the Onigiri he served to you, there was an adorable glimmer in your eyes that Osamu couldn't help but blush. He tries to cover it by tilting his hat downward to cover his face. Somehow you have successfully made his heart race by your smile alone. He learns how bright and friendly you were when you gave him your name, he eagerly spells out his. At that moment, he's convinced his life is about to take a drastic turn.
You visit Onigiri Miya daily, always talking to Osamu as you two gradually became close friends. He recently learned you got a job as PR in MSBY Black Jackals, and he freezes. There is no doubt that you have met his twin brother, Atsumu Miya. That bastard probably tried to flirt with you, maybe tease you or subtly make a suggestive remark. Osamu's chest grew tight.
Even if he and Atsumu shared the same face, people naturally flocked to his brother more. Despite his cocky attitude and unapologetic behavior, people overlooked the flaws Atsumu had because of his magnetic looks. After all, Atsumu genuinely makes an effort to look good. He learns how to bleach and properly style his hair, how to dress stylishly and make everyone swoon behind the cameras. Compared to all that, Osamu barely tried.
Osamu just pulls on whatever he finds in his wardrobe, no matter how horrible it looks. He only knows how to brush his hair (he stopped letting Atsumu dye his hair dark grey again). And he's awkward when there are cameras around. Osamu becomes convinced that he'll never have a shot with you.
"'Samu! Are you even listening?"
You placed your hands on your hips and raised a brow at him. Osamu snaps out of it and sends you a timid smile and a rub on the back of his neck. You huffed.
"Sorry, what did ya say, [Name]?"
"I said, do you want to go on a date with me?"
Osamu's eyes grew wide and gazed at you with pure astonishment behind the counter. He points to himself as his jaw drops to the floor. You couldn't hold back a giggle.
"Ya want to go on a date? With me? Me?"
"Yes, you idiot"
"Holy shit"
Well, he wasn't expecting that. On that weekend, you and Osamu went all over the city, exploring and eating street food. You held his hand for the first time and he could've sworn his heart leaped out of his chest. He decided to grow some balls and ask you to be his. And your only response was a wide smile as you grabbed his cheeks to give him a long and sweet smooch on the lips.
"Oi, scrub! Ya got any beer here?"
Atsumu yelled inside the kitchen. Osamu was one step closer to horse kicking his brother in the face. You shook your head and went to tell Atsumu there were beers in the fridge. Tonight was supposed to be a date night but Atsumu decided to show up at his apartment unannounced and crash it. You seemed unbothered considering you deal with the blonde merely on a daily at your job, but Osamu was uncomfortable.
The three of you watched some Ghibli movies. You were wedged between the twins eating snacks and drinking beer. As the night went on, Osamu couldn't shake off the feeling that he was uninvited in his place. You were being loud with Atsumu, sharing jokes and trading insults. You were being too naturally close to his brother that it's making his body heavy.
"M'gonna go ta bed"
Osamu mumbled as the end credits played after the movie, you stopped talking with Atsumu and watched your boyfriend drag his feet to the bedroom. Osamu collapsed on his bed, burying his face against his pillow. He remembers the fight he had with Atsumu back in high school after he admitted that he was going to quit playing volleyball. Since then there has been a competition that who lives the happier life, and Osamu was beginning to think he was losing.
There was a knock on the door before you entered his bedroom, Osamu avoided your gaze and pretended that he had passed out. You poked his leg and called out for his name softly, enough to tug on his heartstrings. When he faces you, your features display worry.
"Are you okay?"
"M'fine, [Name]"
"Is it because of 'Tsumu?"
Osamu replied so quickly that it answered the lingering question in your head. You sighed as you tugged on his arm, pulling him upwards from the bed. You smiled as you fixed his messy hair, but he didn't meet your eyes.
"Are you jealous, 'Samu?"
His tone was sincere. You hummed as you went behind him to wrap your arms around him, Osamu gazed at you through his bedroom mirror placed in front of his bed. He sees the tender look you give him through the mirror that he caves in. He spills his rising insecurity and how he deeply compared himself to his twin brother. And you were baffled.
"Osamu you fucking idiot"
"Do you think I'm gonna leave you for that pisshead setter?"
"I mean, he's better lookin'-"
"Don't tell me you're letting him win"
Osamu shuts his mouth, he remembers how he shared with you about his ongoing sibling competition with Atsumu. You shake your head as your hands trailed to his belt, unbuckling it. Osamu gulps and stares at his unlocked bedroom door.
"Ugh, those two better not be fucking"
Atsumu mumbled as he played another movie on the TV. Meanwhile, Osamu was trying his hardest not to let an obscene moan leave his mouth as you jerked him from behind. He wouldn't dare let Atsumu hear what was going on inside the bedroom, and he wouldn't dare let his brother win the competition.
"Ah! Hmm, fuck [Name]"
"Osamu Miya, you fucking moron. Do you believe Atsumu is better than you?"
Osamu only answered through hushed and choked moans. You pumped his length faster, watching as precum leaked out of the slit. You pressed your lips against his ear.
"You're such a fantastic boyfriend. You're a hardworking business owner, you make the best damn onigiri, and you're so fucking hot. So, why the fuck are you comparing yourself to him?"
Your hands trailed to his ballsack to massage it and Osamu throws his head back, biting his lip to hold back a whine. You forced his head forward to the mirror.
"Eyes on the mirror, babe"
"Hnngh, [Name], please"
"I'm in love with you Osamu Miya, and you only. You better tattoo that shit to your brain, sweetheart"
"Wanna cum, wanna cum so bad [Name]!"
"Really? Are you done comparing yourself to Atsumu?"
"Yes! Oh fuck, yes!"
