#he is SO Jewish coded it’s stupid
spindrifters · 1 year
I personally am thrilled and think it’s super neat that I’m seeing more and more depictions of remus as a brown boy
it’s important not to lose sight of conversation within that about what that means for a character who is at various moments coded by his narrative as a) othered and distrusted by his society, b) “animal,” and c) hiding his true nature most of the time
I’m not saying don’t do it! I’m saying KEEP doing it! but with awareness of dehumanizing tropes and an aim to deconstruct them
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brw · 2 years
sorry, i know i've complained about this before but it is genuinely enraging seeing these outraged articles and youtube videos complaining about them raceswapping wonder man like. i am possibly the only person who's enough of a freak to be doing a second readthrough of all of simon's appearances, like i KNOW this man. i know him well.
so to see a bunch of random people suddenly get super pissed he's portrayed by a black man is insane bc like sorry, where were you when i was trying to get into him?! there was NO content online that i could find, fucking NONE. there was an inactive CBR thread, random reddit threads, and a tumblr blog that archived in 2013. there was no community, no network of fans, no proper reading list, very few in terms of actual content for this guy. like sorry if you care so much, why didn't i see you around scrubbing the backlog of deviantart and old tumblr blogs to find more content? why was the main youtube stuff i could find before the show was announced reuploads of EMH clips and homophobic cosplay vids??
like man. don't pretend like you care this is clearly and transparently an excuse to be racist and antiblack. simon being cast with an actual talented actor who can perform in both cape shit and a wide range of other genres is literally the best case scenario you guys are just weird and racist! grow up!
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iskander-tm · 3 months
"Ummm making a fictional character supporter of Palestine is insane, are you stupid 🤓" like no? Maybe they are stupid and there's definitely something wrong with them, not you. Yes Spock is Jewish coded and played by a Jewish actor but what does that have to do with anything? Should you male him like, support the genocide? I don't think so...
Also again, at the end of the day he is a fictional character.
Yep! also people always made fictional character oppose whatever the batshit evil there are at the time, like superman literally beat hitler a couple of times in the comics
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Plus Spock literally did fough fucking nazis in the series itself
PLUSSSS if my little fanart will make people help palestinians, then why not make this little fanart?
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Hi!!! I was wondering why you headcanoned Percy as being Afro-Latina? When I read the books for some reason when i was a stupid little kid I genuinely thought they was Filipino, I only recently realized that they were never once described that way. And I’m just curious on why you headcanon them that way? I like hearing others opinions and ways of thinking.
(On that point of not being able to read properly, I also completely thought that Annabeth had brown hair and grey eyes. I was also convinced that she was Jewish 😭)
HELPPPP THE WAY IT'S ALMOST A UNIVERSAL EXPERIENCE FOR KIDS OF COLOR TO READ PERCY AS OUR RACE BECAUSE HE'S SO NON WHITE-CODED😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Filipino Percy is real and true and thanks for this ask,i've actuallybeen meaning to make a post on this!!
From El Barrio,a part in New York with such a high latino population it earned that nickname
In Som,he calls his classmates 'rich white boys' as an insult
Described Sadie who is canonically black biracial as looking like if he had a daughter
Literally gets profield constantly due to his looks in the mortal world(he 'looks like a troublemaker' according to them even though we're given no indication anything about Percy is scary or threatning and he has a rbf because he's autistic and can't mask.I get Rick was tryna make him a bad boy but he failed epically)
Genius but gets called stupid all the time even after saving everybody's asses for years straight
Canonically naturally brownskin without a specified shade(just 'mediterranean complexion')
Not quite concrete but Hazel said he has 'the good looks of a roman god' and i doubt a girl as black as her would describe a white man like that(also epic 'Percy is basically Hazel's dad' momence)
Speaking of which,how protective and loving he is towards her reads as solidarity to me
His main antagonist and direct opposite is Luke,a paragon of white supremacy.He's a white blue eyed blonde cishet physically abled man who's always described as conventionally attractive and grew up sheltered in a fantasy world(Camp Half-Blood)but broke into evil the second that illusion was shattered and created a child army with the kids he used to nurture there,including targeting boys of color but not white boys(Chris and Ethan vs leaving the Stolls alone)and being a misogynistic pedophile(Thalia,Annabeth,Silena and Kelli who passed as a 14 year old Percy's classmate no problem).Pretty self-explanatory but an important note is that Percy is martyrd by the gods the way Luke thinks he was and that Percy is a legit radicalist vs Luke just spewing propaganda
Has a lot more awareness and understanding on gender and it's dynamics than explicitly white characters(blackness tends to give us a complicated relathionship with gender thanks to antiblackness but there's also tons of positives like how i'm bigender and naturally adrogynous so i don't need physical transition!!)
And i tend to read sea-coded characters as afro-caribbean by default but i always thought Poseidon was supposed to be black-greek as a kid,like deadass,white westerner Poseidon NEVER registered.He's the god of the sea blud,ofc he's black-greek!!!Sally loving the sea but because of her childhood instead of Poseidon also feels very black dominicana of her
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hero-israel · 7 months
Honestly, some times I think our mistake as Zionists was giving our ideology a name. Anti-Zionists get to claim that we have an ideology and they just oppose that ideology, and pretend that they don't have an ideology (which often includes assumptions about how the only proper residents of the Middle East are Arab or Muslim or both which subsequently doesn't get examined--just to be clear there are plenty of Anti-Zionists who aren't Arab Chauvinists or Islamists, but there are also plenty who are one or both). And "Zionism" is just easier to say than "Palestinian Nationalism", which just makes it easier to talk about (which makes it easier to talk about in ways that characterize it unfairly).
"Zionist" should be an obsolete and irrelevant word, like "abolitionist" or "suffragette." The debate is over, the goal achieved.