"Good, go on, cum for me, Osamu"
You purred as you wrapped your delicate hands around his cock as you stroked him rapidly. Bringing him to his sweet release. There was no way his twin wouldn't have heard the moan he unleashed as he cums. His hips jerked forward as his seed stained his pants and your hand. His eyes roll back as he throws his head backward with his mouth ajar. All he could hear was the sound of his loud heartbeat. As he comes back to his senses, he sees you smiling at him through the mirror. He chuckles.
"Well aren't ya full of surprises"
You laugh. He turns to grab your cheek to lean down and tenderly kiss you. Osamu smiles like he has won the lottery, no, even better. He has someone who loves him for who he is.
"Thank you, [Name]"
"You're welcome, baby"
Osamu couldn't fight back the smug look on his face as the two of you rejoined Atsumu in the living room. Atsumu gives him a narrowed look.
'What the fuck are ya smilin' for?'
'I win'
'The fuck?'
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— ♬ Sakusa Kiyoomi
Sakusa Kiyoomi was comfortable on his own. He learned how to be independent and never relied on anyone constantly. For the most part, he's a natural introvert. He did have friends. Well, it's all thanks to his cousin Komori Motoya forcing him to socialize or his job as a professional athlete who needed to get along with his teammates. Sakusa thinks that having a few sets of friends he's good to go. Until you had to ruin everything.
You were the cheerful manager of the MSBY Black Jackals. Something about your warm and welcoming demeanor made Sakusa's nose scrunch. The way you smiled and talked with everyone like you had known them for years, it was uncomfortable for him to watch. However, you didn't force any conversation with him. You only greeted him and smiled. Yeah, he appreciated that but he's still cautious about you.
Over time, Sakusa learns there's a certain depth to you. That you weren't just all smiles and laughter. You're a professional human being with an emotional intelligence beyond him. You're incredibly sympathetic and intelligent and he's impressed. You're observant of people's perceptions of others and emotions. No wonder, you didn't force yourself to him.
You gave him space and respected his excessive cleanliness. Sakusa decides you're good in his book. What changed everything was when he was unexpectedly stuck in a crowd. It was absolute hell, he got lost navigating the team during an event. On the brink of an anxiety attack, you showed up.
You called out, concerned at the way he was hunched forward seemingly on the verge of losing consciousness. Sakusa can feel your pinkie finger linking with his, he regains his focus. He looks at you as you lead him out of the crowd by his pinkie finger only. Perhaps out of respect because he doesn't like anyone touching him.
"Are you okay, Sakusa-senshu?"
"Yes, thank you [Name]"
When you smiled at him, his chest grew tight. It felt different. It was as if his world grew clearer and he could suddenly breathe perfectly. On the way to meet up with the team, he grabs your shoulder.
"Call me Kiyoomi"
The moment you earned the permission to call him by his first name, your relationship with him changed. The two of you grew closer in such a short amount of time. The team was calling the spiker out for favoritism because Sakusa treats you kinder compared to them. He talks to you the most during breaks, he shares snacks and hand sanitizers, and it went as far as letting you high-five him after a game in which everyone was enraged.
Sakusa had never met someone who had made him smile so hard that his cheeks hurt, someone who knew what made him laugh until there were tears in his eyes, and someone he wouldn't mind breaking his own rules for. Whenever he looks at you, Sakusa finds it hard to look away. And before he realizes, he's falling for you.
And he's fucking petrified. Sakusa wasn't entirely smart when it came to romance, he never planned to fall in love with you. So, he bottles it up inside of him for years and it becomes unbearable. He figured you weren't ready to have a relationship let alone with him. And that you wouldn't want him to be your boyfriend. He's strict, a jerk, and a clean freak. Aside from his handsome looks and his amazing athletic abilities, Sakusa wasn't interesting.
However, unexpectedly, when he learns you're about to quit being the manager of the team to pursue another career, Sakusa panics and spills his feelings for you. He tells you he's been in love with you for ages. He doesn't want to see you leave without telling you how he feels. Shockingly, you laughed and smiled at him as you told him that the feelings were mutual. At that moment, Sakusa was convinced he had found true happiness.
The two of you dated and became official for six months. There were ups and downs in the relationship but it worked. Sakusa learned how to balance his growing volleyball career with his time with you. And you were happy with your newly chosen career and without failing to make Sakusa fall for you even more.
Tonight, the team invited Sakusa and you to a local club to celebrate the recent win against the SCHWEDEIN Adlers. Sakusa was about to quickly decline until you immediately agreed. So, here he is, alone by the bartender, nursing his cup of alcohol while he watches you dance with his friends. He could join you if he didn't detest crowds and dancing.
You were in your element, having fun with Bokuto, Hinata, and Atsumu. The four of you were stuck in your own world lost in the music. Something foreign bloomed in Sakusa's chest. It squeezed his heart and yanked it violently. He shakily finishes his drink as he frowns and watches you forget about his existence on the dancefloor.
Sakusa imagined if he was more likable, he'd join you and the guys on the dancefloor. If he wasn't a fucking coward, he'd grab you and spin you around to the music. If he wasn't boring, he'd give you the time of your life partying in the club. Sakusa sniffs as he finds himself exiting the club and driving home, lost in his sea of insecure thoughts.
When he arrived home, he received multiple text messages and missed calls from you. God, he's such a fucking dick for leaving you there at the club. He calls to tell you he's sorry and that he's back home. You later arrived at his apartment and saw him slouching on his bed, frowning. You were sweaty and fresh out of the club but he lets you embrace him.
"Sorry, I felt...overwhelmed"
"It's okay Ki, I just got worried. Let's just stay here, I'll tell the guys we went home"
"You...you should head back to the club"
"What? Why?"
"You were enjoying yourself out there with them and I just...ruined it"
Sakusa looks away. You sighed as you grabbed his chin to gently peck him on the lips.
"No, you didn't ruin anything. I would ditch them in a heartbeat if you said you wanted to go home, y'know"
"Kiyoomi, you matter more to me than anything else, okay?"
"I just can't help but wish I was more...fun for you"
"What do you mean, Ki?"
Sakusa shrugs and you frown. You settled from behind him to give him a tight hug. He sees you do so in front of his large bedroom mirror.
"If only I didn't hate crowds or physical touch, I would've danced with you at the club"
"Ki, you know I don't mind that, right?"
"Maybe if I wasn't so...boring you would've been happier"
He mumbled, and you huffed. You didn't like how Sakusa was putting himself down because it was so unlike him. The Sakusa you knew was confident and had no ounce of self-doubt. If only you could prove to him he's so much more than that.
"Uh, why are you smirking at me like that, [Name]?"
Sakusa never predicted this circumstance at all. His pants pulled down to his thighs, his cock out and your pretty hand stroking his length. Sakusa watched with lidded eyes and low moans as you give him an erotic handjob from behind. He grips your thighs as he feels his heart bang against his ribcage.
"Oh fuck, [Name]!"
"You like that, pretty boy?"
You grin devilishly at him through the mirror and he just grows even harder. The way you pumped his cock makes his head spin deliriously.
"Look at you, Ki. You're so pretty and hot moaning like that"
"[Name] please"
He whimpers and it encourages you to jerk him off faster. Sakusa goes briefly crossed-eyed as he watches the pornographic scene in the mirror.
"You're the most kindest and amazing boyfriend in the world, Kiyoomi"
You told him softly. He groans when your hands reach to cup his balls, he can feel drool leaving the corner of his mouth.
"You're so good at volleyball and cleaning, plus you know how to cook! Oh, I just can't wait to marry you soon"
"You-oh fuck!-mean that?"
"Yes, darling. You're not boring, not to me, never"
"I-ah!-I'm glad"
You smile sweetly at him as you return to pumping his cock faster. Sakusa's breath hitched he released a loud moan. With your free hand, you grab his chin to make him watch himself fall apart right in front of the mirror. You bite his earlobe.
"Are you gonna cum, pretty boy?"
"Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes!"
"Go ahead. Cum for me Kiyoomi"
As your words echoed inside his head, Sakusa hit his orgasm like no other. It felt as though his soul left his body as he shot his load all over your hand. His head was thrown back with his jaw slack. As he slowly descends back to his body, he feels the sweat all over his skin and his cock softening. You kiss him on the cheek and fix his curls out of his eyes.
"How are you feeling, Kiyoomi?"
"Fucking great"
You smile cheekily at him but he only gazes at you breathlessly with lidded eyes. He slowly turns to directly stare at you, he couldn't be more in love with you, he swears.
"Ki? Why are you staring at me like that-oh shit! Wait! Stop, you're going to tear my clothes!!!"
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©kitasgloves (do not steal or copy)
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ushouldwatchhaikyuu · 9 months ago
ushiten fic where,,,, ushijima feels kinda shitty abt not understanding sarcasm (cause damn is my boy autistic as fuck) so he asks tendou to teach him how it works. and at first it all goes normal enough (tendou makes sarcastic jokes with him and explains whenever ushijima doesn't catch it) so ushijima gets slightly better at understanding sarcasm. but then tendou starts flirting with him and Ushijima's like "Ah. Hmm yes. This is The Sarcasm. I'm so good at this what the fuck" AND ITS SO CHAOTIC cause everyone sees tendou getting more and more straight forward each time and ushijima just laughs and feels proud that he's catching the sarcasm & tendou's just freaking out cause he doesn't even know what else to do to get that boy to see he's gay /srs and not /s
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makkir0ll · 9 months ago
take my breath away
yachi h. x fem reader
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status: coming soon!
synopsis: yachi quite literally takes your breath away when you two mix up your bags at the prefecture finals match
content: cheerleader reader, crack, gay jokes, reader has asthma, fluff fluff fluff!!!!!, wlw (happy pride month), bisexual reader, some mommy issues??
tag list form
a/n: so first smau!! yay exciting. there are a lot of cheer references so lmk if you want a glossary!!
introductions: crazy rats | a bunch of queer ppl
chapter one: coming soon...
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kairismess · 1 year ago
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pocky challenge with him. (part 2)
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kuroo tetsuro. — original chocolate pocky.
kuroo loves seeing your flustered face as you tremble and stare up into his eyes, making his smirk grow as you hesitantly take another bite of the pocky stick. he places his finger under your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes, and takes a big, daring bite forward–until the only distance you two have left is a single nibble between you two.
he teases you, chuckling lowly to himself as he cups the underside of your face with his whole palm, bringing you closer to his own face as he bites ahead. after much teasing, he leaves a small kiss on your lips; it was gentle, it was a kind kiss–a kiss that meant he wanted what you two had to be more than a one time thing; that he's more than serious about wanting to be yours.
++ he nibbles the bits of chocolate coating left on your lips ~
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satori tendou. — double chocolate pocky.
tendou enjoys making you smile with the goofy faces he makes when he's so close to kissing you. it's like he takes your mind off the fact that he's so close to you, and instead gives you a reason to show him that gorgeous smile he loves seeing every day.
he does get a bit teasing, though; he soon points out that he's a bite away from you, what'll you do about it? of course, he doesn't expect you to do anything–he just wanted to get a reaction out of you, he wouldn't do anything you didn't want to. but what he wasn't expecting was you to bite the last piece, lean over, and kiss his lips.
guess who's smiling now after all that loving?
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akaashi keiji. — green tea pocky.
akaashi only agreed to this so you'd stop pestering him, and he never found it annoying, though–he just wasn't sure about you being so close to him. a million thoughts ran through his mind all at once as you kept biting forward, with him being paralyzed to his seat, not daring to take another bite forward.
he may look calm on the surface, but internally, akaashi was freaking out. he didn't know if he was ready to meet your lips halfway, let alone if you'd like the feeling of his. he didn't want anything to change between you two, because even if he won't ever confess to you his true feelings, at least he can be your friend...