The word still has currency because it is so very crucial to the sense of identity for many, many people and groups that they must be superior to Jews, that they are held back and oppressed and conspired-against by Jews, so as soon as Jews started working towards ANY goal, that goal became evil and will be seen as evil forever. It's why you still see literate, college-educated Westerners talking about "the Jewish Question" (looking at you, Jordan Peterson fans) - a phrase that EVEN IF IT WEREN'T LINKED TO AN ACTUAL GENOCIDE is still straight out of 1790, was used by the same people who thought the evil humours that cause malaria could be cured by leeching.
When Jerry Falwell said women voting and working caused them to get abortions and become Satanic lesbians, I'm sorry to say he wasn't doing anything particularly strange. I used to think he was acting out in a manner of disgusting cruelty and stupidity particular to evangelical Christian fundies, but I now know he wasn't. He was just speaking the way reactionary conspiracists speak, and people like that are everywhere. They all have bafflegab code words about how advancements for the designated undergroup will destroy normal life unless righteously and violently suppressed.
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david-goldrock · 4 months
I have a genuine question that I hope is okay to ask - feel free to delete if not.
Recently I was told that a one state solution with Israel being the one state is something that is advocated for by the majority of right-wing Israelis who don't believe peace is possible with Palestinians as things stand. Is that true? And if so, I was also told this was not a particularly practical resolution because then you'd just have them in your country. Other states have made it extremely clear that they will not take in Palestinian refugees so the only way this ends without either two states or an Israel teeming with people bent on revenge who will never voluntarily integrate or give up their dream of an Islamic state in eretz Yisrael is if they are mostly killed.
But say that Israel managed to do so without the rest of the world intervening to stop it first. Wouldn't Israel truly be a pariah state then, if it survived the venues of the rest of the world?
Wouldn't that make it ultimately less practical for Israel (ignoring, obviously the human cost here) despite the drawnacks of the other solutions?
well... you don't have to convince me that this plan is stupid XD
I wouldn't say most right-wing Israelis call for that. some call for the annexation of area C only
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Some call for a federation as well
as for those who call for complete annexation...
Since I don't agree with their solution even a little, all I can do is to let their leader talk and to translate; that I can do. here is an interview of Betzalel Smotrich, the leader of the "Jewish Might" party, by, mainly, Lior Shlein, a semi-leftist comedian whose partner is the leader of the "Labor" party, conducted in 2016 (3 wars ago)
I will color code the text. the red is me giving clarifications and comments
Friends, most of the nation understands that the land of Israel belongs to us, the same way that most of the nation understands, that one must not give areas of the land of Israel to the arabs
Most of the nation understands, that one must not allow the establishment of a Palestinian country
And so- most of the nation will come to us; so it went to Bibi (Nethanyahu, the leader of the right-winged "Unity" party and the prime minister at the time) Because Bibi has managed to trick it
But wait a minute... when you say that...
And to tell it how "right winged" he is
When you're saying it here...
And it will return to us swiftly
When you're saying it, who are you {trying to} convince? us, yourself? for, there is a world, there is a reality, there are millions of Palestinians
My solution says that we are finishing the conflict {in our favor}
Not continuing to manage it like we are doing for 100 years in a bloody way
This solution says that we are finishing it {in our favor} by actions, and it means that we establish...
Is your solution that we'll win? that's...
Establishing the sovereignty -
it's not...
No, no, first of all, first of all, yes, friends, don't be so scared from the word "victory" -
Up until now we are with you, Really with you, Up until now we are with you-
By the way, the left is the one that very much liked the word "Victory" up until now, right? the V15, that was for Victory, I think that that was the title -
I don't know, we'll have to ask the left when we'll interview it
We very much like; we will finish this conflict {in our favor}, we'll establish the Israeli sovereignty all over the expanses of the land of Israel and Judea and Samaria, And then a few options emerge to what shall we do with the arabs who live there today
Option 1 behind curtain 1-
Option 1...
If they are loyal to us, they remain here
One option, they can remain as citizens-
Option 2.
Second option, can remain not as citizens but to get some kind of autonomy
Option 3.
Third option, to remain as residents, like the arabs of east Jerusalem; Let's put the options on the table, and talk and discuss and argue about the with no fear, up until today there is only one option on the table
And how would you... And how would you call this solution in 4 words- "No arabs no terror-attacks"? or "No brain, no worries"? How would you... How would you define this game show you just invented?
I would call it "The finishing {in our favor} plan". It's the only thing that has a chance to bring peace and quiet to the citizens of Israel. It's the only thing that can bring, Lior, to coexistence between arabs and jews-
And if 2.5 million palestinians say "Smotrich! we're with you, we are loyal" would you give them the right to elect (to the knesset)?-
I don't know. I think not. Tell me for a moment, in the USA... (Oh I wanna know what did he want to say so much)
It went so quickly from the mere shock of the question to the decisiveness of "I don't know" and then "No"
I already said that there are 3 options.
That I don't want to make a call between them right now. I want the Israeli public to discuss them, to argue about them; up until today there is only 1 plan on the table
But you're making another 2.5 million palestinians to Israeli public!-
Wait a minute! Up until today...
That's what I am telling you!
But that's not what I said.
Why not?
Up until today, there is only 1 plan on the table. The same way that there are 2 apartments for 2 partners, y'all want 2 countries for 2 people (A jab at Lior, who lives in a different apartment to his partner)
Who's y'all?
That's a not-realistic solution
Who's you? You want 2 delivery rooms for 2 nations (A jab at Smotrich, who said he doesn't want his wife to give birth in the same room as an arab) Stop it, may god help us! (Similar to the english "Jeez") You know...
You understand, though, You understand, though, Smotrich, that the reality doesn't show what you're showing, It shows us 2 options: either you don't give the arabs the right to vote and that's an apartheid, or you do give them the right to vote, and then immediately there will be in the Knesset a giant party, of religious fanatics, and that hates women, and gays, aren't you scared they will take your votes? That's what I am...
Look... I... I mainly am seeing what the reality teaches, reality, yes?
The real one, teaches us that for years we are fantasising that we have someone to talk to (about peace) and we don't have someone to talk to (about peace). The solution, though, of 2 states isn't realistic, it never was realistic, the maximum that the most far left in Israel is willing to give, is much less than the minimum that the most modest leader among the arabs will agree to accept and remain alive for 2 days, this is a fiction-
What did you come to convince us, the the palestinians, some of whome are terrorists and they don't want...