...that kissed you without thinking.
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lizzy06 · 8 months ago
Tendou Satori x Reader Fic Recs!!(Tumblr/AO3/Wattpad)
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Haikyuu! Fic Rec Masterlist
Shiratorizawa Fic Rec Masterlist
Enough for Two/tumblr link ✨✨by @alkhale (oneshot, soulmate au, mute! reader, friends to lovers, fluff)  [COMPLETED]
Indecipherable Secret Code ✨by @oreosmama (oneshot, fluff, humor)You could finally say you loved him back!…In private. You were just so nervous of how the team would react if you ever said it in public, but luckily Tendou has just the solution.[COMPLETED]
No One but You ✨by @oreosmama  (oneshot, slight smut) While managing at your boyfriend’s volleyball game, a nice, blond player from another school approaches and compliments you. He had only been friendly, so why was Tendou acting so weird?[COMPLETED]
the grey area  by @ahtsumu (college au, student council au, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst) tendou thinks you need to live a little. you think he’s the devil incarnate. [COMPLETED]
Chocolate Croissants ✨✨by @seokiloquy (oneshot, time skip, humor) Just you and the owner of the new chocolatery beside you and the dilapidated building of your shop.[COMPLETED]
soulmate au ✨by @karasuno-writings (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff)
The mark by @honeypirate (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) when you first touch your soulmate it leaves a mark, a birthmark will bloom under the skin in the shape of the touch within 24 hours max.[COMPLETED]
Love and Ghosts ✨by @t0wnspersonb (oneshot, fluff)The volleyball team decides to take a trip to the mountains for a training camp. One night as everyone is settling down Tendou decides to tell a scary story, and you, being the complete scaredy cat that you are, couldn’t handle it. But your favorite middle blocker doesn’t hesitate to comfort you… both times.[COMPLETED]
Sweet like Chocolate by FreedomHatesPeace (smut, fluff, angst, slowburn) L/n Y/n, an aspiring novelist moved to Tokyo half a year ago to pursue her dreams and escape troubles. She has been hired by one of her dream publishers to assist other authors with writing their novels, however her editor finally presents Y/n with the opportunity to write her own novel. However... she wants her to write a romantic smut series!? [COMPLETED]
A wrong guess ✨by @mimi-cee-hq (oneshot, fluff) When Tendou sees you watching their practice, he makes a wrong guess and thinks you like Ushijima. But what he doesn't expect was for this timid girl to fall for him.[COMPLETED]
Tendou Satori x (gn) reader✨ by @justwonder113 (oneshot, fluff, friends to lovers)All your life you have been in love with Tendou but you were afraid of ruining your friendship so you decided to keep your distance for a while, not realizing it would hurt the certain redhead in more ways than you could imagine.[COMPLETED]
a monster & his soulmate-1 , a monster & his soulmate--2 @bakibakini ( soulmate au, fluff)[COMPLETED]
Songs and Coffee by @t0wnspersonb (oneshot, fluff, love confession) Tendou finally gets an idea to confess to you after so long.[COMPLETED]
Girl Talk by seamus_finnigan (oneshot, fluff)Tendou overhears an unexpected conversation at the vending machines. [COMPLETED]
The Inbetween ✨by arlert_slut (oneshot, childhood friends, friends to lovers, angst with happy ending, smut) You and Tendou have been best friends since before you can remember. You share everything with each other and over the years have fallen into a friendship with clear boundaries but intimate values. When you start to notice Tendou growing more distant, you begin to worry that he’s keeping more secrets than you thought.[COMPLETED]
Watch It Burn and Rust by kaientai (oneshot, chapter 2 is smut, aoba johsai manager! reader, training camp) The tension between you has been there since the first time you laid eyes on him—growing stronger with each meeting. But what happens once you stretch something beyond its limits?[COMPLETED]
Beauty and the Satori by @lostcoves (oneshot, fluffy, Lil angst, beauty and the beast play! Au) tendou satori has a massive crush on you. could performing with you in beauty and the beast be his chance to finally get with you?[COMPLETED]
Unprofessional , pt.2by @jackrrabbit (office au, smut in pt.2)The new hire you’re supposed to be training at your office job is a little too attached for his own good…or yours.[COMPLETED]
on a whim [Shiratorizawa x Reader; Tendou x Reader] by @mitsuki-murakami (oneshot, humor) It's your birthday.[COMPLETED]
Bad Influence by december_dream (series, enemies to lovers, smut, angst with happy ending) A series about your relationship with one Satori Tendō, starting with high school and ending with your wedding. [COMPLETED]
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Haikyuu Fic Recs
Note: I do sometimes link my reblogs bc there is literally nothing I hate more than clicking on a link only to arrive at the ghost blog page.
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Blogs to just read through: @emmyrosee @screamin-abt-haikyuu @quirrrky @kairakeiji @augustinewrites @mysterystarz @tahdashi @haikyuuphilia @kitashinsvks @adoringhaikyuu
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If You Had to Pick (fluff)
Fifth Time's the Charm (fluff)
Dad Moments (fluff)
Young and Beautiful (fluff)
Helping him Stretch (suggestive)
Back to It (fluff)
Voicemails After Breakup (angst)
And They Were Roommates (misunderstandings)
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Loser Boyfriend Kuroo (fluff)
Truth or Drink (exes to lovers)
Colleague (office au)
Power Outage (comfort)
Love at First Bite (fluff)
The Cafe Critique Project (fluff)
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I Didn't Mean It (hurt/comfort)
Idol Girlfriend (fluff)
Do Something Cute (fluff)
The Perfect Fit (fluff)
Instagram (fluff)
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I Didn't Mean It (hurt/comfort)
University with Akaashi (university au)
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A Childhood Bedroom (fluff)
As a Best Friend (fluff)
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If You Had to Pick (fluff)
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What Dating him Looks Like (fluff)
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Cat's Out of the Bag (fluff)
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Dad Moments (fluff)
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Dad Moments (fluff)
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Nightmare (comfort)
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Voicemails After Breakup (angst)
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If You Had to Pick (fluff)
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Stay for Breakfast (fluff, comfort)
Varsity Crush (fluff)
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fayelero · 8 months ago
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syn : you’re on a date with your crush and you kiss them first
wc : 2.6k
tw : kissing and fluffy !
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The warm, golden light of the setting sun cast long shadows across the park, turning the world into a hazy, dreamlike landscape. You were sitting on a bench with your crush, whom you had admired from afar since the beginning of the year. Today felt different, though. The conversation had been more personal, more charged with tension.
As the day wore on, the two of you reminisced about shared experiences and favorite moments, even though you hadn't known each other for long (a year). There was a comfortable silence between you, the kind that hinted at something deeper.
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still.
He froze, his eyes wide with surprise. When you pulled back, his face was a picture of shock mixed with a slow, dawning realization. His cheeks turned a deep shade of red, and he quickly averted his gaze, rubbing the back of his neck in that adorably awkward way he did when he was nervous.
"I, uh… I didn't see that coming," he stammered, his voice a little higher than usual. He glanced at you, then quickly looked away, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Seeing him so flustered made your own heart flutter. You couldn't help but laugh softly. "Sorry, I just… I wanted to do that for a long time," you admitted, your own cheeks warming.
He finally met your gaze, his embarrassment giving way to a bashful grin. "Me too," he whispered. "I just never thought you'd feel the same way."
You reached out and took his hand, the connection feeling more significant now than ever before. The blush remained on his face, but there was a new light in his eyes – one that mirrored your own.
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still.
He froze, his eyes wide with surprise. When you pulled back, his expression was a mix of shock and something else, something warmer. But instead of pulling away or averting his gaze, he took a breath, then reached out and gently cupped your face. His eyes softened as he leaned back in, pulling you closer.
He deepened the kiss, his touch both tender and sure, as if he'd been waiting for this moment as long as you had. The initial surprise melted away, replaced by a sense of rightness that made your heart race even more.
When he finally pulled back, his face was still close to yours, his breath warm on your skin. "I’ve wanted to do that for so long," he confessed, his voice a low murmur.
You smiled, feeling a rush of happiness. "M-Me too," you whispered.
He grinned, his eyes shining with a mix of relief and joy. "So, what do we do now?"
You laughed softly, resting your forehead against his. "We see where this goes," you replied.
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still.
He froze for a second, eyes wide with surprise, but then quickly composed himself. He leaned back casually, giving you a small, almost nonchalant smile. "Well, that was unexpected," he said, his tone light.
But you noticed the faint tremor in his hands and the way his eyes sparkled with excitement. Inside, fireworks were going off, his mind racing with the thrill of the moment. He tried to play it cool, but the slight flush on his cheeks gave him away.
"Sorry if that was too forward," you said, feeling a bit nervous about his laid-back reaction.
He shrugged, trying to maintain his calm exterior. "No ! Uh…I mean…" he replied, his voice steady. "I've thought about it too."
The honesty in his words sent a wave of relief through you. You smiled, feeling a connection that was stronger than before. "Really?"
He nodded, a bit more earnest now. "Yeah, for a while actually." He glanced away briefly, then looked back at you, his calm demeanor cracking just a bit to reveal the excitement underneath. "So, where do we go from here?"
You grinned, your heart lighter. "I guess you won’t be single anymore," you suggested.
"Sounds perfect," he agreed, his calm exterior still intact, but his eyes dancing with unspoken joy.
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still.
He froze, his eyes wide with surprise. But then, instead of pulling back, he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly as if afraid you might vanish. His grip was strong, almost desperate, and you could feel his heart racing against your own.
When you pulled back slightly to look at him, his eyes were filled with a mixture of wonder and satisfaction. "I... I can't believe this is real," he whispered, his voice shaky.
You cupped his face in your hands, chuckling lovingly. "I'm here," you said softly, looking directly into his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."
He swallowed hard, his hold on you tightening for a moment before he finally relaxed a bit. "I've wanted this for so long," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can’t believe it’s real…"
You smiled, leaning in to kiss him again, more tenderly this time. "It's real," you reassured him. "We’re real, and I love you"
He nodded, a small, relieved smile breaking through the apprehension. "I love you too" he said, his voice steadier now.
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still.
He froze, his eyes wide with surprise. When you pulled back, his expression was one of pure amazement. Slowly, a look of deep, unspoken emotion settled over his face. His eyes softened, filled with a light that made it seem like you were his whole world. It was a look you knew you would never forget.
"I... wow," he breathed, his voice barely audible. "That was... incredible."
You smiled, feeling a rush of warmth and happiness. "I've wanted to do that for a long time," you confessed, your own voice trembling slightly.
He continued to gaze at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "I can't believe this is happening," he said, his eyes never leaving yours. "This moment... I'll never forget it."
You reached out and took his hand, feeling the connection between you deepen. "Me neither," you whispered, your heart swelling with emotion.
He squeezed your hand gently, his gaze still locked on yours. "I've liked you since the day we met," he admitted, his voice full of sincerity. "And now, this... it's more than I ever hoped for."
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You turned to look at him, noticing how the sunlight caught in his eyes, making them sparkle. Your heart pounded in your chest, and you knew that this moment was different. Summoning all your courage, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips to his.
For a heartbeat, the world stood still
He froze for a moment, his eyes wide with surprise. But then, a slow, playful smirk spread across his face. He looked at you with a glint in his eye, tapping his lips lightly with his finger. "Just one?" he teased, his voice a mix of amusement and flirtation. "You think you can get away with just one kiss?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his corny reaction, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Oh, really?" you replied, raising an eyebrow. "You want more?"