I came to... no, no, not some of them, all of them. I came to convince...
All of them? All of them?! okay, fair enough, okay, and then?
I came to convince that there is no chance for a model that is based on the division of the land, therefore we need to move to a model that's based on the unification of the land, and that means establishing sovergnity, and that means uprooting the Palestinians the hope for fullfilling nationalist aspirations here, in the land of Israel, they have a bunch of ISIS around to search where to do that, not here. It means this land is ours. What to do with them in the day after? {it's a} question, I said earlier at least 3 options, let's talk about them, let's argue, I don't want to set rivets
Okay, you got us convinced, what about the reality, Smotrich? - We can uproot their... - What about the world?
You understand, the you merely equating, no for real, because you don't need to convince... we are jews, we are Israelis, we are in the same boat, we suffer from terror, we suffer from the BDS, we suffer from antisemitism. You understand, that these kinds of talks by a respectable knesset member like you, they only cause more antisemitism, more BDS?
I think the exact opposite.
You understand...
That you are putting the BSD (Besiata Deshmaya- with the help of god, something said before making statements by some religious jews) in the BDS?
I think... Lior, I think the exact opposite. I think that the real reason for the great international pressure of the world to us to establish a palestinian state, is because we are saying that that is the solution. The prime minister of the right, not of the left, stands, and says the vision of the 2 states... by the way, last week he said that he has some kind of dream to make this vision a reality. so the world tells us "guys, for years you are busy at searching for excuses for why yes, but not right now. stop shitting us, if that's the solution, go for it". If we will go to the world and say that it's not the solution, I think that the world will recognize our right over the land of Israel, by the way in most of the religious writings of the world, which is mainly religious, the historical and religious right over the entirety of the land of Israel... by the way Abraham our forefather wasn't here in Tel Aviv and not in Herzeliya either, don't be offended, he was in Schem, Hebron, Alon More, these are the places where the nation of Israel had risen
Let's show the scene. let's see, Abraham our forefather, in Schem and Hebron- I promise to get- Lior realistic solutions, a temple, stuff like that, let's talk about concrete stuff, and not delusions like a state for a nation! let's, let us be...
From you, I expect not to disparage the bible-
I didn't disparage the bible-
Forget it, these ashkenazis that have disconnected and drifted apart for I don't know how much time, from you...
What is this Smotrich, from Tzan'a? (Smotrich is ashkenazi too, Tzan'a is where many Yemenite jews came from) from where?
Firstly, they kidnapped me, so the damage has already been done (a joke about the fact that in very early Israel yemenite children were kidnapped by ashkenazi families and the government had left that covered for years), Secondly... - me, my problem with the plan, I have no problem, I am with you. you say to win, to defeat them. my problem is that if that doesn't happen... we'll lose, we won't defeat them
This cannot be
Can't? but I have news for you...
Listen friends, in this land, for over 100 years, there exist 2 contradicting national aspirations. The left's fantasy, is that it is possible that they won't exactly contradict, but will rather divide the land and all will be fine. factually speaking, all throughout history...
we, by the way, always agreed to compromise. we agreed not to finish the conflict {in our favor}. from the {UN's} division plan to Barak and Olmert, yes? each with their fantasies.
The other side had always rejected it. when there are 2 contradicting national aspirations that fight all the time, there's blood {spilled} all of the time and that's bad and immoral for everybody. There is only one solution: to finish this conflict and it is that one of the side will lose hope on its hope and aspirations. I can't imagine that we'll give up
And you can imagine that they will give up.
I can imagine that
It worked up until now
I can imagine that they will give up in despair and will have to give up.
What did you say? that you want to make the arabs despair? If there is something that's dangerous for us it's a despaired arab.
No, no, I do not...
To despair them is not good
I certainly want to...
not good, a despaired arab is not a...
I certainly want to...
is not a dead arab (a pun on the extremeist call "a good arab is a dead arab" that Smotrich's supporters might call. Smotrich obviously didn't get the jab as his response is:)
I always knew...!
Oh! that a jewish heart...
I always knew that at the end of the day at the end of the day at the end of the day , the leftists are the least moral and the most racist, and that we are the ones who are more moral than all. We literally want that they will despair from the ability to fullfill their national hope, and by the way, then, then, and I must finish this move, at this moment, there will be a different hope for them for a good life, to enjoy the plentifulness and the progress, for, between us, what was here before we came?
Nothing, but knesset member Smotrich-
Swamps, maleria, we came, we brought here progress, technology, plentifullness, they all enjoy it, by the way, they have good lives, they don't have any realitve 360 degrees around, in no country, that has good lives, with rights and with democracy, such as they have here, even if they won't have the right to vote (What the fuck does democracy mean without the right to vote Smotrich? what are you talking about? you mishmashed 2 ideas!)
Do you understand that the CEO of your party...
And wait, wait, wait, why?
Had launched this week a plan for teaching 5 units (the best standart of high school) of english-
I am asking you, wait a minute, why
And It isn't relevant because in a moment nobody talks with us in this world?
You are convincing me, and him-
We just were in Africa-
And yourself! but there is a world, there is reality!
You are convincing yourselves. The state of Israel is far from being isolated, the prime minister just returned from a week of elephant travels in africa
Of course, all of our friends in africa, ah? really my great friend is
We are connections... We are connections with the world, by the way, I want to tell you, if you haven't heard, that the republican party in the USA has removed its support in the 2 state solution-
It's Trump! You are hanging up your safety on Trump?
Very well may be-
Sir, in europe ugly phenomenons of antisemitism resurface, there is a financial boycott, there is an acacdemic boycott on Israel, it looks like Israel is doing nothing to fix that; I very much hope that we aren't counting on the mercy of heaven, because if you were embarressed that Bibi fell asleep in africa, wait and see what happenes to god in europe. what... will stand between us and all of that if I, god forbid, don't believe in g-od?