He leaned in closer, his smirk widening. "Absolutely," he said, tapping his lips again. "One isn't nearly enough."
With a playful roll of your eyes, you leaned in and kissed him again, this time a bit longer. When you pulled back, his smirk had softened into a genuine smile, but the teasing glint remained.
"Much better," he said, his tone still light and playful. "But, you know, I could get used to this."
You grinned, feeling a warm rush of affection. "Good to know," you replied. "Maybe you'll get more if you’re lucky."
He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with happiness. "Oh, I’m definitely feeling lucky right now."
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Ⓡ kiesbrainjuice all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
tag : @haechansbbg
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kings-highway · 8 months ago
Haikyuu Flash Fiction: "STZ - 7 Minutes in Heaven" (Ushiten)
Semi thought it would be a funny prank. After all, Tendou's been harbouring this crush on Ushijima for so long it was getting ridiculous. Where's the harm in pulling on his leg a bit? So when the team is at a party and everyone is laughing and it's ten minutes to midnight, they suggest a game of truth or dare - and oh, it would have been easy to just dare oblivious Ushijima to kiss the poor lovelorn idiot but Semi had other ideas. "Seven minutes in Heaven," he says. "With.. Tendou."
The look Tendou gives him is worth a million bad karma points. Priceless even!
"What is that?" Ushijima would ask, because he has never heard of this odd game. Semi, gladly explains the rules to an increasingly flustered Tendou.
"You have to make-out in a closet for seven minutes."
Ushijima just shrugs and gets up, and Semi is quite happy to follow them to the closet, intending to use something to tie the handles and lock them in.
The closet door shuts.
Now, what you might have already begun to expect to happen did not actually occur to Semi - Or Tendou - upon shutting that closet door.
1. Ushijima Wakatoshi does not break game rules (Tendou will try to explain most people don't actually do any kissing.)
2. Ushijima Wakatoshi wins games.
Semi is hopeful that what he's done is fluster and embarass Tendou enough to take him down a peg. What he gets, instead, when that closet door opens again, is Ushijima wandering out like nothing at all has happened, followed by a Tendou that could barely walk, flushed more red than he'd thought human skin could be, and breathing so hard he may as well have run a marathon.
Semi finds neat holes cut into all his clothes about 6 days later.
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mini-cactus-me · 6 months ago
I have this idea so clear in my head of an SakuAtsu / UshiTen fic in which Tendou and Atsumu accidentally stumble into a friends-with-benefits relationship after Ushijima and Sakusa announce their relationship.
It’s done following an Adlers-MSBY game and Atsumu puts on a happy face but leaves at the first opportunity to drown his sorrows in liquor in a bar where he doesn’t have to be surrounded by his congratulatory teammates and well wishes to the new couple.
Two drinks in, the stranger next to him swivels in his chair to face him with a commiseratory expression and says he recognizes a broken hearted stranger and let him buy him a drink.
Atsumu tries to wave off the guy, wanting to wallow alone, but the guy doesn’t seem care and buys him a drink anyway.
The man introduces himself as Satori, a name that tickles Atsumu memory but he ignores it. He has the glazed eyes of someone who has already had a fair share of liquor and rocks in his chair as he waxes poetic about how he flew out all the way from Paris to finally confess his feelings to his best friend from high school, only to show up at the bar his friend was celebrating at to find him celebrating his new relationship. He slipped out without a word, not wanting to ruin the mood with his broken heart.
It’s around their third shared drink that Atsumu reciprocates the gesture. Because hell, he’s drunk and heartbroken and this man is also drunk and heartbroken and maybe he just wants someone to listen. So he talks about Sakusa. His stupid hair and his stupid hand sanitizer and his stupidly flexible body and his stupidly handsome face and his stupid gloating smile when he wins and the stupid way he’s a germaphobe but still brings him medicine when he’s sick and all the things that made Atsumu fall stupidly in love with him, and now he’s stuck heartbroken bc the guy he’s in love with is now dating his high school crush and they’re probably gonna get married and have a stupidly beautiful wedding and live happily ever after.
And Satori listens to him and pats his back consolingly and suddenly Atsumu is kissing him because, fuck it, they’re both drunk and lonely and Sakusa is probably back at Ushijima’s place so why shouldn’t he have a little fun?
There’s hands and teeth and tongues, and the two of them somehow make it back to Atsumu’s room at the MYSB dorms and the rest of the night is a bit of a blur.
When Atsumu wakes up the next morning with a pounding hangover, to a surprised yelp from his door.
“Tendou-san! What are you doing in Atsumu’s room?”
Standing at the door with a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of water, is Hinata, slack-jawed and looking between Satori and Atsumu, and suddenly, the synapses in his brain that had been bogged down by liquor last night, start firing.
The redhead looks between Hinata and Atsumu. His expression in clear confusion, trying to figure out how Hinata is here, but Atsumu is already well aware who the red head standing in his boxers is.
Satori. Tendou Satori.
Tendou Satori who was the middle blocker and famous Guess Monster of Shiratorizawa.
Tendou Satori who is Ushijima Wakatoshi’s best friend who lives in Paris.
Sakusa is going to kill him.
Thus begins a comedy of errors in which Tendou and Atsumu try and disguise the fact that they’ve slept together from their respective unrequited loves, all the while Ushijima and Sakusa’s relationship grows tense as they both find growing discomfort in Atsumu and Tendou’s perceived closeness.
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kats-fic-recs · 6 months ago
Kat's Ultimate MUST READ All time Favorite Ushiten Fic Rec Extravaganza
I don't know what it is about these two that has me in a chokehold, but I'm so in love with their relationship. I love a good weirdo x weirdo dynamic, and Ushiten checks off all the boxes for me. I feel as though I've read every single Ushiten fic on Ao3, and so I figured I'd put all of my favorites together in one list for easy access. I've read all the fics below multiple times, and yet they continuously haunt me because of how well written they are.