Not in him either.
First of all I want to tell you, that even if you don't believe in him he exists, and he loves you and cares for you. You know, to the arabs we say "no duties no rights", with him it isn't like that.
You mean to say that god belives in Lior?
Even when there are no duties, even when there are no duties, there are rights, he loves you, because you are a jew, you got fucked, that's first of all. second of all, he who looks at the process of Israel from holocaust to sovergnity in 68 years (the age of Israel in 2016), we did something here that no nation in the world has done. by the way, we and India and us got independence around the same time, they got it in '47
Okay, but what do they have? they have buddah, it's some kind of statue, come on
Wait, wait, wait, what is this, bro you are completly right. that's the reason that here, see what there is, and there when you go abroad, what do you take from home? toilet paper, right?
that's the difference between us and india
Just don't call me "bro" and keep your hands off my sister. okay...
Are you just shitting on india right now? you just found a country and said "let's shit on them"? what is this thing? -They are still with us - these indians, no toilet paper
What we did here in 68 years... what we did here in 68 years is a bunch, and its obvious that is is, let's say, unnatural even, we don't need to be scared that we didn't finish the job in 68 years
you're right
A great place, there is a way to go
I know guys who finished the job in a week. - in much less, yeah- in one week! had created -Come on, let smotrich be a Prime Minister and he'd finish the job in a week - yeah- 68 years to built, how quickly can one destroy? it's like that- like that
You are trying to destroy for a while....
And then the discussion shifts to a different subject
I hope this helps?
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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Because of REASONS, I remembered my Scooby-Doo character designs from a few years ago. I decided to touch-up the picture a bit and fix a few things. So, here they are again! If I were to totally make my own “dream version” of Scooby-Doo, this isn’t exactly the “style” I’d prefer them in (something a little closer to the classic), this is just a cute and simple style I use when I want to get an idea for basic body-types, hair, and outfits. As for the story, I’d toss together all my favorite things from every previous version, but the basic plot would go like this; the kids all originally met when they were very little, trick-or-treating on Halloween, and solving the mystery of some mean older kids who were stealing candy. During middle school, they wound up moving away from each other for various reasons... but all reunited in high school! They had a fairly normal time, solving mundane mysteries and such. After graduation, they decide to take a road trip together, and THAT is when they truly become Mystery Inc. A mixture of the old-school plots, some new adventures, and yes- sometimes the spooky things ARE real! I’d honestly aim for it to be PG-13, it doesn’t need to be turbo-edgey and grim-dark, but they can say swears. There would one F-bomb in the whole show, and Freddy gets to say it~
(some character notes below)
I drew Velma first because I’ve always wanted to update her outfit as sort of a sleeveless sweater-dress kind of thing. I gave her red shorts instead of a skirt, and I think it somehow made her look more sporty but still cute. Some orange high-tops sort of bring it together. I wanted her hair to have something like a flapper-girl style, and I kept classic style square glasses because she works them (and still can’t see without them). Velma is easily the most adorable. She’s still the “smart one”, but she doesn’t know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING; history, science and chemistry, literature, and math are what she excels at. She also has a near photographic memory, and although she understands a lot about technology (in terms of software/programming/coding), she isn’t too great with machines. Some background for her; Velma is mixed Japanese/Mexican and Jewish. She’s also trans and a lesbian~
I knew I wanted Daphne to look really fashionable, but also in something simple and comfortable. I gave her a purple halter top/skirt with a leg-cut on one side, and loose lavender jeans. She almost never has pants in her main outfit, but I think it gives her a fun nostalgic look of the 60s and 70s. I moved her green scarf up to her hair, and gave her matching green earrings. I like the idea that because she’s a little clumsy (Danger-Prone-Daphne) she’s taken lots of athletic lessons to try and make up for it; she’s done ballet, gymnastics, Karate, boxing, archery, played different sports like soccer/basketball/baseball/tennis, swimming lessons, and equestrian classes. Basically, when she’s in “alert-mode”, she could probably handle just about anything… but when she’s not paying attention she tends to trip (though, she’s kinda of backwards-lucky by stumbling into clues this way). Daphne can speak several languages fluently, she’s got perfect pitch, is super sensitive to textures so she can recognize any material, and has a gift for being very charming and intuitive. Some background for her; her dad is Iranian, and her mom is Scottish. She’s also bi~
I always wanted to give Fred a blue jacket. I just think it suits him. He’s also got light-blue jeans, and a white long-sleeve shirt (with a red collar to replace the ascot haha). He’s got a little bit of a farm-boy vibe (hence the belt and work boots). He’s all about cars and other machines, a real  Mr. Fix-It, and he loves taking stuff apart to see how it works. As a result he’s pretty good at his other hobby besides mechanics… TRAPS. Fred also practices being an escape artist, so if he ever gets caught he’ll be able to get out of almost anything. Although he’s certainly not “stupid”, he has a tendency to be a bit oblivious and a little too headstrong. He’s got a heart if gold though, and everybody who knows him would agree that he’s endlessly kind. Some background for him; Fred’s parents went missing around when he younger, and so he’s had a few different foster families. He doesn’t get reunited with his folks until much later (learning more about his family, he finds out he’s mixed Italian/Norwegian). He’s also bi~
Shaggy doesn’t need much changing (if I altered too much, he just wouldn’t look like Shaggy anymore). I have him a white long-sleeved shirt under his classic green one, changed his brown pants into cargoes (all loose fitting, Shaggy likes it baggy), and gave him some black sneakers. He’s naturally still got long hair and a scruffy chin (plus some sideburns). Even though he’s a well known scardey-cat, Shaggy has a deep love for horror movies and fictional spooky stuff doesn’t seem to bother him. His various fears and phobias have actually made him a safety expert; not only does he usually carry a back-pack with a fully stocked first aid kit, he knows how rescue somebody who is drowning, all the safety procedures for different vehicles/aircraft, CPR, and survival tactics (he actually knows more medical facts than Velma). Despite being so thin and lanky, he is almost always eating, sometimes thinking with his stomach rather than his head. He’s always happy to share though, and he even cooks great meals for his friends (mindful of allergies and what-not). Some background for him; he’s Canadian First Nations and Jewish on his mother’s side. He’s also trans, bi and ace~
Scooby was maybe the most difficult to draw… he’s so iconic, and I wasn’t sure how to draw him in this style but still make him look like Scooby. I’m not sure if I succeeded, but I think the result isn’t too bad. Shaggy found Scoob as a pup, and they have been best friends ever since. Like Shaggy, Scooby loves to eat and hates to be afraid, but he’s only a coward when something threatens him; if a monster or villain is going to hurt one of his friends, Scooby always comes to their defense. People forget that he’s actually a very big strong dog because he’s usually so gentle and silly. Scoob knows all sorts of trick from the typical “sit/roll-over/shake” to more impressive stunts. Although he loves attention and praise, the best way to get him to do anything is to bribe him with a Scooby Snack! He’s a very smart animal, and the fact that he can communicate when he smells or hears something suspicious that people might miss is a real asset for solving mysteries. Like any good dog, Scooby is loyal and lovable~
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jhscdood · 9 months
i woke up in a Bad Headspace today and imma use by blog to vent about it like it's livejournal circa 2004.
tw for discussion of medical stuff
- I hate xmas. I'm jewish but my dad is not and the pressure to have An Perfect Xmas every year and the disappointment every year just grosses me out now. Not even going to talk about american xtian hegemony but there's some of that in there too.
- Today i began to suspect that the awesome new migraine med that actually stops my weather-induced migraines might also be interfering with the efficiacy of my prediabetes meds. or maybe im wrong and im Just That Fucking Exhausted.
- Spouse spent all last week recovering from a severe medication allergy and hives on 70% of his body. and steroids Do Not Agree with him so it was just. a wild time. terrifying af. stood over him with an EpiPen basically the entire time.
- 3 days before The Hives, i scratched my cornea while pruning bushes and that right there is a pain i do not ever want to revisit. had to go to the optometrist and get The Goo.
- 2 days before Cornea i had my first Botox For Migraine treatment. 31 injections to the face, neck and shoulders. it stung but it was over in like 4 minutes. takes 3 sessions to start kicking in. sessions are 12 weeks apart. so i guess we'll find out in August if it's working.
- day before Botox i had an ENT appointment and he stuck a camera up my nose and then diagnosed me with a weird vocal cord paralysis thing so now i have to go back to speech therapy for the first time in 26 years.
- Week before that, saw my neurologist and she diagnosed me with a weird intermittent lazy eye / motion lag thingamawhatsis so now i have to go to an ophthalmologist AND vision therapy.
- That week I also saw my PCP and explained to her about the intermittent abdominal pain I've been having since like 2021. She took me seriously!!! Which is good!!! But now i am scheduled for baby's first colonoscopy. And i have to keep a food journal, which i HATE because food is STUPID.
- All of the above all happened this month btw. December 1-23.
- My final appt in November was yet another ultrasound of my former left tit because there is an oil cyst at the site of my top surgery and they are VERY SURE it is a benign oil cyst but the rules require them to poke it every few months for 2-3 years.
- Before that I had a 48 hour ambulatory EEG which was the itchiest i have ever been in my LIFE. That same week our basement stairs collapsed and a contractor had to come rebuild them (up! to! code!). That same week i also went to the dentist to get my crown fitted.
- I think my MIL was in the hospital that same week, too. so that's a thing that's been going on the whole time since then.
- I spent most of October deathly ill with food poisoning thst was originally misdiagnosed as viral. I ended up with a CT scan and colitis. and, eventually, cipro. it was the sickest i have ever been in my adult life. i would rather have mono again. i fantasized about those cholera beds with the hole in the center so you didnt have to get up to have your horrid dysentery. nightmare.
- The day before that hit i had ONE golden day where i felt good and had energy. we went to temple and i got glomped by about 10 different people. my 80 year old bestie kept finding me to hug me again. Rabbi hugged me super hard.
- Before that was a root canal, and before that was a tooth infection that took 2 rounds of antibiotics to kill, and before that was the original cavity filling that started it all. the dentist kindly comped me the $172 for the filling against the $3,800 bill for the root canal + crown.
- Before that? IDEK man. I have lost track. Somewhere in there i got diagnosed with insulin resistance which explained my HORRENDOUSLY TERRIBLE fatigue and cloudiness and waking up starving every 3 hours. The meds they gave me changed that literally overnight. it was a miracle. which is why im freaking out about the new migraine med possibly counteracting that. i spent the entirety of last summer in a fog. several of my very good friends visited and all i could do was nap on them. i couldnt go anywhere or do anything. it was a nightmare. i don't want to go back to that. but also i don't want to have a migraine every time the wind blows. but i would rather have a migraine 50% of the time than be back to that fatigue fogged state 100% of the time. nope nope nope.
- and amongst all of this, still having the seizures. they were going down for a while but the last week or so has been 1-2 per day. so. another checkmark in the "gee do you think you're stressed?" column.
- it is going on 10pm and I'm tired so i very likely have accidentally omitted several other things. to be fair to me, there's Quite A Bit to remember.
- so if youre wondering why i havent updated my latest fic, its partly bc i am TIRED and partly bc if i gave jason even a third of the health bullshit i have dealt with the past few months, it would absolutely defy belief. TWO kinds of eye problems AND a speech problem AND food poisoning AND dentistry?? surely no one in the world has to deal with that much!
sigh. anyway. thanks for listening. i promise i am stressed out of my GOURD but, shockingly, have not slid into any sort of depressive space. mostly im just annoyed. i spent today watching dinosaur documentaries and reorganizing my craft supplies.
tomorrow will be better. today just sucked.
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magxit · 1 year
Just dropped: https://twitter.com/rollingstone/status/1663660316817780745?s=46&t=Jv7EvC8oVb-dKk_gHc29yQ
I haven’t read the full thing. But kinda sad when the media gets it more so than her own fans…
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We Wouldn’t Be Having This Conversation If Taylor Swift Was a Man
Publicity stunt or not, Swift can have a sleazeball summer if she damn well pleases.