Canon High School Fics:
1. An Unremarkable Proposal
It's a completely unremarkable Thursday afternoon, and Tendou would have been happy passing the day making out with his boyfriend and never remembering a single thing about it. You know, if Ushijima hadn't suddenly declared that he wanted to marry him.
2. For Luck
the squeeze of a shoulder before a match becomes the brush of hands becomes the soft whisper of lips on a cheek becomes the wet warmth of lips sliding against lips.
“For luck.”
Or, the lie that the kisses are for luck can only last so long.
3. Tending to a Wounded Heart
"Now, Iwaizumi-san, while I am flattered by your interest and must admit you’re very attractive, I must inform you my heart belongs to another, and I’m not sure your dear captain Oikaw-“ Satori wasn’t even able to finish his jest, as a fuming Iwaizumi interrupted him. A blush blooming from his hairline down to his neck.
After being discovered in the midst of breakdown in the bathroom of Seijoh, Tendou Satori strikes up an unusual friendship with Iwaizumi who seems keen on helping Tendou navigate his own unrequited feelings, despite ignoring his own.
All the while Tendou's teammates are becoming more and more concerned with their blocker's new behavior and mysterious texting buddy.
4. Unforgivable Acts
All Ushijima has to do is apologize for punching a rival school kid in the face, and everything will clear up. Unfortunately, that would require him to admit that defending Tendou was wrong, and he will not do that.
5. Monster
First year Tendou has braces and a lisp. Ushijima is very gay.
6. rainwater
If rain brings Tendou joy, then Ushijima’s happy for him. It’s not something he’ll ever come to personally understand, and he’s certain that he’ll never share the same enthusiasm for water falling from the sky. Rainwater serves a few good purposes, namely helping plants grow and offering moisture to dry land. But Ushijima doesn’t need to be watered. Maybe Tendou does, though that wouldn’t necessarily make sense to Ushijima.
Unsurprising, because not much about Tendou makes sense to Ushijima in the first place. He supposes it doesn’t have to; he appreciates his friendship regardless, but he does wonder sometimes what it must be like to occupy the same headspace as him.
7. Imperfect Facial Symmetry
Tendou Satori has learned to live with the fact that he doesn't have what anyone would consider an attractive face. This wouldn't normally bother him, except now detail-oriented, perfect Ushijima is analyzing his face and producing every overly apparent, crooked flaw in precise graphite strokes.
Ushijima has learned to live with the fact that he doesn't have the ability to read faces, attractive or not. But there's something about Tendou's that he can't put his finger on. He simply cannot get the drawing right.
8. You're really pushing it (but you're going much too slowly)
"Ow, my fingers." Tendou's face contorts into a mock expression of anguish, but there's too much amusement in his brows for Wakatoshi to be fooled. He doesn't let go and instead half-drags the blocker off to the side. But Tendou is not so easily thwarted.
"Wakatoshi-kun! Ow! That hurts!" he squawks evilly, playing dirty by getting Coach Washijou's attention.
"Ushijima! What are you doin' over there?"
Wakatoshi lets go like Tendou's hands are on fire. "Nothing. Sorry."
Post - Canon:
1. bonjour, notre paradis
“You’re telling me,” Tendou says, once Wakatoshi finally gets him on a video call, “that you got drunk as hell, asked Hinata Shouyou—of all people!—if you should go to Paris immediately after announcing that you used to hate him, somehow managed to correctly book a flight despite your clearly impaired decision-making, and then shut your damn phone off after texting me?”
Wakatoshi nods. “That about sums it up.”
Japan loses to Argentina in the Olympics. Ushijima Wakatoshi loses—and finds—his way forward.
2. Just Wanna Get A Little Bit Closer
When Ushijima agreed to the photoshoot for a sportswear brand he favors, he didn't think he'd be modeling with his ex. They haven't seen each other in years, not since he broke up with Tendou in an airport and sent the other man back to France, both nursing broken hearts.
(He also didn't think he'd end the day fucking his ex in a bathroom, but no one ever called Ushijima a prophet.)
3. The Elusive Blush of Ushijima Wakatoshi
The first time that Tendou made Ushijima blush was before they started dating.
The second time that Tendou made Ushijima blush was two years after his unplanned confession.
The third time that Tendou made Ushijima blush was on accident, half a decade after his previous success.
In the entire time that he had known him, Tendou Satori had only managed to make one Ushijima Wakatoshi blush a total of 5 times.
A story of the 5 times that Tendou made Ushijima blush + 1 time that he didn't need to.
4. All For the Love of An Energetic Redhead
Hinata is in Brazil. Tendou is in France.
Kageyama and Ushijima get drunk and make bad decisions about it.
5. polaroids & proposals
Wakatoshi pauses with the huge gift in his lap, hand hovering above its crudely tied bow.
“Wanna guess what it is first?” Satori rocks in place, cross-legged on the floor.
“Hmm,” Wakatoshi looks down at Satori from his spot on the chair, then back at the gift. His eyes are narrow in deep thought, “is it the set of luggage we saw at the store last week? I believe I mentioned needing a new set.”
“Oooh, maybe~” Satori bites his lip, anticipation giving him a slight stomach ache, “guess you’ll find out!”
It’s definitely not a set of luggage. Not even close.
6. the language of belonging
After the camera crew and interviewer bids them goodbye, Satori takes them back to his apartment.
“Why do you feel bad?” Wakatoshi’s hand settles against Satori’s thigh. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. “You have many friends, Satori. To you, our friendship is likely not as important. To me, you were the first person who wanted to know me, save for, perhaps, Sakusa. You made me feel …” He seems to struggle with his words for a moment, before he dips his head a little. Satori marvels at the clear sign of embarrassment. “You made me feel less weird. I never had many friends, and I still don’t. You were my first best friend.”