ON THE FINAL night of Taylor Swift’s MetLife shows this weekend, 80,000 Swifties screamed in the swamps of New Jersey for over three hours. They wore outfits from every era — tinsel fringe dresses, serpent arm cuffs, and heart-shaped sunglasses. I saw countless faces in cowboy hats similar to the emoji — only these cowboys were sobbing uncontrollably while eating foot-long hotdogs. And the bracelets! They were all wearing beaded bracelets coded in Swiftian lyrics, trading them in the parking lot like Deadheads swapping grilled cheeses. (Take my advice: do not try to pay for the bracelets. They will look at you like you’re from outer space.) 
It’s hard to believe that while this magical Eras tour is happening — and while Swift is somehow reaching previously-unimaginable heights of popularity, surpassing even the ludicrous highs of 2015 — she is also experiencing a backlash from some corners of the Swiftie community over her supposed new boyfriend, the 1975’s Matt Healy. 
Their sentiments were best summed up in an open letter on Twitter using the hashtag #SpeakUpNow (named after Swift’s upcoming re-recording of her 2010 album), which states that Healy’s many controversies “deeply trouble” them. “From engaging in racist remarks, making offensive jokes, and admitting to watching degrading pornography in which people of color are being humiliated and assaulted, his actions contribute to the perpetuation of hate, stereotypes, and objectification, which targets and hurts some people from the Jewish, Black, Chinese, Hawaiian, Inuit, LGBTQ+ communities, as well as women.”
The statement refers to the derogatory comments Healy made about the rapper Ice Spice on The Adam Friedland Show podcast in February and the questionable apology he delivered onstage last month. Fans raised eyebrows when Swift recruited the rapper for her “Karma” remix last week, and on Monday, Healy finally addressed the controversy in a New Yorker profile that only exacerbated the issue. He explained that the whole thing “doesn’t actually matter” and that the backlash he received was merely virtue signaling: “It’s just people going, ‘Oh, there’s a bad thing over there, let me get as close to it as possible so you can see how good I am,’” he said. “And I kind of want them to do that, because they’re demonstrating something so base level.”
If you didn’t catch this quote aggregated on the internet about 137 times (you probably had better things to do than scroll Twitter and hustle children for their handmade bracelets), you aren’t missing much. This is all part of Healy’s artistry: an intricate, tangled web of bits intended to rile you up and piss you off. This is the guy who eats raw meat onstage, gives Nazi salutes, and delivers intelligent observations like, “I’m obsessed with my dick for some reason.” Stupid Shit is his brand. Are we really supposed to take anything he says seriously? 
I’m not here to answer that, but I am here to tell you that none of it is Taylor’s problem. For the last 17 years, we’ve held this woman responsible for the actions of men she chooses to spend time with, and it’s time to stop. It would be fair to criticize her for walking out of Electric Lady with the ghost of Pol Pot or wondering why her dad and Matt Lauer are grooving out to her performance of “22.” But this is just a hot sleazeball who wants Oasis back together (I don’t know about you, but I’ve dated a lot of guys who fit that description), and it’s up to Taylor to spend her time as she pleases.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
there’s this weird trope i’m noticing in some Woke ShowsTM where the only jewish or jewish coded character is always a white cishet guy and is portrayed as annoying, specifically in a “fragile white guy who tries too hard to be woke but is actually Bad.” this character is always made an example of, always the one you’re not supposed to be like, and if his jewishness is ever mentioned, it’s a joke or it’s weaponized in like a “he mentions being jewish as an axis of oppression then gets dunked on bc Other People Have It Worse and how stupid and fragile of him to think being jewish could put him in danger in anyway.” and it just makes me so intensely uncomfortable. jews are rarely portrayed in media unless it’s to fear monger about ultra-orthodox/haredim or extremely secular specifically white cishet jews (bc obviously jews of color and queer and trans jews don’t exist) being made an example of or made into a joke. this is absolutely reflected in the way jews are treated in irl progressive spaces too and it’s exhausting.
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
I sometimes read anti Darkling posts for fun, just to see what reasons they have, and I saw a post that said that the Grisha ‘aren’t an allegory for oppressed minority’.
Very weird how That Man’s Stans act like the show is “anti Grisha propaganda” and treat Grisha as an actual oppressed group of people that exist in real life in order to take it as face value as an allegory for real life oppression when there’s already tons of reasons to criticize oppression allegories that are “people with supernatural abilities that can kill people are the most oppressed group and are headlined by mostly white cishet able bodied characters that’s been done to death” therefore Leigh must be anti liberation for actual oppressed groups of people (and then proceed to talk over her as a Jewish disabled woman and insist that she “should know better” and make oppressed Grisha edits with Holocaust movie clips) when it’s established in the Grishaverse that real life oppressions still exist such as ableism, classism, racism (made an even bigger theme in the show), and xenophobia still exist within the universe alongside Grisha oppression but are treated very differently and a huge part of why that man’s philosophy doesn’t work is bc he’s privileged in every other way and therefore doesn’t care, in the show, he is even condescending towards Alina about it and undermines the racism and classism she’s been facing her whole life to prop up his goals and his point of view as a white man who’s never been in the body of an orphaned woman of color.
In short:
It's not oppression, because it's not real, and they could physically slaughter their enemies (if they're powerful enough), so they're obviously unbulliable.
LB is "Jewish disabled woman", therefore can do (or write) no wrong.
If you're "white", healthy etc. you cannot be oppressed.
The Darkling is somehow privileged... Not sure how...
Completely made up scenes that never happened in the show...
Realistic politics and nuance in a straightforward romance sprinkled with colour-coded racism?!
Not on MY WATCH!
Idk, why you bother reading that shit. At least this one isn't stupid enough to spam our tag... (Or I have her blocked...)
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johannestevans · 2 years
i just have so many feelings of Migelo's positioning as a merchant and an apparent collaborator in FFXII and the way that he presents himself as servile and obsequious when he's working with the archadian soldiers, bribing them, cooing about archadia
like. i just feel that Migelo is very Jewish-coded, and that's part of the reason i feel SUCH an attachment and affection for him, but like it's that he is caring for all these orphans. he is feeding them. he is giving them work.
and no, it's not straight "charity", he makes them work for it, but he does that because he's frightened that if they don't learn to work and learn to APPEAR obedient, they will be murdered, not just that they'll starve, but that the empire will cut them down
everything about his manner, the gentle way that he talks to the kids even when he's being stern and even when he's putting them forward like... he's so anxious to keep Vaan out of harm's way EVEN THOUGH vaan has repeatedly refused Migelo's attention and his paternal attentions
and esp bc like. he knows that vaan fucking hates him. because vaan thinks he's a collaborator - and vaan is just a kid! he's a stupid kid, at that! it's not like Migelo can tell him the truth, bc even if he did, Vaan won't understand the SUBTLETIES of their position here
none of these kids understand precisely how fucking vulnerable they ALL are, how vulnerable Migelo himself is - and he doesn't want them to do as he does, he wants them to do as he APPEARS to, bc he doesn't want them in harm's way
and fuck me, i wonder how much his teeth are set on edge with vayne. i think that Migelo is frightened a lot, but I think he APPEARS and presents himself as far more frightened than he actually is, so that no one questions his servile appearances
and that moment when Vayne says, "we will drink until you call me by name" - how much of that is Vayne recognising Migelo for what he actually is, and not only his appearance? How much is Migelo recognising Vayne's layered manipultations in turn?
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ladyimaginarium · 11 months
reasons why the raveau family are jewish coded:
disclaimer: kohske hasn't officially confirmed anything as canon, these are just observations from a reconnecting native jew.
• Joel, Constance's grandmother, the name of "Joel" is a Jewish name — she's currently 76 years old and as GANGSTA. is set in 2011, she'd be born in 1935 which would be during the great depression. that means she'd have grown up around world war ii which would have started when she was only 4 years old.
• i& suspect that the raveau family are french jews specifically, notably with the navarin that joel makes, a french dish & constance wearing berets & the name raveau being french in origin, literally translating to "rebel". joel had a son, jill, who married a presumably goyische woman, brigitte, given her irish name ( although she could have converted ), and they had constance & as such i& suspect that connie was raised jewish by her father & paternal grandmother thus making her a patrilineal jew.
• although they aren't shown to have any specific religion, in the dub specifically, when joel's giving marco the callout post of the century, she calls him a putz or פאץ. this is actually a word meaning a stupid, foolish person from yiddish, a judeo-german, jewish language that's traditionally & historically spoken by ashkenazi jews that originated from central europe. before the holocaust / shoah, the worldwide peak was 11 million with the number of speakers in america & canada then totaling 150,000. 85% of the approximately 6 million jews who were murdered in the shoah were yiddish speakers. with all this in mind, this paints a sobering picture.
• so, when her son dies & his wife with him after helping the twilights & leaving constance as the only survivor of the family, she's devastated. but here's the thing. with all this in mind, i& can see that specifically Because they're jewish, they have a moral & legal obligation under jewish law by performing tzedakah or justice to do what is right & just & help the twilights, because even though they're normals aka regular human beings without any abilities & have normal privilege, as jews, they inherently know what it's like to suffer, be victims of discrimination & mass murder & to be former slaves so they couldn't leave the twilights, an already persecuted group of people, to suffer further. it's also another reason why the raveau family own a gunshop, so that they'd never be victims again or at the very least, not without a damn good fight.
• connie is an extremely devoted person with a lot of faith even in those who don't see that in themselves to the point where she married a former enemy, marco. he seems to perform teshuva which literally means repentance or returning in hebrew, which his sin in his case could only be atoned for the wrong made right. no, he wouldn't be able to bring her parents back or take away her trauma, but he would be there to protect her, and she gave him the grace to perform repentance and he was sincere in this because he desisted from his behaviour from the destroyers & reformed his character through an analysis of his sin, remorse, restitution & confession & asking for forgiveness several times— this wouldn't necessarily be removing everything he's done, she's just reached the conclusion that he no longer owed her anything for what he did so she offers him mechilah, forgoing the debt owed to her & selichah, forgiveness, by reaching a deeper understanding & empathy of him & his troubles. so, connie literally brings him closer to g-d.
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goingrampant · 1 year
The Boys #1 notes: pages 17-19
Oh, don't mind me, I'm just SLOWLY GOING INSANE.
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There's this CIA analyst named Kessler, who Butcher bullies for information. He's, basically, a loser beta male. He's a sexual degenerate who fails at traditional masculinity, so macho manly man Butcher is able to beat him up and make him do things for him. Get it? That's all it is, a stupid manly male fantasy for cavemen.
Butcher calls him Monkey. It's eventually indicated that he's called this because he was once raped by monkeys. (Holy shit, that's horrible, right?) But, here in issue #1, it's implied that he's called Monkey because he sort of looks like a monkey. He is also non-white. *strangled yell of rage*
He is a sexual degenerate because he has a fetish for paraplegic women, masturbates in his office, and has a pink lotion bottle. Like, we're supposed to hate this guy the first time we see him because he's unmanly enough to masturbate, unmanly enough to masturbate with pink lotion, and because he has a weird fetish considered gross to most of the readership. We're supposed to consider him basically less than human, just a complete slimeball in the shape of a human, and someone Butcher can dominate with his macho manliness because he's unmanly and a sexual degenerate. This comic is so fascist, you guys.
Due to the name Kessler, I think we can reasonably call this overt antisemitism. It's an Ashkenazic name, and it's a gentile German name. What it's not is an Arabian name, which is the ethnicity he's eventually pinned under. I think it's reasonable to presume that he's coded as Jewish in #1, with vague non-white features, curly hair, and the name.