Suffice to say, Satori is speechless.
Outsider Pov:
1. The Mystery of Ushijima Wakatoshi’s Chocolate-Making, Paris-Living Boyfriend
Ushijima having a boyfriend who lives in Paris and makes chocolates isn’t impossible.
But it is a little unbelievable.
Or, five times someone asked about Ushijima’s love life, and one time no one needed to.
2. The years shall run like rabbits
Ushijima’s mother is not sure what to make of the man her son brings home: he’s too loud, too particular, too fond of her son in a way she thinks is rather inappropriate.
Or, Ushijima Akemi watches her son’s relationship with Tendou change over the years and finds herself changing with it.
Alternate Universes:
1. a lesson in vulcan mineralogy
Tendou is sitting in the captain’s chair.
2. died in my dreams
If anyone asked Ushijima how it came to this, he wouldn’t be able to formulate a proper answer
Or, Ushijima likes his quiet, his order, and his solitude.
That is, until a loud, talkative and a little chaotic cyber tech convinces him that that's just plain boring.
3. Executive Excursion
Tendou is fun, quirky, and interesting.Ushijima is none of the above.
It's no surprise that Ushijima is drawn to Tendou's magnetic personality. What's surprising is that Tendou seems to like Ushijima, too.
With a little support from his coworkers, Ushijima decides to take a chance and ask Tendou on a date. The results are better than expected.
4. Tendou's Bakery for Wayward Soulmates
According to common knowledge—and quite a few highly reputable textbooks—there exist in the universe three kinds of soulbonds: those that manifest spontaneously, those that people are born with, and those that stay hidden until their potential is revealed.
Some soulmates connect easily and instantaneously. But other soulbonds prove to be more stubborn. These bonds require a bit more effort…a certain amount of coaxing before they finally appear.
For those unruly, obstinate souls, there is Tendou’s Bakery for Wayward Soulmates.
5. say what you mean (I wanna be with you)
Good morning, Wakatoshi-kun! Isn’t it such a beautiful autumn day today?
They chatted every day before class; Tendou vivid and excitable, Ushijima muted, but still enjoying himself. Except today, when Tendou had sprinted into class just moments before the lecture began, his cheeks flushed with exertion. He flashed Ushijima a bright smile as he slid into his seat, opened his mouth to say something, and was promptly cut off by the start of the lecture.
Not to be deterred, Tendou had written a note instead.
Ushijima feels silly. It takes him a while to decide on a response that doesn’t make him feel even sillier.
Yes, it is a nice day.
Or: 5 times Ushijima couldn’t make sense of the notes Tendou wrote to him in class + 1 time when it finally clicked.
6. The Tendou Incidents
“Where...have you come from?” Ushijima manages.
It’s not the answer he expects. Though, somehow Paris seems to fit his expectations of the man standing in front of him. “Mm. That is very — ”
“ — Exciting? Glamorous?” the redhead prompts, obviously proud of his globetrotting accomplishment.
“ — Far.”
The man falters for the first time, like he finds Ushijima’s answer odd — despite being even odder himself — and laughs, infectious and hearty, like Ushijima has made some sort of joke.
One fateful day, a colorful, painfully extroverted young man named Tendou Satori moves into the unit above Ushijima's apartment. He's odd, presumptuous, and — most egregious of all — he's shockingly noisy. And the quiet, scheduled routine Ushijima Wakatoshi lives is forever altered.
7. Consecutive Failures
The moment Tendou presents as an omega he knows Ushijima is the one for him, he just has a few issues telling Ushijima that.
The five times Tendou fails to confess and the one time Ushijima does.
8. everything was red
Ushijima brings it up to his mother exactly once, the strange boy who appears in his room at night.
She tells him that it sounds like he has an imaginary friend, and that at nine years old isn’t he a little bit old for this kind of thing?
He doesn’t bring it up again, though later that night he tells Tendou and Tendou’s eyes go bright, his smile sharp and pointed like a shark.
“Do you think I’m imaginary, Wakatoshi-kun?”
9. Don't bother checking my work (i've never cared for math anyway)
It isn’t until Shirabu’s back at LOCCENT that it really sinks in. Forty-eight wins? An impressive number, true, and a definite sign of Ushijima’s strength, especially compared to Tendou. But in anyone else, an unbalanced score like that would indicate a depressingly low chance of drift compatibility.
Drifting with Ushijima was simple statistically, but potentially deadly realistically. And drifting with Tendou? A veritable nightmare. If not for Washijou’s insistence, Shirabu would have dropped him long ago.
Still, something is calling to him. Something beyond numbers and data projections.
Because Ushijima may have knocked Tendou down forty-eight times. But that means there were forty-nine times he got back up.
10. Day Shift (Night Shift)
Every day, Ushijima Wakatoshi sits down at his nondescript, generic grey cubicle, ready to do sports education work for the JVA.
Every day, there is a letter waiting for him from someone who works on the night shift.
Ushijima doesn’t know who it is. But he always writes back.
New beginnings come only at the cost of other endings. The two cannot survive together. It is not a symbiotic relationship; it is a mutually destructive one.
On the cusp of achieving all of his dreams, professional volleyball player and one time Olympic medalist Ushijima Wakatoshi goes down. One wrong landing, one torn ACL.
In the blink of an eye, his future collapses. His volleyball career ends.
His coach tells him: it’s all over.
His father tells him: Nothing is meant to last forever. Once you learn to let one door close, another will open.
Now Ushijima, aged 24, has to somehow learn how to begin again. He doesn’t know where to start, or if he even wants to. That's where Tendou Satori comes in.
If you've reached this point, I am very impressed lol!
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