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I think it's somewhat reasonable to attribute the "monkey" thing to how George W. Bush was often compared to a monkey. There are various allusions to politics under the Bush era. Homelander basically causes 9/11 in a later issue; Butcher's dog being named Terror is an allusion to the War on Terror, and the president being called Dakota Bob alludes to Bush's reputation as the wacky Texan. Kessler looking like a monkey and being called monkey specifically recalls some of the Bush memes floating around at the time. However, it's not given to a Bush type, to Dakota Bob or another WASP; it's given to the vaguely non-white, probably Jewish guy. That makes it a racist manifestation of anti-Bush sentiment.
(The meme thing might have been translated to Stormfront's meme propaganda campaign on the show?)
There's a small joke that is actually inoffensive where Butcher can't get proper English tea in America. It is also unfunny, sandwiched inside all this fascist crap.
Kessler lets Butcher onto his computer, and he finds Wee Hughie to replace Mallory.
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keroascrazy · 1 year
I got a question for any of the Jumblr who follow me. I guess it's something of a discussion topic? Help me to better understand this.
I saw the post explaining that there is no such thing as a non antisemitic conspiracy theory and it got me thinking about media representation.
Specifically the stereotype of characters who are around money a lot. Not all merchants are codes Jewish, but almost all Jewish people in modern media are depicted as being highly concerned with their personal wealth.
And specifically I'm thinking about this capitalist character named Zeki from this free to play game Palia.
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He is a wealthy merchant, and all of your early game experiences with him have him shilling his products to you, at one point he makes a joke about paying one of the towns folk kids in candy to dig up the worms he sells to fishrfolk. He'll ask you to spread flyers to people for his underground buisness. And while he claims his products aren't illegal, I get the feeling he's tax dodging.
Other than being a seedy merchant who always has an eye on his coin pouch, nothing else stands out about him. He's friendly enough but because he's putting on a good public face and that's just good for buisness.
I guess my question/issue here is that Zeki is the ONLY Grimalkin we get to personally encounter so far. So he's like... an ambassador for his race? Currently the players AFAIK can't leave the immediate area. So now we kind of have this unconscious expectation that Grimalkins are merchants. Whether intended or not, our only other experience with Grimalkins are secondhand stories and a series of journals from a Grimalkin pirate that you can find.
Not really sure what my point is here but with recent posts on my mind and understanding that people are still killing Jewish people for dumb shit like blood libel and stupid conspiracy theories its just led me to be a bit more critical of some character tropes?
I don't think Zeki's design is malicious,, but im a goyim trying to listen and learn and it just feels.... off that they made this one non elf character the proprietor of the general store with a seedy after dark, tax dodging buisness, who always is trying to sell you something....I mean it's not too far of a logic leap to imagine people making stereotypical jokes that he must be Jewish because he's a merchant?
Idk. Its probably just my internalized antisemitism materializing and making something out of nothing in an attempt to "be better"
When really I could be committing Jewish holidays to memory to make it easier to not bother them during family stuff.
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ace-hell · 11 months
Ok so i started castlevania a few days ago and here are my thoughts so far:
-gruesome, more than i expected, but its fine
- gosh i love trevor
-i absolutely LOVE trevor, sypha and alucards friendship. Priceless, there's bickering but not in a childish way its nice to see it
-alucard is a bebi
-hector is super autistic coded and he a bebi too i liek him
-it was understandable from the moment carmilla came in that she'd betray Dracula and all but SHE HIT HECTOR! AND THE WAY SHE TREATS HIM? that bitch
-draculas last moments understanding he is trying to kill his son and accepting his death was touching. I think he wanted to hug alucard one last time before trevor cut off his head
-it still fucks my brain how brainwashed and stupid people can be over an ideology and belief and when you understand its an ADULT? idk it still shocks me that the church actually treated people like that. Horrible
-i know i won't get it but im still having hopes in everything i see for even a small jewish representation
-hector gonna die isn't he right?
-can't get over the fact that deaculas last name is tepes(tepesh) which sounds like tipesh in hebrew and it means stupid. Lmfao for me his name is "vlad dracula stupid"
-sypha is a super cool character, stronk magician smart woman
- kinda wanted to see more of godbrand but eh i don't feel like i missed something
-plz save hector #justiceforhector (i know he helped the genocide of humanity but how can you stay mad at him huh?)
That's it for now, started S3 let's see how it gets even more fucked up
-GOSH i fucking LOVE trevor hehe
-alucard is still a bebi yes yes
- SUMI AND TAKA???? SO ??? BEAUTIFUL???? I-wow
-why everyone whispering
-have confused feelings about lenore, she is a very cool, pretty and interesting character but i feel like she'll kill my baby hector
-btw hector is a sub confirmed
-hectors nudity was NOT something i was prepared for, much less than the gore
-istg isaac and that captain were flirting at one point
-the head of the priory is so fucking creepy like yes dude we get it, we see them, put them away. Where did he get all those eyes from. And disgusting as hell.
-"what the fÜCK is a toilet paper" had me dead, my favorite line yet.
- me at the beginning of S3ep9: "wow half of the main characters fight for their lives while the other half are fucking". Me at the end of S3ep9: "oh. Oh, well nevermind. I knew it will come to this"
- i just KNEW lenore will betray hector ay ay ay. For alucard less, but not mid fucking oy vey
Update 0.2:
-im still so mad about the whole ordealwith sumi and taka
-hector?? I have so many things to say and questions to ask. You go girl, ily.
-alucard is STILL a bebi.
- can't imagine his pain by seeing how someone takes rhe soul of your parents and just tortures tgem for their own needs, thinking they are doing something good. Horrible. Poor kid
-trevor????? TREVOR ???? trevor. T R E V O R ???????? TREVOR!!!!!! U CAN'T DIE NOO I LUV U PLZ DON'T DIE
-wow lenore's ending was... Disappointing i gotta say. She just didn't wanna sit in her castle all the time so she just went to the sun to burn.
-trevor is alive!!!! YIPPI !!!
-ain't no fucking way they revived dracula and lisa omg wth
-hector is alive!!! I was wrong about him!!! Good
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